Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 25, 1857, Image 2

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rnenccmcnt of this article have hereto
fore carf-d very little about the "re
moval of the Canitol'' have civen it
. . ' 1 j " . x x x?
very little consideration or auciiuon.
But it has at lencrth assumed such a
Kew voit, j.u-.ics's an;i ciiiiiircu's oi-cc iitorc, so went slianc as to demand serious and aeltbe, VHIVIIIIIOU. 1 X ww-mm a ft. .
vissi-HEa, ovrtsiiCo., xj. 2i6inj3i3, K.-oadwar, rao attention. Ihcse three points it
New York. . . . .
ANDREW AVi.vd, American, Canadian and European 1S wc I known WCrC aSDirantS I0r tllC
A-Jvertisin;; iii'l SuL'ScWjiUju OSice, Xo. 123, Nassau Sts., I v
xewvort. foDitaL Iho defeated ones ieel sore
u- s swvwvr.B. Kn. 43 Chestnnt ttrcet. St. Louis. I A
J5. l'.llcLrso, Trov, O'.iio.
vs.. II. II. Darst. Tiprccanoe, Oliij.
g. Muscra, tovingtcn, k-. war. the successful one determined
JI. V.'. l'ETrn, Oregon, Mo.
Dillon fc- Hawk, Jl ck Tort, JIo.
RiiEN &. White, Xt-brak Cily, K
Da. 11. V Tate, Liodcn, Wo.
T. i. BARXUM.TUrco Grove, ... ... ! t, T ,VsT T,
reauthorized Af-'enti to solicit Subriptionsiiua Ad- an. y . duu. vvwvivi j , auu ;
vortisciaoiits for tie Advertiser, ana receive uuu il
cci;'t 'or r.ior.ics thcrc-rur.
to defend and hold on. Wc arc sure
the people of Nebraska are tired and
Tcrsons rodent in tLi j Territory, coming from various
portions of the states, often surest to ns the names of
jiersons ia tbeir oM ncLpUbarhoods, who would doubtless
become subscriber if tLey could see a cory of the "Ad
vertiser." Ve always send aspecimen copy, and persons
TTceivtr-.s, 'will consider it a solicitation to become a regu
lar i-ubscriler.
Postmasters and others, feeling EUfilcient interest to
make rp atlub, can retain the ns'ial per cent fjr tbeir
Territorial Warrants and Xemalia County Orders
drawing interest will be taken at par ia payment for
intc'stcdBCK tjhl6 omcc.3
iTnleys notified at tbe close of tte Volume to dis
c;ii:Inue tbe "Advertiser," we shall take it for granted
taat subscribers wish their paper continued, aud shall
acc rUii:gly continue to t-eud as licretoiore.2
ought to put a stop to it; and we belicvo
they will. "Wc , repeat, we hope in
electing members of the Legislature
this fall, that localities will send cool,
calm, deliberate, men who represent
the views of their immediate constit
uency on this subject, and that a har-
monious settlement 01 the whole
matter will be the result.
In regard to our own course on this
question. Last winter we supported
a Bill for the removal of the capitol
in its passage through the Council.
A'A fit l.rtrt flatly.. 3 .iMiiiuItmilimatj
MTThe "Nebraska Advertiser" Laving
cinch ths largest circulation of any paper
HI I Tic Ten Itury, TTtimc-Mttc Mttttci. .-
St. Louis, St. Joseph, Cincinnati and Upon more mature reflection and ex-
a amination into the ment3 of that Bill
advertising medium ia tbe "Vcf-tcm Ccun-
. Of Sarpy County.
we are equally honestly and conscien
tiously of the opinion that we erred in
so doing that the passage of that
Bill would have resulted in - no har
monyno good to the Territory, "We
believe it to be the duty of every man
in whatever position he may be placed,
We promised our readers, soon after if be err and who is there among us
our return from Omaha, this Spring, Tvho can say he is free from error so
that wc would, before the election, soon as bo-discover his error, to place
cive our views upon the Nebraska himself right. We wish it distinctly
"vexed question" "the removal of Understand therefore, that we vote
the Capitol from Omaha." In com- against the Bill of last Session, should
pliancc with that promise we purpose it again be proposed.
now briefly to "speak to that question." want it a3 plainly understood,
In doinu so we shall keep entirely too, that our vote and .influence will
aloof from the local feuds, jealousies be given to a Bill after the plan herein
and lecimgs that nave hitherto govern- piupubeu, or someimng similar some-
cd action in relation to this matter, thing that irill secure thebenefitof'such
To start cut with, allow us to say that removal to the Tcrritorj.
we are of the opinion to-day that we
have ever been; that the Capital is not WEEKLY EEVLEW.
".7 7.7 1 7.7 1 T 1 O -XtT 1
in ine right place, ana ought to oe re- uenave irom ivasnington no m
moved. The point then to consider is ternational or political feature to record
how shall this be done most harmoni- this week. The Dallas-Clarendon
ously, and to result in the greatest treaty, the failure of Col. Crabb and
good to the Territory at large. "We his party of filibusters in Sonora, and
having nothing to do with "tearing the affairs of -Utah, continue to be the
down Omaha" "down trodden, bleed- main topics. Until i.owall the persons
ing Belle vuc," or "building up Ne- to whom the Governorship of Utah
braskaCity" or any other point. These has been tendered have declined the
arc matters, wc repeat, and desire to appointment.
impress upon the people of the Tcrri- The news brought from Europe by
ten, that should not enter into thn the last steamers are verv mp.mrrp. A
Y ' . j o -
adjustment of this question. good many questions which at first
Wc believe the Capitol notin the pro- excited interest have been talked of
per place, because all river towns of any over and over and now but little im
importance have natural advantages portancc is attached to them. The
sufficient to build them up, and main- tedious slow work of diplomacy has
tain them, without the Capital or any worn them out, and every body feels
other artificial stimulcnt. We believe tired of waiting for the conclusion.
the interior requires some kind of To appreciate what has been done bv
artificial advantages to build up and diplomacy to avert war and strengthen
devclope it. "Wc arc therefore in favor peace, it is necessary to look at things
of removing the Capital to some into- from a distance. So, if wc cast a
nor point. Our first object in so doing retrospective glance, wc sec that thf3
would be to accomplish this free from months ago the positions of the different
the interference of Land Sharks and nations of the continent were as follows:
speculators, whose course in every re- England against Persia, Naples and
epectis calculated to bring rum sooner China ;
or later upon us. Prussia against Switzerland :
Our plan is, to asK Congress to donate Austria cgainst Piedmont ;
a fccction, or even a Township of land Russia against Circassia ;
on which to locate the Capital; tjicpro- Montenegro against Turkey ;
cccds from sales of which to be devoted
to the erection of public buildings and
Spain against Mexico;
Of these eight difficulties, four hav
uciraying Icmfonal expenses. We been ended. England has made
believe men can be found who would treaty with Persia, and as tho quarrel
make this selection solely with an eye with Naples was not serious, one or
to the interests of Nebraska. And two apparent concessions from kin"
further when such location shall be Bomba have been deemed sufficient to
'made, that it shall be an end of the make them friends.
.. . "
matter; that wc may not be fleeced peri- , Montenegro and Turkey have made
odically by a "removal of the Capital" their peace.
as olten as it raav suit tho'fancv Pmsain.. .nffrr MneWoMM lov
In passing a Bill and asking the con-
and a good deal of illhumor, has finally,
at the price of 200,000, withdrawn
about to follow her example. No de
cided measures will be taken before
hearing from these .representative?,
The whole future course of Franco and
England; depends now on the accept
ance or refusal-of -their propositions.
vHon. Samuel W. Black, Judge of
the Second Judicial District, of this
Territory, as we announced in our" last
issue, arrived in the Territory last
week and held his first Court in this
City. "We are pleased to learn the
Judge's determination to bring up and
properly arrange the present confused
state of business in his District, ' and
keep matters in a correct shape. We
are also pleased to know that he will
conform to the law, and become aa ac
tual residence of his District. This
District especially, has heretofore felt
the inconvenience of its Judge residing
out of the Territory, and, as a natural
consequence, business has been poorly
attended to.
Judge Black brings with him a
((gAnl nom n? ftwo quo K!llrjrin Tpfrpitv,
and business qualifications, and we are
happy to inform his old friends East
and the administration, that ho ha3 on
his advent into his new field of labor,
made very favorable impressions in his
behalf with the legal fraternity, and all
others with whom he has become ac
quainted. We hope he may still "grow
in the estimation" of; our people, and
that, his labors may "abound in good
works" and his new home in the
West, prove pleasant to himself and
S3"0ur charge for announcing a Candidate's name until
the day of election is $5, and no name will be inserted
unless the cash accompanies the order. 42 .
We are authorized to announce the name of
LEVITT L. BO WEN, of Sarpy County, as a candidate for
Delegate to Congress from Nebraska Territory.
Kerosene Ilix-Wating Oil. Tho light obtain
ed from this Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any
other oil or fluid heretoforo diwovored; is inexplo
sive, and will remain" limped in tho very coldest
The Company recommend a3 thelarapsbost adopt
ed to this Ooil, tho Kerosene Lamp?, manufactured
by tho following patties: Messrs. Cornelius & Baker,
also, Dyott,of Philadelphia, E. V. Haughwout &
Co.. 4S3 Broadway, the Brooklyn Flint Ulass Co.,
No. 73 Bro'ad Street, Messrs. Diet & Co, 133 Wil
liam Street, L, Mercier 137 Elm Street, N. .
Samples of different style3 of Lamps can bo seen at
tho Ofie of the Company. . . '
Kerosene Lr3KiCATtNO Oil, Io. 1. Prepared to
suit the finest, and all other kinds of Machinery
burns brillianty in Locomotivo Head Lights, Car
Lamps, and all the ordinary Solar and Hand Lamps,
and stands as great, a degroo of cold as best Sperm
Oil, and is admirably adapted to Kail read and Steam
ship use. - o
Kerosene Ltt3PICates"Q Oils, o. 2, 3. Superior
Lubricators, and will be found to possess advantages
Aver any OiU in the market at same prices will not
burn and has been thus prepared to meet the re
quirements of Railroads and others.
- Kerosene Bisnacle Oil. Prepared expressly
for Ships' use, and will be found admirably adapted
for use of Steamships, Men of War, Merchant Ves
sels, Lake and Hirer craf t, and burns In all cabin
stateroom, binnacle, forecastle lamps, signal lan
terns, Ac.
Binnacle Oil will remain fluid as long as best
Sperm, and will burn all night without requiring to
be trimmed, an ndvantago that will bo obvious to
every Shipmaster. -V 1 -
The Kerosene Oils 'can be obtained from the
"Wholesale Oil Dealers, Ship Chandlers, Druggists,
and Grocers in Now York, and the regularly appoint
ed Agents of the Company in many of the principal
Towns andVillarc3of tho United States, the Cana
davs. and tho Island of Cuba.
r,nrfil A Tr-n fq flnnoi ntori in c-ar.tomntv WiLtL.taO-
"A Subscriber," (whom we suspect to be Rome narrow
minded Leech) asks us why we advertise Dr. Aver's
nut, and we will give him our seven reasons for so doine.
The, first, second and third are that we are paid for it.
Theourth is, we know them by experience to be good.
The firth is that Dr. Ayer's preparations bcinn recom
mended by better men than we by nhvsicians of the
highest talent and the deepest learning in the land.;. wo
are wen sustained m our own convictions as to their va lue.
Tbe sixth is that they are cheap as well as useful. The
lata but not least is that they have done and are doing an
amount vt good in this community wbich our old fegy
friend if be could repeat himself ten thousand tines.
might never hope to equal, and we trust by making them
known, to render some service to our readers as well aa
ourselves. Christian Advocate.
currence ot Congress for we believe her claims upon Neuchatcl, and the
the matter cannot be otherwise accom- independence of the little republic,
phshed to remove the Capital, we recognized by all tho powers of Eu
want to see the question fairly and rope, is now an accomplished fact.
l, . L 7 1" 7 f TTT 1 Y1
uuuiuj ma, ana aisposea oi. .uc Kussia pursues Her yearly war
want no re-enactment of the scenes against the Caucasus, and although
which have characterized every Session the preparations had been made and
of the Legislature thus far. Let mem- announced for a decisive campaign, so
bcrs act like enlightened and civilized far nothing dicisive has occurred, ex
men, having before them the good of cept that the Russians have been routed
their constituency; remembering that in two out of three encounters.
Nebraska is our home, and that wc arc The difficulties between Austria and
acting not for to-day alone, not for Sardinia, and Spain and Mexico, will
ourselves alone, but for the future, probably amount to nothing more
. : . i f i w . i a r-i i.i r r i xii a. m. .
ana lor inosc wuo are to come than a cocucieatoi :uk ,J"i noimucn
us. When men in Legislating are cider."
'governed by such motives, there is no The only question which still occu
difficulty in reconciling differences of pits public attention to a certain cx-
opinion, conflicting interests, and ar- tctxt i3 the contemplated war agains
rivin at correct conclusions. China." All nations of some naval im
Wc want to hear the people speak portancc appear to bo disposed to take
V.r tlii rmrstion at the polls in Ausrust. a hand in that matter. Since the de-
vu v x I
" and settle it now and forever, and hot partiire of Lord Elgin, the bearer o
have every Session of the Legislature England's ultimatum, and of Mr. Reid
" i. : niM-ni; find uranrdin? over the commissioner of the United States
lt'.i' 1 1 i ill iiiiiiiiuuut. n n - i '
it to th almost entire exclusion of Franco has sent, in the "person
every thin else. The people outside Baron Gro?, a commissioner of her
nf the" three points and immediate own, and Russia, Spain, Portugal, liol
M.r.H-tT.rrrnf. mcntioncdiu the com- land, and even Sardinia have or arc
THE Board of Directors of the Brownville Hotel Com
pany at their last meeting made an assessment of 20 per
cent npon the Stock subscribed, which is required to-be
paid within ten days. Stockholders are hereby notified
accordingly. ALEX. HAL LAM, Se'cy
Brownville, June 25 '57. and Treasurer.
To Contractors.
SEALED rroposalswill berecieved at my offce until
July 4th next, for the the erection of a Hotel in this Ci
ty. Specifications shown by ALEX HALLAJI, Sec'y.
Brownville, June 25, '57.
s. s.
Territory of Eeuraska,
county of Nemaha.
To the Qualified Votert of said County :
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an act of tho
Legislative Assembly of said Territory, entitled "Elec
tions," Approved January 26, 1856; . there will be an
election held in the several Precincts in said County, on
the first Monday in August, A. D. 1857, for the election of
One Delegate to the Congress of the United States, One
Territorial Auditor, One Territorial Treasurer, One Terri
torial Librarian, one Attorney General, One District At
torney for the 2d Judicial District in said Territory. Three
members (jointly with Johnson county) to the Uoue of
Representatives of the Territorial Assembly, One Probate
Judge for said County, One Sheriff, One Register of Deeds,
unetounty Treasurer, one uounty Clerk, One Superinten
dent of Common Schools, One County Surveyor,one Cunty
Commissioner for the Second Commissioners District in
saidCounty, Two Justices of the Peace, and Two Consta
blesfor each Precinct in said County. '
Said County is divided into three Precincts, and respec
tively include the following described Territory, to wit :
ivo. 1, Aiemaha Vity Precinct: Contains E. 1-2 Town
ship 4, Range 12. E, and township 4, Ranges 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, ana sections 34, 3d, 3b, towntinp a, Kange 12, K, and
sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, township 5, in Range 13, E;
and sections 31, 32, 33, 31, 35, 36, township 5, in Range 14;
and sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, in township 6, in Range
15, and scotions 31, 32, 33, 34, township 5, in Range 16.
The place of voting will be at Nemaha City.
JOHN (i. SKEEN, 1 ,
Andrew U. Scovill, ( indse.s of
Jerome Hoover, ) Election.
No. 2, Brownville Precinct: Contains E. 1-2 town
ship 5, Range 12, and township 6, Ranges 13, 14, 15, 16 ;
except mo secuons on me souui siao or township 5,
Ranges 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, made a part of Nemaha City
Precinct. The place of voting will be at Brownville.
Jesse Noel, ) . . .
J D N Thompson, J 5?s of
JohnSMinick. $ Llection.
Ao 3, Mount Vernon Precinct: Contains E 1-2 town
ship 6, Range 12, and township 6, Ranges 12, 13, 14, 15, 10.
The place of voting will be at Mount Vernon.
Sam'l A Chambers, i ?dse.s of
Alfred Meddley, ) Election
By order of the Board of Commissioners of said County.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal or said Uounty, at my office in Brownville,
IBIS ZULU Uil) VI 9 Uilv, LV lOUl
Brownville June, 25th, '57. County Clerk.
Riciiakd Brown, Alexander Hallam.
Pioneer of Nebraska. Late Cash' r Nemaha Val ley Bk
OUR attention will be given to the following business
viz: - - -
To the buying of Bank notes, and loaning money, on
good security,
" . ' and selling of Eastern Exchange.
" " " Land "Warrants,
collection of debts in Nebraska, Iowa, Northern
Missouri, and Kansas.
btying and selling of farm", town lots, or unim
proved lands.
selection and entry of Lands for settlers or
others, either with land warrants or money.
Remittances can be made to us in Drafts, or Deposited
with Banks or Bankers subject to our order.
We will enter lands with Warrants or Cash, pay all fees,
taxes and commissions for one-third of me gross profits,
accrninz from the sale of the lands.
In Nebruska tind Kansas from two to three millions
acres of tho fineft lands in the Union are being offered for
sale. Foreign capitalists will find here a rich field for in
vestment. Investments judiciously made in "Western
lands and town lots are now paying from fifty to five hua
dred per cent.
We solic:.t the patronage of the public, confident that
cur experience and knowledge in the business will enable
us to give entire satisfaction.
Having a largo acquaintance in tho Mississippi valley
it will not be difficult to give references when required
by curresponents, as regards our standing; aud will at all
times cheerfully answer ail letters of enquiry.
Brownville, June 25th, 1857. t2 2-tf
plication to
General Agents, Kerosene Oil, Co.,
. No. 50 Beaver Street, N. Y.
N. B. Circulars with full particulars, testimonials,
prices, &c, will be forwarded on application as above.
Juno 25th, 1857. . ' . v2 2-ly
ALL persons are hereby warned not to cut any
timber or in anywise destroy .tho same on any
Lotsownod by tho undersigned in Brownville or the
additions thereto. A. KOUNTZE,
Brownville, Juno 11th, 1857. . 52-tf
rpHE undersigned respectfully inform the citizens
J., of Urownvillo, and Nemaha and surrounding
counties that in a few days we will open a Fine
Lumber Yard ia Brownville, where we will keep for
sale a well selected stock of Pine Lumber from i to
3 inches. Also, Pine Siding Worked Flooring, Pine
Shingles and Pine Lath, all of which c Tt ill sell at
fair prices
Brownville, June 24th,1857. v2 2-tf
H. A. TERRY, & CO.
wholesale and retail dealers IK
GARDEN and Flower Seeds, Fruit Trees, Shrubs,
v Urape mes, etc., etc.
EPBoxes of assorted Garden Seeds constantly
onhand.forsalelow. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
April 2d, 1857. 42-ly
CITY, N-. T- ,
T)LANKS of every description, for salo at this
D Office.
a a
v Go To
jr. xi3Da.T7T:s,
On Main Street,
- Where you will find the best and
Cheapest CfiM$cerie
In Brownville,
At Wholesale or Retail! .
THE subscriber would invite the public to call
and sco his large stock of Groceries, which have
been selected with great care, and are now offered at
unusually low rates. Persons in want of Coffee,
Tea, Sugar, Molasaes, Cheese, Confectionery, Fresh
Fruits in cans, Tobacco, Segars, Candies, Ac.,.and
any other articles usually kept in a Grocery and
Variety Store, will find it to their advantage to call
before purchasing elsewhere. . Also, by the whole
sale, as fine a stock of Brandies, Wines. Gin, Monon-
gahela, and Rye Whisky, Schnaps, Champagne wine.
C, as ever was brought up the Missouri river. Fish
of all kinds, constantly on hand. Country Produce
Wanted for which tho highest price will be paid.
A share of public patronage Is respectfully solici
ted. J. R. DAVIS.
Brownville, Juno ISth, 1857. v2 l-t5m
ANNOUNCE to the public, that they are prepared
to erect Steam and Water Saw and Merchant
Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair
ing of machinery of all kinds.
They are also Agents for .
Westersa Fomidry.
aw Manufactory
And are prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma
chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es
Letters of enquiry, promptly answered.
Noel, Lake & Co., Erownvillc, N. T. Steam Mill.
R. W. Furnas, Brownville. "
Muir, Hann & Co., " " "
Dr. Hoover, Nemaha city, "
P. M. Rogers, Pawnee city, "
Nuckolls & White, Rockport, Mo.
James Lowe, Linden, "
A. B. Halliberd, Cincinnati, O.
Brownville, June 18, 1857.
v2 1-ly.
Omaha City, N. T. )
To The qualified voters of Nebraska Territory:
I, Mark W. Izard, Governor of tho Territory of Ne
braska, in pursuance of an act of tho Legislative As
sembly, approved January 26, 1S56, entitled "Elec
tions," do hereby declare and make known, that an
election will be held in the several counties of this
Territory, on the first Monday in August, A D.1857,
for one Delegate to tho Congress of the United
States, one Territorial Auditor, one Territorial Treas
urer, one Territorial Librarian, one Attorney Gene
ral, and one District Attorney, for each Judicial
tial District, to bo voted for by the qualified voters
of the District for which he is to be elected. Also,
thirty-five Members to tho House of Representatives
of tho Territorial Assembly, to wit: Tho Counties
of Dahkota, Cedar, and L'Ear qui Court, will elect
two Representative : the counties of Burt and Cum
ing will plvt no iZo-osnt&tivi-: tho county of
Washington will elect throe Representative; the
county of Douglas will elect eight Representatives;
the county of Sarpy will elect four Representatives;
tho eounticsof Dodgcand Piatt will electjointly one
Representative; the counties of Cass, Lancaster,
Gage and Clay will elect four Representatives; the
county of Otoe, will elect six Representatives; the
counties of Nemaha and Johnson, will elect three
Representatives; the counties of Richardson and
Pawnee, will elect threo Representatives. And at
the same time and placo tho qualified voters of each
county, will elect the'following county officers, to
wit: one Probate Judge; one Sheriff; one Register;
one Treasurer; one County Clerk; onJ Superinten
dent of Common Schools; one County Surveyor; one
County Commissioner for each County; two J ustices
of the Peace, and two Constables for each Precinct.
The County Cpmmusi oners of the organized Coun
ties lying nrarest adjacent totheunorganzeid Coun
ties, will proceed to divido the unorganized Counties
into convenient Election Districts, and cause notices
to be posted in each Election Precinct of the time
and place of holding said election, and of the officers
to be voted for, and to appoint Judges, and cause tho
said Election to be conducted in all respects, and due
returns male thereof, as required by law.
" In testimony whereof, I hare hereunto
set my hand and caused to be affixed the
great Seal of the Territory, done at Oma
L.S. ha City, in said Territory, on tho Thir
tieth day of May, A. D. 1857, and of the
Independence of the United States of
America, the eighty-first year.
By the Governor MARK W. IZARD.
T. B. Cuming, Secretary.
All newspapers in tho Territory, please copy and
publish until the day of Election, and forward the
account to tho Secretary.
June 11th, 1857. n52
Estray . RTotlce.
TAKEN UP, by Clark Allen, of Nemaha county,
Nebraska Territory, on the 22dof May, 1857:
One estray Horse Poney strawberry roan star in
forehead saddle marks on both Bides roached
msno thirteen hands high seven years'old, ap
rraised at $57, before Lwi3 Reed, J. P. - r
. WM. A. HOOV'SR, County CI k.
. June 16th, 1S57. ; v21-tf
i . 1 ..... - - ' .
Jacob Harohn,
HAVING determined to locate in this place, re
spectfully announces to the'publio that ho has
on hand a large and well selected stock of Cloths,
Tweeds, Casimers, Vestings, &c,, which he
will niako to order in good stylo and at reasonable
rates; or sell by any quantity desired. - -
Ho also, keeps constantly on hand and for sale a
supply of ready made clothing" of all kinds. "
lJrownville, June 18th, 1857. - ;- y2 1-f t
R. PEERY, M. D.,
Tl ESPECTFULLY tenders his nrofessional scr-
II vices to the citizena of Nemaha county and ad
joining counties, both in Nebraska and Missouri.
June 11th, 1857. 5l-Cm
. , '.r.; , -. '.-. r.r.i' - -
TEE PROPRIETORS of this new town, recently
laid off in Nemaha county, Nebraska, wish to
call tho attention of the citizens as well as those
just coming into the county, to the numerous advan
tag s, they are confident all who will take tho trouble
to examine will acknowledge, surround it. In the
first place it is as near as possible in the geographi
cal centre of the county it ia in the centre of pop
ulation and improvement is on the main through
faro leading North and South and East and West.
The town site is nearly level, gently rollin, is sur
rounded by the timbers of the Missouri and Little
Nemaha; good water is of easy access, several fine
Bprings ore on the town site. Good building stone
near at hand stone coal has been found in abund-
n-rtn Nc'M-Mn n clSnrf ra fimrnl uik .Ju
TSrOTgnirlnttrTCqnialuon I of mechanical purposes of
Another matter, it is confidently believed that
the day is not far distant when a Railroad will be
constructed along tho river tier of counties in Ne
braska, from the northrcn to the southren boundary.
Tho nature of the country is such that this road must
pass through Jcddorado.
With its position and all these advantages sur
rounding it, the proprietors with many others, feel
assured that it will be for the best interests of the
county to locate the County Seat at Eldorado. Be
lieveing thus and feeling willing to assist the county
we pledgo ourselves and will enter into bond, if
necessary, to donate to tne bounty two hundred
acres of land in town lots, provided the County Seat
is located there within a reasonable length of time.
t. ' : . : U. S. HIGHTOWER,
... Proprietors.
Lrownvillo, June 11th, '57. 1 ..; - 52-2m
NO. 4.
Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City
of Brownville, That all able bodied male inhabitants
of tho City over the ago of twenty-one, and under
sixty years of age, shall work at least two days in
each year, under the supervision of th street com
missioner, at eueh time as said Commissioner shall
designate, or pay for each day so failing one dollar
and fifty cents: provided said Commissioner shall
first give seven days notice before the day of working
wnicn nonce snau oe in writing.
bee. 2. The Recorder shall furnish .the Commis
sioner with a list of all hands subject to work on said
streets, and should the Recorder overlook the name
or names of any person or persons it shall be the
duty of the Commissioner to put tho missing names
on the list. . -m
See. 3. All persons failing to work by himself or
a legal substitute snail be returned by the Commis
x . i ir . . . . .
sioner w me .mayor wno snau. issue rus summons
to the persons so failing and unless they render to
tho Mayor a good and sufficient excuse, he shall
assess a fine which shall be one dollar and fifty cents
niiu iusiiui suit, iwr t'ueu uuy eu Hilling,
Passed and approved June 9th, 1857.
A. S. HOLLADAY, Mayor.
Attestt B. B. Thompson, Sec'y.
Brownville, Juno 11th, 1S57.
3?"Spccial Agent for School Books.
June 11th, 1857. 5l2t
Estrays Taken Up.
TAKEN UP by the subscriber on the Half-Breed
Reservation, on tho 7th June, 1857, a small gray
mare, about six or seven years old one two year old
maro mule one yearling mare mule with bald face
both hind legs white.
. The owner or owners can have the above animals
by proving property and paying all expenses.
Neal's Point. N. T.. June 11th, '57. 52-tf
Dealers in
Nails, Stoves, Plows, Furniture etc.,
April 9th, 1S57. 43-tf
15,000 lbs. of Bacon, For sale, cheap for
Sonora, Mo, April 9 th, 1857. 43-tf
May, 21st, 1857. "' 50-3m
GRAPE ROOTS. 20,000 Catawba Grape Roots,
two years old, for sale. Price (5 per hundred
$40 per thousand. J. M. McCCLLOUGH,
Nov. 29tf No. 200 Main St., Cincinnati.
Omaha, Brownville and Table Rock,
IS now prepared to select Government Lands, and
locate Land Warrants ia an v rmrt nf KaKnuVm. &ni
Western Iowa; to buy and sell Land Warrants, City
rropeny ana lieai estate. . Uebts collected and pro
ceeds promptly remitted at current rates of Exchange.-
W ill buy and sell property on commission;
pay taxes for non-residents. With a personal knowl
edge or the best locations in the Territory, I am no w
prepared to it tend promptly to all business entrust
ed to my care; will act &3 agent for Fire Insurance
Companies, etc., etc. I Lave made arrangements
with tho Banking House of Gillespie, Pierce A Co,
Carbondale, to remit Cash and Land Warrants from
persons in the East, on my account and to be for
warded. .
Correspondence Solicited.
J ames Archbald, General Agent D. L. A W. R. R.
Scnnton, Pa.
Chas. P. Wurts, Sup. Del. A Hud. Canal Co,
Carbondale, Pa.
Lathrope A Jones, Carbondale and Scranton, Pa.
B. G. Morse, Esq, Red Falls, N. Y.
Hon. Wm. Gleiuon, Delhi, N. Y.
Jas. C. Hart, Sec. Bd. of Dir. Del. A Had. Ca. Co.
' New York. .
Wm. Frothingham, Attorney, Albany, N. Y.
Gillespie, Pierce A Co. Bankers, Carbondale, Ta.
Jas. Clarkson, Esq, Carbondale, Pa.
Rev. R. Nelson, Prin. Wyoming Seminary, Kisgs
ton, Pa,
Rev. Abel Barker, Honesdale, Pa.
Rev. T. S. Ward, Carbondale, Pa.
Rev. C. W. Giddings, Carbondale, Pa.
Hon. R. W. Furnas, Brownville, N. T.
Mark W. Izard, Got. of Nebraska.
Col. J. A. Parker, Register Land office, Omaha.
Col. A. R.Gillmoro, Receiver,
W. T. Finch A Co., Omaha.
A. J. Stevens A Co., Ft. Dos Moines, Iowa.
Main Street,
thanks to
returns hi3 sincere
the citizens of Brownvilio and
surrounding country for their liberal pat-
ronace extended him t ince he commenced operating
in the above line and place, and ha would say to his
old and new customers who wish to continue their
patronage, that he has just returned from St. Louis
with a largo stock of tne best quality of .Leather,
selected under his own inspection. The quality of
materials, style of work to be had nt the above ubtab
mcnt cannot be surpassed West of St. Louis.
Brownville, Jan. 3rd, ZS57. "- 5I-tf
Smutt Hachines, . - ,
Corn SIielleTSt &c.
One Completo Flour Mill Grinds and Bolts 50
Bbls. per day; and is furnished at $550.
THIS Mill is cheap, simple durable and compact,
requiring less power and attention and making
a larger yield and better-qaality or Hour than any
mill in use.
Engines, Boilers, Shafting, and Mill gearing of all
descriptions, famished to order.
Tho best old Uermam ancnor bolting ciotns, ana
belting of all sizes constantly on and at the lowest
prices. X. W.HAJLfcli Co.
No. 50 Eighth st., bet. Broadway and Sycamore,
fling IjnntJbj Xlliirf
N. B. We also build larger size mills. Circulars
giving particulars sent upon application, with stamp
May 28th, 1857. 50-lm
Hats and Caps.
T ATEST styles of Hats and Caps, and pf every
XJ grade and price, are oliered at
JIain street, between 1st and 2nd,
Has just rcccievcd
West of St. Louis,
Consisting, in part, of the following articles
which he proposes to sell
Cheap for Cash:
Pure whito lead
French zinc
China "
Red lead
Venetian red
Raw and burnt unibro
Spanish whiting
Chalk -Turpentine
Linseed oil
Tanners oil
Copal Varnish
White Varnish
Paint Brushes
Varnish u
Sash and window tools
Wall brushes
Lettering pencils
Tuble paints
Camel hair pencils
Star candles
Yeast Powders.
Castor oil
Cod liver oil
Sweet oil
Olivo oil
Pa tent Medicncs, all sor t
Cough candies
. Fancy u
Castile soap
Toilet " "
. Washing u
Tooth Brushes
Hair " -
Almonds soft shell
Hard shell almonds
Filberts, pcacans
Pea nuts
Oysters in cans
El'k and Imp Teas
Of tho best brands chewing and smoking. Cigars
finest quality and flavor.
Preserved, fruit for pics, Brandicd peaches, fresh
S caches in cans, pure liquors for medical purposes,
amaica Rum, Holland Gin,;Irish whisky, Bourbon
whisky, ginger brandy, Cogniac brandy, Cordial,
Port wine, cherry wine, white wine, malaga wine.
Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, gilt edge note,
and envelopes plain fancy and embossed, Pens and
penholders, Inks of all kinds inkstands and Fabers
pencils, sealing wax wafers.
A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries
Comprising, . Lyons katharion. cologne, pomade.
genuine ox marrow, bear grease and oils; musk
ana essences oi an kinas an-l of the finest quality,
with all other articles usually kept in a Drug Store.
Prescriptions Compounded at all hours with care
and despatch.
DelinqaCj,t TW
Brownville, May 14,1857.
For the Purchase, Sale, and Superintcdance of
WILL attend promptly to all bminess entrusted
to his care. IVrmi vncwKn i. tj.-
desiring to purchase Land or Town Lots in Nebraska.
. . ' j'uwiin, ana lowa, can have
Rare chances arecnntinti. llv if?a-rA. i
lands in Nebraska, which have already been Pre
empted, and for which Warranty Deeds will bo iriven.
vpw ,r caie, vaiuaoio Town Lots and
fcnarefl, in the following towns in Nebraska:
City of Brownville, Nebraska City, Omaha
Cuy, Wyoming La Platte, Omadi, Dahkotab,
N emaba Cit v. Table iLork Pa
rt i mi ri i- VT ""uv"
Leatreville, Salina, Fontcnelle, South Brown-
And many other valuable Points.
I riATA . T ii f rw n1A m. l . . . 4 j. a
a iiumucr oi excellent iou
acre tracts of land already pre-empted, more or less
improved, and conveniently located, and all of as
fine soil as can be found in the world
House and Lot For Sale.
I " J "-'"--J UU lUk BltUSlCUl va IUO
A. corner of Atlantic and Second stroets. The lo
cation is a desirable one for a residence, and needs no
comment. I will sell for what the property cost me,
any one m pursuit of a bargain now is the time to
vji " aeiennined U sell. Apply soon to R.
W. t urnas. or th nkunUn
. H M . . W t .
t, , r E.E.PARKER.
Brownville, Juno 11th, '57. 52-t
Boots and Shoes!
F yon want Boots and Shoes of a good ouallitv
L and Cheap; go to '
Main Street,
Where will be found the
ever opened in this market. J. DAVIS
Jirownviue, June 18th, 1853. t2 l-6m
Hardware, Cutlery and Iron.
A LARGE assortment at
T f ATlT Tmnv.. -
liviiixii f.r.i.i. i tin;
OF Nrii.
.WD Black
Thomas Barasa
H P Buxton
Ja3 W Brir
John J Brown
Isaac Bullen
. James Bishop
James Boveo
"J Butnlick '' '
H S Chastaln ' '
A Cushott
W M Coach
Benj Chapman
L J Chastain
J eremiah Carter
- J Cadcnbach, :
Wm Carpenter
John Conn .
DaVid Darby
Thomas Doil :
John Dcley i
James Deley.. .
Isham Edwarda
yAbslom Eaton v '
C Anton Fredrick
' Win Fillmoro 'Z
. ColGulzmar ::j
S Grosbock , ,
James Goodwin 4
Thomas Heady
James Horn
WW Hunter . '. '
Jas Holland
S. M. B. Homes
. NHoIlack . . .
Andrew Hixon -
PlIJ lA -IXxrmA rim -i- -
H Hawkins !
C Helmer '
Geir Hork
John Hughs :
Lemuel Hughs
David Hughs
Henry Harman
Wm Kirkcef
David Kinnison :
Lawrence Kinnison i
A Koontz
, James JeEfrics ' 1 .
Thomas Jeffries
Sam Jackson
John Jeffries - ' "
I R Little
Israel Loomaa
Francis Michcll
John M'Phirson
J McFarland
G Martin
J B Maynard
Nathan Myers
W F McKinney
John Maulden , '
La man Miller
SF Nuckolls
Herman Atccht
G S Pratt
Silas U Parker ;
Robert Prico
P G Peterson
Jerome Pratt
J N Prince
SE Rogers
II Ray
L RockwooJ
I G Rccken
W Reeder
R S Radley
J Shafer
J P Sampsell
James Stills
George Srouf
Phillips Stan
Wm Stillwell
Benj Swift
W.C Stout . -;
..Geo Snannon! ,1
John Smith ,
M Smith " . ,
- NB Stroll ; ,--
John Sears "
J B Starett -Jacob
Frank Spurlock
J Townsend .
D L Thompson ; '
Casten West
, JoclWestfall .; ;
Cyrus Wright. . . .
Benj Wyito. ,
Peter Whito, , --r
D Woodruff --u
R Xnr , " .
Thomas Willims
J ames D Yates
A Zook . :
The abovo delinquent;! we hereby noti
that unless they call at my ofSce before ot
the 25th day of Jano and j ay off tbcamota
due from eaeh, 1 will proceed to collect fit
same according to. the provijloa of tbe !a a
such cases. WM. HOBLITZELL
Treasurer Nemaha County.
25 tl
: 13
4 00
1 05
4 00
-113 i
iw !
1 01 1
4 01 5
3H !
13 i
32 ;
: 137
3 W
. 2 5T
' 121
2 23
; 2 of
4 1
14 54
0 0
m 4
1 30r.
3 '
4 01-63
w wstm
Agent for North and WestBrowt
Brownville, ?f. T
PARTICULAR attention paid X th 1"
and salo of Real Estate on comnission ini
or elsewhere.
A.Jvountzo, Cm i
A. Chapel, t
A.J.Benedict, Brownvillei 5. T
Brownville, Jane 4th, '57.
Omaha City, 5.T.
37130. S3a.op
Front Street,.
IT) ESrECTFULLY' annouBccs to the txui f
1 Brownville, Nemaha eouniy, an.1 gnrre
country mat ne nts reeenuy opw ur - 1
Brownville f the nxinnfactorr tf Tia. Cop?,
Sheet lion Ware of .very description. L
ery is an new, his stock cf tho test quality, aH
work all Warranted. .,
Brownville, June 4th, 1857.
Special Notice.
Short Settlement Make Long Friend
TnE subscribers request all that sre indebted
them, by note or account V iaa le rymtD';!
tho 15th of February next, a one of the fin "'
start East at that time for a n w and full "
goods, and CASn will be wanted to payf'r "'t
We return our thanks, to our friends l
patronage to this tinvj, and pronuw to merit w "
tinuanconl the same hereafter. , rn
Brownville, Jan. 8li, 1S57.
I J lt i I l 7 fry t mn Tl if 1 1 u h i .1.
WILL give particular attention to prepnn2 '
the necessary papers for rre-emt"c?V
rendering any assistance which nnybe W- J
Pre-emptors in proving up their ltemr11011
attheU.S.LandOuice. .Jw
Across The Shute . .
At the Head of the Island
To W. S. Hall CoAs Savr Mi .
TnE undersigned announce lo tU fjj.
has purchased the Ferry privilege gr tea .
son Peters, at the last Sesio; of tbe Le?V
ana is now preparea wnn ane'f iuiiiu"bw v;h4rir
at all times to accommodate & public. lf.
usual rates. pll,TIi '
Juno 11th, 1S57. -
mm VW U