Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 23, 1857, Image 1
!51 ,1 i . i! I! 7il ic. ii. y ' '. cfv- sx DEVOTED TO ART, SCIENCE, AGBICULTURE, COMMERCE, NEWS, POLITICS, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE INTERESTS OF NEBRASKA. VOL. II. CITY OF BROWNVILLE, NEaLAHA COUNTY, N. T., THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1857. NO. 6. (JJ Jlf AV M W i VIII i : i t, : V . h -I I -5, i MlUWlZma. VUUIUUU -., e- ad rrsii5-ri rvrsT tttesdat it r . W. FURNAS, &c3-i Street, bet. raain and Vater, . i Lake Block,).. EIOWXVILLE, X. T. .:T-Ar if pail in advance, - - " at the end 6 oniiii, Z.50 ....... 12 - .".00 be fnraiiiscJ at JUitf rer the cfcih.a".'E:tai ike vnier,t r.ATS OF APVlTr.II.-IXG: : it n r m "i r o l 4.0 I !l .-. Tear, v .tir lVtO ! 10. 0 j t.- ' C ivr-..: -.1 Ei" 13.CJ ln.ijO iTii : i r- thcrT'T for a T-e-i- r f ia-Tii--r.. will he e-..Gt:aoed until or r i J r-rr-Tlirrly. :tj-s-- fr'Ti: itr-ir.T';r; or traa'icat pcr jr. adrnae. - t.f r.-r!r 9.1'r-ort:?Tr wHb? c-ecJ ; . :r w" ' a--."nr-- : ai-i ill alre-r.ifiuimts . -.r, he j-ai i f-r extra. Y 9 ;v-;r.L-T- rl :.ti -hi d d :.uii: the above ! .... - J l;". lO CIM-".T:j Will DC EOCK AirD FAICT JOB PRINTIN G!! to I CD -i O 5 If O i t.-, -I.e Advrti'or Ozjco Carl anl . I m--. r -.-c I'ar:r. bnvei re i t,, .;x-.:tJ- b W.-ri ?, Ao.; w? evcrr dc- c r t ; Itrtieclar artT.;i-n wf.' 1. -t.A!Ij. it h,a r'I V:l ' r-.e !r :ri 't.-.r. hi-.: v.:r to. :r a-z cit:::-:re cx- i ia thr: ex--:!'ra-.-c of hi w.-.rk. and ress'jr.ille I5USINESS' CARDS. A. S. HOLLADAYiL D. SURGEON, PHYSICIAN Er.ovyvjLLE. y. T f aVIf- T4tr in the variot5 .-as;., t. fr -a. the citizens cf Urwa- h ia i vi. V. H03LITZELL & CO., m GOODS. GROCERIES. 'i-cjai arc, liurdvrnre. Stoves, Xxrzxitxxx-o, COUNTRY PRODUCE. BUOWXVILT.E, N. T. MISS MARY TURNER. And Urcsa Tirst Street, hatreea Hain and TTater, IJIIOWXVILLI N. T. 2 w:ei3 'ari Iriainiirjs Gitcayi cn fen l. C. W. WHEELEE, ARCHITECT A3D BUILDER, ------- . - ... " 'JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH! MaI trct.lctwecr. Mr aI Ncl-n BROWNYILLE, N. T. ita. G. W. IIURN. DEPUTY COUHTY SURVEYO? n ... NEMAHA CITY, N. T. 41 V.'l'-L atier J rr 'tlj io a!! l -ii! iiisincss ia hi tto- i .-. layie- it Tuwb LZ. Ir3ftirr Ot II.its- sr-tr wx. a. caeiut. arorsres cmout. OLIVER BENNETT k CO, 5Licn:"a -turcri and WIi'vm, T..t IfYVYPC A'T rtTTArn -th - - ' Aijcnifvr est IHnwn nt Jjrotrnruic, : n. of Ucitea States of Amer- fV-:i-:r..r -o w piKTiCTUE attention paid to the rnrchasc foa not ch;irrtd with an v breach of the peace i I1;- t-rUhflVdX'S i 1 .. aCCTlja lnT .V r Weafrer ha cSned in the United t-,V;r::. "r" , jcreliew-ers. ' States jailor ic the United States penitentiary -i'-i Car ii of ve line crl5,for ir. E-TiENCC; t; "'. ' V'. ' r'-. ,---.l-:rcd br the rear, ! A. ChspeL " . ;:;V;v;.r '.V the ,r.,-?t, r-rrcTilj A.J.B,aed- ... Er.wtvule, N. T. - - - ,'7-- a ;he rr.r-.lo-. i Bmwr.r.l.e, Jan.-4th, -iJ 1 G I J-iroxvTi-eiddo. .TNT- X . i WWIO :.U UULr" dvo. st jiaix sTrtcirr, oatiiT, :.'u. If I, Cvxxa r JI aix AXi, Locl st. ST. LOUIS. MO. 05L0RN. d. .e n r CLOCKS, WATCHES jAttor:i CoanseUor at lrj, flttrj rarc? CatTery, f ns. GcnCTSj Laid 3 ildTSZ.t ydma C?:,, K. T. j OMAHA CITY. N. T. E. L. lii AST. BrowiiTille.y. T. !kaatj,5.T. . BRADFOSD, 31eLENNAN & McGARY, IATTDEWBYS IT IIW AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. Brownville and Nebraska City, Nebraska territory. BELi xyrzxzxzrlj located in the Territ jry,Tre will -ire ear entire tiiae and attention to the practi.-e id oar profwi'-'ii, is all in branches. ilt ten hi JLi:i!rati.. Cjllectir.r f Debts. Sales a;id INreaa .E-sU Eate, Sl5iMf Wis, Lea- tier of Land amiiti. and all otier fcasiness en trc-tl to our manamoHt, will receive rronptmd fAithftd a:;entiun. uEFEUEXCZS. S. F. XnekulL, Kiohard linwn, Wm. IkUitrdi Jt Co, IIje.. Jaae- Crzlz, IIohu Jasies JI. Uczaea, lion. Jwhc IL h?T-icr, MeTrri. Crow. M,.'n.::irj Co. 3I?sjrj. S.ii. Hubbard . Co., II n. J. 5L Lore, Tl-Iil Nebraska City, BrownTilIfJ, 10. U LouIa, Mo., Cin?iciuti O. Ketikul Liwa. Jane , 1Sj6. JAMES M. CILA.PEL, Real Estate Ascnt. Notice to Pre-Emptcr3 1 G. S. IIORRACII & CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW JJiL-lZ ESTATE BROKERS. OXAII.V CITY, X. T. 'Y711;1 LL rive Tarti:alAr att.:r.ti--r: t rrensx eB-irv r-arers f..-r l"re-crr-tuti, aad rnderir.z s-jt a-iinos whi-:h maybe riTiired bv Pre-crnr t)"s in rr-"virz cp their iTt;-craTti:n rights at ta. i S. Land 0je. T? TFF.I1Y. M. I).. physician, surgeon And oss'i'iri'irtzci ELDORADO. N. T. r! jErtpECTITLLY ter.d-rs hi? rrof?.-i:S2J sr t vl-os to the eititas of Nemaha eun:y and ad- i.iir.iii"' ?-ariti:?. Lclii in ,;;.r-,ii ai;d .e.-an. Jit 1-.;: " A. J. rOZTLETON. W3L X. Ett-:. DTTORNEYS AT LAW And General Land Asreuts OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Land Warrants Bought ana Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. r'TlCI .L attectl'-n srirmto the elect Isn and en- C Lin 1 Qoiniii. T.,vn L: It znl a!l kis .1 .f Heal Es- : i.iic. tnri. an soia ana iuu-MrLi; usmi. w tnt teaier. J. HART c SOU Millllin U MmmI Orecon, lloit C'ouuty, 'lissonri Kecp -nstart! v -in hand : Lucscr Saddle, Uriiicsi Ac. Ac. . 11. Every artkle inoar shopl-; numsi'ietnrtl by carilveii.d warranted to give sadffactioi. W. P. LOAX UIU31H ill kh. . LAST) AST) LOT AGEXT. ARCHER, RICHARDSON COUNTY, N. T. . rEoaaex. s. n. surDix. B. XL TZSBAT.i & CO., J7v 'ERAL LAXDAGEXTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. F. DINGS & CO., " Ijip-jrt'rtif.aud VTh-JLtaole 2a tiers in Fancy Goods. Manuta-ciurers of all kinds, of Brashes. SO riaitli laia Street. (Tj? Stairi,) ST. LOLIS.ilv. Z-I a, e. Haiaisii. g. c. irxawvcH n. r. Toajtts. HARD1MG. KIMBQUSH & CO, HATS, CAPS k STRAW GOODS. j rZ 3 ! iiift M I; il-irs. -oi9 Iliir. street, lev Cliva ana line. IS, MO. liid m Kia-'uifactarir; onr ; A. D. KIHEI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Agent and Notary Fublic, Archer. Rich:irdoB ccuaty, N. T. v ,.i t -racnov ia the (.arts of 5.J irasxaswtcd n by ling aad iWuarV., J'b: JACOU SATI'ORII, ! Attorney :v and Counsellor at Liv. GUNXIiAL LSrT.JLNCE AXT AGENT. And Ilotaiy Pn'blic. IVebrnka City, Nebraska Te rritorv. Si T7ILL attend rr:tnpt!r to a7! tnisues estreated ! V to aij care, ia Xebraika Terrii.;rc ir. i v.-. jeraloira. StrvtcTuber 12. If 55. Tlnti-lr SPItlGMAN k BROWN, RAIlrTlin AfJll fvTPiiMnnaT AGENTS. Aad General Coramioa IerchantJi. No. 4R, Public Landing. CINCINNATI, OHIO. S. W. COZZEliS, Law, VoV. -rika City BY AITTIIORITY. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Public S2. An act to authorize the Prssilent of the ITEi ted Sutea to curiae to Le pocared, bj pur chase or otherwise, a suitable Steamer aa a Tlevenne Cutter, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of rierreseiitatives of the United States of Amer ica, iz Congress Soserntlei,' That the President of the United Suites he and i3 hereby author ized to cause to be procured, by purchase or oihcTvLje, a suitable steamer zs a revenue cut ter; and that the sum of ore hundred and fifty thousind dol".ars be and is hereby approdriated for that i critti(?, out of anr vaoneYS now in the tre;iiUTv of the United States, and not othsr , ap'pproprt:ited. Appruved, IcLruary o' l&ot. Pullic 25. Azl act supp'ciner.tarj- to ar act to orjmlze an InsUtuti.-iii f Jr the Insane of the Army and Nary, and of the District of Columbia, in the said District, approved March thirl, eighteen hundred and tfiy-five it enacted bv the Senate and Ilouse of Sc 2. And beit lurtaer enacted, Tnat the Secretary of the Interior shall have power to -rant his crcer fjr the adr:iission into the uv- imment hospital for the iianc, anv insane per son unable to rapport himself or herself ar.i family, (or himseif, or herself if be or she have no family,) under the vis tation cf insanity, who reided in the DLtr.ct at the time ho or she became insane, and who L not charged with any brcoeh of the peace, upon the certifi cate of anv jale of the circuit cr criminal court, or any justice of the peae of the Dis- j trlcr, statu:g tnat tvo respectaL-ie s:cians appeared tef:re said judjeor j tee and certi- nei under oith, and cxder their ban's, that they knew the party allege J to Le insane, and that thev believed him or her U bo a fit sub- knew the rnrtv alleged to be insano and :n- dizcr.t, Lai he or she was a res lie ri of the District at the time be or she was seized with lisorler unacr v he cr sae then libcreJ, ani that he or she was uralle to pay his ur her board an J other expenses there ir and the certificate of such physician, arid the certificjite of such h nseh Vt l srs shall ac compaiiy the certificate of such judge or jus tice The application cf to the Secretary of the Interior tor Lis order for the almission of said indigent insane person into the sail hos pital n-ust oe made. wi;n;n nve tlar3 alter the exe;minatien cf the witnesses before the said judge or justice of the peace, before such pro ceed!: gs shall be hid beioro atteh ju Ige or j as tice. Sec, 3. AtkI be it further enacted, Tlx it tha order of the Secretary of the Interior, granted under the authority of the second section of p-crson holding the order; but all the expenses of witnesses before said j'tdge cr justioo of the peace, and of carrying such patient to the Los p.ital, shall be borne by his cr her friends, cr by the local authorities of the District. Sec. L And bo ii further enacted, That any I indicent insane person who did not reside in the District at the time- he r.r she became in sane, may in like- meaner as provided in the second section of this act, be admitted into the said hospital up)U the application of the cor porate authorities of the city cf Washington, or of Georgetown, and at the expense of cither l of the said cities daring the continuance ot said iTu-ttr.e rerson therein, it tern i hor.-Dy (iein Sec. 5. And be it farther enacted. That Ii ar.r person, charged with crime, be found, in L'ofore whwta he or she is so charged, to bo an insane r-erscn, such court sha'd cert by the same to the Secretarv oi tne Interior, sanity, unless it be the opinion, both of the phtsiclai to the poiiltentiary and the supo: la- tecdent of the has ; ital, thnt such inline c-Mx- as; ital, that such inuce col- veil ar.d furious in his cr her ; v;ct u to tlepraveil and iurous in t.s cr hen character a- to render his or her custody in the i hospital i: isecure, and his or her example p;r- cicicus. Uv. him cr her to said court in obedience to -Mtbeprrprvcept.. I Sec. 7. Ana be it farther enacted. That the i believe him or her to be insane at the time of i gi ving the certificate, and a fitsulject tnsu - stored tAj rejicc : Provkkdi The frleids tie panont comply with the regiilaticns if the ject for treatment in such hospital; also statin- ' N spies, Sardinia, belgtum, UoUand, Fortnga!, that two resjiable hocseholdcrs,resider.ts of Denmark, Swoden, Turkey, Pern, Chili, Bcenos the District, appeared before him and certified Ayres, New Grenada, Bolivia, Ecuador, Ven-uT.d-roath.nnd ender their hands, ttiat thev csuela, Guatemala, Nicaragua, China and i Itl V' ,,:,. ; ,.,W.;T,.T t;.: Lary rowers, six taousand dodars. .u.. r,.t. f.i, . i 1 or eiMnses of the consulates sans 'cs-Jii fcu nic u-.t iiu-'.-iti s.n. i . . . .-. ... i, rr-.yJ t, K- r;.n. l.r dominions, viz : interpreters, ? -, . -v-r .....v t nr, ana i r toe pavmeut oi postages lor iue r-d to "ivc the surenntendent .tierec'i auu'iur- ... '.r3,, , ' c-i-a - , T.t;) I consiiis of tna L i.ited btitcs, fifty thousand ir- to take charze of such insane j-erson nzi j tU authorities "afortil can discover who his , ' of th? .:ozrCT rro or h,r faends arc or waence he or vU, e gfat of rocVj treaty with a view to t ha return cf au a pern to such trends, or toth place of h.s or her reoi- T c and cmpen- and thus relieve Siiid corrcrate author- t . ' A -i . . : , , , v r .- -it ; sar.ou o survcvur, our mousana Ui-e u' ! o tLe "i50 J cuar - of a: 1 iaJ-3:it i:id tweiv dollars! insane non-resident. . ! may order snch person U be einfined in said seTCIJ .,,1 dt-IIors. ( coutrilutlors for the instruction of the Deaf said Election district, and thera sh-Il bo ap- I hospital, and if Le or she be not inuigenr, he yT cornpecsati'-kn of the commissioner, se- j and Damb, and the Blind, are hereby creatod ! pointed a surveyor of cn slomi, to reside at i cr she and lis or her estate shall be cr.arg-d cu tirVf cL;ef astronomer arid surveyor, .-isais- a body politic and corporate under the name j port of Argusta, who shall perform similar du- with ex! ol his or hersuTTrt in sid hers- 'A,. -fx Bnnevor. clerk, and for n? th Hilumhian Instiiution for the Instruc- i ties towards, and in concoction wi.b. the erA- ipital. I crovislons tmnsp?rtation and contingencies of j tion of the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind," lector at the port of entry, sw are prescribed for w tl.T 01 aai u yoo Uzno ibxn t .-, ..... . .. . , mi . . . , - .1 - j i ? t..! r.i- . . H-...1 i - l ty v i u sriir nrii.,( r'.-, i . person bticominz insane daring the cuutinuar ce liae Utwcen ihe United St ites and the British I uke, hold and er j y lands, tenements, heredi;- Cincinnati, Loulsvill, St. Lools, and NasarlUe, l1r,ecV . ... of bis or he r sentence in the United States i p,e5s:cn!3 bounding on W;ishington Territory, j aments and personal property, to use a common j by the act of Cong-ess approved March, eigh- D,i"3 4323 Uul riA. penitentiary, shall have the same privilege of i seve:.ty-otro thousand dolUra. Provided, That t seal, and the same to alter at pleasure: Pro- teen hundred and - thirty-one, bring entitled treatment in the hospital during the cvr.tiu- the annual compensation of said ofiieers thai! vided. That no nal or personal property shall An act allo-aing the duties on foreign m -r- I a nerrous old nv w'aca pf w. i uance of bis or ber saental .lisord-r as U grant- n.t exceed the rates I rofidejl in the third sec- be hele by said corporation, except such as f cbaIie imported ir.l- Plttbnrg. W teel.iig, mrij,. t.j the cLteric-' of Wo ri vaf ed in scuiou five to persons who csc-apa the -Jon cf the act cf eleventh August, eighteen mar be necessary to the maintenance ani Cincinr.ati, IvriLiville, Sn Louis, Noshwille, j jnv TT vailed c-o-ticli ftl u tt-rX" Sec 7. Aral ha tt farther enacted, That stantinopie, r ran Stvn-on-;ue aiain; consuls a; sani ccriinr.on, is iw-m ' .c.- or un, age-i ir ioz iae pcru aoove mention- A V estem editar re-jUiaits tno cf Lis sub when ar v person confined in said hospital, char- Liverpovl Londoo, JteUocrne, Hong-Kong, j therein named shall give notice of a general I ed in sail act. And importations of foreign ! scrlbers whoowe him more t!nji six jears witli crime ancKubject to be tried therefor, j Gligw, Mauritius, Slrgipre, Belfast, Cork, j meeting to the contributors for the election of merchandize to Acgnsta may be c!e through abscriprrm. to send him .a lock cf Lair, that or convicted cf crime and nn Jergofr-r sentence ; Dundee, Pemarara, Halifax, lungstan, (Jamai-1 cSicrs, aal the oScer elected at sacli gsnera! the rx.rt of .SaTanra.h in the ?amo way, and j he may know they are still liv'r. To tha therefor, shall loe restored to sanitr, the saner- j cn,) Leeds, Manchester, FaAiau, (Nt w Provi-1 meeting shall held their ofdees for one year under like irmrti-ns, restriction?, peTralilesJ another ad.ls4If "all our snbfciteei of that intende-dof the hosT-ital shall give notice there- detice,) Southatapwn. Tcrk'i Llar.fL Prince and untl their successors shall le elected at and forfeitures, as by the said anl they are al-j kind wcnld do that, we could muks" mocey f to the tiid--! of A rnminjil mrrrt. .i-rl t E-I wird's IiLinJ. Havre. Par s. Marseilles, t ia said Constitution provided: Provided, That I bwed to be made to the Traces abova mention- carrrtr-od the w: hnstn independent or piy patients xn.vy t-e received 1 1 Porta Rico,) Cadiz, ilsUaga. fonce, Qfortoi Lmsea biites or ot tne i-sict oi toiana. ' a clean glass buttle and pat ta t a .!. nan- spectalle jhViciars of the District, stating that ( ton, Shanghai Fouchnt, Am t. NLrgpo, Bey- it shall le tho duty of the J ustizes of the t An act to amend the tweiy-clghth Saction cf f the boUlo with sj-Irits of trine. The klura will i tbcTbneperscr-iCv examined the patieu. aod i rnut. Smvrna. Jfrusalen, Rotterdam. Amster- Peace rathe several wards cf the cues of! the act . Cougrc... approved tha thirtieth of! le ferfectlr discsolvcd bf Ihe idcohcl. ar:d in rucnt ii the tcst;t;i:n, accaronraniedby a writ- plea, Palermo, Lciric, M:s.ica.L?gh:Tn,!tutt-1 of all Diif and Damb and Bund persons ten request for the adm-ssiou lrrm the nearest pirLit, Bremen, iianttrg, lan.ers, irpij,r witain tneir respective warus and U-stncts; ! pilativ.?jy !eg:d guardian, or friend of th- p-a-! Tunis. Rio de Janeiro. Pcrmamccci, Yen, i who c f them are of a teachable age, and also ; t tLent. where he or she mav remain enrfi re- I CrazAeapuleo, CalfcunYaS pariso, liuenos At- f who of them ara ia indigent circumstances, hospital ia respect to payment of, board, and in kll other respects. The request "Yor admis sion mustl made within five days of th date of the certificate cf insanity. Sec. 9. Acdbe it farther enacted, That if any person -aiU give bond, with sufSdent se curity, to l)e adproved by ths criminal court, or ciacull iurt, oranyjudg? thereof ia vaca tion, payable to the United States, with con dition to" restrain and take care: oi any ind pendent or indigent insane person ot charged with a breach of the peace, whether in the hos pital or not, until the insane person is rastonsd to sanity, such court or juigo thereof may, in its discretion, deliver such in---.. jieison to the party giving such bond. Appro vud, February 7, 1S57. Public 37. An act for regulating the Terms of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica in Crrgr-jis assemble, Thit the circuit coxt of the District of Cdambia shall have power, bj rale of court, to regulate the periods cf holding the terms of said court, and to x the number of such terms, and the same, from time to time, to alter, as cublic convenience mav re-jnire t Provided. Tini at least three terms shall b- held annuallv. And' all suits, ! or actions at law, shall stand for judgment zrnent or i trial at the term next after that to which pro cess shall be returned executed, unless good cause for further continuance le shown. ApproTed, February 7, 1357. Public 33. An act making Appropriations for the Consu lar and Ditjlom:ttic Expenses of tha Gov ernment for the year ending tho thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United S-ates of Amer ica in Ccr.zress assembled. That the following sums be and the same are hereby appropriated ; out of any money in the treasurvno 2r.rr-tpri;ited, for the objects hereafter express ed, for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fiftv-eight, name ly : For salaries of envoys extrasr-linary, minis ters, and C'lraniiraioners of the United States at Great Britian, France, Russia, Spain, AaKtria, Prus.-.a, Brazil, Mexico, Switrerind, Lome, Sandwich Islands, two hundrel and seventy cne thousand dollars. For i-alaries of the secretariej of lcgatlan of the Ur ited States at Gresit liritiau, Franc"; Rxssiap Spain, Austria, Prussia, Brazil, Mex ico, Peru, Chili, and Buencg Ayres, ti'en!y thonsatid five hundred and firty dollars. For salaries of assistant secretaries of leg-a-tion at London and Paris, throe thousand dol- hn. For salary of tho secretary cf legation to China, acting as interpreter, five thousand dol lars. For salary of the secretary of legation to Turkey, acting as dragoman, three thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, seventy-five thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of foreign inter course, s-ix'y thousand dollars. Fur expeuses of intereours: with the Bar- in the Turk- guards, and ether expenses of the consulates at Coustantio ople, Smyrna, Candia, Alexandria, and Bey rout, two thousand five hundred dollhrs. For the relief and pnteirtion of American seamen in foreign countries, one hundred ?u:d twenty-five thousand dollars. For exj-enses which miy be incurr d in acknowledging tho services of the masters and crewj cf foreign vessels in rescuing citizens and vessels of the United States from shipwreck, three thousand dollars, to be expended under the directiou cf the President cf the United States, For the purchase of Hank becks, stationery arms oi tnn uu.teii otatea. sea. rrasse:. ana For payment of al expenses attending the emnloynient cf steamer cr jailing vessel; and for surveys ar.d umpirage, hi.teen thousand sev- j en ,unjwj ;tj dolJara. Toe travelling expenses, brarisportatk'ti, re- j vT.i2 f-r c.i.-iring into eS'ect the first article of j the treaty between the Urite-i States anl her Maiestv'the Queen of the United Kingdom eft i Majesty "the Queen of the United Kingdom eft Great Britain and Ireland, of the fifteenth day ! GiMt Britain and Ireland, ol tr-e nt teenth da 0f Jane, e:zhteen hundred and ferty-aix." i Yor salaries of consclt-general at Qa:-bj Ca'c a. Alexandria, S-iaoda, Havana, Con- lrhaui. Li llochI'.e, Lyoiis. Mos.aow,Od j s.1. Revel, Saint PetcrsbafgX Matiiizas, Trin ! Uod de Cuba, Smtiog de Cuba, San Juan, j d im, Antwerp, FunchiJ, Oporto, St. Thomas, l Elsinear, Genoa, Baale, Geneva. Messina. Na- lit tf iis, Son Juan did Snr, 'AjIr.wal' i?anam. Lguayra, Honcludu, Lahaina, Cape:xn, Fali L rsiir of instrument, and all other expenses. J mav nereifter be associateu wua tera, L-v t declared to te a rs ct Cc.ivery, wiinm the land IsIandsTcnica, Stettin, Cardb, Cyprus, Batavia, Fayal, Santiago, (Capo da Verdes,) Saint, Crcix, Spczzia, Athens, Zanzibar, Bahia, ilaranham Island, Tara, HIo Grande, il&ta, moras, ileiico, (city,) Tanpico, Paso del, Xorte, Tabasco, Paita, Tumbcz, Talcahuano, Carthagena, SabanUlo, Omoa, Gcaya"JuIL Co bija, Montevideo, Tahiti, Bay cf Island Apia, Lanthala; commercial agents at San Juan del Norte, Port-aa- Prince, San Domingo, (city,) St. Paul de Loatida, (Angola,) Monrovia, Ga boon, Cape Haytien, Aux Caye3, and Amoor River, two hundred and seventy-three thou sand, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For interpreters to the consulates in China, four thousand five hundred dollars. For estimated loss by exchange on drafts of consuls, and interpreters, for salary; forty-five thousand dollars. For the preservation of the archives of the several consulates of the United States and the commercial agencies, eleven thousand nine hundred dollars. For oface rent fjr those consuls, and com mercial agents, who are cot allowed to trade, not to exceed ten per centum on the amount of their compensation, as fixed by the act of eigh teenth ATigust, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twenty-three thousand five hundred collars. Sec 2. And be is further enacted, That the seventh section of "An act to regulate the Di- plomatic and Consular Systems of the United States, approved eighteenth Acgust, eigateen hundred and fLItv-six be and tha same is here by repealed. Apprcved, February 7, 1337. Pablis 15. An act making appropriations for the support of the Milittry Academy for the year end ing the thirtieth cf June, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives cf the United States cf Amer ica in Congress assembled, That the fallowing sums be and the same are heresy appropriated, pproprateJ 0lIf cf ary money ia tha treasury not other t otherwise xvye appropriated for the sappc-rt of the Mili- tary Academy, for the year ending the thirtieth cf J une, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. For pay of ofiieers, instructors, cadets, and musicians, ninety -cna thousand one hundred and six dollars. For commutation cf subsistence, two thcu- sa' il fortT-four dollars . For forage for oScer's horse.-, eight hundred and sixty-fo'ur dolhirs. For current and ordinary expenses, as fol lows: repairs and improvemcnJs, fuel and ap paratus, fjrage p2tage, stationary, transporta tion, printing, clerks, miscellaneous and inci dental exper-ses, and departments of instruc tion, thirty-five thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars. For gradual increase and expense of library, one thousand ne hundred d.ulars. For expenses of board cf vis isltor? th'-'O " a thousand dollars. Fcr suppling horses for cavalry and artillery I practice, one thousand dollars. xor lumitnre lor.nospitaa ic-r caae, vj hundred an fifty dollars. For barracks for dragoons detachment, five thousand dollars. For purchase of bell, and mounting thesarae with the clock on one of tho public buildings, eight hunirthl dollars. To proctre the bulistic apparatus for gun pendulum, five hundred do.Iars. To repairs to ofitccrs quarters, five hundred For models for the department of cavalry, one thousand dollars. For exts'usioa cf water pi res and increase of reser.-oir, t ko thousand dollars. For targets ;md batteries for artilery exercise, two hundred dollars. For gas p-ipxis, gasometer, and retorts, seven thousand five hundred ' dollars. Sec 2. AiJ hi it'farVar er.cidi- Tliai there shall be ap?pointed at the Military Aca demy, in addition to the professors authorized by the existing laws, a prvfessor of Spanish, at a salary of two thousand dollars per annum. S.-c 2. Anl le ii fur4Jr ena-ie l, That the ccmpCii5ation of the master of the sword be fifteen hundred doliars per annum with fuel and q'lartcrs. - Approved, Feb. 15, 1S57. v Public 40. AN ACT to xiicorporate the Columbian Insti tution for the Instructien of the Deaf ani and Dumb, and tho Blind. Be H CTwrfftf by Senate av.l 2I:; rf Rqrreszriaiirrzs rf trs C.iel Sizles cf Acxrica in Gf-7rer-s asieriiblf' That Byrou Sun ier- land. J. C. McGaire, David A. ilall, and Geo W. Rigg?, of Washington city, William Edea, and Jadson Mitchell, cf Georgetown, and Amos ivendau and V iiuam buexuey, ot tne countv of Washington, and buch persons a.- Sec 2. AzJ U it farther enactsl. That the Institution shall be managed a3 provided for in itj present Constitution, and such aldi- for in ita present Constitution, a tional regalatlons as may from v ! tional rezaUtions as may irom io :ime be foai.'d necessarr; bet as 300 n as suein:... aid in to auth- c, t contributions shall have been paii orize an eitcticn acc-arding to tno provis Lns of asid CoistitBtion may be alter! in th manner' ed tnncgh the pot of New Orle therein prt.viddd, but not ia such manner as to ApproVe-I, Mar. h, 2, 1S37- - violate tns uonsiiiuiiyn or zr.v iaw oi me i Washlrgtan and Get: county of Washinzn, Georgetown and of tht to ascertain the r-iraes ; and report the arae to the President of tha - ' InstiratinTi hereby inccrporated. Sec. 4 AnJ h; ii fvrr eriad&l, That j whenever the Secretary cf the Interior shall be satisSed by evidence produced by the Pres ident of the Institutloa hereby incorporated, that any Deaf and Dumb or Blind person cf tca:habl3 age properly belonging to this Dis trict, is in indigent circumstances and cannot coram and the means to secure an education, it thall be his duty to authorize the said person to enter the said Institution for instructien, and to pay for his maintenance and tuition therein at the rata cf cno hur dred and fifty dollars per annum, for such Deaf and Dumb pnpli, and at the rate cf one hundred and fifty dollars per annum for such Blind papil, payable quarterly out of the Treasury cf the United States. Sec. 5. ArJ. he it frCisr azzcieJ, That it shall be lawful for said Institution to receive and instruct Deaf and Dumb and Blind per sons from any of the States and Territories cf the United States cn such terms as maybe agreed npen ry themselves, their parents, guardians, or trustees, and the p-roper authori ties of said Institution. Sec C. Anl hi ii furCcrr nuzdel, That it shall be the daty cf the President and direc tors of said Institution to report to the Secre tary of the Interior tho condition of said Ins- tirusiou on tne urs: cay oi i uiy m eaca year, embracing in said report the cumber cf pupils of each description received and discharged during the precee-ding year, and the number remaining in the Institution; also the tranches of knowledge and industry taught and the progress mada therein; also a statement show ing the receipts cf the Institution and from what sources, and its disbursements and for what obj -cts. Approved Feb. 10, 1357. Public oQ. AN ACT for the instruction of a "Wagon Road from Fort Kearney via the South Pass of tha Rocky Mountains and Great Salt Lake Valley, to the eastern portien of the State of California, and for other purposes. Be i:ai2ciI 1-j.IIl-c S&iaii end ILus rf Rrp resixLiilviS of Vis Unite 1 S't riti rf Azatricz ia Conp-ext aatmxtd, That the sum of three hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be an l the same is hereby appropriatjd, out of any moneys in the treas ury not otherwise appropriated, for the con struction c f a wagon road from Fort Kearney, in the Territory of Nebraska, via the South Pass of the Rckv Mountains, to the eastern boundary of the State of California near Honey Lake, to be expended under the direction cf the Secretary of the Interior, pursuant to con- tracts to be madebv him said rjad to connect with and torman extension of tho road already authorized from xort Rid gel v to th C .V T,.; sum of two hundred thousand dollars, or as ' i-eref-f 13 ruJ ho necessary, be and tha ! same U hereby appropria'.el out cf any money in tne treasury no: otherwise epprcpriated. for the construction of a wagon roai from El Paso. is hcrjry nppr?pruted cut ot any money in the trsasury not otherwise appropriated, for the construction of a wagon n ad from Fort De fiance in the Territory of New Mexico, to the Colorado River, near "the mouth of the Moha va Ri ver. id, February 17,1: - f Public CL An act making Apj ropriatians for th; comple tion of Military Roads in Oregon Territory. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ot tha United States of Amer ica in Conzres; assembled, That the f.-iiowirg sams of money Le and the same are herel-y appropriated, for the comi lstion of mil: ary roads now in the course cf constriction in ihe Territory of Gegon, to v. it : f:r the comple tion of the road from Astoria to Salem, thj sum of ten thjnsand dollars; f.r the comple tion or the rotid from Myrtle Creek to Camp Stcw.iri, the fcurrt cf thirty thousand dollars; anvl f--r the completion of tha read from Mvr- tle Creek to S-:xttshurg, the sum of thirty thou- jar-.; ars; tne same to t-e done under the direction cf the S-cretr.rr of War. Approve March 2, 1?J7. 'a the Sta!e of te and House of Public Ci An set to estbliah Augusta, Georgia, a Purt of Delivery Be it enacted It the Si. Representatives of thf United Stales c f Amer ica in Corzress ascmbh d. That Acgnsta, in the State of Georgia, within the collation dis trict f f Savannah, be and the rarae is hereby places," the duties o.'the collector at Savannah in reference io all foreign merehandiize etlter- ed for the pert of Ar,gus4a, anl to b? shipped trom tavonnaii ta Anzusta, eitnsr bv tne nver or raioad, snau he tne same as tnoe rr-.-scn- j bed fur the collector at Ne Orleans, in refer- enre to neTchandlio entered bv a: toiport jr i August one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, entitled "An act to ;ruvid lh:v cr.n'i I; .rem lraroris ; and to car ze and !adi!r exiting laws im rcg Daties oa Imtiorts ai.'d for other rurpes,- rrulidiittcg 2te irapor-a.tou vi ot&cer.e anu indeccnlarUcei, f so amorj efectual'y to ac v to accoroT'Ih-h ih cotrar-Ih-h ih3 pur r,i--: f - t ?."rlLn a as enacted. of the Gila River, to te expended under the f An act miking a ppropr La-ion for the htxas-or-dtractioa of the Secretary of the I a tenor pur- j tatbu of the Urited States mail, Lr Ooe-n suant te contracts to be made by him. . Steamers and cthaiwL,?, durir-r ths fiscJ Sec 3. And be it further enacted, That a , year ending the thirtieth of June c -htcea sumcf fifty thousand dollars be and the same hundred ax.d Sftv-ei 'ht Be it enacted ly the Senate acd Hoasc cf ReprtscntaxiTes cf the United State of Am, ica in Congress assembled. That the twtmty eighth section of the act cf Congress appravjd tha thirtieth cf August, cue thousand tiijhi hundred and forty-two, and entitle d "An ct to provide revenue from imports, and to caanp; and modify existing laws imtjosieg dutdis sa imports, and for ether pirpcses," be ameaJl ss follows: The impcrtation of all indecent cr otxetea articles, prints, painting, lithographs, en;-n.v-ing, images, figures, d.iguerreo types, paoto graphs, and transparencies, is herr y prohiljlt jJ and ed invoice cr package whatever, or try part there-el in which any such artlclai :ir containe-I, ehali bo admitte-l to entry; ai-d all in yc ices and packages wLerevf auy such ar ticles thall compose a part, are hereby declar ed to be liable to be proceeded arainst, se tied, and forfeited by duo course of law, aal tha said articles shill be forthwith dcttroyew Approved, March 2, 1SC7. rubiic 112. An act for the relief of certain actual Hitlers and Cultivators who purchased land sub ject to graduation, within the Umit3 of tha Choctaw Cession cf eighteen hundreil ;ind thirty; at a less rate than the true grad ailed . price, under the "Act to graduate and rduc . the pTice of the Public Lands to acttad set tiers and cultivators," approved the fourth . of August, eighteen hundred and f:j-f:-ur, and for othrr Purposes. ' Bo it enacted by tha Senate and House cf ' Representatives of the United Shi tea of Aiaer- . ica in Congress assembled, That any pezscn or ' persons who may have entered, in good Tilth, . lar ds subject to graduation within the Iinita of the Choctaw cession of eighteen hundred. and thirty, before the correct cradcati'Mi lists' had been received at the local laud-ou5 at . a lees rate than tha true graduation price, and ' who settled upon and improved the Lanii en tered, or who entered the same (or the txnefii of an adjoining farm, and who continue" f oc cupy the same, shall be entitled (provided tho entries are regular in all other respects) td re ceive patents for the lands so entered, tiled upon, and occupied, without any additional payment being required of them, npen their making the proof required by the circulars from . the General Land-OfiUce, dated tha tvreuty third of January and the seventh cf Apr!!, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, asy lau Jq the contrary notvithstandin-:" Branded. Tlutno I proof shall bo re quired which is not ntcissary to carry into effect the provisions of this vet. Sec 2. And be it further enicteL That th4 act oi 31 ay nineteen, one thousand eLrit hand reu and Lity-two, entitled "An act to aathcr ; approve the aales slreadv 1211," l so con j strued as to apply to lands heretore rjJtreil f.r schcol purp ties in the State of MiwjsippL j Approved, March 3, 1S57. 1 Bo ir4 enacted Ly the Senate aul IJ ctse of Represontatives of the UiiitolSui'is ofAraer ita ia Congress assembled, Taat thj loilowin . snms bj and the sama are hereby a;n'iTiatxi to le paid oat of any money ia the triioury not otherwise api-mpriatevl, Ijt tho yar end ing the thirticUi vf Juae, elgiitaenhuTulred and fifty-eight: " For transportation of the mails frjia New York n Liverpool and back, three ttra&id and furty-six thousand tie hundred dollars. " For transportation of the moils fioin New York to New Orleans, Charleston, SiaTicnah, Havani, and Chogres, an.l Utck, fe. Imndrs.1 and sixty-one thousand d.-llirs. Fur transportatioaof thercada frowi Panama, to California ar.d Oregon, and Lack, throe hund reil and fiif.y dollars Sec. 2. And be it fartaereoacted. That tha fullowir.g suras be and the same urtj hereby appropriated for the service of tha Poi-0ilko Department for the yrar erairng ths tliirtietL of June, one thousand e-ght handled wd fifty eight, out cf any mo.icyi in the treanry arj irg frcm the revenues cf soil deparlrif rt; in conformity to the act of the secuua cf July, one thousand eight hundred and th!rtr-;jix:' For transportation cf the calls hnr. Chir. e aforesaid tha ierijslature of the State cf Mijsiisirri I tj sell the lands heretofore apjTopriatei lbs taa r r..i'- f Ap-prove-d. March 3, 1Z. You'tc fa:rlr pr't or. the breeches, anarled an afTecthjnate Lusbarid to his better haiL auea Wiiy, m the name of wonder didn't ycu seep them cn roarIfaaied&'-ie. If -.. had been in the way of ye-rr dtrrv. conhhi't have taken possession. Tlir ccrtiiulT on-ht . T . . 3 u ue Vhen tha raonr was rail v" C "fcSV.fl ,.u j j,. X1.)' ?'. rriave t-" ' "i ' uaa1 to vj t t-r h'-w, nh , r J i r' it0 ' ATxcrarrx. attd cur? Baujjiri xjt Taks j clear weather the liquid wil! Us 23 transparent - ! a, the purest walr. On t!e apjua. h rf rah. : or cud v weather the a. am ill r vs-.e ir, a t fiakr doL in the ccr.trs of tha iliid. reach ic from the fc-v.tota to the iCrita. ' " Fur :m' lleitr cf constr-cdioD.' thia a 1.10- - j zeth ier ujrr.or tn tc rr ,iaa:x: z:A use Iz Gatr-an. j ittp. iui uavana, a sua no; exceeding !:t ' tho uand doU-rs. . , For transportation of ths moILs scrss the I Isthmus c f Panama, one h andred ird thirtr. ; fie thos;;arul dvllani.