Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 21, 1857, Image 2
. Sec. Antic' tl fattier' enacted, That tha proper accounting oticers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and direct ed to re-examine the account between the United States and the State of Maryland, as the sum was, from time to time, adjusted under the act passed on the thirteenth May one thonsand eight hundred and twenty-six, en titled "An act authorizing the payment of in terest due to the State of Maryland; and on such re-examination to assume the suras ex pended br the Stato of Maryland for the use. and benefit of the United ' States, and the sums refunded and repaid by the United States to the said State, and the times of such pay ments as being correctly stated in the account, as the same has heretofore been passed at the -Treasury T)rimfmeflTfTut in the calculation of interests pue under ..the act , aforesaid,, the following rules shall. bo observed, to wit: Tn ivrest shall be calculated up to the time of "any payment, made. To this interest the pay ment shall be rrap-piied, and if it exceed theintercst duc.ythS balance shall be applied jo dimicibh Jbeprincipal: If the payment "alt short of iho'.interes't, the"baTance of interest " : thall not be added ; to the principal so as to produce interest. Second interest shall not be allowecf the State of 'Maryland en such sums only on which the said State either 'paid in- - terest or lost interest by the transfer of an interest-bearing fund. Sec. 13. -And be it far&tr enacted,' That ; if, nporisttch re-examination -.of the account and application of the above rules, any money : hli be founp to be due to the State of Mary l.ind, the Fame shall hi paid out of any money " ' in the treasury not otherwise- appropriated. ! :av - - Approved. March 0, 183?.4 '' ; rson "Washington. " Special fhVputcb to Ibc'Xcir York Daily Times. " : :. , V , ; Washington, May 6. i. L - have 'rzood authority for Baying that Lord Napicr.has received instruc tiens from. his Government to inform New Granada that her abrupt rejection of the American ultimatum meets with the most decided disapprobation of the British Government. : '.; . The issue raised by's ew Granada of irresponsibility for the massacre of the loth cf April inasmuch; as she al leges, it was commenced, or at least incited, by an. American citizen is not recognized by England as a just and proper one; and. the counter demand- for damages made against our Government is regarded as simply ri- t (diculous. " ' " . . - .Neither England nor France '.will take part "with New GranOi in the present controversy. Both these pow ers support the action, of the United States Government in its endeavors to .obtain reparation for past outrages, and security for future travel across the Isthmus The fact .that England and France entertain these views is well known to-our Government. . Nevertheless, in consideration of the . fact that our opponent in this tpiarrel is. a feeble State, and. one that has . always been friendly,-pur Government is disposed to be magnanimous. What ever appearances may beit is not be- ; licved that tire question will have other than ai pacific solution, ' ; x. Y.z.. L Boston, May & . Journal says : u We The .Evening learn,von what we believe to 'be good authority, that rrcsident- Buchanan and several members of his Cabinet will come to. Boston the approaching 17th of June, to participate in the in auguration of the statue of. General Warren on Bunker Hill." Jews changing their Sabbath. An Israelite in the Charleston Mercury contradicts the report that a movement is on foot among the Israelites of Bal timore to change their; Sabbath, and celebrate that of their Christian bre thren. The Israelites of Baltimore havc,like their brethren in most of the large cities in the United States, es . tablishcd a Sunday School for the re . ligious instruction of their young, and . hence the erroneous statement. There is, thus far, but one Jewish congrega tion in the world , that worship on the v. Christian Sabbath, the Reformed Con " grcgation of Berlin, in Prussia; but no " Hitch congregation exists in the United . States. It. is irue an. attempt was lha Jc some three vcars .ao to establish : one at Baltimore,, but it broke down - after a few' months j ! 1 : J.v' y'1. The Directors of the, "Mint, with' the ' ahproval'of the Secretary of the Trea- ,.Kury of tbo United: States, have ar- - ranged vith the; Adams' Express Com-! pany for the transportation of the ne w ' cent coin, at 'the" cost 'of. the. mint, to all points of the Atlantic States acces- - siblo by railroad and stamboatand -1 all other places which can bc"reached ' by means of conveyance not incurring unreasonable expense. . . . Tlie new cent is now paid out by the Philadelphia mint in ' exchange ' for Spanish and Mexican dollars, 25, 12J, and G cent pieces, and at the nominal , rates, or in exchange for the copper cent now in circulation. The silver or copper coins must be prescntrd in even sums of five dollars, and for the pres ent not exceeding fifty dollars. Pieces of silver, mutilated or so much worn ' US tO be illegible, Will not be received, . . i : - At . but nackarres containing the same muv ' be exchanged 'at another office in the mint ,for silver coins, of the United States. Five dollars in count of eld . quarters, which Trill Weigh $4 SO Amer ican coin; of eights weighing, over 4 "50" and of sixteenths .weighing over '$4 30, will be received at the nominal ! value for the ncyr cents. Z ') A. C. GoDDTN 'ABANDONED. TllO oflicers returned last evening from the i -wreck of this fine boat. ; They had been 'up there for some days past, and had a bell beat and everything in readiness in order to trraad raise her;l)utsince ehe pot sunk the sand had collected in ' jiuclr heavy piles, all along ;her lower Meek, that the attempt proved entirely .unavailing, and she : got broken to piccr-s In the effort."'' All the cargo, cabin furniture, safe,l)6oks, &c, on the 'God lin, were saved. St.; Louis LcaJ- STORE, NEMAHA CITY, N. T. XOOItE & BltO WNLEE, Wjoulcl. respectfully .announce tyA the-puMic' generally "that they have received and opened at Nemaha City, ..J. ... LARGE STOCK OF jt 't r in Everything that comes under that head. r.- GROCERIES, J :: 5 All of which we will sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. - r :j v : 1 " . i 'i Horse i "Wanted. :I : I T "will fay ibe highest price for a few fine, -well JL Broke horses,.; ,.- " : ., m i Jlpplj at my stable io UrownTill, . , '. J. AV. COLEMAN. ' SA YOUR HOUSE III UGHTlIN,6:7-BOnS 5 . BENNET & LCRSH4VJ RESrECTFULLT inform the public that they are now prepared to put up Lightning liods of a superior quality en as reasonable terms as aoy one else in this country. . : : " i ' ' Orders left at McFherson & Hutchia's , Store will be attended to1"' ' ' May 7, 1857 -. : I- : 47-tf Tor Sale. . , 10 Casks Sugar Cured Hams, at - McAllister, dozier & cca. ' ' - V.y.- For Sale. :! '.-.. v. ... 10,600 pounds Bacon at MeALLISTER, DOZIER & CO's. For Sale. 50 bbls, and 100 sks Flour, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. J. R JENNINGS, Wliolesalo Qrooor, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IS COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Socond and Frances Sts. ST. JOSEPH, mo;, ' HAS on hand, and'toinrriYetho follwwin arti cles, which wilt be sold to tbn trade en aoeoiu- modating tonus, EXCLUSIVELY AT WHOLE SALE t .. ; , . . 3L5O,0OO- Gigars all qualUlOO bxs E D and W R 4000 jacks O A Salt 155 boxes starch 20ff Hhd N O Sugar ' ' .200 bbh and hf bbls -water 500 sks Uio Coffoo -. and but'r crackers 100 O G Java Coffco 200 bbls and hf bbls pilot 100 Ijisuayra wead and pic mo ao 100 ' Mocha ' ' .' u " 200 bbls soda milk sugared J56 bbls,1 half bbls andlOO egg and wiaedo-: ' kss Belcher's llolasses: 100 bblsaprle Vinczar- 200 bMs, half bbls and qr300 bxs Tobacco all grades A refined do .. ,;r .. 200 bxs smoHing Iw&nco, 150 half chests K-a, ail tanous brands; .. kinds lOO.buTachcapipo stcniJ' 250 bbls Belter's Sugar-bbls 11 S Sicily and laO bbl.v a Qrer nos 1 Joes Almonds 2 and 5 ilackcrel 50 bbls .filberts, braail 200 bxs dried herrings ,Biitn,pocans ... , . '20 hf bbs White Fish' 100 "kgs S C Sod; t ''5 drms dry Cod Fish ' 500 krs assorted aalll! 200bxsast'd cind 500 bxs half and qrstar 109 .'fancy 1 '-candles -SOOdrumsfigs- - . , 150 dostcrine do 100 bx? hl's and jrs Rais-200 do bar soap - ins 50 do rock candy. " 50 bxs Prunes : T SUNDRIES. ' "- Cotton yarn, carpet chain, batting, candle wieks cotton and hemp twine, wheat and meal tacks, axes, spades and shovels, garden seeds and straw Takes, log cbains. lead shot, powder broom, wrapping paper, hemp, Manilla, jute and cotton cordage, indigo and madder, alum, white lead, window sash; window glass, tumblars, jars of different sires, fiasks assorted rises, sassafras bark, pie frait. fresh peaches, brandy encmes and peaches, current and raspberry jellies, fresh tomatoes, canton giagcr, prescrrcs, nut megs, casi is, peppemuce, tomato and walnut catsup, I ,omon JV liters, sardines, extract and eit i of coffee, chocolate, pickles, matches. etc. V. , . esse nee WOODEN WAKE. Wash boards, tubs, common pails, codarpails, 11 B pails, piuo and cedar churns, brags bonnd churn, tar buckets, well buckets, cedar cans, mop sticks, butter prints, buckeyo bowls in nests; iron bound kegs, ope two, three, to and ten gallons, the smaller size with ball, common and I B half bushcb and measures, en op stools etc. I am also agent for the sale of K A salt, and bare now on band z'uu bus for sale at cost and trauspor tation: I have the exclusive sale by direct consign taentof five hundred dosen Field's celebrated rysters, acknowledged to be the best put up in lialtiinoTt. To California' and fei!t Tnke Emigrants - Your especial attention is invited to my extensive stock, -which embraces everything suited to your wants in crossing the plains." I will at all times keep on hand flour, meaL bacon lard, hard bread and crackers, all of which will be told s.t the lowesteash pris. . , , - ' ; ' ; J, B. JENNINOSb. Laborers Wanted ! ! rjlHE South BrownTille Towa Company wish to A turn the fc prior Branch irora its pr-went eocrse. direct to the river. The contract will btletto an individual, cr day laborers emtJcTcd. Enquire ci 1 It. W.r U II.XAS. O? rrownvHIe, Hay 14,'57. -J:- I - . LANKS f -tTtijr e?efirtin. for at hU .I , -.. :n...yyv :. I;-, vd ; p. st. nrrcncoct. c. bexkoslbe. iem.ui J). M. HITCHCOCK $ CO., Bet Olive and LocusMtreek, SU LouiMo. lleatin.-r, "and ol o i 11X Ta IV I Pirirr Shnrrs ii nd Grates . . I AirtM.T.nnfftctarers of four sizes or,.Twett'srat- cnt Cary rioogh, ono and two horse rigbi and left hand.'. t r V - y I JU. C- JOHNSON, Attorney anAs Counsellor KatJuaw, Ail U 1 Real Estate Agent. BROWNVILLE, N. T. XEFEBEXCES. r-t.i. - f ;r" r.i 'Tit ' . "Wm. f. McAllister.- --' Charles F. Fawlcr, u - " - ur Wm. Ferguson, BrownTille, N. T. . o. p. Lake - ' i - u rr, GEORGE-Fr- KENNEDY, AND ; GENERAL LAS AGEljiT. . Florence City, ?f. T. ' ;-1 3EjQ ,?ll"$ . 2 L; I G H T N I N G R p D S ! ! ; ' Ttf. C. LIVINGSTON, y. j j IS prepared to sell and put op all sixe of Rods manufactured by the tOhio Lightning Rod Com pany." ,, - ,-j , 1 : : 1 "' i Orders left at the "Adyertiser Office," will receive prompt attention; May 7,1857. ; J,i 1 W.C.LI VlUlUJJi.':. J: . : I; J. W COLEMAN, v-"L . INFORMS the public that he has procured a stock of New - Carriages, liusries, etc.. and as line Horses as are to be found, and has opened a ' ' " LIVERY STABLE, SecondStreet between Water and Main, Brotvnville, N. T. - ' All persons wishing anything, in his line can be accommodated at all hours. 1 :J 'i 1 ' : 'alsoV' : - "': Horses and Carriages bought and sold: 1 : J. W. COLEMAN. fo ri tin miis4TNt?o 5 Worth, tf, Reads iSIacle Clotliing ) n; CJ I. ft. - HATS AKD CAPS;;:;' - ,HUZ"-.-: V.I l:i:i; fcVJlJ . f ! . : - BOOTS AM) SHOES: i Just' reeeitid I'll Pt?r! jSlcdhierl CoV Cro'ssman. .r.ii. . ,. .' .. Cl' jli. J.. . . !a't IsiEGEL &GREENB AUM'S BALTIMORE n LOTlMGr: STORE, No. 31 Main St Sd door above post OSice. ' : BROlfNVILLE, jf. T. ! Fine broadcloth coats, and . . : Standing collars; at the. ' ' j Baltimore Clothing Store. ' IBlTcand fanc cassimer pants, hnd 1 : Carpet sacks, at the .i ' '. 'V ''Baltimore Clothing Store. Silk, Satin, Marsailc3, and Casi Vests, and Flannel Shirts, at tho Baltimore. Clothing Store. Fine Shirts and over-alls, ' Tat. Leather Gaiters, straw hats, at the ' Baltimore Clothing Store.' Black and fancy cravats, . . , f. White and fancy shirts, at tho , , Baltimore Clothing Store, Everything in the clothing line at the 1 Baltimore Clothing Store. Call around acd examine the stock at the . i.-.'i A Baltimore Clothing Store. April 23, 1357. " - ' ' ' 45-ly IW.iliffllSffll .C. -. JOHN COLHOUX & BROTHER, -. (Sign of the Ballock, opposite the Tost Office.) WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Lcattcr and Shoe Findings. ST. JOSEPH, MO. , HAVE now In itre, and to arrive shortly, Amer ican and Foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves k Son's F2cs -Scissors and Edrre Tools , Pocket knives Knives and forks ; Butcher's do do ' ' Spear A Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws Griffin's and American horse nails Post hole augers -Ames' shovels and spades Lull A Porter'a rhutter Butts Morticing machinta . Circular, mill and muly ' saws Planes and plane irons Coopers drawing knives do adzea and wood ' . tools Brass curtain bands and pins Door locks Augers and auger bitta Corn knives Briar scythes Grass and grain do Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks Framed wood saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and Vices Mousehole Armitage an . vils Tress Hoops American anvils -. , Butts,'cast and wrought Stocks and dies Copper rivets for belts Pad hooks, breech 'gloopa Tuyere Irons . ' !- ; Plated and eom. stirrups do - do Bitts do do Buckle "' do . do Rings breast and rein stapa : Jrad screws, cockeyes Ornaments, racks Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread ( , Calf skins " .' ' Upper leather - ' Bricjile de .'. Skirting do Harness, do. Belting do Goat skins 1 . Enamtnellcd leather lt-S peg -k Peg au , Pincers ' Shoe thread Bristles, wax Linicg ekica : Binding ... ;. . ; With many cods embracier a complete assort meat of the . most desirable which tbcv will sell at the lowest prices." ' J. COLnOUN A BliO. Ayril lth,t85r. 31-ly mm J ( i - r.ii Buchanan itilfo -and General Office epj 2d and Jala sts ST. JOSEPIT, Hp( CUABTEBED AT THE ilST BESSIOS CF TUB MO. LEO. Autkorized.CapiiahOOO.OOO. s f ; i titbit. CTOCS. i-.! i f - J. B. Jennings, i.Rl Howard; J. A. Owc llijtoD Tooth, John Colttonn, John U. Likens, W11. 1 neik, N. R. McAsnjkx, Sec'y. ' " IS now ready to receire application for Life, Fire, Marino and Rircr risks- A cash return of 25 per cent, will bo allowed on cargo preminms. Losses promptly adjusted, and the usual facilities giren to the patrons of the ouico. 'April 16th-, 1857,-: - 4-3m i, B. M'ALMSTEIU . t. IHXIEE r JOSAS CRAKE. Oregon, M. f &owfflei ST. T- Ortgoi, Mo. McAIjLLSTER, DOZIER k. CO., FORWARDING COMMISSIOII MERCHANTS. - ... . . - Dealer in " , FANCY AND STAPLE DRY 'I'M ; HARDWAllfi "Ss QUEENS W.AttE,'; Provisions,-. -Produce,; iuietc., etc. Ao'4 jaiA Street,and 2u,2 Letee,: -i , . . BROWNVILLE, N. T . I St. Joseph Gazette. Kansas Ilerald, Jefferson City Enquirer and St. Lbaij Repullican eof y sis'months and charge this cmce. Jt . April 16th; 1857. TIIOS. IL LARKIN & CO. ; COHMISSION MERCHANTS, : WIIOLESkl .GROC i! JVaVfei Ltvct ait3:cir.''&mmcrcial Sl ST. LOUIS, MO. !:' "Special attention gicn to sales of HEMP and T lllixV r- xio oruor ir ,iuo purcuasc of Hemp, directly orindircctly; r-; : i Anril 16th. 1857. 44-3m :;:v.:-;;;;addie,; C ADDLES, Bridles, Martingales, Checks, and er O cry rariety of goodj in this line can be had at ' wonr.iT7.p.i.T. a. no's r XD UPHOLSTERY, . WIIOLESALB AKD BKTAIi, - .; 'ri !- iOnf!'!--.!.''?.:;' "J'-'' SOARRITT .:& MASON. i-'BZ L0VIS,'210.' i',;rf;!;l "IT TE tako pleasure in saying' to our frionds ' and H the public in general,: that our stuck of i inc. Medium, and Common Furniture, as well aa Mat- trasses -and Bpdding,wa8 never. more complete and deserving' the attention of. purchasers, either at wnoicsaie or rcum miuiisuiis or sinzio arucies . than' at present. :. ! . i " : J" :.' We shall spare bo-' effort tokoep the most complete assortment in our line, in the West. Our Goods are 'mado.bcre, as well as East, by the be; t workmen and ' thus combino the greatest variety and latest styles', with-tho cheapest and most substantial. -Dealers, as well as all other purchasers, are in vitcd to call and. look through .'bur Mammoth ! Ware fvooms.. j . .. ,, ,., r i, ; . ' Orders also, from all parties having furniture to buy for themselves or ethers, are especially solicited with the assnranco of our best endeavors to merit i continuance of the liberal confidence and : patronage we nave so long received. . Washington Ave. between 2nd and 3d Sts. Mareh lth, '57. i- 40-3m ,' Notice to the Public. TEING informed thateertain patties are circulat lj ingrcportsthat may, without beineontradicted operate injuriously to. the Town of Nemaha citv' vis : That I am not the legal owner of the town site that I had on a former occasion sold it to other parties and am now violating an agreement said to baro been entered into between myself and tho parties, referred to and further, taat suit has been or is about being brought to recover interest aaid to be claimed by tnese parties. The whole affair is without any foundation what ever. JNo agreement-nas ever been entered into be tween myself and any party or parties but what I am prepared to faithfully fulfill. The article referred to above, is said to have been entered intor sometime in the Spring of isoa, between, myself S. F. Nuckolls, a Mr.'Ballard, a Mr. Donavan, a Mr. WvatL a Mr. Holly and others, of whom J know nothing as I never saw but two'cr three of the ecntlemcn. or heard of them except as connected with these flying rumors. If my Jignatare appears as a party in the article of i a .. l !i - r agreement saiu to exuxi isiorgea, as it was never placed tnero wun my Knowledge or consent. ir tbeso genu emcn, nave as tney claim, any rights to propeny in cmana ciry, or. dilteronces with me why do they not call on mo in 1 twrson. I hav't teen informed that a person said to represent then Lis been in. this county on several eecasion and evenl n tho Town of Nemaha city 'taakisz tho assertions, re fcrrcd to, but has never made bis business known to me, althfeagh 1 was in my residence and he bat a few rods distant. It is plain, I thjnk, fQr aay and every one to see that tho whole r.ffair has been ottcu ud to injure the Town'of ciaaliaxityoraruse to secure an interest therein. " Thus much I havo thought proper to sar in this public manner, and lurther to announce, ;hat sheuld the rartiis referred to . brir 2 SuiL I am Tirr-nar-fl to bectthem. - " '" ' " "" '' ' JEROME HOOTER. ; ; Nemaha City, N. T.) , . 1 ;March ?lst, 1857. , J ; . . 4ltf JKrfEBSOX f . CAS IDT,' ' llAKTIN XTi RICES,' JAS. D. '"TEST, -'' Ji.Si V. '-WHITE, t ConncilBluffs,Iowa.:' Nebraska City N T CASSADY, TEST, R1DEN &; CO., (Successors to Riden - White.) '" - LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA. jGITX.iN- T.'. l .: HAYING made arrangements by which we will receive accurate copies of all. the Townships embraced in tho Eastern portion of. Nebraska, re kre now prepared to offer our services to tho "SQUATTERS. OF THE TEERITTORY,' .. In Filing; Declaratory Statements' of ' Intention to Pre-empt. Securing , '' ' 4i Pre-emptions, iAJcatinjj Land y Warranls and 1 A; ENTERmG LANB.: LAND WARRANTS UOUQUT & SOLD. . r Land Entered on. Time, &c, , Particular attonKon n&id to Buying and Selling Property on eommis3ion: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of the Union. Blanks of all kinds always on band. REFERENCES. Hon. A.A.Bradford. 1 ' Nebnwka City. S.F.NucaoIIs, . - Messrs. Dolman A West, St. Joseph, Mo., Peter A. KeUer, ' Washington City Thomas Lumpkin, ' M June 2Sj 1S55. vl-nl AT OUR WAREHOUSE- . . YTOl It. found at aU timet A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK Of all kinds of . Farm Implements ; ' AKD MACHINERY, ; ' 1 - - " -. ' ; With a faR Stock of ' '"''; Pield and Garden Seeds . , ; A. ri cl Org1 ti.TXf9p Of the Most RxuxBtx and genuine kinds. ' i lS7"FaR Catalogues s sa t on application. : ! -.7''- - r IIENRT; D. EMERY k CO , - ' !0i Lake Street, Chitaga, Bl. Marehelh,lS&7. 38 tf GOODS IJTHISnSOIT, MORRISON & J1UTCIIINS, Have just Rcooired A. s .A Al their Neic Buihh ng f 1 i. oar tus Lr.vEE si OP S-P-RIIG- GOODS , QUALITY. AND, Ml MIIQE ': ri Lo wcr. than. ia Lowest i U At their New Establishment yoa will find every thing needed in th Western country, from a bar ef soap ' a broadcloth coat. T'J' r',''j (T'T'I1 i ' 'TiIT h OT THE LATEST STYLESi hL '1- Ax xd''Xu .t 1. .... r. v Sold Remarkably Low.' v n . 5'MJ;-J .1 is; FltlXQES, FANS AND FANCY G (TODS, Goodd Silks, Sattins and 'S Slippers,- , . A large and complete assortment of: BONNETS AND BONNET TRIMMINGS, -, ; -.:L I ,-: ' ' - ;- of every style and quality,1 : ''' ' ' f.;f; V- - rn"i: : 1 .: -" r,'l ; x; Cloths 'CasimereSj' .anijesKngs " " . READY MADE SHIBTS!: r ::-.': r u ; .j.i-.vy) u sii.l a --f v.1 rAD':--,-'' -'I-,!. .(y7 . y.u V) T lit the Million!! yr .0 1: U r r "''.' 7 Of the best manufacture and of superior- ' '',:. Workmanship. .' ' . . . 1. . , ; .r . u-.i . 1 . .1 ; . . v' ' ' Looking Glasses, ' r 1 li. :-. ': i"i ; , ' i - ' ' " ' That will make an ngly man handsomo " ," ' '' and a lady of beauty more lovolyj ; HATS AND CAPS, I .'r l That will fit and plea : everybody. ; ':, Boots and Slides, ;: - From the infantile article of red morocco, to the graceful boot of. the gentle ' man's walking costume. , '-...4 . t XXca-r-wsro and Cfxitlox'y r t i , , . .from the best manufacturers at If.---;:. . . . HOME AND ABROAD AXT ' ' Sold at Eastern Prices. . ,'. Genuine Imported Carpeting. . ... , - .. .. .... -.. , ' .. . ' 1 ' ' Of New and Elegant designs. YANKEE 'KOTliOMS, " HOSIERIES, ! ; 5 ' China,' Gjasa and Qucensware. PORTE MONNAIES; SILK PURSES, . - . . .-, - , -. : ,n ' .- And a thousand articles, ranging In regular gra dation f prico and importance, from the pnmative toothpick of tho ancient goose quill, to a thousand dollar shawl. . '' . : :.; . v , Our innate and native modcsiy.rorbK,! us lavisa ing glowing eneoukiusis npon our ?prin Stock ef Goods, and we ask you- to eali and see for yourselves Vive challenge the west. and furthermore - r ..... - MAKE NO CHARGE ..' ." f, . j . .. . :.; ' ' , , jiteiebson, morrison, a hutchixs. April 23, 1S57. ' : . ' ' v -: i. Ltt'OUD. J. T.-HOBX. LYTOED tS HOEir, AND RETAIL Dealers in . A3TD .. . .. GROCERIES,1 HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, snOEO, HATS, $ CAPS, Nails, Stoves. Floors, Fnrnitnre,ete SONORA, MO. i ; April 9th, 1857. ; 43-tf 19,000 lbs. of Haeon, For sale, cheap for Caeh, by , - . . LYFORD A HORN. Sonera, Mo, April 9thi 18S7. ; : 4-tf Wanted IirMEDIATELY, by the subscriber, several good Carpenter, and to such the best wages will b given. Apply to - C. W. WHEELER. Brownville,N.TwApril7 4Vtf Hardware, ; Cutlery and . Iron. a ix&.iiui assortment as noBtrrzELL a co s ' :.:-PrOVisiOnS. .;: :-: : WE kep constantly on hand, Flcnr, Corn Meal, Bacon, Butter, and every variety of Groceries. . UOBLITZELL A CO. : Country Produce T TASTED, nd for which we aHow the highest i V Market price. . UOBLITZELL c CO. Cash! Cash!! Cash!!! THE undersigned would most earnestly call upon those know ing themselves indebted for Medicine and Modkal attendance to come forwrd and settle without further notice A. S. IIOLLADAY. l3rowavine,KsyH,!F57. 4 ff Hi ft fs p iy v w v 111 O t ' WOBTII OF Just Eeccivcd o Per Steamer "Silver Heels," AT- THE. CASH AITD PRODUCE STOUE or - ' (McAllister dqzieu &;co. Calico and Brown Sugar Fish Hocks and Clothes l'ins, at c McALLISTIiUDOZIEi; & UtTs. :-i r:m ) Ginghams and Molasses," 1 7 ' ja:-ri - - Steel Pens and Wash Board., at ' .McAllister, dozieii & CO's. Settles, Tar and Fine Combs, at t " 'r 1 McALLISTFRi DOZit'R".ICPf. : r. 1 ? " ; -' - " j r. 1 ' ' f. 1 : : . l -i ' :.. ; ... , n , -'. Lawns and Ox x.okes9 . , ' Tin Wareani Crushed Sugar, at Lkh OncAiiSTEit, vozimr.&l'ccyl : ,.7t ( 1 - .- . .... r r ;, r . T Bleached Mttslla aril Bed. Cords, Shirt Collars and Fiddla Strings, at '.tvtl McAllister, dozier & CO's. 4 -v Denims' irawisg-knives. fS Laini and' dried apple? at ' ' : " f - McAllister, dozier bXO'l . , ..1 Silk handkerchiefs and hand Saws, Blacking and pain killer, at MeALLISTER, DOZIER & CO's Flour and irish linen, jj '-J Black pepper and bar lead, at MeALLISTER; DOZIER & CO's. riows and powder, Pocket knives and percussion caps,' at j. ;.t McAllister, dozier '& c6's BlTcaiik cravat and cod fish,' - : ' Lace mitts and wall paper, at McAllister, dozier & cc. . : 1 -. r . . U; : ' Red' and white flannel ami tobbaei acco, at -J ' McAllister, dozier & cc. Rice and ladies nnderslcevcs, . .i , r ' Nutmeg graters and Quecnswarc. at , J 1 v. V McAllister, dozier &' CO's. Glass and Ayers' cherry Pectoral, ' Carpet sacks and hardware, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. ' Ladies hosiery and log chain,' Noodles and shovels at '. :. McAllister, dozier -&r CO's. Ladies collars and striped shirting Buff combs and saddlery, at McAllister, dozier & '.'co-, Broadcloth, and bar, soap,, . . r, Curry combs and dress trimmings, at M ft ,- r r McAllister, dozjer & CO's. Boots, shoes and star candles,' '. i .'. . l Lace edging and Salaratus, at ; MCALLISTER, DOZIER & CCs. Cottonadcs and spectacles, Brooms and Ticking, at McAllister, dozier & ccs. Sowing silk and buckets, . Envelopes and Kentucky jeans, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Blue drilling, knives and forks, Tea and white lead, at ' : -' McALLISTEK, DOZIER & CO's. ; Wash tubs and tooth picks, Buck combs and knit needles, at . tj ' MeALLISTER, DOZIER & CCfs. 'Casjimcrs and vesting, . ' , . Shoe brushes and Godfrey's corJial, at . '' ' McAllister, dozier & co. Lace veils and eologne,' Drcsj cotnbs and scis.tors.' at ' . i '.McAllister, dozier & ccs. Thimbles and razor straps, Bearl buttons and jow j harps, at :': McAllister, dozier V CO's? Suspenders and ribbons, -Brown, green and bluo barege, at McAllister, dozier & ccs. Vinegar and linen thread, - ' -Jaconet muslin and shaving soap, at ' -tMcALLISTEB, DOZIER & CO's. Linen table spreads and shoe Liccts, J Indigo and Jayaes' medicines, ai McAllister, dozier & cas.- Brown linen and rarer?, ' ' Crash and diaper, at. . 1 "' ' -: McAllister, dozier & co-s. Colored cambri and ink, shoes,- - - . Thread and cotton hatting, at , ' .: McAllister, dozier '& ccrs; , Table, tea spoons and waddingf . . Coat's threaa and jack p'ains,"at McAllister, dozier & ccs, Challi de lain, and window sash, ' Doors and shambray ginghams, at . McAllister, dozier & ca. Straw goods, and summerclothiog,' r ', ' Starch and pina, at- - j i ' . McAllister, dozier & cas. Bonnets and hair oil, ' Bacon and artificial flowers, at McAllister, dozier & co -r- A thousand and one , articles not mentioned, call round at " ; : ; lIcALLirrERDOZIEll & CO's,T For Dry Goods of every description go te McALLISTEll, DOZIER & CO's. For cheap Groceries and good brogans go to. . . . HcALETSTET.DOZIEIl &r COrs. If you want to get that which Is of the bejt go to McAllister, dozier & cos. Whe is it that always evinces the most solicitudi nous anxiety V plcaso ihe taste and eaptivata tha tye? - r -HcALLISTER, DOZIER & CO's. Consequently you should patroniz McALLISTES, DOZIER & CO. Deal With r.i'ALLISTEil, DOZIER 1 i.S f; iS ly rOTTNSFT.T OT ati ! Vi BEOWSYILLE.W Notice lo tie Citizens offej- WnEREA.Vlaur,0f5el)ni, v T I lfclat bessicn, adopted thi Ib. Iowa, which makes it the daty IfSl those of whoraUxcsarda. tnL''Vyt ivuZ .eat,(Brpwnville).ndpayoVe;SPt w is now m force and h.i KM . Win. . Delinquent tax myers wi'.l pleas. enr'rt"! pay over to William lioblitzcll th. Tr 4 maha. County, otherwise you wiU ) tJ??' X. ewn expense. . UJ By order or bounty Court, now in D. L. SANDERS, Brownville, April 7, 1847. C,t GEO. S. -UAYEET Coj iisp-iiiia. .i d it. AND $ GENElQi? LUND A&EXTSi i ... . PT.Al-r GLEN HOOD, MUls co, Iowa, , ' ' ;;; t . , Cass co. . 1 W ILL promnUy atteni- to Land AgVnd-l tizatin titles. PavTcff TitM. .J.,aT ey;Baying and Selling 3"-ow Lots, Djjlr s" and Locatir Land Warrants, an! all ' "'l connected ith their profession in Western I1! Nebraska;"'.!'.; . - '! U ., I, J. DEWS, Associate Attoner4 ' ' REFERENCES';' ' Greene, Weare A Benton, ' Ccumfl Bla" t' O. Doushtv A Co.. ' ; . -1,h!r Greene, AVeare A Rice, ' .Ft,DnMiafi Greene A Weare. ,, :..Ctdar Ppids ' 'Cincinnati, 0W . ;4' Glen rood, '" ' CincLinatijCV Ifigfetwa, ; ' 1 lliilaleFnh;a,F," "... ''M-dfcrd,XJ. : non A Goodman, ' 1 Tootle A Greene, N. W. Thomas, School v A Son Gen. Win. Irick, II. Johnson, I. Reed A Son, ' Robinson A Hro Burlington Co. Bank, white, russell, & co: : Xloclxioytiwro. iiiY im, mm; HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Iledicines, Dye StuS, Saddlery, Boots & Slices, lists & Caps, QTJEZNS'WAEE, ST0NITWA12, UrSTlIl : ' IRON, NAILS, STOVES, As. Also rurniturw of all kinds, Wiadov Suit, It '.Notice.' Editor "Xelraila Aiteriiern; DxiK Sia: In looking over the last nnmlxr of yw Japcr a notice attracted my atteatka signrd bj eromo Hoover, Esq., in which lio stntes that etnm stories are in eiroaUtion that the inderiijnedeliia Stimeintcrct in Nemaha City for, the porpost of is juring its prosperity. It may iequtevell l eir rulate a report of that nature where th facts in unknown, but to -those knowing. the facts tact statement is merely fooluh. ' " ' , And for the purpose of giving a fair opporionitr to persona to ascertain the facts -f o hereby r ail persons from purchasing any preterdrd cTiim if interest in tho said town of Netsaha City, fnm tb said Jerome Hoover, as ho has sol i ami receirdij for nine twelfths of said town, and sui t is aiw .i)Jinj to place the undcr-igned in possesaioa of th intoi by thent purchased in the sane; and they bars ai authorized the said Hoover to sell or dipoc if hit portion of their interest, bat direr ted suit to W brought long sinc fr its eeovory. , i Vours,4e J y.-j.sMMi?nM.L. , JNO,DOXH'UA!.. - . " - ' . '.JASDOMriUX. ' K. L. DA LI. AKD. is. c. Bisuor. L.D. DIHD ; ' ' A. G. WOODTTARD. - : 'I : " ' K. F. NUCKOLLS. CHAS. 1'. IIOLLY. ' March 23th. 1S37. 42 tf BRUSHES! . BRUSHES! ESTABLISHED 1323. ') - r I llAVlb JXcJIURRAY, Jr., AMERICAN. Itosamm' .vIKii'5ili WFaxo2iotaoo, Ao. 252 Pearl SirteU i '"J T - r j - ( ,;-y- j 1 " . " 1 1 Tcw Yorfc,A ' ' ' . .r , . . : Price List of Crushes, seat ift qtieki.' OrJr respectfully solicitcd.andra-oniLtlt attended to. April 2,1. 1867. 2-2 ALLEX KOOT s. yr. cozzesi - I100T & C02ZEIIS, fx : J LAND-M E ITS, i , . . - -, i HAVING made arrangeiBeirta ty which wt reift anrateropies of 11 the TewnsJiipf, as fart surveyed, in the Territory, we ar new prepa'C'l t offer ear services to the eitiiens of the Territory, 'DECLARATORY STATEMENTS or " iNTENTION , TO ri?E-EMrT, x: Seeming Pro-esiptIon3, LOCA TINGLANDlKLnRAXlf, AND ENTEBIIVG .liAND. Land Warrants Bousbi and Sold, LancJ entered on tiirn?, etc PI PTTPT'T IT ' ii .. i and -. ..... v 1-wvik aiiennon paid te oajs selling on Commiioii. Ala in making Co ItS'S!?-" 1n " of TEKIUTOUV and iESTi:ilN IOWA. April 7 43-tf TOL.OSBORN. CLOCKS, WATCHES, Jewelry, Hated Ware, Catlny, Sp.s, e- ic ' ; Nebraska City, N. T. rExr.BAViNQ and ErpAniTXtl done on sb,ri -notice, and ill. wroax vaiKavrco. rnovvi.viLis STEAM MILL, KOEL, LAKE, &. TZTEZSOXt , .1 23rownviUo, 3NT T- . ' N. B. We would rva-iectfutly iaf.-n tb teas of Nemaha county and adjoining M)went , we have always on- band a large Aid well t- supply of LUMBER, wtick wva farniah at low er rates than any mill in the Territory. , Market prices paid for Ijgi delivered at the Jj or on the bank f the river. : . i .ll orders accompanied with the eub, will r"T ee: Irsmediate att;atiea. '