Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 30, 1857, Image 1
v a. .Ay I Ay DEVOTED TO ART, SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, NEWS, POLITICS, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE 1NTEEESTS OF .NEBRASKA. VOL. II. ITY OF BR OWNVIL E, NEMAHA OUNTY, N. T., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1857. NO. ' T . ; I ' ' ' ; ' " - ' 6 U ; rlt' ; 1 3 m d I 6 ' '- i -4. : lie i ! si its: j 11 r. t)4. h J of I t - Bit T0f f n il it I. low Ic no n- 'eof j f i t! "f it i i of ; f t i I i ;io:u ! Svl&krtiscr j t EDITED AXI ri'BLIPnED EVERY THTR5DAY BT W.. FURNAS, Second Street, tut. 2ain and Water, j (lake's Block,) I BliOWXVII.LE, X. T. -i j f.r.iTiPVcarif pii in advance, - - $2.00 j f.. 44 44 at the end of 0 months, 2,50 ! "C!ul5 df 12 or ru'.ro will he furnished at $1,5U per rented itiC can acccmjiames tno order, u,t clLcrwise. ' KATES OF ADVERTISING: "o'nt r,'""" ' 1 2 4inCS '.r I') 0DC illSCrtion i;-h Additional insertion, . t $1,00 0,50 2.50 4,00 6,00 10,00 5,00 60,00 35,00 18,00 10,00 35,00 20.00 10.00 8,00 20,00 13.00 10,00 6,00 ux r mare. : iuuuiu three months, fix month?, one vear. it r,a;nv Cards of sis lines cr less one year, One C'himn, one rear, Oi-l.alf Col a inn, one year, - f,.urth 44 44 Onc-ei-htli 44 " " C ilumn, six mnnthf. 44 ha'.f Column, six months, o 4 fourth 44 44 " -ihth " " " CiV.aian. throe month?, half Column, three ni nths, fourth 44 " a '. ..;. .nli.J:'te tor w,, ) 5,00 Cai in a ranee will le re i'iire.l f .r all advertise- t.,i. r,rr i-i-nt f,ir each change be added to the f h.-e rsto. .tstii: Ra.-iDcss Carls-of Cre lines orlcss,for , enc jear. ii,''J. : No lvert'--','E"nts will c'! considered by the year, i tnW s!-c;!i;.-J n the rcanu-cript, or previously a-r-cl ; n between the parties. I "A.lverti'iient.s not marked on thceopy for a speci ! Eel.iiuiu'icr of "uv-crtion?, will be eontinucd until or- ,kroJ out, an 1 chared accordingly, i All alvertimrnts from slrancrs or transient pcr- (in, t he yn'tl in advance. j The oriri!.:e of yearly advertiser? will be confined f ii;i.i'v to th Tr own business ; an l all advertisements B'"t prrUinir? thereto, to be paid for extra. Yearly advertisers have th privilege of changing I their advertisements quarterly. ; All leaded a lvertisemcnts charged double the above i ' lats. . ! A.l'erti-eTn"nts on the inside exclusively will be charged extra. BOOK AND FANCY ! JOB PRINTING! Having ai led to the Advertiser Office Card and Job 1'resses, New Types of the latest styles, Inks of all colors., Fine Taper, Envelopes, A.c. ; we arc now prepared to execute Job Work of every de scription in a Style unsurpassed by any other office in the W.tod Stat s. Particular attention will be given to orders from a distance in having them promptly attended to. The I'roprijtor. who, having had an extensive ex p 'rien-'e, will give hi? personal attention to thisbranch of, and hop?s, in his endeavors to please, otb in tho excellence of his work, and reasonable barges, to receive a share of the public patronage. - BUSINESS CARDS. BUOWXVILLK. A. S. H0LLADAY, M. D. SURGEON, PHYSICIAN -cl Obstetrician. UROWNVILLE, N. T.; Solicit? a shar? of public patronage, in the variou8 f 'ranches of his ,r , fusion, from the citizens of Rrown v.lle and vii-inify. W. H03LITZELL & CO., WHOLESALE AND DETAIL TEALERS IX DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. Quccnswarc, Hardware, Stoves, PurrLitixro. COUNTRY PRODUCE. BIlOWXVILLi:, N. T. MISS MARY TURNER, -cl Dress Maltor. Tirst Street, tet-weea Main and "Water, UROWNVILLE, X. T. Br,tds anl Tmnmings altcays on liand. C. W. WHEELER, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. TIZ'J rjVj'J. ZTiliil A-33 ITAT-SS SSS. BrownviUo, X. T. JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH Second Street, between Main and Nebraska, BROWNVILLE, X. T. . G. W. IIUltN. DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. NEMAHA CITY, N. T. TI7ILL attend promptly to all business in his pro ' feion when called on : su h as 8ubdivin Claims, laying out Town Lots, Drafting City i'M? ete.. etc. 37-tf OLIVER BKSKLT. JAMES p. F1SKE. WM. li. G AKUIT. Al'liCSTl'S K SIGHT. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., Manufacturers and Whalesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. ST MA1X STREET, (FORMKLY, NO. 101 , CoRNR OF M AIX AKD LOCCST.) ST. LOUIS. MO. YVM. OSBORN. DEALER IX )LOCKS, WATCHES, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Sp.ns, &c, ic. f Xclratl-a C7y, N T. r7Esr.iuvi.-o and Repairing done on short tloe, ud ALL VOUK WA-CA.NTi;i). 1 fa aL A. A.BRADFORD, WM. MCI.ZNXA.V, 'ehraskaCitj,N.T. D. L. MC'CAKV, Brownville,N. T. BRADFORD, McLENNAN ' & McGARY, ATTORMBYS IT LIW AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. JJrownville and Nebraska City, . KEDRASKA TERRITORY. . BEIXG permanently located in the Territory, we will give our entire time and attention to the practice of our profession, in all its branches. Mat ters in Litigation, Collections of Debts, Sales end rureha-?os of Real Estate, Selections of Lands, Lca-tin-r of Land Warrants, and all other business en-tra.-te-i to oar management, will receive protnptsind faithful attention. REFERENCES. S. F. Nuckolls, Richard Rrown, V.'m. Hoblitzell k Co., Hon. James Craig, lion. James M. Hughes, Hon. John R. Sheoley, Messrs. Crow, MeCrearyt Co. Messrs. S. G. Hubbard & Co., lion. J. M. Love, vl-nl Nebraska Cirj, lirownville, , St. Joseph, Mo., St. Louis, Mo., U .11 ( It Cincinnati (). Keokuk. Iowa. June 7, 1856. JAMES M. CIIAFEL, Meal Estate Affeut AND Agent for West Division of Brovsnville, Ilrownville, N.T. PARTICULAR attention jaid to the pun;hase and sale of Real Estate on commission iuTown or elsewhere. REFERENCE, A. Kountie, Omaha City, N. T. A. Chapel. " " A. J. Henedict, Brownville, N. T. Browcvil'.cj June 4th, '57. 51-ly Notice to Pre-Emptors ! G. S. 1IORBACII & CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW AMD REAL ESTATE BROKERS. OMAHA CITY, N. T. WILL give particular attention to preparing all the necessary papers for Pre-emptions, and rendering any assistance which maybe required by Tre-einptorsin proving up their Fro-emption rights at the U. S. Laud OCiee. 45-rtm R. FEERY, M. D., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON And OUSTETRICIAK", ELDORADO, N. T. RESPECTFULLY tenders hi3 professional ser viees to the citizens of Nemaha county and ad joining counties, both in .Nebraska and .Missouri, Uth. 1S57. 5 1 (i m A. J. rOPr-LETON'. wx. N. iiyeks. roPPLETOX &.BYE11S, D T T 0 II N E Y S AT LA Y7 . - Antl General Land Agents , " ' OMAHA, Land Warrants E ought and Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. SPECIAL "attention given to the selection and en try of Lands for Settlers, and all others desiring choice locations. . Land Claims. Town Lets and all kinds of Real Es tate, bought and sold and investments made for dis- ant Dealers. J. HART & SON mm k J Oregon, llolt County, Missouri. Keepconstantlv on hand all description of Harness, Saddles, Rridles, &c, Ac. N. li. Every article in our shop ;s manufactured by ourselvc,and warranted to give satisfaction. W. P. LOAN, 1TTM11Y AT lit. LAND AND LOT AGENT. ARCHER, RICHARDSON COUNTY, X. T. B. K. FEGR AM. S. It. KIDDLE. B. R. PEGRAM 8c CO., AM) GENERAL LAND A GENTS, COUNCIC BLUFFS. IOWA. F. DINGS & CO., Importer of , and Wholesale Dtxdert in Fancy Goods. Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes. 33 Xorth Main Street. (Up Stairs,) ST. LOUIS, Mo. 32-1 y ft. E. HAKDING. G. C. KlMBOfGH B. F. TOOMER HARDIHQ, KIMSOUGH & CO,, MiHnftctHrer and Wholnalc Drnhr in HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS, No 4S Kain street, let. Olive and Pine, fcl. lAJUIS, MO. Tartieula- attention paid to manufacturing our finest Mole lists. A. D. KIRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Agent and Notary Public, Archer, Richardson couuty, Jf. T. Will practice in the Court of Nebraska, agisted by Harding and ltennett, Nebraska City. JACOB SAFF OKI). Attorney and Counsellor at Law. GENERAL INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT. And Notary Public. Nebraska City, Nebraska Territory. WILL attend promptly to 11 buisness entrusted to his care, in Nebraska Territory and West ern Iowa. September 12, l?3fi. Tlnl3-lv - SPRIGMAN & BROWN, RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS. And General Commission Merchants, No. 4.G, Public Landing. CINCINNATI, OHIO. S. W. COZZENS, Attorney ami Counsellor at Law, AND General Land Agent OMAHA CITY. N. T. KEKEBEVCI- Gov. Ii;ard, Owah ; 11. 1. iknaet, NebraAa City 111 BY AUTHORITY. A. z LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. PuLliclll An act to amen J an act entitled "an act to pro vide for the better organization of the Trea sury, and for the Collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and' Disbursement of the Public Revenue." lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That the act to pro vide for the better organization of the treasury, and for the collection, safe-keeping,' transfer and diabtiroemeut of the public revenue, apr proved August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, be and the same is hereby so amen ded that each and every disbursing officer or agent of the United States, having any money of the Uuited States entrusted to him for dis bursement, shall bo and he i3 hereby required to deposit the Bame with the Treasurer of the United States, or with some one of the assis tant treasurers or public depositaries, and draw for the same only in favor of the persons to to whom payment is to be made in pursuance of lav ami instructions; except when payments are to be made in sums under twenty dollars, in which cases such disbursing agent may check in his own name, stating that it is to pay small claims. . Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Treasurer of the United States, assistant treas urers, and public depositaries shall safely keep all moneys deposited by any disbursing officer or disbursing airent of the U uited fetates, as wen as any moneys deposited by any receiver, col lector, or other person which shall be the mou eys of or due or owing to tho United Suites, and for a failure so to do shall be held guilty of the crime of embezzlement of said moneys, and subject to the punishment provided for embezzlement in the act to which this is an amendment. Sec. 3. Aud be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of each and every person who shall have moneys of the United States in his hands or possession to pay the. same to the treasurer, the assistant treasurer, or public de positary of the United States, and take his re ceipt for the same, in duplicate, and forward one of them forthwith to the Secretary of the Trcasurj, and for a failure to make such de posits, when required by the Secretary of the Treasury, or any other department, or the ac counting officers of the treasury, the peisunso failing shall be held guilty of the crime of em bezzlement, and subject to the punishment for that offence provided in tho act to which this is an amendment. Approved, Match 3, 1337. An act to cx:cnd tha Ttovu-ions tf the act n . ti.led.'.i"ctin additiou tvc-.rti.:u nci : . ing bounty land to certain officers and so! .'dors 'who have been engaged in the 'Military Ser vices of the United 'States," to the officers and soldiers of Major David Bailey's Bat- talion of Cock County (Illinois) Volunteers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress assembled. That all those of ficers and soldiers of Major David Bailey's batalion of Cook countj- (Illinois) volunteers stationed at Fort Dearborn, in the Black Hawk war of eighteen hundred and thirty-two, who have nevtir received warrants for bounty land for services iu said war, shall be entitled to re ceive a certificate or warraut from the Depart ment of the interior for one huudred and sixty acres of land, upon making proof either by re cord evidence or such parol evidence as the commissioner of pensions may require of hav ing served in said war for tho term of at least fourteen days; the provisions of this act to ex tend to the "widows and minor children of said officers and soldiers who have died or may die before receiving such warrant or certificate. Approved, March 3, 1857. Public 11G.J An act in addition to an act more effectually to provide forthe Punishment cf certain crimes against the Uuited Suites, and for other pur-iiose-. Be it enacted by'the Senate and House of Representatives of the united btatcs ot Amer ica in Congress assembled, That if any person or persons upon the high seas, or in any arm of the sea, or in any river, haven, creek, basin, or bav. within the a'dmiralty jurisdiction of the United States, and out of the jurisdiction of any particular State,i;hall unlawfully and wil fufly, but without malice fiforethought, strike, stab, wound, or shoot at any ether person, ot which striking, stabing, wounding, or shooting1 such person shall sifterwards die upon laud, within or without the United States, every per son so olTcnding, his or her counsellors, aiders, and abettojs, hhall bo deemed guilty of the crime of manslaughter; and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as is hereinafter pro vided. ' Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any person upon the high seas, or in any arm of the sea, or in anv river, haven, creek, basin cr bay, within the admiralty jurisdiction of the United States, and out of the jurisdiction of any particulaj State, shall attempt to commit the tnma of murder or manslaughter, by pois oning, drowning, or strangling anotner person, or by any means not constituting the offence of an as-au!t with a dangerous wea)on, such of fender, upon convictiou thereof, shall bo pun ished by imprisonment, with or without hard labor, for a period not exceeding three years, and a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, at the discretion of the court. Sjc, 3. And Lo it further enacted, That the crime of manslaughter, as provided for by this act, and all other acts heretofore passed, shall be punished by imprisonment, with or without hard labor, fir a period not exceeding three vcars. and a fine tint exceeding one thousand dollars, at the discretion of the court Sor. 4. Aud be it further enacted. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the pro visions of this act, are hereby repealed: Pro vided, however, That this repeal shall not af fect any act done before, or any prosecution pending at the time of the passage of this act; but all such nets shall bo indictable and pun ishuble, and all such prosecutions shall be jro ceeded with as the same would have been in dictable and punishable, and proceeded with if tlm act had not bcon passed. S'jc. 5. And be it further enacted, That in all cases where any oath, affirmation, or affida v it thai! be made or taken before and register or receiver or either or both of them of any lo cal land-office in the United States or any ter ritory thereof, or where any oath, affirmation, or affidavit shall bo made or taen before any person authorized by the laws of any State or territory of the. United States to administer oaths or affirmations, or take affidavits, and such oaths, affirmateons, or affidavits are made, nsed, or filed in any of said lo:al land-offices, cr in the General Land-Office, as well in cases aris ing under any or either of the orders, regula tions, or instructions, concerning any of the public lands of the United States, issued by the Commissioner of the General Land-Office, or other properofficerof the government of the United States, as under the laws of the United States, in any wise relating to or effecting any right, claim,, or title, or any contest?" therefor, to auy of the public Iads of lire United States, and any person or persons shall, taking such oaths, affirmation or affidavit, knowingly, wil fully, or corruptly swear or affirm falsely, the same shall l deemed and taken to be per jury, and the person or persons guilty thereof shallj upon conviction, be liable to the pnnish msnt prescribed for that offence by the laws of the United States. Approved, March 3, 1S57. TAtblic 32. An act to authorize the President of the ni ted States to cause to be ptocured, by pur chase or otherwise, a suitable Steamer as a Revenue Cutter. ; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the nited States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That tho President of the nited States be and i3 hereby author ized to cause to be procured, by purchase or otherwise,- a suitable steamer as a revenue cut ter: and that the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars bo and is hereby approdriated for that purpose, out of any moneys now in tho treasury of the nited States, and not other wise apppropriated. Approved, February 5' 1837. Public 30. xVn act supplementary to an act to organize an Institution for the Insane of the Army and Navy, and of the District of Columbia, in the said District, approved March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative ot the nited States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That no insane per son not charged with any breach of the peace shall ever hereafter be confined in tho : nited States j;u"i,or in the nited States penitentiary, in this District. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Interior shall have power to grant his order for the admission into the gov ernment hospital for the insane, any insane per son unable to support himself or herself and family, (or himself, orlienjr'f if ho er.shejiave no famHy,) tinder tho 'vis- iat'Ion cf insanity, who ro:;i,!od in the. District at! ho time he cr .-l:e became Insane, a:.d vho" rot with anv breoch of the peace,' v.t)oa the certifi cate of any judge of the-circuit or criminal court, or any justice of the peace of the Dis trict, stating that two respectable physicians appeared before said judge or justice and certi fied under oath, and under their hands, that they knew the party alleged to be insane, and that they believed him or her to be a fit sub ject for treatment in such hospital; also stating that two respectable householders, residents of the District, appeared before him and certified under oath, and under their hands, that they knew the party alleged to be insane and in digent, !Lat he or she was a resident of the District at the time he or 6ho was seized with the mental disorder under which he or she then labored, and that he or she was unable to pay his or her board and other expenses there in; and the certificate of such physician, and the certificate of such householders shall ac- companv the certificate of such judge or jus tice. 1 he application of to the Secretary of the Interior lor his order for the admission of said indigent insane person into the said hos pital must be made within five days after the examination of the witnesses before the said judge or justice of the peace, before such pro ceedings shall be had before euch judge or jus tice. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the order Of the Secretary of the Interior, granted under the authority of the second section of this act, shall euthorize any police officer or constable to assist in carryin such indigent in sane person to the hospital, whenever such as sistance is represented to be necessary by the person holding the order; but all tho expenses of witnesses before said judge or justice of the peace, and of carrving such patient to the hos- pital, snail no Dome ny nis or ner inenas, or by the local authorities of the District. ,'Sec. 4. And be it further erased, That any indigent insane person whr did not reside in the District at the time he or she became in sane, may in like manner as provided in the second section of this act, be admitted into the said hospital upon the application of tho cor porate authorities of the city of Washington, or of Georgetown, and at the expense of either of the said cities during the continuance of said insane person therein, it being hereby design ed to nve the superintendent thereof author ity to "take charge of such insane person until the authorities aforesaid can discover who his or her friends are, or whence he or fihe came, with a view to the return of such person to such friends, or to the place of his or her resi dence and thus relieve said corporate author ities of the expense and charge of said indigent insane non-resident Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That if anv ncrson. charged With enme, l found, in the court before which he or she is w charged, to ba an insane person, such court shall certify the same to the Secretary of the Interior, who mav order such person to lie confined in said hospital, and if he or she be not iadigent, he or she and bis or lier esuie snail oe cnargea with expenses of his or hcrsupport in said hos pital. . ; Sec. G. And be it further enacted, That anv person becoming insane during the continuance of his or her sentenco in tho United States penitentiary, shall have the same privilege of treatment m the hospital during the contin uance of his or her mcnUl disorder as is grant ed in section five to persons who escape the consc'iuences of criminal actsbv reason of in sanity, unless it be tho opinion, both of the ph;ssciau to the penitentiary and the superin tendent of tho hospital, that such insane con vict is so depraved and furious in his or her character as to reuder his or her custody in the hospital insecure, aud his or her example pcr- uiciouj. hospital in respect to payment of board, and in all other respects. 1 The request for admis sion must be made within five days of the date of the certificate of insanity. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted. That if any person will give bond, with sufficient se curity, to bo adproved by the criminal court, or ciacuit court, or any judge thereof in vaca tion, puyable to the United States, with con dition to restrain and take care of any inde pendent or indigent insane person not charged with a breach of tho peace, whether in the hos pital or not, until the iusane person is restored to sanity, such court or judge thereof may, in its discretion, deliver such insane person to the party giving such bond. Approved, February 7, 18o7. Tublic37. An act for regulating" the Terms of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the nited States of Amer ica in Congress a3mb!e. That the circuit comtof the District of Columbia shall have power, by rule of court, to regulate the periods of holding the terms of said court, and to fix the number of such terms, and the same, from time to time, to alter, as public convenience may require: Provided, That at least three terms shall be held annually. And all suits, or actions at law, shall stand for judgment or trial at the term next after that to which pro cess shall be returned executed, unless good cause for further continuance be shown. Approved, February 7, 1857. Public38. An act making Appropriations for the Consu lar and Diplomatic Expenses of the Gov ernment for the year ending the thirtieth of Juri, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Anited States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That the following sums be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereafter express ed, for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen huudred and fifty-eight, name- Forsalaries of envoys extraordinary, minis ters, and commissioners of tho nited States at Great Britian, France, Russia, Spain, Aastria, Prussia, Brazil, Mexico, Switzerland, Rome, Naples, Sardinia, Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Deumaik, Swoden, Turkey, Peru, Chili, Buenos Avrcs, New Grenada, Bolivia, Ecuador, Ven ezuela, Guatemala, Nicaragua, China and Sandwich Islands, two hundred and seventy one thousand dollars. For salaries of the secretaries of legation of the li'rd Ft: les at Great Britian, France, Russia, Spain, Austria, Prussia, Brazil, Mex ico, Peru, Chili, and Buenos Ay res, twenty thousand fi ve hundred and. fifty dollar.. For F;djrie; of assistant secretaries of lega tion at Loudon and Paris, thras thousand g-jI , Tor salary of the "secretrry of legation to China', acting as interpreter, live thousand doi lars. ' - - ' For salary of the secretary of legation to Turkey, acting as dragoman, three thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, seventy-five thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of foreign inter course, fcixty thousand dollars. For expenses of intercourse with the Bar ban' powers, six thousand dollars. For expenses of the consulates in the Turk ish dominions, viz : interpreters, guards, and other expenses of the consulates at Constantin ople, Smyrna, Candia, Alexandria, and Bey rout, two thousand five hundred dollars. Forthe relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For expenses which may be incurr.d in acknowledging the services of the masters aud crews of foreign vessels in rescuing citizens and vessels of the United . States from shipwreck, three thousand dollars, to bo expended under the directiou of the President of the United States. For the purchase of blank bcoks, stationery arms of tho United States, seals, presses, and flags, and for the paymeut of postages for the consuls of the nited States, fifty thousand dollars. For compensation of the commissioner pro vided in the first article of the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain, two thousand dollars. lor per diem of commissioner and compen sation of surveyor, four thousand nine hundred and twetv dollars. For payment of all expenses attending the employment of steamer or sailing vessel; and for surveys and umpirage, fifteen thousaud sev en hundred and fifty dollars. i or travelling expenses, transportation, re pairs of instruments, and all other expenses, seven hundred dollars. FOr compensation of the commissioner, se cretary, chief astronomer and surveyor, assis tant astronomer and surveyor, clerk, and for provision, transportation and contingencies of the commission to run and mark the boundory line between th e nited States and the British possessions bounding on Washington Territory, seventy-one thousand dollars. Provided, That the annual compensation of said officers snail not exceed the rates provided in the third sec tion of the act of eleventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, entitled "An act to pro vide for carrying into effect the first article of the treaty between the n te 1 S ates and her Majesty the Queen of the nited King dom of Great Britain aud Ireland, of the fifteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and forty-six." For salaries of consuls-general at Quebec, Ca cutta, Alexandria, Simoda, Havana, Con stantinople, Frankfort-on-the-Main; consuls at Liverpool, London, Melbourne, Hong-Kong, Glasgow, Mauritius, Singapore, Belfast, Cork, Dundee, Demarara, Halifax, Kingston, (Jamai ca,) Leeds, Manchester, Fassau, (New Provi dence,) Southampton, Turk's Island, Prince Edward's Island, Havre, Pars, Marseilles, Bordeaux, La Rocheile, Lyons, Moscow, Odes sa, Revel, Saint Petersburgh, Matanzas, Triu idod de Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, San Juan, (Borto Rico,) Cadiz, Malaga. Ponce, (Porto Rico,) Trieste, Vienna, Aix-Ia-Chapetle, Can ton, Shanghai, Foucho-u, Amoy, Ningjo, Bey rout, Smyrna, Jerusalem, Rotterdam, Amster dim, Antwerp, Funchal, Oporto, St. Thorn is, Elsiiuuir, Genoa, Basle, Geneva, Messina, Na ples, Palermo, Leipsie, Munich, Leghom.Stutt gardr, Bremen, Hamburg, Tangier.-;, Tripoli, Tunis. Rio de Janeiro, Permambuco," Vera, Cruz, Acapulco, Lallan, Y uiparisn, Buenos Ay res, San Juan del Sur, Aspinwall, Panama, Laguayra, Honolulu, L.ihaiu.,tlipetown, Falii- land IslandsYenice, Stettin, Candin, Cyprus, Batavia, Fayal, Santiago, (Cape do Verdes,) Saint, Croix, Spezzia, Athens, Zanzibar, Bahia, Maranbam Island, Para, Rio Grande, Mata, moras, Mexico, (city,) Tampico, Ta3o del, Norte, Tabasco, Paita, Tumbez, Talcahuano, Carthagena, Sabanillo, Omoa, Guayaquil, Co bija, Montevideo, Tahiti, Bay of Island Apia, Lauthala; commercial agents at San Juan del Norte, Port-au- Prince, San Domingo, (city,) St. Paul de Loarda, (Angola,) Monrovia, Ga boon, Cape Haytien, Aux Caycs, and Amoor River, two hundred and seventy-three thou sand, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For interpreters to tho consulates in China, four thousand five hundred dollars. For estimated loss by exchange on drafts of consuls, and interpreters, for salary; forty-five thousand dollars. For the preservation of the archives of the several consulates of tho United States and the commercial agencies, eleven thousand nice hundred dollars. For office rent for those consuls, and com mcrcial agents, who are not allowed to trade, not ti exceed ten per centum on the amount of their compensation, a3 fixed by the act of eigh teenth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That t'ne seventh section of "An act to regulate the Di plomatic and Consular Systems of the Uuited States," approved eighteenth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six be and tho same is here by repealed. ppr ved, I; ebruary 7, 18 j7. Public 43. An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy for tho year end ing the thirtieth of Juue, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the uited States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That the following sums be and the sarao are hereby appropriated, out of any money m tho treasury not other wise appropriated for the support of the Mili tary Academy, for the year ending the thirtieth of J unc, eighteen hundred aud hftv-cight For pay of officers, instructors, cadets, and musicians, ninety-ono thousand one hundred and six dollars. For commutation of subsistence, two thou sand and fortv-four dollars. For forage for officer's horses, eight hundred and sixty-four dollars. For current and ordinary expenses, as fol lows: repairs and improvements, fuel and ap paratus, forage postage, stationary, transporta tion, printing, clerks, miscellaneous and inci dental expenses, and departments of instruc tion, tbirrj'-five thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars. For gradual increase and expense of library, one thousand five hundred dollars. For expenses of board of visitors, threo thousand dollars.- For supplying horses for cavalry and artillery rvractice, one thuxiim uobiir. For furuiture for hospital Tr iv'el3, two hundred and fifty dollars. For barracks for dragoons detachment, five thousand dollars. For purchase of bell, and mounting liesame with the clock on one of the public buildings, eight hundred dollars. To procure the balistic apparatus for gun pendulum, five hundred dollars. To repairs to officers' quarters, five hundred dollars. For models for the department of cavalry, one thousaud dollars. For extension of water pipes and increase of reservoir, t.vo thousand dollars. For targets and batteries for artilcry exercise, two hundred dollars. For gas pipes, gasometers, and retorts, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacteJ, That there shall be appointed at tho Military Aca demy, in addition to the professors authorized by the existing laws, a professor of Spanish, at a salary of two thousand dollars per annum. Sic. 3. And be it further enacted, That the compensation of the master of the sword be fiftoen hundred dollais per annum with fuel. and quarters. Approved, Feb. 1G, 1357. Public 40. AN ACT to incorporate the Columbian Insti tution for tho Instructicn of the Doaf and anil Dumb, and the Blind. Be it erutcted by th Senate and House nf Representatives of the United ff America in Congress assembled. That Byron Sunder land, J. C. McGuire, David A. Hall, and Geo. YV. Riggs, of Washington city, William Edes, and Judsoti Mitchell, of Georgetown, and Amos Kendall and William Stickucy, of the county of Washington, and tucH persons as mav hereafter be associated with them, by contributions for the instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind, are hereby created 1 a body Tx)iitic and corjorate nnder the name of the "Columbian Institution for the Instruc tion of the Deaf aud Dumb, and the Blind," to have pe.peiual succession and be capable to tike, hold and enjoy lands, tenements, heredit aments and personal property, to use a common seal, and the same to alter at pleasure: Pro vided, That no roal or personal property shall be helc by said corpora'ion, except such as may be necessary to the maintenance and efficient management of said institution. Sec 2. And be it further enacted. That the Institution shall be managed as provided for in its present Constitution, and such addi tional regulations as may from time to lime be found necessary; but as soon as sufficient contributions shall have been paid in to auth orize an election according to the provisions of said Constitution, the provisional officers therein named shall give notice of a general meeting to the contributors for the election of officers, and the officers elected at such general meeting shall hold their offices fur one year and until their successors shall be elected at in said Constitution provided: Provided, That ssid Constitution may be altered in the manner therein provided, but not in such manner as to violate the Constitution or any law of the United S?;ites or of the Distsiet of Columbia. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall bii the dutv of the Justices of the Peace in the sever! wards of the c ties of Washington and Georgetown and of the county of Washington, to ascertain the names of all Deaf and Dumb and Blind persons within their respective wards and districts; who of them are of a teachable age, and also who of them are ia indigent cirrumsU':ci's, ' and rcpoit tin? same to the President of the Institution hereby iucoipxrated Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That whenever the Secretary of the Interior shall be satisfied by evidence produced by the Pres- dent of the Institution hereby incorporated. that any Deaf and Dumb or Blind person cf teachable age properly belonging to this Dis trict, is in indigent circumstances and cannot command the means to secure an education, it shall be his duty to authorize the said person to enter the said Institution for instruction, and to p;iy for his maintenance and tuition therein at tho rate of one hundred and fifty dollar per annum, for such Deaf and Dumb pup.I, and at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollare per annum for such Blind pupil, payabhi quarterly out of the Treasury of the mteisd States. . ' j Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall bo lawful for said Institution to receive and instruct Doaf and Dumb and Pdind par sons from anv of the States and Territories of tho n ited States on such terms a. may bo agreed upon by themselves, their parert guarJians, or trustees, and tho proper authori ties of said Institution. Soc. 6. And be it further enacted,, That it shall be the dutv of the President and direc tors of said Institution to report to the Secre tary of the Interior tho condition of said Ins titution on the first day of J uly in oach year, embracing in said report the number cf puvil of each description received and discharged during the preceedmg year, and the number remaining in the Institution; also the branches of knowledge and industry taught and tha progress made therein; also a statement shew ing tho receipts of the Institution and fi'ora what sources, and its disbursements and for what objects. 4 ' ' Approved I eb. 1G, 1So7. Public 50. AN ACT for tho construction of a YVugon Road from Fort Kearney via tho South t . of the Rocky Mountains and Great Sdt Lake YTalley, to the eastern portion ot t a State of California, and for other purpiscs. lie it enacted by Cue Sxnate ani Hoitie r p. resevtatives of the United (States cf Anviriax in Congress assembled, That tho sum of threo hundred thousand dollars, or so much threof as may be necessary, be and tho sarao is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in th 3 treas ury not otherwise appropriated, for the .coo- " struction of a wagon road from Fort Kearney, in tho Territory of Nebraska, via the. Soath Pass of the Rocky Mountains, to the'erstcru boundary of the State of California near Honey Lake, to bo expended under tha direction of the Secretary of the Interior, pursuant to ton- tracts to be made by him 3a;d road to connect with and form an extension of the road already authorized from Fort Ridgcly to the aforesaid South Pass. i Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That tho sum of two hundred thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, bo and the same is hereby appropriated out of any inoiti?;, in tho treasury not o' ra a ? propria 1. fJr the cor,tru-tion of n w-n r -fr --rt JJU':V' o.-j t.'ie IV- t-ira.'id-, to Fork Vurat, at UtUnoUU of the Cul l River, to be expended v.i-dittha direction of the Secretarj' tf tl.e Interior pur suant tc contracts to bo made by him. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, Tint a sum of fifty thousand dollars be and the tamo is hereby appropriated eut of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriat e, for tho construction of a wagon road from Futt !)-. fiance in the Territory of New Mexico, to tho Colorado River, near the mouth of thu Iloha va River. Approved, February 17,18o7. . ' , An act making Appropriations for the corn ph?-. tion of Military Roads in Oregon Territory. Be it enacted by the Senate and Uc-usc of Representatives ot the nited Statcacf Amer ica in Congress assembled. That the flowing sums of money be and the samo arj hereby appropriated, for the completion-cf military roads now in the course of construction iu ihj Territory of Oregon, to wit : for the ami pic- . tion of tho road from Astoria to Sulcm, th t sum of ten thousand dollars; for the comple- . tion of the road from Myrtle Creek to Camp Stewart, the sum of thirty thousand dollars;" and for the completion of tho road from Myr- . tie Creek to Scottsburg, tho sum of thirty thoh- t . sand dollars; the same to hi done umltrthd direction of the Secretary of War. Approved, March 2, la7. . ' An act to establish Augusta, in the .State, of i Georgia, a Port of Delivery. Be it enacted by the Sct.a'e and House of. Representatives of the nited State, of A ruer- ica in Congress assembled, That Au.'ii.-.U, in the State of Georgia, within the collection dis trict of Savannah, be and the carne U hereby . declared to be a port of delivery, w:.thin tho said collection district, and thero shall bd aj pointed a surveyor of customs, to resides at said iort of Augusta, who shall perform similar du ties towards, and in connection vilh, the col- . lector at the port of entry, as are pr.':ri!t for surveyors of the ports of Pittsburg, YV heeling, C;uci:inaM, Louisvin, St. Louis, a'ic 2.asuville, . by the act of Congress approved, tigh- teen hundred and thirty-one, being entitled "An act allowing the on foruign mer chandize imported into Pittsburg. Wheeling, Cincinnati, Lo'lisville, St. Louis, Nashville, and Natchez, to be secured and faid at thosij places," the duties of the collector at Savannah ii reference io all foreign merchandize enter ed for the port of Angusta, and to Ui shipped from Savannah to Augusta, either by the river . or railroad, shall bo the same a tac-e priori- bed for the collector at New Orlears, ia refer ence to merchandize entered, ty a: i importer or his agent there for the jiorts t ,bove mention ed in said act. And isnportatqaj cf foreign " merchandize to Angnsta may Kr.iaue thnvjgh the port of Savannah in the same way, .and.':" under like instructions, nistrietiotw, penalties, and forfeitures, as by the said !ol they are al- . lowed to be made to the places aloj meutioi.- cd through the port of New Orleans. Approved, March, 2, 1S37." " - An act to amend the twety-cighth Section of the act of Congress approved the thirtieth of. August one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, entitled "An act to ;rovide Rev- . enue from Imports and to changu and nunlify " existing l.iwsimposiag Duties on Import and for other purposes," prohibiting tho Importation of o) -scene and indrccntacticleV. so as more effectually to accompli!) tho pur jxses for which that Provision -jseu;;.tedf Sec. 7. And bo it further enacted, Tlui when any person confined iusaid hospital, char g'd with crime and subject toixt tried therefor, or con viced of crime and undcignirg iherefor, shall b.) restored to notify, t!ie-oivr-io!e:id.-.-.t of the li.n?pita! thorll jrivi: u-tku'tiue-t ic i r.-pc i pujipt. r I