. . . . . r, a . f : - -I s s 1 r 1 1 . . . DEVOTED TO AKT, SCIENCE, AGEICULTUKE, COMMERCE, 'NEWS POLITICS," GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE INTERESTS OF NEBRASKA. i 'i . VOL. II. City of bkownviliv nem THUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1857; NO. 12 v .c . . . : . rx i a ............ t l jr j. x v .-; V1 ,'t:; v w,": .;'.,y ,y : - Pntslr,t . iWcrtiscr vl a story. IS KDITID AND rCBLIJUED KVEBT TnTXSDAT 5T R. W . FUR N A S' . Second Street, bet.. Hain ani Water, ' . (Laie'a Clock,) " BilOWNVILLE, N. T. roroncyoarifiii adFance, - - $2,00 at tho end of months, 2,59 . a u tt u 12 3;fl() Oaba of 12 or more will be faruishci at $1,50 armum,' proridci tLo cab accomfxuiies the or not titterwisci - . RATES OF ADVERTISING: One qurc, (12 jincs or legs,) one insertion, Eac!l aiditional insertion, One "jquafc, one'month , u throe months, " " eix months, ' - . oo Tcwr, Business Cards of six lines or less one year, One Column, one year, One-half Column, one year, fourth."- " " One-cijrhth " Column, six moBths, half Column, six months, fourth . f ' " . eighth' " " " Col amn, three monthf, f..urth " " " eighth " " " Announcing eandiJntes for of5ee,(in advance,) $1,00 0,50 10,00 . 5,00 60,00 35,00 18,00 10,00 35,00 20,00 10,00 8,00 20,00 13,00 10,00 6,00 5,00 Cash in advance will bo rviuircd for all adrortiso- nivnts except whera actual ro?onsihility is known. Ten Tr 'cent' far eoeh change be added to the above rat?3. ' Standing Rujiness Cards of Eve lines orlcss,for oie year, Jro.00.- No adrersetnCntu will be considered by the year, ule? specified on the manuscript, or previously Trf;dtipon between the parlies. "Advcrt'ciunts not markc.l on the copy for a speci 1 number of insertion?, will be continued until .or dered out, and charged accordingly. -. All advertisements from etraogors or transient per ton, to be paid in advance. The privilege of yearly advertisers will be confined iiid!y to thwrown business ; and all advertisements uot ertaining thereto, to bo paid for extra. - Yearly advertisers bavo the privilege of changing tbeir advertisements quarterly. rates. ' ' " . ' ' Advertisements on tho inside exclusively will be charged extra. BOOK AND FANCY J.OB PRINTING! Which Is the ladr? - "Who, lives there, Hettie?,;-and Cousin Henry pointed to the pretty pink cottage, .hiding behind :its dark cedars and drooping larches, which, we could sec very plainly form the front chamber window vrnere we sat together. - f Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Garret live there. They are younrj people, and I wish per you could see the lady, Cousin Henry." "Why, Hettie?" . "Because she is so perfect lady-like. It is really a luxury to one s lesthetic faculties to watch her.' I cannot keep 2,50 my eyes offher when she comes in here; - 4,00 I rivrtrir Tnrwrmrnt ia an tNiII ff rr-r tone waiKS across tne room, or, tates a seat, in a way that is perfectly capti vating '; in short, she realizes my ideal of a lady, graceful, elegant, refined what are you laughing at, Cousin Hen- OJ - - - - - .... ry i . ........ . i ... , "At yourself. ' Forgive me, dear, but I see you haven't lost your old inten sity of language since - we parted. I believe, however, extravagant adjec tives arc one of the failings of your sex. . l snouia liKe vo see tnis paragonj of yours, anyhow. 7; "Well, you shall, to-morrow after noon. How fortunatethalmammain vited her" and Mrs. Pease to tea." "And who is Mrs. Pease?" " "Another of our recent neighbors. Sho lives in that v neat, straw-colored brick house", just down the road. ; , Bat, dear me1, she isn't'at all like Mrs. Gar rett; though they are old friends and schoolmates. .. She is fat und dumpy, All leaded advortiscmonU charged double the above, and 80 clumsy. - They do Say though, she s very kind-hearted." - ; " I had not seen Cousin Henry Ward for years.! He had been in .California during this time, and- his Teturn was! an occasion of great rejoicing to me'. The next afternoon .ouro neighbors ty effective spcecirto Mrs. Winters ;i;;tfrrv; $cVq : rinlnmn ' ThA Vnvm jTnrf fiprriinn (illirl trn ' A nnift V" etiil lTi Ti J '. A A J , , A. , V - V W . A V A VAAl . "Well, I couldn't help ' feeling very PnTini? nsT Mnthpr. sorry for her, when you alluded to her 01Motheiaid a little, blackreyed factory hfp. -She wishes to forget her boj.of fiix eaxg ; "when :you,,get "old antecedents and if. we cannot respect anant. iorne to TCU rto you, I her inotiyQS.xe certainly ihonldJicr wai pay-ybu- Oftov: J feelm.,;.. r; ; - . ?tittle Alexander's motlVer h'ad ;been ?. ,m t:&Flp- Sarj. inHheJiabitttfreadinghim'a'great The elegant lady -was evidently a little dea and 0Q thia gab1batll day she;iad disturbed. "If people are f,o weak as MO1 fft nn(r ;m t f th J. to be ashamed orrtheir antecedents, bIe aiaSabbath ich'ool 'bbot. The: tney Bnouia Do. exposea ana morunea. ctild VKs just able to read a Uttle him- I: intended she should, understand , I th progrcS3 he'wasmaking knew just who she: was, and how. she doubtless .. suggested to him hov he worked for severalyears in my father s mrht at ome futurc time returrin factory, and married his foreman. , "And nowj on aceount of. the' sudden fortunhei-has acquired, !sho: presumes to take airs, and,, set her; self on a so cial eminence with those who, 'always kindness all 'his "mother's care. "I will pay yoii otTiaother," saidhelook ihg into her'face: with'' child satisfac tion, and ifa new thought, from ;he avi on ha A Kaav' Kvnt Jnwn Ucrbt nn t.Tif thought.hcrihfimtely beneath them. little world of his soul. , His . mother It's really quite ridiculous. '.. - pressed him to Her ' heart witkVa de- .1.1. Tint pliilflrpn . vnn ran Tinvfir TfJlV off y cn, uer aii'vr, w a a ui uiu, -.a,, HGr th mights of love . and and her mothera poor shiltless crea- -f- 9ff'i;rtn' ;;nrp fn WnmW ture,, That remark of yours aboutthe .jii jhe1 Uolonel must liave Deen yer; accept- of Vii-t1irinother!ih-bennlj!v1th able, lor i noncsuy Deneveno s inei yoil:.now ' often has' .sho: nourished only respectable relative Martna mn- .yGU) pressed youissed yourokfid ters cverhadv :c" L. l . ' von on her knee aid in the cradle, car- some . occurrences, i . lorgei ;wuai, -jed y0li n her' tender arms, watched prevented any , reply to : this ironical oyer you! in sleepguided yo infant conclusion' of Mrs. Garrett s 8tcpgf delighted in the Pawning infelli-i "And that ls your ideal of 'perfect nf winnirnr'-af- ady, oh, KettieK said myousm; ction your 8mile, hushed.your Trom the Northweetern Farmer.' September Work for (he Month. "Pale Aututoifshedsaduslijliue, Where the gay jldwers of snmmer grew, . Yet spreads ita treasures o'er ths land, . Matur'd. by Natuia'a potent hahd." As spring is the season of hope, so is Autumn that of fruition,-1 The farm er with his well filled barns, and gra- neries, has leisuro to breath more free ly. But, though the hurry , and heat of harvesting ia past, there is much yet to be accomplished by way. of finish ing up summer's labors, and by way of preparation for the next : spring, and helping on the work for that season, so short in our North-west, that we scarco know it but by name.. r...i:: i: Remember the complaints of last spring, of bad seed cornyahd, if not al ready done, select your seed now, ifihile yet standing in the field; choose ears which are- eound and well filled, the earliest ripened from stalks -yielding tfta or more. ears; ;txaco'and hang up in : a granary :or out building; Corn ' . f to sell, ready for an early market'- As a general thing, we. think when the farmer has his crop ready for marked and can get a fair price for it, it is bet ter to sell . than to keep for a higher price: the -c7iar.ee of a few cents a'd- Domestic: Economy-:;;, Miss Leslie, in her "Complete CooJc cry," prefaces her receipts for picklo3 vance on thctbushel wil not pay for SQme excclleat ccacral rem3r): the risk, and loss incident to storing. Ttansplanlliis Trees In the tnmn. - : uDo you approve oi fall planting? is a question asked us every day. Our TT 1 . 1 . answer is, xes, under tneso circum stances: ... ' 1st. When the ground is of such na- as follows : VNcvcr, on any consideration,' 39. brass, copper, or bell-metal kettle for ; pickling; .tho verdigris producod Ja them by the vinegar being of a'ost, . poisonou3 nature;, ketths lined witb porcelain aro tho best, but if yocr can not procure them, block tin may be sab- turc, and in . such condition that water u? T0 lT t atin Ht ia nAi Ifti ir. if ...... will not lode around the roots of trees during winter. t To plant trees in holes sunk; in stiff, tenacious Soils, is a cer tain method of killing them. .... ' ..; 2. The : trce3 should, bo perfectly hardy. All delicate ;. or half-hardy acid that is boiled in it ."Vinegar for pickles siould always bo of tho best cider kind: In pelting ' away pickles, uso stone or glass; jars " the lead, which is an ingredient lathe glazing of common earthen ware, 13 ' trees should, invariaby bo planted in rendered very pcrnicioua by the wtion - Tfitk, r,Ji.rr n of the vinegar; have a large wooden them up ?n'the fall, they had better, be SP00IV dva fork. f,r thc HC" 1 laid in bv the roots in a drv soil shel-' V" Ui.o Pmw ou&: utejar, i. : 1.1.1 ii . i n . .ri r'fi, ff;,,, i yi nun yuu y aa uieaiior mo iaDio;.seo - ! ' KV A VIUkllV VUtUUil II1UUO, -31U, I . - 1 1 ,1 . , - ling. .Corn .e . , , , j. M that, while in the jar. they aro always thus saved, will grow,; even .though the tftX ft7 S completely covered -with vinegar.' 'it t: t , , . ' , n bouna ot cverffrcen. or sometmnc oi . o OSt lavora- . ' o rnn fli!ffrn in thorn nnv imiTrTY'is nf season should not be the most favora- . . p . it' Ti?:;h -j. J vrv-. -; ! that nature. ble. -"' 'Sow fall' grain arly this' month, too little is often sown wethinktwb bush els per ( acrpf better than ; a less quan tity.. i. ..ti j i ; ? 3d; We do' not approve of planting ruV lP - i , 155un ' . i . . . i . . ....O in truth vitiArritF Anil enitia. . .'Ih .na evergreen trees in the fall, unless the -'rr, . , . irv ' ;iC JIT- : very hardiest sohs, and that quite ear- f.ulu D,c Bl?PPeu jarSe uf" CO ws, tofOctO- --vV, 77""o!;( . ly. say to, September' or .first ';mslpflsokr ber intiinJbrthqrecso re-root, ri4eii: ': - Ptiapy, before W . frqs s and they or a round piece of .oil-doth, tie-d 'over llenry, wlien vr were, alone tbat even- . and ffeg, ?weetlx aajuged 1UK : v 't.t; i'! i ' rnin' arTnail 'otiCina fl - "I shall never love MrsJ Garrett any more," I answered, ' thrumming des- spring toe Lornl'-KJut up before early trosts. - r Dai: as soon as ripe,, re- IJOIUJ 11A OUHWlllil II V, I , . . ... Till . ni'any afpeaV Wes to her sympathy, ve to cella?; prt with. as -little .ex correcfedirt times your misdemeanors, Jigbt.as. possible, perately woman wantonly ,er, cannot be thoughtjOf.yom.in absence, and, guard,- V !?; T on ine .. piano eys. "Any e(l lifa wkh the ..unvarying, re-1 "Wm0.5 ltt..? u! , who .eould - intentionally ndte- -dryland draw ' initirpxthe-.feelings.pf -Anot-: nf ji'Trfn'thpr's har6, where. :spread!on! poles, a lauv. , v . i :n should be' sheltered irom , the sun and wind by a thick-screen of cvergren boughs, well. secured around them.' 4th.. Plant trees early as soon as circumstances t will . permit tho cork. ! "It i3a good rulo to have two-thirds of tho jar filled. with pickles,-and ane third withvmegar. -Alumisverynse-' ful in extricating the salt. from, pick. ks, and in making themrfirm and'erisp J . I lll ItLLTJ 11 11 111 WVUUU V- ' I . . I J . 1 il ( 1 1 ke'vroiiAnrdearchil3ybu the field, r. a1 1 - e . i V fallout cut them offbeing careful not T Bp rA? 1 fcea,l!S on sled to. - - .--..- - , ; , T- pickles, keep thehf very .closely: ;cov to cure, , J 'n i- - ,r ,P' erca, so tnat none of the. steam ,may ifv 1 1' however, if. well done, may be equally -n' --.!:t-Vi ' v ii ift tifld. I - 3 - p.ncnnft. ns its rMnntinn ,nrAmlf,a li TT .', IT" .'. '-'1 mi nro riirnr iAiiein Nflrrm nnn I . -.. . f . f . . l .v-.. "fa- uwlu .-.iv-u,. .nevcrpay oil motneri --:x iienry came up to me, ana arew pack l Mother has taunht vou to read i - :i . , n r- . . 1. , 1 ,1 ..il 1 .J . u I - . o v maac tneir. aavent. -jiir. ixarrett was elegant, fascinating as. ever, and I saw Cousin Henry, who, like most men of his temperament,- highly appreciated cra:je and . beauty, was much attracted .732?. ;She tauffhtyduto by the lady's manner. - -er: .JNo matter now eautimi, liow re- And kforc you Wd rcatLhc. taught Perhaps her face was not regularly fined, how cultivated sho may. be, . she 'VOu to say. "Our Eathcf, wliicH lart-in beautiful, but its brightness and vivac- is ;coarse--grained, and ;the,lnnate Vul- ftcav&. Mother na traced " ity more than-atoned 'for this: and gamy oiner nawi mamicbis eii, i gons. and hvmns. and' pray or?,1 to . -- - - v 1 II ' 1 - f . 1 . . At. I J m . self. nero.. poe is pieoeian, notm oirnor tQisi;, to v rt HUllJU .Vail ;UJ.U1U1I V. lUlU'CUiUC UUV Ui . i-i..iii; ii'- . . j .i .i .' ..i . i " and; striw- thresh . I lia bhih nrtt I .nr no errm U1V UCiVU.'auucuiuuLUCU uuvyn mv UU.lI. x- C)l. 1 :, Tr cf hi? I cto ouuu iust as he ..used to do. when we sat. in i j ' K'k f put in.small shocks when dry, , . . , i i , , -l you anu iauuui you me ivivcio wi v t. ... ,., , .,.-,. i.... ucldC attiumuBj..uuuCr;uou- -alphabet; atfdlhcrishe helped -you'to ': berry bushes, "no woman can be a la- 'fthcni to?ether and !to spell words of . . F-TT.9?f and . Pu" v,im,l Jirecu, ana carry vu pijr ueu! successful. . 5th, Secure all trees; from being blown about by the winds, and mulch with half-rotten manure orleaves three or four inches deep.," ( -; . ; whilo yet -Asparagus, rhubarp,-, gooseberries, . w iL; and currants should all be. planted in ?, or com- . - . , . - - post leaVonotie ripen BcedS. ie Ial1 a"u - car as possipie . i- F rLShould lid well tilled thia tardy, bulbs,, such as hyacinths, tu- escape, as its retention -promotes their t . , j greenness, and prevents the flavor from .' ! ; evaporating. J Vinegar" and spice for . j pickles should be boiled tut a few min- utcs too mnch boiling takes away tho i il. ii possession m e manner, which impressed every onei Her voice was clear and soft, her con versation cultivated and piquant, and it seemed as if an atmosphere of ele " . . TO TICKLE CAULIFLOWELS. : ,'. '- . . 1 Take the whitest, and closest 'full grown cauliflowers;, cut' off, die. thick stalk, and; split the blossom or. flower part into eight or, ten pieces ; spread ed trees of; all sorts, to make new walks with salt, and let' them stand twcritT WW SSSrS Ub, a?d lis- I' i he best sea- .ii TT;,-, , .-.iiii-f 6 "t son to ton-dress and renovate neglect- them on a larrn 'ilisb. "snrintln mucji , . v i, : - i ii . 7. " p. .r-. "i r"" - ITaring added to tbo Advertiser 02iee Card and . Job Treves, New Typ :a of tho latest styles, Inks of nil colors, Bronie, tine Paper, Envelopes, &.c. ; we arc row iirrnnred to execute Job Work of every de- pcription in a Style unsurpassed by any other offieo rrancc and refinement environed llCr'at in the l.nitpil States. I 0 Tarlicular attention irill be given to orders from a distance in having them promptly attended to. Tho Proprietor, who, having had an extensive ex p 'riencc, willgiv-o hie persraal attention to thw branch oT business, and hopes, in his endeavors to please, h.itb ia the .excellence f his work, and reasonable cSares, to reoei vo a share of the public patronage. . - BUSINESS CARDS. . M V& a A T s m m w v I . I 1 . I . ; . i i there was a oraee. an ensn and : pelf- hero., bhe is plebeian, not-in pirtn or v niiScf . tiirim iivAVnpn;U ruu. uatner as it , ripens ; w - j- - . , . . - , . . . i i.iiinr: vui j4a it iiuui i vuuniw.vvv . - j, . . . i - , .- i nf t i i v ;iiiii. im a i , a Kin . i - 1 r- - - , i i i nr inr v 1 1 1 1 iv 1 1 iiiimm iiiii. . a mi k. i i: 11 i n a i . - . av . i i i ii 5? x i v iui jvif i .""?."ufvu1. Yr',-.',''-' , lf- , . , - , . . , , . i anu Dcnorm sucn oijuruuuua as 'irru- .... - -y- , i i r oni ni2 nrn r r i I ttit ii vi m wi imi v i ur - . i - i - w i i - i - - i i - . v I i it .1 . i . . :u: vr j a uKi uiiumui:, m.uv,uuir uv. , vui nan, Btiim mum ilu satL an u rwarer.. arc; short, and) hot summer allowing a quarter of a pound of. salt very often cornos too soon. It to a quart of water; cover them 'clb'se- 1 . .1 . . 1. 1 11 ll ' l' 1 ., . 4 .m idf wUi, aii tlii-nlrtno. "MnttinV" , .' -V , ' 'ri'iSnh'K rrncstefl rlv f-ill vnriptiPS 1rvLla lueruiUlU ueu: i-u .luaii u. guuu u ux jy, UUU lUt UlCID SianU in U10 DHnO till " o bath to cnurcn, ana snowea you now. , r"v . . Wnrv hnnr between th a t me and 'tho J nit. . nfrnrirna i w ( a4 i v I a M A A.i l - T . i 1 M WA. v M T WA VVA I M4 Vll tllll L ZTI I III BROWNVILLE. A. 3. HOLLADAY, M. D. all times. Verv unlike this was "her friend, at last asked my Cousin. Mrs. Tease. Her manners were not "1 as thinking how .the angels, es- unladv-likc. and her conversation was timatc of us must differ from our Pwh'; nleasin? and intelligent, but her mold for theyr tith their clearer vision be - o - ' . .. .. i.i ii .i 11: i---r i .l ' U was very different from her, .friend's, noia mat, -ueauiy .u, buui which uu who. -nerhans. was not aware ' of the homeliness of setting can change or marked contrast between ' them, ;for obscure. How' little must this earthly Mrs. Pease's fi sure was large,1 heavy loveliness we'sa highly value; seem , to cini nn nirfint i it tint, holiovo cho lllCm. WII. lYUl'U BUU11 WC, IU. nuuui how .. ." f ' L Ll' i.. .. I ; V1 tohebave in tbo Rnnetnarv. and. bV fj mah-c int0 ' cluer .v Mr V . ' w " J T - - II . . TTT . her example 'sheas-polntdd' you to -hatter,: -, Winter sorts should jemain 4i..vm nWd Tot1 .thjW viDnar on the trees until danger ot hard trosts: cbild,1 you can never (pay off mother-? i Pic,k carefully, by. hand, pack in bbls., Ycs.rthero is one wav-4thereis one rfcrnoyP itotSome shed'or building. I'. ... i.J j . , . ' -,, ' ' "I A-fr.erwnrna. ri mntnr hHmtipps rr wav in wmcn you can more man pay -t-: , '-vmtrr . r . ly fall Tarieties dir . lu.e,y1' ii- 'il every ho 1 I rHI'.I II ir 111 1. 11 1 l'lUUllll. 1 1 U l LLl. LLLLLL I li:ir KICVI1 I .""- O . v.. I 1 flair -: . ' V . . . ' ' . ' , ,i ' - , 1 SUR fiPDM PHVQIPIA Kl couZi have committed a graceful action; beauty is ajoy, and yet who leei ana . V " 1 , lm Tvr- n 4i : .n nAlrnnwIprlirfl ft loveliness W44 V Wl V V W w iff niolher. ' li 'Itf by 'loving Jesus W?ye to a cool cellar . r All . you .; Ghristand his commandments, and by nP nfd yourself, will, no doubt, preparing for.hreaTen.oiMotherisrgo- a goodprices.- ; . ;'J 11 you, win be ft licl Obstotrioiaa. . BROWS YILLE, X. T.; Solicits a share of public patronage, in the various branches of his profession, from the citizens of lirown ville and vicinity. MISS MARY TURNER, ft ftftft li. Hi Firit Street, hetw&ea Hain and "Water, . BROWNVILLE, N. T. Bonnets and Irimmings always on hand. C. W: WHEELER, ARGH1TEGT ' AND BUILDER. 73333 332. llL2a 223.' N , .33rro-vrxt"7-iULo, 2J". "37- . . ; JAIES W. GIBSON; BLACKSMITH . . Second Street, between Main and Nebraska, BROWNVILLE, N. T. .: G. W. 1IURN. .DEPUTY: COOHTY SURVEYOR. '.NEMAIIA.CITY, N. T. "T)'ILIi attend promptly to nil business In his pro- f . .Tession when called on : such as subdivinir and spread them txx a cloth in a warm place, to dry for a day arid a night; then put them carcfull v. niece Prcscriing American Grain. I by piece, into ;clcari broad iars, and The results of' some experiments pour over them- a pickle which' baa t ti .1 . r I i .1 t ii ' made in f ranco in tno preservation 01 oecu prcparcu- as - ionows : ; vitx to-' . , , . .i i I ii. o - e r i , . . gram . have du& very recently- Dcen getuer o oz. qi ; conanner seed, .0 oz. published.. A year ago: exactly 2170 ot tumeric, 1. oz..ot mustard seed, and bushels of American wheat were,' by 1 oz. of ginger; pound the, whole in a 1 1 Ti ..'7- - X I 1 ' .1 "'; . . a . , j. . 1 vr. i-r tttiqi otii nann in i rwn uiitv ni i n r i i ;l r THiwiTor inr intA ih.nrt pigs; most'ot -these are lull 01 in- "j u . m v.wvv ,.v w..v - r-"v, , ruh.uW iwtw that is outward and sensuous, tecaase -w.tfofef around scets,.yh qh,,if; allowed to remain : on ,ru" 1'"""" .V V" rme fitness oent.adharmony of i.U coior was remarKaoiy ODtuse.. - , iuotom. VvV6,hi- xnere Jcsns dwells an ,glOTV,-:wnicn ne v .rr?.-... . - , : - rrAATt;n. .., But in.t before teV a rirn ino and ' reioicing in it? mr'LAmTT,niVnfno rt ":ntsr;f Aii crrVi- ' Gather-cucumbers, beans, &c, lor , Tr 'V11 occurred which- materially affected our Some Magazine. ' , erations--that sanie Jesus, r-ho". said,' pickles,' before frost.- ; ; ' "Suffer little children to como .unto .. ?;48-aa. x","'jr.-u or,ri fnTK;,i i,mnnt. fnr' nfWn pack m cloth or paper bags, label care- is the kingdom of-heavon". Come, lit- fuy,r:an put away - m a dry place, - - ...... . and while Mrs. Garrett's taste in dress was exniisite, Mrs. Pease's sense of inff there. She ia ffettinff ready.for ' 'atiier-up ail wmaiaiis,- and give to any Kfooooi oWAi,,'"iiTtio'r'tno' Tfirpnta the , - I II1UV U1V.COLU IUVUbi HUV1W."V piiiJ and chlldri relative estimates of the ladies. Mrs. Winters, another of our neigh bors, called to see us. bhc was a prefc ty, rather characterless, and, on the whole, weii-meaning sort ot woman, who lived in a very dashing stvlo, and Put an American baby, six months old on his feet, and he will immediate ly say, "Mr. Chairman," and call the next cradle to order. was very anxious to ignore her early "Mr.. Smith keeps Sally Amanda Safe life, which was obscure. But then, we in his counting-house."- "What would all have our weaknesses, and if Mrs. his wife say? She wouldn't be safe iv; i l i- i i . i . . - , ..'i ) iuiurs lauea morai courage in mis then, norheeitner. ii -i V1:.1 IT 1.. I . . . maucr, mo iiKciy. you ana x ao in w. , Vrroeer.to little srirl who ob- A.V V blVi J IV'UUVli tie children, come to J esus Christ ! Come, Alexander and pay off mother, . . .1 L"l.-J i . l.l.lv i .- ? i ..l t . : X. Z.'L.L' t Aunt etsy is snocKeu io uuux iniiij py praising uoa witn ner in iicaveu ; ' CniLPREN'R Ids as of STARS.The New ' York Puritan says : who has just begun to talk, tho other I 1 1 C J ' Kilflf vnotifi A-rr aniA Vi o flirtnirlit 'fTTpflVPn TYlllSt Ve observed that our new guest seem- . .i U u-J.i;'VT 9wi1'nn acl-n,lrvr,ir Vo i l'ni , i . w ... 1IULO 113 aiiv uiiu yuu yuan i-aa-c w a. uictby lv,v. K,l tlf ,raSSCdfrhenJP,r.S-Cnt; Cuba and dey'll give you twenty-five replied, alluding to the stars, "they Tile M11SP TThPn thov cnnl-n f KAinn . . . I'' .' ? - ! v ' ', natives of the same toT-n ' . .1 The latest case of absence of mind, n I V You have, however, altered so much is recorded of. a lady ;; about to "whip ., ; A A'ifreen Mpuntain IJoy i called I should hardly recognize .von. Mrs. up" 'some eggs for-ponge cake, who because the -mountains. andr,no,.the Winters," remarked Mrs; Garrett, in whipped the baby;,.ani; sring -Watts' 7 are green,) tells W Boston" the course of their conversation. "But cradle hymn to theeggs. : J '' he following aneddotc; 'Tfhicft Wtfo , cuim?, laying oot Town Lots, Drafting City, rials- you know.we used to meet, almost. nvAnr c-.ri.- 'i--1 :i :i t:r; 'not' remember:! 6' haveseeH Itoswell antuiuuii, its Aoa, rciurnon irnm t ie i ct. v .nonnn. h liL i n r rr , , , . faetory and I from school . ' Her voice ZXZ" Zht nn di iMY . m was very-low and soft. bnt. it Reemefl to k. ... .viJj- i T ,. 1 Louis, and in the nrst ranX ol the Dar be there : was a little consciousness in - r . v . T ,: , r , r 0f Missouri, had brought a suit m court me smue tliat curved' the lips of -the hucucku juuowawuj jyiiicnwasiTeaiiy.supiainacsuseiorLuie: lady, 'while Mrs.' Winters" fac chang-' thi.nk hindsomey ask your wife's'- opin-. plaintiff tljat,, having submitted the jva,-; eu suaaeniy to crimson as he -stam- iUU uu U1U w. ners and otner proois to tne court,, np mcrcd some incoherent reply.' ' ' -' get the free, unbought opinion of tie fejt his client's interests required V :Mrs. Pease interrupted her sudden- Pi?pe ..,!"i..ri'i.,.;: .'.1. -no inore, and he.accordinglyisat,d5wn ly, and very earnestly; ,1. too; re- TirVeCT.T",Wmi an; A.V artieloan-' .without making-.tlie cnsto)taryadcesS member you, Mrs; Winters,:b Ol. U? jW-a week of last month, in presence. of two the pickle must depend on the ouan delegates from the' War Office, and of tity of cauliflower, which rriust bo kept several members of the Commission for "well covered by the liou:d: rbur it Military Stores. The ' grain was then over the cauliflower, and - Bccurc . the subjected to a strict examination, and jars closely from the air; : ,i , unanimously declared to bo exactly l ou- may pickle broccoli id the same the same as it was when' sealed up. manner. The cost of preserving corp . by means ot these silos docs not exceed 10 cents per 21 bushels, while all danger of loss by fire or vermin is entirely obviated. r ceds of several vegetables may be ' . " ' rVonno i-.i-Pit: ii. 1 i tl. ... .umivo. with advantage; try the experiment. . . . . PS'' . , . aM, T , o ? . y . .. . . lot tnpm ftffiTm twod.ivar if lion-iMtti ii : i i. ; l - .l-u i coro wun rninrnn r o Tn rrvn voa " - i - r i juuiun i i ir ii i vfii i ii .rfii ri:i u( ii ii uu a vuvv a. u , j i - ply r a: heavy, dressing of well rotted "Prune grapc3 in November, but A... i!...Wiii.-. IS . .- I i I , ' rnnnnrp. n nw.nr sann noon v. .aim novor in Tno snrinrr where they . will be safe from mice. n strawberry r beds may be made the early p;art of-September. Budding should be -finiflied this month; loosen the bands of early buds, and re-bud where failures have occur red) . . ,. ... rApisn pops.-y r , . , , Gather sprigs or bunchcH of radish pod.?, while they arc young, but; ;lct the pods remain on tho sprigs, it not rtinr Via rttiolAM r vil -r O . ... 1V.lll Lllti LVy U1U1 I 11 till vu, LUW ll 1 ' . ' 11 ... .1 J ' . . . TH. B. GARRIT. AfGCSTl-S KXIGHT. OLITKE fitKSET.. JAKES r. FISKE. . PLIYER BENNETT & CO., Manofacturcrs and Whalesale Dealers in B.OOTS AND SHOES, ' . . IS'O. 87 MAiN STREET, (FoBHRyr,o.l01, Cornro Main AXDLocrsT.) - '; ;. ..ST. LOTJIS. MO. WM. OSBORN: ' - r - i . i . l . DEALER IX - CLOCKS, WATCHES, ' Jewelry, VUtei Wre,'Cutlcrr, Spoons, &c, 4c. - ' .$ctrasl'a City, 2?.. T. " t5TE?'KAVisG anl . RF.r airixq done on short notice, an J all -wouk warranted, . X T. WHYTE & CO.. -- . 1 . WHOLE? ALK AXD ' RETAIL DEALERS IX DRY.'.GOODS. GROCERIES. ; f Queenswarc, Hardware, . , Stoves, ZCrxx-xiitixsro, COUNTRY PRODUCE. . - ;BltOVNyiLTil, "N". T. T .1 -1 . . ana wipe tnem, ana put. incm into a fllnnn cfoTn ' iov rTril i v ' r.smtl ! the spring. - In summer, as . - J i . 1 ' . sow ' ohioti, parsnip, lettuce, radish, soon as the grapes set, pinch oil all .v- a ' t -r. iVl'i ; tomato,1 &c; if iyour -soil is; clay, and the shoots, three eyes beyond the fruit. tv rU-L fnvn V A'; .tn:r' iable to! i become, hard and compact, These will: sprout again, and .must L . .xv'-rJuv.l cover the sedds with fine muck,, manure again be pinched off, three eyes beyond i'li u. i- lz-. i i i'ii Ti i -1it i ' k ' i. -ii t " mt'y aru crj rcuu : iiicn pour OH or, decayed wood or leayes.' Jborearly the junction. rAgain they will sprout. Li J ,u -iV -'i'l : - i-h::. r'.-r .r ;kJ ' - i the vinegar Ahd watered boil for five cauuages anu cautmoncr?, suw ursu oi jjet unjse vouna oiioois grow, ana x i ... irprii.pi.ft-.A. v., i c -. f.- , .. . ,b , minutes some very, good .vinegar, with this month; in four. or fiye Treeks;. the when the insects come , they will eat rir r-J,fs-.i b : ,.,ti;:'i ; -ii .i. ii ' n . i a little bit of alum, ana pour it over tnosotenucr twigs ana ict ins rest aionc. i,, . ,u tri r . . j , xt i. t i i i i .1 l ""iii , uuv i.ti(.u iiibv t . Dt'jAii; lax. uuu Never, cut; off leaves to let, tho sun in L . ' i, , . -, ii with than-without the leaves, in sum mer, gripe vines stop 'growing. ' Feed them with weak guano water, and two days after with weak potash watcrv- This will give- more fruit and 'better iuucv .uciiuiiui laits we used to have . - Who want but littlo here below; 8ei,morauiu -rtun together at your uncle's the ..Colonel's. ant that little for a show: P1 W r??f xoa know he -.was quite tho-lion of our ' ,' . , ... i , , ,.--T : defense required the best abilities, rose I , "Uhnt. hmt.A9-:Vftiir hfiiithPm men I J -J..l.u U.,iB-wv. v.iLw ...i- - j , auu laaezwiuiR; -itM au" uj,-vuaiutvci- town, and then, my father thought so T. f 1,1m Tl 'ITT. , - uiuu- uiiLu-:- .iais beamed with smiles tov.xrd Jlrs. "Pease er she' felt so.'.liappy as that lady just thch.vi- .'' ' "Well, Sarah," remarked Mrs. Gar rett! while' we were at supper, ."I al- pompous butdesti-i irri nr ren-i kn6w smoke herrings .was thequiet ofanyldnd TOcii Hfhadone, rP7 : y i ; . T i , '-' : : V''?-; the niaintiH ;sVouns'cl?ro'sc'and ineVcly ;A waiter beingieremptorily; told Jfy; I "?Iayr it.:pleaso the .courrand 1U jman, le other,1 day,' to get out rcntleincn Qf the jury, in this :caso an ways' thought you hadn t the ; slightest1 of the way, as. his' '.wifej was coming," follow the example, of the coun leaven of art in your nature. But I quaintly, asked: , x''.' ;.'t ; icVir dufcns.cy and submit 1 the' dasci really' doubted it? .when you made that "Doegto bite, sif Vy - : , : , iciilimi argument!" '''yiA ,J "plahi3' shouldbci transferred to a cold frame, so arrangedthat they may be protected through .winter. , 'y:i)brnp' fall plowing-' as' eonvenient. 'Youfhav more time now for this work tha'n in the. spring, besides your teams arer stronger;-. Stiff soil , should be thrown into ridges, for tho action of ""Fattening' animals 'should have all they will eat, and every attention paid to their comfit and!fiase,; fbegin feed ing''' with 'J- pumpkin; J turnips, refuse graihL:swe'6t eorfl italks, and all; fallen 2.;. i r ' ' Iruit,; rjucKwheaty-reiuse potatoes, &c: Now is the time, anq thisjs theway, to hurry-on the fleshy ith profit. Those who. are able to" turn their" cows upon clover ,timothy;; or rye pastures, now the. wild, grasses arc dried rup, will still be able toill tho milk pail tq over fiewing;-- '''', ;.''':," r :': (t Endeavor to have your grain, pork, beef, and indeed every thing ybu'havc pepper, a little -tcrnerie, r.and ( little sweet oil, cork, it clca'cly,; and.-tie. over it a leather . or oil cIoth;; n ; ... . 'GREEN" EEA;3.t " 1 T . f ; Take young1 green or rrench.beans: flavor. :. Grapevines are rank feeders; .string'them: but do not cut them in auare ruapuyfi-icaaiiuuiacK.oerries. . pieces; put mcjn saicanu water tor two days, stirring "them freouentlri CoverinsvTOp; Plants. Wcf' have then put them into 'a'kettre.Sith vine never found green horse manure which or cabbage leaves under, over, and all some uso under the mistaken idea' tha,t ground them,! adding i., little, piece of it is warm all winter,. sor good for cov- alum;- cover them; closely, to keep -in ering" flowers and .'other plants that the steam, and let the m hanir over a inter protection, as. Teaves, slow fire till tbey are. a fine' green'. rothcr dry clean haulm.' The Having drained thc.m ina sieve,:niakc for thenj a pickle of cider ! vinegsr, ant boil in if for. five minutes v some mace whole pepper,; and s!imdd;gingcri . tiqi up In a thin mrisliabn; ,ppur it ho upon thebcalis, put tVcn' iuta a.stcn: jar, and tie them ub'."."; '' 1 "' " ": need ' wmt straw, or manure attracts and retains moisture. which freeze i upon' the plants and in jures them. - ; i - . - - .. . m . ' - Corn in Louisiana promises a better yield than in many years before.