Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 21, 1857, Image 1

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, MAY 21, 1857.
K " ' To
f . LA
u n i n.
I III i I J 1 I
V v -y n u av
"j 'T.iI I- '
ltf VVV N V II h.
Second Street, tet. Main end Waten.
(Lake-. Block;)!4;. "V-1;;
nvillen. ir "
r&ronc jcar(invaruiUjr in adTanet)j J2.t ;
iix months, -'. : :-. ! - :--.l ly5,
Ope ejrr,12 lines or 1.',) ono insertion,
Each allitional insertion - . ; ; i
Ose square, clc raonlh - '
three months, Jt - '.
i " fix moBths, 1,iy
"u ine vear, '
r. jincs? Car Is Jf.ix lines or less one jenr,
r T
. 2,50
(1 4.00
tl 35,00
One Column, one year, (, ., , .
Onfr-half Culdmn, one year, .-: f .
fourth ' "
One-eighth " . "
" C''.u:nr.jix months,
" ba'.f Cwluinn, ix month,
eighth " " " ...
C .linun, three months,
talf Column, tnree niomns, : 4 : i f
fnrth - " "
i nn.MMrin" can JiJates forofTice, ....... .
Oih in n Ir.incc Wiil we reuirca aiiavcrtisc
inent'ept trhere actutl rcspon-nlility is known.
Ton j er cent fvr each vhange ie added to the
lore mtvS. , . ' - ' -
"?la:idir. business ,Card3 of ve lines or les3,for
rm rear. S j.Ort. ' ; . k '. ; i ; .. ' V 1 : . . . .
' No a.lrcrti?ments wiU be considered. by the year,
unless rocifiel Jift'the jnanascript, or . previously
Tfej ujon betwceii the parties. , ( .
A J verlicraonts not marked on thocopy for a ?peci
fir l nnuicr of insertions, will be continued until or
ilrfl out iindhar!red accordingly.' ' - '- 'f
All aJverti.s'ynents from strangors or transient pcr-
mn. tolje naid in advance.
Tbe Dririlfcc of yearly advertisers Trill be confined
li-idlv Ui their wn business ; and all advertisements
nnt Ticrtainin? thereto to be paid for extra.
A!l leaded advertisements charged double tbeabovc
AJrerti.ements on the inside txclusirely will be
ths'ged extra.' ; '.. ' '
Show Bills Y Vii
Bill Heads
i -I t.
Bills of
nd every other kind of work that may be called for
ilav'mR purchased, in connection with the "Adver
tiser" O Uce, an extensive and excellent variety of
of the latct style?, we arc prepared to do any kind of
work mentioned in the above Catalogue, withneat-
ne? ui dispatch..
The Proprietor, who, having had an extensive ex
perience, will give his personal attention to this branch
of business, and hopes, in his endeavors to please,
both in the excellence of his work, and reasonable receive a share of the public patronage.
J.rxi Otostotriciaii.;
BcmraviLtc, N. T., -1 v -
Solicits a share of public patronage, in the various
lfanehe?(..rh!? profession, from the citizens of Brown-
v.'lle and vivinity.
WnOLKSAl.V. a: RETAIL dealers is
- Quccnsw.ire, Hardware,
Stoves, 3?,-ixr"xxitTi.xo.
-A-H-ci Dross OVTxls-cr--
First StTeet, between aia and Water,
Bonnets and Irimmings. always on hand.
T3rownvillo, IJ. T.
Corner of First and Atlantic7 Streets,
) ill attend the Courts of Northern MisSonri,' Ne
braska and Western Iowa. ' ' L ,
. . . i ' - - .
Second Street, between Main and Nebraska,
- v . B ROW X V I LLE,- X; T. - .
u. t. MUDry . , '
j. j. mupd,
U Levee and CO Commercial Street
,v- S..W. COZZENS,lr
Aitorn ajjd: iCiiuelloLiitE Law,
- Gsa-ral.aad'Aseni
' '. -.-t '. ' v;.7.- . CEFEUEXCE.
i-.IwdlOiaa'1a"j II. P. liiat,
7iebrla CUv;
IMC t W . M - vr m
2 t&&o
. . ii n . i n ix
v ) OMAU A !JCIT.Y,I. X- :-T. j
2?"La nd s . carcf ulljr locatcdand entered for cus -touicr.
Lots and Lands bottht ai soLlv ;j '
No 49 Main street, bet. Olive and Pine, j
Particn!ar "attention paid toinannTiirnrins our
-Nebrsska Territory. fa
v' '."Land' A geht and Notary public, '
Archer, Ricliardsoaj county NiT. :
Will practice in tht' Courts of - Ncbmska.'assisticd
bj Harding and Bennett, Kebrneks Cfty. j
Attorney and ,, Counselior, at Law.
-m r-w-t-r. w . iTrt -T- w 111 WTI T A VTV A PrVrl
And Notary -Public. - ;
Npbrnska Citr. Nebraska TerritorT. !
WILL attend promptly 'to alLbiiisness entrusted
to hi caro,laKebrasia Territory and West
ern Iowa. . - - -
September 12, 1855,r,vlnlr?j. lan rM
. , SPRIGMAN &'i?RO WN, r v
.i. And. Gerieral Commission Merchants
- No. 46, Public Landing. - ;
A. K. BRADFORD,. . ,
Nebraska City, X. T.
lJroTrnvine,N. T.
r , , .
ANI": s--i'---.-t j
Brownville and Nebraskt City,
TEING pjrmancmlr lpcatd in the. Territory, we
XJ will eive our entire time and attention to thei
. - - .11-1-1 rt. - -
LC)g Jn Litigation, Collections of Dobts; Sales and
nractice oi our nroiession. in ail lis urancues. ia,-
Purchases of Real Estate, Selections of Lands, Lea-
tin? of Land v arrHnts. and- til ptner Business en
trusted to our management, will receive prompt and
faithful attention.. . , .,
REFERENCES.; i u; 7 f
S. F. Nuckolls, ' T : "i. l.U AisWaska City
Richard Urown, Jirownvillc, ,
Wm. Hoblitzcll & Co,,
lion. James CrnigY
i i .1
R St.' Joseph, Mo.
Hon. Jantes 'M.'lhrtrhc?; ' "1 M'a St. Eoliis, Mo.,
.illoa.JobhR.Shtiicjr, ! rIJJiii ' " ,
Messrs. Crow, McCreary&Uo. M
Messrs. S. G. Hubbard & .Co., ..incinnat O.
Hon J. M.Love, . . IvcokukIowa. .
vl-nl ; ' , , . ' June 7, !;. .
j. rorrxETox
irI.". BTER3.
rn m r T T V " A rP -T A W
V 1V Tj --,0 2S f , 1
And General Xand Agents,
Land Warrants Bought and Sold.
tate, bought and soll.and investments made, for dis
tant Dealers
County- Survcorc and ; Land Agent,!
OF Richardson couhty,'5. T., will altcnd promptly
t6 all business in his profession, when called op:
I such as Paying Taxes, Recording Claims, Subdividing
Land, Laying out TcwaLoti,.L)rafting Lity llatstc.
Kcsidenco and address - . . , i
,. AHCUER,nich.ardscyico.,K. T.I
f J. HART &. SON
Orcgoni Holt County, Missouri. j
Kccpconstantly on hand alldescrintinn f Tf.irnrt.
Sa.lllcs,Uridlcp.Jtc.; 4e.i i c.i.' .
N. - It.- Every article in our shop Lj manufactured
by oursclvcjid warranted to gir o satisfaction. 1
W. P. LOAN, j
ill lUil
-L--f - ;
Uxes r. fiske. , jAlxjvstrs knight;
' Manufacturers nd Wbalc'saTc Dcalers'in" '
a. a. rnciitAii. " , : . s. n.. ripdle.
' .'' ' AXi) ' '
. s i G; W. TIUIIN; v -; -
SPECIAL attention given to the selection ami en-I yQT purpose of adding ah additional
try of Lands for Settlers, and all 6thc desiring
choico locations. !-' -i-J" , r- . . ' 'i.'.''ti,'.
TfnniFs. in?At.rt;tersburil.A iriwia,;tciuiy taguaiiu
AT TILL attend promptly to all busine?y tn his pro-
V fcduu wheiv caHo'l oa : such as suhdiving
Claims, Inyinj out Town Lots. Draftin;? City Plats-
: r 1 !T p 1 5; -It Til Jil" s'"-lf
.t- 'O' Fcr JU- .il Ull :
Public 37. ;
AH At5T;aViB Plrc0T fot tertaih
dvil expenses of ttie government for the j'ear
ending the thirtjethjpf June, eighteen huiv
ilred and fifty stt. - -
Representatives of the UniiedStates of America
i j , Gonaxesfr AJSfeviUedr Tlyvt , heTrColU) wing
Surris'l!, and the athe ''are hereby, " appropri
ated, for the objects, hereafter expressed, for
the li3&Vyenh tlfo "4hitth of June,
eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, namely : :
1 y UlTBYEY OF THE COAST. ' X- ' r
For survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coast
of the United States, (Including compensation
to superintendents and assistants, and exclud
ing1 pari' arid errroluments' of "officers of the
army and navy and petty officers, and men of
the navy employed Op thai work,) two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars.
jJJ.orTOUPUwg.wewiTeyAojAa9 Fcswrnjp mfssionsrrtwo- and :a;-half
coast 'f the United States, one hundred andk.-g- such supenntenents as are enti
lUiny lUUUSilUU UUIUU9.J yi ! j j 3 i
For continuing the'surveys of the Florida
rcafaapd-kcys,,. (excludingrpayaDd emoluments-6f'
officers of :the army an:d"Jrravy and
petty officers, and men cf the navy employed
on th o Kofi, forty tho"usaud jdoll rs. '
For running a line to connect the trianguk
tion on the AtlanHc coast with that on the
Gulf of Mexico, a'ross the Florida peninsula,
fifteen thousand, drf. r: ? rvi .
Forublishirig the obsicrvatioii9tatfaeiir4he
progress of the survey of the coast of the
United State's,"' fifteen thousand dollars. ;
For repairs and alterations of steamer
"Walker" and of sailing vessels employed it?
the coast survey, fifteen thousand dollars, i '
Ftfr fd(jrand fltjSrtef?,,nrrIdorm'ileawe and
trahspoilation for officers amTenlisled i
of . the army serving in . thq coast . survey, in
cases no longer provided by thclTjuartermaster s
department, ten thousand dollars. r
For Tsuchr miscellaneous
claims not otherwise provided for as shall be
admitted in due course of settlement at the
treasury, ..five .thousand -dollars: Provided,
m - ' ,1 ' , lilt
1 nan no part 01 tms appropriation snau tie
j jrav;n fop the treasury exccpMn pursuance
Lo'fsome lawor resolution of (Jongress ahthoriz-
ing the expenditure.
Tq supply, th; deficiency; in thp fund for
tne renei or sick ana aisaoica seamen, one
hnndred and Jftv-thousand dollars..
For continuing Xhe 4 treasury estensiou, five
hundred thousand dollars.
For the continuation of lher' custom -house
at Charleston, South-Carolina,'' four hundred
thousand dollars,
For tliQLContinuation of theenstorn -house
nic-w ' Orleane, IV'a'nar'lhke- hlTndred
mousaim uouars. ( . , ., f.,., t
For the compensation of an additional ap
i j . ii
praiscr general kto be. appointed by. ,the Prcsi-
dent, byj arid 'with 'the -advice' hnd consent of
the Senate, and to bo employed in the districts,
or parts of .Florida, Alabama, . Mississippi,
Louisiana, and Texai?, twenty-five hundred
lorj anndaj repair. of.Jmaririe t hospitals
twenty-five thousand dollars.
For annual repairs, of custom-house, thirty
tnousana aouars.
For enclosing, .gradingmdlraiumg the.lo
of .land recen tly- jwrchaicd Jo. iidargc b eis i te
of marine hospital at Mobile, Alabama, five
thousand four hundred dollars.
For iron su utters 'and bars'" 'for the wiudows
of the custom-house at Yilmln?:ton, Dela
ware, one thousand dollars." ' ! 1 -
For contingent expenses incident to the con-
istniction oXJChe; custQ.bouso'At Ellsjwortb,;
Maine, one thousand five hundred dollars.
,. For. grading and fencing grounds of tho new
custom-house at Belfast, Maine, five thousand
dollars Troyided,.. that no, part.of.the saul
sum of VhoneV liereby appropriated, snail ba
expended for the11 constrirctfon of a portico to
said building. . , .T-r.a
For finishing1' 'retiring -refitting, and re
furnishing the marine hospital at Faducah,
JxcftUrrkT-fiyc-tuoTikrrjd dollarC.
For feccins and grading the site of the
anarindniospiUrU at :EvahsvilIe,' "Indiana, and I
;for erecting stable, supplying water 10? Kitcnen
and other fixtures of" the same7 five. thpusaTid
' -j ; T . , i n - ' 1 1 .
live nnnurca uonars.
For fencinsiand grading. the grounds belong
ins totlwtaarine hojpiUl at Fortland, Maine,
and for introducing water, erecting stables, re-
moveing nrid- repairing oldjbuilding for pest
houses, and putting in kitchen-ranges, sixteen
thousand dollars, vv. vi
11, - j; i
Lbor' Enrninn uw-nunarca ana-eievcni
.ac ' 1 - '
light-houses and beacon-lights with oil, glass
chimneys, wicks, " chamois-skinf, polishing
powder, whiting aud, cleaning materials transr
jxrtation and 'Otbetiweessaiy expenses of the
sauie-repairipg' Jatid) k'el'p'ihg in repair the
lighttoglappusais;' twtf .hitndrecL; and ninety
three thousand; three hundred 'and fifty-seven
doharaand hfty 4i ve cents.- r ,;;.
For repairs and incidental expenses, refittiag
and improvements. of all the light-houses, and
buildings, connected -therewith, one: hundred
and ficventy-thece thousand two hundred and
eighty-nine dollars and twenty-one" cents. '
For salaries of .five huBdred. and forty-three
keepers of light-honsci" and light-beacons and
their assistants,' two hundred .and .seventeen
thousand two hundred dollars' L . 1 - j '
For salaries of fifty-two keepers of. light
vesseK' t-enty-nine thousand seven hundred
arid fifty dollars. . . '- '; j' - " '
(. - For seaujeii'iwagos, .repair supraies. und
incider.tTdexpe, fifty -fwo'Tigut-vcssela,
hundred and cightv.-nine dolbrs.
For expenses of . r'aulngjlokaning, painting,
repairing,- reraobrhig,' and supplying : Iosses?of
ouoys ana uay x)sacunf, iut cuams ana singers
forthe Samearid for coloring and numbering
all the buoys, ooo.cnudred and seven thousand
two hunt!rednnd "Aveirty-eTghr dollars and
scyentyleightceutsl'-5-; ; ; ';,-'
".' Fiir. cxpcnses'-'bt-Tiiiting and inspecting
lights, Jahd irthex i4d5 ;to,nivigalion' two thou
5and dojlars... U-- - 'I'i'TV.
For. m mission,: at' tw :nnd. a half Jpe't
centum, to sychs'jperiutendents ts are entitle J
to tho taiiiaethprowiWlhe act of
third Maosh, eighteen, hundred-and fifty-one
.entitled 'Ap (acjf placing appropriation for
the civil and diplomaticr expenses o Tgovern
mentfor the year ending June thirtieth, eigh-1-teen
hundred indfifty-wo, arid or o:her pur
pose," 4i the amount that in ay be disbursed
by them eigM thousand dollats.v. r
For tM (dasts oj '-1 Calif 6f1ili'.Oregon, and "
1 w :-TaT. I IfashtolU.U,.. T
w For oil and other uppl?es for twenty-three
Rights, cleaning materials, bfj all , kinds,' and
transportation of the same,' expenses of "keep-
lngf tiie njaqhitieryiin repatri publishing notices
to mariners of changes of aids to navigation:
foftySiflQUsand threi.ptrDdredJand twenty
eight dollars and sevewty-five cents.
For r, repairs ( and" Jncideptal expenses of
twetity'-Jtbree'lignLV ;and . buildings' connected
therewith, twepty:our .thousand fi.Ye. hundred
and sixty-three dotlqcj ..
itoFsalaues-of forty-six .keepers and -assis
tant keepers i)t,lightrhouses,aun arerage not
exceeding eightvhundred- dollars per; ahilum,
thirty-six thousand eight lrundted dollars, j
For raisingocleanng, repairing,
remooring, and upplyjpg losses of boating bea ;
cons and buoys; chains and sinistra tot thesatnej
and for coloring; and, numbering all the buoys,
twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars.
superintendents as are entitled
to the same under.lha. proviso to the act third
March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, en
titled", ''An 'aCirhaking approptTSaotis for the
civil and diplomatic expenses of-government
tor the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred'andU ftf-two!' and for other purposes,"
on the amount that may be disbursed bj' them,
one thousand dollars!
For maintenance of the vessels provided
for bVCthe a'c6f fcgnMuttf &guk't; eighteen
hundred andfilty-six, for inspection and irans
Dortation Durroses'thiitv thousand dollars.
For rebuilding the light-house destroyed by
the sale of, Septemben -ishteen-lmndred-hd
forty-six at Capo St. Bias, Florida, twenty
thousand dollars.1 r"- ;i : . " " .
' 'Fortebuildins'arid 'fitting vithLsXirs.t-.o"rder
apparatus .iue iigni-nouse - a x irB-4iiiua, uj
mark the approach to the .harbor -ot JNew
York: forty thonsand'dbuars." . '
f ,For rebnudmcr and fitting with- hrst-order
apparafis the lightrhoufce at vape 3xay, en
trance to the Delaware bay, New J eisey, ' forty
thousand jdollars. i i
' For rebuilding and fitting wth;6uitablo lens
apparatus, the light-houso at, Body's'' island,
or:h Uaronr.a, twenty-hve thousand dollars
- For rebuilding and fitting with, .litst-order
apparatus-; the light-house at Cape 'Lookout,
orth Carolina, forty-'five' thousand dollars. '
For icarapletini tlte light-bouse at or near
the north pier-head at Chicago, Illinois; and
for protecting the.same,' in addition" to tbe
balances ' of -previous f-"'antropriations made
prior to the thirty -first ! August,' eighteen rrmn-
circa ana eignty-iwo ininy-iwq njousana seven
hundred eighty-five dollars and two cents.
For fuel and quarters- for officers serving on
light house dutv,4he pavmenfc of which is no
longer provided for by: the Quartermaster's
peparlrdeni, . six. thousand, five hundred and
and eight dollars and eighty-two cents.
i For restoring- the light-house : works near
Coffin's patches, Florida, to the condition prior
to the nuricane.of twcnlv-scvcnth and twen
ty-eighlh of August, eighteen hundred and
fifty -six,' twenty-nine thousand and .fifty-three
dollars and eighty-one centsl ; ;''
'."For compensation of ''two.!iupcrintc:ridepts
for the life-stations .,dh the' .'coast of Long : Js
land , ii and -; New 3 J eraeyj - two . thousand and
sixty-one dollars and fourteen cents. ;;
. For' compensation ' of fifty -four keepers 0
stations, seven thousand one hundred and
twenty-three dollars and eighty .center
( For contingencies of lite stations on the
coast of- Long Island and New Jersey fifteen
i mouauu uoiars. , . . , .....
"For surveying the' public lands, fexclusiv
of ' California;''. Oregon? Washington, . New
Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska,. and Utah, mclud
ing incidental expenses," and Uland surveys in
the interior, and nil' other special arid dinicult
surveys uemanuing augmencea rates, io ue ap
ix)rtionel.audapplied to the several survevin
uistncts, accoraiug to tne.. exigences 01 iue
public service, including expenses oT selcetin
swamp landsand the .compensation aodr ex
penseS: to , survey, or 'to locate-private. 'land
claiins iff djOiusiaaa m' addition to the unex
peaded balauc&'Of atl former apptoprtatibiis.
one uunurea.iuousana aji.iars..
Foe. '.c.omilctinlgi the survey oLtowns. -an
yiilages in Misdun, .w:o thousand dollars., i
For cbrfectfng4 efronebus and defective lines
of nubile afiprivate Wveys in Illinois and
Missiouri, at h rate not exceeding iix'dpllars
pet 'mile, two thousand dollars' ,f;
For surveying in Louisiana,, at '. augmented
rates, ! now, authorized by law,-tfour Ihousand
ev'en hundred and sixty-six dollars".
lvor Purveying Abe 'publicjljxndrand private
land clalnjain, Calif rniai inc I udjjig 'Office ex
pense's,' incident to5 the survey of claims, and
to be disbirrsed.Tit theTatesrprescribed by law,
for the ditfereiakiuds pL work, '.one hundred
thousand dollars. . . .: . ?
F(f surveying standard, parallel, and meri
dian lines in Washington'' Territory, "seven
thousand five hundred dollars. ' . . '
For surveying township and subdivisional
lines in Washington Territory, at a rate not
exceeding twelve dollars ; per mije, twenty
thousand dollars. , '
For continuing the survey of base, meridian,
standard parallels, towuship.nd sections lines
in New Mexico, httv tnousana dollar
For surveying the necessary base, meridian,
standard parallels, township and section !i
in Kansas and Nebraska, also outlines of Ind
reservations, fifty thousand dollars
For continuing the survey of the base,
meridian, correction parallels, township and
section lines in the Territory of Utah, fifty
thousand dollars.-' :
For preparing the unfinished records of pub
he nfjriyafo;suWy'slQ .be transferred, to the
State authorities, under the provisiors of the
:t of twelfth June,; eighteen '.hundred and
rty, in those dislricts where the surveys are
about being completed, twelve thousand dol
.F'or.rpsiirv-eyndcxamlBaUon of-the survey
of the-pbc'tands-in tbdse-'States 'where the
offices of the sijrvevorsgeneral have been, or
shall be, foed,ninlernhe- acts'of the twelfth
June eighteen iwndredapdfojtyyaiid twenty -second"
January erghtecn; hundred and fifty
three, iacludiog--two thousand dollArafor the
salary of the clerk detailed to this special
scrvk&lolhe;Cat2rj"CLand Offic, t?t'o thou-
sand five hundred dollars. -
$ For continuing the" survey of the 'kets off
thecoast of .Florida by.- the .oincersof the
coast survey, thirty thousand dollars. '
rJ: or pontinuipg the survey-ofT the islands of!
he coast of California by the -otneers cf the
coast surrey, "forty thousand dollars.
For drawings to illustrate the report of the
Commissioner f Patents" forthe year eighteen
hundred and hfty.J5eyep,"six thousand dollars.
iFor flqoriBg the basement rooms m theold
portionvo'f -the Patent OfSce buildirrg to "make ,
them fit for business purposes, pa'fhting the in
terior of said building," repairing roof, and for
other incidental repairs," eight thousand deb
ars. !' - m: .';-r 'r. ?! . ' ; hT , '
J For preparing the Baloon'at'the west wini
of the Patent Office for the reception of models
for patents, and for fitting up .and furnishing
the same with suitable cases, fifty: thousand
dollars. - - .
For" th3 support, clothing,' and medtcal treat
ment of the insane of the District of Colum
bia, and of tho army and navy at the asylum
in said District, including five hundrcd.dqlUrs
tlibnsandfive hundred dollars Li- i- X i
For purchase of 'agricultural-and horticultu
ral implements and forthe improvement of the
round of the Insane Asylum of the District
of Columbia, including farm and garden, 'five
thousand dollars C :
For casual repairs of tho Pateut Office build
ing, three thousand dollars., j u
. x or continuing .me erecuon.oi ,tne nonn
rbnt of the 'Patent ;. Office building, for the
accommodation of-tlw? Department of the In
terior, two hundred thousand dollars., -
or, and medical treatment of
transient paupers, medical and surgical patients
in - Washington 'Infirmary," threes' thousand t
For purchase of manhreto the public grounds
ono thousand dollars U i
Fordiire of, carts on the-publiogrpupd?;orje
ihousand dollars. U i i - 'ijlitSiii
For purchase and repair of tools used in the
public gronncfS!, five'liilndjeddolrs.
For purchase ofJttrees"and trce-Txxes, to re
pjaci? where necessary sijch as have been plant-
-1.1. tt.' .TTaa t?i .i,'.Uit.'" . r !r
the public grounds, five thousand dollars. : m
For annual repairs of Capttol, water-closets,
public stables, water-pipes,, pavements and
other walks wihin the .Capitol Square, broken
glass'and locks, six thousand dollars. j
For annual repairs of the President's House
and' furniture (including .the painting of the
east room and entire woodwork of the interior?
fitting up tb57Waterloscts rand cisterns aqd
matung otuer necessary lmprovmemsj lraprov
racptof grotwds, xyeasiug trees andrptants
frgafilentasd making ihbUbcdi thereipj iiid
cortihgeht expenses' Inriircnthcrcid Vleven.
Ihousand do dar3. -
"For 'refurnishing ibeTrcsdcnt's House, to
be expended under the directionf the Presi
dent, in "additionjto the proceeds of the sale of
such of the furniture and equipage as may be
decayed and unht tor use, twenty thousand
For fuel la partfor - tbe President's! House,
one thousand eight hundred -dollars."" 1
.For lighting the President's House and
Capitol, the public grounds around them and
around the Executive offices, and Pennsylva-
nia'avcnue, twenty-seven thousand aouars.
'For purchase of books. for library at the
Executive mansion, to be expended under the
direct" on of the President of the United States,
two hundred and fifty dollar?. '
For erecting cast-iron lamp-posts and light
ing the same with gas from the western termi
nus of Pennsylvania; avenue through Bridge
and High streets in Georgetown, four thousand
dollars: Provided . the cost of the 6arae shall
not exceed . tho prico ,"paid for those now
iu use by the government on Pensvlvania
avenue.' ' --t-.r.. L
t For com pensatbn . to Alfred L. Rive, civil
engineer tind paying the incidental expenses m
making surveys, drawings specifications ami
Estimates for a bridge across the Pbtafoac,' under
an act of Coagress, sis thousand four hundred
and len dollar, and sevectv-teven cents.''''
For repairs of the Potamac, Navy Yard, and
uppet bridges six tboiisaiid dollars, ..;
For repairs of Peunsylvania , avenue, three
th6usand dollars. .-,.7
For public reservation number . two, and
Lafayette Square, three thousand dollars.
For taking care.of the ground south of the
President's Douse, continuing tk Jmprove-i
mcnts of, the same, and keeping" them'.in order,
three thousand dollars -i .
For the ferection of statics and conservatory
at the President's Tlowse; to replace those' about
to be taken down to 'makerooni for the exten
sion fth'o Treasury . Building, "twenty jthott-1
sann aouars. , -,-.-.. - -y t- .- - . -
For preservation and improvement of the
C'.rclc af the intersection of Pennsylvania and
New Hampshire avenue aud K "and -Twenty
third streets, onethoiisand five litrridfc'd.dollars.'
For completing trte-grading and graveliing
NeW : Jersey 'avenue ' From North' D street to
New York avenue the, sum of seven thousand
For the payment of laborers employed in
shovelling pnoWjfxem ths ..walks to and around
tbe 'CapitVtlie" Pfe'sidei'it'sriouse and'other
pUUUC DUllaingS, UT8 nuiiureu uwuuis.
. .For repairs of water-pipes, five hundred
For contfmiing'-Washington aqueduct, one
million of dollars;
For continuing the improremerit of Judici
ary Square, repairing fenees and completing
the pavement around the same, six thousand
dollars. . . . - .. ;c- ! '
For completing the improvement of the
grounds of tho Botanic Garden, one thousand
dollars. " ... " ' . ' -
For continuing the grading and panting
with trees the unimproved portion of the mall,
ten thousand dollars. 1 .
For repairs of the furnaces 'under the Sen
ate Chamber, and Supreme Courtrooms,' five
hundred dollars. ; :.:? ; i
For United States Capitol : extension, niae
hundred thousand dollar-. ; , j:
For continuing the work of thc'.rew dome
of the Capitol, five .hundred ousandolhirs.
.For "extension fC hc jGeneral .i'ost - Office,
two hundred thoosairid dollars, e-nl !-;t,T
For enlarging the biiildir.g Tot it custofn
hbusc, post Officcv and coiirt-room at Buffalo,
New "York", one hundred and twenty-one thou.
sand doHars, including the. tea per cent, for
incidentalsand for the like purpose at Chica
go, Illinois, two hundred thousand 'dollar's
with thu ten per cent, for incidental, expenies.
For the .construction of a cujstom-house,
UBited State3 .courf-irooras, and post office at
Cairo, Illinois, fifty thousand dollars.
:' For- t'O fconj(tructiorT of i warehouses at
i Guarantiee . statfoa on 'ths1' Hissrssipp! 'Tirer.tfirc thossaud'dollars U bcrs It anr-cos-rutd
below New Orleans, fifty thousand dollars;
Provided, that no part of said -sum sbalt be
expended, until the pState of Louisiana shall
pass a law ceding jurisdiction over the site of
such warehonse to the United States the use
of so much land as may be necessary for tbe
construction of such, warehouse with water
front and privilege of.-the wharf now built or
hereafter to be built at said station.
Forthe construction and completion of th.6
custom-bouse, post office, &c, at Dubuque,
Iowa, twenty thousand dollars, with ten per
cent., for contingencies, and the Secretary of
the Treasury is hereby authorized to take
possession and pay for the land and prosecute
the work conditioned upon the city of Dubu
que, entering into a bond in it3 corporate
capacity, with good and sufficient individual
security for twice the amount of tho appro
priations that the'legislaturo of Iowa will at
its next session pass, an act ceding exclusive
jurisdiction over the site to the United States,
and forever excepting the property from all
For flagging footway in the Congressional
burying ground from the entrance of the same
to the government vault, two thousand two
hundred dollarV' '7 ' " ' "
-Forthe- collection of agricultural statistics
investigations for promoting agricultural and
rural economy and procurement and distribu
tion of cutting and seeds, sixty thousand dol
lars to be expended under the direction of the
Commissioner of Patents; and to enable the
Commissioner of Patents to collect and re
port information in relation to the consumption
of , cotton In the several countries of the world
three thousand five hundred dollars.
1 To enable the Secretary oi tbe Interior to
pay the superintendent -of the building occu
pied by said becretary and his department
from the first day of January, eighteen hun
dred thirty-five, to the thirtieth June eighteen
hundred thirty-eight, the allowance tobe made
to such superintendent with his salary as clerk
not to exceed two thousand dollars per annum
the sum of seven thousand dollars.
.'1 For. flagging the .main venu in.tho Botanic
Garden, and for ptone gutter for same, three
thousand three hundred and sixty dollars.
- .For-'the construction of a wooden -bridge
with a double track across the canal in tne line
of Maine" avenue, fifteen1 hundred dollars.
For amOuut 'due the contractors on the
construction of the'marin?. ho?ptaa,t Vicks-
burg, Mississippiseventeen hundred and sixty-
two tjollarsand fifty-eiht cents.
- ' For' the' continuation and completion of the
United. States" coiiri-housaTandipoit office at
Indianapolis, Indiana.- sixty-serenr thousand
dollars; (with ten per conk for; contingencies.
xForthe continuation and 'completion Of, the
buildiogy for the United Stiles courts.aud post
office at Rutland and Windsor" Yermonr, forty
thousand dollars each (wita tea ; per cent for
contingencies'.) , ,r
For completing and fitting up tho post office
in the building erected for a custom"-houso and
post oiiices, at uncincoiL louxiuousana tnrce
hundred and ihirly-erghx dollars and ninety
FOr'completing the'eustom-houseat Belfast,
Maine, and for furnishing tho same three thou
sand five hundred dollars, with ten per cent
for contingencies.
For completing tho custom-bouse at Bath,
Maine, five thousand five hundred dollars.
For fencing and grading the site of the
custom-house at Bath,"Maine, teu thousand
For enlarging the custom-house at Ogdens
bur". New York,. and providing for tho uses
of the' United States courts and their federal
officers, fifty thousand dollars, with ten per
cent, on the same for contingencies.
For repaying Pennsylvania avenue at the
intersection of Seventh street, the width of
said street, on the plan known as "Belgian," the sum of five thousand dollars,
or so much , thereof as . may be necessary for
that purpose. ' ' '
7fl For.furoiibin& lamp-posts and lamps on the
north, east and West aides of Lafayette Square,
and for taking' np'and relaying the' footways
ou the south side of said squre, and ' "under
draining rthe same, 'the' sum of one thousand
three hundred' and fifty dollars. , , ,
;. ,For expenses ; of packing and distributing
the Congressional Journals, and documeuts, in
pursuance of tho provisions contained in the
joint Res61utfonof Congress, approved twenty-
eighth, January, eighteen hundred ami city
seven, twenty-two thousand dollars. ..
' For a small class revenue cuttev to lo lo-
catcd iq the collection district of Kc. West,"
five thousand five hundred dollars.' '. "'.
a To enable, the Secretary of the Treasury to
cause such experiments and analyses of di!T-rent
their native State, 'posses alloys that will re
sist the tendeucy to oxidise to a greater extent
than others and to ascertain under what cir
cumstances theyare found, "aud 'where, in
order to facilitate the proper selections of Iron
for Public "Works, two thousand five hundred
dollars. ' ? :: .
For completing arid furnishing the building
purchased of the Bank of Pensylvania to
adaf4 it to the uses of a post office in the city
of Philadelpbia'one hundred thousand dollars.
For expenses of loans and treasury notes,
five", thousand dollars being so much of the
amount of such appropriation heretofore made,
as was carried to the surplus fund on the
thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-six
which is hereby reappropriated.
To . enable the President of the United
States to carry into effuct the act of Congress
of the third-March," eighteen hundred and
nineteen and any subsequent act, now in force
for the suppression of the slave trade, eight
thousand dollars.'
To enable the Secretary of State to pay for
the services of . Dr. James Morrow as agricul
turist to the Japan expedition nnder Commo
dore Perry, such sum as' shall be found due
under the act' for hu relief," approved, eigh
teenth February, eighteen hundred and fifty
seven,, five thousand nino hundred and rancty
five dollar and sixty cents, or so .coach thereof
as may be necessary. t . . .
For the erection of a temporary capitol for
Washington Territory thirty thousand dollars,
and for a penitentiary in tha same Territory
twenty thousand dollars, inclusive or the sites
of the" buildings:,. Provided, that each building
shall bo finished for the sums .herein appropri
ated. I J lijj'i :; ; . r; L..i
i .Tor enablo the Committee ori tt e Library to
contract with Mr. Healy fora series of jortraits
of the Presidents of the1 United States for the
Executive Mansion: Provided, The cost of
the same shall not exceed one- thousand dol-
lars for the f ill length-portraits, the snn
or in the discretion of, the committe,'?, to jur
chase such of Stuart's portrait of the Presi
dents as shall be forsale. . . $ - ;i 4
r For building a court-house and post-ofSce
at Raleigh, North Carolina fifty ; .thousand
dollars. ' ; f-,--i
For building a- court-houso and post ; office
at Columbia, South Carolina fifty thousand
dollars. ..,.;.. ..'
. For building a court house &t',HaiLionf
Wisconsin, fifty thousand dollars. . f7 ;
For a court-house and post office at Mum
phis, in the State of Tennessee, fifty thousicd
For a building at Tallahasse", Florida, to
accommodate the United States courts, and
post office, fifty thousand dollars
! 'Td supply a deficiency in the appropriation
for tho salaries of the judges of tho circuit and
orphans' courts forthe District of Col y.rbia,
for the year ending June thirtieth t eighteen
hundred and fifty-el -ht, four' thousand ,'nd
fifty dollars. " : -
For the completion of a United'Statcti court
house and post office, at Key Vest, : Flclla,
thirty thousand dollars, with ten per cent, j for
contingencies, and 'so much as may boVneccs
sary for the purpose of a suitable "site fjr the
same. . : ' - ' '
Sec 2. Ami be it further 'enacted, That
tie President of tho United States ber and 'ho
is hereby authorised to appoint or to tnploj,
in his official household, tte following t fficcrs,
to wit: ono private secretary at an annual
salary of two thousand five fctondred dollars;
one steward at an annual salary pft twelve
hundred do'lars, who shall, under the direc
tion of the President, have chanre of and be
responsible for, the plate and furniture of tha
President's mansion, and shall discharge such
other 2es asi the President may assign'hhn;
and, one messenger a;an annual salary of wne
hundred, dollars, and such sum. as may ' be ,
necessary to carry into effect tho provisions' of
this ectiori, to the thirtieth of June, eighteen
hundred and fifty-eight, .' hereby appropri
ated out of any money in tho treasury: sot
otherwise appropriated, and that for contingent
expenses' of ;the .executive" offico ,ir.cluding
stationery therefor to be cxpecded under tho
direction of the President from the date of
this act to the thirtieth June eighteen hundred
and . forty-eigh seven . thousand ac.d Cfty .
'dollara. r" . s t ; . ,. .
'l Sec.1 3. ' And ' hs it farVier enacted That
' the Secretary of the Treasnry "bo and he here
by fia authorizod to increase the length rf the
building for the custom-bouset, post offico anil
court' rooms at Galveston, Ttxa, t
Feet ai the appropriation heretoforfj madg will
admit of being done.' -:
Sec.J.And'lett 'furllter enacted, 'That
tc snnt'of. ten thousand dollars be, ar d tho
same; hereby is appropriated' out of any money
in the Treasury not otherwise, api)rvprLited,
for continuing tho system of protecting luiraan
life fi'onvsWnwreck.'as heretcfore established.
by life-boats and other means, on the (oastof
Massachusetts;. The said sum to be oxjjended
by the Boston Humane Society under tho 'di- .
Treasury .. . "' , .. ;'
Sec. 5. And le it further enactki," Tliat
the President of the United Statcs lK, and ho
is' hereby authorized to construct "the- steam
revenue cutter provided for by tho act of
Congress approved February sixth, eghtocn .
hundred and fifty-seven, entitled "An. act; to
"authorize the President of the. United States '
-to causo to be procured by pnrchaso or other
wise a suitabid -steamer as a revenus cutter,"
by contract or, othcrwiaein any manner which
ip his. judgment may sccra best for th publie
interests. . ..
Sec. C- And le it farthvr ena-tcd. That
it shall not bo lawful for the Secretiry of tho
Intcrior,in executing the improvements around
the Capitol ordered in jhis, or in any other act,
to sell cither the railing, coping, or rubble
stone now in use on the Capital grour.ds, but
shall, when they are superceded, usj much
thereof . as may bo . neccs&iry in -enclofing
Judiciary Square, and the ire maindt fshall . be
used in enclosing such publw grotuidji as tho
President may direct. -
Sjc. 7. And be ' it further en trio?, That
the provisions' of the act of March third cigh-'
teen hundred and fifty-three fixing tha salary
of the collector of the port f Chicago, llli
nois, at twelve hundred and fifty, dollars per
annum, shall not be, so coustrued if to deprive
the collector of the per centum -allowed by'
the 'sixth section of the act 'approved March
third eighteen hand red and fortv-r,in to such
jOfficcri m may bavd been designated as de
positories Under the act of August i.ixth, eigh
teen hundred and forty-six, and thcb r -tfiu of
said' sixth section are hereby extended to said '
collector. ':!'"' ' ' '"' ;u;
.-Sec. 8. - -And U it 'furiltcr emei'J, TlmX .
the provisions of the filth lection of thes iact
entitled "An act making appropriations for tho'
civil and diplomatic expenses of the govern-
ment for the year eighteen hundred and f.irtv
one" approved the the third day of March,
eighteen hundred and, wfiioh estab
lished and limitedne compeniirioi of col-
1 lectors of customs, shall bo construed to apply
: to. surveyors performing, or having , Tcrformed
j the duties of collectors of I he custcms, who
shall be entitled to the same cemjKrnsatiun a.4
is allowed to collector for like services in the
settjcraenl of their accounts -
S, c. 0. And le it furtlter omted, .That
the President of the UniteJ Slate' may enlarge
the afea of the reservation Mertdoci;o bv ex
tending its boundary northward t long -the
coast, of the Pacific -ocean to th.j vtciniry of
C.ipe Mendocino, embracing sufficient temtory
for ihe odonization of the Indiaiw in themayt
rarge of monntiins north of the Bay of San
Francisco and also those in the ' y alley of the
Sacramento river, butsnch cxtKiiiioxuluIl nt
intcrfero- with the pre-tmptiot. -claims cf
settlers. . . v
Sec. 10. Anl U it furt!icr, TLnt
iuq occreiary vi io i re vsury oe ana Le w
hereby authorized and directed Ui causo t T
constructed at the city of Bostoii in the Strrto
of Massachusetts, a snvi table fire f roof building
for'tuo accommo.latvon of the circuit a ni dis
trict court of the United State and for this
purpose the um of one buixlred thousaml
dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated,
out of any money in the treasury not other
wise" appropriated. ';''
- Soe. 11 -: And Is il f trtfier em-dah That
the Secretary of tho Interior bo authorized to
employ in. the office of tha Indian Affairs, five
temporary clerk. during the fiscal year; and
for; their compenjation, the sum of seven
thousand dollars is hereby - appropriated, cut
of any money in the treasury jnot'otherwiso
appropr.ated, the same to bj in l;cu of tho ue
of i torn jra.rv clerks horetofore authorized to La
: 'employ
r. sa rJt A i r c s v T r a '
tu CU.U 'AMVv
- ..A