5 .,rn 4 T V jj M S h K. t .A-orsaeM Tessa caa xwcn -r r .uiBMuunft.-L v CJ'.I'J:: -r3 f"-7 r f -IT 'TS W- W. Buckf, Omaha. -X. T. ci afc'xrsr ,7. . yll JL-T- murdered bt the natives.. Tin several - ; -Mtf 21517.-J AVameni an Act ' entitled ' An! Act jte pointed a Committee to- draft " " J ;' ' i TrCK- : ; . I aliex.laccs o'f the'Celfcifial. Empire, ! -TvA', roipiiUx.r , to exempt the. property of maxn 7HQiXAPAArtrel:dltor' rtWe:'ers I-3 met with the'sam' So. ly a, grdat portion of tbe Vast- trsseii fr5a execstfea lictrtaiii 02 the meeting Awards the teat 'and$ jSif jj fp ' z-xX rr I fate. - Sir -Jame - Breaks, ,ho Let L era mail matter, far your oSce comes! "1 -1 z? ,x - n " "-v I Hi p - - -,-TKArvtt.irear!' a . , , , , , h.. : . i. l :.?f, ,m, ir i-r- J 7 :.S?C- .1- t! enacted by the C-mnali Xhe Committee after a short con-lJbi jit U W -t P.sr:v vs-;- ... , t, r-nir ir n.-"lT-.r..l TninTtii.1 flSI'i'in . U J Uii fcA- V Li ,J Uil WS Ui LLir? ITi V tr kcl f rr -r- , , 1 j. i? i r ir m . EAe; bmtauoa reponeu me loiiowin: t '(-. ;. j tv rnrnrw. '0 map in i .- !t' !'h SI i i I ; .... "i jj y J II jl j I I '" IIEAL-I3TATE JHlOSZKI KS JA. U .WJLd 9 ":v';" .J1? 1 " r . ""' j p-ay and at the Lead of a bcilV" of! ten? ubout one Treek ; -irodd it not be isai;-rl.j .psaor, Xa. i33,i Mala vs avcned '.ttc treason of. die octter for yon to nave it stopped at M: TT. Broirn ;iue use ana prauss uiereoi nau De cQmouious .sieaincr iras upon 50veia3 Lccn handed ns bv'-eiernnt fron ali debt3 and liabQitiesof character of-those in command, andi if.Jx'r z ra on the,; plains Til ctt- the Post master in tH placs. er hnscandxentracted or incurred fcy: having," daring our present trip Ladf ' r.-t to COTrWxt snniccr airainstl- Xoir ve sappos'ed the routed from ! h?m VP0 to therr marriage CTSuValtmdant oppolrturuty toTorrianopin-! ; . ' -- - , y, . -T v- 1 !iA n -l t 1 ' , , T. f seqnently .thereto, or previous to theUnof the steamer .airrant and her ! the Indians. A Cheyenne Indian irho here to loct Port as-estakied; ;tJ a flv - ... Ju L:,fl i,r., - 1 1 -T '1 -T t - O jf.iiTy- 'street, st ' Chinese in tilling 2,000 oT :them. - - jEodpcrt' i Y' Zr.r rnl ' I In looking at Lome ncus t?c see by ! fJYLDUv--- ' ; the' Jfimm RrpnlUtzri- of the' 17th :The ahc Tumory of Sebrcuia, That the prop- j "VVnrsEAS, the feaferry, comfort and!, erty owned br a marriod- -sroman be- wnvcaience cf the "vrestward-boand pectiallT- iyfrilireaJ:ei'IIi;irn:tce?IJtie5Csnt! socri nrer cepends net ociy uponi 4. i.i ""iuto-SwbiM-was lieia as a pnscner, cieu at-xon-puxpuocij resicuy . uie evu spoKen of saeh prop arty. Provided, however, important information to our fiends f Aa i-;f Ai-r ri;cive"Ai; Laramie, the day before the : arrival of j of .by Mr. -Brora; but 'have noticod' That ail-debts wntractcd for nearyfwLo may hereafter be Trest-Trard-bomid' Ls W'CJS '- : the Utah mail at that fort. Tke Indians recently " that "riotHn riches -as bv i articles for the use. and Lenefh of the as well as to perform an act of simple v irOS WOME. : ded tve bodv and it being re-xi';. ' v ! T!i eirarre tiiiMj .f T. uuu k. , - '-t-..-ii i -t be exempt from the operation of this I?eo2reJ, Tnafe -e most heartilv . . ,-.? ir.ks.nrix?. crfs, e-cade ta fco.l -fnt TmrtHr; -1 tnev ":pre rtadv at Kocji? Port - M ill see -rtliat our mail x r-- f i . ji. . . -r. I rrV-;o-x-,wee-!aiitbe iiettrni .at:;r . C -A f "r r --- - - . , i. I ct. - . recommena ine sceamer xiligillt w V.i- '4 a i?r tr.ed tj trjee.- to fight the whites and that they tronld j. matter does not pass , .by, : but tnrn ku j See:; 2. ' Section one of .an Act en- all onr friends East'and West who may "an Act to exempt the irropertv I have occasion to.Tass up or down' the Jr.rir. sired, hiicerz Isi cr.d tr.-i. Er.o-vv.winiLr, x. t. GO. L.1RGEST STOCK West of St liouls, Conslitln. ia pirtrof the foIlwrnjErtLiIcs he f njposea tc sell . rrsir. salt rrrrT. i i nlcroci on "STAjeexo i Land i arrant3 B.-arht and Sold j : -r4 : .' j-,, (- tcr. tj ctfm.a'i rot i p . . . . , . r - . . t;( excuiiui: r.: joa vinv i c . SeSbSi teen of their warriors in their depre- j..,:-!:; datians on tne property .ot emigrants. v - .-.wwww, ' 'VarV ":ani others, the Che venes'had captured! improving more rapidly than at present.! r"-. --. V whs;fn)m ! sixteen trader V and ?cntciie Lnndred Look 111 aJ ct3on m? rr::.. n't. .- 4i, A r.irrU rt i and any portion cf tie - ry, and you; of married women from execution in Mis souri as a steamer "well appointed'5 IiUlLGTiiizXTs. rXever since her! certain cases - and all other acts or fin all respects. parts of acts contrary to the provisions M ItoaeJr That m Capt. J. YT . jlE of this act are hereby repealed. : 12X.Lwe recognize an able, experienced Approved, Feb. 12th,13-57J 1 1 "3 -j. - .7- . . : f n 1 -rants the loss of tLeiri see new building? goingnp: Residences ; are being erectea at the ostreme west- j ; em limits .of the Corporation. .-. ' ax act' '.- -'J.;, . 3 Locate the Penitentiary cf Ne - --': .braska..; . -; i and eScient commander, and we here- rr tender him ."cur. 'thank3, for his i oblijria attention to the want3 of his si r ctt fir tairj The IIotel. iTe see another effort i - .is bein made to erect a first class 0 r . ? ; t limine cf liepTrsentative of She Tcr- -vr....,-" t4 . t7 v"-1" of Xebra&x, That Peter Peter- I passengers, : for his uniform courtesy j and manifest, lietermlnatica to make 1 ... .1 t ' TT '1 v 7..,. .rt- T- I ljarii ins cintt. , - ' Resolved, That Mr. G. BolD sonMlles Hopkins,.' and -William X. I therQnicers. of th Fere w Lite koJ Bi lead - -Veaetiaawi Pntj 0i iiTer.2 ?we8 oil WiTQ oil Fruit. 1j U'Xt htt anI 31 U ILiulss, 3 - LaLcvjiii.rccdivci.aiiifaraaJbj- - . ; J. E. JN'XyC. I ?:.-wrwerel. ir l a-ikAi 1, ai :i 5Ik r crelia anil iiIlii.Ls jnit r.-cire1lFaaifor f . : ; Freh Oytcr J'j d.x Flili cc.trate-d j ?iail. 3C'J Kxrf :rt:'I,:at jrr.aIfor salaly . n. j nrrix g 3. - I'itu 10 ha.?:i'-. Uriel temnr. aa'i do T II. t ! t. . . . . ,. ... .. - 1 ri.'cn.r vMit?, jzi; rec?.Tu, aci ur fhali Tarpeiidn Liarfeeijl Taaner-f H Copal 1'trai.a Jpaa Whiu Tarsh. Lithemst? . -iahit brushes Tarn- - m Calii' - -' -T.i'et AVaiihis 44 G.h - ' ' ' Ilarl slieli ahaJ3 j.'t. JEN.vi:rns. t ? 1 1 53, ja rvrrti. azj fr ie, . v - - t - - ........ and yeauL Ccwry ; Hotel in Brownviilc, and we cemfess -erLZ0 Bcgers,be,anlthoy areherebpxuthor- rrT i .ur c few--' k yre betcr r,led wit'the w-t Clerk sa.n, made her first ap- ked Commissioners, to locate !a Peni-; -. .- fjr ini-Lioasi t.. l--c.. , we .rc DCwcr piesei wafl tne prc?t r ... , r : m.-. - e--- 'make it an-ebiect to seek their con. .-. 1 ---. . i . t.f a T1TTrri 'pearancat cur Tfnari-vesterdav morn-rten;mryior iae xerrKoryoi ejrasij. l r - - - T ' . , .rtT- "a-ir-' Pro?Pc than of any before. A num-. t u . . m ; -0 ? Gonmiionera b-U 0n futtire ' OCC2Si0Q3-- Alld .,ri:i:mofar?a?er;oi noa-rutu. UL,C ... ..... cate the said Fenitentiarv witiin one r u rthVTerSo'rT. .aie Jlercts in are taking stock liberally. Tne .want loajijsm tne ; of blis s - Tek - so DountHuIly cored fur tne wants cf u Uai m. jph. cciati Cfd ; f j vitb Cn the rart of this 1 Emmgement oT -anairs on this Boat.; oa th(; Monday m3Iarc!f next, or i C13? : 'J rU r" i. ; class of property holders -s hereto-' not tnow of 0 popular-1 jrfthia forty days .hereafter, and af,er rd r"-1 ivencr. Coca-' for, 1, ' a ' ris Pediment in onr! cfthe Omaha last year, under their : being sworn well and .trdj to locate 1 tl ! . ' c 1 x.. At.- f? : fhp samp, shall tvtowI kv artnii pt- - r -"r - - trLisu ckasccebv rLAVK. j. 0.-, v cn mbjcct? bat (7 iU-sTicccso to . JJ. -"--ii.ic r.,;nt f0r"tte Wticnof thf sae.!!ffSi . . I".. T - l-J-'c-1""11 "iasaOinositloato-do somethins' U a:ces3 to J. P. Tyson. WeacinoTr,-, :5. Whed-said Coonteioaers.. -refalBUo" aScrbcasiscaiscd "'- -iuiagav A-. B-a-tox lae cScial re-; enWtold." It is Both-1 c . , ,. ' . . w "vr. J Ornate tea acres of lc to c, j G K ' -.. r i r. -fr-iT- t?.,i, V r.v-1 See tne advertisement of liAMEU L i lemtcrr of Nebraska, and shall make r , ? -i at t -ti--t " ;;,- ar.. gtr-:.. to i ui' po- . t tt 10:i7,i dan . i . - , . . . . - . , Lcfkwood, and Maj.ILD. Jones, were . . ; , - i-g c.e tn tney snoi iavr luh. f- Their mills are iut a srood and emcient title m fee s:ni:-Ie . T 71 1 xt c icTcrf. tne acceptation ct the , rT. . , . r - ., A-- v.in.-ki. alu iiua uja-u a msamniociW adopted, and the Secre- ''.. ,: . , , , j long azo. This thing of. the majority ft. n fi,; r tv- j. p,,A to said Temtcrrr-, upon which the vsiiailt . r ; J . . - ; 1.1 f'-" treaiv had alrravs . " - tLe tnmgioi tliii country, ana we nope T A - -n" taries mstrocteai to fiimtsh copies to - - i of o" "nro.prtv bc;n- in the hands of , r . 1 ' -n ' -n : permanentlv locate tne said Pemtcn- , . , - - 1 . Iv.u-rrrf o-. 0 ia u i those who intend erecting mills will f. - - ; the tatoin, and vuhliihers of papers in ' - r-: rlo Icilevcd themselves to: . J . - . , . & them a can. " 1 Sec. 4. Thai all money thit has or rrL: TV! U" w Ca k- - - , ! stemmj au tne ciirreni aoin-nii tne j i - 1 n t. t . it .u t- - -iissouri iviver. 7:-.r;lC;V:Xlf : rkJ and ethers re.piig' the tenent . Masket HorE.-Messrs. Plas-: Sutes for the purpose' of bulLiin a Xhe object or which the meeting .vJ of: cscI;:s:,clr of o:ar kl0 is notj .. a Penlteutiarv, shall be used in construVt- galled being accomplished it ad-i .-:::-.!" cr. ilc treatv. m con- u . , , v - v.. .t , a t . . icnrned sine die. I aad wIbvLw JUxjIs Jiloerts, pdcaia r'TTaii Iru-iLca . I'ea m.tt ' Lctteria tiilj . Tigt - - Table paiasa i - liawiaa: (kal tair pciLs trstirs ia eauj " Lieadsss i . . - !FaTdine --.Star eaatllia ' ' Ulti and IciTa Tea3t wiers- - I McLAUGIILIXl LOHSET, r Ceat qtUrf ar.J Juror. - - TGDACCO, I llntcris lUaad.' - PreTnnl, fns Traauied Beaches. freA ' Land Warrants Bought'- and Sold. rcajlu:3 In ctia. pore liiaorj f ir laedxai rarrie. . , . , . . - . . i brSB,Iy' C'1. bratdf' CIuiIv ffr rfnart ,1:. - - - STATioXEsr, - i - . '3i?LAi"cmxiior.5rr; TooIs3j ppr, Ciairy letter pijirsrTt frla acts, : - . ESiTEa TO . . .. " aa.I'e3vcr.;rs pLvia faacj aad eabrd, lens ted Fr.ff.rt.5f.-L'nni 5Mr-. W-rtiirr'tr.T. penholders, h3 cf all klada n'f,and t aad f a.gn ; 3LPh?ro. ilocrr;T,i I!att?rr,Ui"!ayI,'5.T. pencils, Jfcliawx waiera. .: .IL lUrs-t. F.r . Vrt.ia. Vtz . ' - 1 A Splendid Assortment cf Perfumeries i . T-,- r,. : .- ... Comprliia, Ljons katharitv elngn., pomade,. Ixt la Z2-t lu Z and 12 ia 4d; Lor. naiflT? ci mirrow. car g-iide m-i naax i 17 ia i..kt U. Cwj nf r.ru wxy ill e. b- aad e-.seas cf all k'mdi 5& t cf tie finst qialitj', j. wnj au. otaer- artoiea ucfuallT kept ia a l)ni :er. t rr"-cr!pftn23 Ciap3EdeI at all i;cr3 'rrii care , and desptii1:?!. ! TERMS CASH EXCLUSIVELY. BroTTsrille. 31a- 1 it 1 ; 7. fA j " ; "' - vxi almost mrlcsivelr of our labor, is not ! , . n . .i . Ti.i: PtT:1-v Tl T .rmmrtrrrt. W33 caue.i &emg accempasnea it aa-i Tron " ...... ;..J, TT p trortv .in rrr. -! L 7. ' cuqu u r . , ir.mpd sinP dip. 7 ! r - "7; 7' . ry desirable. i on Wnter street for market purposes, ! sarne at tne pomt tnat may p F LOCKWOOB Chm 1 PRRf'T " R ifl -..y.zzz cf the moncations mtrc-( j 1 : chosen bv the commissioners fcr a Pen-: . . tun. ( a jrj.Jli.nii fUuil D'JUA. I hit It the Senate cf the United i The esd of the Toloie.-Two ! JJid atlnS PFaons to xur-; itentIargT - f- 'I'S Secretaries. ! A cpdiou, eoiiir, of fact, from . . t T. T .r i-.n Tr, ! , - , ., .T . 1 risk OCT Citizens With fresh meats 0f - on.-1' ti-it-t rrrT . . 101CEA5T, " j -tke .Votes aai experience of oc- v Lis Lf'jii rejected dv tne Lnz- more numbers beside tne-present com-i : Cw. v. dou-u va.j ocCi .n , ces-sfal frait caitariii. mr- aihet. The cause cf the rejection ; Ictes the rst volume of the -Adver-1 a- kmds' ext ekwevriil the board ot tomnssioners tte nrst . v : : - T'n T . : r ' .. , . V- i , ... , ; rloi'- rpd" Jav 1 one remaining on the list shall tnlsnch I anf tAr PraxiicoL trie m tie Orchard cnd-Ganlfa. L.trt; Ks.tivelv known, ash-' rUpr." Those in arrears will r-lease! lLCt . i t. .? . i iTili il. ,-., rr. . .t. ... i : . i acilivv uv liie IDOiIll.Iiieiil Ol Ii SLliL-f ( V ? V aiv.".. tMS'.-awu-u? tiiwrinnaii U(.t :-r.:-.C:..r :LiciUatsPJte.tmia- ,Anp,-aad Hose itliose inbrip-! . Jr c . Gcrjtraetcr t0Me pirsSa rto stall take tieoatL! -V;"'-- ir.'tiS; ; : - aor. of tic senate tioas expire rc be jdeascd to have .Lard at ir, asa2a. j reqjWofthe otler frs thMf.f,'. SVf. V S J ::.aiLr .u tuo ciause stipulating the them renew. r fTT7: ec. 0. Inis Act to take eilect and) .rdeiiu tb pne. r w t-4 of v. keener! , - '-vcrv -t Ho" '''" ' . ... . i . ' TritI1 an mcrcasel numoer Ot Iian'di, , e jn fAj. from and aftsr it3 passage. ' in the faU cf ISj3,irbc, Ifhis cicxaolarjcaara.j-! Oar strr. ecrzn so larrs a ra?e, ths ii w!2a-'; :7777 77t:i--.r7cL.IetLaUhc: KTTIH iaoTOlllE. : and till novr pat ihe Tiort tlroagH Apprertd, Feb. 13th, 185?: . ' , t-i -it ' i rv-r t i - t .rr-i. 1 rt a rr i - n a. - - - r - p-rirt? j t imr jrtti if arj wi i r;' icmn r irrf: tp t rfr prn Tr tr, ' a ne a'l'iition receniiv laiu aj i'j' ' . , i L.fL,.f n' ;;, lh ...r-i , , ,r r,. f ..ji ? - i-n i-r s rhf r.hnrA tih"ip i nni? ait tkc: rtt ! i Itrft to mirathL with. fcwadftiar in tri L- rf ii4 uroireis. lie wc n tea ecreis.? ' c,.u..i.n i-iuaiia-i no j The elitorof an Ohio paper savs . To provide for the payment of interest ; aadderoted hiAji iada! -at fatar. f pby T-?1 scfc-" -"P y,' -l ' in tV, nf tf f',!. . ia .LiOCiiS. i.&tS, btreetS and AiLejS.' 11 : - , - , , -ii ,a Western Pomi.irii?, who hare r-rea it tee Liziicst f .o..vL..,..ia ,....10.0. tuta, y .' their town presents 'oui-te a livelr ap-'r cn Territorial Warrants. D. ( pw.. Tie rrder ufre rbiitB dar t :-,t of Lcnl.m. . : and lithographed P ready fordis-r i .hfk h'J Sec. 1. Be it enadtdby tne Cvitncu ;. At th? rH,a, .f s T.-n. Edward, ia ! Ocop fartLU ri. ; A rcort. vhich reach.1 New York! ion. A large number of lots : thi, spring; the fence hzs R , Lt4lC:hin,t.. states that Walker en .sold,-not to speculators tcnayfrom around thP;ace,; rerf f That from and lti.e ef y aad La, 'KS i ;,:fVr a .n1 -nn t actual settlers-tliose who are aboGt itants have thepassage of this act all Terri- . PioaiatIfllrMrpMtm . ,r.V-T " , iri r.: n.j to vuiTd and ctve-wi ' Uc?caPetl to Nebraska, and the balance toriaMVarrants issned by lie proper ! iafe EstraV iTctlCC. .-.i.ai ir.biut:s-e otwar XL' - - " 7 are too nco- to et awar " ! authorities of the Territory shall drawl iiWeat-.i.' D .niform g.-dae rflrruKFYnn wrtr mnf rr? i-- ' :t S-.- jcaa -id Sur.' If :Us rcr.ort. "orroTe ton. A .arje merchant 100 Pe" ' ! interest froaEdaftertbei of their 1 -.-P X w ., fc. ... ILiIf f.f lut It ia Ljck 13 Jfjla rtr-etalvr.t t ia lloe'il'.'. AI, !! its cf J.2l:3" S.-mi SPRIXG ARRIVAL AT Vt merits cennrmation, is found wiU be erected on the town site(. ' ' . tausy 2A5X. I presentation, at the rate often ner I of LIs w I;"tAi J j 9mtj AKh. vy.i 9 -t vt. the fact cf the retreat cf ims season, ana aiso a caw -uiu, notei, , f. - , ,wf tTA rirrcent umu See. 2: That all Warrants hereto- I . . t -T 1 . - 1 . . i. ! I. L il ! f. , . .,.,' . . . . ' ear? f.-ci'ra eff. boh ettr? mi. the lef: horn knfleke-1 ia acqaaiscta wan .aux-ir iwarua .w lias a . bT si i? ,r htai Li reward aad drco : fere lr. ! tha eu: frrua I Hit Zlsi,lSZT. .. - 41-Zz the proapec cf ; r ... - t t,0.,t- M;.iif4a - ;ntn.fj . . iioe lMuea no-areaty reneemea, ff.-d niaaLasfairfn-Ma genaered Dy spec-, "v - - -; lev Bant . e Lave only to sarnon being presented to the Terri- tear, ten the ecSa cartL iat ...-1 :; n. tier. ? c t-ink that this ex- enterprxe wo are going anca- co im-. ,c m f Advertiser cf the torial Treasurer, and bv him endorsed r - mie in 1 : :ti-:n.in itself ccntrarr to the laws Prove- Ihe property already valuable , ' f Ar h ffl a anot paid for want cf funds in the "s prr wh wr - ....... , -'. ia-.itr i-axi, 1.1 c.ii . t and ?yrmw are not Icaowa. "I-nsti c.tti r-e Firl -t r;iil StlU more SO Hi a Terr snort . , t WM nM Tri irMnrv. sr.au araw tprt rwr rent ptr j i - .. t Liiiieu cate- . statement ct who are tne owners. ur .- . e r . r r , i - . ! : cf Lorc-icn, .ho have . A plan adopted by . the com-: mj ; mterest from the diit, of such -CEW ADYERTISE3IEXTS. : fatigues, privations, ?7 is a cry wise one, and one toc. nQt avare of iu We would further .c. 3,. It is hereby made the dutv ' w?T 1?'-?; ? vrauly donate, wUn they were , tt:it aI1 c 5 should adopt: they, - . TQTUt( contrary ; of due Territorial Treasurer when Pre"-? 'V i. ' AY. IIOBLirZELL . & Ca BROVNVILLEL-. - VTalLjewin '! ai reav es !fle iwiccjf aa acj e3t,biL-hnjiS ia lae Wtir Ve hare now In or? a spat tarf-fT f jiLa JVI jwia azrie-.", wL:A we cxitc.aed f ia CAAiti4jtl )ajei;att:!T iIi Ia j oa iL. iie t'-'ra-i dry Godfis:; 3iEEAL ESTATE - a.i.-.- ;a tt renf-.rts to tne con' icountcrs with the'se;it0 110 02C Uvaser more tnani- , n tfce Nemaha' rented w5tk any Territorial Warrants, ! W W 1 T T m ( 1 --e.that falsehood, delusicm and fivcIots' bIad kio to erect a - re-; v T.iTll., a't Jon. ; issued previous - i bcrr' brve h-cn ?pectab!e buihling on one lot of that , ; ..r thereon tne words quoted m -section i r' r t ' em- i ni'rvPT'-fn- ' Aer ?n:i i two cf this act, together with the date - :?ll"D13CCKa faiI cf bravery a vcrmg , whcn ntol dnring Bank hours. c,f prCseiitation and his oSeiair "''i cacr-y -to rr.tvt a fv!t to 'increase the vaiu cf another s , , t. :t,:,: A . K. W. FUKXAS. XOTARY PUBLIC. ' . AXD AGEXT CQRX FRED 3IILLS, . Smntt lcliiiies, . rZOZTi? PACKERS, REAL ESTATE. rTITX at real procrtlr to all La'-r'Tss ?atrxtt-jd -'-r cr rh'-rr. In c-dcr 't'?v propcirv more than hi? own, but there ! , . " -t c , -n-- - t-. o c.ty tLe f x . , i business, the same as other Lank 1 TTITX j J Tr rM.t-p7 frrn- vvl AA iltTJiitA S CW. j .I?ir-Eta por-hadif Land or ToxaLota :a:ebrnk, HATS AND CAPS, II A K l) Vi' A UE, " CUT1XHV, v. iiioTv WAnr. I i 1 f ' Lcec-, i every whert from 1U o clock, A. 2JL. can br.t rejoice at the termi- aaVailce tne vaiue o: property. . r . t a-- " I . - - - - - - iij icarccua invasion. and after the date of its passage. until Z o'clock, r.:d, and those' enl Approved, Feb. ISth, 1557. 7 - -ew Grnalaa good deal of pop-1 lirrs'oFHoLLDTG District CorsiJi?."1?111 cil BantsTT- E1CLSt A5 ATI One Cawrlete FHrirLn Grlcl aaJ Eolu 50 . 1nsr- Jijsc-un. aa caa tare; KbU. r-er daj; and L. fsraiihed a ' , T "Ttm-;t'j safel raxic tj iae. i mdl; if ia cheap, saxjlc, dandle aad icmpaet, . yeTElsS4 t,- LiVe air-air k-ea Pra- J renairin-Iea ixw-t and aMeation aad miic cnf)t'nl.aadfvr wLkh "VVarraaf jI)sMs will pra. ! a larytr jieUi aad Letier qualitjcf Hacr iliaaaiji 1 have cow far-Sail, Talaulk T-wa Loli a J oots and feiioes, A-da aa! ai";ru.ttai of LIGHT GHOCXItlll".; T2 cxiits "with respect to the; n Judicial Disrrdcr. -as:n frcui the United States; the ioc st Tuesday in June and De cembr. not espect to be waited upon at.day-; . . . for collection cf ! , .7&;5f:r 3:3 s---1 1 I 1 il-JrHILIi 'LAtJCt- lU.uMnU at f lidht or dark. . We wish it destinctly understood . T tun te venue t Tae bfftcjld Ge;miii aaLor o;Idar el-iih.. aad f a cua:au.:lT oa aad a: tii lowest t EAilE?. C. i ;V .j;,s-t ;.r tl ..t .t" rra7u-Srd Tuesday in June and1 tLat d nct P'05 to n:tr in:o aik f V 4 t"4 i lrd r ....... a .ytb . mje-i dcrcace 0f tl.or any other nk. Tnat te C,)uri 5.11.- Circular,; tnited Mates, m order to cam j , , - -. r .7 tv Treasurer shall be collector of the 5-:- rardraLm ka: Kpoa af.rir.-aaca,Tri;a sump . -i t- . ! Vid.irt-n icr Tv.7 ' - tut uoem a smiplc statement ci facts - j Lr? 1 "icd. - sar-rt m the pending nuestion! rn 1st 1 ues day m Mav r . , revenue, and shad give bond to tLe , t ii7 sd-Lb! v tl rV-f-d ! November. - " we knoir tnean to eziSCto notn- Cemmissicners in the .sma of . T,T. j c , Tl 1 ... jr ninT'a "ti tpc'i nr We v-t 1-tr n T, n-n ,-T , T,-TT.?t-3 " - x-i-.' spcscdto cntorcetcrae-i t - ; - - ieu ty - - , T :rtr-ccventh ehar.ter Sllaniaiaoturcr i a totnc Makintosh-cr-e- U-.t. ftT, Hcf Towi entitled "revenuc? i ' 01 oc British vessels ircar at Carthsccna. " excitement was produced m Cty of Erc'i-avulj, NsLrxsia Ctj, Chaaii, Xejiiu C:r, Tills Rjck, GtreTille, So-th ErownTi"'. OuiiLa CIcr, Li riitte, Taaxee City, r Atk-otct. AV. all maintained themselves,! torrid cf Pennsylvania, has been ap-f-Ld tbeJ fcJ their course impair gcc , nj acts an hereby adopted as.the revenue law j MASONIC REGALIAS. ! '. : .... ' " CL- ' , ... - ' Aad a a.-ti!2 cf ;'' 7;; ' ; '? " ' Ii L? a j-: ?aare to o t. i ic r".. td j tl; ' yoa to esll r.tai aad iee f-r r-.urvlfw, - : . iiiiiidiztid. a ecu April ZZ, ... T.li-Ir d" parts cf acts GHEGQS, HOLT CO, iia JflLteaelle. And macT 5th?rTa!aatIc Po:nt. I Lar- aLo f r a aenbrr r.f exreHeat ITcti cc to Prc-Ezipcrs S G. S. liORIUHI col -' are sraAjof !aad al.ij fr-ea:r.L or lea ATTORNEYS AT LAW isproTciJ. aad citTca'eatiy !.Trai-.lr aa-i ad cf a. , " fT"j il caa b tucnd ia tie wcrl-L REAL ESTATE BROKERS. OJ2AIIA Cm, jT. T. " . " . T Aid gin f iri'u:dLr aj'-wni-c rear'sj alt 1 at t ic - fr Vn-r.t ipcinted Associate Judce for the See- reposca conndence, weare not cusposd connictins; witli tms act arc hereby : j o jicico it a report; , T . , . -. . , . . . , . i ! . , TTnTTfTf! ... ... - : Jrrttnal Bit T'.l i t" Tritehcnl into tnrn nrtinl.trlr . Off rrTw?ilf.l. i iUliuj . 1 - . r. n t i . -" - ie ilulttv rrM i - i r - . w ... . v .a.-, 4..rs nau taen: , T . . . , when w !-ar t rr'' Sec. 4. This act to take effect and j t-r h Er". tt t t irTrrr .-..- 'r .-f t - UtCi..nctl. I L-i-- Cji-s, Wl.cn W li.am LmUI, 0i, , - 'I ; r-T esarra. that I wil'. a the 5th d;y Un.O.l MCIVid., . -7;-. v.3yuiaa in j sliall ST,?ak a-d -eak be ia iorce lCT lta ?a"aSe" ' of U th Und 05ce a. oaU . PSY3ICI uteofnora . ; Hon. G. IL Nxxothe Register for! r,. r- " I Approved, Feb. 13th, 1657. ' ' f! AND , - ne-s trom Europe is of very::. Land 05 cc has arrived here wit , ! ikx,- ; c7 SURGFO : . T t t-t - ; I ' ' 1 1 T-r-cr, Ti: " ' others ara nou5-sJ t ee rt115 a3ii ataw tai i A V.V JL4 W '- --ree. Lord Elgin was en , tj, rrir We are rlea,l tn fin.! it. AS ACT a.I,2 T3 VEO 13 .... mLjiu aadAl . i -.-.:ccs may require. Aether an azreeable rrentleman. We fcec- X' " f n"dt'd l? ine -s Vowa-d" trip, was held Saturdiivl-TCT-l 3 1 '.d-i. .X3'-'? T?r 'I14 ? f'- cnrn.bS.iucr-r CI5cllci l3siatss a J J F-ta3 .tUd i, the ! , ' ! JOSEPH II. RICHARDS, tSSSI r,, ::-V'u 7:' meunti0a f "P- opened to sooa tte Bts a be i 15 7 " t Jw. Andrews, cf Ycrk, aad j b. g,: n .. .ii - .- ; V,,,' TS .lJSTirt? ' 15:1,. ri atires cf tlc T,-,r"n! , . , , ec. i 1 Lis act to take effect and ' t ir?,.;. ,r fr i;;.T f1 'CrrKl's -t - w 3 , 'i:3 l t t-i t' -' .i. .in, iki , ! : i -. j .i - l.- - ... r ,,.71 l rt-.J , f-rr- r f Trr T , . . u . ,t i..., t, .'i.,.,.,. j t. r. .r. r7, .T T -. T I. .. - . r AT. i I Cy - - . Af'or t.ir o IirTPT rrTnil:5 Irrvm tn I V-,v.. V?l liitt siuS are Mt r5iiiii.L w- w w . ii.c ti-ii.tciaeniT rifrik.M 01 l.il' ! . - . .w - - . r. u. ais. cBti,i;.i. i. . "r! 7 T,;''-repce pronounced in princi-; -: 'l:L- pretensions of Prussia.! ste bar . . j its passage. oi tlie ! amers Min-ae-La-La and Emigrant! - - -cntleinenlv After seme brief remarks from the ; 1 x Chair in reference to rr .-,.r w 'ues loi:u-; Yui acceP thanks for St. Louis , If you want a good segar, go to the j Messrs. - R. IX Jcnes, cf 2L Yn Idoi -.i t-e Europeans on papers. . Baltimore Clothind Store. " TT Ivivn f 'In r- t 7V. 'V . r -. - . - - t . . ill. Prsa aal Cj! rshm?jn iw. aad el. oil-. W w i,4ii i Ci - 1 ,ii V wmmwm TaU tie Utest gtj!. a-I in ea;e rr-r J t"r""VrTI -s-r r rV, w t 'X?-'. -ujj v ij. -. trzrzTie. Jizra oa, i3Jt. --Jt V jaI tea at d cov. A C