i rH ADVERTISER leviSSeS IIP I iDAVtA'' Editor- : ' -rrTlIULN say n, quires 0 The new Constitution ciT Msxico has been proninlgated. Disturbance creat ed by Santa .Anna's party- had tat en Really, we arc enable to answer that! place -indifferent perilous of .that re- as far ns. tie toxm of Jaile Rock end the- tiro 1 last named CcmnnisicnfTS i shall yiew and locate said Road from Table Hock to the Kansas line 0", question. The Advertiser" has nercr pallxc, butitis thought that peace iL Ltji 9 a ecanmotin r: i:f s,;tai!ed w b out, ad in the post p5c , quicwj- .rcaorea iy uie energy. oftr serriee while engaged in locating - ; t?lciflnaAtL. . J here at the "appointed time." From Comonfort,' Apprehensions of a Traf J said road, the sum cf three dollars per '.'Csjx. f1 Co- " " w"sufc - " 1 : T.wr. ,.,tf- irirh Fairi mnt'-rrf ?n n lfv,, j day, and skcU Hare Tower to emnloT r:d :Pd.-.a oace, X. information gained otherwise, we can but than before, it being expected that c.-t trwt. Saint ! conclude that the majority of mail con- j France and England will oppose the f-.f-V " ''rrr"' (tractors "do about as ther please," -1 threatened invasion. V. r'fiTu2. tirrx. 0Ua- - i so and como when it suits them, and "We; have- dates iron Europe to. the : c-HT-,'' t frequently leave a larrre portion-" cf 2oth nit The elections in' England t newspaper malls and take passengers I in its place. We have tried faithfully to keep' run of. Bennett Go's line j ' '-iiVrL 5cfcrm-k dry, 5. T. I :;"J.' r Tat. Iiea, ! u rr tt Aieniser,ai recieve aad through oar place have even changeil '' grro3I i i onr publication day. to suit what they j - llvsncxc-sh.?, ic,zza.ii tiie : m:ntf but St is no go. . .-el 1 St bc:?; i fi;"! i cr mail contract ""c' V Fw-tr"- litest imprcTed CatI viicCS theT take i'e . rr .l- ,n r.',ir. L, re rue ort.ic.: vere over, giving a majority in the Parliament; of one hundred in favor of the Government . " .. " Queen Victoria has given birth to another djaher.----The -telegraphic promised, to be a -permanent arrant- j dispatch ;: smnounccs; that bcthwere "well. ., : ,T.. :. j- ;.r ir Preparations against China continni? to be made in England and France. A greai many persons have been TTe give tip- ibein" able to keen' track of it. Wheth- ors here in the West .the lihorties ana pn- shail make a report of their labors within three months after thej locate saiiroa'd to the Probate Jnde of etch County through, which the road'passes whhh report sLall be filed and record ed by the Eeglsifer in each County. Sec. 5. The -co-st cf laying out and establishing "said road shall, be paid equally by the Counties through which thejead shall piss.'. "'; ... ."" " " - ' " ; r Sec. C. This act shall take effect and be in force" froni and after its pas- JOHN H. 3IAOT, ; CO , -" - ''. Hi m kmi sad nZl ZI seC lowJur CASH In-LieIeaJ Tattj I naich lias - CuUr c2 VtsHumTftil 7 " Oiive ell Tarr;aiLE , Lia.-it.-el u Taiiccr? ail . V nice Vamiili J. W. COLE3IA2s A5D I EEAL-ESTATE EROKEIl. : Land Warrants Ej.ght and Soli. Er.OYVXVILLE, if.'. T. Viae -,. .J Kaaatrka Salt a waii'san - litrat HaLcnes, rti .ad -U be id J ft miaJ pris, It liu;a oziea . 4 - , - --r-.,.-. Colli AatnJi ft slie!l MANLTACTriJIILS cf Co,kln Haauaj, id Par"'?r nai Gratia. - - Al Jliciilifiireri if I-u jlr t !V2:si Pil ez.t Catj Iwti, co sJ tw Lwtm -il sad Uft IsaJ. U. C. JOHNSON, Aitcrr.rj crd CcZsc!lzr ci Lax9 Heal Estate. Anent. C3 tii Uicj xi trrr.-B, Ijt sae t j j j.e. jennin:gs. Approved Feb 11, 18o7. , , , AT ACT ;ntioa. to themTelvcs, tre arc arrested : in' Pari; . in consequence c f , To I 'f-: V ' ; S ':x 1 j Department i Vasliington oa tlie sub- by secret societies for the assassination and Reuse cf Xqrreseniatire of the ' iect and will make known the result ot i oi tne emperor. lemtory ct tbrxsxa: xnat tne iea: ILe diaiculties between Prussia and Switzerland, Austria and Piedmont are not yet settled. frcia 4 . f rl TMin d see r. i s - . " - R. II. W." of Sioux CItv, your and '"Guide' '-i't.Z-xuerJjctr xctipF?- monev was received. r" Lu-a iri:j-r s--f-. 1 v "I mauea accoraing to cirecuon. xi you rv::i-e-fwA.?fr!Ve"r rt f jr their ! should not receive it shortlv. notify ns iic t - - - - . ' I and we will scud you another. A3 ACT Jb eifaZUxh a Ttrriicrrial Ioad from JTelra&a and Kearney CUy land- -inj ti BroicnrUle Sec. 1. 2&' ii enacted by the CeuAcit ' to answer as time and health will per- and Mouse - cf Jteprcgrntatireg cf the '.at-j f.T Eiiii. ; f p brivp nnitfi a. larre number cf 4M.a-n i L i r3 VJ Oi--rto lh?irfriewis in th other letters on file, and will continue of Justice cf J ohnson county is hereby permanently located and established at the town of Tecumseh, in said county. Sec. 2. Thii aet shall take effect from and after it3 passage. Approved Feb. lo, 1857. Sisli iz.d wln2cw ted mbrt, xcaas Wall tmsLea Pua ccti Lettcrinj pcceHj .... i'ifi . Tchle paiaU Tliiit3 ' " Catael l.ur pcsdls Djrters ia cam . PiJri 5arJiiws SureiaSes LfkaiJlxpTea; : TasL raiders, t.oaa test 'craIs eae-rias aaJ saelinj, Cizari aes aality and ILutut. lYeierTisl, rait tor pies, JDsandled peaches, fresH pcachea ia ea&j. jora liquors fwr medical purposes. Jamaica 2am, Upland Gla.Hsa waiity, &arbo waiityj firT fcAadj, Cgmae IctisiIt, Ccriial, IIo;. KOCoLLi IartIa aad Ji.te Ko-pe, fxj&i ta - iiicKea, jtLit recsirri, aai I.x si'.e bj - -2x. s, yjtT ' Jh cr'Silfer, Cibn. , Ciar F. Fov'.cr. ' - Wu. Ferajoo, llrrwnrCe, T. O. I'. Laie. - iTay 7, 1SJ7.. ' ' ; Mackerel. 123 ieLi-i a. 1, 2, aad 5 ilact- j erel ia 1 aJ lrhulcb' reeeiTe-1. anl for i . . . GEORGE T. KENNEDY: ' . Fresh Orster ! di Oysteta, a dirtct eweittiaett,, ia itjrf,aci fur sale, 7 ... : J.E. JENNINGS. W AAA - W W k BROKER, Y AND GENERAL LAND AGENT. Florence Ciiy. T Xails. Kcjs assorted,! stiire, aad for sale by '.. J. E. JENNINGS. Fih. lu brj dried Wrings, a&d liJ ?1 Latcrers "V7antCd!! &le by J."B JENNING3. Portwiae, cerTy wine, wlu te wiae, rnaLt; iBe. Superior Cuih, joit received, asd foe r kwi. j r edg Eiie aad enrelops plain fancy and emfaobsed, Peta and pechollers, lata tt all tindi inVataa-Li and IVoers pcaeiL, sealin irax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries CunpriiBt Lyooa katbarion, eUone, psaJe, geo:iae cx Karror, bars grease aad cLLs: nosk aad 'eeseaxs cf all kind I1 cf tae itt quality, with, all ctaer artieles tsaxJy kept in a Draj Store. F-cacri ptinn3 Cidooaded aX all hosxs wita ear: and desjjilcfi. terns Casi. SislaaiTely. BtoxnrriIle,My 14,lii7. 47-1 y ITUdoir Glas- U boxes SXlffx 13X12 La as. jiut reeeiTed,aad fr aale.by J.B, JENNENGS. S: Josp, ilo. April SO, '37. Bans h. x'LarcHLix. - ctAixts a. so&diT. McLACGHLK i BOKSEY, AND GEXER AL ULXD A GEXTS, Tint Street, -Toppoaita " AiTrtii2x" cilcs, ; t EHOWNVILLE..N. T. . t ! LIGHTNING RODS!! W. C. LIVINGSTON, i ' IS prepared t sell aad pt cp all alze cf Cjd maaof actared by U -CLi L I'-i&iL? liovl Coat paay." Orirrsleft at tie AiTertier OLf," wHi re"ir pTTjts.pt Mifnun; W. C LIV 15 GST OX. Jlay 7, 1?57. 47-f C riiiii! South EroirnTilli Tc wn Company iri5!i ta X torn, tie Spriaj KraacL. frora in preseat ronrse, AlBroiniTl3,!!f.T,cii the 3i,10th aad 12th cf ! in-HridaiL. or day Ubcreri earployed. En-raiw cf C. V. V riE- " j LIVERY .. STABLE.: f'i i . Vebave been confined to kour'' icrmory cj e&razza: JLiiat a dern-; Hay, a. d. is. , rerpecuTdy Joss CutJih ... ..... - ' i , ' J:toriaj.roal shall -he located md-isSB6? I1 rf ' i,. . v.-, rrrv rC-Oin DV SlCXUeSS mOSC 01 UlC time in . , . t rraciiiia aiui Xi,iMaa.jtersu3tin,aiiicf.ta-.Iliiifw- --c, j t.i trirraai' aa4 esiaa csniy . . . .. hahf-d r..t fnTTnTrs. in vrit: i ir . J. 9 rw,-,. ) , . , - ; V -rr "- ..- T,r ii i .-r . 1- ; 7 ' r --"--. . .Vv-:c?.u:fr,-- - Dca tne past wee, cscnum Commcncin!? at Nebraska rifx-. nr.d 5 Jsa x toys, Cynu fcurjeaa tsa- f' T,- "iconld give but little attention to the Kcarney.city landing, in Ota connty4 ' a "act: I T vRx?Z?l I SicariBj Pre-iEptiGa5,LatiD,2 LaiLi Wazracis. Land Warrants Bought ' and SolL -Tlie -ekrs-ka AiTertier LaTinr Advertiser .1 r tbe larrr1 nrco.atioa oi may papc. Ue.TerTitorT. ho!fa!r 3IerchaEts ia , tmz the Nemaha. k La ura saarket wkcre Nebraka , County Agricultural Society we pub- tart parcba-r. will End bo lxtter r jj eek. We hope" the rdroncri and running thence on the nearestand aad intert3tiBs-hndpm- !?part-d fbi rfejaad best route- ta JCrownville, 'in'Nei2ahairawpMu;funyi:;i Sec. John E. Bemizt,:-'JonKor f w kiiir liio.'j-j tr: ifccL; laaaicis cauajess, ci- .- tSiTrptprn Conn-' . . . hprf 1)V 2DTOI.Iltli : LiOHHHlS?IOner3 - IO.i v .v a hw d prrcint steps win be tak-en to fcwj r"f-:i .4i 17? , 7- ' j - locate Said mad. -- . delirhted ia their' aad 'een5din5"irys, and x.t v-t- " I tte PJ organized immediately, I gec (J; IE-3aaIl be the datv,of the eknowieds- Hxt thiy are Mcnrc b "that home " . , land arrangements, made t". hold' the; saj Commissioners to meet at Kear-Twaer,! r:cillfti2 01 tnuUa aercx"eV.crs deati erer V-i h,-r,.r L"p'.ii tcu Cfaibrry.-- . - f gst -r.nual Fair this fall. - ney city on tiie first londay in April Earses ITas.V.d. hlshest jtrlce Ijt a fevai, well f Partieular atleatkm -will be paid to bayin and . - . j seILn y rv trty .jn eociiaiioa, aid nakisj iareil- Arr! 7 aaWe CrewmTine. - - nietsts for di?aa dealer?, r . . v. 4 ... j. r. COLE3IAX. I Ccrrssrwadeoee 9&Iieitf. - SAVE -YOUR - HOUSE ! ! ! ileLACCHLDT 4 COSSET. Gary, yetrajka City. T. uras r: cczs-c-rzjrrs. -j A?0L0GYWe tave faIled for :3 : -T;-! that to answer by letter all i nalaber of weet3 past t0 rturn ttanta , ;r:es ca.le us relative to the ; tQ t.r;ncie Sam's Line , for favors ren i rrry, ar.-l cany other matters of ,Ie"reo, ia farnisHng us with" ---late pa. next, cr vrithin three months thereafter, and proceed with a competent Survey or and other necessary help to locate said EoadV' ' , .'; ". . ' Sec 4. The ' said Commissioners shall make a report cf the !ocation of said road to be subscribed by them or quires a ry r, cek ve rc.ccivei the i our time. Hereafter, there-jyelrasta CitvNews, of April 4th?- i -, ir: sLiU atswer - correspondents (CTnjnrr Qltx Pioneer, of March 15, f of the ?:,me to be filed in the Ofice cf 'ie e.jlamns of tbe "Advertis-i h :li ? t- o fthe Register" of each county through .-.' X zrt iacliael to think this ; Dab e rr0Trax Trnun 0fXov. 1$ Ir. plan, even had we abundance; 1S50, New York Herald, of Jan. 15, About six ireet3 ajolTr. aadYrs. Teigm left the East for this .urestera Territory, ia hopes cf in a irg a cemfcrtabis hecxe foe thena ftnd their all Oa thesr j'jrney cp thei!i3,aririTer thirchIldre3 costrietcd the scarlet ferer, to whl2i their aiiiaiely deathiare to be atlzihated. At trae tiaie tit re vas much imlicatics o'J retoraing fej?? Lot relapse set is. aad gradually o-e aftsrsnother they passed away. a majority of them, and cause a ccpyUoafi5ti nt3wen!foTOdubediTide4a t them. The m-wt ikillf al physicians were eaUed to county which said road shall pass, en or before the first dav cf July next. Sec. 5. The said Commissioners rire to devote to writing let-, Wa,Lington Tjv10n Feb. 12, to- shall receive three dollars per day each, . , cether with a number cf other Uts - . J. W." r,f w York, Tvies to : not just this moment befcrc us "itLere rcilv sione coal to Det t t. i.-.i-r ,cJ,1--i Jli Nebraska suScient t3 make! r shall be paid equally by the counties latest news. ' ; ; f,f Of.n f.n.r? "VrmnT.t in thf' sfimPTnn. for their services, and all other reason able an 1 necessary expeniics for sur- vevin andlocatinsr said road which "i, vet- .VN; assuredly there is. In manyt "Thosepcp their asaiitance, btt nothirg ccnH arert the taad cf death. '. , It haj beea a Krce of reat comfort to the he reared, wh hare beec naremittin j is their cares for them, that the wl-jy of their aSectioas are ia a world better thaa the one they hare lift behind. Daring their sictiesa they erlacei. maca patience acd gaTt eridesces of ' dispositions" and eaaracter, which, could they tare been perarltt.irto hare exer ciaed a few years Jater, woaid hare rendered them ornaments' and bl-SDirgs t soeiety. A3 'w5ucanK in eontaet with litem whea -well arid rejira in healih and ereii when -sick, tecacae iLrtjtr and IjIGErE'VIXG' RODS Siit. .5.n.eiiii!rewiiis.'T J. TT. COT.H3AX, IF0TtY3 the ju-ru: txl he haj pmcare-l a it -k f ew Carriaref C-jies, etc and a4 Li jrci as" are k be f .nd, ao-1 Lai epasd a , ; ..- " LIVERY STABLE, v;: . Seeead Street be twees Water aaj Jlalix, . -:'lTro-vniTiIIe. . T. ' ! A!l jwni.rs wlsl; aay'JIag ia h." Ik; cu 1 aT:i.nio..li:e-J a: xj twur. , AUwi iT'jrtTS atJ Carrlar? be rht aal .id. ' -' : 1 J. VT. COUllSiy.' RESPZCTTTLLY inform the pubtie that they . art b;-w prepared to pet irp Liatciag T-tis p'f a superior eoaUiy oa as rtajsmaLIe temu a4 any. ne else in this eonntry. tfx. -r ww ... TT i T vroers le: i a& jcrnsrsna & naxc&in a ouire be attended ta. . " " ; 7 - ' - ' . 3Iay7, li7- , -tT-tf , , Tor Sola. ( " ,-- -10 C&eks Sagar Cured Bans., at - McALLISTEK, DOZIEP. & CCi ...... . Tax 3ila. UJMi SAawisEaeoB at t''' . iltALLISTIIR, DOZEER & CCi 53 this, and 103 sis nour, at . McALLISTEK, DOZIEB & CD's T32 A1S Lot S in ILek ii; LcU - and LI is U'.xk 13; Lot 1 13 ia block 4T, ix the Ci:y of CrownriUe, br I lIcLACGHLLX A DOUSEY. ' . T02 SALZ. Lot 2 ia bLwci Lere lot in LDwr-rZl-: hou aai 1 tin bWk! Usnftreet. - ileLACGULLS ADOCSCr. ..!.-:; res EALK - - Ealf of Xiit It ia blocs 13 Haia street; also. Lit i iob!ockI3. ALo, 19 aeres cf Un.l juicing S..alh Brownrir.e:by iLLAUGULLS X DOnsEX". Apxil -1. lT. ; . t-ly i..t ..... v;, I";i;oiMra3 oiher county expenses arepaid. UiUi liuuu w iuu uuv..uioi r, rn . . , , cr I si , ' - i;es. within 10 to 15 miles cf this j Adhieal and U3i.tA ac-m maue tteire a force from and after its jta?sage. cf how often pneio minds are ntd when Crs; .re, t-oal of a superior c;ualiiv makes : appearance at our wnarl tms wees. Appro vec: i eb; 9, lb;j i . giric pramu-e of a useful and WeSdal IL'. tat ' . .T , . I T 1.T V. i T! i ' I . i. i. - i Ltn?Tir ntnemimTii'Biiiiewariijiit nut mtuit we earn ecly thinlc of theat asa band of angcis nsrer . . . . . T . . T .ta earth. Sucie.nt examinations ; for Iate r'Pers A5 ACT l-n male cf the bluus in the! Mr. WiLCas, .cf the Omaha, win j To ezialliiJi and define (he loundarie iiij-vicinity "of Erownville, bvkFIeasc accept our special thanks for of Johnson county. --f'aifT-, 1 ra-MlfNew Yorkpaners. throuzh m lOilarsr fcec. :l. UfM,:a oyjuiww ; r -v- 1 t ttttTo. vT-fl'i liaise cf luJ presented ire cf the i r,v,r, to nt: from ew lcrk to Lrown viiie. y " t --v-z ? hi " it i -''v"1' regns, 10 wrranM .- Xcmiorv cf Aihraila: That all the :fa!l-:s:ecnSl?aee that coal abounds do11 t-Unde:sendhm matter; t . Cmb raced and contain edwith- :-V, t.-t! ,-t ... tt rf ur into this rcrricn by the boats." n e !r:;e::,:ec-ui: secure -a supdIv 0f . know he would thereby secur u-e-wMl'with lit little trouble orJ eternal thanks of the Native r -r, .1. .1- crpensc, cnscit-atly there has been' v. t. LjOEiiAy, tne accommcKia.iiig 1 -pNniL-cpoftte coal trade. ItcIert cf the ElifjCE, and';Mf: IL ?'-?ref Lever, in abundance and no' L0CE? clerks of the El'CvErr.G, -ril u-:ake. ' (also accept cur thanks for St. Lohis C. T." of Ohio, writes : IIow and St. Joseph files of papers, t. -.t . "Dro wa viHe can claims be had! r.TZLT EZ7HTW. pj"- an entered lands be had at reason-j WhaVwill'cur government do "in re---':ri:c;. . , , . ! rard"to"Ncw Grenada, is at prestnt . ........ Iv...... 7 - --e c.a:ni? are nearly cr quite all; the question discussed in almost all - visa as far as 10 or 12 miles back in ; of the leading papers ; some cf them -Ciiitry. If you are content to go express the opinion that the Grena- --i tht far, yoii can procure as finejdians ought te be chastised, whilst '-:.5 asare to be found anywhere. others azaln seem to think that such in the following named lines andbound arics,is hereby erected into a separate County, to.be known and" designated tas Johnson County, to wit: . T ' Begming at a point cn She township line three miles west of the nprth-west corner -cf - Richardson county, , and running thence est to tie south-west corner of township no. four, north -of range rrxtinff,' east of the sixth prin ciple meridian, thence north; to ,the north-west comer cf township no. six, north of ranrre no, nine, cast, thence , vj fej be sere red, " wiiticg aiudotily for-the wmlng cf their lore! aad h sncrc-d parents, to whom Christianity says: -.-j - - . "Look aLwfil Then spiriu men, - Death eaa not the soals iorpriscnj ' T:gethT they in hearen dselL Glorious, thwiga. inaisihiiJT s '. . , . - -i " - .A. FaiESD. NEW JlBVERTISEIENTs! il w. FURNAS: - NOTARY 'PIIBMC . AND AGENT 1 " ' ' - - v-vrCil fr Fcr the Purc!iase,"SaIe, and Saperin'telaace cf . REAL ESTATE 'TSUOwyVTLLE, 3T. T. STORE, NEMAHA CITY, N. T. XOOllE DROWXLEE. "Would respectfully announce to the public generally that : "' they haye received and " " opened" at N (?ity; SPRING. -ARRIVAL" . AT (TT) r7 - " ; . t iiWoW OO Worth C f ' I - Heady aldde CIctlilr j AT 4 J. S i W. E0BLITZELL COl "T7Eare eontlaaatly reeelTicgryeTerT Vjat. an T BOOTS ATD SHOES;' Per SiedZicr Cvl. Cr&ar:iaiir A.T SECGEL .1 GREENBAttrS1 - ...... , . : m-, - - BALTXLIOnU '- - CLOTHEvGr entirely ae w and Urge aakicuabt..taf J LARGE STOCK OP irp 5 ! f - . .. ' EveTythin'r that comds under that head. -'. supehioh 'goods, : . TVhioh we will sell it as reasonable prieea . . aaaay esud.ILshjBent ia the -, our uuto beiag VLIVE AND LET ZTVE. "VTe hare now ia stere a rrr at variety f the fd lowing articles, whkh we p-aixhased f r CASH aad Cjndenesuy ean k1 caecp oa tne saaae trms : ; DJ1Y GOODS, L Ka. 31 ZIxLo, SL, Id Joot aiore Tt 0 . 4 , BKOTTTTniXE, !f.T. &I Tlse trcadu'oth evU, and vj S-Juii".i e-.ars, at the . , Baliimare Ctotl.in j Siere. , Dlkacd finry ea.tfliaer pantj. aad . . Carpet sacks, at tha - '.. ' Baltimore Clothing Sirt. Suk. Sai:a.lLtrjaIle, and Cai Yost j aad Flannel SJr'Jf at the ;.-.;.. - - - H.iliii7Vre CIotMnj &;rf. HATS AND GAP vJj.... coil, iu vcui.iv- ui5 vi i"v. r V at:i procipiiy ta ail trees astrnsted j twelve, cast, tiienec south cn said line t V tn-r I wc rcsg .b ihe States t . : , . - , . . t . - - . . . I Jesirlcgto pirn:hi5e Iiadwr lowaLotainbraiiSjL tO the rlaCC Of bC-milin:. . . I Kansas. North na Stlsamrx. and Iowa, can har3f f -J- tiiat have been pre-empted and' a course would prore more detrimental ! -".-::n you git "Warrantee Deeds, than profitable with r elation to ourt had ia almost any rorticm. af i comrnprpir.I tTitrrpt' ?n tTf 'trvtr-v-r .x' 1-,.,.; v . v:.r . ! c-Scers shall be held cn the day cf the -T, i i .i .v - ii j--- i-i. - , next annual Territorial election, ana .. . I , VTA UiLl X t 1 it n a, uliill Seel. 2.-The Ca3t half Of township) I their inrestments safely B3ie byTa.- " bad in Kefcntfka.- wnk'h hare-a?rtair- Iwea IVe-L eat. be," and the Same IS hereby, at-ieenpted. aad foi which Warranty Dwds-wnt begiren . t i 2 t t it " JT M- I haco Dow f.ir baH, ralaab! Towc Lots and tached to and- shall constitute a part ia the rowtnr towns ia chraikc of Nemaha county. Sc-cv 3.' -The firstfelection fcr Connty hall be conducted in all rcsnects, and roverned br :ihe Fame lawnis .other! Tiyu:?at. There is but Little dittcr-.ed at the .cuplomatic surface, "some! couh'tv elections, except that the, rej . "-viaij ui a;i vis rit-ii 1 1 vt.iii.vvjA vorrttpoaUCniS WiiO pre-1 -uiii lviu t'-ems on thefarmand tbe nature, since nothing but rumors have arpear- EC 1 to the proper Our people have not.however,i tend to be posted, assert that th Cab-. o5iis F "cdhniy, .ha shall .U in pries here: as at maavlinet had decided to nate a new cSrt11'02.10 I i Shares, ia the 1'oHowrag towns ia ZS'cbriitE City" of Br-wxrill? " .' - . SoutnUrownvIHe, . Ornaia CItf , OuiaJi, "4 ' '''' ''"": . : v ...... -Uiiizotaa, X exaa'a CTtr,- ' '- ' " - ' :-v-r.t? in Nebraska. .We have , toward an amicable adjustment of the ! greatest number of votes far ihcseve ' --yorel thus far to keep a gradual, jdilUcnlty and instructiens Jiav.e becnral connty.x.Sccs.iT zr.s. hcoT' -Jj.baklrr, tr?2stat-j'of affairs; sent accordingly; bat to resort to frcc' Sec. -4.-This set shs.ll take effect : i -hot 11 growth" in regard to if this ultimatum be again rejected. : jani ie ia 9FCC after its pas rscd with cur advance-1 After having for a whole week filled j Apprc'LioJlK- ; -2-4 utnre interests, that wul , their columns with astounding accounts "i ? - ; Pawn C7i :r'v. On - Fbxe rhcrts and crer-xlli, raU Leader Gaiters, straw haU, at the Llaca aad fanej erarat, White and faw-y shirts, at the Rzltimore Ch&hj S'ore. Ererything in the elocains Ilae at the Baltimore Clothing S'.&re. , Call aroand ami exs.il a the atOcaa ixs .... jyfu.rg Chthin j Shre. ' a crTLEEY, ' . :! ! QURZXSJTARE, "VTTJJLOW YTAIkE, ' oots and lioes,t Ready Made Gotbii: ; And a Cue rrscTimeat ef LIGHT GEOCEUJiS, Sach Spice, r ? t ! r f ; J --ta the ejects cf the rst-cf Walker's victories, the filiibustcr- - :-r-" of a scorching sun that is ingp3pcrs of New York and New -r- to -ake itself felt in these, fast Orlparn; art farced to aeknowTpv.,T t w -"'ow 1 jail the glcriirvt news were fab e, that - c jaatries ere Ion". j -. - - n e ' - .-- . - ... . -.''Ci Silica,- - scrim's j i , i' V as act . - To csfcliish a Territorial Road from BrourncHle to Kansas line. ; Fastest 12;.- 1 bare si- f- eaie. a ccaiWr f re-entir-3 acre tnorts of taa-1 already pre-rBir!; mr or leas imftiTnl, ami eofiTtniently fejeaed, ami all af as nae scil a can be fad ia ike woeil. - -. - - DR. J. L. HcKEE,. : 7 x xr -ST x o x a, 2or . " - aki3 . '.::... :. :: SURGEON DENTIST. I5KOWXT1LLE, N. T. !i!!?d ia the mrst ap. J-f."b.-of Indians, asks "wtat'the .'brilliant, and almost incredible iad ucf.-Jprcsimtauve oj the Xeeth f .-ihts, either f,r residence or 'successes of Walker cn the -3th and 1 lmyJ ranujzA.iiri, iTO j ptored nethtxL ; v . ,f . . ., ' . - . , , i Nathan llavwood, John irieming, and ErovnjT-Jvw.2IT U,?. ..---:..-lk nai form your city. l1,th of March, wen fictions. and tWi-r nr ti"- t' - -i - - -t : - t;-."i . - - - 1 7 . -m. Xi.ajgcrs.uc.Aii'J. uie. same are iftcrpn ii -'l.ots for resi-a?nce. can be had: the" Cos'rA" Cleans, jao- wondcrfElIrifr.rr1- WU,U-Ak-,V CnUk' JU.iXAtii- to $20 5, business . lots ! slaughtered in these ima-inarv battles, I xiew "and locate" "a -Territorial ' Road I CE?UTY? "CDU1 ibiiiiiiiyivjiiiiu, PJCHARDS, :ny- -suhveyosj to si . in thf criTrT tw T.tr.4,-1 fVt," rrom jjroinytue via t. Ajconre ana '-in jSrrrnhz toimfv, j.. " T - v"c"""iu!Ani.ii' :u vi'j:i.i i v wwv.- uiv - -, - - - - -v , i -- ' " - , . - 3 1 i. 'All of which we wOl sell v : i - - ' ' " i . 'CHEAPES TOAN THE CHEAPEST. All .OEDIXTAIICE. ...... - Sada. -- Sslarata - ; ' ,- ' ' " :-!..'.. -r-!. . era, eta. Ani a g"xd article cT - SsioLing aad Cl'wiB; Tcbacca. ' sifts'' ' - "31 J (Siga if Uie ridfock ejpoJrlVe iaePist. 0t.) 1 V5 . , iWMM4y aa, J a.4 9 ..i GROCERIES, It is a pleasure to as to show g-ods aad we ai . v; i vjiii vv. . . April 1-j7. " irptic e to Pre-Umi tcrs ! G.-S. HWBACH JhCO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW REAL ESTATE BROKERS- ) - oziAiiAv citt, rr. T. - "T7TLL gire rarti-xlar tiitevtHra t wrenanBg a iff the Beesry rarers f" Pr-ere5tiiuv aa . - . a - . a - HATT iw rs rysryrr.t to arra 1 "?-. !y, Askt kaa aad Fwriga ILirf nre, isca M : Grnr-w A:Sra- JTIkT ?-5trr J rT', and Edge Tc4s M Pocie.litr f s Dtche' --d--- tf AJBTwaad f jrhi- ' Spear A Jaelrsra'iaawi ..linaa esrtaia hsjj,aal ClaTst j.Ai enswj ' Lzs. i . ir. . i CrJLa'i asl Asarkaa Dvwrlses hMac-n A rs ari rrrgrl;!l Parthfcla.ia-ra-''S. . Cfa x; w ) w wi .1 Ames ahoreis an-1 rpa-ies Trar iryti- , S.a.1 rarier itatAer -Urn aa gte-t rendencg anT assistaaee whieta my be reqaared b J r3jj Nx's rMnr, j. wwsst? tietr Fra-easytio. rr.t K.r.,- t f f shTttar-C 1 1 1 A atther.a.La.iOiiee. Citwto. al? a-4 n? Ctotwucia'- D. C. i T. N. SANDERS, - ' mxira3 is ' i on -r - tnr wm raw . f PjiEesaad rliSe !r?RS ' TZtrksixiLs' CvUvwi aai t Vice, , i iLi - silica a&i 4 Ju-t3jfax Fruit ard Omonstsl - Trees,! T t r.. - M-.d'-TT'f FWrl Pfr- r iaJ.w.t yvvkt aad 15e t . , , i f yere j rir:- . , ri jcre ws, errseyij , - . . ' ool I.,.5tor residence cr enemies, that Walker, with a.rctlaced -T. :ri ,, V r.., ued spBKhBs iB.nik.X.l.liatM .oarrwoBUv.Tw.farCiSn, .5! :! Tr.rr1. r Sf'fr1 ?"fI!:v" ...i . . . . - u inuj'uir1! io 'urrentier. al, -tinjit. fumt vu kcj uuvi.) iuvum, n -. -vt'' j-" - - - , j-. . . . - - .r n ... . i - - . . i ' . - . .. - --.t i .i.'.a jit. tn --. i . . 1 -, ; ,tm -wnrilLe frcm the Jlissonn force under Lockridt cowman 3 had :'tiun six montLs tncreaiter, and Crowrn:f, iur u. sr. -';.' -. . Ae4Ajr3 iXtsir. " "..' i "'r-' , , , ".I , Tr- Tproc-ced to -locate and establish a road t . - . , - ... 1tt - TaaPSOaaaaa. . ' r . icomplctciyrirckca -tzZ-Jctc than ' , . r. c - i -Casi! Cashlf.CssIt:!! ;: Uttests . B-CTinars Harder...., : . , ryj . - . . Bt'w r'Mr ,, act, cn tne nearest ana most iracuca-. I tfakaaViastkensc V. . I e lana-.ng as can be found wall cn rude for " New Tork and Neir t.hlp wnte.. :'Tle two Commissioners first Ul Mcda!, atteadaoea c 1 - .TT M . ; Orlcani , ;- narrd shallncw and locate said Kcadj u.-,wsTi2, ??aw t4 ntrv carcwtly rail xa Vres iadebieu for iledtjeia I eotae forwrl r-.i aetd A.S.K0LL;AY. if kTaHtae latest, Kjlev rrnA 5 clteB Pincers SaiC:wa3 -'' Sr.TIfi,aa .-j n r ACnr.K" Iml iaie.l c5 "as aTtowa." Ii O wairt2a!TTa yarl cf ieile rf -T;:. I Ud.cg aJ has lately fc-sea- it-rrji-rafi J&L'aiJ.:irs. Ii f V.'ka uaar pxJs lrvlo - a e-rr ; " i - - - fCt iuisS . i ' ! ' .- - Lr.anraSri IsaLwr will 1 ild el v Vr 'inrcctj ii, ry. aririj5. at l-5'".'. . T.T. ., pa -ti. J at r E JiLTTZELL CD'S. ' . J , '.V' ll'i I'tTCr .... i