Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 06, 1857, Image 1

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    , ! - T- '.'C'V! " ' T f . r ' ' ' , :.'.:! .. . tk.i I. I
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" - I . I f i .- r , " 1 r -!,'.. . . 1
i -
NO. 8.
. v . y . . . . . ...
Second Street, bet. Hiia. ittd "Water,
r UkeV Uiock,)
at the cud of fi months,
CUl it'f 1- "r niore will Lc furniuhed at $ 1.50 jer
aiiunin. j.r'vrlt;d the i-h.-u cctuiimu;cs uie oracr,
;, s turo, (12 lines or le?.-,) one insertion,
.Evli ull'.tianal iu-ivrJicn, . . ...
one year,
f 1,00
i. A.BUADFOKD,. , v . L. Mc'O ARY,
tm. mclenxas ' Brownville, X. T.
I Nebraska City, X.T. - '
Brownville and Nebraskn City,
- - Nebraska territory.
BEING yenflanc111' lotatcd in the Territory, wo
will give our entire time and attention to tho
practice of our profession, in all its branches. Slat
tors la LitiiTrttion'. Collections of Debts, Sales and
Purchases of Real Estate, Selections of Lands, Lca
tinz of Land Warrants, and all other business en
trusted to our inanagament, will receive prompt and
faithful attention.
. ' r ?IX lllfDlli,
. ' one year,
IU-iiiPM C:irJs of .-is li - or I
0.)a'.'la'i. one your,
j.i viia-'i.Cnuiii, one year,
fourth " "
Oue-uisbth '
L'.f C 'iniun, -ii months,
f.,u.-th " "
- .-irh " "
' I'-iiw.'in. flirec in iiillis,
" fj.A:f '..iuiu.i, ihroc months,
f..U.-Til "
a -i-t .mi In ' ?a? lidnte for office, Tin advance,)
(Vi-li i.i :ilk HDoe will be required fr all advertUe-iu-nts
ex:-j.t whre actual rtioni'ibility is known.
Ttfii f - r coat fur each change be added to the
;i!"Vi- rilfs.
S: iaK.i' business CarJs of lines or less, for
;.e ve;ir, tr.0'1.
N.i x l.-..rtisiM:jents will be cunidered by the year,
u iL-. itxifil ou tha manuscript, or previously
r ". 1 iiif.n between tho parlies.
uv iT:i"e.Ments not marked on the copy fora speci
fi" 1 num j?r of insertions, will be continued until or out, and t harp.-d a-frTdingly.
All ndvorticmcuis from strangers or transient pcr-
-urn. to b" paM in adsice.
Tii : rriv:l ""0 ..f vcuriv advertiser will be confined
i i 'M.v t t tin ir own ItuVme-" : nnd nil alvcrtiscnicnts
,i,.t TH"r!:.inin? :ln reto, to be paid fr extra.
Yeariv-aJvcrlisersLavu the privilege of changing
ti(-ir'tnent. Quarterly.
x; ! dalvtrtis-'ui-ntsihurzeddonbletheabove
dv--vti '"inents "n
the inside exclusively will be
S. P: NucTtcdis.
Kiclinrd Urywn,
Wm. UoWitiell & Co.,
1I. J:mes Craig,
lion. James M. Hughes, ,
lion. John li. Shepley,
Messrs. Crow, McCreary A Co.
Mesar.. S. G. Hubbard A Co.j
Hon. J. 51. Love,
Nebraska City,
a -
St. Josej.h, Mo.,
St. Louis, Mo.,
Cincinnati O.
Keokuk, Iowa.
June 7, 1856.
cai Estate Agent
: Pdblic 116. .' ' . .
An act to eotfirm . to the several States the
Swamp and overflow Lands selected under ecutive mansion
tbe act ot beptember twenty-eight, eighteeen Approved, January 13, 1837.;
uuuureu auu uny, ana me act oi tuesecuuu
llarch, eighteen hundred and forty-nine.
' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of tho Cnited States of Amer
ica muongress assembled, That the selection
John IlampdeD, presented to Congress by Bty it enacted by the Senate and House of
Boit enacted by the ! Senate r and House of ica in Consnss5 assembled That where any
Representatives of the United States of Arner- settlements, .by the erection of a dwelling
ica in . Congress assembled,.. That the portrait house, or the cultivation of any portion of the
of John Hampden,- presented to Congress by land shall "have been or shall be made upon
John McGregor, be accepted J and the Joint the sixteenth or, thirty -sixth sections (which
Committee on the Library of, Congress bo and sections have been reserved by few , for the
they are hereby directed to "cause the same purpose of ;being applied to! the support of
to oe properly, irameu, anapiacca in tnc iiiX- scuools m .the. Territories of Jdinnesota, Kan
sas, and Isebraska, and in the States and Ter
ritones hereafter to be' erected out of the
ame) before the said sections shall have been
or shall bb surveyed; or when such sections
have been or may be selected or occupied as
town sites, under and byvirtue of the act of
r "; Public Xo. o.r
A. RESOLUTION respecting the distribution
'of certain 'Public Document..-' . , ' "' "l
ot swamp and avertiowed lands granted to tne T?-nr4H,,intjVP ne th TTnitprl Stat t rf . A mur. I eighteen hundred-and fnrtv.fnnr. nr rftsprvftd
several State by the'act of, Congress, ajiprov. , . Conrrress BSSemWed." That the ten conies for public Uibs before the survey, then other
of the journals and other documents of Con- lands shall be selected by the proper authori-
gress, autnonzea oy law to pe deposited in tne nes, m ueu sncreor, agreeaoiy to tne provisions
d September twent'-eight, eighteen hundred
and fil'ty, entitled "Ap act to enable "the State
of Arkansas and other States to reclaim the
swamp lands within their limits," and the act
ef the second of March, eighteen hundred and
forty-nine, entitled "an act to aid the State of
Louisana in draining the swamp lands there
in," heretofore made and reported Uthe Com- -0nxs and - documents of the S
mussionerof the General Land-Office, so far iIous6 of Representatives ordered tc
as tne same snail re mam vacant and unappro- jn tne Lmniry of
pmutru, auu not uuenereu wiiu uy an autnai
settlement under anv existing law of the Uni-
Library of Congress, by section r three of the of the act cf Congress approved twentieth
joint resolution of May 'twenty-fourth, eigh tay,- eignteen uundred and twenty-six, entitl-
teen hundred aim tweuty-eight, shall hereafter e& An act to appropnatc lands for the support
be deposited with the Secretary of State for ot schools in certain townships and fractional
Agent for West Division of BroicnviUc,
Urownville, N. T.
PARTICULAR attention paid to the pnrehaso
and sale of Real Estate on commission in Town
or elsewhere.
A. Kountr-e, Omaha City, N. T, -
A. Chapel. " " . "
A.J. Benedict, Brownville, N. T.
Rrowiivil.c, June 4th, '57. 51-ly
Notice to Pre-Emptors!
-XT7-ILIJ give particular attention to preparing all
Y the nece:ry papers for Pre-emptions, and
rendering any assistance which maybe required by
Pre-rmptors in proving up their Pro-emption rights
at the U. S. Lai,d OQoe. 45-6m
R. PEERY, M. D.,
RESPECTFULLY tenders bis professional ser
vices to thecitueus of Nemaha county and ad-
. . . . i i i . l I : :
loiiun counties, oom in eLrusaa aua .uissoun
ted States, be and the Eame are hereby con
firmed, and shall Iks approved and patented
to the said several States, in codformity with
the provisions of the act aforesaid, as soon as
may bo practicable after the passage of this law;
Provided, however, That nothing in this act
contained shall iuterfere with tho provision of
the act of Congress entrtled "An act for the re
lief of purchasers and locators of swamp and
overflowed lands," approved March the second,
eighteen hundred and fiftyrfive, which shall
be and 13 hereby continued, in force, and ex
tend to all entries and locations of lands claim
ed as swamp lands made since its passage. .
Approved, March 3, 1857.
foreign exchanges; and the fifty copies of the
Senate and
to be placed
Congress for foreign ex
changes, by joint resolution of July twentie
th, eighteen hundred and forty; and tho fifty
copies . of the journals and documents of the
Senate and House of Representatives author
ized . to "be deposited with the Secretary of
State, by the joint resolution of April thirtieth
eighteen hundred and forty-four, shall here
after be deposited with tho Secretary of the
Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That
instead of one hundred copies of the journals
and documents of tho House of Keprosentativs
authorized to bo printed by the joint resolu
tiou'of April thirtieth, eighteen hundred nil
townships not before provided for." And if
snch settler can bring himself, or herself, with
in the provisions of the act of fourth of Sep
tember, eighteen hundred and . forty-one, or
the occupants of the town site be enabled to
show a compliance with the provisions of the
law of twenty-third of may, eighteen hundred
and furty-four, then the right of preference
granted by the said acts, in the purchase of
such portion or the sixteenth or thirty-sixth
sections, so settled and occupied, shall be in
them respectively, as if such sections had not
been previously reserved for school purposes.
Approved,' March 3, 1857.
; t Public no. 18.
Resolved by the Senato and House of Rep
resentatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of
the .Treasury shall settle and adjust .with all
the' parties respectively interested therein, on
principles of justice and equity, all damages,
losses, and liabilities incurred cr susjainedby
sail parties respectively . on account of their
contract for mannfacturicg brick for the Wash
ington Aquaduct; and he is hereby "directed to
pay the amount duo by such settlement and
adjustment out of the appropriation made for
paying the liabilities for the said aquaduct, by
tho act ."making appropriations for certain
civil expenses of tho government for the year
ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and
fifty-seven,' approved the eighteenth of Au
gust, eighteen hundred and fifty-six: Provid
ed, That the said parties first surrender to tho
unuea . states - all tne brick made, together
with all the machiderv and
other personal property prepared for executing
ina said contract, bnd that the said contract
be cancelled. r . .
Approved, March 3, 1857.
Public 117.
An act to csnstruct a building "for a Custom-
Iloiife and Post-Oflice at Perth Amboy, N.
J ersey.
Lcit enacted by the Senato and House of 0f State as are now distributed bv thatdeoait-
Representatir?s of tho United States of Amer- ment to colleges and other literary institutions,
Public No. 13.1
A RESOLUTION concerning Wolf Island.
Resdted' hi Vie ' Senate and House cf Hep-
forty-four,' there shall hereafter be printed fifty resentatives of Vie Umt&l States of America
copies only. . ' ;;;. . '' I in Congress .assembled,. That the United States
Sec. 5.. And he tt further enacted, 1 hat hereby disclaims all title to any and all lands
the jonrnalsand Congressional documents here- on "Wolf Island" in' 'the 'Mississippi river :
tofo.e deposited in the Library of Congress Provided, That nothing heroin contained shall
by authority of tho above -cited resolutions, be construed as in any manner affecting the
and so many of the four hundred copie3 of question of jurisdiction over "said Island as
If. m t if T a . . ww i r
tne puunc documents seni to me lejanraeni between tne states oi JventucKy and Missouri.
Approved, March 3 1857. i ' ' ; ; '
Jrnf 1 1th. 18.'j7.
A. J. l'OPFLETON'. Vtf. N. BYEU3.
And General Land Agents,
Having added to the Advertiser OCice Card and
Job Prvs. New Tvu s of the latest styles, Inks of
vibirs. Uroiitr. Fii.e Paper, Enrelojs, Ac.; we
arc now prepared to cseeute Job Virk f every de-
s vij'tiou in a Stylo unsur-u.-sed by auy other oSce
in the Unitoii St.ti:.J.
Purticu'jr attentiou will be given to orlors from a
diUne in hiiviog thc:u promptly attended to.
Tim Proprietor, who, having had an extensive ex
p 'rieme, wiil give his pers mal attention to this branch
jt husiii"s, and hope's, in his endeavors to please,;
'.h in th'j ex"L'!!eiice of his work, and reasonable
.mr.p?,to receive a share of the public pat ronage.
Land Warrants Bought and Sold.
SPECIAL nttcntion given to the selection and en
try of Lauds for Settlers, and all otters desiring
choice locations.
Land Claim s, Town Lt-t and all kinds of Real Es
tate, bought and sold and investments made for dis
tant Healer.
ica in Congress assembled, T hat tue sum of
twenty thousand dollars, with ten per cent.
thereon to cover contingencies, and so much as
may hi required to purchase a suitable site, be
and the same are hereby appropriated, out of
any money in tho treasury not otherwise ap
propriated, for the construction, in the city of
Perth Am boy, in the. State of -Sew Jersey, for
the accommodation of a custom-house and
post-ofliee, of a brick building perfectly fire
proof, with floors constructed of iron beams
shall be deposited with the Secretary of the
Interior, for distribution to such colleges, pub
lic libraries, athenaeums, literary and scientific
institutions, boards of trade, or public associa
tions as may be designated by him. -, r
Sec, 4. And be it further enacted; ihat
twocobiesof the journals. and. documents in
dicated in the above-cited resolutions, so lar as
they have been saved from the late fire, shall
be reserved lor the .Library of Uongress;
Sec. 5. tt fartier enacted, lhat
und brick arches, jjid an iron roof of forty-five in future two copies chlv' of the journals' at.d
oy mirry-iwo ieet, ana tmrty-two leei mgn: documents, .or any boot printed by cither
Provided, I hat no money hereby appropriated Houre of Congress,- well bound in calf, shall
shall be used or applied for the purpose men- be depo'sited in the Library, and not to be
nonea umu a vaua line to tne iana ior me sue taken therelnrm. - -
of said building shall be vested in the United
States, and until the Slate of New Jersey shall
and until the State cf New Jersey shall also
d uly relinquish and release to the United States
the right to tax or m anv way assess said s:te,
or the property of ths United States that may
be thereon during the time that the United
States shall be or remain the owner thereof.
Approved, March 3, 1857.
Approved, January 28, 1857. '
r , Public no. . 14. . . . : -
A RESOLUTION relating to the compensa-
; tion of the chaplains of Congress.' '' 1 :-
. Be it enacted by . tho Senate and Hotise of
Representatives of the United States ef America
in Congress assembled,' That the chaplains of j
the two Houses of Congress,' be paid on the
last day of each mouth during the regular
sessions of Congress, at the, rate of seven hun
dred and fifty dollaw per annam, ; beginning
with the present Congress, and at the end of
each regular session, S they shall Tjo paid the
residue of said anuaal salary. : . : i
Approve!, March, 3, 1857. , . (
1 - : :! Public no. 15. i
JOINT Resolution for. the presentation of
Medals to Dr. Kane, his officers and men,
Resdved b'i Vie Senate and " House rf
If you ' want to please an Editor
gather up his exchanges before he has
a chance to look at them, and
carry them out of the office. This is
If he has no. late papers, go to the
"hock," take off the clippings and
read them all over. Tins is politer.
After you get through with that, go
and stand behind the compositor, look
oyer, his shoulder and read the copy
he is putting up; or "when the press is
running, stand in the way of the press
man, and read the matter in the paper
especially if he is just printing off
the first side. THIS IS POLITEST,
or printing office politeness in the su
perlative degree. - .
' Then, m order to please all,. .come
into the composing room and whistle
yankec-doodle at concert pitch with all
the variations.' ' , i
All this done you may retire with
the assurance that you have the thanks
of the whole office in a horn.
Tia strange, muttered, a young;
man, as he staggered home froia a sup-.
per party, "how. evil communications
corrupt good manners. I've ben rur-
rounded by tumblers. all the e vening,"
and now I'm a tumbler myself." .
' i .- . mm mm .
Children Seeking Homes' in. thb"
West. A company of children from
the ages of four and six vcara to'fou'r-.
ttcn, left the oGeo of the Children's
Aid Society, for the West, on Thurs
day afternoon, under the guardianship "
of Mcssr3. C. C. Tracy and J. Macy.'
t j..i.r 'i
aii iiiLurt'siing scene was witnosscu oa
the boat, after the children had walked
in procession from tho office, neatly
dressed, and . with happy, animated
countenances. Every one felt an in.
tercst in the party. ;The extreme
youth of some of the childrenf and
their artless manner of telling their
histories, excited much sympathy. Ono
little girl, with full, dark eyes, whilo
a single tear trembled'on her cheek, in
reply to a question put to her by a
lady, said that "fader, moder, and
little bruder were all .dead, but sho.
hoped she would soon have a fader and '
moder again." They sang their songs :
of the West with much force and spirit.
Public No. 6.
A RESOLUTION for the appointment of Revresetdatives of the VAited States of America
in Congress assembled, ihattlw Secretary; of
the Navy shall cause to be struck and present
ed to Dr. Kane, bis ofScdri" and men, respec-
n a
H1U)VX villi-:.
A. S. HO LL AD AY, M. D.
SURGEON, PHYSICIAN O lo3totx-ioio,xi.
tTaeh-s .,f hi, prcssi.jii, from the citizens of Hrown-
o;e an l viv-initj
W. H03LIT2ELL & CO.,
ueensware, Hanhvare,
Stovoo, U'lirriitTiT-r..
W C f vif
First Street, between Kaia aad "Water,
Bonnets and Zrimminjs always on hand.
Xi'J. EAI! L.rD
Urown-eillo, 3J".
Orciroa, llolt Couuty, Jlissouri.
Kecpeonstantly on hand all description of Harness,
Saddler, Hridle.s, Ac., Ae.
2v li. E very artkle in our shop is manufactured
by ourselve?,and warranted to give satisfaction.
Importer of, aud Tllok-We Denlert ia
Fancy Goods.
Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes.
39 North Slain Street, (Up Stairs,)
ST. LOUIS, Mo. 32-ly
Public 117.
An act to increase the pay of the Cadets of the
YA est. Point Academy.
Be it ena edacted by the Senate and House
f Representatives of the United Stales of
America in Congress assembled, 1 bat' the ca
dets at the Milittry Academy at West Point
shall hereafter be thirty dollars per month.
Sec. 2. And be ;t further enacted, I hat
this act shall take effect from and after the
passage thereof.
Approved, March 3, 1S57.
Jlumiftcturtri attd WkoUtale Dottier in
ao 43 nam street, tet. Olive and Pine, -
1 articular attention mid to inannfapfnrino- rmr
nness .Mole lists.
'XX T v n Tr c vr T TT ATTORNEY at law,
DLAuliO iI X JL XJL Land Agent and Notary Public,
Second Street, between Main and Nebraska,
ILL attend promptly to all business in his yro
' feic.n when called cm: such as rnbdivinz
'i'slayin; out Town Ixt?, Hraftinj City Flat-
c.ert,.. 37tf
Archer, Richardson county. N. T.
IT'll ..... '
u. praruve m the Conrt of Nebraska, assisted
uy ii;iruins ana Hennttt, Nebraska City.
""1-EK BENNKt.
J" T. F1WKE.
AfGrsnrs kxickt.
iTniinfaeturers and Whslrsn'o Tslprs ? n
; u. 87 Ji AI N STItKET,
0!ixklt,No.I(i1,Coknkof Maix andLoctst.)
hraca CUy, N. T. . p
aSrV1 n l KEPAiarxu" done on fdiort
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
r.' And Notary Public
Xebruska City, Nebraska Territory.
TT7ILL attend rrorcrtly to all buu-ccss cntmf,l
V to hUcare, ia Nebraska Territoiy and West
ern lowa.
Sejitembar lS.lS.'il. vlnI5-ly.
r Public 120.
An act providing for the construction of a Mil
itary Road between rort bteilacoom ana
Bellingham Bay, in the Territory of Wash
regents in the Smithsonian institution.
Be it enacted bv the Senate and House of
Representatives of tho United S ates of Amer
ica in Congress assembled, That the vacan
cies in the Board of recent of the Smith
sonian Institution, of -the class ."other: than
members of Congross,"- be filled by tho reap
pointment of the late incumbents, "viz: Rich
ard i Rush, of Philadelphia, and Joseph O.
lotten, of V aShmgfon. ;
Approved, "January 28, 1857.
. ": ' "'i .'
Public No. 7.1 , ;
JOINT resolution providing for the furnishing
of a complete Set of .Weights and Measures
to the State of Vermont. ,
Be it enacted bv the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of Amer
ica in Congress assembled. That tho Secretary
of the Treasury be and he hereby is. directed
to cause a complete set of all the weights and
measures adopted as standards, such as are
made for the use of the several custom-house?,
to be delivered to tho jroverner of the State
tivelj, such appropriato medals iu the judg
ment uf the said Secretary shulJ express the
high estimation in' which Congress hold their
respective merits and services:
Approved, March" 3, 1857'
- .i. Public no. 16. . -.
A RESOLUTION alio wing Commander Henry
J. Hartsteua, of the iuitcd States Navy,
lieutensint S. D. Trenchard, mastei Morri-
son, and the petty officers and crew of the
steamer "Vixen,',' to accept certain tokens of
acknowledgment from the- jrovernment cf
Great Britain. , :
Resolved bv the Senate and House, of Rep
resentatives of tho United States of America
in Congress assembled, That Congress con
sents that Commander Henry J.-Uartstene, of
the ZJuited States navy, may vecept from the
government of Great Britain a sword, which
has been forwarded to the navy department
t ..j vu c i rr,.,,. r.t l -it i -i ' wc
. ie in enacieu uy ine o. hub uu . oi erinom, ur &ucu ,rsou as 1.0 majr . the said government, for Iresentation to
1,1 mi .1 f 1 . .. . ... . i r I OiWU LU
cain Congress assembled, That tho sum of to replace the set recently destroyed by fire in
thirty-five thousand dollars be ana the same the capitoi of said State.
is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in
the trcasurynot otherwise appropriated, for the
purpose of constructing a military road be
tween Fort Steilacoon and Bellingham Bay,
in theTenitory of Washington; the said road
to bo construced under the direction of the
Secretary of War. rsnrsuant to contracts to be
j ---li .
made by him.
Approved, March o, lbo7. .
Approved, February 1G, 1857.
Public No. 8. .
A RESOLUTION to provide lor ascertaining
tho relative Value of the coinage ot the
United States and Great Britnin, and the
fixing the relative value of the unitary coins
of the two countries ' -
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Public 121.
AN ACT for the construction of a road in the
Territory of Nebraska.
Be it enacted by 'the Senate and House of
commander Hartstene. with the expres
sion of a hopo that he may be permitted to
receive it as a memorial of the gratification
which her mojesty the Queen of Griat Britain
has received from the return of the "barque
Resolute" of which said Hartsteno was com
mander. ' ' ' -
.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That
Congress hereby also consents that Lieuteuant
S. Trenchard, and Master G. F. Morrison,
of the tnited States steamer "Vixen" may
each ac pt from the government of Great
Britain : kword, which has been forwarded to
the Navy Department by said government, for
Representatives f the United States of Amer
ica in Congress assembleJ. That the Secretary
of the Secretary of tho Treasury be and he is presentation to the said Trenchard and Morri
hereby authorized and directed to appoint some son, as an acknowledgment by said . govern-
suitable person as agent or commissioner to ment oi ureal iniain ui lue generuus aim
P.i.nrf:pntntivpR nf tho ITnitwl States of Amer- .rmfor wth flip nrnner functionaries in Great efTectivo service rendered by said 1 renchard
ica in Congress assembled. That the sum of Rritain in relation to some plan or plans of so and Morrison in rescuing tbo lives and proper
O I " r . . . I . . -m. m m . . - . t
thirty th. usaud dollars bo and the same is mutually arranging on the decimal basis, the ty of certain of her -Majesty's suijects iroui
hereby appropriated out of any money in the coinage of the-two countries as that the re- destruction; and, also, that the consent of Con-
treasnry, for the construction of a road from snective units shall be
the Platte River, via the Omah-Reservo and exactly commensurable. rr. t : tit- T5: - I , . r c nn
Aauauuiuuy, w iiie lvuumiig iuer unci, iu result oi SUCn .coiuuieuwo ,
thereafter easily and rre.--s is hereby given1 for rhe acceptance by the
, and. to employ the petty officers andrew of th teamer "V lxen,"
in a statement and nf a sum of money, contributed by the ulas-
the Territory of Nebraska; said road to bo
constructed under the direction of the Secre
tary of the Interior.
Approved, March 3, 1857.
report, to be laid before Congress as early as r0w underwriters on the British b i'rque "Adieu"
nracticablo: and that the compensation of sa.d
aent or commissioner shall uot-exceed five
thousand dollars in full for his services and
expenses. 1 1 - . . 1
Approved Feb. 26, 1857. ; f,, . j
as a mark of their 'gratitude fo? the services
rendered by said officers and crew in rescuin
Le said barque from disrructioa. . ; .i ;
Approved March 3, 1857. , - .'. f . ,
Th ere is a place in Pennsylvania known aa'
Treverton Manor, which has been ideacribed
as being "covered with stones, atd. undar.
each stone there waro 'fifteen ratlesnakes; and
nothing but hemlock knots and bnckelbcrrW-
were produced in addition to stones and rittl
snakes." ; ... .
The girls of the Granite State are suppotcd
to be gritty, and some of thorn decidedly cute.
A woman in a town of New Hampsliro was
recently abused by her husband. . That night
she quietly sewed him up in the bed clothes,
while ho was asleep, and then thrtsbod him 1
within an inch of his life. ' ' :
A corset maker out of work, thus vetted her'
complaint, sbamo that I iihodld bo 'without
brcitd I havo stayed the stomachs of tLeu-'
' - - i . ' ' v ; ' T
Why is a pawnbroker liku a drunl-.-ml ?
Because he takes tho pledge and can not keep
it. i ;:;.; m -i 1
Trees 'with double flowers, aro' too
often tho cmhlcm. of friendship there
is plenty of .blossom, but no fruit;
"Thcrc'sno use of your referring to
any books, .'exclaimed the Lourt,
angrily, "I have decided the p int. .
. A sick man, slightly convalesing; re
cently imagined himself engaged in
conversation irith a pious friend, con
gratulating him upon vho his physi
cian vas. ' He replied, uDr. ; ;
Drought me through.
, ."No, no" said his friend, . "God
brought you out of your illness, not
the doctor. , . ;
"Well," replied he, "maybe he did
but I am certain the doctor will charge
me for it. '
- Annie Laurie. A shorttime since,
a laboring man was drinking, and sing-
ing at a public house near Reading,
England.. J he song vras "Annie
Laurie;" and when he came to the
words "I'll lay me down and die," he
threw I113 head back. The . persons
present, thought he did it for effect.
After waiting a short time, they en-
deavored to rouso him, but found him
quite dead.' ' . ' "
At an inn in Sweden there was the
following inscription, in English, on
the wall: "You will Cnd at Trolbathe
excellent bread, meat, and wine, pro-
tiding you oring them.
Rcade, the author of 'Peg WofiTng
ton describes a great actress (Mrs.
Oldfield) as 4a creature with the tongue
of an angel, the principle of a weasel,
and the passion of a fish. , '
A sailor, looking serious in a ctanel in Bos.:
ton; was asked, by a minister if ho felt any
change? "Not a cent." sa il Jack.-" " ' ; '
Why are potatoes and corn like certain sin-
ncrsof old? Because, having ears, they hear '
not. .. '- 7 -
Kiss me, Kate.
Why not Kate? Do I uot love' you better;
than anything else?' . . r
My gooducs, gracious! I should think so
what a fool you are James.' !
Why so, Kate?' . . ..... ..
Why no ir-ce means yes. , ... '. ' -,
- Abarrister entered one of . the' FW Cbzirts,
Dublin, with his wig so much awry as to cuusru '
a general twitter. Seeing Curraa; tmila iia r
said: ' ; , , , .
. t-V m A ' , . Y l
do you see anything rediculotis ia m v wLr? .
replied Curran,
but vour
A youcg gentleman the other day asked .
young lady what she thought of the marriagu
state in general. - '
"Not knowing, I can't tell," vas tha rcpl v;
'but if you and I would put our Leads logether
I could give you a definite answer."
The young man took the hint an-1 ir?cttTcd."
license immediately.. t
. OCT The Chicago Tribuna i tels a 'good'
story of an ignorant Doctor in that dty. H
purchased some vaccine matter of a drugst,
which was put np in a beeswax biirto preserve
it. He vacciuated his patients, waited for it'',
to 'take,' and a few days afterwards came biick. "
to the drug store, bdid the matter" was no :ic ,
count, and offered-it back. Tfio druggist !
looked at it, and fouid he- liail bwn vaccix.a
ting with tho beeswax, ard that the matter '
was all sound yet in the middlo tT thd kdl. ,
"Did you ever know snch 'a mectamVal ,
genius as my smi ?' bail au old UJy.
has made a fiddle out of LU own head',
and Lo has wood enough foe another." , . -
And CJeneral Commissiou Merchants.
- No. 46, Public Landing.
S. V7. C02ZENS,
Attorney ami " Counsellor at .Law,
General Land Agent
T Public No. 1.1 -
A RES0LUT1N granting further time to the
creditors of Te xas : to present their claims,
and for other purposes. .
Resolved by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of Amer
ica in Congress assembled, That the time fixed
by law within which the creditors of the late
Republic of Texas may file their claims at the
Treasury Department, bo and the same is here
by exteuded to the first day of January, eigh
teen hundred and fifty-eight; and that so much
of a "joint resolution extending the time for
the creditors'of Texa3to present their claims,"
approved August eighteen, eighteen hundred
and fifty-six, as authorizes and requires the
Secretary of the Treasury to distribute and
pay the residue of the seven million 'seven
hundred and fifty thousand dollars, pro rota,
amongst thosecreditors who have filed their
releases, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Approved, December 26, 1856.
(Public No. 9, . ,
A RESOLUTION to prevent counterfeiting
of the Suited States. : ' " ' '
Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of thf Znited States of Amer-.
ica in Congress assembled, That the" Secretarr
of the Treasury; be authored to' cause inquiry
to be made by-two competent commissioners
into processes and means claimed to have been
discovered by J." T. Barclay for preventing the
poucterfeitin'i. ana - ueten oration oi
- -' Public cb. 17. : -A
RESOLUTION to return to-the Lan4-03ce
at Vincennesj Indiana, certain deeds tnms
mitted to the General Land-Office by the
Board of Commissioners appointed under
the rtAct to ascertain and'adjust the Titles
to certain Lands in the State of-Indiana,"
approved July tweiity-jeventb,one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-fonr.: - - '.
Resolved by the Senate and Honse.of Rep
resentatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembleT hat in all cases where
the deed'and 'evidences or titles nave been
L. ..e TTn'.taA RtatPij 'and to rprn-irt
the' results of the said enquiry to Congress' at tiansmitKnl to tho Commissioner of the Oene-
its' next aession,- with his opinion as to : the ml land umco unoer ius iu autu..r.iu
probable value of the alleged discoveries; and adjust the titles to certain lands in the Stata
c .innV fivA hnrwlrprt ollM of 'Indiana" approved uuly twenty-seventh:
out of any- money in the . treasury, not other- ono thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, as
wise appropriated, b hereby appropriated for is provided for in section six of said act, that
that purpose.
. . . Public No. 2.1
..r. ls:ard, Oanha : U. i Bcnu ot, Nel raki Citv A RESOLUTION accepting the portrait 'of " sola, Kansas, aad Ncbraik x' - '"
Approved, February 26, 1857 . : f , ;
e'' ' Public No: ; 12. ; :'
A RESOLUTION relative to Sections sixteen
and thirty-six, in the Territories of Minne.-
such deeds and evidences of titles in all cases
where thero has been an action on the same,
whether confirmed or rejected by the Board of
Commissioners constituted under said act,
shall bo returned by the Commissioner of the
General Land "offite to' the original claimants.
Approved, March 3, 1857, !
' Wants to get Dated Rack. One
beautiful Sunday afternoon, last fall,
a young couple from an adjoining town
came to our village, stopped at one of
our hotels, sent out for a clergyman
and were married. The young man
paid him the fee, took a marriage cer
tificate, and they left the hotel a happy
couple. ,A few days since the' young
man called upon the clergyman with
his certificate,'."and wished to get it
dated back.": r ' . . ' J";".
"How far back do you wish it dated,"
inquired the clergyman.
" "Why, as near as we can calculate,
about a couple of monlJix" replied the
young man.'' "This the clergyman de
clined doing, but the voung man'wished
he would. t4as he had rather give five
dollars than not to have it dated back."
The clergyman regretted the necessity
of dating back the crtificafe, and was
very sorry he could not comply with
his wishes; so the voung man left with
his 5 and marriage certificate, the
latter being "as near as they could
calculate about a couple of months
j too short."-i?r7;t'a (X J") Jcvrnal.
n fpITt
a iuls
ouues, wiiwo recently engagec. in
ing green wood at Mornher. itn:cU a
blow, causing the stick tu .fly up,,. It staick-
ntin on me jdw and Knocketl cut a front
tooth. "Ah." said Bill (meeting him soon
after) "you had a dental oirsition rfina
ed I sec." "Yes,- replU4 thu nutTerer axe
idental. r IU.Z'",
. Siunp Pbactice. An elderly gentleman-'
living three or four miles frjra town ws slight-
ly "taken in" last week by a burioin widow.-
The old getiulercun held a mortgage for a small
amount upon a piece of land owned br the wid-i
ow, who aiso ownd him fifteen doL'ufs on bock;
account The old gentltmaa feeling matrimoi,-'
ially intlned made a propiJsalto tie lady, wha1
agreed to him if he would eanctlthomorrgngo.
held by him and forgive her the ether db!s!
He accordingly came town cancel Tod ths mort-'
gao on the record and destroyed 1.11 evidence '
of his ccuDiary claims upon" htT.' ?Whe: ha
returned home she refused to mary him denyir
any agreement to that elect between "tliviu...
aud declared thai she had mid hint in cash,
all claims her. The las. heard- of
tho matter the disappointtl man 'at in ton,,
in search of legal advice as to whether he could
she out a writ oi attachment and take her
nolens volens. WajteUa Int.' ' '. ' : . : .
" Ax UnGEXT Apeal.-t-Au i.Ueiit wifd is
called upon, in an English pper, 'tc' return to
"bed and board." "Jane, your lsei;co will
ruiua'.L Think of your husbanI, jour parents
your children. Return; 'alt m.y wrl', Lap'
y. At any rate, inclose tho key c f the cup
board 'where the gin is.'J .. , ,