S rEAMBO AT ADVERTISEMENTS. r. Reason r arrangements !. ' V - SLMesqu and Council BluCk. Weekly j "SILVER HEELS." - irPIK ib TIIK new and ft running passenger ?LS5 sUamcr "SILVtR HEELS,'1 hiring Wn built expressly for the trade, will upon the .jcuing of navigation, make regular weekly trips, between 'St. Jejb acd Council liluffs, connecting ' v.ith the first St. Louis Packet? at St. Joseph. . The ';Silvcr Hels,"-will1cxten4 her, trips taSioux Vt v, add mfbrmediatc faints, cnee a niontli. i , 1 857 m issouri yek packet!' '1 85 . ft tf Agents. 1857. MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. 1857. "tTCxxa- Onxn.iDtoll. WM. EDDS-"- Master .For Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluffs, Bellevuc, .SU. Mary's,-Wyoming City, Nebraska City,- Lin-. f Hen Lrcwnville, Lowell, Oregon City, Iowa Point, Sarannah, St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, Wes ton, Leavenworth City, Kansas, Independence, Vihprr l.c-iii-iff r.n. etc.. ct?. IE new excellent ana lavontepn-wngcr steamer, p'at. Caui-beli., Wm. Ldds, Master, will on the earliest opening .of "navigation. -run as a regular pAcket to the above and all the intermediate points on the Missouri River, remaining permanently in the trade during the entire season. . , ,: The William Campbell" has recently "been fitted up, and refurnished in the most modern' style, re gardless of expense, and with an eye single to strength safety and comfort, as well as with every conveni ence that could render her desirable to the traveling public, rendering her now both as regards capacity for business, superior accommodations fr passengers, equal to any in the trade. Captain Edds hopes to receive at the hands of his numerous Missouri river friends a continnanoc of that generous patronage fur which, be is .indebted during a series of years, while in command of different boats, and for which he hereby desires lo present his most grateful ac knowledgements, promising increased efforts to give general satisfaction, and retain their confidence and palronag?. " April 2d, 1R37. : " . 42-tf 1857. MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. A. d miraL . W. IV. BAKER ROBERT A. DARST For Sionx City, Logan, Omndi, Decatur 1857. Captain. .Clerk. Citv, De Sote. Florence, Omaha Citv, Council Bluffs, Belle- - vne, St. MaryV, Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brownville, Lowell, Oregon, .Iowa Point, . Savannah, St. Joseph, etc., etc- - THE excellent commodious and favor ite passenger steamer Admiral, Capt. T.akcr, Clerk, Robert A. Darst, will on the opening of navigation ply as a regular packet to tho above and all intermediate landing, on the Missouri River, remaining permanently in this trade, and running regularly during the en tire season. The Admiral bag recently received many valuable improvements and additions, rendering her now, both as a passenger and freight steamer, equal to any in the trade : and Capt. Raker hopes to receive at the bands of his old Missouri River friends, the same liberal patronage so generously extended to his broth er. Shippers may rely upon having their freight bandied with the greatest care and dispatch, and -jiasscngcrs are assured in traveling upon the Admi ral, of being made f ;el always quite at home. The Admiral will make one trip to Council Bluffs, after which she will make regular trips to ' Sioux City every twenty day. April 2d, 1857. 42-tf For KanMsj Brown ville, Omaha, Council EUiffs and Sioux Ciy.' -.T:. 4; r t - - ,' I. , ... .... i- 'jrfE neW) elegant fancy and conjmo- ' dious passenger steamer Omaha, An drew WisfXAxn, Master,- J. J, Wileoi, Clerk, will, nnth viirlit oriciiinir lit navigation, resnmcher I-;, nnd mn as a rerular racket to the above and '.:; all intermediate points oii ;tbc' Missouri river., . Pa- trons can' my upon licr continuicg la me iraue rendarly during Ihe entire season.!.' 1 ' ; The Omaha having been placed in, tho most unex ceptionable! rdcr expressly for.the tnvje, her officers' hope that by strict attention to the comfort of her passenger ami to business, to merit a liberal .share of patronage from -shippers and the public generally. . ; . '..A i:.-n ; A. WIXKLiM, -Master. ; - '- i BROWNVIL.LE y.ZiJ 33oet Oarosoixxer tit i ess;'i. ir r-t ;o : - : :ox THE 'IMLissoari April 51,1857 i ;r-.: : 4a-tf ;;II,A.TERRY,;&;Cp.,;7; ' R'nOLESALE, AXI HETlIt DEAJ.EES. iS; .;'!.! i AR DEN and Howcr Seeds, Fruit T7ec,.' Shrubs, Grape Vines, etc-etq. . . .'':r' 23?"Roies of assorted Garden Seeds, constantly onbaml.fersalelow. ' . Council Bluffi, Iowal - April 2d, IS57. vl '.'-' 42-ly, G A CUAKCE FOR RARE SEEDS. r i Thi'RdillefromErdicnvilIefo izneijjandfromihcne&io California,! ; w :A : nearest ttnl imosL; ?. ob .A:-lM . k XNOUXCE to the Trareliivg Publif "that; ihey Jl have mirchased tho entire interest in the"Fejry across tho Missouri JUver Hi lha City.Iof TW)Wn-, villn. Nebraska, and open tho Season with a new substantial and commodious- Ferry Boat," run by Horse Power, ti nicb'nf'flngcmcnt will secure certain ransaso at, all times and in all t weatlicr. Tho Proprietors do not assert ooas or for the purpose of ginning custom merely, rroverned W facts. Vtcn they say this is- crossing of, the -Missouri ltivcr m jeDrasKa, ana when they say the route from Browflville to Fort 1 1 r. Mil run 'r t i :i si. ilai v .11 1 iit.iirc ft w 1 1 . ' z X which he has grown and tosted tbd pa.t; season, j and deems tbein worthy (T general cultivation by all lovers of good things. Thesa Seed ho: will send postpaid, by mail, a package of 20 vsrietici, (of your own selection,) for 1,'or a larger number in Uicsame Jiroportion; four varieties fjr Ik cts.jjr ono variety or 9 cents.-; Tic nas of " i Water Meioxs Tho-New Orange Ico Cream, Bradford, Hales, Pomaria, and Premium. ' . - C axt klo i'E3 Christiana, i Walert, Morins' best Green, Extra. Nutmeg, Mjorias best. Yellow, Extra jetted Kind, Minora. ' ' ' " . , MeKee's Jlammoth Muskmclon, Glass Melon. .' Crci'MBEKS Early Frame, Long Island, Fire Foot. English Gherkins, Fig Tomato, Mammoth, Grape, and Cherry, Tomato, Capo Gooseberry. ; ' . j . SQr ashes SweetPotato.Boston Mjurow, Custard, Woolsdy's Cream, Dennis Striped Crook eck," Ala bama Golden, White and Yellow bcollap.' . C-OSS Andrews' Premium, ILarris' 40 Days, Wy andot, King Philip, Shoe Peg, Stowell's Evergreen Sweet, Darling's Extra Sweet, Flour, Choculate, Sorgho Blanco or Dourah Corn, Extra Fop Corn. Peas Anvaergne; Prinee Albert, May, Chaiflpton of England. Japan, Qaecn of Dwarfs, Prolific Dwarf Beaxs Mexican Turtle Soup, Wctmoro's Golden Eyod, Canada Kidney, Hungarian Lima, llaiicot'fr de Soisiaus, Three Foot or Asparagus, Uungarian Tick Bean, Cape de Verde. ' ' ' Nepaul Barley, French Millet, Hungarian Millet, Egyptian Wheat, Poland Oats. . , Cainton Potatoe Pampkin, Head, Lettuce, Sweet Turnip, Mock Orange, etc, etc. ' " Send currant bank bill? or postage stamps. Wben orders cannot be filled, the money will bo promptly returned free of expense . ; ; . 1 Address L. NORRIS. March 12th, '57. . Windsor, Ashtabula Co- 04 STGERSON'S; uiier ior vv..-)r.."B7 fjT J' 503or Afpe'Ircei, 2 iiil 4 yea'ra 61J, em i bracin- ir5rvorietie9. , Price 25 t? 40 cents. SifJ- L1 c T; in i e i .cr.,. 1.1.). .s 1' . . . - ? n tCr. : ' ' . ' -11 TMtlUCJ, liu" i . i : ' . ... "ri2.s50(rt!fAndara Peats, embracing 43 Tancties, Ldi- T"cefrMn 50to75ccnt,I: vl.'ju .Tf 5,000 Dwarf rears cuiwkwus -Sleach' .no?.;".''. !'t:5J 'Joi'J . 5.0V0Or Cherry. Trees, 31 Tarictics, 50 to 75 cents 50QJLpric)t3, Early Goldenf Buda, leac&Apri- . ,; 'V - ."C--Vr "w-ita "Tift flPtrf .-- - J w jtAts i n-rrrn i-nnii L'au.v ' v wuvw ,T - ,1,200 Qulnoo. &virted, . f-25 toO oon3. i-Off Dwarf Apples,- 0 ' 000 Wht(TnipK.vuMwV''I'.-..-:i:i ZZ"A . ROft T!1l, VtiTles '' . .,600 Cherry Cnrrant.: .; "rl r-VX;M s shrt iifrf:TVt6bCnTTanl lXA f.r v:ii f?nrr!intS" j00 White 'uowa-vuttanu" a. ! I' -Knft xHjuI Dutch Currants..- 124 H kiads of M 5X ra-Rfeic:.-..: :r -.v:i 12U" 5 wngiy, 4 2 0Q0 irajie (j-wi ft. it 1 ? VX . 1 000 Houghton's Seedling; .J.- ,25 , tbts best Mj;r?Rnn-Tri ":v.n-ili:dd;i.:4.U ii7X 0124! i'000 "Asnton -r" &k iOO Crown poo, THE subscribers1 bare enterod Into a partnership -under the firm of Reed, Holabird Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to famish , all thpse jn want of a good Corn or r Wheat Mill that for dura bility, silnplicty and'ooonomy j-cxccl tuy MiTLin the .world. On the .late ,exhibition of the .Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a.GWd :2Tcdat was awarded iheraforiU, ,T f -jr . ,?, .-.r -f . "'Itis adapted to all Grain grinding purposes'; It is .superior' to all other for the mbstoxtonsive Merchant Mill, as it is for grinding tne i armers ieea Dy uorse. newer. .":! i- r .nit'-.-tf odi J.: i(;l.i'T' . The above Mills are manufactured b the under jug'ned'AC thelfhopVlnCiaGiiiriitj; where' they con be fnrnishedin any-quantity at iphoft notice. rr "Th above Mills warranted' to perform as follows: 3$- ihliam,. per henr 50'B. Core, 25 Wheat, $300 36 u " ' '30 ' 15 " ' 250 20 t4 w f 19 V'r . 8- " r A50 As this MiU'tolls itsOwri story.it Is'uhneeessarylo , ouote from, -our enmerous rccommendations,receive,d. i : ..' i i ' : I f J .1 ':.!i-Mut? '-.'i ' n- ' - - BEXNET riORTON Jfc ILRDINC;r Pfebraska City, N T., flnd CIcnwood, Ia. WDLTj -practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and .j Western Iwa.: - Particular attcation-paii ;to obtaining, locating LanaW arrants. and collection of REFERENCE r tt. ' ' ' -- Julius D. Morton; , ;: f f .'SPJ Got. Joel A. Matteson, Snrinsfcld, 111: -GovJiW-'Uriiaea, Iowa. Cityj lowa i ' :.". i B. P.Fifiled, SLLoms,Mo.; r Hon.' Daniel 0;' Norton.' TqIwTc Ohio; ; -I: " ' , ; P.. Agarpy, Bellerue, ebrailyvj r. 'a f , . J 1 Scdgewich & Walker, Chicago, UT: u 11 1 - -' ; , Green, Wea'rc BontOn', Council ClutsTI' :' 1 do "500 Riftpmen do 2,000 Yellow1 Antarp I,tlUt! UniO CVeroeurnig A .) t I 25. 25 erries.-lQf . do .... 25 39-tf - (JEO.T. LUCKIIARDT, WATCHMAKER And. Tox7-olXoirf ; . : OREGON, HOLT COUTY MO.:.. TAKES the liberty to iufonn the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that ho had opened t WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt coanty;.Md., where he win iep con stantly on hand, and for salei' a good! assortment" of Gold and Silver patches, Clocks and Jewelry, which he will sell extremely low. for CASH." "Also, a fine 1 Q "T ,T--f-TT nirrn i .T-rm 1 Q lt f Violins, Accordeons, Silver, and Hated Spec-J lOOt, MlbSOTIil RIVER. PACKET. lOD i . taclcs, Cold Pens with Gold and Silver extension evidence thev refer tho reader to the map of th&r. fnL Country; and arc warranted in saying itia tho. mbst practicable route by personal experience, as wen as thai r,f hundreds of others who haVer traveled it! - Wo claim therefor that, this crossinj and ont peculiarly favorable inducements, froina' to California, and Solicit their tatri withstanding our superior arrangements ior a saie i ytncs2 to.a years old 25 to 50 , aj - r -T 7 7iT i rVT r 150.000 Urapo Vines, i year oiu".-a y jvw ernes in neorasaa, au neing reguiaieu uy z- i , 5 0(lft nahlias assorted. eaehMo,2$ , , . - - . rpute,holds .tnnn WrnikanxU; 10 to I-crsbns lOOO Ens'ish Filbert 69 i i.uuu nurso vuwkui." tive enactment. r A skitt, wili.be in readiness and ahanlonthe rround to run all hours-ef tho night.' ; - ' ' ' - ESfRecjRect that -with .our, facilities . of Povcr no ' kinds of 'weather wilt prevent ouruoat3 irom making regular trips at all hours. ' Brownville Nemaha Co., ?f.T.( . pebruary 25th, lS57r ?? i : ) r " U a u u . j u r r r i X j Tv3i.. n::ifiN0,': ?j :-.u. ' . )' . toen-: catnti : CUMING &TUIlK,r: ,;t Altorneys at Law &Tvcal f -Estate, Agents, . , r" ! OlIAHA CITY, K...T.r , r. "T TILL attend faithfully and promptly to all busi- z V V . ncss" entrusted to themj in tho Territorial or i Iowa Courts, to tho purchaso of lots and lands, en tities and pre-temptions, coUectionr, 4c ) 7 1 5 ; .': . .Office in the second story of Henry & Roots new buildin;?, nearly opposite : the Westurn-Exchange Bank, Famham street. ( ' . - Dec. 27, 156. -rln28tf-' v'; : -T ;f ' 1 JOEL M. WOOD, 11 D BOTANIC; PHYSiClAN, O ESrECTFULLY informs the citizens of Kcmaha J.L county, that havine pcrmanentlr located imme- snn Pimifii An 50A 10,000 Giant Asparagus liootsi :"$5 '$ ioOtOL' : 5,000 Tube Roses ,vl0.- u v' 2,000 Yards Pink 50cts yard.' v , r . 2 000 Plants Victoria Rhubarb - i- I :? iti"i'S't'rS Woor ioo i .: I 8,909 WRn?ot's;Early Rod Rhubarb 12o j , r 5O,O00.Strawhcrry Plants, .12 Tari.oticS"-f r ; 'i -.v; : i ; . i . .-, $5' d. 1 0 pe r 2,0 0 Q 0 '. ' 10 000 Shade aiid Ornamental -Treesj embracing ' ,x iCatal pa, Black Locust, Palioma, Irapenallis, I ly.mbirly PopLar, Silver Leaved; Poplar, r IJnden Wood, Sweet Gum, Elm, Balsam 1 Poplar, Allianthus, Tulip Tree?, Upland Cy- ; ' : 1 ' press,' Sycamore, Paper Mulberry, American Larch, jWceping .Willow, Buckeye, Moun r ' n " taia Asn, White Bircli, Red Mapleo, varying ' , in price from 25 cents to $1,50, aecordi.ng to :;l 0 size,'1" -"-'1 J Ui V" 15,000 Evergreens, embracing - ..-... Red Cedar's, pnee each 50c to $2 " ' . vf.'. White Pino',;;' do -:.v.$Pot $1 f Ydlow Pine " do J 50c to $2 . 1 '.Balsam Fir; ; vdoTlSOc to $1 3" r Americiin'Arborvitas 25cr50c, 75c,-$l,50 - Chineee Arborvita., 50c, $1,50, Europeaji Savin 50c, Trea box 50o Aorway spruce, ouc, oc, iua, Txesh Arrival . of v mem;;; t AT . ROCKPORTy 3IO. fTinE subscribers would respectfully tender their 'Af thahk to their eustomera and the Public Gene rally .for theiriberal patronage heretofore, and solicit a continuance of : the same : as they are determined to hell Goods: as low, Jf . net lower j than ;any other Houso west of St. 'Joseph.'' Having just received a arge and well selected Stoelt of Sprinc and Summer Goods; also a superior Stock of Family Groceries wirHaldiikre; tilass and.Quccn5warer 'ilipaafe, oaaaicry, iron, r ' " 11 Come tone and all," " 1 ffcv Ifi' 'Fer,well woknow;-.- Again youll call, ' 'J -; 'n . jWe'U'seU oloiCvrt Of Goods the best, r i . ruT '.) And profits small, ; . A We'll beat the rett 4 T"l - Ami suit yba all. 1,1 Our Stoekf Dry; Goods having been; pnrehased in the Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that we can surpass our competitors in the low prices and good qualities of our stock, and earnestly believe all will make by calling and-eeeinj for themsejves before purchasing elsewhere,.. - CAUL x , JOES, & CO. 2. IS. Country Produce of all kindi.taken.in ex- qliange at the nighesfc prices, for Goods: ' Jane 7, '55 w1 "7C p White Spruce, $1, diatcly South of Brownville, and having hadconsid- ' X2,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrubbery embracing erable exp3ricnc in. the treatment f th'-dieearer.'IC in part as follows: . r; -r;j-, ;o . i incident tj the West, he flatters, himself that h is T Snow Balls, each 37' to SI, . prepared treat the 'same oh parely ' "-'';i'4' -i'v Lylac, evh 50cj Spiras, assorted,.' each' 25c; : BOTANIC ipRIN&IPLES1 And . in connection with Dm Bxtckhak of Missouri. ' ' Alouzo JOSEPH B. HOLLAR D ' ' - Mister, For Council Bluffs,OmahaCity,Bellevne, St. Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brown ville, Lowell, Oregon, White Clond, Iowa Point, "Savannuh, St. Joseph, Palerino,""Achison, Weston, Leavenworth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty, Lexington, Ac' - - - - ' ' rT '-T1TE entirely new, swift and 'elegant passenger steamer at.oszo child, tapt. ; cases, Silver Thimbles, &c. Ac. ; He is prepared to repair atches, Clocks and Jew elry,' of 'every description,' in tho best-manner and on the "most reasonable terms. ' , J ' '" " EFery artiola bought ia his establishment, s war ranted to te what it js, represented to be. Watch re pairing 'wtxran ted for one year ' hj;'' D " July2G,lS5G:;vr-nStf ; I Joe. Holland, will on the opening of navigation, run as a regular packet to the above and intermediate )oints. continuing in the BluSs Trade daring the entire boating season. ..... Captain Holland, -deeply grateful to hi3 numerous friendsalong the river for the liberal patronage hith erto extended to him while in command of the Omaha, and other boats, desires to return them his pinccre acknowledgments, and to solicit a continuance of their confidence atd patronage for his new boat, promising untireing exertions to render general sat isfaction. - The Alonzo Child wasbailt expressly for the Conn- il Bluffs trade, under the especial supervision of ; Captr Holland, who begs to assure his friends that ' they will find her to be admirably adapted to the wants f the river,being of great strength, lightness trt drau"gbt,beauty of model, etc., with cabin arrange ments and accommodations not surpassed by those of any boat in the river, combining all the latest and most modern improvements that could add to ihe safety, comfort and pleasure of passengers. Nothing will be found wanting in any of her ap pointments whkh belong to those of a first class passenger steamer. March 19th, '57. '.v 40-tf . OLIVER BENNETT CXXi" STAiUFACTrKEB3 AND "WHOLES AXE DEAIJJRS IS ; - ' Boots. Shoes Sc BroganSj . . XO: $7 JAlAT' STREET, SAiST LOUIS, -210. ARE NOW IN RECEIFT pf a eomplete assortment of goods from thefr ovrn and other manufac tories, adapted especially to the Western trade, . Purchajcrs are inritod te examine their stock, manufactured, and selected .with great -care; and warranted of superior, quality. Orders will receive rompt an! carof u) attention. Brownville, Jan. 1, 1857, vln29tf , 1. ! TAILORING! TAILORING!! -: e.;epaiiivei;y :;. Mercliriiit"'' -Tailor. - ' . . : - - .. - ' . 7 Ajtlattic 8treet, West of Hoblitszeirs Store. ' .IUIQWXVILLE, XEBRASICA' TERR. HAVING bought property and located permanent ly in Brownville, I offer mV services to the public generally, if tticy want any thingdone in myl line oi Dusmcss. i can always be lound at my post, er, more properly ipoaking atmy bench. Work Warranted No Fit, No Pay ! Ti: 1 it. .'..:- ..- . -in.-T ' " - .'X-H iiriiuuiur aiicnuon paia 10 cuiung garments ana XO'J I IllV Lli 1'ACL.LT. IOO I . laying ca work, for the Seamstress. The greatest ".' SPECIAL NOTICE. ..oi Short Settlement Make Long Friends. rilHE subscribers request all that arc indebted ito JL them, by note or account, to make payment by thi 15th' of February next: asone-of the firm will start East at than time Urz a. new and, full stock , of grortVand IJAbH will h6 wanted to pay for them. -. u e return, our thanks, to. our. friends- tor their palrobage' lo" this time, and promise to merit a con tinuance ol the same hereafter. WM. HOBLITZELL i CO. ; Brownville, Jan. Sth, 1857. ! TnE public am hcrfeby notified lhat one Thomas JL ileady.througafalsecolors obtained aeertincat of entry of tbo S. .West fractional quartep and the b. Kiist fractional quarter of bection number twenty - five, in Township number six, in Range number fif teen, East of the 6th Principal Meredian in Nebras kacrritciry. The above is claimed by and will be patented to Jl. B Thompson, whoso papers aad evi derice"areXorwadcd to Washington City forbearing. - - B. B. THOMPSON. Fcbrbary 26th, 1857. - ' - ' -' ' 37-tf I 1 FADINGS & CO., r , Imporicrtof, and "WlnHctale Denier in ' Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes: 39 North Main Street, (Up Stair?,V i j Hardv Roses, each 50c: -Vonlhlj Roses, cach'50 r-1 1 -r Jloney Suckles, asorted, 25c, 50c $1; '., Tyringa I'hiladelphns 25c to 50c: ? vRoaetAcifja. 25c to 50cj j - "-" Privet for Hedges 25c; r '. i) Bladdauina 25c: Corcorua Japonica 25c; , Ellagnus 25c; Liburnum 50o; '3 -'Tamarir Africana 2S,to50e; Ribcs Gordoni 25c to 50c; . ...... . ; ' Weeping Mountain Ash 1,50 :" i1" Whith FringTree 1,50; Forsy tlieKSOii t6 1 ,00i i - . Cornice Dpgwood Silver Striped 50e to 1,00 Ucutxabcabia 2oc:l)eulza Gracalis 50c; Weeping Birch 50c; , Ulagnolia Acuminctta 50c; " " ' , Weeping Linden 1,501'-' J.I y.r. IrZ-l Dwarf Box 50c per yard; Eauonimus 50c; Altheas. assorted, 25c to 50c. '' VW In offering the above Stock to our customers wc beg to say it is fsuperior in growth and quality to any heretofore offered, and persons wishing a supply can avail themselves of further information, by ad dressing the undersigned at St. Louis. . Catalogues furnished to all. post-paid applications. , . ; Respectfully, .JOHN SIGERSON & BRO. Oct. 25, 1858. ' - vlnl9-ly ' ' .. - 1 JOHN S. SHAW.... v .... - .. ' ..Master. 5cw Missouri River, Kansas and Nebraska: Poeket portion of my life has been devoted to my trade, in wnicn l consider myself mfcrior to nontr especially iii the cul ling department, and lhopc bv close atten tion to taj- business ,tp,.merit a.'nhare ef -public patronage. ' , E. E. PARKER. urownvme April IZih, 1SI. ' 4-ly i fyr 1S57. , "ui.Tllh THE entirely new, swift and nnsar Uiii. I-I-ji passed passenger steamer, twil'Igut, . Capt. John S. Shaw, will on the opening of naviga r tioarun as a regular nackct to the above nd alHn- .termediate points, l'he Twilight was built expressly 1 "M0TIC1 is hereby iven, 1 Ior the Missouri river trade, under thi espet ial sufcr- I ' Goods for UASH-or Prodi vision or Capt. bhaw.-who begs to assure bis friends that they will findTier to" bo admirably- adapted to the wants -of the fiter, being tf great strength and lightness of draught, with cabin arrangements and accommodations unsurpassed, combining .all the latest and most modern improvements that could add to the safety, comfort and pleasure of iiassengcrs. Nothing will be found wanting in any of her appoint ments which belong to a first class passenger steamer. March 19th, 57, 1 40-tf , : 1 ; ii -Hew Hardware Store. - i 1 - Si?:n of the Mill Saw. :i ...t? . J. FLAHERTY, :l ' Importer, WTiolesale ami Retail Dealer in American German, English & French HARDWARE AND' CUTLERY TS 2fQW receiving and epenlngthb largest and most J. varied arsortmcnt of goods in the above lino ever offered iii any market west of St. Louis. - -. r My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechaa io'i looW 9? -every description, direct front the. most approyea manutacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, ia ercat variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for "the saving of a vast amount of labor to tho farming com nuwity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive spent for tho sale of the celebrated 'e.'Xre&itu ! that hereafter .w$ jell RODCCB oni.v. " ilcALLlSTER. DOZIER Jc CO. Brownville, Marchirth, 57. ' 3c,tf AOOi, UMON PACKET LINE. ..,Xucas, Meteor, & Silver Heels. E. II.- SILVER- - ........... ..Master J.TLLncas T.E.DRAFFDr.;r' .... ..'..Master Meteor. For St. Joseph, Brownville, Nebraska City, Omaha City and Bluff City. .... -r, K THE St. Louis, St. Josepih. Brownville, -j o7' -VHErECTFULLY icfomis the public 00 I . T&i i that he is preiwrred'to ien ethnl with anv- 1 ' Irfc. thin? in his line, at short notice, and with a S. Locxwood.' I , ;J 1857. ' i V RE. Pomerot. . . f LOCKWpOD $I0JIER0Y; ' : .. i Wholesale and, Retail Dealers in .', ; ; -tA 1 HATS :& G?S; - STRAW GOODS. 'ht-'i-1 ' w i.-.yi - aiso exciusivo ngcni ior me A1SO-, CllipperS ,01 .iimerican ; X.ur3 OI St. Louis Circrdar Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which . , every description; for which they -; . -u pay the highest Market price, ; ' a ' . l IS CASH. - : 15:.-'. GQUNTRY Merchants are invited to examincour stock of Jlats & Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer ,tradc,7which will be large, fashionable, and well' selected. In point of variety our stockshall notbb 'eiecllcd by any Hoa3 in'St. Lonis.'lji -; , Our prices, will be low, terms accommodating. . CiU and see us at urjew Store. ; Second "St, t. Josepn, aw. ,. . ... ( ., , sz-pm. i - -: xt i ? DANIEL 20 DKy- ; f Oregon, JIuU .Coum ty, Mo. , - ; ' nas in Store f . , Purc'White Lead, Linseed Oil, Spanish hiting, Ked Leatlj j Litherage, White Chalk,vv f Venitian Red,. r Spanish Brown, Cream of Tartcr, 1 artanc Acid, S ill phe? fja'rb. -Soda,1 V megar, , nrpcntmc-, ! ' bal boda.' . ;,f ,,: Coperas; - naltpeter,J. . f Borax, Mex. Liniment, ' Vol. Oil do, v, MorlandVdo, Nervcrand Boat) do: Farrels do," ; ' Londen's, do?, ,.,., Jays' Expt.' " ' 1 London s do, ' Window Glass, ' " PaUy,.....-.,- Caster Oil, 1 ; n Ex. Logwood f : i Blue Stone, Alum, ''' Ground Ginger, ' . Root- ; do,' ' Saint LonisGlao, , . paris.Ureen,.T-. .do ' , , yellow, Iron Paint, 1 White Zink do) , - Fish Oil, . . -Whale .do, r j Wrights' Pills, r Chaiupia;i'Sdo, 2 1 ' ." Jayan'a do, t ,.. Ijoudon's ;do; , Rad way's R. 11 -r , -"Davis Pain Killer, 'Fabneatock's, Ver, ' Stone's Cpngh Candy, McLane's Liver Pills. In addition to tho above, I ha?e the largest Stock of' Druggist and rbysioians bhop furniture, Chemi cals, Surgical . instruments, and Patent Mcdicicns ever offered for sale in this Country: Merchants and .Physicians of Jowa, Kansas and iScbraska, are respectfully invited to give me a call ,,.Junc7, lSdG.r . r. . DAMtL ZOOK. : ::IGagle: . -Mills;'" ST. JOSEPH, MO, - " JAMES CARGILL, Proprietor. "AT ANUFACITURES. and keeps constantly Jl.tX on hand for sale4 all , Hinds of. flour, Meal, ' and r cccl stutls. Urders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable tferias. 1 Cash paid constantly for, ueat.. forcnaractcr ot J:lour refer to evervbodv styio ani quamy ci woric ne leeis et-nhdcnt will pv,;r usuu it. please. To his old friends and customers he deems J v: St Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, 1856. vlnl3-ly . " Ix .i . .1.. li unnecessary 10 say a woru, 10 oiners ne says only j- "try cic:- December 13, lSojk. vln3G-lv fZZ K 1UC DT is,'M. Joseph. Urownvillc, T'" 'Jt Nebraska, Omaha and Bluff City Light ning IVkcts, Jas. II. Lucas. Metcot'and Silver ileels,' will leave for tho above and all inter mediate points every Tuesday evening, at 4 6 clock, throughout the season. Tbo new and splendid pas senger steamer Meter, and the well known, fast and hpicnaia passenger steamer, Jas. Jl. Lucas, connect ing with the fine and fast packet Silver Heels at St. Joseph, forming tho only sure and quick' passage from St. jom t the above named places. ' From the known speed, capacity and comfort of the loat3 composing this line, the traveling- public may rest assured that nothing will be wanting on the part of their officers and crew to render tULir trip, both pleasant and agreeable. March lsth, '57. " .. . , 40-tf 1857. MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. 18o7. . . 3 . CUA.S. 11. 13AKLI; : .Master. W. II. Sccprek.. ........i., .......... .4 Clerk THE 'public are hereby notified, that on or about . the 20th" day of February,; A. D. 1856. there was made and executed by the undersigned Two Notes, lnr favor t5f t'rogtsrfrnc CTt wllttiaulrcd dollars, payable, thecal cf, March, A, D. 1S57; and ono 6f jono tandred lollar yayswble the 15 th day of May, A. D. 1857. TLo consideration for which said Notes were obtained .having failed, we shall refuse to pay the said Notes or-any part thereof. .n'l Jesse 2v okl, IISXSV W.LlKB, By .' ; . n r T.ii. k; a t ! BrWViUc,Marhi2th,lS57: ' 30-tf J M I Caution Tof Florence Omaha City, Council Bluffs, Bellevue, - St."Marv'8. Wvomtntr Citv. NebraskdfTitv.l.in.on ' Brownville, Iwell, Oregon, Iowa 1W, Sarannah ?J10 H! A n? St, Joseph,-Palermo, Atchison, Weston, Leaven- t-i At Jli't wmh City, Kansas, Independency Liberty, Lex-' S5l7SSiv -m"2 JT TEJS entirely .Tjtw, fwift ud ele gant passengers steamer Mix-xe-iia-ha, Capt. Chas. R. Baker,-W. II. Sci dper, Clerk, will, ci the tferJr j $f navigation; run as a regular jcLcU.tol the. above. named and all intermediate lints, continuing. in the .BlaHs trade during the entire boatfng-season. ' ' ' " 1 . dipt., Baker, thankful to the public for its very generous support bestowed upo"n the Admiral, while under Lis command, hereby begs leave to tender bis 1 ntiwncwledgcmcnii iLd 34iitfor his new boat a con tinuance of it4 conCdcnea and palonage, pledging untiring exertions cf .himself and officers to give full satisfaction to tbose with whosjehnsinesshe mny 3 e honored. The Min-ne-ba-ha ;as built expressly I fuf the Coaacil Bluffs trade, neder the special snper vbion of Captain Baker, who has spared no trouble ir expense to make, her an A No. 1 Missouri River '' Steamer,' rod legs to anre his .friond3 that they ' will nd Lor to be-in ."'1 respects, :uost ndniirably . ..Hs.jr.J in tho watf 4' the rirer.'being of great . fc-trengtb, ligbtnessef .tAnght easiness of model and Filth Application or uiaciiinery, vs inusi iuukc ucr one of the fast ones, with cabin arrangements and accommodations oi .a very superior order, and not cx ' tilled I v those cf any boat id the river, combining - fc'.l ibc iuwt iiKKlcrn improveraente that afdyra fort, or pleasure corll. fJcst, in short, in all her svpointmentf.'iiot.ViJig wiii be -wanting belorgng to ,"tu.-c-T.f a f.rt clrs Tcnscr steamer. . : a ' " .. v, m ?- : !;--if TnE. publiff are hereby not fied that thcrwas mado and executed on or about the 20th day of February, 'A. I) 1856, ?by the uadecsigned, Three Notes in favor of B.B. Fraiier, rcf, two buBdred dollars each , on 0 payable- Sep t nbr 1 s t,- A D.r185(5 : ono payable January .let, A. D. 1S57; one payable o57. Ids consideration bavin; riaid' Antes were rcfT.-Wfl shall rofus Worthier payauenl w the saidNotws, otahy partthereoF. - , " 'k' A-Jr?SE Noel, Hexhy W. Lakk. By t vJ.7'.-i)rF. Lake, his Agent. Brownville, March;l2th, 1S57. . i'i',7 ; 39-tf ..J.' . - I -U . .... I ALOMO 1'KATTy v'evr York. . E. G. TK ATT,-ViV E. "W.TOX, o. tt. catiiij ; S. c."MASfnt, - - rt, .,.St. Louis. ' j .StiLouis. " ' -CHILI),: rRATT CO., P'lrect mrrtcTS Jotbcjs and Maaufactnrcrs Agents English, French. German & American . v ITartlwaro :aml Cutlery.' ;: GUNS; DIFi.ES, PISTOLS, &ci; Ac.,; 130 & 111 Mam Sfc, cor. Waslnngton Aretitrc, "; J v;ir st; j:oui3,:Uo, y- ""- Attention: Lot Solders ! ! IIJG JIL Yl IMP 0 It TAN T It ! . A LIj persons who own Lots in the City of Brown- X JL.viiie, arc nere oy nounea. that 1 am now pre- fo.ni- lfAir. .Mt.h'".'h!i1UJ will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe faetary price Also a large assortment of Guns, Jiifles and 'Pistols IronStccl, Nails: &c.,; of the best brands: in'aword, my stock is very complete, which, for its quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will cominand a liberal share of trale fromjthis and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware-Manufacturers, together with a long, experience in-the general Hard ware trade,xnables mef not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the-true principle of trade is cash sales nnd small profits. January 1, 1B57. . vln29tf ' -. - . ; : ; KT Tl "k i 7.r-ii r r -w t t m mm a -w- -r r 4 -rrt 1 1 A. S. HpLLADAY, '' ihQlkJu.b: aW betatl' dealer nr Drugs and Medicines "''Main Street, Brownviile, N: T. THE nndcrsjgned respeQtfully begs leave to inform the public, that he has now on hand a complote assortment ef. Everything,! usually kept in ' Drug Stores, which he offers for ,saje, Exclusively on a New System of - ij 1 "CASH 'AXD CASH i ONLY !'::"; Tt win enKrnl-v fnr-nlirtm iii fTii Viant.iful svstm. prenarect to executo AKHANTY DEEDS for the same, and, nnless Deeds are obtained bfforn the cx- jui.wuu vi eiA nu.Muo iiuiii uaie, fiu .liy LiOlS will be nold to the kiyhest bidder, and the proceeds thereof disposed of according te Lawi . ' . A. S. HOLLADAY, May'on ? " City rf Brownville, N. T. Feb. SGth,'?. ; 37-tf tU : :r: r Furniture. (I " BEDSTEADS, Tables, Stands, Bureaus in short, every thing'in tho Fdrniture line, can lie h"ad at ' . i ! 7 . ,.UUBU1'ZELL & CO'S t r .! , A V or "remcmocr ior a lew uays. ome wun me ? SpoaduIicJs' ifyou want anythifl in the.Drng line.,, , , -f f - ; Prescriptions Compounded at all Hours with -; Accuracy, and Dispatch. ; : Rememlier the system I have adopted, and my nocketarxl vout feelings will hot suffer. Credit will .fo;r(7y not be given, unless under circumstances of peculiar destitution.- . July 12;1.858..vl-n5tf: . A. -S; nOLLAD A T. considerable amount ff tuition. Billa for the ii Tonn taught by Mr.-31Kinney yet remain un paid.; ?Vill those .knowing themselves indebted please caR on the undersignel and settle.-? ( . . Tbe iresent Term of. School will cxpireln about two weeks, at which time it; is hoped amounts then due will be promptly paid up. : - "' ' " r- -r .: i-.. - . R.W.FURNAS. .a ' : t.: ..; - -j.' - .: -A Si'j ITd of.Tms. ,tirowavuie, JiarcasO, '5. , ,, - , 41-tf :;;0.lTr LAKE, , -- . XT..U.1 HOOTER,' : ; Brownville. ;ct , .t ,-. Nemaha CityJ :- LAKE & 1I00VEE; ffifllTEFlSE. Peace iii Kansas ! a "C. F. JENNINGS CO.; ' FORWARD! liG & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . White Cloud, Kansas Territory, SPECIAL aention given (o Receiving and For warding Goods oT evcry'description. 't ,v. .ji ; ,ALSp; vWz . 7ill teen alarco and complete assortment of groceries And: bRY goods. I;JHARDvAltE, T " QUEEXSWAKE, BOOTS,"1 SHOES,""" c;i :;HATS,- - - CAPS. -: .j q-j -CLOTHING,- &C.,&C.,-- .JJecao, 1S56. vln23-6m ..VAT P VC! T)TTT)T Tfl . , : ; ; 'BrownvillG1 aiid ITcmalCiiy,'! ' NEBRASKA TERRITORY; "i l'r.t r WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Paying tains, Drawing money,-' buying and pelling 1 Real i Estate, : buying"and selling. u-Catnmusion, Making Collectious for distant deftiers, and, ail kinds of business pertaining to their profession. . , ' Particular attcntoin wfllbe given in filing decTara try itfrtements- to creempt and procaring, War- 4 tanty Deeds from the Town authorities. r: ?y.i . - - rrgons;W;uing tows lots, residing at distance wishing to preenro. Varranty Deeds will 4 Xo place the agency ' in our hand, (al w a J ( presenting EXrtSIEXCE EST AC HOOK.-, j'i J. D, N. THOMPSON WilIatieo jtiatly in all bnslnc- entrusted .to f-thciraH claim Deeds for said Lot 'within the ex hem lhat will require1 attention" at the XmixxcL OIOco. :: 'IJinHsif: V.. Est.ibroc.k, Omaha City, N. T. j :--r. rr. -trr cu-w. ivin-evN. t. t4i-fttion of fit inenths, as cf lir that time all loti not Deededi be sold. - J svr.iji ct :-5 , i Blanty always hand. r ,- -j .- , - ( r.D i ,no ; . N". V. Lettert of in-i"ifv answered rronjilly. , j Herring's Patent Champion ,,;;;;::fire:pkoof,sa i'TTTrn Hall'a Patent Powdsr-Proof Locks the V-V t same that were awarded .separate Medals at the World's Fair London, 1S5 Land the World's Fair, New York,. 1S53; and are-the only American Safes that were awaxdrd medals at the London World's :Falr. !;-!-f-.7:! T '- .1'?' -t A'; . r These Safes are now admitted, to be superior to any crcr 'offered lothe public ; and the subscribers chul lengo the World t produce an instance of these Safes' failing to preserve theircontenU through the .hottest fires, cr a turglac picking the loci. ,', . " The' subscribers and their agents ore thebnTy per sons authoriiedte make n-Ml sell Herrinz. Patent Chainpioii Safe, with liall'r latent , Powder Prtof ,. S. CIIERRIXOACO. , . : jGrcen Block, 135, 137 and 139 Water St.,-' : and.5 Murray bt,Acw, Xork. ; . .... .... .ri11 ho March 5th, 1S57T ' ' ; A, 13. HOLLABIHD & CO., Machinists, Founders and - ENGINE BUILDERS ' Front Slreet, "West' of Bmith, : CINCINNATI, O, . TTTould most respectfully inform their friends and V V the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in their line, with prompt ness. DTaving lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronago which has heretofore been extended to them. ' i aw Mill Engine's of every Description. Constantly . on ban T: consisting of the "Sash, Circu lar and Mulcy. Mill Gears and every description of t. astings, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. , t. '4 'J . '" '' ' ' 'They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them Ito oversee all work in that line furnished by tbem, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. . Those in want of anything in our line, would do welt to give us a call and examine our new patterns. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Attorney and ' Counsellor ; at 'law. - BROWNVILLE, ;N. T.r i Will practice in the Third Judicial District in Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in the Stato of MissourL ' , .;y '::;(.- 1 REFERENCES. . Richard Brown, Brownville, N. T. ' R.W. Furnas, u Dr. Jihn Mcl'hcrson,. . Tippecanoe Ohio. -1 James Foster, 1 - ' ' ' ' Oregon, Mo. ' - George X. Miller, : j Archer N. T. ! ; FRESH DRY GOODS. EEDY, JAMESON & CO., Nos. 170 and 172 Main St., St.' Louis. WE are now in receipt of the most complete and magnificent stock, cveroffered to the Western Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited to make an examination of. oor stock nnd prices. . , -ii EDDY, JAMESON A CO. GRAPE ROUTS.-O.QQO Catawba Grape Roots, two years old,, for sale. Price $5 per hundred $4Q per thousand. ; . u J Jl. McCLLLOUUH, Nov. 29tf No. 200 Main St., Cincinnati., IJEBEASKA' CITYnoHOTEIi.; r. KTT.TT A Ctr PTTV rV T - - 1 ' .BARNES &.BARNU3I, proprietors.. lJ,io cqnimoaioas noter, snuieu upon Main Street, NebrnskaXity, will bo found a de sirable resort for travellers f ;Stgej Mava this house for all parts oft he Territory. j .If .ta.j ' UJ ; IVI- ! 1 rniit suBscmriERhn; A nishFarmers and othciw 'f'-th V1"5 i Fcr tnn tirnaont n.i. i . v, i particularly of the merit .i,...'si U Tjii Ji'- nu iX V--' ' -li ' chiaeto purchaae one of th4 1 f the leading' sngulturilistj of r vte r,Tit,-:ut. .-."'sr rFBOJ.,l r f - lo ?nir . ' I have a laro'nnmW ,r ii ' Ult it. : JReady Made Clothing,; EVERY VARIETY, style, quality, price, and pat tern of Ready Made Clothing, jast received and for salo cheap, by . . HOBLITZELL & CO. ' . Hats ' and Caps. ' LATEST styles of Hat and Caps, and of every grade and price, are offered at -- HOBLITZELL A CO'S. . ..Stoves and Tinware. COOK," Parlor and Office Stoves' of various pat terns; and Tin ware, at '. ' ! . ' - HOBLITZELL 4 CO'S. . Woo d and , Willow ware.' BUCKETS, Tubs; Churns, and an endlcsi variety 'of Willow? ware, Ls for sale at - - r. ' . . -.4 , ' . HOBLITZELL' & CO'S.' GREAT ..U, S...-T MAIL ROUTE. ',From Nemaha Agenaj, in Kansas, to the , r mouth of pa Nyotoay ffiver, '" "- " Nebraska. V TmS LINE makes one trip per week, coch way, stopping at the printripal towns on th& Missouri River. Good Hacks all the way through, and good horses and nice young men for drivers.. ' " J. B. A W. RENNET, Contractors. -. '-Dec 19, 155. Tlo27-Iy , - : - .-.--.; are tod well known thretn h, X extolling bo the-faettluttacy ha,??vj aro continuing to recciv the wemmT ana bounty wler4li,"hftr, V sufficicnt.Srteto ftdirfV ' ' . r ... . ' ' TO li:" DROWNVILL E," NEBR ASK A. i inn GEO- E. LTCLART, 'tTAVINGv taken, the contract. for. carrying .the 1.X Mail between the. above points, takes this method 6r informing tho public generally tbat he has made preparations for running a Hack on the. above named ronta-1 ...... . ... . j Leaving Rock Pert every Tuesday, Friday and Sunlay,atl2 o'clock M.: am ving at Brownville at 2 o'clock. P.ILt IpAving-RrownYiUe for Rock; Port, same evening at 3 o'clock P. M. . , -"Tbu route connects at Rock Port with tkeStiJo-j seph and Council Bluffs Stage-line.- and at Brown ville with the Stage lineleadingfromTopeka Kansas, St. Joseph Mo.jlndependcncc, Kan-as City. and other points beloWi and ' to Nebraska City,' Omaha City -and 'ether points aboVo; arid New Fort Veaney, Tk ...1.. l t. j?i:.Jtr :.f: to;; business aad acommixlatirjai to; customers,:. to merit a share of thj publio patronage. . ' ' Particular attention paid to' tha conveyancd ftf Packages or parcels. Charges moderate but no ac countability for unavoidable accidents, ' ; April 7 1856.. 43-tf- -. ....... ., ; ' 'HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. f; ... . CLAYES fc LEE,- , . iteai. Estate' and, General1 "Agency, ' -! 1 Oil AHA city; n. T. , ..:.!'. .: :: References.' ' -'tt James Wright, Broker, , New York,; Wta. A. Woodward, Esq. 1 ' - 1 ' Hon. li. Wood," Er-tJov. of Ohiv - .Cleveland, ! Wicks, Otic and Browncll, Bankers, " ' 1 'Alcott& Horton, r, , t . : : v . :..-u. ' Col. Robert Campbell, St. Louis, - James Ttidgway,-E. J' i - ; . J ' Crawforn and Sackctt r Chicago. ! Omaha City, Aug. 30, lS5S.- vlnl.1-ly I have s laro number t f .. . ;he.Com5ngcrop. made of thUi. . i rantedto do goct work. " 4 . I have made, many raluab'e laprt"u I machines within, thebst year, acd i 'l ' ' in warranting them superior to aw 5. V""; 1 I am also pref&ring a la-gh nnmif . ... Iuaproved Clover lUlh i patented in 1851. which aro greats n, ! patent of 1811, being in itself fetdc-M ahead of it in other rcip!ct3. Xhey f ? ! factnrcd under, the 'immediate r,"1 patentee, wha h' S permanent! j locaU'v' I The above' cut rcprssenj my fuurVM tor," and is designed espt.-ciilfy f jr , , '; , . . t - , - ' ( Im alio agent for MeConrt-Vi (-leU-jf I EH ani MOWING MACJIIXP r ..'. J. K. MOFFITT,Pi(,ua,M;aid tnca: x ' JAMES -CARGILL." " ' " ' GEO. "W. CAKGILL." ' J. G'. W. CAUGILt, . rr - , FO WARDING. AND COMMISSION AND MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS, Steamboat Lauding, St. Joseph, Itf o". CONSIGNMENT S1! and Trod ace respectfully solicited, and aU business entrnsN cd to us will be promptly and carefully attended to at tbo lowest rates. - ;. f . -. ' Refereiices. Taylor & Shepherd, : R. L. McGbce & Co Liyermore, Cooley & Co., ' 1 Merchants Generally, " : - Improved Liltle Giaat . CQrwS" & COB . PLAN TATI05 T Price XtcdTxccd. THE gnbscriber' has parmased eUoTi;ii Territory in the West,,f thebwtet Mills, and is prepared te furnish themn ' either whcleoalc or retail, and guiuanteult: positive, manner. It ls cow more than a vctj then the "Xittlc'-Gianr Was introduced to the publio, during tiraj' has been constantly grow in ; it the pfuiri-. . The improvements recently eff.-cted ati v makes it the mot perfect raachino tTrrrJw s gcBcral farm use.' lti funiidhedrfaJTSirn! I Warn, and weighs as fiJlowf; 1,251 o..3 4U0. No- 4. $1)0 ioundn. Tont m 1 sufficient to set ')ue up, ithoat mer bini i whenbnee adjusted, it can with Sifety b-:r-to a boy. Full direction j cejmDj el 1L - . , ;3? EL?5. TS OT.32 JSH St No 1,-$35, will grind 8 Mi nmd per honrviu!1 Xo2 . ,4a, 10 " . 1 No4 60 "' 20 l "' ta LibcrdL Jiscour t ;o dealers. ' james b. cnAinnci .so. jjxtisi street. tt. y : " June 23, IS5f5. Tl-n4 b't. Lw I "j.IyriiiJs'.of: Maclara ' Plants. I, Euslicla Madura Seei FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TI St. Lou IS, St. Joseph. r.EW.-PRRY,' Across The Shute ' At the Head of the Inland f ABOVE BROWNVILLE, ; . ' -To M. SrllaH &, Cos SaT7 ililb rpHE undersigned announces to the Pubhc that he JL- has purchased the ferry privilege granted Jack son Peters, at the last Sessia, of the Legislature, and is now prepared with a new and fubtautial boat, at all tiroes, to accommodate tho public, . Charges usual raws. i . - SAMUEL McBRIDE- F. ESTABROQK, -4 . UNITED' STATE3 istrict Attorney, . OMAHA CITY, N. T. BEQUIRED to be in attendance officially npon all the terms of the District and Supreme Court of the Territory, tenders his Professional services to such as need them. He flatters himself that bis facilities for gaining a knowTedgo of tho practice in each Dis trict, will cnablo him to give satisfaction to such as entrust their business to bi care. j;.V.: Oinaha'City, June 7. 1S33. . A LL persons knowing themselves indebted to; the 'jt. firm of Noel, Lakk, Emersox, & Co.,. will .fuid their accounts in tho bands of Orr. linke for colkH; tion, and an immediate settlement is requested. Brownville, Feb. 25th, '57.' ' 37tf W. II. WILLIAMS, , J WIIOLKSALB AND RETAI1. PEALES TS STOVES & TINWARE : !'. Oros6ii, Mo., A TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or gon and the public in general j that ho- ha on hand the most extensive stock- of. Stoves and Tin ware, evef offered in this market. ' My stock of Tin waro is f my own manufacture, and. is - for- sale b t Wholesale and Iietail at St. Louis prices. , I would call particular atteaium. to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in use, tbe Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium. Also . ' i .. . . t ; Parlor &:Box Stoves Of various Sizes and Patterns, which I will SELL' LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IM TOWN. " Particular attention paid to making and putting up Jin Gutters, in tho town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term. Old copper, Prass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, . vl-n5 . . , Orcgorr, Mo-. July b, 18j5.- FRANKLIN , -, TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 16S Vine St., bet. Fourth, aad FiU . CINCINNATI, O. " '' : .. f . .. , . M - C. F. O'DRISCOLL L CO. " Manufacturers and dealers In News, Hook aiid'j'eh , Type, Printing Presses, Ca-e?, Gallies, Ac, Ac. Inks, and Printing .Material of Every Description STEIlEGTYPirVt; of aU kind-IJ,ks, Mnic! I atent Medicine Directions, Jobs, W'-od EnTcvin Ao., f-e . r;. ; ;: Cj , ' Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, GEO. C. -FERGUSON. iMILLWUlGHT AND ENGINEER : ;: :;jlROWNVILLE,;N. T. ANNOUNCES to the public, that jie is prepared to erect Steam Saw and Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable terms; .. r ,. j r ...- ' ALL WORK WARRANTED. ' He is also Agent for ! 1 " ' ' '' ' 1 ' ' ' f A.IJ. IIOLLIBIlib COS.,i Western Foundry; . Cincinnati, a, . .. LKP. & LEAVITT'S r . r . av Mamiiactdry, C1NCINNATI,0., " And Is prepared to receive and fill OTdcfs for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es tablishments . Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. REFFERENCES. ' Noel, Lake A Co., Brownville, N. T. Steam MiE. ABckollaiWhitejlJockpoi-VMa'i;'.',4.;: ' M James Lowe. Linden, u '' . ' Erownville, June 21, ISifl. Tln-lly. Steam Hill Lumb er.' TX7E take this method of Informing- the ruljl: V Tl n f -A Vawa J 1 1 - f Til 1 n .T . known as Sonora Is I nail, four mill's .-vbovo Brown . villc.a farst quality steam Sawmill, and ara nnrm. pared to saw all kinds of Lmnbbf'oh short notice and m wannr, wear.i oonfident will ;iv? FatUfao-' tion. t o will keep a 1- crry boat to run. to the main shore; for froo .wo tt out customers I . ; - w t 'W. S. HALL ii CO. ' Boots -and Shoes. A N. nnuwally largo stock of fine and coarse Boota Xi. and hhoes both Gentlemen and Ladloi' can be seen, aad frjhascd lw, at - - ... ' . . -' 1 IIOULITZELL CO'S. OVERMAN $ -MASS; Bloomington, l!l.r ' ZG. lcavj to annouacj that they "hart,' scr ies.' of 'y jars, been (Mignjf i iu iheni r hedges and hedge plant, and bavin; bt; encouraged by the success of the JU'Iai H- :iml it 1 ni it l;i tctl iv thn i m m rw.l inrri-n.1 nr .if for the materm, tbcj ii:ir- sown, taeprr:u:l on good, new land, about 150 .W of cr.: seed the produce cf whkh U :imati t f ; million inntt!i which they u!cr lf tV. trade, It trondl hare rrnr mwt i'mh 1 ' to ttp4ythe 'rmtoul ihe juut '"'jfixj,- Th fpr plaDts will bo rtnG)ttilitt,Ah toduljr -sJL-i crs ordering jilaats by wholesale, yeat iiula " wui no oacred.-; it is tery i!nrtiiu u. should be sent in EARf.Y, i:s they wiil h r and filled in the order in whiclrtiiy art rtt::. For.the last throe vear thev Lave l-eca sr.- supply the dcmivnd, nnd it is prubatle th tt ders cannot be filed the acxt fTrtr,;. is ti-e i- iiCTp.Ttcd to be four time ijr-nt,r tlmo .". Plants will bo fucnrely .packed and irlw board the cars frco of cvHrncxiTi'tf-rft-: ferial. j ; ; ' .. ' " They arc also' extensively cni'l in w?' hedo seed, which thoy icll on the b'-ttcrov aiwavs warrant trtnh and no-yt ; omen i t - -hfnM br ent in urior to the lith of "ct bci 1 They jriUbo prepared tostrout seed fr sire it. - ' 1 - ILivinq several extensive nuri.nic?f thej' wholesale and retail, a 'arze stitck f tlirf7 and Orruirnental Trees, Yines, lioics. SF.rniH'r at the following points, to wit: L!""m Mound Nursery, Canton, TlT.r llunry, Eb' Havana, IIU All Pruit Tree's warrantetie best varieties and true to n:imc. All ir' cheerfully given, and ca4lo!;tt and if r:" oa Iledgcin? sent to all npplica-K aU--.-.-.-'.., . tl?EUMAX4M.05 Feb. 3, 1337. lJIoomion.I- " - NEBRASKA UTY Xxi.f3ixxrrtxxcd Comp '. ' CAPITAL STOCK 50,00''. '! Xebraka City, X-T. TIIIS Company, under a liberal chrtrr. fully organized, anu their entire "' '. Fifty Thountnul D,Mar; ra'ul in and serurJ- . are prepared, from -this 1-to, t- gvanl ir", j and. take -risks, upon e-rual term-1, iavoTcd Insuranco Compjiny any wner adopted the mutual prin-iple, iu ptrirfA ''; incurring any liability, will ifhare in twi1' the company, i ; ,: .lbe operations of the Company, wiu f for the" presdnt, to VAniE, rcin;cr:f;,, maximem liability of $l2,j'0 .n any orx Bcin tbe oniv In.-'nranc.j O.Ticc, on thri ' , nlar plan, West oi the Missouri, it ew'Wf ectx a gencrom Support frtiin Westera 3' We respectfully ivi:o the Mi-ou" : tronage. , - ' rrairrOTs : ... 5. F. Nuckolls, j . fbas. T.XM' ;. 1 If. P. Bonnet, ' 1 J. L. Arin-t." W. N. Uinchman, .'Miles W.' A. A. Bradford. . '--; officers: . . , ; CIIAS.F. IIOLLV, Pi esident. c. ......... t . j.GaR' SUlnis AjrnV Cel. W.P.li""1- i April 2d, Uil. ' i DILLOIi", THOilPSON & ?j iu-e frame: Uuudip; Cor. wain JIOCK TOHJ, MO. . Wh'r.WalA a n.l TLtl Dealer in Hardware. Ami Groceries, Qucenswar?, I)ru Boot-' Shoes, Tinware, S:oT Funiituro, Ircn, N-iIj, arid Farraics Utot.ii "T7ILLhavo, tv- hxrzo and i.f varied rwssio'n t to1 r 3 btx k, which will be sold Low fur Itbruary 12th, 187- 'JCoiintry Produce j WANTED, and for wU'h " rr! l' ' i Market price. - 1101X11 E! ! 'jessi: joii. :.. r ..... . Iff suavEYoa" civiL ekgi 'Tt.T. ttf r,.t in nnv l.nsinC?S n alletl.; r hayea Ivtt rateN.mu---- i(f U.th W ha.1 minv ypfiri .x.w.f ipmre. practlcnk fturvefnr, tin 'iyo M1'1 u i.S'4 Kefkkf.ncks: A. I.. Cat, Dr. II.H.ftr, also, D.Uust, W. rioLoi.-air.l t. A. vannah, Mo. . , , , Ad J JJVE ' Ma'r'cli'lJtL, '1557.'' i