Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 23, 1857, Image 3

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4. i
- - .
f Si
1 c"
itnLXADAT, Assist - TJItar.
and Ch
J T'rrUia rear
tree n-.r-.
f -V r ,-th r-re- Cincinnati.
- A" fand trifa Ctlce, 5o. 133,
L". v-Lrrs-Trcr. Cii.'
n IL Pkt- rirrc"e, Ohio. -
'r. ,rit -Archer. tr
A kj. ' ' w
V . j rri. '-t ,
ritory, Eoldrecrrily in Kew Ycrk a: tie r-tes
cf four tdred collars erxLjrrth tines cade
prmcpally by pcrscus who design caking
Missouri City their pertruuert rriderce, this
belr g the western terminus cf the Iowa Central
Air Lias H..EL D ecumab--tsr- Illieoud Gij
' j was purchased frcrn the formsr Trcr-riet33 by
W. Tat. Mn,
.' .h .r-'zsd i-rrtiW elicit Jjabscnpt
A- . ... .1 .
Fniro hire ariifcr tlis el'ict eni iatiljl ccrdlla &:;tr:t!o2. ard is is 12:a!y ts is-
the UrJ-3i Stia ia co-cjrrj r-: thm H cc:S c3 cf tls ni t-trriccs' C2a b. ths
uitrulj cf the scsn-cu.vhlch the a
th? errf&Ji-cs. : This ia oxTjir,' to a rsil : crz-trr.
u i -
the wests ra c-d cf the L C IL IL Ihistcm
caritillsts have t.h:ea hold cf this t'cx; e wir
to srpncr lisdirg and rsiiral advintp.gss.
ilissctiri City U fast ac-p:rir inpartrirt
position amcrg the prcj:crccs tC'ms en the
ilissosri river. iira Citizen. ..!..:,.!.
TTe LtTS "rccd cf "vrcclly icnss hsnrl
rubers of the Eorjez.t,' a.:2 ca. era ccca
sicrt vies extrcr-e!y yccr., r::d czr hiftatHa
temp cf the dorrclI-uS cxtecsirely develop
ed, paid the bsi tiro l:tst Tra'aLctn !a the j cf j. :3 v?--,
the '2TrMin Hem ray" and tha "Lufulo
ally cf He C-hinst. ; Alcborglt, Li tha "Li:;: ; czisd pcrt'.os era fold ta Lars $zad tlircz(;h.
II;3 p-Cir to hiV2'sc::; j h'iry thw-
dar ia rr.ervi, if vs cuj 'j"ul3; by their
each-ess, LLdlt is ret inprillla thi.- tliey
v,Td prare tls: cazs to te czs cf hli nI!.
He La teen a rlrid advccwta cf tha HzLz
frcn ."shut Te Issm. s-s crj incllred to bi!h;72
that the iprcpcsiticti1 cf ErgliaJ ard I'n.c3
irill te tlecllaed, tr..d that the Urdtsd :it.,'l
ttIH lanuly :z.i a npcctal Ccnnsicircr to
Chics, in crier to prelect Axnsncaa cllLzuzs.
Ii h pcctiiHe, hoTTTer, that bstHIties wiH. be
Li per Lstt, hzt tha crilece laths trial, sho-sr
hiea t be. .a"arder-t."IoTcr tf "old -whlii
when behbd the door. The 'lillorlristctica
eea th:i tha I frca the 'Cld'crb 'Taaa viZ &srz "J plve ccr
errperjr cf Chira las disircrsd ths ccradcct ! reader scne idea cf Iuj character : ;
rwifre mil '
T EunVO boiled do-a into cce sehtary isll"
inki, Lrocs, Cwis 4 made te tae t will net cpea! tta Lean LI el f pcc:inea C.
23w t.-" eiijltJ!L!?JLi tS- Tlii is exsphacallj tTis to "kiry
!T a iTan:kiM w w -7
" irTi wacutloa cf Job Work. Card.
Foster's Uiest ia: prured Crd
... TX
ic will fc prx
wirTViI to gire iiIacu.oB cr no pay.
' .it in tkls Temtorr, eoais;
after ccnrsltre the best lirhi- orr the s&ljttci,
at Carton.
. iT'iniiapal electxea haTe taken pht:a 12.
sereial Heates. Is Si. Louisthe- Enaecipa
tics. Tl flrci vea carried by; I7C0 5t3j:r:-y.
Thii 'crrot be elied cpoa as a test cf serti
reeni in re;--l to thei -quesden in ary ether
portion cf Hiiouri thea SL Louis cccxtty.
There 11 howerer, 33 h "B-ell fcrowE, a EtrcE.j
The EeT.-sttleraaa i a dL:
fepl!r''?l!imrr'-irt-:lt er.iht R-jxf nrm t's
re i,d there ii to rech place. : Neither have ! . " ... ".,,.
5 i measr.TR, tad it nct3 mth cms:d.?rabli' mn-
rre Leaiu. Leure ci iecman.- a ecsinaij,
hy jtree.r.j tha people, ispeciaHy :.ia the
t t r V a f. - 31.
viicniiiGca.eaicw.rr.u rcrth2::i part.- How tha ina!S8r will te.niraee
tanc.from the rirer, and noreovex-ias act- fore;oLJltlt 3 ProhalIy: result
Ijcer: sold to "eastern eapitahsta. : . J that State becomirg ixee, ihr-h ;Sradual
tl!?5; VITo-bVnb if 7 col see
T ESS rr-bsenber. Post-
f-:-n-suS.jicai interest to make , . '
BstcrsM t f their tarivi nccicr, tr,e 10
a dab, on w - j co Iow4w . the Utter in -Was hb. eta 2
t.-.c : n , f or Tna-,-'), j conctyj X.T., have also Lem lithographed by
Islrf 'eT-a'7fcj Viitors and others ! company cf stvindlers in the East.' -Tlkey
wTuht."! oaii-l:j"- tLdrIrie iaxJie m represented as bete- cn tic greal csrtal
Ste."S . . . - ! railroad- and destined t3 becrme- larrr
i for UM, , iae . . . ' ,
cities in a lew snert veers.", uur readers are
a-reay j trx:.';?-iliQZi in the ccrerse "Of the next ten cr
dby HlzozA CitfLis net been t3 tUj FfWrt Tpn " . . ?
Nctjs frcraXicaraetaare Tery centra dictory.
Acaeordb to & repcri vtich. reached New
Toffc inJie 3rd icst, Walked had obtained a
brlLmt success r beared .- tha town cf San
Jcre, "and , kZIed mere !, than C0() Ccsta
detriment cf ether points erjayirej cpaa! ad--rantaea.
Tro other mythleal cities, named II entree 3
rmer located in Hxrijen
Sabscrirti'.nf recenl
i-- .
l-Jt . --. . , tti tii pn at tat id
: . 't
".'TT' ecntliT:aI:? reesiTin-iy crery boat, la
t T eetlre'j tew tij aieeaert cf ;
EuPzuio Goors, --
TTilci try 1HI sell at a.j rexsocal-te prices
u ary ealibliainient in tbe Treit, .
car r.o:ti leir.3
r tee.- at rnx UArr Ee-.-.tes a jx:,..-, 7 r,-'f'y r 00
; 1 oolei.
-I'vitl-.a f:.rlL'i,pi,
3.n.reArrar, S
13 cow r:aJy f r?-;1-re s;
w- ..- , ec3i.iriU be aC iwa-l en earr vraai'.-irai.
rr;2r adjast!, arl ta t?iai iJolLl-ci girt a t
SPRING rTnons!-
Elcans, whilst he Lad lesit enly tw men.
rThe vcbraka Adrertiscr LaviBg
' back tkf larr-: circulation of any paper
i tie Territorr. TVaolesale "ere baa ts ia
St. Joevi Ciaciaaali and
tier Eastern markets -wberc XeirasLa
mrrcbanU parcka, rill nd no better
aivprtiiB? nxediam ia taeTestern Coua-
".xt a few bTishl3 of extra Fjli Sed to
W loaa ia limited, quantities, W sci four
Fr3TTi ia tbii Couaty wbu wLib ta pt start ia
This treated great rejoicing among hii parti
zara ii 2cw York and Xew Orlears. Brit
latst;id?ices arr of au'ente-ely diiTer-nt and
rarned cf rnrchaitne: any interest m them - . - - , J Tv. - '
, , , " . ' ' , thelfJtlaof ilaruh, VTalker-ieft Ei?as wiO
, , - j tis tr ain body cf Lis-iirmy, ahent JjO men,
not worth a Ted. ., J , ' ,, ; ,
, ''.' :" - in on Ler to reach a mere faroraue pen! that
. Cbu.HA. This fne boat, thcronghiy 3epnir- be ,'23 -tacied by Costa EIcans, '120O in
edand gotten rp in the best style withcn ' nonber, and; after ; a desperate battle, te
regard to expense," made her Erst appearance 1 s .'icBtreHei to rescae his former ' pcslticn
member cf one cf the most extmsive and
reirectaira bedv cf " Chrtinns. He ia'rs-
rnwTA.i F-r Fr Aanficaz b . b?? Y.pcr.r1. . TF tave bow ia store a creat variety f the fl-
tr .T-ti "r nf a T.- . . f; lowic; articles, wbka we parehaaedfer CASH aadf
. . L . t,1 t j j r - ! tonisqaat;j eai aeJL dieap ca the saaia tieraj
clerical podllcm he' "occcpie another and no
less diistih'iiisBed'cne.' He is aro'ItieLin. . In
1354 he.ras at the Lead cf that ijreruiizaeicn ;
whieh indnccd three thocsacd cl jrgrmen te ! M -
annotmci "ii the name of Almighty God" the C-rZTC O 6iG
Divine enrses crcn the L n:te-d biUss fcenaie. I
b;nce that penod he nas teen an eenvet en
thusiastic dsnonncer cf the Democratic party.
Dnring the zst snmmer he shrieked ia the
name cf the' Almighty for" ureedcm"' Ke
preached rerIIIda 'and insnrrection; he preach
ed lesiatnnce to the Luss, of the land; ha urged
that the: ride and the Bible shonld g;j together
till this larxlrss redeemed from sin and sla
very. After the election'. was. over, he it wa3,
who from, the pnlpit on the Lord7! Day, in the
presence cf - men and women, and in tha pre
sence and trmple of that Almighty Sovemign
whose servant and minister he professed to be,
declared tint Jamei. Buchanan the creature
cf slavery,, would Uke upon himself the cce
f President aerainst the indieant pretest of
isTKiiisEjrcE, TErrrc, zmcES cr and KcnAn
. rrr cf the TJcicn. ;' He now stands m dieted by
a grand jury of Massachusetts for dehanchin
the wife ot a friend, who Lad aacvred her- tc
visit his Louse; for outraging the virtue, decen
cy and morality cf a young and L'ith-rto res
pected wctaaru . ; . - v 1' :
CT1 T'- T" " ""TT
.. TTUsi they iabeal U sl
m M W- -
t m-
Ai tbeir New Eitab':L?.b.-a?rt y-a wU. Zzl
- evtrytbizj seeded ia tae Vf estara.
coaatry. fr.iTrmb.irtjf aoup -to
a kreaio'jii ecat.
h nov readjfor delivery to Agents,
cr ne;l:rg to crier cn the recepticn
' Oriers now in, and those hercrafter
received will be filed ia the order ia
which, thev are received.
The Guide can be had at the Land
- Office and cf Root & Corners in
lriha City, nr,d of AEiiiTHOeTG t
.D3Dr, elrssta City.
r.i vn f rm, cuisx. F. T.
FtbraAry, llth, f
Te ir- izf rmd that Xr. R. "R". Fcrca ia aboat
w pcbiiah a TSfpsij of tie Fre-Einj-tioa Laws, tu-f-.isr
witb Lite dx-L-iiLi. eiiiiaatttd with tbat sib
jt. and -Town We tbink feeh a paLIi.--
br is prwidj aeeded, and a eory sbnil be ia the
kaad d erery perwa ia tbe Territory, M it will
impart Taiobl Luf.nnti.n.
. '. JOHS A.rATtOITF.cister.
A U.GILLiI01lE, KeeeiTer.
at out wharf cn last Thnrtday erenicg, with
a heavy cargo cf gocdi for this place and
Sioux citr. Cart. Vrrxia33 we Lave traxel
led with, and mean what we say when we
recommend him as cue cf the most pleasant,
sociable and accemmodating gentlemen cn tha
river, while e'erk Yvilcox would mike the
dullest trip pleasant by his agreeabLi and wia-
g deportment. ' Success to the Omaha!
The absence cf the senicr -editcr, and also
cf the junior, Dr. Hotxar-ar, who has gone
to St. Louis fer ancthcr sr.rr,!v tf rnmuni-
tier, in crier to c-T'CU the largest wholesale
and r:ta2 Drug stere ahoxe St. Joseph, and
the news that the "girl be left behind hini"
tis married "another fellow. latelv receired
by the f:rtmen, which renders ii dangerous to
orpreaeh hhn cn any snlject, will account for
with less advantages than lefore.
Firm Europe, we Lave intelligence to the
23ti. ulr, " ' ' ; V. J' ;'
, Tie bellleoaa humor cf Spain Lad censi
dtra.lly dimicihed ; the proposed expedition
indefinitely pestpened, England ahd France
iaviingnodnsd Spain that if she engaged in
war with Jltxico, they wauld not ir.terfere - in
cast;: the United Stiles used the cccailon to
stu;e Cuba. It is not probable, therefore, that
Spain will rlk Let lest jewel to gratify .her
warlike propensities.
The Sardinian Chamber cf Deputies . Las
Tro-:ed L0CO.C!QO to rot the fbrtIS eatbns of
Al'iXandria in immsdiai: state cf defence in
view cf approaching LcstHities wiiih Austria.
Tliis apprcpriation " sesmzs to Lave quite
calmed Austrian ardor ; for, in a circular note,
addressed to- its cgents in. European .courts,
that go'v eminent after settirg forth 'its reasons
fer breaking diplomatic jelations with Sardinia,
our last issue, we have Lad very little pleasant J adds that being determtaed noi to compromise
weather, and we see-by our exchanges that this 1 tlie peace f Europe, the withdrawal cf its
r THE T7XAIILL2.. : "
TheGerk cf the seasons, by : sexier fatal
mistake, seems to Lave made a wrong entry cf
dates in the arrangement for the jreseufc year,
settirg down Decemterinstead cf April
landing" and that individual gone oa & fcbuei
cr not, we don't know, but cue thing is certain
as we heard a "young tmerica" iayr "some
body's forgot souiething.
During th entire a."J to the date cf
his been
,T , J,
"nerah : Lost Fridav
ILt srn;
quantity ci ec:tenal matter in t
been, and we were in hopes some pleasant
weather was about to set in, but alas for the
frnlty cf ill human Lopes. Abost noon the
wind charged and came sweeping down ' from
the north, driving a mais of cminous looking
clouds before it, and shortly tie glirterir
rhikes be-ran to fall, the earth iHentlv conned
I wT-arr rr ,-u si T" " t.T Ttt rp!TT' fn fdf??--
less aspect Ehe Las beme for five months. ; Si
turday, all day the sun cndearcrel to lift the
gannlet KTrg Frost Lad hurled to the ground,
but without suscesa. Sunday was warm and
pleasnnL During the 'week tie: appiamnra
indicates spring at lash TTe Lcpe so.
: car's paper, and cay all be attributed to the
The am ount c f emigration to the Territories
irem te. Eastern States, since the c renin cf
na-rigxticn the present season, Is far greater
Uan it ever has been before. Every boat is
cr:wwed irera stem to stem witK Yv.t-
freght bound for Nebraska.
1 Since the St. jJary made her first appearance
at cur wharf, the rush has been constantly
increasing, and though the numbers that stop
i-ere are. immense, tbey are Tery few when
. trmrured with the .vast tide which Mows into
nipresentmtlves from ths Court of Tnrin, re
quired by the dignity oil Austria, will not be
followed by measures of a more LosilU char
litter. ; r , - .
"': The Frenth govemaent projects an expedi-
dltion agiiiat bvahrls. r , - ; - -. .
.;. . The Engliiih'?arLTament Las been dissolved
by the Qaeen. New elections Lave taken
nlace, and the result is reported favorable to
the gQYerrmeut, ' -
. Gril war was mgingin Penda. An insur.
rection suddenly lrst forth and was spread
ing4 rapidly ever theccrntry. The rebels Lad
ieized the. Shah'i xaicls and demanded an
enormous ransom for .Lis release j
' . : I
The Edinburg made her ttrsi abearance
here the present Ecason, cn last Sunday. She
was. crow led vkh passengers and heavily
freighted.' She was one cf she most popular
bouts, that run the river last veir, and Beans
determined to sustain that repartition, Clerk
Blocs, well known for Lis universal suavity
cf manners," Las our thanks for files cf St.
Louis papers. - - ; :- ' i
Steam sr Admiral landed here cn Honday
morning; Our thanks for favors received.
; Recdv 3Iide GotliirteT - :
And a Sua aajortrrient cf
r - - " Feppcrs, . .'
1,.,.;". : -: Soda. ..
' - . . '. J: " . Ginger,
r -' : -. AUfjice,
e . c , etc.
And a good artxli of ' "
Sxnckis? aad Cliewinj Tobacco. -
It is a pleaiare to- ua t show goXj, and wt aak
yot to call round aad see for ToarseiTss.
' - no'LUTZELL 1 CO.
.. Ecld r.zzizzhzblj Lct7.
23jri3a Coocia
'.:SlIksr Satti: anl Supers;:.
A larre and eaaipitfta aaacrtatent of
O- :.::.;
x ,;
- - .. -' x - 9
.- .-- s N - ;
r 4 ' ' , X
j r. " X ,
(Sia cf tiaTAJIxi, c-poalta tie Tjii CH?i.)
rUiiT2 IS
1 "StTw f
Boots, FLCC5, Lcitlcr nrlSiceliiiJ.
ST. JOSEPH 110. : - ;
HATH r. w Ii 3' v., a-d t arr'.i i!u rt!y, Asi'j
icaa aad T-znli Iltrdware, rsh ai t '
and EJr Tixj Is
Dither's da dj
Scear i Jackjoa'i
Eorxrrzixi & Co. This enterprising and
wellknovm firm have been receiving, by eTery
boat of the season,, their spring stock cf Goads,
and are now prepared to. furnish their custom
ers with a good article at a reasonable price.
m ' , - i
- J ' '; 'April lsr, 1857.f
- Ha. Eeixos : Ferrnit me, through your
paper, tD say that I ' Lave just returned' from
Pawneti county, with a small . load cf stone
coal, which I obtained in the srutheast cjmer
of saU eonnty, near the Kansas line; and on
ths chim of ailr. Turners. - The coal is now
in'riaiin Toirbwh--: JJZ J",- i,l,m
But what took my attention most wra the
covelrr to see a large. black walnut tree, era the
bank cf the South furk cf the. Big Nemaha,
taped in the old Virginia style, with two eldr
spiles ind a trough at the"rootto' catch" thesnp
which was dromic? fcemthe smiles : I thrust
my head into the trough to taste the water,
and tc my surprise found it as sweet as the
sap from the .soft maple, which I com tared :
from mother trough near by. I repaired forth
with ta enquire infcj the charieter cf the - sap.
The lady, (ilrs. Freeze,) informed me that it
oodsmrar, lut not very fn;r, and thai
OzrixCLiza. - ; ''. .
Fer Kin5a3. UroTrrTlHj, Omaha, CoaacH EIiTj and
".Sioux City. ' - ' .
'; " TTfE new, elegant fxcry aal ecxzn.'y-di-ws
pas?er'7rr rtvner Ax
Disw TTETSLAjni, llastet, J. J. Wileox, Cuerk, will,
oa the earliest "iipenics cf tUTiotion. resume ber
trips and ran aa a rcfaiar pa-iiet b the above and
all intermediate' jointa en the ifissonrf river. Pa
trons can re!y pia ber erjEtinniaj ia the trade
reraiarfy darinftae entire season. , ". "T
The C niaia hiivicj been placed ia the mast urisx-
efpticnatr j crier expressly the fcnJ, ber'oSirer3
hope tkal by atrk.-5 atentioc to the ecaudrt uf her
paeE jirs and to bns-Lc33r to merit a liberal share
cf patrensje- frcia sbirpers and thepablie reaerairv.
;',;,- . ; A. TTrXELAST'..Ma3ter."
. " " ' J. J. TVcxox, Citric
April rd.l33f.- '' ' i 43-tf
- ; - Uctice to Prc-ZzijtcTs!'; )
' G. S. HORBACH CCf. '
' 1 7ILL pve roxtjealAr a
v v the neeesarr rapers for Pre-en!?tin. an
renderiz arj a5Ltince wLica. iaaiyiH?jrequirel by
ire-emt ten in; proviax ip their rra-esip:
at theU. S.Li3dO&:e. X
r.icLct kn-rtf ;
L-t carta j bami ut-l
1 Gimle roiated screws ti:n
B03T5TETS AND TILnildlXGS, Qr.Zn'i and America Drsr Ikj
nor-e na.,i Ar-rs and izzt Ik JJ
Fvt hole aa r?rj Cura kairss
Ames' ihovetj and fpsids linar scyJi
Lali JL Tarter j ikattcr rus and grala I
tar.ti iu '
31 jrticins machines hoveli xaZ tonS
CrinLir, ralU and ma!y CAn-Hsstkks
aw3 Fruned w-jd.1 awr
Ilaas in I plane ix-j as ITjtn kslai iii' ikii w iwul
Coo.pers ilrawici inii Vicci
d adie and wjed llodehtila Aralcaje a-
toli Til
Tress Loots Aaicrlcaaanvrj
Latts, east and wrcm-hi t:vkj at. dies
cf every jtj'. j and ciillty,
n t, P" r-1 Tpc'
'a fii thellZIIaa!:
'. ' ' i ' Cf the best mnnf-ietnre and cf ST srier
., .. .. Trcrknjanihip. .' '
;:;.,V.-- Lcc!3 Gliica, -1 " ::
That, win rka si a r7 msn tandime
""-' " and a cf beaary more Iove'y, " '
tioa rihss
- 1
Vi"e reo2ived ' a nle cf New York papers
from the accommodating and deservedly po-
TnhirrifT J. .7. TCrtroxi cr the Umana. cn
last Thursday evening onljilurUen day from
Xiir Torc'ta EroimiriSe.' . By" Uncle Sam's
route we received cn the same day Kansas
A Cut. TTithcut giving us the "ur kindest
cut cf all," Jons Dczma, cf the flrra cf lIcAx
lxstee, Dopjm & Co, has presented us with
the "cut direct5 iu the tdiape cf a finely finish
ed and beautifully cmeenented knife, possess ad
cf the keenest cuiiir.!r rroclivities. These
who want a zood article in tho cutting line '; F11!13 of February 23 Ox.
..Were it not for the gentlemanly aecemmo-
tie Tcrritor
Our citv. is
crowded with strargers, seeking anew Lome.
Let tnem ccme ; all classes.
who are industrious,
Lad better "cut" for John's, as be has a lar
assortment cf every dcrip ticm c? cxr-lery, til
"warranted net to mi in the ctJ'
ditioc we 'receive" fsja the clerks cf steam
biats'we'wculd often hajVtydo with 'regard
to news' a they do in'ctner sectiens cf the
ilnf-srfi-iLi.HA. We Lear nrcmlums I oacrtry ao wnnoun.
the molasses was not much infjticr to the
ruaple molasses. I would say to a!!. tho;ic who
h aye black wninut timber on their Land gi ve
itatiiaLifitwcrka well your sug ir ax.d no
lasses will coma cheaper than the .present
pricej from the store.' Who', wlH 1 the first
to fri'f&it a trial '-....
" xEALins rs ' "... ;
rndt and Orniicntril Tress,
ALcIcra Heilge See3, ei&,! etc.
I UST rw:end.peT3teaxerVrtit9 CTon.t,a ripply
J of ILuInra Eed SeetJ, which wa unTec f )r sale
oa reasonable tnrsi3,for CASX " ' .' "
Oar seed are ef Iajt season growth, direct from
Texas, eonaecucnirr n.i daner tf le:n j .iama rd.
:1 D. C.a t.y. SA5DESS,
1 miles Socth of ErownTiiie,
April K.I.I33T. - 4i-tf
N That wZI ft sii please everybody.
Bcdtii: cndA Slices,""
C.rrv-er rlTu f tdti
Tay;r3 Irons "
riatad and ccra. ftimra
d.t C-i l'.lZ.i
di d j iiinr
r.rsiiit and rein stars
Lut3.fcs . , ;
Fid h-ki.. bre'.LYIT
a: rs w !, cot L Vi a ,, ij 1
fiirth riia- and rutiir el
Slllc, 3 e-arl tare si .
Cali gkirss
t"r"rr lii Oir
rr.dIl-1 '!'
Silrtl:: ; ! - i-IIirse.-.
ii-!::- - -iU : n ;r" ;r
i'.-o-.a: ju.u : ! - ' ".
Tmm the inLtB.Lr.e artkle of red taoroceo, -
lathe rrr!'iil boot cf the jriatie-
eustnme. '
o-l 4- w e o
Worth cf
We learn that seren men we drounei at j i-' a. av . x ---
Omadi, 2,T,.
praise bestowed upon tbis boat Bv passeng.'rs ' lV T i - ' , , .
who have stopped here and thesi cf cur kl I Tt Icf KanB Lsl3 leea
low citizens who lately made a trip to Chnai! PiHadelihaL lie tatns
.jt...i : . ." -!;- ! i-rr-fTl.-l-rfrrf nT1T the remainder tj the rest
ua;a, ujrt'gara ia goou cream; enr, super.Oiri ,
' fare and that Prfprrw'. t,- .rVti cf Lis Lenily undcai such bimitaticus us Lis
Liuu-j,iii . nr.,!,! win -:
and enerretic n.v..i.r r ' . - . .
CotaeUac, from the crowded c-.t:ea cf the , c - -. , .
t v v , - ... coursed some fne music wiula larin at orr
Ea-t, where the air is reekieg miasma, and ' 0 acr
.'..-- Tr?.i.-.T.. m . i- - .' - ' -
wJK.S iwuu II UUC iO-UJC S
father shall deem ad visible.
ind pro vis
or 3 high; where money is;
Tee- IIaeiposa wCLiai--TLe . Fvracuse
Jcurnal mix, O. W, ChHds, cf that city, .Las
Capt. Eanm and W. H.ScrxiE2,the clcrl;, had tendered to him the cEce cf. Ergineer pd
Those in want cf Clothing can le 122 relied
at tile ""Baltimore "Clothing Store," they
will see by an advertisement in to-chiy'a pa
per. . " '"'
O the IPUilnsWattbe- resiieneeef berhnfibLind
ia 5esha ccsnty. MAEY. cetscrt cf uajn l'.r.
are gentlemen
sciree and doctors plenty; where-the richijc 3j
:u tne tires ef. tne pc;r,
id men in h:h!
piiees trample crcn eTery law of justice and
men every way fitted fsr their pssi- Surveyor of the.Frrmcnt Hartrcsa claim by
we predict an euTiabe popularity fcr -1 present owners. , It is their intenrlcn to sub-
the ilin-ne-ha-La.
low and orphan;
regard net the cry cf the wi
were sin and crime, robed In purple and fine
Imcr, go honored to their graves, and the vir-
tueus rCiOrreruried. with -loalhinr and
TH2 TTTia 2IA1T. ',. '
The gentleman who recejitly-'ryWfml "A
consternation amon the "ael
divide thj ext:ns:y;
tt into firms fer actual
DxArs moil a Disscna:r Wccxd. Dr.
si.atf, i5ecpIe..of..o' chanpner" dlej at Lis residence bErooklm
v w 1 i i. ... . -
A. II ALL IX, Ca.,b'r. S-ILtoKrrert.
OTTTIITSG DAYS, if mdays andTborjdays.
DISCOt!rr DAYS TixsdiT! and Fridiya.
U k"IJXG nOLUS, cm 1st Xvea.bcr ta
Lt iLirch, It A. te 3 P. AL: frcoa. 1st ilarek U
laty.jvwib1fA-JL,tJl,.iL:.- ..Cm
ceiru i n.euiJQrvn r-.rr- Tr,c
"-One. then, we say. from the densely jPa few cats dnee and i n.wiL ' 1-j on x riaay mornieg, insn, irn po r Mc
. . . " .. .i CCTliftl in r--. ... . i tin n" lrssi? n h T ri'it-r, t n t4i cnri (TT. I
ppured,iLere Hammcn is the God 1 .uu.i,: j. u WXx in e action " w r . -j 7
. ... j Ct te auu.crtties ia Y.:. mw TT r:rr,'-fti fH TJnnlir at tft rorrTtPct nf Cnr- f i . - t
wcrsmppc. and ieara tere for tie first toe to ! that his k j7,Zr,r "''H'; r .-.----r
-.tI.V H v,... x- . r r- ,wi v a,,OTflcaw cnerEeiderjdeeetgsedassistsdbtherfffcTT -'
jc Lneea INature no to Nat-!TTi GsxL" 1 tsdtehtE Uui - ; . t. t Lere the cuaLes cf Lead and heart ve-a&i ri.ner .aerr..y. anj rnrs nrty t ... .. . . 3 ' -;
meet their just arrreciaixx whnm rh-tue is! criea tanging; ever him, tlatf to fd fc - at the ban .s
hsown reward, and the A'mi Ltr doHar Is ! ta w cbiekeD-iced sarroUers.-enggel at this Le pnek- L , pj
, . , ic-3-t "r SJ-ea arnccr. ouer th irtrs ed tae second tr-gsref the Icf; Land, and, not- '
i- iowcr. - cere a Lome can Le that Le was huntine: land tcc-r" -n? 1 j- . , 7 "
,if..T. 1 T--T L ,? . .,.-7 cer, na ra winustandingevenr exertion was made to pre- .
- Luf-ineta.tng and ycur chiidren grow cp; entered a cons. J enable Truan, and cwne.1 a' - r., , v . ' V
.Tr"-a:-n WfV. : ; . , - r,. e.-.f Vi-r, ,ri, 7 . " j ven a fatal Le dd, after sufenng Lie -
u 3 trtt.2 pcm.etcuH mt.uencss of city --. -..-..11 twi.nTen ih-itler; ..
Uu Come to the West, where the air is rni U:dt0 rsfc to anotherof QOstil:tetse 'Sr- Ped was twenty.
1. v t- , tae sp-ec:cs cf upeus, the carious can casipLsr seven wears cf auiv and Lad r-repared himself
w-eaJiyocr own vine and fg t-ee, v.ith none ; fed he knws what he -.sdozcj, and when. he .r . , "
"molester make wca afruiJL" is gom-and ;t a cur orlnlca that be shoull! , J -v
. L i b kept close, and net be sneered to ream ,! hcsjita. ..- V y ' 1. . ..
Divra k. x'LirsHixs. . chazlxs s. wjzt.
l A Llia.S in. ri LL i..i
(qrrcslta . Advtrrnse". eflra.)
.F.OTJNYILIiE, !y.-TL- -!
Will attend to IHin Deaantiona cf inteatioa ta
Stearin PVe-en:rucc!,Loc:&irr Land ITiairana.'
- ''HAT5-A3n' "CxPSl' V: '
Eef 'Steamer Cel.' Crciszzm' ':
' 1 . ;!-!.' tiattzzj:oii2I-. V. r" ' '
5s. 31 lljia St 3d door above Post Cntee. -
; CnOTfTETlXIX, IT.T. : -
. Fine lmodor.-iia"c!ais. and " J. f Z.H7.
' S iaatpii-wCar? "at the"" "TtT
; " Rirjrjrt.Q.dMr.g Siorz.
. ..ElTtimd fancy calmer pants, and -
Crpit iatk5y at the
',. EzllxmoTZ i &ortl
- - - - - -
Sili, SiT;n,ILirjariPS, and Cia Yest3,ani
FIaaB( Shirts, as th
, . -' : m Baltimore$ Siorz. .
riOTcXT7zaro and CutlCi'y
. from the belt Mnniactamrs at - - .
1 r :fi6lIElZD ABROAD r z
.""'. ' . .'.' axn : . ' '
- f' : e'EcLmx Prices. '
rOci:? Li:p3rtel.. jChrpafes.
Of Xew aad Hiizl diiijna. r ;
t -.r7wj
W A: Si
:.v.. hosieries, - -
.rhir.rtj" Glas3 and Qaeeaswaxe.
to?.te iro3T5AiESr silk prnszs,
Shoe 'ihrraJ
Linla p sklii
Slndrr --f
"'Tith many g-wdj esbrai.'inr a forrEl''?: a''rt
aient of tha Ciiet dcairalla wh.-!i thw wll ft'i at
the lowest prL-es . J. CQLllOZZ i :2IUJ.
April Ii Ji,lcwr. . : :;t-!y
AT. 33 Lteet mud tor. Cjuereiiil 3'
st. louis, ro. J -'
ItT" rr? lo,I ati-sniiun rtvjn t-t :lI cf ;'IIIIrTI
aa.1 WlilLlT. 2o criers uiiufvC too ;sn!u
of Ilen. d.r!:! indlra;t:y.
. April 13 :Ji,l3jr. T . ...... , :,4K
j. a. x'xun: rrra a. t. rx;zr-.'.i.
Cr- a, 11 j. rr,wnvile, . 7
:icAi.Li5TciL, Dczmn & cx:,
MLinCIIAN'I"S- - : i -
"- - --- f t' ' " -- 4- ,. .j.
, KAilD T7AHE i QU EI35W JI.E, r
Groccrica '
' "i. 4 J.'ii'.t ii'f. itf i.2 H."-rr .
ehowyillEj .n. t-:
St. i -r- '.i Gazette, IITaI.1, Jeirt Ciy
EiK-airerand St. L) w.j S?j(ib.33 copy ju: ci ti?li.4
aid cbarr thl etfi..-e.
April I 'i JL, 1 137.
1 .
And a axtidas, rxnenr.5 ia r?ri;r ?rr
dation of prkre and sn:partaari tram Cse prla-uire
toothpick cf tht aacient gocw qnal, t a thoOiscd
- Oar iBWRt and entire lesty forbid ej lavLsi-
ia gawinr encTniuau Hpn nr tpnnx 2xs I
Gutxis, aad we zs. yc u i call and s ! for ynirselrei
. and f irtbemiurs
Icrcliant Tailor,
L TTAVLr5 jr. perry aai Ir. lisd jx-raane-at.
XJ- ly ia Ejrowari.le, I uZi wj frri'- ri iLm
ii"i'iui.Tij IT, ji u
Apra23,I337. ,
:;05, A r
A. LtrctiD. '- -J.- . . . J. T. E:-3S.
. ' . . ' -
pstlle rsrrxl'.y, if they want .tsy thlnj-Jgn Lin-
ine ii. .aj:n'?is. I eaa iiiji Ui ianj tX u.y r
sr,Eii,repr,.pcr!ypaiie.r at 5 J Letu-h,
York TVarraated l it, Psry f
ranlraTar aUr.Ij y!d t- ewttlcjritfaiaats aI
layiaf tT W'iric frr-he F-e"tf'tri.i. fat pra:-a
rxx'.i.m of ay !!f kai Jea 4-r-7tl to rj- trvl. I.i
which I ejfri i t Kj.-.lf ir-f T -r t-i r -! er-;ulJ r
in the euttia d-par tme&f.. at I bspe frfcPwe- ir'cn
tloa t.f cry c-ie;nerj t mirit shae t f
r-arrrarr. E. E. PlLlLlt.
ZnmriZ April lata, 137. j 41-!
a a v. . . v.
79 2:a ei-J
Land Warrnrits
Fise Shirts d ee-rjv
r ; . BxilizriGre Chirtj Starr.
ier'uaUerajStnw iat2, attaf
Pass rrs anorryn.Ou list Ilculay. a
C P. Oudwat,
eemirel, ly tha name cf J
t f-r : 15 T-". T;:-rl t"t loir- .-! V t. T !
1 o r -; - ----- - iita ..tju ,
enons are. j- erkxrer, fCiirersiiaij .
i-er to
ee with his iri!
1 f. 1,
Pjtrtitmlar aitenca will be paid to bryirr tni
sllln property on comTri.vioa, and rnsilrs i-1-- j
Correspondence solkitei.- aad f: n-ry eravit, - .
'ralae and Ctm-y Llra, at ih
- Baltimore htlr.j Slzre.
E tr in the eLtiiEr Ene at the
'BaZLr.cre Ckil'r.jSlire:
and takirgithesnm
We learn since- the above wru b type,' ftia we
Ai.i A:.wrisir. uwrs jr. 13 rress . .r iw
CII arc-onl aid erxaiae the it:ek at the
- t ,Tf,..,, fn-.fl y 5
Arrll 2TT. 1?37. -' - 4-Iy i
V-OTTCSU iereby rris.'riat 1 wiiCa il..;2i,I
ii diy f Arrll. li T, prrf:ei tr thf Land
a: Ontkha Ciry and j nr a 7 ray rre f ra i -e 2 " h 1 1
tht 5crrh West -jii-trof rr.l.-a TJ, j- 1-5w-;a
Harj IJXi;U;i;i Xxihi." 5-bra-i;Terr.
L. L.TJUiil-'.j.W
E.-jnvUIe, ArrU Ii37. - 4J.-U
41k. W 1U.
rrCi: rwp:rty b.1.1 rj in lie Ctytif iS.-nwaT-rr!.
A are hereby cot.i-'d thx.; s?.rr..'ji g ta aa Ordi-ni.-cti
cf th 1.7 Cvna-iZ, the iiojeeir;T.t rf xl
rtrr'ttj with'.a tit cr.r--.-nt r.rai!rjrr sid T a
ba keen ra.!?, ail s;7ri;.vi by tie I1y Cua-i-.I.
aadai-j per; as fiillr p thetn-.!. aT'eT'd Sy.; i
can hare a L-'.mt- r U w,.h;a
.s tint? c!
ErowzT-lZe, Alj-Z. 13 rh. II1T.
Iailj, tlLores, ricTr?, Turn iJtnr, etc.
ZTJC7A, 110.
riion. A Hatcain?, E;r; iraiille, X. T.
rm:l cf a bDrribl- ccenrrence j O. ILIrne Erp UayChi
. j , k, .
7 . T . .
.-.-.tuc.j ; rreiuwi u j j:jv cu scj u; keccsiitjaiurt, tnrs
"1 - sracxts aor ie teat wnicn-sti I by ! ir.i te c:
-4 vi turf. . The L.Ir, whe
case taa Iietn which terminate the life cf John E. Cake, cf i
mtv. Hi
woslcm:! tod.ntj'cn th;
Let 5 ia tlx-
I i; ..vine nr. 3 s -.zi to the LuiiaJac loth itst, I'o tf:e was on the rremlsas at the ! 15 bLoci47,
4n r- .-
j mH3 r8t;fal Tm Site is s.tiioe.I 5 Jau k
J. 'eit'a of Itrnw5rr.e on ths T.'rritrljl ro4 I
i !!fui:c tnXeasiia Ci:j,Ss- G-.-crr-, Ga L :, an 1 ;
Cavh, by
ci ... Kta
S.aija, IIo. Arrll ' lL, 1537.
.r nirana cn xtt
li. jr. rnenrses.
TTI pn-:.:e
ti-m thii will
d t
..n a::.: . a a;;
'?-r.r.-'i--. r ;u OreihaC I:r. X. T
4,. .i. 4. 3. . IT . ... '. .'.
:r? i--
'ere arrn-r
? r -
rcILim, hr.
sn-pmcus : Asylum. Ee r.'-c:tr to have beta
a ftC:
r et reaea
nv.Z:t a-i shzvcdoL' iler
time, and bufbr imv cn went to t
v--. -
en. Tie can-es irhith Ial t lis ; he was a crrispv . Ea was highly entcsmel by
ire-:.! s ? -
-nr . - to witness, tut the Lrrrmin F.
r, cr. I v i'.h " " t tr '
:rbaEL-errr; Lnd,
all arid v.-as tra! a five rite with re
dual of, bis a.-ir,lnLinee.
3ionme3r 3: iirTcrrrrrs. rre - AitocseaTtiy atranrs it is testae
wi.h . lirg-3 anl srlendlJ itock cf I dir.' Cake, cams to his deaih by tho s.
Leer c:
.3 nn-
i:33: Lots 3-aa-i 12 Tjiaci 43; Let rai. Cry. I.b ert TX
ia the Cirr.-.f Errteari'Is, fcr ' ' 'T ua-artaa eettireef rrei.ra eraary. ; , V I ' I1 " V KM
- - - 3IiAlTJILL 4 IxLSZT. beii-:.idand urprnvea enty ta tae Iirjrj; 3.1 U X X L
aad free i'- Inran-ir sl c I ;e p-ir nl'y t T!a:hr 5
i---r3 1 anlLTii;. 1,..earr. : t : t, .r- ";5:di- . r V y 7"i7 f
i 4 , . . . O 1 -L. JL
" i r. ir3
T- IT T ." i
DdjiLvL fl.-i:.e Vines tte".-.
and Ixii 1.1 T tiararl eazr :
. . , .- . , , t. "r t i -' t- . ' an-i tvi-c .-...r; a . i-
Liit 2 i-a b-.-Tri 4 bet Lre I,s it r.waTi.Te. ; . - .
- a!jo,Wae and ,-tia bt-v-iS o.aib Krtet - . '.X --.-.t 4--..
J4.C 4A.4j. Vj .44. J U LT ... HT. ! . I- , -
. inme-ia :y. -
r.- ' AH iiertUis c tf t.r-aiT-'-
-. - - Vn a-trr- .l. vj.-r --.-.'
r.i.11" i !: l;tll ia t: llain 5rrrt:aTo. lt 4 a-ri-j a5 th- T.-'i: I,.
is Lave bsen '
r '.j.-t
1 . i.
arl ' 5c.b.wl 1
It k. ! 'k 4. .
4 Vi m,' ol
r ;.r .-.anre; f J
. trciJ
-cart-i enheni
i tire rer
t:.2 ts -- 1 ; -
a: i (e-;;::nn;r; circnrasntr.tts a jeur cr t
; fiat;.--i 19. Alio, 4)j.!s(!
C. '. .
Izzz-.i. - C
Ere:?etn:-:ly -
... 4Vwi4.
45-i rl ..-r-j r ::