THE ADVERTISER. II. W. F (JUNTAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY" MORNING, AUGUST 13.,' 1857. S. II. Parvijt, General Advertising Agent, in rear u' New lork. Ladies' and Children's Shoe Store, SO Wet t Fourth tercet, Cincinnati. Yisscher, Owes it Co., No. 316 and 343, Broadway, Apw York. Andrew Wixd, American. Canadian an.! Euro?an Advertising and Subscription Office, No. 133, Nassau t .., New York. V. S. Swtmmer, No. 43 Chestnut street, St. Louis. B. F. McLukg. Troy. Ohio. Dr. II. n. Darst, Tippecanoe, Ohio. W. C. Mukgck, Covington, Kj-. A. D. Kibk, Archer, Nebraska. II. W. Peter, Oregon. Mo. Dillon c Hawk, Rock Port, Mo. RIDE "W hite, Nebraska City, N T. - Dr. M. W. Tate. Linden, Mo. T. J. BARJsrM. Tbrec Grove, S. T. ' ' Are authorized Agent to solicit Subscriptions and Ad vertisements for tbe Advertiser, and rcceieve and re ceipt for mouies therefor. Persons resident in this Territory, coming from various portions of the States, often suggest to us the uames of persons inthefr old neiirhborbood. who would doubtless become subscribers if tbey could see a copy of tbe "Ad vcrUorr." We aJ wars send a speci men copy, and persons receiving, will consider it a solicitation to become a regu lar fubocriber. Fo6tmaster and ethers, feeling sufficient interest to make up a club, can retain the usual per cent for their trouble. KJ-Territorial Warrants and Nemaha County Orders drawing interest will be taken at par in payment for ntebtodness to this Office '. tJrnless notified at the close of the Volume to dis continue tbe '"Advertiser," we shall take it for granted that subscribers wish their paper continued, and shall accordingly continue to send as heretofore. .3 - - rjJTThe "Nebraska Advertiser" having much the largest circulation of any paper in the Territory, Wholesale Merchants in St. Louis, St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other Eastern markets where Nebraska merchants purchase, will find no better advertising the Western Conn- As wo notified last; week our paper will suspend for the space of two wc?ks. The suspension, however, will work no loss to the readers of the Advertiser, as we will, make up the complete vol ume of 52 papers. We regret having to suspend publication even for so short & time, but we are compelled to do so in order to prepare lor cola . weatner, and we find it more convenient to do bo' now than after awhile. If any matter of unusual importance should transpire during suspension wo. will advise our readers through an extra. - '' CTTB DELEGATE We promised last week, and really de signed writing a leader this week, " Re flections upon the Elective Franchise;" but truly our engagements are so very pressing, that we cannot find time to do the subject justice. We are confident our readers are not aware of the amount of ; physical and , mental labor together, devolving upon us. We write on an av erage," fifty letters per week in answer to enquiries as to the "present condition and fature.: prospects of Brownville and Nemaha county' personally superintend th$ mechanical department of our estab lishment ; which is of itself sufficient to employ the time of one man edit the Advertiser, eve, and when we call atten tion to the amount of original matter in comparison with most western papers, we are sure all will acknowledge, to per form that duty alone, requires no small amount of labor. As to its quality, that we leave to our readers. . At all events! it costs us much time, study and labor. Few, without the experience, can form any Idea of the amount of labor requisite to conduct a public journal. We know no resting point. Since our. residence in Nsbraska, we have not : known when night, or Sabbath came t they with " week day ." are alike to us we labor through all ;' and for what? To advance the in terests and build . up our city, county and Territory. But we have digressed. We have not the official returns, but all concede that Judge Fencer FERcrsoN, who for two years past, has faithfully aad honorably discharged the duties of Chief Justice of Nebraska, is our Delegate elect to the next Congress. . Of him we need not speak, as we have before done so; and he is well known throughout the Territory as a man coming up squarely to the Jeffer . scnian standard honest and capable," although not the man we supported, we recognize in him all that we could desire as a citizen, and well wisher of our terito-ry.- We have every confidence that he will faithfully and impartially represent us in the National Legislature. He will take with him into its halls position and acquaintance, and consequently influence. . Aa a journalist we hereby pledge him our fullest assistance to render him useful to the"squaiters or" -Nebraska. We op posed not the man, in' the -campaign just closed, but the manner, time and motives which brought him before the public. It was a complimentary remark, however, we heard made more than ence in regard to the Judge one that he should and no doubt does feel proud of that " he is too honest."" ; : . ' As we frankly acknowledged two weeks ago in our leader, our'principal object was to defeat Mr. Chapman ; not however, as we then also stated, prompted by any spirit of revenge or ill feeling toward that gentleman; but simply from pure and honest convictions that in so doing we were working for the general interests of Nebraska. Feeling as we then expressed, ourself that he was not a resident was net of us, and in his acts and accomplish ments had, plainly to be seen, been sec tional It is somewhat gratifying to us to know that our position has been that of the people they have endorsed it. As to Mr. Chapman's qualifications or abilities, necessary to fill the position of Delegate, we never for a moment entertained We supported -.the man cf our choice, r r-cne cuVnlaii honeit lncuvef, and labored faithfully to secure his election. Others did the same towards the man of their choice; for which none can complain or find fault. It is not onlyour pleasure, but a duty to extend this-right to those differing from us, and we only ask ana claim the same at th;ir hands. To per sonally abuse men b ecause ;'of difference of opinion is wrong,' and results in no good. Mr. Chapman or his friends here or else where, cannot consistently, charge us with other than pursuing an honorable and gen tlemanly course toward him, or his sup porters. We met him and his acts upon their therm. - i. . Running the risk of being charged with falling in with the convention system, be cause of the success of its candidate on the present occasion, we say here and now, and want it distinctly understood that hereafter we enter into no campaign involving the Territory or state, as it may be, in any other manner than by regular old fashion ed party nomination in some way. It is well known by many; even the candidates at this election,' that we advocated such a course for the past election, but found it to meet with little! favor; We ; have heretofore, until the opening hi this cam paign', been opposed to dividing up on party issues rur wo are -Tony ; OTiiDtra, n..d, we think all are,, that less injury would arise from such a course, than upon local issues. This thing of battling against men and localities, which really mean nothing, when principles and policy are lost sight of , we are unwilling' to admit to be the true course to pursue in order to secure real and general interests. I We .believe too, that party lines and issues-except in minor matters would have a' very great tendency in this Territory to .unite local feuds, jealousies and isms which threaten, if not checked, to result in great and last ing injury to; Nebraska. . When political battles are fought, men know. who, where, when, and for what they are fighting, and when the battle is . over, all are friends asram. Mien cannot oe said ;o; contests partaking solely ot local or sectional feel- As to Nemaha county, taking the vote as a basis for conclusion, we have not ob tained the man of our choice as Delegate to Congress. Yet we can not do other wise than acknowledge that a good man is elected; one we have every reason to believe" will look after our! interests in common with other counties. " Let us therefore' be content yea satisfied and as to any personal matters or feelings that may have arisen, let them all be forgot ten, and burried beyond the possibility of a resurection. This is our feeling desire and determination ; and we have as much cause, more perhaps, to feel sore, and treasure up for a future day, than any cne else. We have a general and common interest at etakc, duty to perform, and end to accomplish. -AH shoulders to the wheel then ; " a long pull a strong pull and . a pull alltogdhtr" to shove along Nemaha county until she shall attain the position nature designed second to none other in Nebraska . j SOUTHERN 2TOHASKA. Don't fail reader in the Stales, and else where, desiring information in regard to Ne braska, the excellent article on the first page of to-days "Advertiser" "Kansas and Nebras ka," by C. W. Giddixos. Mr. Giddings has spent a great deal of time in looking all through both Territories with a view of locating ex tensive companies from the States. , What he writes he knows from personal knowledge; no hearsay about it. Having come to tha conclu sion that southern Nebraska was best calcu lated to Bustain a heavy population he has been the past year laboriug as Superintendent of the Nebraska . Settlement Company, in sendirjg out quite a number of. companies from Pennsylvania, 2ew York, and Ohio, who have settled in and around this City, Table. Rock Nemaha city, Pawnee city, Glen Rock, Rulo, and other points. Preparations are being made for a still larger emigration next Spring. ST. EEEDSICK. . This ia the name of a town laid off this Spring in this county, by an enterprising com pany of Trotcstant Germans from "Wisconsin. The town is on Big Muddy,' township 5j range 13, precisely dne West, 18 miles from Brown ville; directly on the road to Ft. Kearney. The placd now contains 40 families,' one store, one waggon maker, . one blacksmith, and a church and school house; under, way, to be completed this season.' This is the way to drive things "on a swell." We have conversed with' a number of men from this new town recently who inform us they do their principal trading at Nebraska City, a distance of fivo miles farther than to Brownville! Reason, there is a good road opened to the formcrplace. There being no bridge across the Little Nemaha and one or two smaller streams on tha route be tween this Citr and their town and settlement it is impossible to pass to and fro with loaded teams. Need we say another word. If the bridge already commenced across the Nemaha was completed, anc! fifty doUar$ spent in digging down the banks and bridging the smaller streams, an excellent road - would ba opened from St. Fredrick to Brownville. ' By the way what has become of, tha5 "Ne maha Bridge." Away last summer the requi site subscription was received to build it, and it should have been completed long ago. Why Las it not been done?. Don't all speak atonce. Some Fisa. - ' On Sunday' night' last Mr.. Henry HofTman, of this city, caught, at our wharf, a cat fish that weighed one hun dred and twenty poumh! That'l do. Who can best it? . : : ; . 3 Brownvil Steam Ferry. oucn nas Deeu me rapiu increase of patronage at the Brownville Ferry, the presents-season, that it ha i been ''-. found necessary to bring into requsi tiori a Steam Ferry. Finney & Cod dington, the enterprising proprietors have accordingly contracted for the construction of a new Steam s Ferry Boat, to be completed and oniand before the close of the present sea son. Mr. Finney left on Saturday for Wellsville, Ohio, where the boat is being -built,'' to ;give the work hia per- sonal attention, and hasten it along as speedily as possible. .Our , business men, together with others of our. citi zens, x have made. .arrangements.swith the present Ferry Company to carry for. two years ' all foot-men from the Missouri side of the river, residing within .six, miles , -of its bank, free of Look out, gentlemen busi ness .men of Kock. Port and Linden ; we're after your ..Missouri Bottom trade, and will have it, if we can get it fairly and honorably. '. " " that Judge Ferguson's majority is a'- bout 175 votes. . Also that Chapman intends contesting the scat 'on ' tne ground of some little informality in conducting the election at some pre cinct or other, Florence, we believe. We think Chapman when fairly beaten by votes, will do himself full as' much credit to allow the matter to 'resVas to contest. ; We happen to know' of a precinct, not a thousand tniles off, val uable to Mr C, which might not stand investigation, as to formality.' 1 ' ; ' ' We suppose however, Chapman - has great hope -of success in a contest, owing to his personal and intimate acquaintance with Jim., 'Lew., Steve; and others at Washington, who say I must be returned- the interests of Nc biasko: demand it.' ' '' ' 1 : ;- ; 3Iissoori Eleetion. We have reports but from three counties, and give only as to Gover nor: - . ; . . ... . ' .BUCIIANAN COUNTY. ., , Stewart Rollins, " ' ' r - HOLT COUNTY. Stewart, - Rollins, ATCHISON COUNTY. Stewart, : Rollins,; . " . ' ' 962 548 ' r 219 200 148 118 From the beating of the public pulse in Missouri, for some time past, we are inclined to the belief that Rollins i3 elected Governor. VOTE OF JOHNSON COUNTY. The following is the official vote of Johnson cqahty, as to Con gress,: anrf Representatives jointly with For Congressman, Ferguson . ' 47 Chapmait 20 Raskin ' 3 For Representatives, ; ' . Chambers 1 64 Bishop ; 54 Bexedict-' ,56 Minick f 17 Peery ? , 1 IT DIDN'T HUST ANY ONE. Public men; especially Editors, out West, have to keep an eye out, that they 'do nbtget their ''scalp' taken off or bio wed up by some "infernal ma chine" or other. The bump of caution has therefore become largely developed on this species of tho genus homo. On Saturday last, per Steamer Wattosa, we received a small Box directed to " The Editor, of the Advertiser, Brown villelhis side uphandle with cafe.' Goodness ! Gracious ! ! - thought we, some of our'pblitical enemies are un willing we should go the usually travel ed route up Salt River, but are deter mined to "blow us up" there by means of air "infernal machine." ,; We caii tiously forced off the lid all the while "feelin' kinder all over in spots." All fears in a moment vanished, when bur eyes beheld a bountiful supply of such as we delight to feed upon. Wc couldn't help exclaiming in the language of one of -old "Suffer' such to come, unto us very frequently. "Fine Fresh Cove Oysters, Sardines, a Box of the finest Havana Segars we have "puffed" for many a day, and a supply of "old Scotch ale" to wash down with." Was'nt that a bold act on the part of some body! We traced the perpetrator out and - found him to be J. B. Jennings, of St.' Joseph, Mo., the most extensive Wholesale' Grocery House North of L t 1 : r ouis. - ' 1 - We call the attention o.f our saloons, and those elsewhere within hearing, to the extra quality of the oysters and ale for sale by Mr. Jennings. They were decidedly the finest we have tast ed. Mr. J. is prepared to sell at St. Louis prices. We hope a supply may be ordered' "for this market.'.' ' Sec his advertisements in another column. ' : BAYAR) TAYLOR'S CYCLOPEDIA OF MOULIN TRAVEL. A record if Adventure, Exploration and Discovtr. for the past -DU years, com- ) prisingmrratives of the most' Distin guished Travelers since ma teginnmg of thisjentury.- rrcpareu anu -arranged by Jayard Taylor. One" vol. royal - 8vo.r SO. pages. I Neatly bound - in !g dark iJtherembellished with five fine ortrafi on steel by Buttre, and illus ytrafed by over forty wood engravings ""by Orr, and thirteen authentic maps by Schonbirg. Sold to subscribers only. MooRt WiLSTACjt, Keys, & Co., Pub IisnersCincinnati. " Wehaie received from' the publishers 'a copy of tlis exceedingly valuable work! which, coitains the cream " of over fifty separate Narratives of travel of those who may be sryled the representative" travelers of the last half rentury. in the remote and less know regions of the world. ' ; (Their works are comprised in about ninety vol umes,, are published in . several- different languages, and probably could not be pur chased for less than $150 ; .indeed, many of them are out of print, and not to be had. Since, the year 1800,' there' have been more important explorations than in any previous ten centuries m iue maiuiy ui the world ;; "but - the -recordsof : these ex- nloratinna TriaL-p ' a librarv of manv, hun . -r- ' ..... k dred volumes, view. can anoru .the money to purchase, or the' time' to read, a tithe of. them, Hence a w ork like this of Bay ard. Taylor's .is greatly needed. . ; By- ju dicious .selection, and condensation he has brought together in this volume of a thou sand pages, nearly every thing .that we need to know in regard to the travels in Asia, Africa and America, since our cen tury began ; ' and he has succeeded won derfully in preserving the life and ; spirit of the original narratives. liis omissions and condensations are generally real im provements, relieving . the, account of use; less matter, and. making it more graphic A copy can be seen at this office. , 7 : COLFS VOYAGE. OP IIPE.-: We have received per express, from tbe publisher, Rev. A. R. Wolf,- Sping- ler institute, is ew York; a. set of enra vings, me,,iaiiit;u VOLE s. voyage or Li fe." .These .works 1 meri " very 'justly mucu coiiuiit nuaiion. 1 ney aepict won derfully the whole career of a human' be ing f rom'; infancy to old age; : Specimens can be seen at this office. ; ' : - " In the left foreground of the first pic ture of the series Childhood we have a deep, dark cavern, from out of which bursts into the- light of "early morning, a bright, smooth stream. . Upon this! as it leaves the cave, there floats a tiny boat, laden . with buds and flowers, sporting among whose beautiful and delicate petals sits a laughing infant, the voyager whose experiences have just begun. An ahgel steers the boat. The stream is narrow. The banks are clothed wfth gorgeous and luxuriant vegetation. ''All ris suffused by the rosy light of dawn. - The scene admi rably expresses in every feature the emo tions of joyfulness and glad surprise. In Youth -the second picture the stream is wider, and flows oh with steadier force. Stately trees stand upon its bor ders, and hills and mountains confine its current. The voyager is a youth, who with his own hand grasps the helm, and having his eye eagerly fixed upon a castle towering amid the clouds, sweeping on in the unflinching confidence of his years. As he is borne away, the guardian angel looks after him from the shore, with a tender and anxious eye, and seems in the act of committing the impetuous navigator to the care of One who alone can succor and save. - The third picture Manhood pre sents us with a terrific scene. The stream is now a torrent, speeding on' with resistless energy. Its course laying among rocks , and shattered, half-sunken tree-wrecks, leads swiftly downward and outward to the wide ocean, faintly seen in the, far distance. The voyager, now a man of middle age stands erect, with clasped hands, as if conscious that there is no longer hope from the exercise of either his power ; or skill. The helm is gone he can .only lopk to heaven. The guardian spirit calmly yet tenderly watch es from the clouds the destiny of the voy ager. : - : ' In Oi.d Age the fourth of the series heavy clouds hang over a silent, dreary ocean. The boat, by this time well-nigh broken up by storms' is now directed to its haven by the guardian angel; while the old man, looking . upward in the di rection indicated by the spirit, at length beholds that longsought vision of splen dorthe gates , and j battlements, the towers and radiant porticos of the celestial City. To him the voyage is ended. The haven-where he would be, is now happily attained." 1 ., ; . prices. , Artists Proofs, cn India Paper, be- " fore lettering, the set, : r S50. Lettered Proofs, on India paper, the set, - . - - . 30. Plain Proofs on best English Paper, made to order, - - - 20 Arrangements have been made to pro vide a suitable and tasteful frame. Twelve different styles, as specimens, have been prepared by four different man ufacturers, employed to get up the most suitable and beautiful patterns within their means, and can be supplied at favor able prices, varying from $10 to 860 a set. . .. The engravings will be securely pack ed, to order, in. boxes, at an expense of S3, and sent to any express office, or other address, in this city, as subscribers may direct. . . - , .. . Communications in reference to this publication; may be addressed " THE VOYAGE OF LIFE,'' -: , REV. A. R. WOLFE. - Spingler Institute, . New York. Capt. Patton, late commander of the ship Neptune's Car, , died at the Lunatic Hospital, at Somerville, Mass., on Satur day ofternoon. His wife ; hrbught his ship into port while he was confined to his bed Ly sickness, and a fund is now be ing raised as a reward for her heroism arid devotion. -r- ;v Mrs. Eva Conenhasren, who died re cently in Smythe county, Va., aged 88 years, leaves one hundred and five grand children, one hundred and-tnirty greaw grand children, and one; great, great grand child. V A .s . ' ; - : : ; : : St Pan! July tO. Col. Noble, superintendent of the wag on road to the Scuth Pass, is now in this city:? The expedition is for the present suspended, his encampment west of the Big Sioux having broken up on tho I8th, on account of his further progress being violently opposed by the Yankton Indians, and his party retreated to the Big vv oods, about eighty miles west of Fort ?Rklgely ' -The .obiections raised' by ' the -Yanktons to . CoL Noble's party crossing their country is, that they would frighten away the buffalo, their only mjeans of sub- sistanee. v Col. Noble, before leavin? the Indiansappoiiited the 20iL of August to hold a council with the , Yanktons to . treat for the right of w-ayVcfdss their territoryf tion of Col.: Npble , to proceed , with the duties assigned him by the government, ucapiie ui uusumifS. - The following are the County Officers elect for Johnson county : ' : : , W. Sayerj, Probate Judge i , fD.-M'CLt-RE,' County Commissioner. C. ; Wright, Sheriff. .. r J. K. Little, Treasurer. . . '- A. W. Brewer, County Surveyor. - 'rW. Stkoxg,1 Supl Com.' Schools., ; ii.;i iii I; 7'- v'. i ..-; i ; . ... . v - L The'. Empress 'Eugenie, it is said, will soon become a mother again. ' f . THE MARKETS. Jforeafter we rtiaU fnrninb our reader with the latest market dates from all poinU of interest. . . ' Bhowkville, Ann. 13th. Flotir SI 50a5 00 ciwn mctl ixjiie to be hart-bacon 16c 20c lard 19 bntter 25c and scarce ess 20c and scarce coffee n-i-sugas . Hal7c ta $lai 25 salt $3 pet tack of 200 lbs clieeso 20a23c-4rlce 10c molasses $IaI60 macKerainp. laocpQr piece. : r . ... , St. Louis, Aujr, 1st. Wlieat 110aI36 corn 707ic ots 68ofliir per ack $3 25; per bbl B75$-S barley $1 hemp $125al35 per ton whisky 2 hides, dry, 17c salt $120 per 6ack uacon uatoo (ooacco ooaa per ltXJ lbs. -".,-;. ".. " ClKCISKATI, July 31St. lour 6 40a$6 75 whisky 2tt wheat I 20isl 30 corn Liverpool, July 15th. BFlour SO a32s 6d wlieat 23s 3da0ot 84 corn 38tal2s baa n 6oa67 Od. !::Uit' ifrwrosK, July31rt. . Flonr $7 per bbl wheat 95ca$l. . Saxfrakcisco, July 5th. ; FIui$13 50 Pork$75a. '., ... - ' . . St. Jos'eph, Auf. 5th. :Wheat $125 flotrr T50a$10 pe bbl corn $1 bacon 12aHc hides dry 13c. Is valuable Remedies. nere are a few simple remedies for rery prevalent disorders, which we have no hesitation in recommending as infallible: For sea sickness stay at home. ., . ; ; For drankenness drink cold water. For health take Ay er's Pills.. .. Forawilents keep out of danger. 1 To make money advertise in tbe "Advertiser." Tor Conghs and Colds take Ayer'b Chtrry Pcrtora!. To keep out of Jail pay your debts. To be happy subsceibe for a newj);tper. To please all mind ynwr own buincs. To have a good conscience 'pay the printer.' ' Jiicir. - v At Archer, N. T. July 20, 1S57, Lizzie, only daughter of John P., and Amanda F. Wclty,. aeed 10 months and days, - . . , 'Sleepon, sleep on, my jrentlo chiM, 'J . I would not wake thee now; L . ! I would not mar the happy smile, - V That rests upon thy brow. I would not awake thee from thy dream, .:. It seems too bright and fair; . I would not chance the holy scene, ! For those of earthly care." .: . Claim Notice Jeremiah Campbell and all others to whom it may con cern; Tou are hereby 'notified that I will, on Monday August 3ist, 1807, appear at the Land Offlce in Brown ville for the purp"eof proving np my right of pre-emp tion to the 2 . E. quarter of section 18, Township 5, Range 13. - ; , , . JAMES HANXAN. Aug. 13th, 1857.- " ' ' v2n9-2w p Emigrant's (Land Hunters!! ! . 1 HO YT & SMITH '. 6HML mi mm. And Nemaha City & Ileasaatville, N. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Zand Entered on Time, Land Claims and Towa Lots Eccgnt and Sold. AND Investments Made for Distnnt Dealers. BJ5ING practical Surveyors and 'one-having had three years experience in the "West," will devote our entire time and special attention to the Selection andKntryof land or claims for settlers and all th'isc de.-irin choice locations. .. Address, ' . ' ' IIOTT & SMITH. Nemaha City, N T'. ' XEFEK3 TO A Schuyler, Republic, Seneca co., Ohio. DVSearlea, Tiffin City, " " '.. Dr P Innskeep, Uayton. Iowa co., Iowa. Rev W King, Archer, Richardson co.,N.T. S Wiseman, Genoa Bluffs, Iowa. : J F Schuyler, Novelty Works, N. T. F Ferguson, Brownville, N. T Clinton D Turner, Attica. Seneca co., Ohio. tj'LetteTS f Enquiry Promptly Answercd.T Augut 13th, 1357. v-i9 ly J, B. JENNINGS - WHOLESALE GROCER, Commission Merchant And DEALERS -IX COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ccmtr 2d, and Frances, sts., St. Josqph, Mo. V; Agent For The Sale Of Kanawha Salt & Fields Celebrated Oysters. TAKES pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Ne braska and Kansas Territories, nontbern Iowa and north ern Missouri, that he U now receiving bis usually large and complete stock of Groceries consisting of every arti cle belonsiiuT to the line, which he will sell EXCLUSIVE LY AT WIIOLESALK, on as favorable terms as any house in the West. . - . He is also aeent for the sale of Kanawhi salt, a large lot of which is now on hand and for sale at reduced price to close consignment. l- He will be regularly in receipt throughout the season of Field's Celebrated Cove Oysters direct from Baltimore which will be sold at St. Louis prices. They are superior to any oysters sold in the West, and every can warranted. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to. St. Joseph, August 2, 1S57. v2n8yly FLOUR 600 bbls and 1000 sks, various grades and brands, fresh ground, in 6tore and forsnle tv J. B. JENNINGS. SALT 1000 bblt Ka and 1000 sks Ga suit fr sale by J. B. JENNINGS. HTDRACLIC CEMENT 1 00 bbls for sale on consign ment by J. D. JENNINGS. . OYSTERS 600 box Field's Celebrated Cove Oysters for sale ty ... J. B. JENNINGS. SARDIXES S3 cases 1-4 and 1-2 boxes Sardines fo sale by . ' J. B. JENNINGS. CRACKERS 300 bbU and his Butter, S.rfa, Milk Sugar, Picnic, and Boston cruckers for sale by J. B. JENNINGS. CLARKT WINK 60 dot ciaret agoo-l article in store and for sale by J. B. JENNINGS. LONDON1 PORTS AND SCOTCH ALE 30 casks pint warranted genuine, in store and for sa le bv J. B. JENNINGS. -CH EKSE 60 bxs fresh E D Caeose for saw' by . J. B. JENNINGS, i V S l ) Rl KS Pick lesqu.hrsandgals; ttn a toes i u ca n ; fresh flitss; Peaches; Preserves assorted; Pie fruits; Lob sters; Brandies; Reasons; Tomato catsup: Walnntdo; Pep per sauce; Candles; smoked herring; Slackers!, CodSsh, tc, fcc, Sap, ia store and for sale bv ' ' - : J. B. JENNINGS. WM. LUCAS. C. L. 3M TMoraiPsiiDH 4 - Successors to' . C. II. IIcCLTJIIG & CO., ST. LOUIS. 3IO. " - i ;' i i 1 .... v ' ( v I Will bave in store thii I'" ! LM " Amon -which may be -INniANA CLOTHS PRINTS," INDIANA CLOTHS, , DELANES, POMRAZINES 1: it K C I (J CASHMERES, j j CLOTHS, , 1 ' . ' MERINOES, CASSIMERES, ALPACAS; SATINETTS, Our Will embraceiU the Latest Styles OurMpliite Will wc filled with a Very Choice '.t - r: - Head.We will also -jzj cxrznxcz&jzzr Which we will offer to tha trade upon good - . . Our BROWN MUSLIN; ' . KERSEYS, : r . , nCKIKO ' BIj: ACHED' MUSLIN, NEGRO GOODS, " SHIUTIXr 77 "T r LINSEYES, , k ' Will he found as f complete as any iu Udt jnfrlet,. We are determined to offer these goods at very close Time buyers. Real-Estate For Sale. 1 HAVE FOR 8ALE and will sell at bargain if appli cation be made soon : - ' 160 Acre of entered land part timber part bottom prairie -' -within one and one half miles or Br iwnvilie. 160 Acres entered land, same discretion as above, 40 acre under cultivation, good house and barn, adjoin iiig the City of Brownville. . 80 Acres of excel lent bottom prairie land entered, and wi'hia two miles of Brownville. 5a Acres heavy timbered bottom land adjoining Brown ville will be sold cheap for cash. 90 Choice lots ia South Brownville. ';': ; 23 Lots in the City of Brownville. 2 Share in the town of Wyoming. s . , ' R. W. FURNAS, Real-Estate A'nt. : ' 1 . . ' - Brownville, N. T. - Aug. 6th, 1S57. ' ' DOWDALL, 1IAEKHAH & CO., WASIKGTOII FOTTI7DRY, . : , EiiRicc and Machine Shop, . i -. CORNER OF SECOXO AND MORGAN STREETS, ; ' -, st. louis, nor -Mantifactnrers of Steam Engines and Brjilera, Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Single avd Donble Circular Sw Mills, Tolacco Screws and Prese Lard Kettles, Laid Screws and Cylinders. Woo! Carriinp Machines Building Castings, Tounx'rf luiproved Patent Smut Mills, &e. JCAGFOTS for the sale of James Smith 4. Co.'s Su perior Machine Cut ds. ' - n : iv2nS-ly ' Strayed or Stolen, FROM the Subscriber, a gray horse abot sixteen hand hiuh, black main and black tail, about eii-'ht years old. Any person giving information where the horse is or de livering the sanife to me will be liberally rewarded ; said horse had something like the Qsteiuw when he left. ' C. MULL1S. Nebraska City; X. T., An- 5. 1857. " u-ow Dissolution. THE partinership heretofore existing between Mair &. Uann and Mnir, Hann- tx. Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consentnd will be continued under the name and lirm of Ifoadly h. Muir. All the debts cntracte'l by Jno A. ITann for the former parfnerchip will bo paid by Koadly & Muir. who still con tinue the bu.ine.-s. . IIOADLT & MUIR. JNO. II. I1ANN. Ang. 5th. 1807. nS-3w Mattrasses. 33 hn.k Maitrasses just received at the store of Aug. 6, 18S7. nfij - I. T. .WHITE. PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TI3IES. General PllcIlasing, Agency. THE constantly increasing demand npon us to execute commissions for the purchastf all kinUiif articles, both for residents and nun-residents of the city, h is induced us to establish, in connection with our newspaper enter prise, a .. PTJECHASI50 BTJEEATJ under the immediate supervision of one of our Arm, as sisted y the m accomplished experts-, for supplying any article in tkt vorld.- Particular atteutlvn will to paid to the selection, pnr chase, andsaleof thurovs-'h-bred Cattle and Horse Stijck, trained D jK, Ferrets, and fancy Fuwla, Carriage, Kugy, and Saddle Horses, Carriages, Harness and Suddlef, Time Watches, every description of Iire Arms. Sporting Arti cles, Fishius R'xis and Tackie, Afnsic andlosical Instru ment, Yachts. Sjil and R.,w Boats. Furniture, flue Wines, Liquors, and Sizars; Cricket and Hall hats, P-ds, &.c, 4i.c. AGRiccLTrnAi. UIflemejits, or the latest and most improved kinds ; Seeds, Plants, Fruit, Forest and Shade trees, and all kinds of Boks treating on subjects or im. prtance to the Farmer, Horticulturist, and Florist STATE ROO.MS E.VaAGIl) in advance. 1 SteantPr in.1 Packets to leave for Europe. California, the West Indies or any parw r tl world. This will obviate the necessiry to residents of inland t-jwns, and places where no steamer agencies exist, of coming to Xew 'n k two or three weeks in advance us they are now frequently required to do either to obtain passace. or t secure elijrihin tions. In this dopartnipnt.'u o trill ha r . Uoo.M3 at Hotels at favorabl rat the stranger from lmp,sitl,n as well as Inconvenience; fLt 'JUm f" r:-orM lescriVtioa of commissxoJ that wonld ordinarily ri-finire iha nr.,..,... ... ., tfille'f - - c w, mo A"' tientlemen who desire to form t -.v wish to procure the Choice T.itemt,,, , r ,k. ' alway. rely up-.n our judgement a.m selection. -Also, Blank boks and Stationerv. n.t R.w.t v-..., forprinters. -.......5., ,.f; LAPl?S- 8 P"wre tbe latest Fashion ed with their wants. In short, for any service which may be required, tbe J7, ?m?T re'J '.,p"n ns w,th ,be n,ost Prfl couilaence for ndelny, and dispatch. Apply to . . GEO. W. WILKKSfcCO., Porter's Spirit of the Times, 348 Broadway, N. T. B. Subsci lotions fP Pirtpr' RnlrU r.r r: . a Spurting Literars, Agricuitnral, Family Weekly News paper, may be forwarded ta the same direction. Terms. a year. KOTICE TO ST0CXH0LDE23. third enstalment of 'jo k . THI3 sUxk of the Dr.,wuvil!e Hotel Company, i. required t be paid within ten days of this date. . By order of tie Board. ALEX. HALLEit. SecreUry Dissolution. Tha r.1 Kti.iiiAa. ti i. . . by John M'Phcrsjn. . , ;: ;r" " ., ana me new continued J. M'PHERSON', ;. J. II. MOBR1SOX, . ' R. P. UUTC1IINS. Aug. 6th, is.yr. Sale of City -Lots. have not len tiven. to the hiehest bidder X3-Termso Sale CASH ia band.rI- Brownville, Anj 13th '57 OLLADAY, Mayor. DANIEL ZOOK, Oregon, Holt County Missouri, Dealer iu 13 2HL UT CS- S3 , And 7 CHEMICAIiS.. - Dye-7ood3, and Dyestuffs, Oils, Paiata. and Palater'g Articles, Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, French, English, and American Perfumery. FIE toilet and shavinc riu fin i,.;. . - i Yf tot.a brushes, paint brushes, surgical aad dent . CI 1 MAIl Ult il n insirumonta, spices, snuffs, majiufactured tooaceo; a!I tho patent medicineatf tha day- rare urauuii, jyr meaicat purposes; ch touci ana laney articles, et etc. AGEN1 FOR WE. SALE OF Dr.' Wistar's Ba!sam of "Wild Cherry. M T .. - F : . rr i n , . lowe a u jjjjir jiini-rwori, ir ana vancuaisjua. OsgtKwl's India Cholaosjue, Join's' American Chobiiroirne: 44 tJ ay jolt's Yellow dock acd Sar maparilla; " Smith s Tonic Pvrux July tt, 1B57. . OIJ ei, or imneta, samples of tbe newest varie e'0' "f s omeUca, perMiues. aud raac-y articles, and e shall always be nlescti u t nrni.h .....v . t23I yly THOMPSON. rr -?i - n m I - fall a very wperior stock of wi , . found a complete Hn r S. "-it. l 1 1 OTS58ife Stock of 1L. .Si and Newest Goods offe-M s (Goods Ilool Selection of ' evenMng unfa heep 'a completei'tinc 0f o. co cs) ica ' ' I terms, as homes exclusively ia stock of '' ' I i . 1 SHILLINGS - APRON CHECKS, iter profits and desiro t the attention ,,, .l' FEESH AEBlVii or . ' NEW (SOOD v A T I. T. WHITE. & ca ErowiiTillr, X. T. WE hare ju.-t reccive-1 per St'mer'E . j ntuelraew and Ltrge aworta,,. .j? V SUPERIOR GOODS. Wbich we wilT.'scll at is reat , aa any establishment in tha Vi our motto lein "LIVE AND LET LIYV We have now in skn a crtatrvictr jf lowing ariuxeH, Mcn w e lUMoajedfufCl-I J concquentljcttii sell cLctp ou the ler DRY GOODS CSrir o'o er ies . HATS AND CAPS, A D DLE K y; HARDWARE, ' CUTLERYj ; ; : QUEENS WARE, C 1 .: WILLOW U'AKE,. . ' BOOTS AKVS0 Beady Hade Cb&h. j iAnd a. finiiaajartmrtit of K . LIGHTS flROCEIlIES, -v -wSttch as , lid-Peppexs,."..; w ... " : - i . ;.8otIa, .. , , , - . . . i -.i Jt rr SilanUa,'. ' - i (iinj'f, Allspice, . . ex, e And a gmA ankle f ' '. Smoking and Clietrini; Tobacco. It is a pleasure to us t shew g' ii, ixl n si you to call round and a:t for yourwWw. I. T. YliYTE 1 1 JuneSth, 1S57." . rtl-ij T7E t-ffer to tha "puVie. we'are cbdW";"'. VV !ar-st. and bct scIecU-tl ?ioci "f ('r"'-tr ever offirtd iu tUis ; w - - . 5 UliJiiNusaj- , Sacks. CJTsft, 125 Suek Flour-' H s fie reus !'.:' 30 Hbls. Jlolassss ' ,lti HvsesStarC&i. 20 Boies Soap, ' '"fair Svks Sail, 15 Bbls Cider VinL'er. 150 His SWU ,-. ie rms cash::: . ; . ..; i.T. WUYTIiOO- 1 -n I1EUS SAILS, jast receive-!." " , ' 'i .; T BOOTS and SHOES A TromenJoui S:A J'4 received, opened, and for sale, bj , I i J.T. WHYflS'C1 J PLNE DO 0113, Fof salc,ty -..rn O . : ?..; .Lf.WHYTliCO.. PRESERVE FFm?rStr"iw' PH WLort'.U'errloi le , ie., to be hl t Just Eeceived 11'PEZP.SoW, K02EISCN tt HTJTCSU " Are aisortmcntof the Economy Coliaj . , which is an iinproTement on the Ch'1 m im mo iivru nuiuu luut I u T'rv in'""' . , -W .-firs sWr v k r l. . it t ta uv tion or no sale. , f Also, an fcddTlion.iT Stock' oT Tool?; ird Cutlery, IJ4.U,Sho3 1c. . . ' -LrownriIie,JnIyl5, , JSew Arrival E? .O 737" H3 and.. . CHRISTIAN DEITSEK. ' HP.OWN VILLE. A XXOUNCES ta the publio lio that he MJV-J J.X. reived, per SUamer Etnma, r 'u'4" d lt'TTTS well a;sortel stock of Partof and t'cok ?JTBf' new and improved pattern, us Mlowr. -Sbaijghai Elevited Ovsa. . Cook tSivves. Back's Clipper oye ' - Improved Pattern " . Charter Oak " , : all of which I ple.l5 myself tesfil at sj f-'Jy, and on as aecoremoditinjr terms tstwjotaet lidhment in this region of country. . I have also now tn hand overt rcisi'0 f Jl j of Tin, Copper and Sieet Iron ware, P'fa to put up guUerinjjaod spou'.inK ni II lk.Ulif in .my line, at short notice, and in 'a'SIB' tcanuer, whkb I warrantto pirfl fatisfact.on. A share tf fitrocige is aolicitod. ' Brownv.:ie,JulyUtb. !Si7. John EL Liglitner, . Dfn!orln!lnma" flr.toi. P'.oWSOD dSafe No. 82 Second strout, between loct and St.Lcuif,'M'tl , r Ji ; Laborers Ranted.": TEN or Sfteen d.ty labortrj ran !f?l,ruV' the entire Sealon, by r?lfT'nt? ni FVA- FrownviTle, Jyly I:h,