tTVTi rr.TOT?T Jsseth nash- f jLTl A " lT iate ar . . t. ! - in rear mgtoa are cf th:3 opinion, Euchanan strongly intimate I in. lis als 3. -dr. - -1 Pr.-sr-cr tor 2Trixmzr.z. The - ; -tir-icr. Legislature or NeTr icrknare riea 0 li.ccrfcrci: vie;v:'.- CuUTJj VlTr-a:nfii,n C-, 1-3, iCf Nel 1.0IV; t st ! actual J'" ,!. b UlKi-M J in"' - .. PiTL fc-xkport. ...o. - '-VVrri; .Nebraska City, X. T. -w.Taree GrcTe, . a. ' J- f Arto ait SabjenptiOBS and '-3 ..'fa- in Aderiuser, aad reciere and 1 - w. 1 Ik w w inaSSnrd tie propriety tH, , lU c Lnitcd aHc-Je cflfntoti - yXT' Tie Ccaahsioacr hss repeated cx- S:slc3 anS U cbscUs ;he TcrrUorv c r Kelrasbs, Ttat T. X; ' -..j,.sil,.,.t. pressed Lin-self cf tlie same belief. jp- ot iepjr 2. -lxl-;cv banders, C.. wheeler, J. b. clinic VI xi ij tie H;iioL -tak-iiod Coa We hare little fears under the present j Tori: X:rs; tlins s-e:dis cf tie. prcs-1 Jesse CoI-TTo. Horn, 11. J. TTLitnev;Uj.. ri ,T,0. w w r,:T, Administration, bat tLat the interests Ipccts aLead ftr the nnllier:s: :; ' jbteplicn Fadge, J. V. Coleman, J. pi; rr.cumciTJX. :raska rill be locked aftcr-the! The Stale .pay nniij ir d; ir.jj ; L Cnml: GIcCatbronJ ,OT7LrTOa5 settler favored, and tL3 land jit pleases, mito w auaaa j- , . --T- specnlato le. Ur.ion. and shall exeeeite the hr?rs and prbcesics of the Unionno matter hovr We nd upon cur-tah.e a nge, , A t nnllifvl When Justice pile" of letters from various portions or Juclze Betts r-ives CapEvn- of the States ; the great majority of jders a United States process, there are "which are making enquiries as to this country. It will require sDme time to examine and answer them. We hope our friends ns well as stranrrers who .TtpnaiTe cf new Type, k k&StmZ JSI t ! have written us wiU be patient; and we i f M answer in turn, as speedily as po t k iVT Titer. 13 Jeieranivi :red Card in this city "and Brooklyn f all C0,000 men in arms, to fallow him and : to en- Skien, A. Hohlitzdl, and E. Beid and their associates nnd successors be, and that they are hereby declare a body corporate capable in law of contract ing and being contracted witli, suing, and being sued. pleading and being im pleaded m the Courts cf this Territory, and may purchase, hold, and sell rerd ,-f-TV. VrHtion of Job Work. Card? t&r r.-.-r-g litest imrrc -ki. ! lu 7 F ISiii. " u: J dunfe will be ijilj Utetdia '-;ed to jj-Te,satisf acUcb or co pay. ? ia Vais Territory, eclair from r.-. , f:en sat to ai n-t if they eouid ,ee interested. ; JiSi" ST a th them, Agreeable to promise, to-day we commence the publication ; in the Advertiser cf all Laws, passed at the! last session of the Legislative As seta- blv. in which our people are directive ; k- interested. So soon as we et through fin? if: ?rnllifr nrrrtv. rTipn ttv in Al-J- ' Ii - " j V' 1 1 estate as provided in section o of this oany; i h2 n the arum and fe: somad, t t . . the metropolis of the Union-ranges A n -m - - cs : C:,dcr tie ittsr-spat-led laMer"m e(? i-e looses of its .ncor niAty : hard-fisted -eleS-e-hamacr P-raUoa re hcrebr detoed to be the J 0 ' enoiiraPTnpritnF A nTictiitcre ana. the masses --,Wv ffrBlEciest latest to mske th"X I-r ut for tbetr u.t . ' .-mtts. BCUy etiTri-T fr f ; "r J- . r.m r Tu tors tad ethers c?t:.oaS Weired fur three, x, ac 4t BijCthf . . vrirVaat.' nd Nemaha Coanty r - ; !rr-tO tais USi-e.4J jr-Tht .yebra-ta Airerticr' haying lKktke Jarrtwrrslaiioaof any paper tieTrritoiTT tThplwale Merchants in Loni. JP Cincinnati and ta tern marV-ets where ?febra-ka a-rtLa&l pAirhafee, will find no better fd-rnmn? mediam in. the "Western Coun- we will commence the pub lication of all laws of a general nature. We imagine such a course will prove as acceptable to our readers as any we can adopt. This, together with the Laws of Coneres3 now in course of i publication in our columns, cannot fail to make the Advertiicr a welcome visiter. 1 pooK rncssA wanted. A CJ Book PrtHi., f Sr habits, can fad j ---.sentire s: taation on the Territorial I Via tin I ' -V'tit:; tafeoEre. Nme, howerer,need ap j raciess possessed of the aborc mentioned qnalifi- j I PLAD CR.l'Bi:ZUtV PLANTS. Vl tare for w.'e. a few thcasaad plants cf i -BttV fcj'eri'jr Uplard Ikli Cracberry." Penalties of Beceiyixs or Putlic Moneys." We learn that the President of the United States has fixed the penalties on the bonds cn the new re ceivers of public moneys in the Terri tories of Kansas and Nebraska at $50,000 in each case. -Brscsrss; at Sr. Lons. Of the business on Lhe levee at St. Louis, the EepulUcan, among other, things, re marks : ' 1 ". Such an amount of business and such a jam and con fusion, never has ever one hundred steamboats laying there, receiving and discharging cargo, or trying to do so; the wharf covered with thousands of packages; ninny hun dreds of di-ars vainly endeavoring to get along, and the tliousauds ' of men necessarily attendant on nil, these operatiens, and then some idea may be formed of the business of the city...- LIVERY STABLE, J. "VF. COLEEAN, IXFOT1 5IS the palllc that lie has procured a stock cf New Carriares, aries. etc., sad as ae ilcrses aj are to be found, aal haa opened a LIYEBY' STABLE, SniStreet between YTiicr aai ilala, DroTrnville, J. T. AH persons wisain; anythia in hj line can be acccinni jdit si at ali honra. AT1SO1 . Ilorsea an-1 Carriages bouzht nd sold. J. TT. COIX3IAN. J. Tr. COLEilAN, JtmJL ma JL t AND REAL-ESTATE BROKEK. TITLES. FOn SALE Oil CUNT. ZLkzxxi. cZ. ZlZjat crcd cm Att-s o Land Warrants Bought and Soil. Bno'nrsriLLr, :.. t. ? Kanawha Salt. eD tL"s on ccniir-i.:, and w IH be tail a t a red act 1 j rice, by J.E. Truit. 153 boies hvs and qr il It ILiiiia. 63 bxi Oranjes and Leman, fur iilj by Cope. ICO Colls llAnilla ani Jate Hope, fruia 1 to 2 iacacs.jsLdS received, and U r by J. C. JENNINGS. Laege Grant cr Land. We are informed that the quantity of land granted re cently by Congress for rail road purposes in the Territory of Min nesota is estimated to cover 4,410,000 - acres. Tae Eiitcr and Associate both have :iit retumel from St. Louis and Gn dasitat r&i in time to prepare any Hitter -of interest for the present 1 I TCe'rxVTyhopc those inoirirJjthem- sclvej il hired to this ciHee will not put 'es t?ih troulle of calling cn enchi - Bonds of Land Offices. We un derstand that the bonds cf the new land. oSccrs in the Territory of Kan sas are being received at the General Land Omce and undergoing the neces sary examination preparatory to their approval. TLAHZH JLCriZAL. If we thought we could say a word in favor of this boat that would in the least add to the reputation " she is so deservedly entitled to, we would take great pleasure in doing so. But where jCapt. Baktis, and Clerk Daesi are known and where are they not in Liyet.t Staele. It will be seenly reference to our advertising columns that Sheriff Coleman is determined to supply the wants of our citizens, and strangeri wishing to look at the coun try, by famishing them with good live ry accommodations. Such an 'insti tutionT? in much needed, and there is no doubt as to the success. I yzLvihiLoT saving more about the j j i nittcr through cur paper. We tnowj j ! -t!-cs- are tight none are ' more ! f 5?nsiily aware cf the fact than news- this trade? they need not our testi mony to convince the traveling public that thev who travel with them are far tunate It was our luck to "secure 'a I t-:or publishers. Every article we jpcis -cp ia fgures'anl cash at tcat:jbcrthr. ab0ard the Admiral, cnherllrst I j Klvet we have not faHed in a single j down tri pof the present seasou, and we j ; .-sjnee io oe on iiana w we aaj wunj assiire puLlic she stI11 paintSiili3j j i j oarjiaj cr or job wcrk. We have just ; hzs hcrctofore s0 won after toavy purchases' for fccrsclf; tte position cf a nrst-clLss oi presses, type, paper, imts, etc sucu the Brown ville .'printing : esta'lishment, not cnlv the largest in ; ae Territory, but ia the Western rcoiatry. We hope, -therefore, delin : catsvllllen l us a '-helping hand' If you are net prepare! pay c!7, let is lire Lay, creren quarter of what j tou csre, anJ it will hel: us out T give cur readers in the States an iica f how Nebraska, and Brownville ia particular is prospering, we mention tie-progress in the Biver trade. Two rears ag?, when Brownville was first laid off, but two cr three regular boat Missouri River Packet. Her passen ger accommodations are unsurpassed. Capt. Baext. as an experienced and eScient commanding oScer has no; superior, and the indefatigable Daest is . calculated and does make ell in company with Hm feel 'perfectly at home." . . S ! The SuEiiAEECF. Caele, The Uni ted States steamer Mississippi, hating been selected as a rart of the East In dia squadron, wiU not accompany the United States steamer Xiaar to England, whence the American -and British vessels will proceed to. the At- m as high up the "Missouri as tUk lantic for the rurpose "of layisg iecLast season there were thirteen fnP win-mir" r--,"5. flv c.own 'n 1 the sub-marine cable, as was formerly - OTTEIAITD OFTICES. - Below we copy the oScIal notice of the localaon'of the new land ofSces in this Territory, and also the official appointments.-- Hon. C. B. Siirrn. the Receiver at the Brownville oSce, we have known since onr residence in thhi Territory, lie has been until his appointment Territorial Auditor oi "Nebraska, in which 'position he has. shown'Tiimself possessed of fine business (palincations capa!;ility and integrity and we have j n-o fears, of his success in his new position. He has been here the past week, and informs us - the ; omce will be opened as speedily 23 possible- as soon as Mo, Usixon the Register, arrives. The ' latter - gentleman . we knoT nothing of personally, but have the best authority for saying, he is one in every way well cpialined for the po sition assigned him. . ;f. . . ;. '. ;-' Of our old friend J. C. Tens, Recei ver for the Dahkota District, we desire to say, we "know him well;" and were rejoiced to hear of his appointment, We - consider Mr. Tctji, in point of talent, nnsurpassed by any man of h?s yenrs in the West, and . feel confident the duties devolving upon him will be faithfully tils charged.: " . . . - improvement of the breed cf stock, and the .encouragement of the Arts and domestic Manufactures. - Sec, 3. xiny" two of, the above named incorporators may as soon as convenient after' the passage cf tins act call a meetintr of the Farmers cf Nemaha county, by giving ten days notice through the newspaper publish ed in said county, and" then at sueh place as may be designated in the no tice, proceed to organize said Society by electing one President, one Vice President, one Secretary, one Trea surer, and a Board of five Managers, and adopt a Constitution and Bv-Laws for the government of said Society, not inconsistent with the laws cf this Territory. -"Sec. 4. A3 soon as practicable after the election provided for in sec tion three of this act, the Secretary of the Society shall open a book of mem bership in manner and form to be pre scribed by the Board of Managers, and any person being a bona fide ci tizen of Nemaha county who- shall subscribe his name in said book and pay the fee provided for in the Cons titution and By-Laws of said Society (which shall not be more than five dollars nor les3 than one dollar) shall be a member of said Society, and be entitled to vote at all elections of offi cers of the same , and enjoy all other rights , and privileges usually conferred upon members of snclt So cieties. Sec. 5. The said Society, in their corporate name, may acquire by dona tion or purchase reel estate sufficient for Fair and Exhibition grounds,' not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, and may sell and convey the same by deed and reinvest the proceeds or any part thereof as the Board of Managers may direct , - - Sec. 6. No ofScer, except the Sec retary, shall receive any compensation for services;. as" such,.. nor snail ; the funds of this Society be cscd for any other purpose than to defray toe inci- dental expenses 01 saia society ana in the payment of premiums under the direction cf the society. Sec. 7. This corporation: shall have, succession until repealed by law, Sec. 8. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved Feb. 9,1857. Horses d. I wI3 pay tho highest pries for a fev ae, well brcke horses. App!y at my stahl in Ert wimTe. ' J. W. COLEMAN. U. C. JOHNSON, Attorney anil Counsellor at Laib, .AND . Heal Estate Agent. EnGWNYILLE, N. T. KETEEESCES. "WcuJessap, Montrose, P. IL S. Bendr, " John C. Miller, Chica EL. "NVni. I. SIcAIIiater, , Charles F. Fowler. " " Wra. Ferguson, Ero mville, N. T. O. F. Lake, Hay I, 1337. 47-ly GEORGE F. KENNEDY, il&EAIi. ESTATE " . BKOKEJt, AND GENERAL LAND AGENT riorence Ciiy N. T. - SATE YOUIt HOUSE!!! Iackerei. erel in saia by if cr::. c 11 ats a:cd caps, --- - BOOTS AND SHOES, Jilt recel7ei Per &&2ffizr Cel. CrczzrrTif AT S IE GEL k GREENBAOES r r 1 .X j.b. jex:ting5. t rresk Oyster. 1C3 doi Field 'j eelsbrated j Oy3tera, oa direct eorLsInment, in st:rc-,arid fa bv J. D. JENNINGS. Nails. SCO Kes assorted, ia store, and f jr sale by J.B.JENNINGS. Tish. 10) Ixs no. 1 driei herrin' and panadj fjuperior Cilai, jat rsceired, aj:i fiiri sua by . J. U. JENNINGS. Window Glass. lit) boxsa 8Xlf13X12 li ss, j ait recaired, and for sale, by J.B.JENNINGS. S: Joseph, llo. April SO, '57. MGEPffjOHTG ROBS ! EENNET k ilAESH, RESITCTITLLY iEfrra the aVJe tht they are now prepared to "pat up Lijbtoinj EoAj of a superior quality ca as reasonable terms a any bite else in this country. Orders left at iLPnerscm i EatcLin'j Store wEl be attended to. 3ay7r 1337. 47-tf Mclaughlin t dorse y, MEAIL ESTATE AND GEXERAL LAXB AGESTS, rirrt Street (cpjosiia "Aivrlii2Tn" c:.) BROWNVILLE, N. T. "Will attend to Fills- Declarations of intentioa to Sectirin; Fre-einptiojis, Lccatinj Land Warranta. Entering IraeJ Land "Warrants Bought and Sold. Particular attention wEI be paid to bnyirg and selling property cn commission, and s.aA'irg Lnrcst- mentj for OLStact deiuers. Correspondeixe solicited. HcLAUGnLTN k DOESET. EXFEa TO Bradford, IL-LcETaani McGary. Nebraska Clty.N.T. MjPherson, ilomion. Uatchin?, lirownTie, 2. T. O. iLBarnet, E3 Dayton, Ohio. No. 21 Jlaia St., 21 doer abore Tost OH EUGTTNTILLX, .T. Flas t-roa-Ic!i)il3 tca-ii. and fctaedisj ecilarf. a rJie . Clc'liinj Si ore. ir.kand f.t-nry a3iracr pants, and Crpt sacki, at the Bcuiuii 7 f& C tj tlx in 7 Sl:re. Sl'.k, Satin.'SIirsan-, aI C'asi. Vests, tri Ra-:ntl i'-iirVi, at tL-j Bdiiimcre CfotTiir? S::-re. Pine Shirtj anl orer-alL, Pit. Leather Gaiters, straw bats, at lia Bitibnore Chlhlr Sic ' Tor ZxLa. -10 Cask- Sngnr Cared Ilim?. at 3IcALLISTJIs DQZIER & GO'S. - - Far -Eals. l&.tJJD pinrid?Eac:a at ' AleALLISTEH, DOZIER & CG-s. " - ' For Esde. "5 Ills, and 105 sks Flour, at 'ilcALLISTEB, DOZIEE & CO's. STORE, NEMAHA CITY, N. T. A3 ACT To tsiallisli a Territorial Jlodd from Broimvifle to Hew Tori Kearney. HOOUE BnOTVNXlTC, - Would respectfully announce to the public generally t!iat they have received and opened, at Nemaha : ' - . City, '. . ... - " LARGE STOCK ; of FCH SALE. Lot 5 ia block 5?; Lots 3 and 12 ia blocs lo; LrA 10 ia block 47, in the City of ErownviEe, by F32 SALE. Lot 2 in block 4 best Lereu lot in ErcwriTlEe: al30,boiiie and lotia bljek 2 Main street. jleLAUuiiLlN & DOILSliY. I'.Lrk and faniycrarat, White and fancy sLlrta, at tbe B'ZVuu:.ore Child roj S.rz. Eierytiirp In iLa elotiir- line at the Baltimore Clo'Jiin j Store. Call around and era:r.7ne lie stock at the B.iliinore CL'Junj Stor, Apr3 23, 1337. -lf Bncknnnn Life nnd GcncrrJ Xnnixranco Oo.y Oi cur 3d and Jule sLi ST. JOLPU, 210. CHASTETX3 IT TE3 LAST SZ35tOH CF TTTZ JIO. Lr3; AullwrL-i'J Capital $3,003,000... risrcrc-as. ' J. B. Jenninr?, I. E. Kowarl. J. A. 03.3i '.Zicrt Tootb, John Coi honn. Job a IL Li k cn V. II. i"t neik Jamea Kay, N.J.lIcAibanv A. G. 3Ias6er. J.E. JENNESGi, Tpm. j N. E. 1IcA52as, Sc'y. 15 now ready to receire application for Life, FIrei JIarine an i Liver ri-ks. A eih. return cf i3 per cent, will be allowed on cir3 pre?rj?ai3. Jjaset promptly adj osttd, and tha nsaal facilities jirea t j the patrons cf the ofLoe. April 15th, 1S37. . 4L-Znt FCH SAuE. IXiIf cf lot It ia block 13 llaia street: alio, lot 4 in block IS. ALo, 43 acres of land j tKir Soala BrownTill;by JliLAUGIIIJN & DOlET. April 25. 137. 43-ly SPBIXG ABUTTAL O T TV I'Ni i I Hi T W. HOBLITZELL k CO. BEOWN VILLE, N. T. WEare er-,ntinaa.T!y reecirln-by every biatr aa entirely new xa.1 large aiiortiacn.; of SUPLTJO?. GOODS, "VTiicb. we will sell at .s reasonable prices as any eatabUsbmeat in the Wut, " car QOtto teins ' -,J . f-- ... t. "LlV A2iD LET LIVE. TJ ' "JOHN COLIIOUN & EEOTHEH, ' ." -i (SHji cf ths Padlk, r poaile tbe Fst CZ:e'.i - tTHGLESALE ASD RETAIL- GROCERIES, :'- Bo: Shccs, Lciticr zzl Shoe i i2l!2u ' ;; ST. JOSEPH, 1IO. 'I' , : , , Glided, bnt the Germantownrat pre- Ll pnrsninec cf the actof C ;r ',1U COh laLl tel0lsent in the Mediterranean, has been proved March 3. 1S5T, ent -tr. On Monuay last. ve boats verc ordered in Tcrfrm thnt. rrii. act to esthllish three land' dis' chargiag freight and passengers at --5irofmvnie uharf at the same time ioamboat arrivals arc no longer looh- Than'ks to the gentlemanly o facers j of the steamers O-den.Goddia. Emma, edfer rccUy,cr even daily, bnt almost Spread Eagle, Hannibal, Silver' Heels. t 1 hecrlr. i During an absence cf fenr cr five j Teels, ye were in portions cf Illinois, thins, Ohio, and Kcntnchv, and everywhere the 'T7cs tern fever' I'eralhn to an alarming extent" ' eyes arc tnmed torrard Nebraska. u a knowledge cf prevalent Wcst- tstiens, these in the States have ( ilea cf the immense rush for "this try. It i3 net uncommon for not than one hundred persons to arrive a&is place ilone, in a single day. . en ttc left here, four veeks" age, -iaseonldte t:d yiihin three to Sve cs cf to-ffn; natr re are told cla ters mast go from twelve to fte Wilgus, Minnehaha, Gladiator., and Emigrant, for papers famished the past Tveek. Oar Asscciate being an extremely modest man, vre Trill say to the public for him, thai he has jast received and is nenv-cpening the largest and best stock cf Dmgs and Medicines ever cpened above St. Josepli. ".: lm en LiCETNTNG Bcrs. W. C. Livingstcn has just received a stock cf lightning rods, and is prepared to serve the peo ple cf this place anl vicinity. We have long had a personal acfpi'immnce - iVaJtaa Of. fi? cdillitliment of three additional ' Irznd Ojjires in lhe Territory of, . A clrailcx .oncrress itled "An tricts in the JTerrhory of Nebraiika,' to be call ed respectively, the "Xeinalii Land District,' iho "South Platte BivcrLand PUtrid" and e'uJahl:oiJ Lmd Pis iridil is. hereby decls.rcd and made knoTm tlrrt the ofUces for said districts have been established as follows, viz : For the u'Scmaha Land B'stricf' at Brownville ' .. , 7. '." Nor the " So uih PIztte Pidricf at Nebraska 'cirr. . " .. , Jor iiieuB2feota Dtericf'. at Dah ko :a city, in said Territory. - Given nn ler my hnnd, at the city of TV;ishingtcnt" this tlireenth day, of AriUlSo7- ' By brdsref the President: ; JOS. S. WILSON, ArCg CoLiuCcrcf the Gen I Land ofice. with the gentleman and will vench for - trict." crncTAL irtr3Trrrr3. George II. Nixon, cf Tennessee, Register of the Nemaha Land Bis- . Sec. 1. rBe it enacted by the Coun cil and House of Eepresentatives of the Territory of Nebraska, That A. S. Holladay, J. L. Dozier,.tnd C. A. ; Goshen be, and the same are hereby appointed : Commissioners to locate and establish a Territorial Boad from the town . of Brownville, m 'Nemaha county, Nebraska Territcrry, by the way of St. George and Tecumseh, in said county, to New Fort Kearney, on the Platte Biver. Sec 2. That .said Commissioners, or a niajoxity of them shall meet at said town of Brownville cn or before the first day of June, 1857, cr within three" months thereafter, and shall procure "such "assistance U3 may"b? necessary,, and shall proceed to locate and estaldish said-road. Sec. S.. That" said Commissioners shall each be allowed the sum cf three dollars per day for every day necessa rily spent in the discharge of the duties t herein proviaed lor, and tint ail ex penses necessarily incurred in the prosecution cf said work, together with the compensation of . said Commission ers "shall be "paid bv the counties through which the read passes. gj, 4. It is hereby provided that said Commissioners need r.ot for the present lay out and establish said road farther ,than the town of Tecumseh, but may at any time within two years from the passage of this a:t, proceed in accordance with the provisions cf this act to-continue said road from Tecu.mi!ch to''New. FcrtKfhm2y. SecJ 5. This act to be in force from and after its passage Approved Feb. 9, 1837. 7 3D. EverTthmg: that comes under that head. G On E Pvp TTATE now in it,r;. and toarrire shorter. Ana p- " Ve Lare now ia store a rreat Tar'cty or tb fot- ' JUL icaa and Fore:r Hardware, stzcJi a : : TJ' .- . t i ,r-CTvTl . . I .1 l.)Wic-articles, wowa we par;uascu iur v-.. aiia , Heal s J.Z5 tnv.icrj oinjequeatly can seE cieap on tliesacie terms: Dry goods, HATS AND CAPS,; HARDVrAEE, CLTLEUT, QUEEXSWAUE, VriLLOV 1VAEE, E3 o o t s and S Iio Beady Made Go And a fine rasnrtstest cf and Edt Toolj Eatcher'i do do 5 r-ear 1 JackionH ia r s Gix!et loirted screwi Grifln and AscriiaS Door locks borse nails Postbol'saire.f Knires anil Tas " L'rrt-s ccr-Ils trlj ail - ,-( Anr and aa jet bijli Cor az;Tes Ames stoTei aal srade Briar jry the - ' I Lull L Porter's s' Grx.-3 aaJ ra iJ " " Eatts 3'orticifl; machines NaiU :.- Circular, dill arl m!y Caallticks taws Planes and plans irons Coop-en dnwirgknises da adies and wood toots Tress tlmvi Fraratd wvk! Ela-kjniitlij' 3sli3wi- ijuI ViiT: ". ' . 1 , . iToateioIa ArLts?.ia Til ., . i Amraa innj . , ,.. Lntts,. cast and rc3ut Pioe'ij aod dies Copper rieW for kniu I 'ad hkf, breeea'j Ucjl Tar ere Irras Fad screwj, esckejej. . Llu. Il :i r ! W Q I Q 9 I l wAVMft r-rr tr f r ." Lac rn the county Orr ?1t 1 . rs-lG0 .crts t. toad of . f f5? f, fn7. At tiS r-.te otters Uxc tsUe Sic. teoc- ccm--rl - x, say cf Mr. Livrr.i.rroN we canVo -r-.ei firing, six months fil , t4 wy-ninetrnlact cf c,jJ tcr genucmcn. ,- .... ,- c-unt- c2 - -" . l.i i cr ci " win the Lnd Sales as possible. c it J3 ;:r t e :ntcrc.-t ci tnc --cry tJ L-Tc r Tuty, c-r-, crT... i .Bt-ototlee, Ncm aha city,, lave jest received and cp?ned an ' extensive Charles B. Smith, of Nebraska, Re ceiver of public moneys for the Nemaha Land District. ' " - " Andrew llcplnns, cf Pennsylvania, Register of the laud o5ce for the South Platte DistricL' " ; Edward Dcslcmde, of Alabama, Re- (c-eiver of public, moneys for the South Piatt e RiTer Land District. M stock cf Goods cf every . dcf ttio.i t:.?y engngc to soil a L'.iw'U- r- T Job :i a.. cf Nelr-!:i Register of the land oSce ' fV,r the Dahkota Land: District. . . - . . John. C. Turk, ;of Nebraska, Ee csiver of. public moneys for the Pah kcta Lanl District, NE17- ADVERTISEJIENTS. AGENCY. F0S 1121.'.. 135 Lr-ts in South Errjwnri'ns. -. 55 O-ir.aal " - -13 Asm of L&1 (eitered'f ljcisr"a tisQty All cf which we wiU sell CHEAPEN THAN TEE CHUaBEST. :l iSO. 3. . ; Ail oRDnrAzrcn. Li gut cnocEitics; Such sj Epic?. Plated and cczl. stirrnprj OrnyTaeats, ick da d Litt Cirtlt reia atJ r;ll?:r'rii da da Eackiei Siii.5 eori Uhn ai r t, do d ElurJ Cli sk:r. ,. . l"t "!r iat!rT . -!-,' Eri.idle d. , , - Fkirtiajd ILrr.e J? - i - Iklusx 4a ". Cot tina -. - ' , ' E-a-nUlel leaJiti . C10CJ- iliratT:?, And a good articls of Saokia; aad Cbewirj Toiscc?, I- ij a jIkjut- t3 m sotbow jpod?, ar.J we ail yea to caE rsuai aad eee for yciir. E01L1XZJLLL A CO.. ArT-a K. 1357. -ly Ilotlcc to Prc-Zziptors t G. S. IIOBBACII t CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW HID BEAL ESTATE BROKERS. CITY, X T. t TILL rive rartinlar ra to rre-:rirj a Breast and reia raar La.t.peJ l a t Piaeers Shoe fircad Eriitles,wax Liairr; tliizs VTi'.'a cary j-c err.'-n:!--- a er5.7"et a ! c-?Ettf the nost desirable whira thn will m'. as thc!o're?trrl.:e. J.CULLCCS" A ISO. A-rl 1 h.l-;T. V '3fiW 3. T. s'aiurrzs. . j. l. vyzrut. , on a3 : Orejoa, iio. ETnTUl5.r. Cr?.' J'- ricALLJSTnrL, doziei: & co .MCRCIIANTS:" ;1 ti teeca-ary jaj-rr? for Tre- TAZTCY A2D STAPLE! DRY GOODS! LTAr.DVTAr.E i- QUEESTTArJi; 1 Groccrica. Prvif" PrT"r- EEOV.3YILLE, ?f. T. St. Jr?--a Ca-sctte, Sas Jrmn City Eaqsirer and Ft.IVa Eesilaa r.;ry tji -s.jt.tLa and c:arr th, j rfr.". t Arr:n-;h,iB:r. ' . , . -: - U7 rsndertrr ay asiLnaace vVizh najbs repair el h . j fTTrt' TT T T1"Tir pri ' Pre-esrt ia pr.-.ri i j Bp tuelr I'se-j lioa r:;at ' AU Jk" iJ- Aii4XA V-Vr at the U. . LaiiC ! i-o ' pn " T" rTrt-" "" rr uilii..t j. J - D. C, & T. SANDERS, rmit and Omancatal Trees, ILcIeei Ilcdgj Soc J, eic etc. Ji-2 rece;TeI. rT Jt.-a r VTU C-oi, a srrp'ly c-f IIa.-:ar iI.-J : bxa ws ,Isr fjrjale i,:OT3Tu.e...i,llIi;T; J.. i v iJU.t. n-? ... , ... - .v ir . . V3.U Eth-iMbi'-atiaef til cri.css; aj. T 1 f--"-' 7 c-a wwsu. i. remain nore l w-' - - n - - r. T.T . . i COIZHTSIOIi a::d ' WHOLESALE GROCERS. st. i.Gri'?. no. f.r tli i-sti.-ie aa-t 1111 AT. ,r cf EiJTr-u ti Apri t 1 . .i., 1 the owi rs of tl.e lor-ay be raqairel retr-rr the 3 iiiilda S-jcj cf X; WTif,-. w ry Ti. 113 AWscf Aindes-ere aijv.ria tL'sCi-y; I1p7. V'-! ! TT TT""TV fI PH ' Browt.rir.e. V ' - . Attest P.. nry?-s, T.ier.rzr: . hT. j Ij () -,-r R ;J T, . t . , ,. r r.. . , T . . 13 ;.LotS ia tas'Aa City. ' p.mrt . .J U...:7 b .'rr. -i -c I .: i a I :;;;..' l': j ( ; Y; ' ' ! ' T- caalj i.-.r. olatedty ciEi:-o-i the rn.l -rnc- fTaEtbr laJt style, s&l in r.vs rar'atr, aJjrrzts-I Rt 2" T. -- ' 1- -t . -1 ; , ' ' 1 ("r .1 - - . ' 'V ortjrjrr-jiir-. - ; .R. TT. FTT.5A3. J Jt rwJ at . rorUTZILL t;-: y r-lll. f ' a - V.,- '."V '! .