I ! gDVERTISER. I t VdAY, Associate Editor. S. !:-- . r. INIXG, JtTE 4. IK?. : 'JTeral A iTertulrs; A?ext. is rtar -i. I .-ies' a-i Chiilrea i" fctore, ; r-W Cincinnati 1- for it; :ui, says the tdegnpliie ?! . SinsiiE ccirBrr. : patch, "fce government is anions" to iaieigreat pleasure ialcallxns select on vhi ill combine personal) attention to the Articles of Inccrpcra bravery with administrative talent arlil j tion of "the Netrdsta Settlement Com un Questionable descretion." There! P-nJ 10 be fcani 'm another column are also two vacantFedcral Judgeships ! .f to-dars paper. -'f .i" ..i ?fw ,J in the Territory which, will soon be filled. In case -cf opposition to the This company -was organized in Pennsylvania abent a year ago by an STS; regular action of the laws, on the part j enterprising company of men, ho t, Saint ! of the Mormons, military forces will I Trere aesircns to anord an opportunity be employed, and it k estimated that ! t0 miiies and young men of limited the troops now moving in the direc-j 1?!ans K "esxana securing a rrr. Ohio . Ar.-aer.XebrasLa. tion of Utah comprise ajjcniJQOD -Dr. L. F. Andrews, editor of the Georgia Siizcnr lias been sued for libel to the tune of $20)00, for publisliing the name of a subscriber wbo had moved off without paying liis subscription t dues.. l , . - " .' t- It is one thing to. sue, 'and another to recover, in such cases. Kickapoo Dispatch. '"" ' That's so. "Why don't the Citizen give the name the 820,000 man, thatj it may be "passed around . - B elinqcent -TTai : JLIst I articles of ixcoRPOEATiox u t il 3i in i r firrrr. - m, -v-vvVA A . Thonis Barass 1 C3 H P liaitorr home at much less than they could in the old States, . The enterprise "fi"as j Iowa Electiox. The foIlowinr is '.v. !' . . vr. tmpn. .. tr ITTK.-U:Trw . . .r .,- ! - 4; t wrrrc 5eiraik uty, t. j cVve a few : items" among "Whichas, trulv a commendable one. The Kev. j published- as the official vote cf this :;tF-XT . ... I the arrest of 400 reubHcaiS in Paris Mr- GnvrsG3 Superintendent, and j State z ' . .. f :r t!e AirenLr, and redere n4 1 an j some fresh political disturbances AiiE, xq., -AreasuTtr oi -tnej Superintendent Pullic Instruction. thertoa. . " c r- ,.vt ,r ccuinanv. visited ehnska--the toint ? t:',t, m: - - ; ---.- coo f ors rrons. :! rLT-r,.. selected "for their 'croncratiosearlr "R.nvlp? fR V :.3-r-" ela.M U b able to tora oti ' teic? frtitrticalf r-i-Uriii3isfc;f,aaa. They are having--'quite a' time 7 at Omaha in relation to their Pest Master. ':tr;Xi'T:-t' is ieaiai tot t bsjMrl JTyiEan has heen remsTedand vr', iteit iair-rovcj. Card i Mr. Rclertscn, the Editor of the iNe- - - - . ' r. 1 ; : . . .-v-.bers it' sec ' -Vr-I-'-er.'" a! rajs keJ a sj-eei- ' " . r." irjlc.r.'.-wi:: jnsiIr a l". T;-;.- la-ii iokercs: to make i" ? w " i t .. . - par in Tne -Ntbra-i.3 .uift" " rh the lamt circulation of any paper VbeTerritrrr. Uho:ea!e Merchant ;:. Loai. St. Jru. Cincinnati and rthf r Tavern marVft where .Nebnua rrrrfaact purchase, rill find no better s 'vprtin -rixr. oraskian, sppuinieu m xu pis.ee, uxcu r """nc1) . Parvin's niaioritv .,;lf:-r " ; "5iv "C"" aoes not appear to sausry-au panics.-x i.a iue ij..er purt .. . nrt j r 1 fcjiicuznaaonmmr& - jiavetK?enneia :Bej-;s'J"j fcu.ii larger mujiuers me last srrinz. and made ., their first tut- ehase and location ct Table Rock,' in 1 Fishers majority Pawnee county, since -rhich time thev ! ' . IitT&rr Tjand Qfice,- have purchased ether property at vari-j Parvin, (Dea.) ous point? South cf the Platte River,) tioanes, ep.J i - . 502 'loines Hirer . Sari- 05 o 700 charges of' "Seulldaggery' made 'present season, all of whom have teen kc. Ve suppose the Tvhole matter yvill pleased irith the operations of the rill ouiet down 4-Trithout any oneheing company thus far, and delighted -with hurt." Both are good men v;ith whom e Oountry. - , . . . the people really can nd no fault. . j The - company have recently become . - . ' incorporated under the laws 6f this Ter- gahon. Manning, (Rep.) Bailey, (Dem.) S2,474 S2,154 S15 x.very mail brings nevr applications ritory.' A knowledge of its plan of ope for a place on our exchange list. TTe rations and objects may be had by a like to accommodate our "brethren of the quill' on all occasions; but really our exchange list already is by far too large. TVe cannot find time to read one half the exchanges vre now re ceive, and the tax imposed upon us in furnishing exchanges our paper is quite perusal of the articles above referred to. The superintendent has been ex tending the fielcl of operation in the States, and will he here in & short time to make still further arrangements for settlers here. , nw 4- r rniTniRV PLANTS 4 I . . , 1 f ? i -i - x 3 er ' n.ti .--ru tf ! m me taies mat ass ioran "ex wnu . nasincrrurcnasesanQmaaafrmgauairs r ale. a f .r I'l'.i IXII Cranberry ." -ft"L!-:-i r.otined at the close of e Vviue to discontinue the -Ad- take it fjr granted I the "Advertiser, and do not obtain it His operations have been judicious, in ! will understand the reason. ManningTs majority There are seven counties yet to hear from, but as it is presumed by the Sec retary of State, that returns from them would not materially change the above result, the canvass has been close. i Wisconsin. The official returns have been received from the late elec tion in Wisconsin. They foot on Chief Justice, as follows: TVhiton, (Rep.) 48,678 Cothren, (B. R.) 24,148 Fe si.? Mr. Muir has been, and is yet, the an item. We hope, therefore, papers j business agent in this Territory for Majority, - 14,148 Last fall the vote on President stood all of which he has had an eye to the I a3 follow: ! best interest of the company, and his j prei20nt 60,033 St. Joseph and Council Blots j nirr,2ent cannot fail to result iTWknnnn ' 5237 C C .V-W j , It I advantageously to all parties con cerned. We advise those especially those of . r -1 O r?.-? , . r r trai roaa ior .prii, were 0,0 u.eiei, n5ir.in fif Firrinn a home on fiivor- r 7 7 I Regular Paceet. The entemiisinr wish their paper con-; . . and bu5ine5S men of t- Jo T ' T T I I 1 1 saauaccoraingiy continue- , wv fT,AtMTrPr VT. : . 5:11 -5 Lcreclre. . T0SSAj an(j are running her as a regular ! packet from that place to the Bluffs and Majority, 13,231 The land sales of the Illinois Cen- all intermediate points. She made her :i5au ina;x;'e LTlu'u first 2r.rearance at our wharf on Fri- ill rc.ihi-1 its satisfaction cf the abie terms in Nebraska, to avail them-; - 0 - - i c-I-l K)i per acre, jluc saies . ci me selves of the benefit of the Nebraska rr. aiiumed 1-v the United States the contemplated war rest-ec: to i f'o day. By this arrangemAt we will : 5ettiement Company. now Lave a regular packet and railroad ; I connection with St. Louis. We are j company to ! amounted to December 31st, 1835,! The Baltimore Clothing Store has Now it is known that informcd tt this arrangement may I jt received a new supply ready made ; During 1897 fLic!i our government is an arranrrement much needed, and we :rvv:tLe wishes 01 x.ngiai:a ana ; . ue in that matter, is quite ' England and k:h of-wLIch asked cf this' zi'-j r.z co-operaticn: and the pre I'iricctisfaction cf the British cov- confidently be depended upon. the abundant success. enterprise Xt clothing, and is now prepared to fit To May, lfc57 out cue from bead to foot. Call around wiU meet with ! ana B2- ' 85.508,577 84 5,114,650 58 1,670,429 01 Jas W BriS 1 11 Joha J Brown " 1 2 04 Isaac Ballea 2 3 James Biiboj ' "jll'M '?r .T 5 CO Junes Bovea 2 1-3 .J Baaclick t ; .r .-. 1.00 II S Captain, . . 2 42 A'Cosaott 'r ' 1 CO W il Couch , . ; ; - 3 29 Becj Chapman ' . 4 31 L JCIusUia - - 2 43 Jeremiah Carter 5 " " ' 103 Israel Cotton - ZV 1 64 ; J Cadaubach ' .103 ; "Win Carpenter 5 40 Joha Coan ' ". 1 56 James W Colaaa 10 41 David Darby. 2 15 ThonasDrll " - 1 43 jcha-Deiej v .r.-.:;. il . James Deicv - - H -SO - Isham Edwirdi - 3 24 - AWotn -Eaton'-'' - 21 WLEcrgiaabal 3 15 Antcn Fredrick. . ; - - .-1 00 , Wm Fillmore 4 51 'CmGnlKsaf ' " --7-;"2'12 James Gilsca" :' 4 52 S Grosbcck . . 4 01 - J jmea Goodwin : . - 1 00 Thoraas Headr" - ' - 7 35 t James Horn " - . 2 20 Arch Haadly bal cn tax 3 43 YT W Hunter 100 W S Hall 2 12 Jas Holland 2 71. V S Hall & Co 16 21 S-un'l Homes - SO' N HoILick 1 61 Andrew Ulxon 6 57 Daniel HoacLia - 6 13 H Hawkins " ' ' ' : - ' " 2 28 CHelmer ' " ': '. " 100 Geir Hork 2 47 Joha HnShs 4 17 Lemuel Hughs 3 21 David Hughs 1 S3 Henrv Harm an - 4 01 TVm Kirkee 1 00 David Kinnison 3 SO Lawrence Kinnison 4 33 A Koontz 8 00 James Jeffries 1 00 Thomas Jeffries - 2 57 Sam Jackson 4 01 John Jeffries 1 37 I Ii Little 2 17 Israel Loomas u S3 Francis Micheil 1 21 John li'Phirsoa 25 41 J alcFariand 4 04 G Martin - 1 OS J B Majnard - 7 64 Nathan livers 5 16 W F McKlnney 1 13 John Haul Jen .5 32 Lam an lliller 4 T6 S FSuckoILs ' ' 1G 00 Herman Atechi 1 55 G S Pratt : 1 00 Silas H Parker 1 32 Eob-rt Price? 3 IS . P G .Peterson 4 00 Jerome: Pratt C . 1 . " . 1 05 J N Prince - 1 77 r S E Rogers ' 4 00 i nnr.rt.in.n -niiii iif,:,i:..i a, ' COMPANY. Akt. 1. Kdi all i&sa br thse rrrspat,thatire, Gidains?, II. Bferawale, E. F. Fcrri2, Dcroit C. I jj do hereby 02criate crsclres toother a irwrrpora ton for tte pcrises and t:es ciprrsjei in taejc articles of iatrorpcraricB, and do bj tLcse rsserts coESUCate aod declare eurselyes a EodT' corcrate .- , r - : . . T , . . . , , t ,- , , I k I til l im' Jit- UJ U ii'lJ JitiLl t: lj r If? aud yoLit:c -with sccccssicra nailer the came ani f ttjlc asfrreH in the fyHowii: article, arr?c3l la J chapter Third cf an Act cf the Lerialare cf ' Lraka TcrritcrT, ec'Itlcd "an Actfcr rerLnr, coc- f ritcry cf Xebroska, approTcd Jas. 2ith, JL 3- '-6. Asr. TLi Ais-ociatioa sh be knows by the narae cf the SzhratZi Settlement Co3ivny. The cumber of chares of ca(itul 'uuk s"hill t. less than twenty tor more tbaa Lcu-irel of ve han dred. d-JIari er:h; tat the rrlrc cf tht -e siari siaj be raLatd at IJLJ ZEfIar meeting if iha Hoard Director?, by a rote faf twa-tLirla pie9C&t asd voti Arr. S. i.Tery member cf this asAjcLitica shall j-ay at tlk tirae of his cr her st-rri rcg to the tcn siitutica, the itua cf twenty d.'IIirj pr share so subscribed by them, for the ce cf th? company; the balaace cf aid share to bepdd irneh ru.oraad at sact tiias as directed sad rscuired by tha Iliard of Directcr. I2 case acy necicr of thij A?so.ia tion, after beicj daly cotilcd, fait t pay the ;d share cr shares, crauy part tlerrxZ, nzca ciiioi for by said Bear! of Iirectcrs, ai aie tie Fare; to ! remaia unpaid far ihe space tf tairty day?, the Lrari ( shall -therecpea b a tS-riied aad czpcTtrni, at s their diicreuKi "to deelare tae rud ei-.k cf sa.b j members forfeited to the U3 cf ths euipary, ar.d i may therecpen proceed to rrjsk? rc.'h dLrociUcn j thereof as thy may d:em irect aiul pro-cr. " . ' ' j AST. 4. The ocera of thu Awcta sa.J Le a President, a Tkre Pr-sideni. a GeaerI Sareri-teD-dent, a Trciicrtrr, a Secretary and ST;n Directors, all of whom shall .t chaen a-analy by iallt, tnti tcey saall haTe fal power to mair. alter or chace their own t-v-lsrs. : ' -' r " . ' A ST. 5. It shall be the duty of the Geitcril Sa- periatoa,ieii; ta re-:eiTe rtjcripiiess for capital stock, se shares rcprsentu: :ty lut5, aad tc ataxia to t!ie earTtpndes ardthe actire bcr!r'r--?cf the ccnpflEy. iii men 10s received cy tici ssau paid mciOthly to the Ireainrer. Ha stsall gire bendi satisfactory to the Bard f sr the security cf monies which Ely he in hij hiaJ acd he shall riKaire for his irrriceiJja'Ji sssa u shall he ixed cpoa the E-ard. Akt. C. I; sha2 bo the daty ci the Situetirj t keep eiaet iainatea of the prjceudia cf the Itj-:!- daat and ltjard cf L-ircctors asd nu?tip; cf tae Stockhciders. aad to aM3d U U, cv-Lecttca of si! 1 dae? of the company, aTid pay ever the saaie to the Treasurer when colieetetl, arid ta Ice his receipt fcr the same, aad do and perioral snch other duties a may beincsnibctt on hira by virtue of hU cSce, or as directed by the by-!a-s3 or toard of directors. lie shall have his boohs opca to the inspection cf ail the members of the eompauy, aad shall nrceiTe for his services snch snvn as shall be fixed by the I'rcsidert and Board of Managers, lie shall jrive a bead wi;h at least two sureties, to be approved by the Fircsideat and Board of Managers, for tae ijltM ul yeifunaaiie of his daue. Aet. 7. It shall be the doty cf the Treasurer to receive froan the (vreUiry and General Superinten dent all monies collected by thesa, and eive a receipt for tae same; to pay criers drawn t-y the rreii dent anlB.j.irl of ilaaacrs ard attested ty the Secretary, lie sta.1 keep corr? ac-asts ot ad monies received and paid ont by hira n:i J hare his bots present and open at erery msetic of the Beard and of the Stockholders, for t.e irtroeti jn cf ary member f the Aysociaticn, and exhibit a balaace t sheet at every regnlir mee tin' c-f the 15 card. lie' Vzin shxef, Idrtz Ixt ar.d 2nd y J. H. MAUX & CO. Ujls jast recti ;v.4 The 1 L-1RGEST STOCJl ' x West of Sf. libnle Caiis:i?,Ia jxircf'l!ie fcwiarTi.:'' which ha jr?p sti t0 3cli French riar " China - ' , Hl leal Venetian re-I Haw aalhrct cchre Ft'sinLih Lille; Tnrpcatlae Liaioii o.l Tancrs cli . C.pal Vraiii i aits TaraLUi Iitherars -I'iiini iiruih--s Vrnl,h - S v.-h and window tocl Wall brashes Letterir; pcacHi Table paints Caicl hair jcncils Blinders StsrcaBdl?s Tcist Porric;-j. Ci Lvcr cli Swces iT . - .v : , Olive cli - . olaa ' , - 't Patent Hedk-acs.aT. $cr.i Coa-h ciidliS Fa-y - Vrihla; . ' . Toch Lrs h . C.o;a . ..... r .'; Alxcadj scft shell . .. Hard shell almcr-li . rilhrti, pcacsj ... Tea tut Fii. Ilaijina Oyrrers in caaa Sarilne El"tar.IIa:rTeaJ TOBACCO, Of the best trandi eh-niog sadsaiohiaj. ' tljw finest quality and fiavcr- . mUIIS JXD LIQU0ZS, .1 Preserved, fruit fr pics, Brradled peaches, freh peaches in can, paro iiq airs for medical purposes. Jamaica Ksm, Holland li.n, IrL-h whlssy, Ikcrhcn-whL-ky, sin?r brandy, Coniaj brar.cy, Corl"..!, Fort wie, cherry wic white win?, malia wiac. STATIOZEXT, rh- Iscap paper, fancy letter raper, gilt edc7i mt and enrelojx's plain tancy and embue.-d, Pens and penh aiders, I&ks of all kinds inatanl and Fabcr ponolli, soalin waa warcrs. ASplcndlJ Assortment cf Perfumeries Ctcpriairj. Lyrns fcsthT.rion, c--!cr.e. pirraJ, jTnuiaj cx mirror, .r grease ar.l o:1j: c-si and esscaccs cf all kiali aa i of the fiapst cuailr". ! with all ether artirlcs araaliykept in a Irsg Stcre-. Total sales . 12,332,657' 42 ' cannot v, ;';; to Quartz ruining in Califoruia is be- make iLe best of a:pieceny &Q '-Allison ranch" lead, . I -fTa:r. Immense preparations are i owned bv six nen, is reported to iiave -::e in France kt the cxpe'lition, and -yielded 840,000 per week for three '.the httit a Ivices received from sacceS5;ve months with sixteen men v. e icarn tnat se does not re-1 pon jt. jt js noir thought the gold --ia inactive la: is preparing a vigor- j 1 yield of California Vill be larger the --i n ;i:ance to the invaders. L nless ; present rear than it "was any previous '' tr-rositions of England are ac-S-.-r.o ::rtr--i by China, Ave can expect hot; ' ' iisUfureion". The-e rtror.otV.r i An idea of the amonnt of letter- t .: ratacr tLe tutimarnm consist in thfo ' "vrntinz done in tne L nitea states may jrinci: al pcints: 1st. Ecdand is to i be inferred from the number of postage We call attention to the advertise- Kextuco: Elections. The clec- ment of E. T. Mutt., Esq., in another j tion in Kentucky in August will beim- column. Mr. 31. comes among us well j portant. Members for the Legislature j recemmended and his conduct and ! are to be elected they are to elect an I business operations since here has been ! U. S. Senator to succeed Hon. J . B. such as to ,zain the conudence of all j Thompson. A State Treasurer and with whom he has transacted business, ten Congressmen ars also to be chosen, and we have no hesitation whatever in j The delegation in Congress now stands six K. N's. to four Buchanites. The LouUviUe Courier says: The next delegation is likely to te i recommending him cheerfallv to all having business in his line. Those entrusting business with him can rely eight pens in China and in ad-' staE1Ps "sold, "which, during the last! Louis with a fine stock of Boot and Shoe material, and is norr prepared to enae mora extensively in his busi ness. See his advertisement and leave your order and secure a fine Boot or Sh?. upon Una fde business, as he keeps j at the worst seven Democrats to threes aloof from "-fancy speculators' in "pa per towns'" &c. Mil BO' has just returned from St , ADVERTISEMENTS Know Nothings, but we have good; grounds for a better result than this. iitien trsi::. resjcls are to have the! y-ad-jW'as cne hundred and fifty million i--g m. trom stress oi i r :a:h err r f:.r repairs, to every point England is Lands Sold a:td Located in Wis consin. The quantity of public lands ve. hkenu,ia, a college atPekin;! S0M i0Catecl m me t3te 01 " 1S" : - h Ih- Er.di?h are to have mil-rv' cousin up to the SOth of June 1855, he right to raise forts in all! eeCili nilie of acres. ns in rhic-h have consuls! Eock Port, Mo.,) May, SOth, 1857.. IL Y. MUIR, GEITEEAL LAIJD AGENT Omaliiy Brown ville and Table Rock, TEESITCLY. 15 dow prepared iO select GtreriiEie-Jt Laad-n -d locate Land Warracu. ia anj part of Nebraska and I Western Iw.tr to I'cj ad scli laid Warrants, City I'rv'pertT and lieal Litate. D.bts eo-eed ani pro ! A, -,--T-r..T HKaj L Kockwood I G Eeckea W P.eeder -R S Eadlej G W Slmpsoa J Shafer ; A S wane gen bal JP Sam pell James Stills George Srouf Phillips Staa Stiiiwell Berj Swift Y C Stout Geo Shancoa John Snaitii M Smith X B Siroug JcLa Sears J L S-arett Jacob Spurllock Frank Spuriock Thompsoa B B J Towiisend Thompson B B & J D N Thompson J D X D L Thompson E J Whitney Castea West JoelWestfall ' Cvrns Wright B'enj Writs Teter White J) WoocrufT B Wirl Thomas Willlms J ames D Yates A Zook ' 1 00 3 83 1 48 4 S2 4 04 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 01 3 61 13 03 3 42 1 72 1 37 1 00 1 40 2 17 1 61 5 95 3 64 2 57 1 21 1 00 2 23 44 48 1 00 2 Co 11 07 4 00 1 13 14 54 2 92 1 SO 3 21 1 92 3 21 4 01 6 59 '! hnn with at leant twr, t V. " -.xe proved br the President and Brd cf Eir-ctor?, Icr ? desIa:ca : the faithfal perfonnari're cf Lis untiej. j VA'T Abt. 8. Th members cf tbu cccpiry siall l-ej 'X,Jir. all such persons of good moral character, as sha?L a QM r ' -J IIOIXITI V T:idi the consent i4 tae Geaeral Snirlnt-JBdent, ! VMwrl .ClAviswUi V CI 1mm T STsbseribs to the coutltctlon. c wa cr er more share I .,. ., ,.T - - -. cf stock, or shall hare recsirel dona.in5 Irrra the! wg7t-" -7 li -- - 4.-1 cmpanj: and ther aiaaiaaiJj rreo to protect each o;her in she maialeiajueof tatir lawful rihtj, and to act toth-ar,iri ti.e prcrzotUa cf tiir tia-.ui ltt-jresti. :oop: A ST. 9. Arnr Taernhcr tf h:i cc-rrtra-T mar irin-?- fer a sha:-e or shares of stock U another prjun: uzt I before ai!j transfer thai: be mnde ca iz ? Looi3 of WESTERN FRUIT BOOK. the Association, the person or it?cb$ to hom the componilion rollfctioa of fart. from the .Noih nnl eipvericncc of tc-f cesul fruit caltarit, ar- ... transfer is made shall sin tac cwcstitatLcn, and they t raB9ed ior shall then b snb'ect to all the iiabil: t is, and en-; Practiced vs vi Orchard cr.l Gardens " titled toa'd the-piiTleT? of tbeorirrina! morribers. T rn,v rp , r. n- . ,:xr. - AST. 19. The annaalmeetiBcf thfc Aa-h.X.m --y shall be held on the irst Taesday in Ft bmnry jc tcali.aral S-jcU.ry, an i forraT tdiur cf tl: 1" tT" t ' - - . each ye-ir, af sih ;U.e ur pU-i as ih lWdent 7 "r13 rif-' w r q and IlLard of Manners may daite, tUluithird IjIoredL.iutwtwM ot V . trn F r-j. tba of the nock taken shair he cwned by r-M- 1 , b in- in the KtUeicnt mde this coxpanr ir Ne- pr,Ce, cr "S tf U rs-. . brLka: after which time, they nhU bo heli'at Tabic I Oarwoatiy.cow. Urre .ce, t u Li. ebra-ka. .The o.-era ail m.-.na- ah!; I P5lWt. ? k cutter a. wpted lo ; all meridian. vo'araj eruh-iics thj cipori- rtaeci a-d on sachdars as thermiT appoint. Spea! i eaee rra-rf.cal mer, and w.J be faan: prsiMy raetinesmaTbeeaUdbTtheiWidenU nS3 wtrra 1 ariners a!id Speciafmeetinr of the Stockholderj any b? called 1 ""J Grer. The wot ira bcea carefly aeon the irrltter: reae-t cf tea member, rot;ce ! "a,acdn lj f W.UI? ""t therecf being gi by the S-tarr at Imi co f teraPt, who Mf pr aUehi-atta aoath Ufow snea meedn- shall be b'tld. : prae. Jaeord-rs betre peotwMwn day ( Aitu rt. 11. Erery owner f eat;.taJ stck shall t "VV , ,vt ' . , . ' . :"' e m Tote for erery share of stk be! 1 It h: ' , 1 oe?1 " "c Wot worVB? Bd f lier up to four shar-. and one rcte fcr every to "- ?u!Hr-I-72 ff- l Tf?1': tiosal iharcj up to tw-Bty; bat no memb-rrshsl! " t.-V.r . " r case be allowe-I more than twelve rotr en i IB'M"(!ri' v.e.no... ( A r T . , , T tlo I ' vn Ai:e tecrciary ci tne interior Last "... . ! rvtaxtsfvrnon-residerts, - . . i J . ' T T r T ,7: I -CLU, Hi?.., r VCTV PCS tlVC b Mr- (.fililcu V4 aUa.: , , ! prciftrcd to . ttend promptly toa'd taa3 cnt . V-. A . . i --.,;r,.1f t. IT P..;,C-i easier at aUiw ; ed to mr car:t rill act as a-ctt for Firj Iniara - lca..C, bnt, tI10Ull nr.tr 1 e i tr :. K Kottfvr ' Crcrar-i. etc-, ete. I have made arrac-eme -..i .c ! ia tins Terrhorr. ninnin fr.rn t!i 1U lu uuw 11 " "uai" I with the Danfcins Ilouse of Ginesr,- Pierce 4 i. t.i CI , aiKCr IS nCTCr-! t . . I f.. I!-r,r;ll0 r-,;1! fr crormrd : Carbcmlale. to remit Cash and Land TVs.rrants .s:i.,rt ! i'iatte Kivcr to the mouth of the Ran- L -rr- . - m, ntand tbe -'-undiiiiT. Ii;tm,r tv; ill! at this point. " I wniariSTver the ques-; Warded. . '.ice ncw-.mulustcrins expedition Vater. Thirty thousand dollars I 1 CorrcPoCde2ce Solicited 1-,- r-wv t , are to be expend-a on tlas road. : Iticn for his information by sayinSyes. - eefei: ev Eixiiisstos T-. na, n.aoenng three bun- 1 : I had supposed that -srhen the route; Ja:a3 AreLhaid, General A.D.L.i w.n. i reminder the command of Col. t, ..A,:a.j r.. -ni- Scnmon,!'. A t ' I 1 ' LI L". h-.t'. U la U UMU. VtMl The abore delinquents are hereby notified that nnless ther cull it nrv oce before or oa i tte 25t!l ajof Juae and pay off the amount ip! i oe from eaeh, 1 vrill prcxreed to collect the iv remitted at cnrr?r.t rates cr x.a- bny and sell pn;p?rty on tommi I see nD article from the ejc u- the bt batkns in the Territory! am no T ; smid according to the proviaioa cf the kvr 'in rust-! such cases. nt ; from ; for- "V71I. EOELITZELL Treasurer Xemaha County. i05 V3 A hav or addl ia wvoteatacy meetin who isat the time dcilnnent j EsilclV OJlCC m tnepavment of ha or her rtoefc. ! , . . .,,.. Aet. 1. 'o m?mhrr or ccer of tlla Association fjUKEN np, an ttc lih day of Ar-ril, 13., shall hare power to tied the eemjary by any ccn- ; JL. by Ambrt Sh'.-iby on Li; farm ia kichard tract, or to render them liable to anj ea:est cr for euecty, near Ar.her, one lare white st:er w-jr us any purpose, unless anthoriiod so todtby th Boird : ! tw?nty-vedHa.T.aboBt e'jht yftr.'old, a half erp, ' and th Beard chall in no ease render the rrmpanj cS of the nn-1 t i le ofthe right ear, th cndi of bslii " liable beyond the arnjunt of aviiLit'lo fands. Th ! ears frcica orT, t o:h ear? red, the left hora knoc'i?d cf hu head, seme red jxts cn l.l Hoard shall not have power to sell tj any one pcrsen - dowrr by th sid: to be held in their own right at the saaue Unix, mire . fore Utr. than eighty acres of land lyic within circuits of , May 21st, 137. three caucs square, the centre of the city poti Wir- i the eentrea ot' cock squares or circles, j nor more than ' -r T I T xl m- 1 fTt 1" three hundred and twenty km of land of said j U U A I !l N I A I H - company lin-r outside of said soaares: pnrided XI 1 J J.X. ,1 1 1 J JL 1. JL Wa that any person ao ownir- tigaty acres wt-Lin si emmirjmay bold sn cient Iiiid onta'deaTu tirjuiti , to make ia all 320 a;re3. The company shall cot ; sell to any pcr aay land tid fee or .e hall have sub-crihei to thiyenstitati"ii. 1 Akt. 12. Ersry Stockholder st a".: te entitled t ' purchase property cf the Assoeiatic a attheearrent ' price thereof to the amonnt of one thousand d.!iars. . and hs.vea credit of seven years ihtyr- by pajir.r t one sovcnlh cf the principal ar.d ail the interest ' annaailr; provided. Iw cr see will occupy the sams. ( and has paid for his or her aoek, find oe sbnre ef the pa rchars stock, aaa tje property so prr"UJtscd ; .IL W. F URN A Si KOTAKY PUBLIC AND AGENT For tee Pert has:, rial:, anl Sa-criatelaere id' REAL ESTATE. icowyrait, jr. T. shaii l as seecnty for the javmcnt thereof, j Aet. 13. "o member of this crmpacy shall be i 7i 1 prrv.iy to all ta hicss eairau-l allowed to sell intoxicatln; dn.ks as a" b-js-cra-e, f" far- r-.r ra resMir.' in the S:at withir. the bocadj cf any tf the settlements m.l--; er;cjt pr?tasc Las J r Xvwa Ut ! a kr:uL by th;? ccmpcrr. Ia estss acr ceaihrr of thbeorc- I K-'.s, yurti ra lILsv.ari, and Iowa ova hnvt pjny shall be convicted cf sc J.;rj, br or Iv? shall i thvir iarestn: r.t ssf V "ie by n-. forfeit all his cr her n -ht a&l iat-roit ia this c m- i ! safes arecoutluaalty J.t;.; to oiirrhtr;. .1 .:c-i ia riska. puiiv, and all Lis cr ter t'tlj lands the e-".Sri2, and this frf-.-i:nr; sla.l t as real stipuUtd dmars to the CiTrpnj f .r 4 b: w'.irh bavs a'rrad been I r-- r--nrl.d : crp:d,aofi r.jr Vvi Warranty lee.is w.I'. ?-er;:rcn. and the property so f-rfei:-:! L i Laa now f r j! 3i.arcs, l.l tic ;..rtw!n; City cf L.'cmxviU r.ont.i-1.- in V I " C rT I Troe ; . . . , ; icr tue quarter ending April lst.vere Brownville, there roulJ be noditncni- '-z met superior force, hns becn! i cr -rv- , - . - . Mr .t.- ..-. , .i nearly ?20.o00.000 of ivhich 19 -;ty in voa getting mails from this point, -.-..v - l. jOyO.000 -were from the customs, and i without havinrr to' trait for them to go ! ...o ccrrnsc duel entirely Tbe expeaaitEm vcre S17J50000 satisfactory adjustment of tae! ' ultics "with New Grenada r.m ia Xtl-n- kzr . XtLrajka CI:y, Ocu.h;i . 1 . c'LSIendr anticipated in Washin-j-, , 1U0i 132 VmE Cae. Samples of sugar from' the Chinese cane, and alcohol distilled from the Las been latelv shown a; the ?u.j(ct5 mainly attract the rub- 1U1CC 'crriion at Washington, dates cf ,J to NebrasiLa City or Council Bluffs ; but I find there is ascre loose some where. I examine carefully all the mail overhauled at this point, paying as much regard to you ofHce as our own, ret I find vour eastern mail, as well as ours, come3 from the North as frequently as from the South. I charge the drivers cn every stae to ive me all the mail aboard, which they tell me at the time they have done. I merely state this to let the citizens of tac Tv TViTrv Yo Y-J tVft ,.t i your Town and county tnow that it is t I it , . . , . i . iLuurL' ! - Iaw?J but implores tte j th- et-of formin:r aa aMn5 not neslect of dutv in me: and hone rja t J r ----- o -j -''"v. , - ' .v -ii. .u iai.t; a i:si:u Ui ve j -Wc have to the 22d nit. Theg" , ? ' , n l the VtcZ1 U the programme cf the policy j Oce yhich places the question of its j fe:he new Governor of Kansas in- i ?? cf crystilizaUon beyond all ! ,4 , I. 1 --f" T 3 Jiaui oaTrei, : beaprT.priate4 by the Crd to the bcncltof ihols Cb-a" r V'crt, Snp. Del. i Cad. Canal Co., i lliO ILJ-lu, . T. j m.ttic town or ward wac tae caeae was era- ; itr, yoTa:c- La PIi:. OtnaJi. UalikoUh, Carload r.c, Ta. I TTTT t f M T DFX Bu;:ed-,. i Nexaba C.tr. TalTe II JckPairrcc Ctr, !n. wi-4.u , n , ,?.t, . p, ii liilii.'l -I J-'l-., Akt. 1 j. The liwrd s-a.! have pwcr to i--a: ' n t. r. - Lathr 1 Jcn Carbonnd &B.on, r. . . certlf rates of stock to be relumed ia town lot.-! CeaTL.C. S.rr To rcLe, SiCtL Srora: II. G.Morse.a, KcdFa TTrCLLY rttcrrs his sincere Tke -;e of 5B?h jj be f,e.l at 520 a stare. ; TiT.e. Ja,.C.Uirt,S-.rd.ofPir.DoI.i;IIai.Ca.C..1 I l .urranndin; eonntrr for their liberal pat- ceJthe f Th "iW 'th-li-l i 'V - - , . " .XewYccrk. f reKtze extended tim since be eomai: ope.-atirj ." 1 ke f..-,;e, a ct.1r of -eIlent l' TVm. FrothLnzham. Attorney. Alhar.-, X Y. ic tife Wre line ard Haee, an-J he would say to hu i TtV-e" ra or "Tia 47 1". ?w I - l 1-. 5 Gillespie. Pierre Co. Canker?, CirUnJale, Ta. f ,Ei ECtt enstomerV who wish to continue their j wlefo w"" eJ f r 4--c"of f T -? ' V' T'Jt W' :' r J 43 ol ,f J,s. Clarion, IL Carbcndale.IV : p ltruaase, t he returned fret. St. Loo t'w.'r! j whTwct L, n&'ZzU ' l" " ' ' r.er.lLcLlVuuTVromtnEn-- : .ith a bre t-k the best qnalitr of Leather du2 be entitled to a d anJa! i TTfA T - I ton. I a. s-ele-t-J dmt hu own iareet:t. The cnahtT cf j-. .. ...r tt,. t?... i ! NI'ifiLTPft Hrp-TlMr? ! t T.ev. AbelBirkf r. IIcnesdaTe, Fa. Rev. T. S. Aird, Carbondale, Fa. K?v. C. VT. G iddi ns. Carbc ndale. Fs. . II. n. IL Y. FomiJ. Brcwnville. . T. Mark W. Izard, Gw.of Nebraika. CI. J. A.Parker. Register. Land cf5re, Orn-iha. Col. A. R; GillBHTe. Receiver, - " TT. T. Finch A C .. Omaha. A. J. Stevens 4 Co- Ft. Pes !Line-.i, Iowa. raitcriili, style of work to U bal ai ; above esub- j to i(ftA towaUJT U f-r moraL lu Aet. 15. The rrrsUenS ar.1 C pursue. . In Lis introductory j he rlcads the validity cctien, in order to have a f. with Hon. Jaues Craig the eittin ai i r j. . - ii c ., j i.ii (.-awi;i c in vt'iij:itri iroin me who has been ;-fSoa ef t'ae .ill ofthe 1 St. Joseph, Mo., District, ence for all. j . 7 . . , , - . ' trict and Democratic pa u-rr; second subject is respecting the j f :J Ol L tali. Ate "OTCmT"Pnt! poscd to protect the citizens may the Dis- trict and Democratic party be proud sacb a Representative. United St: Tlx jIaxufactcrer. An csta of the time is not far distant when things willbe better for them.. Most respectfully M. Martix, P. M. With pleasure we give place to the above from friend Martin, Post Master at Rock Port. Now Mr. Frost, mail contractor, or JAMES M. CHAPEL, mm SPIT m em, A5D , m?nt eannctbe turxissed West of r-t- Lcais. I Eroxnvills. Jan. Srd. ?i57. i . ! W: iV. HAMER c CO., i MATCTACTCEEE3 OT CORN ,b FILED JIILLS, Smiitt HacMiies, FLOUR PACKERS, Corn Shellers, &c. Ons Complete Floor Kill Grinds and Eolta 50 -t i - i m m9 r'm tcrjry tr rr- mtars v a G. S. U0RRACII i CO. of Dlrc?t .rjT ATTORNEYS. AT LAW a maixitT of when iha I form a 1 3-:rr:rn. shall t full power to Kinase the adars uf iLe eom;iry t L.Tj ,". yioc:ral:y, to purchase real estate, U-izsjr.tel t- d pr j T f I 7'!' r p-iTTT O'' a&d dipe of the same i.er the rcguhiticns p?o- xx -L"-5 Xi LdlXtwj. vidtd Ly the eoastitatioa and the by-laws. The 02L.VII A tTTY IS T U '"TTTT! T. .r - .. cf tne cap::al stock, to be enj .yed by thc-ra accord- ! Ty. Z"" ZT:" 7 Zfll V J V irte their reertive share, and all pfit, ari.ir,, ; JLeTilV"X Uemtrrci scad be emi-HaaaI TiroiinM f-v id, t ? - -j" LnnjiHn ..rriirr so nti of said pr a ali aprear .drLtr!, tc I Te T Unl'o-? 1 rWtM ' " the Board shall t dirldfvLaniadiTMcd thalt be I L. a. Land Q.-. . -ra d red on tbe r?t Tuesday ia Febma-y r.r 1 the n l bckijt ia Anrwst ia cvb PXj? shall have acercel, and s ! tbt respwtiTe stoehWden at ary time af.er the ex- Agent for Xorth and VTcst BronmriUe. Bbisper dj; and is famished at $55. Brcu-nville, X. T. rnni --HU is eh taps' simple, darahle and eompaei. ! piratioa of tB days therrrm. "rARTICirLAR atteation r-aid to the pan-base I reonirisz less power and ateatim and mniueg iebraarr rl the 5 "VTOTICS is Lertly civts, tha year in which reib Fcsrsarj. 131,7. "iLa A.-Jel tail be pd ptct to ; of the Lromnvllle I,ti fre r t on tW tth day cf -i tf lac crvon tion eccTdel is the ftc i.u.ws lruta .uormoa' hi:,-. i .r, .t. i r. -xr -i m -t- f , utiviviuiL' liicu iiccwtru iu ; jxr. jjiau ar-cni on. mac line, we want - ---w.i 'ill K T . A - 1 . 1 T ic-w r iu.. tnls place a Tm Shop has been alr.-i vu-r T,Ui De "Jectea, ana opened tip on First street bv Mr. We neeil not say tea.H i nsiian ueuzen. eneeInots t -l4VP4 rrointoent, and have1 we hope he will be patronize 1- ' bi.t others arc soiicUcas' know he will. to hear from yon. We make the re ocest respectfully through no spirit of fault finding. There is a "screw w -a - we ; iocse somewhere, aiul we simply wish ! to nd out where it is. JT and sale of Real Estate cn et nraisiion in Town or eliewhere. A. Kocmtxe, Ornaia City, X. T. A. Chape L " A. J. Rrnedict, County Jnlje. Fnwnnlie, X. T. IirownvIIIe, Jane 4th, "vl. w 51-ly TIN MANUFAQTOR Front Street, ;' nitOWXYILLC 5. T. CHRISTIAN. DUSEN, T ESPECrTFCLLY annonnees to the eiuzens of it Brr-waTille, Nemaha eonnty, arsl smrrocndinr ,; eonntry tLat be haa rerently opeueil np a shopi ia j IrowiiviZ!e for the xninafactorr of im aad Copper Ware cf every deeTin-ioa. His Bxachincry is all new, his ?toch cf the best quality, aad bis work all Warranted-. jkowiTill:, Jaae 4ti, 137. 5t-tf ; of tho Lrristerof Tce ! rf ie C.nvj cf I.bj1j-'. ! in ths Territory cf Xel-ravka. Tae name U" tl mi'.l ia ase. Enr.aH-wlers. Shafting. aad ilZI 5earinof all descriptions, fern;sbei to erder. Tbe bfst old Gwnnam anchor bolting eloth. and baltic of all sixes constantly on and at the lowest price. X. 5. HAilER d- Co. No. iO Ei-hth a t, bet. Rroad way aad jretafire. . . - Ciaeinnati. Ohio. X. JL We alse build larger siia nil!a. Clrcalan rivia - larueularsi sent Epos applhtioa,witb stamp cncl!K?cd. May 23in, 13X7. SO-lm A. C. BEVAN, MASOMIC REGALIAS. OrEGOX, HOLT CO, HO. Hay, 21ft, 1557. . 113m m . - scaaanse between . LcTora-.;on is as above s:at-d. The iilar-it.!,;.. aav tne m-mfter? er oarers cf the cr.rr.T, all of taaaa-.-tic- laiiCi. U.e Cry cf Ccaaa ia at neb disTKtes snail be referred !c final decision te cmnty ii I) jc'a. The Losine to U UaiHt aroitrators chosca tae usual way. I laxaf ttnkln;. The 3i Ca-ll"! Art. is. o e:ty or toim plot shali b bid ont ia ,;0.4. 5w ,1 0 t bo pai 1 iik.i.Ijt La tia tae brands of an- of the sttlcm-, made by iLIs of .ahTit-- Stcxi. all the r.id U eomjanr. eept by tie aivKeaad authority of the of th; .Directors in ensta'.n-. of ftre ,7c3" Board cf DirWi - ; The tla e cf t.r- ,r rJS. J - Anr. 19. These Articles cf IeorprratOT shall be ; and iu tcrmlnati. a ;'T-T:'r 111 V.i rrti njecttoai:cratuaal amen-imcnt at ay rtrrIar ; indrbteiress n.t teiJedtw-th:'-:TLj tf.'j-l Jngof Ui is.hclier by a wte f tvo-taiiM Slock. The aSairs f tK r-r-l.n , 1 . and Totinr: prav'ulad, that no alteraOcn ductM bv a I-rd r I:v. t. v - i S be reads aatd it shall hare been TTtsented to t Pnsldiit an I Pn'-;- S3 presmt shal the Hoard at lean three moatbs previously ia writin J. 5LWOOD, JOS. STEELE, Ja, K.V.5!rIK. CW.GIUDLXS, II. BEOWXCfllli:", E. F. FERRIS, OLMSTEAD k BATITLETT, - . JAS.L-dlHUIXCS. LODEr.TW.Frr.XAS, S.E. C0WLES. Xcbrtiiiaa erpy 4 w, aa-1 ch. this oie. Country Produce : TT7iXTED, and f-r whlrh' we aroV the birV 3larkct price. 'JBIJT?TLL A dnecnsTTire, fltne U't stj:. aa.1 n it. Ilea Oa-elr , ep-sd at " . EOiLITrilLLCiri.