Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1857)
r .'. --ri :, ?.. -: -.:. i.-... , : rl)K ' Of : ... .: ' ;;.r i I ft JL v!!ir. V V ; y ::."'V ' ! V- .-:t.; ;;,t - . rr DEVOTED TO ART, SCIENCE, AGRICUKTDREj COSffl OF NEBRASKA; r I- CITY OF BECWNVIIIiE; :EMAH A COUNTY TOL. II. in .'!" ' 1 NO. V. - Vv ... ? v y JU V .'VV. FURNAS ad Street, liet. Haia and water, (Lake'eDIock,) ' 1 Sees BIIOWKVILLE, N. T. .n,Tf naiJ in advance. - - ?2.09 advance, pr.-" i fc ' " at tho end of months, 2,50 12 . 3,00 t .r" - f 12 c r nwro will be furnished at $1,50 per , "-u.;'Jl1 juvl catU . acooaJ panics mo oraer, s " rTES OF ADVERTISING: -eq mro; (12 lines or less,) one insertion, -"Slji-.ijaal insertion, " ftuare, cn month - s V " three nriiths, 1 ., " six inr.ths, ' t. " one vear, : inc?s CirJs ofsix Haes or less one year, IhitViUTsn, one year, -, "-'u'.f tJumn,onc, f.arth . " "- $1,00 0,50 2,50 4,00 6,00 10,00 5,00 G0,00 35,00 " 18,00 10,00 35,00 20,00 ie,co 8,00 20,00 13,00 10,00 6,00 liu'.f Culumnj fix inonias, - hair (MuTan, three montns, .''iL.ilNtpsferoffieeinaJTance,) 5,00 ' (VU iu -Tjnec will be required for all advertise- -frit.- ;?.t fr caeh cbange pe aaaea vo me 1 'Zan'll' BcsincFS Cards, of five linea or less, for 2 a vjrti.e:nents will be considered by tho year, ! '..'u 'jft.w-ilisd on the manuscript, or previously .'r .0 1 un between the parties. - j i Vlrrr!ieaieiits not marked on thecopy for a spe;i- i number of insertion?, will be continued. until jr .-...jit, unlehargcJ accordingly. ; AH a Tvertisements from strangers or transient pcr- ., to he raid in advance. ' - i h-firiviVc f yearly advertisers will be confined , r.v m tii' own business ; and all advertisements "t jtr-Uinin thereto, to be paid for extra. ; Vuir!)- adv-crtisers have tho privilege of changing ' :irs.lTeriiiements quarterly. 'i AH l'.-i'l 'd ad veniscincnts charged double the above I Aivo-timrnls on the inside exclusively : will be 'h.Tel extra. BOOK AND FANCY 'JOB PRINTING! W o o to'- Having jublcd to the Advertiser OGice Card and yi Trcfses, New Tyix-s of the latest styles, Inks of uilcdrr?. l!r nzes, Tine Paper, Envelopes, &c.; we ar?T! v: prey nrcd to execute Job Work of every "de- criptio'i in a tyle unsurpassed by any other ofScc 'a !!: I. iiilcd states. i trtvuiar attention wi;i De given to orders from a ''iinc? in having them promptly attended to. 'f'u? Proprietor, who, having had an extensive ex 'rienoc, will rive his personal attention to this branch f 'u.-i;.nfs siv.i hopes, in hi3 endeavors to please, '! la ;aa cx-'eiieneo oi ins work, and reasonable lar receive a share of the public patronage. BUSINESS CARDS. JJROYVNVILKE. A. S. H0LLADAY. M. D. SURGEON, PHYSICIAN LTwOWNTILLE, N. T.; . ' V.k'it a sliaro of public patronage, in the various -upof his profession, from the citixens of Brown v"' "nil rL-iaity. HOBLITZELL & CO., W BOLE ALE AXD RETAIL SEALERS IK DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, Quccnsware, Hardware,. COUNTRY PRODUCE. BROWNVILLE, N. T. MISS MARY TURNER, mmm r--s: Street, between Kain and Water, r IMIOWNVI LLE, N. T. -Tfirfj ani .Jfirnmivgs always on hand. C. W. WHEELER, PDiTTmnnn inn nTTir nnn i"'J TZLZZ ilTO UATSU -2. ro-drxi.illo, INT. I. f5 KICKETTS, CAH?EITTER AtTD JOINER, Y-?r- rj t t.t,t7 XERRASKA. TEURITOIIY. JTlN. THOMPSON, Jnmim at law, LOT AND LAND AGENT; Comer of First and Atlantic- Streets, i BROWXYILLE. N. T- tton UbcCourU of Northern Missouri, Ne- c tern Iowa.. AND Gerxeral Land Agent OMAHA CITY. N. T. - UEFCEEKCE. V ' Um,lLa ?. IL P. Rennet, Nebraska City l MfXL7 est V71 Vf" A. A. BRADFORD ' TV. MCLSN5TA3, ' Nebraska; City, N.TT. - : D. L. MC'GABY, wuviile,N. T. BRADF0KD, McLEMAN . & McGAliT, ATTDBUBYS AT ' : AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. Brownville and Nebraska City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. BEING permanently located in the l erntory, ue will give our entire time and attention to tie practice of our profession, in all its branches. . Mat- Purchases of Heal EattU, Sanctions ftf IjuuI", Xa tin of Land Warrants, and all other business en trusted to our management, will receive proraptand faithful attention. - EEFERENCES. S. F. Nuckolls, Richard Brown, Wm. Iloblitjtcli & Co., Hon. James Craig, . . lion. James M. linghes, Hon. John R. Shcpley, lessrs. Crow, JlcCreary & Co. Messrs. S.O. Ilubbard & Co., Hon. J. M. Love, ' vl-nl Nebraska City, Brownville, . St, Joseph, Mo., St. Louis, Mo., M 4i M 44 U , Cincinnati O. Keokuk, Iowa. June 7, 1858. A. J. POrPLETONV . VX. X BYER3. roPPLETON & BYERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. And General Land Agents, : OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. SPECIAL attention given to the selection and en try of Lands for Settlers, and all others desiring choice locations. - . . Land Claims, Town Lots and all kinds of Real Es tate, bought and sold and investments made for dis tant Dealers. ! J. HART & SON sum t miiss ' Oregon, Ilolt County, Missonrii Kcepconstantlyonhand all description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, 4c, c. N. B. E very article in our shop israanufactarcd by ourselve?,and warranted to give satisfaction. W. P. LOAN, ATTOROBY AT LAW. LAND AND LOT AGENT; ARCHER, RICHARDSON COUNTY, N. T. OLIVEK BENKET. JAMES r. FISKE TV. B. GAKSIT. ArCCSTTS KNIGHT. OLIVER .BENNETT & CO., ' Manufacturers and TThalcsale Dealers in , BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 8T MAIN STREET, . . ( Fobji bly, No. 101, CeXRoP Main axd Locust.) ST. LOUIS, MO. - B. B. TEG RAX. . "8. H. RIDDLE. , B. R PB6RA1M &. CO., 33 SI 33. IS- 0 1?.ZB AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, COUNCIL BLUFFcq IOWA;; F. DINGS & CO., : Importcrt of, and Wholesale Dealert in ; ' Fancy Goods. ; Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes. 39 North Main Street, (Up Stairs, ST. LOUIS, Mo. ' . 32-1 y :,, G.;W.,HURN, vvv DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOH. NEMAHA CITY, N. T. : : ;V 1TTILL attend promptly to all business In his rro i V fessicn when called on : 6uch as subiiving Claims, layijg out Town Lots, Drafting City Plats ete..etc. . . ; g7tf R. E. HARDING. O. C. EIMBOCGH K. F. T0031EE HARDIMG, K1MBQUGH &. CO., UaHiifacttircrt and Wholesale Dealert HATS, CAPS & STRAW'GOODS, No 49 Kaia street, let. Olive and Fine, ST. LOUIS, MO. Particular attention paid to manufacturing our finest Mole Hats. A. L. COATE, county surveyor; BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CO. Uebrasia Territory. . ...... A. D. KIRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Land Agent and Notary Public, Archer, Richardson county, N. T. Will practice in the Courts of Nebraska, assisted by Harding and Bennett, Nebraska City. JACOB S AFFORD, Attorney and Counsellor at' Law. GENERAL INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT. And Notary PubUc. Nebraska City, Nebraska Territorv. WILL attend promptly to all buisness entrusted to his care, in Nebraska Territorv nnt wt. ern lowa. - . - ' ' vcir- September 12, 1S55. Tlnl5-ly ' - SPRIGMAN & BROWN, RAILROAD AND STEAMEQA.T AGENTS. And General Commission Merchants. No. 46, Public Landing. CINCINNATI, OHIO. JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH Second Street, between Main and Nebnwka, ' BROWNVILLE, N. T. V. MCDD, a. L.. HUGHES, , J. J. MTJDD, H. T. MCDD, 8. O. GQUBB. MUDD & HUGHES. PRODUCE COMMISSION No. 33 Levee and -65 Commercial Stree ST. LOUIS. MO. LAW uRYi AUTHORITY. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Public 33. AN ACT to establish certain Post Roads in the United States and the ' Territories thereof. Be it enacted ly Vie Senate and Souse of Representatives of the United States of America in - Congress assembled, That , the following roa!.ba iriil the., same : are .hereby ... declared post roadi, to wit: - . From Patten, Penobscot county, via Island Falls to Smyrna in Aroostook county. From Rockland, via Rockville, West Cam den, South Hope, Union, McLeans Mills, North Appleton, Saarsmont, South Montville, Liberty, Montville, South Freedom, West Freedom, Centre Albion, Albion, East Benton and Benton, to Kendalls mills. -, ;; From North Castine via West Brookville South Brookville to Sedgwick, : ' . From Skowhegan, to XJorth An&on, From Weston via Bancroft, Barker Tract, and Reed Plantation to the; Molnnkus Post Office.' : , ' : r ., . : From north Shelden via West Berkshire to Berkshira in Franklin county. ' From Yergennes viay est Addison and Cnim- ney Point to Port King in tho State of New AVI . fc V i J. ., - From Bradford via East Corinth,-Waits River, East Orange, Washington and Barre, iw wuuiuu m: ' . . . j?rom ot JoncsDur via west . waienora lower aterford and Uatetford to Littletown isew.-nampsmre. ....... . . MASSACHUSETTS. 1 : " - I . , .,, Ut,V ,,t.".C8truw'm' to A dams ville Rhode Island, ''-. : CONNECTICUT. From.Waterbury viaMiddlsburg, to Wood bury, ; . :. , :,. , , x rom Wolcottville via Tornngton to Goshen ' J NEW YORK From Havanna . in Schuvler county, via Odessa,, Mecklenburg and Perrv City to Tru- mansDurg in Tom kins county j From Owego via south Owesro to Warren centre in Bradford county Pennsvlvania. BrxrKrcvTT-iwf ' . . . .-' rom uonncaucviue urawiora county via Crossingvilb aud Edenboto to Waterford. in I Eric .0it. :' - --:-1 From Hanover via Littlestown m Adams county and Monocacyvnie in uarroii county . - yi ' w I juaryiana, to xanniiwuurg m x uuuui i r I 3 i - X? r . J T 1- nA t. I Maryland. . -r - . From Pittsburg via Pittsburg and Connelis- ville railrcad to Conhellsville. . , , From Brookville Jefferson county viaRich- ardsville, Mary Ann ville, Shaffners corners, Beach Bottom and Bear Creek Mills to liidg- Bwny , ' , . v. u ;? ... ' i torn blue Ball, in Lancaster county,, via. Weavers Mill, Boumansville, ard : Knawer's, to Reading.- :r- . . ' From M.inetta in Lancaster county, via Silver Spring, and Hempneld, to Lancaster. From Lancaster via Willow btreet iiawlins- ville and Bethesda to McCalls Ferry. From Lancaster via Greenland and Souders- bun! to Paradise. - "' 1 From Beaver via Parkinson and Service p:st offices to Frankford. From Evansburg to L.inesvuie via &nerman vine in v;rawiora county. . , ... From Holledaysburg to Williamsburg. From Orcutts Creek Pennsylvania to Che- mumg New York, v From Stamiccato Tallmans ville. , . From Tallmonsville Waj-ne county to Star- rucca in said county. .. -J ' u'11:,: MARYLAND ' From Oakland in Alleghany county via Shiry's Red House, Forks of Horse Shoe run, Bouninelds Mills and Holly iieaaows, 10 new Interest in Randolph County Virginia. ' rrom MJCKeyesvme via ouwu, uuhh w, Black Rock. From Aliens Fresh to Thomkinsville. Fmm Pnrt Tnhnrfin to Pisah in Charles irom FOIt lODaCCO to riSgan m vnariw r ' ... . - ' . . ' ; . Frnm Frftdfirick V a" L.ew Ston and CatOCin Furnace toMcchaniwtown. - ; - r : . From west Nottingham via Battle Swamp to Rising Sun, .VIRGINIA.. From Wellsburg in Brook county via Beth any to west Alexandria in Washington county ennsylvania. From Water Lick Warren county to Earners Springs in Shenandoah county From. Kstillsville to Stony creet in bcott county From new California in Koane County via William Gandees, Elijah Leforces on the flat ork of Pocatakiso and new Kentuck to bis sonville in Kanawha county. From Kowlesburg in .Preston county via TtnflPaln fin! i-rl f rronVa im r oof T? Ircr tr Tmint on tho l)rv fork of Raid rivwr whsre thft route from Beverly in Randolph County crosses iu. 1 1 u -r fiv.AMt . ... . i From Western Ford Tucker conntv via T.oroi An niioo it TiorVn irf. ALU.. W . V. IHUV. X U ; SJVU. wVUl county. From Woodstock in Shenandoah county to ount Olive. Mount Olive. ' From Harrisburg m Rockingham county to Aiom springs, in imu coumy. X IUIU X VlUt I. ICdSilUt 1U JUIUUll 11 I T ia u ...... i xi i iue viuiKauuni ivoui 10 jacKsou courc nouse, - -i-t-.i Tl l . 1- it t rr i t . . t,. . . ir:i l. t-.i I VU JLTMUOIIV & UKUaUl WUI. , UU lltgUIVVU lUimca'CKiouacKson etiurt nuuse. v, p ; a mtf a. ivii VA'iavi va ita iipvuiakbVA wuuvj v bnanish Oaks to Oakville. Frnm illnnra Trirn in Ksspt wmnr tn Bestland in same county,- Frnm lAneastir (C, r Mirrv Pnmf From Norfolk via York River to Kirsr and Queen (C H) touchin i at all post off ces on said nver, . . Establish a daily mail from Ashland in Kentucky to Guyondotte in Virgicta, From Williams Wharf by Greens Wharf to .North end in the county of Matthews. Fmm Twvnck "Dalrt ti. (Yxr Part Maienn county. . ' - ' " NORTH CAROLINA. From Chapel Hill in Oransre county via Fearington's Mill. ' Asa lligbee's Store,1 rilo mas B. Farrsn and Maoly ."Snipe's' ta Wl.".te Cross in Orango county. . , . . . t . From Strickland Depot in Dauphin county via Dresden and Prescott t5 Ro'cknsh, ' From Clinton in Sampson county via Tay lor's Bridge to Harrel3 Store in New Hanover county '''r'.'- r ; tlpi':. From Lileville in Anso a county via Hailey's Ferry to Rochingham in Richmond, county, - From Durham's' Depot in Orocge county via Simm's Mill, Douglass and Webb's Fac tory, Round Hill, Dials Creek, Cross Roads near Red Mountain to South Lowel!,, , . i ..- ; s6UTH CAROLINA. 7 From Horse Shoe South Carolina via Holly Springs, Long Creek, and Checkeroe to Clay ton, Georgia, - t From Anderson via .Piercetown Equality, Slabtown Churubusco and Milwee to Ander son, . - - ; ; ' ' O ' 1 ' ' From Anderson via . Varannes ' and Lvel Land to Abbeville Courthouse 1 "".-" ' From Pickens (C H) via Bartln'a TaWe Rock. South Saluda to Greenville, r . From Lumkin Stewart cpunty via Florenco to ulenville m Alabama From Newnan Coweta county to .Wedowee in Randolph county Alabama,- v r- L From Covington via" Rocky PJains, Snap pinS Shoal to Beersheba Henry county. . . From the terminus of the Brunswick and Florida Railroad west of the Saltilla river, to the' terminus of tho Savannah Albany and Gulf Railroad west of the Altamaha liter, s ALABAMA.- From Franklin toGeneva in Henry, county, 1 rom Callicrs Store m Pike county via Howard's Level to Bcsly villa in Cctfeo county, xrom ureenvuio via ooutn uutieT to vuity Streak in Butler conntv. i .-f '.,: r From Troy in Pike county via Whitewater, Kockyhead Haw Ridscand WestvillotoNew ton in Dale county-the y route heretofore es- t.ililislio.l fv law frnm Trrtr vTa T?rtrlccheftT tr IJalevilla is hereby f discontinued - and re From YotmgsVille via Becketsville, CLap- mans Ford, Goldviue, Jackson's Camp, Al mond. Ne3abulga to Wedowes. From Burleson in Franklin county to Bares ville m Marion county. Irom. Dadeville via lontreal, Island .Home Fish Bond. Bulgers Mills to Nixburgh, From Winchester on Mobile and Ohio Rail- roaa via isney, i5utier, jviount Bternng ana Tomkmsville to Linden m Marengo county, From Mobile via Blakelv to Cottreu and uonneiiy's Mills in uaiawm county, From St. Sterjhen'a in Washinerton county to Citronell in Mobile county, From Stenhensnn via All hann. flnlhns ' to Liiikin Fork m Jackson county. From Bridseville Pickens county to Macon . w Koxubeo county Mississippi, mi AT T . . n . j? rom lusKegce via XMew roiosi 10 oociety Hill. From the State Line Station on the Mobile and Ohio .Railroad to Bladen Springs in Choc taw county, From Burleson in Jb ranklin county to Uarns ville in Mairon. county, "-,'; . ' 7 ,: ' ;" ' Mississippi.- . i--. : t. From Greenville in Washington c6unty to JUtlAUll 111 ouuuuni:! uuuijr, From Kosciusco via Centre, Yorka and Ld inburg to Union in Newton county, From Charleston ralahatchie county via McMullin's btore, Big Mount to Mew utr, From Napoleon Arkansas via' Printers m Bolivar county to Elm Wood and Victoria in Bolivar county, - ; , ; Fiona Lexington : in -Holmes county via Tchula at thS "Head of Honey Wand" ir-i Gillespie in sunnower county to Greenville, Prom Snmif ?n PJVo XT-nil !!! In Franklin county." " ' " " From McLeod's Post Office duect to Brick i lum "'"' m umiuwu j Floydstown, Cato Springs to Brandon in Ran- bin rmntv From old Haickory . via Scotchtown to Williamsburg in Covington county, ; ., f I From Old Hickory via Pakdytown to Mr. tarmel in Uovingtonton county '. ,' , ...LOUISIANA : i '.. i-,T .. . . . , rm oimmspori m AYoyauCTVxaru Sena,.. . . . - ,; ;. ' From unnton m n.ast i) euciana, via oiony c - M --n. " rlt I r V Ctf10mAnf r,r,A tnwn Tloylwrxr in utw,tru . i ry ' e i .1 r t : : i Tl . . 1 . opringue.u, m ;--; L - romm.Q ane lJurcs store, anu ijig opnng 10 jw.agwii Arknn- - , Fron Cottrell's on the Merraeuton nver. via Lake Arthur, to the Grand Chenier, in Caicas- sion Parish: From Simmsport m Avoyelles Parish to tne mouth of th e Buyou Rouge, in St. Landry Parish: From Rinssold in Bienville pansn via Mos - ' . ... . . w cow to Fillmore in Bossier parish; From'?.?ew Orleans to the Cheniere Cam- inada; .. '. ' " - .. From New Orleans to be. liernara; From New Orleans via Balize to Southwest Pass; . . From Plaquemin in lberviue ransn - to Unarenton in sc. uiary a a iuu, OHIO. Urom uacine m jueig w-y wb- wood in Jackson county. Virginia 1 ' . - 1 XT- TH.; .t nhl 17 xrro pwi,ii;ni via Altona to New Comerstownin Tuscarowas county . From New Bremen via Knoxvillc to Wa From New Bremen via ivnoxviuc co wa- pakoneta Auglaize county, . t '"V L f.V" TZi" i and rwi soti mrni 10 iuuiauu. i I """" I flUlnil.5 in (ia lUrflunlv ui nilTTKiHil I muy(uiium . : i -r; , rnn,, i '.iart comers in Asnra - J I . i wum nnla ennntv Ohio Braver ani leaver Uentre. la i ' -w - in rennsvivama to iyouuem iuuji I Vania. From Leipsic to Pleasant post omce in rut- I nam COUUtV. ? ' - From Oak Hill Jn Jackson County via Rocky Hill, Key Stone Furnace, ; Vinton anq Edirjjrton to Wilkesviue. rom Oak Hill via Wales patriot Land I ork and 'Grearv Rid?a to Manon in Lawaence county, - o KENTUCKY. - J From Greennpsburghi via Old Steam Far A. . v-a rt T 1 . Hone and Botta Store; to John "Bife'i in Law- renca conntv. . " . : : . . ; ; , - ;From ;Greenupsbur2hrUt the East Fork of Little Sahy River to! Isaac Bottsln Lawrence r county- thenco to Lpusa; V ;I ;1 -- J r-'-'TEifESS-EE. ry''f From Bristol in SulliTm Countv viaTavlors- ville Sugar Grove to Lenoir, in north Carolina, From . Lacy '8 Depot in Carter county Tia Elizabethton.'Taylorsvillo' to Jefferson in north Carolina, ' . ' ? ' : ' From Talbott's Mills in Jefferson county via Homers Mills Easby Perry. Prook's Stored to Hntledge-4n Grainger county, '; I - Rockport Chase .Villo ,anl Farm'ville to Lex ITifftnn I'll ' i ' l'j.:l'JJ rf - v. 'U- INDIANA. ; From Georgetown via' Indianbla a Hickory Grove, Upper Embarrass to Pesotum-Station on the Chicago branch of the Illinois Central Railroad, -" ' ' ' ' . ' : ' " From Rising ;Suh in; Ohio coun(y-via John Scranton's'Milton Mills, Bear Branch to Cross Plains in Ripley county," : ; J'1J J? rom Franklin in Jackson county viaBeards- town Bogstown to London in Shelby county, From Aurora in Dearborne county to'Risics Sunii. ; rST-r. i-jiiiM.T.iii o'i From, Cannelton in. Perry county to., Paoli in tJrange county, . JJrom ixiletn'-' viaA Beck's Mill and Organ Spring Mill to Fredricksburgh in, Washington county, From New Castlie'n Henry county via Cadiz, .to Greensboro in aid' county," From Paoli in Orange county via Newton Siuart to Carmelton in Perry county, - - ' ' " J . From Salem via beck's Mills to Fredricks burgh in Washiag'top county, . ILLINOIS. From; Pesotum to New .Albany in. .Cole's CPH?1!. . - r-r. r t. - rrom umey- m uicniana cotmty via m- graham Prairie Bibla'Grovo , to Jane inEffingf ham mnntv 1 . ' l' From Rcesfield Peoria 'via1-Robin " Nest Princevillo and SlackwaterdntiWyomipg-an Starke county, .. ..xu.r in tt i " : 1 1 - . ? rr 11 I rrom v crraont in r uuon couniy via xauie -ri -r ' . ' ' -n . t I r rom rnnceion . in uureau coaniv to r kilwa connecting with tho Chicaso and Bur- lington 'Railroad : and the :Chigago and Rock M ana xauroaa v a u yauueua, Duaa, ixepon. Island, Trenton; PcW and-La Salle, v :J ( From Verden ;via Ohapmans Point, :Lewu Solomons, Scotlville,' Athensville, " Liberty Dcnooiuouse aon uoycrio Vyarroiion, From Mount.Carrqll via Fairhavento.GenHibft; - ,1 n-unA 'L coin,lr,Tr,ATvn t.1 p. '- ' - " - - From Carlinville vk Rhodss Point Fidelity JVVille to Hartlcn,,,.!-; tv incne-stcir viaTxeter to Bethel. 1 From Springfield via Horse Cteek ani BfrisnL wuBw nmcu, ,,,,,) ii Off: - hart.' - ... w i ... -f .in.... j.1 .1 1 '" V i i - 'ri i-r 1 1 r l ri upri v nn fv -npnr r n a rnnnrv 1 1 no betwoen Ogle ano Dekalb counties ;ia -.Hicks Mills Post Office Cherry Valley in Winnebago county, ' , , - Missouri."" v ; I . .It t 4 .. r... -i i I From Warrensburhn Johnson' conntv to Butler in1 Bates county; : Wi - r ;: ;, . Fram,WarrCnsburghj to. ; Pleasant, Hill,, in Casscountv, . - vrr. r.::- t' rfLA irrTn.-.'i sanies :n Morgon county, -' - V" 1 rom Jefferson Uity via Missouri, river t) I j: r- x AjOUU v racinc lianroad to J ell c,ouu , w Vt ARKANSAS. - t- T.I,. XT CI L r.. . 'i- o t. ' uuu TJU 8 "f1 e x ortea? r. P . I J .From Perry ville via Thomas Holme's Mill's Esquire Tyler's, Crawford, on i south Fourche lefare Creek,- to Boffiington, Post Office In Tell county and Cedar Creek Post Office in bcott county, - irom Ues arc Prame county via Cotton T11.i - -'rr: Vr'-ilL 1 x,,: unjr iuu iu vauuu wuuy- w iuu iuuuw ui .Tamwi Fork f WMtA Ww .Missnnri . I ' From Colnmbria in Ilpmnstp.irl cniintr wi - - -:r - -"r-"-- -";r" i m i nrnnn an-? iirn tonrf rn Knrnrf I tnrr 7":" p iJ Pinney'a yGrovQ.m -Ray county to Utica in under your arm r .rrom wnicnsne ais LvrngstpVi count . - . . covered & dark fluid ;dtipping.) 'Oh! : From California: in 'Moriitead county to f eri nAtlilnrf rmt. n rnnt which the tailor has affain. -Billy' YOU go down, and I x """"v"u Ai -wi"v'"v vwu"v v" in Randolph county," ' rom iieienain Fhiileps county via. K ran- cis and Poinsett counties to Gamsvillein Green From CalhouninColumbiacounty to Franks ville in Claiborne Parish, i; , ; . From Little Rock via Perry ville DanviIIo, Boonville and Greenwood on the south side of Arkansas river to Fort Smith, 1 . , v From Brownville to Taylor1 Bluff on White River. From Camden via Magnolia to Lewisvillo; From Littlp Rock via Washington to Clark? ville in Texas, From- Little Rock through Hot Spring county to Stinnett's Mill near the line of Pike and. Clark thence by Hill's Mill in Tolk coun ty, tnence oy no resiueuce vi o. men larouzn we uwiuiaisi , w iici rnnWtv t;n it intflrsnrta tha Fort Towson road, thence through the Choctviv Nation to Wnghts j r x crry on itea nver, meucc m xnru ui xjaiuui coumy lexas, - m . MICUIGAN. Prnm p;rt TJnn vi Arhnla In Worth in I . , i . , r -r:i. n: . xUSUaiUUba tuuut). I - r rom r 0t iiuron via w yue juius a iiit ii ci I Jl TT 1 W 1 " - i auu waits w mcuiuuin, i . r . T ; , , v: jromjuasoniningnamwuuiy iaam,. to Eaton Rapids, .From Ionia to Fallsburg, . From Homer to Calhoun to Pekawshi, From Ionia by Greenville to Leonard, a. a wa .s -'j From ConsL-mtme in bt. Josepn county via Shaws Mills -Wilhams and Brownsville Cassanolis in Cass county, ' ; . From Ionia to Vermontville, -.'From Hillsdale via South JeJerson and Ransom to Woood's corners,- ... " r ' -; " From Boston via Pattersons Mills to Green ville in said State . From Ionia by, Crystal, to tho Centre of Isa- . 1 1 1 ' 1 ! From Ionia bfNorth. Plains to Matherwn, - in tha State of Michigan 'tli- i THS CATE1S, . - - It has become quite a common sight, says the Indianola (Texas) Bulletin, to see camels, and dromedaries marching through, our street's. .The camels are now employed in carrying government freight from Powder Horn to the deQOt. inev carry ine enormous huiu.- vi- 1,600 pounds, and with the greatest ease. . Tho sight of them stampedes all the horses' and mules that come within sight ; of !them.: f They are certainly not' nandsome "creatures. :The only distinction the ' Arabs ; make : between the camel and the ; dromedary is that one seryes for, a .beast of burden and the other for a riding, nag. The, word dromedary J with' them1 means swift or fleet. A- nbrse in a brisk tro t can scarcely keep up : with the camel in a walk, i They apparently gfe Blow with tbeir.. measured jtread but ,irr,, reality thev are movincr along: raoidly. The j drbnieilajries, Vthi their riders and gor- geous trappings' irioTe"along' in a'brisk trof-at tno rate ot one nunctrea miles per daykoil l. -J-t f-,-:: , . The"rprincipal writer is Stephen O. Foster, author ;of ; "Uncle r Ned."" "O Susanna." . &cy. ..Mr. .Foster . resides t:i;. rAa n ucaf "T f"l ? -v .. moueraie.cierKsuip, upou wuicix, auu a percentage on his songs, ne aepenus for -a living. ' . ITe writes" the poetry as Wnll as': the music' to his sonffs. 7 -Th6se - - - CJ . - - . 77 rrrtnrrn ci eM-Lfn irnilA Tnrt TT1.1lf 13 cuay,v 10 ISljUttvu, , hu.iu;.mv sunjr wherever men Sing... In the cotton field of the South' among the mines of California; Australia, in the SCa koastcities of China, m Paris, mthe LjOnaon prison ev.erywiiero,: m iact his melodies. are heard. .. "l nclc ixed wna tu c -. f . -r ,1S was rmhlished in lOTU. dUU WiV.lJVVA U 9U.1I .1 i n men in ine music-puuiismu- uuamc-ss. Of'JiThft ILamltlUUa hnnips hnvo hnfn nrinttl in this! country a n,T rr, VA A,i - xr:ir tt rui -n m-ay " and all his other songs have i . ': A'" fellow' going U) street 'with' a bottle1 of 'freshly impOTted' Maine T. att ' snw n.nnnfThadv-whom he miis 1 - " T ' " J 1-) J 7 inevitably join. So putting the bottle under his arm ho walked .. along side ell7'saidrthe' young lady after a dis ijVsinff of . alth : and 1 the 1 weather,1 , .. . ji ' - ,' 'jlOj what is that bundle you are' carrying been mending for me., 'Oh! it coat, is it? " "Well, you d. better carry it back and' get him to sew up one more hole,' it leaks. A i Dutchman among TnE MULE- ' . . ... -r. . rr, . T 1 JECKS. yjtfUUj Me leaves or x enr. A 'Zonnairillo nf tlio "Fn crlf " n rrnrit , - . i Altf fV ' ct.,t,ioa0 nnp inv ' d3,ACl"' V T f ; . .r-7 the host ana the "usual crowu in me bar-room weref "startled by;" the Dutch ostler, rushing in, almost' breathless, .u:,i f t f t 1 1 : f'Mscster Borter! Mecstct Bortcr! TflW- f.c rtr t Ipn.' JT - W nn v y : rl atfMA nnrl i-rA trn IW, T I T:n VT V. Vt, V-U f S3Y, JJUiy uunu; ui-wsuau-uau-u. - - - t and shust gets upon hi hind leet. 1 i - o ' .i,. ii i strikes at him mit de bitch tork, when (jc stmkum sheep pitch into mo and t tt me j wn gtair3 m0ng de mule JV de goat. J50 Mister iortcr, JMliy ne leaves or 1 leaves. Lofty Conduct. In. the neighbor hood where I once lived, a man and his wife . were almost constantly quarrel ing: during their quarrels their only child (a boy) was generally present, and of course had caught up many of - J ljjg father s expressions. One day, when the 'boy had been . . - . - .i doing something wrong, the mother, ,. , . ,. ,. intending to cnasuso mm, called Him auu saiu; u-uuiu licru, sir: iuu, uiu you do that for: . ....... The boy, complacently folding his arms, imitating his ' father's manners, replied '.'J . v."; : .;'See here, madam, I don't 'jwish to have no words with you. v God has written on the flowers tha sweeten, the air on the breezes tha I -1 ; , ; 4 tocks ine nowers upon the stem upon to the rain dron3 that refresh the snn of moss that lifts its head in the desert upon its deep chambers upon every penciled sheet that sleeps in the cavern of the deep, no less than the mighty sun that warms and cheers millions o creatures which live in its light upon all His works He' ha3 writtea '.'Nono livcth for himself." I O . J I .1.1. . J' 5 is a Chasing a railroad - is a yery unpro fitable kind of exercise, .Patrick got out- to take somo refreshment. The , train 'as. off .'.without L!m." ' Stop' there," he shouted after it. --Stop;; ye ouhlstamo waggon, ye've a'p'assongcr, aboard that's left behind!" : A lady told- her husband ehc had read the Art of Loycon purpose.tobo "I hadralher have your lote without " art replied he. - . - J "When a feller has reached n. ccr- . ua pint in " drinkin, , said an old soaker, "I think he ortcr stop." ' "Well, 1 think ".said a war, "ho had. better stop before he . reaches a' pmt. i -; - ... .: -. It is. said that there uro more lies old in the brief sentence. "I am clad o see:you, than in any "other singlo' sentence in the Jbnglish language. - 1 -) . Beautiful is the love ' and. sweet the kiss of a sister." Old Paper. -. . , Exactly, and of - a pretty cousin, too. If jou have not a sister Aorcoiisia of yb'urlown.try somebody else's. 'sister or cousin its all the samel , "Durban, the", great MeYhodist orator, onco' attempted to "preach from he, ;text, ".liemember Lot s wife,' ; ' and made a. failure.- .Afterwards remark ing to Bf. Bond that he did not know thd reason of his failure, the venerable Doctor replied that "he had 'better. thereafter ld ether j -peApicsj mvi ,('3a.Ur" cried a girl looking; outef thcr upper' story .window of .a .smivil grocery . addressing another girl wtio was trying to enter at the front uoo:r, "weVa all been 'converted; so when ypu ; want milk on Sundays you viiV have to come m the back way. ' 1 ! ' I 1 1 I . . ' .1 IIor Li a dun. out from a , count nti-y "i-jocwe wunt that Sod,80." -"A wag,'ipo'n visiting a medical- mu scum, was shown :somc; dwarfs acid other specimens! of, mortalityy-iallprc served in alcohol. r . ri . fj . 3 ' "ycll" said he, . "I never ihou ght , . the dead could be in such spirits." ' -H ,- .. '- - : A l young lady engaged to be mir ried got-'sick of; her bargain, : applied to, a, friend .to Help her untie the kisoti : before it .was too late. . "Qhy .ccris Iy," she replied; "it3 'very easy 'to untie it now while it i3 only a beau knot." ? ' - The man who held an office got tired and let go for the purpose of resign;; himself a short time, when the oCico got away and hasn't bcenrheard freni since. k ' " ' : " "Keep your dog away from me:' said a dandy to a batcher boy." "Darn the dog he is always alter. puppies,:; said tac boy. ; mi. ai e 'ii -i i iuc taisiuKe oi, a nignt: lo.jgM poetic on gin, and take lamposticr watchmen. . . . . A wfse man ought to hope for tho best, be prepared for the worst,-at (1 bear; with equanimity whatever may happen. , . La'Ilochcfocauid said: "High titl:3 debase, instead of elevating those wlio do not know how to support them.' Proud .men never. .have menJs; neither in prosperity because tl:v know nobody, nor in adversity bciaaio nobody knows them. ... Wendell Phillips,- the eloquent ora tor, in one of his tctnblc phiiiip'.ci says, a Yankee don't care for' he won't accept it, unlcs.i you .first prove to him that it i3 worth at leas! . ten per cent per annum; An old gentleman was cmcc joking a lady acquaintance, who had passed her four score years in regard to her eligibility to the married state. ; " "Oh," said she; . "I have no bngcr any desire' to get married." ; v ' . , "Now," said hef, gallant, "supro?o a very smart rich young man should come and offer himself, don't you think you would accept?" "Oh, I don't know," said sha, uwc arc changeable critters!" The following sign may De seen cn a . Dlacksmitb shop in Jissex: ro-hoses- shod on Sunday, excepting sick--, ness or death.