f. . i A. LYFORD. . j. T.noitx. V.:.: i.LYPOED &, HOEII. .' .VIIOLESALE AND EETAIL Dealers in AND ;.. -GROCERIES, IIARDWAKE, QUEEXSWARE, ' ' HATS, 4 CAPS, Xails Stove, Plows FnriJitarc, etc., SOXORA, HO. April Pth,r.cj7. . 43-tf I . 13,000 lbs. of Bacon, For pale, cheap for Cah. by : ' LYFORD A UUKX. . Sonora,M, April 9tb, 1857. 43-tf A. C. BE VAN, OF MASONIC REGALIAS. OREGON, HOLT CO, MO. ' ' U. G, JOHNSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Lazv, AND Real Estate Agent. EROWXVILLE, N. T. REFERENCES. lion. Wm.Jessup, Montrose, Pa. . J. S. Lently, " . John C. Miller, Chicago, 111. ' . Wm. I. McAllister, u . fc Charles-F. Fowler, " Wm. Ff rguson, llrownvillc, N. T. May 7, 1SS7. 47-ly . GEORGE F. KENNEDY, BE AIL EOT ATE ' BROKER. a r.T7VT?P T. T. 'n A avXT Florence City, N. T. Livery Stable, - J. VT. COLE3IAX, f New Carriages,, liuggic.s etc., and as line xiorscs as are iq.vc iouna, aua uhs a :; LIVERY. STABLE, Second Street between Water and llain, Brownville, N. T. . All person? wishing anything ia his lino can be &crommodated at all hour?.. '. ' ' " . . ALSO: Horses and Carriages bright and sold. . J. W. COLEMAN. XV. II. "WILLIAMS, I'' ' WEOLFlSALE AJ"D BET AIL DEALER IK STOVES & TINWARE Oregon, 2VTo.f TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or gon and the public in general, that ho has on hand the most extensive stock of Steves and Tin? ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices'. ' I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKLNG iTO LS, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium'. Also Parlor & Bos Stoves Of various Sixes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN' ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. " Particular attention paid to- inaking and putting up Tin Gutters, in the town a.nd country. Also, re nairinj done on short notice and on reasonable term. Old copper, Rrass and Tewter taken in exchange for work or ware.. v . V. lljLlAJli-, l-n.5 Oregon, Mi.t July 5, 185R. lEagle Mills. . '" ST. JOSEPH, MO. JAMES CAR ( ILL, Proprietor. " MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly jLVL on hand for sale, all kinds of. Floor, Meal, and Feed staffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for -. Wheat. For character of Flour, refer to everybody that ever used it. ' St. Joseph, Mo., Aug'. 3(T. 1S55. v1n!3'-ly ' BRUSHES! BRUSHES! ESTABLISHED 1825. DAVID 3Ic!IIUItHAY, Jr., AMERIGAN ItieaBsn- "VVarclacuG o, ' -Ao. 232 Peart Street. New York. Price List of Brushes, sent if requested. Orders respectfullysolieitcdAind promptly attended to. April 2d, 1857 42-3m S. Lockwoop. T857. R- E. Pomeroy. LOCKWOOB $ P03IER0Y, Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia HATS- AND CAPS . : STRAW GOODS. '5 Also, Shippers of American Furs of - , every description; for which they pay the highest Market price, is cash. COUNTRY Merchants are invited to examine our J stock of Hats & Caps for tho approaching Spring and bummer trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stockshall not bo excelled by any llouso in bt. Louis. Our prices will be low, terms accommodating. Call and see as at our New Store. Second St. St. Joseph, Mo. 32-6m. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., JtAXCFACTCREB3 AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Boots Shoes Cc Ercgans, XO. S7 MALV STREET, SAIXT LOUIS, 210. . k RE NOW IN RECEIPT of a complete assortment XA, of goods from their own and other manufac tories, adapted especially to the cstcrn trad. Purchasers are invited to examine their stock, manufactured and selected with great care and warranted of superior quality. Orders will receive rompt and carcf uJ attention. W. W. HAMER &C0., MANTJFACTCTlErjS CT . . CORN FEED MILLS, Srnutt Ilacliincs, r ' . FLOUR PACKERS, Com-Sliellers, &c. One Comrlclc IlW Mill Grinds and Bolts 50 Bbls. per day; and is furnished at $5 SO. mills Mill is cheap, simple, durable and compact I repairing loss power ana aucntic.n ana masmg j il-cr yield and better quality of flour than, any mill in use. ' . , ' Enclncs, Boilers, Shnftlng.and MJ gearing of all dcri: ions, furnished to order. ' i t, l. Ktf'd Germara anchor bolting cloths, and Wtic of all sizes cocstantly on and at tho lowest prices: N.UALK.t:i;o. No. 60 Eighth St., bet. Broadway an J Sycirn-, re, . 'Cincinnati, Ohio N. R. We also build larger fha mills. Circulars fiving particulars s'ntupcn nppii enclosed. Mfly2S'th,l?.:7.;. ; , k. ' - 50 lm "X.ITHEI130N, MORRISON-& IIUTCIIINS - : ' t -.- .. i . Ilavo just Received, " - ' ; ' '-- ' At their Nho Builiing OX THE LEYKE " ' OF SPRING- GOODS OF EVERY STYLE QUALITY AND TRICE, Which they Intend to sell Lower than the Lowed!!! At their New Establishment you will find everything needed in the Western country, from a bar of soap to a broadcloth coat. OF THE LATEST STYLES, AND Sold Remarkably Low. new and men Exr.noiDEiULs, DRESS TRIMMINGS, FMXGES, FANS AND FAXCTG OODb Dross Groocls Silks, Sattins and Slippers, A large and complete assortment of BONNETS AND BONNET TRIMMINGS, of every style and quality, Cloths, Casincrcs, and Vestirgs HEADY MADE SEIRTS, AND KeQCly MatlG. ClOtillD rr To fit the- Million ! ! . ,. . Of the best manufacture and of superior -. Workmanship. Locking Glasses, That will make an ugly man hardsome and a lady of beauty more lovely, HATS AND CAPS, That will fit and please everybody. I Boots and Slices, From the infantile article of red raerocco, to the graceful boot of the genclc- mau'a walking costume. ' ZcLTTcVtt'sxro tvracl Cutlery from the best manufacturers at HOME AND ABROAD ANT Sold at Eastern Prices. Genuine Imported CaiTjeting; Of New and Elegant designs YAW55EE KOTIOWS, HOSIERIES, China, Glass and Queensware. .FORTE MONNAIES: SILK PURSES, And a thousand articles, ranging in regular gra dation of price and importance, from the primative toothpick of tho ancient goose quill, to a thousand dollar shawl. Our innate and native modesty forbid us lavish ing glowing encomiums upon our Spring Stock of Goods, and we ask you to call and see tor yourselves WE CHALLENGE THE WESTt and furthermore MAKE NO CHARGE M'PnERSON, MORRISON, & IIUTCniNS. April 23, 1857. 45-ly o o Worth of Be'ady Made Clotbict rr HATS AXD CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Just received Per Steamer Col. Crossman, AT SIEGEL & GREENBAUM'S balthvIOIHI CLOTHIKG STORE, No. 31 Main St., 3d door above Post OCce. BROWNTILLE, X. T. Fine broadcloth oats, and Standing collars,' at the Baltimore Clothing Store, Brkand fancy caimcr pants, and Carpet sacks, at the " Baltimore Clothing Store. Silk, Satin, Mars liles, and Caii Vests, and Flannel Shirts, nt Baltimore Clothing Store. Fine Shirts and over-alls, Pat. Leather Gaiters, straw hats, at the Baltimore Clothing Store. " i I... Black and fancy Cravats, " White and fancy shirts, at the Baltimore Clothing Store. Everything in the clothing line fct the Baltimore Clothing Store. Call around and examine the stock at the Baltimore Clothing Store. April 2 1S57. - . ; ... .45 srEAMEOAT ADVERTISEMENTS. SEAS OX ARRANGEMENTS! ' St. Joseph aid Courjcil Bluffi Weekly "SILVER HEELS." T ' S iutj riew nTHl Ia?t running passenger 'TTTlJ i!TI V-VT rTVVf.i ' li.avin.r a ci.;jum:i ojutij. uui'wj ...... expressly for the trade, will upon the navigation, make regular weekly trips. been bailt (i'ir?nini of between t. Joseph and Council llu connecting with the first St. Louis Packets at St. Joseph. ' The "Silver Lleel V will extend her trip? to Sioux City, and intermediate points, once a month. lk)XXELL & SAXTO n33-tf Agents. 1857. MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. 1857. OZ33..33.4- For Kr.n???.Rrownville, Omaha, Council Eluffj and Sioux City. , THE new. elcrnnt fancy and commo dious passenger steamer Omaha, Ax-nnr-w VTiNEr.ASD. ibistcr. J. J. Wilcox, Clerk, will, on the earliest oT-eninz of navigation, resuma her trips and run as a regular paeketto the above and all intermediate points on the Missouri river. Pa trons can rely upon ber continuin, regularly during the entire season. April 2d, 18j'7. in ths trade 42-tf 1S57. MISSOURI RIiTR PACKET. 1857. W. W. RAKER Captain ROEERT A. DARST Clerk. For Sioux City, Logan, Omadi, Decatur City, Do Soto, Florence, Omaha. City, Council Muffs, Belle rue. St. Mary's. Wyomins City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brownville, Lowell, Oregon, Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph, etc., etc. g-jn s TILS excellent commodious and favor-u--I g, itc passenger steamer Admikal, Capt. Raker, Clerk, Robert A. Darst, will cn the owning of navigation ply as a regular packet to the above and all intermediate landings on tne .Missouri u :er. r-imainin? TXirinanent'v in this trade, and run mg regularly durinj the entire season. Ar,ril 2 J.1S57. 42-tf L , 1S57. MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. 1857. Aloxizo Cliilcl. JOSEPII R. HOLLAND Master. J. n. TYSON, Clerk For Council DluffSjOmabaCicyjTJelleviie, St.Mary's Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, llrown ville, Lowell, Oregon, White Cloud, Iowa Puint Savannah, St. Joseph, ralcrmo, Atchison, N eston Leavenworth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty, Lexington. &e. THE entirely new, swift and elegant pnwengersteamr ALO:zocaiLD,Capt. Joo. Ilolland, will on the opening of navigation, ran as a regular packet to the above and intermediate points, continuing in the Muffs Trade during the entire Loafing season. March lata, 'bJ. 40-tf 1S57. MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. 1857- CIIAS. R. RAKER Master. W. II. SCCDDER Clerk For Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluffs, Bcllevuc, St. Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brownville, Lowell, Oregon, Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, Weston, Leaven worth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty, Lex ington, &3. THE entirely new, swift nud ele gant passengers steamer Mix-xe-iia-ha, Capt. Chas. R. Raker, W. II. Scvdpek, Clerk, will, on the opening of navigation, run as a regulr.r packet to tho above named and all intermediate points, continuing in tho Bluffs trado during the entiro boating season. March l'Jth, 'o7. 4rf 185?. BROWNVILLE FERRY 33est Croeaiias ON TnE TJte Route from Broimville to Ft. Kear ney, and from thence to California, is the nearest and most practicable. FINNEY & CODINGTON, ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they have purchased tho entire interest in tbo Ferry across the Missouri River at tho City of Rrown ville, Nebraska, and open tho Season with a new substantial and commodious Ferry Boat, run by Horse Power, which ar'angement will secure certain passage at, all times and in all kinds of weather. 1 lie rropnetors do not assert boastingly, or for the X'lltTse f gaining custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this is the best crossing of the Missouri River in Nebraska, and when thev say tho route from Brownville to Fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest, for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country: and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, as well as that of hundreds of others who have traveled it. Wc claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe and speedy crossing, ourcharges are the same as other Jb ernes in eorafika, all being regulated by Legbsla tivo enactment. A skiff will be in rcadine?3 and ahanl on the ground to run all hours of the night. "iF"Recollect that with our facilities of Power, no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from making regular trips at all hours. Browrville Nemaha Co., N.T.I February 25th, 1357. f 37-ly DILLON, THOMPSON & CO. Large Frame Building Cor. Main & Rock Sts. HOCK PORT, MO. Whoscsale and Retail Dealers in JL3!?-y GrOOd And Groceries, 9 Hardware, Qucensware, Drugs, Hats, Caps, Tfo Ci cu A jjv'Ls, uuui-.i, iiiiwrire, oioves, Funiitnre, Iron, Kails, Plows, and Farming Utensils. WILL have, on the opening of navigation, a largo and varied accession to their present Stock, which will be sold Low for Cash. Jrebruary 12th, lSo7. 35-tf JEFFERWN r. C A3 APT r, J MARTIN V. EIEEX, ) J AS. P. WHITE, i. ) Nebraska City NT ) JAS. D. TEST, Conncil Bluffs, Iowa CASSADY, TEST, RIDEN & CO., (Successors to Ridcn f; White.) LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. HAVING made arrangements by which we will receive accurate copies of all the Townships embraced in the Eastern portiou of Nebrxska, we are now prepared to offer oar services to the "SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTORY In Filinqr Declaratory Statements of Inteiitiou to Pre-empt. Securing l're-emptions, Locating Land Warrants and - -ENTERING LAND. LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD Land Entered on Time, &c, Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling Property on commission: Also, to mating Collections and forwarding remittances to anv part of thu Union. Dlanks of all kinds always on hand. REFERENCES. Hen. A. A. Bradford, S. F. Nuckolls, Messrs. Dolman & West, Peter A. Keller, Thomas Lumpkin, Juno 2S,1S5G. vl-n4 Nebraska City. St.. Joseph, Mo., Washington City JA3IES CASGILL. GEO. V. C A KG ILL. J. & G. TV. CAR GILL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION BIEKCHAWTS.-"- AND MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS, Steamboat Iandin?, St. Joseph, 21 o. CONSIGNMENTS of Goods and Produce respectfully solicited, and all business entrust ed to r.s will be promptly and carefully attended to at the jowdst rates. References. Taylor & Shepherd, R. L. McGhee & Co., St. Louis, U M . St. Joseph. IJvcrmore, Cooley & Co. Jlcrvhants Generally, WHITE, RUSSELL7 & ,C0. WHOLESALE AX RETAIL DEALERS IN wm HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, ,.' Hediciries, Dye Stufj, Saddlerv, Boots & Slioes, Hats & Caps, QTJE22ISWAR3, STOSTWASE, TIITVTA2E, IRON, NAILS, STOVES, PLOWS kc. Abo Furniture cf all kinis, Viudow Sash, &a Xicv Hardware Store. SiTn of the IIill Saw. , J. FLAHERTY, . ' , Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American Germ.ui, English & French HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ST. JOSETII, MO. ' IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and most varied arsortment of go.ds in the alove line ever offeree in r.y market west of ht. Jjoui. My stock ombraoes a. full and complete assortment cf Cabinet and Rouse Iluilder's Hardware, Mechaa ic's tools of cv'erv descriitior., direct from the nn st approved manufacturers; ugricnltaral and horticul tural tools and iiaplemcnts, in great variety, combin ing all the recent ariU useful improvcn'jiits for the pavinr of a vast amount of labor to the farming com inanity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive- an-ent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cat Saws, which I will warrant, and fill ail orders at lhe factary prices Also a large assortment of Unas, Rides and Pistols, Iron, Steel. Nails, &c, of the best brands: in a word mv stock is very complete, which, fo. its quality and price, I am determined to oCer such inducements us will command a liberal sh:.re of trad3 from this and adjoining counties. My armngement? for import in and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience m tbc general ilaru ware tnd?, enables me; nc t only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced mo that the true principle of trade is cash s.i:e.i and small proms. January 1, 1S57. vln29tf NEBRASKA UTY CAPITAL STOCIP$uO,QQQ. Nebraska City, N. T. THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is now fully organized, and their entire capital stock of Fifty Thonmud Dollar, paid in and secured. They are prepared, from this date, to grant oen policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurr.ng any uauuny, wiu tuare in me prunes oi ; the company. The operations ol the Company, wul nc confined, fur the present, to marin'K, or CAlniO risks, with, a maximum liubilitv of $12,500 on any one bottom. Being the onlv Insurance Ofliee, on theabove jop- ular plRii, West of the Missouri, it 'ccnSdertly e.v pK!cts a generous supjifi-l from Western Men-bants. We respectfully invite the Missouri Rivet pa tronage. rini:cT0R3 : S.F.Nuckolls, Chas. F. Ilolly, II. P. Rennet, J. L. Armstrong, W. N. llinohmin, - Miles W. Browii, A. A. Bradford. ovfickks: CIIAS.F. HOLLY, President. J. Gahpide, Scc'y. Louis Agent Co'. W. P. Uoward. April 2d, 1S07. 42-1 y GEO. S. EAYEE & CO., (i vi h a mm, AND. GENERAL LAND AGENTS; GLENWOOD, PLATTSJIOUTM, Cass co, Nebraska. Mills co, Iowa, "T7ILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves- V tigaiin Titles, Paving Taxes, Investing nvn- ey. Buying and Selling Town Lots, Baying: Selling and Locating Land WarraiiT?, and ail other business conneetedwi'di their profession io Western Iowa and Nebrafka. J. M. DEWS, Associate Attorney. REFEREN C ES : Greene, Wcare .t Benton, G. Doughty & Co., Greene, We.ire Rico, Greene A Wcare, Nixon & Goodman, Tootle it Greene, N. W. Thomas, Schooly & Son Gen. Wm. Irick, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Ft. Dcs Moines " Cclar Rapid-". " Cincinnati. Ohio. Glcnwood, Iowa, Cincinnati, Ohio. u Vinccnto-wn, N. J. If'ghtstown, " Philadelphia, Pa. Medford, N. J. I. Johnson, '. Reed & Son, iobinsr. .t Rro., Durlinj:on Co. Bank, if. IISWMI num. r ...... r mm? mm JOHN COLHOUX & BROTHER, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post OfUce.) WHOLESALE AZD EETAIL PKALEH IM Bnildins and Saddlery Hardvarc, GROCERIES, Boots, Slices, Leather e nd Slice Fmdings. ST. JOSEPH, MU. AVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amcr- an and Foreign Ilaru ware, such as : Greaves k Sen's Files Scissors Pocket knives Knives and f r':. Brass curtain b.inds ana" pins Door locks Augers and auger bitts Corn knives Briar scythes Grass and grain do Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks Framed wood saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and Vices Mousehole Aruiitagc an vils American anvils Stfv-ks and dies Fad hooks, trcech'gloops Pad screws, cockeyes Ornaments, racks Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord threa.d Calf skir.3 ' Unper leather Brubll3 do Skirting do Harness do Belting do Goat skins FaamuK'lled leather and Ed-je Tools Butcher's do do Spear & Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws Griffin's and American horse nails Post hole augers Ames' shovels and spadc3 Lull & Porter's shutter Butts Morticing machlr.es Circular, mill atd niuly saws Planes and plane irons Cooper drawing knives do adies and wood tools Tres3 TToops Butts, east and wrought Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons 11a ted and oom. stirrups do do Bitts do do Buckles do do Kings Breast and rein s; Lasts, pegs Peg floats Pincers Shoe thread Bristles, wax Lining skins iiinaing - - . With rcanv goods embracing a complete assort ment of the mo.-t desirabbj which they will sell at the lowest prices. J. COLHOUX BUG. April ICth, 1S57. ' 31-ly . E. ESTABRGOU, UNITED STATES District Attorney, OMAHA CITY, N. T. OEQTJIRED to be in attendance officially upon all JL the terms of the District and Supreme Court of the Territory, tenders his Professional services to such as need them. He flatten himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to givo satisfaction to such as entrust their business to hi care. Omaha Ci:., June 7, ls'iO. BUI J. R.v JENNINGS, Wliolosalo Grooor, ASP COMMISSION MERCHANT, - ' AXB DEALER IJi COUNTRY 'PRODUCE, I Comer Second and Frances Sts. ' ST, JOSEPII, MO., II TAb on hand, ana to arrive, the following arti cles, which will bo sold to th.T trade on aecora- inodatirg terms, EXCLUSIVELY AT AVUOLE S ALE : 150,00 a Cigars all quali-ICO bxs E D and W R ties checs 400;l P3.;ks d A Salt 15& boxes starch 2D0 llhils N O Saimr 200 bbls and hf bbls water 500 sks Rio Coffee - and but'r crackers 100 " 0 G Java Coffee 200 bbls and hf bbls pilot 100 Larunyra.' " oread ami pie nic do 1 00 " Mocha - ' " 200 bbls sola milk sugared 2o0 bbls, Iialf bol3 andlOO egg and wine do kzs Bck-iicr's Mol.issos; 100 bbls applo vinegar 200 b'o:s half bbls and qrSOO bs3 Tobacco all grades N N refined do 200 bxs - smoking tjbacco, 100 hn If chests tea, ail various brands -kinds ICO bunches pipe stems 2.V) bbls Bokher's Sugar 50 bbls II S Sicily and 1 50 bUs, bars, qrs, nos 1 Joca Almonds 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 bbls filberts, brazil 200 bxs dried herrings nuts, pccnus 20 bT bbs White Fish 100 kgs S C Soda 5 drms dry Cod Fish 500 kegs assorted nails 200 bxs ass'd candy 500 bxs half and qr star 100 " fi.i.cy " candles 300 drums tigs 150 do sterino do 100 b:t? bl's and qrs Rais-200 do bar soap ins 50 do rock candy. 50 bxs Prunes SUNDRIES. Cotton yarn, carpet chain, batting, cand!c wicks, cotton and hemp twine, wheat and meal sacks, axes, spades and shovels, garden seeds and straw rakes, loj chains, lea 1 shot, jowdcr brooms, wrapping paper, hemp, maniila, jute and cotton cordage, inaigo and madder, alum, whito lead, window tash, window rlass. tumblars,jar3 of different sizes, flasks assorted sizes, sassafras bark, pie fruits, fresh peaches, brandy cherries an 1 peaches, current and raspberry jellies fresh tomatoes, canton ginger, preserves, nut megs, cassia, peppcr.-auce, tjmato and walnut catsup L'moD syri'p. lobsters, sirdmes, extract and essence of ceffee, chocolate, pickles, matches, etc. V.OODEN UAIIE. Wash be ards, tubs, common pails, cedar rails, B B pails, pine and cedar cturu brass bound churns, tar buckets, well buckets, cedar cans, mop sticks, butter priii :s. buckeye bowls in nests: iron bound kegs, one two, three, livo and ten gallon-, the smaller sizj with bale?, common and 1 15 bait busaels and measures enmo stools etc 1-am also agent, for the sale of K A salt, and have now on band 2,000 Ills for sale at cost and transpor tation. I have the exclusive sale by direct consign ment of five hundred dc zea Field's celebrated oysters. acknowledged to bo ta-i best t ut up in Baltimore. To California and Salt Lal;e Emigrants. Your c.-pcial attention is invited to my extensive stock, whieh embraces everything suited to your wants in crossing the plains. I will at all timekcep on hand Lour, meal, bacon, lard, hard bread and crackers prices. 3-lv all of which will be sold at the lowest cash J. B. JENNINGS. Patent Portable Mill. rrHE subscribers have entered into a partnership JL under the firm of Reeil, Holabird 4 Co., to mnnufacture the J. C. Rccd, Patent Portable Gris Mill and are now prepared to furt;i.-h r.U thoso in want of a good Cora or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simpliety and economy : excel any Mill in the world. On tuo late exhibition of the Mechanic in-titute in Cincinnati, a (J Ad ZLdal wa 3 awarded them fur it It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes ; it 13 superior to all others fur the must extensive Merchant Mill, as it is for grinding the Farmers feed by Ilorse power. The above Mills arc manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where they con be lurmshcd in any quantity at short notice The above Mills warranted to perform as follows ?,') in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 3 ) " 44 44 44 30 44 15 . 44 250 21 " " '' " 20 44 13 u 200 2) " " " 44 13 44 8 15!) As this Mill tells its own story.it is unnecessary to qaote trom our numerous recommendations, received. 13. IIOLLABIRD & CO., Macliinisls, Founders anJ 1 T !TT? DTTTT TT?DC1 JiliLi JJUlJUlJDjilO Frost S.roet, "West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O, Would most respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in thcirline, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with tho increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. aw Mill Engines ef every Description. Constantly on ban1: consisting of the Sash, Circu lar and Mulcy. Mill Gears and every description of ' astings, warranted to be well made in t very particu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment. whi;h enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on a3 reasonable terms a3 any other shop in tho country. Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to ;ive us ac;ill and examine our new patterrs. FRESH DRY GOODS". i:eiy, JA3IESOX CO., No?. 170 and 172 Main St., St. Louis. "VYrl! arc now in receipt of the mot complete a id V V rinsiiiCccnt sttok. ever offered to the Western Trade MerehanH visiting this city are invited to makea:i examination cf our stock ;ind prices. i:!)!)Y..ia:.!1-:son& co ijlii l. A u. a Man Jionte, P. From Ni i"Mi JasfiCL in Kunsas, to tlie h cfcvie tfyoway Ulcer, i y u.Cl7 a Sn.it. rpniS Lym.ks one trip per week, each way, X stopping at tre pviiiciful towns on the Missouri River. Good Hacks all the way through, and guod horses and nice young men for driver. .1. B. t W. RENNET, Contractors. Pec. 19. 1W. vlr.27-lv BROWKVILLE t- 5c- fr f " 'n -t y M .'1 'f: s? L5 V Ti faJ NOEL, LAKE, i E3IERSOX, B. W e would ro?iectiull7 inform tho citi N. zens of Ncma!i:i county and adjoining Missouri, that we have always on hand a large and well selected snpply of IA? &HVAI, w hich wc can furnish at low er ratC3 than any mill in the Territory. Market prices pail ftr log4 delivered at the yard or on the bank of the river. All order3 accompanied with the cash, will receiv our immediate attention. TAIL ORING ! TAILORING!! E. E. PARKER, Merchant Tailor, Atlantic street, West of Ilobliizcll's Store. DEO WXVILLE, XEP.IIASKA TEER. TTAVING bought property and located permanent- JL J- ly ia Brownville, I offer my services to the public generally, if thev waiit any thing done in my iini of business. .1 can always be found at my post, or, more properly speakirg at my bench. Work Warranted No Fit, No Pay ! Particular attention paid to cuttirggannents and laymg off work for the Seamstress, lha greatest portion of rnvlife has been devoted to my trade, in which I consider myself inferior to tone especially in the cutting department, and I hope by close atten tion to my business to merit a share of public patronage. L. L. PARKER. Brownville April ICth, 19:7. 44-ly SAVE YOUIt HOUSE!!! MGHTWIKO ROBS BEITXTET &. LIARSH, T ESrECTr FLLY iaform the public that thev arcnuw prepared to put nr Lightning Reds of a superior quality on as rcasonaoie terms as any one else in this country. Orders left at McPhcrson k Iluichin's Store will be attended t. May 7, 1Sj7. , 47-tf mm PATENT GRAIN SEPARATOR rnilF. SUSS CRI II ER is now preparod tj la Jl nish Farmers and others with his "GliAlN SEPARATOR," for the present season. It is unnecessary to ppai particularly of tho merits of these Machines, as they are too well known throughout the country to need extolling ; but the fact that they have heretofore and are continuing to receive the premiums at the State and County i airs where they have been exhibited is sufficient to induce all thoso in want of such a Ma chine, to purchase one of these. At a practical test of tnis Dcprator lp competition . . .. . . . . i 1T- t 1 - witn tne oesioi mose maae in lngianu, in it received the highest commendations of the press, and of the leading gngulturahsts of that country. I have a largo number of thera on liana, ready for the coming crop, made of tho best material, and war ranted to do srood work. I have made many valuable improvements in these machines within the last year, and have no hesitation in warrantin2 them superior to any in U3e. lam aL?o ircrannzalarre number of Crawford: Improved Clover lluller?, patented in 1S54, which are greatly superior to his patent of 184J, being in itselt reeder, ana grcauy ahead of it in other respects. They will be manu factured under tho immediate supervision of the patentee, who hr'S permanently located in this place The above cut represent3 my four horse " Separa tor," and is designed especially for the farmer's own use." - lm also agent for MeCormiek's celebrated REAP ER and MOWING MACHINE, combined. J. R. MOFFITT, Piqua, Miami couniy, Ohio. Improved Little Giant CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL 3Paro noducod. THE subscriber has purchased exclusive right of Territory in the West, cf the above celebrated Mills, and is prepared io furnish t'.icm at all time?, either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most positive manner. It is now more than a year since the "Ijittle Giant" Was introduced to the public, during which time, it has been constantly growing in the jiopular favor. The improvements recently effected and patented, makes it the most perfect ui:tebmo ever offered for general farm use. It is furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs as follows: No. 1, 225 No. 30, No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minutes are sufficient to set one up, without mechanical aid, nd when once adjusted, io can with salety be entrusted to a boy. Full directions accompany each Mill. xl 2J err: xrz: cs; No 1, $35, will grind 8 bu meal per hour w ith 1 horse 40, 44 44 JO 44 " 44 I No 3 0, 44 " 15 44 u u 1 No 4 0, 44 20 " I 44 44 44 2 u 27" Liberal discount to dealers. JAMES B. cnADWICK, No. C3 Locust stroet, bet. 2d and 3d June 28, 1S5C. vl-nl St. Louis, Mo. ALLEN BOOT S. W. COZZENS ROOT & COZZENS, LAND AGENTS, Oxx2.v23.. City, U". M7; HAVING made arrangemonts by wh-ich we receive accurate copies of all the Township?, as fast as surveyed, in the Territory, we are now prepared to offer our services to tho citizens of tho Territory, IN FILING DECLARATORY STATEMENTS" OP INTENTION TO FRE-EMPT, Securing Frc-cmptioiis, LOCATING LAND WARRANTS, AND EWTEHnKG LAKD. Lantl Warrants Bought and Sold, Land entered on time, etc. PARTICULAR attention paid to bnying and selling on CommisMon. Also in making Col Ifftiontin all parts of the TEIiUITOKY and WESTEJtN IOWA. April 7 43-tf FRANKLIN TYPE &, STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 163 Vire St., bot. Fourtl aid Filw CINCINNATI, O. C. T. O'DRISCOLL & CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, B-X'k nnl Job Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallics, Ac, Ac Ink, and Printing Material of Every Description. STEREOTYPING of all kind-Books Music, Patent Medicino Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings, Ac, f c. Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, Pea t r!T C. ,F. JENNINGS & CO., FQ3WARDIHG & COMMiSSiON MERCHANTS, "White Cloud, KaiiMts Territory. SPECIAL attention given to Receiving and For warding Gc-ods of every description. ALSO: Will keep a large and complete assortment of GROCERIES AND DRY QOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. CLOTHING, &C, &C, At the Lowest Cost Dee. 25, ISifi. vln2S-6m Prece! Herring's Patent Champion FIKE-PKOOF SAFES, -T7TTII ITall'i Patent Powdcr-Pmof Locks the T same that were awarded separate Medal at the World's Fair London, 1851, and the World's Fair, New York, 1853; and are the only American Safe that were awardrd medals at the I,r.,ln Vi,ri.ri Fair. These Safes are now admitted to be nrrirr to anv ever offered to the public ; and the subscribers chal leEge the World to produce an instance of these Safes failing to preserve theircontents through the hottest fires, or a l urglar picking the hek. The subscribers and their agent. are the only per sons authorized to make and sell llerrin-'s Patent t-nampion bafe, with Hall' Patent Powder Proof Locks. S. C. HERRING A CO. Green Block, 133. 137 and 139 Water St., and 5 Murray St-New York. March 5th, 1857. 38-fira GEO. P. LUCKIIAIIDT, WATCH MAKER OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, JIO. TAKES the liberty to inform the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that he has opened a WATCH, CLOCK A JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., whero he will keep con etantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, fr CASH. Also, a fine lot of Violins. Accordeon, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens wilh Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac. Ac. lie is. prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jcv elry, of every description, ia tho best manner and on Uie most reasonable terms. Every article bought in his establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for ono year. July2o, liitJ. vl-aStf A I Ell's p i.us rosAUTEErrkrcs2,0y4 FAMILY PIIYsic, Tufhr has long existed a pulli, effective purgative- pi!l whh roull&i5' sure Pnd partly mfe n it op-r-tW . neen prepnrpa io meet that dmumi . j a!' sive trial of its tirtues h;w couch Tpj,-V" n. what rucccss it accomplu-les tlie nniJ It is easy to make a physical i . iTt mane uri oi sin ix;ui . - 1. .V 1 . . r ii i Tint . none of the objection., but all th with what sneers we wmdd res-w etfu lr the public deeisiri'. t ba Lei"! the pntint hitherto that aln.cM eJlr wiedicme i acrimonious uii irrititin r to t els. Tnis in not. Many of tbeni prohx. griping nam nd revulsion jn tlievstw,I,V Ifcc' than counterbalance tho good ti"le"diTa!J t? lucse pn)diiee no 'rritL'fn ..u . r....... v . 0 il: Milcss it arise from I . m a previous!" xiK rJ non or ueraogf nicTii in me lnwl lu. ... i i . "cin; nt in lhe bo.U. n-r Tpj;nauie, in nnnn ran arise n-om tbej tu ' qunntity ; but it is better that art meAirin. 2 . e taken jiidicMmsly. Minute dirPcti,.u ft rise in the several diseases to t hic'i tliffM. pluablc re given on ti e box. Aniens T plaints whieh bave been needi!t cured n &l "V mar mention Livrr Coini)!aint"in t, ' v t- ...... - . "uiri Thev have also nrodnced nr. .1 . . "f.iwi An occasinnRl dose timulatts tlie stnmjrh ni bowels into healthy action, and mnre the IT titc and vigor. They purify the blcl,a,l. by iUf stimnlant action on the cirixlatc-ry nytmiri vatc the strength of the body, n'nd'rr; wasted or diseased energies of tlie whole nrnifc. Ilcuce an occasional dose is advjntnf,,, though no serious dr:ingement raistn; but ,!V necessary dosing should never b r;irr! tr . as every purgative medicine redui-s tk rrerrh' when tiken to excess. The thousand eas -n 'n:,y a physic is required cannot be eimir.cratciiHrf,! they" suggest thciawclvt Io the re:ion sVrr body; and. it w concdeiitly llievcd t'ai put answer n bcttt r pnrpre than any tainsr whit-h !u hitherto been available .to mankind. WVntli j virtues are once knowrT the public will no doubt what rrntedy t employ r.icu in nd or cathartic lnedicine. R-jiPir'snsruPWMjijif J. riifrif plcasr.nt to take, and being uiety vp-rbl.', y Kami can arise from tbtir use m any (jtuiititv. For minute directions, see wrap;nr ontl.- C-.x I'KKI'AKl.D BY DR. JAIES C. AYEIi, fiac:i al and Anal) ficnl tin LOWKLL, M ASS. Price 25 Ce per Box. liva loxei fcr SL AVER'S. CHERRY PECTORAL. For h rnpid Cure of ('Ol'GHS, (OIJ)S, KOISSESL u:iovi!iTis, lVHcorniMoua, .tiioir, ASTinii, A AD Tm remedy has won fr iteif i-a imtuwi from it euros of e ery variety of pii'niir,;ny (ij-. that it is ent'nly uiinccess.try to rewint the ri denoes of its virlnes in any eoinnmritj b I has been empbivcd. S wide U the tifM of :Ui fulness, aid so minif rons the cjiscs ef it r:" that almost every section of tae country a'w in persons publii ly knows, who have Imn nr4 from alarming and even d-v-pt rate (!:mms "f itf lunar bv its use. Wh'-rt o n-c tntd its wi;w- vt r eery other medicine of its kind i tixi; rent to e-Vape 1 isen a tiin , and where its !rti known, tlie pu'dic no lunmr hesitate whut.-ir.i.o.if to employ f r the d'itreinx Mid ihrpwu ia tions of tW pubwonary rlpitv lirh rr uu 'tS. to our climate. tt only m f-rvi:i.aV.! en upon the lungs but fr the milk-i iMw f Coi.i!. rfGiis, IIoaksexess. if, jmdfi.rt'HU. drk fi is the plcasautebt and n'lstiutd'.une that rn Be ibtaiTied. A ft has long b'en in vnf tint ve t!r')vM this section, we reed not do mow tluia sure t!, people its fjuality is kept i p t- thelwt that it has been, and that the genuine article in wld bj- J. II. MAC7, i: CO.. r.mwrri!le. lh rnard, .Univi C.St.WX And all Druirists ia the L'nited Stiitcs. June 2jth. 1857. !K' STORE, ; NEMAHA. CITY, X. T. MOORE Sc BUOWXLEE, Would respectfully, announce to tho public generally tlist they have'rec( ivel "asd . opened fit Ncmab. City, . " LARGE STOCK-' " ' OF i 23 Or o o 33 B Evcrjtiung tliat comes unficr w- vjrlWOJLJLVlt 1 j ' "' 11 All of TYhich wc lviil sea CHEAPER THAX THE GIIEA;:" ; E fur sale cheap, by of Jaundice, Ini'lisrestloTi, Ijincnor and 't9 tltc, Listlcsis, Irrhabilitv, Rilii,,M Jl' Bi'lions Fcvrr, Fetrr atd Aitui, Vnhx h, thtV' and Loins ; for, in truth, all these ore hi i tk. scqneTice oi ciscrscq acrion in the ijv . r aperient thev afford prompt and mire re!f tivencss,' Fifes, Colic, Dysoitcrj , II rnnfir,, and Sinr y. Colds with ircncs of .he p '44 and impurity of the blood. Irregularities; any and every case where a pur'atire ' nwi ressful cures m iLheumi.tism, Liont, Drorwr Cm J I Frysip'Ia.s Palpitation of th He; rt, Vvj .B l Back, Stonmh, and Side. They sWAs, ,- taken in the spiing of the ye w, to purify and prepare the f vsteni for tho chanw f ' ' I "Beady Hade ClothU tern of Ready Udu Cl.'l'''--',.V,l.Ll.