Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 14, 1857, Image 1
1 to -If i I . r.. vyAy-A-..vy AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO MATTEBS ' OF GENERAL INTEREST TO THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE. VOL. I. CITY OF BEOWNVILLE, NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T., THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1857. NO. 48. il .: prasliit ti)bu1iscr js EDITED AND rCBLISUKD EVEBY THTBSDAT BT :'r. W. FURNAS, Second Street, bet. Hals and Water, (Lake'i Block,) BROWN VI IjLE. N. T. Foroae year (invariably In advance), - $2,00 . ii months, - - 150 BATES OF ADVERTISING: mi fqoar, i 2 lines or less,) one insertion, Each add iiional One iquare, one month u . three months, . 4 ' " six months, one year, Banneu Cards of six lines or less one year, On Column, one year, One-half Column, one year, . fourth " " " One-tighth " , u Column, six months, " half Column, six months, ' fourth " " .;-hth " " " 2,50 4,00 6,00 1T,00 5,00 60,00 35,00 15,00 10,00 35,00 20,00 10,00 8,00 20,00 13,00 10,00 Column, three months half Column, three months, fourth - - " - i ti 6,00 5,00 Mndidates for office. - Cash in aarance win o reuirou tot i wiciuw menU except where actual responsibility is known. Ten per cent f or each change be added to the abore rates. Standing Business Cards of fire hnea or less, for r rear. $5.83. t.Uuu....0 - , , . . ' 5odrertiscments will be considered by the year, "xnlesi specified cn the manuscript, or previously -reed upon between the parties. "Advertisements not marked on the copy for a sped Sed number of insertions, will bo continued until or . .UrmtonL and charred accordinzly. All adTertisements from stranger or transient pcr ion to be paid in advance. ThDrivilcffe of yearly advertiser will be confined li'idly to their own business ; and all advertisements " not pertaining thereto, to be paid for extra. All leaded id vertiscmcnts charged double the above 'Advertisemeiitson tbe inside exclusively will be taarjjed extra. BOOS AND FAIIGY JOB PRINTING! Blanks, Bill Heads Labels, Circulars, u SHIFP1UG BILLS, BALL TICKETS, tod every other kind of work that may be called for Having purchased, in conuection with ttfe " Adver liser" Office, an extensive and excellent variety of 7 CO 123 &ZZm of the latest styles, we are prepared to do any ork mentioned in the above Catalogue, with neat riej and dispatch. The Proprietor, who, having bad an extensive ex pyienee, will give his personal attention to this branch of business, and hopes, in his endeavors to please, b jth in the excellence of his work, and reasonable charges, to receive a share of the public patronage. BUSINESS CARDS. BROWNVILLR A. S. H0LLADAY, M. D. SURGEON, PHYSICIAN .OlxxcI Olostotarioictxx. EROWXYILLE, N. T.; Solicits a shire of public patronage, in tbe various urncncs oi bis profession, from the citizens of Brown ville and ricinitj. HOBLITZELL & CO., VTHOLES A.LC ASD RETAIL DEALERS 1M DRY GOODS. GROCERIES Queensware, Hardware, Otovos, 37,xxxxxltaxr,o- COUNTRY PRODUCE.! BROWNVILLE, N. T. MISS MAltY W. TURNER, And Dross Rilx.ox. First Street, between Kain and Water, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Bonnets and Jritnmings always on hand. C. W. "WHEELEK, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. T. L. RICKETTS CARPEITTER AITD JOINER, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. J. D. N. THOIPSON, ATTOBEY AT LAW, LOT AND LAND AGENT; Corner of First and Atlantic Streets,' BROWNVILLE, X. Tn , ill tlle-nH the Courts of Northern Missouri, Ne- w ana esteni Iowa.. JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH Sscond Street, between ilain and Nebraska, BROWNVILLE, N. T. MCDD, G U HUGHES, J. J. MUDD. u T. MUPn,. g, o. GBUBB. MUDD & ITTTOTTF.S 7-1 . 1 LtTea and 68 Commercial Street ST. LOUIS, MO. S. V7, COZZHKS, Attora-y and Comsellor' at General Ind Agent . OilAHA CITY. N. T. Law, Imrd.' Omaha, if p v .v-v v ro, Ufc.a ; II. P. Benatt, Nebraska City, Posters, . f" siiow Bins Checks, y ratalogccs Vrf L4. A. D. JONES, THE WESTERN HONEER LAND HUNTER, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE, OMAHA CITY, N. T. tSTLand. Jf-LlLYfQ Winers. JKOW uu unuua uu"4" " . K. I. HARDIXQ. G. C. KIXBOCGS K, F. TOOMEB. HARDItIG, KK.Q0U6H & CO., ManfactHrtrt and Wholeiale Dealer i HATS, CxVPS & STRAW GOODS, Ho 49 XIain trMt. bet. OHt and Pin, ST. LOUIS, MO. Particular attention paid to manufacturing our! finest Mole liats. A. Tj. COTTR COUNTY SURVEYOR, . BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CO. Kebraska Territory. JESSE LOWE, O OMAHA CITY, N. T. A. D. KIRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Agent and Notary Public, Archer, Rickardson county, N. T Will practice in the Courts of Nebraska, assisted by Harding and Dennett, Nebraska City. JACOB SAFFORD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. GENERAL INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT. And Notary Public. Nebraska City Nebraska Territory. WILL attend promptly to all bnisness entrnsted to his care, in Nebraska Territory and West ern Iowa. September 12, 1856. vlnl5-ly SPRIGMAN & BROWN, RAILROAD AliD STEAluliUA I AGENTS. And General Commission merchants. No. 46, Public Landing. CINCINNATI, OHIO. A. A.BRADFORD. Til. MCLENNAN, Nebraska City, N.T. P. L.MC GIRT, Brownrille,N. T. BRADFORD, McLENNAN &McGARY, ATTOOFJBYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. Brownville and Nebraska Citr, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. - T)EIXQ permanently located in the Territory, we l J will give our enure time ana attention to me tice of our profession, in all its brancnes. .mat in Litigation. Collections of Dcbtn, Sales and Purchases of Real Estate, Selections of Lands, Lea tins of Land Warrants, and all other business en trusted to our management, will receire prompt and faithful attention. REFERENCES. S.F.Nuckolls, Nebraska City, Richard Brown, Win. HolliUcll & Co., lion. James Craig, Brownville, 41 St. Joseph, Mo., St. Louis, Mo., Hon. James M. Ungues, lion. John R. Shepley, Messrs. Crow, McCrearyA Co. 4t Messrs. S. G. Hubbard & Co., lion. J. M. Lore, Cincinnati O. Keokuk, Iowa. vl-nl June 7, 1856. A. J. POrrtETON. WM. N. BY BBS. PflPPTTTHV A- TrVT?I?S- ATTORNEYS AT LAW And General Land Agents, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. OPECIAL attention fnren to the selection and en- Otry of Lands for Settlers, and all others desiring choice locations. Land Claims. Town Lots and all kinds of Real Es tate, bought and sold and investments made for dis tant Dealers. JOHN S. HOYT, County Surveyor and Land AgcJ, OF Richardson county, . T., will at tend promptly to all business in his profession, when. called on: such as Paying Taxcs,Rocording Claims, Subdividing Land, Laying out Town LotsDraftingUity rlats ic. ltesidence and address ARCHER, Richardson eo., N. T. J. HART & SON SADBLH k Oregon, llolt Coustr. Missouri. KeepconstantWonhand alldnarSntinnnr T7.m... C . W V. U UVOCi onaies, &c sc. N. B. Everyarticleinourshopismannfactared oy ourseives,and warranted to give satisfaction. W. P. LOAN. ilTTOElY iT W LAND AND LOT AGENT. ARCHER, BICIIARDSON COUNTY, N. T. OLIVER BKXXET. r. riSKK. VM. B. GABRIT. ACGUSTUS KMGHT. OLIVER BENNETT & CO. , Manufacturers and Whalesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 87 MAIN STREET, (F0B3BLT, NO. 101, CoBX OF MAIN AXD LOCCST ) ST. LOUIS. MO. B. K. FEGHA5C. . 8. H. RIPDLX. B. R. PEGRAL1 Cs CO, 33 a 22L 3SL 27 S3 AND GENERAL LAND A GENTS, COUNCIL BLUFFao IOWA. G. W. HURN. DEPUTY CQUIiTY SURVEYOR XEMAHA CITY, K. T. "X7lLL ttnd promptly to all business in his r Claims, laying puHwa Lota, Draftin; City riat otf., He. . I7-U m bus BY AUTHORITY. -7u J OF THE UNITED STATES. Public S6. AN ACT mating appropriations for thelegis- i i a.' j .a?:i r l iauve, execuuve, ana juuiciai expeusc ui j-or repairs of the General Post Office build gOTernment for the year ending the thirtieth w for 0gice furniture - glazing, painting, of Junet eighteen hundred and nfty eignt. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Iiepresentatives of the UnitedStates of America in vongrcss assembled, rnat tne ionowmg sums be, and the same are hereby, appropri- atcd, out of any money in the treasury not otherwisa appropriated, for the objects here- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending the poranly m the omce of the Postmaster txene thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty- ral prior to the thirty-first December,eighteen eight, namely: CONTINGENT EXPENSES Or THE WAS DE PARTMENT. Office of the Secretary of War: For blank-books, stationery, books, maps, plans, extra clerk-hire, and miscellaneous i terns, four thousand five hundred dollars. Office of the Adjutant General: Fcr blank-books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, two thousand dollars. Office of the Quartermaster General: For blank-books, bindirsr. stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousand two hun dred dollars. ! Office of the Pavmaster General: For blank-books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, five hundred dollarsi Office of the Commissary General: For blank-books, binding stationery, adver- using, and miscellaneous items, two thousand five hundred dollars. I Office of the Chief Engineer: For blank-books, binding stationery, and miscellaneous items, including two daily Wash- mgton papers, nine hundred dollars. Omce of the Surgeon General: . . For blank-books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, four hundred dollars. Office of the Colonel of Ordinance: For blank-books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, nine hundred and fifty dol.ars. Office of the Colonel of Topographical - Ijigmeers : For blank-books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousand two hun dred dollars. FOB THE GENERAL PURPOSES OP THE NORTH WEST EXECUTIVE BUILDING. For compensation of four watchmen and two laborers of the northwest executive build- in?, tnree thousand six Hundred dollars. For fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, four thousand dollars. FOB THE GENERAL PURPOSES OF THE BUILDING, CORNER OF F AND SEVENTEENTH STREETS. For compensation of superintendent, four watchmen, and two laborers for said building, three thousand eight hundred and City dol lars. For fuel, compensation of firemen, and mis' cellaneous items, four thousand eight hundred dollars. NAVT DEPARTMENT. For compensation of the Secretary of the Navv, and the clerks, messenger, assistant mes senger, and laborer in his office, twenty-nine thousand six hundred dollars.' For compensation of the Chief of the Bureau of Ordinance "and Hydrography, and the clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, tweve 'b01182111 three hundred and f.rty dol lars. For compensation or the -Chief of the Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks, and the clerks, meisengefr and laborer in his office, fourteen thousand one hundred aDd forty dol- liJS. For comnensatiou of the Chief of the Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Re pairs, and of the Engineer-in-chief, and the clerks, messenger, and laborers in bis otnee, twenty-one thousand three hundred and lorty dollars. For compensation of the clerks, messenger, ind laborer in the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, eight thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. For . compensation of the Lhiei.ot tne Jiureau of Medicine ana durgery, ana tae clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, 1 m i -... . i nine thousand nve hundred and lorty apuars, 'lo enable the secretary oi ine iavy to pay the salary of Professor James P. Espy for the current fiscal year ending J une thirtieth, eigh- teen Landred and fifty-seven, two thousand dollars, the payment to De maae in uie same propriations, for meteorological observations. And also for the year nding thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, two thousand uuuats ... . ; ' COXTIXGEXT EXTEXSE3 OF THE XAVT DEPABT- MST OfSce Secretary of the Navy: . 1 n .i.t.ti t- a1 or DianK-cuoKa, Dinuins, biauonery, news- . 1 - . - " . ap;ii i.itAAvii auiv uiwvvi itiwvtio itcui.- two thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. Bureau of Ordinance and - Hydrography: xor oianK-uooivs, stationery, ana misceua- n-t.i-i--i ' t n neons items, seven nunarea ana nny aouars. . 1 1 ff. t 11 Ajureauoi a urus aua aocks: For stationery, books, plans, and drawings, xi -i a iv i eight hundred dollars. Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and A.patia. ror DiauK-Doc-as, t'inaing, siationerv, print ing and miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars. ' ' Bureau of Provisions and Clothin; For blank-books, stationerv, and miscella neous items, seven hundred dollars. . Bcreau of Medicine and Surgery: For blank rbooks, sLitionery, and miscel laneous items, four hundred and fifty dollars. I FOB GENERAL FUBFOSES OF THE SOUTHWEST XXXCUTIVE BCILCIJJO. - Fcr compensation of four watchman cf the southwest executive building, two thousand four hundred dollars. For contingent expense of said build- ing, viz: For labor, f n el, --ligh ts ' and -miscellaneous item?, three thousand time hundred and thir teen dollars. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. ' For compensation of the Postmaster Geno- ral, three Assistant Postmasters General, and tne clerks, messenger, assistant messengers, watchmen, and laborers of said department. lone hundred-and fifty-seven thousand, two hundred dollars. ; ; COXTISGEST EXPENSES OP SAID DEP1BTMEXT. For blank-books, binding, and stationery. fuel for the General Post Office building, in cluding the Auditor's Office, oil, gas," and can- dlps rrinrina' Attv ur atari man. nnrl fnr m?pT- ianeous items' ten thousand dollars. - whitewashing, and for keeping the fire-places, and furnaces in order, three thousand dollars. For the payment of temporary clerk hire in tne rost uince uepanment, m view 01 tne amount of extra labor., growing.' out 'of. the lettings of mail contracts, six hundred dollars. For compensation of clerks employed tcm- hundred and fifty-six, eighteen hundred and eighty-four dollars, and seventy-one cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. PBINTING FOB THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. For paper and printing for the executive de- partmcnts, including the paper, printing, and binding of the annual statement of commerce and navigation of the United States; the Biennial Register, and the paper and printing of the annual estimates' of appropriations, fifty-eight thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars. , ' ' . MINT OF THE UNITED STATES AT PHIL ADELPHIA For salaries of the director, treasurer, assayer, melter and refiner, chief coiner and engraver, assistant assayer, assistant melter and refiner, and seven clerks, twenty-seven thousand nine hundred a o liars. For wages of workmen and adjusters, seven ty-four thousand eight hundred dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, in- eluding wastage, in addition to other available funds, seventy-hve thousand dollars. r of specimens of ores and coins to be re served at the mint, three hundred dollars. For transportation of bullion from IScw York assay, office to the United States mint for coinage, ten thousand dollars. t - AT SAN FANOSCO, CALIFORNIA. For salaries of superintendent, treasurer, assayer, melter and refiner, coiner, and five clerks, twenty-eight thousand dollars. , tor wages of workmen and adjusters, one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, in cluding wastage, in addition to other available funds, ninety-four thousand seven hundred and fifteen dollars.' , AT NEW ORLEANS. For salaries of ' superintendent, treasurer, assayer, coiner, melter and refiner, and three clerks, seventeen thousand seven' hundred dollars. " For wages of workmen, twentytseven thou sand dollars. For incidental and Contingent expenses, in cluding wastage, in addition to other availa ble funds, twenty-two thousand .two hundred dollars. .... AT CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. For salaries of superintendent, coiner, assayer, and clerk, six thousand dollars. . For wages of workmen, three thousand five hundred dollars. For incidenral and contingent expense.", in cluding wastage, in addition to other available funds, two thousand 'one hundred dollars. AT DAHLONEGA, GEORGIA. 1 I.. - .i l Forsalariesof superintendent coiner: assayer, and clerk, six thousand dollars. For wages of workmen, two; thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, in eluding wastage, in addition to other available funds, two thousand ftve hundred dollars. ASSAY OFFICE, KEW TOEK For salaries of officers and clerks, twenty four thousand seven , hundred dollars. . For wages of workmen, twenty -six thousand seven hundred dollars, in addition to an avail able ballance of former appropriate us. GOVF.UNMEKT IN TOE TERBITORIES. . . 'Territory of Oregon, "Pnr nalariea of srovernor. three iudjres. and - . or z . :J - - ggcrery twelve thousand five hundred dol i Fo C0Dtinzent expenses of said Terntorv, n five hundred do ars. Vrr mmnensation and milease of the mera ers Qf the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, an continent expenses of the assembly, lwenty thousand dollars. Territory of. Minnesota t.. rUriM of Governor, three, judges, and 8ecretarv nine thousand three hundred dollars. Yor contingent expenses ui sam a enuory, nnA thonsand dollars, . . For compensation and mileage of the mem- ,a lomcifitivRSsscmoiT. omcers. cierRR. , tint exrjenscs of the assemblv. . t,n5ftnd dol are. I nu r I UVCUVl'fltA sm I XT Tlf " , . . . lemwry vj w v Ut1m of governor, superintendent of I ' o ....- .- . T;r, .nffa;M three iudzes. and secretarv. AUViltliJ J - . rwiv- thonsand five hundred dollars. i m . . . For contingent expenses oi said. Territory, nllsira. v Mncl.finn and mileare of the mem- tjen'of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, i Mnt;niTllnt TT)enses oi me assemuiv. twentv thousand dollars. To enable the governor to employ an inter perior or translator, five hundred dollars, - ' : Territory of- JJlaL. , , For salaries of governor, superintendent o Indian affairs, three judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of .said Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars. - For compensation nd mileage of tha mem bers of the legislative assembly, officers, clerk!, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. - For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand three hundred and twenty-seven dollars and thirty ccrits, to discharge such sums as the accounting officea may deem to - have been necessarily expended by the Executive of said Territory during the years eighteen .hun d c$ and fifty-five, eighteeu hun lred and fifty six, and eighteen hundred ind fifty-savea ' ; Territory of ' Washington. For salaries of governor, superintendent of Indian affairs, three judges, and secretary, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation and mileage of the mem bers of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. - , Territory of Xebraslca. k Fcr salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory. one thousand dollars. For compensation and milease of the mem bers of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and' contingent expenses of the asscmblv. twenty-three thousand dollars. Territory of Kansas. For salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary, cen thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars. . For compensation and mileage of the mem bers of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assemblv. iwenry inousana aouars. : - - For extraordinary expenses of the executive oliice, six. thousand dollars. ' '. Il ' . JUDICIABT, For salaries of the Chief Justice of the Su preme Court and eight associate justices, fifty- iuur inousana nvo nanared dollars. For salaries of the district iudses. one hun dred and one thousand two hundred and fiftv dollars. For salary of the circuit judge of California, six thousand dollars. And that the annual salary of the judge of the United States for the northern district of Illinois shall hereafter be, three thousand five hundred dollars. - And the'annual salary of the district judge of the United Stales for the District of Wisconsin shall hereafter be twenty-five hundred dollars. That the salary of the judge of the United btates district court for the district of Michi gan, shall be three thousand dollars per an num trom and after the passage of this act. ior salaries of the chief justice of the Dis- rict of Columbia, the associate judges, and the judges of the criminal court, and the orphans' court, eleven thousand seven hun dred dollars.,-Provided that the salary of the chiet justice oi the circuit court of the United States for the District of Columbia shall be hree thousand seven hundred and fifty dol ars per annum, and-the salaries of the associ ate judges, three thousand five hundred dol ars per annum, to be paid-quarterly: and tha he salary of the jndga of the orphans' court of the District of Columbia, shall hereafter be wo thousand five hundred dollars per annum payable quarterly. OFFICE Of THE ATTORSEX GENERAL. For salaries of the Attorner General, and the clerks and . messenger in his office, eighteen thousand one hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the office of the Attorney General, one thousand five hundred uouars. For pnrchase of law and . necessary- books, and binding, -for the office of the Attorney uenerai, one tnousana nve nundred dollars n 1 .1 ... 9 r or tne purchase of dehcient State report and statutes for the office of the Attornev uenerai, one tnousana nve hundred dollars. For fuel and labor for the office of the At torney General, five hundred dollars. For office furniture and book-cases for office of the Attorner General, "Sve hundred dollars, I or salaries of two commissioners to codify laws oi me AJistncc oi uolumbia". two thou sand five hundred dollars. For salary of tha reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, one thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation of the district attorneys. eleven thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. J; or compensation of tie marshals. : ten thousand dollars'. " INDEPENDENT TREASURY. ; For salaries of the assistant treasurers of the United States at Nevr York," Boston, Charles ton, and St.' Louis, sixteen thousand five hun dred dollars. . . . , , , T For additional salaries of the treasurer of the mint at Philadelphia of one thousand dollars,-and of the treasurer of the hranch mint at New Orleans of five hundred dollars, one thousand five hundred dollars.' For salaries of six of the additional clerks authorized by the acts of sixth August, eigh teen hundred and forty-six, twelfth August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, thirty-first August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and fourth August, eighteen hundred and fifty four. . For' salary of additional clerk in office of assistant treasurer at Boston, one thousand two hundred dollars. For salaries of clerks, messengers, and watchmen in the office of the assistant treasu rer Nev York, thirteen thousand, nmet hun dred dollars. For salary of a clerk to the treasurer of the branch mint at San Francisco, California, two thousand five hundred df liars. For contingent expenses under the act for the safe-keeping, collecting, transfer, jand dis bursement of the 'public revenue, of sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, ten thousand dollar, la addition to premium re ceived on transfer drafts: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended f-r clerical services. For compensation to special. agents to: ex amine tlw books, accounts, and money on hand of the several deixrsitpries, under tbe act of sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, (jve thousand dollars , rvf For compensation to such persons as may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury to receive had keep the public tnxnyT"iinder the fifteenth section of tbe act of sixth August, tighten hundred and forty-sir, for the addi tional services required under that act, at the same rates provided in thejact approred second March. ezhtecn hundred and fiuy-three. and under the me restrictions and limitations, five thousand dollars. '.' ' For salaries of nine supervising and fifv local inspectors;' appointed under act thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, for the better protection of tbe lives of passengers by steamboats, with traveling and other ex penses incurred by them, eighrr-ihoiuind dol lars." y ' t i - ' :,.. XXTEXSE3 OF THE COLLECTIOS OF REVENUE FROM LANDS. To meet the expenses of collecting the revenue from the sale of public lands in the several States and Territories, in addition to th balances of former appropriation: For salaries and commissions of registers of and offices, and receivers of public moneys, wo hundred and ten thousand five hundred dollars. For expenses of depositing public moneys m 1 at oy receivers oi puDiic moneys, iu:ny-mne thousand seven hundred dollars. For incidental expenses of the several land offices, fifteen thousand five hundred dollars. PENITENTIARY. For compensation of the warden, clerk, physician, chaplain, assistant keepers guards, and matron of the penitentiary of the District of Columbia,-twelve thousand five hundred and forty dollars. ' lor compensation of three inspectors of said penitentiary; seven hundred and nfty dollars. For the support acd maintenance of said penitentiary, four thousand nine hundred and sixty-five dollars. ; FOB THE PRESERVATION OF THE COLLECTIONS OF THE EXPLORING EXPEDITION. For compensation of keepers, watchmen, and laborers therefor, three thousand four hun- and fifty dollars. lor contingent expenses, two hundred dol lars. ' ' - ' For the construction and erection of suitable cases to receive the collections of the United States exploring expedition, and others, in geology, mineralogy, belonging to the United States, now in the f atent Omce and elsewhere in Washington, fifteeen thousand dollars. For the expense of the transfer of these collections, and the permanent arrangement of the cases, two thousand dollars. For defraying the expenses of the Supreme, circuit, and district courts of the United btates, including the District of Columbia; also for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds ansm, from fines, penalties, and forfeitures incurred in the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and fifty-eight, and previous year; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are con corned, and of prosecutions for offences com mitted against the United States, and for the safe-keeping of prisoners, one million dollars. To pay for furniture for the district court room of tho eastern district of . Virginia, here tofore purchased by the marshal of that dis trier, two hundred and forty -nine dollars. For stationery, blank -books,, plans. draw inzs.- and other continzent expenses of tho office of the Commissioner of Public Build ings, two hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation, in part, for the messenger in charge of the main furnaco in the Lapitol, four hundred and twenty dollars. For compensation to the laborer in charge of the water-closets in the Capitol, four nun dred and thirty-eight dollars For .compensation to the pnblic gardener, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of eighteen laborers em ployed in the public grounds and President's cardeti, ten thousand eight hundred dollars. For compensation of the keeper of the western gate, Capitol Square, eight hundred and seventy-six dollars. For compensation of two day watchmen employed in the Capitol Square, one thousand two hundred dollars. For compensation of two night watchmen employed at the President's House, one thou sand two hundred dollars. , ' For compensation 'of the door-keeper at the President's House, six hundred dollars. For compensation of tb assistant door keeper at the President's House, four hundred and thirtr-eisht dollars. For compensation of one night watchman employed for the better protection of. the buildings lying south of the Capitol, and used as public stables and carpenters' shops,' bix hundred dollars. For extending the propagating deportment of the botanic garden, and introducing water into the same from the Capitol. square, twenty six hundred dollars to be expended under tho direction of tho Commissioner of Tublic Build ings. For compensation if draw-decpers at the two bridges across the Eastern branch of the Potomac, and for. fuel, oil, and lamps one thonsand one hundred and eighty dollars. For compensation of the auxiliary guard, and for fuel and oil for lamps-,' nineteen thou sand four hundred dollars. . . i For furnace-keeper at the President's House, three hundred and sixty-fivo dollars. ' . For procuring manure, took, fuel, repairs, purchasing tree and shrubs fur b itanic gardens, twenty three hundred dollars, to be expended cuder the direction of the Library Lommittee of Congress. For pay of horticulturist and assistants in the botanic garden and green houses, five thou sand one hundred and twenty one dollars and fifty cents, to be expended under tbe direction of the Library Committee of Congress. Sec 2. And be it furUier . enacted, That tho provisions of the twenty-eighih section of theactentilleu "An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of gov ernment for the. year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and. fifty-six," and. for other purposes," approved third March, eigh teen hundred and fi ft'-five, be, and the same is hereby, extended for tho term of two years Sec. 3. And be tt farther enacted, the persons having claims for services rendered, or expenses incurred, in the Cayuse war, who failed to present them within the time pre scribed by law, shall be entitled to receive pay ment tnerefor, as though the sama bad been presented within the time proscribed by law. to be paid out of the unexpended appropru tion heretofore made for the paymant of such services and expenses, including tbe claim of Mr. Goodwin, for services as clerk-to Gover nor Giincs while acting as Cayuse war com missioner. , . . . , , Sec 4. "Awl he it farCver enacted, ..That in addition to those now authorized 'by law, there may be employed by the Secretary of btata ono clerk of class two by the Secretary of the Treasury in theoffica of the Auditor of the Treasury for tho Post OEice Derartmnt, five clerks of class two, and such sum as may bo necessary to carry into effect the provisions of thia soction to the thirtieth of Jun, eigh teen hundred and fifty-eight, is hereby appro priated out of any money in the ireasuary not othtrwis3 appropriated. '' 'J ? " ' , ' ; Sac. 5. t Ail Is H futer cu?.cl. That the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury khall be appointed by tha Piesident by and with Ut advice and consent cf the Senate. - i Sec. 6. And le it further enided, . Tt at all the provisions of the eighth section of th ct entitled "An act to regulate tho diplomatic and consular systems of the Unitci States" approved August eighteenth, eighteen hnndlea and fifty-six shall be construed equally to ex- tend to the persons in said eighth section men tioned who shall have keen arpoiotcd 'subse- auent to the act entitled MAn act to remodel the diplomatic and consular system lystemsbf tha United States" approved March tho eighteen hundred and fifty-five. ; h ; r :I Sec. . 7. And be it further enacted,. Tha5 the difference between the salary, received by the late secretary of legation of thd United States at Madrid while acting a chargo d'affaires in the years eighteen hundred wid fifty-two, eighteen hundred and fifty-three. eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and .eighteen hrndrcd and fifty-five, and thesilary to which he would have been entitled as chargo d'allures or the same period, two thousand seven hun dred and six dollars and thirteen ceuts, and or the amount of an outfit for charga d'affaires the further sua of four thousand five hundred dollars. . ' 1 ' -'''; Sec 8. And be it further enacted, That the consent of Congress is hereby given thit Thomas H. 'Seymour, i envoy etraordicajy and Minister Plenipotentiary of tho.Un-icl States to the Government of Kussia, pursuant to th request of that -Governmenti may accept . therefrom such menento of tha solemnities' a' tending the coronation of the present Em purer, as it may be the pleasure of the'Empertt tu present to him such as is shown io the corrc pondence transmitted by tho American Lrvoy to tha Department of State. Sec 9. .And be tt furtJter enacted, Thai the Judges of the Supreme Court in the Tcrrij tory of Minnesota are hereby. authorize! to hold court w:thm their respective district m tha counties wherein by tho laws of said Ter ritory courts havo been or may be established. Provided, the expense thereof shall be paid by such counties respectively. Sec 10. And be tt further enacted, That so much of an act creating a collection district in Texas and .New' Mexico. approved August second, eighteen hundred and fitly-four, "a fit- eludes the county cf LI Paso, in Texas, u, ltd the same is hereby repealed. . 4 : Approved MarsD 3, 1857. 1 ' 11 Bottle Stot. dipt. BeocLo r editor of the English National, has compiled within tha last ten years, the following can ana voyages of bottles .thro wn jnto the fortunate navigators.' J A; good "t many Lottlei thrown into the sea .next to tha AfrkaJwcoast found their way to Europe. Tha bottle seum to have anticipated the Austral Panama route,' having traveled from tha Pnann istimuj to tho Irish coast. Another crossed tha Atlantic from the Canaries to lova Scotia. .Three or . fouf bottles,' thrown into the sea by Greonlaml1 mariners on Davit,', Strait, laftded ui) ,th north west'eoast of.Ireland. Another one rpaJo a. very curious trip: it swara1 from' the ''SitztTr Atlantic Ocean to th a ..west, coast pf. Africa passed Gibraltar, went along, the rFortapsa coast, the coast of France, and was finely pick ed up at Jersey Island ; the direct Ihmfonebe at least all these places, and makes it mora thaa probajjlo. that it took this rout. OpOjboIe' was only found after sixteen years' swimming; cfae- after fourteen, and two aftej- teii years. . A few only traveled more than orwyear.f.nd-one only five days. Thi3 last wait sent off by the' captain or tha Racchcsre, on the'17Q of April, in the Carribcan Scj and was fouud on tha 22d, after having' gone 'through threa decrees of longitude in a western direction. 'Captain M'Ciure, of the Investigator, welt-known sicca his discovery of the North-west Strait, threw a bo'tle into ihe seajn 1830, on bU way to Deh.-., ring'i Strait. ! It swam SGOO mile in "sOo .!ir; and was picked tip on tbd" Hond&fapfjiAtr Afj work like that of Capt. Beccher can not fail to throw some light on tha different oDtiervj.tion' of ho.currpnt.of .the sea.;!.' .: cidII" CnarsTiAxxTT Turxet. ;A corlosiTorij- eat of an ' English' pnpcf says atrc alia to' inform you :tbat, since the puUication f,the. new law in Turkey, one hundred anil" ix' Christian- churchai have been repairel ok'corwi rtructed.' Tho-Sultan alone. coutrilMteil 25j-t 000 francs to one building in the ulamVof Can-1 dia. In fact, so far as the SdltarfAli Pashi,' and tho Government generally are conciimed, every thing is being done to conciliate the Christian subjects of tha Porte, and improve me conauioa oi tne empire" - "I nAVETrrs Meaxs." -The lata Rey.'Wm. J ay, of Bath, said ha was once passing an eves-t ing with a fnond who said to hirn lowmnlv: and with tears, "I am growing old.'ur.d I wish' " to do something mora to glorify Gril andaiv.v . my generation according to hia will thna I Lave done ; and I have the means." Severil schemes fur doing good were "considered by the two i friends, and on a was fixed upon and carried into execution, which resulted in tie adnc tion of a. farga number cf roang moo for the ministry, and the hopefal conversion 'cf souls. ' l : rr:; ;a Tni5cs Uxxows.. Shaw ns the young lady whose waist has ever been ctcora passod by an arm df the sea,' , f7'..v ' 7t: 7r f--:r f Where - is the identical ec-33 of tha Ijollovs that never smelt k rat ? "L ' Where is the person who'was'fter feltiir by the heart of an- oak? . , . . , Was any barber ever applied to to shave the beard of an oyster?:: ' " : '' Where is the girl who wis ever taaard to" -a piz's "chap?' ' , . .. - Whera i the mxn to be found whe las ev;r been sensibly felt by a hand of pork ?-'j -r Wfliat vocalist can lay claim to having evir been listened toby arr ear'of eorn ? ' -;L . ' ; Who has ever bcerj pushed by a abo-jldcr'af mutton ? iy'e know of many who have been peshed forone."''i Ci: ' - ' ' 1K . ;The irjdivklrjal Tvho'm evet sternly: th n eye of a potato -has .cver, boen vliible. -Bar. . , nnm may possibly discover him. ' ' "' "4 Was there ever! an IcdivkloAl tir.!dcky"so ' unfortunate as to be abused br tho mouth of a nver ? ... Who ever fel t. the fcreatV from the lungs of a chest of drawers 7 '' ' Two old "gentlemen, of our acqnj'ntance were corsplimenting'each other en their balita of temperance. .-tt? v: vo ?t "Did youeveivce;-hhcrLJ!aiJ oae, Msoe me with more than I could carry ?J - , T" - "So, inded t" w. the reply, "Kl.. BaVT i nave seen tow wien i iqohzic t ja ii i j hava oua tv. ice after it.M .'J