Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 17, 1857, Image 2

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    r- I IM I MWMT
i 111 iii
lim 2LJJ V ikIVllOiidl.
tiiu:;.-;day morning, sept, n., i857. :
VS. IT.Fakvit, General Advcriiiir.z Age-it, in -rr-arof
New York, LaSit-8 :i i Children's i-ht-e Siure, 60 Wert
. Fourth Street, Ciocin'.aii. . i
Visscher, Owen ii Co., No. 310 and 343, EroaiTay,
New Vork. 1
' Akueew Wind, American, Canadian and European
- Adverti-iug and Sui-ocripUon USlce, No. 133, Nassau iii.,'
New Tort. -
. . - . . f - . i . r ...... c t
t 11. F. McLuKa,Tr.y, Ohio.
Ik. II . II. Darst, Tippccanoo, Ohio.
V. C. Ml'XGru, Covington, Ky. .
A. 1). Kirk, Archer, Nebraska.
II, W. Peter, Oregon, Mo.
. jllon & Hawk, KKt Port, 5Fo.
iJliDEi &. White, NotrasKaCi'iy,N.T. .. .
a Dr. Ji. W. Tate, Linden, Mo. -
T. J. Ik-VRMTM-.Tbreo Grove. N.T. r r 7
.Are authorized Amits to solicit Subscriptions and Ad
vert iseinents Ijt the Advertiser, and Tcceteve and re
ceipt for .monies therefor. . 1
Persons resident In-this Territory, coming from various J
j.rtiisif the State., vrten sugj-esi 10 u "-,"UOT"
1.ors.n in Uicir rid.nol'TUb'jrb.xxls, who would doubtless
' become- snbscribcrs it mey coniu we a copy i us .w
vsrlikcr.". We always scud a specimen copy, and persons
receiving-, will consider il a solicitation to becouifc a t"egu-
. lar subscriber, r -
Postriustersand ethers, feeling sufficient interest to
make up aclub, au retain the usual per -cent ivr their
w . . ..... .1 iV . Kt.l
troume. . . ...... , .......
-Territorial Warrants and Nemaha County Orders
Rawing ihtreit will b taken at par in "payment for
iitebteduess to this 0Clce.O .' '
" ' ".
, -Ta;ofl noti2edat thechteeof the Volume to dis
VntmnCthtf "ACvertiser," -we shall take it Tor granted
Uia't subscribe fs wls-h their paper continued, and shall
'accordingly continue to send as heretofore. .4 ...
.s-gSTTThe Nebraska Advertiser,'' having;.
j&rnch the largest circulation, of, any paper
in the Territory, "Wholesale: Merchants in
SU'IiOUls," St Joseph, . Cincinnati and
other Eastern 'markets 'where Nebraska
x&crch&nls purchase,- Will 'find 110 "Letter
advertising medinm'in the Western Conn
' irym- r. ; :;;!;;: ' r.' ..i'-v::-.-."
-.v'" ' Weekly ; RcTleir;.u'i'VV''-'
, LvxTlie Atlac'tic Telegraph cable is bro
"'ke'd ! The Unfortunate 1 accident .oc
curred on the 'morning Qf'the 'llth-nit:,
after having "paid put 'successfully. SS 5
railc3 of -tlio fCahiei .. On. thatrrnorninlr
' w ...... ,.. . : s a t w i . .
there was a' heavy .swell ,6b ; the -Niag--sra-
was going at the, fate of four1 miles
per .hour 'and- every, rbody "on ' board
Avcre; sanguine of . success, ;.wnen an
Vcranxious en'meer,. thinkmir the
cable was running out too fast, applied
rthe brakrs rnoro firmiy and the cable
'of the ship."1 .But; al though thtf pres
ent experiment :has failed its, results
nave been to convince all those, who
.tDk:&'n interest in it ofthepractibility
if the enterprise. On -the evening -of
the 10th7 the telegraphic dispatch- sent
oS til e Ni a 'ara' f p p 0 r tc d thai;5 n e arly
pO.O. miles. -of tho cablo,had fbeca sue-
csfujlv l.y into.the tea. at ra. depth of
chuDTittivo"niiles'andthatit$ submersion
Zt 'e'o great andsph ha'd:ri6 .perceptible;!
r:,'UT'r:1r,::' iJtfj'. ' .Wi" - '- ;
111 11 w V 1 t 1. . J . . Ill li lilL.Vj(.llU V.llll I 11 Li A 111..
ecgiaci uie caoio . sun remaining .13
wr 2,000 miles, more thaais necessa
rjfor thexompletion of the undertake
ing, but whether another attempt wilL
be made the prosht year of postponed,
-until next summer remains to be1 deci- ':
4ed-bytSieJT)oafi of director'?' 1
; J The fepbrfed triuinphi of. the'Sritisb
arms in "India was a Hoax after. alllAt
ihe latest. Aatcs, 27tb ot; June, Delhi
.vafliyctin possession 01 tnc rebels ?tnd,i
though repulsed with great slaughter
ih'iscTeral sorties, had found mcatis to
. spread themuriity. ,am6ng the native
irppps'. t Great rremfqrcements1! how
evpr,. :wero arriying .- at"; the English
camp -and it -Tras thduglit the capture
.In'uncr American colors, wa3( seized
by; aBritish steamer cnltho, west coast
ofVfrica. -. SeVenty slives we're found
on board and 150 mbro were waiting
on'tlfe beach for cmbaf cation:.
. lji jlexico; vomonlortnas been elect
cd. jPresidcnt by. an. overwhelming ma
jority1. .-No great apprehension-was
'TelttOLthe result; of thar di'uicultics
Spaniii brought from Europe is" of
nres among commercial ineii' of -Lon-
. xlon -and Liverpool arc 'reported.' !
s . A strictly private visit has been paid
"to Queen Victoria by Mr. Bonaparte,
iwhb intends also to have an interview
wltH 'Alexander, the drunkard of -lias-iac....;;i
r ;M ... -. (. . . ; ; ; .:. .
J '.The .Trench armsliavc met: with
ucces3 ,.in ; Algeria, ;not ; quite -so
jTkith ilic Rtssiais! in Gircassia' where
, fchamyl,:'at the head, of '1:5,000 rneri,
liWciir'-TOtited them and several fortified
41 Y ' " ' . . . .
places built -by -the Russians " at 'reat
cos for the maintenance qr;thcir cpm
'jikiiication's, .fell into -Shamyl't! hands.
ovJtTho1 American horse, Priofessi beat
'cn in'th'e' face, for the G.oodwood cup,
iaT sirice twice ra without any. more
cc'ess.ln the race fpr ..the Sussex
dCtf&ity Cup; coming .fourth put of, five.
Tjvlnttlllgcnce.' has' been - received at'
; preparing to resist Gen. Harney. On
account of the"adranccd season the ex
pedition against Utah'will probably be
l?6-tponcd'vuntil;'iiex!t: spring andj the
'troops-; prdered to ' take , their:, winter
;qu5.rtera inAansa.s. ,., ;.-:.y 0 .
i 0 dTsro; State' elections t have com off;
in Vcnnoht'and in Texas. 7 Sorely beat
. en hi1 Vermont the Democratic ' party
has .had an ample revenge in Texas.
:So far.&s heard; froxn. 47 Republicans
tml T Democrats aro elected '. in" Ver
m'ont. Fletcher, tho Republican can
; didato is elected Governor.' In Texas,
Runnel. Democrat, is elected Govern
of Delhi Would be soon accomplished.
' A1 gciiooner, galled rthd J upitersaiU
' ir in 1LIJ1I.JIII
9 .
or by 11,000 majority. "The Senate
will stand, Democrats, Know Noth
ings 6. The House will stand, Demo
crats 87, Know Nothings 7! Poor
Know Nc tiling?,"1";. "'; i"' ':v
Judge Curtis of the XJ. S. Supreme
Court hasyfesigned. ; : ;
- Ex-G evernor Price, of vXcwv Jersey
has brought suit in the New York Court
against S. P- Dewey and others, whom
he charges with defrauding him by a
fraudulent sale of his California prop
erty. Damages laid at o?i7yi50p,OOOj
The prevalent , topic of the day. in
the States, especially in the - financial
world, is the suspension-of ;the "Ohio
Life-insurance and Trust Company'
and the hundred:and -one consequent
smaller suspensions; and failures.". -We
scarcely find an exchah'gci;Tyithout the
account ' of some failure or other' 'at
tributable" : to the ' -suspension "of the
Trust' .Company and ; other connected
." . ' .- 1.. - . . i ' - i
1? .iTi.-r.11 ; - 1
insuiuiionSf . j.xno louoiuug auuouucu
ment from the President of: the -Trust
Company we coy,"arid. givp .if for.what
its worth: - .
lOmct of' ra&JLVL: I.:;TC0.V1
; .v.Niiw Yoniv,rAug:24,;,57.;t -rJ; i
".The unpleasant duty -has' devolved
upon me . to state that this Company
has suspended payment. " This -event
has mainly been brought about m-consequence
of making loans here to par
ties who are unable to respond at:this
time.- 1 -would add, that the capital of
the Company two-millions, is sound
and reliable,-1 exclusive -of "such'-loss
as may arise from" in sufficiency of rsV
ctirities pledged ; for l6nns:nbbyo refel
redto. "V r C.'STETSON;:Pres'ti;;-
:' .There .arc'- many things cqnnepted
withfthis immense financial embarras
ment which the- shrewd "business men
of the country cannot and will not "over
look. . It is well known that the eon
cejn has no circulating notes-: and did
, Life . Insutapce business;.of , late
yeafsl What then ha itbeeh doini1?,
How has it been oncrfcln& V.-lkc Nktc
uppnsuDjeciays r by.lf
"The tiature;cf the- busfn'e?s-!ri-Nrw
'Toftr whe nr'tne ':principir Ckshier of
the "Companyha-s been b Ideated sirice,
theyearlB40y was m chatgVxyf ;tlfe
ce,:'and f0f; its numerous .barikhrl
bankirisorjspondents'iri 1 the7 State
r t t 1 .
of Ohio to receive,, and, wlien ' necd-
IdV negotiate "'their "remittdhces c' and
cbllectionsi and to pay.theif'clefk.
The 'State Agency of Ohio fcf the reg
istration, transfer'; and 'interest pay-
-mepts' of the Public Debt was also kept
in the office,' thbulrk under Hhe';biire' of
ti separate State OScerr The trans
actions "have for fifteen years past been
extensive,- and,;to Avestcrn; -interests,
of an important cKaracter;' rhe-de"-!
posit balances in New 'York liave'bcjeh i
cmpioei; . in gomiuou uriu? vjuviu
nati and - New York' offices ;;;discbutit
ed a partial extent, m
the West; and tile r emamdef loaned Put
here oy the Cashier.;" under' advices of
tt Sub-J3oard of Eastern Trustees. The
Ca'pital'of the .Company i? $2,000,000,
chartered by the State of Ohio in 183$,
"restricted,1 fo"r the ;gf eater pa'rt, to 'ijir
ployment on bond and mortgage - 'in
Ohio. The Banking' "Department r has
moiety of theCaipital, thotigli haying
the whole as the' basis "df -security fdr
its depositors and 'other dealers.' f- Tfce
bonds .and - Mortgages, ire understood
to be of the best characterjj beings on
real 'estate as its value - befoi:c the in
troduction'of railway improvements in
Ohio, wluchdiave'1 quadrupled its - tax
list. Some of the loans of' the Com
pany here' havo-proved unfortunate.
They have noVonly tied up tne means
'deposited- here but embarrassed ' the
credit of the; coneerri to ' an ' extent
which,' in the' absence Of prompt relief
from- collections - or curtailment1 at
h-ome, rendered the suspension to-day
a-nccessity."-''-'7' '-" ' - '
.With all' this : plastering' up of the
affair it is impossible to convince the
business world, that all has been con
ducted on the square,. The whole truth
of the matter is, that the Trust Com
pany anditssatelites have been. ,too'
closely associated. with the Stock Gam
bling fraternity, who often ;ndlt more
convenient : to, fail :OT.rtuspeJui .than
to "pay thcir losses' Or-fulfil their
contracts, and we fin-J quitp-'a preva
lent-opinion that the whole" recent 0c'-1
-u-.: : ..t '-. w ;:: .r:n OAt '
currence. looks, like, nt least, a prccon-
certbd a purposely .arranged 'opef a
.tion" " Gambling is gambling whatever
may be' thegarB tender which'' it' dpcf
ates, and its inuucnCes: always' extehd
.bcyond.the immediate cirplp oats.op
erations,pand innocentpcopleufferse-
-verely.v.' We'fecrto.dayiin Nebraska-
the effects of the recent financial crash,
in the.'States-7-in! fact'sevefal "feeent
failures 'of no small importance nave
occurred in-lhis Tcrritorry, ;Ganb)ing
in stocks,-the business '"world i'3 char
itable enough'to-;:deriominato business
transactions ; but" there is really no dif-
lerence between that and xara and all
other blackleg games. - Contracts un
der neither are recognized in law, and
those who make them regard them - as
all gambling debts debts" of hoh"of-
and fulfil them or not a s best suii3 their
convenience. -- .. . ,. 1
la -
Tlie ftext Lcgislatarc.
"ire have been endeavoring since the
clcctioruto get returns fronf all;.the
counties, that weight publish a lisfi
of themciibers'.el4ct to the House" of
Representative of 'Nebraska.! . The
Council dficouiso is! the same as Jast
; .r - r i
ecssion '
The following are all we have been
able thus far to obtain : KMA
:; Wingate.King, .. . .
! ; ' - j: K6gcf S, " '""
' rAr iCrbmwfcllr
. 1 J 'NEMAriA AXD jbJfON.
rv J. S. Minieki-""-"" :
. -AJ. Benedict t p
: r . S. A. Chambers k LL ..
t.t . Casj. .'w ,
.ft.)LMarqudtS3 miB"'I
:. Vanhonu " r
on i
S. A. Strickland, .... . ..r ....
;. !: . r u. lVitpiiaay,. :..1,....;v'
V rS' Amo3 Gates,! si ti-i-. p. 1 '( .
James Davidson ;:; i-'-v'i,:I':
-nriffi -jJC IL: Decker. ;.-: ..rir.'.'.Ltl
-r fID.'B;Kobb;.,:i Wyu iDl
-'.j;: .: J;:G.rAbee,t t--:;r.I:! r--
T-.O'i : 'J.3;;Mort6n,;-":J-:':li .1:':L
T J. C. Campbell, i -;. -
-:l W.-B IIaii;
J, ( T
,; : ;.i
f'Stcinbergcr, T
:.::virThrall-i .
''0iii02 vPaddbck,.".v-''
lo PoppTeJon, ,!! ':Clayes,r:-'--
oil! r: -
-if ir
-1 ul"
IMurphy l:rr t':i
:' ' 1?
' "Stewart; -a. wn.jA.rii
t r
Ilonse Breaking;
: ...0
im f . : . Not long sinco several Trunk's
Vitere brok e h' ' open j Aat the :Nebr asTf a
tiouse in tins cny,ana contents stolen.
'On Tuesday night last the Banking
JIousq:of Bkchtn '.HALLAMiwas enter
ed .and an' attempt; made to: foree open
the safe;;) ' The seamps-' did ridf however
succeed. The desks, were overhauled
and -1 contents ' tumbled' aSout, 1,-blr.
IlpaBACji who, keeps, .fnofficp, mthe
-same rbomj lost a-gold Iwatch that he
depredatoi-3 7we"n; eyvae .overtaken :
.They aire stire tobbinarkihafc t Well
grounded uspicionSr are -afloat,1' which
-'YU'A JiSS 1HA-L ' iilUir:i nz2JifiL"J
uniy ut't us Miimi auuitiuuai n;uimriiia-
Grasshoppers' and . B ntf crfllcs.
,r During the past week
.he space. bote;teravfirma . as far( as
the eyo- cttnrrKii-hw-bfcc;iJLlljQtl .Ttith
clbudsbf 'grasshopper's moving: in a
DOUtnrjasieriy uireciion. - uiaa mey
're;g0ing atilast Many .ljirmcrs, no
'doubt. wo.uf Jhyeen. ettef pleased thc:gras4n0ppert:.armies had; they
have adopted; or ratherl practiced the
old sayngi "short ''visits' 1make'long
ren(ls,jr . .: . , r.L. , ,,j
-.Several days the past week we baye
noticed. millions of i butterflies the
ground ebvered, and the air'full as far
s;ohe coiilds'eelt'1
.!A decision has been rehdered byfthe;
General X'atrd 0)D5 fee-, adve'f s' 7to ' the
pre-emption claim of a colored man to
' .JU'bli .i.rV f .' C-'.iil
a tract , of laridn , Yisc6nsin-the
ground Jtakpu' I being - that of -.the. ' Su
pfeme.' Court in the ' Dred Scott 1 case,
that a;frce negro whose ancestors were
brought to this cbuntry r and sold as
slaves, 13 not a ;citizen.' This decision
applies to all other ifnilar cCascs
.The President lias jby,' yrocjamation
declared tbe;" treaty friprtdsbip and
commerco between the i United States
and PerBia,of binding force.1 In addition
t.orthe. ambassador, or diplomatic air'ent
near each Government, it provides for
Persian Consuls at-Washington, .-New-York
and New Orleans, and U. S. Con
suls at Teheran, Berdery Bushire and
'Tauris' The treaty is tor cbntinne Jn
force ten years.' ' '.V''' " - h
. .. ... .' V '. r-: r
.' Dr. Forney" has 'bee'n; appointed su-
periritcndent of Indian Affairs for Utah.
ijlIus is the last. of the appointments, for
.this territory , They wilb ill proceed
wcstimmediately? and join- the fcrmy
a't": Fort Laramie."' 1 JGo vef nbf ' Cum-
mmgs is now at Fort .Leavenworth
JSiorme-ptr apBQintses..toiarr
' I, -i in t
."tOJfll V ill; (''": J I ) jOl1 'Tf
t jia's organized
an, expediQA for tb.Q exploration 4d
survey :of the; river-':iCprorado;! 'The
command has been'1 assiii'ged to J20.
Iv6sy' of the11 corps of Tdpogfaphifeal
E.nineersj with directions to, traverse
jthej entire cunexplored region; tr v ::
' .We' hay!?, I bpnj.o' to
Lour office ,the rpast weeky consequently
have not had time totlook around much
for local itemsl-'-: -'''-- - ' i
' -. .- ' - -. '.' -- - f f !
I i . . . ' ' ' XX. I I 4 . J J . ' I .
A large number of boats have pass
ed up and down the past week, putting
off and taking on quite"- an amount of
ireignt, ana numbers of passengers for
each direction. r Te.haye not time or
8pa; particularize. n:, . - j f j
! Gen. Santa Anna's . forthcoming
Narrative of the Bevolutioi in Mexico,
it is said, will embrace a;reccrdfpf his
own achievement ' as well as of - the
acts of othor prominent leaders ;.vt1io
have figured in' that country for the
1 - x x x . ' . v e
Dr. Rae's schooner, the Iceberg,
with whichhe intended, next Spring, to
go in search of Sir J ohn Franklin s
remains, it is supposed has been lost
on LalO) Ontarib,;wita:all.on board',---
She sailed from Cleveland .for Kingg
ton, jYith coal. )jr " f .
. , It isino. probable that rtho contcmV
plated changes in the lie&da of theGov
ernment Bureaus, will Iwv officially an
nounccd -before the tetminatibn of the
present fiscal quartVof tto -year.
rvrporing! August more'"tha-Ti lH,500
26,50Q,Q00 acres. ;havobeea;.;grante.d
under'that act.-Vi ."o bniJ Jx.'f
lefe : ari1
Qpunt ohor arrest pf f.CpL-Kn'py,at
that place.. ,. ,.-r
-'J Hon. Ricnard Kidder Meadey-Sfihis-ibr
to Rio do,1 JaheiW, wilV' leave Inext
month tbr."Drazil. His instructions,
which arefnpw; being prepared) are: very
-important, and relate to Hn'e negotia
tion! dfa new eotmnercial treaty; and
'tbc reduction of. the fates of tlie' high
BraziImuTariff. ..... f , (
'. GoviLWalker, pf Kinsas,: imhis. offi
cial ispatches'i'de'nies that he 'has ever
expr'elseda' desire': that every tnan
sbpuld vote on the day of the election
fox he Tatification jef -the Constitution
whoappenetTto ;bftf in the. Territory
''L r r
'at the' time.'. 1 He 'thinks thata!previ
ou f esidence of rt4reV br six montbs
hQuld.'(;ohstitute a oualification. 1 3 1
. . -1 1. !- .j; -..-'.. : ,; ;,. i ... , 1'j.
-ifiThe first bale of cotton 'fr'o'ni cxas.
this season,' has'beeiVTeceived at New
York -::' :! '
1 a:u:i 'il?r-r. a. :;v-.:- h::ii f. ii.,r
.vifJSe;Ifpwv Cty .Republican-cpf.: the
52dgivei the officul. returns irom: all
ihe-'counties in' the' Staf e,l eceptrbift.
is 000. after' thro.wirigrbut aboutr40&
- l-.ii.j'ii. i ' i..i.4 . : i i l 00 t 4tl 7I'.T .
yptes,iiV its favor from Ifpwesheilq Coun
tyon account'bf an alleged informal--ityi.
i-.,v. it'xu-i c-d'-ilK -
. v'he official returns of tfte electi hn 'm
, Missouri, have beer recelyed irom,e
ery t county .in. the S tater,iand; according
toiaiiableibublished in2tbo Rtr Lon'is
paperai S tp war t r has ,47,79 i
47.611" Votes' giving "Ste
5 aind Rdllin,
v.i: -
' ' Thor Conference Committee' of f the
doublheaded Cbhstitutibnal Conven
tion' of Minnesota haVe' at last agreed
upori. a repprt, which,, wa adopted in
the respective bodies. iBut ou.e.Gon-
-stitutioniwill be submitted the peo-
A' '''- ':'-'-';; oifl ' ? 07f.;;'f, J ot
Our cpfrespondcntjatllalifax states
that orders came. out. by .the America
fe'f fo'ur fegirjietg to be! immediately
e-quip'peI for India Two of them are
pue .thp ?76thi frpm.QWf Pru,n.wick,
and another from Quebec! oinin-.'p-iq
; ' ' 'The' avanrian iVeci liaa 'later ad'
ces , from , ? Nassau and, Inagusf , f n Two
thousand bushels, of salt had .been rake
up to' tha 1st of i August; : At", Turk's
Island a'' million, of bushels ! iwere ' on
hand,' and it was selling for'tcri'. cents
per,busheL :t(;1 rrf llhlJ r,,:,:.;i.
-iiA patent for 85,000 acres 'of -land,
selected in lieu to thosp located by'mil
itary warrants or , i scrip, and ;ssued by
virtue ofa . sp.ecja,V certificate in favor
of Wisconsinrunderihe second section
of the Act of March, : ;1855i! U now ; in
course of preparation ah the : General
Land Office,1 and will be transmitted to
th6 Govef nor ''of that ' "State, " in'a feW
W.8 A.IUU o:ii , ' a;.U:uI J,,ii.-pi
Hon. Elisha'H. Alleni-form'erly mem
ber of CongfessTrbfn Mainehas been
'ajipoirite' Chief' Justice !5bf:the Su-'
prWeourO nwich Islands,
sucpepdingMfX ilr.'Men' at
TiativsZof MassacbuaettsUt. -jiaa-Jiyed
for -somey earsTin the SandwichIs-;
Idnds- aM'feRI ymrtanosin'ifs
've&ntnee1- L '.
'fhBeTerly Tucker . has racccpted. :the
appointment to the Consulate .at'Livbrl
siii'u'i cz--oi- Ul ic-iio u;f Adi Kot .
.rIhtelligencev'which ii donsiderei re-;
liable,' harbeen received :at thf Iriteri
of I' Icprjinent !at Wmtozf j 'to:the
efecttnat' Brighain'' Toubg fifpf epar-,
3?fi fP1 Gpn; Harncy,: pn.-Jiis entry;
into Utah, . and ..that he I continues , to ',
hold up the Governmcntof the'nited
States to the' contempt" 'of 'the --Mof-
uiuua. vieuerai narney win, probabiv.
teacnliim better manners'.- -
' -'-,--'- f .. ,
The stock:bf the Ohio Lift and tiiit :
Co.; ' has.' fallenTto 17 Vents: 'Jfinis'
. : J 'j . - 1 ' : . : ;.' -j. .-' ," ; .1 fV -
TVIA A0 n Haa inA .T.1.i. K 4. . lit
land- Warrants were issued', under the
bouiltyLkbf i85, id:8'atisfy hlcn
JLliaA.a ca UCUIUC VI CliUUY UCutS. Ytlll
five days. ;'Vrn;n-,rf!
Masonic Notice.'
ALL Master Masons in good standing residing
in Nemaha county, N.- T.are requested to
meet at the residence E:-. Noel, in Brorn
vilt,Saturday evenin;:, Sept., 26. 1857. Ob-
jectof the meeting, formation of a Lodge in this city..--
!L W. I'.arPM Ji. W. UrattoH.
v -T-l - J , , .
N f .rJO.CX -r.ithrnn.X ' JseNocl. . V
W. Wheeler, 5 , C. S. Langdon,-
" J W. HcbUtzcIL j -x
Crwnviile, sept. 17, '59. f . ; N
TO Tliotnas Mooito and all other whoin it hwy oincem,
Ton are hereby notified thill will appear at the Land
Ofllec in Brownville, N. T., on September the 25th, 1S57,
at 2 o'clock, P. JI., to prove my right of Pre-emption to
the South-west quarter of Section No. 3 in Township No.
6 Range No. 15, East of the sixth principal meridian, Ne
braska Territory. - DANIEL WALKER.
Sept. 17, '67-12-2t
r TO Anrhliarr Ilclman and all whom it may concern.
You are hereby notifled that I shall appear at the Lund
Ofllec in Brownrille, N. T., on Thursday, Sept. 23, 1857,
at 10 o'clock, A; M., to proTe my right to Inter ty Pre
emption theS. E. quarter of Sec. 33 Town 6 North Range
No, 14 .East. Horbach &Co., Att'ys for Plff. 7 r
, j ; f j ' - . WILLIAM II. ROGUES.
4.. 4epf Urm-irlt pd $t Ul.i
TO George Thprn and ail others whom It, may concern.
JvotH.-e la hereby giren that I will apply kt the Land Of-
nceat urownvnie, Neman cdijiitvNebriska Territory,
rn the 3d day ct oct6ber. A. D: 1S57. a 10 o'clock. A. M..
4o enter as are-emptionristit the Nxrth-east quarter of
scction jso. 3 in Township No. 4 North of Range No. 11,
iwst or ixtB principal nieriiEan. When- und where you
can -appear ana contest u rou desire
-i-vi, 1 A Cwi W A VIM
' "f
-iScpt. 17, f67-12-a ,
. ' ' Bbownvillb.'S.' T'i' )
-r,-. o . ... sept, laMx H
PURSUANT to k call or ihe Secretary of the St. George
-Tbwn Co., a inumborpf Stuek.TioiderathlaJtrf mM -rhr
not being a majority of stock represented tho meeting wi
Journed t( me 6A'Mohuay nt. u" ,. i.;..
A. rob ta 'HiT iiAr
r Pnrsuant to 'adjonfnmcnUhe Stock-holders-this day
;mer." There beinj 231 shares represented,-the meeting
organized by ;ealling Judge Whitkzy to the Chair, and
R. W. TVRfiAS, Sec'y. r T . . .- ..
;;Dn moOda the following Resolutions were adopted t '
'.efvd,r That the sum of $2.po each barj,be'and Is
lerefcy levied for the purpose of entering th6 'Town si,te
and improving 4h( saiiif.; .- ( f prfj rt f. v-,j- r
Retolved, Should the assessment, levied y"the fore
going resolution .fail te'bo pai Ihto the rrcasuVy-o said
Company on or bfore-the expiration off 30 days from this
date, eiichiHate!acfailini4i4ll be declared" forfeited, and
,ii T V J i l" V "'I'""'' ' 'If ' 1
Msvtvea; xuw me Secretary of this is hereby
7 u Election Notice.
Notice4s hereby ivm tha there will be an election
held, at the store house of 1. T. whyte, yn the li Monday
of October next te voje pw appropriation for the city Coun
cil to borrow, four thousand doljars, ft be applied in cut
. ting down arid gradihg-Atlantic street as far out from the
leyee as the west sixth street , The ballots wil l
be for the leanwr hgainst the loan as the voter may wish.
There n IU also be held at the- samq time and pjace, an
election for one Mayor, four Aldermen, one Recordor and
one Treasurer-, to t crve tat thelerm of one year. '.
Done by order of the City Cetmcil of tiia city of Brown-
....v. .mo um 4VIUIU) vi si-iJi?nirer, loot.
..BiB. THOMPSON, Rocorder. .
- 'A. 1 f n;.-T
- JJiUeefsherclry giyeqto all pcretmsioterested in the
.TOWN OF PERU, Nemaha A-ounty N. T.r that said town the ninth, day if Septembcrj A.-D. 1857, entered
at the Land OffluQ at Brownville; for the use and bene a t
orthe holders- of Lots and property therein, 'and that
the tMidersignettrayo ef said Town, Is now Teady to ex-"etut'eTee-sihiple
Deeds to. all persons lawful ly.enytlod
to the snre.r';Ai5iication( for Deeds must he .made to
the undersigned, at his office at said Town and. all Lots
not applied for Withla dix months frn the date of said
entry aforesaid, will be sold to the highest bidder at pub
lic sale iuaccordnnce wifnthc provisions of the. 'Act of
IprutwM.lWttMif; epwipkja.n Attegulafig the
Bi.-jvi-i v stauuo fut VXA-ta.-u, ii it U9. 1U( lUv lOnU MiCS
sJ) :n:i;-.(itfri(:; wiu-iaji f,t ball,
Pqrosept. 17, '57-12-3w
Mayorof Peru. ,
Harper's WEEKLT-wiir'eonfain'ISitteeni-apcs of'the
vie.of-thpnrfoJi.'uirofedl.Vett'a, each Nuiuberom-i
Iri5iiig us niuca -matter as an ordinary duodecimo vol
ume.! U wiil hi printed U a.tijrm and npon paper, suit
able ;or' binding ; the pages will be lectroty,ved,
tne.haclrN'ninberra cua) always he sdr4plieV so that Sub-
Kriocr8wiii oe aoie at any time to complete their flies
At the- dose of ' each Tolnine. 'neat and appropriate Cov
era wiU be prepared fog the convenience- of those- who
rfh'ti-fc'h?rt.l fhn Tmnorr ' - - " v' ' '
-r.l r. Oil iu-A3 ;i-TERiMSr or'c:;l v"Ai
. r5tARPES'8: WeekIiT, will appeat every Satcrdat
MOrs1NG and will be scld at i-iv'r. rwr xt
win vc xnanea tqsanscribers at the following rates, :pay
ment being Invariably requirpd in advance : r r
' i: r One Copy lar TWentyf Weeks -l - " :1A1'00
OncCocy Jor One Vcar
2 60
One Cpy'for Two Year's ' '' - '
4 00
V OO.-r..
f. i ','lve;Oi)ifia for One Yw t
' Twelve Copies for One Yenr.
ittre CoHie? for One Year: O' 40 OO 1
To Btmasters ccurn;; nn a Olub of Twelve or Twentv-
flve, iCiipy witlfcelisensgratis. SybscrijitioiiS may eom
mciice with,atiy. Nnmbcj;. Syccimca Nauibers f ratuit
onsiy suppjiedl) 1 r, ' ' " - r" . '
Ctetgymed and'Teicbcr supplied at thejioirctst Club
. Franklij. SqwarEj. New. Yobb. ,
1,1 j.;!,. ,',- ... - .1 ,, J-
The Missouri Republican:
GEORGE KNAEt Vr .: '. ;
m PASCHAIili, V Proprietors. 1
- j I Qfficc Xo, 11 C lieKtriiit Street. ;i
'IT H .' JiL-.vJ . ii-'.-
'J.Jl.ltAlS Ul ULl'LJULlUAN I-'
Daily (in adyan
ajicp) - -
r- -1 oo
" .2 00
; -2 00
Tfi4wTk!y in advance) -..! J
Voekly, (in advance) ..r;. -Sunday
Republican :'r
i-r -. -. -.' i f:' i. I t .:.-!
I ' I I V
ONE SQUARE, eight linca or less, '
$2 50
'' 1 00
. 1 50
2 60
. '3 60
4 00
- a oo
8 00
13 00
20 00
i three timed without alteration,
one week ?,,. " .
two weeks J! Jl " "
three weeks
one month
two months "
three months "
fix months . . ; f '
Sept. 17, 1857
'jin j ... . j m
t ; I 'PROPOSE establishing a First Class Dally Newspa
per in the City of Philadelphia, between the 20th of Ju
ly and tho 1st of August, to be entitled "THE PRES.S."
-"The Press" will be Democratic' in Us poJitics, and
will sustain the policy of the present National Adminis
tration..; 1 ,i (-'. ,7 ",'!.. '
- It is my determination to make it worthy of the sup
port of every class of readers. . Dignity, conarge and in
dependence, in the utterance of my sentiments, enterprise
and efUiiency in, the Commercial.-Literary and News De
partments, and respect for the opinions of others, will bo
kept constantly in- view. .. .!
I have embarked all my own means in this project and
Intend building up a Journal tbnrt will not only be cred
itable .to our city and State, but will furnish me an inde
pendent livelihood. ' ".
A somewhat extensive experience In public life, and
many years' connection with Journalism, will, 1 hope,
obtain for The Press,' a favorable reception.
.. My friends 'la the-different Wards and Counties of
Pennsylvania, and in other States, will place me under
many obligations by giving ."The Press" a helping Ijand.
1 i ',.':') ' '"' ' ' V ' ' ' ' ' ' i . ("
. ' . . ;, TERMS oF 'TUE, PRESS." V ' . -'
Daily (per annain) ia'advanee "J;'i- '' 'J i'''J'Z'-1 ' 6
Weekly ."j 0J VAA r.l vif
. Address thn. Eititnr ami OrnnrSaiw it., .
-'.TO W6t,-li: im,:chestnnb Street, next to Pctmsyl-
p.4f on jouwug, tuxjyc iuurtn croet, Philadelhu.
i 4 'j 4 4 i
, A T.T.p.RNE Y. A T .LAW,
-1 r i r o A?? . W?AjU) so ir. c q. w. tt. r lf;;u
r -1 'uJTaW: .several Courts of the 2d.Jndicial
District, and attend t 411 matters connected with the
.Profession.. Vm.-4cLeiau. E.. of Ne)rasta Otv.
Win assist me In -fhe prosecution of imporUrit Suits.
Sept. 10, '67-1 1-tf ..'' ?
-unlOO iiDoUars Reward !
F0 UR HfrR&ES ' STO&EW!!
rV r t r4J . r
XiaH. STOLEN fttmi'the-8Bbcribe!ooBatnrday night,
S7 rli September-fid, 1S57, four horses of, the following
description : -One sorrel horse si years bid; very fine
horse, no particular marks recollected.. One. dark bay
norse sifyeari Old, no particular maxks recollected"; al
so, a very fine horsov One large light sorrel horsewhite
mane and tail and white -feet.- One- dark brown horse
rather on the pony prder- . . ,.r.(" ,
" The above reward WillWpa'ld for the delivery of the
Worses, or a liber!; reward for any information that will
lead-to their recovery. RICHARD BROWN,
JBi-OwnviileSept. 10, '57-11-tf JOIINMCLLIS. . :
;;;'AbENTsfv:;:: ,?-!',
And General Commission Merchants
.WWW-.W4 ivuAe jrcee.angs ortnese U-o metlnga
pt'blished in he Nebraska. Advertiser for our. conseau
UveweeKi t j rifOf V i'jBJJ. WUlTNES-y Pjes't J
R. W. Ecruas, Sec'y. t i- - t
j.u. y, a yuiiu i-iaiiuiiig.
Phara?rus iUillard, Pin ilclTnhan, nr.d'all others
whom it may concern. You aie hereby notified -that I
will dppcai: stride Land O.'nce in Brownville on Friday,
Sept. 5.'5ih, lSZft, at 3 o'clock, to provt up my right of
TTe-eniption to the N. E. cjuartcr of Section 2S Township
2 Rante 14, K'. ot the Sixth Principle 3ferid1an. .'
. Sept. 10 '67-10-2t pd CHRISTOPHER W.VP.NER
;TOGcor?eA. Burns and all whom -it. may concern.
You are hereby notified tbat I will appear at the Land,
Ofiiccin Brownville, N. T., on tliedGth day of f erteni-'
ber, 1$57, to pi live my right to enter by by-Pre-envption
tb E.Twilf of the S. T. quarter of Section 21 In Town
ship 6, N. of Ranse 14 E.- HARRISON REED.
Sept. 10, '67rll-ltptl , )
" To the Public. "
I FOREATABN all persons from buying any Jots, or
erecting any Utiildia? in the town of "SAN FR ANCIS
CO." Said town is liid ont:on!ny claini which-was-jumped
by Mrs. Hitter, and I by this notice m.ike pnbliQ
i;i"intcn:i.n of frintetsting her 'right to tha same, before
the Uiuted&tateCo!iimusifKnar. z .
jT Nebraskian and St. Soseph Gazette copy 1 Month.
Send Bill to this ORke -J-
Sept. TO, '57-1 1-1 in WILLIAM ED' SLOAN.
. f I'lJ:! ! !'
.1- Ay
f In I tad 3?
For the'IJenefit of the
- . ..,- tj '-,
,' , The following-property consisting of "
:: Ninety. ; Tom' liOts; ;
.Vi!'. in The"' '-i'.'-!(
City of Brownville,
. i;S - J Five hand red Vol lars -
A Aj.l l A ; ;- AndlV '1 i;;'!.;! -. .. V : -, ,.-
Has 'been appropriated Xor -tho pBrpose of! erecting a
nofel ln theCiiy of Brownyllle, Nebraska, and Uie Board
of Directors take this method uf cuiivertlng the property
intoicash. -Tliey wUh to ansare tho public that this is no
"Barnuni": 'ilernaid?'Jr i-Wooly Horse" speculation for
individual interest; but f imply whid. it purports In bo, a
distribution of Real-Estate for the lenetlt v,t the'Hael
to erect a good commodious llote iij Brownville. " - '
TICSKTS, - - - - - - .... $5.,.
1 AAj Acres of Entered Land adjjidnjTui the City of Brown-
vine, it is nearly ail bi'b bottom land, well
timbered, and on which is a fine sbmo quarry. It is the
Coleman farm, which to those acqiuiirnted with the local
ity Is al that need be tail. 40 acre of which are'undcr
good fence, and being cultivated seeoid year. jood com
fortable house, u small frame, barn, and an excellent well
ttt wate.rarothoiirrpreteraputs thereoi'.. . .;'
SEC01ID !PEIZE r $800
A K Ft. off w. endof Cots 8, fO. in Blof ki, n this Ctty of
Brownville. This Lot layi next to. the Nebrask 1
-Houseaud fronts 00. Vatcr and Bank street buth, sue or
Lot 45X140. Is a. No. 1 Lot,
THIRD PRIZE - - - - 81150
Lo5 in. Block, 23 ff- 4 . -.'-.. - $150 00-
.Two Prizcsi ciicn;-' - "' -' $i25
Lbts s At'e-wBioc'k'1!.' XV1 il?L0;-cs6i)6'
.u Hi ii, t ,,' 7"jril -.-rit Block 81 J-
" 6, 6 3, 159,Il3;Ti -, ; fi66
- - r - .- -,t -
C3 1
" li 0.-6. a.:10..11.'12. J
-'A; 8 -
-11 n
3.1 -
,.U, IS,,--?
6, 13;
f VA-
Tircntr-I; oui Prizes, cacli- -
. . jjoia ; a, . xu, . w - - i . . luoc 80 -
fi ...-4 -
4f t), 1, 14,' '- - - '. - ' ,9
15,. 4, 12, 5, 6, 3.' 8, 3. " " 67 '
2, 1G, - - - i. - '?' 60
'- 3, 6,
. ... ' f itv. J' , ... ; t.. ISOO.OQ
a trnij-ix rnzes, cacu - .- 1 5.10
Lots 16, - - - - r - - - tin Bfock' 63.ij .
13, 14,
13, Id,
2. 13,
; .r
" ' 44 '
" -I"';, 47 ..
. ' ' 46"
..." " "68 j
. 67
10, If. 6. '6.
8, 9, 3 4,.2;:5,j
2, 8. 14, 16, - -
V J !
; , 11, 12, 14, . .
" 15, 16, ----- -
Six -Frizes," each
Lots 2, II, - - - - '
a - ' 11, 'i :
. , 13, 14, 12, -: ' - 4-.
-; "i'-'l ' J
Twenty "Prize!, each
,,.10 Cloth CoaU; ,-, - ,
: . . - ranis; ' L- - ' -
; u 11 gjj j
:;' '2300,00
- ' S4Q
.in J31.,Kk-49. .. r !
- sg' '
- " . 70 '
' ; ;' $216,00
.each, $10
Fifty-Two Prizes, each -
1 J0 Coats, ' '- i'- - - '
Pair Pantsjr )T' ;- - - -12
nats - - '- -'
.1; .'. 1: jAnvr: a. "Ai rA-.
Eight eenf Cah PrizeKy eafli
each , $5
.1- 1
; $26ti;00
m- -, .':
':!' .' $1),XK
1027 Cash Frizes,1 each ' '- 4
't o :AA; .Vi. ifi ; , -The
above propcrty will be drawn
or at Urowuville
OcSober Wtlr,-'1857,-iin tlie folhrwin manner'
When; ticket are sj, Id the pnrcha-iersname and number
01 ms uckci are.correciiyiCoiiLered by the person selling
the ticket. 1 When the tliiy for arawjn? arrives, the ticket
holders will .select five commissioners to act in n.niiim-J
lion with tho Hoard Of Direcusr the K,l f.mnwV
tans forming a Board of Commissioners of ten- melnbers-
no Mian acn iaxe upon rijenj!-eircs fin oath to fai'.hrul
ly and tvinestly supcriutfl the driwiuir. ' thn Hoarrt
thus organised and qualified shall number small tickets
fnnir ;1 to'J'loO and flcpt-slte in a box. .They will .then
write all the prizes and deposite In another box one on
each ticket auiounilng to 2 200. in 'all, corresponding in
number, with the uumcriciil tickets in tho other box. Two
of their number, each blindfolded, will proceed to draw
at the same time, ode from each bux, numbers and prizes
and aS they are drawn put, the number and prize drawn
simultaneously will; determine ' the drawing. Each
drawing will be entered in a book, and the result as soon
as completed announced. ...... . . 1 ,
Warranty Deed will be given for all the Real-Estate
thrte days after the drawing which Is -about as
aspy can all be made, after ascertaining t? whom they
beloiiTK. -
Should anything tran.-piro :to nrerent ,the drawing
taking place, every dollar, received win bcrcfunded Ait
funds received will be deposited in Bauk-i-not a cent used
--until after the drawing takes place. . , , , . ,
.Tickets-will be sold only for cash.- Consconcnt'ly' l'f
any numbers are spoken for, and n pnid for before ten
days from the day of drawing the numlers will be sold
or the prizes they may draw be the prorierry ol the Hotel
The B.'ard' of Directors of the ll.tcl Company tieslfc
again to state that they wish it nndflrRtood that this is no
speculative bnmbuglng operation." We desire t erect a
g.xKl Hotel In our city, and have had this property amro
priated by diCercnt individuals for that purpose, and
upon wmsultatton hu"ic adopted; this as tlip most likely
manner of converting-it into money; and we herebv
pledge ourrelve tor Rie honorable transavtioii of ti.p
Thole affair, r ,. , l , .
A few responsible Agents of knnwn intetrrlfy wiii visit
the Surrounding country and neighboring cities and towiu
In a few days with tickets-for sale, "should any prefer
remitting by mail they.oao do so by enclosing thee! or
draft to Alex. llaUain, Cashier of Nemaha Valley Bank
who is the Secretary and Tressurerf the Hotel Company,.-
and cu receipt nX Xtinds he will, rcturfa a ticket or
tickets to these ordering. Anyone makiiig up a club can
retain 10 per cptt cumailsaoiii. r -. -f ' -.,7 :'
; ' ' ' .r.brown; ' url
s- A .vAAWA-r.yr'A.A.'j ': a-. IUllam;.:!'. ..a
illl, W,;t ;fc W6BV;;ov
-1 r IT ir t - t -, - .
) I
- Bard
rd of Directors t Ihtj Btowhville nel Comnaiiv
yiwilte Ser;3, y m..-it i I.fff: vi-',W
. ,-Browiw
THE undersfgTjei respectfully inform &atftiD
f .of Urownvillq, and: Kcmaha -and; sttrroaodini
coanties' that'we -row bayo" Irk operation, K -Yin
Ltnnber Yard in BfownTil'.e, where ire: keep for
sale a well rineLutnber from iXa
3 inches. Also, I'ihe Siding Worked Fluorine Fine
Shingles and lino;"all of which a e will sell at
fair prices ; . ... T,. .. ,. , .... -r .
' ' FOR CASH ONTiY.' ' 'V
1" ' All . A'AA.i iii . '. K. UIIOYN i Cd,' -"
, . Urownville, June 21th, 185.7 " r2-r tf
'.1 AND;
CAPITnL 11 99
-''A. A.' 1 a W. A, ; ALDESMAIT, . '. ' f : ;.- :
a.: rBROWNVILLE, N. T. a
ANNOUNCES to the citizens of Krownville and
Ticinity, that he has rcceircd and now opened
. general assortment of well selected groceries of al
kinds, together with eonfuctlonariesof every variety
.. Cool soda water, oyster.'., fresh fiuiL3,- tfccy al
ways on hand. ' ' '
A shareof pttronagoiisroFpeetfully solicited.-' ;
. : .. -, ... ... , VV A, ALUJSIIMAN. ,
' ' BrowaTlUtJ, July 23-'57-Y2nO-ly. ' ' '
ft in.
Fwnscrs of tbis
Call .:''. '
in ik. ' a l
him nioetinp ''-tbii M
Brb-rnvllle, Sept. 3d', J867. ,r5
Tin? STOCKnOLDspofnTn A
pany; are n-.tiCed that tte ,,JmB-1Mr7
PtJ.cj.nt is required to be ' m,' ft' '
date by order of the Board of ll?
Brownville Sepf. 3, '57. ' ':'XiHki'
To f ht Isrnd OJKcen in the Tern,
..... u curt, ma; . . "V Jl.nii..
1st, In cases where the i-t..... . .
not yr-t been returned, the DecUrTt.
approved Plat at tht DUtnt hZ'f
2d, Where the Plat .s now in th Li .
reelaratloh must W flTrd. witUaa,U',t ' Cs 1
publication of tki, Circular IZV'
A f.iirure to comuly with this tm-VT U Wi?
Atotfeiture t-; tha claim. rmjntsj, y
; -' -..f'f , J0S.S.:it'ujSCj'!
J Onth26tlioi Januafj-Vst,;iconflu;,)n,T VV
10 sen toitooert Hawk and J. G.
J. 1. ;-lelvin V'."?M
land known as Neal'i Point., Tiaij
.-Said entcaci W
H ikand Meivin n,p-
retted by tnc failure ot s.kid
with the cmditiorn on" their
method of waruihjf the tuailj . 1
said land or in a town called Alamo. Mhki t!8 ?tuft "
Is abo.rt to be laid out n said ttatL Id. 'r,llM
I am tho sole owner of said land, and u in j ,,"
upon jales-by either of tho bw Batte tent, ti;li
further state that although Ihare tlw rigbtt. 1
amount they paid me aa a forfeiture, l.nn act J,
s, and now notify all pers-osconceraid tut i 1 "Ull
and willing to refund to Mrs.srs Ilia j j-.
amoirat they paid me on said cotsditioirjl pnew"
August 15tb, 1S57. LCL'lx-i.,
To -The PubMc.
On the 26th of January
of January Tast, wf,ttnhcr( nn. - i
11, purchased of Lmiis Ni Vi,
's Point or Alamo, in 'Xibrtki Tor-;,
John G. Melviu,
known as Neal
which wo have n.-iid for in frill. .and i.r l:.i, . '
Quis-Claim deel, and also a bond for a Wjmrict
soon as he shall receive a Patent the:if r.' riieuiti
of said bond have loen cnm-plied with toth n;ttorn
rurt. We, the said Hawk and Melvis awl .'mr '
f.rewarn all whom It may concern not t piin-il uie nf A)
Loni.-- Neal any part of said tract or town, site, Uki4
timber, coal or stone therefrom, or .nfcke'any'liiinr.mi.
in cuts thereon, as we Intend contesting h righi i.. iu
same in the proper courts. , . '. '!
' '. ROnT. TIA-WX ' - .
' ' : JOHN" O MEr.Vl-r ''
'. S- F- NXCKOI.LS,' .
'. . . -H. XWKU-ts, ?
' ?.l .- 'sv M. TOOTLB. . '
4. J-VCOUF. UAWt, ' .
... . ,M. JEl'F. Tiiojipsg; ..
' ." ,: " 1 -s. u iirrciirt-TK
A i " "'Vi. I. DILLON,.' r
.:!, '; .-'! .--A. GAYMAKKSl.. .
Angnst, 1S37.
7 Platte. River Ferry. .
Tlie Platte River Ferry company hae ticir leay i'
successful pperation at the mouth of t ie " '
; Plalle i:ivcr.V ; : rl .
Tills roilte Is six miles shorter han tha. by Cnlar liviiij
and is a much betTr route. "'- ' '
-'K-T'periencetl and careful men wfll h- in ltreivl-nrtjf
all times to accommodate tb traveiiiif jublk.-. Jtitei
ferriage as to, as at any the joMt.i . -. 1 -, -
. . " . :- - f,A.X, ,SL.i;cirrRR. .
Plattsnn-uth. Sept.: 3d, 1837. . , . . . y2-nlC-J:a
: Lumber I ; -LiimBer. ! IU
v.'.:or'i-.Vi .'HOAULTC 4t ML'Ift. ... :.,,;i,i
Whose new Steam Mill has gum intc operation i
the Prairie Forrest wjiposite BrownviMo, srs inw. prtiur
ed to furnish the public with every dc-irab e viri(tg(
lumber, on short notice npd rea-natle' ttrtrn. Tlrj
being anunjusuai.amiiuut jjfl hard wood lio ber in lbs
vicinity, we are a attrutum t
Ailing upurders for t)ak antL.WaUint nh-jrt
everj thing nedect la this ccuntry be icanl -a !,
' fliavi'LV JIlTiJ
'"- ; v Tin 10
aiiu , . i ,; i
September 3d, 1867.' -
ij-hiine Rauo, My-4jelay. and all otlu F -r!mi 11 j
crtacern, you are. hereby notifldnhat I wi i ppeur at Tie
Land Office in'Browuville n J-ridy SccuilHjar 1Tb
10- o'clock A. M., to prove; up iry rijBt f rtit
e-iaron to the east hlt of the' S. W.'qtartM iml tin
west half of the S. quarter of seof.!i 23 in -rtjl.p
6 ransc It. .-t nf tj. fit, ,4np.i a..,v,.i 1. -
ka Territory - JUMMfJ J.ypAL.-
Browntnie. 5Cii.
v '
t. n. rriro.WAS.
T. A.
Flo nv a r d i n s a?i 1 C o m m 1 s 1 an
N6. SJPiffe Street Corner Srcrid.
trp STAIRS- "
ST.. LOUIS, MO,...a
; -.i- - And.'
:. "7 in!
in Nemaha City & PJeasaoff iilt-, N.T.
Land Vvarr ants' Bqtight andj S old
r Land EntarejJ. Time,
Land Claims an Iowa Lots otigatni Soli.
' Icstmcr.ti..adejorpnt peters. '
BEING praetii-af Snrveynrir'a'nd one having fJd tbrre
jfCiira cx-rftrwruee irvtho'"e8V'.,wtlj dev--c owreiri
umeami serial aVontVin o tje leciioa.atid tuny
land or claims for. settler and all. those desiiii'S cle
locations.; - - '-jihfres,-
I V I ' J ! ',' ftIT fc Jil IT.l.
' ' ' Nemaha City, X T.
- REFERS TO i - . ' '
.. .. A Schuyler, Republic, Seneca co., Ohio. .1 ...
I T Seines, Tlffla City " . " .
Dr P It nskeep. Diyton, Iowa co.;lowa. : '
Rev W KingArchcr, RitharJ. on Co., N, T.
SWiseman, (JonoaBlutTs, Iowa.- ' Aj
J V Schuyler, Novelty Works, N. Y. . - . '
F Ferg jiM.n, Brownville, N. T . :
Clinton DTurner, Attica. Seneca co., Oiio 'i
r 53Lettprs t Ennniry Promptly Answcro-1 -T3"
August 13th, 1S57 i ; .r2-9lr
. j;.Bf jextoikgs;;.
Commission Elerchtint
. t. i . . , ... . ,
nnn i " 7 t rr . rAnd r r u:r !!' ' "
Corner 2d, and . Frances sta.. SL JiM'tlt. Mo.
i . --
. " -" "Afjent Tor Tha" Sals Cf 1 .1 .: -
Kanawha Salt & Fielift CeleM-ated Ostrrs.
TAKES pleasure in announcing to 'thoVltle'li'or,
hrskaand Kansas Territf ien, uonlb-rn Igwa audi -i-wis-Crn
Missouri, that he w m.w reteivinrf ljii ;iy Ir9
and c.mplete stock of Groceriei. conni'sting of e try arti
cle be loncinti to the lino, which be winseH K.trWSlVK
LT AT WHOLESALE, a as faverabh) terras as any boos
in the West.- 1
He is also agent for the sale 6frK4nawh i iaTia larce
lotcf which is nvwon haral andfrsalrf at rctuied pries
to close consignment. ... - .-.......'.
He win lie regularly In receipt, throwchout ti e nein
of Field'. Celebrated Cove Oysters direct from Bafflnmre
which will benoldat st.'Lonis irrjcrii. ' Tlicylare sopTii
to any oysters sold in the West, and every cn warranted.
... Orders reyectfully solicited and pTmptlyait(nil'?,l3-
M.josepa, Augusts, ioj.. , . ; . , ;. yiiiryiy
' ' ' ,' " ,', . ' ' -
FLOUR 530 bbls and 1000 sks. varloria ev.tC.ts n
brands, fresh ground. In store and for nalo by - --
.i ih . ! v J. 13. JENINGa
SALT 1000 bbls. Ka and 1000jiia sU.f ar by
JJ ) i, j : . i I Jl JEMNINtri
-100 bbls fpr sale
roent oy , J
lea ijhi.--
'JAB. jeings:
OTSTERS COO (mix 'Field's Coltibrated Cove Qreri
for sale ty '- 'l 1 ';' ' 1 1 ' ';
. :.: r j.d.ennikgs.
i I ornvpo . . . ... fa
sale by - ' - - -i- f ' -
i... ..ii.i.- -iiei I- ana i dcxcs rri"-"
CltACKKlKV 3CO bbte ami l.U '-Biflfnr-S.',.i.
iSugax, Picnic, aud Boston cruckerwfW safe by "x '
C LA RET WINE 60 doi clarets, ami article in f'ure
and for sale by .
waxrai) ted genuine, in store and for sale hy
J. B. JENI.xuo.
CHEESE 63 bxs fresh K D Cheese for sale v ..
! J..B. JESNntGS.
SUNDRIES Pickles at. Ms and gal.-; b.mafoes ii'"'''
fresh fiu-K; Peiwhes; PreHrverassortc.l; Pie.frtits j-"-ster:;
Braiuliut.; Reasons; Tm...catsupi.Walnnl hy tar,dles; smoke'l lierrion jacserrti, vt
&.c, &.c. Soap, ja store sni f-.rsaie yr.r,(1
tl-n ot the. incomor.ricn 1
he ?'!rp8e of orga,,ixing " " rtt
the Farmers win take -eir.: it -and
the atten,i J tat,? uO
1357, vid Pre-emption cUioaV.
tiDns, herettdore reserved f,v Kh. u "
of Minnesota, Kansas. ( v','l T,.
. - J(.,-UU1II .1. ...In .
f fl'T t "1