j ! A. LYFOED. ' LYFORD &, HOEI7. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' Dealers in G-oods AND - GROCERIES, : " II AUD WARE, QUEENS WA11E, BOOTS, SHOES, 'ails, Stores, Plows, Furniture, etc., SOXORA, MO. April 9th, 1S57. 43-tf 13,000 lbs. of Kacon, Tor sale, cheap for Cash, by LYFOED & HOILV. Sonora, Mo, April 9th, 1357. 43-tf A. C. BE VAX," " IVX auiif doturro MASONIC R EG ALIAS. OREGON, HOLT CO., MO. "'"' U. C. JOIIXSON, Attorney and : Counsellor at Law, AND I?eai EstateAgent. ; BEOWNVILLE, X. T. BEFEKENCES. V Hon.Vfm.Jessup, Montrose, Pa. ' . S. Ilently, . Joha C Miller, Chicago, III. Wm. I. McAllister, u " :. Charles F. Fowler, Wm. Ferguson, Brownville, N. T. , O. F. Lake, . May 7, 1857. 47-ly GEORGE F. KENNEDY, mEAIL ESTATE BROKER, AND GENERAL LAND AGENT Florence Chy, N. T. xsirL o w v n it iE . Livery Stable, : J. XV, COLEMAN, INFORMS the public that he has procured a stock of 2ew Carriages, Buggies, etc., and as fine .llurecs as are to be found, aud has opened a -LIVERY STABLE, SecondStreet between Water and Main, . BroAvnville, N. T. AH persons" wishing anything in Lis line can be .accommodated at all hours. ALSO: Ilorses and Carriages bought and sold. J. W.COLEMAN. W. II. WILLIAMS, 'WHOLESALE XSO EETAIL EEALEB IJf STOVES & TINWARE - Oregon, 3VTo., TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or gan and the public in general, that he has on hand the most extensive stock of Stoves . and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. Mj stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Ketail at bt. Louis prices. ' I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING feTOVES, comprising the most improved pajtcru? Ioth Air-Tight and.JPrnium. Ajnong them, may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, I'ioneer and prize Pre mium. -.Alse r-r,-t .. -j , ; -, ' Parlor Box Stoves Of various Sizes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER TITAN JtNY HOUSE IN TOWN. ParticClafatterion paid to miking and' pitting up Tin Gutters, in the town and countryr ' Also, re pairing done arftort notice and ohreaonable terpi' Oil -copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange forrk or ware.' ? W. W.AVILLIA3I3.: Vl-n5 'l Oregon, Mo.; July 5," lSooV"' -Eagle- :,MilIs.-c-- ' ST. JOSEPH; MO. ; ; ' V JAMES CAKGILL, Proprietor. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand for sale, all kinds of Flour, Meal, and Feed stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on mofit favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character cf Flour refer to everybody that ever used it. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. SO, 1S55. . vlnl3-ly : MRUSHES! BRUSHES! ESTAELISHED 1S23. DAVID MeMURRAY, Jr., AIERICAN Waroliousoy -' r. - .. . y0' -52 pearl Street. :...-. :. ; : ... . Jfew ork. Price List of Brnahce, pcTit "if requested. Orders respectfully slicited,and promptly attended to. April 2d, 1S57 , 42-r.in S. Lockwooi, 1857. - 1'OMEKUV LOCKWOOD POME ROY, . rT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HATS MP l AP ' STRAW GOODS. '5 Also, Shippers of American Furs' of 'pay the highest Market price, COUCTHY Merchants arc invited to examine our stock tf Ilats & Cans for the approaching Prrin" uu cummw uoucf nuicii win uc large, iasuionaoie, and writ Bclcctoir In point of variety our slock shall II.! L -L tl " . T '-r pric?s will bo low, iei-ais accmmoJatiri2r.v LVJ and tee us tU our Xcw Store. Second St. ht. Joseph, Mo.. ; V f ? ; ' " 32-Gm OLHER J3ENNETT & CO., MXXTFACTriES "AXa WHOLESALB DHALSSS IN Boots 'Shoes &. Brogansj yo: : malv street. &uxr l ouis, zio. "KZ JTOW IK EECEtPT of a complete assortment J. y. cr goods from tncir own ana other manufac- lories.aaapted efpecially to the Western trade. "Purchasers are invited to examine their .strirV- m'anufactured and selected with great care and warranted of superior quality, rompt and careful attention, ' Orders will receive ' W.'HAMEIl Sc CO., JIANUFACTUKEBS OF CQRNJr FEED MILLS,, z. : Smutt ilacluiie3, .FLOUR " PACKERS, Corn Sliellerg, c. 1De rCoSplete Flour Mill "Oriads and Bolts 60 Uils, per oaj; ad i$ luruisBeu at THIS Mill is cheap, simple, durable and compact, requiring less power and attention and makiEg iarger yield and better quality of flour than any rxuilmuso. ' . Engines, Boilert , Shafling.and Mill gearlEgof al ?p-iTtiens. furciohed to order. . Tta bpst old Gennani anchor bolting cloths, and btltin" of all sizes constantly on and at tho lowest .N.X.IlAMEHfcCo prices. o. w j l.i; faUi Et bet. Broadway and Sycamore, lncinnau; uaio, 'v Tl. We also build larger size mills. Circulars givir.g particulars gentopoa application, with stamp cnc!o?t-d 50-lm m-pherson; MORRISON & HTJTCHINS, :: Ilavc just Keceircd t At their New Building Oil TUB LEVEE J. rir.xsi-rtaotlx fB tools. ' OF i P ? r SPRING GOODS OF EVERY STYLE QUALITY AND PRICE, Which they intend to sell Lower than . the Lowest ! ! ! At their New Establishment yon will find everything needed in the Western country, from a bar of soap to a" broadcloth coat. OF THE LATEST STYLES, '".. t -. . ' D - Sold Remarkably. Low. NEW AND "RICH EMBROIDERIES, . DRESS TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, FANS AND FANCY GO ODb XJronsG Goods Silks, gSattihs and tSlippcrs, , A large and. complete assortment of BONNETS AND BONNET TRIMMINGS, of every style and quality. Cloths, Cusimercs, and Vestings ' READY MADE SHIRTS, . V AKD 1 1. - Kcady Made Clothin rr 99 To fct tho Million 1 ! Of the best manufacture and of superior Workmanship. v . .. Looking Glasses, . , , , , .. ; : v.- ' j:; tM-; t That will make an ugly man handsome . and a lady of beauty more lovely, HATS : AND CAPS, Thai will fit and' please everybody. Boats, and... lioes, ...... i : i From the infantile article of red morocco, '; to the graceful boot of the gentle - man's walking costume. ' '.it' ' - ; from the best manufacturers at HOME AND ABROiD . r....- Sold drEadeniPr 'ices. Genuiiie Imported Caieting. Of New and Elegant designs. YANKEE - MOTIOK ! . ". iidsiERiEi '': China, Glass and - Queensware. PORTE M0N2sTAIES; SILK PURSES, And a thousand articles, ranging in regular gra dation of price and imx)rtaQcc, from the prima tire toothpick of the ancient goose quill, to a thousand dollar shawl. Our innate and native modesty forbid us lavish ing glowing eiHMJUiiumrf upon our Spring Stock of uoods, and we ask you to call and 8ee for yourselves WE CHALLENGE THE WEST. and furthermore MAKE NO CHARGE Por 31xoxcrixxs G-oocls. M'PHERSON, MORRISON, i HUTCniNS. . April 2, 1357. ; : 45-ly Worth of Ready xIadc Ciotliing HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. ...... i . . i . i Just received . Per Steamer Col. Erossman, .;" ' ' ': . . AT SIEGEL & GREENBAUAI'S , ';T BALTIMORE CLOTHINCi. STORE, No. 31 Main St., 3d 3oi above Post Office. BROWNYILLE, N.T. Fine broadcloth coats, n-r.d ; Standing cr.llar3. at the . ' , .: Baltimore. Clothing. Store.. Bl'kand fancy cassimer patla. and 'L v. Carpet sacks, a t tho . . , . ; .- r, Baltimore Clothhig Storc. . Silk, Satin, Marsailes, and Casi Vests, and ,r ! Flannel Shirts, at-, -;:. ' ' . ' ; . . ; . - jai((niore Clothing Store. ' Fine Shirts and over-alTs, ' ' " ' " Pat. Leather Gniters,straw lata, at the Baltimore Ghthing Store. - Black and fancy cravats, , -t - White and fancy sbirts, at the , j . ' , Baltimore Clothing Store. Everything in the Mothing line at the . ' , Baltimore Clothing Store. 'Call around and examine the stock at the Baltimore CldJnng Store.' April 23, 1857.' . , . . . ,45-ly P. D. Gordon & Co., Commission and Forwarding Merchant?, , . No. 11 Locust street, St. Louiy Mo.. t27"0rder8 solicited and promptly attended to. Liberal cash adraa:etuiade on Consignments, -julylO v2n5 ; . , rr S FEAMBOAT "ADVERTISEMENTS. SEASON ARRANGEMENTS I ' SL Joseph and Council Blafli Weekly "SILVER HEELS." 'tr'Tmwa THE new and faat running passenger ifeaj steamer "SILVER HEELS," having been built expressly for the trade, will upon tae cpening cf navigation, make regular weekly trips, between St. Joseph and Council Bluff?, connecting with the first St. Louis Packets at St. Joseph. ' The "Silver Ilecls," will extend her trips to Sioux City, and intermediate point, f-ncc a mouth. J DONNELL & SAXTON. ; n33-tf : ' Agents.' 1857. MISSOURI EIVER PACKET. 1857 For Kansas, Brownville, Omaha, Council Bluffi and Sioux City. " THE new, elegant fancy and commo .' dious a.ssenger steamer Omaha, As- DESWWlselaxp, Master, J. J. Wilcox, Clerk, will, on the earliest opening of navigation, resume her trips and run ad a regular packet to the above aud :. tv f: : l . Pa- trons can rely upon her continuing in tho trade regularly during the entire season. April 2d, 1S57. . 42-tf 1857. MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. 1857. W. W. BAKER .-Captain. ROBERT A. DARST- "Clerk. For Sioux City, Logan, Omadi, Decatur City, De : Soto, Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluffj, Bcllo vue, St. Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brownville, Lowell, Oregon, Jowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph, eta., etc. r!ra. ''HE excellent eommodiou.'jand favor- Baker, Clerk, Robert A. Darst, will on the opening of navigation ply as a regular packet to the above and. all intermediate landing on tho Missouri R ;cr, remaining permanently in ibis trade, and,ruD iug resularly durinir the entire season. Awil 2d. 1S57. ' 42-tf 1857. MISSOURI RIVER. PACKET. 1857. AIoheo CJlxilci. JOSEPH B. HOLLAND ...Master. J. II. TYSON, Clerk. For Council Bluffs, Omaha City.Bellevuc, St. Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebra.-kr, City, Linden, Brown ville, Lowell, Oregon, White Cloud, Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, Weston, Leavenworth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty, Lexington, ic. ' . ' t . ' i THE entirely new, swift and elegant . ' w: j ' passenger s.'cnmer aLozo child, Capt. JoeIIelland, will on the opening of navigation, run as a regular packet to tho above and intermediate poinis, continuing in the Bluffs Trade during the entire boating season. . . . i March 19th, '57. '40-tf 1857. MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. 1857. CnAS. R. BAKER ". Master. W. IL'S'cxMEX".- ' Clerk For Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluff, Bcllevue, St. Mary's, Wyoming Cit3", Nebraska, Ciiy, Linden, lkownville',LowfclI,Urcgfin,IowaPoiut,'Savanuah, St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, eston, Leaven worth City, Kansas, Independence, uioerty, Lex J - i TnE entirely new, swift aud ele gant passengerssteamerMix-XK-nA- rtA, Capt. Chas. R. Baker, W. II. Scupper, Clerk, will, on the openingof navigation,- run as a regular packet to the above named and all intermediate points.- continuing in the Bluffs trade during the entire boating season. March 19th, '57. 4tf BROWNVILLE FERRY : 33cst Crosains Y ON THE : . Missouri River.. The Jld utef ro m Bro wnv ille foFtJKedr-:-neif, and from thence to California, 'is' the nearest anil mod , . practicable. . ; . : ( FINNEY & CODINGTON, l NNOUXCE to tho Traveling Public that thev Ix. have purchased the entire interest in the Ferry across the ' Missouri River at the City of Brown ville, Nc'oraska, and open the Season with a new substantial and 'commodious Ferry Boat, run by Horse Power, which ar-angctnent will becure certain i 'pr.sago at, all times' and in all kinds of weather. Tho Proprietors do not assert boastingly, or for tho purpose of gaining custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this is tho best crossing of tho Missouri River in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Brownville to' Fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest, for evidence they refer tho reader to tho nap of the Country: and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, as well as that of hundreds of others who have traveled it.--We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons going to California, and sulieit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe andspeedy crossing, ourjchargcs are the same as other rerrjesin.eorasiia, ail being regulated by Legisla tiveenactoient. , ; . ; A,kiff will be in readiness and a hanl on the ground to run all hours of the night. r?EecolIect that with our facilities of Power, no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats frota making regular trips at all ho jrs. . . crownville Aemalia Co., N.T.1 February 23th, 1357. ;! " 57-ly DILLON, THOMPSON & CO.n Large J?rame limlding Cor. Main & Rock Sts . hock fori, mo; .;, Whosesalo and Uetuil Dealers in 9 . , t - t . unauroceries, . . . ' IlarJ ware, ; Queens ware, Drugs, Hats, Caps, Bcxjts, Shoes, Tinware, Stoves, ; ' - Furniture,' Iron, Nails, Plows:'' ; ; VH w ana Jc arming u tensils.', W1 ILL have, on the oDcninz of navin-ation. a' iare anu vaneu accession to 1 heir r,rpont , , . - . . .o 1 Slock, which will be sold Low for Cash. . . February 12th, 1S57. ' " " 35-tf JtFFEKSrtN T. CASADT , 1 MARTIN "W. HIDES, ". 1 V JAS. D. AVHITE, '" ' i. ) Nebraska City NT : ) JAS. D. TEST, Conucil Bluffs, Iowa CASSADY- TEST, IlIDEN & CO.; (Successors to Eiden White.)- '' LAND AGENTS. ' NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. HAYING made arrangements by which we will receive accurate copies of all the Townships embraced in the Eastern portiou of Nebraska, we are now prepared to offer our services to the , "SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTORY,' In Filing Declaratory Statements of ; Intentiou to Pre-empt. Securing f;; ".Pre-emptions, Locating Land . .L r - , r Warrants and vi" 7 - 1 ' Ajxi A.AJJ.vj.i.1 ji xjiy jls. LAND W ARRANT9; BOUG HT & SOLD, Land Entered 011 Time,-&c, Particular attention paid ta Buying and Sellinz Property on commission: Also, to making Ctillectiojis and trwaniing remittances to any partot tne Lniun Blanks of all kinds always on hand. . . ' II on- A. A. Bradford, S. F. Nuckolls,' lissra. Dolman &. West, Peter A. Keller, , ; . . Thomas Lumpkin, . . June 23, 1356. vl-ni Nebraska City. : " '.: 7 , -,.-. . St. Joseph, Mo., Wash i ngtou C i ty ; JAM3 CAKGILL. GEO. W. CABOILL. . J. & G.! X. CARILL, j FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHAKTS." AND A MANUFACTUKER'S . AGENTS, Meamooal Landing, Ki. Joseph, Hoi CONSIGNMENTS of Goods and Produce respectfully solicited, and all business entrust ed to us will be promptly and carefully attended to at toe lowest rates. . r J -JBferences Tvl5f & Shepherd, ' ' -KL. ilcGhee & Co., Livennore, Cooley & Co:, Jlerchants Cenerally, .' itLoui3, t.!Joseph. A. :.wMe,.russell;'& : cd: . i WttOJJ3AW' AND KKTAIIi IBAtBBS 1-t ' f c.' ht tllti ililllJll. ILVRDWARE AND CUTLERY, Medicines) Dye Stuffe, (i Saddlery, "Boots. & Shoes,. Hats & Caps, QT7EENSWAEE, BTC2fE"v7ASE,3LWAIlE, "..IRON, NAILS, PROVES; PLOWS io. ': Also Furniture .of all kind3, 7indo-w Saen, &o Wcw Hardware Store. . . ' Si?n of the ?JiII Saw.' " . . J.' TLAIIERTY, . . Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in 1 i ' American GcrmanEnglisli & French - IIABDWAKE AL CUTLERY, IS NOW receiving and opening tno largest ana most varied arscrtmcnt of goods in tho above lino ever offered in any market west of St. Louis. My stock cnibrnecs a full and complete assortment of Cabinet tfid Ilousd BaillorV Hardware, vMeyh n- ic'fi tools of erery description, direct trom the m-st approved manni'.-vcturers; ngnculUiral afld horticul tural tools and implements, in grea,t variuty, comoin in" all the recent and useful improvemiinti for the easing, of a viist amottntjjf labor to tho farming com. munity, from whom 1 rcspcetiuiiy request a careiui examination of this department of my stock. I am also cxclusiva agor.t for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saw3, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at iho factary prices. Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, SteeT, Nails, &c., of the best brands: in a word, my stock is vt-ry complete, whiob, fo. its quality and puee, I am dc teriuined to offor such inducements a3 will coitunaiMl a liberal tflwre of -t?de from this; and adjoiningTonr.tie?'. vMy ifrarcmenls for ii'ujKirtia'g and iigcnoies for Amerk-a j Hardware Manufaclurcrs, together with a long cxpt rience in the general Hard ware tmdcjei.ablcs me; not only to defy all competi tion, but has oonvinced uie that the true principle cf trade Vcah; alc:s and small profits. ' January 1, 1S57. vlnlTDtf . . NEBRASKA CITY riurnnco ; Corsapnxiy. - CAPITAL STOCK $50,Q00. T"" Nebraska City, 'W. T. , TniS Company, under a liberal charter, is nnw fully organized, and thf5r entire capital stock of Fifty Thounnd Dollar, paid in and secured. They are prepared, from, this datc, to grant open ixdieies, and take -riak's," upon equal terms, with the most favored lusuranco Comiiny any where. HaVing adopted tho mutual principle, iu patrons, without incurring any liability, will ehare in tho profits of the company. . . . The operations of the Company, will bo confiaed, for tho present, to MAiilSE, or cakxi risks, with a maximum liability of. $12,501) onny one bottom. Being the OuTy iusurance OQcc, on the above pop ular plan, We.it of the Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous support from Western Merchautjs. We, respectfully iuvlto the Missouri River pa tronage. ' 'J " , -. riUECTOBS : S.F. Nuckolls, ; . Chas. F. Holly, H. P. Be.nnit,( . ..r . J. L. Armstrong, W. N. Uiuchiiian, ' ' ' Miles W. Bro wur . .. -A.A.Bradford. ' officers: .. . : - CHAS. F. .HOLLY, President. . . '' -; ' v ' 'J.GARsicr, Scc'y. St. Louis Agent Col. W. P. Howard. April 2d, 1857. , .','.... 42-1 y GEIV S; EAYEE & CO., AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS,: GJENWOOb,' ': Mill3 co, Iowa,. PIATTSIOUTII .. Cass oo, Nebraska. WILL promptly attend to Liind Agencies) Inves tigating -Title-, Faying Trtxesj Investing mon ey, Buying and Selling Town Lots. Buying; Selling and Locating Iiand Warrants,' and all o:her business connected with iutir profession in Wetteru Ioiva and Nebraska: . ii i. - J. M. DEWS, Associate-Attorney. REFERENCES: Greene, Weare A; Bonton, G. Dough tv & Co., Council Bluff's, Iowa. u . Ft. Des Moines ' " Cedar llapids, Cincinnati, Ohio. Glenwood. L.wa, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Vincentown,"N. J. Ilightsfown, . Philad Iphia, Pa. ; iledtVd.N.J. Greene, Weare & Bice, . Greene k Weare, Nixon A Goodman, Tootle Si. Greene, N. W. Thomas, Schooly ii Son Gen. Wm. Irick, ; ; II. Johnson, I. Kecd & Son, Robinson & lro Burlinjfton Cov link, . -JOHN COLUOUK & BROTHER, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite tho Post Office.') . WHOLESALE' AND 'RETAIL) ' u .", O ) V. A. 1 i.DEAlKK IN - i - 1 - i '" ! Building and Saddlery Hardwarc7 . .. .GROCERIES,, , .. 1 Boots,: Shoes.' -XeallicT anil Shoe Findings. st. joseph, mo. ; : HAVE now iiratore, and to arrive shortly, Amcr ' icau and Foreign Ila-ilwaresuch as : Greaves 4 Son's Files Seissors ' and Edge Tools ' Butcher' - dcfT: 7 .;!' ! Sear & Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screw ; Gri2La's and American horse riaila ; ' !'"!. Fost hble augers Aucs shovels and spades Lull & Porter'3 : shutter Butta , ,-.. , , Morticing machines ' Circular, mill and muly raws '--" Planes and plane irons Coopers drawing knives ' do adzes acd wood tools Tress Hoops ' Butts, ot and wrought Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons N T. - r Plated and com. stirrups d t ,doi,JIUt , do-' -J do-'Buckles do do' Bing3 Breast andr rein tnaps Pocket Tcnives 1 "' ;.Knlves;pd forkJ Brass eurtain bands and pin? " ." )vof locks ' 'Augers' and auger bitts Corn knives Briar scythes ;i ) Grass aul grain do ; Nails. r r r . Shovels and tongs Candlesticks I'ramcd wood saws ' Blacksmiths' Bellows and . Viirtis Mouseholo Armitagc an vils ' American anvils ' Stofka and dies ' Pad hooLs, breech'gloops. l'ud scro n, cockeyes . Ornaments, racks . ; . , Girth rein and roller web Silk, S cord thread . Calf skins ' . ( 'T J ; fpper leather V!,""'! nBnJdia.'do :r Skirting do - Ilarnes- do .! t '( Belting- do .,." 'Goat skins Enammclled leather Lasts,'pega-Ar Peg float Pincers. ; . - - Shoe thread Bristles, wax' Lining skins -it ": . 4 i .A Binding ": With many g-ods embracing a complete assort ment of tho-'iaost desirable which th"vwill sell at the lowest prices. J. COLliOUN &. BRO. . April 16th, 1857. " ' ' ; ; 21-ly E. ESTABROOK, - ' ' ' - . XTXITED STATES ;" istrict Attorney, .. . . OMAHA' CITY, N.i T. : REQUTRED to be in attendance ofacially upon all the terms of the District and Supreme Cuurt of the Territory, tenders his Professional services to such as need them". lie flatters himself that h-4 facilities for gainin j knowledge f the j ractice In eaclr Bi triet, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrust their business to his arX. j . . Omaha City, June 7, 185(5. C n Utihl J 7 Off. lUnfJUDL imi n --; ' - - 5 ' J ---- --- " rCITla. o 1 o 1 o't O o oo z . - . .. "AND;,. .' : ., a-- , COMMISSION MERCHANT, ,v. it -.. - " , AND, DEALER IS L COUNTRY PRODUCE, r Con;r Scccftid andTrances Sts. ;- .- j ST. JOSEPH, MO., II "AS on hand- and. to arrive, the following arti- L clcs, i which will be sold to tM trade on wcorn lating terms, EXCLUSIVELY AT WHOLE- mod 150,000 Cigara all quali-100 bxs E D and W;R ties . , cheea 4000 sacks G A Salt -j loo biixes starch 200 Ilhds N O Sugar 200 bbls and hf bbU water 500 sks Rio Coffee aud but'r crackers 100 " O G Java Coffee 200 bbls and hf bbls pilot 10') Laguayra " , bread and pw bio do 100 "Mocha- " 2U0 bbls sodv milk sugared 50 bbls, half Vols indl00 egg' and wine do kzs Belcher's Molasscsf lOO bbtsppl? vinegar 200 bbls halt" bbls and r?V'J bxs Tolmeeu all grades N N rcuaed do t liOUbxs smoking tobacco, 150 hair, chaststf. all various bra mis . i : kiud( I i v 1 - 100 buncheipipH stt-ms , 250 bbls Belcher Sugar 50 bbls U S Sicily aul 150 bbls, hars. qrs, uos 1 Jwa Almonds 2 and 3 Mackerel '' - 50 bbls filberts,' Jbrazil 200 bxs dried herrings nuts, p.van-r : i2D hf bbs White Fis.5 ' 100 kgs S.C Stbv '! 5 drms dry Cod FLih, 500 kegs assorted nails 200 bxs ass'd candy :. n f.500 bxs half and or star 100" foncy " J ' J ' " 1 ca ndl es " S00 drums figs . 150 do stcrinc do " 100 bx? hl's and rrs Ra':3-2l)0 do bar soap ' . 1 ' ins . . ,. 50 do rock candy. ' 50 bxa Prunes ! , SUNDRIES. Cotton yarn, carpet chain, batting, candle waka", cotton and hemp twine, "wheat aud wculacky, axe, fp;dcd and shovels, garden aeediiiud ilraw rakclag chains, lead shot, powder brooms, wrapping paper, hemp, manilla, jute and cotton cordage, indigo and madder, alum, white-, rend, window a.-di,' window glass, tuRii4ar,javsof yiTierAjnt' size, flasks assorted f izes, sassafras bark, pie fruit.s, frc.h peaches, brandy thcrries.and ijcaches. current and raspberry jellies, fresh tomatoes, canton ginger, preserve.-", nut megs, cassia, p-:ppCTsauce, tomato' and walnut catsup, lemon syrup, lobsters? sardines, extnu-t uad essence of coffee,- chocolate," pickles, matche!, ete.- WOODEN y A UK. ; "Wa.-h beards, tubs,"com:u. Ti jiai'sj cedar pails, B B pailj, pine- BJid cedar churns, br.ws bound churn.-', ta buckets, well buuki tsr cedar cans, mop sticks, butter prints, buckeye bowls in nests; iron bouud keg, ono two, three, five and ten g;i',Iuns, thesma!leriizc with bales, common and I B half bu.-hels aud measures, cn mp Stools rte. : ' 1 am also agent fur the pale of K A salt, and have now on hand 2,000 blis fur sale at cost and trans;-or-tation. I have the exclusive- sale by direct consign ment of live hundred dozed Field's celebrated oysters, acknowledged to bo the best pat up in Baltimore. To California antI S.ilt Lake Erairauts. Your especial attention is invited to my extensive stock, which embraces everything suited to your wants in crossing tbe plains. I wiil at nil time? keep on hand flour, men I, bacon, lard, hard bread and crackers, all of which wiil be sold at the lowest cash prices. ; . 3S-ly J. B. JENNINGS. - rrillE subscribers have entered into a partnership jl. uuuer iue urin 01 neeu, ii'iiaoira x Vo.,-U manufacture tho J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furui-h ail thoso in want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simplicfy and economy : excel anv Mill iu the worlds " Un"'taevlal8 exhibition cftha. Jlechanics institute in CincionatLa.GWil JIi.dul wa awarded them for it." ' ."""" ' It is adapted "to all Grain grinding purposes ; it is superior to all others for tue most extensive Merchant Mill, as it is for grinding tho Farmers feed by Horse power. , 1 Theabove Mills1 are manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., w here they tun be furnished in any quantity at short notice. The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: SO in. diam.', per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, SHOO 30 " " ,10 ' " 15 44 2."0 21 " " ' 20 ' 13 2Q;t 20 " " " 1.1 " 8 : " hi) As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary U Cjflotefrom our nam'Touj n.Tonimrnditions. received. "Ta. K IIOLLABIUD "& CO" Machinists, Founders and EN6JNE.BUILDERS . Froat greet,. "West .of Emith. ; ,; ; CINCINNATI, O, Would most respectfully inform their friends ami the public generally, that tbey are now pre pared to execute all orders iu theirline, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged tbeir shop and with the increased facilities thny now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. aw Mil! Engines cf every Description. Constantly on han': consisting .f the Sash, Circu lar and Mdley. Mill Gcum and every descript:on of ( aiflngs, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. ..."." They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and ro pre pared to work on a reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. Those in waat of anything in.-o.ur lis, would do well to e've us a call and examine ur new vatterns. FRESH DRY GOODS. .EEDY, JAJICSON & CO., Nos. .170 and 172 Main St., St. Louis. WE are now in receipt of the most complete and magnificent stork, ever offered to the Western Trade., Merchants , visiting this city are invited to make an examination of our stock and prices. ' Y -EDDY. JAMESON A; CO. - U. S. Mail Boiite, From Nemaha Agency, in Kansas, to Hie , moiitfh of tlte Ntoway River, .: . . Nebraska'. ' '. THIS LINE makes one' trip per week', each way, stopping at the principal towns on the .Missouri River. Good Hacks all the way through, and good horses and nice young mri for driver?. ! J. B.: A: W. BENNET, Contractors. ' T)e(T-l. lS.Vlr fln?r-Tv BROWNVILLE , NOEL, LAKE, & EXKKXON, nrovvuvlllc, U", r. N. B. We would respectfully inform thi citi xens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we' have always on hand a large and well selected supply of LU.'IBEH, which we can furnish at low er rates than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for logi delivered at the yard or on the bank of the river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will receiv our immediate attention. " TAILORING! TAILORING!! - K. E. PARKER, Mc3rcliant Tailor, Atlantic street, West of Hoblitiell's Store. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA TERR. HA INU bought property and located permanent ly in Brownville, I o2Vr my services to the public generally, if they want any"thingd.ie in my line of business. I can always be found at my post, or, more properly speakinj at my bench. Work WWraiUba No Tit, No Pay ! Particular attention paid to cuttinggarments and layiug off work fr the Seamstress The great.-tt portion of my life has been devoted to my trade, in which I consider myself inferior to none especially in the cutting department, ar.d.Ihppo by t-lose atten tion . to bit business to merit a share f public patronage. E. E, PAEKEU. Brownville April 16th, 1837. SAVE YOUR HOUSE !! ! LIGHTlIiT6!!'RODS ! . ; EEITITET &. MARSH, RESPECTFULLY ihfohn'the public that they are now prej)ared to put up Lightning Rods of a superior quality on as reasonable term as any one else in tbiccHititry. - Orders left , at McVhcrson & Hutchin'd Store will be attended t.-' ' . Jly7, 1357. . ' " : 47. PATENT GRAIN SEPARATOR rpiIE. SUE.SCIIIBKR iinow prepared tj lu A niih Farmers and others with his - u -GRAIN SEPARATOR," '' ; for tho present season. It is unnecep-ary to speal particularly of the merits of these Machines, as they are too well known throughout the country to need extolling; but the fact that they have heretofom and are continuing to riceivo tho premiums at tho State and County Fairs where they have bc;n exhibited is suuieicnt to induce all those in want of such a Ma chine, to purchase me of these. - -At a practical tcs' of this. Separator in competition with the best of these made i a England in . 13 j'i, it received th highu ;cocTrncndatron? of the press, and of the leading . grigultura lists of that country. I have a largo number of them on hand, ready for the coming crop, made of the best material, and war ranted to-do good work. I have made nrafjy valuable improvements in these machines within the last year, and have no hesitation in warranting them suiierior to any in use. Iam also preparing a large number of Crawford's Improved Clover llullprs, . . patented in 135 1, which arc greatly superior to his patent of 13 14,-being iu itself feeder, an! greatly ahead of it in other respects. They will be manu factured under tho immediate sujicrvision of the patenter, who h s penprnmntly located1 in tbist place. 1 he a hove cut represents my lour horso " repara tor,"aud is designed especially for the farmer's own Im'also agiTif for MtConniik's celebrated REAP ER and MOWING MACHINE, combined. , J. R. MOFFITT, Piqua, Miami eouniy, Ohio. - Improved X.ittle Ciant CORN '& COB PLANTATION MILL Prico Xlocliicocl. rplIE subscriber ha- pun-hased exclusive right of X Territory, in the West, of the above celebrated Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all times, either wholesale or r'.wtuil,ad guaranteed in tho most positive manner. . It is now nv.ro than a year since the 7 .. 4?JLittIc Gaasit". :.. Was introduced to tho public, during which time, it has been constantly growing in the popular favor.. The improvements recently effected and patented, makes it the most perfect m;ichine ever ou'ercd for general farm "use. Ii is furnialied ready for attaching team, and weighs a.s follows: No. 1, 225 No. 2, 330, No. 3, -103, No. 4, CO!) pounds. Twenty minutes are sufUcicnt to set one up, without nice-bank al aid, and when iice adjusted, it can with safety be entrusted to a Loyj Full directions accompany each Mill. n 12 rL n czz 23 s?i3 No 1, $35, will gria l 8 bu meal per hour with 1 horso N2 4U, " ID " '.".- " 1 ' Nv.3 50, " 15 " " 1 No 4 (;), , 20 " " " 2 " Z7 Liberal discount to dealem. JAMES B. CHAD WICK, -No. C3 Locust s-treot, bet. 2J and 3d June 28, 185(5. vl-n4 St. Louis, Mo. ALLEN HOOT S. W. COZZEX3 ROOT & COZZENS, LAM AGENTS, HAVINd made arrangemrtnts ly wl.-it h wo receive surveyed, in the Territory, we are now prepared to offer our services to tho citizens of tho Territory, IN FILING DECLARATORY STATEMENTS . -.U:- INTENTION ". TO PRE-EMPT, Securing Pre-emptions, LOCATING LAND WARRANTS, AND ;. 1 EKTEMKG LAi.. Lind W?uTdi)ts Bought :uid Sold, Land cnti red on time, etc. PARTICULAR att?ntion laid to buying and selling on Conir.iisioit. Also In making Col lertioiit in all parts of the TIIItlllTOltY and WJ2STEKN IOWA. April 7 43-tf , ; FllAKIvI.IX TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 163 Vine St., bet. Fourth and Til. CINCINNATI, O. C. I O'DlilSCOLIi CO. " ranufacturcrs and dfalcisLi News, Bwk ana Job 1tL Ty, Printing Presses, Case. Uallies,,fcc., &c. Inks, and Printing Material .f Every Description. STEUKOTYPISK of all kind-Boks, Music, l atent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevins, &e.,- f"c.' ' ' - ' ' Brand and Pattern "Tetters, various styles. aUU III , UllSUS i C. F. JENNINGS & CO., ; FORWARDING " COMMISSION . .MEl'CHANTS, White Cloiid, Kansas Territory. SPECIAL n'ttention p;iv'cn to Receiving and For warding Goods of evorv desc ription. "' ' . v.i.i.;, , . ALS0. Will keep a large and complete assortment of ' GROCERIES AND :DR Y GOO DS, HAKDWAttE, Q UE ENS WAR E, BOOTS. , ' SHOES, . HATS, CAPS. CLOTHING, . 4t-C, AC, At' the 'Lowest Cost Prece! - Dec. 2a. Jj56. , vln2S-m , , Herrins's Patent Champicn FIRE-PROOF SAFES, . . YT7ITII Hall's Patrtit Powdr-Proof r J, -the ir' ??v t!! !LW,arde,i sPa'-atc Medals at thoAWld 8 Jnir Umd m, I85l,an.t the World's Fair. -New 1 ork, a.nd ire the only American Safes that were awardrd mwlala at the London World's There Safes ar- now admitted to be superior to anv ever off,n,J It, the public;- :ll!d tho imbcribeM "r'C r -,- rI,i toPr'de an instance of these ars failing to preserve their content, through the hottest fire, orai urglar pieking the lock. " lnc subacribrj and their agent ar theonly per mi authorized to ruak i and. sell Herring Patent Champion Safe, with Hall's Patent Powder Proof Lock. : , ; ' t ' S. C. HERRIXfi k CO. , Green Block, 12J, 137 and 1C3 Water St., , , , ; and 5 Murray St'ew York. .Mcrch 5th. 1357. V, ;- . ; . -38-Cm CEO. p. XUCKIIAKDT, . -flk.xic3. , T owollor. QJJEQO HOLT. COUNTY, -310.- TAKIS the liberty to .inform the citizens of Drownyillo and vicinity, that he ha3 ppeneI a WATCH." CLOCK! JEWELRY STORE IrtOreg.n,lIoIt county. Mo., where he will keep con stantly on hand, and Vnr sl", a good assortment of Ovild and Silver Watche?, Checks and Jewelry, which ho will ?cll extremely low, for CASH.5 'Also, a fine lot of Violins, Accordeoo, Silver, imd Plated Spec tacles, Cold Pens with Ould and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac., Ac. Ho is prepared to repair Watches, Chicks and Jew elry, of every description, ia tho best manner sad on the most rcasjnable terms. t , Every article bought iu his establishment, is war ranted to bo what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted t.r tna year. ; July Hit. vl-tStf " - . " 1 ; eestion, Jaundice ri -c tions, Headache. Paiv, 3-Ul- and limb,, t?S very few are the diA: ?i cine not more or JL ness and TOffjtinf n-tli ls but effects Cav' No person can f.i body prevails ; besides, it ' 1 often (atid diieasi Jv by -the timely fefr; Ihis u a.ike true of Cold,, F 'fl?-. Bilious derangement!. tI."' v '. produce the deen ..a t.?. tJ -v,v i.i .x.- f " ia reliablefamihphir :uvu iuuu me n Parses il uiepuouc Health, a:.d thisr wi consummate skil tonr extensive tna, of iu virtuu sors, and Palicnts. has 4t ! have been e0e:ted beyond U' stantiatoi by penons of sue'll' ; character as t forbid the i Jrl AJ2 le mimy a.t : testiSed ia favor of thxp Yv h i Johx McLbat, Juhe of tS I the United States . Thos. Couvix, Secretary 0f N. Lonowouth, great ,, I 'Also, Dr. J. Il-CHiLTox.r;;. ' i New York City, endorsed bt -l Hoy. V. L-JMakct, Sem,u ) Wm. U. Astoh, t!w richen 1 S. LSX.AMD.& Co.,Propr'l(tVJ:" Hotel, atd many.ot'icrs. 3 v Did spice permit, .w-e eouMr,' certificates, from all parts wl(.rt .v been used, but evidence evon mnre the experience of eminent p'uLEc bT their eifecta upon trial. .. ' i .These Pills, tha result of "lore b, i study, are offered ty the pnVa- tt most coniplet! which tic preseat$tji science can airrl. Thijy are toBw.. the drugs themRelves;but of tke aT f only of Vegetable remedies; fxtrtt4 T ' process in a stite of purity, andew. ;- in such a nianccr as1o iusiue thtlst'is I system of coniTiticn formnlidr.es !w in the Cherry Pet toral "and Iil! hi-th .v ! more erStient remedy thau had biirfh ' tainel by any proccs. The reason i -r.l vious. W hile by. the old mode of enmsi-! medicine" is burdened with, mon or ! nionious and injtriotts qtrnlitirs. Vt;S.! viauai virme my uai is teniei fMA. effect is present. AH the inert andok.r i ities of each substante fmnlovMTir,'! lutein ius eiifcts Mnoma proTp, 1 more powerful n&tiujte to dlxs? tLj: As it is freqiwentlv expedient that sw- snouia oe laxen i ia:T uie couiim-I of a t i Physician, and he could nt prupcrli t. remedy without knowing iu nmipn.it c supplied the accurate Fornmlsrbr n; ; Pectoral and Pills are made to tlie Vj . Practitioners in the L'n'tc'd StaifnanJ t ican Provinces. If, however, tW s't , one who has not reeeivrj- thfiii. promptlr fonvarded bv mail to his mpK i Of all" the Patent 3iftdiciucs4t.it wd-, fpw would be taken if their com;5uibui!.5 Their life consists in their mystery. Ii mysteries. The composition 'of my pre arali"i!ij', to all men, and all who are tornpettjli the subject freely jcknowleilp their a.B their intrinsic mcrrts. ..The Ch'1r r-s-pronounced by sticntLSo men to be i i .nedicine before it; eP'cc-t-i were Lnnwa. I ' inent Phyticiai.s have declared :heM' my Pills, uid even more cm fi den :!y. acd -.- insr. to certify that their antieipati'.si k . than realised' by' their eli'eeU upon trial." ' They operate by their powerful internal viscera tu puiitV the b!o.d ir.J & j. into healthy action remove the "Ur-'." the stomach, btiwils, liver, a"id othr k body, rcstorins; tbeir ineitular actios by c-onectiiisr, wlcrevcr they n'ht, t'.ut- f iiient.' at are the n'."t ft.'aVwa'''1" rieins; sii;ai"-wriqped.'t(fy a-e p'VJ ar and Ieinsc purely vciretaliie,T. iiann run w their use in any quantity. For minute dimtions, seewapii'toaiei ltKlMKtD ET . ' DE. JAMES IVAYEP, Practical awdAnaljlical thfia . LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 CeatJ per loi. JivJowfcl' SOLD BT J. II. MAL'.V. 4(:i)..ravi::.. lirnard. A.lair i C, A' And nil DujriiU in tho L'nilel Ju;a j June 2ith. ISif. . " STORE; 2sEMAIlA CITY, X. I ) . JIOORi; fc-BKOW.UEL Would respoctfjlly annuiiK- : the put lie.- genera!! :, . they Lave recrived anl opened at Xeuialii. LAIiGE STOCK :. OF 33' 3r O o EverythiDg that comes under th'- T 11 Mii I EI a 2s dl w ai' c Miijuiwciaiiiii ?i it i r. v i w i . a m m 1 will soli All cf Tvhich CHEAPER TIIAX THE Cll1 Ready Hade ClothicJ;;, T?vei;y vauiutt, 8tM'u:i?r. r"iv',4 lit tern f i:. j Jy Jtie Clt !.!.- !;'. , k l'.-'. j