.V.' T., EOEN. . LYFomr&, noun. - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . Dealers in AND " GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTG, DllOCSr . HATS,$ CAPS, Nails, Stoves, Plows, Furniture, etc., SOXORA, MO. April 8th, 1857. 43-tf 15,000 Cajb. br lbs. of Bacon, For wile, cheap for LYFORD 4 OOKN. Sonora, Mo., April th, 1857. 3-tf ' . , A. C. BE VAN, MASONIC REG ALIAS. OREGON, HOLT CO., MO. - U.C JOHNSON, " Attorney and - Counsellor at Laic, v n - Heal Estate Agent. BROWNVILLE, N. T. RIFKEXCES. lion. Wm. Jessnp, Montrose, Ta. B.S.Bentlj, - Joha C. Miller, Chicago, IIL Wm. I. McAllister, - " " . Charle F. Fowler, Vm. Ferguson, Brownville, Jf . T. , O. F. Lake, u u May 7, 1857. 4"-ly GEORGE F. KENNEDY, t? A If TORrrn A rrnTO BROKER, AND GENERAL LAND AGENT , . Florence Cur. N. T. Livery Stable, J. W. COLE3IAN, INFORMS the public that he has procured a itock of Jew Carriages, Baggie, etc., and aa fine Horses aa are to be found, and has opened a -. LIVERY STABLE, SeeondStreet between Water and Main, Brownville, N. T. All persons wishing anything in his line can be accommodated at all hours. I ALSO: Horses and Carriagesbought and sold. J. W. COLEMAN. IV. II.. WILLIAMS, . WTTOlEElUt AND KETlIt CElUB V n SfOVESS TINWARE . Oroson. ZLZo.y -t TAEXS pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or" on and the public in general, that be has on hand the xanrX extensire stock of Stores and Tin ware, erer offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is fur sale at Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices. I would call part icular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved pattern both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best store now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of rarious Sixes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER TITAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, ia the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable tonm. Old copper, Brass anU Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, t1-S Oregon, Mo., July b, 1B56. Eagle Hills. ST. JOSEPH, MO. JAMES C AUG ILL, Proprietor. T MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly i.tX on hand for sale, all kinds of Flour, Meal. and Feed ituli. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most faronble terms. Cash paid constantly for j n neat, x or character of x lour refer to everybody that ever used it. St. Joseph, Mon Aug. 30, 1856. Tlnl3-ly BRUSHES! BRUSHES! ESTABLISHED 1825. DAY ID SIcMUItRAY, Jr., AMERICAN 1SiiI1ii "Waroliouoo, Vo. 252 Pearl iSrre. New York. ' Price Lift of Brushes, sent if requested. Orders respectfully solicited, and promptly attended to. April 2d, 1S57 42-Sm 8. LOCIWOQD. 1857. R. E. POMEROT. . L0CKW00D $ POMEROT, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DATS AND CAPS, . STRAW GOODS. 'Also, Shippers of American Furs of every description; for which they . pay the highest Market price, IS CASH. tjirnin i ere nan u are m vi tea to examine our stc;k of Hits k Cape for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stock shall sot be excelled by any Uonse in St. Louis. . Qir prices will be low, terms accommodating. ' Call and sea as at our New Store. Second St. St. Joseph, Mo. 32-m. . OLIVER BENNETT & CO., M a'Cr ACTTEEBS AND WHOLESALE CEALC3 IN - Boct3 Shoes tc Erogans, ' XO. ST XUX STREET, SAINT LOUIS, 210. A EE NOW IN RECEIPT of a complete assortment . XX w gooas iron tneir own and other manufae- . tone,aapt3 efpecially to tne Western trade. Purchasers are invited to examine their stock, manufactured and selected with great care and warranted of superior quality. Orders will receive rompt and care' oJ attention. ' W. W. HAMER &.CO., FEiOTIE.MILlLS, CORF $ FEED MILLS, - Cnutt Uacliincs, FLOUR PACKERS, One Complete Pour Mill Grinds and Bw-lts 50 Ells, per day; and is furnished at $550. . THIS Hill is cheap, simple, durable and comjisct, mrniringless power and attention and making larger yield and bettor quality of flour than any 1:1 Eu Jcesj Doilers, Shafting, and M31 gearing of all d-rr-.ions, furniihed to order. , T'-fl i bef t old Gercani anchor bolting cloths, and Ulllrs cf aU sises constantly on and at tho lowest v.ctt N.N. DAJiER d to. Ko. 1 3 E:r-A " let- Broadway aad Sycamore, t Cincinnati, Ohio. f B.TresU3baIlJ larger f lie mills. Circulars -Its A. LTTGR3. rPHERSOir, - MORRISON k HUTCIIINS, - Have just . Reetuvcl : ; ; At their -New Building OK THE LEVE3 ,v 3UTvxsa.xxa.otli C3 tools. . ,of ;.. , , SPRING GOODS OF EVERY STYLE ; QUALITY AND PRICE, Which they intend to sell " Lower than the , Lowest !! . : At their New Establishment you will find everything needed in the Western country, from a bar of soap to a broadcloth coat. OF THE LATEST STYLES, Sold Remarkably Low. NEW AND RICH EMBROIDERIES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, FANS AND FANCY QO OB b DroBO Goods Silks, rSattins Jjand Slippers, : A large and complete assortment of BONNETS ANDT50NNET TRIMMINGS, of erery style and quality Cloths, Casineres, and Testings READY MADE SHIRTS, ASD Ready Made Clotliin cr To fit the Million I! Of the best manufacture and of superior Workmanship. Looking Glasses, I i i i i . W ' V; ' . sxm 1 I ,' i That will make an uglyman handsome and a lady of beaaty more lorely, HATS'vVND "GATS, That ill fifrand fliase ererybpdj. Boots ant! Shoes, From the infantile article of red morocco, to the graceful boot of the gentle-' v man s walking cosiume. ZZordwaro and. Oxxtlory from the best manufacturers at . HOME AND ABROAD AXD Sold at Eastern Prices. , Genuine Imported Carpeting. Of New and Elegant designs. YANKEE MOTIONS, HOSIERIES, China, Glass and Queensware. PORTE MOXXAIES; ; SILK , PURSES, And a thousand articles, ranging in regular gra dation of price and importance, from the primative toothpick of the ancient goose quill, to a thousand dollar ehawl. ' Our innate and native modesty forbid us lavish ing glowing encomiums upon our Spring Stock of Goods, and we ask you to call and see for yourselves WE CHALLENGE THE WEST. and furthermore MAKE NO CHARGE 3?or 0Howlxig Goods. MTITERSON, MORRISON, A ECTCHINS. April 23, 1807. , - 45-ly $aD),(!D(!DCD)H-, Worth of Reudy -Iilade Clothing HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Just received Per Steamer Col. Crossman, AT SIEGEL & GREENBAUM'S BALTIMORE CLOTHING STORE, No. 31 Main St., 3d door above Post Office. BROWNVILLE, X. T. Fine broadcloth coats, and ' Standing collars, at the Baltimore Clothing Store. BITl and fancy cassimer pants, and Carpet sacks, at the Baltimore Clotliin q Store. Silk, Satin, Marrailes, and Casi Vests, and Flannel Shirts, at ;" . - " Baltimore Clothing Store. Fine Shirtj and over-alls, . Pat. Leather Gaiters, straw hats, at the Baltimore Clothing Store. iBIack and fancy cravats, , . Eiitlimort VTo77uiiy '8lore." Everything in the clo'Jiing line at the Baltimore Clothing Store. : Call around and examine the stock at the Baltimore Clothing Store. April 23, 1357. . ; 45-ly P. D. Gordon & Co., Commission and Forwarding merchants, No. 11 Locust streot, St. Louis, Mo. fOrders solicited snd promptly attended to. Liberal cash advances Bide on Consignment. jaljlS i2c5 S tTAMEQAT rADTHlTiSir.IENTS. SEASON .ARRANGEMENTS I , u St Josepli and Council BluQa Weekly "SILVER HEELS." . Jr" kt THE new and fast running passenger Btoamer "SILVER 11EELS," having been built expressly, for the trade, will upon the opening of navigation, make regular weekly trips, between St. Joseph and Council Bluffs, connecting with the first St, Louis Packets at St, Joseph. ' " . The "Silver Heels." will extend her tnra to bioux City, and intermediate points, once a month. DONNELL 4 SAXTON. n33-tf ..-,!. .Agents. 1857. MISSOURI EIVER. PACKET. 1857, : OzxiaIla. For Kansaj, Brownville, Omaha, Council Bluffs and Sioux City. . .. THE new, elegant fancy and commo dious passenger steamer Omaha. Aj?- dkkw Wixilaxb, Master, J. J. Wilcox, Clerk, will, on the earliest opening of navigation, resume her trips and mn as a regular packet to the above and ail intermediate points on the Missouri river. Pa trons can rely upon her continuing in the trade regularly during the entiro season. April 2d, 1857. Y 4Z-U 1857. MISSOURI RIVER PACKEr. 18 d7. VLclmiral. n W. W. BAKER r Captain. ROBERT A. DARST"- ..-Clerk. For Sioux'City, Logan, Omadi Decatur City, Do . Soto, Florence, Unia ha Uity, Council iluU3, i.ciie tuo, St.; Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brownville, Lowell, Oregon, Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph, etc., etc. fn THE excellent commodious and favor tynxscEoi it-j passenger steamer Admiral, Capt. Baker, Clerk, R(.bert A. Darst, will on the opening of navigation ply as a regular packet to the a bove and all intermediate landings on the Missouri R ,'cr, remaining permanently in this trade, and run ing regularly darinjr the entire season. ! April 2d, 187 '. - . 4z-tr 1857. MISSOURI RIVER TACKET. 18o7. Alonzo ClaHd. JOSEPH B. HOLLAND - Master. J. IL TYSON, Clerk. For Council Bluffs, Omaha City,Bellevue, St.Mary's, . Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, brown ville, Lowell, Oregon, White Cloud, Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, Weston, Leavenworth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty, Lexington, Ac. . ' ;: ' V THE entirely new, swift and elegant - -. - passcngerstearacr ALONZ0CiliLD,Capt.. Joe. Holland, will on the oponing of navigation, run as a regular packet to the above and intermediate points, continuing in the Bluffs Trade during the entire boating season. , March 18th '57. v . 40-tf 1857. MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. 1857. CHAS. R. BAKER Master. W. II.. SCTDDER Clerk For Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluffs, Bellcvue, St. Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brownville, Lowell, Oregon, Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph. Palermo, Atchison, eston, Leaven worth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty, Lcx- ington, ac. -,:. "i. : THE entirely new, wift aui ele gant passengers steamer Min-nk-ha-n, Cnpt. Ch;. r; :-Pakcr, W. H. SccEnrr., Cbrk, will, on thevpo.niag'of navigation, run a a regular packet to the nbovo, named and all intermediale points, continuing, in the Bluffs trade during, ih entire boatinj iteason.. . March 19th. ,i7. . .-.." 4rtf BROWNVILLE FERRY Uost Crossing ON THE Missouri Kivcr. The Route fr.om Brownville ioFL Kear ney and from thence to "California, , , is the nearest and most J ' 1 ' 1 practicable. ' ' " FINNEY & CODINGTON, I I NNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they xL have purchased the entire interest in the Ferry across tno JHiisoun liiver at tne Uity of Brown ville, Nebraska, nnd open the Season with new substantial and .commodious Ferry. Boat, run by Horse Power, which arrangement will secure certain passage at, all times and in all kinds of weather. ' The Proprietors do not assert boastinclv. or for the purpose of gaining custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this- is the best crossing of the Missouri River in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Brownville to. Fort Kearney and from tbence to California is the nearest, for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, as well .as that of hundreds of others who have traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe and speedycrossing, ourjebarges are the'same a3 other Ferries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. . - A skiff will be in readiness and ahanl on the ground to run all hours of the night. E5?"Recollect that with our facilities of Power, no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from making regular trips at all hours. Brownville Nemaha Co., N.T. February 25 lb, 1857. f . 37-ly DILLON, THOMPSON & C0. , Large Frame Building Cor. Main & Rock Stsi BOCK PORT, MO: Whosesale and Retail Dealers in z3T C3rooc3L 9 And Groceries. Hardware, Queensware, Drugs, nats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Tinware, Stoves, ; Furniture, Jron, Nails, Plows, and Farming Utensils. WILL have, on the opening of navigation, a large and varied accession to their present Stock, which will be sold Low for Cash. February 12th, 1857. 35-tf JKFFERSGN P. CASADT, MARTIN W. HIDES, JAS. D. TEST, f JAS- . WHITE, V Council Bluffs, Iowa, ) Nebraska City NT ) CASSADY, TEST, RIDEN & CO., (Successors to Riden d White) LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. TTAVINQ made arrangements by which we will XI receive accurate copies of all the Townships embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebraska, we are now prepared to offer our services to tne "SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTORT,1 In Filing Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Land . Warrants and. . v.. . Pi .lENTERLNG LAND: ii -ii" LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD Land Entered on Time, Ac, Particular attention paid to Buyinj and Selling Property on commission: Also, to niak: ng Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of the Union. AilanJts of all kinds always on hand. REFERENCES. Hon. A. A. Bradford, S. F.Nuciolls, ilessrs. Dolman A West, Peter A. Keller, Thomas Lumpkin, June 23, 1S55. vl-n4 Nebraska City. it U St. Joseph, Mo., Washington City Taiia:3clftGrii fro. w.- r??tx. J. & G. TV. CARGILL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHAWTS."- AND MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS, Steamboat Landing:, St. Joseph, Mo. . CONSIGNMENTS of Goods and Produce respectfully solicited, and all business entrust ed to us will be promptly and carefully attended to at thelowest rates. References. . , Taylor k Shepherd, St. Louis," R. L. ioGlee A Co IM . ! Livennc re, Cooley A Co., " " " . - IWrrhai.tt Generally, t.Jwwph.f' ;; WJIITE, . KIJSSELLy & CO. 1 'VnOLESALS AND RETAIL DEALERS IX . , my ton, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, . . Medicines, Dye Stvfis,x ; Safery, oots :: &f .Sliqcs, . Hats . &. Cap QTJEE1TSv'A2E; stoiw ARE, TINWARE, IRON, NAILS STOVES,' PLOWS Ac. - Also'Furniture of all kinds, "Window Sasli, 4c New .Hardware Store. Sign of the Mill Saw., ' J. FLAHERTY, : V; V' .- , Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, : , .': ' ST. JOSEPH, ; MO. . ? v'! IS yOW receiving and opening'the largest and most varied ar3ortment of soods in the above line ever offered in any market west of St. Louis. My .stock embraces a full ana complete assorunen of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware'Mccha- icB tools'of epervdeseriDtkm,-' direct from the UMffc approved manufacturers; p.griculturalaod horticul tural tools and implements, in groat xariety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, froni whom-I respectfully request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive agent for the sale-of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary prices. Also a largo assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac, of the best brands: in a word, roy stock is very complete, which, fo.' its quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share of trade from this and adjoining counties s My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in the general Hard ware trade, enables me; hot only to defy all eomneti tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is cash fcalcsv una small pronts.; ; ; January 1, 1857. vln29tf NEBRASKA CITY : Insnrazxco Company, CAPITAL STOCK 50,000. Nebraska City, N. T. mniS Company, under a liberal charter, is now A. fully organized, and their entire capital stock of Fifty Thousand JJoUar, paid in ana secured. . iney are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take' risks, upon qual terras, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, ita patrons,, without incurring any liability, will share in the profits of thecompanv. . The operations of the Company, will bo confined, for the present, to ai akine, or cakuo tisks, wua maiimiim liability of 412.500 on any one bottom. Being the only Insurance Office,' on theabove pop ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex- pects a generous suppir irom ;stern Mcrcnants. We respectfully invite the Missouri River pa tronage. i ', ' ' ' " directors: S. F. Nuckolls, ( Chas. F. nolly, '' II. P. Bennet, ; " J. L. Armstrong, W. N. Hinchinao. Miles W. Brown, A. A.Bradford. t OFFICERS ' ' 1 CHAS. F. HOLLY, President. ' !'.'' 'i Y.J.frAHSiDiSoc'y. ; St. Louis Agent Col. W. P. Howard. , April 2d, 18-7. - i ; 4Z-ly GEO.j Sj EAYRE &C0., '4- AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, GLENWOOD, Mills co, Iowa, ; PLATTS MOUTH, vass co, JNebraska WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves . tintinir Titles, Paving Tascs, lnvctin!! mon ey, Buying and Selling Town Lots, Buying: Selling and Locating Land V arrants, and nil other business connected with their profession in Western Iowa and Nebraska. , 1 ' ( i ',:' ,. ' ' J. M. DEWS, Associate Attorney. REFEUENCES: Greene, Weare A Benton, G. Doughty A Co., Greene, Weare 4 Rice, Greene A Weare, Nixon A Goodinan, Tootle A Greene, N. W. Thomas, Schooly A Son Gen. Wm. Irick, H. Johnson, I. Reed A Son, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Ft. Des Moines Cedar Rapids, Cincinnati, Ohio. Glenwood, Iowa, Cincinnati, Ohio. u u Vincentown, N. J. Uight'Stown,"' " Philadelphia, Ta. t Medford. N. J. Robinson A l'ro.. Burlington Co. Bank, JOHN COLHOUN & BROTHER, (Sign of "the Padlock, opposite the Post Office.) WHOLESALE AND EETAIL ' ' . DEALER IX. ! Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES, Boots, Slices, Leather and Shoe Findings. ST. JOSEPH, mo. . HAVE now in st.re, and to arrive shortly, Amer ican and Foreign Hardware, such a3 : Greaves A Son's Files ' Scissors and Edge Tools ' Butcher'a, do - do . Spear A Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws Griffin's and American horse nails Post hole augers Ames' shovels and spades Lull A Porter'3 shatter Butts Morticing machines Circular, mill and muly saws Planes and plane irens Coopers drawing knives do adies and wood tools Tress IIoops t Butts, cast and wrought Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons Plated and com. stirrups do do Bitts do ' do Buckles do do Rings Breast and rein snaps Lasts, pegs Peg floats Pincers Shoe thread Bristles, wax Lining kiaa . Binding . Pocket knives Knivei and forks Brass curtain bands and pins Door locks Augers and augor bitts Corn knives Briar scythes Grass and grain do Nails Shove's and tongs Candlesticks Framed wood saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and Vijes'.. ' i" Mouseholo Armitage an vils American anvils . . i Stocks and dies Pad hooks, breech 'g loops Pad screws, cockeyes Ornaments, rack3 . Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread Calf skins Upper leather Briddle do Skirting do Ilarness do , Belting do Goat skins Enammelled leather mentof the most desirable whi'.h they will sll at the lowest prices. J. COLHOCN A BRO. April 16th, 1857. 3l-ly E. ESTABROOK, UNITED STATES ' : ' istrict Attorney, OMAHA CITY, N..T... KEQUIRED to be in attendance officially upon all the terms of the District and Supreme Court cf the Territory,-ten lers his Professional services to such as need them. He flatters himself that t is facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each, Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrust their business to his care. , , - Omaha City, June 7, ' 7; . i mm. EML 1I1IB w liMi mn : B.-rJEIvNLNG Sp WJioloealo'Orooor, - ' AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ; r IN " AS& UEALEB - ,-. .COUNTRY PRODUCE, ' Comer Second and Frances Sts. i.:r w ST. JOSEPH, 3IO., TT AS on hand, and to arrive, the following arti- XI clcs. which" will be sold to tb trade on accom modating SALE : terms, LACLUSIV A l HUULL- 150.0M Ci?ars all auali-100 bss E D and WiR - . ' o ,. . i . ties ' - ences . 4000 sacks O A Salt 156 boxesstarch 200 Hhds N O Sugar' ' 200 bbls and hf bbla water 500 ks RiO Coffee and but r crackers 100 - I O G Java Coffee 200 bbl3 and hf bbl3 pilot 100 f Laguayra " '. bread and picnic do ," 1 00 " Mocha u " 200 bbls soda milk sugared 250 Ibis, half bbls and egg ana wine ao kgs Belcher's Molasses 190 bbls apple vinegar 200 bbls. half bbls andrSflO bxsloljaccRjarrgrades N N refined do '290 bis smoking tobacco, 0 half .chests, tea, ,au various bra nds r - . . lfind' i I '( t 100 benthos oi)steiaar' 250btls i?oleher8VSugar 0 this n'S .Sicily and 150 bbls, bal'd, qrs nos 1 1 Joc Almonds .2 and 3, Mackerel 50 tbl3 Wborts,' Drazil 200 bxs dried herrings nuts, pecans. . . . - 20 hf bbs White Fish 100 kgs S C boda . . ' 5 drms dry Cod Fish 500 kegs assorted nails 200 bis ass'd candy . . 500 bxs half and qr star 1C0 " foney . ; candles 300 drums figs 150 do sterino do 100 bxf hl's and qrs Rais-200 do bar soap ins 50 do rock candy. 50 bxs Prunes : , - SUNDRIES. Cotton yarn, carpet chain, batting, candle wicks, cottonand hemp twine, wheat and meal sacks, axes. SDades'and shovels, garden seeds ana straw rakes, log chains, lead shot, powder brooms,' wrapping paper, nemp, mamua, juw anu colcoo coruae, muiyu anu madder, alum, whitehead, window -sashyr window glass, tumbIar3,jarsof difforent sizes, flasks assorted sizes, sassafras bark, pie fruits, fresh peaches, brandy cherries and poaches, current Und raspberry jellies. fresh tomatoes, canton ginger, preserves, nut megs, cassia, peppersaucc, lomaro ana wainui catsup, lemon syrup, lobsters, sardines, extract and essence of coffee,- ehocolate, pickles, matches, cW. WOODEN WARE. Wash boards, tubs, common pails, cedar pails, B B pails, pine and cedar churns, brass bonnd churns, tar buckets, well buckets, cedar cans, mop sticks butter points, buckeye bowls-in nests; iron bonnd kegs, one two, three, five and ten gallon?, the smaller size with bales, common and I B half bushels and measures, camp stools etc. ;v I am also agent for the sale of K A salt, and have now on hand 2,000 blls for sale at cost and transpor tation; . I havo the exclusive sale by direct consign ment of five hundred dozen Field's celebnvted oysters, acknowledged to bo the best put op in Baltimore. To California and Salt Lake Emigrants. Tour especial attention is invited to my extensive stock, which embraces everything suited to your wants in crossing the plains. I will at all limes keep oa hand flour, meal,' bacon, lard, hard bread and crackers, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. 38-ly . . T J.B. JENNINGS. Patent Porta Vie Mill. THE subscribers have entered into l paftnc'r.-bjjj. 'under the firm of Reed, Ilolabird A Co., td manufacture .the J. C. lided, "Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all these in warittf a good- Corn- or ' Wheat Mill that fur dura bility, simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill in the world. On the late exhibition of the- Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Jfcdal was awarded them for it.- - " ' " "' - '" " " ' It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes ; it is superior to all others for the nnt extensive Merchant Mil), as it is for grinding the Farmers feed by Horse power. The above Mills arc manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where they eon be furnished in any quantity athort notice. ! The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: 35 in. diain., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $.100 30 " ' " 44 30 " 15' . --25?) 21 " -4 20 " 13 " 200 20 44 44 44 44 16 44 8 --150 As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to quote irom our numerous recommendations, reeei red A. B. IIOLLABIIID & CO., . Machinists, Founders and ENGINE BUILDERS , ' Front Slreet, "West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O, "T7ould mist respectfully inform their friends and VV the public generally, that they aro now pre pared to execute-nil orders in theirline, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop anil with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation cf the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. aw;MilI Engines of every Description. Constantly on han ;: consisting of the 2;ishr Circu lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every description of ( astings, warranted to bo well made in every particu lar. - They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that lino furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to giveOS a call and examine our new patterns. FRESH DRY GOODS. EEDY, JAMESON A CO., Nos. 170 and 172 Main St., St. Louis. WE are now in ro jeiptof the most complete- and magnificent st ick, ever offered to the Western Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited to make an examination of our stock and prices. EDDY. JAMESON A CO. ' GREAT TJ. S. Mail Route, From Nemaha Agenn, in Kansas,' to the mouth of the Nyoway River,, Nebrasfoi. TIIIS LINE makoR one. trip per week, each way, stopping at the principal towns on the Missouri River. Good Hacks all tho way through, and good horses and nice young men for drivers. J. B. A W. BENNET, Contractors. . Dec. 19. 135f. vln27-lv BROWlWHiLE NOEL, LAKE, & E3IEKSON, Erownvillo, 1ST. T. N. B. We would respectfully inform tho citi zens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we have always on hand a large and well selected snpply of LIJ3IRI-1R, which we can furnish at low er rites than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for logj delivered at the yard or on the bank of the river. AH orders accompanied with the cash, will receiv our immediate attention. TAILORING ! TAILORING ! ! E. E. PARKER, Merchant-- - Tailor, Atlantic strept, West of HoblitxeHs Store. BROWXVILLE, ZEDRASKA TERR. HAVING bought property and located permanent ly in Brownville, I offer my services to the public generally, if they want .any thing done in my line of business. I can always be found at my post, or, more properly speaking at my bench. Work Warranted No Fit, No Pay ! Particular attention paid to cutting garments and laying off work for the Seamstress. The greatest portion of my life has Been devoted to my trade, in which I consider myself inferior to none oscially in it catting cariiaent, hbiaI np-iytorfeaitro-tion to my business to merit a share rf foblic patronage. ' ' E. E. PARKER. Brownville April 16th, 1S57, 44-ly SAVE YOUR HOUSE !! ! IiIGHTWIKG"r ROBS ! BENNET & MARSH, RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they are now prepared to put up Lightning Rods of a superior quality en as reasonable terms as any one elso in this country. Orders left at McPhenron A Hutchin's Store will be attended to. : I May?, " .. . PATENT GRAIN SEPARATOR MM rnill, SUBSCRIBER is now preparod'ta'tu X nuh Farmers and others with his ' ' 1 -GRAIN SEPARATOR," ' ' for the present season. It is unnecessary to speak particularly of the merits of these Machines, as they are too well known throughout the country to need extolling; but the fact that they have heretofore and are continuing to reeeive the premiums at the State and County Fairs where they have been exhibited is suSoiojit to induce ail those in want of such a Ma chine, to purchase one of these. At a practical test of this Separator Jncompetition with the best of .those made in England, in 1353, it received the highest commendations of theprcss, and of the leading grigulturali3ts of that country. I have a large number of them on hand, ready for ho coming crop, made of the best material, and war ranted to do good work. - - ; " I have mrtde many valuable improvements in these machines within tho last year, and have no hesitation in warranting them superior to any in use. Iam also preparing a large number of Crawford's Improved Clover llnllers, patented in 1S54, which are greatly superior to hi3 patent of 1844, being in itself feeder, and greatly ahead of it in other respects. They will bo manu factured under the immediate supervision of the patentee, who h -s permanently located m this place T he above cut represents my four horse 44 Separa tor," and is designed especially for the farmer's own use." Im also airent for Mc-Cr rmiek's celebrated REAP ER and MOWING MACHINE, combined. . ;4 J. R. MOFFITT, Piijua, Miiwni county, Ohio.. Improved Little Giant - CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL . Xxico ZFLocLuooci.. mHE fluhr;hr bits TMirrhaed PTclneivn ?rbt nf -L Territory in the West, of the above celebrated Mills, and is prepared to furnish Them at all times, cither wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most positive manner, ... , It is now more than a year since the '"liittlc--Giant" Was Introduced to tho public, daring which tioc it has been constantly erowins in the popular favor. Tho improvements recently effected and patented, makes it the m-xt perfect machine ever offered for general farm use,, it is furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs as follows: No. 1, 225 No. 2, 330, No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minutes are sufficient to set one up, without mechanical aid, and when bhec adjusted, it can with safety be entrustod to a boy. Full directions accompany each Mill. No 1, $35, will grind 8 bu meal per hour with 1 horse N2 41), 44 44 10 M 44 44 ' " 1. 44 No 3 50, 44 44 15 " 44 4 4 " 1 44 No 4 60,. 44 44 20 " 41 44 44 2 " Liberal discount to dealers. " JAMES B. CHAD WICK, - No. S3 Locust Street, bet. 2d and 3d June 28, 185f5. vl-n4 St. Louis, Mo. ALLEN ROOT 8: V. COZZENS ROOT & COZZENS, LAND AGENTS, Omalia City, JSTm "37; HAYING made arrangements by which we receive accurate coies of all the Townships, as f;wt as surveyed, in the Territory, we are now prepared to offer our services to the citizens of the Territory, . IN FILING DECLARATORY STATEMENTS OP INTENTION TO PIIE-EMPT, ' J Securing Pre-emptions, LOCATING LAND WARRANTS, AND -ENTERING BjAKD.' Lind Warr.mts Bought and Sold, Lund entered on time, etc ' PARTICULAR attention raid to buvin? and selling on C'oniniiion. Al.o in making Col lections in aU parts or tho TEKU1TOKY and WESTEJIN IOWA. ' April 7 43-tf . . ;. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUHDRV "So. 168 Vine St., bet." Fourth, aad Fitfc CINCINNATI, O. C. F. O'DUISCOLL & CO. M anufactnrcrs and dealers in News, Book and Job Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings', Ac d c Brand and Pattern Letters, various sty les, Peace in IKansas ! C F. JENNINGS & CO., ' : F0RWARD1HG & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, White Cloud, Juiusas Territory. SPECIAL attention given to Receiving and For warding Goods of every description. ALSO: . Will keep a large and complete assortment of GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, " 1 HATS. CAPS. CLOTHING, &C.,&C, At the Lowest Cost Prece! " Dec. 25, 1855. vln2S-6m . Herring's Patent Champion . FIRE-PROOF SAFES TT7ITH nail' Patent Powder-Proof Locks-the ?t. 8,fmVh.,ltwirf aw"r'ie1 T-rate Medals at the ot1 s Fair London, IS5l,aud the World s Fair. New lork, 183; and nrc the only American Safei that were, awardrd medals at the London World's ratr. - - - - These Safes are now admitted to bo superior to any ever offered to the public ; and the subscribers thai i"?0 r f- rlJ to rr-JJoce an insUnce of these ba.es fading to preserve thelrcontents through the hottest fires, or a nrglar picking the Uck. The anbribr. an,l their agent are thcfmly per sons authorized to make and fell Herring's Patent Champion bafe, with Hall' Patent Powder Proof Locks. , , ' . n S. C. HERRING A CO. - Orccn Block, 135, 137 and 139 Water St., i urt-,D., nl 5 iIu"7 h't,New York. March 5th, 1857. 33m GEO. P. LUCIkllAliDT, A mi Jf1 TT I yr If A i dJ H liJ A E BC H ."rxcX, IT crxTsrolloTV " AKES the liberty to hi urns the citizens of Brownville and vicinity that ho baa opened a WATCH, CLOCK A JEWEIJIY STORE InOregon.IIolt cort'nty, Mo.,' where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of tld and Silver Watche?, Clock and Jewelry, which ho wiir-U extremely low, tor CAS II. Also, a fine lot of lo'ins, Accor-lsons, Silver, ar.d Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension casf-s, Silver Thimbles. Acn Ac. ... He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, ia the best manner and on vhe most rcasonabla terms. Every article bought in his establishment is war ranted to bo what it is represented to b. Wt-h re pairing warranted for cao yr. July 2", 1W. vl-nf-'rf type, l rintinsr Presses. Cae. CiHIea . Inks, and Printing Material cf Every Description! STEREOTYPING of all klnTl.-a mm F0H ALL TiLE TTr$n FAMII.YPliVs we and perfectly wfc i hi IZV. .pcti preuarea to me--t tht des J ..j iy i. f ive trial of iU tirtus haa Ornish V" what sneers it aecotnplisnw ?i4 It is ctst to make ft phyrie,! Ji Z?. make the best of all j'jfliKt?ot none of the objections, but all '.V1"1' every other. This has been atteptTdfe with what success we would respectful1 ' N me puoiic tu-.fusion. It hai. bcen'cr,r, L the patient hitherto that almost e?? Tnedicine Is acrimonious and nTit;kUnP els. This is not. Many of them pr4i W ttripiTig pain and mulsion ia the vsto v than -counterbalance the tmi to'h s them. Ihese puU produce no irritatf, tion or derangement -m the l,jw,K B,L" :an aase :nn ri,.:.. ra veartiiblp. no harm rnn n .... .1 . quantity ; but it is letter that any medi.-C be taken judiciously. Minrrtt directioT.j L use in the several disea to hih thfT plM-able' are given on the oox. Amori '1 plaints which have !een speedily cured t may mention Liver Complain'- in its nA lRe,r . oi jaiinon-e, uinisreTion, lnnit tr 4 Lrm 7 E etite, . .LjstlcssTtess. lrntatii itr. P.;i;... 1, mous is lever,- fever and Ague. Pin in ,jj -.oins ; for, in truth, all-these e but ft.'' ana ioidh : tor. m trmn. a.i-i.hps rm v... w scQucnce of cuspascd action m cuiii f i, vutii.-v film aifiiTitiTv.-, 01 me t), t- and impurity of the blood, IrTg-Jaric'; a9 any ana every case where a .p irgative aw Thev have also producea some sirtr, i - - v T, jrr Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Piiy ;.4 j! Back, Stomach, and Side. They should in 'jJ taken in the spring of the yer, to piuif- ftf and prepare" the system for" tie change of An' occnsional dose stimulates the stomcfc ,j bowels into healthy action, and restore XUm titc and vigor. They purify the blood,! stimulant action on the circulatory nTntmi vate the strength of the b xiy, sr.d"re;toi 4. wasted or diseased energies of the whol orgiji Hence an occasional dse is ailvanbus, though no serious dcraiiger.ieut exists; 'j necessary doling should lcvcr be carricil to b as every i)irative T.icdicine reduce the ntjfti when tiikeii to excess. The tlious:iiid rasninwii a physie is rojuired t-atmot ,t oinimoiwd hn. they suggest theinsc-hes t the' rrasvii of t"n body ; and jt is coiifideiiry tn lievrd tbi jiit answer a better purpose than si.y tiling hitherto been avaibiljlc- to mankind. Win-v- virtues nre once known, the pul)lic will nsinnj doubt what remedy to cu ploy ni.i-n in ncrdufi cathartic medicine. Ben si m-Avrapft!, ft , pleasant, to Like, and being pnirly TrtM', .nariii can arie from Their nse 111 any (jiuntitr. Fur minute direction, see wrapper oa the B-i i i:ki ai:kj y m. JAMES C. AYE1V mclu:!! am! Aiinl) licnl t'Iirini - LOWKLL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per lox. Tiva Ioxh fotSl AYEU'S CHERRY PECTORAL; For the riil Cure f coigns, coins, hoahes, m:om. asthua, ami roxsnirriox. Tin rcn.tdy has tiuh fir itM-'f suA ftn fnnn its riirc-tof cwry variety of f uluinnarj i,ra. that it is entirely 111 nfcrssHiy to ir i.(ii.t I'm rv dein-rs of its virtue' in an' Cfiummi.!v W it has been employed. S witU in the field uf iMe fulness, and o nuburDUS fiie raset rf iU nn. that itlmiot i verv sirtiull of the ceimlri in pt'rons publiciy known, n ho have, W 11 rt!; rfi from alarming and even desperate d;vrai lungs by its in-e. When oni trit-d ilsviptrnrj mcr ri-rv AttUrr uii;tMi of it,s kii.J;fwap rent t e;-pe .lervt3on,, jiii.d j irf'" irfiu.iK kitown, I ho public b';er jeutcfit unUcule to entplov for the distreswiinr alvl ivijinw fr;' tions of the pulmonary ojans wh'nb w citr. to out clinate. "t arj'y in fornml-ille .ttsr" upon i the Inngs, b-it .for "tic ip;!;itr W.rt'e.' CoLfis, Co'ruiis, H.KSKSK.s. kVt. ; ar.d for Cmi iit i- n it is the !ea.aitest tiid safest mrcirm Jut can be obtaiiu-d. . . . . " '.. As it hits lor.g U-en in rouilaut li-se thrvsvia-t this M-etiMi, we neld not do more thai) wire people its' finality i kept up to tbbet thititi'8 has been, and that the genuine srticle is iu'i bj- : J. II. MAUX, A CO., Brownville. . Ikrnlrd, Adams Co., SlLiw, And all DrogisU in tho Unitl State., Juno 25th, 1857. - ': i STORE, ; - NEMAHA CITY, X T. " Moore & niunrxLEE XXrouIl rcspectfullj- announce to the public generally that they have received ai.d opened at Xcniaha City, - ' LARGE STOCK. ., i OF Everything that comes ntider tbatjiw GROCERIES, .vi iliEllliIilfi!? ' . ' i r All of which we will sell CHEATER THAN -THE CUEArEJ Eeady Made ClotH v EVERT VAFJE'tS'. iil.'i'ialify. r"",8' jW tern of IUdy Made CIthinz. i"''.! iU ferule ehrr Jf'.)tMT2tt"' aDenoni inor anora nromnt ind cure r . 1 r - ----- itt.ty f tiveness Piles. Colic, Dvsmt(-rv, llnmnri a c "',.. .-.i. I- '. . i ,. . - O .XL ..... 0