Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 01, 1857, Image 2
t:ie advertiser. li.yV. FURNAS, KDITOIt. THURSDAY MORXISG, OCTOBER 1, 1957. S. H. Tasvik, General Advert-.jlng AjcGt, !n reir a Xew Tk, Ladie' a.-.! Cliltiren' Shoe Store, 60 Vert Jccnb Street, CitJcior.ati. V:jCHt, Ow in it Co., 2. Saot SiS, Rrcnirry, Akdrlw fiw, American, Canadian anJ Eurrpean A lvrt:ig lud Suki.cripU-.iti otaco, Not 14, Nassau lew Tor's. ' w. K. STTXxtR, No. 43 Cbetnat street, St. Louis. B. F. McLC!0,Tt.y. Obio. lm. n. II. Dam t, Tij-peciaoe, 0"i:. W. C. MVXGER. Covington, K.y. A. I. Eiuc, Archer, Nebrsiis. II. W. Petlk, Or;n, Mo. Li i-ic i St Mawx, Rxi Pt-Tt, v.-. r.IlE3i t Write, Xchr-2'kaCity, !f T. l'n. H. V. Tat ,, Kc. T. I. KARtl'MTurej Artvre. rf.T. ; ' r ' t Art sttlii.riie tlfr.A to ilicil 8abtcr'.ptioi;i ml Ad crtit(net.t fur tus Advertiser, mil receime wd rc eot"Hr iotic therei ,r. - - ... Persons rofcU!t.t la t;. Trrrikjry, ccming frosn various tortior.suf d.e $uij, oft"i aT Tsest to us trte names of poisons irfthf-irfcli r..Abtrl!jo6, ho wouU !ottbtlees I e--u'r u'j.'nt,cri if they could ree a copy of the Ad vrrHiw' mwwmi spcimeenv y, and persue reaving, c.ejU.:.- it a soUi-Usti.a to become ':cjn larsubicriUcr. . " ' l'.tm:ites. a4 c-tte-K, fee'.Uig erCkieat ir.teTest to auke tip a Cut, ciu-aia the usual per ceut f,uJheir tiwlne. - - - - ..-:.-: .1 iT.ii mnA Vn1u TiiirifT Orders drawing latririU be takes si rr ia payuieatlor t.M.i! i,-t 1 1 . - . - i .. ' '.' 5"9"Tcs n-.-irledat thec'e'f Ibe VMutas to dis coi;nnth '.Mrcrlier,". ws sUll take it far granted that -nris.-ubOLs wi.-.n their paper coutince-L Snd shall tu-jT&iag'tj cutUuut to tend as beretc;tre.Jl : : " TiTTae "Nebraska Advertiser" having ciuc'a the largest circulation of any paper Ih the Territory, Wholesale Slerchauts in SU lionis, SU Joepu, Clucinnati and other Eastern market where Xchrska merchants pnrcha.e, will find no better nrcrtisiccincJiuai in the Western Coua- ' Nebraska Finances." ' Jast"a3 wcwere going to press last veck news rea cbcl this city, that the Western isctange Bank at Omaha ami the Fontcncllc Bank at Bcllvue hail tuspn.ietl. Also that the Tlatte Valley Bank at Nehraska city hadex hausted her supply of gold and conse quently wa3 oa the suspended list. These reports caused a general and sudden rush oa the Nemaha Valley Bank in this city. The new company having but recently canie in possession of this Bank not yet gotten it fairlv started, were poorly prepared to meet a run. lit. M'KoY,. the President. had' left but two or three days before lor the Last, to roalie preparations for the f ortification of the 'Bank against an expected run,' Under all these cir cumstances Mr. Hallam could not meet tho demand, and consequently was forced to suspend temporarily Such was the confidence Mr. Hallam had in the Bank that he paid out, in order tokeej up redemption until close of Bank hoUrome two thousand' dol lars of Brown' & Hallam's gold. At the request of the Cashier Dr. McPherson and the Editor of the Ad vertiser mado a careful examination of tho Bank's condition, and take pleas ure in saying -e found it creditable indeed. To cut the matter short, with-. outgoing raoro into 'detail' than -our (pace-will admit, wc found the resour 6ei"'Stk Note?, 73,000,00 J Dis oountef Paper duo in SO and 00 days. over $5,000; ash on hand orer $1,000; Notes of tho Bank in circulation $33,000,00, vhich Incrudcs the Riddle, Barkalow and Mclvoy issues, Tho3e who. ought to, know best, yet have ev ery conudenco m the Nemaha Vallev i . ; . ......... Bank. . , . l Wo arc . pleased to learn too, that reports that tuo l'latte V alley Bank at Nebraska City had suspended are un true. . We learn from a gentleman trpm that ,ciiy, that such was the con fidence of the citizens that arl who had any gold or silver went in and deposited with the Bank. , . ' ' . , ' . Tho Western Exchange Bank we learn has. made an assignment, which of course, winds, it up. And asr we ler.ra tKe. Fontenelle Batik is owned smd managed by about the same Etock holdcrs, the fate of one may safely be considered the fate of the other. ;. The Bank of Nebraska so far. as we aro able to learn holds its own. The Florence Bank we have heard nothing .from during the present run. It hatf been reported suspended several time3;pf late. As . to. the truth of the reports or its condition wc are unable to. say a word. . . . ; JMs.nojt.our, business, or desire to act as panic maker, or to eing alul-a-Baby when we think a storm approach es.:'. t think tho crash in Nebraska ( about at an end. : A few: weeks will partially at least, restore public confi dence and matters will jo'sj alon a fain. Jast now times are pinching. . Wo are confident, however, that' wo here, do not fed, or suffer,1 from the- fcmash up as do other portions of the Territory vkcrie o-arything ha3 been given over to speculators. Our growth as a town lia? ! been .steady and Healthy no mushroom, prices of property no lots $t other real estate' unpaid for ' which extravagant prices are due. In short car condition is such that we think af ter the storm Xlows over, we will, fath er than " otherwise," derive a benefit therefrom. Death of the .Last SLAVE.-rrThe Brooklyn (New York) Star, announces the death of Margaret Pine,' ?the last slave' in New; York State, on the 4th instant, at the ce of 79. Weekly Rerlcw. The news from India shows 'that, far from haying met with success as before reported, the position of the English troops beroreI)clhi ; is, 'Very dis i:ouragid ?. Delhi see-ns to be a new Sebistopol before which the besieging force Jias more thin it in perform, to repel the determined attacks of the enemy. The insurrection 13 spreading rapidly all over India; every day the ranis- of the rebelsare reinforced by the mutiny of some regiment of the na tive arrfryi and everywhere the Europe ans are murdered. The accounts f the outbreak at Pawnppre,. where gqveral hundred Europeans, mea 'wdrnkn. arid children were put to - death,- surpass in cruelty tho past atrocities committed by the insurgents. 15,000 men are to be sent from England, but ;t. is doubt ful that even with such a numerous force the rebellion can be crushed, as suming a3 it does a kind of national character. That this .insurrection jis the result of English oppression is ev- : j i. j ;p it. . t -' i i itieui, aau n ic nan noi Deen aitenueu with so many atrocious acts, looking at tho surface of things, the sympathies of all democrats would be with the op pressed. Bat this 'contest is "greater than at first sight appears. ' It is a con test between civilization and barbarity in which morale, religion, polities' and commerce are deeply-concerned. 'In dia once the cradle of arts," sciences ' and religion had lost her, initiative' so powerful at the origin, and had" fallen in a complete lethargy, when Portugal at first, then France and finally.; Eng land have come to awaken hereto par ticipate in the general; movement I6i nations, to restore her to-civilization and benefit her -by the. progresses. ac complished by mankind during many centuries. It is true that interest rath er .than philanthropy have" been the motives' of England, that the' means have est been always fairly carried on, and that tho world at large has. been greatly benefited by tho riches bfln- dia; but it' is also true that the'present insurrection is not a progressive move ment but a reactionary one', and when the -organs of Russian despotism find reasons to applaud the successes of thb inHargents it is another reason for us to 'wish their defeat ' - - ; From China we learn that Lord-El gin, the plenipotentiary Minister' of England, had Arrived at' his 'destina tion,' so that probably in1 a few weeks the course to be pursued by England in regard to China will be decided up on.; The correspondent of the . Lon don Time writes, to 'that paper; 'iLord Elgin will dispatch to the au thorities, fgr, transmission te the Em peror, a letter requiring the .Emperor within a specified: time either to recog nize or to repudiate the acts of his of ficers at Canton. If the Court of Pc kin repudiate Yen' and pay compensa tion fpr past injuries and give security against their recurrence well. If,-as is most probable, either no notice be taken of the letter " or a disposition, be' shown to entangle the Ambassador in" questions of ccremonial,Lord Elgin will declare war and thus relieve the rela tions of the two powers from their present anomalous position." 's 'Trom Europe, Ave have literally noth ing important, politically, speaking. Oh, a propo, one of the American hor ses ran again in England for the'Waf: wick cup and again was badly beaten. This time it was Leeomtc : The race is" thus: described t- '' - - r" ' "Fisherman went away with the lead, lAComtc lying olt about twenty lengths. The only change in these positions took, place about, a mile from home, when LceomU .went up to jOakbatf quarter,'-but soon afterwards dropped back again. -Fisherman' was 'never caaght, and won in a canter 'by a lenrrtlu wardf onwenty lengths.;- i. . In domestic news, the only : impor tant intelligence is from Utah; : Dates brought byone of the Mormon elders to New York, are to Aug. 13th. , The Elder, S.W. Richards, represents, the; Territory as being in a very, prosper-J ous condition the harvest remarkably abundant and the Saints not at all scare'd by Uncle Sam's, preparatives. Elder Richards reports having passed on the plain? a Mormon immigration of 4,000 persons pn their way to Utah. He also passed a portion of the United States troops between Fort Laramie and Fort Kearney. .As for Brigham Yo'ung.the following editorial of his in the Deseret -cics' will give an idea of his feelings: ' ' 'If you intend to continue. the apT pointment of certain ofiicers. we re spectfully' suggest '.that you appoint aciuany intelligent and honorable men who will wisely attend to their: own duties, and send them; unaccompanied by troops, which you .yourselves well know are of no, lawful "uscr here "and your officers will be respected arid u-cuy according to their own acts and merits, as youalso well know has alwaya been the esse, except that we did not hang up some of the infer nal scoundrels you have heretofore sent, as they most richly deserved.- And it yoa will not receive this fair counsel, but persist in sending ua cfs fitjials irom the tag, fng and bob-tail of wnorc'Rouies, grog-sncps and gambling-hells, we shall take the Yankee liberty ,of guessing your kind (?) inten tions towardi us, and shall also lake the liberty, for the first time, of using that class of officials strictly in accord ance with their deserts. Should you elect to send the last named class,and should "they venture to comeiand'act, o'ut; their ,dcyilish;na tures, they will really need a far larger body-guard than 2,500 sol iicrsv ,VAnd j-not only to prevent your sending aa ignorant, somirry ,inta rrouUJe; ana to a. region , wko'g, manners.and society are not congenial to theia.but also that such ofiicials may have characteris tic and reasonably numerous guard, we respectfully suggest that you invite to that service particularly all the hire ling priests, editors, and other infernal liars, who have for years been pouring their venom upon us, and sjriving to banish "Constitutional principles" arid all saving truth from the earth." . In a speech Brigham Young made at Salt Lake City, among other things he said : ' .-; ; , " "The time" must come 'hen'there will be a separation between this kinjr uom and the kingdoms of this world,1 even in every point of view. The time must come when this kingdom'mustbe free and independent from all other kingdoms. Arc you prepared to have .tho thread cut t6-day ? '' '' ' ' ' -Nowletme tell yon one thing,.! shall take it as a witness that God"ie signs to cut the thread between us, and the world, , when an'.' army undertakes to make their appearance in "this Ter ritory to chastise me or to destroy my life from the earth. I lay it down that right isior at least should te might with Heaven, with its servants, and with al its people on the earth.' . As for the rest, we' will wait a little while to see.; but I shall take a hostile movement by our enemies as an evidence - that it is timp.for the thread to be cut. I think that we will find, three .hundred who will'lap water, and wc can whip out the Midianites. , Brother Hebcr 'said that he could turn out his women and they would whip them'. I ask no odds of the wicked, the best way. thev- can fix- U. -;. ... ... : The State elections in , Maine have resulted in favor of the ; Republicans, But in comparing the result with that of last year it snows a Republican-loss of 5,000 'votes: "" . ' 7V: ' Another sieaMsnlp Sank. 't 1 Our New York papers of the' 18tli furnishes, us "with the unwelcome intel ligence, of the sinking of the Steamship Central 'America', ' some 20Q miles '' off Cape Hatteras,'on the lltlu She 'ha Q 2,000,000. in" gold : aboard which of course' went' down" witn" the boat -'i,-, 500,000 of it was' insured. ""The ves sel was valued 'at ?300000,:an'd was not insured. Total loss estiniated' at $2,500,000. . ' !: ' V Oliver P. Manley,.bne. of the res cued passengers, furnishes he follow ing particulars : '. ' Ji u'- .The' storm commenced immediately after leaving Havana, and" continued witn great violence, increasing in fury until Friday. ; , On Friday, afternoon all hands were called upon ta bail out the water which; had extinguished. the nresin the iurnaces. The. vessel con tinued to ship wateF," arid all went' to work with buckets and barrels' contin- uing -all Friday, night and .'Saturday morning,. ; i -i About 2P. .M., the - brig Iari ner hove inf sight, . AH' he ladies and chil dren were put on her about 6 "o'clock, P. MJ, and the eigineer left with them. In launching the boats, two of the five were stove and sunk, th-3 , ;other three were dispatched.,vith the women and children about arr hour before sunset. The Mariner was lying liearly' a mile away, and by the time they reached l a1 ncr in Decame cvment tnac the shrnmnst go down before they -could get back.- All tands then seized pieces of chairs and life 'preservers j while oth ers rush ed below to secure their treasure. 'The confusion at this time ' became very great, although all acted with coolness each endeavored to mako a -last; effort for his own safety.-, . : The vessel gave three lurches, some of the passengers jumping off at each' Those who went with the first and sec ond lurches swam off some distance to avoid being drawn down with her, but' the great mass remained on deck till she ; went down,. which, was about a minute or two afterwards. I had pro vided myself with a' lifc'prcserver.and a piece of a spar,' and determined to go down .'with the. vessel, ? with : the c creat mas3 pt passengers all ol whom stood about, preparing themselves and secur ing the most available means to buoy iuciii&fic!s up. ouu unauy went aown stern foremost j'---' ' i: I was standing near the smokestack at the time,- andjwe were all dragged under the water with the jinking jship, The general supposition is, that we were dragged under at' least 'twenty feet, and when we"rosYtd the surface we were nearly stifled.' , The rapidity with which I was drawrr down tore the spar from myJiands and. the life pre server from my ; body, and when r,I reached the- surface my clothes, were, almost stripped off of me.,'" 'I, however, met a friend who had two life pfescrv ersj. and he gave me oriel We aho seized on pieces of tie wreck, which helped to sustain us. On reaching tho surface" there were at least four hundredpassengers strug gling about, most of whom having lost their life preservers were seizing on pieces of thewreck which came up with us. The captain had had the up- per works 'of the vessel cat ?ay, that when the hull sank they would float loff, but they -were draggsd down with yie null, ana came up in iragments, and many of the struggling passengers Tfere doubtless killed or stunned and drowned by being struck with the pie ces of the wreck, while to others they proved the ultimate mean3 of safety. An occasional fiasa of lightning showed to each, ether a sea of struggling forms. All strove to encourage their fellow sufferers withhope3 which they scarce ly felt themselves. At first' we were all together in a, mass, but soon -the waves separated us, and at each suc cessive flash of lightning wc discovered that we were being scattered over a wide area, and soon we foundjourselves apparently ' alone on tho ' boundless ocean. 1 -' ' ' : ::' ! " -: -:' ; ; ' -'Mr. Manlev was nicked ut - bv the bark Ellen, and had the satisfaction of finding many of his fellow sufferers on board, rescued by the. humane exer tions of the crew of that vessel. ' ' ? ' Masonic Notice. - XV -: ALL Master Mixoni in rood atandlnff residing ft in Nemaha county, N. T., are requested to attend a meeting of Nemaha Liuipe at the res. : xiuenceor ur. fioel. in Bruwuville. Saturday eveninjr. Oct. 3. 1857. .BrowTiville, Oct. 1, : ... ! V.U. JOU8t)N, '57. Secretary, r..'. ; -Notice. i . Elder J. M. Wood, will deliver a Lecture on the re vision c the KXtJLISU SCB1PTLHE3, on Lord's iLiy kki. winai iio ciock a n d-W a r r an 1 3 : oir. Sii:.. R. .V. 9IUIR.. itt" Eiiqttire oif I. W. FL'KNAS at the AUverlier lmce.' ; . . ; - ;. r i - JOHH t. TTfSOK."! W. W.; HAVkKfcy. i: TYSON & HACK1?EY, : GETfESAIj LAND AOENTS, : , . r BROWN V1LLE, KEMAEA CO., Jf. T, Ijind Warrants Bought and Sold.' Land entered on Time. Claims and Town Lota Bought and Sold. Loan .Mouey, -Make luvcstmeuts and Locate Warrauta on time, lor Distant Dealers j Pre-Eihption Papers Treparcd. j ,OFFICB-i-Xext fljor to V. S. Land O1M00. . ' . T REJTEHEKCrS Oeo'. TJ. Kixori, Registor L. O., C..B. Saillh, Receiver, i" . SniucK i'Trillislms, ' :' -') ' L. Jt. Tuttle, v , ; . I -B'.'B. Pepram t 'Co.,' Baukera,' Him, G. W. Afield, . , , It'. L.'McUhee&fo., ' -Tootle tefairleigh,- . j ,.. "Oc.'l.'67 ' J ! '" ' Browm ille, if. T. . . .. ... Ia?xinRton, Mo. ..Omaha City. Ji. T. " Council Bluis, Iowa. , ' Warren, Pwtn. . . ' St. Louis, Mo. " " St. Jo,?liu, For Sale, 1 fiO Ae extra flno land, Pre-enipte-l, within two v miles oi Brownville, 60 acre bottom, 100 timber; fltie stone and water. For Sale at a bargain if application be made sootx. , K. W. FURNAS, Oct. 1, '57 1 - - - Agent. '- GXsiJOCL 33TotnlOO. TO John Fish. Sir :. Ton are hereby UitiBed that I win apply at the Land Olllce at Brownviiie, Xemaha county, Nebrab Territory, n1he sixth' da v'uf' October, A. D. lSo7, and at the hour of 2 oVLxS. P. it. of said dar, to enter at. try Pre-emption right theWett hairof the South east quarter, and South hair of North-east quarter or Sec tion .No. S2 in Townshlp Xo. 2 Sonh :ut Range Xo. 11, East or the sixth Principal Meridian, in Nebraska Terri tory .When and where you can attend aH eomert ir you think pi oier. JOHN McMAHON. -Va;l, '67-U-lwpd . , . . ; ,, . ... . i! ; J. H. MAUN Co., - Brownville, Kefcraska Territory, ',-. r; - j .' It lH?Jler in . ' , . (- Dru g s , Medi c in e s , dVeJITOODS AO DTE STIFFS, ; . : Oils, Paints and Painters Articles, , . . Varnishes, Putty, Perfumery, &c. -" .' '. . ' ALSO . . Fine Soaps, Fine Ilair and Tooth Brushes, Paint Brushes Spice, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medical Purposes' Fancy Anicles, Turpentine, Stationary, (iarden Seeds' With all the Patent or Proprietary MEDICINES OF THE DA Y. I'We make our purchafers with' care, and offer goods equally an low as they tan be obtained from anv himilar establishment in this section, and warranted to be fresh, pure asd genuine. Orde.s promptly filled, ai;d satisrac ti.n gnirantied, with rt gard both to price and quality. 3n.vtlcians' Prescriptions attended to at all hours of the day and night. Oct. I, '67-v2-nl4 -'' : . . ' ' ' Land For Sale. 80 Acres Pre-empted Land tveo miles from Brown, villc; id acres of wbiiu is timber, balance bottom prairie ; SO acres under fence and being cultivared the second year ; good house, stable, well, and barn lot. The property will be sold at reasonable rates and term; ' - V V . w- WM. IL4XDLET.,. Knnnire of R. W. rvxAS at "Advertiser tflke Oct. 1, '57-14-2 tf - . . v NEW STORE :, Mt YERXON NEBIIASKA. : -., -. . ; - . A. MEDLEaT, : -.... , ...( Announces to the public that be has purchased' the exten' Eive. SwcK 0 tloods brooght to this place by Mr. Daoslt, uu. Ol.frs IO SC11 Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilard Ware, Qucensare,&,cM at prices as fair as can be found in the Western country for Cash or in exchange for country Troducc. ' Oct. 1, '57-nl4 " ' KOTICE TO STOCKHOIDEBS. . ,. Tltr flftij ensl Jltaent of 20 per cent on the stock of the Brownwlle Hotel Company, is required t I paid within ten iays of this date. . ALEX. nALLEM. By order of toe 3osrd. Secretary The1 New York Weekly Times, Price 2 a Year, five Copies for 3; Tvren , ty-fivev Copies for 20. ; The NEW YORK TTEEKLT TIMES is published Ev ERT SATCRbay; at No. Ui Xaisaa Street, corner of Beekman, New Vork Citv. It is nri Itre flttsrto sheet, containing eight pages or six columns each, in clear type and upon got-d paper. It will contaia all the matter f general interest in the Dailt Ti.hes, including News from every quarter of the world, Corres pondence from all the principle points of interest, both in Europe and America, and Editorials r.pon all subjects of interest that n.ay are. Beside this, one psge every week trill he devoted tochoice selections from the current LttersJiu e of. the day. ia order lo make the accepUbla for family porusal. Every possible effort will l ean, by Proprieuri and Editors, to make tne New York Weekly Timeh the best weekly newspaper ia the United .Suites, f. , r ', . , ,. . . .... Subscriptions, on the terms Klven above, are resnect- ful'ysjlicitcd, r.t ,. - f r . Jl he Postage onihe Weektv Timnto any ptrtofthe United ttctet, U only 25 cenfs per v ear, i,aif i,i . rotice. ' - ' , - ' - THfiSEMl tTCEKLY TIMES. . ' ils pitMishcd every Tcewlar and 1'ri.lav. at 3 nor vtr". payable invariably in advance This paper is made up expretsly for the mails, and contains the principle. BiaUnr of the Daily. Two Copies will be sou', for 5 ; Five Cop ies for $12 60 Ten Copies fot$26.: . - TllENEW YORK DAILY TlijlES ' is PablUhed at the same office. Every, iljrnine Stm-1 days excepted. Jt will be sent by mail to any part at the I'oited Slates; ax tS per annom. ' '.i; :(.,,-. The pott ant on the Dai! a Timet, to ena vlarr fn thr Unites States, u 39 rents per Quarter, m advance. - TriEErYoaK etenixrtixes. Ts piblisbet every .eveniuc. ' Snnda-s exeTiti. fn edition will be i snood at one, aad the other at three o'clock P. M. it will be seat by mail at the s?me rates as the Daily Times, - , Til E TIMES FOIl CALIFOUN.7 A 1 ... . . . . . re Is published on the deDartnre of -every Mail lOima, Pti. In wrappers. rents for single copies. . , , oi jnpanaoiy eatn lu6Ucstioh Offlce. No. 138 Nasaanst.. Cor, f FecJtman . , BATMOND, WESLET & CO., Publ hsers. Oct. 1, '57 Potloe, Uenry JicSinney and all other to whn it may con cern. Ton are hereby notified that 1 will apiiear at the Land Office in B;-ownville oa FriOa: October 2.1, l&i7, at lOo'cturk A. St., tor the pnrpos proving op my ji-'ht of ta the Jiitfc-wet quarter uf Mo tion fuuf (4) rUne tlfteea (16) Tuirn biX (6) JC.wt ri ilio tix'h pria wpal meridian, - . . T, SAit ELOlDr. iept. 4r'57-ia-2ir pi 1 " , JCXAS CKAHE. THtOajlE HILL. Crane tz V S-lSD ST2A2X 10AX. AC2STS.. " N Wholesale atirt Ketail Dealers in Dry CoU, Gaceriea, Halware, Q'leeunrare, rcinicaie, Stoves, ' t'luur, Baoun, &.c, sept. 11, '67 Browktille, N. T. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTSeRSIIIP! TUB Co-partrersblp heretofore esistitic between J. b. McAllister, Jjms Craue fc John L. D-.airr, under the firm of McAliitxer, Dzierfc ;., is UiUdy ciinsvlTed by uin tualcoiistnitt Joni Crane li.vs piu-cU:i? the entire in. tercst in uid concern, to whom or to hUutu'iumeU A;eut all claims due the said concern are to be iaid. Allciimjdoeby iL'tmid concern are to be presented to the new arm ol Crane fc Ui!l forpvment. .' 4 . l '. ' J. B. JicAM.ISTR, Bronravillp, X. T., sept. 13, 1S37. ; mw FIRM. i J jnas Crane and Tliendore Hii: have thiJ day formed a ix'win-partnertliip nler the the arm an J atyie of Crnuc & Hill, and will continue the ilercauale tn:siiesat theoid staiulof itcAiiwter, Uuzier & Co. - JON'AS CRANE, ' TllKOlOItE U1LL. ! Sept. '.8, 1857. HUDSON GEORGE, (deputy corxTY SURVEYOR) SURVEYOR Jl.YD LJ1XD AG EXT. . ' Maim Street, .. ' BKOWXVILLE,r. T. WILL ttend promptly aiid faithfully to the selection and location of Government Lands in the .Nemaha Land lustrict. surveying Town sites, subdividing Lands. Draft ingt'ity Piats, aixl all other business of a general Hurvrv or. M'ill buy aa.l sell Land warrants. Day taxes, investi. gats titles, file Declaratory Statement of intention la pi e-empt, and make out Pre-emption papers at hhorl n- iiKre, anoanvayson nana to look out claims for actual act iiera. investments made f fr distant dealers. Letters ui iiMjuirj answered promptly. . - ' , ' REFER TO Daniel Beckel, Banker,' . John Mills, Cash. Duytou Bank. P. P. Lowe . ... tJunkle &. Strong, Wocd & Xeidy ' ' . Mores Smith, RyaU h Cuarle,:Land Agenta, ; tieo. II. Xix.m, Land Register, L.hbaugh & Cawn, Bankers. Brown &. llaliam. do K. W.. Furnas, Rlitor Advertiser, Sept.24,67-nl3-v2tf - Dayt.n, Ohio. do . do .: do i d do do ' U J ; Cincinnati. Ohio. Sioux City J .wa. Brownville, X. T do do . do do do do TO Thomas Moore and all others whom it may concern " arc iirreoyDoune.t teat I win appear at the Lmd Omce In Brownville, X. T., on September the 25th. 1867 at i. o cl.jck, P. M., to prove my right of Pre-emption to 1'". '"-"v--.. uiiariir in oectiiru o. I In Township No - . m5 iiA.ii principal DlP'liliali. . e- rr, , ' "AN IKL WALKER. Sept. 17, 'o7-12-2t . . Ollxo. Notice. iu ueorge inorn and all others hon it may concern. notice is uereny given that I will a;iply at the Land Of- iiw ii nnj.iniiie, aemaoa countv, ,urra,ka Torritorv on the 3d dayif October, A. D. 1857. at lOo'clock, A. M ' to enter as a Pre-emption risht the North-east qiuner Ji Section No. 3 in Township No. 4 North of K uigo No 11 Last of sixth principal meridian. Wbea and w here vou S?pt..77.'57-H-3t "ANDOLPIIWAMSLET. ST. GEORGE TOWN CO. . IEOHSV1UE, .V. T. i PCRSVANT to a call of the Swrc't?.ry of the SLGwrce Town Co., a number of Stocfc-holderhig dav mtt There cot being a majority of stock repre.-eated the meeUns ad journed, to meet on Monday next.: , W ' ' , ' ' " ' Sept. U, 'C7. Fursuans to adjonrnment the 3tock-holiers this day met. There being 231 shares represented, the meeting organized by caiHng Judge Whitney to the Chuir, and R. W . Furnas. Sec'y, On motion the following Resolutions were aiop'ed Aetoh ed. That the smn ol $J on each share be and is hereby levied ror the purpose of entering the Twn site and improving the same. " : .',.-. . Retohed, Shmild the ae;rnent. levie-i by the fore goins reeolvtion fail to be paid Into the Treasury of sahl Company on or before the expiration or 3D d ivs rrom this date, each share so failing shall be declared forfci;cd and revert back tot he Company. Resolved, That the Secretary of this mee:i;r; is hereby instrnc-ted to have the pneolincs of these two meetin 4 published in the Nebraska Advertiser for f jur r .B-eii- .R. W . i i'RsAs, Sec y. . ) . Election Notice. Notice is hereby giveii that there will be an c'c 'Wn held at the store house of I. T. why te, on the 1st Monday of Oct ber next to voteon appropriation for thecitv Coun cil to borrow four thousand dollars, to be auplie d in cut ti??down ai grading Atlantic street as far otit from the levee as the we.,t side of sixih street. Tin ballots will be for the loan nr against the loan as the voter nuy wi-n There win also be held at the same lime and place ati election lor one Mayor, four Aldermen. one-Recorder and one Treasurer, to serve for the term of one year Done by order of the City Conncil of theciivdr Brown ville. This the lOlhday of IS67. ' '' ' ' B. B. THOMPSON, Recorder. 1ST otld ."l1.0'? here,,y Biven to a-1 IK-rso-is inte-estrnl in the TUWN Or PKKL', Nemaha aiuiity. N.T.. lb was, on the ninth day of September, A. D. lSi7 entered a Hie Land Offl . (S at Brownville, for the use anil benefit or;tbe holders of It and pn iwrty therein. Mid that the undersigned. Mayor of said Town, is now ready to ex ecute Fee-simple Deeds to all persons lawfully entitled to the same.. Applications for Deeds must be m ule to the undersigned, at his otll.-e at said T.iwn. ar.rt n i ..t. not applied for within six months from the Ltc of said entry aM esaid, will be sold to the highest bidder at pufc licsale iu acoorilitnce with the provisions or the ct of Territorial Legislature, entitled ' an Act Regulating the disposal or Lauds purchased in Trust for the Town sites WILLIAM F. BALL Peru, sept., 17, '87-12-3W ' Miyorof Pern. HARPER'S WEEKLY. A JOURNAL OF CIVILIZATJOjW Harper's Weekly will contain Sizteen , astes of the mzo of the London hliutratcd News, each Nm..ber com prising as much matter as an vrdinary duouUvimo vol ume. It wiil be printed in a form and upon japer suit able for binding; a"ml as the pages will be eicctn.tvpcd, the back Numbers-ean always he stippliod, so th.rt Sub scrlbers will be able at any time to complete their tiles. At the close of each. vol ume, ueat and appropriate Cav ers wilt be prepared for the convenience of those who wioh to bind the paper. ' . ' .... TERMS i : -Harper's Weekly will S?Pear. every Saturday A.OBSINO, and will be sold at ive Cents a Copy It wjll he mailed to Subscribers at the futlow ing rates, pay ment being invariably required in advance : , One Cior for Twenty Weeks - - 6100 'Otic Copy for One Year - - - 2 60 " Copy for Two Years - - - , - 4 oo Five Copies for One Year - - - 9 00 ,. .Twelve C.pies ror One Yesr - - . 2u 00 - - Twenty-five Copies for One Year - 40 00 To Postmasters petting up a Club of Twelve or Twenty, live, a Copy will be tent gratis. Subscriptions may com mence w ith any Number. Specimen Nunibera gratuit ously supplied. Clergymen and Teachers supplied at the lowest Clvb Prices. . , ' HARPER & BROT71ER3. '.' .. - - Franklin Square, New Tork. The Missouri Republican: PUBLISHED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY ANO WEEKLY, "'! ' " ' J3Y - " GEOEGE KKAPP. ) . . : Office Vo, 11 Chestnut Street. TERMS. OP Daily (in advance) ; -Tri-wcekly, (in advance) Weekly, (in advance) Sunday Republican, - REPUIiLICAX: " r $10 09 6 00 2 00 - 2 00 ' CASH RATES FOR ADVERTISIX& ONJJ SQUARE, eight lines oe lets, . . y " " three times without alteration, .V " ,- one week,. " '" " two weeks " " -y, " - -three weekt ,..', .1 " ' " onem .n'li ' n $ 2 53 1 00 1 50 2 50 3 50 4 ft) 6 00 8 00 13 00 50 00 two months. . " '. .. three months ' ' . ' ' lix months " i " twelve mnn'h ' '"' 17, r35"r r , 100 Dollars Reward ! FO UE HORSES STOLEN.'! Ai?ST0LF-x frnm thc ""er onSatnrilsv niuht. . September 2I, 1857, four horses of the follow ing ui-KripiioD : une serrei norse six years, old. Very Hue borsc, no particular mark recollected. One dark bay Ufjrse six year old, no particular .narks rei-oliecteoV; l- very fine borse. One large Tight sorrel horse, hite mane and tail and white feet., ; Oue dark, Uuwu torse rtither n the pony order. - The above reward mill be paid f rr the delivery of the. horses, or a liberal reward for any informitlon that will lead to their reonvery. - . .... RICHARD BRuWN Brownville Sept. 10, '57-11-tf JOHN MCLLIS Claim :I..T. WHYTE & CO., . . , WE0LE3ALE iSD RETAIL DEALERS IX DRY GOODS-GROCERIES . Queens.ware, Hardware, Stoves, Sxurxxltxiro, COUNTRY PRODUCE. BUOWXVIU.r., X. T. "THE PHESS." A NEW DAILY NEWSPAPER. ; BY JOHN W. FOUNEY. I PROPOSE establishing s Firt Class Daily N'ewpi per in the Cny of Philadelphia, between the of in ly an 1 the 1st or Auirof t, to be entitled "THE Pi'.ES "THE PblsS" will be Democratic' in its politics, and V,1 sa-taui the poli.-y vt tbe presetit National A.iuuuii trot ion. it is my doterpiinatlon to make W worthy f 1fie sop port of every ciass el readers. Dignity, cona.-ge at:d in deiiemlence. in tho utterance of my eutiaent. enterprise and efficiency in the Commercial. Ijterary and N'w De art men ta, and respect for the oyiuonj ol others, will be kept o.nirtantly in 1 have emiorked all my own means ia this project and Intend building up a journal that wi.'l not only be cred itable to nr city and State, but will furuisli me an iiiUe jndent liveiiho-d. A somewhat extensive experieiK-e in public life, and many years' connection with Journalism, will, I hope, cLtaiu for -The Pre," favorn'ole. reception.- My frieiula iu toj different Warda and Counties ft Pennsylvania, and in other Slate-, will plice me under many obligations by giving ' The lress" a helping hand. TKRVS-OF fTHK rRESS." Daily (per annual) iu advance ' Weekly - " - -.-'. 'Address the EJjtor .l Proprietor, sr the rfflco of "TUc Press." No. 417, Chestnut Street, next to Peunyl raiiia Bank Building, above Fourth Street. Philadelphia. 4 JOHN W. tOKNEV. E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ARCntR, RICH ARDR05 CO. X. T. WILL practice in the w-eral Courts of the 2d Judicial District, and attend to all rou4tir coiinectet with the Profession. Wm. McLean as, Esq., of Nebraska CUy, will assist me in the prutetutiott of important Suits. MM"'- ', '07-ll-tr CAPITAL STOCK II 1,0!!!.. Of 1. . IPS Vox the Dene fit of the BROWNVILLE HOTEL. . ' The following- property consisting of One .rm . Ninety Town MLots In The City of Brownville, l ive hun (I lt d Dollars . IN BUY GOOjB, And FIVE HUNDBED D0LIAS3 HI CASH. " oven ai'pii'i-naieu j.t me purp e or erecting a Holelin IheCi.yof Brownville, Nebrati i. and the Board of Directors take this method of Converting the nrooenv Into cash. They wish to aure tho public that this is ui carnum" ".Mermaid" or "Wooly'llor.-e" spe.-ulation for individual interest; but simply what it purports t. l a aisiriDnti. n or Kei-Estate for the beurftt of the Uotcl to ereci a gixt co:utMi!ious Uotel i B.-owuville, TICKETS, - PITfit PIE -' - SJBO 147 Acresof ''reti Land adjoining the City of Brywn vilic. It i nearly all hih bottom land, well llmbereU, and on which is a line stooe quarrv. It is the C ilem in farm, which to those acquainted with the local ity is all that need be said, 49 acres or which are under gol fence, and being cultivated! second vear. A g.xxl com- loriauir noose, asmau iranie o.iru, andan exceUeutwcll of water aw the improvements thereon. SECOND: PRIZE - - $800 45 Ft. off w. end of Its 8 9, 10. in Block 1, in the Citr of Bronvili. This Lot lavs next t lho v.t.r.'i- House and fronts on Water and Bank street both, sue of THIRD PRIZE - - $150 Lot b iu Block T-i - l30 00 Two Prizes, each - - - - - $125 iis-a a B in Blocs 48, : - - . . 00 Thirty ITizcs, each ----- sioo Lts IT, H. 5, C, n Block 81 J 9 fl - ' -5 3, lo, 9, 17, i, - - - - . " 64 - - . r bj 97 S3 S3 34 33 1, 2, 6,- 8, 10, 11, 12 4 8. - - - IS, - - - - 5 13, - . . . a .6. 63000 00 Tircnty-Four Prizes, citcli - - Lots 3 9, 10. i ko 1. 3 4, 9, 64 69 67 60 63 4 6, 13. 11. '5- , M, 6; 2. 18. - - 3, p, - 6, 3, 8, 2, ftisco.oo Twenly-Slx Prizes, each - - - $30 - - - - - -. - in BI.K'k 69 13, 14, . , :. 64 4.- 47 46 M 57 69 13, 10, - - - 2 13. ... 10, 11, 6. 6. . 8. 9, 3 4, t, S, 3 8, 14. 16, 11, 12, 14, - -15, 16, . . . . " . . 68 2300 00 Six Frizes, each . - 10 Lots 2. 11, -" 11, - - . -" 13, 14, 12,- - - in Block 49 " fid " 70 $J40,00 Twenty Prizes, each 10 Cloth Coats, - - . . " " Pants, - - . , IO each, $;o $CC0,00 Ftftv-TnoPHicvench - 23 Coats. " Pair Pants. - , - . - . caofl $5 12 Hats, .. .. $"6J 00 - tl $is,ou - - 2 ',C l ihtecn Cash rrizes, each 1327 Cash Prizes, ench - - , $44(0,00 The above property will he rlrawn for at Brownville October 10ih, i57, iu the following maimer- Wht-n tickets are told the purchasers nameatid number of h,s ticket arecorro-tlj- registered by the person selling the ticket. - At hen the day for drawing arrivet, the ticket holcers w.l. Felect live c Hiimissione., to act in conjunc tion with the Board or Direct. or the Hotel Company, thus forming a B...U.I of ConunisMoner. of ten member who i-hail each take upon themselves anoxia to lai.hfnl y an.i lu-nestly .siirii.te. the drawing. The B.,ard when thus. organ. zed and oualiiied Miall .number email tickets from 1 to a 200 and .ieposite in a b. x. They will Ihen write I. tho prizes and deposit ia another box one oa mi-"Jl'UI,U,,:,"SW in -'rresiH.n.iing ia 1, , J ,,h1,he ""merical tickets in the other box. Two of their number, earl, blindfolded, will proceed to draw at the same time, one from earl, boX, numbers and prise and as they are drawn out, the number and priae drawn siiiisltiineously will determine the iraw nit. Jtach iiT."'1,", LC Cn"!"! in a butk' ihe '"'t as s., a completed anno aiwed. , f1" .iU .bC K:vpn f"r aI1 lue Real-Estale L'l 'w-"!.'"wbp. which t-about , u tel. vl m""C' 'tCt ?--crt-'''' to whom they Should ahythiu? transpire to prevent the!ace, every dollar received, will be refundct All f,UKtr re-en-ed will be- depositcl iu Bank-not a cent Used until after the drawing takes place Ticket will be sold only for cash. Crmsequenttv, if n miiiioers are 1 p.ken for, and d . from the day of the number, wiirbe . Id lVm?,rUCi fy mjy,araw b8"e Property of the Hotel not paid for before ten f, mpaur. . . ( . " " 1.1 The Board or Director? of the Hotel Coa.panv ,ie,ire tain to state that they wi.-h it. ..ndersl tllit uJT 00 speculative oration. We desire t err t a Pari Hotel inour.i.y, and have had this pro,r,y pr ate.1 by different individuals r..r tha" purp-'e 1 'and upon consulcation have adopts this as the m.t likely manner of converting it into money ; and we hereby wto!ee,ff"i7eIV" f"r lbC h"r'- tran,, ticu or the A few res;K,nsib:e AgentsVf known inte'r'ity will h.5 s.,r.rin.i,rgc,a.1,ry ,,, Buihbnii cities and fow in a few ,3 with tickets tor sale. Sh. ml, I anv ....'.. reruittihg by mail tley ran d M by encliug the , d art to Alex. Hallam, f Nemaha Vallev cahh r t.. u janK, ' " ---"-w.y hi ireasurerof Um, n,,te foiu- pany and on rec.ipt r rumls he will return a take: or SU OT,leTiD- Any one making up retain 10 ier cent commission. -T ' i, ' R. BROWN. A. HALLAM. -J. 'AV.- COLEMAN", H. JOHNSON, . ' R. W. FfRNAS. Br- 1 r.C7r.e Brownville Hotel Comr-y f t - , v , , Vj.lll) IrTew Grocery. , CoafcctioBaiT Saloon. . . yr. A. ALTE&iafA!?, BROWNVILLE, X T. ' ';' XJjOVSCtZ to the citiiensof HrownviHe .Bd rutnitY, that be has received an.1 now opened rars A share of 1 irona3e isrespoctfullr a.,i;C;t.d A AI. El?f V KinJs, together with eonfeetionariescr ererr rarieT CVjI soda, water, oysters, fresh fruits; A c J. wars m hand. '' To the Public? i ru.ism ak.n an persons from bnjint,. , erecting any buildings in the town of . v ; ' m CO." aidtown u laid our. onpiv clain, 'J'-Vls. jumped by Mr. Batter, and 1 by this nouct ' t' my int.ti.i.j!i cf coutesUng her right to tu,, " ';t a the Cni'ed State C..mmiui4sl.,n.r. t.-. r? Kebraskian .n SL scph Caiette.xr,, Send Bill to tin. OftVn p 1 WILLIAM lD'Sl0ly PIHE LUMBEEjM r in BDdersig A of Lrownviile, snd Xetn.nha and , n.e,snd .Setn.nha ,nil counties that wa now haTe In uun,'tii tiaTo la Lumber Yard in iJrowni.He. k 5 sale well selected stock f l'ine Lumb,., t " p. f 3 inches. AUn, 1'ins Stdin Workcil n.. -? Shiiiiflo an.l l;n I..IV .tl . " r,r,5, r;n. r. n .w, ... ol wmt'Oas fair prices roit cash omly. Brownrille, June24th,13:7.R tu0WX5. THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Bruwnvilt. T, -pany are noiitled th-t tho rourth instalment f 6' Ir cent is required to be paid in wuh, , ' ' lm-t date by order of the Board of Directors. - '"' t Brownvill Sept. 3, '57. Sec' Tre,-,. To the Unci Ofrert is A Territory, f lT" Annua and Xtltraxtt: 1 '"swofa, J"nt Kesomtlon of Congress, appr, j. 1A7, whd Pre-empti. n claim, on the IStSB.rL1 ti. n, bere' reserved f.w scbtii ... iw- ,. h or Minnesota. Kansas, and Xfhnski ,i .. .lpr"i rsere fAe lettltment As Surrey. '""'"iniri, 1st, In caset whfre the approved pl.t f .nr.. v oot yet hee? returned, the Beeiam, "J T" be Bled wuht thrtt bohJ, af,rr th rtTli " ppwfd Plat at th DUtr.ct bji, e ' J m JrU pubtication'of 7 ' 1J? A failure tn mn.n.. ,.k .v, " V ""ncf afutfoitu.eo theciaiot. r..,r...t " T. .1 " "."irenieutH. w.n ... JOS. S. Wiuoy. Acting t'JiiBi SM.g TO TUB I'lTULSC. Otlth?-.ll.,l T , . .it mi, 1 comiittonatlT crtitrv- lanj known as Neat's P.di.t. ! contVaCT 1 w f'f feite,! by the failure of .a,d Huwkan.1 Jtelvintcl with the end it i. s on their part. ltt,(.rfor tt. ,'l methiKl of warning tUe pu .!ie not to puicbaVst . said land or in a tuwncalie-l Alamo, whith I ai,.-r,,, is she . t to be laid out on i id tract, from in Mun lam the sole owner if said lai.4 -nj.iii M'llte inu" ana wining 10 rciuiia to 3U-sr Hawk i.nS m.i. fL. mr,i-nt U.v nji.l n ,,n i.l - ...i.,,.... . .... . , w j ... wvu.,i.uuAi j in MH(. August loth, lho7. l-H" IS, To The PttbKiT On the 26:h of January last, we, 3. l.ert n.vk ana Jolui O. Melvin, purcbasnl it Liiii NeH the j known as Neal'a Point or Alamo, in Nefe-,ka Tfrrlirr which we have paid f.r in foil, and for wtUn e bWiliui Quit-Claim deed, and also a btH ror a VI arr mtr 11 soon as ho shall receives Pttcnl therefor. TLc conani,.,,, of said b.ind have been complied with -.othe letter o mr part. We, the said Hawk and Melvin and oar n, rorewarn all whom It mar concern iiot lo,,,i Hoiiis Neal any parcof said tract or Mwt sie, t,kf 1T timber, coal or stone thererrom, orniileitr inipr..n. ments thereon, as w intend cou testis hi, riia, tg i. same ui the proper courts. ROUT. HAWK. JOHN U. MKi.viV S. F. NC( K.I M.I..H, II. NVCKl.OL.-i, M.TOt.TIK. WASH. HKPNER, J VCOH y. HAWK. M. JKfV. TIIOMP--HV f. H. FlTfl corn, ' WM K DM. la IN', . W. HAWK. A. ISAV.MAa.KH. jonas v ti;i snr. r. .X. TlUiilPSO.V It-J.;, August, 177. Platte itiver Ferry. The Platte River Ferry cinnpaiiv hav.j tbeir lerrr in successful operation at the mouth of the Platic Iliver. This route is six miles shorter than tUal b" OhrKa- l and is a much bet-er roa.p. ExperiBiicei ai d careful men will t in a'tonlimr it all tunes to accommodate C;e trve:in pjbiic. Hatrl ferriao as low as at any other p., int. W. JI. rtLll-f.nTFS. Plattsmonth, Sept. 3d, 1837. vi-nlu-la . Lumber! Lumber!! - HOAPLY k Ml III. Whose new Steam Mill has just g,.m. iniTeperati.-nia the Prairie For re-1 oDntwito Rrowtivi: o. r. ,,.,- ed to rurtiih the pi, bin- with every d. ttli varii- .'! hiin!er, oa hort notice and reasonab.'a mkh. Ti.t beins an nn.,nal anionnl c? hard . tiudier in itii vicinity, we are prepared to mv t.a ticx'ar attiiii,.,i 1.. filling npor,!e-s for Oak id Walnut limb., la i..t everythinit needed in this country can lw A and at th. Mill. I'.iAM.r i 11 i: Septetnber 3d, ti.i7. i-Ji.uil-f 1. H. THOMAS. T. 4. OAUllILk THOMAS & GALLillER, ForivardinRandfom niKslon aiETlCIlAJTTS. No. 20 Pine Street Corner Sp uid, ft'F ST A 1 aa.l 10-ly ST. LO CIS, . MO. Emigrant's Laud Hunter j HOYT &. SI.UTE iiiijiii im mm. And Nemaha CitjrAr Pleasnntvi! If, N.T. Land Warrant3 Ecmzlit and Soli Lund Entered on Time, Land Claimi and Town LoU Bouirht and Salt. AND Investments Matin for Distant De;i!f. BEINO practical Snrvwirs and ore t a ing had th"e year experience in lh "ATeH will e evrr e mr fiirf time ami special attention to tie Selection an.lSntryuf land or claims for settler and all th.ti Irnig cl' " location. Ad.lre, IIOYT It SMITH. r Nem..h.. City, N T. Kr.rr. to A R.h!tyler. Republic, Menc: co., Oliic. D Y Sear lus, Tiifin City, " . Dr P Imikkeep, l),iyt., a c-i.. Irr. P.ev W King. Archer. Kichar.La.n ... N. t. S Wiseman, (ien.a B.uT. Iowa. J Y Srhcylcr. N .velty Work-:. X. T. F Ferguson, Brewnville, N. T , Clinton D Turner, Attica. 1 Seneca e . '-?"'-(',,er f Enquiry Prn,ptly Answe ef .fl August 13lb, lSfi7. v:-i)J WHOLESALE GIIOCEK, Commission Merchant And DEALERS IX COITXTRY PITODUl Corner 2J arul Frtmcts sis., St Jeyh, jIj Agent lor Tie Salo Of Kanawha Salt it Piel-ts Celebrates.' Oys:pr. TAKES pleasure in annouiH-iag to :h Cit.ien.--of J.'f bra.-.ka and Kanns Territories. wn!he-B ant n..rt: -ern Mi.onri, that he i ihiw rceivinf I is nana:'.? '1:- ' ami c implete sto k of troc.?rie nf fv.rn-i.-clebeloncing to the Tine, which he will sell ESCI.fnr LT AT WHOLESAIJ:, oil a favorable te; tu any li in the West. Holsa'soagent for the tile of Katias h i Vilt, Ur: lot of which U now on hand and for sale it rtdn. el rr toi lo-ei-oriMicnniont. Ho will he feguiarlr in rereipt throii:h'.ut the" of Field's Celebrated Cove Oysters direct frra Balt:m re which wiil sold at St. Loai prices. Tt,y are w't' loiniyoysiers soiit ia the West, and e err rati aarratrf. wroers re-pei-rrauy solMteil and prrri Jt St. Joseph, August 2, 18j7. y (teri'l(! I li ICR 500 IhlH and I XH) sk. vai io is gr' ' brands, freth groul. ia store aa.l for le t.v J. B. JESNIXfiS. SALT 10C0 bbla Ka and IOOO k Ga It t..r sate bv . J. 15. JtNXLN'CS. HYDP.AIL1C mcutby CEMENT lOObbls rr J. II. OTSTKRS 600 bps HeU's Celebraiud cve ?'" i-irsaietiy ... J. E. JKXXIN'GS. SARDINES 25 imm 1-4 ami 1 sale by 2 b- xtt Ja:'i:rC j C .tACtERS300 I.M arxi l,is But'ef.'s. :' Sugar, Picnic, and Botitou crker for ..tie I v J. li. JIINXIN'GS. CLARET WIN X 60 dux claret a good arti:ls in ,u"e and for sate by J. B. JKXXIN'CS. LONDON PORTS ANDSCOTCIT ALE raI Fl!" warranted getiuine, ia wre and for selehv . . . . J. B. JKXXIXGS. CLEESE 60 oxs f:eih K 1) Ciieee for s e t v J. B. JLXXIX- srxDRir pic Ickles ijts, hfs and :a!s; t-rfTatce iB ' 1 OH Preserves a.-or;"l; Pis .'r-s' Q sters; Brataiies; Reasops; Tomato eatsi Walnut ilf IKr sauce; Candle; amokct hern.; Mackeisl, t-"4" " furtherstatethst lib-mcb I have therig ut,, tetaii ij smounttheypaidaieasaroreiture 1 Diiiti!'I r! so, and now notify all pers n concern. 1 ifcst 1.., "'1' RrownTlIlr, Jalj2"J-''7-Tru5 ?, .c, kc, Soar, in sioreafl- le ly ,