. m BcUnanent Tax List OF KE3IAIIA W D Black Thomas Barass II T Buxton J as W Brigg John J Brown Isaac Bullen James Bishop James Bovee J Bamlick . II S Chastain , A Cashott W M Coach Bcnj Chapman L J Chastain Jeremiah Carter' J Cadecbach . -"Win Carpenter John Conn David DarLy Thomas Doil ' ,-7 John Deley.- j. James Deley Isham Edwards Abslom Eaton Anton Fredrick IVm FjIImore Col Gnlzmar S Gro&hock Jemes Goodwin Thomas Heady James Horn W W Hunter J as Holland S. M. B. Homes S Hollack Andrew Hixon Daniel Honchin H Hawlins . C Hehner GeirHork: John Hcghs ' Lemuel Hughs Darid Hoghs Henry Harman Vita. Kirkec David Klanison : Lawrence Kinnison AKoontz James Jeffries Thomas Jeffries Sam Jackson John Jeffries IRLittte - Israel Loomas Francis Michell John M'Pbirso-n J JIcFarland G Martin J B Maynard Xathan Myers W F McKinney John Maulden Laman Miller S F Nuckolls Herman Atecht G S Pratt Silas H Parker Kobert Price P G Peterson Jerome Pratt . J N Prince S E Rogers HRay L Rock wood . I G Eecken W P.eeder .RSEadley J Shafer J P Sampsell James Stills George Snouf - rbillipsStan "Vm Stillwell Becj Swift "Y C Stout Geo Shannon John Smith M Smith N B Strong John Scars J B Starett Jacob Spuilock- Frank Spurlock J Townsend D L Thompson . Casten West " Joel Westfall Cyrus Wright Benj Wyito Peter While D Woodruff It Wirl Thomas Willims James D Yates AZook COUNTY. 1 70 95 96 11 04 G8 00 58 00 . 42 00 29 31 49 OS 03 40 56 15 40 44 80 24 21 00 51 12 01 00 35 20 00 71 80 61 . 57 18 23 00 47 17 21 88 01 00 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 o 1 3 4 O 1 1 5 1 2 1 12 3 1 1 4 2 4 1 7 2 1 o 1 6 6 o 1 o 4 3 1 4 1 Q 4 8 1 2 4 1 O 3 1 33 00 00 57 01 37 17 83 21 41 04 08 64 16 13 32 76 00 56 00 32 18. 00 05 77 00 00 16- 88 48 92 00 00 01 25 4 1 7 5 1 5 4 16 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 1 19 3 1 4 1 1 4 3 61 13 08 o 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 3 2 1 2 2 4 1 14 2 1 3 1 3 4 6 42 72. 37 00 40 17 61 96 64 57 21 28 56 00 13 54 92 30 21 92 21 01 59 The above delinquents are hereby notified that unless they call at my office before or on the 25th day of June and pay off t!he amount due from eaeh, 1 will proceed to collect the same according to the provision of the law in such cases. WM. HOBLITZELL - -Treasurer Nemaha County. Notice to Pre-Emptors ! G. S. HORBACII & CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS. OMAHA CITY, If. T. WILL gire particular attention to preparing ai the necessary papers for Pre-emptions, and rendering any assistance which maybe required by Pre-emtors in proving up their Pre-emption rights at the U. S. Land Office. 45-6m VfOTICE jg hereby given, that on the 6th day of j.i reoruary, 130, me Articles of Incorporation of the L.rownrille Bank were recorded in the office of tho Register of Dcedj of the County of Douglass, in the Territory of Nebraska, The name of the Corporation is as above stated. The principal place of transacting business, the City of Omaha in said county of Douglas?. The business to be transacted, legitimate Banking. The amount of Capital Stock $400,000, $35,009 to bo paid immediately at he time of Fubscribing Stock, and the residue on the order f the Directors in (instalments of five Tver cent. The time of commencement, 6th of February, 1857, and its termination fifty-years. Highest amount of indebtedness not to exceed two-thirds of the Capital Stock. The affairs of the Corporation to bo con ducted by a Board of Directors, a President, Vice j resident, ana vasnier. May 21st, 1S57. Ncbraskian copy 4w, and ch. this office. AT OUR WAREHOUSE WiU le fonni at all lima A LABGE AND COMPLETE STOCK Of all kinds of Farm Implements - AND MACHINERY, With a full Stock of Field and Garden Seeds, Grains, . Of the Most Reliable and genuine kinds. Full Catalogues sent on application. -HENRY D. EMERY A CO., J - 291 Lake Street, Chicago, 111. March 5th, 157. 3S-tf JOSEPH IL RICHARDS, DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR . Of Nemaha County Y. T. tttii.T, nttrr.d womntlr to all business in his V foifi. when called upon: such as Sub dividing Land, Laying out Town lot?, Draft! City Hats, etc. EEFEKEXCES, A.L.Coate. U. W. Frame. Urownville, Maj 14, '57. ' Articles of incorporation or THE NEBRASKA SETTLEMENT COMPANY. Akt. 1. Know all men by these presents, that we, J. S. Wovl, Joseph Strel, jr., R. V. Muir, C.'V. Giddings, II. Brownscombe, E. F. Ferris, Deroit C. Olmstead A P. Bartlet, James L. Gidding?, Robert W. Furnas, and S. B. Cowles, our beire and assigns, do hereby associate ourselres togc iier&a incorpora tors for the purposes and uses expressed in these articles of incorporation, and doty these presents constitute and declare ourselves it Body corporate and politic with succession under the name and rtyle as given in tho following articles, ngreeable to chapter Third of an Act of the legisla ture of Ne braska Territory, entitled "an Act for revising, con solidating, and preparing a general Codo for the Ter ritory of .Nebraska,", approved Jan. 25th, A. D., '38. Aet. 2. This Association shall be known by the name of the Nclnula, Settlement Company. The number of shares of capitol stock . shall not be less than twenty nor moro than five hundred of five hun dred dollars erch; but the price of these shares may be raised at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors, by a vote of two-thirds present and voting. Abt. 3. Every member of this association shall pay at the time of his or her subscribing to the con stitution, the turn of twenty, dollars "per share so subscribed by them, for the use of tho company; the balance of said share to be paid in such manner and at Euch times as directed and required by the Board of Directors. In case any member of . this Associa tion, after being duly notified, fail to par the said share or shares, or any part thereof, when called for by said Board of Directors, and allow tho same to remain unpaid for the sjmco of thirty day?, the Board shall thereupon bo a thorized and empowered, at their discretion to declare the said stock of such members forfeited to the use of the company, and may thereupon proceed to nako such disposition thereof a3 they may deera meet and proper. : Akt. 4. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a "Vice President, a General Superinten dent, a Treasurer, a Secretary and Seven Directors, all of whom shall bo chosen annually by ballot, and they shall have full power to make, alter or change their own by-laws. . , Akt. 5. It shall be the duty of the' Ganer&I Su perintendent to receivo subscriptions for capitel stock, sell shares representing city lot1?, and to attend to the correspondence andthe active business of tho company. All monies received by him shall be paid monthly to the Trf asurer. lie thall give bonds satisfactory to the Board for the security of monies which may be in bis hands, and he shall receive for his services such sum as shall be fixed upon by the 5ard. ';';'." Art. 6. It shall bo thoduty of the Secretary to keep exact minutes of the proceedings of the Presi dent and Board of Directors and meetings of the Stockholders, and to attend to the collection of nil dues of the ccmpany, and pay over the same to the Treasurer when collected, and take bis receipt for the same, and do and perform such other duties as may be incumbent on bin by virtue of his oHice, or as directed by the by-laws or board of directors, lie s'jall have his books ojten to the inspection of all the members of the company, and shall receive for his services such sum as shall be fixed by the President and Board cf Managers. lie shall give a bond with at least two sureties, to be approved by the President and Board of Managers, for the faithful performance of his duties. Akt. 7. It shall re thfiduty of the Treasurer to receive from the Secretary and General Superinten dent all monies collected by them, and give a receipt for the same; to pay all orders drawn by tho Presi dent an 1 Board of Managers and attested by tho Secretary. Ho shall keep correct accounts of all monies received and paid out by him and have his books present and open at every meeting of the Board and of the Stockholders, for tho inspection of any member of the Association, and exhibit a balance sheet at every regular meeting of the Eoard. He shall give a bond with at least two sureties, to be ap proved by the President and Board of Directors, for the faithful performance of his duties. Art. 8. The members of this company shall bo all such persons of good moral character, as shall, with the consent of th-j General Superintendent, subscribe to the constitution, own one or more shares of stock, or shall have received donations from the company; and they do mutually agree to protect each other in the maintenance of their lawful rights, and to act together in tho promotion of their mutual interests. Art. 9. Any member cf this company may trans fer a share or shares of stock to another person; but bsfore any transfer shall be made on the books of the Association, the person or persons to whom the transfer i3 made shall sign the constitution, and they shall then be subject to all the liabilities, and en titled to all the pririlcges of the original members. Art. 10. The annual meeting of this Association shall be held on tho lirst Tuesday in February in eaeh year, at such place or places as the President and Board of Managers may designate, till one-third of the stock taken shall be owned by persons resid ing in ihe settlement made by this compaij jn Ne braska; after which time, they shall be held at Tabie Rock, Kebraska. The officers and managers shall hold regular meetings once in three months, at such places and on such days as they may appoint. Special meetings may be called by the Prcsidentand Secrct'y. Special meetings of the Stockholders may be called upon the written request of ten members, notice thereof being given by tho Secretary at least one month before such meeting shall be held. Aet. 11. Every owner of capital stock Ehall have one vote for every share of stock held by him or her up to four shares, and one voto for every two additional shares up to twenty; but no member shall in any case be allowed more than twelve votes on any question, and no Stockholder shall be allowed to vote at any meeting who is at the time delinquent in the payment of his or her stock. Aet. l. JNo member or officer of thi3 Association 6hali bavo power to bind the company by any con tract, or to render them liable to any extent or for any purpose, unless authorized so to do by the Board ; and the Board shall in no case render the company liable beyond the amount of available funds. The Board shall not have power to sell to any one person t V. V.-1.1 i. i. - vi m new in tuuir v w n ri gu t at me name ume. more than eighty acres of land lying within circuits of inree nmes square, tne centre ot the city plots being me ccmres oi sucn squares or circles, ) nor more than three hundred and twenty acres of land of said company lying outside of said squares: provided that any person so owning eighty acres within said circuits may hold sufficient land outside said circuits to make in all 420 acres. The company shall not sell to any perssn any land till he or she shall have subscribeu to this constitution. Art. 12. Every Stockholder shall be entitled to purchase prbperty of the Association at tho current price thereof to the amount of one thousand dsllars. and have a credit of seven years thereon by paying one seventa ot me principal and all the interest annually; provided, he or the will occupy the same, and has paid for bis or her stock, and one share of the purchaser s stocK, and tho property so purchased shall bo held as security for the payment thereof. Akt. li. JNo member of this company Ehall be allowed to sell intoxicating drinks as a beverage, within the bounds of any of the settlements made by this company. In case any member of this com pany shall be convicted of so doing, he or she shall forfeit all his or her right and interest in this com jany, and all his or her title to lands procured from the company, and this iorteiture snail be regarded &s real and stipulated damages to the company for such an offence,, and the property so forfeited shall be appropriated by tho Board to the benefit of schools in the town or ward where the offence was com mitted. Art. 15. The Board shall have power to issue certificates of stock to be redeemed in town lots. The price of such stock shall be fixed at $20 a share, but it may be raised at any time by tne Board at a regular meeting thereof. The President of the Board Ehall call meetings of the holders of such Eharcs as often as once in three months in the towns where such shares are to be redeemed, for the purpose of drawing lor lots; ana wiien sucn lots are drawn the owners thereof shall be entitled to a good and suffi- cieni aeca tnereior. mo uoara saau nave power to donate town or city lots lor moral, literary or re ligious purposes. Art. 10. The President and Board of Directors, a majority of whom shall form a quorum, shall have full power to manago the affairs of the company generally, to purchase real estate, to improve, sell and dispose of the same under tho reflations pro vided by the constitution and the by-laws. The property so purchased shall belong to the stockholders of the capital stock, to bo enjoyed by them accord ing to their respective shares, and all profits arising tnerelrom snail be semi-annually accounted for, and so much of sail profits as shall appear advisable to the Board shall be divided, and a dividend shall be declared on the first Tuesday in February and the first Tuesday in August in each yo3r in which such profits Ehall have accrued, and shall be paid over to the respective stockholders at any time after the ex piration cl ten days therefrom, Art. 17. In case any dispute shall arise between any of the members or officers of the company, all such disputes shall be referred for final deciiion to arbitrators chosen in the usual way. Art. 13. No city or town plot shall be laid out in the bounds of any of the settlements made by this company, except by the advice and authority of tho iKiara oi directors. Art. 19. These Articles of Incorporation shall bo subject to alteration and amendmeat at any regular meeting of tho Stockholders by a vote of two-thirds present and voting; provided, that no alteration shall bo made until it shall have teen presented to the Board at least threo rjontas prev icusly in writing. J. S. WOOD, ' . JOS. STEELK, Jr., R.V. J1UIK, CW.GIDDIXttS, ' II. EROWXCOUBE,' . . E.F.FERRIS," OLMSTEAD-l BARTLETT, JA!?.L.GI!)Invi;S, ROBERT W. FCRXAS. S. 1$. COWLES. TIIE undersigned arc no longer stockholders in the tfemaha Valley Bank, and are not responsible for its issue, having sold oar i tercst'in the same to Messrs. Jones, & Barktlow, S. E. Roger.', F. David son and their associates. ... SAM'L R. RIDDLE. ' B. R. PEGRAM. Brownville, March 18th, 1357. 50-2m R.'C: BERGER, Proprietor: . BROWNVILLE, N. T. TIIE finest of Liquors for any purpose desired, Medicinal or otherwise. Segnrs of every grade, Oysters and Sardines of various siied boxes, Fruit?, Nuts, Conrectionaries; in short everyth:.ng to ticket the appcliUs of the epicurian, always on hand, served in fTood style and at reasonable rates. i -J. w. COLEMAN, Land and'Lot.Acrent ;' ,; . and 11EAL-ESTATE BROKER. - , ; FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. : I : XjozicI n-ntox-oca. onTimo. Land Warrants Bought and Sold.' ..... i . . : BROWNVILLE, N. T. Kanawha Salt. 2000 bb'ls on consignment, and will bo sold at a reduced price, by " J.B.JENNINGS. Fruit. 150 boxes hva and qr M R Raisins, and CO bis Oranges and Lemons, for sale by ? . ... , J, B. JENNINGS. ; TtanclOa Coils Manilla and Jute' Rodo. from i to 2 inehe9, j os received, nd for salo by ' ' ; , ' J. B. JENNINGS. ' Mackerel.-120 packages no. 1, 2, and 3 Mack erel in I,'l4, and whole bbls,., just received, and foi sale by ; ' J.13. ' Fresh Oysters. 100 doa Field's celebrated Oysters, on direct consignment, in store, and for sale, by "' " . . : : , ' " ' J. B. JENNINGS. Nails. -1-300 Kegs assorted, in store, and for saleby ' : . J.B.JENNINGS. Fish. 100 bis no. 1 dried herrings, and 2000 pound3 Superior Codfish, just received, and for sale by - , J.B.JENNINGS. Window Glass. 150 boxes 8X10X1012 glas just received, and for sale, by .J.B.JENNINGS. St Joseph, Mo. April 30, '57. DAVID n. m'lacghlin. chables g. dobsev. Mclaughlin & dorsey, MMA1L ESTATE AND GENERAL LAND A GENTS, First Street, (opposite "Advertiser" office.) BROWNVILLE, N. T. . -Will attend to Filing Declarations of intention to Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Land Warrants. Entering Land. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Particular attention will bo paid to buying and selling property on commission, and making invest ments for distant dealers. Correspondence solicited. ; . Mclaughlin & dorsey. BEFEE TO Bradford, McLennan & McGary, Nebraska City, N.T. Mcl'herson, Morrison, & Hutchins, Brownville, N. T. O. II. Barnet, Esq., Dayton, Ohio. . FOR SALE. . Lot 5 in block 59; Lot3 3 and 12 in block 45; Lot 10 in blocks, in the City of Brownville, by ' - ... Mclaughlin & dorsey. TOB SALF.. Lot 2 in block 40, best Levee lot in Brownville; also, house and lot in block 2 Main street. MeLAUGHLIN & DORSEY. - FOR SALE. Half of lot 11 ia block 19 Main street; also, lot 4 in block 19. Also, 40 acres of land joining South Brownville; by MeLAUGHLIN & DORSE Y. April 23, 1857. 45-ly SPRING ARRIVAL O P NEW; .G'O0JD.S; W. HOBLITZELL & CO. BROWNVILLE, N. T. WEaro continually receiving by every boat, an entirely new and large assortment of SUPERIOR GOODS, Which we will sell at as reasonable prices as any establishment in the West, our motto being " LIVE AND LET LIVE. " We have now in store a great variety of the fol lowing articles, which we purchased for CASH and consequently can sell cheap on the samo terms : DRY GOODS; HATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Q UE ENS WARE, WILLOW WARE, IBoots and hoes, Heady Made Clothing And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES, Such as Spice, Peppers, .. Soda, ' Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. And a good article of - Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. It is a pleasure to us to show goods, and wo ask you to call round and see for yourselves. HOBLITZELL & CO. April 2;J, 1857. 45-ly DR. J. L. McKEE, AND SURGEON DENTIST. BROWNVILLE, N. T. leetn pmggea ana nnea m tne most ap proved method. Brownville, May 14 , '57. 48-tf GEO. P. LUCKIIARDT, WATCHMAKER ,V.firl T owoller, OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, MO. rpiAKES tne liberty to inform the citizens of JL Brownville and vicinity, that he has opned a WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of trold and bilver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which he will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also a fine lot of Violins, Accordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles. Ac., Ac. lie is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on ine most reasonable terms. Every article bought in his establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch rc pairing warranted for one year. July 25,1856. vl-n8tf A. V. rCETT. PUETT & WILKINSON, ' AND ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW ; omadi, n:t.. - Will attend to all business ca trusted to their care . BEFEKEXCE3 Col. Jesse Williams Gov. Jos. A. Wright, Mr. F. N. Roock, non. John G. Davis, Hon. Geo. L. Miller, . Fairfield, Iowa. Indianapolis, Inu, Washington City. Rockville,Ind. Omaha City, N. T. Buchanan Lifs and General J Oflice cor 2d and Jule sts., ST. JOSEPH, MO. CHARTERED AT THE LAST SESSION OP THE MO. LEO. , , Authorized Capital ,000,000. , - - - riEECTOES. - - : J. B. Jennings, I. R. Howard, J. A. Owen, Milton Tooth, John Colhoun, John U. Likens, W.H.Pcneik, James Kay, N. J. McAshan, A. G. Mansfiecr.- -- J. B. JENNINGS, Pres. jVKB.McASHAJf, Scc'y., i.-.';-: ! , IS now ready to receive application for Life, Fire, Marine and River risks. A cash return of 25 per cent, will be allowed on cargo premiums. " Losses promptly adjustcd.-and the usual facilities given to the patrons of the office. .-.-April 16th, 1S57. i . 44-3m J. B. M'ALUSTEn. ' j.L. DOZIER. . JONAS CBANE. Oregon, Mo. Brownville, N. T. ' Oregon, Mo. McAllister, dozier & co., FORWARDING & COMMISSION ' :' ": ; MERCHANTS, i ... ' :', 1- Dealen in .','.., i FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! .". HARDWARE 4V QUEENS WAKE,. ; - Groceries, - Provisions, - Produce, etc., ' etc., No. 4 JUaia Street, and Xo. 2 Levee, BROWNVILLE, N. T. St. Joseph Gazette, Kansas Ilerald, Jefferson City Enquirer and St. Louis Republican copy six months and charge this office. April 16th, 1857. 44-ly Saddlery. SADDLES, Bridles, Martingales, Checks, and ev ery variety of goods in this line can be had at HOBLITZELL St CO'S. AND UPHOLSTERY, ' WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, BY " SCARPJTT 6 "MAW, . . - ST. LOUIS, MO. WE tako pleasure in saying to our friends and the public in general, that our stock of Fine, Medium, and Common Furniture, as well as Mat tressos and Bedding, was never more complete and deserving tho attention of purchasers, either at wholesale or retail in full suits or single articles than at present. We shall spam no effort to keep the most complete assortment in our line, in tho West. Our Goods are niado here, as well as East, by the best workmen, and thus combine the greatest variety and latest styles, with the cheapest fend most substantial. Dealers, as well as all other purchasers, are in vited to call and look through our Mammoth Ware Rooms. . Orders also, from all parties having furniture to buy for themselves or others, are especially solicited, with tho assurance of our best endeavors to merit a continuance of the liberal confidence and patronage we have so long received. :. SCARRTTT A MASOX. Washington Ave. between 2nd and 3d Sts. March 19th, '57. 40-3m JEFFERSON P. CASADT, ', ) MARTIN f. BIDEJT, ) J AS. V. WHITE, u J Nebraska City NT ) J A3. D. TEST, Conncil Bluffs, Iowa. C;aSSAPY? test, RIDEN & CO., (Successors to Ridcn fr White.) LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. HAVING made arrangements by which we will receive accurate copies of all the Townships embraced . in the Eastern portiou of Nebraska, we are now prepared to offer our services to the "SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTORY,' In Filing Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Land Warrants and ENTERING LAND. LAND WARRANTS UOUGHT & SOLD. f Land Entered on Time, ScC, Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling Property on commission: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any pari of the Union. Blanks ot all kinds always on band. , REFERENCES. Hon. A. A. Bradford, Nebraska City. S. F.Nuc noils, " Messrs. Dolman & West, St. Joseph, Mo., Peter A. Keller, Washington City Thomas Lumpkin, " " June 28, 1856. vl-n4 DILLON, THOMPSON & CO. Laro Frame Building Cor. Main & Rock Sts. BOCK PORT, MO. Whosemlo and Retail Dealers in And Groceries, Hardware, Qucensware, Drugs, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Tinware, Stoves, Furniture, Iron, Nails, Plows, and Farming Utensils. WILL have, on the opening of navigation, a large and varied accession to their present Stock, which will be sold lxw lor iasn. February 12th, 1857. 35-tf Cash! Cash!! Cash!!! THE undersigned would most earnestly call upon those know mg themselves indebted for Medicine and Medical attendance to come forward and settle without further notice A. S. HOLLADA Y. Brownville, May 14, 1857. 48-tf Attention Lot Holders ! ! HIGHLY 13IPOR TAN T ! ! ! ALL persons who own Lots in tho City of Brown ville, areliero by notified, that I am now pre prepared to execute WARRANTY DEEDS for the same, and, unless Deeds are obtained beore the ex piration of six months from date, said City Lots will be sold to the highest Udder, and the proceeds thereof disposed of according to Law. A. S. HOLLADAY, Mayor. City of Brownville, N. T. Feb. 26 th, '57. 37-tf Notice. Editor "NclrfitTc Adrertiier": Dear Sir: In looking over the last number of your paper a notice attracted my attention signed by Jerome Hoover, Esq., in which he states that certain stories are in eiroulation that the undersigned claim some interest in Nemaba City for the purpose of in juring its prosperity.' It may do quite well to cir culate a report of that nature where the facts are unknown, but to those knowing the facts such a statement is merely foolish. And for the purpose of giving a fair opportunity to persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn all persons from purchasing any pretended claim or interest in the said town 'of Nemaha City, from the said Jerome Hoover, as he has sold and received pay for nine-twelfths of said town, and suit ia now pending to place the undersigned in possession of the interest by them purchased in the same; and they have not authorized' the f aid Hoover to sell or dispose of any portion of thebr interest, but directed suit to be brought long since for its recovery. Yours, Ac, F. J. MARSHALL. - JNO. DONIPHAN. JAS.DOXn'HAN. R. L. BALLARD. R. C BISHOP. L.D. BIRD, . A. G, WOODWARD. S. F. NUCKOLLS. CUAS. F. nOLLY. March 2Sth, 1557. 42-tf STORE, . NEMAHA CITY, N. T. , MOORE Sl BROTVNXEE, . "Would respectfully announce to the public generally that -they have received and opened at Nemaha City,... . LARGE STOCK , 1 . ' .-' ' ....:iZ : ,-.OF V----:- V - 33 r r 1 9 Everything that comes under that head. GROCERIES, HI a f al w a n 9 All of which we will sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Horses "Wanted. I will pay the highest price for a few fine, well broke horses. Apply at my stable in Brownville, J. W. COLEMAN. SAVE YOUR HOUSE ! ! ! LIGHTNING' RODS ! BENNET & MARSH, RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they are now prepared to put up Lightning Rods of a superior quality on as reasonable terms as any one else in this country. Orders left at MePherson & Hutchin's Store will he attended to. May 7, 1857. - 47-tf For Sale. 10 Casks Sugar Cured Hams, at MCALLISTER, DOZIER & CO's. For Sale. 10.000 pounds Bacon at MeALLISTER, DOZIER & CO'. For Sale. 50 bbls, and" 100 sks Flour, at McAllister, dozier & co'b. . J. "B. JENNINGS, Wliolosalo Grrooory AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, XKD DEALER IX COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Second and Frances Sts. ST. JOSEPH, MO., HAS on hand, and to arrive, the following arti cles, which will be sold to th trade n accom modating terms, EXCLUSIVELY AT WHOLE SALE : 150,000 Cigars all quali-100 bxs E D and W R ties chees 4000 sacks G A Salt 156 boxes starch 200 Ilhds N O Sugar 200 bbls and hf bbls water 500 gks Rio Coffee and but'r crackers 100 " O G Java Coffee 200 bbls and hf bbls pilot 100 Laguayra " bread and pic nic do 100 "Mocha " 200 bbls soda milk sugared 250 bbls, half bbls andlCO egg-and wine do kg3 Belcher's Molassesj 100 bbls apple vinegar 200 bbls, half bbls and qr300 bxs Tobacco all grades N N refined do 200 bxs smoking tobacco, 150 half chests tea, all various brands kinds 100 bunches pipe stems 250 bbls Belcier's Sugar 50 bbls II S Sicily and 150 bbls, bal's, qrs, nos 1 Joca Almonds 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 bbls filberts, brazil 200 bxs dried herrings . nuts, pecans 20 hf bbs White Fish 100 kgs S C Soda 5 drms dry Cod Fuh ' 500 kegs assorted nails 200 bxs ass'd candy 500 bxs half and qr star 100 foney " ' candles 300 drums figs 150 doeterine do 100 bx: hl's and qrs Rais-200 do bar soap ins 50 do rock candy. 50 bxs Prunes SUNDRIES.' Cotton yarn, carpet chain, batting, candle wicks, cotton ana hemp twine, wheat and meal sacks, axes, spades and shovels, garden seeds and straw rakes, log chains, lead" shot, powder brooms, wrapping paper, hemp, manilla, jute and cotton cordage, indigo and madder, alum, white lead, window sash, window glass, tumblar3,jars of different sizes, flasks assorted sizes, sassafras bark, pie fruits, fresh peaches, brandy cherries and peaches, current and raspberry jellies, fresh tomatoes, canton ginger, preserves, nut megs, cassia, peppersauce, tomato and walnut catsup, lemon syrup, lobsters, sardines, extract and essence of coffee, chocolate, pickles, matches, etc. WOODEN WARE. Wash boards, tubs, common pails, cedar pails, B B pails, pine and cedar churns, brass bound churns, tar buckets, well buckets, cedar cans, mop sticks, butter prints, buckeye bowls in nests; iron bound kegs, one two, three, five and ten gallons, the smaller size with bales, common and I B half bushels and measures, camp Btools etc. I am also agent for the sale cf K A salt, and have now on hand 2,000 blls for sale at cost and transpor tation. I have the exclusive sale by direct consign ment of five hundred dozen Field's celebrated oysters, acknowledged to be the best put up in Baltimore. To California and Salt Lake Emigrants. Your especial attention is invited to my extensive stock, which embraces everything suited to .your wants in crossing tne plains. 1 will at nil times keep on hand flour, meal, bacon, lard, hard bread and crackers, all of which will be sold at the lowcstcash prices. , :- , - 33-ly , ; J. B. JENNINGS. Caution. T I III t Tnl. Ira laroVtv nf?firt 4 Vi . aba HTV. . Heady, through false colors obtained a certificate of entry of the S. West fractional quarter and the o. jasi iractionai quarter ot secuon number twenty five, in Township number six, in Range number fif teen. East of the 6th Principal Meredian in Nebras ka Territory. The above is claimed by and will be patented to B. 11. Thompson, whoso papers and Ti donce arc forwarded to Washington City forbearing. 11 n Tirmnvjfw mm Febrbary 26th, 1857. 37-tf D. 31. HITCHCOCK $ CO., Bet. Olive and Locust streets, St. Louis, Ho. MANUFACTURERS of Cooking, Heating, and Parlor Stoves and Grates. Also Manufacturers of four sizes ofTewett's Pat ent Cary Plough, one and two horse fright and left hand. , ' U. C. JOHNSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, AND ' I?eal Estate Agent. BROWNVILLE, N. T. '. '-...-EETZBEfCES. "r "-' Hon. Win. Jessup, Montrose, Pa. . . , B. S.Bentlv,, ;;' , : .' ' John C. Miller, ' ' Chicago, 111. Wm. I. McAllister,-w " u Charles F. Fowler, u " Wm. Ferguson,. Brownville, N. T. " 0 F. Lake, f i- , " v a May 7, 1857". " 4My GEORGE E. KENNEDY, MIES AIL ESTATE , .BROKER, -AND GENERAL LAND.VAGENT. .i . . ; - - : : j i Florence City, N. T. Look. a-o.i; 2 LIGHTNING RODS!! : V. C. LIVINGSTON, ' BROWNVILLE, N. T.' ' ' ' IS prepared t0 sell and put up all sizea of manufactured ! the '-Ohio Lightning Rod Rods Com pany." - Orders left at the "Adverser Office," will receive Prompt attention: W.C.LIVINGSTON. Mav 7. 1857. , J ' ; . 47-tf LIVERY STABLE, J. W. COLE3IAN, INFORMS the publie that he has procured a stock of New Carriages, Buggies, etc., and as fine Horses as are to be found, and has opened a LIVERY STABLE, ( SecondStrcct between Water and Main, Brownville, N.' T. ' ' All persons wishing anything in his 1 inccan be accommodated at all hours. ALSO: Horses and Carriages bought and sold. J.W.COLEMAN. Worth of HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Just received Per Steamer Col. Crossman, AT SIEGEL & GREENBAUM'S BALTIMORE . CLOTHING STORE, No. 31 Main St., 31 door above Fost Office BROWNVILLE, N. T. Fine broadcloth coata, and Standing collars, at tno Baltimore Clothinrj Store. Bl'k and fancy cajsimor pants, and Carpet sacks, at the ' Baltimore Clothing Store. Silk, Satin, Marsailcs, and Casi. Vests, and Flannel Shirts, at Baltimore Clothing Store. Fine Shirts and over-alls, Tat. Leather Gaiters, straw hats, at the Baltimore Clothing Store. Black and fancy cravats, White and fancy shirts, at tho Baltimore Clothing Store. . Everything in the clothiii lino at tho Baltimore Clothing Store. Call around and examine the stock at the Baltimore Clothing Store. April 23, 1857. 45-ly m MMll SHE. JOHN COLHOUN & BROTHER, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post Office.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES; Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Ficdb. ST. JOSEPH, 110. XT A VP. nnw ican and Foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves & Son's Files and Edzo Toola rocket knives Knives and forks . Brass curtain bands aid pins Door locks Augers and anger bitts Cora knives Briar scythes Gr3s and grain do Nails Shovels and tongi Candlesticks Framed wood saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and Vices Househole Armitnge an vils American anvils Stocks and dies Pad books, breech loops Tad screws, cockeyes Ornament?, racks Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread Calf skins Upper leather Briddle do Skirting do Harness do Belting do Goat skins Enammslkd leather Butcher's do do Spear Si Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws unian s ana American horse nails Post hole ausrers Ames shovels and spade3 Lull A Porter's shutter Butts Morticing machines Circular, mill and maly saws Planes and plane irons pera drawing knives do adzes and wood .tools Tre.s Hoops Butt3, cast and wronght Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons Hated and com. do . do do do do do stirrups Bitts Bucklc3 . I.inirs Breast and rein Enaps i..as5, pegs Peg floats Pincers Shoe thread Bristles, wax Lining skins Binding AV ith many goods embracing a complete assort ment of the most desirable which they will jcll at the lowest pnees -J. COLUOUN A ERO. MORRISON HUiCl J TV- op SPRIK GO0I i QUALITY ;AND;PI icQthCyiaenH) ca . . 'Lower than ifo Lcmi:, At their New E8Ulliahraent a everything needed ia the V country, from bar of goJ to a broadcloth coat. ' ' BURY GOODj , OF THE LATEST SITU, .' '. :('''' ' Sold Remarkably NEW AND HICK EMBEOfl) DRESS TKBLMKGS, FBINQES, FANS AND FASCYGfy 3Dross Croods Silks, Sattins raid , A largo and complete asortacatrf BONNETS AND BONNET TRIMK'J i of every style iind quality. Cloths, Casimeics: and Tdh READY MADE SGIRT ASI) Heady Made Clothid To fit tho Million!'. JETuLirin i -tare J " .Of tho beat manufaiture and cf wpni Worktiaaihip. , Looking Glasses, That will malco an uply man lianicw and a lady cf be h ty iaore lorcly, HATS AND CAP?.! That will fit and rlia?o CTCirbwI;. '. . :. . Hoots aind Shoes, ... 4 . From the infantile article of rd norneco to the graceful bcot ol ths jentle- maa'a walking costume. t from the best tnanufoctcrtri it . HOME AND ' ABROAD Sold at Eastern Pricet. ' Genuine 1 Imported Carpetics Of New and Elegant designs. YANKEE : MOTION HOSIERIES, China, Glass 'and Qucensuare. TORTE MOXNAIES; SILK PITS And a thousand artic ioe, ranging in rf?:V dation of price and impirtaree from the pri toothpick of tho ancient gocso quill, to dollar shawl. - ux Our innate and native modesty forbid ing glowing encomiums uion our Spring M Goods, and we ask you to :i and ice for r WE CHALLENGE THE and furthermore MAKE NO CHAT.GE Por IxorJjixs. Oood M'PHERSON, MORIilSON, 4 ECTCE April 23, 1857. GEO. S. EATEE & CO mi mm AND GENEQAL LAND AGE5TS t G'LENWOOII, Mills co, Iowa, Casaco,ibfliIki WILL promptly attend to Land A&wZ tigating Titles, P.lylug Taies, Iaest'? ey, Baying and Selling Tons Lot, TV1' and Locating Lund Warrants, and all Z connected with their profusion in Wcstert . Nebraska. i J. M. DEWS. Associate Attorncj- 1 i T7-TirinT-x-or'C . v.iw.-uc, earo a Jienion, ... touncu " ' u. wougnty X Uo., Greene, Weare A Bice, Greene A Weare, Nixon A Goodman, Tootle t Greene, N - W. Thomas, Schooly A Son Gen. Wm. Irick, II. Johnson, I. Heed A Son, Ivobinson A Bro Ft. I)e Cincinnati Obi. Glen wood, 1'. Cincinnati. ;),0 V J. Higbtstown, lhilleJrB1"' MedfprJ,N.J. Burlington Co. Bank. Wanted TM MEDIATELY, by the subscribe L Carpenters, nnd to siich the beit waS" gWcn. Apply to r tjj. Brownville, N. April 7 HardwareTCutlery an4 A LABGE assortment, t IIfTT 7T7PLL II. A. TE11KV, & Ca ; . . WHOLSSAUt AND KCritl. MAL" ' , hp ' a uuw ana r lower erccs, f w ' VJ Grapo Vine?, etc., etc. ci1' t-Boxoa of assorted Uarlen .ee." ift, onhand.forsaloloTT. Council Cl"'' April 2d, 17 j April lam, isji. 31-ly