THE ADVERTISER, . U. W. FURNAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6., 1357. S. n. Paevik, lieuerai AavemsmB Areni,ja rrr ui New Tork, Ladies's and Children's Shoe Store, tMJ worn vi..r uvo n-irr-v v r. Vu. its and 343. Broadway, Newiork. . I KDRrw WXKD. American. Canuan na auropeu A3 vcrtUing and Subscription Office, Jio. 133, J asau j xewTork. . . rot BiSrr'obio. o ' c:SvSmSStW' A.D. kmc, Arcner, u. w. peter. oreKon. mo. white. xebrka ciry'.x t. 'v Tenement, lor tbe Advertiser, and rcceieve and re- in tLt, Teitor.. con.iu.from various wrt;.m. f thp state, often suecestto n the name of 1 1 iirLnV in their old neiPhborho,s who would doubtle welIi rece-vinK .will consider it. ,WciUtn to become a re,p.- JJTtJSt in trouble. I Ivi 1 -awineintereVt win be taken at par In payment for tcbtedneMtothi.afflc.5 rrmi notified t the close of the voinmetodis- .minue the "AdverUser." we snail vase uxor pranioa o that .nt-cribwirt eir papeunucd. .ban , . --. . GTTlie eDraska Aaveruser" navmg .. i . r onv nanor a lac ihichvuvuiuhwuvi I in the Territory "Wholesale Jierchants ih au -r:t7 I merchants purchase, will find no better advertising medium in the Western Coun- viuci Mut-tu. " TO BTTESCSIBESS. After our next issue after we have furnished our readers with full election return rf thp Tprritorv we will sunend returns or tne emiory, m bueuu the Tmhlication of the Advertiser for two f w .a .i-. nr. Weeks, in order to make some new ar ranements about our office. TIIS ELECTIOa. . 1 ine loili, lOOKeu iu u - Election day has come and gone. In J 0 . inis couniy me election iiasstu uu 4uiuw, and our people sustained admirably their hitherto fair reputation for peace and qui. .1 .i t . i ii ,.... i. i et upon such occasions, .The result of the vote is shown in another column. The candidates for county offices were all good men. To make a selection from the number as to who was "best, was a .uunu . oucu u w. "tt UU " f f ; nvno, at me. umo ci meir arrest en Fir oc n-p L-rAT' fill nrp rnntpnt ntlpnstl i ..i 1.1 ..I c4ui nvv.., -vv-.v... ..v-r.f with the result. As to the Territorial officers, there was lib particular anxiety in this region. The candidates were generally little known, the positions of little glory; and much less nrnf7t rCT , " s ine oniy. struggle was as 10 uciegaie - to Congress, over which throughout the ourrhout the uuluuui mc I , lerntory tne contest was warm ana even . . T . . A ,1 lt ' singular as it was unexpected even to the most sanguine friends of Mr. Chapman. "We have watched closely for weeks past .the beating of the public pulse, and have been pretty well satisfied the result would .be about 'as it has turned out.' .We are ' not therefore as much surprised as many others doubtless are. We are satisfied that Mr. Chapman is not the choice of the people of Nemaha county, or the vote an . indication of his popularity. There was a combination of singular circumstances operating mUr against Col. RaKa,m U Mr. Chapman in uo. county, of . , Wmcn We torbear speating pUDHCiy I .... , ; . " trougn tne columns or our paper, dux which are well known among our people. Next week, after the smoke clears . away, the reader better prepared to hear, and we better prepared to write, we shall , , . . , 4 4AA(Ab A I? AAAAA iUiUu U w. w.ww. 1 M .1.:. el..;nn A iut!m, ,Pr,Pr. 4r UU1 U11J V1VV.IWWJ VVAVAW ally in Nebraska. As the supporter of Cob Rankin in this w i .... rnnntv. ivp fnmdnmi" and arWnowl- . I edge "beat;" but are not disheartened. b ...... We. have great hopes of him m the . y homestretch. W e shall not however, be greatly disappointed vo learn anotner nas Deen eiecieu, -even Air. vuttpniim; and yet we eant help but think as we have heretofore, and in the absence of . further returns, that the contest is between R,r,l-;n nJ Fprmwn. Tn a few davs a J I by our next issue at fartherest, we un- ine irauuc reuci "uw lUiUCU UFUU n appucauon ior a manaamus tor tne Who will say this worK can De ac doubtedly will have sufficient information English residents of the station, removal of the capital from St. Paul to COmplished too soon? The early es- to enable us to arrive at accurate conclu- V,v nmvf.sw- W nil iW.lrt ' ' J o' xvho mav be elected, we shall recognize in him the Representative of Xebraska, and shall use every effort in our power as a journalist to render him useful to the Territory. in UTAH teoops. An idea of what it costs to fit out an expedition of this kind may be formed af- ter reading the following, relative to the . outfit cf.the Utah expedition. The num- ber of troops lorwaraed is me 7 i nn number of horses purchased 302; num- huauuwu t ber of mules, 231; number ot wagona, with harness for six mule teams, 325; total number of tons of Quartermaster's and Commissary stores, purchased and shipped, 5,750; number of bushels of oats, 150,000; bushels of corn, 70,000 ; ' teamcrs engaged, 45; and number of team- ' iteneroployed, 200. We further learn that the value CI tne Viuaner i.iasier & aiuica ' r-nnnno. und that cf the Commissary's i-w-i-) J ... Capt, Wharton, U. S. A., arrived in St Louis on the 13th, irom j: u .iieamuy, which yt i I VnTnrnminl fnr snmfl UB JUS vuuiuiuu- a . , ... . .rr.: t'e rast. Capt nanon.ts tuuamg " a ; n 'KUn-nr to' f rem 1 rheumatism, and is on Jus way .to re - weekly leyjtw. The news brought from Europe by the last arrivals are important. They show that the ideas of liberty and re- publicanism, " notwithstanding . the Jan , . ... 1 L Li. eHOrtS tHaUC DV ine IjraiUtai i Uiti a ui , . , . , rn ii ctiensneci DV me peODlC. J. liU , i I - . - tne .rrcnen elections nave eo sijmiii- cant a character that Louis Napoleon has become frightened. In Taris, . . . . . csneciallv. although the republican rart wag faxifc(if onG faction asking tocotothe rolls, and the . r L r nnn tion, and where all the garrisons had i.i: ,.,l n I Uftu WUueu iiu suiuiws anv means used by the government moroer nority. , SUffraffeS of the maSSCS, Paris, where the freedom of vote is . i.i : i, i nsnU I tt usucu iii ck tiivj uciiLi n o kiiu iwuu i . J it. ,i.i: I "as Slirjjasseu UlU Uipeciauuiia ui uic renublicans and the worst fears of the frovernment. Out of 356.000 electors - . registered in Paris 143,000 abstained L. from voting and it is known and ac- to . KnowieuLTca luaL iiiose lio.uuu ausifu- o - - - i tons ar0 composed of legitimists and red republicans. On 216,000 votes cast, the candidates of the government 0 110,000, and those of tb,e I opposiion yu,uuv. xive governmeni. candidates and five republicans were elected. From the above figures Rfjmu ftllf ihn .f lint thp . .1 . , , . , . , . ian can om musier one-imra 01 ine votes 01 x ans, nicu numoer is com- posed principally of office-holders and - P T-. 1 1 ? I soldiers, of neonle who fret their dailv 1 1 1 o I llirp.sfl from tlip frtvprnmpnt. nnA nrp . j i thus rnmrpllprl in itrnnrn nnnpinloa - T for a Pure question -of interest. In a11 the PrinciPal tonf of France, 1 n i i i where tue republican party have an organization the result has been the same as in Paris. If, to these facts we add the discovery of another conspiracy -against the life 01 uo cmpcror organnea Dy itauans tminn with nnicmarrts. thP rmriT9 r.0 , r of which had been steeped in a ' , . rltii i , ' I issatisfaction all over the continent, we will come to the conclusion that it - w. w;tLflt rMMn, a. T,J - b ----- emperor emperor ot France and the k m of i' O I Kria ,v ot, l apies ireiuuie lor muir me, anu mai . .1 r -i tion. ine mutinies in tne native liinaos- x 1 -. a.J l I iaii army uave creaieu uuno an aiarm in England and the government has ordered the departure of 14,000 men for India. We find the following par I " 1 J - .1 ucuiara in a correspouuence to tne P 1 limcs "The massacre at Meernt occurred on Sunday, the 10th inst. On Satur- day, the 9th, there was a brigade parade at the station, and 85 men of the ''J? vf.;,ino ... , 7 were ironeu on me paraue Krounu, m i f , - , rhn fLw n inji nn(i inr,v,i m,- I AAA 1A A Vaiv A W I v V V A 11V I Lfflcprs nri the station had. n to this ' 7 - ti entertained no suspicion of an open revolt. But on Sunday evening; e v ' i jr ri A A W AAA AAVA V u..v A V A lmvd bv the 20th Native Tnfantrv. lAVFTI - WV , w ' J I who fired tneir muskets, and called i -iji m i' . a . i upon tne 11m nauve Anianiryio come onr mm t.hpm. 1 hPV lmmprlifltPhr JVA" w" .. ""V I nnmrarail Vitt Til c Vi l n rf nut frnm fVoii I a v nit nAi Ttt vii o h i r r ah t ti i w I .r" V i 7t? v vvTm Imps fnliv armed. he Hinrrlish omcers tulated with the men but were instantly shot down. The mutineers WCrc now joined by the bazar and town rabble, and, in one oouy, mey msned upon the jail, liberated their comrades and at the same time set free about 1.1 i il xl i I twelve nunareu omer prisoners, wno had been confaned tor various otiences. mi . r I. 1 . A ... I :.reiers s oeen reiusea by judge fulTrt"""T i r u 1 iwiMaiiM i i ati i nr 1111 11 i' ami 11 a. i i i LAi - . v-rij: j PUU11C UUUUlui:3 ftuu wic puakcicai- A. f MpShI Trere in flames, and the wives and children of the English residents were flying m terror betore the bloodthirsty fcapoys. lhe scene is described as terrible in the extreme, exhibiting the worst features of Asiatic harharitv. Every Ennlish ofiicer that was discovered was instantly shot at by tho Sapoys. The defenceless women and innocent children were not only butchered, in attempting to escape iuu.-.-? 'IP ; bodies were horribly mutilated and cut yuul;a "cc"7 . , , , n nieces on the hizhway. by these mQQ uro. troopg on the Btation consisting of tne gQth Regiment of Rifles and Qfa Regiment of Dragoon Guards, were drawn up to oppose the mutineers, After two volleys from the Rifles the rebels turned and fled. The Dragoons pursued them out of , Meerjit, and for i ecu ii at aaaaavj uaWaa0 - . Q down numbers ' of them with their I . saDres. that "the I -AACKA UVAI1VVU q infantry o1 . n . fo v A :n,rrnrt;ftn. Iiaa tA A J AiA U OVUkV V . , .. 1 J o i naYinn reiuseu iu lav uuwu vucii aiuio m were cut . to pieces. Troops were Mt i j marciung irom every biu uiiu ccij l-pn tn tramnle out the . t m ni stated in the House of Commons that the principal incentive of the ' revolt was an impression that there was to be attempt at a general conversion to fiL.:.i:.. ' uie vIirjsuuil rtni'iUil. .... a a. V- a! . rri, I In irOul itSnineiOIl lO WVUUUU. JLiic t , tt. t A. P ivansas ana utan anairs, anu iuc vch- tral American imbroglio occupied prin- cinally the discussions of the Cabinet, . , . It is said that Walker is maKing preparations for another expedition to Nicaragua. T V0 To1a. gate to Congress in the Territory of k . nof .AnnA tti vicgou, "ti1 avuvv D. B. Eckles, of Indiana, has been is commissioned as Chief Justice of the a n. t, T TTfoV. u. kj. vuui b iui tuc a.tiiiijijr ui vuu. i mt TT C nr t..!! 1 i. I XUU U. O. iuarsuail uas uui usjfci, uccu selected. - With these excentions all iho. federal nnnointments are made. - 'rr We have dates from Salt Lake City the 2d ult. It does not seem that the rnmnra oi me mi l tar a nreTarations - y g.f- x for an expedition against the Saints excited much alarm. r. OTJE LZQISLAT0ES. Up to the time of going to press we T. ... e t.i . r ... I iiAVC "y lclulua UA1":su"l'uulil uui feel quite sure the vote there U Dot enange tne result as to uepresentatives as j sliown m another column, ine members ... elect therelore are . S. A. CHAMBERS, gpark ot treason, iord Uranviile A.J.BENEDICT. j. s. MINNICK. ATr r.iiwnrBs Kn con-orl ir. tho. -a . I, mjv, TirprpdinfT spJatis Af tVio T.oo-iclotnro nn L v a his hPinff afrnm TPtiirnpn is 5nrhriPiit pn. i .v i. r . .v. dence that he proves satisfactory to the people of Nemaha county. . . o i Judge Benedict is a man well known and well qualified, and -we are confident Will prove Satisfactory tO hlS Constituents. r 3 . Mr. Mikkick, our wrorthy competitor for Councilman last fall, is an intelligent A , . . . . t. Nol on, does he posse53 accurate WIed of of the farm- D .1 11 .j mg communuy, dui is wen posieu as 10 matters in general. We have a delega- ' I The capitol question has not been made I an issue m this county; hut if we under- stand the Representatives elect, the entirA v "uioua auuu iu . .. 1.11 on tne question, upon ,grounas taicen oy - ' " ' our paper some weeks ago. x&uid uiax.fti,uflAis. i up 10 our gome 10 press we uave xiom- J. - r nfinita frnm ntnOT mmtKc Vo B - - learn from gentlemen trom lticnardson and Pawnee counties, that there Rankin ' would come out with a small majority, The vote in Nemaha and the two counties above mentioned, was between Rankin and Chapman. The latter will receive not over 25 of a majority, in the three counties. In Otoe and Johnson counties Judge FergusontasundoubteUy As "between Rankin anc 'received the vote as Deiween namcm ana inapman tne former will lpnrl -in rnnntio Tt-o - think. 75 or 100 votes. We think too. Pol 1?nnVin will Tl.nn as. a axm-v uiiuu I rw mnntv nr,r1 nQ fa thoxr w;n i -wvA-ww vvaavj y um w w , V AAV. J 1 l Ua 11111 I Lk, thA PlmtA riih m inn majorit If this be case aad can t figure lt up in any other shape we a sure. lie win - J Tl'1 1 a: TT. -11 I 1 ' A M i- I tt n.ajui. iu w m ii iTi:r i; l ft vr t nnnr nnn nr t rtv m i fa WT J.! " , .' " V , ana me VOie Will De SO ClOSe in n I othpr rnnntipc TiPtwoor oil tV n1i1Qc5 tlmt rMintine Tiat-tniaOTi oil h on 1 rv 4.1ni l- v hwmamritr mnnnt p nvorromo n0c0 are our ssbgs with the light before us. In a few davs howeve. we all know forcprtain The St. Louis Republican contains the .1ntV.;, r o I .it ... t. x m - "" il uiaiuu iran ounmtu my AO" ",v-v-u I'aul, Minnesota: a l r . i - , I Wilson who decided that after the Gov . ernor and legislature established the .r ..c-rt temporary seat of Government at St Paul their "power was exhausted and they have u aumomy iu iouue u ai auomer piace COtnTTY 0FFICEBS. ' The following are the county officers elected on Monday last: R. J. WniTicEY, Probate Judge, D. Plasters, Sheriff. W. H. Hoover, Register of Deeds. R. T. Raint, Treasurer. W. Thukbes, Sup. Com. Schools. E. E. Paaker, Clerk. T. Wv Bedford, Surveyor. Jesse Cole, Commissioner. officers or precinct no. 2. J. D. N. Thompsok and S. W. Kekkedy, Justices of Peace. R. Scott and J. T. Edwards, Constables. PBE-EKPTZD LANDS IU BEBSASZA. We 'find .in the Nebraskian the follow- ing statement of Pre-empted lands m this Territory tip to July 17th: . Warrant entriee rebrBary 1.711M March April May June July lflttol7th 33,4o co ,700 40 3co oo 9,517 65 43,800 00 33.108 13 ' 169.540 00 jamount entered with cah and Land warrant. Tash lw,24ooo Land Warrants Total autuber of Acre 207.34S IS "v ,r f 7 , oraa. averuw . , , My object in; writing Ae. present art r.le is to call the attention oi me settlers of Nemaha' count' to the es: tablishing of an Agricultural Society, tlio rnnntv. T am aware ' that an " - . . V.f xcoa rwirri dm-in t.rifi last Winter, - aaaa . , x, chartering such a society in Nemaha county, and that it included some of u: . rnc,;(mi, : wwwus, m iw wmr.wu. But this is but one of ?the preliminary sieps xowaru me consumuuuu ui w a desired obiect. ' There IS mUCll Vet to oe accompnsnea, Deioreny u.neu,, Will accrue to those ensaSTea in tne waAn rkw in v r nuiui Liai.i. t -.r' 7 " 1 rr 7 . . " good workr" This' as the name implies principally, a work for the farmer, and not for a few; only, but for the entire rural community. Ine mechanic . y i tOO should be flppnlv interested in the I rv progress ana ultimate succe&b oi uie enterprise. As for myself, I have full . . . ... - t connaence in the ability oi tnose no nave unaertaxen tne worK, anu uo nut rlonVit hnt that in Ann time, snrh action j Yrili Re laken m tue matter as win per- manentiy estaDiisn tne insuumuu, m 1l T..a ,1J iuii operation in ourniiusu xui nuuiu it not be well to agitate the matter and prepare the minds of those inte- . . . . 111 resiea to De in reaamess 10 lay uoiu of the work simultaneously and; urge on yjjj energy and success? . . , Wa 1 Vo in n. nroirres.mvfi atrc. and , r- nc wno wouia Keep pace witn ine umes musi De UP anu uong or oe coniem 10 slothfully persue his course in the old stprpntvner! wav. Some mav sav. our j . j j - hatt1 nmnta oro tnn vAiiTifr trnt' it. will k . 1 r: i i. ha ttma cnmifrli nftni wn chnll hnvp - r , . . our farms enclosed, and the virgin soil removed from its long resting place, x-uvv.-... - - I to K . t t, . k f :mTirovel mcthods of tillage-exciting wholesome com- A.L. . petition in the farming community acquinng more extensive knowl- edge of our occupation Suct arguments as tbese migllt have held good in the early settlement of O . 1 it 1 . c"A. some oi tne mmaie ana western ctaies but they will not do for us. 'I hon Tpnrfrnca in aiwMilniml TTfl Q jj veil vu " x.vv.. ... " . Jn.- . , u 1 fa uceu i Deen immense. e are 01 me urcat West, where towns and cities snrins , - Lt no V,-r w .1 nth.t Iran Knf o uy 413 mag, uuu nua u,o r mj few days since a wilderness, is now covered with the habitations of intel- i-nt. i , i,; lllft'lllf lilU CilLCI ItX 13111' UUU ! r 1'iiint iiiiiiiJr irniii Ttniinxi. t'lfi u i rtf tT.ooKJtoWn dnh ATot, r . of these settlers Lave left comfortable 11 11 -11.1 ana nappy nomes; nomes arouna men were many ties -which bound their affections to them and made them doubly dear, and to which fond re- membrance still clings with stubborn will. And why should they not remem- ber, yea, love their homes; there .is no better, purer, holier, passion em- mating from the human heart, than fond, fervent, devoted, attachment to ' the friends of their youth, and habita- - W 5nn nf those thev loved. Let this f be cultivated ; let the farmers of Nemaha county surround them - . . 1.1 gelve3 mih those , institutions WUICD I have by their benehcial influences . . i i made those distant and deserted homes . . it . I tho irion nt contentment ana nanm- 1 ness in their minds, and they will again seenre abundance and prosperity and with them contentment and happiness. This done and thev will no longer yearn for the homes far off, but will view with honest pride the spot upon MU tu U - fiiof nrrrt fhnir hnmh P and solitary shanty in the "tar est. ... ... i i tablishment of a flourishing Agricul L , es v tural Society in the county will be one of the most efficient agencies toward the accomplishing, for the farming community at least, this desirable end. An Agricultural Society brings those from distant portions into close com-1 munion with one another; causes the farmer to entertain a more just appre- ciation of his calling; places him Six of those injured by the recent rail nearer his true position in community roa(j accident near Cincinnati, have died. (I would have said Society, but those who are "nothing but farmers are not supposed to beot tnat naaereu anu courted class of leings), gives him the experience of thousands of his co- laborers ; excites a commendable de- gree of emulation in the production of his crops and rearing ot nis animals , informs him of the result of various interesting and instructive experiments relative to the varions branches of his bnsines3 without .his incurring the a.o yr1 Wa nf tim fnr itvoal J i'" ,',"'u-v . their nrosecution. neitner oi wmcn ne ronld aff-rd ? fpal-ieshimthecomnara- five merits nfflrrricultural produce and j . O the varieties best adapted to his local- jty ; how to improTe and ornament his dwelling and its surroundings with ap- propriato taste and charming effect ; - v- r cf a f a a u r-inc7nimTWTiuww t im 1 1 i i i putmgto tne main enance 01 ne xrue aigmty 0t laDor ana to tne puoncgooa. But jt would be useless to endeavor to enumerate tne various wavs in wnicu we would be benefited by a properly arranged Agricultural Society. : I am rrmfirlpnr. trifir. trip inntprinl ovists' inT - nnr .ftmrnmiitTfrtr ifftmnns!tiftn. All - v,Viiv..v .v, . that is wanting is the exercise of that energy which exist in the community .1- i.T ia iuuuc uiamiesi, m moac hich directly interest every one and aetermmation to excen, ana tne woik will T0 ranidlv On. Ananow,iur. iaitor, a worato you, W hv have von. whn are finnnospd tn Ilfi foremost iii every effort for the public good, been so silent in this matter Have you left it for the farmers to do? If so. nrre thfim to their dutv. Have i o j - von hppn sr TrmrTi pnrrrnQPfl tvitri ftVifr 7 v,pwv,v. ...... duties that you have neglectea this one. Make amends for past inaction. " 11. U. 31IXICK. Hermitage, Aug. 1857. Wft nlpad crinltv. snmewrint. in trip charge, friend Minick ; and yet we think the incorporators are those to whom blame i . ni snouia De attacnea lor not navinii me so ciety organized long since. By reference to back Nos. of the Advertiser you will C4 . x .1 . J aMa U1cu an organi5:ation. as tne election is now over, ana we win noi oe suDjectmg. our- sen to the charge ot " taking an interest . , . . . m cenait 01 the larmer tor political pur- we in the future more - - attention to agricultural matters. We hope too, Mr. Minnick, to hear more fre- nnpntlv from va. j -- r j HP "FTTH TSTTTITV - 1 I A-ii L lu De ter c ATii of "Wild Cat." From a let- in thft San Antnnin Tp-ran infpd Doredo. W Mav Qfith n, lMm ,!, "Wild Cat,", the celebrated Seminole! n-L-C U t.1,TT C. . t Cmer wno gave tne United-Mates so much . 1.1,. t.i rj t .1. 1 uuuuiu u'wuua, uuuiig UltJ Ct'inillOie i ,i 1 . 1 -.i f -1 . - War, IS dead ; he, With forty Of hlS follow- ore V.oiriv, folJcr, n;,, ! iJ uuiuij: luuvu wvuiuj iu clllall pox. "Cossack," the horse Captain Nolan rode when he. was killed at Balaklava in the famous charge, is new the property of a company of gentlemen in Cincinnati. , , , ; , J jenny L.ina is coming to America. A 1 w correspondent of the Christian Enauirer . writps Ihnt hp saw hpr in llrocrlor TTo- . .. -w. throo OQr lri three year old hoy is a fine one, and her voice is as musical as ever. She will prob- aDiy seuie aown permanently enner in - ' iL,ngiana or me unuea Diaies, wiinm six months. The writer says she will revisit America, m any event, because she likes - and , , ' j. Surr te Bradford has decided t0 issue a commission t0 taUe testimonvi n Califor- n as t0 tne marriage of Dr. Burdell to Mrs. Cunningham. He. remarked that this would not very materially delay a decision upon the question, as there was an immense mass of testimony to be ex- rimucu - -rresiaem nerce, jx-uov. nunt, Postmaster Breck. Washington, and several otner aisunguisneu gentlemen, made a visit of condolence on the 3d inst., to Mrs. Marcy, at Ballston; where the dis tinguished ex-Senator died. Another riot occurred in New York, cn the 9th. The police were attacked, and used their pistols in defence ; two or three i ' rfoters were shot, and the disturbance r 11 11 nnauy queiieu. j i l.jj r A! Aavices nave reacneu Masninion oi . . hbc seizure on the African coast, of the brig Adam uray, on suspicion ot Deing a slaver ;4hebrig sailed from New Orleans. She was captured by the schooner Pro metheus. A premium of 8100 will be awarded to the best band of music (brass) exhibited on the Fair grounds during the next Iowa State Fair, and $50 for the second. At the next Iowa State Fair a premium of 820 will be awarded for the best acre of corn raised by a boy under 18 years of age, and 810 for the second best. Julien has written a frallonade. which ne has caned the Comet, in honor of the distinguished visitor, who did not come. The Louisiana sugar crop promises to yield 250,000 to 300,000 hogsheads the present j'ear, against 78,000 last year. The prices must come down. . , been found f , b hu q the steamer Montreal. Th R BI . Haml:ne. ftf thp xrp Epi3Copal church, has taken up his permanent residence at Mt. Pleasant, i0wa. young man named David Robinson, while running a foot race near Vincennes, ind., last Sunday, fell down a corpse. p f jua . officially reco-nized Wm. Lane Becker i -r. . as COnsui oi ureal uniam, to resiue at gan Francisco. " m i - i' . . i i reasury aetaicaiions are tne vogue in rki.: a.. .tftn(in:...u i vuc Ui ?t,uuu 13 icJUiicu aaa oau- dusky county, and the last State Journal mentions a rumor that the Treasurer of Delaware county is a defaulter to the a mount of 820,000. kV i0"0 - wu.uw, a WM. LUCAS. C. L. TUOMPSOX. 1xPjsJLii21-j - . Successors to- ; C. H. IIcCLTJITG & CO., ST. LOUIS, 3IO. - Will have in store this fall a very superior stock of .i.W' ' Among which may be PRINTS, INDIANA CLOTHS, DF.LANES, BOMBAZINES, ; CASHMERES, ' CLOTHS, MERINOES, CASSIMERES, ALPACAS; SATINETTS, Our Stock of 15 F) Tel r? YF T' Will embrace all the Latest Styles and Ojur White Goods Room Will we filled uith a Very Choice Selection of, everything under that JTead. We will also keep a complete line of X2 HT IT 03D JOT CS3-CC1 CCD XCD 3 Which we will offer to tho trade upon good terms, a3 houses exclusively in that oiwcess. Our stock of BROWN MUSLIN; KERSEYS, TICKING, BLEACHED MUSLIN, NEGRO GOODS, SHIRTING STRIPES, " OSNABURGS, DRILLINGS; " TWElDg LINSEYES, APRON CHECKS, BAGG1S&, Will be found as complete as any iu this market We are determined to offer these goods at very close profit Time buyers. v2nS-3m Real-Estate For Sale. 1 HAVE FOR SALE and will sell at a barzaia if appli cation be made soon : 160 Acres r entered land part timber part bottom prairie within one and one half nulesof Br wnville. 160 Acres entered land, auc discription as above, 40 acres nnder cultivation, good house and barn, adjoin ing the City of Brcwnvil le. 80 Acres of excellent bottom prairie land entered, and within two milesof Browoville. 0 65 Acres heavy timbered bottom land adjoining Brown ville will be sold cheap for cai-h. 60 Choice lots in South Brownville. 25 Lots in the City of Brownville. 2 Shares in the town of Wyoming. B. W. FUUXAS, Real-Estate A'fct. BrownTille, X. T. Aug. 6th, 1S57. EOWDALL, MASKHAH tt CO., WASINGTOIT FOUNDRY, Engine and Ulacbinc Shop, CORNER OF 8ECOSD AND M0BCA5 STREETS, ST- Manufacturers or Stc r.nt Miii iiacuiaery, LOUIS, MO. Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw and , Single and Double Circular Saw juiis, luuacco ililU, Tub&cco Screws and Presses Laid Kettles, Lard Screws and CyhmJers, Wool O-.irdins Machines Builtiimi casiniffs. 1 onnt' improved rareni smui;iiii4, &.c. jtJ-agEXTS for tbe sale 1 1 Jjmes Smith &. Co.'a Su Castings. Tonng's Improved Patent Smut Mil Is, &.c. penor Machine Cards v:i8-ly Strayed or Stolen, FROM tbc Subscriber, a gray horse about sixteen band hinh, black main aud black tail, about eight years old. Any person uiving inrorniat ion where the horse is cr de livering the same to rue will be liberally rewarded ; said burse had bomcthiug like the ftsteiow when he left. C. JIULLIS. Nebraska City, X. T., Aug. 5, 1S57. n8-6w Dissolution, THE partnership heretofore existing between Juir & Ildiin ami Muir, Ilann &. Co., is tbU day dissolved by mutual consent, and will be continued under the name and ttrm of Hoadly & Mu.r. All the debts contracted by Jnu.A. Uann for the former partnership will be paid ly Hoadly h Muir, who still con tinue the business. HOAE LY &. Mt'IR. ISO. H. 11ANX. Aug. 15th, 1857. n8-3w Mattrasses. 33hutvk Mattrasses jut receivetl at the store of Aug. 6, 1807. n 1. T. WHITE. POUTER'S SriIIIT OF THE TIMES. General Purchasing Agency. THE constantly increasing demand upon us to execute conimissions for the purchase tf all kimlsuf articles, both or residents ami non-rendeuts or the city, has inJucel us to esUbli.-h, in connection with our newspaper enter prise, a PUECHASUTO BT7EEATT j under the immediate supervision of one of our firm, as sisted by the Ditt accomplished experts, for supplying ang article in the world. . Particular attention will be paid to the selection, pnr cbase, andsaleof thorouph-bred Cattle and Horse Stock, trainel Does, FerretH, and fancy Fowls, Carriage, Buggy, and Saddle Horse?, Carriages, Harness and Saddle, Time Watches, every description ot Fire Anns, Sporting Arti cles, Fishing Rods and Tackle, Alnsic and Musical Instru ment, Yachts, Sail and Row Boats. Furniture, Que Wine, Liquors, and Sigarn; Cricket and Ball Bat, Padu, Kc, 4.0. Agricultural implements, of the latest and mot Improved kinds ; Seeds, Plants, Fruit, Forest and Shade trees, and all kinds of Book treating oa subjects of im portance to the Farmer, Horticulturist, and Florist. State Rooms Engaged in advance, on Steamers and Packets to leave or Europe, California, the West Indies, oranypartof the world. This will obviate tbe necessity to residents of inland t .wns, and places where no steamer agencies exist, of coming to Xew Tork two or three weeks in advance as they are now frequently required to do either to obtain passage, or to secure eligible accommoda tions. In this department, we will be ready to secure Rooms at Hotels at favorable rates, so as to protect the stranger from Imposition s well as inconvenience; and, In short, to periorrn any description of commission that would ordinarily require the presence of the party himself. Gentlemen who desire to form Libraries, or who may wish to procure the Choice Literature of the day, can always rely upon our judgement and selection. Also, Blank books and Stationery, and Book and News Paper, xor printers. FORTnE LADIES, we will procure the latest Fashion Plate, styles of B. nnets, samples of the newest varie ties of poods, cosmetics, perfumes, and fancy articles, and we shall always be pleased to furnish everything connect ed with their wants. In short, for any service which may be required, the public may rely upon us, with the most perfect confluence for ttdelity, and dispatch. Apply to GEO. W. WILKES h. CO., Porter's Spirit of the Times, 3-18 Broadway, S. T. f - H Subscriptions for Porter's Spirit of the Time, a Sporting Literars, Agricultural, Family Weekly News paper, may be forwarded to the same direction. Terms, $3 a year. . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS, THE third, enstalnient of 420 per cent on the st. or the Brownville Hotel Company, is required to be paid within ten day of this date. ALEX. IIALLEM. By order of the Board. Secretary Claim Notice. TO all whom it may ooncern, Xoticels hereby giren that I will appear at tbe Land Office in Omaha, iIoiv!ayAuga,t loth, at 10ocl'k to prove np my claim of pre-emption right to the.N. W. quarter ofiion34, Township O Range 14. JOS. MATER. 6o.7,0 p July3 v2nl-2w Dissolution. THE partnership heretofor eexinting between the nndersighed nnder the name and style of McPherson Morrison & Ilutrhins was by mutual Consent dissolved on the 28th day of July. 1857. The old bnsiness will be settled, and the new continued by John M'Pherson. j. JITHERSOX, . ' . J. II. MOBRlSoVf, Aug. 6th, 1857. R. P. ni'TCHIXS. DANIEL ZOOK, Oregon, ilolt County Missouri, ' Dealer in. 33 3HL "O" C3.- G3 , And CHEililCAIiS. Dye-Woods, and Dye3tnfr3, Oils, Paints, and Painter'i Artialea, Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, French, English, and American Perftimerj. FINE toilet and shaving soaps, fine hair and tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent al instruments. SDices, snaffj, manufactured tAjbacco; al the patent medicines of the day; pure wines and brandies for xnodictl purposes; choice toilet and fancy articles, etc., etc. AQEN1 FOR 1 BE SALE OF ' Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Laocbaingna. Osgood' India Cbolagoijue, Jones An merican Cholsgo;ue; Guysott's Yellow dock an! Sarsaparilla; Smith's Tonic Strap. July 23, IS57. . v2nl-yly 1357. CO, found a conipleta lice of JEANS, . TWEEDS, OVER C0ATISG3 BLANKETS r4 Newest Good offered to tao trade. and desire Ut call tbe attention of all CASE or prosit LUCAS. THOMPSON k CO. FRESH AEEIVA1 NEW &0D',; I. T. WHITE & CO. Brownvillr, N. T. WE haTo just receiTcd per Stcnmtr Emnuia entirely new and large assortment f SUPERIOR GOODS. Which we wilt sell at as reasonable prices as anj establishment! in the West, our motto being . "LIVEAXD LET LIVE1 We have now in store a great variety cf Ike fol lowing articles, which we purchased for CASH tnj consequently can sell cheap on the nuis terms: DRY GOODS, Grroceries, HATS AND CAPS, SADDL'ERY', ; HARDWARE, " FARH HHPTiTTfTRTITS, CUTLERY, ; - QUEENSWARE, WILLOW WAKE, xlj xm xliXaT1 tzl j jxcni: BOOTS AND SHOi . ' Eeady Hade Clothing. And a lino assortment of LIGHT GROCEIUES, Such as - Sjnce, . Torpors, Soda, S.tlaratti", Ginger, ' Allsjice,. . etc., etc. And a good artklc of Smoking and Chewing: Tobacco. It is a pleas uro to us to show good1, and wa vi you to call round and see for yourselves. J. f. WHYTE 4 m Juna 9th, 1857. t2 1-ly WE otfer to tbe public, we are confident, . largest and best selected stock of Grocers' ercr offered in this market : , ollhdsSagar, . 6ft Sack IJ.ffet, 125 Sacks Flour, 5 Tienea Itice, 30 Bbls MoUjmos, 13 Doxs Star CondH 20 Boxes Soap. 150 Saris Sail, 15 libls Cider Vinifrer. 150 bbls Sell 2ERMS CASI11U ' ' ' l.T. WHYTE 4 00. 1 VTA HEOa NAILS, jjst receive 1. and for, 1DU by , . . . .. LT.VUYTg A CO, OOTS and SFIOES A Tremendous' Stock, ju received, opened, and for sale, by I. T. WHYTE A C0 y r l'LNE DOORS, For aale, by - TO i:t.tiyteco: PRKSERVED FRUITS; Strawberries, reb, Whortliberriea 4c , &e.. to be at ' . " J. T. iV Ulli" vw ' Just Received . by 1TPH22S0aT, HOS2IS03T ft HTTTCHUS. A large assortment of the Economy Cocking which is an improvement on tfct Charter vu, and tho stove which took the irnnium at tbe U Sute Fair. We warrant it to girt entire satuf tion or no sale. Also, an additional Stock of Ttol., Hardwire Cutlery, BootJ, Shoes to. .' Brownville, July 16, 1857. ' Kcw Arrival . " or . and i CHRISTIAN DEUSEB. BROWNVILLE. ' NNOUNCES totbepublio tlvat h kMJ"1 il eeived, per bteam;r Lmrvs, Ttry r 5 . well assorted stock of lVlof aiid Cook . . new and improved patterns, as folio s: Shanghai Elevated Oven. Cook Stover. . . Bnct's Clipper oven. Improved Patttrm " Charter Oak , . 'teS. .it r.).;A i t.1m1ta m:f Li sell at as I1" wi and on as aceommodatirg tenra' as any on lishment in this region of country. . . ,t Tri', I have also now n band every l'Jtd ' of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron re, and a rr to put np guttering and spoutini: aod ail l a in my line, at short notice, mdia wortW" manner, which I warrant to rive satisfaction. A share of patronage is solicited: . ' . . . c. rEft, Brownville, Jnly 16th, 135T. John H. Lightzicr, Dealer in Storrs, Grates, Plows ndC No. 82 Second street, between Uoost and " . .st. lAonisMc.- Laborers Wanted. EN or fifteen day laboren an lad 9fe6' the entire .Season, by pr,i',5 V'ni FMA- . T BrownTille, July Hti, 17. ' r f ! IJi V rAl AA VA... w - g