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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1857)
. - . -w -r Tv nr "T" -rs T-v THE AD V MiTloMt . II. V. l'URXAS, EDITOR. bv 111 Besides being so talented ami so . THURSDAY MORNING, SE1T.3., 1S57. S n Parvix, General Advertisim: Agent, in rear of New York, Ladics and Cuildicu's Shoe Store, SO Wet Fourth. Street. Cincinnati. ' tISciicb, O.wes Co.. No. 3and, Broadway, Xakurcw Wixd. American. Canadian and European A.o"K and Subscription Office, X,. 133, Naea. hts., " W. SivMMEU, No. 43 Chestnut street, St. Louis. B. F. McLrso Troy. Ohio. ir. n. H. UARST.vTim',"'c: -n0- W C. MlNGEtt Cnvinstoli, Ky. A KIRK- Archer. Nebraska. . II". W. PETER. Orep.n Mo. -. - . - nxDEmt White, Nek cuy. A )H il. W. TATE. wnH-!i, vertweme'.u for the Adverser, and receive and Ad ami re invest at the same tlnic, baring so much ge nius wllbout making any pretensions, made but friends and no enemies. His acquaint ance and bis friendship were valued by men of air classes. Talleyrand, Chateaubriand, Lamartine, Lamcnnais, and even Sibourg, the Archbishop of Paris, numbered themselves among bis best friends and most fervent ad mirers. But the principles be defended' dur ing bis life, aroused the fear3 of tho govern ment even after bis death.. It was' said that bis funeral would be attended by the masses. and that a demonstration would Iw made; proclamations were issued forbidding the peo ple to follow the funeral cortege, aud to en force the order 50,000 soldiers, armed with ball cartridge, were in readiness to murder the Poor govern- arc all known. Wc say they are all wrong; and as before said, we do not pretend to justi fy them. Yet if illegality or informality is wrong in one precinct, they are wrong in all where known to exist. " reirt tor nwuie therefor ... r;,it in this Territory. eominF from various people at a momcnt3 warning. p.,rti... . the iSo "nid uUue.. raent the one which is compelled to take such Kne .ubsorihersif VilmJl Sr. d rLvl precautions to preserve peace and is afraid of Ut Hbscribcr. trty,ae Rv.mdent interest to trouble ,1 Warrants and SmC.titT JWcr. a passing bier ! . We have also to record the death of two men who have occupied eminent positions m this country, that of J. C. Dobbin, late Sccre- :Jr "mCutfor taryof the Navy under Tierce's admimstra- ntcMctiness 'i"""1 tion, and that of Senator Uus!i, oi i. cxas, iv uu rrn. twe.ut tbc ' Vumetod destroyed himself. "But a short time before i ut c . u-BiiaU take it for jrranuu i'wrtbei wwl their rarer continued. ...d shall th0 occurrence," says a letter received m Washington, "Mr. Rusk bad been out working So L heretofore. JSTThe rincti the Ncbra-kJi Advertiser" having w-tn i6 men ar,d was beard to remark regrct-lar-est circu'.ntion of any FPf r thHv, that Houston and himself bad bereto- ju the Territory, Wholesale . iercnnu ,;tkal friend, Lut now tiicy were St. Louis, St. Joscp.., ;':k" noKtical enemies. Ho went to his homo a 'other.Iltern maMes . better short time afterwards, and, while standing in B.crC?."..L'nn. in the Western Coun- tllc doort placed the muzzle of bis riflo to hi aaveru?iuB." . . - , , . ,1 mp.i hoi. rn ft nfl TT1 Trrt:r U 1LU a DLin, try..Sl ' rouwr of to-day to quite a num Ur of persons ho have not hereto ore been n,1 whose names have been sug- Election for Delegate. The Board of Canvassers, Gov. Izard, J cdge Black and Gen. Estabrook, met at Omaha last Monday week to canvass the vote, but ow ing to the absence of the cfScial vote of Faw nee county were unable to complete their la bors. The following is the vote of the sever al counties so far as we have been able to pro cure : Douglas, Washington Sarpy,' Monroe, Platte, , Dodge, Burt, Otoe, Nemaha,"' Richardson, Cass, Pawnee, Johnson, Dakota, a cr x" ' S ' J- S S3 3 05 -3 -4 S - 3 9, 0 a a ' 371 417 43G 275 i, 50 69 239 14 282 70 28 133 115 2 7 61 23 15 21 67 45 18 52 101 535 101 47 .- 179 50 " 213 10 ' 1G6 59 79 5 43 75 -77 410 55 51 4G , 93 75 4 20 3 285 134 fell backward into the yard in the agonies of death." As to the death of James C. Dobbin, the mournful intelligence will be received r..i.rni.d sorrow wherever the American csted to us by tbeir friends resiam0 -.u ... hmQnd loveJ and re. r it ..Mrifn Tnn:n in uu i w . . citv and vicinity, w e mus tcJ b thc ctiro NavJ. During his ad - . . .. Tr .-rti lii.-A nur Da- i cnhsPTllWrS. . A w rome 1 V Ann -nil per, ana w e j ViiU, remit us $1 or 2'in mrmcnt for six month., or one year s ritfou. If you , re not inebned to be come regular, reader o the -AdTertu please return the paper after perusing t, Uat ; we may W yor decision in the matter. Darin-"oar two weeks suspension we bave taken time to give our Books a regular over haul, and have stricken from oursubsenp ti S th.e name of every suUcriber in arrears "wno has not paid in advance the present . PTcerA those residing witmn uu. We are determined to have none but an acl rance list hereafter. We have been disposed the past vear, to be somewhat indulgent, m or , - L nnr mner. There are quite a number who owe us ioriuC j Europe were anxiously awaited, not only by We shall notify them by letter immediate y chronicles for events interesting the . i .il vj-i-r T lif 1 1 1 1 i x .i the amount?, ana suau i-v-x- turns. ministration of that Department, be constant" lv recommended reforms and measures calcu lated to clevato the standard of the American Navy and boldly attacked tho long-standing abuses. To him is due, in a great part, the present position of the Marine,' which be found in a most deplorable state when be entered the duties of bis charges. For the past year, be ing affected with a bronchial disease, be was urged to retire from labor, but when at last be was permitted to do so, it proved too late. J. C. Dobbin was only forty years of age. Leavenworth dates of the 29th, bring the in telligence that Col. Summer encountered a par ty of 400 Chcyenncs at tha Smoky ilills Fork near Ft. Atchison, and a fight ensued in which nine Indians were' killed. The news brought by the steamers from fested that the importance of the enterprise do- j mands,: Not only' every Farmer m Nemaha county is deeply interested in this matter; but every Mechanic yea, evert citizen's -interest, in the county will be effected in the future, by the prosperous and 'energetic operations of this Society. One among the first acts of the So ciety after organization will b. we hope to se cure, while cheap 1G() acres of land, to &c con verted hcreafier into'the.Soricly's farm. W'e ihall after thw, in another article somewhat at length endeavor te impress, the all importance of the Society at an early day securing a farm: T- Col. Rankin. After the smoke bad cleared away from the battle field, we designed writing "a line or two'. as to Col. Raskin, tut the following from the tellviie Gazette, a bitter opponent of the Col's, in the lace contest, meeting our eye, we copy it as expressive of our own feelings The conflict is over and the dead and Wound pd lie scattered ar und us. We have, as a jourualit, refrained during the canvass from personality and abase oi private cnaracier. Our aim has bfen higher and we believe it has been uobler. A sincere desire to subserve the interests of the entire territory, and not the ambitious purposes ,of a clique which we de spise, has prompted all that we have said" in our columns and stimulated us wherever we have labored: And now that the beat of the contest has cooled, and an unbiassed sense of justice assertd its sway, we feel called upon to sav a word with regard to the gentleman whose name heads this article. He is our neighbor and personal friend. He has, been a resident of our county since its first organization. Wc We hope the editor of the Nebraskian have tried the mettle of his steel in many a bard breathes more ea-sily, sleeps sounder, and in fought battle, and have every where and al general enjoys better health after the extraor- ways fo.und him a hold, fearless and indepen- aeni opjueiiii.- a.4.0 ov.iiiiuc.iw unu jhuiuuo whnn once fullv adonted are the idols of his site to produce bis article, "Rankin's Bob." worsbiD and bis support of them under all The tone, and refinement of that paper of circumstances is firm and unbending. Policy late, is very easily accounted for. Its editor which is the guiding star : ot most poiiticans, has had no muuence upon mm. o u -nesi mr.rirr.5nii has been smothered no exnression tribe of Indian?," and by the way tho lowest h 1 shapct3 to Sl,it the exigency of the jrade of Indians in Nebraska, or alrnost every-1 times. lie speaks fully and freely all that he where else that we have ever heard of. The feels, and in language easily understood This has made mm enemies, but tho luxury '' 1 0 : rf civi'nrr vvlinfc.he bfdievpil hrts seemed to 1.1 1 - 1 . h I V ' ' J manners,- is abundantly exempimea m tins 111- nninc,ls:,te him for the opposition which he stance The Government expected Mr. Hob- has excited. Thisrmuch we feel called upon ertson, when they sent you among thoss In- to sav of Cob Rankin as a public, man. As dians, that your presence, teachings and in- tho first Treasurer of the. Territoryand suhse- j , 1 1 r r fluently as United States Marshal ; we believe structions would tend to enlighten them. It cneJmics cvcn have not urged against him never for a moment dreamed of the unfortuu- a wallt of capacity or a neglect of duty. In ate result, viz : that in the intercourse the In- evcrv trust which he has held, we believe be dian would predominate and vou be brought has been honest,, truthful and efficient. " i- r 1 In private life, we know him to bean carn- upon a level with tho savage, unfoitunate . , . . , 1 , 1 ttlA 3 1 .1 1 0 . est and devoted mend, and the darker the event! We sincerely sympathize with you. hour which glooms over the pathway of his We bave met you in "better days" Mr. R., and fellows, tho warmer is his sympathy. To our from the bottom ofour heart lament over the knowledge he has never deserted a friend, at Tn conclusion, wa will say to the people of our sister town of Brownville, wo wish you success, gentlemen, hoping the next time we have tho pleasure 01 visiting your p.o u may find the same, evidences of thrift and prosperity exhibited that we bave seen -this time, and we will only add one fact and that is, if you want your town and county to pros per, give good encouragement to your count paper, and don't forget to advertise liberally in the KocsroRT Banner. .' ' ... . Territorial Laws, Wchave received from R. W. Furnas, Ter ritorial Printer, a copy of (be Laws, &c, passed by the Legialature at its last session. This is decidedly the best specimen of -typography that lias been issued from a Nebraska press. : We have a supreme contempt for the many lit tle printers that infest the west, and it docs our eyes good to look upon such work as Mr. Fur nas is constantly executing at his ojfKce. It is an acknowledged fact that he stands at the bead of.the "craf,"- in the Territory. It is often asserted, "give us the same facilities and we will show you as good work." True, a well furnished office is indispensable, but this alone is not all that is requisite-to make a good printer : he must posses creative genius, with a thorough training, to make a master workman. " . . '" . . We congratulate the members of the last Legislature, in having made so wise a choice in selecting Mr. F. -as their printer, and it is hoped that the members elect will act with equal wisdom tin coming winter. Bellevue Gazette. - , ..-. , To the Lend Cffcctrt in the Territories of Minnesota, Kama ana jszvrasKa: -. it. T,.it Resolution of Congress, approved 2d March, i;vr valid Pre-emption claims on thc 16;h and 36ih sec tions, heretofore reserved for schools, in thc Territories of Minnesota, Kansas, and Nebraska, will be recognized i the Survey. . - .,';.' 1st, In cases where thc approved plat, nf gnrrcyhas m.t yet been returned, the Declaratory Statement must bC fi'ed tCitnm inrce moatnt ajier me rece.n vj ar.i apirrovrd Plat at the District Office; - 'Zil, Where Use rlil i " ' ai.-"'' vi.jvr, iac Peclaration must be Sled within three months from the first publication of Vat i trcuiarm your umnci. A failure 10 comply wuu ima rciuii vu.cuva, ... v. a forfeiture o thecluim. - " JUS. . WIL5U.N, . Acting Commissioner. ; 1675 1455 1330 1314 From the above it will be seen that Fergu son is 220 votes ahead of Chapman. . TIIK STOCKHOLDERS of the Brownville Hotel com pany are notified th 4 i he fnrth instalment of twenty per cent is required t: be paid in within ten days from date by order of tho Board of Directors.- - ALEX. IIALLAM , Brownville Sept. 3. '57. Scc'y and Trea'r. itcmaliii Co., Agricultural Society In ncyrdancc with the provisions of the act incorporat ing the Xermtha county Agricultural Socrety, we a por tion of the incorporators hereby call a meeting of the Farmers of this county, toasschhle at the City of Brown villc on Saturday. September 12, 1857, at 3 o'clock, for thc purpose of organizing said Society. It is hoped tha the Farmers will take a general interest in this matier and the attendance at this meeting be a general one. BrowTiville, Sept. td, 1857. , ; v2nl0 HLm J. Jtri. i t I1IIE undersignc'l X of 13rown?illc, counties tliat we Lumber where the settlement hat been or mag be madeyricr to sale a we 3 inches. Shingles fair prices HOW hi.r. 1 "'" tov. lard in l!rr..; ,Vlrlll,.:'1 and line Larh . , el u FOR CASH O.Vly New TO THE PUBLIC. On the 26th cf January last, 1 conditionally contracted to sell to Robert Hawlc and J.. G, Melvin a part of the land known as Neat's Point. Sjid contract has been for feited by the failure tf eaid Hiwkand Mclviuto a mply with the conditions on their part. 1 therefor, take this method of warning the pubha not to purchase stock in said land ot in a town called Alamo, which 1 understand isabo ttoba laid out on s ud tract, from any persons. Ah'D J Confectionari'Salf I 17. A. AI. VTJif lw BROWXVILLR v r A3fNOU2fCES t, the eiti3cr,of ' Jr. vicinity, that be ba receive, ..?Wti I - 1 . - " tftfHl & - I larnthesle owner tf said land, ana win make no titles i general ajsormien; of well se'eeteV I upou sales by cither of tue aovc nameu gfiiiieiiK-n. Kinus, togeuicr with confi:ctioiriri, t furtherstate that aUhouj-'h 1 have the risht to retain the t'o4jl soda water, ov-tcr " fill, -2 amount thpypahi me as a forfeiture, lam not deposed to do ways on hand ' 'rii'-, fc'i so, and now notify all concerned that I am ready ( ,happflf . '"4 lud willina to refund to Messrs Hawk and Melvin the A snare of patronage tful!T ,i;.:, . amount ther paid mo on said conditional purchase. August loth, 1557. 1UL is .fc.i. BrownvilTo, Ja!y SJ-'j-TL' ni' JLU JLlLKs JLU.U1LXJ9 .wiiville BaiTej - Confoctionn KVAN WOIlTHiV?' BEGS Ienre to announce to'the pnVu. f' . erected a llakery TOJ Qwf,; of said bond have been complied wiih tothe letter on our oonstantiTnn vi n. '.K part. We, the said Hawk and Melvin and our associate, constantly on hand, and u pft pared tobake & forewarn all whom it may concern not to purchase of said Uread, troeken and Cakes of 0Terj , I or gaiu iraci or wu mi, mm uj uijvu)huii ..m nu uns ual ffla(). c therefrom, or make any improve- in baking and conse-iuently fwU nui e intend coiitestius his rights to the wju be ablo to sire satisficti(.n.V A mI' igo la respectfully licitcd. On the 26th of January last, we. Robert Hawk and John fi. Melvin. nurchastd of Ims ?ieu ire Ljna known as al'u Point or A 1.1 mo, m etrasKa Territory, which we have paid for in full, and Tor which we hold his Onit-fhiitn deed, and also a bond for a Warranty deed as soon as he shall receive a Patent therefor. Thc eruditions Louis Xeal any part timber, cjal or stone mcnts thereon, as w same in thc proper courts CAPITAL .STOCK !!! Of Weekly Review. ' ' Five ships were about to start on the first "days 'August from the coast of Ireland for ' this continent At the present hour they P1 j " .:nf?M- thus sct- ablj have r -ached .tneir uustu.a, ilin one or thc most important questions ever v disced. We speak of the Atlantic Tele- 1 On the third of Angiut, the cable ich is to bind the old world to the new one Was to be fastened on the shores of Luropc. TKvery precaution, it is said, has been taken to render the experiment successful, and if so, this work will be -one of the greatest which ' has, or will be accomplished, and assuredly the most important event of tnc incwcutu world at largij, but also by all the amateurs of the Turf, inlpatiently waiting for the result of the race for the Goodwood Cup, in which the American horses, Prj'or and Prioress, were en tered against France and England. Wc are sorry to say that tho disappointment has been equal to the expectations. Pryor and Prior ess were beaten. Fourteen horses ran, the Americans coming in fifth andsisth on the list Monarque, a French horse, won thc prize. ftlany causes arc assigned for the defeat of the American horses, which would be too long to mention. Those who want full particulars bad better read the Porter's Spirit of the Times, IrS ttSi 0 For the Benefit of the BROWNVILLE HOTEL. . The following property consisting of One F'ariiG ? Ninety Town JLots: In The City of Brownville, l-'ive hundred Dollars IRY GOODS, And FIVE HUNDRED DOLIAES 117 CASH. n.w been appropriated for the purpose of erecting a Hotel in the City of Brownville, Xebrasia, and i.he Board of Directors take this mc;hod of converting thc property into cash. They wish to assure the pub.u ihatthis is no 'Bariium" "Mermaid" or "Wool v Hi-rsp" six-nlariiin fur neighbors. This mav seem strong lano-uae have met nun he has been standing upon the individual interest; but simply what it pn ports to be, a w - i.i tit - . i ii is ri mi ot f i i-f.Nian rt ,r inn npnrn r. ut nn 1 1. .to "wrecked institution." Sensible. An old Agricultural friend of ours writes the dictate of policy or the call of ambition. As a c tizen, we know him to be public spirit ed and generous even to a fault. . He is scru pulously exact in the discharge of all his lia bilities as this whole commuuitv will cheer- iuioi:"ii uui wuuiiuo tuc luouniu aquai'JJD I T .1 I'll i i i In the canvass which has just closed, we aa ice to iunuKa tarmers . must C0UfeS3 that bis course has been shaped Raise no crop that don't beat those of your not with reference to iolicy, for wherever we Anpust, 1S57. ROBT. nAWK. JOHN' (i. MKLVIN, r. S. F. NCCKOLLS, II. NUCKLOLS, M. TOOTLK, WASH. ITKPXKR, JACOB F. HAWK. M. JEFF. THOMPSON", S. II. HITCHCOCK, WM. E. DILLON, U. W. HAWK. A. (i.VYMAKKR. -JONAS VANtiUNDT, F. M. THOMPSON. 10 3m July.r 4 , Samuel McCarteey ' "Wholesale Growr and Dealer ia Manufacturer of all kin L of n.,mnj-:. and T1. ; I . ' nuaii" uini in L'nuuu, so, Dei. Locnin Z tf0O Z r. . ' Wm. Matthews; Commission Morcl.i - i iW. U. dl t c ,ot I, at). ,V : . , Harvey, Van Wick, Ilnney General Land Agents ft n d Real-Estate Brokers, KEKRASKA CITY.. HAVE arrnnsemcntitby which they wAy t mako. . Survevs of Torin B:n nu ii':. ... Whse new Steam Mill has ju.t g.-ne iu'o (per.itiou m I . Tlirr;.r; ,',.. the Prairie Forre. t opposite Brownvi le, a. e n-.w prcpar- " ' - "li Z , 7 "JJ e.1 to fuini.-h tho public with every deirablo variety or ....r...j r. i'MLSnwin.K!( lumber, on short notice aud reasonable terms. There ritorrcan exec-uto Mnp., luni'la, and mr-m beinpr an nnusual amount of hard woed timber in the Architectural llans.and t-pcckk-atitjiis to the ur's vi'.nuiy, vtc ic iicvrtieu wj iiy iuiu.uui n.c.i. . i garnsiaciion di our cu.innKr, aiiinjr up orders for O ik and Walnut lumber, in short everything needed in this country cm be found at tbi Mill. HOADLV. & Sentembcr 3d. 1S57. v2nl0-tf Platte Eiver Ferry. The Platte llivcr Ferry company have their ferry in successful operation at the mouth of the Fliitte Jlivcr. This route is Fix miles shorter than that by Cedar Island and is a much better rjute. Experienced and careful men will be in attendance at all times to accommodate the traveling public, lines of ferriage as low as at any other p int. W. M. SLAUGHTER. Plattsmouth. Sent. 3d. 1SS7. . v2-nl0-3m Lumber ! Lumber ! ! HOADLY &. MCI 14, 15rownville, July lrr'.th, lijf.. Claim Not to creot a good commx!ious Hotel in Brownville. TICKETS, - -- -- -- ..-$5 capital m - - m m Acres of Eutei ed Land adjoiniti;' thc Ctly of Brown villc. It is nearly all bih lnttnni I ni.l noil The Difference. The election for Delegate to Congress is Col. PiAXRm fought Ion and well- -until 1 . 1 C .. --v nnrn(rfi 1 Itl 1 ! .1 . -1 tnrv It has been deciaea me urst. iuwu over, ana an aumic me voie oi me squaiters, Bruit ibould be this beautiful passage from the voice of the people, as expressed through e Dai lot uox. to do ior x enxer x euguson. rxxr .1 tVvn A tf nnlnA 5n A ". o f no f-ilra flio ninf fin eana neauu, w-'v " The news brought duringthe past two wcess ter r may wen auora "iooa lor-ine renccung are decidedly favorable to English power mind." Tu-?r in a very short space of time the En- Col. " trVwh arms have been successful. In India the the "last day in the evening." The battle is lllkm of the Scixys has completely been over; the vote against him, and he like a true crushed, the town of Delhi the last refuge of man, citizen and squatter, cheerfully submits thn insurrection after a desperate resistance to thc expressed wisJiescJ Unpeople. - u.f,u vl'f1i listed several dajs, Gen'l Thatee who did all be could in an in v uns taken at the point of the bayonet and honorable way to convince the people of Ne more than 9 000 rebels have been lulled in the braska that he was the man' to represent them conflict.- In China, Engbvnd has been quite in the National Legislature, now, the election RMcecssful. The Chinese fleet has been de- is over and be among the slain, is content with Ktrnvrd and Canton, consequently, is zX the ihc jieylt's selection ' -mprrv of the iuvadew. This will render ne- How different, and disgusting to every can mtatinni a necessity for tho government of did mind, is the action of Mr. Ckapmas and the Ce'estid Empire so much tho more that the course pursued by bis paper the Kebras ,. ' .Jiion has burst with a new Kan. of which be is.ole pn.prietor and editor, .lUBwiuww"-' .77 . . ni - t.M.. iv.f ihn TTnUorl States names m operating, llo whines, blubbers and i i-ij t .enc inn if pouts like a spoiled and disaitpointed child rovcrnmcnt has decided to take possesion 01 t i n b . . , r i a v. over the result, and spitefully says "Iwm't" t. - T. 1-,1 sif Pormiwa HS Ri'CtllltV IOT the PaV- I r ?n be thus beaten my plans thus frustrated raCUl uy Hiw vumtov. j, w.... ricmnily demanded fordamages done to Amer Mean. interests during the disturbances at Can It means simply : te ambitious; determine to' s"me 0Tm' d :vocatnS the same doc- I tnnns wit h mi p.nt.hiifiisism nni! An pnprcv ivliirh equal; endeavor to excel others in your man- ew men p,JS3ess. If an energy that knows no ner of farming. Cultivate your soil thorough- tire and a fearless advocacy of sound doc- ly ; keep it friable bv frequent ue of the plow, tri. es merited success ; Col. ltankin would to- the cultivator and noe. Avail vourselves of da-v b ,r Pegate. But he traa at first sUl- ,, it . ; . , . ' ,, . nprted by the leaders of a clique with which all the labor saving machinery you can. Ihis ye havnoBrmnnthr, and we feared the tmr- is essential where labor is so verv scarce and poses for which they would have attempted tim1'creJ. and c, i; a fiae 8t n? quany. it u the . " If .. r. l ii iii Coleman farm, which to those acquainted with the local- acar. liememoer mat a spccuie crop or SO I usts uuu. .aiiwuc waa.uaseiv uuu iiuari- ity is all that need be said. 40 acres of whkh are under m,nr Tv,r.,U r.f flf,sh nlwAvs niv K.ttnr h betrayed by the very man.ajio above all e ' , " ,,, r others should have been earnest and constant smauer uiemuu w tue icmci uiu niuuin a ui'iii i , . . , , i . . - s I iu ins hujiimii , wk iuiiui;u uuui I 'ituia iuu which they are provluced. lhat is, better till saCrgd ta be broken and we opposed him and one acre well, than scratch over two or three- worked for the success of another. This has i Good care of animals - will, in the end be heeu our course and our justification. most profitable. Head the Agricultural pa- UihkI fence, and bciiij? cultivated nec.nd year. A c-xidcoiii-f Ttiiblc hou.e, a email frame barn, and an excellent well of water are the improvements thereon. SECOND PRIZE - - $800 AK Ft. offw. CLulof L ts8. 9,10, in Block 1, in the City of Cr Brownville. This Lot lays next to the XebraVk Houcc aud fronts on Water and Bank street bjth, bize of Lot 40A.HU. I a Jo. 1 Jyjt. Martin, A. Soott, and ethers whom it may concern.' Tou are hereby notified that 1 will appear at the Land Office in Brownville on Monday, Sept. 14, 1S57, at 3o'clm-k. to prove my ritihtof pre-cmptiin to the S. K. quarter of section 35 Township 6 Ranc 15. SIMON X. BLACKFORD. Sept. 31, 1S57, 2nI0-2w-p Claim IJotice, Madame Rano, M.rj Delay, an-l all others whom it my concern, you are hereby notitied that I will appear at the Land OthVe in Brownville on Friday Septcmbear 11th 10 o'clock, A. M., to prove up my rijiti t of pre emption t the east half of the S. W. quarter and tho west half of the S. E. qnarter of section S2 in township 6 range 14. east of the 6Ji principal me-edi in in Nebras ka Territory. JOSHUA RANDALL. Brownville, Sept. 3 1S57. D. II . THOMAS. T. A. CAI.LAKEK. THOMAS & GALLAHER, ro a v. ardiii j?anU Commission No. 2J Pine Street Comer Second, UP STAIRS. 10-ly ST. LOUIS, MO. DR. J. L, HcKEE,. . AND SUEGEON DENTIST. . -BROWNVILLE, N. T. Teeth plugged and-filled in t!w most r. proved method. lirownville, May 11, 7. , m Jm NOTICE. pers and vorite for them. Thus vou will learn the progress others arc making ; adopt their ex. perience and suggestions to your owa wants and what you have proved good, labor to dis seminate as widely as possible. You, Mr. Editor, bave been talking of start. ing an Agricultural paper in Nebraska. Allow mo to make a suggestion, for which I charge nothing. Turn your Advertiser into an A?m- THIRD PRIZE - - $150 Yislt to BrowuYille. J. R. Vaxnata, Esq., Editor of the uI!ocJc Port Earner" whose visit to our place we no ticed in our last issue, after returning homo wrote quite a length v, and a very genteel and Thirty Prizes, each ----- 100 Lot 5 in Block 28 ----- $15000 Two Prizes, each $125 - $250 00, Lots 5 & 6 in Block 46, complimentary article on his ''visit to Brown ville," which we regret a want of space com pels us to condense. After describing his trip from Rock Port to the river, he says : cultural iaper. A weekly Agricultural paper t1lo rrr nf p; nrti;nirtnn rfirfl we in ebraska I have no doubt will pay. .One left our team and took passage in a fine large something like the "Ohio Farmer." The yawl iust purchased for the use of the ferry, principal feature devoted to Agriculture, but aTl(1 in a few rainutes we were landed on terra o?;. i'n firma on thc Nebraska sido at the city of with sufficient news, and miscellaneous matter rownviIlo. It u about -thrco months rince to make it a desirable paper to all classes. we visited this place and the growth in that More anon. - - Your old friend, short time much surprised us. Quite a num- Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. BBS. ber of good houses have been built and are We refer our farmers to friend B.B.S. ad- occupied ; several new stores and shops . . . . . , ' have gone into operation and some three new vice above, which is certainly good, and to the banking houses have been opened, and all point, in answer to that portion referring par- seem to bo doing an active business. We no- ticular to ourself, we have only to sav that we ticed more particularly the large store house ( 65 63 97 83 35 34 33 ii have scrionsly "reflected upon that very course" and yon need not be surprised if we should adopt it. Ed. Lots 11, 12. 6, 6, - - - - iu 81 " 2, 9, 8. ------ " " 64 ' 6, 5 3, 15, 9, 12, - - "2, " 1, ------- l. 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, -" 4, 8, ------ " 11, 16, - - 5, 13, 8. 5. $3000 00 Tvresity-Four Prizes, each - - $?5 Lots 3, 9, 10, ------ m liiocK ku " l, 3 4. 9, " " 63 ' 4, 6, 13 14, - - - - - " " 59 " 15, 4, 12, 5, 6, 3, 8, 2, - - " " 67 " 2, IS, - - - " " 60 " 2, 3, 5, ----- - - " " 63 $1800 00 Twentj-Six Prizes, each $50 I.U 16, - - - - 13, 14, - - - 13, 10, - - -2 13, - - - 10, 11, 5, 6, -8, 9, 3, 4, 2, 5, 2. 8, 14, 16, - 11, 12, 14, -15, IS, - - - NOTICE is hercbv ftiven that on Satnrday the 12th day or e'tenil-cr, IS57 at Hie office of William 11. H.Mivcr, in the City of Brownville, in Nemaha cimfy. and at the h .ur of 10 o'clock. A. M. of fai l day there will be a meeting of the (stockholders of tlio St. Georpe Town Conii.uiv. A full attendance is earnestly dcrcd ta business of 'importance will come before the meeiintr. D. L. Mc;aky, Secretarv St. Owe Town Company. B:ownvii;e, Sep. 3d, 1357. v2-n!0 in Biock 69 68 48 47 46 63 68 . tf I'll contest Judge Febguson's seat, and it may be bv some book or crook I can get the seat yet I What care I for the expressed wishes vf the people 1 I have personal ends to accom plish friends to regard and I cannot must not be disappointed ! True, I have only about one-fourth of the votes of the sjuatters cf Nehrasha but what matters that to me vvj purposes must be accomplished 1" We say docs not Mr. Chapman's actions cause just such reflections by every honest well ' ton. """' There has been little progress in the expect ed adjustment of the difficulties between the United States and the States of Central Amer--ica where the most predominant topic is the rumored invasion of their territory by parties of filibusters. I As to the Spanish Mexico quarrels, the gov . .....t ffimin hae nrwntad the mediation : ..u. - .. . rnn wisher of Nebraska ? Most certainly they do. .f IV.lan n-rol FrinM lnt Tip.vp.rtncleSa con-1 J ' . - ; - ; ,.Well but Chapman and his "fast .tinues her military preparations. - . ' , , , , T. v friends," "Do you suppose we are going to , . , ., . e submit to the illegal, vote cast at Florence?" : rpirators navo recn iouna guiuy vi iu - ... . ... ,p rxr t t . Now as to that, all we bave to say is we sup- 1 ,l..; r. lret V a 1 1 To fT M r linn n nnrtp ! "1 J I -- one has IxTen sentenced to transportation and pose in fact we know thc race all around has . the others to imprisonment for fifteen rears, wen too much -ju JJuxj piM uevail" This conspiracy in which Mazzini and Ledra- ' Sculduggery" has been the watchword. The . --nnlHn were implicated and in which they em- "purity of the ballot box," hasn't hurt many pbatically leny any participation, has been politicians, consciences on either side in this - 'thrown in the shade by the death of two of race, and no man ever played a b dder game ' . th most renowned literary men. a poet and a with an "empty band" than has Chapman. nnrelkt Berber and Eoscne Sue. 'Both be- h- covered the entire Territory with longed to the-epublican party, both served the schemes, promises, and pledges, to induce lo intercsts of the people, both had arrived at ctilities to support him ; some tbroughazr and similar conclusions, although starting from dif- others because in hopes of deriving pecuniary ferent stations in life. Eugene Sue was bom advantages. We have not a word to say in rich, had a complete and aristocratic education, justification of such courses ; bat we do say "'all facilities that wealth and position can af- Chapman is the last of all men who should ' -ford, whilst Berangcr, son of a poor tailor, bad whimper, flare up, or complain, even if '-beaten ;his education made in a printing office, and for tas own game. " many long years struggled against want But Does not everyone know that Chapman ob- jsrms wa3 in him and he conquered. When tained his seat before, by throwing out Vte votes France was invaded by the armies of the 0f residents on the "Half Breed Reservation' coalesce Eurcje, despising the danger be sung in Nen&ba and Richardson counties ? Des the glory cf Franco and advocated the rights not every one know too, that the residents cf the poor and oppressed ,tnd denounced the upon those lands all voted this year again tyrants. Uis songs s on were in the mouths nineteen -tic entieths of them voting for Chap- d cvuUons and his' name in the hearts of the man ? that mixed Hoods residing upon those people. He loved tho people and was loved lands voted uAed for Chapiwt t These facts Organize. A few weeks ago friend Minickave us a "side wiper" for not being "up. and about" Agricultural matters more of late. In regard to the "Nemaha County Agricultural Societv." we would Jike very well to see it organized and will render all assistance to do so. We are not one of the Incorporators consequently cannot call a meeting. But if some one of the Incorporators will call a meeting we will publish the notice, and urge attendance. ' Fur ther we hereby promise to do all the printing work the Society may need for the first year, without charge. And any suggestions we can make, "or assistance we can render in mak ing up By-Laws and Premium Lists, &c.t we will cheerfully do. The plan to put the Society on foot u very simple and the duties easily performed. Let some one of the incorporators call a meeting at which elect your officers; appoint a committee to draft a sett of By-Laws for your govern ment. After this is done let thero be cotten up a Premium List for a Fair to be held in the fall of 1858. Let that list be published early next spring that farmers and mechanics may know what to compete for, and "govern them selves accordingly." Tis done bava the Board of Managers go to work soliciting mem bership subscriptions, donations and such like, and before you know it the society is on its feci walking ofTiika "grown people." ' We might say a great many things in favor of such an organization ; but we presume there is no necessity for ariruinjr the point. Thfl facts aro self-evident. Again we say, or ganize ! Since writing tho above, two of the incor porators have handed in the notice calling a meeting of lha Farmers, to be found in anoth cr column. We sincerely hope the attend anco will be general, aud that interest mani- Six rrizes, eaca - - L ltd 2, 11, - - - - - " n, " 13, 14, 12, - - - Pauta, 2300,00 .... 10 ill Block 43 . 7S) $240.00 $10 - cjcu, $t0 of McAllister, Dozier & Co.; this building must be about 120 feet long and 20 feet wide ; the interior is tastefully arranged, sep arating stoves, tinware, castings, &c, from the dry jroods department We next dropped in to the new store of McPherson. & Lo., near Twent pr-zes cach - the boat lanaing : inis is a nne uai:uu anu 10 cioth coats, well filled with goods. We next called in at the Advertiser office, and inquired for Mr. Furnas, when a very pleasant, good looking, gentlemanly man of about 28 years answereu to thc name, and extending the band of an honest printer gave us a connai greeting, ai- Eighteen cash Prizes, cach - - tcr spending a t-hort time with air. jjurnas, anu . informing him of our mission to his town he 192T Cash Trizcs, cach vflrr n'niitflv nfTered his services and accom . . I Tho ahnv trrvivrtv wi 1 1 hp t'rsvn frr at Tlrn1nviUp panied us through the city us an imro- ef- - the M,a,A m ui:(Cr; When tickets are wild tho purchaser name and nnmbeT Emigrants Land Hunters!!! HOYT & SL?ITH iiiL in mi. And Nemaha City & Pleasantville, N.T. i uuiiu w di lean to uuu'ai, ana ocicl Land Entered on Time, and Claips and Town Lots Bought and Sold. AND Investments Made for Distant Dealers. BE1N( practical Surveyors and oneb.Tvinf: had three years experience in the "West." will devote our entire time anu Hiecial attention to the ie!ecti..n andKntryof land or claims for bettlcriand all tlinxe Ueoiring choice nous. j(Iilrcss, 1IOYT & SMITH. Nemaha City, N T. REFERS TO A Schoyler. Republic Seneci co., Ohio. D V Searles. Tiffin City, " " DrPInnskeep P iytoii I-.wa c., l .wa. Rev W King Archer, Richard .on cj., N. T. I A. V Fifty-Two Prizes, each - - - - 20 CoaU. - -- -- -- -- ea.h " Pair Pants, - -- -- -- 12 Hats, ----- - - - - " $200,00 . 5 $5 - .i $26.) 00 - - Si $13,00 - - 2:c . $i;ooo duction to the business men of the place, all of whom we found to ' be courteous, intelligent f.?!! K, VJ.. . . . . .i . l lEW IJfcei.. n ucu vnr uij iiii uianni, di uvea, iui; ulaci men. and some of them favored US With their ,1,1 w-,n seieci five comiaisMoners to act in coujunc- cardi and others "-ave us sood encouragement n with "the "Board or Pire:-tor9f the Hotei Company, cams, anu Oiuers ae y un ; ,V,Q thus forming a Board of C mimisHonera of ten menibe.n .Alter Visiting nil mo kusuicw uvuo -" wn0 each take upon themselves anoath to aiibful Citv Mr. Furnas left US to attend to 80me of ly and honemy Bupennted the drawina. The Board wben - , tYia r'ntinir rtftnt hut tliua organized aim quaunen aau numocr buiau uckcib the perplexing cares of the printing omce, out frora to2 200 .mi depute in a bo. They win then we cannot lpave without returning- Otjr thanks trrite all the prize and depoMte iu another box one on V; 1 L;.,in..,a nr,,l hnnA tn lf ahl at each ticket amounting to 2 200 in all, Corresponding in to him for his kindness, and nope to oe anie at n,inierkMl ticfcts in tbp olher tajX Xwo some future time to reciprocate the lavor. Mr. tbeir number, each biindfoidei, win proceed to draw Furnas e ime to that place when It wa9 in Its at the same time, t-Derrom each box. numbers and prizes, . "rud3 came LU V . . ,..orrl 1, aid as they are drawn out, the number and prize drawn infancy, and by means of that powenui ieer, sLmt,taiieou8iy win determine the drawing. Each the rress, has perhaps done more 10 DUiia up drawing win ie enterea iu a uo..r, ana cue result a so;n the town than all other influences combined, theneai-E.tae and yet bow few there are when Sitting by in three day arter the drawing, which is abiiut as toon their fire-sides reading, thinK ot the powerlfll , ' -"'""m",S "UUU1 influence It Wields in JbUlUling up towns ana Should anything transpire to prevent the drawing cities, railroads and everything else lhat is cal- taking place, every dollar received w,u be xerun.icd. a. . ' . , ' . . e. j- . fnnds received will be deposited in Bank not a cent used .alter uiuui ' nntii .rter the drawine take Tdace. UPHOLSTEUt' AVH0LE3ALB .AXJ KliTAIL, " . " ' in" : v- SCARRITT &' MASO , ST. LOUIS, liO. WE take jj!ea3nro in tyir tv nar fr.omh tho public in, Vxdo.rst)flti t f n I Medium, auJ.CwMiuoQ Fauinirai neUaA JI treses ana ucuinng, wag never uro eoropi'p descrvinx tho attention of pnrcbajm. cith t t wholesale or retail ia full s'liti or single ariki;- ; than at rrcsrnt. We ehall frure ra effort to kcr-p thc mo.-'t .fTi;!'? assortment in otir line, in tho V'ejf. O ir l l. w raarto here, ns wet Ri r.isit, ly tne t?vst' aad thrt combine the grsatit T.irity il ' styles, with the cheapest a ail moi-tVab-itas'ial. , ' liealars, sw weH as all ntlicr i.ur.w'?, r vitcd to call and look thro Jh our Jlamu: '! vMiin?. Orders also: from all v-T'ties liavinj nimi! buy for themselves or otiifrs, arc c-jHTw'.'.y ?' with the assurance of our oed n.lcavriu W-i continuance of tbc liberal conSJciKcaul p&rt wo haro so lon received. SCAKI51TT x nW;- Washington Are. bet ween 2nl J, ' Mar, h 19th, '57t ' J . mLA 3t. UITt'HCOC'K. Ct BSARPM.rK. l't I), 31. HITCHCOCK f Bet. Olive and Locust tm.tvSt. Lna' MANUFACTntEUS c-f C-.kinj, l'arlor Stores and (i -atcs. . - ,. v Also )fanuf;M!turers of four am" entCary Plough, ono aud two Lur .r')' ' hand. - . . - Buchanan Life and Gcscn- Uffice cor 2d ard Julc XT'. JOSVPIU cn AitTirRTrn at the last s::ssios t iif- Authorized Capital 5,00', S V iseman. Genoa Blurts. Iowa J P Schuyler. Novelty Works N. Y. K Ferguson Brownville. N. T Clinton P Turner, Attica Seneca co.. Ohio. 53J"Lt,Prs f Knoniry Promptly Aiibwered.C August 13th, IS57. i-ti'J ly J, B. JENNINGS . WHOLESALE GROCER, Commission Merchant And DEALERS IX COUNTRY PRODUCE. Corner 2d, oral Frances sts.t St. Josqh, Mo. Agsut Tor Tho Sale Of Kanawha Salt & TieJda Celebrated Oysters. TAKES pleasure in announcinx to the ritiin nt brka ami Kansas Territories, iKiuthern Iowa and north ern .mshouri, mat ne is now receiving his nimally larue clebcionpirn? to the Hue, which he wiUneM EXCLUSIVE T r k fn 1 1 ' i i , r 4 ji iiuLxailiA, on a ravorauic terms us any bouse 141 II1C II Ho is also acent for the sale of Kanawhi a!t lartr lot of which is now on hand and for sale at reduced price lie will be regularly in receipt thronalinrt iMmm of Field's Celelrated Cove Oysters direct from Baltimore which will be sold at St. ln,s prices. They are superior to anj n)r.wiiii in ine west, and PVMvr.ii warranted. , 1 ..... .A . I.. 1 1 . . . J ... omcijir'iw.imii "on ueu arm promptly attended to. t. aotiepn, AUgnsi 2, is&7. v2r9yly culated to ma'se a great country. at the Nebraska House, we made preparations Tickets will be sold only for ca?h. Conseii!c:itJy, if . , - . . v.i A ..iti, ii,. 1 apy numucrs arc spocen ior, anu no paw ior neiotc teu to leave, being much pleased ith the town. day8 from the iy wf drawins tlMJ DVtluUer win b s. id, We think the towns OI lrowuvuie ar.a or the prizes they may draw be the property tr the Hotel Rc-ckportcan both grow to be places of con- cf fiirectl)r8 of the ntcl Ci)nipany dcsire siderable importance, and will be an advantage ajrain to state that they wUh it understood that this is n, to cach other. We need a population mere to u'',u,B u-u'u m-w.c cum. buy our SlirpiU3 prodUCt3 and timDer, anu . as pruted by different individuals for that purple, and for stealing our trade by their free ferriage we "P"n consultation have adopted this as the most-Wceiy m. i 1 iii iLn Ai- rF j n t manner ot conveiting it inU money; and wdrhereby are not alarmed. All they make of us by tak- vlCile 0Urfc!vCJ toT the honorable tramaction of the ing our trade off the Bottom we will get back whole affair. ; ;' tA rn,l,ifa T.m AfewrcstKjnsihleAKentsof knowa intejrrity will visit ... uz wu. o'."'" FX.. . V- the anrrouBding country aud neighboring cities and towus IS one thing tO Dearin minu, mat A icnison m a few days with tickets for sale. Should any prefer County has the soil and the men to till it. and rei,tlng by mail they can do so by enclosing the tab or , -v 1 . t draft to Alex, liatlam, Cashier of Nemaha Valley Bank, .". . 1' . 0 - - x 1 u , uio owreiary ami iredsurci 01 mc iioiei vom- monev in their own county for 200ds. and take lny and on receipt of fonds he will return a ticket or all the money they can get from the lemtory rcUial0perccutCoffiiHti for sheir products. I he Territory is bound to R. brown, pay tribute 'to Missouri and Iowa for many j." w. colkm .n years to conns ; indeed until they turn their 11. johnson,' attention mow to farming and less to building n . , , , ,. Jl- .;, ; , 0 - 0 Board of Di rectors of the Brownville Hotel Company up paicr towns. I Browuvil'e, Sept. 3, '57. v2nl0 FLOUR 600 bbls and 10OO sks. various rrailna and orau, iretu grounq, in More and for ssle br J. B. JENNINGS. SALT 1000 bbls Ka and 1000 gks Ga salt for sale bv J. B. JENNINGS. HTDRAI UC CEDENT 100 bbls fur sale on consign. J. B. JENNINGS. OYSTERS 600 box Field's Celebrated Cove Ovsters ior saie oy J. B. JENNINGS. SARDINES 25 cahts 1-4 aud 1-2 boxes Sardines fo saio by J. B. JENNINGS. CRACKKttS 300 bbM and his Butter, Soda, ililk sugar, "icnic, ana Boston cracker tor sale bv J. B. JENNINGS. CLARET WINE 50 dox ciarct a good article iu store and lor sale by J. B. JENNINGS. LONDON PORTK AND SCOTCH ALK 30 catks pin warrantee genuine, in store ana ror sa le r.y J. B. JENNINGS. CHEESE 60 bxs fresh E V Cheese for sale by J. B. JENNINGS. SUNDRIE.S Pickles ts, hf $ and gals; tomatoes in can; frefh flsgs; Peaches; Preserves assorted; Pie fruits; !,-!- Hers; Brandies Reasons; Tomato catsup; Waluntdo; Pc- per sauce; Caudles; smoked berrim:; Mat k era I, Codtlsh. kc. tic. Soap, in store nd for sale c J. B. JENNINGS. 1. ii rinKCTOR-i. .V t t t , i. if 1 f 0'Vrn. n....u Tu-r-. 11 1. I.-it I Wi.'td. " " . am nn 11. ijiiiiii iiiiiiiniii. tiiiu 1 j i '" James Kay, N.J. MoA'ban, A. Vtv-'. a a. a;L j - - r-m IS now rady to receive nj i li'-ati n U,r y Marino and Ii". ver rik. . A vnAi v ' cent, irill be allowed on cargo pf"'"; v promptly adjusted, and tLe ua-l i'e tho patrons of the ofHue. April ir.tb.13i7. - K. V. 3IUIK, GEHERAH-&HDAW Omalia. Brownvillo and T,iH:v UEBHASSA TEE2IT0ST-' IS now prepared to select iovci-nm"f 7"ir Jxate Land WarrnnU iasny rwrt '' W estern Iowa: to ruy riki sell laii'i j . Property and KcalLtat. Uchts co.'s' , v eertis promptly remitted at current r' . change. Will bey and Htll pmry "a c' 3'."iati mt taxes for non-residents W ith a ;t", - edge of the best location! ir th IV-rrityry. , pre;ared to ttend prump'.Iy tiall lu-lllJn 3-t ' ed to my carer will act a n;-rnt f"r rS'e ' j: Compnuie, et., et. I bve u.ade with the Hanking House of Cil'.cq ;ic 1 't Carhondalc, to rtmit C'asli and Land ".'u : persons in the East, on my account ad waraca. CorrerPondeace Solicitf41- BErER BY PLRMISSI'M " . 1 . 11,3. W James Archba'.d, Gcneial Agent- bwTintOn. ra. Chns. P.Wurts. Sur. Del. A Carbondile, l'a. , c .-sar k J.athr..p & Jones, Car'wijd.-l " K.O. Morse, tsq., Fulls, U- . Hon. Wm. CUe:uon, Delhi. N. . f Jas. C. 1 Urt, Sec. Vd. of D i'. S " .w lork V l. Wm. Frothinghnm. Attorney, " . '. L. ij, , r 2 ' (Jillcspic. Tierce A Co. ll-uikcff, Jas. Clarkson, E., Carbon.l.vl;-. -u J-er. R. Xclson, l'rin. WjumiaS l M ," Kcv. Abel Harker,'-, ' T..- T W AV.l rT.irhr.nil:il-y. 1 UeT." fT W. f'.i.ld'in. riVii-5f Hon. It. W. Kurnas, Ur .wnvUl'V Mark W. IzirJ, Gov: ot.JNcorn.- . 0ul. Col. J. A. Tarter, Kef!str W" 1 Z' ' Col. Gillmorc. Ueiver, W. T.-f- inch Si Co.. On at a. - yt, . t t?. i, r Kf -Pes 31oiii-"' Ma -TSiTftrp Jk--r --J-v Vfcr B j -T0TICE ia hereby given, that hrt. - ofinrnville. March J2tl:t , ' ' Z For I 10.000 ponrMlsTliM.n at ,.r. Jt C 1