Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 13, 1857, Image 3
THE ADV ERTISEE 1857. if paid In advance. - JM.w i . at tbe eud of months, - 2 .60 nne year. . -" " aw " " or more will be fnrnisnod" at $1.60 per CIU provided Uie CAt.t accompanies tlie order, not Ti- . r JOB WORK. ,-.nt extease additions of Xew Type, Cuts, X ards, fcc., made to tbe "Adver t cuini to be able U turn out Job Work m tir . ".rraNlbTny,ff!3e- TLe proprietor beint; BMjnc- -" - ,f sn, ij.TiBg in hit employ u , practic' ex-eneacedFaacyJob Printer, is e- , " . t-nnt-doua ia the execution of Job Work. term"" - . fugter'a latest improved Card f ) Blanks, Work in Coiora, Bronie Wirk, Ax.; will 8,?irfm.d:sUuce Willi , distance will be promptly attended to, rarraTitni - ' - ...... - .it .r'li.n or no nav " VOTE CF yiXAHA COTJITTT. The following is tbe Official Vote of e o 5 CONGRESS, Raflkia. varruoan. ySWliTHWAL TEEASUREJt, W'ynuui, Tuttie. IIBTUKUN, . . p.t:in, Haey. KelUim, FiaSK, p:ST ATTOE.XET, ::fl..rd. REPRESENTATIVES, Benedict, XcCxiua,. Chamber., Wi-lia. JJiaick, rBOBATE JTDGK, VLitiiPr, Jwttns Bratt-Hi, CV, Berber, P.iters, Ck, KtOI.STKR OF PEE US, "I.nW, TfwniTwn, TUKASrJiER, R..ney, Hill, MP T CUU. SCHOOLS, Tti;:rler. corsTr clese. M'Ca'.hron, SVRVEiOt, . i',.rvl, Hum, CkjUXlh-SIUSLU. Clr. - Ewitit. j;-STifl t?r" TUT PEACE, Titfip-"ti, Xi"r. f ui u. WtlrU, BlTTIs. Y'.S. Horn, aTSoun, lull, CONSTABLES, E1wiril, f;-lnil.r, Snwt:, J IV. ll.irn, j PtiC'.p 9B 1S6 13 13 103 101 4 64 6 2 53 19 67 14 1 35 3S IS 132 69 60 35 64 63 106 79 25 103 49 62 174 40 106 99 8 1S9 16 26 19 60 18 1 8 39 62 23 60 13 21 4 30 8 39 14 61 15 3 67 6 74 45 6 101 31 26 32 85 17 27 n 2i w 67 3 S 21 5 47 I 227 C3 64 20 4 60 128 70 92 124 6 24 150 62 63 100 23 52 226 7-: 92 1R2 66 67 4S 8 27 304 66 31 25-17 70 n i a- 170 17 30 47 83 29 117 68 86 30 23 46 33 24 49 37 48 13 IS 193 20 26 25 43 17 9 37 64 32 2 C.nvacscr. Uurn, c. w G. II. WHEELER H SIXOS. i To our old friend Daiist. of the Ad miral, we are again indebted for favors. He is one of those alwavs on hand. In Tows. J. It: Yaxsatta, Esq., Editor of the 4,Kock Port Banner," called at our Sanctum on Tuesday last. We were happy to make our neighbor's acquaint ance. He visited our Citv to see 'Low wo were getting along'' and also to solicit advertising and subscription patronage from cur business men. We think they will find it to their ad- ; vantage to patronize the Banner. Brownvillc gets quite a trade from the Missouri bottoms, wants more and .' will get it, if the people over there know what you have for sale. "Put :- it in tie paper." Xnr Banking Houfce. 1 Messrs Carson k Lusiibaugh, from Keokuk, Iowa, purchased an interest in our City a few weeks since aud now liave a building nearly completed on ,Main street, in which they will open nt in the Real-Estate, Land and Money Brokerage business. Mr. t-ARsoy has been here for several days and Mr. LrsiiBArcn will be along with his family soon. We trust their business 'and new home may prove profitable nd agreeable, and their intercourse Vnh the community beneficial. Panorama of the Jttissouri River. Henry Faul, of Council Bluff, art ut, has been spending some months on the Upper -Missouri, in his 4lone ca fcoe," taking accurate drawings of evcrv point of importance on the River from the Yellow Stone to St. Louis, preparatory to painting a panorama f the Missouri river. We were shown Ms drawing of this city, and of some other points, which are very accurate indeed. We have no doubt but that kis work, when completed, will be "editable, and draw 'crowded houses.' The gentlemanly Clerks of the steamers Hesperian, Omaha, Hannibal, Poland, Min-ne-ha-ha and Edinburg are our thanks for favors. The Hesperian is a new boat, this jiag her rt trip. She is owned in Joseph, is a fine-looking craft, and lier Scers are gentlemanly and ac cJ3imodating. . ih E. M. Ryland is also on her Et triP and, wc trust, will find the uP-tivcr- trade profitatablc. Th ne eiec :ctior.sinKcr.;cckT hav. n-.m r.m. cr-,c : s - w aCten twerp. Cor.grcsaan, Le-is- -: ; CCTX AT LAST. - . The Ions looked for Books for tlie Nemaha Land Office, arrived Saturday night per -steamer Edinburg. Nothing now remains to prevent the office going into operation but to bring up the busi ness done at Omaha for this District, which will be attended to immediately. B.EPOKTED KtTRDER OF STTRVETIKG PAH TIES. Letters were received at.Lecompton on the 15th ult., which state that the Cheyenne or Sioux Indians, or both, had attacked several of the United States surveying parties in the south-west por tion of Nebraska, aud murdered a num ber of men. The report is that five of Capt. Brn et's and all of Col. Maieh's party in cluding the latter, had been murdered. We have been unable to learn particu lars. It is the opinion of those best acquain ted with the country in which these par ties were, and the regions of country traversed by the various tribes of Indians, that if these massacres have occurred, they were committed by the Pawnees, and" that they have charged the murders on the others to escape punishment. This also is tbe opinion of tbe Surveyor ueu eral, now in our city, who states that the lands upon which the surveyors were at work, have always been claimed by the Pawnees, and thst they have ever mani fested great displeasure at their survey by the government. K.insas City En ierprizz. . . . , Vvlmqut, July 31. A. B. Colemaic, formerly of the As tor House, N. Y., has leased the" new and elegant St. Cloud Hotel, of this city, and will open it in a few weeks. Washington, July 31. The Indian Bureau has been inform ed that the sales of the western portion of the Delaware Indian Trust Lands in Kan sas had, on the loth inst., reached nearly SI15,000,and it is supposed nearly half a million will be realized. The Ottawa tribe of Indians, in Kan sas, concluded a treaty with the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs to-day, by which thej agree to an equitatable distribution of their land among theinsclves. Provision is also made for their recognition as citi zens, after the ratification of the treaty by the Senate. ' Thirty-nine dead horses, during the week ending June 29, have been found in the streets of New York. Philadelphia, July 31. The wife of ex-Postmaster General Camitifll died in this city at an early hour this morninsr. POPULATION OF HoLT CoUKTT. The population cf Holt county, as reported by Mr. Galen Crow, our sheriff, who took the census in the fall of 1S56, are as fol lows: White males White females Free persons of color Slaves Deaf and dumb Blind Insane 2,6G3 2,432 o 279 1 2 o Total 5,405 Holt CourJy Georgia papers announce the death of Gen. Thomas Flournoy, at his residence on the Sand Hills. Gen. Flournoy, says the Augusta Chronicle, was a man of a former generation. He survived n?arly all his cotemporaries, having lived beyond the extreme limit of four score. He was, we believe, the oldest mem ber of the bar in the state, having been admitted before any one now practising in this city, was born. He was loner a distinguished member cf the profession, from which he retired some twenty years since, and spent the evening of his days in the bosom of his family. ToOR E' COCRAGEMEKT FOR HoGrES. Texas used to be considered a paradise for rogues, but the following paragraph : from the Indianolian of the 11th inst., in dicates that "times ain't now as they used to was:" Rumors constantly reach us from the upper country that the vigilance commit tee are raking the country, fore-and-aft, and swinging every horse-tbief and mur derer they can find. A gentleman who came down the road a few days ago states that ne saw a dozen bodies suspended to one tree, and on another five. A great many of the desperadoes have passed through this town on their way to New Orleans not considering it healthy for them to remain longer. If the com mittee continues, the country will soon get rid of all the scoundrels that have so long infested her borders. a i rinteh to the Last. During the last moment or W mn,a Rochester printer, w lately died, he was heard to say: 110 l m on my last stickfull I'm comirs to a 1 1 V O parapraj.!) ana l suppose I'll have to wait for oia aeatn to put in the period." Brownville Bakery AXD EVAN WOttTUISii. BEGS leave to announce to the public, thai be has erected a Bakery md ConfecUonarT establish ment in the City ot brownville N. T., and will kep constantly on Land, and is prepared to bake to order urcan, uracccrs gnu wahw oi every manner, style I i -l u mucu experience in baking and consequently foels quite eoutident he will be able t give satiitfaction. A liberal patron age is respectfully solici ted. EVAN WORTHING. July.23-57-v2n-lm. - v . i ii - . , . J Hew Grocery. AND Confectionary Mcoa. BROWNVILLE, N T. ANNOUNCES to tho citizens of Erownville and vicinity, that he has received and now epened a general afSf.rtment o!'we!l selected gToeeries of al kirnls, together with confectionarips of every variety teol soda water, tiTstcrs, fresh froits Jt:, al ways on band. A share or patronage is respectfully ndicited. . . w A ALDERMAN. ProwBTi, JuTy r5-'j7-r2n -Ty. . ' Sanrssl LlcCartusy, 7hskcxl6 Grocer and Dealer is. T7izLei tod - . -. j i". lAgnonv sv L -r- .r Tv Manufacturer of All kinds of Domestic Liquors, and rectified Wliisky, XoellO ad 112 Second, sL, Ixic Locust and Pine. "Win. Hatthe-ws, Comniition Hereaant, "So. 62 Commercial t-treet, ST. ixtns, to. v2n5 Harvey, Tan Wick, Ilarrey JL Co., General Land Agents and Real-Estate Brokers, XEESASKA. CUT. HATE avrrrtrjoment3 by which they are prepared to maie Surveys of Towns, Farms, drc in any part of the Territory with accaracy and dispatch, and having employed the best Draftsman in the Ter ritory can execute Maps, Town Plata, and prepare Architectural Piass,and specifications to the perfect satisfaction of our customers. . Brown ville, July 16 th, 1857. v2naly DR. J. L. McKEE, AND SURGEON DENTIST. BROWNVILLE, N. T. Teeth plugged and filled in tbe most ap proved method. Lrownville, May 14, 57. 48-tf Claim Notice. LEWIS STOWELL, Chas. A. James, and all others whom it may concern, are hereby notified that I will nppear at tbe Land Office ia Omaha, on tUc JSih day of July, 1857, to prove up my right of Pre-emption to tbe Xorih-east quarter r section eirfit (8) in township six () ranee fifteen (16). FETKIl XOFS1XGER. July 90i, 1857. ?2 4-2f UPHOLSTERY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY SCABRITT & 3IAS0N. ST. LOUIS, MO. "T7E take Treasure in savins to our friends and V the public in general, that our stock of Fine, Medium, and Common Furniture, as well as Mat tress'is and Bedding, was never more complete and deserving the attention of purchasers, either at wholesale or retail in full suits or single articles than at nrerent. . We shall spare no effort to Veep the most complete assortment in our lino, in the West. Our Goods are mado here, as weli as East, by the best workmen, and thus combine the rroatttst variety and latest styles, with the cheapest and most substantial. Dtalers. as well as all other purchasers, are in vited to call and look through our Mammoth Ware Room?. Orders also, from all parties bavrag furniture to buy for themselves or others, are especially solicited, with the assurance of our bess endeavors to merit a continuance of the liberal confidence aud patronage we have so long received. SCARRITT A MASON. Washington Ave. between 2nd and 3d Sts. March lfctb. '57. - 40-3m D. JC. HITCHCOCK. - C EIAUDSLSE. BEXJ. JOT D. 31. HITCHCOCK CO., Det Olive and Locust streets, SL Louis, Mo. II f ANCFACTURERS of Cooking, Heating, and Jj J. Parlor Stoves and Grates. Also Manufacturers of four sizes ofjewett's Pat ent Cary Hough, one and two horso right and left nan ' Buchanan Life and General Insnranco Co., Office eor 2d and Jule sts., ST. JOSEPH, JIO. CHARTERED AT TEX LAST SESSION' OF THE MO. LEG. Authorized Capital 3,000,000. DIRECTORS. J. TJ. Jennings, I. R. Coward, J. A. Owen, Milton Tooth, JounColhoun.JohnH. Likens, W.ILPcneik, James Kay. . J. McA'ban, A. li. Mansheer. J. B. JENNINGS, Pres. N. R. McAshak, Secy. TS now ready to rccoivo application for Life, Fire, A. Marine and River rifks. A cash return of 25 per ' cent, will be allowed on ctrgo premiums. Losses promptly adjusted, and the usual facilities given to the patrons of the otlioc.. April lfith. 1857. U-?,m IL V. MUIR, GENERAL LA1TD AGENT Omaha, Brownville and Table Rock, EXBRASEA TERRITORY. TS dow prepared to select Government Lands, and X. locate Land Warrant ia any part of Nebraska and Western Iowa; to buy and nell Land Warrants, City Proncriv and Real Estate. Debts collected and pro ceeds Ttromptl t remitted at current rates of Ex change. Will buy and sell property on commission: pny taxes for non-re?idcnts. With a personal knowl edge of the best locations in the Territory, I am no r urerared to ; ttend promptlv .to all business entrust ed to my care; will act as agent for Firo Insurance 1 Companies, etc., etc. I have made arrangements with the Banking House of Gillespie, Pierce A Co., Ciirbondale, to remit ('ash and Land arrants from person? ia the Lust, on my account and to be lor- warded. Correspondence Solicited. KEFEB UT PEEMISSIOX James Archbald, General Agent D. L. A W. R. R. Scrnnton. Pa. Chas. P. Wurts. Sup. Del. k Uni. Canal Co., Carbondbli, la. La thnpe A Jones, Caibondale and Scranton, Pi. TJ. G. Morse. Esq., Red Falls, N. Y. Hon. Wm. Gleason, Delhi, N. Y. Jas. C.Hart, Sec. Pd. of Dir. Del. it 11 ud. Ua. L New York. Wm. Frothincham. Attorney. Albany, N. Y. Gillespie. Pierce A Co. Bankers, Carbondale, Ta. Jas. Clarkson. En- Carbondale, Pa. Rev. R. Nelson, Pria. Wyoming Seminary, Kings ton, ra, Rev. Abel Barker, Honesdalc, Pa. Rev. T. S. Ward, Carbondale Pa. Rev. C. W. Giddings, Carbondale. Pa. Hon. R. W. Furnas, Brownville, N. T. Mark W. Izard, Gov. of Nebraska. Col. J. A. Parker, Register Land oEce, Omaha. Col. A.R.Gillmore, Receiver, M M " W. T . Finch & Co- Onuiha. A. J. Stevens A Co.. Ft. Des Moines, Iowa. Wotice. Editor "JVc6rai Advertiser": Dk ab Sir: In looking over the last number of your Japer a notico attracted my attention signed by erome Hoover, sq, in which be states that certain stories are in circulation that the undersigned claim some interest in Nemaha Citv for the purpose of in juring its prosperity. It may do quite well tocir- caiate a report of that nature where the facts are unknown, but to those Imowing tlie facts such statement is merely foolisa. And for the purpose of giving a fair opportunity to persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn ail persons from purchasing any pretended claim or interest in the said town of Nemaha City, from the said Jerome Hoover, as he has sold and received pay for nine-twelfths of said town, and suit is now pending to place the undersigned in possession of tbe interest by them purchased in tbe same; and they have not authorized the said Hoover to sell or dispose of any portion of their interest, but directed suit to be brought long since for its recovery. Yours, Ac, - F. J. MARSHALL. JNO. DONIPHAN. JAS. DONIPHAN. R. L. BALLARD. R. C. BISHOP. L. D. BIRD A. G. WOODWARD. S. F. 5UCK0LLS. CHAS. F. nOLLY. March Wih, 1S57. " 42-if Mo More Credit! "VTOTICE is hereby piven, that hereafter we sejl i Goods for Cash or Pnorrc ovlt. McAllister, dozier a co. cfjrwnville. March 12th, '57. 30-tf . nous e and Lot Per Sale. IWISn to sell my hense and lot situated on the corner f Atlaniie nvA Second streets. The lo cation is a desirable one for a residence, and needs no comment. I will sail for what the property cost me, any one ia pursuit of n bargain now is tho time to jrt it, as 1 am determined to sell. Apply soon to R. W. Furnas or the sub3:ribr. E. E. PARKER. FrcwcTit-, Jue 11th, J". 52-t? J. B. K'AXUSTXK. I J. L. MIIIL T J03AS CRAXX. Oregon, Mo. Lrownville, K.T.' Oregon, Mo. SIcAlXlSTEll; DOZIEIt si CO., MERCHANTS.' Dealert im . 1 FANCY AND STAPLE - 1 DRY GOODS! HARDWARE & QUEEXS WARE, Gxooeriosf Provisions, Produce, etc.,' etc., JVo. 4 Main Street, amd Su. 2 Zev&t, BUOWXTILLE, N. T. St. Joseph Gazette, Kansas Herald, JeETtTson City Enquirer and St. Louis Republican eopy six months and charge this effice. April 16th, 1857. ' ' 4My . the L4BMT STOCK,. OF Ever Offered Jest Iteceivcd Per Steamer Emma AT THE ; CASH AND PRODUCE STORE OF McAllister, DoziEit & co. Calico and Brown Sugar, Fish Hooks and Clothes Pins, at McALLlSTEVDOZIER & CP's. Ginghams and Molasses, Steel Pens and Wash Boards, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Salt and Brass Kettles, Tar and Fine Combs, at McALLISTFR, DOZIER & CPs. Lawns and Ox Yokes, Tin Ware and Crushed Sugar, at McAllister, dozier & co8. Bleached Muslin and Bed Cords, Shirt Collars and FiddleStrings, at McAllister, dozier & co?. Denims' drawing knives, Do Lains and dried apples, at McAllister, dozier & CP's. Silk handkerchiefs and hand Saws, Blacking and pain killer, at McAllister, dozier & cox Flour and irish linen, Black pepper and bar lead, at ' j McAllister, dozier & co. Flows and powder, Pocket knives and percussion caps, at McAllister, dozier & co. Blk silk cravats and cod fish, Lace mitts and wall paper, at McAllister, dozier & co. - Coffee and fine shirtn, Red and white flann-al and tobbacco, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Rice and ladies undcrleeves. Nutmeg graters and Queensware. at McAllister, dozier & co-s. Glass and Ayers' cherry Pectoral, Carpet sacks and hardware, at . McAllister, dozier & cox Ladies hosiery and log chains, Neodies and shovels, at McAllister, dozier & cox IjaJics collars and striped shirting, Puff combs and saddlery, at McAllister, dozier & cox Broad cloth and bar soap, ' Curry combs and dress trimmings, at McAllister, dozier & cox Boots, shoes and star candles, Lace edging and Salaratus, at McAllister, dozier & cox Cottonadcs and spectacles, Brooms and Ticking, at McAllister, dozier & cox Sewing silk and buckets. Envelope! and Kentncky jeans, at McAllister, dozier & cox Blue drilling, knives and forks, Tea and white lead, at McAllister, dozier & cox Wash tubs and tooth picks, Buck combs and knit needles, at McAllister, dozier & cox Casidmers and vesting, Shoe brushes and Godfrey's cordial, at McAllister, dozier & cox Lacts veils and co logne, " Dreis combs and scissors, at McAllister, dozier & cox Thimbles and raaor straps, Poarl buttons and jews harps, at McAllister, dozier & cox SuspncUr3 and ribbons, Brown, green and blue barege, at , McAllister, dozier & cox Vinegar and linen thread, Jaconet muslin and shaving soap, at , McAllister, dozier & cox Linen table spreads and shoft lacets, Indigo and Jaynes' medicines, at McALLISTER, dozier & COX Brown linen and razors, Crash and diaper, at . McAllister, dozier & cox Colored cambric and ink, shoes, Thread and cotton batting, at McAllister, dozier &cox Table, tea spoons and wdding. Coat's thread and jack plains, at McAllister, dozier & cox Challi dc lains, and window snsh, Doort and shnmbray ginghams, at McAllister, dozier & cox Straw goods, and summer clothing, -Starch and pins, at McAllister, dozier & cox- Bonnets and hair oil. Bacon and artificial flowers, at McAllister, dozier & co's. A thousand and one articles not mentioned, call round at McALLIf TER, DOZIER & COX For Dry Goods f every description go to McAllister, dozier & cox For cheap Groceries and good brogans go to McAllister, dozier & cox If you want to get that which is of the best go to McAllister, dozier & co's. Who is it that always evinces the most fiolkitudi nous anxiety to please the tasto and captivate the lye? , McAllister, dozier & co's. Coiisequently you should patrotiio M cALLISTES, DOZIER & COx Deal With WALLISTER. CQZIER fi. CO. BLINKS ef every description, for rale Of5c. r.t thii : "":tjistili.ed rr.03i coal. -- --- - (SECURED) BY XETTERS PATE5T.) Keroseke lLixieATiNO Oil. The light obtain ed from this Oil exceeds ia brilliancy that of any other oil or finid heretofore dhcovcred; is inexplo tive, and will remain limped in the very coldest weather. The Company recommend as the lamp best adopt ed to this Ooil, the Kerosene Lamps, manufactured by the following parties? Messrs. Cornelius & Baker, also, JUyott, oi i nuaaeipnia, r.. . liaugnwout & Co 4S3 Broadwav, the Brooklyn Flint Glass Co., No. 73 Broad Street, Messrs. Dicta A Co, 133 Wil liam Street, L. Merrier 137 Fun Street, N. Y. Samples of different styles of Lamps can be seen at the Office of the Company. Kjerose.vk Lubricating Oil, No. L Prepared to suit tbe finest, and all other kinds of Machinery burns brillianty in Locomotive Head Lights, Car Lamps, and all the ordinary Solar and Hand Lamps, and stands as grea a decree of cold as best Sperm Oil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship use. Kerosene Lubricating Oils, No. 2, 3. Superior Lubricators, and will be found to possess advantages over any Oils in the market at same prices will not burn and has been thus prepared to meet the re quirements of Railroads and others. . . . KeroEEXE Bixxacle Oil. Prepared expressly for Ships' use, and will be found admirably adapted for use of Steamships, Men of War, Merchant Ves sels, Lake and River craft, and burns in all cabin stateroom, binnacle, forecastle lamps,, signal lan terns, Ac. Binnacle Oil will remain fluid as long as best Sperm, and will burn all night without requiring to be trimmed, an advantage that will be obvious to every Shipmaster. The Kerosene Oils can be obtained from the Wholesale Oil Dealers. Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in New York, and the regularly appoint ed Agents of the Company n many of the principal Towns and lilagcs of the L cited btates, tlie Cana days, and the Island of Cuba. Local Aeents appointed (in conformity with the rules established by tbe Board of Trustees,) on ap plication to ATJSTEXS, General Ajcnt, Kerotcnt OH, Co " No. 50BeaverStreet,N.Y. N.B. Circulars with full iiarticulars, testimonials, prises, &c will be forwarded on application as above June 25th, 1S37. v2 2-ly Motice. ALL persons are hereby warned not to cut any timber or in anywise destroy the same on any Lots owned by the undersigned in Brownville or the additions thereto. A. KOUNTZE, WM. RUTH. Brownville, June 11th, 1857. 52-tf LOWE'S OMAHA CITY, N. T. LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! Go To On Main Street, Where you tr ill find the best and . Cheapest Groceries In Broicnviflc, , At Wholesale or Retail! THE subscriber would invite the public to call and see his large stock of Groceries, which have been selected with great care, and are now offered at unusually low rates. Persons in want of Coffse, Tea, Sugur, Molasses, Chtfese, Confectionery, Fresh Fruits in cans, Tobacco, Segara, Candies, Ac, and any other articles usnally kept in a Grocery and Variety Store, will find it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also, by the trhoio sale, as fine a stock of Brandies, Wines, Gin, Monon- gahela,and Rye Whisky, Schnaps, Champagne wine, &c, as ever was brought up tho Missouri river. Fish of all kinds, constantly on band. Country Produce Wanted for which the highest price will be paid. A share of public patronage is respectfully solici ted. J. R. DAVIS. Brownville, June 18th, 1S57. v2 1-Cm KNE0TJR & FERGUSON, MILLWRIGHTS & ENGINEERS nROTVXYILLE, X. T. A NNOUNCE to the public, that they are prepared l to erect Steam and Water Saw aud -'Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair ing of machinery of all kinds. . . all work warranted. i 1 hey are also Agents for A. B. nOLLIBIRD CO'S., Western Foundry.' CINCINNATI, 0 LEE & EE A VI IT'S Saw M an is factor v, CINCINNATI, O., And are prepared to receive and fill orders for nny ma eh in cry manufactured or kept on hand. by these es tablishments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered REFFERENCE3. Noel, Lake A Co., Brownville, N. T. Steam MilL K. V . I urnas, Brownviiie, ' Muir, Uann Co - Dr. Hoover, Nemaha city, u P. M. Rogers, Pawnee city, - M U U Nuckolls & lute, Ilockport, Mo. . James Lowe, Linden, " M A. B. llalliberd, Cincinnati, O. Brownville, June 13, 1857. v2 1-ly. THE PROPRIETORS of thincw town, recently ; laid off in Nemaha countv, Nebraska, wish to call the attention of the citizens as well as those just coming into the county, to the numerous ad van- tag a, they are confident all who Kill take the trouble to examine will acknowledge, surround it. In the , first place it is as ucar-as possible ia the geographi cal centre of the county it ia in the centre of pop- malum and improvement is cn the mam lurougu- fare lending North and South and East and West. The town site is nearly level, gently rollin, is sur rounded by the timbers of the Missouri and Little Nemaha; good water is of en-y access, several fine springs are on the town site. Good building stone near at hand fttone coal has teen found in abund ance within a short days travel, which can be brought into requisition for mechanical purposes of all kinds. Another matter, it is confidently believed that the day is not far distant when a Railroad will be constructed along the river tier of counties in Ne braska, from the nortnren to the southron boundary. The nature of the country is such that this road mut pas through Eldorado. With its position and all those advantages sur rounding it, the proprietors with many others, feel assured that it will be for the best interests of the eo nty to locate the County Seat at Eldorado Be licveing thus and feeling willing to assist the county we pledge ourselves and will entr into bond, if necessary, to donate to the County two hundred acres of land in town lots, prov ided the County Scat is located there within a reasonable length of time. R. PEERY, U. S. UIGHTOWER, Proprietors. Brownville. June 11th. '57. 52-2m FASH10IIABLE TAILOR Jacob Uarohn, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. HAVING determined to bxatte in this place, re spectfully announces to the public that he haa on hand a large and well aclectcd stock of Cloth. Tweeds, Casimers, Vetings, Ac, which ha will make to order in good style and at reasonable rates; or sell by aoy quantity desired. Ho also keeps constantly on hand and for sale a supply of ready made clothing of all kindi' ; Brocnville, June IStb, 1857. v2 1-ft A. W. rUETT. at. G. W1LKINSOX. PUETT k WILKINSON, AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW OMADI, N. T. Will attend tc all business entrusted to their car KErEKENCXS Col. Jessa Williams Fairfield, Iowa Gov. Jos. A. nght, Mr. F. S.Rooek, Hon. John G. Dbti;, HaC. Geo! L, !lil!cr. Indiana polls, lad. Wiishirton Citv. Rckvili-,In'l. " Cniabr. Cut. NM.' ill .Pos'ael at .Main street, Ictirccn 1st end 2nd, EnOYVNTILLE, IT. T. J. H. MAUN & CO. Has just receieved The L.1RGEST STOCK ; West oi St liOiiis, Consisting, in part, of the following articles which he proposes to sell Cheap for Czsh: Pure white lead French zinc China ' " Red lead Venetian red Raw and burnt umbra Spanish whiting Chalk Turpentine Linseed oil Tanners oil Copal VarnLh Japan Whito Varnish Litherage Paint Brushes ' ; : Varnish !M Sash and window tools WaU brashes Lettering pencils Tuble paint3 Camel hair pencils ' -Blenders Star candles Yeast Powders. Putty Castor oil Cod liver oil ' Sweet oil , Olive oil Glue . Patent Medicnes, all soTt Cough candies Fancy u Castile soap Toilet - Washing " Toith Brushes Hair u Cloth Almonds soft ebell Hard shell almonds Filbert, peacaiia Pifa nutj . . Figs Raisins Oysters in cans Sardines LTk and Imp Teas - TOBACCO, Of the best brands chewing and smoking. " Cigars 1 finest quality and flavor. PLUIIS AND LIQUORS, Preserved, fruit for pies, Bran lied peaches, fresh peaches in cans, pure liquors for medical purposes. Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin, IrLh whisky, Bourbon hisky, ginger brandy, Cogniac brandy. Cordial, Port wine, cherry wine, whito wine, malaga wine. STATIONERY, Fooldcap paper, fancy letter paper, gilt edge note, and envelopes plain fancy and embossed, Pens tad penholders, Inks of all kinds inkstands and Fabers pencils, sealing wax waters. Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries Comprising, Lyons katharion, Cologne, pomade, genuine ox marrow, bear greaso and oils; musk and essences of all kincu and of the linest quality, with all other articles usually kept in a Drug More. Prescriptions Compounded at all hours with care and despatch. . TERMS , . CASH EXCLUSIVELY. Brownville, May 14,1357. 47-ly IIEV7 FERRY. Acrcs3 The Shnte At the Head of, the Island . ABOVE BROWNVILLE,' To W. S. Hall & Cos Saw Mill. THE undersigned announces to the Public that he has purchased the Ferry privilege granted Jack son Peters, at the last Session of the Legislator, and is now prepared with a new and substantial boat, at all times to accommodate the public. Charges usual rates. URIAH SMITH. June 11th. 1357. 3S-3m Notice. THE undersigned are no longer stockholders in tho Nemaha Valley Bank, and are not responsible for its is.uc, having sold our i terest ia tberaino to Msrs Jones, k Barkelow, S. E. Roger?, F. David son aud their associates. SAMX R. RIDD. E B. R. PEGRAM. Brownville, March lSih, ls57. .ra J. W. COLEMAN, Land and Lot Agent AND REAL-ESTATE BROKER. -FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. , . . Xiand ZSntorod on Time. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. TJROIVXYILLE, TS. T. Kanawha Salt. 2000 bbls on consignment, and will b eold at a reduced price, by J. B. JENNINGS. Frnit. 150 boxes hrs and qr M R RhLmus, and CO bxs Oranges and Lemons, for sale I y . , J. B. JENNINGS. - Rope ICO CoiU Manilla and Jute Ru;:, rcm J, to 2 inches, just received, and for sale by J. B. JENNINGS. Ulackcrel. 120 package no. 1, 2. and 3 UiR-k-crel in i, y, and whole bbL., jost received, and for sale by J. B. JENNINGS. Fresh Oysters. 100 doa Field's celebrated Oysters, on direct consignment, ia store, and fur sale, J. B. JENNINGS. Nails. 300 Kegs assorted, in store, and for sale by J. li. JENNINGS. Fish. 100 bxs no. 1 dried herrings, and 2000 pounds Superior Codfish, just received, and for sale by J. B. JENNINGS. Window ;ia-s. 150 boxes 8X1010X12 rlas. just received, and for sale, hv J. B. JENNINGS. St Joseph, Mo. April 30, '57. DAVID H. Jt'LAUUHLIN. CHARLES G. POKSEY. Mclaughlin & dorsey, ME AIL ESTATE AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Tint Street, (opposite " Advartlier" olSce.) BROWNVILLE, N. T. Will attend to Filing Declarations of intention to ! Securing Pre-cmpticns, Locating Land Warrants. Enteriag Land. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Particular attention will be pail to buying and selling property on commission, and making iuvest menU for distant dealers. Correspondence solicited. Mclaughlin a dorsey. hktzz to Bradford, McLennan k McGary, Nebraska City, N.T. McPher.-Hin, Xlo-rison. k Uutchins, BfLiwavilie, N. T. O. H. Barnet, Esi Daya,Ohlo.' F02 SALE. Lot 5 in block 59; Lots 3 and 12 in block 4A; Lot 10 in block i7, in the City of BrownTille, br M:LAUGULIN 4 DORSEY. TOR SALE. Lot 2 in block 4! best Levee k-t in Erowuvilc: also, house and lot in block 2 Main street.. .. MeLAUGHLIN A DOR.SEY. F02 SALE. HIf of lot 11 in block 13 Main street; also, lot 4 in block 13. Ah?, 4"i acres of laud joining Sou tt 3!?LAUGnUNl r0r:EY- Apnl 11, 1?57. 4j-3j TI10S. II. LARKE. & CO. AND WHOLESALE GROCERS. At. 33 Ltvee and eor. C-,mw,reial Sl ST. LOUIS, JIO. jy-.ecial attention given to sales of ami AVliEAT. No-oHr3 tiken for tio pr:Iajj" of Ilerrp, directly or indirectly. '. April 16th, 1S57. 44-3 ta H. T. BEXXETT, t. S. MOSTOS, K.H. HAltllNtf DENXET 2IORTOX A: IL1RDIXG. Attorneys' atlaw, Nebraska City, X. and Glenwood, ta. TTJILL practice in nil tbe Courts of Nbrask V Western Iowa. Particular attention ptvid to obtainirg, locating Land Warrants, and eoUectioo of debts. - i . . t REFERENCE: . IIn. Lewi Ca, Detroi W f r i iL'J ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' " .iulinsD.Morton . -f igan; Gov. Joel A. Matteson, SpringfieM, HI; Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; - '-t;.'-B. P. Fifiled, St. Ixni,Mo.: ' Hon. Daniel O. Morton. Toledo, Ohio t " -f-J P. A. Sarpy. Bellevuc, Nebraska: ... J 1 SedgewichA Walker, Chicago, HI;, .j"" . : -Green, Weare A Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa.- - NEW TRI-WEEKLY LVIL. 1 - i , a i 'A i , I nocnpoiiT, r:o " brownville; Nebraska.- GEO. E. LICLAIIT, HAVING taken thf contrwt f ;r rrj!r.g : th Mail between the above point?, takes this method of informing the paLlic generally that be has mid- preparations fur running a Iia.k on tlie above ruiiaotl route : . . ..- - . Leaving Rock Port every TursuyL Fri lay and Sunday, at 12 o'clock Mu nrriving at lrrwnville at 2 o'clock. P.M.t leaving Riownvilld fur-Rock I'crt, same evening at 3 o'clock P. IL -1 This route connects at Iik I'vrt wivh the Su Jo seph and Council Bluffs Stae li:ie." f.nV at Bro rn ville with the Stag line leading from T )rckaKnwvv St. Joseph Mo.,Iiidcpendtnve, Karas(rity and jlhtr. poinU blow ; and- to Nebraska City, Omaha City and other' points above; and New rSrt" Kearney, west; The sub.orib3r , hopes by d!Ti?at atta ia- to business and-ftceocimr.daLion- to U3t oners, to mPritahare of the public patronnge; " - larticular attention paid to the cor-rcrar.i i Packages or pareeli. , Charges moderate; but soac- eountabilitv for unavoidable aecidenta, ' April7 1S56. 43-tf REAL ESTATE AGENCY, GEORGE CLATES. ; ., J.J. IT. LII. clates A: Li:rl ' Real Estate -nnd General' 'Aeeacv. r 0MAIU CITTrN.TiTT r. J References.J James Wright, Broker, '' " .if . INew York,. , Wm. A, Woodward. Zs. . .' i t ' , Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Gov. of Ohio, CJev'otanl, .1 Wicks, Otic and Brownell, Bankers, '' Aleott k Uorton, , . T ' : . Col. Robert Canplllr fits Locii, James Ridgway,E.-q. - ,;.,(..", . Cra wforn and Sackett4 . . . Chieagi. ' Omaha City, Aug. 30, 1S56. rYlnB!-ly . . Horses 7uit:d. --t. : I will pay tho highest price for a few fino, wall broke horses. ; Apply at my stable in Brownville, . J. W. COLEMAN. , Special Rotice.; Short Settlement Make Long FneniL THE iubseribera renest aH'thaf ire indebted to' . them, by note r aeeonnt,' t make pnyTnentby the 15th of February next, as cne if the firm ;, start Eat at that time for a new an 1 full' ro-k'if -goods, and CASH will be war, ted to yyforthitB. 7 " " We return f ur thanks to our friend for their patronage to this tim. and promise to merit, tt tt n-" tinnance ol the same hwaftr. " ' " WM. HOBLITZELL A CO. ' Brownville. Jan. fith. 1K57. . . . - ' For Sale. , ; ,. 50 bbls. and 1 00 sks Hour, at - t .. McALLISTER,;D0ZIER A XX O. r. LAKE, Brownville. w. ix. ntwTEiv .. NJmaLaCit..; ' LAKE & HOOVER, - 111 BTSE ffiis AK1 NOT AIT YS VtmACSr?: EroxTnviUc and Nermha City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. f ILL promptly attend tarland '.Vgcneie. laying V taxas, Drawing money, boding1 aa'J in,Iti!' Real EstAkC, buying and a lling on Ctrjnisio'j Making Collection fr dL-tant dea!x, and wl( . UULi" of business pertainiiig to their pr..fussion. ' ' , " " Particular attenU in wl!!begiv,: ia filing de1arA'2 tory statements to pre-empt V i rocurir Wa-, ran ty Deedi from the Town authoriik. '! Persons owning tots urn. residing at a dltAnca -wUhing to procure Warranty Deeds wilt fll irell to place the agency in our hand, (a'wa J t preftiting their Quitclaim Deeds forwid Lot within '.ho ex piration of six months, as after that time all lm not Deeded will be sold. Blanks alwajs on hand! t. r , ,. N. B. Ietters cf hrinirv answered pMlrrily- March 21, '57. . jir-; i 41-1 - ' - A ttornrr and' Cou nsrU or -"at " A ?r rROWNVlLIiI5,fT?'. ' Will practice ia the Third Judicial Diatriot. in Ne braska Territory, and in the TwtlfLk Judicial Circuit in the State of Mis.urj. t nm-:i:ENCi-is: v.7;V.; Richard Brown, ' Brownvijli N. I, . t R. W. Furna, . . ir. .unit fi ?i ucfjnr . 4 4ppwauo?, VU1'. - Jauis Frtcr. Ori, -r . - ieorge N. Miller, AtLct, N. V. ' v ' i T. B. CVXINO. - lOKX . - T " Crt-lC. CLM1NG, k TURK, i Attorneys at JkTical "bXily AenV, nw enrrusted V) them, ia the Terrifial' ar Iowa Courts, to tbo purchase of lots and Luula, en- trries and pre-emptions, collection, Ac."' - ' Office in the second story of Henry . U Oct new ou.lding, nearly opposite the Westirra .lXt!tan? .1IAXUFACTORY. . . Maia Street, . BROWNVILLE, N. T. - . WILLIAMrT.JDEN;! ' sV RESPECTFULLY Vetera " bis ' sler if S tlJ,lt', x" taacitirm. of -Brjwnv?.U act 1 ti- f unending oounlry fr tbeii: lilral rU j ronagc extended hiin fincc h'nnmm'a'U eniaratinif in ue aoove line ana piaee, a&a be woai.I aary to aia old and new customer who wih to aontiaae their DfttronaPA. that bVl&4int f,r. Kf ljuaia with a large stock of the beAt eeality leather, m.. J 1 v:- : Jit.. . materials, style of work to be had atthrabr c enab rant cannot be surpassed Wet(.f St. LouU. Brownville, Jan. 3rd. 2357. - fl-f Cash! CashU Cash.!!! TnE nndcrrigned would xn.t earmsfjcull upoa those knoingthem?v!vcsuidetttdfur Medicine and Medical attnlanco toeomo forward atd settl without further uotico - A. S. HOLL ADA Y. Brownville, Mayll'ST.; .r' ,.t, 4ct-jf PHTE LUIIBER ! ! ! W.TTT7 - . ... . - ... f i nit. unucrs.gnea rpec!iui:r inJoTm tua c.t.iens X. of BrowuTiile, and NcmiUia and stirt3uu.lir counties that in a few days wc will op?u a X'i u Lumber Yard in Brownville, where vie w 11 kep f-r t altf a well splected stock cf Pine Luu&e; frm 1 i to 3 inches. Ali, Pine Siding M, Flouring; i'.ina Shinglcis acd Pine Lath, all wLk U o w .lx tc'J. at fair prices ' roc cash oxlv.-n ii. r.Ru'A': a Co. ' BrornvU, Junr 21:h, V7j r, f. vl'-'tf Fcr ma! 10,00 p.-wndsBac)n at , MsALLISTER, PONIES iCO x " .3