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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1857)
. : Quickest Hailrcad Train in Axterica. goniCTxhat agitated, and Thope the ci- Under tliia head, the Detroit Adver-. t;zcns wjH persevere and have a suit- 0 ! r r- n m s $2 00 r. furli:"CJ 5-" :- r - I , TTTn avoKK. tiser notices the 5lichtnin train' on the Michigan Central Road, yhich S mates the distance between that city and Chicago, 2S2 miles, in nine hoars1, including ten stoppages. These cars are all provided with a new patent duster, and which is said to work there- rr kVi-.H'XH New ;? CiiU' ' r .-h. kc.. ma-ie to the Advev- nn a 1 -rr, maVirtrr tTiA viflf ! S rifll r jtr . ius jt iw '" - - - - i " " t n uk. . W turn out J, t , , . : a ' . a a. -.-'rFl WTT I l'W HI I fT' , . - iB ,, .v.itiD of J.;b -a. f r Itel -iir!proTri i, U"..rk . i.c: will . " rr rrrnr.t:v tUnded to, parlor. t Wilcox, of the steamer Oca- j prepared to attend to all kinds of Hiat al: -aln rlaced us- under oLliga The Omaha landed able house erected 'ere long. A school house too, is verv much needed. There are children enough here to 11 two rooms and employ two teachers. - Our youthful population is running wild.- Little sirl3 axe seen romping through the streets, and climb ing the bluffs; while the boys are t:down town" contracting indolent habits, learning to smoke, swear and drink ; and in fhort cnfittini? themselves for Brovrn and Hal! am. j , . . . . . , Hi .1 r ,v ever I'CComin cooa ana mnuemiai ave opened up m their new LanL- - I ins House on main street, and are now me" iut we cannot blame b ws for swear in and drinking, when men furnish them with every day examples of it on our streets. A lady cannot walk out in broad day-light, without being shocked and insuitcd with the lanuaje and oaths of drunken men. Nor can we sit in our own door vards of an evening with out having our cars constantly saluted with oaths. Can our place thrive while such a state of things exists? " What will strangers think who come here with r. view of settling? If men will make brutes of them selves br drinking, can there not be ters connected with their business. Call in, they'll 'shave v-oa as soon as f mi m y.l !.;:iT. bound for Sioux City, j tve -water gets warm." lav lust bringing us files off "They promise and are prepared to 2 -ad New York papers. j oan money on good security; buy and 1-tbe?e steam boat Clerks are seu exchange, redeem Nebraska and ; .a? Lever grow less a cen- Thev mav tneir i tfir mrrfTipv: in short to uo i v 7 ! eral accommodation business. ' V ' ! are both too well known, to require a v-ill please accept our , f .. s f ,r 'files of St. Louis papers and . v. . , 1 c-t-iutermeaiate points. j The Prws. ' " . . . . . - Under this title Mr. J. W. Forney rahaVa:ie-Bank. ' . . gives notice that he is about to publish : rrror.'cc. to our advertising col-j newsnnper in the will t,e seen - - i city of I'hiiadelphia. it will sustain some kce provided ,vbcrc thev may hat? geu uauus, - tae policy 01 the present jsationai Tz:h for its.rcdemption a. o.uci j A(2rj .untcr. i nis is SCHOOL TAS THE R)xr& of Trustws cf theBrownrille DLsirict hae iaale tbe olKirin?: assesCTeut upsa the taxable pnprety in the District, for the purpose of crectins a School boiise. Tte a?escaien: Is made in accordance w:t!i the provis. tns of the School Law cf tbe Territory, btk! is required t J Ik! wiUaa 30 days frotii the Ute of this pohcation. Jwo-reiident tax p3j-ers irill remit to W. Furnas, Secreury cf the Barl, aad on receipt cf Iw&U will be furnished with receipt by return isail. Andrus. J S - 6 15 Ot.nVD.maSd, CfcM g 3 Alien, w d Hcuedict. A J 8nn, E Bratton, G "W B"k. XemahaTal. Berber, R Bercer, J B Goletiian, Jaa V C.x. S Al Caapel, Culiins. E R Divis. J R len, W Deu-arant. Kdward. T J Fumji, R W Firmf-T, VT A Fiach. W T Ferry corapiny Giton, J W Gurdin. J Gidduiiis, K B Hy-B-(j. T P Ht.n, S Uotchins. M HiU.WIUs Estate Holladay, A S n h',itieil& Co HoUiitzeU, W IT-blitieii. A HaUara. A Jotm, A D Kirk, A D Lake. O F LJio, L.-te, S if Lan.TiIoD. C S A.J. BEN EDICT, lren;nt Board of School Directura. R. W. FrRjriis Sec'r Brovrnvilic, Jn!y iC, 1SJ7. Farm. For Sale. . I II AYE for sale an eTecIJent Pre-fmpte-i faxm cf 16;) acr..3 cf lani adjoining tti Citr cf Srown- 7 CO 3tTFherson, J 22 2 COIiirFherson fc C C2 50 11 75 Jfarlotte, Jerry 2 00 15 00 If 'Gary, D L 2 23 1 1 7j!: VAIIister. & Dozier 00 375 00,iluir JtFiTKb 15 00 75 JTDorwmeb, J 15 00 90';Mjeee, Dr. 75 9 00 ' Knnsoa. A SCO 5 25;jrLaiighUn 9 50 22 50 N'ucioils, ST tS 00 7 &i Noel, J v " 3 00 2175 Nel, Late &C3., 56 25 I 50' Pjrker, EE 2 25 3 75,, Peterson. PG 3 75 3 75 Pwer4. HW 2 25 15 75:Price, WE 3 00 6 25 Piasters, Isaac 37 7 50; Paddaci,J W 150 15 0.';.Rsweil, W 3 00 3 00 Roffers, S E' 3 75 75 Riddle &.Pesra3i 254 6 0o I'.uLh, Wm M25 3 73 Ujntin. B P 1125 12 00'. Stout KB 3 15 4 2;Suct, WC 6) 3 00. Se?ie & Co 7 50 12 00 Swift, A D, k.C-. 7 50 56 50 SoBth Erwnvili 30 00 7 50 6harp,JL 15 00 6 00 Strath, C B 90 ; 30 00 iThoirpson t Son, 9 60 22 50 Thnrbur, Wm 90 22 50' Cilery. J B. 2 00 3 75; Cilery-Dm'l C 75 15 :, Vischer, II H 3 76 37 ar wteeler - 4 15 II S-VWest. FA 3 75 7) rhvte. IT 30 CO tLan its own co i linistration. He promises dignity, courtesy. Jind independence ia tbe -rortant matter .:rot''-' tc j uttcrailcc 0f his sentiments, vhich ha r-p.-ratcd injur-j 4 :i v, .IT - uP(.n.-o of :i personal tnovri- j qee t'he advertisement of U . A. Al- of the tucn c ilk iicrctot-'-re. onDceted vith this j ehmax, in another column. T-e Lave Lad the ut- j x a niCe little establishment . cr.nS.lcnce in its ability to sus- and wm treat you clever. itIu rj;i make the bill holder and see Call around The j or -nal knowlege we po- that iriSiiredanyconu- y iicl.Tras an Another Xew Establishment. Ev reference to our advertising col- .1 , (Torn n.-ir:P ! ,.;ei:eu't-ua-u. -.v - , m h m be sccnthat Mr02TE. t'i"ctbcr with a taiiure I ; . , . . . - -, ixd. has opened up a lakerv m th.s 4 f.-.r the public aecommoda-T.. r r . ;.. r -am v of dealing in exchange, ; ; . 1 " - . c j t atromzed and have no cause to regret .avinz located in Brownville. ........ 1 a created no fa- ) .illl. iu.i'J". . rhle .piuio:i, or at least not a pop- :.: o:.e in favor of. tie Nemaha Val withdraurn. v-. mite a different course. I VJvIi 1. XjT i.-ilI.LT'J n.. lino im.iiu.Tu ; from the race as candidate for Delegate , to Congress. t w.:rd t" t.ur Dnine? men, !; vcabier tbat back of tbis place n , ,.r w - - c . "I' V S I I II I' r , ! stoves. Thev will roast, bake, stew of the; , . - ami trv; scald tne cat, rocs: tae cra- r.'',ract:.2 U.e mraen?e valley; l:ie Nemaha. Xorth Fork G:ut Xvmaha, Big and Little Muddy, 1 :.: hu:i, Turkey Creek, and numer- : :hcr streams,' tributaries,- where h' ;e fund 'the best farminland on Call and see McAllister Dozier k Co's Xew lot of cooking and parlor be locked up, and not be p-ermitted to polute our streets with their foul pres ence. Or, what would be better still, can there not be a law instituted to pre vent the selling of so much liquor in our place. In my opinion, he who tempts men to the alluring cup. U as bad as the one who partakes of it. Surely there are enough responsible men here who must see the expedien cy of taking hold of this matter at once. Ye fiithers, do you wish vour sons to grow up under such influences? "Will they ever make iiicn in the true sense of that word? Here is a great work to be done. I hope the citizens will be "up and do ing' that this reproach upon our place ! may be speedily removed; and while 1 tliA-.irp prf.Tiirl In tV.i? -trnrlc r.f rrt"r- j "c: - mation, thev mav be assured of the sympathy and prayers cf their Moth ers, Wives and Sisters. S. viiie. lfie ltnprvrcmont consists 01 o arre m tse bottom, under wd fence, a eropnow ia tie ground a gf.d comfork:.llJ boue, barn, and an cr-rcHeat well cf iratr. About SO aeres ia heavily timbered, and the.e i? z.lso on tbe farm as fine a Linn Stone Qaary as can be f jund in Nebraska. The eiiiim wa. selected ai sn en,r!v day, wbenod cl&ims could bo made, and i., withoat doabt, as desirable a piece of land as can be fand. The owner desires t." go into otLer business Ij his only object in selling. VVaj raayPeed given. If yon would secure a bargain apply sivn. R- "W. I CRN AS, Agent. Urovrnvillc, July Z, J7. TO CAHPEIITERS, ea'.cd Fropoeu'a will bereeIred until July 15th, O by the R,,ard of Education rf Rrownrille Dis trict, for the enttion of & tniaool House in Faid City. Tbe whole vrork will be let to a single con tractor. A plan aud specifications can be seen at my effio. R. W. FURNAS. Kec'y Doard. BroTTETille. July 2. LlGHTNl"NG RODS!! C. S. LAXGDOX, 2tOWSriLL, -V. T. to sell and put up all urvd by the -1'iuo I ightnins Sud Co n- p-ir.y. Orders 'cf: at the '"Advertiser 0l5cc," will receive prump: aitcnnon.; EEnOSEiliB OILS, riSTILLED T2.CH COAL. (SECURED BY LETTKIIS PATENT.) KEBOsrvB IixrsiSATiNG Oil. The li jht obtain ed from thi3 Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any other oil er fiuid heretofore dLcoverJ: is incxp.Io tive, and will remain limped in the very ctliest weather. The Company recomrncni 03 th e lans ps best adopt ed to this Ooil, the Kerosene Lamp?, taannfacturcd by tin following parties: 5Ieasrs. Oomel:us & Baker, also, Dyott, of i'hiladelphLi, F..V. lluzhwout i. Co.. Broadway, the 'ilruokrjn Flint (i las Co., No. 73 Broad Street, Messn. E'iciz k Co, 123 "Wil liam Street, L. Merrier 137 Elm Street, JT. Y. Sansles of diferent styles of Lampa can b seen at the OSce of the Company. Ksbosexs LrBKiCATTNJ Oil., Xo. I. rYrpared to snit the finest, and all other kind of Machinery bomj brilliiin ty ia LocomcttiTe Ileai Lights, Car Lanrr?, and all the ordinary Silarand Hand Laxps, and stands grea a degree of eold is best Sperm Oil, and isaimirablj adapttd tjEailmad and Sieaci ehip use. Kekoscxe Lnsicxnxa Oris, Nu .1, 3. Superior Lubricators, and will be faund top;3je33 adrantaes over ary OiLs in the market ai sams prices will not bum and has been thus rreparci to meet tha r- qnircracnts of KaiLroads and ethers. j Kercsexe Eivsicle Oii Prepared crpress-Ij for Ships' use, and will be found admirably adapted j for use of Steamships, ilen cf War, Merchant Ves- scls. Lake and Kiver cralt, and burns in ail cabin stateroom, binnacle, forecastle Linrps, signal lan terti?, kc. Binnacle? C l will remain Caid as long a? test Sperm, and will burn all nic t withoat requiring fcj be trimmed, an advanti' that will be obvious to every Shipmaster. The Kerosene Oila can be obtained fna the "Wliolosale Oil Dealers. Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in New Ycik, and the regularly appoint ed Agents of the Company m mar.y of the principal Towns and Villages of the'Uaited States, the Cana days, and the Liand cf Cuba. jjocal Arent3 appointed (ia conformity with the m!es e.tabliihcd by the Board cf Trusiee?,) on ap plication to AUSTEX5?, General t;tnti, Kcrcttn OH, S j . 5 0 BeaTer S tree t, X. Y. N.B. Circulars with foil particulars, testimonials, prices, 6c,wi.l be forwarded cn application as aboTe il l L I mm in t iLim .Wain sired, bdveem 1st and 2r d, BROWXTILLE, . T. J. H. IAUN & CO. Has just rcccicTeJ Tha LARGEST STOCK West of St. Mollis, Consisting, is part, of the following artieicJ which he proposes to sell Chesp fcr Cosh: Jane 25th, 13v7. v2 2-ly Motice. VLL persons are hereby warned not toeut any timber or in anywisi destroy the sams on any Lots owned by the nnderiigned in BrewtviHe or the atlditions tliireto- Brownviile, June lltli, 1S57. A. KOUXTZE, ViI. BL TR. 52-tf Pure white lead French tine China u Id leal Yenctian red Baw an-d burnt niibre SpAniah whiting . Chalk Turpentine Linseed oil Tanners oil Oipal Yarniih Japan t Whita Yarnish Litherapj Paint Brushes Varnish " Siish and wind .w t:roLs Wall brashes Lettering pencils Tsbte pa-Iats Camei hiir ponoiLi Blender? Star candles Yeait Powders. Putty Castor oil Gjd lirer oil Seet oil Olive oil (J:ue Patent Medtcne $, al! sort Cocjh candies Fancy ta Ca-tJo soap T.ciM Wa!b:n2 - Too;h Brujues Hair Cloth Almonds soft shell llnri shell almonds Fil3rt3, pcacans Pea nuts li:iii'.n3 Oysters in cans Saidines Blli and Imp Teas TIIOS. II. LARKD CO. coT.H.nssiou nmcHAniG. AND WHOLESALE GROCHIS. A". CO ZfVTi a nd eor. Cjrmerrto ST. LOUIS, SO., lecial attention giren to sales of IIEIP and WHEAT. 'o criers takea for the porchas cf Hemp. dlrecttT or indircctlj. April If. ;h.l Si7. U-3 ! ; fi ll. T. BENNETT, 3. 3. XOSTOX, K. H. HAKSdO SENNET, ?IOKTOX i ILUlDINa. Attorneys at IaTT, Nebraska City. N". T and ClenWooJ, Iju T7rLI practice ia all the Courts cf XcbTaaka uti V Wes-tern Iowa. Particular attcntioa paid t fibtiining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of debts. KEFEKEXCE : Hon. Le-wis Cass, Detroit. ) -if- i u.ias D. Mcrton, Gov. Joel A. Matteson, Springf.cld, El; CIoT. J. V. Grimes, Iowa City, Iewa; B. T. Fiiiied, S t. LouL, M04 Hen. Daniel 0. Morton. Toledo, Ohioj P. A. Sarpr, IViIerue, Nehrxska: Sedgewich'i Walker, Chicago, PI: Gret.n, Verir & Benton, Council BIa!T-,Iowa. NEW TRI-WEEKLY MAIL. LOWE'S 1 r . anew OMAHA CITY, X. T. TOBACCO, Of the b-st brands chewing and smoking. Cigars finest q-ialiry and ILitlT- rzuns ASD LIQUORS, Preserved, fruit frr pies, Brandied penehes, fresh i aches in cans, pure li-mors for medical purprr?c?s. iamaica Bum, Holland Gin. Irish whiiky. Bourbon whisky. giE?Mr brandy, C'jrniae brandy. Cordial, Port wlnt, cherry wine, white wine, malaga wiae. STATlOSTliT, n s TO 13 11 OWNTILLE, NEBRASKA. GEO. XL IJCLAIIT, HAVING taken the contract f,T earryiig th Mail between tbe aboTe points, takes this method of informing the puUic generally that he Las rnndt t reparation fr running a Hack oa the aboro named route : Leaving Bock Port -tTery Tuesday, Fridiy aal Su.laT, at 12 o'clock M.: arriring at Browarillw at 2 o'clock. P.M.: Iraring BrownrUle for Bock Fori, same crenirg at 5 o'clock P. M. This rout? connect at Kk Tort with the St. J seph and Council BIo?s Stage line, and at Browji riile with the Stage line leading from Tneka Kansas, St. Juiscph MoIndejndence. Kansas City ai d otht.T points below ; and t Nebraska City. Omaha Citj and otiicr points above: and New Fort Vearaey, we-rt; The subscriber hopes by diligent a '.ten tic to business and accommodation to castcaiers, to merit a share of the public patronage. Partieulja" attention paid .to the conveyance f Paakaires cr parcels. Charges moderate; bat no ae countaLilitvfr unavoidable accidents. April 7 lSiS. 43-tf RILVL ESTATE AGENCY. GEOIM32 CI.ATX3. 1. . UTB.. C LA YES 4i LEE. Fo, arraFrr,fay letter paper, gilt ede note, al Estate and GenCrdl AgCEC fx r-a t3 1 !''''. iJ rliicbis fastbcinr dis- r iirei ar.d taken possession of l-y .t rrrijing farmers, is a vast trade .-h K'lfuraUif lehny to BroTnville, :re irnless die', and arc warranted not to cut in the eve. Tails City. Is tbe name of a town recently laid j x "J."!;;"112 off at tbe crossing of tbe Great Nema ba River, at a point known, as ibe "Falls." It is a beautiful site and at -i Jff'.re to come 7iTt?. but cannot get j a point wbicb cannot fail to buiM up a tbcv are farniibed with town of importance. Of it we sball speak more particular- in anotber number. 11?: tbat tbese people expect tbis at 'ur bands, and tbat unless voa attend the natter, voa will loose a trade Samuel McCartney, ' Thclesals Grccer and Dealer In. Voices and Liquari. Uanafacturcr of all kinds of Domestic Liciucrs, and rectified "VVhiiky. Second. st bet. Locust and Pine. ST. Ll'UlS. MO. TS prepart-d to sell and put up all size cf Bol A luanclactc 47-ti Wanteii. GOOD bhicksmith can tnd constar.t emploj 1 A. ment, at remanemtive wag..s by applying to J.USilAUP, Nemaha City, C. T. t2 3tf July 2,1?37 LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! Co To JT. XI.. DAVIS, On ?i!ain Street, Tiltcrz vim tc.'J jiadthi hot and Cheapest Groceries In JBrcicni'tllej At "Wholesale or Retail ! THE subscriber would invito the public to call aiid see LLi large uck of Groctrios, whieh have bevn selected wi:h grat care, and are now offered at unusual:? low rates. Persons in want cf CoiTec, T.a.; sure Cheose, Ccnfectlonerv, Fresh Fruits in, cans, Ttjbrrco, Segars, Candies. c, tny otLer artki"S nHuallr kept in a tiroccry and !- . mi r I i i. 1' . I i v . t BnOWHVlLLE HOTEL COMPANY lJ.& sr.Ie, as tir.e a ;.vx of umncties, ines, um, iicuon- -r t. a" v. r.nui f :r:h thou-ands of noilars to each 01 i . A. , T . , lou would bave thought so had you '""-icvcrv vcar : esav, uo vou know 1 . , a c , . . , . r ,r . . , . ' witnessed the conflagration of tbat cart ; load o: jsemana v oamv uank jjius iu ; r;; did, and verebestiring Tourselves ('ct vour horse, or in vour buv, : :.n ' take a 'triu e ver die localities we i have mentioned, and ssrisfv vourscdves i .viiatwe tt-il ou is true. to the letter.! L the street on Mondav last. Thev were destroyed preparatory to a new issue under a new administration. LK5 :.;an c: e thcaud dollars ex- j LandeJ us for publIcati,n by a 0 ;-r,ied. wid secure a trade 'worth to , lhu dtT It coataius c0rnc -bom of vou i'Tir? that nmnnn't pivrv ill vcu attend to it tipfnrp it -'t?o h:er We believe vou will. vc f. V. tmaa. Ti i'V reference :o tbe candidate's col- i : una, i: y. ill be seen tbat we are au-1 '-":;:ei to announce tbe name of W. v;. "Wykan-, Is., tbe present Terri- Tbe following article was written and of e thrusts" and ''food for thinkers." We hope it may be "pondered well" and be the means ofaccomplisbia tbe design of tbe fair authoress. . Win. Matthews, Cocnisiioa llerchant, d 2 Commercial street, st. Lon, sxo. r?n3 lla:vcr, Vnn Wick Harvey &. Co., General Land Agents r. r. l Hcal-Estate Brokers, XEKRASKA. CITY. HAVE arrangvincni by which they ere prejarcd to mak e S urvcy s cf To w n.. Farm s, I e-, i n a ry pa-t of the Territrrry wi;h aeearaey and ditch, nad having cm;ioycd the best L'raftsmnn in tbe Ter- r;to can enecutc jlsi'-s 1 owe l'lat. and preure ectursl I'lans.and Jpecifi'sitioiis to tbe perfect satisfaction our cn.-t.m?r. Ur -..wu villi. July l-j;h, 1S.I-7. v2noly DR. J. L. McKEeT SUEGEON N DENTIST. THE B.arJ of lirect.:rs of tb? Brvmville Utel Coui-pu-iv as their 1 i. uieeriatrmi'le au -e-nie!U -f '-0 ver cent uvm tte i;-cfc stb?cfibI, wLicli is rctiiired t j Le pj;i witliiu tea tUys. Scoct'tio Jers are berebv niifieU . r-Jius'y. ALEX. IiALLAM, Sc'o" Brow'nvi.Ie, June 25 an; Treasurer. ELECTION NOTICE. CROWXVILLIi N. T. it: the proved method. .1 1 J Lrownville, mav l-k.?57 e most ap- 45-tf Tor Xe'-raiia Aavenr-er. What al.ady thinks of BrowiiYillc. I bave been in Brownvillc several weeks. A sutr.cient length of time, to Claim Notice. i T T.ViS ?TOWLL Cis. A. June, ami all others j wb.:ri it msr o.noern. -; herefcr noUnl ! ape3r.-.ttle Lnc Oflx i-J t5ni;il.a. a The JS.b &j? of i JuIt. 1S3T, to prcve uti tnyTisrbt cf Pre-emrU-,a to the N s th-at fiaartcr of ectiu ei'-'ht m fc'-nfhi? six TrRtiTcnv or Xee , Countro niuUa. To te Q-ishf.ti Toiert of taid Counj : Xidice is itc; elff giveu tl:at ia pcrmincc A art . f tr.c LesL-lartve Assembiy ci aid Territory, entitled "Eiec U'u,' Av-pruved Jnua.-y 26, tuere will te an elecri n fce.ct in tae several Precinct insaiii Cotiuty, m tlie fir?: yi jii'ln? in Aturust. A. D. ISoT. tle elc-ctiou of Oae le!tgjte to the Coutxes or th Ciiiteti itates. ine TerTii-rial Aui,: jt. Oaelv-rritortal Treasurer, One Tem ttriit UbTdZm, Oue Atloruey licneral, o-i; Diatric: At torney fur the ii Judicial District in said Tcriswy. Tu.-ce men,.lers (ifiutly with J'jtia-n ojurtv) t. -Jie iru-e ui Bepreet:attest the Territorial AsscmWy, Oue Palate J'jilav forsaiJ C'feciity, One SiierirT, Oue Pee-fs, 0:.cC:ur.:y Tr;iTarer. Oue Ci'.nty Ciert. se Snperiiiten dcr.t )'. Ccuisttin Sch'wiili. One C-.'Uitty .-inrvov-vwme Cunry C'jii:;iii5-iH:cr fr tic S?c.'tl Co:t'.nii-s!.,!nr Titrict in said County, Two Jc.-tices .f the Peace, sa l Two CunsU bles fir e itli Prerirrct ia iid Cviinty. Said Co-.inr iiviutrd in-.o turce Ire.-"nrs, srd respec ticly incldethe full-win? do-crifi Tfrtry, to wit : Xo. 1. .Ve?r. Cltg Pr?ir.ct: Cor.uiaE. i-2Twn-h;p 4. Riuue li K. .-.L 1 f.,-ntb 4 Umiw 13. U, 15, IS, 17, ai.d fcctii:r 24 35 2S, tewsahip 5, HjE:e li, E. and CA-tivn 31, 32, 33 34, 25 33. t.-wii;l.ip5. ti fiance T3. 1 and ccih.! 5.1, Si 33, 3a Sa. 3i, Uwnship 5 ii Rouse 14; asd sec'.i. K ill, 32 31, So. 36 in township 5. iu R;.p.?:e IS. uiid ti.Mis 31. 32 S3. 34, ti;wn;hip 5. ia Bange It. Ttie fU'Y -l wtiatf will beat Nemaha Cut. JohMI.Skeo, j T , , JIMXE HOOVER. S EICCU"n- So 2. L)CKT.vlle JVecintt: Contain- E. 1-2 tows- s!.:p 5 Rati? 12. awi tewnrkip 5. Rjnts. 13, 14. 15. Ii; j tl-.c f'XT'.-jns on the Souih tide ni "f-wnship 6, Kii:ge 12. 13 14. 15, 16. nil? a part t-f Nemaha City Preuinet. The place cf vfvtiru: wiiifceat Ero'uvi!Ie. Jesse Nart. 1 . , JcnxUtyiiK. i i e-un. ." 3. .VdBfi! 1 ernon Precinct: Coctnin E 1-2 town- -l f I . . , 11 r ...I . rr ... V I-.C -n , 1 I LJl I...I..-C i-. liVJ IV- ... IJI U. f..IliL"b ii, J, 11, Irf, 13. The fiae ol 'Voiic? wii. bo ut linnt Vercj u. JERE3IIAH LTOT, SAM'LA Tt .tJct t.r the i. aru vi tnjm:5ioDer-t if sr.i.l County In to-:uiK y whereoi I have hereunto kc my hand ;u:d i- trisl : uc sit of suid C.nn:y. at my tSia ia iSrvornvil le. tiis iithdjy ft Jure, AI 1?.!7 WILLI A K n UfXyVXR, P.rc-avi; i; Jane,25.h, '57. County Cleric. g-aheIa,anJ KjcWLLiiy. Serm;ip5.Chamrne wine, Ar.. as everwaj broujrat up the J'lssi.uri river. Fi-h of all kimii. ccr.?tant:T cn har..i. Cocctry Trtducc Wanted f.T wLic-h the tuhest priee will be fa;J. A share cf rullic ritrcna ii repetf uiiw s-jlici-tod. J. P.. DiV!. lir)wnvil!e, June lota, SZ7. t2 l-'ja KNEOUE & PESGirSON, MILLWRIGHTS & ENGINEERS ! KROWXVILLE. X. T. , and cnvekpci i lain f.nev anl enibcascd, Pens and penholder?, Inks of all kinds inkstands and l"aber3 pencils, sealing wax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries Comtmlr.', Lyons kaiharior!, co'orne, pocad!:, cenuine cx mnnvw, bear srrease and cils; musk and es?ences cf all kindj aii-l cf the laest ouality, with all ct lier articles usually kept in a Drug tore. C'lnpcunded at tU Lours widi cax and de?tch. TERMS CASH EXCLUSIVELY. Brownville. May 1 i, 1557. 47-Iy NEW FEEEY. Across The Shute . Al the Head of the Island AEOVE BP.OWNVILLE, To S. Ilall i Go.'s Saw Mill. OHAHA CITT, X. T. References. James Wri at. Lr-jker, New Tori, Wm.A.W.y..lward. Ep. IL n. K. Wood, lx-G. v. cf OLro, ClerelanJ, Wkks, O'.ic sad Iirownel!, Dankers, u Aleott & Hut-ton, Cul. Kvbert Ciinvlx:", St. LcUls. Jame3 Kidway, i.sq. Crawfcm aal SAukett' Omaha City, Auj. Z lSj3 Chicago. vlnlS-ly Harsea iit.i will tp r the highest prie fcr a few fine, wll hixke Ap'ly at my stable in r.rownTille, J. W. CULEMAT. I Special Notice. ettlement Mate Lonz Triends. t SXOUSCE to the puldic, that they are prcr-nrcd 1. THE und-eried announces to the PubIL that he hns purchased tbe Ferry f rivil-'a granted Jack son l'etert. t the lat Sessi-m of the Lctiatnri;, and is now prepared with a new and substantia! boat, j i all times io a--;.vniX';d;e the p.ui.lio. Charges , usual rates. mi All SilTTn. June 11 th. 1S'7. 2'im to erect Steam and Water S.w -sd Mert-L?nt ' mTTE nr..Ierirmedare clctzer tiuckneiders in the jlills at short n.tiefi and reasonable terms. Repair- j X Ni-ru tha Valley Dan!:, and are nut responsible I icg of machinery cf all kinds. ALL WOHK WARRANTED. Ihey are also Ag?nts fL-r A. B. IIOLLIDI21D k. CO'S., Western Foundry, CINCIXXATI, 0., A LEAYITT'S subsorilers rcoucst all that are indebttd t hen-, bv note or account, to taake taymeat by j the 15-hof rebrnary nest, as cne of the firm wil". that time tV.r a new and fall ftaJt o ! gv d-, ar.i CA-II wl.l be wanted to ay Ut theta. We r..turn cur thanks to cur friend for tleir ! j itr.n;1. jo to this time, and promise to itierit a ea- tiifuaace o! te saso nerealur. WM. IIOEUTZEIi & CO. Urewnville. Jn. P:h. Ii7. Tor Sals. 50 bb!.-, and lo:l sk3 Fl ur, at McAllister, dozier & coh. O. r. LAKE, Drownville. eaiaha City. ULTO- ) nA3IBE3S, V J.' S? 5law i!inimtactorv, CINCINNATI, O., And arc pre red to rottive and S'.l ordi:r? fjr aDy nu chinery laauutacturod or kept a hand, by these es-tabti-hiaents. Le iters of enquiry; promptly answered. KEFFEIIENCLS. yot-1. Lake A Co.. rrownvll.'c, X. T. Si?aa ilill. It. W. Fa-n.v. Cr-nvnv;!!e, Mair. Hann & . . u m r. llViOYer. Nemaha cit--, " V. M. llcr. Pawnee Mty- - - iSuokclIs X "hi"Je. llockrt," M.. James Lowe, Linier, A. U. Ilalliberd. C'inrinr.ati, 0. lircwnvilie, June IS, 1Z7. u M t2 1-ly. T ' .1 ' 'rial Treasurer, as. a candidate for re-i judge of it? merits and demerits, and ; shall speak freeiv cf both. I carac j favorably impressed vith the place, do- j is a man eminently aual- j termined to like, aud to remain. On I -ci fjrthc'd those best ac-arrivin- here my anticipation.-; were! i --:iited with him, vr.ill rejoice to know j inore- than realized, both ia the town ' -::aon. : c take- pleasure l.Is na:ne before' the Voters of N;c- Jrsska. II UPHOLSTERY, TTIIOIXSAI-E AXD RCTArL, BY SCARRITT k MASON. ST. LOUIS, MO. ;szre In savi: to tv-r friends aud Hiciiakh Brows, it-Leer Xe'Tsia. -r "vraitts an honest, capable man h uhj feeh an interest in the vrcl :v una reputation of the Territorv. -i; f vrince that he. is such an . one, t tliC l.c 13 M tr deserving the attcark.j, d larhaser?, either it whoiesiU cr retail in full i.uLts or siugL articles a jrcn-sraL tbt o'-r etmrti. .f r iae, j i T . . II.. I s hjJ Urdaniz. w;is nnvor ntrc a"d . ir . . ... -. I- i. than a: tit-?::. The town it t.e consents again tc come beiorcj.and th? surrounding conntrv. The people.. ; houses too, are more in number and TL- ofiee is not lucrative in. the least: letter in r,;j:ilitv thn T Wl r-.A . i v "'4 V Vj- V. V4. 1 to see: and I am rh:a?o l to son LniLI. i W rrar; no eJFjft to keep the moft complete " . . . . ! r-.nv.-i.;t iuiurLne.iuih West. Ojr Goods are Site IS CCautlluh and T va-uli liare. as wl. as Et. br the best w. rkmcn. t' 5T1- - ,.' v t i ' and th;i? cuuibiaa the greatest rariety and Utest UUK v-ii tuoen. .Nature hs-5. (inr, ..,.1,. ..nmrf .i ',4,.;,: uigkt mention, that he has repeat- J her part, and aH that is r-Vd tr.' .a " e'J f f nlhr paa.- are in- pail money from, his own pocket make Brownviile a thriving r r-1 r1 i Rmiq. . . , . i ... 1 x ... . ..iue a.puu - ord;rit f.vfa all irti hrin furoitnw to -vek demand When ttere was GOt a did town, IS Cnercrv. in Jntrr lr for Lh:uisLlves ut other, are ewcioUy no-Kited. c-.t in our Treasury. ! sevcreace on the rart nflior,.; ii.e . insecurity . of California land i such as to seriouslv affect the Liie Ca.-br i-jijhi VaiiCj L'i. BROWN & EALLAM, TT-k , i- x, Vj 6 r- "a-j T 3 3 aaoTN-;i.i.n XLr,r.A5K:.v. OUa -ttutUwU vi ili be given t) the tollowias baii:ac;s ir.: Tj the bnTi-j of Uunk notes, and loj.nisg money, on S-c st-carity, " aadcnaef tast em Exchange. . " " Li3i Warrant. tv ilrcM.ja I di bl in XeUrart I.jwa.. Xarthorn ' 3.5-juri. ai! Kansas. ifujii; reliia-'oi farms tewa l-r.a, or sxiin- wita t? assuranrc or. These three qualities must be en- L forced, or the place will not thrivo. t wt have lui.j rv.-s.5vl. " soicciii-a and entry cf La-.-i f-.-r fpttleri or fUsers, eitLcr vitb ln.'I wrra:ii mr-rey. Itaitf iatcs caa tiuaileto us in I: ir l:piitcd i b B ii.V? r ii.iuter t al.iott t vurorier. We ii! cater Iji.U.- vs iiu Wirranti r Ca-Ii pay a'.', fees, tar.'? ar.dc.-cir:;lsci'.a l.jr i;ce-:hir4 uX tae grts froiiuj, accrnini Irt-ni ihe sate cf the U. l.i Xehra t.t aad Kmss fr n twito-frree Tru!Iins a-rcs of tb" cr?i Iai!e ia tnel':d;u arc N'in? cfTenrf for i.jip. Foreii i-.?it:istil fnI te "e'-i r io veto.e:i:. I'.ve3:en:5 jaitct-i'.y toade in Western I.tcd arte: :wn icu are njw pay ins f rem aip.y to five hun dre! r-erc?Ei. We e--Iicii tte p-romp? cf the public, cmtl.In: that :ur exr-e; ieu-e and tivw!e.h:e in tbe besmrrss w-.;I eaMe as t ' ivt n:ire wtifJi n. - nii-iralarya-xiuaiatance in the Mississippi valley ir. w.u rw v Jiflicuit t cie referem when reqoired ?t endeavors to merit a I .vcrT(var,.c;s.a'rgarc crstar.iu;; and will. u ail THE rF.OrKIIT0E.Sof this new town, reeestlj laid uS in N jniaha eoantj, Nebraska, wLjh t call the attention vt the citizens 23 wdi as those juft eouiing into the eountr, to taeniim?r!.u3 ad van tag s. they are confident ail w ho will ake the tr...ahl? to cumine wi'.l acknowled, mrrouod it. In the 5r?t pL-ice it is as near u po;ille it: tae g-?ogr3jhi-50.1 centre of the :;onty it it in th'j cenire of p j nlaiion and iuitr.ven:'.'nt ii on th; main throu-h-faro loading 2v"rth and South and East and WesE. The t--wn sit: 13 nearly level, jronily nilin, is ur rounded ly the: timbers cf the ilii.-vari and Liitie; srod vrater Is tf eav-y nocxv, several Cne sprirr? are on the town rite. Good building stone near a hand store el has l-etn fuur.d in abund ance within a short cays travel, which can be brought into reqnij-itien far mechanical purposes of allk:nda. A nr. t her matter, It ii cr nSdcntly believed thai the any i? rtt 1'jr distant when a Ihiilrad will ie constructed alor gthe river tier cf counties in Ne br.tika, fr.-n the ucr.hrv-n to the fouthrtn boundary. The nature fd. ti e country u yach thiit this read niuit as3 thru-h EUuraJo. With ipwdticn and all the?e adranfag?s ur roundingit, thu prcprletara with many ether?, f;el aidu.rcd that it 'ill for the bet irierets of the co r.rj to I-cate: tha Gunty Seat at Eldorado. l!o licveinz thes and feeling wiliing ta?riit thecunty wo '-li-e cun;cl?c3 artd will ent'T into bend nwwsarv. trt donate to tha Connty two bun acres of "land in town lot, provided the C .-anty S-fat is locat-jd then within a rentble lnth uf tjn5. LAKE & HOOVER, UL IIT8 Mil S0TARY3 PULLIC, BroTvnvills and Nemaha City, J.Vv". COLEMAX, j NEBRASKA TESBITORY. "- MLT' to Land Agencies, Vwritg Pallid ai3d IOt agCXlt! taxM, Drawing nony, buyiBf and ;i:it.;r 1 r.eai i-.-'ia.e, ojymg ana eumg on voniini ".me. j Making Col'.ectioits f rdLtant dealers, and all kii.d f.rr iw isue, having 3dd oar i t jr?t ia the r.cie to j Me-Ti J .r.e5, & ilarkel' w, L. U. gcr, Jr . iaviu ?on and their ass'X'iate.-. SMI L It. JIIDDE It. IU I'EviliAM. B.-Dwnvil.M!rch l?;h. 1S57. 50-2m A y D REAL-ESTATE BROKER. FAIiMS FOR SALT: OR RENT. XjozicI Untorod onTimo. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. . BROWNT ILLR. X. T. Kne-Hwhn Salt. L'OOJ bbls r.a conjignmnt, and will be s ;d at a reduced price, by J. B. JENNINGS. Fruit. 150 boxe hv and cr M U RaL-ins and GO bT3 (ranges and Leincn?, f r sale ty J.B.JENNINGS. Rope. ICO Coili iliniiU anlJu;e Rpe, fru; to 1 Uicaci, jut recti ved, and fcr .alc by r ' J. B. JENNINGS. JIarker?l. 1-: rrtckag n-. 1. 2. and 3 llatk er.d in and wi;ole bbLi., jit xxived, and fui sale by' J. B. JENNINGS. Freh Oysters. 10) dzt Field's cJlebrat'd Or5tar,on direct consignment, in ?tre,andforiile. hi J. B. JENNINGS. Nail. 3tf0 Kegs a3sr;ed. in f tore, and f.r ale by J. B. JENNINGS. Ft.ii. 1U0 brs no. 1 dried herrings and 2i.") p'und. Sapericr Crdflah, juit received,, and for siie by " J. L. JENNINGS. Wimiow t;ia-s. 150 boxes 3xl0!0x:;2 "ba s just received, and fr.r ale. br J.B.JENNINGS. St Joseph, Mo. April 00, '57. cavin u. H'Lircc!.:'. c. iHjrtT. Mclaughlin i Dorset, fcS BEAL EST ATI uf tuine-,3 tertaiaiiig to their prfewn'ii. l'rtieularatteatoin witl be given infilipg ll-Isra-tory fttensecU to pre-cipt and pvocariBg- Wir ranty Deeds from the Town authorities. l'tr?ous owning town utts, residing at a dWtaiee wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do wrll to pl.v the agoncy in cur hands, ( al w t 7 1 prts nting tiieir Quit ciim Deedi f aid Lot withia tlie a ntraticnof fix uier.ths, ai after that time all loU t be-ded wi'.l bsdi. l'-iankj aiwsyi on band. N- 15. IrttTs of inqnii v anjwered prcnptly. Jt'arvh IS, '-7. 41 -ly THOMAS ViLLIA Attcmcv and Counsellor at' Ltt. EROWNVILLE, N. T. Will practice in the Thirl Judicial TistHirt ia !f e-br.-k: Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in tie State of Misnri. Ri:rr:RCNCEs. F.icharl Lr.wn, lirowni ille, Jt. T. It. IV. Fuma, . - . " . Ir. M-MiPKn, Tif peninne, Ohio. Jamou Filter. Orfi, bin. ' G nr- y. Miller, Arracr, X. T. t. a. crxirc. i.ns c. rr, CUMIXG k TURK, AKorSeys at Law & Ileal Estate Agti!s, Oil A LI A CITY, N. T, "IT'ILL attend faithfa!!j and truer. t!y t;Jl kni- V tcis cctru3ted to them, in tbe Temterial or Iowa Coarts, to the parehae of lt. and licd en trrie. and pre-einp'.k.ui, clItfctioDi, Xe. C)f5ce in the second story of Henry 4r Ilxtuw j baildicr, nTary i-rp-ite ihj Weitcra x:1j.:i Lniik, tarnham s.rvt. I)-r. 2T, !;. tlal'tf R. rEERV. U ; nudciiecana rairna're RrewnvilT". Tun ; 1 1 A. Ia jx.fO r.iv, I'roprjfctor. ai CARUITT i. XL?0X. "Warhin'nn Ave. wiffeca 2uI aa I Zi is. March It'tti. '57. ' 4S-:3a ' " " I ' ! . . I . ' . 1UPYUO aOUli eXl5t amor.rr tra tv i -.v.moat 'of that tate. It is said , A T r 1 i -Hm-ucocs. c. bbableb. t.jox rntevtcMbsof all the arnhle ' land T 3L XITCECOCA CO . i .;r'i -i x. t;A, , i rearu 10 t Jc 01 vast impor- IWt Olire ar.a Lccnst streets, Si Lot;, 11a uu'ior Alexioan titles, manv i . . , , iT-r nrrrr ,r r t? f.f u V . . , " i tancc; cr thev arc all bent m the one ; A ? fr-. . 5' Hc"a ara - "-.'-ii re spurious anu nave oecu -. . - ,. - k . ,T 1 direction for maliiniT lUOIiev. Also Manui.tcturers rf four sizes of Jc wet: slat- u i I JOSEPH II. RICHARDS, DEPUTY CQU!.TY SURVEYOR, j Of Xanana County, X. T. ! V i div I F ASEI01TABLE TAILOR Jacob Harolin, BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. 7ILL attend rromptly tc all bB.mrn in In, ; L 3:1 "'.llVr ttLl' n nana a iarsana we.i ciciea cuKt wwia-i . 1 iroved. vlulc manv more are bc- !,-."v;dtr Ire abo forgeries, tliouh not I ' ;-d.-jd.jrcd bj the legal arbiters. I;i'-e had troubles hare been in some li-Miifcre dirainished by the- action of luvv V iu iiruuriiuv coil- - Man ewes a duty to society as tvell! hand. ' J There is a society to! as to himself. be built up here. Uox is it to Le 1 lor vear-s ret. aone. MTe must have churches and school To be sure, we do Lave preaching oc- i casionally, but half the people do not I kliOT viPTi ff Vi.rp it and t'li .- ay that, the irbatLcr haJs been 'many ar ie past veek, ,Via ti t P n.i Bcchnnnn Life and General In inraiice Co., OS.-e eor 2d and Jule sts- j .ST. JOSEPH, XO. , I caarrrsEn it TaE uist sesstox or the xo. leg. Authorize! Capiat S.3,000,000. XlVIIoter; IIotet. idin? Iind, Lavin' cut City i'iars, eto. 1EFTB2NCE. A. L. Coate. R. Frame. P. O. Address. BmwrvFle, - . T. r.ruwr. ville, Mav 14. i7. r I ,.i j ri-. : . Ww r - , i V ..V. V wLI make to in eod sty la and at reasonabls j raics; or sea or aayquuij i. He :.o kce m enauntiy tn n i-a ana tor sue a su 4i-tf ir-viy of readv maule detain- cz all kinds. Urownville, 5ne 1 5A, 1357. 2 1-A GEXERAL LAXD AGEXTS, Tint Street, (epposita AdTertiiEr" DSOWNYILLE, N. T. I iatcufactoht. " II. tin Street, j EnOTCNVlLLE, N. T. WILLIA3I T. BEN, r.ESPE'JTFCXLY it t sits til tiitrw . j f : y ii;an w in e iiient oi iirownvu e s-l "t arr.indir eonorry t-rth'tr liliend fat- I r-jn?e eitendd him since be c-rrr!i-TVvl oramtiBr 7HI aexid to Filing D'ariikas cf intcnti- n to j ia the atT8 line and J?ae, an-1 h vrald t? la tia . j3T f.Ig Tr-".i n-". T?rr ZlmryT',2 ! old indnew cnsusirew who wish to eont na thr c T, . T ,. T . y,- . J p;ttrcn, tint he Lis jest retorosd freiB Lait Sccar:rg I rt-en:ptKns, LceaLr Land arrant. , Cuh a L.- suk cf the Ust q.Iitv tf Leather. , ' HBteriB? LanJ. j selected c::dcr tia own iD-'feti?ru Tae qwlity ut Land Tarrat3 Lou-ht and Sold, j -mity!-ef work t ih4 t J xnent casnot oe rarjsed v est cf bt. Li i. Pirtlcu'-ir attention wirTb'J p-t'd tocaylrj tnl t Lrowirvilie, Jan. 3rl. tljZ. , 51-tf selling pr "(.erty on conimiisiofl, ni makiac; iaret- t EIEECTOE5. J. 11. Jcnninc:, I. If. lUward. J. A. Ow-n. 3111 ton Th, JohH C.ihf-nrj.JriLn II. Likens, TV.II.Pencik, Junes Kay, X. J. 'HcA'hsrn, A. fi. Unfieer. I. iL Jt-NLNUS, Rrcs. e dcyirived cf the privilege of flVPS. bnt a tfiiT.f.',, f flA A;miA McAsnix, Soey ... ' I T now roaixv to rivs ar-TI.cation for Life. Fire. i X Marine ad lliva risks. A caili retnm uf 25 jr .i vii jiiusaay or it ie otherwise until tlicre li!fn,i(lIf.,.tM ..i,.. l ir o " t ' , . - . cont. wjU ,lwtdj . 7 l- i i iwj iG ittcsomc regular of meeLn. Une nsvtiyadiarted.andi c ccll'At- freezes. : iiihjec oi luduitig a church Las been x-:i i5th, r,57. csrr1 rrrn5ian. Laics tbe aiU-il fit-'ilities Hven to 4-.1a Front street, EISOWTfYILLII. N. T. CHRISTIAN DECSER, RESPECTFCT.LY ann onces to the eitirens of j Ilrjwnville. Nernata C'lnntT, and snrrnundlns ! A. W- Ft ETT. 3t- 6 PUETT & TvTLiaNSON, AND mentsf'-.r distant dealers. Corrcicdeace K-iei:eJ. Emu: to rJdfcrd,iI;L-riin Jk i!cGary, 5eiraska City.5. T. JLPacrsta, y.-riscm. k Uatchin?, UmwEville, T. wiijtissorc. ;U. tl.Jarcet,ti, uayon,uaio. jwnville, Neciaka onntj, and snrraundInS A 71 FOB MlTVS AT I A A7 et.tly openI wfan.p 13 w w - . . . . eonntrv that he ha recet 15nwnTide the nunnriet-iry of tin. ix-p-jer and Sheet Ik.a Ware cf every d?srri$tio&. TUm raichin ery u all nsw, Lis ft-ick cf ti. bust quality, and Lis work a'd Warranted. iJrownvill'v June iih, 157. 5t-tf Tor Sale. 19 Cask-- Pnpr Cured I!aj. at McAllister, dozier & cos. Jaly C, IS57. 4J-ly 03TABT, X T. Win attend to all tasness entrusted to tiolr care EXTEEO'CZS Ctl. Jesse Winiaav Fairfield, Iowa. Gov. Jo. A. Wrijht, ilr. F. K. Iioock,- John G. Davi., Hun. Gt3. L. I2Ier, Inlianapolis, Wahinvn City. Bwkrille.Iiid. OrisLaOr,T, . TC2 SALS. Lot 5 ia 11 k 50; Lota S and 13 in block ; Let 10 ia block 47, ia tiie City of Brown villa, br HcLAUGULL' i DOIET. F3S SAIT. Lt t 2 is tTocV 4?, best Levee Jot "a z-rirZ'.e; aIso,Iio5e and lot ia tlk 2 W.iin tree. aieLAUGHLlX IKnSZT. T02 EALZ. lTlf of lot II ia block IS Jliia itreei; alin, bt i m block ij. A Air:i;.. ur: Cash! Cash!! Cash!!! ! rpllL andenied wcnll arrt f truest l;f ctd! vo X tatee kuoiajtneirjelvesnjttteaHXi.eiaieia arl Medial attclAncc to tiosie :"rws.ri asdtt! wUhonl.furtLerDutiea A. S. HCLLADAY. Erow a ville.Jlay 11,1357. rtT PJITE LITIIBElldn TOE nnd;ri;ei rerr-e-ttfuy iaf rai the titiicrs cf UrowcTUle, ani 5erta and tttTTDns.::: eccnties tbat ii a few cay wn wld ote?i X I'.z-i Lunbv Yard in UrcwnvLe, wh-ire we t ill .tr? t:t sri w a wH selected stock cf Irs Lnxer frru ta 3 inibci A1.- Pins id:r; Wnrkci IT icd r - i ;r. thirst aid F;ae Lith, aU cf wikh a wii sUl at fair prices Ton CASH O.TI.Y. 5. Dntnrs c. - Srownvilie, Jans 2 i:b,13i7. : . 13.GJ5 pftandiT-tcoii at MfALLISTE?.. EOZIU: C" r