Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 30, 1857, Image 2

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    dSntcral intelligence.
Washington, April 11.
There vrerc over one hundred nppli-
cants for the three land offices in Ne
braska. Chapman, the delegate from
that Territory, recommended that resi
rfpneo onlv be secured there, the out-
fide pressure preventing entire accom
plishment of his "wishes.
The following had been appointed :
' District, Jno. C. Turk, Register,
Jno. II. Patrick, Receiver. South
Platte Districts Nebraska City, Isaac
L. Gilbs, Register, Edward Distland,
of Ala., Receiver. Number District
"Rrownville, Geo. II. Nixon, of Tcnn.,
Register, Andrew Hopkins, of Penn.,
Receiver. , ... .
There is little doubt Gov. Izard will
be removed. No successor yet desig-
natcd. '
. . . lYASunrcTCCc, April 15.
The Secretary of the Interior has
civen fall instructions to Victor and
Carrcft, Indian agents, who have left
"Washington for tho
mission of their
duties, to organize
a delegation
the Creeks and Scrainoles residing
west of the Mississippi river, to pro
ceed to Florida, in the autumn, on the
special business to psrsuade Billy Bow
legs and his followers to emigrate.
The Florida Seimneles, government 13
aware, are too proud to be forced to
this step at the point of the bayonet,
and hence resorts to peaceable mea
surcs, which will, it is confidently be-
' lieved, accomplish that important mea
sure. In view of the above design,
there will, iu the meanwhile, be no ac
tive military movements made in Fio
As heretofore stated, there will be
no troops stationed in- Kansas who
have in any way been implicated in
former difficulties in the lemtory.
In addition to a large force destined
for accompanying tho commission to
. run the southern boundary ot ivansas
. a summer campaign to chastise the
Uieyennes and Kiowas 13 arranged
and several officers arc now here re-
instructions to that end.-
None of these troops are intended
for Utah, as has been conjectured.
Chicago, Apiil 17.
After tlic destruction of the vrltite
settlement at Spirit Lake by the Fioux
Indians, they attacked Springfield in
the southern part of Minnesota, but
were repulsed "with a loss of 10 or 12.
A detachment of 100 government
troops pursued thei-i, but being with
out provisions, they were compelled to
return. .
The Attorney General of the United
States has decided that the removal ot
the capital from St. Paul to St. Teter
conflicts with tho organic law of Min
nesota, and is therefore, Yoid.
.It is rumored that Sam Houston will
be a candidate for the Governorship of
I exa3 m opposition to the Democratic
.candidate. - .
Since the slave insurrections, the city
government of Memphis, Tennessee,
have passed an order forbidding ne
groes to preach in that city, and im
posing a fine of 50 dollars to 200 dol
lars for teaching negroes in Sabbath
Schools or elsewhere.
Another of the Three Thousand.
Mr. Burch, a young and popular
political preacher, of Albany, is charg
ed with some derelictions into, which
amorous propensities have led
him. -. -
TnE Penalty . for : Adultery in
Massachusetts. A cotemporary, al
luding to the developments in the Kal
loch case, says that in Massachusetts
it is declared that "every person who
shall commit the crime cf adultery
shall be punished by imprisonment in
the state prison not more than three
'years. " ' . .
Another Wife Murder. Murders
'cf wives by husbands, and of husbands
by wives, by poison, pistols, or poniard
are terribly frequent now. "We doubt
if the criminal annals of this country
cr any ether, can show so large a num
ber of these most .cruel murders, as
havo been committed within the last
three months. We find the following
account of the latest and one cf the
most atrocious in the Wabash Express
cf Saturday. :
A young man, named Aleck Mulli
nix, it is said, murdered his wife yes
terday morning at bis residence' near
llanhattsa, irutnam county. '
The fccts are these he got on bis
liorg'e after breakfast and rode to his
father's and told him that somebody
had killed his wife while he was gone
to feed his horso at the stable. He
teld ethers, that his wife: fell on the
sieve. Those who went to the house
fn-nd teat the vcuncr woman s skul
was broken and that the had received
three l!ors,'cne from a shovel and two
Tith an axe. She was breathing, ;bu
rrkenflrstscenby the ncign
L-crs. crd lived about two hours, lhey
tabic was
Ik. luiJ u I
- it- l.r.rr'A deed Laa been
' -r:. came to tho house. '
' ...
cf tl
V W03TH cr
Just Received
Per Steamer "Silver Keels,
at Tns
McAllister, dozier & co.
Calico and Brown Sugar, , .
Fish Hooks and Clothes Tins, at
McAllister, dozier & co's,
Ginghams and Molasses,
Steel Pens and Wash Board?, at
McAllister, dozier & ca-s. .
Salt and Brass Kettles,
- Tar and Fine Combs, at ' "
McAllister, dozier & cos.
Lawns and Ox Yokes,'
Tin Ware ani Crushed Sugar, at
McAllister, dozier & ccs.
Bleached Muslin and Bed Cords,
Shirt Collars and Fiddle Strings, at . . .
; McAllister, dozier & co's.
Denim3 drawing knives,
' Do Lains and dried apples, at '
McAllister, dozier & co's.
Silk handkerchiefs and hand Saws,
Blacking and pain killer, at
McAllister, dozier & co's.
Flour and irUh linen,
Black pepper and bar lead, at .
McAllister, dozier & 'CO'.
Plows and powder,
Pocket knives and percussion caps, at
McAllister, dozier & cca.
BlTt silk cravats and cod fish,
Lace mitts and wall paper, at
McAllister, dozier & ccpj.
Coffee and fine shirts, :
lied and white flannel and tobbasco, at
McAllister, dozier & co-s. and ladies undersleeves,
Kutmeg graters and Queen3ware. at
McAllister, dozier & co's.
Glass and Ayers' cherry Pectoral,
Carpet sacks and hardware, at
McAllister, dozier & co's
Ladies hosiery and log chains,
Keedles and shovels, at
McAllister, dozier & co's.
Ladies eollara ani striped shirting, .
Puff combs and saddlery, at : - :i
McAllister, dozier & co-s.
Broad cloth and bar soap, . j
Curry combs and dress trimmings, at '
McAllister, dozier & cos.',
Boots, shoes and f tar candle, - ,
Lace edging and Salaratus, at
McAllister, dozier & co's.
Cottonades and spectacles, . r
Brooms and Ticking, at
McAllister, dozier & cov
Sewing silk and buckets,
Envelopes and Kentucky jeans, at " '
. McAllister, dozier & cos.
Blue drilling, knives and forks,
Tea and white lead, at
McAllister, dozier fcco's.
Wash tubs and toothpicks, , f. .
Buck combs and knit needles, at
Cassimers and Testings, i
Shoe brushes and Godfrey's cordial, at . ,
McAllister, dozier & CO'a,
Lace Tells and cologne, ' ' ' -:
Dress combs and scissors, ' . . ' ;
McAllister, dozier & co's.
Thimbles and raior straps, .
Pearl buttons and jews harps, at ' : ' :'
McAllister, dozier & co's:
Suspenders and ribbons, j
Brown, green and blue barege, at . j
McAllister, dozier & co's.
Vinegar and linen thread, :'
Jaconet muslin and shaving soap, at . : j ,
- McAllister, dozier &co'.
Linen table spreads and shoe laceta, . .
Indigo and Jaynes medieines, at
McAllister, dozier & CO'a.
Brown linen and razors, , ... ' . ' I i -,
Crash and diaj-er, at . " '
McAllister, dozier & co's.
. Colored cambric and ink, shoes, . .
Thread and cotton batting. 6
. McAllister, dozier & co'.
Table, tea spoons and wadditg, ' 1 ".
Coat's thread and jack plains, at : . " ,'
. Challi le lains, and window rash, . ( : "
Doors and shambray ginghams, at -
McAllister, dozier & cchj.
. :
Straw goods, and fummerclothing,
Starch and pins, at ..
. McAllister, dozier & caa.
Bonnets and hair oil, -; 1 1
Bacon and artificial flowers, nt , ! . ;
McAllister, dozier & co's.
A thousand and ona articles tot mentioned, call
round at -,''
.McAllister, dozier & ccs.
For Dry Goods of every description go to
McAllister, dozier & oo8.
For cheap Groctries and g ood trogans go to ".
McAllister, dozier & cxy.
If you want to get that which is cf the be3t go
McAllister, dozier & co's.
' Who is it that iJwsts evincea tha most scilcitadi-
nous anxiety to j lease tha taste and captirat tho
tye i
McAllister. -dozier & co's.
Coasi-2ct!y yja. eKobIJ i . "
j. o z.xcxrrji:T,
Notice ta the Citizens of Nenaha Co.
"TTrilEUEAS, the Legislature cf Xebras'ia at their
V T last Session, adopted tne jievenae Laws t
Iowa, which makes it tbe dutj of the Treasurer of
the County to collect all taxes, also, tne duty 01
those of whom taxes are due-, to come up to the coun
ty seat. (Tirownville an irav over said tax. Which
law is now in force and has been since its passage.
Delinquent tax payers vill please come forward and
pj.y over to William Hoblitzell the Treasurer of Ne-
maha County, otherwise you wiU he sent for at your
own expense. : . ";
iSj order of Ooutsty conn, now in cession:
D. L. SANDERS, I'rea. of Court.
Brownvllle. AdhI 7. 1357. 43-4 w
9 A '
Mills co, Iowa,
Cass co, Nebraska.
WD1L promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inve3
tieatins Titles, Paying Taies, Investing mon
ey, Buying and Selling Town Lots, Buying; Selling
and Locating Land Warrants, and all other business
connected with their profession in Western Iowa and
Nebraska. 1
J. M. DEWS, Associate Attorney.
Greene, Weare & Bentjn,
O. Doughty & Co-
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
ureene, W care & luce,
Greene & Weare, .
Ft. De3 Moines
Cedar Rapid?, 4
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Glenwood, Iowa,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Vincentown, N. J.
Hightdtown, u
Philadelphia, Pa.
.Nixon & Goodman.
Tootle A Greene,
. w. 1 nomas,
Schooly & Son
Gen. Wm. Irick,
H. Johnson,
I. Reed & Son, .
Robinson 4 Bro "
Burlington Co. Bank,
Medford, N. J.
H.ooliipoxrt, Zlloa
BY Gil, GUM,
I IRnif!iTIP'5 IITrA JTTlTTfl! I
' . '
SarldlMT. BnntS $L ShflPS. TTat3 fIanJ
' " j
Alio Foraiture of all kinds, Window Sash, &c
rpHE subscriber will send 20 choice varieties of
L flower seed by mail, postage paid, for one dollar.
J Nurserymen and Florists,
, " - Springfield, Ohio.
March 19 th, 1S57. . 40-tf
Ed itor "yebrasia Advertiser":, . .
Dzib Sir: In looking over the last number of your
Japer a notice attracted my attention signed by
erome Hoover, Esq.. in which he states that certain
stories are in circulation that the undersigned claim
some interest in Nemaha City for the purpose f in-
juring its prosperity. It may do quite well to cir
culate a report of tan nature where the facts are
unknown, but to t lose knowing the facts such a
statement is merely foolish. '
And for the purpose of giving a fair opportunity
. to persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn all
persons from purchasing any pretended claim or
interest in the said town of Nemaha City, from the
said Jerome Hoover, ns he has sold and received ay
for nine-twelfths of said town, and suit is now pending
to place the undersig&ed in possession of the interest
by them purchased in the same; and they have not
authorized the said Hoover to sell or dispose of any
portion 01 their interest, but directed suit to be
brought long since for its recovery. '
: ; i. Yours, Ac., :
, , -. F. J. MARSHALL.
: ' R. L. BALLARD.
. . R. C. BISHOP.
L. D. BIRD. .
March 2Sth. 1857. 42-tf
' ' Ko. 52 Pearl Street.
' Jiew York.
Price List of Brushes, sent if requested. Orders
respectfully solicited, and promptly attended to.
April 2d, ViiJ. ....... 42-3m
llMii MMilili UMUiluild,
Ox33.A2xn, City, ;kt. ;
v w 1 fT-n . ...
u&tunin arrangemanis Dy wnicn we receive
XX accurate copies or all the Townships, , as fat as
surveyed, in the Territory, we are now prepared to
offer our services U the citixens of the Territory,
Securing Pre-emptions, . -
- V., AND
Land Warrants .Bought, ana bold,
, r Land entered on time, etc.
PARTICULAR attention raid to time? and
selling on Commission. A1m in making Col
lections in all parts of the TERR1TOUV and
VlSTxiil IOWA.
April 743-tf 1
. vm osborn.
DSiX3 13?
Jewelry, Plated 17ar, Call cry, Spoons, Ac, Ac.
)l Nebraska City, N. T. , : ,
jUTCxa and REPiisixa done on short
UWU14U i fcA W,
-F all the latest; s
juat cj-rt-d at
i:o;;i.itzi:lli- tu s.
XTANTr-D, arid tit tsi.k'a we tV.r-.vr V t t:heit
Si Joseph and Council Blud Weeily
' k THE new and f wt running paser.ger
l steamer "SILVER HEELS,'' having
been built exnresslv for the trade, will upon tne
owning of navigation, wake regular weekly trips,
WwM-n St. JfiBor.h ard OouHciL Bluffs, connecting
with the first St. Loui3 Packets at t. Josepn
Tha SilTer Heels." will extend her trips to Sioux
City, acd intermediate points, onco a niuuui.
. . . -
n33 - tf
1 857.
VyiI.EDDS .....ilaater
For Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluffs, Bellcjue,
St. Marv'B ' WYinmnz LitV. eurasKa wit, Xiin-
den, Brownvllle. Lowell, Oregon City, Iowa Point,
Savannah, St. Joseph; FaTenno, Atcnison, es-
ton, leaven worth City, Kaasas, inaepemionce,
J 7 O J -"7 . r, ,
rT11 1 . . Z I rm f 0OAnjA K r AM tWA. I
' i uicj new exoeiieai ana lavoii'o Fasj"6c ,,c'liu'l j
JL : Wm. Campbell, Wra.Edds, Master, wiU on the
earliest oteninff cf nrmflration, run as a regular
packet to the above and all the intermediate points
on the Missouri River, remaining permanently in
the trade durinsthe entire season.
The "William Campbell" has recently been fitted
up, and refurnish'jd in the most modern stylc re-!
card ess of emense. and with ai eye smsio 10 strenri.n
satetv ana comion, as weuaswim every couvem-
- . - .. . - ... - ;
once that could render her desirable to the traveling
public, rendering her now both as regards capacity
forbtt3iness,8uperioraceommodationa for passengers,
eoual to any in tne trade. Captain taas nopes to
receive at the hands of his numerous Missouri river
friends a continuance of that generous patronage
for which he is indebted during a series of years,
while in command of different boats, and for which
he hereby desires to present his most grateful ac-
knowleagemenu', promising increasea euoris w give
eeneral satisfaction, and retain their confidence and
. s . ir A
April Zd, l&Di. ' - . t-u
1857. Missouri riyer pacset. 18d7.
W. W. BAKER ....... .T Captain.
ROBERT A. DAEST - - Clerk.
For Sioux City, Logan, Omadi, Decatur City, De
Soto. Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluffs, Belio-
vae, St.' Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebraska City,
Linden, Brownville, Lowell, Oregon, Iowa Point,
Savannah, bt. Josepn, etc., ttc.
, THE excellent commodious and favor
ite passenger steamer Admibal, Capt
Batrer, Clerk, Robert A. Darst, will on the opening
of navigation Aj as a regular packet to the above
and all intermediate landings on the Missouri River,
retraining permanently in this trade, and running
regularly during the entire season.
The Admiral has recently received many valuable
improvements and additions, rendering her now, both
aa a passenger and freight steamer, equal to any in
me iraae : ana vupw iiinfr uopes xo receive me
hands of hi9 old Missouri River friends, the same
liboral patronage so generously extended to his broth-
er. ' Shippers may rely upon having their freight
handled with the greatest care and dispatch, and
passengers are assured in traveling upon the Admi
ral, of being made f :el always quite at home. The
Admiral will make one trip to Council Bluffs, after
which she will make regular trips to Sioux City
every twenty day.
April 2d, 1857. ' ' 42-tf
: : ;
Alonzo Olxild.
JOSEPH B. HOLLAND. .. .. -Master.
For Council Bluffs,OmahaCicy,Bellevue, St. Mary's,
Wyominj; City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brown
ville, Lowell, Oregon, Whito Cloud, Iowa Point,
Savannah, St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, Weston,
Leavenworth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty,
Lexington, &c.
ik THE entirely new, swift and elegant
ia passenger steamer aloszo child, Lapt.
Joo. Holland, will on the opening of navigation, run
as a regular packet to tho above and intermediate
points, continuing in the Bluffs lrade during the
enure boating season.
Captain Holland, deeply crateful to bis numerous 1
mends along the river for the liberal patronage hith
erto extended to him ' while in command of the
Omaha, and other boats, desires to return them his
sincere acknowledgments, and to solicit a continuance
of their confidence and patronage for his new boat,
promising untireing exertions to render general sat
isfaction. ....
The Alonzo Child was built expressly for the Coun
cil Bluffs trade, under tho especial f upervision of
Capt. Holland, who begs to assure nis mends that
they will find her to be admirably adapted to the
wants of the river, being of great strength, lightness
of draueht, beauty of model, etc., with cabin arrange
ments and accommodations not surpassed by those
of any boat in the river, combining all the latest
and most modern improvements that could add to
the safety, comfort and pleasure of passengers.-
Nothing will be found wanting in any of her ap
pointments which, belong to those of a hrst class
passenger steamer. . . , . .' 1
.juarcn ivtn, o. . 4U-U
: T-cvilislxt-
JOHN S. SHAW i ..Master.
New Missouri River, Kansas' and Nebraska Packet
for 1857. .-- : : ...
prjsIEh TnE etJrely new, swift a
i33cisa!i passed passenger eteamer,
and unsur-
Capt. John S. Shaw, will on the opening of naviga
tion run as a regular pacKet to the above and all in
termediate points. The Twilight was built expressly
I for the Missouri river trade, undertheespecialsuper-
f r m. di i-. i r . . . 1
iioa vi vpt.ouaw,wno oe3 to assure his mends
that they will find her to be admirably adapted to
the wants of the river, bein? if en-eat strength and
lightness of draught, with cabin arrangements and
accommodations unsurpassed, combining all the
latest and most modern improvements that could add
to the safety, comlort and pleasure of passengers.
nothing will be tound wanting in any of her appoint-
meniswnicn oeiong o urstcia3s passenger steamer.
uu.v.u .vvu, va, , -
15D7. UNION PACKET LLNE. : 1857.
Xucas, Meteor, & ISilver Heels.
T.E.DRAFFLN MasterV. n. Lucas
.... Master Meteor
For St. Joseph, Brownville, Nebraska City, Omaha
uity ana uiufl vity
k r w TIH3 St. Louis, St. Joseph. Brown vili
LH'br? Nebraska, Omaha and Bluff City Lizht
ning Packets; Jas. II. Lucas, Meteorand
ilver Heels, will leave for the above and all inter
mediate points every Tuesday eveninj. at 4 o'clcck,
throughout the season. Tbo new and splendid ras-
I " o- , " - - "J
splendid passenser steamer, J as.. II. Lueaa, connoct
ing with the fine and fast packet Silver Heels at St.
Joseph, formin" the only sure and quick pasiige
from St. Louis to the above named places.
From (he known speed, capacity and comfort of the
tinntn fnmnna'inrr thia lino th tnrp.linff VinKlin rijiv
rjst assured that nothin" 'will be wanting on the part
of their ofilcera and crew to render their trip both
tleasr.nt and agreeable
Marrh 1 5 th '57- 4(itf
. ,
1 R7 irrsoftTTO. , rPtD Dinrrr 1 8ri7
CHAS. R. BAKER - ..Master.
W. H. Sctdder... Clerk
For Florence, Omaha City. Council Bluffy Itellerne,
, DUiiiary s, y yommg Uty, x eor uy, nuaen,
Arownviile, LowelLOrcgon, Iowa roint, aavannan,
V7k n-r' ir"Jcrmo' ay", vo.v, -
w.w. wait, JiikiiaUS, UiUllKlluvavv, .j,
in0wn, c. . f -
THE entirely new, swift. and ele
nx, Capt. etas. r. Baker, sctoder, cierk.
will, on the opening of navigation, run as a regular
Iacket to the above named and all intermediate
mints, continuing in tha Bluffs trade during the
entire boating season. . . 1 :
Capt. Baker, thankful to tho public for its very
Eenerous support bestowed cpon the Admind, while
under his command, hereby U'gs leave to tender his
acknowledgements and solicit for his new boat a con
tinuance of its confidence and patronage, pledging
untiring exertions of himself and oQoers to give
full satisfaction to those with whose business he may
be honored. The Mia-no-ha-ha was built expressly
for the Council BluCs trade, under the special super
ldsioa of Captain Baker, who has spared no trouble
r expense to make her an A No. 1 Missouri River
Steamer, and begs to assure hi3 friends that they
will find her to be in all rofpects, most admirably
iidapted to th wants of the river, bwng cf great
litrecgth, lightness of dratig'it, easiness of model and
ruch application of rnacliinery, as ma3t make her
one of the fast ones, witli cabin arrangements and
ftcccrcmodiitions of a very superior order, an i notex
oelied by those cf any boat ia the river, combining
Jill the most modern improvements that safely, com
fort, cr pleasure could sorjtst, in fhori, in all her
nrnr inirrsents. hh" wi'l ha want 5 tit
losgin.t to
tiose cf a first cKi:j raa eager iteamer!
, JIarchl8th,'57. . .
The subscribers take great pT ensure in infonnlD?
the Planters, Farmers and (Jardners, that they
bave secured from the most reliable sources a limit
el supply of 1'resh Seed cf this very valuable plant,
the properties of which noay bu briefly summed up
as follows:
1st. One acre cf the stalks, properly cultivated,
will vieli from 200 to 510 gallons of ao Syrur,
equal to the best New O&eanal and from the samj
roots, tecond crop or excellent zoaaer.
2.1. Sown broadcast or in close onus, on lanu
daenlv tiiowod or hisrhlv manured, it srill yield thirty
to fifty thoutand pound of superior fodder to the
r-y r- . ' . ,
d. It surpasses all otherplanta for soiling (feed
ing green,) and fodder, on account of tho great
amount of sugary juice which it contains; ani is
erecdilT eaten bt stock of all kinds. ? -;
4tn. it Mars repeaiea cuuings, hko jgypuaa
Millet, growing off freely and rapidly, after each cut
5th. It stinds drouth ranch better than common
corn, retaining its green color and juiciness even after
th ' d
th j
ThA.eaml i nTBlbril liTiTnan food, when
groun;i jnto meai? an(i fattens domestic tiiimftls very
B UCCUtl " . lUiU k Ff JUfrT I V KV W - f v " - "
F -
pan be raised on an acre.
The gefcd which ha3 been very carefully kept pure.
t.nm ,v.nririni imrrtnimn ;n V nfTorpd in pWJa
3. each containinjrenouzh to plant about ono-
fiflh of an in 4 feet b 13 inches, with full
direction for the cultivation, which ia perfectly
1 heso packages will be torwaraea ty maufre or
Fosta'je, tonr y address, on receipt ot lor eaeii
package. When not sent by mail, we will furnish
a proportiouato quantity by express at purchaser's
Earlv orders ore solicited, aa the supply of good
and reliable seed is quite limited. Applicants' names
will be entered ia the order in which they are receiv
ed. and the seed will bo mailed as soon as possible
A pamphlet will bo sent, postage free, to all who
purchase seed; or to any person wno will enclose
three cent stamn.
' Dealers in seeds and country merchants csn be
supplied at a liberal discount from retail rates, if
their orders are received immediately.
Address with a plain direction for mailing or siip
We will al&be prepared to furnish a simpla and
efScient mill to express the juice from the cane, and
cauldrons &c., lor boiling the same.
Many testimonials in addition can bo given to
prove -its adaptedncss to the North western and
Western states.
Will also le found at all timet ,
:- - ; Of all kinds of .
Farm Implements
; With a full Stock of.
Field and Garden Seeds,
Of tho Most Reliabls and genuine kinds.
Full Catalogues sent on application.
204 Lake Street, Chicago, 111.
March 5th, 1857.
Across The Slmte
At the Head of the Island
To W. S. Hall & Co.'s Saw Mill.
THE undersigned announces to the Public that he
has purchased tho Ferry privilege granted Jack
son Peters, at the last Session of the Legislature,
and is now prepared with a new and substantial beat,
at au times to accommodate the public. Charges
usual rates. ,
March 5th, 1857. , . , 3S-3m
wholesale Grooor,
commission merchant,
Corner' Second and Frances Qis. .
rAS on hand, and to arrive, the following arti
cles which will be sold to the trade on accom
modating terms, EACLLS1VLL.1 AX WtiUJLfc-
1 1 en nnn n nnali-lnA hr E .D and W R
ties ' checs
iaqo sacks G A Salt 156 boxes starc'a
200 TThdq N O Sumr ; ' 200 bbls andhf blli water
500 .sks Rio Coffee and but'r crack ;rs
100 - O G Java Coffee 2U0 hbls and hf bbls pilot
100 La-ruavra ,.. bread and pic nie do
u-nrina iocha " 2uu udis soua inuasuarea
250 bbls, half bbla and lUO egg antrwindo
kg3 Belcher's Molasses; 100 bbls apple vinegar
200 bbls, half bbls and qrSOO bxs Tobacco all grades
N N refined do ' 200 bxs smoking tobacco,
150 half chests . tea, all various brands
kinds ' 100 bunches pipe-stems
250 bbls Belcher's Sugar 50 bbls H S Sicily and
150 bbls,' fcal's, qrs, nos 1 Joca Almonds
2 and :i Mackerel .. . 50 bbU filberts, : brazil
200 bxs dried herring' ! nuts, pecans
. 20 hf bbs White Fish 100 kgs S C Soda
5 drms dry Cod Fish ; 500 kegs assorted nails
200 bxs ss'd candy '" '500 bxs half and qr star
100 foncy 44 . - candles ':
300 drumsfigs s 150 dosterine do ,'
100 bx? hi' and qrs Rais-200 do bar soap
ins, 50 do rock candy.
50 bxs Prunes ' " f '
; : : sundries. '
Cotton yarn, carpet chain, batting, candle wicks,
cotton and hemp twine, wheat and meal sacks, axes,
spades and shovels, garden seeds and straw rakes, log
chains, lead shot, powder brooms, wrapping paper,
temp, mtmlla, jute and cotton cordage, indigo and
1 maaaer, aium, wuimj le.Ki, winnow twa, wmuow
Riaaa, luiiiujaia, iia ui uiut-rtni, biius, uomis sssortca
siaes, sassafras bark, pie fruits, fresh peaches, brandy
cherries and peaches, current and raspberry jellies.
cassia, peppersauce, tomato and walnut catsup,
lemon syrup, lobsters, sardines, extract and essence
of coffse, chocolate, pickles, matches, etc.
. Wa;h boards, tubs, common pails, ccdarpails, 15 B
P-ne and cedar churns, brass bonnd churns, tar
backeta wcll buckets, cedar cans, mop sticks, butter
pnnts. buckeye bowls in nests; iron boaad keg?, one
,n th.(1. fiT . j f , IhAlml on 71. I).
bales, common and I B half bushels and mcasare.
camp stools etc.
lam alsoarent for the sale of K A salt, and havo
now on hand 2,000 blls for sale at cost and tranqior
tation. I have the exclusive sale by direct consign
ment of live hundred dozen Field's celebrated oysters,
acknowledged to be the best put up in Baltimore.
To California and Salt Lake Emigrants.
Your t?pecial attention" is invited to roy extennive
stock, bich embraces everything suited to your
wants in crossing the plains. I will at all times keep
on hand flour, meal, bacon, lard, hard bread and
crackers, all of which will he sold at the lowest ash
prices. ; -"
3S-1J ; j. B, JENNINGS.
Saddlery. '
SADDLES, Bridles, Martingales, Qiecks, and ev
ery variety of goods ia this line can be had at
Will ynictica joictly in 11 business entrusted to
them thit will require attention at tha '
An;?.r?s: E. Estibrock, Omaha City, N. T.
J. I). N. Thompson, Ercwnviile, N. T. '
-: ST. LOUIS, 210.
"T7E tako p'easuro ia saying to our friends and
V V the public in general, that our stock of Fine,
Medium, and Common Furniture, ai well as Mat
tresses, and Bedding, was never were complete and
deserving tho attention of purchasers, either at
wholesale or retail in full suits or singb article
than at present.
e shall spare no e3ort to Keep tna most complete
assortment in our line, in the West. Our Goods are
mada here, a3 well as East, by the best workmen,
and thus combine the greatest variety and latest
styles, with the cheapest and most substantial.
"Dealers, as well as all other purchasers, are in
vited to call and look through our Mammoth Wara
Orders also, from all parties laving furniture to
buy for themselves or other5!, are especially solicited,
with the assurance of our best endeavors to merit a
continuance of the liberal confidence and patronaga
wo have so long received. ' .
Washington Ave. between 2nd and 3d Sts.
.March lSlh. 'at . 4U-ora
. Notice to the Public.
BEING informed that certain parties are circulat
ing reports that may, v ithout being contradicted,
operate injuriously to the Town of Nemaha city,
ry 1 . r . , . .1 . . - .
viz: inas i nsi not icgai owntr oi lusvowasne
that I had on a former occasion sold it to other
Earties and am now violating an agreement said to
ave been entered into between myself and the
partie?, referred to and further, that suit has been
or i3 about being brought to recover interests sail
to be claimed by these parties.
The whole affair is without any foundation what
ever, agreement has ever been entered into be
tween myself and any party or parties but what I ara
prepared to faithfully f uKIl. The artklo referred to
above, is Said to have been entered into sometime in
the bpnngof between myself s. b. uckolla,
a Mr. Ballard, a Mr. Donavan, a Mr. Wyatt, a Mr.
Holly and other?, of whom I know nothing as I never
saw but two cr three of the gentlemen, or heard cf
them except as connected with these flyics rumors
IS my signature appears ns a party in the nrticle cf
agreement said to exist it is forged, as it was never
placed there with my knowledge or cwisen:. -
- If tbese gentlemen, have as thev claim, any ristbtj
to property in Nemaha city, or differences with me,
why do they not call on ma in person. I have been
informed that a person said to represent them has
been in this county on several occasions and even in
tho Town of Nemaha city making the assertions, ro
ferred to, but has never made his business known to
me, although I was in my residence and he but a few
rods distant. It is plain, I think, for any and every
one to see that tho wholo affair has been gotten up
to injure the Town of Nemaha city,orarusa to secure
an interest therein.
Thus much I Lave thought proper to soy in this
public manner, and further to announce, that should
the parties referred to bring suit, I am prepared to
meet them.
Nemaha City, N. T. )
March 21st, 1857. ) 41-tf
r, 1 j
askaCityNT )
Conncil Bluffs, Iowa
(Successors to Riden tAVhite.)
TTAYING 'made arrr.n cements bv whi(!h wa wil
receive accurate copies of all the Townships
embraced in the Eastern portiou of Nebraska, we
aro now prepared to offer our services to the
In Filing Declaratory Statements of
Intention to Pre-empt. Securing
Pre-emptions, Locating Land
Warrants and
Land Entered on Time, ic,
Particular attention paid to Buyirg and Selling
Property on commission: Also, to makirg Collections
and forwarding remittances to any part jf the Union.
Ulanks of all kinds always on hand.
Hon. A. A. Bradford,
S. F. Nue-iuils,
Messrs. Dolman A Wst,
Peter A. Keller,
Thomas Lumpkin,
Nebraska City.
U . M
St. Joseph, Mo.,
Washington City
u u
Juno 23,1856. vl-n-t
noois port, xwro.
AVING taken the contract for carrvinsr the
L Mail between the above points, takes this method
of informing the public generally that he has made
preparations for running a Hack on tho above named
route : ,
Leaving Bock Port every Tuesday, Friday and
Sundy,at 12 o'clock M.: arriving at Brownville at
2 o'clock. P.M.: leaving Brownville for Bock Port,
tame evening at 3 o'clock P. M.
This route connects at Hock Port with the St. Jo
seph nnd Council Bluffs Staire line, and 'nt Brown
ville wi th the Stage line leading from Topeka Kansas,
St. Joseph Mo., Independence. Kansas City an I other
points below; and to Nebraska City, Omaha City
and other poiats above; and New Fort Kearney,
west; The suacribcr hopes by diligent attention
to business and atcommodation to customers, to
merit a share of the public patronage.
Particular attention paid to the conveyance of
Packages cr parcels. Charges moderate; but no ac
countability for unavoidable accidenU.
AdHI 7 183r. 43-tf .
THE subscriber has a variety of choice Seeds, of
which he has grown and tested the past season,
and deems them worthy of general cultiv ation by all
lovers of good things. Theso Seeds h? will send
post paid, by mail,apa;kageof 20 varieties, (of your
own selection,) for 1, or a largcrnumber in the same
proportion; fur varieties for 21 cts., or one variety
for 9 cent3. He has of
"Wateji Melons The New Orann--. T rm
Bradford s, Hales, Pomaria, and IVemium.
CAXTEL0P23 Christiana, Walert, Morins' best
Green, Extra Nutmeg, Morins' best Yellow, Extra
Netted Bind, Minora.
McKce's Mammoth Muskmelon, Glass Melon.
Ccccmbero Early Fro me, Long Island, Fi vo Foot.
English Gherkins, Fig Tomato, Mammoth, Crape,
and Cherry Tomato, Capo Gooseberry.
Sqc ashes Sweet Potato, Boston Marrow, Custard.
Woolsdy's Cream, Dennis Striped, Crook Neck, Ala
bama Golden, White and Yellow Scollop. '
' Cons Andrew' Premium, Harris' 4t) Days, Wy
andot, King Philip, Shoe Peg, Stowcli's Evergreen
Sweet, Darling's Extra Sweet, Flour, Chocolate,
Sorgho Llance or Dourah Corn, Extra Pop Corn.
JAS Anvaergne, I'nnce Albert, May, Champion
i 1
de Soissons, Three Foot or Asparagus, Hungarian
Tick Bean, Capo de Verde.
Nepaul Barley, French Millet, Hungarian Millet,
Egyptian Wheat, Poland OaIs.
Cainton Potatoo Pumpkin, Head Lettuce, Sweet
Turnip, Mock Orange, etc., etc.
Send currant bank bills or postaga starap3. When
orders cannot be tiled, the money will be promptly
returned free of expense. "
Address L. N0Hr.3.
March 12th, '57. Windsor, Ashtabula Co.. O.
abt. i. ixnowailmenby theso presents
tna we, Isaac T. Whvte, llobsrt' 11. Stewart,
uame3Ji. tiugacs, lierjaram lloilaJay, An
drew S. Holiaday. Kobert W. Furnas. Ckrr
F. Lake, Wm. II. Hoover, Henry S. Mayo,
John G. Telford, and Ym. Barbee, our heirs
and assigns, do hereby associate ourselves to
gether, as incorporatof?, for the purposes and
uses expressed in theso articles cf incorpora
tion, and do by these prerenU constitute and
declare ourselves a bedyccrjorato and politic
with succession, under tha name and stvle of
ui t-iignnu, japan, vaccn cr Uwarfi, I'roliflo U
a...o -n.j.i..uu iuui ooun, etmoreu
tyeU, tanada Kidnev. Hungarian Lima.
Erownvilla and 2sev
Comply, sreeibla to charts .rr
Le3islatur3 of Nebraska Territ Cf. li
-ah act i:t revising, consohditin. -! j "3
iff n ",-i.rra! rndo r V rn .
ral code for T:'UFr
' an roved J antiary 23, A. D 1?- T!'
shall le, acd La3tii3 power, to cors1'"03
build a Rail Em.!, with dorlleot tfJJ?.
from ths Hiscuri river at 15rown;i s
maba county, or at any oih
r . . . "" in ,
river within fifteen mi!, ..v
w a. 1 1; r ri ' .
below said town of Brownvillo
Kearney, and thence to west line of tf e t
toryof Nebraska, with power to contact S
other road or road?, or extend thia :'a J
...v-, vuu lanscf th..
State3 or I emtones pcrrai:. -'9
Abt. 3. Said Company shall lave tJi
power to mae, adopt and be governed IjnrJ
rules and regulations the interest of U
the laws of the United States aed this Ter:
tory, and may connect with and : cctsolMa"
stock with other companies, provided atL'8
mat coining ia iu;s arucie 01 mcoipc ration '
so construed as to give then tha pawer'ard
privileges cf tanking. ; : .
Art. 4. Said corporation is hereby aat'ncr
ized to lay out their taid Kcad 0.13 bcn'r i
wiue, me wnoie lergm, ana tjr the per-
of cutting embankments, stot.e and m,"
vel, may take as much more land as na7 V
neceosarj lur lue proper consirucuou tcj
iity of said Ro2(L ...
Act. 5. 1 La capital stcck cf said Cn-,,
ny shall consfst of fivo millions f doliaTj,'
bo divided into shares of .one hui.d;td dcLaQ
each. Tho immediate government and dint
tion of said Company shall be v.js'fd in t.
persons named in these articles of Jncorio?v
tion, who shall hold their ofhee t nLil a lici"l
of seven Directors shall be ele:ti:d by ftj .
stocliholdera of tho Company and be
a. m
Art. C. The Board of Direct oti six bs
elected annually, in accordance with lhern!e$
d By-laws of the Company, aad hcM uVr
until their successor aro elccteu aaJ
qualified. The said Director or a majority
of thero, shall elect one of their nanoer Prrai
dent of the Bor.rd who shall also Ij President
of the Company. .
Aet. 7. 1 he eaid corporatioc aLa'I iavi
the exclusive power and privilege of luildir'
a Kail Koad between tho points b:fore men
tioned, and vs hereby cuthonzed t y tbo proper
officers, surveyors and engineers :o causojca
examinations and surveys to be ny;de of tha
ground and country between said points as
shall be necessary to determine the most atl-
vantacor.3 route or line for the coni.truction of
said Kail Koad, and it shall bo la ful for the
said corporation to enter upon and take pov
session of and us3 all such lands and real estalo
as may bo necessary to determine the mo. t .
advantageous route and lino for tho construc
tion of said Kail Koad. And it shili ba law
ful for the said corporation to enlcr upon aci
take possession and use all such laiids ni
real estate as may be necessary for the cccj
truction and maintenance of the KailKonl
and theoccupation that may bo requisite to tho
same, and may purchase, or receive, ar.d hoM
lands for the purpose of said Road, and to ail
as means for its construction.
Art. 8. That any person or -e."soriS, mali
ciously, wantonly, or wilfully damaging or de- .
stroyicg any property belonging to sail Con
pan, shall forfait and pay to suiu company
treble the value thereof, to bo ascertained h
any court having jurisdiction, anJ shall Le
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd punish
ed accordingly.
Ar.T. 9. The Board of Directors shall fir
tho time and place of holding the annual elec
tion and regular meefings of thj Board and
Company, and at such meetiDg each stoek-
1 V V V va'u - A
or by proxy for each share ho lawfully owi.
hn , of c Hi i)rt entitled to one votts m cvnum
:n said Company, provided tint no per?ca
shall at any meeting cast more ttaa one-tenla
of all tha votes of said Comnanr.
Aht. 10. And the aforesaid incorporator?,
or a n.rrrity of them, are hereby authorize.!
to open subscription tooka for the stock of n
Company, at such times and places z$ maybe
agreed uton. br their rivin? notice
thereof by publication, requiring mch per cunt
upon each share subscribed as tiny rcay deem
proper, and when two thousand tharcs are
subscribed, such commissioners s'lull call a
meeting of the stockholders for the purpose of
eieciuig a ioara oi directors ior mo eusi.
1 a T 1 T f . t
year. And when the said Directors ara chosen
the said commissioners shall dtliver to the
said Board of Directors all book?, raonfys and
other effects belonging to the Corapany. The
said Company when thus organizjd ara hereby
authorized to issue certiorates of st 5ck; to bor
row money not exccediDj tho , capital stock,
and make all such contracts as may be neces
sary to carry into effect the po A-eri herein
granted, nnd for the purpose of obtaining mo
ney with which to build or equip naid road or
any part thereof, said Company may issue its
bonds, signed and sealed by such of it. officers
as maybe authorized by its By-taws in such
amounts, and payable a"t such times and with
such rates of interest and may hi sold for such
sums as tho Directors may detertjine. i -
aut. 11. the corporation noay take and
transport persons and every species of property
and merchandise, or produce, or ether property
by the force of t.cara or other powor, and may
Gx and establish rates of toll for the transpor
tation cf persons and property oversaid Koads
A.RT. lL'.The said Company uh a 11 trans
port the United States mail upon such term,
as may bo agreed upon by the Post OCice PJ
partment and tho Company.
Art. 13. The- Company shall commerce
constructing said Koad at some print within
the boundaries on the Missouri river, as speci
fied in article two cf thi3 article cf association,
within ten years from tha date of-filing and
recording of this article, and. ccropJete ibrty
miles of the same withia five yenm from the
date cf such commencement.
Abt. 14. Said Company failing to comply
with the requisitions cf this articU of incor
poration, the privileges herein secured shall be
null and void. . , : ; '
Art. 15. This corporation res ervei to itself
the right to make such changes n these arti
cles of incorporation as nay be:d'jc3ied nec
essary, agreeably to the power vested by sec
tion eleven of the aforementioned act. .
Aet. 1G. That this corporate? j shall com
mence on the twenty-third day of February,
eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, co
aneous with the filing cMlesa aniclcs
of incorporation for reccrl with the Bolster cl
Deeds within and for therounty of Xemats,
in the Territory of Nebraska, and shall.hav?
an existence and continue in full force f or a
period of fifty years from and after said day.
or until tho twenty-thirl day of February,
1 ""'iKlll UUUU1VU iilJU 5CJ
Art. 17.T he principal placa of tran.uct
ingthe badness r.f thU corporation shall bb t
Brownville, in Nemaha county, Territory j
Nebraska, at which place the oface of said
corporation snail bo permanently located.
Signed :
. A. 3. HOLLADAY, .
K. AY. FDR In A a,
O. F. LAK13,
WM.. II. 1I(X)VER,
Keceived for Ke"cr I
1S37. at 4 o'clock V
iclruaiy Z'M, A-i)-M.t
and Tecorded oft
Depd Boo!c A. of Nemaha cocr.t'.. et-rasi
Territory, folios 7, 8. & 9. .
Bolster of Deed. Neaalsa county, K. T.