t - --i" . r- .-i'p .- LTPHERSON, MORRISON & HUTCIILNS, Ilavo just Received At their New Building ON THE LEVEE L ZJi-iaxxsaotlx Stools. OF S-FBIKG GOODS OF EVERY STYLE QUALITY AND PRICE, ' Which they intend to sell ..Lower than the Lowed!!! . : At their New Establishment you will find everything needed in the Western country, from a bar of soap to a broadcloth coat. ' ' OF THE LATEST STYLES, AND : Sold Remarkably Low. NEW AND KICfJ. EMBROIDEEIES, ' . . DRESS TRDIMINGS, FRINGES, FANS AND FANCY GO ODb Dress Goods Silks, Sattins and Slippers, A large and comilcte assortment of BONNETS AND BONNET TRIMMINGS, - of every style and quality, Cloths, Caslmeres, and Testings READY MADE SHIRTS, AND Ready Blade Clothing To fit the Million 1! Of the best manufacture and of eupcrior , ' Workmanship. Looking Glasses, That will make an ugly man handsomo and a lady of beauty more lovely, HATS AND CAPS, That will fit and please everybody. Boots and Shoes, From the infantile articlo of red morocco, to the graceful boot of the gentle man's walking costume. X2Zxrci"c7'.Z"o rvxici Cutlery ... . ' ' . y -' from tho best manufacturers at HOME AND ABROAD AND Sold at Eastern Prices. . Genuine. Imported Carpeting. Of New and Elegant designs. . YANKEE NOTIONS, HOSIERIES, China, Glass and Quccnsvrare. rORTE MONNAIES; SILK TURSES, And a thousand articles, ranging in regular gra dation of price and importance, from the primaiive toothpick of the ancient goose quill, to & thousand dollar shawl. . - - Our innate and native modesty forbid us lavish- inz elowins encomiums upon our Spring Stock of Goods, and wo ask you to call and sec for yourselves IV E CHALLENGE THE WEST. and furthermore MAKE NO CHARGE 3Tozr Qlxo"vxxs Goods. 1 M'PHERSON, MORRISON, & IIUTCHINS. April 23, 1857. 45-ly Worth of Ready fuade Clothing II ATS AND CAPS,' " BOOTS AND SHOES. Just reeoived ' Per Steamer Col. Grossman, AT SIEGEL & GREENBAUM'S BALTIIiIORE CLOTHING STORE, No. 31 Main St., 3d door above Post Office. -. BUOVf SVILLE, N. T. ' Fine broadcloth coats, and ' . Standing collars, at the " .. Baltimore Clothing Store. Bi'k and fancy cassimer pants, and Carpet Backs, at the Baltimore Clothing Store. Silk, Satin, Marsailes, and Casi Vests, and Flannel Shirts, at t Baltimore Clothing Store. Fine Shirts and over-alls, Pat. Leather Gaiters, straw hats, at the Baltimore Clothing Store. Black and fancy cravats, White and fancy shirts, at the , K Baltimore Clothing Mere. Ereryd isg in the clothing line at the Baltimore Clothing Store. iud and exeminc the stock at the Baltimore Clothing Slo: CtU wcu ore. o o W0ETI1 0? NEW . Just Received Per Steamer "Silver Keels," AT TIIE CASH AITD PRODUCE STORE OF ' McAllister, dozier & co. Calico and Brown Sugar, Fish Hooks and Clothes Pjns, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Ginghams and Molasses, , Steel Pens and Wash Boards, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Salt and Brass Kettles, Tar and Fine Combs, at McALLISTFR, DOZIER & CO's. Lawns and Ox Yokes, Tin Ware and Crushed Sugar, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Bleached Muslin and Bed Cords, Shirt Collars and FiddleStrings, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Denims' drawing knives, ' De Lains and dried apples; at McAllister, dozier & co's. Silk handkerchiefs and hand Saws, Blacking and pain killer, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Flour and irish linen, , Black pepper and bar lead, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Plows and powder, Pocket knives and percussion caps, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Bi'k silk cravats and cod fish, ; Lace mitts and wall paper, at - McAllister, dozier & co's. Coffee and fine shirts, " lied and white flannel and tobbacco, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Rice and ladies undersleeves, Nutmeg graters and Queonsware, at McAllister, dozier & co-s. . Glass and Aycrs cherry Pectoral, Carpet sacks and hardware, at McAllister; dozier & co-s. . Ladies hosiery and log chains, Needles and shovels, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Ladies collars and striped shirting, . Puff combs and saddlery, at ' ! : ' McAllister, dozier & c&l Broadcloth and bar soap, ' T' Curry combs and dress trimmings, at ; McAllister, dozier & co's. . Boots, shoes and star candles, Lace edging and Salaratus, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Cottonades and spectacles, Brooms and Ticking, at McAllister; dozier & co-s. Sewing silk and buckctsj Envelopes and Kentucky jeans, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Blue drilling, knives and forks, Tea and white lead, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Wash tubs and tooth picks, Buck combs and knit needles, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Cassimers and yestings, Shoe brushes and Godfrey's cordial, at . 5 .McAllister, dozier & co's. Laco veils and cologne, Dress combs and scissors, at ' McAllister, dozier & co's. Thimbles and razor straps, Pearl buttons and jews harps, at .. . I McAllister, dozier & co's. Suspenders and ribbons, " Brown, green and blue barege, at . . McAllister, dozier & cos. Vinegar and linen thread, Jaconet muslin and shaving soap, at . McAllister, dozier & co's. Linen table spreads and shoe lacets, Indigo and Jaynes' medicines, at t . McAllister, dozier & co'i Brown linen and raxor3, - . Crash and diaper, at McAllister, dozier & co-s. Colored cambric and ink, &hoe3. Thread and cotton batting, at McAllister, dozier & co-s. Table, tea spoons and wadding, Coat's thread and jack plains, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Challi de lains, and window sash, ..' . Doors and ehambray ginghams, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Straw goods, and summerclothing, . Starch and pins, at , McAllister, dozier & co-s. - j. . . . . " Bonnets and hair oil, , ..;..' -Bacon and artificial flowers, at McAllister, dozier & co-s. A thousand and one articles not mentioned, call round at McAllister, dozier & co-s.. For Dry Goods of every clewiription go to McAllister, dozier & co's. For cheap Groceries and good brogans go to, McAllister, dozier & co-sl If you want to get that which is of the best go to McAllister, dozier & co's. Who is it that always evinces the most Bolicitudi nous anxiety to please tLo taut and captivate the eye? , " ' ' ....... McAllister,' .dozier & co's. ; ' Consequently you should patronize . ' -. McALLISTES, DOZIER & CO'sl Deal With. TJALLISTEn. DOZIER CO. 3-ly April 10, 1S57. STEAMBOAT ADVERTISEMENTS. SEASON- ARRANGEMENTS'! St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Weeihy V "SILVER HEELS. rr .ffTT1' S THE new and fast running passenger Js??ritf steamer "SILVER HEELS," having been built expressly for the trade, will upon the opening of navigation, make regular weekly trips, between St. Joseph and Council limns, connecung with the first St. Louis Packets at St. Joseph. The."Silver Ileclfi," will extend her trips to Sioux City, and intermediate points, once a month. n3.Vtf - - - Agents. 1857. MISSOURI EIVER PACKET. 1857. For Kansas, Brownville, Omaha, Council Eluffs and Sioux City. TIIE new, elegant fancy and commo dious passenger steamer Omaha, An- tbew Wixeland. Master, J. J. Wilcox, Clerk, will, on tha earliest opening of navigation, resume her trips and run as a regular packet to tho above and all intermediate points on the Missouri river. Pa trons can rcl? upon her continuing in tho trado resularly during the entire season. April 2d, ,1857.. 42-tf 1857. Missouri river packet. 1857. -A. clmiral. W. W. BAKER Captain. ROBERT A.DARST Clerk. For Sioux City, Logan, Omadi, Decatur City, Do Soto, Florence, Omaha City, Council BluHi, Bello vuo, St. Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebraska City, " Linden, Brawnville, Lowell, Oregon, Iowa Pofnt, Savannah. St. Joseph, etc.. etc. T jJT" S THE excellent commodious and faror Jir.in ite passenger steamer Admiral, Capt. Baker, Clerk, Robert A. Darst, will on the opening of navigation ply f.s a regular packet to tbc a we ami nil interniemaio landings on the .Missouri u or. remaining pcrmantmtly in this trade, and run regularly durinz the entire season. ing April 2d. 1S57. 42-tf 1857. MISSOURI TvIVER PACKET. 1857. .Xoxszo Child. JOSEPH B. HOLLAND Mastar. J. H. TYSON. Clerk. For Council BluSs,OmahaCicy,Bc'lovue, St. Mary's, ' Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brown ville. Lowell, Oregon, Whito Cloud, Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph,Palernio, Atchi3on, Weston, Leavenworth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty, Lexington, &c. , THE entirely new, swift and elegant passenger steamer alonzo child, Ca pt. Jo?. Holland, will on tho opening of navigation, run as a regular packet to the above and intermediate points,- continuing in the BluS3 Trade during tho entire boating season. - ' ' I March 19th '57. 40-tf 1857. MISSOURI RIYER PACKET. . 1857. CIIAS. R. BAKER Master. W. II. Scuddek Clerk For Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluffs, Bellevuo, St. Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brownville, Lowell, Oregon, Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, eston, Leaven worth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty, Lex- - mgton, &s. - THE entirely new, swift aud elc' grant passenjrere steamer MlN-KE-HA- ha, Capt. Chas. R. Baker, W. H. Scudder Clerk, will, on the opening of navigation, run as a regular packet to the above named and all intermediate points, continuing in tho Bluffs trade during the entire boating season. March 19th, '57.-.. . 4uf BROWNVILLE FERRY X3cGt C?roQGi s ON THE Missouri River. Hie Route from Broicnville to Ft. ICcar- my, and from thence to California, is the nearest and most - 'practicable. r FINNEY & CODINGTON, A NNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they XL have purchasod the entiro interest in the terry across the Missouri Kiver at the City of Brown vine,.. Tebras&a, and open tno fccajon witn a new substantial and commodious rerry ioat, run by Horse 1 ower, which arrangement will secure certain passage at, all times and in all kinds of weather. Tho Proprietors do not assert boastingly, or for ! he purpose of gaining custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this is the best crossing of tho Missouri River in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Brownville to Fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, as well as that of hundreds of others who have traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding ousupenor arrangements for a safe and speedy crossing, ourjcharg'js are the same as other Ferries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. A skiff will be in readiness and a hanl on the ground to run all hours of tho night. 37Recoriect that with our facilities of Power, no Kmcis ot wcrtner will prevent our Uoats from making regular trips at all hours. . Brownville Nemaha Co., N. T.I February 25th, 1857. f 37-ly TAILORING! TAILORING!! E.E. PARKER, Merchant ""Tailor, Atlantic street, West of iToblUzeU's Store. BR O WXYILLE, NEBRASKA - TERR. TTAYING bought property and located pcrmanen XX ly in Brownville, I oner my services to the public generally, if they want any thins done in my line of business. lean always be found atmvnost. or, more proper! rlyspeakingat mybench. , Work Warranted No Fit. No Pav ! Particular attention paid to euttiDg garments and j laying oc work for tho Seamstress. 1 he greatest portion ot my lite has been devoted to my trade, in which I consider myself inferior to none especially in the cutting department, and 1 hope by close atten tion to my business to merit a share cf public patronage. Jb. fc. 1 AUh.hU. Brownville April lth, 1857. 44-4y BROWNVILLE STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKE, & EJIEKSON, N. B. We would rospoctfully inform tho citi- tens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we have always on hand a large and well selected supply of LiUitlISl!lC, which we can furnish at low er rites than any mill in the territory. . .Market pnees paid for log delivered at the yard or on the bank of the river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will receiy our immediate attention. T. B. CCMISG. JOHN C. TCBK. ' : CUMING & TURK, Attorneys at law & Heal Estate Agents, OMAHA CITY, N. T., fTTBLL attend faithfully and promptly to all busi- V ness entrasted to them, in the Territorial or Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and lands, en- trnes and pre-emptions, collections, Sc. Office in the second story cf nenry t- Roo'tsnew liuildinz. nearly opposite the Western Exchange Bank, Parnham street. -Dec. 27, 156. vln28tf Provisions. WE keep constantly on hand, Flonr, Corn Meal, Bacon, Batter, and every variety of Groceries. - llUiiL.HZLL.Li & UU. JHagle Mills. ST. JOSEPH, MO. JAMES C ARC ILL, Proprietor. TV MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly IJM. on hand for sale, all kinds of Floor, Meal, and Feed staffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat.' For character of Flour refer to everybody that ever used it. ' ' St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 59, 1358. vlnl3-ly whitjs, russell; j go. Xtoclxport, nio;uis ale! Ind roefAiL ptxukks ih .-.HI ill Kill 1, HARDWARE ' AND CUTLERY, Hedicines, Dye !Stuf&, Saddlery, : Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, QTJEEJTSWAJBE, STOITirWAEE, TlDi wAEE, IRON, NAILS, STOVES, PLOWS Ac Also "Furniture of all kinds, Window Sasi, &c New Hardware" Store. Sign of the Mill Saw. : J. ;FLAHERTY, ; Importer, Wholesalo and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French 24 ' 1- OA HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. f ST. JOSEPH, MO. IS NOW receiving and opening tho lar. jest and most varied arsortment of goods in the above line ever offered in any market west pf St. Louis. r My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder' Hardware, Mechan ic's tools of erery description, direct, from tho mt-st approved manufacturers; . agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which 1 will warrant.' and fill all orders at ihe fictary prices. Also a large assortment of Chins, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, hails, Ac, of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very completo, which, for its quality and price, X ilia uciuriuniu w uucr. tutu muuuciucuu) us will command a liberal share of trade from this and adjoining codntics; My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in the general Hard ware trade, enables me: not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is casa sales ana small prouts. January 1, 1857. vln-'Utf- - - - NEBRASKA CITY CAPITAL STOCK 50,000. Nebrayjca City, N. T. THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is now. fully organized, and their entiro capital stock of Fifty Thousand Ltollarr, paid in and secured. - iney are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and tase risss, upon equni lerms, wiin inc mosi favored Insurance Company any where." Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without insurnng any liability,, will snaro in the prints or the company.- The operations pf tne Company, will do conbned, for the present, to makixe, or cakgo rislis, wita a maximum liability of $12,500 on any one bottom. Being the only Insurance Odcc, on the above pop ular planr West of tho Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous support irora V extern wercnants. Av e respectfully invito tno Aiissourt Kivcr pa- tronage.- ... . . . ; . . DIRECTORS : ... S.F.Nuckolls, . . Cha3. F. Holly, II. P. Bennct, J. L. Armstrong - W. N. Hinchman, Miles W. Brown, A. A. Bradford. CHAS . F. nOLLY, President. : . . , ' . V, .' J. Gakside, Sec'y. St. Louis Agent Col. W. P. Howard. . - -April 2d, 1857.' ' 42-ly GEO. S.; SAYEE AND1 GENERAL LAND AGENTS, GLEN WOOD, PLATTSJSIOUTII, ilills co, Iowa, . Oas8 co, Nebraska. "T7ILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves- V tiKatine Titles, Paving Taxes, Jnvasting mon ey, Buying and Selling Town Lot?, Buying; Selling and Locating Land Warrants, and all othor business connected with their profession in Y cstcrn Iowa and Nebraska. J. M. DEWS, Associate Attorney. REFERENCES : Greene, Weare & Benton, G. Doughty & Co., Greene, Weare & Rice, Greene &, Weare, Nixon & Goodman, Tootle A Greene, ' N. W. Thomas, . Schooly & Son ' Gen. Wm. Irick, Council Bluffs, Iowa. U it . - Ft. De.s Moines " Cedar Rapids, " Cincinnati, Ohio. Glenwood, Iowa, Cincinnati, Ohio. Vincentown, N. J. Hightstown, " Philadelphia, Pa. Mcdfnrd, N. J. II. Johnson, I. Reed & Son, Robinson & T'.ro., Burlington po. Bank, JOHN COLHOUN & BROTHER, (Sign of the Padlock,'opposite the Post Office.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . . DEALER IN . Rniiflirio' nnfl SftfMlerv Hardware. ? - nrnrVT?TVt ' . . ' ' , iriivnu, BoOtS, SllCCS, Leatfier LM bHOe I mUinS. I 1 m T-t H ST. JOSEPH, MO. HAVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer ican and Foreign Dardwarc, such as r Greaves ' & Son's Files Scissors ' ' and Edge Tools Pocket knivci Knives and fc rks Butcher's do do 1 Spear & Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws GrifSn's and American Brass curtain bands and pins Door locks Augers and a-jger bitts Corn knives : Briar scythes Grass and gTs.in do t. Nails . - Shovels and tonga ; - . Candlesticks Framed wood saws horse nails . . Tost hole augers : Ames' shovels and spades Lull & Porter's shatter Butts - . ; , Morticing machines " Circular, mill. and muly saws Planes and . plane irons . Coopers drawing knives Blacksmiths' Bellows and - . Vices ; : do adzes and wood tools ilouschole Armitage an vils American anvils -Stocks and dies Tress FIoops Uutts, cast and wrought Copper rivets for beltj Pad hooks, breech 'g loops Tuyere Irons Pad screws, cockeyes Ornaments, racks Plated and com. stirrups do do " Bitti do do Buckles Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread Calf skins Upper leather Briddle do . Skirting do Ilarness do BeLing do ' Gof'.t skins Eniimmciled leather do - . do Rinirs Breast and rein snaps Lasts, pegs . Peg floats ' ' '- Pincers : Shoe thread ' Bristles, wax - ' Lining skins Binding With many" goods embracing a complete assort ment of the most desirable which they,will sell at the lowest prices.- J. COLHOUN & BRO. April 16th, 1857. - 3l-ly . " ' iR ESTABROOK, .' TOTTED STATES - I,; istrict Attorney, OMAHA CITT, N. T. OEQTJTRED to be la attendance officially upon all L the terms of the District and Supreme Court of the Tern tcry, t?ndershiff IVofcssionul services to such as need them. He flatters himself .that his facilities ! for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis- j tnct, will enable him to give satisl action to such as entrust their business to his care. Omaha City, June 7, 185S. & CO., ITS 1S1, Mil rn r-a 1 - 5 - n 'J VI ' i,1.3Viil'tia Patent FortaliI.e Mill THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the firm of Reed. Holabird & Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist jilill and are tiow prepared toiurnisn an uioso in want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, uimplicty and coonomy ; excel any Mill in the world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Medal was awarded them for it. It is Adapted to all Grain grinding purposes : it is superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill, as it is for grinding tne i armera :ce(i Dy iior30 power. - , . ; 1 be abovo Mills are manutactured Dy tno unaer- signed at their shop in Cincinnati, 0., where they con be furnished in any quantity at short notice. The above Mills warranted. to perform as follows: 36 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, . $300 30 "T ; " " : " 30 " , 15 " 250 , it .t it 20 u 2oa 20 u- ,u it it 15 " 8 150 As this Mill tells it3 own story, it is unnecessary to quote from pur numerous recommendations, received. O. F. LAKE, Brownville. W. H. HOOVER, Nemaha City. LAKE & HOOVER, Tiki Tibrnarnii flfinmni ili:;fifilflHl wml AND NOTARYS PUBLIC, : . Brownville and.Nenialia City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Paying taxas, Drawing money, buying and selling Real Estate, buying and selling on Commission, Making Collections for distant dealers, and all kinds of business pertaining to their profession. Particular attentoin will be given in filing declara tory 8titment3 to pre-empt and procuring War ranty Deeds from the Town authorities. ' Persona owning town lots, residing at a. distance wishing to procureWarranty Deeds will do well to place tho agency incur hands, (alwa v presenting their Quit claim Deeds for said Lot i "within tho ex piration of six menths, as after that time all lots not Deeded will be sold. Blanks always on hand. . ' N. It. Letters of inquirv answered promptly. . March 26, '57, , , 41-ly DANIEL ZOOK, . WITOLESALE -AND RETAIL m Oregon, Halt County, Mo. Has in' Store : ' ' ' Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, Spanish Whiting,' Red Lead, Lithcr.vge, : ' White Chalk, . Venitian Red, Spanish BrownJ Cream of Tarter, , Tartaric Acid, - . Sulpher Carb. Soda, Vinegar, "' Turpentine, Sal Soda, ' "" CopeniSj-;, Saltpeter, Borax,, . .;.' Mex. Liniment, Window Glass, Pulty, Caster Oil, ' Ex. Logwood, . Blue Stone, .. Alum, . Ground Ginger, Root - do, . Saint Louis Gl ue, . Paris Green, ' Chrome do, do ' ' yellow, . Iron Paint, White Zink do, ; Fish Oil, halo do, Wrights Pills, . uampian s (So, Jayan's ' do, -Loudon's d, Iladway's R. R., . , Davis Pain Killer, Vol. Uil lo. Morland's do, Nerverand Bone do, Farrels do, Louden's do Jays' Expt., t ' Fahnestock's Vcr Stone's Cough Candy, McLanc's Liver Pills. London s do, In addition to the above, I have the largest Stock of Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture, Chcini- cnls Surgical instruments, and 1 a tent Xdediciens ever t&srcd for sale in this Country Jlerehants" and Pliysicians of Iowa, Kansas and I Nebraska, are respectfully invited to give me a ealL 'June 7, 1356. "DANIEL 'ZOO K. A. B. HOLLABIKD & CO., Machinists, Founders and ENGINE BUILDERS .. Front Slreet, West of Smith, CIMC13XATI, O,, Would most respectfully inform their friends snd the publiccnerally, that thoy aro now pre pared to execute all orders in their line, with prompt ness, iiaving lately enlarged tneir shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation ol the liocrai patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. ivi Mill Engines cf every Description. Constantly on han: consisting cf the ??nsh, Circu lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every description of ( astings, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. . " They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in tho country. ? ihose in want of anything in our line, would uo well to give U3 a call and examine our new patterns. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. BROWNVILLE, N. T. Will practice in the Third Judicial Distric t in Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in tho State of Missouri. " REFERENCES. Richard Brown, Brownville, N. T. R.W.Furnas, " u Dr. John McPherscn, ; Tippecanoe, Ohio. James Foster, ' Oreg-m, Mo. George N. Miller, Archer, N. T. FRESH DRY GOODS. EEDY, JAMESON & CO., Nos. 170 and 172 Main St., St. Louis. arc now in receipt of tho most enmp Icte and V V magnificent stock, ever offered to the Western Trad-3. Merchants visiting this city are invited to make an examination of our stock and prices. . EDDY, JAMESON li CO. GREAT U. S. MAIL-ROUTE. From Nemaha Agency t in Kansas, to the mouth of the Nyovoay Itiver, Ne'jrasl;a. rpIIIS LINE make3 cue trip per week, c;ich way, -L stopping at the principal towns on the Jlissouri Hirer. Good Hacks all the way through, and good horses and nice young men for drivers. J. B. & WJ BENNET, Contractors. Doc. 19, 185(5. vln27-ly ALOXZO FKATT, E. O. rKATT, New York. o. w. crriLP, St. Louis. w. fox, C. MANSCR, St. Louis. . CHILD, TRAIT & CO., Direct mporters. Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents English, French, German & American ' Hardware and Cutlery. GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, &c., &c. 139 & 141 Main St, cor. Washington ivenue, ST. LOUIS, .MO. S. Lockwoop. ; 1S57. R. E. PoMEuoy. LOCKWOOD $ POJIEROY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in . ' HATS & CAPS, . STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of every description; for 'which they pay the highest Market price, -IN CASH. Lhj v.ii jiercuanw are invited to examine our ' stock of nats & Caos for the npproachinz Sorins and Summer trade, which will be largo, fashionable, and well selected. In punt of variety our stock shall not be excelled by any House in St. Louis. - uur prices win De low, terms accommodating. tall and see us at out New Store." Second St. St. Joseph, Mo. ' .. 32-6m. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., X ArrF ACTTEEBS AND WIIOLESALR DEALERS IS - Boots Shoe3 fii'Brogans, VO. 87 MALT STREET, -SAINT LOUIS, 'MO. - A RE NOW IN RECEIPT of a complete assortment X. of goods from their own and other manufac tori es, adapted especially to the Western trade. - Purchasers are invited to examine their stoek, manufactured and selected with great care and warranted of superior quality. Orders wijl receive rompt and carcf id. attention. TIIOS.TI. LARKIN & CO. coinnssiou r iierchants, " ' ' : AND . -; ' WHOLESALE GROCERS. : ; 'No. 30 Lecee and cor. Commercial St., , - ,. ST. LOUIS, 3IO. J2?"Sp(!cial attention given to sales of ILE3IP and WIIiEAT. -No orders taken for the purchase of Hemp, directly or indirectly. April 13 th, 1So7. - 44-3m I. P. BEX'ETT, ' J. S. MORTON", K.H. nABDISO ' BENNET, MORTON & HARDING. Attorneys at iLaw, Nebraska City, N. T., and Glenwood, la. VILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and kWetitern Iowa. Particular attention paid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of debts. v , '. INFERENCE: Xlon. Lewi3 Cas3, Detroit. -iT; .lulius I). Morton, " f Michigan; . Gov. Joel A. Mattcson, Springfield, 111; Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; B. P. Fifilcd, St. Louis, Mo.; . lion. Daniel O. Morton. Tolodo, Ohio; P. A. Sarpy, Bellcvue, Nebraska; Scdgcwicli & Walker, Chicago, Til: Green, Weare & Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa. - NEW TRI-YVEEKLY MAIL. 1 n ST3 O on1. FKOil ' HOCK PORT, rio. TO BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. GEO. E. LTCLARY, HAVING taken the contract for carrying the Mail between tho above points, takes this method of informing the public generally that be has made preparations for running a llack o:a the above named route : Leaving Rock Port every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday, at 12 o'clock M.: arriring at Brownville at 2 o'clock. P.M.: leaving Brownville for Rock Port, same evening at 3 o'clock P. M. This route connects at Rock Port with the St. Jo seph and Council Bluff's Stage' 1 in j. and at Brown ville With the Stage line leading from Topeka Kansas, St. Joseph Mo., Independence, Kansas City and other points below ; and to Nebraska City, Omaha City and other points above ; and New Fort Kearney, west; The subscriber hopes by diligent attention to business and accommodation to customers, to merit a share of the public patronage. Particular attention paid to the conveyance of Packages or parcels. Charges moderate; but no ac countability for unavoidable accidents. April 7 1S56. 43-tf HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. GEORGE CLAYES. J, TT. LIE. CLAYES ! LEE, Real Estate and General Agency, OMAHA CITY, N.T. References. James Wright, Broker, New York, Wm. A. Woodward, Esq. " . u .Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Gov. of Ohio, Cleveland,. Wicks, Otic and Browncll, Bankers, " . ' Alcott & Ilorton, . - " Col. Robert Campbell, St. Louis, James Ridgway, Esq. . Cfawforn and Sackctt' - Chicago. Omaha City, Aug. 30, 1355. vln!3-ly JAMES CARGILL. GEO. W. C A KG ILL. J. & G. W. CAIifJILL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION rtlERCilAKTS. . AND MANUFACTUllEIl'S AGENTS, Steamboat Landing, St. Jocnh, JIo. c ONSIGNMENTS of GooJs and Troduce respectfully solicited, and all business entrust ed to us will be promptly and carefully attended to at the lowest rates. References. Taylor & Shepherd, . ' - R. L. McGhce & Co., Livermore, Cooloy & Co., Merchants Generally, St. Louis, St. Joseph. YV. II. WILLI A3IS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PEALSK IN" : STOVES & TINWARE Oregon, HIo., TT1AKES pleasure in announcinf the citizens of Or 1 gon and the public in general, th.it he ha. on hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and 'fin ware, ever offered in this market. My ?'.(:k of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices'. I would call particular attention to uiy stock of COOKING STOVES, corapri.iiog the no.st improved patterns b th Air-Tight and Premium. Aui'ng them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the bent stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, I'ioneer and prize Pre mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sizes and Patterns, wbkh I uill SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and puttin" up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Alio, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable t'rin Old copper, i.niss and Pewtr-r taken m cxchnive for work or ware. W. W. WiLLIAMS. vl-n5 Oregon, Mo.. July b, 1835. FRANKLIN TYPE& STEBEQTYFE FGUHDRV So. 168 Vine St., bet. Fourth and Pit. CINCINNATI, O. C. F. C'DIIISCOLI, & CO. A Tannfacturcrs and dealers in News, Rook ana .fob 111. Tyic, Printing Presses. Ca.e. (Jallics. kc. Ink, nnd I 'rintins Matcrl.il of Evorv T)(,r?nt!-.n STEIlEOTYPINii of all kind K.-.V, M.-.;,. Patent Medicine Direction.-". John. Wood KnTmrinirj Ac.ffc. Brand and Pattern Letters, varrous styles, Peace in Kansas ! C. F. JENNINGS & CO., FOaWARDSMQ- &: C0?dM!SS!0N MERCHANTS, White Cloud, Kana? Territory. SPECIAL attention given to Receiving and For warding Goods of everv descrinfiun. ALSO: Will keep a largo and complete assortment of GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. CLOTHING, &C, &C, At the Lowest Cost Dec. 2j, lSjfJ. Tln2S-Cm Prece! Herring's Patent Champion .-FIRE-PROOF SAFES, T7ITII Hall's Patent PowdcrProof Locks- the .v r mo iuai were awanlcd separate Medals at theAWld siair London, 1S51, a rvi the Workl's Fair cwlork, 1853: Rnd are the only American Safes that were awardrd mcdalj at the London World's lair. . These Safes are now admitted to bo supericr to any ever offered to the public ; and the subscribers chal lenge the World to produce an instance of these hafes failing to preserve theircontents through the hottest fires, or a t nrgtar picking the lock. The subscribers and their agents are the only per sons authorized to make and so l Herring's Patent Champion Safewith Hull' IYtent Powder Proof Leaks. . S. C. HERRING A CO. Green Elock, 135, 137 and 139 Water St.j . and 5 Murriy St,New York. March 5th.lS57. 3&-5m GEO. 1 LUCKIJAltDT, WATCHMAKER -ZN.xa.cl. Jowollor, . OREGON, HOLT. COUNTY, MO. npAKES tho liberty to inform the-citizc-ns of JL Brownville and vicinity, that he has opened a WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELRY STOltE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, A good as.rtmcnt of Gold and silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which no will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also. fine lot of Vi6lin. Accordeocs, Silver, and Ilatud Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension V3P5, Oliver iDIUlUlf?, VC., O.C. He is prepared to repair Watclies, Clocks and Jew elry, f every description, iu the best manner and on vhe most reasonable tcrm. . ' ' Every articlo bought ia his establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for one year.' July 25, 1850. vl-nStf PATENT GRAIN SE? rn 1- rniiE subscriber i3nw JL nish Fanners and others wirh tiH 1 f1 ht "GItAiN SEPARATOR.. for tho present season. It is nrnWt. particularly of the merits of theso Vach are too well known throughout t'ie eoa''"1 extolling ; but tho fact that they have hr 7" are continuing to receive the prenii ms a?v lE and County Fairs wherj they have ht'nVvJ sufficient to induce all those in wan: of v chine, to purchaso one of these. ' 3 of the leading grigulturalists o- th,.f . VKl I have a large number of them on hand H" the cora-.ng crop, made of the bcs). material' i15 ranted to do eood work. Ir4 I am also preparing a large number if Qn., . patented in 135 1, which are greatly srpcrnn patent of 1S11, being in itself feeder a la Th 1 UI U facturcd under tho iicroediate suittL;;(i, vf,1" patentee, who h 8 permanently loeatel inl,,!' ' The ahovp r.nt rpnrtsfnK m r rVir i..-,- tor," and is designed especially for tho hrx . .... - - . use. Im also a?cnt for MrCnrnm k's edebriteJ fTi" ER and MOWING MACHINE, cun.binel J. R. MOFFITT, Piqna, Mhinii cuniy, 0'j;" Improved Little Giant CORN &" COB PLANTATION MlU Prico HTccItxcccL TnE subscriber has purcha.-icd oxcluqveriit (" Territory in tho West, of tie above ccitL) Mills, and is prepared to furnish tl.cra ac ail timrt cither wholesale or retail, and guiirr.tced intLo' positive manner. It is now more than a year since tue . "liittle Giasir9 ' Was introduced to tho public, d iriiig wh:ih time.it has been constantly growing in the popular favrr.' The improvements m cntiy effected auJ pat.j makes it the most perfect inuelnuo fver i lfin-lf, general farm use. It is furni.-lietl r iiutj for atuirh;E team, and weighs as follow: N. 1, '2V No. t No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 poundv Twenty niinutu ,-j' sufficient to set one up, without nr-vLilnitit ai.l.r.d when once adjustc.i, it can with snf -ty lie n:rnjtii to a boy. Full direct'w ns aecoiEpinv e:uh Mill. No 1,553, will grind Sim meal er houi with I hur" No 2 40, " 4 Ii) " " w j , Nu3 50, " . " 15 " i No 4 CO, " " 20 ". " fc " 2 " tsT" Liberal discount to de.ilT. . JAMES R, CliALWHK. No. C3 Lfvust s'.nct, b:t. Z tir.ll June 2S; 1S5!5. vl-nl St. Louis, J!. . ALLEN UOOT S. W. BOOT & COZZSIfS, LAND AGENTS;. Omnlan, Glty, TJ. T; HAYING made a-rnngcmnts by wbit-h to retire accurate coj io. of ail tho Towus'ii., iwf.:.,ta surveyed, in the Territory, we are rc.r iinprd to otft-r our services to ihe' citizens, of tins Tcrritcrr, IN FILISQ ' DECLARATORY STATflfEJTS OF INTENTION TO 1RE-E5in":' Securing PNrc-crai3ticr3, LOCATING LA2D WARUAXTS, AND . EMTERIWG --LAKD. Lirnl W;tmnts Bought SyW, L'liul entered on tinin, fc. PARTICULAR attention jnld to b.uin-r-i celling on Conmissioil. Abo in nuikin Coi Jociions in nil arts of the TlIItJIlTORV a.:J WESTEIIN IOWA. April 7 -13-tf 1. "J BRUSHES! BRUSHES! ' ESTADLISilTD 1K23. "DATID JltOIUURAY, Jr.. AMERICAN teia3H3 Brazil; WnToliouso, No. 252 Tend f. Nety Yorl;. Price List of Crushes sent if it 'c.it V. Or-k-n respectfully solicited, a pid I'ruuiptly attended t'. m April 2d. 1857. Stovcs and Tinware: pOOK, Parlor and OSTu-e St4.v:: Kf.varMspat terns; and Tin ware, at "", ' IIOCLITZFJX A C0-' Queensware, OF all tho latest styles, and in erA'wf '"' jast opened at IIOULITZKLL .t CO. Furniture. B EDSTEADS, Tables Stand.", Uiircau.-i--ib i " ; everything in the r urnifunr Itne.caa T.e i.j ; 3 1IOULITZELL A CO"- Wood and Willow ware. .. B UCKETS, Tub5, Churns and an eodlws v;rw: cf U illow ware, is for sale al . 1IORLII ZELL i CO n .Country Produce w ANTED, and for which we allow the hfcw . Market price". 1IORL1TZELL A. Boots and Slices, AN unuually large stock of nr.e and c,,ar.'ja ' and Shoes both Gentleiw:n and Lad; bo seen, and purchased low, at " . ' - IIQRfJTLCO Ready Hade Clothing "IT VERY VARIETY, style, qrali'v. price. an" tern of Ready Made Cloth'inc. " TfTci) heap, by HOISLITZEI-Ijl! for sale ch A. S. HOLLADAY. WHOLESALE AXD RXXAIL DEALEK P . Drugs and Medicines. Llain Street, Browa-rillo, N- m THE undersigned re?poctfui!vt.eg.h-ave t" j"1 the public, that bo has not; in hTj c i)rUg as-ortment of everything, nsnaliy kept ID , Stores which he offers for salfl, Eicluveiy New System of tV i CASH AND CASH OIA It will be entirely foreign to this hutVa;k, ". to "C,k," '-keep account," 'noto,,,-.-cr.itU ti, or "remember for a few d;iy." Cwic Snondulicks" ifvou want snythiDg m u itl Prescription! Compounded ftt H "Hours. . . Y'. my n ? r Al a practical test of this Scpnrabr iniw- with the best of those made in-E:i!Un,i i,'.'t:,1 received the highest eornmiil'.n.. .. a "ills I have made many valuable im--rcvjme0t, machines within the last year, and bare do in warranting thera superior to anv i-i l"4'" ltemember tho system I huvo aU Pt"t wlil pocket and your feelings will not miifrr. ' jtoiiticcljt not be given, unless uidercircuinsi" peculiar destitntin. nY July 12, lb5i5.-Tl-uaf A. S. HOLLAR 45-