fADVERTISER. TERMS: -.id m advance, . (!." '.. -t tie end of eiuooiii., 260 3,00 I .1 U MP r.j the ch aocumpnu" i JOD WOHK. f ,nMvf Jditions of Xcw Type, Ci I t ,en'7 "ds made to tbe "Ad Cots, iver- New , im lobe Meteturn oui Joo ori in ''- MhrnT office. Therropnetor being ":;'nr?i iniFelf.:nl having in bit employ an "MPerienwd FocyJ Printer, in do .J'tUln. in tbe execution of Job Work '" .. of Fter' Utett improved Card v"v w".rk in Colors, Bronxe Work, fcc.J will ar attention, i ''ar . d'sunre will be promptly attended to, pre satisfaction or no pay. r"'EZCIEK)LT COOL. and of the City liakery ana ::ionary,Ws "a thing or two I He knows how to ticHe the i Pf especially, editors and typos, ! , "rest of mankind," and to keep 'cool during this extremely hot Saturday last ne "come at us ; "Vafcket full" of nick-nacks, .'half dozen ginger "pop goes the ; " We thought that clever ; and ...Js, from editor to devil, "went in :suuoze." Yesterday evening "all -..rp invited around to "try our Did we go ? Tlatripr ml trc d i-d. Was it nice ? Better Gorr will dish out to you in v ;ves. in, white saucer, furnish you with a i. and a nice, light sponge-cake, and "go away, child pa-pa's sick.' j THE SCHOOL HOUSE . r: tax, levied in this School District, he purpose of erecting a School , is now due, thirty days notice I; leen given of the levy. If the wish a house erected, they must ili. ir tax. Thus far, only two resi i of the District have come up and .'over. This wont build a house, i the ndvertisement oi l.ucas Vpson & Co., St. Louis, Mo., to be id iii another column. They are sue to the old House of C M. M' ng'Sc Co. The gciitiPiaen compos ::ie new hnn bring Mitn tnem a repu d:i as business, high-toned, accomnio and honorable tradesmen; We ;k for them a liberal patronage from ; region. O'WBALL MARKHAM Co., of St. is. Mo., advertise in to-day's paper, ir Steam Enitres and all kinds of i:hincry, so much in demand in this t C(:mtry. Their establishment is ex s.vp, aud their works invite inspection. i 5joak for them a trade in. Nemaha. Orn City Co vxcii, have, by ordinance, 1 tm i portion of the Levee into busi. is liits and will soon offer them either public or private sale. The Mill Com- i.y claim a portion of the. ground laid , and, at the last Court abtainetTa writ ' injunction to prevent the sale of so t h of the property as they claim. Who rht, or how the matter will terminate hoi for us to say or guess. The workmen are engaged digging t the foundation for the new Hotel. fry arrangement is being made for a ?edy completion of the building. In another column will . be found the rertisemtnt of Geo. Wilkes & Co., ew York, who have commenced a ew .v: mm:; rURCHASING BU- SAU in that city. Read subscribe r Porter's Sinril nfth. p wish Bureau" anything coming within the departmentgive them a call. ISTEICT COUST, SEC03TD TEICT. JUDICIAL CIS- j JUDGE SAML. BLACK. ! Jvnt Term, 1857. "iniinal Docket : j Territory of Nebraska vs. W. Alder fm et al. Indictment for riot defend--is discharged. Territory of Nebraska vs. H. Alder aaa contempt of court difendant dis- barged on payment of costs. ' July Session of same Term. Civil Docket: Seicn vs. Maulding petition -judg- yu by default. j iieaJIy vs. Simpson trespass motion dismiss, under advisement. Carpenter vs. Cogdell trespass dis E -issed at mutual costs. i lhompsoa vs. Heady trespass mo- Jato dismiss, under advisement. ' ) Hanline vs. Bjswell forcible :id detainer nonsuit. entry I Nuckolls vs. Smith complaint on no.te .-judgment by default: . j altprs vs. Ford replevin judg't one nt and costs. Carter vs. Luchman damages for false imprisonment change of venue from Richard son county nonsuit. Ch; ancery: ! Edwards et al. vs. .:njunction dismissed. I rarfchall et al. vs. Ferguson et al. Hoover and Wyatt injunction dismissed j Tox of tho Alonzo Child will con- uS under obligations to him for St. 14 all along the tX)UlS papers, and others line Luevise" wc return thanks to clerk - mop nrr, Florence for -'-'if. ta- A dispatch says that an article in the Washington Union, on Kansas, is an au thorized exposition of the views of the Ad ministration on that subject The article alluded to fully sustains Got. Walker's course in advising the submission of the Constitution to a vote of the people, and defends him from the attacks of Southern extremists. Nebraska Papers. We have received the " Herald," Da- cotah ; " Pilot," De Soto, and " Jejferso- nian" Plattsmouth ; all excellent papers, conducted with ability. The " JefTer- sonian " we were particularly taken with, for its high toned bearing. The proprietors of Blythe Island, Ga., have accepted the government offer of S130.000 for the whole island. VOTE 07 UE2IAHA COTOTY. The following is the Vote of Nemaha county : "8 o El 2 2 c. o oi r. r ' O 9 r o o 9 CONGRESS, Rankin, 95 Cbapman, 135 64 U Thayer, IS 6 1 FerKtion, 13 6 1 TERR1T( BIAL TFASI BER, Wyman, . 105 63 83 Tattle, . 101 63 38 AUDITOR. Campbell, 182 69 60 LIBRARIAN', Fsttinon, 35 18 9 narrey, 64 25 39 Kellum, 83 19 14 ATT'T GENERAL, Ricbirdson, 108 60 61 FUbk, W 18 15 Grant, 25 13 DIS'T ATTORXET, M'Lennan, 103 8 67 Saffarrt. 49 39 6 REPRESENTATIVES, Pcery, 2 62 74 Benedtrt; 174 23 45 WcComas, 40 60 6 ChiMBbor. 108 13 101 Wells, 99 21 SI Bbop, 8 4 26 Mrk, 189 30 32 PROBATE JUDGE, WTOtwr, 65 17 27 Jobns, 37 23 69 Bratum, 7 8 9 Coats, 21 6 Berber, 47 1 SHERIFF, Planters, . 227 69 64 Ok, 20 A 60 REGISTER OF DEEDS, njovetr 128 70 92 Thorn ppnn, 125 6 24 TREASURER, Raiucy, 150 62 mil, 100 23 SUPT COM. SCHOOLS, tntrH-r, 226 72 92 COUNTY CLERK, aHctT 182 65 57 M'Cathron, 48 8 27 SURVEYOR, MJftm 204 66 81 Ilurn, 25 17 70 Rickrdn, 17 1 2 COMMISSIONER, OJer 170 17 30 Knipht. 47 3D 39 JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE, Bonnet. , 88 Kewedy,- 66 Nosier, 30 Clavton, 23 CONSTAriLKS, Donough, ' Summers, 20 Saunders, 25 JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE, V. S. Horn, 9 Gole, 1 M'Noun, 8 Ball. 13 COMMISSIONERS, Bliss, 37 J. W. Horn, Phelps 32 Bnrns, 2 An Ordinance Ho. 6. Sec. 1. BeitOrdained by the Council of Ihe City of BrotenvUle, That no person or persons shall be aiioweu toditcbarsre auy fire-arnii within tueiiniiuor saiacuy Sec. 2. That each and everv person that 6ha 11 be found racing or ruuning horces within the limits of the tuy, shall on conviction before the Mayor, be fined in a sum not cxceedirig twenty-five dollars. Sec. 3. That each and every person that shall use any vulgar or indecent language iu the streets, alleys or high ways, so as likely to be heard by tbe citiienu or any of thein, so as to disturb the peaccand quietude of the same thall on conviction berore tbe Mayor, be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty dollars. Sec. 4. That all persons found within the City limile in a rietous or tumultuous manuer, shall be tatcn by the Marshal and kept under guard, until tiiey (.ball beeouic peaceable, and then brought before the Mayor for trial, and uix.n conviction, shall be fiued in a sum not exceed ing twenty-five dollars. Sec. 6. That every person convicted of violating sec tion secondof this ordiuance, shall be fined by the Mayor in any sum not czceeding twenty dollars, and when the offence is com nutted by a minor, his parents, guardian or master shall be responsible for such minors conduct, and shall be bound for such fine, and tbe Mayor may at option insue his execution for the amount directedto the Marshal, who shall collect the same as other debts are collected under execution. Passed and approved, July 20th. A. D., 1857. A. S.HOLLADAT, Mayor. Attest, B. B. Thompson, Recorder. v2n6. Notice. THE Nemaha Valley Bank, having changed hands 'tis desirable; as also the expressed wish of the present Stockholders, that tbe old issue should be sent home for redemption, as soon as possible. ALEX. HALLAM, Cash'r. Brownville, July 23-lS57-v2n$-tf. Nemaha Valley Bank. B ILLS will in future be redeemed at tho counter in Brownrille, Nebraska, in coin or exchange; and at the following places, in currency or exchange, at current rates. E.J. Tinkham, 4 Co., Bankers, Chicngo. Jno. J. Anderson, & Co., Bankers, St. Louis. Mo. Wa' ren County Bank, Monmouth, Illinois. T. L. Mackoy, & Co, Bankers, Oalesburg, Bis. T. L. .MACKUl,l'res't. Brownville, July 23-'57-v2n6. THE NEMAHA VALLEY BANK, Buys and sells exchange, receives deposits, makes collections, and attends to all business connected with legitimate Banking, and will be prepared to extend Keasonable facilities to depositors. Interest allowed on time deposits. T. L. MACKOY, Prei'i. July 23-'57-r2n6, X3T"Xews, Nebraska City, Times Omaha, Banner iMKiori, .vo, ana uugie, Council UluSs, copy three ujuuius aua scua oui lo this othce. Claim Notice. TO all whom it may concern, Notice is hereby' given Uin win appear at the Lant Office at Omaha on Mon day August 10, 1S57 at 10 o'clock to prove my right of nre- - v r r . .. euipuon vu ujc o. . quarter oi section JO Townsh t6. A.aiic tr. W. AUUAEI. July, 30. 1S57, 2n7-2w Brownville Bakery AND Confoctionury. liVAN AVORTI1ING. BEGS leave to announce to the public, that he has erected a Bakery nd Confectionary estahlUh- went in the City of Brownville N. T.. and will Wr. constantly on hand, and is prepared to bake to order Bread, Crackers and lakes or every manner, style description and quality. He has had much expenenc! in baking and consequently feels quite confident he will be able to give satisfaction. A liberal patron age is rcspectiuuy solicited. EVAN WORTHING. July,23-'57-v2n6-ltn. Hew Grocery. AND cctioaary s alooa. T7. A. ALEEH2IA3T, BROYTNVILLE, N. T. A NNOCNCES to the citizens of Brownvillo and XX vicinity, that he has received and now opened a general assortment of well selectca groceries oi an kinds, tocethcr with eonfectionanesof every variety. Z Cool soda water, oysters, fresh fraiU, "C, al ways on hand. A share of natronare is (respectfally soliciU'd; vr a: ,.r. v':r.!jr. l;.''.,VCf, y:3-' Sairmcl IScCartney, TTnolet&ls Grocer and Dealer la Vlint tad Liquors. Manufacturer of all kinds of Domestic Liquors, and rectified hisky. NosllO and 112 Second, st, bet. Locust and Pine. july!6v2n5 ST. loos, mo. . Wm. Ilatthevrs, Commission XX er eh a at, No. 62 Commercial street, bt. L0C1S, MO. . t2u5 Haivcy, Van Wick, Harvey Co., feneral Land Agents and Real-Estate Brokers, NEKRASKA CITY. HA E arrangements by which thoy are prepared to make Surreys of Towns, Farms, c., in any part of the Territory with accuracy and dispatch, and having employed the best Draftsman in the Ter ritory can execute Maps, Town Plati, and prepare Architectural nans, and specifications to tbe perfect satisfaction of our customers. Brownrille, July 16th, 1867. , v2n51y DR. J. L. McKEE, AND SURGEON DENTIST. BROWNVILLE. N. T. Teeth plugged and filled in tbe most ap proved method. Brownville, May H'57. 48-tf Claim Notice. LEWIS STWEIX, Cbas. A. James, and all others whom it may concern, are hereby notified that I will apiear at the Land Office in Omaha, on the J8th day of July, 1857, to prove up my right of Pre-emption to the North-east quarter of section eight (3) in township six (6) range fifteen (lo). PETER NOFSlMiKR. July th, itoT. v: -r AND UPHOLSTERY, WHOLESALE AKD BETA XL, BY SCARRITT & MASON. ST. LOUIS, MO. WE take pleasure in saying to our mends and tho public in general, that our stock of Fine, Medium, and Common Furniture, as well as Mat trcssos an! Bedding, was never more complete and deserrinz the attention of purchasers, either at wholesale or retail in full suits or single articles than at present. e shall spare no effort to keep the most complete .... ... .. . . assortment in our line, in the West. Our Goods are mado here, as well as bast, by the best workmen, and thu combine the greatest yanety and latest styles, with the cheapest and most substantial. Dealers, as we 1 as all other purchasers, are in vited to call and look thronsh our Mammoth Ware - - v Rooms. Orders also, from all parties having furniture to buy for themselves or others, are especially solicited, with tho assurance of our best endeavors to merit a continuanco of the liberal confidence and patronage wo havo so long received. SCARRITT & MASON. "Washinzton Are. between 2nd and 3d Sts. March 19th. '57. 40-3m D. if. HlTCnCOCK. c. beaedslee. benj. joy D. M. HITCHCOCK CO., Bet Olive and Locust streets, St. Louis, Mo. MANUFACTURERS of Cooking, Heating, and Parlor Stoves and Grates. Also Manufacturers of four sizes ofjewett's Pat ent Cary Plough, ono and two horse right and left band. Buchanan Life and General Xusuranco Co., Office cor 2d and Jule sts., ST. JOSEPH, MO. CHARTERED AT TIIK LAST SESSION OF THE MO. LEO. Authorized Capital 3,000,000. DIB EC TO E3. J. B. Jennings, I. R. Howard, J. A. Owen, Milton Tooth, John Colhoun, John H. Likens, W.H.Peneik, James Kay, N. J. McAshan, A.'G. Mansfieer. J. B. JENNINGS, Fres. . R. McAshax, Sec y. I S now ready to receive application for Luc, i ire, Marine and River risks. A cash return of 25 per cent, will be allowed on cargo premiums. Losses promptly adjusted, and the usual facilities given to the patrons of the office. pril 15th. 1857. 4t-.im It. V. MUIBj GENERAL LAND AGENT Omaha, Brownville and Table Rock, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. IS now prepared to select Government Lands, and locate Land Warrants ia any part of Nebraska and Western Iowa: to buy and sell Land Warrants, City ProrertT and Real Estate. Debts collected and pro- ceeds uromntlT remitted at current rates of Ex r & change. Will buy and sell property on commission; nav taxes for non-residents. un a personal Knowl edge of the best locations in the Territory, I am no prepared to s ttend promptly to all business entrust ed to my care; will act aa agent for Firo Insurance Companies, etc., etc. 1 nave made arrangements with the Banking House of Gilleepic, Pierce & Co., Carbondale, to remit Cash and Land Warrants from persons in the East, on my account and to be for warded. Correspondence Solicited. BEFEB BY PERMISSION Archbald. General Aecnt D. L. i W. R. R. Scnnton, Pa. Chas. P.Wurts, Sup. Del. & nud. Canal Co., Carbondale, Pa. Lathn.pe & Jones, Carbondale and Scranton, Pa. B. G. Morse. Esq., Red Falls, N.,Y. Hop. Win. Gleason, Delhi, N. Y. Jas. C. Hart. Sec. Bd. of Dir. Del. & una. i,a. vo. New York. Wm. Frothingham, Attorney, Albany, N. Y. nuin; Pierce k Co. Bankers. Carbondale, Pa. Jas. Clarkson, Esq., Carbondale, Pa. Rev. R. Nelson, Prin. Wyoming Seminary, Kings ton, Pa, Rev. Abel Barker, nonesdale, Ta. Rev. T. S. Ward, Carbondale, Pa. Rev. C. W. Gidding, Carbondale, Pa. Hon. R. W. Furnas, Brownville, N. T. Mark W. lord, Gov. of Nebraska. Col. J. A. Parker, Register Land office, Omaha. Col. A. R. Gillmore, Receiver, u u 44 W. T . Finch & Co.. Omaha. A.J. Stevens & Co.. Ft. Dcs Moines, Iowa. Notice. Editor uyelmka Advertiser": 1)k tn Sir: In lookinz over the last number of your In per a notice attracted my attention signed by erome Hoover, Esq., in which he states that certain stones are in circulation tnat tno unaersigneaciaim some interest in Nemaha City for the purpose of in- junng its prosperity, it may uo quue wen wicir- culate a report of that nature wnere tne lacts are unknown, but to t'.iose knowing tne tacts suca a statement is merely foolish. And for the purpose of giving a fair opportunity to persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn all persons from purchasing any pretended claim or interest in the said town o. Nemaha City, from the said Jerome Hoover, as he has sold and received pay for nine- twelfths of said town, and suit is now pending to place the undersigned in possession of the interest by them purchased in the same; and they have not anthemed the said Uoovcr to sen or aispose or any portion of their interest, but directed suit to be brought long sinca for its recovery. 1 oars, o -F. J. MARSHALL. JNO. DONIPHAN. JAS..DOXIPHAN. R. L. BALLARD. R. C. BISHOP. L. D. BIRD A. G. WOODWARD. S. F. NUCKOLLS. CHAS. F. HOLLY. 42-tf March 28th, 1857. No More Credit! NOTICE is hereby given, that hereafter we seil Goods for Cash or Produce oxlv. McAllister, dozier & co. ofirwnville, March 12th, '57. 39-tf House and Lot Por Sale. I WISH to sell my house and lot. situated on the corner of Atlantic and Second streets. The lo cation u a desirable one for a residence, and needs no comment. I will sell for what the property cost me, any one in pursuit of a bargain now is the time to jret it, ns I am determined lo sell. Apply soon to R. W. Furnas, or the subscriber. " I Ertwr-viIIe, Jane lltb,'57. -Irt5 J. B. X'ALLISTXS. J. 1. DOZIHL JOX A3 CKAXH. Oregon, Mo. , BrowoTille, N. T. Oregon, Mo. mcaixisteh, dozier. & co., forvardii:q & coission . MERCHANTS. . Dealer i FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! HARDWARE & QUEENSWARE, -. GrooorleSy Provisions, Prote, etc., etc., No. i Main Streei,andNo.2 Levee, BItOWNVILLE, N. T. St. Joseph Gazette. Kansas Herald. Jefferson City Enquirer and St. LouLi Republican copy six months and charge this cfQce. April 16th, 1857; 44-ly THE LARGEST mm OF NEW (ROODS, Ever Offered Just Keceived Per Steamer Emma AT THE CASH AlTD PRODUCE STORE IcALUSTER, DOZIER & CO. Calico and Brown Sugar, Fish Hooks and Clothes Pins, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Ginghams and Molasses, Steel Pens and Wash Boards, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Salt and Brass Kettles, Tar and Fine Combs, at McALLISTFR, DOZIER & CP's. Lawns and Ox Yoke., Tin Ware and Crushed Sngar, at McAllister, dozier & co-s. Bleached Muslin and Bed Cords, Shirt Collars and FiddleStrings, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Denims' drawing knives, Do Lains and dried apples, at McAllister, dozier & ccr. Silk handkerchiefs and hand Saws, Blacking and pain killer, at McAllister, dozier & co'a. Flour and irish linen, Black pepper and bar lead, at McAllister, dozier & cox Plows and powder, Pocket knives and percussion caps, at McAllister, dozier & cox Bl'k silk cravats and cod fish, Laco mitts and wall paper, at McAllister, dozier & CP's. Coffee and fine shirts, Red and white flannel and tobbacco, at McAllister, dozier & CP's. Rice and ladies undcrsleeves, Nutmeg graters and Queensware. at McAllister, dozier & co'g. Glass and Ayers' cherry Pectoral, carpet sacus ana bard ware, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Ladies hosiery and log chains, Needles and shovels, at McAllister, dozier & cox Ladies collars and striped shirting, Puff combs and saddlery, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Broad cloth and bar soap, Curry combs and dress trimmings, at McAllister, dozier & CP's. Boot, shoes and star candles, Lace edging and Salaratus, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Cottonades and spectacles, lirooms and Ticking, at McAllister, dozier & co-s. Sewing silk and buckets, Envelopes and Kentucky jeans, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Blue drilling, knives and forks, Tea and white lead, at McAllister, dozier & ccs. Wash tubs and tooth picks, Buck combs and knit needles, at McAllister, dozier & CO's Cassimers and vesting?, Shoe brushes and Godfrey's cordial, at McAllister, dozier & cox Lace veils and cologne, Dress combs and scissors, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Thimbles and raior straps, Pearl buttons and jews harps, at , McAllister, dozier & CP's. Suspenders and ribbons, Brown, green and blue barege, at McAllister, dozier & CP's. Vinegar and linen thread, Jaconet muslin and shaving soap, at McAllister, dozier & ccp. Linen table spreads and shoe lacets, Indigo and Jaynes' medicines, at McAllister, dozier & ccr. Brown linen and raiors, - Crash and diaper, at McAllister, dozieb &ccva. Colored cambric and ink, shoes, Thread and cotton batting, at McAllister, dozier aco. Table, tea spoons and wadding, Coat's thread and jack plains, at McAllister, dozier & co Challi de lains, and window sash, Doors and shambray ginghams, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Straw goods, and summer clothing, Starch and pins, at McAllister, dozier & co&. Bonnets and b air oil. Bacon and artificial flowers, at McAllister, dozier & ccs. A thousand and one articles not mentioned, call round at McALLIFTER, DOZIER & CO'. For Dry Goods of every description go to McAllister, dozier & CO's. For cheap Groceries and good brogns go to McAllister, dozier & co. If yoa want to get that which ii of the best go to McAllister, dozier & CO's. Who is it that always evinces the most solicitudi nous anxiety to please the taste aad captivate the tye? McAllister, dozier & CO's. Consequently you should patronise m McALLISTES, DOZIER & CO's. Deal With M'ALUSTER, DOZIER El CO. BLANKS of ever description, for sale at thji Office. - KEKOSEFJE OILS, DISTILLED TP.02I COAL. - (SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT.) Kebosink iLLcaiXATrxa On.. Th. light obtain ed rom this Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any other oil or fluid heretofore discovered; is inexplo tive, and will remain limped in tho very coldest weather. The Company recommend as the lamps best adoDt- ed to this Ooil, the Kerosene Lamps, manufactured by the following parties: Messrs. Cornelius & Baker, also, Dyott, of Philadelphia, E. V. Haughwout 4 Co.. 4S3 Broadway, the UrooKiyn nuntuiass Uo No. 73 Broad Street, Messrs. Diet 4 Co, 133 Wil liam Street, L. Mercier 137 Elm Street, N. Y. Samples' of different styles of Lamps can be seen at the Office of the Company. Kerosene Lcbricatixg Oil, No. L Prepared to suit the finest, and all other kinds of Machinery burns brillianty in Locomotive Head Lights, Car Lamps, and all the ordi nary Solar and Hand Lamps, and stands as greal a degree of cold as best Sperm O il, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship use. ,t t r x- a t c. Lubricators, and will be found to possess advantages over any Oils in the market at same prices will not burn and has been thus prepared to meet me re quirements of Railroads and others. Kehosexe Bis.vacls Oil. Prepared expressly for Ships' use, and will be found admirably adapted for uso of Steamships, Men of War, Merchant Ves sels, Lako and River craft, and burns in all cabin stateroom, binnacle, forecastle Limps, signal lan terns, Ac. Binnacle Oil will remain fluid as long as best Sperm, and will burn all night without requiring to be trimmod, an advantage that will be obviou3 to every Shipmaster. The Kerosene Uils can be obtained from me Wholesale Oil Dealers, Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in New York, and the regularly appoint ed Agcnta of the Company n many of the principal Towns and Villages of the United States, the Cana days, and the Island of Cuba. Local Agents appointed (in conformity with tne rules established by the Board of Trustees,) on ap plication to General Agents, Kerotene Oil, Co., No. 50 Beaver Street, N. Y. N.B. Circulars with full particulars, testimonials, prices, Ac, will be forwarded on application as above. June Z5th, 1857. vZ Z-ly Notice. ALL persons are hereby warned not to cut any timber or in anywise destroy the same on any Lots owned by the undersigned in Brownville or the additions thereto. A. KOUNTZE, WM. RUTH. Brownville, June 11th, 1857. 52-tf LOWE'S 1 irrTritl OMAHA CITY, n. t. LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! ' Go To On Main Street, Where you vill find the belt and Cheapest Groceries In Brownville, At Wholesale or Retail! THE subscriber would invite the.publie to call and see his large stock of Groceries, which have been selected with great care, and are now offered at unusually low rates. Persons in want of Coflee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Confectionery, Fresh Fruits in cans, lobaoco, begars, Candies, sc,aod any other articles usually kept in a Grocery and Variety Store, will find it to their advantage to can beforo purchasing elsewhere. Also, by the whole sale, as fine a stock of Brandies, Wines, Gin, Monon gahela,and Rye Whisky, Schnaps, Champagne wine, Ac, as ever was brought up the Missouri river. Fish of all kinds, constantly on hand. Country Produce Wanted for which the highest price will be paid. A share of public patronage is respectfully solici ted. J. R. DAVIS. Brownville, June 18th, 1857. v2 l-6m KNE0TJR & FERGUSON, MILLWRIGHTS & ENGINEERS BROWNVILLE, N. T. ANNOUNCE to the public, that they are prepared to erect Steam and Water Saw and Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair ing of machinery of all kinds. ALL WORK WARRANTED. They are also Agents for A. B. IIOLLIBIRD & CO'S., Western Foundry. CINCINNATI, O., LEE & LEAVITT'S Saw Manufactory, CINCINNATI, O And are prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by theso es tablishments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. REFFERENCES. Noel, Lako & Co., Brownville, N. T. Steam Mill. R. W. Furnas, Brownville, " Muir, Hann & Co., " u " Dr. Hoover, Nemaha city, P.M.Rogers, Pawnee city," : Nuckolls & White, Rockport, Mo. James Lowe, Linden, " A. B. Ualliberd, Cincinnati, O. Brownville, June 18, 1857. u u a v2 1-ly. TnE PROPRIETORS of this new town, recently laid off in Nemaha county, Nebraska, wish to call the attention of the citizens as well a3 those just coming into the county, to the numerous advan- tag s, they are confident all who will take the trouble to examine will acknowledge, surround it. In tho first place it is as near as possible in the geographi cal centre of the county it is in the centre of pop ulation and improvement is on tho main through- fare leading North and South and East and W est. Tho town site is nearly level, gently rollin, is sur rounded by the timbers of the Missouri and Littlo Nemaha; good water is of easy access, several fine springs are on the town site. Good building stone near at band stone coal has been found in abuna-- . . ance witnm a snort oays travel, wnicn can do brought into requisition for mechanical purposes of all kinds. Another matter, it is confidently believed that the day is not far distant when a Railroad will be constructed along the river tier of counties in Ne braska, from the northren to tac soutnren boundary. The nature of tho country is such that this road must pas through Eldorado. With its position and all these advantages sur rounding it, the proprietors with many others, feel assured that it will be for the best interests of the co nty to locate the County Seat at Eldorado. Bc licveing thus and feeling willing to assist thecounty we pledge ourselves and will enter into bond, if necessary, to donate to the County two hundred acres of land in town lots, provided the County Seat is located there within a reasonable length of timo. II. PEERY. U. S. HIGnTOWER, Proprietors. Brownville, June 11th. '57. i2-2m FASHIONABLE TAILOR Jacob Ilarohn, BROWNVILLE NEBRASKA. . HAVING determined to locate in this place, re spectfully announces to the public that he has ln.reeand well selected stock of Cloths, Tweeds, Casimers, V stings, Ac, which he will make to order in good ityle and at reasonable rates; or sell by any quantity desired. He also keeps constantly on band and for sale a supply of ready made clothing of all kinds. - Brownville, June 18th, 1S57. tJ 1-ft a. W. FCETT. X. O. WIlJtlNSOJf. PUETT & WILKINSON, AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW OMADI, N. T. Will attend to all business entrusted to their care REFEKEXCE3 Col. Jesso Williams, Fak5a!d, Iowa. Gov. Jos, A. W right, Mr.FfN.Uoock, Indianapolis, "iud, Washington City. RockvilJe,Ind. Omaha City, N. T. Hen. John G. Davisj HID lion. Geo. L. Miller, 1 Main street, bciiceen 1st and 2nd, BROWNYILLE, X. T. J. H. MAUN & CO. Has jast receicved Th LARGEST STOCK West S. St. ILonis, Consisting, in part, of the following article which he proposes to sell Chsap for Cash: Pure white lead French zine China " Rod lead Venetian red Raw and burnt umbra Spanish whiting Chalk ' Turpentine Linseed oil Tanners oil ' Copal VarnLfb, " Japan White Yarniah Li thern gc Paint Brushes Varnish " Sash and window tools Wall brushes Lettering pencils Tuble paints Camel hair pencils -Blenders Star candles Yeast Powders. Putty Castor oil Cod liver oil Sweet oil Olive oil Gluo Patent Medicnos, all sort Cough candies Fancy 44 Castile soap Toilet Washing " Tooth Brushes Hair 44 Cloth " Almonds soft shell Hard shell almonds Filberts, pcacans Pea nuts Figs Raisins Oysters in cans . Sardines Bl'k and Imp Teas TOBACCO, Of the best brands chewing and smoking. Cigars finest quality and flavor. PliUIIS AND LIQUOBS, Preserved, fruit for pies, Brandied peaches, fresh J caches in cans, pure liquors for medical purposes, amaica Rum, Holland Gin, Irish whisky, Bourbon whisky, ginger brandy, Cogniao brandy, Cordial, 1 ort wine, cherry wine, white wine, malaga wine. STATIONERY, Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, gilt edge note, and envelopes plain fancy and embossed, Pens and penholders, Inks of all kinds inkstands and r abors pencils, scaling wax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries Comprising, Lyons katharion, cologne, pomade, ecnuine ox marrow, bear grease and oils; musk and essences of all kinds and of the finest qnalitr, with all othor articles usually kept in a Drng Store. Prescriptions Compounded at all hours with care and despatch. TERMS CASH EXCLUSIVELY. Brownville, May 14,1857. 47-ly ITEW FEEEY. Across The Shuto At the Head of the Island ABOVE BROWNVILLE, To W. S. Hall & Cos Saw Mill. THE undersigned announces to the Public that he has purchased the Ferry privilege granted Jack son Peters, at the last Session of the Legislature, and is now prepared with anew and substantial boat, at all times to acoommodato the public. Lharg usual rates. URIAH SMITH. Juno 11th. 1857. 3S-3m KTotice. TnE undersigned are no longer stockholders in tho Nemaha Valley Bank, and are not responsiblo for its issue, having sold our i tercst in tbe same to Messrs. Jones, & Barkelow, S. E. Rogers, F. David son and their associates. SAM'L K. RIDDLE B. R. PEGRA.M. t :n nr.!. iatv ia7 n- ni J. W. COLEMAN, Land and Lot Agent AND REAL-ESTATE BROKER. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. Xjrvxxcl IXUxxtox-od on Tina o. Land Warrants Bought and Sold, BKOWyVILLE, N. T. Kanawha Salt. 2000 bbls on consignment, and will be sold at a reduced price, by J. B. JENNINGS. Fruit. 150 boxes hvs and qr 31 R RaL'ins, aod 60 bxs Oranges and Lemons, for sale by J. B. JENNINGS. flnnp 100 Coils Manilla and Juto Rope, from to 2 inches, just roceired, and for sale by J. B. JENNINGS. Mackerel. 120 packages no. 1, 2, and 3 Mack erel in i, and whole bblj just received, ar-d for sale by Fresh Oysters. 100 dos Field's celebrated Oysters, on direct consignment, in store,and for sale, 7 J.B.JENNINGS. , . Nails. 300 Kegs assorted, in store, and for sale by J.B.JENNINGS. Fish. 100 bxs no. 1 dried herrings, and 2000 pounds Superior Codfish, just received, and for sale by - J.B.JENNINGS. Window Glas. 150 boxes 8X10X10X12 rlas just received, and for sale, by St Joseph, Mo. April 30, '57. DAVID n. M'LAl'GIIUX. CUAELE3 G. PORSET. Mclaughlin & dorsey, IEEA1L ESTATE GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Tint Strant, (opposite "AOitiuiW once.; BROWNVILLE, N. T. Will attend to Filing Declarations of intention to ISJilS-IQI EL 337 5 Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Land Warrants. Entering Land. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Particular attention will be paid to buying and selling property on commission, and making invest ment for distant dealers. Comspondenoe solicited. Mclaughlin dcrsey. sim TO Bradford, McLennan k McOary, Nebraska City.N.T. McIherson, Morrison, & Hutcbins, Brownville, N. T. O. II. liarnet, Ls j ., Dayton, Uhio. POX SALE. Lot 5 in Hock 59; Lots 3 and 12 in block 45; Lot 10 in block 47, in the City of Urownnlle. by McLaughlin a Dorset. ros sale. . Lot 2 in block 40, best Levee lot in Brownville: also, house and lot in block 2 Main street. ' MeLAUGHLIN t DORSEY. 702 SALE. . Half of lot 11 in block 19 Main street; also, lot In block 19. Also, 40 acres of land joining South Brownville; by McLAUGULIN Jt DOlUSE V. April 23, 1357. 45 - TII03.-H. LARKIN & CO. comnssion hc?.ch;tj, AND WHOLESALE GROCERS. 2o. 33 Levee and eor. Commercial ST. LOUIS, 2!Om tZ3"Srecial attention given to sales of IIEI and H'llILVT. No orders taken for the pureha of lit mp, directly or indirectly. April loth, 137. wra E. P. IE.VJCETT, J. 8. MORTON, H. H. BAKPIVO BENNET, .MORTON & HARDING.- Attorneys at ILav, Nebraska City, N. T., and Cleawood, la. TIJILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and V Western Iowi. Particular attention raid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of debtj. REFERENCE: nn. Lewis Cass, Detroit. ) r:i:,. Julius D.Morton, - f Michigan; Gav. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, 111; Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; B. P. Fi!ed, St. Louis, Mo.t Hon. Daniel O. Morton. Toledo, Ohioj -P. A. Sarpy, Believue, Nebraska: Sedgewich Si Walker, Chicago, III: Green, Wcare & Benton, Council Bluff's, Iowa. NEW TRI-WEEKLY MAIL. TBOJt ZPOXVT, rwso. TO BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. .GEO. XL LrCLARY, HAVING taken the contract for carrying tha Mail between tho above points, takes this method of informing the public generally that he has taado preparations for running a Hack on the above named route : Leaving Rock Port every Tuesday, Friday and Sumlav, at 12 o'clock M.: arriving at Brownville at 2 o'clock. P.1L: leaving BrownviHe for Rock Port, t&me evening at 3 o'clock P. M. This route connects at Rock Port with the Si. Jo seph and Council Biuffs Stage line, and at Brown ville with tbe Stage line leading from Topcka Kansas, St. Joseph Mo., Independence, Kansas City and other points below; and to Nebraska City, Omaha City and other points above ; and New Fort Vearney, west; The subscriber hopes by diligent attc ntioa to business and accommodation to customers, ta merit a share of the public patronage. . Particular attention paid to the conveyance of Packages or parcels. Charges moderate; but no ac conntability for unavoidable accidents. April 7 1858. 43-tf REAL ESTATE AGENCY. GEOKCE CLATE3. t. V. UI. CLAYES & LEE, Real Estate and General Agency, OMAHA .CITY, N. T. References. - James Wright, Broker, New York, Wm. A. Woodward, Esq. " Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Gov. of Ohio, Cleveland, ; W ices, Otic and lirowneil, Uankcn, M Alcott& Ilorton, Col. Robert Campbell, St. Louis, James Ridgway, Esq. 44 44 . Crawforn and Sackett1 Chica jo. Omaha City, Ang. 30, 1358. vlal3-lj Horses "Waattd. will pay tho highe.it price for a few fine, U . broke horses. Apply at my stablo in Brownville, . J. W. COLEMAN". Special Notice. Short Settlement Make Lorn: Friends. THE subscribers request all that are indebted ta them, by note or account, to make payment, by i the loth of February next, as one of the firm will start East at that time for a new and full stock of goods, an l CASH will be wanted to pay ton them . We return our thanks to our menus lor inetr patronngs to this time, and promise to merit a con tinuance ol the same herealter. WM. IIOBLITZELL A CO. Brownville. Jan. 8th. 1857. For Sala. 50 bbls. and 100 sks Flour, at McAllister, dozier & co. O. V. LAKE, Brownville. W. ,H. HOOVER, Neinahn City. , LAKE & HOOVER, ; ; il AND UU1 NOTARYS PUBLIC, Erownvillo and Nemaha Ci'ty,' NEBRASKA TERRITORY. ' WILL promptly attend to Land Agcnsies, Paying taxas, Drawing money, buying and selling Real Estate, buying and selling on Comnissioti, Making Collections for distant dealers, nd all kinds of business pertaining to their profession. 1 ariicuiar auenuun win oe given in ming uecu.r. - ( tory statements to pre-empt and: procuring War ranty Deeds from the Town authorities. 1. . l ersons owning town lots, residing at a distaju; wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will da well t placo the ageucy in our hand.i, (alw a 7 1 prtttenUr j their Quitclaim Deeds for said Lot 'within the ex-, piration of six menths, as after that time all lots n A Deeded will be sold. Blanks always on hand. N- B. Letters of inquiiY answered jromjtly. March 2d, '57. 4l-ly THOMAS WILLIAMS, V . Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Will practice in the Third Judicial District In Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial C.reuit in the State of Missouri. KEFEHENCKS. Richard Brown, K. W. Furnas, Dr. John Mcpherson, James Foster, George N. Miller, . Brownville, 5t'. T. Tippecacxt, Ohio. Oregon, Mo. . Archer, N. T. . . T. . CUXINC. lOH C. TTKl. CUMING & TURK, V - Attorneys at Law & Real Estate 'Airnfr,. - . . yj UMAtIA UITI. N. T., WILL attend faithfully and promptly U al hasi. ness entrusted to them, in the TemUrinl or ' Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and landi, ta trries and pre-emptions, collections, .ke. . Ullice in the second story of Henry & Rootnnw building, nearly opposite the WeiUrn EjiSsrg Bank, raruhana street. , . 1 Dec. 27, 153. vln2Stf Pf f: HI X U FA CT O R Y. 3!ain Street, ', - BROWNVILLE, N. T. ' WILLIAM T. DEN, RESPECTFULLY returns bis slaetre thanks to the citizens of Brtwnviie un surrounding country for their liberal rat ronage extended him since be eoajtcnrcl epinunj in the above line and place, and he woild say to his old snd new customers who wish to ecntinse their patronage, that be has just returned fioa St, Louis ith a Urge stock ot the best naauty of Leather. selected under his own inspection. The Qualitr of materials, style of work to be bad at tbe above estab- nicnt cannot be surpassed West of SLLocU. brownville, Jan. Sri, 237. - Sl-tf Cash! Cash!! Cash!!! THE undersigned would most earaisUy esn Upna those know ing themselves indebted fr Melicin and Medical attendance to come forward and settle ithout further notice A. S. UOLLADAY. Brownvillo, May 14,1357. 4$-tt PHUELUIIBEE!!! THE ur.dersi jned'reprctfully infijnn tho citisens of Brownville, and Nernaha and Hurroandiuj counties that in a few days we will open a Pice Lumber Yard in Brownville, whre we wili keep for sale a well selected stock of Pine l.autlr fna ii ta 3 inches. Also, Tine Si.linx Worked Flooring. Pine Shinples and line Lath, all of whkh a wiii at fair prices . , , . ron casu only. . . . R. UROW.'f t Co. Brownville, Jano 24th, 1357. t2-? tf 4 For Bale. 10.000 pounds Bacon at .MiALLISTER, D0ZII3 ACCn. ly