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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1857)
! fflSlRTISEE. TTrAS. Editor . v.: a. Oar soil is Hack, rich, loose, deep , feet S Inches in Lei:ht. We ci easured nWe xrotktrtlie St. Jcseplr papers, as and rcry proactive.1 We sar a stall: Hrell as some' cf '.per T.pjr.Tcr "papers, ef- com last year which ineaimred 1G are costlaiam of a" practice of Trtieli all oar b oats, perhaps, are mere of less r SiLvxn: RmiL This new andTet-J Tf-r.OLio.' tr.C : ' lVefffc era-a City, y. T. :?. Tate. LiBdea. 1Lb , I- .-J Antf Kraulari SubOTpti-t3 sad r-jai- , . ..-I celleaVstcamer -landed at- bur 'wharfi Monday, May lBth; faxus&xzg.cs Sl Lcuis1 papers or the,13th. "She was tie growth of a young apple, tree set guilty ia seme degree, viz.. charging jonly IS hours ccnirg from St. Jcntph to Drown YiHe. ,j; It will be seenfshels caking he time cf the' season. . Her trip before, this one, was the .quiet est maae mis season, ner present cip, however, is ahead of thai."? Her ex feel confident'in' asserting ocr belief ilaintabout the matter, and hope boats r cclleat1 model' good; machinery,' and that Nebraska soil is very f:x superior. j-lH4!et cannot fall to linkc OurjppinjonB backed, too, by ixaeaviojd iz the nxtarc'adopt adiiierent one. j her a fast and popular boat. hare fanned both. There is something There u 'also- another- matter- we hare peculiar, too, about this soil: it is.'not j kd' reasoa'to ccnlainbittciTv of, and janectea eitner ty wet or ciroain, iie ohrca. cthcrs,thatis the " .'2. rv:v -'IctcJrsaa aiHie Store, uat aooai uie imaaie oi -JAav, Kxucii ssnmcn lor ircigs com 3C .losepnio VlJSiCiB-"'f,a easnre4 feet 10 inches, "Vc came ( BrcwnTAlle, Nebraska Citr, Omaha, and VV5S?X - . ; 6nfroiavtatb tnownastheM3ad 'VfSSrS csXIS toms" ia Ohio, famed land, the world: to those.points. .We haTC noticed this t.iS? xt' Cktii strict, siat over almost for prodaciiTencssi and wejfp'tatiy, and heard no little, ccm- f. 3--' . - ,EiL!LLWe aHaiaTretara tianis to Z tisAiirerUr,aii recicTe u 4! ! Ur.-'Uiei, Card5, li-, male to tb "r .v p" -ce cilia to t- to tarn cct - v'-ft rractiral rr-ifctcr tinutlffrd Is e-s- J c slid nud expen- i--ir vT--"trir. ii det?rai:Br not to l tf Jy art. OAroj ,t Yoster's Uteot iKprorca Carl f farms, afier. which horses or aides are mostly used. We notice, howeter, that some of our farmers who discarded oxen last Tearare J?S !"P i.hers again this spring. -.11-3 " I AiS TCT - of the Stt. often tnn to cs 'i M:. ie their :d B-ir'.Wbb. berens .r'Ibcr L' th-J eoli 8 "r- t r-irinr. wHI eon.-; Izt t a tieir rMl'iW1 ' V t L- ,i-r rrtt others , w".-h 1-) eai oe:iiii- J . r . i r.r iie, six, nice cr , jr:? received a-t Crc.Te SB iuii. ! to tia l5ce3 rjr-j-ke .cbraka Adrcrtiser baring rir'fc thf Ixrzr-t cinm'.atioa or any pa?r lie Tcrritorr. Vto3ea!r Srchants ia i Ib:, St. Jccpa, Cincisaau aco 0irr I'-atB narkrt xrbcre 5cbrasLa T'nz:s parcha-r, will find no better s,i:erusin; xsrdisn in the ITcstern Conn- ctherland, but will stand either extreme vcrj care! ess manner oftiidEng goods, without injury to the crop y - iJx is.iiQtizzvQiQhijegoQils Oxen are used mostly m opening up J damaged- incTbr arelessiiess than ' "Thousands of persons looking a the countrr hare "ri sited our town this the freight and inrance both amount to. There b no reason why boxes wiell hooped and secui ely na3edT should; e broken all tb pieces .-ccming from Sl Lours xo this place; and yet srehis the gentlemanly" bSeer3 of the stunner Emma for files cf St. Louis, New Tcrk, and St. J oseph - papers. This btiat is wellinowa in the 3Iissocri river trade, and we. need ! only say she is yet what she has ever been, makes" good :time, and has good accommodations'. A eaiipeIioas ecHtio. and ex-ri "Weft era Through the kindness of the pub lishers we have received a copv of the abore. - We- profess to have some ex perience in fruit culture, and have given this wcrx a Tcry careful perusal, and do not hesitate" to" pronounce it very valuable. The arrangement is admir able, and cannot fail to prove an ac- 11 all v&SLacies said kuitrctcrs.cillccra and i 22: a cf facts from tko sotei ' i'iiitA. to nvsnazB hoaY'L cLemjcalsL ax J r r.L ! ease vt racctfil Tnlt Glt?.-rita 1 1 v.t .. i iff practical ass a tie Or:lid and r . f Tm It K. J. Cm, foiAaerTj Editor at tie W4 tX ... . . i Farmer and (Jar!ener. CiiicLiiiri r! "EC. 6. Tait tbe tratetS Slill Lire XiJ , power s3 s.'.hcrl:j to oro-ilje, in addition t j the ULnirj- departs est, a nodical drrarts:cr.t,t at any tide 'rhm ia th- ja lint cf tLe bjiri . the iEterestrof tha inatiruuoa ard tia prJLIlc! wnts reqeira 1 and tial the sail taedicrj d-1 partaent mjy Le rtiAigsd by a sepamtf; toard cf diiectttTi, vboci tha trsstees zaay r.Tavide, and th property, assets, arid liaillltieVof e:b fce aad remain diitxect frcn tie property, sssct j aad ILi.1 ill ties cf each otier. " j ixsc. i. iLa trrstees of Kui uttttion ainl; not cacsed nize, who cay hold thrir oSl.e for tha terra of three years, to te so classiEci as if ! ILxi.i U:td, ld-n 1st crJL 2aJ9. J. IT. aAIAUN & CO. IL.S jst rccclncd ceptable companion to any lover' eft to admit or an election of ese-tiird cf tlie! frui and fruit culture- whole tntmler araaailr, aad theT sbill elect a I president, secretary and trvtsorer froia tLeir j owa tody, tiki hllcr of which shall give bonds j with ucl secarirr as tha hoard nir requirr, and all process aalt.'stsaid corpcrauca shill be f lit A VAAUiUd AA WA W 1a UV I'UAiit AAA A.W f. A - . - 1 braska Territory that offers greater i of said inatirution. at least thirtrdrrs bcljre inducement to the speculator cr settler t the rctura day threc - : . j j; - - A. . bo.8. Thu corporanon hall harr poTeri and anthOTify to raise a dpi. til stock Li shares of tw-ztj-Sre dollars each, tb nmoaiAt of ! -: Omaiia, Hay 9 1 857. - ITr. JifrfAT;---X-send you , the townships; jn which the land is sxibject to pre-emption at the Land OSce re- frequently the case. We calls attention of steamboat . occrs . to-", this " matter, will Vonnlt I ceircd up t& this datet - spring, and all agree that BrottniHe . . . .. i, " Tm&fc"" '"l'.::::): THiSHwryt," marc -natural cdranfiirics lcan l , . j !. 10, liT Id,. Av r . J,' ,. and introduce a speedr rctcrm. lius cut olhcT iotm on the nccr. They are .. a - " -' f a . j -? J . - . . np countrl . opens up a u fat trade cquallr tinanimous, too, in another'- " ' r, . . , ' or tou: rentlemen, and iiTcm can treil matter, viz.: that tccr.cea more tncrrrr, . A c . A - : . , t" '" . j aiiora to exercise rreat care and attcn- t i Art . r t'- hneinnca around. "N"otliin under "heaven but a f Tor. ir UV AA AAA J U iacc oi energy win- prevent, us iroui . The Wiieat Cri. Speculators in taking t icaa, m a lew years, oi any flourharebnen.leavarrn -nlcs snrinrr sa. : ..w..A . x - to create a notion that thenvheatjrrop this year 3s going to prove a failure. other point in Nebraska. But, says one, with considerable old fogyism in his veins, have we not progressed rapidly the past two years, more so th that Our exchanges are nearly unanimous j in pronouncing this a "panic forspecu- ' ITLJL5D CRJLSBECUY PLANTS. Ixrt fjt !3.. a few- tbn-acd jlaats cf ' ijK- 5s:er cr l"r Usd Een CrAtberTj.'' an almost any ctner pia:e r . :ics, j latin2, purp05cs." We are satisfied, ' true, we have. Eat ;s that any frt n jnW; w' ...r. Tr. . - . : Ai V a-a ai.S tUV JiilVl ttm'tMlf i I w VA -a jkkAli t UtiMl 1 . . vvt c rvT -w-nv Tiro i m r r i f i i 1 1 nirr ni rri. ; . t , i i i i w"- tnat tnc wtcat 1&2 CnnCT ALItAGr2X!ns. T7; ir? :r.f:rtnsd br the cfEcers of the Oda- i-; -v- j r.5:r. tiit oSce will be coLtina-; come this season, ' lay back in the shade, and allow some other point to spring into existence and outstrip ns? Non sense worse than nonsense to think of such a course. We want improve ment this season of a public nature more than at anv time heretofore, and crop well, and the prospects flattering. Knowing the perfect mania for "lay ing oiF? new towns in thL$ Territory and Kansas, we have heretofore, and than West Archer. Situated nearly in the geographical centre of Richardson county, and surrounded by one of the most populous and fertile. farming dis tricts in Nebraska Territory, it cannot fail to command an extensive and per manent trade. c LARGEST STOCK West of St. ILcuIs, Coiwistins. ia ptii,xf tie fIIiiR article i one hundred thousand dollars, exdasiTe of such snms as rasy be gtTea by donation, beqnest or otherwise, to be csed ss a collets fnrd, and deToted excIasiTc'y to the purpose of ednca tlon; and in. case any donation, device, or be quest shall be made fur particular pcrpose, and tne trnsteea accept tha same, any such dona- tiori. bequest cr device shall be arnlied In coa- West Archer is ten miles from the 1 formity with the express cccdiiisjiis cf the 31issouri river, on the dividing ridge r ' V . r r 1, 2, S, 4, 9, 10, 11. 12, IS, 17,-18, 19 20, 10 1.2. 3. 4 ff, 10. 11. 12. 15,17. 17.13. 3 " 11 1,2, 3, 1, 6. 5, 6,7,S,9, 10,1 1,121.5,10,10,20, 12 5, 6, 7, S, 2, 10, 11, 12. 15, 1G, ... , . 13 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14.15,15, U 5,6,7,8. v , ; ; 15 5.6. . , ; - -'. ; - it The oSce is constantly crowded withK71 e Territory. A sawmill on Iud-(. 1 by a plurality rote ar.d deter- of land between tie Great Nemaha I by ballot, and shall be given ia prs3n or by 1 river and Muddy creek, both of which r- a-y-5.c-e Tote for each share cf the j 1 Tl A '-,1 I 1 "" - a"-aa, .A IllilUUI UAU I streams aford excellent mill privileges, the greatest number of rotes shall b trustees The fells of the Great Nemaha, three I of saiJ icstitution; and in case of a tie where - . - r i.' . ' . ' 1, ' , : . one or isor of the trustees election is unde- mile.rc.Astant, is the best water rower v . . , . A i va, AAA- Aa OJ.CtJ UU ii.C LUiT CICVaCU resell xlaa Ciiaa -leal yencAisa red Haw and Lsroj asihAa intend .licrealter to te exceedingly more too than at any time for years to i careful in what we say relative to new JWtr i jxiil the UrM tec neeit enterprises, lest we be" enlarged with r. fjr luslnos in every por.un of the them, and the factjs, tee musfhzrc th?i7L, ' bein aaccessorv to palming :-'a-t a Icrc-rc-rc, blithe day tEcesi fcci the ccnsequcnt bad effccis i cv afiairs.,? for years to come. The improvements j A personal knowledge of a number j we need most particularly now, are a 0f men concerned ia the City or La- b the cdicr Dlsincts. pre-cmptors, and the Eegister kept very busy in "the "discharged of his duties. ' . '; ' . " The steamer Washington City has just been purchased by a company in Omaha for hotel purposes, and is to be kept as such until the hotels now un der contract are completed' and ready for occupation. I understand that Mr. Burham, formerly one of the gentle manly and cccommodatins landlords of the Hamilton, House, is to occupy it. Fifteen thousand1 dollars was the price paid for the boat, just a3 she stood, including, furniture and every thing connected with it. . Fmnn). O .... ' I termite which cf said prrors so tied shall be -J uiui, A4U trustee or trcsr-es. atd the lrt-a of active operation. The saw and grist- trustees shall take place annuallT on the fourth n-3 on the Jforth Fork of tie Semia, dSSM is but six miles distant. These mills Sec. 10. A quorum A the imnsacticm r.f Chalk Tcrpex-tlaa Llawed cil Taaser oil Cujiai Vml-h . V.'L; TaraLh Llthera; Pa at LraiLej VaTaish and winduv tods Wall bra.-L' Let.cri-;s pacIL Table- ubu -C7nt calr penuILj LIaders - -hJar caadi'S ....... Yeit VvLx3. ctfcT oil C-l liter a3 . .. oil tiliO rUnt llcil"-rnc?,ll .s A Castiio ;p T.Cet , irif -. : , AIc::.adi Ut sieTt. , ' ll-rl aliell aliuwuJj Filheru, racaa - V .. - " - 1aAL.XJ tTiien ia caas Sarilacs a&J Ia&tTs . a.iA .wia3 . lit a ULaj u r.; ci u-e whole number of trusies, and all ineetirgs of the board (except an adjourned meeting) seven days notice thereof shall be given, with the objects, time and pdace specified, and signed by the president and secretary. The secretary shall report annually through the medium cf seme newspaper in the Territory the progress and condition of the institution. " ,r- , . . tt m - rood hotel, a (rood respectable church . r attttil reefntlv laid out on the Mi.-f , "'r A aiV W vT Ibuildin-and a school house. We need! sari river, Doniphan county, Kansas: ! been conducted on , i it , I a court house, tut can get along better a knowledge too of. its' location, many iprehensive, and - ITSIOniCALS. - - We have of late been somewhat de linquent in noticing the numerous ex cellent monthlies which find their way to our table." - ILiJtprii, is still what it hasu ever a plan most corn- arc now, engaged sawing lumber to be nscdlyrthe town company in erecting such buildings as the present press of emigration demands. The mails routes from Omaha, Ne braska City, .and. Brownville, pass throtgh'lhis'jlacc to Iotto" Point, St. Jcseph, and Southern Kansas, and a cross line passes through from Oregon, t wdesa two-thirds cf the whole number shIl -ir . . T7 -. t - At c icoMcnria such. remorsJ : tier shall faithfullv Mon to.rortjLarainie; inus nxing on arvr(lTall flin . . collected) hereinafter according to their best judgment in purchasing lzlt erecting sullihle dec. IX. ike trustees snail tare rower to : pencil, sc-u- any ci their number Iron cmce for t c?..i 3? dishonorable or criminal eondrcr. bnt r.c,i 1 remove any this point as the centre cf travel and trade. : . - ..'!' Tlie merchant,, mechanic andipW fcssional man can find a beautiful home and profitable business at this point. AS ACT a To inevrpords the BrcxxvJZe Lyceum, Library, 7 C7?i Lttrmrj Association-. Sscrros l. Be it enacted br the Council buildings, in supportiag the neccessary ia atiuctan, officers and agents. in procuring boohs. maps, charts, globes; phuosophtcaL nstroncmi- f ca! and chemical apparatus ; to aid ia the pro motion c; sauna learning in the college. Sec. 12. The said college and ia pceparaiory and other deportmeuts shall be open to all de nominations of Chrisiians, and tha profession cf any prticular religious faith shall not be req aired of those who become students: all persons, however, who are idle or vicious, or TOBACCO, Of tie Vejttorand ehewin; iad sxaL-lii-. Cijart nacstqxilltj aadaTur. rnrns liquczs, reyi ted, fruit for pies. Iraalied prche, fra jva-h'- in uai. f rire li mr f. zccileol rorpwra. Jamaica Kaxa, H-vIand (iin, Irish whwkr, rarho whisky, gicjr trandT, tVxniae IranJy, Curd:I, Port vine, eberrj vine, whi;e wiae, sabya wiae. STATlOXZZr, Tootscsp pajwr, finer letter pap. -St aote. j aau en7eu;p pua tanry and embHed, 1 eru ao2 I ch'-'der. Inlj of all kials inAjraciii aaJ Filer d Assortment cf Perfumeries Coinprisir.;. Ljmls la'liinon, rcl.Trte, mude, reoaiae cx marrow, bear gr. and e:.L; ssk ami C9atres of all kinds ant of tlie fijest eI-tt witi aH otlwr articles wsaallj kert ia a lror Stork. rre?eTiptinxu C'woaadcd at 11 ho&rs wlli cars asd dcsAXb.. - TERMS CASH EXCLUSIVELY. J3 ' E-tviT.c: is thirty miles no ; Te have Lad a very good school, of 1 with admirable taste I without that than the other buildings Natural advantages, and the amount o"f and judgment. It is wcH wortliy the t, ri we have mentioned. Several attempts i capital actually pnacd in drin it a ! "tensive patronage it receives. - have been made to erect these bmld- j start " warrants .the;ibcticf that this x r-z ings, bat some trifiing afiair or other ! place' wUl "amount to Tbif 'thinV-.that taiJ r.tHi "eve5 ,tenor cf its .trzrtithnvhnli msttrr. tfir KTrTsf-rm-i iMr.i.:AfM " hray. It must continue what u nas fcA-.s, 1 . a-. .Kft h-oIa -t a Ai-i-Tr aa -77 1. ' LJ -j-' ever been, nonular everywhere in the - 4. Ann t-,t, -n-T, . I TitrdStntfrS. chooi bail lie The' " ""'"j importance in a very lew years. ' ; a ; v wont give any- Itis sitnateXas befcre stated, on the! -rAlua 1UU' markea aaiiiry. literature and .art," a religion. ; Its vi ! tuui TiLic-. t i. -t. e- I articles are not trashy, but well calcu- " r-Ic -re motlv c1nr-h-'ro- 1 ll'A"lu ct. Ow.5cpn, antiscvca mues irom vrc ... - . , -' -w i iC At E0-U.v CAAwrn-go- , ,, V , UtA:1 tfWfit inirlWtn11w Tnr. tAiocrai, cr "ii you .agree u z liott county, a1o., Vxo and one- " fi-ion,! fTA : Ct-T1 Vfr. tlio rtr.rr-1 ' lA.lf -- T. TTTr. ally. AAA-AA .VI' W. "V..-,, ,,,,, Ai-.llL LtiJ 1 AijC AJUUtU V 1 1 VAA 1 1 L " 1 1 a:td flou5c of Eepxcssntatives cf the Territory wa. a.msf w stis- L.r y.u,sT.,-nif T r.n.r, s rented or expened by a maj.ty of the i ul l art iBiTftiti a li aj. awua f - m,M "? rfC'tlis in tae .15 xet no - . t i t i t t-v i considerable properr a. .v. I thin- unless the hotel is briltnext to s. Lank of the Missouri rivcr ir,Ucal is cononctea witn ..Ai. tAAAAiA-ki: iu ilaC vluo law. i w .. .. ... It H'r i -r. .i, t. . . i those lots of mine, or" if vcu will i "Dnf -; rcir lirownviiic uistnct re-i .av, a.;, v.0 . , , ... - . .. . Uaa r. TvT-rK-c tlT lot rf f nt rtivKl-T.,w. T a a . t ' laTC SpO-CC IS dCVOtcd to trustees mERH Mi? BOOK. A eamjxadioBS rollectioa of facts, frost the and experience of arte - ccsifal fruit cnltarists, ax ran-ed for Prcciiez! f jc in Vic Orchard cr.d Garden. t Cr. t 1 1.. T 1 f t r T r.-vn v v iv. r - it. . I, iucuary, ixsrsay, a. i. . . , i ? t!!; s.ietr. a.i 'x 'jia, -r t! . enedlct, J. il. Wood, J. L. Dozrer, L T.i"" t , J ux lo, ."era VirTaer ai GArdeocr - wTh riri Lll. tv- J V.? TT wr.a.p in.!T! v TrJ corporation, shall be eiemr from taxation! , JV viS t .rlJvl.: provisions of this act shall be interpreted liberally for ererj bexvenciai purpose hereby intended, and no emission to vulstne. IaaOc: VzIck $1. Will l aeat by mail fur tlal price, cr eoa Le Lad of &lclasra. Oar e-jttiir. ecven so Irra a scaee. taat U L iiij- posHrle to iXAk? Icul of tikii character adapted 1 ue any oi iuc Tuestes iiereuy granKU snau eaot(jf ticil,l l d fvi cause any forfeiture of the same, nor shall anr ! f. r the usi U Tcstern Fanacrs asii. I gift, prant, cocreyancef cr devise to cr for the Trait Groweta. TLe wtci. hzs been ezjvtalN bcneEt of the corporation be defeated or preia- f -;nd lj cverai f tie bm4 citii ao.r;: ! ,mm.r V- 1 Westcra TaAl. aho Uve -iTers ittaehizLMt r ,. - f r.,A,, - pr j-. racertea Lef-re puaLatka i j (Avil rormahry wbateTer. protKied the ir.tent:on off ljtreaLed tv, w -rr. the parties can be shown cr ascertained beyond These fcoJu are wurUi Wfv.iag for si Are wetils all reasonable doubt. bajiaj trae thej e 4 tVi crd-r i ac-tit. Sec, 15. This act shall tahe e-ct form and 'KS.1? 1 after its passage. - f - AriTOvrebruxT 9,1557. EstFOy IVotiCC. '" rpAJAilN up, an the 13;h day cf A prlt, 1S57, CTTlt EC230L. J tj AaLnse.Sa-rtryftakiifaria Ib Eucbrd. , ... - . I eBctr, aear Archer, ene iarjfl Lite iteer worth It may be gratifying and. assist tweBtT-ared.ur-.aboB:e-htrcaA-oU,akaifi i . . i. i a- 4 f off" of "fie aod. Tid.? ofien-ht ear. the ei:is fUi a somewhat m making collections to; m tvttn w.k ear.r-i.tae.kniicni ksfced pie. Wc have preaching every , . w Uaaw. yt 4.Ai'- aaL'aaAaaa- j I r. r. cclv organized church is Cbriiihn. The Methodist Confer it Lave nale an appointment for t-t; r.'ace, a-Ail we presume a church frimzatbawill be cfTected this sea--a. TLcre are ncmbcrs of those be ' :''no n ctacr denominations here -ed L'r'ciLrcr:. Baptist, Prcsbvte- r ;r';- -ctirlv or qulte.cnouzh of . 11" of Indiana: uIs Nemaha T "n jour ccuntv? How far from I will do some thing nice for you Just river, raid two and one-half miles above such foolish positions as these have! the mouth cf Musquito. "Surrounded thus far prevented the erection of aibr a fine agricultural .cbantrrVwith a firit class hotelin lirownviile. j lne fact is just this, wc have a few persons here, enough to "clog the wheels': Blackwood. We have so cftcn spo ken of the character of this periodical and it is already so well known that we who are afraid some one will make ai connected a gristmill -"in process "of dollar cr two'3 more in an enterprise erection.'' t than thev wilL the Tlace, and another, with wHciV is, c"fc 1 . , . : . -.rfcera here. LrrTZLs XaaYetg AciC -This stcrlin z "T-'il'?, and wh a; are- its pros- is ia the same county, and five ---5 front Brownvllle. Wc think its r;:Ifcts are 1 " A rather Cattcrinz than It is hi'ih time we throw aside such childish feelings and actions like men. It requires no argumcat, surely, to prove that every dollar put j into public improvements in a -new A Prjrx ivriAT 'is a Lit, 1L tx Thorpe, G. VT. Bratton. a S-Lang don, B nas, and their associates and successors, be and "Ti all purposes whatever . k .,,a.i , ....j Sec 14- That t-e provisions of this act UUitwj aavwVA aai a.wva vvitM wua -Wfc4Mv by the sira; and style of the Bnnvnville Lyce um, Library and Literary Associailonr Sec. 2- For ths present the aforesaid indi viduals ehall constitate the board cf trustees for said institution. , ." Szc 3. The ctjects of said . incorporation thall be the promotion of and establishment of a Lyceum, Library and Reading Room in Browaviile, Nemaha county, Territory of Xe brasha. - - - Sec 4. The corporate powers hereby cre ated shall be such as are neco-sary and essen tial ia the attainment of said object, and ssch as arc usually conferred upon such bodies. Sec o. The trustees of the corporation or a majority of them shall have power to elect such oGcers, adopt sack by-law rules and trgulatinns, purchase, erect cr lease suitable hciildir-s and prcttnds for tha rise cf aoid i in corporation ; to. purchase, receive by donation, make a financial statement of the i J bT cf LLs ioa3 .IT!" k; . .a a . . bluest or otaerwtso fioots. raap caartand Broimvmc ScLoo1 to Js patrori5 the association, as they may deem proper and the funds of the eoqioranon will warrant. iforw! I 3Uj Ut, Since the organization of the Di3- J ft Xlita rorrnir jt?nn hir ivmr , " .W.--WA l W.V , rro,n, f -it Te r.nA-iand authonty to raise a capita! etock in shnn montns SCtiOOlS, ar, a COSl Oi . . ii. - r. , of 5ve dollars each to the amount of nltyl" cinuc ice orgaciiuLiua ui iaiu xia- -rTllr TlCtrnifTl trict one year ago, wc have had seven; JX jilJxJj jLlIbXiAXJLi paper and periodical literature of both Teacher s salary, . and act - Hold on, now, and we'll knock the lid tin rnrmcmt, W xj d I'see hat lies lcyond ; i5 r ulUuliiU CiAW.U3iK Ul UU iB "Tl . J A th. conntrV and TAnirlanil- Tt is wriat ! may be sdvea by danaMon, tquest or ether- L,. I . 1 V.T1 1 a Z wisp, znu aaiUA uitc itriwi.iii kuccessioo. Sec 7. This act ' to take efTect and be in there surely is. troine . good ' in store frr ns " Weil, her? e have, it Mushrxim Catsup, Walnut don Tomato j name imnliesT aritl He wlto reads it constantly ipannot fail. to keep "trell in-1 formed about this stirring atro xif ours. ; DKKESJf JIot;EIIOIaD Woi3)Sir-lFa- Stove, ?2G0 00 , 40 -oo; 12 00 i The toTvu site of itself is t Jirrawed on the Missouri; it is cut i ncTevcr. from beinz a river rvoint f K Lca-v bolv of low croundlvin? V::?n it and the rircr. Its propri think that a rrood landing can be i ..... nlriro liVr thi nrli1s nril?iT tr noll-tT m i - t, . ,r . ,n rvtrr finp Piekls Tarkih Smok- miliar m their moutiis as Housenold value of other property. Twenty thou-! a3? C3:ira nne 1 iCKlv-3-"" . , - - -i i , ,i ..,., , .11." TftVrm ni Regalia5' and and 1" ores'-'-i the motto, and to make sand dollars put into the baildmzs we, IKa Aoacco, cox.xn.,..-, -"-v -T,.,;,y . u, w;n ...Un,. L nfi bottle Native -Wine; do.-Brandy-ac cverytliing tiseful and interesting thus property in EA-cwnville flfiy.thous tnd ; (Iczcn bottles in all., and smoking stock dollars the moment theyarcccmrlctcd,! t0 summer all "manufactured there is no TnUt-"l- .orrt Tf - - - i ari(l nnt! : Joiis: WlTXT.VMS. Main a a. . t4- -j . If have stepped on - anybody's street, Troy, Ohio.". Well, that's tol- corns, we are sorry, but can't kelp it. exably...fat,M but it ?s just like the familiar appears' to be thc abject of the conductor, ! and right well docs he succeed. KxicxETKiacKEn. What has become of. this old stand-by!. It has filled to force from and afler its passage, ilf proved February &, 1S57. i - . aIIT ACT r To inaxrporxde ie JJrcvntruU Cuur;e. SEcnat? L Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory rf Nbr?ka That 'P.ic!orf Erowr. f li C. SiAtiders, and 1 VV Furnas, tbir asso-l Leaving an Indebtedness of $180 00, ciates nd snccef?1 be and are hereby created j are 1 a tody corporate by ths name and style of the ! ; T BrawnTille Co'deg- to be located at or within far. it. W. FL FLN A15, on mile of BrowuviUe, in Nemaha county, Scc'r B'd cf Education. Tcrritorr of Nebraska. " -- - - ?o Wi There has been ccUccted in Cash. . - . :. . $G3 00t School Fund ree'd from County i Treasurer . 50 00 '7j trtdTa'!tl,,;ECs,,rstr!,t,'d .'""" j ta Li ears. . J'crs.-Hi rvaLdln ia Ji S:aJ . , (j ? ,4-;B psrehase Lasl or TvaLoU La irtro-ia, ftliri fiO:Kajt5a, Ncni.TT. iilsari. aad Ioa, caa 1st Pu W. FURNAS. NOTARY PUBLIC aND AGENT For tha rnrrlu?e, Sa!, and Saperict-'lasre f REAL ESTATE. taCWSTAll.E, S. T. Sec 2. For the present the aforesaid indi-1 - vidua! shall constltatc the Board of trustees f rail corporation shall , ' tlfir L3rtoir&l4 safe! ici br fix. ' Kare ehxarr. are e.otiaca-T jrir t pant - IiIaaLj is Xelciika. whica tav alreartr been lre eaiTJrd, aIfr t-'s VarraBtj Dccsb wLJ beI"B. I kave uw f-r Sl, valsaile To arm LwCs kid SLare?, is the foUois Wtu ia Nebraska: Grr cf Brown rill, . - South Brjvmvint, A I. - 7 . . . ' T - 77 T TIT .1 .. .A AW-A A : 1 L'aUU Ia7 1 WA ev. 1 .A iaa amuaa.aa . r' Tf .T,rtc.f ;4:wai p-a ineiiaes sav "duty ue vu uuw.iu-ii ,.a.,uvi , r t. .. r.-tA- ' ii ks .tui'jct IaaaaaaVU.aav.1 . iA ' . . - . - -AA . I " I . t TTTC I . TTTl TTfYT. V 1 ii SLSagCrK wa- Jfcai'n t-.n-rVcf t1. T.;m. vIV,-. requires ns to be plain," and we intend ean t help it,- He wnl -rave I . . . Sec.S. Thedef . a. "'to be nor ?n fn .Unm.i...Aitl,;r1,1,Wf r.r1 V. at lcss CCKG:1' pcxziapa, .u-a, uj be the rmmotioa .Sf the rrounded bra heavy settle- f . ; k , wt 7 .. ItK- WrTtU Tt aims liiirh in a edncatiua .ad toetxalifr :t: anl as rood la;tl-mn,tlr r,mi. m 1116 P15 ' ' a IeU tOQptactiinCJ. ' , 4 - . i the serertd pursniu and . - i : . rk aT.-.t- -r j-A-t:r r.:44 1 moral nuiui, su aAa ..a, fcVf , , v0 cccu was pux into. Aney . vn-t.. c . . . ; f ;r tT,- Vclooi nnon it the s?Tffr.I dnti of Lis- i .1 r.k i a i. .r"v i a i n v. -.-.a kv... .-i a . a f a a an a a-a w a fta. i i s r j. - hn aH! othorw-tio nnr' r-int-1 . . ' i I f a. 1-.-T.Tr SEC 1 ae corrtirate i,-:a.v a,. " CO. nave jest opened en in- their new Emress Conroanics wiio .verc-iindi :0Iie S -w r??: Uied shall be such ouly - rlTrn - .rr , TTt a ! ro013 'oa a strcet i estensive stock cncVto send the UiioniaininV the mbnthlies. j ; . t: .- 1 1 " attainment ofsu ( -" , . ., . , - -. r I US --Lit CWliniCV viTnin frpattso t rrcuerai luterrsts ci ermriormcnts of soci- NEW ADVEKTISEilENTS. rsrra fcr Sals. stud ex ta to engage in -f rr Aeres of "x-ellmt PrVirie Laad. 5 icn frr f I iuv J.rtimT-.iC, en wnna is a r iram Bf.a. : aa -a 1 1 powers hcrebr cre ss are essential in the srat rkMT. TLera if aly raTLs oa the . I -Twiad. . IL TT. FLT-VAS. I cz How . i of Drugs, Medicines, fine bottled Li-1 above throu-h en the UD H Line.,a :- rpulation of your place? i - r , 1 1 I 1 t- ? c-i -na!tried n can of Peaches from thia Wc rGirixxi2ZTi& Co.. cf ' -a: what amount of eaniia! r1r . i ' .:. ; . , - . , - . quors, Preserved Fruits,&c Wc Iiavci 7 ,. 1 and find them as nice and frcA3li'aspvct-raskjCity,!are getting .up whatl AnWHTCe,5.T-, Iy Slat, 5. ca object, and such as are I3 smilar bodies corporate, a. w. I ar.d A rent. Nehrasia dir. Vrycmlcg, NexalXA City, Tl!e Boci, CcT-trcvi .r A.C. :"a plain treatise,! riz : To hare perpetual sucression. to make p bv jl. AaJles, : r i : , -- . ' a-.- 1 ..J A ..-.J -nw.i-.. Kir tc t . 7 " "Hnrv s Font ri,iC-Kew w b'"- i rrm. - e- wrxj-issos. lTETTT : WILKINSON, -tll ailSCD3ta3 AND Omaha Clry, -LarAittr, Da-kola!-, . rawnce Ciiy, Sal cm, S-vli---, - i- ! tV!nrfTr irt frnn tip tmn TVt f th.rr call a" tl Grand Gift Entrrols" t Trr,l ' k- . 1 - , -AAvvi.A. jaa -A.,, auc iic. ; . I i I i'VA.:.Ain l-somctning over. . , a " ,A,'f- ai,- A:r- Ww u. ; ''cuaretarce mercantile houses,!, , - r v , !, r.l- i-.-- '. , - - i , to the ladies perfumery, and a thou- fco -Nebraska tity, nones, car a ear.ital. each, cf about $20,000.1 . .. I- --Ji C. V. cf Michigan : Did vour Aa4 iit:r thrvalaab:e IVmta. - i; 1 have alsa ft-r wle, a xrsaibcr af esr?Vnt 111 aera trk-t , Utd alrcxir nre-wpe, kmt- ar j iiarrotd, aii chOvraUnsiIj It-uJ. axd all as 1 r . u- r l . '. i I wn f in a ias at ivHtfn ia S' i T m .A. I.- &r: raise a surplus of grain last 5aPr4J emicration? What sand and one fancy articles-44 tcb tc-lcj Sc' silver watches, jewd- dious to mention.' Call and se: for! cutlery, c 3Ir.IhLyid Siegel and I roursclves. ' ' '-. Charles Dorsy, Esq., are agents for ; ! this place. ( Tickets 1 j j drawing 2d i HOUSE SHOEING with iLustxations, Esq., author of the etc. . Phnadelpia : Menry Lzrey ret ; to accent, acquir?, purchase, or sell airi ; Contents prcpaxmg theirs i URlNiCYb AT LAW r T)T j -L.'MelvEE-' foot tie sh'ochoosiirj a shcualway 1 mrtnr X T. 'Zr VUta.Ai- M .1AW A-VVkAJ aw . , - K w-t-xaa. tar IXTT A T a. Ti ecs best, adapted to promots the j juzrzBxa i T 17 r,TT"XT VTTQrP t, laaaaspeSa, Ind, BnOTVTCTILLIl. N- T- Teclh rlnx:rnl ar-d filled in th; cost sr . . . rv said crporanon -fitunr: the shoe filing up tnt tn h W shoe-n tils nailin g on tne sh oe " 1 objects aforementioned ; to nave a common t Jews -rin-iaar. irj-.r r.n a :t sncn az rv.cnsnrc. u cikt r i jm. . ini Xr. . jv. lloock, - a s-ii have yep? - Is it pro-J - MrciLlXT Tatlos. We have faite-I i Junotiristbcr c prizes SOOi f'i4 Pitch copy. -Periraffs Vo matter connected CUv'VAUa. .A JVUiUWA ' r i -Z-a: . mrh rr-Tawtfor rts rrT:Iit;cn assna!' notcca-t - - . . Iff.- -r fV rrrrirrrrnnn aii.! LivfS of tue nna.Jou.i'nj, The publishers have furnished ns a Ucited Stated cr the organic law f this Tcr. c- L. tinier, TairScli, leva, ladiaaapo, Ind, Waalnvn. dry. TtijekTire. Ib. -OaaLiiCirj.y.T. L ;";C; -e;hocs or cattlc used; to call attention to the advertistfment la." : Jirovcd r;th:id. Browiivwii, lUsT Iit?. r.T- r uv; s . u as thought last fall there would ! I of Mr. E. E. Paiikeb, ilerchant Tailor, j with the care. of that noble animal, the horse, has been so .- "i.i-j.i, auu iucr.iie tis pised nrcpcrtv, erected a ; caa iter appearance M ;: - c"enrv; ut. the .demand bunding, and gone ta work like he i Fridaylast with an eitra catcf than was expected, meant somethin- TT? is a rrfd werk- bof passcaj:er3. The e 'rs. - ever u5T iwho has recently, come to this city.- The steamer NirwTMo3ra3jAHELA proper attention our wnan on I there is tiOthin 1 large nam-1 work is jast what cod maiiagc- be in . the ha Kr-il Kent ci her frentlemamy omcers can- .cmith -hnt rvrr-r WA1A I , . . O . i. r : 7 - i - , " . -- ! J I A .W.AiAAU MA ..-- : i tt.. a1.-t.Vaaa .at .1 ?? -t a -. : . v. At. . i a i a- a ic. .v, j4: t -JJ cents T)r WWi irnfTH Grr, TTc-.-, Ta. ,i.-l- ! cv.. i.f K,-.f. anj t..i:r ' f..n::. i t mcnts: to remcrre eiiner cr all c-I the irstmc ' - i AA. AAUUCtU A3 AjAAiiUIiU 1 ; AUi AAvC IW-U liAiU. AiA'J UUat UiA lilJi ! laiUAbU. SiJU l..AAAlAiAAX WiiAl. iAAiO. CI i . J"? A - . , I.B I I 1 u 15 n6- celling at candidate for Governor cf Texas; wishes for her sacecs3. .... - - - improrcucnt Sltistntted- , -, i " I 'Trit" unuraaJ htc, we have Ean? and we bespeak for Liza a li t T cra ocr sonri ptfona-e, ' ' : . . Com however, has not f rltorr. and to confer oa such persons as shii be . , t t f -T T - rr - -r. r-.Z mT-t r m. (. - ' - - J .wv-a, uu w-ay 1M p " ' 1 cntewA au-j -n --o'"- TW,f FeWaary, BUT. tie Article f lae.-rW.m. i - JOSEPH II EICIIARD?, and honor as an usually conferred by coLegei f r- th. Erow-rin- ruk wert rworded ia t ..Tk-e i L 1 IJl 1 1V-X1" w' racn neglected asi aai universities. - ;rfttolriatarof IwftSA Co,nrTr Dcaa. rTTirrV rnTiTV C'nVrTvf: - 1 A A AA, .1 M.' t H i Al. 'A . . V . A , . . . Aj i 1 LJI A li i, 1 J 1 1 I 1 L. Al I i. A A I V 1 II to snoCAng , ana y ci ... , .-iHontT from time to time to pre- ti " W rifld. T- priei? pice Qj Xtviahz Ceun:'u A - T. g more important. -This scribe and regulate the eocre of studies tc be ! rff.SriZ 1 t--: t i. r. i is neededLand should rced 84:2 13 preparatory ; letimata r-takias. Tae asovat f CatiUl Sttk I ' . wi,i3 .I" - r t r .,V,;, nds of not ordy every : x tie rate of rai . Irirrr of a .--ood hnrr erwrnses, to sprtt: or emr4oy iratrectoo, ".VT' ZZZ Z fZLL'-T 1 v r r. tr w . x a, wa -r a cuiwj, a " - crs, c-icers cr acects as sail trzilrcs snail ceem jde rzizzTiti cf laid 11; T-ajs. Ill jbesi amocct ol I :dt-tliraacf tia drtaJ i Ta aaars cf t!v CcrrsKati'ia ta be ea- I doefed by aIkardcf .Alrr:t!jri, a IY-ddest, "kj A7eEa-ut,aAUA v-aaraer. - - i P. 0. Addre. I:r?-Tiv7:,5. T. Er- h-tH'., lty 14. 5I. ft 1-A A A . Va kA.wl aJ W, ...sauau. .. .. . " J.JT21st,lSi7. l-ranAhs tat2t srj'.es. a4 is w,res ansa to re iue ; toj . yt!)rshiaaer7 lch-tlii -1.:. ? IJ --t I : rr-irnr-'.!. .-- J i -