Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 24, 1857, Image 1

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    JT. r-:r.Tj
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Devoted to abt, science, agricuituk poLmreiGENMii iotelijnce ;md the interests; : .-of.- -Nebraska;
, ::ar
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ii-k. ,
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i vol: it.
N9 "Tumsw
:tii Srrert.'tc-.Kain- and 7ater,
j-jio'yyii.LEj- x. t.
V,Tirif j.aii in adrancc, - - $2,00
'V ' " fc the end of R xnonthfi, 2,50
u- ti i - - 12 ..00
M 12 r Tii r: will b.d furciahod at $1,50 per
" iuud"tii; t-tali accodpanies the order,
a-JSTt. -r '
I rr r.lLs, .
! i year,
I , :amt. uc
t , ' I'Muinii. one jear,
1 i - - . " ' -
Vn n .'V
-!.t i
. 2.j0
f. no
. . .20.00
, lajto
,f in advance.) 5,00
ed f'r all adcrLie-
a.'tu: responsibility is known,
tin-ft cbanpe be &dded to tb
A Trne". Narrative.-
:tof fr orT:e:
i.t )c re tui
: Cwdsc-f lint!E orle3?,for
j-l l. IV.
i s. t-.'.-iii'-l n tV.c asanu?criit, or previously
' ,' !-:;-;.2-'r.t? r..'t caied on th?eopy for rpeci
. . ,.f i-.crti j. will be cuHiiuued until or
f ; .nT ennrr'-n :w"er'iirCiT.
- -. ; .:!,AUt? f.-.ra ?rran,;c or transient pcr-
r , : . i '. r.', in adr:ifc?.
- ,:ir-o , f vjriy advertisers Trill be confined
; '.-Cir .wa hufn : and all advertiscmente
I Tiuin'rT tV-Mo, to he paid for extra,
jHrrrverF ha-re the privilrs of changing
i -'i'r',i--cTkni quarterly.
cl?: juIvjiiiswLiciti charged double taeabove
. :i'r;i"njnt? a
j.rjrC'i extra. . -
the inside exclusively will be
-r . ?
is 'I awigaaal a
Irvine added 1" ibe Advert;-CT ('Ci-ze Card. aDd
' !'rs. Xe Ty? of the'l.tet style?, Inks of
1 ill f.f. r.rr.7.e?. Fine Taper, Luvclojies, Ac: Te
t 'W prpard to nete Ji-b "crkf every de
in a Style "iisurpus?el l y any oilier ofUce
:i.'-'0 United Swu-.
J'trtieula? a.'ite.rsiion will be pv-en to order? from a
?taae in bavlT.r them prouift'.y attended to.
Tnc !'opr'utox, wan, hiuving had an extensive ex-
r"n',e. wf.Izive h'?.:er.!ral attention totbisbranch
- 1-tKi-es, Jia-l h'!j.-s, in' hi? ealeavr to please,
:!5iathe eiVJEce i:f bis work, and reasonable
mr;"i. to rs'cfve a sbi're of the public patronage.
.1 liovvir.i.i-:.
.XxicI OoQtctrician.
. " ' ' nr,ovviLLE, x. t.:
lu-iie? i.f iiWp
anl vi -it,.:
if pnMi.patrnnage. in tbernrious
.-....j,iria tbe ciliicn? of Brown-
mis;mary turner.
6v,5 rt: u&
iint Street,- betwesa Kaia and "Water,
'':s and y;i,VMi,igs always on hard. -
VJA Sadden Comerslon.-
In one of the'norfriern towns of Ter
mont lived a young man, Daniel, JBry
an, a lawyer by profession.. Jso one
possessed the confidence of Lb friends
more than he did,-and no one was Ixt
ter calculated to secure the good "will
andfriendship of all with whom 'he came
in contact. " Business poured in upon
himand he failed not to give the ut
most satisfaction. ; :..".::
J . At the age of twenty-gcren, Bryan
most lavored ones ot the country.
Mary Felton experienced a strange!
pnae wnen sne cave iier.hand to the
young lawyer, and if none envied her,
many at least prayed that they might
be equally fortunate.
But ere long a cloud came over the
scene. - Conviviality ran high among
the members of the bar, and Bryan
possessed one of those peculiar-temperaments
which at Jength gave, the
whole body and soul. tip to demon.
For,-three:years ho followed the' social
custom of the times without neglecting
muchofhia business, but finally he
sunk into the lowest pit of degradation.
When at the age of five and thirty, he
had become a confirmed drunkard.
He now;ne!ectcd his "clients altogeth
er, for he could not remain sober long
enough .at any time to carry any case j
through court. Ihe only business he
now had on his hands was the collec
tion of eome debts.
On the evening of his thirty-fifth
birth day he joined the Washingtoni-
ans, and once more his brirrht jrcnms
shone outupon the world. But it could
not last long chough amid the examples
of those who were his constant com
panions; he sank as rapidly as he had
risen. In one short year from that
time he was a' miserably, degraded
thing. . People who had left 3iote3 and
accounts- with him -to collect called at
his house, and upon inquiring of his
wife where he could be found, she
would tell them he was. away. Poor
woman, they ccull not bear to" dispute
wiihlitT, anatney Knew tall well that
the remains of Daniel Bryan were
prostrate upon his" bedroom floor.
One day a Mr. Vinson went to see
him. Vinson had left notes and ac
counts to the amount -of several thous
and dollars witti Uryan to collect, and
he was anxious about them. Ills poor
wife answered him as usual that her
husband iad gone away,
jly dear madam,' returned ' Mr
Vinson', "I know your misfortune, and
I annreciate vour'Jeelinfrs. but 1 must
see your husband. ' If I can see him f o
one minute 1 can learn all 1 wish to
Mary Brvan spoke not - a: word, but
with a tearful eve turned away and Mr.
inson followed her. He found Brv
an in a back room, -stretched at full
length upon the floor with a jug of
Aieaiora rum oy 1113 fue.- -mm mucn
chort A inson" aroused the poor lucbn
ate to a state of semi-consciousness
and asked him if he had done anything
about the notes and accounts which he
had left with him.
rTes," answered the lawyer in a
weak, hiccouchinc. voice. Tve had
soon leave me. . i He cannot live much
Irager." ; . ;..v:.:.';.,, ;;;,. 3
; At. that moment Daniel entered the
apartment; He looked like a.wander-er-from
Ihe-tomb. He had his hat on,
and his jug;in his .lianiLJ C L : J- J.-
"Ah, rMoses how 'are ve2" he
gasp'ed fas he could not speak plainly.'
XheJ visitor, looked at him for a few
moments in Bilence.." ' Then, as his fea
tures assumed a cold stern expression,
he said, in strongly emphasied tones :
' "Daniel Bryan, I 'liave been your
hesl friend hv.t one. My' shsteris an
angel hut mated with a demon. I
have loved you, Daniel, as I never
loved man before ; you were noble, gen
erous and kind, but I hate you now,
for you are a perfect devil incarnate.
t: . ti n
.LooK at that woman, bhe is my sis
comfort, only she will not do it while
you are alive ; yet when you die she
will come to mc Thus do I .pray that
God will soon pvfc-" her joys to my
keeping. Now, Daniel,' I do sincerely
hope that the first intelligence which
reaches mc from my native place after
I shall have reached my home, may
, Brvan gazed upon the speaker some
moments without speaking. 'Moses he
ax lengin saia, you are not m earnusu
"As true a3 Heaven, Daniel, I am
When; T know that you are dead, I
shall be happy, ana not until men so
a. mr . ,
go on. xiii your jug ana -
'top, Moses, 1 can retorm.
"You cannot. It is beyond' your
. From the Val?r Farmer. -
Caltareo Wheat
on summer fallow, and the. preparation
is as. thorough as'would be required for
a garaeru. .ihe same -care on oir;
Western lands, we haveiio doubt would
add. at least twenty-five per cent to tie
-The history t)f nations . 'cat: furnish general product. ; ; i '; .;
no parallel the increase d -Donula- Sdectioiiand Preparation of tlic Seed.
tion,the 'rise' progress and .improve-It The choice of seed both as to qual-j
Science : and Art ;
r t T v ii .
It is a curious scientific fact that the
atoms of air, as vre ascendire at great
er distance s from each . other. If the
Jokefs CqIsgshl:.
.A. WAV O 44
TJrxlaBen was a queer old nan, - . -An!
a queer old man was he ; ' -'
.Ho owned a rata ad "abutting ram ;
In fact Ih bntiini tropecs.:;es pronptal
. . . -
meAt in the various arts' and sciences ity'sind'-Its' variety and its preparation .t 'se5e ,
in the United StatesV' IThe fmprove- are natters - of the first importance. fccn'theiri
whereas if the. distance be
tween them be increased, they store it
away.;- Ihe upper strata are sensibly
colder than the lower, not because the
atoms have'less heat, but because the
' r n Ti 1
mentsm some other departments 61 in- tlo.Iy insects, Choica lri VueaeJcat. b .i ft lae w
uusiry., until recenuy.ricuHure cCicrT pound of air at the level of the sea,
has been:regardedby butew-asa sci- A little care. and observation ;on this the t ic:5j bo iQ co
encc; tne majoriiy 01 cuuivators seem- V . u uiC , e.uxt muue jpuuuc, utuu nQ mQre teat than-the Lt
edto- consmer the Dreamngthj suriace prove 01 utmost auvantage to iarmers . .t
ot the soil tor three or.lour- mches in in general. r it is seiuom tnat tne seea
ments in Afn-icultureVnd'-arriicultural Borne .varieties; of h eat are .better
implements . and. - machines, laithragkJ aaaptea t;o certain localities ana sons
creat within the last fifte'en years, have! than, others. Some mature earlier and
hardlv kebt wane with the. wnrrvp- escape the elTects' of riist! and destruc
I w . IT . t J r- - : ;.. -i ; . .
nee between any two atoms is di- him to bait cvery.tbins buKatle hi could nea.
minished, they give out heat, or render ' rfuc 0ld wifo tever xisea astoot: .
To milk the would E3 er sit down; ;
ADdtboua old Eea called her a fjoT,; ' '
Yet sba would xever Learkea to hid 1
vice ; but to reciprocate tbe fitor, tbe Called
ira a clown.
But or.e sad morn as Brindle itood . . j ,.
,..Eencata tbe stately rear, -Old
Ben's wife, in merry mood,
Was milkin? her occupy :i: g bcr txual
position, with but httle care.
The ram and Ben the factcsplod . t
And loudly Ben did shout ; -"Squat
down, eqnat dawn1." he alernly criedVi
Tint she didn't hear him, and odors . h
could interfere the fora had turned hU fat eld '
wife about. -' - '
Old uncle Ben was very wroth, " ' . . ' ?
Ah, Tery wroth was he ; ' .. jt
He took the grind-stone from his trough,'
And tying a rope to u, nunj i ca a uma
the top of the
It is
rvT Trip sni inr iiirfH fir l n r. mrTii'H in i in lcuuiji. r j.l la nuiiiuiii luj,l uii: acuu i n -i -.,
rr, . vr - : . .., .-. ..-. . , . ; . .. perpetually coverea witn snow
ueptn, ana uepuiuug ui auua p .Vi' w ,T I for this reason that the same wind
slight trultivation of summer bops the from inferior grains and foul seed that .g wam tho becomcs
perfection of farming, but recent , prac- is necessary Immature or . imperfect colder as ifc ascends tbe ides oftlie
tirr nnn PTTiprifinff nnvp prrmipfi rhpR seed will not nrotluce a vigorous Plant . . mi
a . : . o - , mountain. oimmishmg pressure
errors anti are ueginmng xo aeveiope "F, du, . .FauW 1C allows the air to expand and store away
important improvement an incumbrance to the; more perfect its hea't; It is, therefore, not the snow
partment 01 mrmmg. until tne Jast . u,a, xx 0n tbe t of mountains h of tlie old c.
BUUV'ut'u. AW """v uu uaxxu axxu uc- ---- V i cools-the air, but it is the rarity of the Then like a beavr pendulum
!uimc uuiuia vyuuuuifuiuiu tu r i- air which keeps the snow itself from
great est,-wneai was only grown lor ueiuru meunuuxw meUi As a general law, the de-;
!!5!:flfad! creasef temperature amounts to one
was necessary to prpauce more man 7", T1 degree, Fahrenheit, for every three
was required for this purpose. 'Ordi- and shed it should be thoroughly dre'd f pepentelar height.
tion of the corn ground, before the corn through the fan. , Where cheat has Eiei7 Han hU OWD Insurer.
was harvested, and this of course hecn narvesiea wim tne seea mucn oi The foijoing Buestions to house-
narvested, ana this ot course. uccn-narTc&icu xiu me u muuu ux Tk foljOTYillg suggestions to house--;d
admit of but imperfect prepara- Jt may be removed by running it thro, keepers, and those erecting new build
of the soil: and a fall crorf could the fan the-last time after removing :
riot be expecteaVbut in favorable sea-1 albthe riddles, feeding slow and turn, etches in metal boxpc,. -nd rmt of
-t , , v.i I ? "''". . 1 1 J i I J r. -n-J tli o mnil orito nrifTctojlflvhlTifil., -i - - r- - I
riDwnr. xoti nave naa inducements sous tuts courso secureumorc man was 'm .f"y?.vv , --j
X . I , . ' I ti ii- L.'y j.u - J;.
the reach of" children. Wax matches
lie swun the michty rock
Which seemed to say, "I am up for fun. - '
Mr. Bam, so just come on, will tou, and ,
tjiko an affectionate knock !", . .
Eisbt briskly then the Csht be jan ; ..
The stone would not "give in."
And Ben's old raro would yield to none, ;
. So he butted all day. And when Unci
Ben went to bed he was still butting fcke all iu
. . - . . . . - - r
And when old Ben came- next day,
And went into the lawn, "
The ram had butted himself away,- i ;
.And evervthing under Eieav6a,but abouV
--- r i . i . . : i - o - . - .
reformed half the sin- required tor iamily; use," and the low fui to cu-upi uiu puit... w aresParticularly dangerous, and should two finches of hi tail,, used oj--ompiete:yf
, and yet! you are pnee would not warrant the transp or- mg, a steepoi wme, ora joiuiioii be kpt out of the way ofrats andmice. Sone-' '
ever before. Go and tation of :tKc surplus at . any rernqtel blue vitriol. or copperas, into .Trmcn the Y&mt prcamphene limps only by -T(rr w.wrkcr In th St
i i- Tii ii x-i-i r . l aanrt c nnn i r 1 no niir thkit (7 ri1 t n H.k irn i i i i . i.l .: i i u iv v -
can, lor the market.- .xut me estaDiisnment oi nu- D"ur-,."- " o aaynjrnt, ananevcr near a nre oriiht.
u thus shall find merou3 railroads and the improvements oj- im uguiauu xiuuuxvw s"",, t'ar better to dispense with them alto-
" . . ' . . in -nater communication have advanc- ana otner ioui seea luai.wmuuiu upon etner. Do not deposit coal or wood
enough to have
ncrs cf the creation
now lower than
die, Sir, - as soon as you
moment tuat sees yo
ttip. amoner the rnrmmers
P.T-TTn:a -s-'o.. flfcliorl onrl rlro-nr ftd rtTlfl PnTtn 1 1 T.pA thfi TT1 PP. ' 'nTltil Wllfiat ttie
i f uli i w j v. o uuguvu (iv i if uiv M I A . i . " I
himself proudly up. "Go" he said has. become one of our .most' profitable
with a tone of the old. nnwerfiil sar- staples.?. 'hese circumstances have
77 jr - . - I r - - ; -.!. - .1 d .1
casm that had often electrified a iurv, lea to some improvemenx m ine cuiti-
"go to Ohio, and I'll send you news. vation of this crop, yet there is - room to
(In s;;- on, 1 with tho Prttf " tnr still m'P.atpr imprnvempnt." in all bmu.
p ir iwii j VJ t uwu vaji -a. q- - w - 1 .
Witn tIipco trnrfls T)imi'l P.rtrr.- the cron3 cultivated there is none sub-
...i -T 1 - - . : ... 1 1 ry T
hurled his jut into the fireplace,, and ject to so many -vicissitudes and ene- lungus .is. prouueeu..-. var m lut-bo
requires a more, thorough knowled
Louis Becorder's Court, recently; Al
exander McMann was fined five dollars
for stealing wood from the steamboat
i . '. mr : j
cirrnw. 1 rsr ri'iiniveii 1 . .? i 1 it
. - rj ?nns in ivnnn pti TrP?5iPij snn rir euro i -t 1 1
aaftcrsoakinsafew hours the wheat ei Uann.bal anaw,, a3Eea oy a nopr;
ould bo.dramed and then rolled:; in f0;e"aenosited. Never take a liirht or t0 2.rk0Te'J;,: v .: 1J.1-'.;i i i.2.,
air slacked ltoe.-.rteait .read, asiCS a sta;-case; Kerertake a'
sow. lh.S u -enerai y preve?t ,. ht to;-, aga5 raeteT,. Ee ca. 6--"Zt'KM
t Dy destroying me viwuty oi .me fn, -pvpr nr ftfi,PT. i- vf . --.i , " - . . .
frnm xvlnVr. if. is snnspxl tb?s . 1 -,-r to . , : 7 the Kecordcr. - ...
iui uivo i u-i "i-" " .Tvvr npnr cnrr.n.ins Afivprtntft a iir ittn.
1 " , 4t
in2 over the Jloor he strode from the requires a
house. Mary sank fainting on the and greater, 'tare in; its cnltivatipn,
floor. jVIoses bore her to a bed, and -nor is there any crop grown tuat more
then having. called in a neighbor, he rapidly exhausts, the. soil, er in which
hurried away for the stage was waiting, there is a greater' falling ofF from rc
For a month Danielhovcred over the pcated crops on the same, land 'These
brink - of the crave, but he did not die. &cts should lead eyery farmer to make
"One gill of brandy will save you," the most careful investigations and
said - the doctor, who saw that the adopt me most tnorougn system oi cut
abrupt removal of all stimulants from ti vation and make . numerous expen
a system that for Ion!, years had sub- ments in regard to drainage different
sistcd almost on nothinir else, was near- modes of culture, different varieties of
- '
! particulars" will be doubly compensa
cropr -; . '..;
Mclliod of. "Seeding. Drilling seed
grain is no'longer a problem ; for years
past those who 'have 'practiced .'this
method of seedrng have been convinced
of its advantages, but the effects :of the
seed, as well as different times of seed
ing, &c, and give to. the world" the va
rious results through the -Valley far
mer. ' ,
"We propose to offer some remarks
ly sure to prove fatal. "You can sure
ly take a gill and not more.
"Aye," gasped the poor man, "take
a gill and break my eathw . Moses Jb el
ton shall never hear that brandy or
i . . . ii -ii ' .i ii i ;
rum killed me! If the want of it can upon me culture, oi. me wncat: crop
kill me then let me die ! But I won't hich may be adopted by those who do
die:' I'll live till Moses' Felton shall not practice a better method In many
eat his words." parts of the country, wheat; -is mostly
. He did live ! an iron will conquered sown upon summer tallow, or uppn.clo
the messenger death, had sent, and ver. turned undersay in August, or In
C3 ' I j-v ' - r - . .
Daniel Bryan lived. For one month time to aiiord a partial lermcntatjon or
to a closet.- Do not read in bed by
candle -nrlamnlicht. Flace class
shades over gas lights in show windows,
and do not crowd goods near them.
No smoking should be permitted in
ware housesjor barns. .Where.furnaccs
are used, the principal register should
.1 '1 i r i 3 -r i i
always ue iusienea open. iuiia ail
chimheys from the earth.
Oh no, not exactly s-s-so far.gon'
yet sir. .. - -, . : ;
"Well, I -nrill lifi'rc -to eerl j-on to tb
work-house," saidheTtecordcr'."
'"T-t-taint riothin' t-t-togo i-fiiere,"
said AlIeck, "I-M'ata used to it; bat
when you ,t-t-talked .about m-m:mar-i
nage, old rieiiow, you. x-z-ingnteneu.
Kfnro rno
past- season;have produced the most 6uld be at least ' four inches from
conclusive -testimony m - favor of the woodwork, guarded by tin, and enter
drill. ; The. winter, m many parts , was SUDStantial brick chimneys horizon-
exccseiveiy wet, ana tne cnectsot.irost tajj-,
nnrm ihp rrrmvin r prnn wn5 mnrp so- I
vcre than, it has been for many years
past, ine.wneat sown broad-cast in
many instances was Entirely' killed out
and in others materially injured,' while
that which was drilled became uniform
ly and rmTy roq?ed and withstood the
: effects of frost almost unharmed. " Be
sides this advantage there are others
iri. favor of. this system of seeding.'
Drilled grain, when the rows run north
and south, receives the more direct in
fluence of. .'the sun which is a partial
eoon-i Street. bptwcn Main and Nebraska,
"' .' BROWN VILLE, X. T.
the money for you over a month. I've
deducted the percentage, and you will
find the rest in that trunk. Mary's
got the' key."
Mary Bryan was called in, tne key
was produced, and Mr. Vinson found
his money four thousand and some
odd hundred of dollars all right and
In his worst moments Bryan never
used for himself a single penny held in
trust. Hundreds there were who work
ed hard to reclaim the wanderer, but
without effect. Years went by and he
sank lower and lower, yet his wife left
him not. Her brother, a youn law
yer named Moses Felton, often urred
. ' i i
her to forsake her husband, at the sara
- . . ..
U l.i. attcnl rrorr-ly to ill Lancss jd. lr.a pro- t- . rr . i r ' ,
'V Tioa v in c'.ci 0n: such tabdivin- tirae otlPncg her a comfortable 1
10 me
. fx.
out Town UAs, lrAfung City IIaU
''-"'ES. Bv!frr.
MTjfnctnrcrs arj TTnalcsale Dealers in
iUU L O AAD bHUKS: doubt if such another case was known.
He was too low for convivialitv. fnr
beneath his own roof, but she would
not listen.
At length all hope was given up.
Week after week would the fallen man
be drunk on the floor and not a day of
.1 '1 , ... J
rx -.uuxi.-j m.rx.ea nis course.
. ' ST. LOUIS, 1IO.
rt" .'
-elryriaicd Wore, Cutlery Spoons, c; Ac.
2clrail:a C, JV". T.'
nrExcr.Avi-G jinl JlrrATETNG loac on elxort
L T. VTHYTE & CD., '..
"noL-iLE ktv- r.rr ail elalft!?! tv
J nnnno'nnnnnninn
Queenswaro, Hardware,
Stoves, xix-x3itrxrof
. biiowxvii.ll:, n. t.
he could not even -walk' without help, decomposition before the timVofkow- . protection against rust. The
Bu he had help ioyful, playful help.
Mary helped him. - : r
A year passed away, and Moses t el
ton returned to Vermont. He enter
ed the court house at Burlington, and
ing the seea. xnis metnoa nas recent
ly been practiced by some of the best
Kentucky farmers with the most en
couraging results ; but clover is seldom
sown as it should be to the full extent
;SrmmTors'LiQt;oi3. The long and
rapid marches of the ancient Greek
and Eomun armies, the privations they
underwent, far surpass the powers of
modern European soldiers, and those
men drank no fermented liauors.
Some of our Indian regiments possess
the same traits, and their religion' and
customs deny them fermented liquors.
Sir John. Moore's army were found to
improve in health daring their distress
ing retreat to Corunna, as soon as the
usual allowance of wine was unattain
able. 'English Herald.
DanH Bryan was on the floor plead- of the wheat crop. The most common
ing for a young man who tiad been pracuco ixuuxi iu. nvsiera
indicted for f forgery.. Felton started is 'to fallow wheat after corn. But
with surprise- Kever before had Bry- this does not afford that improvement
an looked so noble and1 commanding, to the land, nor so good a preparation
t' . ! ! . .
and never before had such torrents of ot the sou as wnen sown auer,
eloquence poured from his -lips. The' for if put in amid the standing corn
case was -given to the iury and the the preparation must necessarily be
youth was acquitted: The successful imperfectly performed, and if the corn
counsel turned" from the court room, is to ue MM
and he met Moses Felton. is required to ; perform this on an .ex-
Taey shook hands, but did not speak, tensive scale and frequently results in
When they reached a: spot where no getting the seed into the grounaattoo
- . 1 -. .11. T A IV ,1 l.U - 4-n - ..11
other could hear them; Brvan stopped, late apercou to auoru f o u.
Mcses " he said, "do you remember time to uecuuxc su.iiM u -w
. ' ' ; I .... 1 a f il .
resist tne neavmg liuiuuiiv;- mu win
ter frosts. : -r'
When wheat is to follow com,, the
most thorough preparation of the soil
of seed alene upon any considerable
farm, will, in a short time more than
-L- . r il. .v :i
- . n r j j. IWEROF THE bUN. A distme;uiih-
creased yield is from ten to nfiu per - i .. - . . i . & t .,
- -.-. -wj h vNMaw -V VVU II li til.
showing that all species of moving
power, have their origin in the rays of
.1 i 1 i..i . 1 .
me sun, statea mat wniie tne iron
The following is too good to bo lost?
It is often made a Subject of com pla&v
that ministers -of the gospel participate)
in political matter?. An anccdoteof
a Mr. Field, who lived in Vermont scV
eral yearrago, cor.tains::a. good reply.3
As the reverend gentleman wentat ivf
time, to deposit .his . vote tho. officer
who received it being a friend and par
shioner, but of opposite politics, , rc
marked: . ,
"I am sorry, Mr. Field,' td see ytrj
here. -i . . '
- "Why V9 asked .Mr.F'; .
"Because' said the officer, Ciirft t
said his kingdom was not of this world
. "Has no one a right to vote," asked
Mr. F., "unless he belongs to the king
dom of Satan r 1 ' '
e irequently nna notices oi salting tubular railroad bridge over the Menai
hay, and also of the injurious effects, straits; in England, four hundred feet
in many instances, resulting from it. long, bent' but half an inch under the
We rive from the farm report of L.D. heaviest pressure of a train, it will
a ' - I-.-vr.rl rT- lT-t. r.T.,1 n 1 . -1 T C-, . I - ..-.!
ChfV of Putnam county,. Y in tne hor!zoiltal lint, Len th
volume of Transactions of the N. 1. 1"rir.n u r- COTTin i,rtM t
"rT -1' T. T ' '
'i.-ao, laniei. - - -
"Will you now take them back ? Un
say them now and forever :
"Yes, wfth all my heart.
State Society for 1857, a preparation
that has proved highly beneficial,' and
obviates the" difficulties attending the
use of salt : - '
Preparation for IIat the Mo"E
r Lave" used lor" several years, the
following preparation for my hay :
Two pari 's of - slacked or quick lime to
one of salt. The salt to be mixed with
c sun shines
He stated that
for the corn should be made by deep the lime until entirely dissolved, and
"Tl.Pn T nm in nart rcnaitl " plowing, &c . The: extra labor bestow-
"Ana what must oe me remainaer oi iu mis waj iu vu
those with whom he would have'asso-
ciated would not drink with him.
All alone in his office and chamber
he still continued to drhk, and even
his very life seemed the offspring of
his jug. . . .. .
In early spring Mose3 Felton had a
call to go to Ohio Before he set out,
he visited his- sister. He offered- to
take her with him, but she would not
"But" why stay you here ?" urged
her brother. "You are all faded way,
and disease is upon you. Why should
you live with such a brute ?"
"Hush, Moses; speak not," answer
ed the wife, keeping back the tears.
"I -rail not leave him now, bat he will
the payment ?" asked Moses.
"I must die an honest, unperjured
nan ! The oath that has bound me
thus far was made for life."
That evening Mary Bryan was among
the happiest of the happy. !No allu
fcion was made in-words to that strange
scene of one year before; but Moses
sated by the increased yield of com,
besides leaving the ground, in a better
condition to receive the wheat, .wheth
er it is to be put in wmle- the corn is
standing or after it is shocked. It is
claimed by some tolerable farmers that
nothing is lost by. so wing wheat among
standing corn, for although-the ground
could read in the countenance of his can be but imperfectly prepared the I commenced its , use. Horses troubled
the mass becomes a powder. tTpon a
load or ton of hay,' at intervals in mow
ing or stacking, use from ten to fifteen
quarts, dusteu evenly over the hay.
I formerly used salt alone, but the men
would often use too much, ' so that it
was injurious to the stock.. The above
mixture obviates this it corrects the
acidity and sourness of the. hay, and I
do not recollect a sick animal since I
sister and her husband the deen crrat- protection - affordeu to me growm
. , . , 1 xT H
itude they did not spak. wheat .during winter. iy uiu torn siaus
And-Daniel Bryan yet lives, one of is more than compensatea ior any aac
the most honored 'men of Vermont. of preparation. Whether , this be . so
rive times nas ne sat in tne estate or noivit is. i.iucxixj( awuwc uiu
Legislature; thrice in the Senate, and should lie discarded. I - ' -'
once in the National Congress; and We have. never seen more thorough
he is yet an ornament to society, de- preparation of land for wheat .than i3
clmicjr all offers cf public otnecs, generally practiced by tne iarmers oi
frnm thp fc that his profession is the Genesca valley and the wheat trrow
more lucrative, while plenty of others inir districts of New York; The course
, , IU
with the heaves ai-c greatly relieved by
feeding upon" hay, thus prepared, audi
am satisfied it'is a preventative of the
hcave3. r My horses are kept in., the
stable the vcar' . round, wpll groomed
and they do far more work , and wear
longer than when sunered to run dur
ing the
Bunker, Hill monument is higher in
the evening than in the morning of a
sunny day; the little sunbeams enter
the pores of the stones like so many
wedges luting it up..
A Philadelphia dentist is stated, in
an exchange, to have invented what he
calls a galvanic forceps, which is in
tended as a relief to the pain cf ex
tracting teeth. It is a combination of
the ordinary forceps, with a galvanic
arrangement attached, whereby the
nerve of the tooth may be so charged
with the galvanic influence that its sen
sibility will be partially suspended.
California has passed a law to make
the scientific development of the hu
man body the order of the school hours
upon the Pacific. All her common
-L'l i 1 .
scnoois are to nave apparatus and
teacher's of gymnastics ; and with her
delicious climate and extraordinary
civilization, she will keep the lead she
Las get of all the states. -
A liht, rich soil, abounding in
vegetable mold, produces the earliest
want the oflbes which he cares not for. I generally pursued there is, to sow up- j pe
The Portuguese Government h
invited tenders for the constructicn of
an artificial port at the island of St,
Michael, in the Azores, individuals or
companies, native or foreign, may join
in the competition.
One day at dinner, Smith we' are,
I A A 'il T"
too indignant to say , mc iteverer.a
yduey Smith was dining at High-
gate, where he met with the rector of
Hornsby, who was very: learned, Tery
rich and very religious. The rector
lke a good man as he was, reflected
severely upon the improvidence of the
poor, and also upon their increasing
numbers, which he considered a'grcnt
evil; He wound up hi3 diatribe bv-
saving :
"That the great evil of the day ras .
le surplus population." - ; ,
"I. quite .agree with you,", retorted
the profane Smith, "the. surplice pop
ulation is becoming a jrreat evil. -
A woman is always at the bottemi of
trouble. Y'ou remember the story of
the Shah of Persia. When hs was
told that a workman had fallen from a
ladder, he called out : v
"Who is she? who is she?" -
"Please your majesty, 'tis a he.""
"Nonsense !" -said the shah, "the re's
never an accident without a woman j
who is she?" " . . . . . '
The shah was" right; the man had
fallen from his ladder because he was
looking at a woman in a window oppo
site. Many a man docs this in other
countries besides Persia. '
, "What do you wish to get in yur
two bottles?" said a grocer to ;a li;tle
boy, as he entered hia store v ! , :
. 43Iother want3 a cent's worth of
your best yeast." ; - ' '
"Which bottle will you haVe it iz'i"
' 4:FEhaveit in both of 'em. jlnd
will you please put a cork in them 2
Can't you send it home, 'cause I'm
going another way ?' . . !li; ;
"Well, where is your cent ?" . ! -.
"Mother says ycu must charge -it.