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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1857)
I v. : ! 1 ;l Hi . W I !-.; . j I j : ! 1 I I J vv V ' v v' - V - V lTTEES CITY OF BEOWNVILLE, NEMEtA GOIMTY, . T., THUESDAY, ilPEIL 23, 1857. VOL. I. ISO. 45. - r . u i I - r i 5 - I t . . ' - . i. "" ;: . . . " Bt, - i lull i "-i i at Txrrk-n-rTiXTTA-mk.Trri mm tf-t tt Tvn?XTTOT3i 1 1) r:W- FURNAS, i OF ADTTKTISIar J1,C3 CO 2.50 10.03 5.00 eo.eo S5,00 15.C0 ie,oo S5,00 10.00 10.00 8.00 2.00 13.00 10.00 6.C0 4 ;aaref MieTnom- three cun, lix nocth, : cce rear, Cxrii of ix lines or lew &e jear, j Me year, C-as- si1 Coi ist, th'Te months, : if Claain,tiire cioctti, fourtk -..;;.ktM t.-T cSce, 5,C0 Lh ill iraart trill b reqairea iot i4 reniee- rhere ctiil rtfroitsn-uiiT u hk. a per cct, fjr eaca ehns be fcdded U toe IlaiVsT Easir ess Cards of ve lints "cr less, f-ar ?a j.f-0. fcirerti.enieEts wHI be eonndfred by the year, i-n roeciSei a tb marioscript, cr jreriocsly ' a;? between the parties. k iWpents H.t marked on the ery for a rpeci- I ,,,1 cf jerti-".id te eontiETie-i uui or- 4 eharre l areordiny. j J 1iTruTaeati from jtranjers cr traasient per- be pidiiadv3W. ' T inV'.:e tf Tearly aIrcrtirs vid be eocSned fra ifir n bnines : and all advertisements i Trpin; thereto, to be paid for extra. aivkrlisement! cha.rjed doahle theabore on tie inside exirtslTely will be extra. 4. i ' sUw !OB.PMjtTIAtG.! Blanks,. Bill Ileais Circulars, in t$y rr E1LLS, BALL TICKETS, ..".rrii.j , ; Wr-r oAer kir.l tf work that cay be eV.led for ; nTi'r n;ha5d, ia ewmetrUon with the Adver "r" Oice.aa extnaire and ex-'eliect rariety of f A latettTles, we are prepared to do any kind of i nmtwied in the above Cacaiojue, witkneat- auU di.--pa.tch. . T'ae IVprietor, who, harir.? had aa extensire ex- iets. wil! jire his personal attention to this branch I bava. and hp, in bis endeavors to plea."?, a it the exoellenee cf his vork. and rea.?oiiaLle i X-,t- receive a hare f the pablic patronage. BUSINESS CAKDS. BrvOWNVILLIl A. S. HOLLADAY, IL D. 3URGEON, PHYSICIAN And Olostctxlciix ; ESOTTiTILLE, . I Iicits a shaw of pabiic parmniye. ia the vaxions " h " his prfesilen, from tic cizcos cf Erown ' sd viiiiniry. " E03UTZELL & CO., L-R-Y GOODS. GROCERIES. , Qucensvrare, Ilardwnre, ' Sto-tros. 2Txxx-xxitxxro- COUNTRY PRODUCE. BIIOWNVILLE, X. T. MISS HART W. TURNER, TV? rn wtr 2 ' -A Ticl' ZPxotgf3 2iXzix.cxr-(-irrt Street, betweea Haia ari Vattr, ; BROWNTILLE, N. T. luiets and JrinrrJvjs cZtravj on Iict.ilI. i C. TJT. Y7HEELER, mm Aim builder. i ttiTT t r '-f r r r i -r- tJQrowiivlllo, IC '3?-. ! T. L. RICKETTS, : I J V' - - - . - EIULSKA TEE.EIT0I1T. i J. D. N. THOMPSON, IATTORIsSY AT LAVA j. .LOT AND LAND AGENT; ' Ccmcr cf First-and Atlantis Streets, j . EltOTTXTILLE, 2T. T, 1 1 the C-crts cf Northern iHonrL Ne- rWesrtrBUwa. ! JAMES W. GIBSON, iBLACKSMITH ? treet, between Main ard Xebra.;ka, j EOXVILLi; N. T. 1 CDn . G. L. EVGUES, 3. j. irrcD, 8. O. GEUEB. I n MCDD L HUGHES. VRODTJCE COMMISSION . S3. bicrpe and Lii Commercial Street ; florae La tt, Gsncml Lund Acnt - 1AIIA CITT. T t ; i v. II , T- L f - . . Miucs, .is crania v. it. 1 I - ' 'V .-v s. vr. cozzmrs, 7 zz'l "Counsellor at A. the "vrrsTETJi noNms lam nrxirc, Ax DEALER IN REAL ESTATE, OMAHA CITY. K. T. tiAE(ia rarefcllr located, mi cctend for cus tomers. Lots indLauads bengal ai sold. E. IT; M'COMAS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN, - - iziatia ciTT, t: i ' .; Tenderj tl profeasioiI serried to tL; citizens cf yeaaha coonty. t a. x. HAKDrxo. e. c.-sxaaorGH a. r. roootts. karskis, iar:icus;i & co,, , JL'jBaartsrrr as-1 rr&fa!e Dej.'-r i ILATS,'CAPS & STRAW GOODS, Ho 43 Zliln itreet, 1st. Clire ari. Pine, ST. LOUIS, 1IO. Parti m lax atientica paid to is&nafctarij:r, oar taest ilaie ILiXs. . - : u A. L. COATE, COUNTY SURVEYOR, - BEOWXYrLLE, XE1IAHA CO. - ITebrasira Territory. ' A. D. KIRII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Aeni and Xctary Public, Archer, Ricbar&soa cocnty, If. T. "VTill practice in the Courts of Nelraoka, assisted by IlariLns aad Leanett, Nebraska Citj. JACOB SArrOUD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. GZXEBAL rSSUKA'CE AJSD IJUrD AGLNT. And Kotary Pntlic ; Nebraska City, Nebraska TnitorT T"T7ILL attend pr(fnp.ty to all fcui-nwss entrasted to his care, in Nebraska Territjry and West ern Iowa. " September 12, la55. vlnI3-ly SPRIGMAX- & BROWN, t RAILROAD AIID STEM.iEQAT AGENTS. ; ; 1 And General Commission ?Iercb.ants. No, 46, Public Land-Tg: ' CINCINNATI, OHIO. Ei-uwnrille,S. T. Xebraeka City,X.T. . BKADFjPJ), McHNAX OIcGART, ATTDBIJOYS fi? W SOLICITORS fx CHANCERY, B ro wnville and IfebrasLa City, NEBRASKA TEERlTOTdY, ' BTTtXG permanently located in tbu Territory, we will give ar entire time and i.tteatin t tie practice ul oar profession, in all its branches, blat ters in Litijration. Collections cf Debts, Sales and Porchases of Real Estate, Selectioas of Lands, Le tinj of Land Warrants, and all ether easiness en tnuted to oar nana men t, will rtreive prompt and faiihful attention. EXTEETXCE3. 3. F.-yackutlj", " " ' Hichard Brown, "Wm. HiiblitieU k 'Co,: IItn. James Crair, Hon.2iiaes3I.lIaihe3, I Hon.John K. Shepicy, Messrs. Crow, MeCresry k Co. Messrs. S. G. Uabbard k C, J. M. Love, Tl-nl ircLrasia City, lircv nville, S-t. Joseph. Mo t Luiiii, ILo-, m m u u Cincinnati O. Keokuk, Iowa Jane T, 185f. A. J. POPFLXTOS. - - - WK. -S. STTBS. poppleton t nrens, . j ; ATTORNEYS A T L A Y And Genera! Land Areat, h , OMAHA, NEBRASKA.. - ' Lisnd "Warrants Bcnglt and Gold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. C'I'ECIAL attention Hven t tif selection and en- Otry of Lands for Settlers, and all others deirins ebeiee locations. Land Claims, Town Lct and afl kinds of Heal Es tate, Locht and suld ail icvestcients madu for dis tant Dealers. john s. hoyt; Ccunty Smrcycr an Land OT Ri-hardson eonnty.y.T trillattend prcsrptly te all business in hie prof est .on. when.i!Vid on: rueh as Paring Tax es,rerordi n (Tia ims. IS ab livid inj "Tin- out 1 own utsvl,-.-u:tin;tltj rials ic ieuieisee ana auiret . .. AUCiiER, Rie'hardsoa T. J. HART l SOU : . mm t mm Oregon, Ilolt County, 22i'sociri. Keepeonstantly on hand all dscrirti'n of Ilarnesi. Sa-ldlo-sliri.iles,ic4e. , ,. . X. li. Every article in onrfihfrp is maniifi-etured by nrselre-snd warranted to pvesatisfajtion. : W. P. LOAN, ATTOEDEY H W. LAND AND LOT AGENT. ARCHER, PJCIIARDSCS- COUNTY; N. T. clives zzsxtr. ." ACCrSTUS-rsiGET. OUYER BENNETT & CO - llannfctnrers anlTTLii'esaleDealerf ia BOOTS AND SHOES. rTO. ST 'IAIN iJTRECT, (roajrxi.T,?ro. 1C1, Corns or JIjlut ajbLoctst.) ST. LOUIS." MO.. G. k C. TODD t CO. X. T12, Xrii Flrot rJ.'u' & rtr4, ,,'ZV. IXrOETEtS ANI iAirrACTSXE3 Or I . Liill. Elate ria .un, X taws, Screens, Danweb, inu aim: ' poutablc grist titlls, Beth Upper and Lotrer Stone Lamcrs. MACHINE BELTJNCr, Of f trftr&ed Lrat'ifT arad Iluicr. Et-LcciijOctJr 13, tI-Ic-Ij IVAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. ' ! ' ' PuUlc 23. : - ' AN ACT nuHng a jrant of bind to tae Ter 'rritcry erili:anesct.v tn a' ercats jiecrnons, to a:d in the ccnsncticn ci ccrliin lauroada ia ' said Territory, and gractics public 'lands ia i HepresenSid i'wa cfiLs UititedSLaies if America in ConTKd ataemUel, That there be,; and is Lere"by, grant" I to ihs Territory of IHnnesota, for tie pnrp;.i cf siding ia the 'construction ' of railrcais frora Stillwater, ly.-niy'of Saint' Pan and Saint Anthony, to a point between the foot cf Big "Stone Lae and thj couth of Sioux ' "Wood river, with a branch.' via Saint Cloud as i Dxiw "Wini; to the ziaTigaLle waters of tbe Pd mer of the north, at sach point as the legislature of said Territory tn ay deter mine; frora Uint Paul and. from Saint An thony, ria iirmneapoIL bo a convuniant point of junction n-eit of the ilississippi, to the southern! boundary" of Che Territorr in the di rection of the month t f the Bix Sioux rirer, with' brawli, via Faribault, to the tiortb line of the State of Iova, west of range sixteen; from Winoca, via Saint Peters, to a point on the Bij Sicnx river, south of the forty-fifth . parallel cT north, latitude. also fnta La Cres cent, via Target Late, up the vauey of lioot river, tofc p:nf cf junction" with tLw last men tioned foideast of range serenttHih every al ternate fcecb'on of Iand,.designaxe by odd num bers, for six &Jctions ia width ba each side of each of faid roads- and branches; -but in case it shall appeal- that Ihe United State fcave; when the lines or roctEs of said roads nnd branches are definite" fixed, sdld tny setfaons, or any parts thsrec, grruted as aforesaid, or that the right "of pr?-;mption has attached to the same, tben it shall be lawfai lor any agtsnt, oragents, to be appointed by the governor of said Ter-1 ritory or future State bo select,' subject to the approvd cf the Secretary of the Interior, Irom the lands of th 2 United "States c:arest to .the tiers of sect:ons above specif ed, so mucb land, in alternate, sections, Tor parts ci sections, as shall ba : eqtal to , finch landi as; the United States have isold,cr otherwise appropriated, or to which the rights cf pre-emption have at tached, is iilaresaid; wdaicLlandu (thus select ed in lieu cf those sold, and to which prs empticn rights have attached ai aforesaid, to gether with the sections, and parts ofsections, designate! by odd cumbers as aforesaid, and appropriated as aforesaid) saall lae held by the Territory, cr future State cf iMinnesota, for the use and parpose aforesaid: JPruviJed, That the land to bo so located shall, in no case, be further than Cftccri miles from the lines of said roads cr branchii, and selected for an on account of each of slid road3 or branches: Provided, fur tLer, That tie lands hereby granted for and on account of said roads and branches, seve rally, shad be exclusively applied in the con struction of that road for and on account of which -uch hinds; are hereby granted, and nhall be dlfpoued of only as the work pro- gresses, and the same shall be applied to no ether inrrose whatsoever: r-Ani vrond&J, fr ther, That any and all lands heretofore reserv ed to the Uuted Slates, by ary act of Lcn gress,.cr, in any other manner by competent authorifr; for the rcrpose of aiding in any ob ject cf internal improvement, or for any other purpose irhatsoever, be, and tne same are hereby, served to the United States from the ope radon of thii act,' except so Tar as it may be found nijcessary to locate tne routes 01 saia railrcadi an.l branches through such 4 reserved lands, in which case the , right of shall I granted, Subject to the 'approval of the President cf the United States. . : ... - - T Sue. 2. .Ami le MJurChir tnadtl, That the scct'-CES and parts of sections .of land which by such grant shall remain to the United States, witLib idk iriiles en each side cf said roads and branches, shall tot besol J for less than double the mirimam price of the pi.bllc Undawhen sold; oar shall any of said Ixadi become sub ject to private entry until the same shall have been odt-md at public sale Jit" the increased priced ; ,. - .-.".'-- - SecS. ".And le it farihzcaaclcl, m-That the nail lands hereby granted to the said Ter ritory or future .State shall 'be subject to the future disposal (if the legisliture thereof for the perpese hereia expressed, and no oihsr; and the said railroads and ltracche3. shall be and rjmain public highways for the use of the covert ment of the United. States, free from toll or other charge npon'th transportation of any nyrtj or troops cf tt:e Lmted btates. Se:.4u And le it furtTtrr-enacted. That the LtncTs herebr jrranted to said Territory or future State shall Ee dispose! of by said Ter riton' or future State onlv in the mancerfo! lowms. that is to savr that a Quantity cf land net exceeding one hundred' a'nd twenty sec tions fcr each of said mads and branches, and included within a continuous length of twenty miles cf each of said roads and branches, may bo so';d; and waen the governor of said Terri tcry or future Sta'e shall certify to the Secre tary of the Intfjrior that any twenty continu ous miles of any of said roads or branches is ciara)b;ted, thin- another quantity of land hereby grantsdnot to eic!d cue hundred and twenty sectiort. for each of said roads and branches, having twenty continuous miles com- p-ieuw, as aio-esaio, ana inciuiea witma a j contiruocs lenrth "of twenty miles of each of is ch raads or branches may be sold; and so, from time; to tine, until said roads arid branches arW2p:et3dL and if an r of said roads cr ten years no he linds cn- soldi shall revert to the United States. Se& 5. Aid "he if ' fa'Cer enactel, That tha Ur-Iied States mail iball be transported OTer said roads and branches, under the direc tion of the Tost OS.ce Department, at such price as tlongrtss may by hv direct! Prariil, Thai until such price is filed by law the Post Mss':er General shall havij the power to deter xuise the samet - - S;c (5. Axd le it fttrtJier cvac'.il, That ia ease anv lands on tbe line of said roads or ImiTches are .within any Indian territorr no Q i tICe to the sine shall accrue, ccr shall the ! same be entered cporr by the authority said ! , Turrlmrr or Sisi nnfil tbe Indian title tr th- satrs shall have beeu extLrzuIshed- . ;ec.T -Lii is ii . jlrusr e-arU.l,',That ther-e be, and is hereby, jrranted to the State cf Alabama, for the purpose of aiding ia the ccn strnction cf a riilroaJ "from tho line cf Georra cn the Chattahoochcs river, to the city :atha s.iicrTri.11 8(5tionxi tne state ei a. fv f.r--tV :,v. vj aia ei vas constmccon ot a cenaia ruu-. , tiiree, altaruate seciiona cf it-. m ia:a saie, . , . . i, - . . , ! tne same extent, and. ia tt Le it .zmitdly Ut Serais. gM,Uum cj -cvos. the sane lirr.itat of Henry, Dale, -Cktfee, CoTir.gton, Ccmert, Ealdrcin, and llolile' and a trsnch railrcad from Euloiii to llcntonery,"' through lie counties of Earboiir, Pike, Jlaccn,' and Mo:at rniery,' ch-rtered by the State cf Alabjuaa, by an act entitled 'An actt3 authorize' the SaTcrnah and A!btny;IlaIIroad Company, to extend their railroad frca the lice cf Gecrlj, on tna diittatooclies rirer ta the eit.v cf ito- ALima,: and to extend a branch 'rtui froa Eufaula to roate3taerT. arrrored Df :sn hundred and ifty- the public lancLa to i9 ara rs-nner, ard ions and restrictions, ia every respect as wia gran tea to aid m tae; ccn Etmction Df other railroads under an sdi.of w - Congrezs entitled "An act granting public lands I in alternate sections to the State of Alaliacaa, to aid in the construction of "certain; railroads in said Sate' approved June, three, eighteen hundred and fifty-six." " " ' " Approved Urtrcb 3,- lS5t : "; -- ; y Public 20.' AN ACT to divide the State "of ITisnouriinto - two judicial districts t Beit enacts J by the Senate end 'Ihuse of Jlepresentatives cf t7it United States cf Armrrica, in Ccm-gresz - asstTiUedr That the State of Missouri is herebr divided into two judicial districts in the following manner, to witt the counties of Schuyler, Adair, Knox,' Shslby, ilonroe, Audraiii, Montgomery, Gasconade, Franklin, Washicgton, E.eynajd3, Sham on, and Oregon 03 thu same were bounded on. the first day cf January, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, -aritn .all that part of the Stats lying east cf the above-mentioned counties, shi.Il compose one district to be called the eastern district of Missouri, and a court shall be held for the said district at the cify of Saint Louis in said State. All tie remaining part of said Stata shall; compose, another district, to be called the western district of Mbsoeri, tnd 'a court shall be held for the same in the cityof J eersonm said htate. Sec ZT ' And be it ' furditr enacted, That there shall ha ttraterms : of che district court begun, and .held . in and for said western district at the citv of Jefferson on the first itoadays of Harch and September ol each - year; and there shaa be three terms "of . the district court begun and held in and for said eastern district, at the city of Stii Louis, on tie third Hcndays of- Februarr, Ilay, and. November -of each year, and the said courts are hereby authorized to hold adjourned terms when the business before the court: shall, in the opinion of the court, require iL V.'-Y. - . . ' , Sec -3. : Arid le it further, enacted. That all suits and other proceedings tf whatever name or nature now pending mthe district court of the United States for the present dis trict of alissouii, shau be tried and disposed of in the district court fortsaid western district, in the same manner as the same would have been, in case said State had not been 'divided into two districts; aril ' for that purpose the juristiction is nserved to said district court in the aaid western district; and all process and other proceedings tj.ken or issued or made returnable to the district court for the' present district cf alissiouri, Eh ill he returnable at the next tern of said district court ia and for &aid western district of Missouri. ' 1 - Sec 4. And le it furtfier enacteX, That upon the application of any party to any suit now pending ill the district court for the present district of Missouri, and , which "would have been commenced in the said eastern district if this act had been in force before the commenc mentcf said suit the district court for said western district'may, and if all parties consent shall order that the same, be removed 'for further proceedings to the district court for the said eastern district, . and therenpon the clerk cf tne district court tor tbe said western dis trict shall transmit all the papers in the case, with a transcript of the order of the removal, to the clerk o? the district court of said easte district," and. . all further proceedings 'shall be bad in &id court as it tue suit had been origi nal lv commencd therein,' - : - '' -'-' ' Sec' 5.- And U it farther 'enc'cted.,1 That the present ' j udge xf the district ' of JMIsjO uri, be, and he h heriby, assigned toholdsaid district court in and for the western district cf Missouri, and shall exercise the same juriadictiQU.jind perform the same duties, within said- western district as he nowjexercises and performs ndth in his present 'district ' '''' iVi - ' ""' - Sec 6. - And beit further enacte-I That final procesn upoa any judgment or decree entered in the district court xt.. ths United States forthedis crocess for the" said court, ia anv caue now pendi: except causes removed as hereinbefore prond ed, shall be '. issued from and made returnable to the distrirt court for said wes-tern district of Miasouri, arid may run and be executed by the marshal! of' said western district in any part cf said State, : " - . -; Sec' 7. And le it further enacted. Thai the cEce of district judge of said eastern dis trict of Missouri be, and the same is, hertby created, and a ' fit parson, shall be appointed such district judge, who shall exercisa the same jurisdiction and perform the same duties, within said eastern district as the district judg cf the present oastrict of-Missouri now exer cises and performs within his present district. And the district judge of said eastern district shall be'eiiritled to ah annual sala-y 'of ihrc thousind dollars; and the judge of tbe westera ?'rt thtf snlirv row rrovidedby law. Sec a i" Arid le it rier. ea tdeJ, That I the present district attorney far the aisririct of j Missouri stall be the district attorney fyrtief j said eastern district; the present trurshal for j the district of Missouri 'shall be the n for said csistera district; and the preser marshal prese-)t clerk cf the di trie t court for the district of Missouri shall be clerk cf the district court for said western district. ! ": ' "! Sec 9. And it . frr erzeted, TTiat taera be pjointed a district attorney and a marshal fur said western district; and a cletk cf the district court for said eastern district shall he iirrointed bv the judge theretif. -' , -w wT-4. w i f s,.fciwUfcA. c:iuu: trict of Missouri, and all other j xepreser.xw;esrj. vxl mm puses t America enforcement of any, order of Vcngreas assemMea, itat tne sixtn section , . Sec 10. Arl U HftTtJtsr evade TbatlUi the circvit court of the United heaths ia and circuit courts cf the United State?, as orgs ized under existing laws," and shall also bive and exeicii;e the same appellate juris diction over tha district . courts c the L nited bt:ites for said eastern and western districts of Mis souri as by eating laws u vested zz the cvc far the -present district of Misuari, shall be centum thcreoa, as ia ca-e of ota?.r, .esii-1 release. On dear. I vi is a there were . , . begun d held at the tame and place maur.g'the lar.d-atthe valu of cn dilir no r.cre such real picture., b'lt every "Bt" c-tj a faS :r -,x t'r-cd cs heretofcre, it shall ia all things,-retain 'juris- and twenty-5ve. cents per acra. . L.lku fr,,.;- hfl,rr.l, r i diction of all matters nowpendu:g there ta savd bee 2 -AoX U foiier emde.i, Thsti f , . k .. - tJ ci w..., Live and exercise the -same ordinal jarisdic- the. said CominLrer. shall alio state. ansaMal pictures a3 this., . . ' jhi3 companiens, "is yen maste:;; aS rion in said State- as is Tested in the sevtu-a! account bet weeu the Ucltci States and ea:hcf I ' I hate heard some thing3 in the form ; home!'" - . 1 .'- ral circuit ccr,rt3 cf the Uxiicd States over the district ccurtscf the Uuked States, ia taeir respective circuits. ' Sa'd circuit oourt shall be called the circuit court in and for the districts of Missouri and shall be composed of the justice of the Supreme Court assigned to said circuit and the two judges of the eastern and western districts of Missouri, but may be held by any one or more of said three judges in the 'absence of the remainder. Said justice of the Supreme Court,- or ia' bis absence, the oldest in commissi on of said twedktricf judges, shall be the presiding. judge cf said. circuit courtj and cas of any divisica of. opinion among the judges of said circuit court, the opinion cf the. presiding judge shall prevail the judgment of the said circuit court; but on any appeal to said circuit court frcm one. cf the said cistr.ct courts, the judge of the distr.ct court from which such appeal was tali en shall cot sit in said circuit court cn the trial cr decision of the case so carried by appeal to said circuit court. The clerk of the circuit court for the present district; of ilksouri shall bef and lemaia the clerk of the circuit court as modified by this act. ' The district attorney and marshal for said eastern district cf Missoui shall act as such district attorney and marshal in said circuit court; but the process of said circuit ' court may be directed to the marshal of eithet of "said eastern, and western districts of Missouri, and shall las execctad only by the marshal to whom it is directed, or by bis duly appointed deputy, in hii district. . 'Approved llarch 3, 1537 - 'Public SO.-f " AN ACT to amend "tho act reducing the duty on imports, and for "ether purposes, passed July thirtieth, eighteen hundred and forty- .-SX.., . r. ... r y - -I 2?e ii enacted ly'ihe Senate and House cf Representatives cf the United Rates of America in Cantjress assembled, 'rhatthe eighth section c f - th e" act" approved "Jul v ;thirtr, eizhteen hundred and -forty-six and entitled" "An "act redacting the'duty on 'Lm ports, and for other 'purposes' be amended as fidows: Sec! 2. And le tXJar&er enacted. That it saall he lawful for tbe owner, consignee, or agent of imports which have been actually purchased, or procured otherwise than by pur chase, on entry gX thcs&xae, to make sucn ad dition in the entry to the cost or vaae given in the- invoice as, in his opinion j may raise the same to the true marki.'t value of such imports in the princi pal markets cf the-country whence the importation shall lave been made; and to add thereto all costs and charges which under existing -laws, would 1 form part cf the .true value at the port when the sane- may be entered, upon which "die duriirs should ba as sessed.' And itshill lie the duty" of the col lector, withia whose district the same may be imported or entered, to cause the dutiable value of such imports to be ; appraised, estimated, ard ascertained, ia accordance with the pro visions cf existing Lttrs; and if the appraised value thereof shall exceed, by ten per centum or more, the value so declared 011 the entry, then, in addition to the duties imposed by law on the same, there si: all be levied, collected and paid a duty cf twenty per centum ad val orum on ; such ' appraised value: Provided, nevertheless Thatrmclerno circumstances shall the dutv be assessed! upon an amount less than the invoice cr entered value, any law of Con gress to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved March 3, IS 37. :y ' .v-.f, " iPubiicSL-. - . v AN ACT to constitute Selma, in the State of Alabama, a port afdelivery. Be it enacted ly fJie Senate end House cf Eepresrntatives cf .the United States cf America in Congress assejutied, That Selma, in the State of Alabama stall-be, and is hereby, con stituted a port of delivery within the collection district . cf e w "Ofl'ean?; and ? there shall be appointed a surveyor of customs, to reside at said port, whq shall, daialdujon to bis own duties, erform the,, duties and receive the salary and emclnments, prescribed by tbe?"ct cf Cong?vss,3j proved on th? secoriJ cf Ulirch, eighteou hundred and thirty one, Tor Importing merchandisa rittood 4-tbur?. heeling, and places. Approved March 3,'1557.- Public Ci AX .ACT to amend "An act granting public lands . in alternate sections to the State of Alabama to aid iin the construction cf cer tain railroads in said State. Be it enacted ly the Senate and House cf lions to the Stat&oX Alalnraa, to aid in the construction cf certain fjihoada in said State, hun dred and fifty-six, be and the same is so ammended that ia lien of' the words tral railroad frcm Montgomery to 'some point on the Alabama and Tennessee State line in the direction to Nashville, Tennessee"- the words "Tennesse?; raid Alabama central rail road" be, and they are hereby substituted. r.V "Approved March 3,'lSo7.. .'. .. . ' I Tubllc S3 AeT ACT to settle .certain accounts between the United States and da - State cf Missis sippi and.otber States, . Be tt enitdtl 'lye -iSehnte-end Hruss cf Rrorcseniativcs cf Vte Un'td Stiiet cf America iii'Coarrrts-i ajjeiU'rtZ, That the Cammisskaer of the General Land Utnce be, and ne is nere by, required to state an- account between trie United Stat and ths Srtfe of Mississippi, for ths purpose of ascertiirx'Jg wtta sura or s-rxw o monev are aue to saia oiae, terejjiws un settled; on account cf the puTdc land ia said State, and upon ths same principles cf aTiOw ance and settlement as prescribed in the "Act to settle certain accounts between the United Stare and the Stats of AldharV approved the second March. cLrhteea buudrcd and Cf:y- ve: an d' that be be rciuired ta irxrmde in a:,1 arfnnr.t tha several reservations under the various treaties u-ita th ; Chickasaw and Cw- taw I an and a! -f thTprn act, graaung.rtOLic innas in aitercaie sec- How and pay to ths said State five pria good faith shj. waits . fcr the nal; ths ether Stitej trpon tne sam? j shall allow a , ss shall thu; aaJui to c :a:2 such amoar.t I f i n3 u-i tou-.d . cue, - estimate x a.! landjand permr.t1cntr2scrvat.crj5 ct cr.s cc. and twenty-five c-;r.t3 per a:r. rp,.i v n -i AiT ACT to establish a rcrt cf entry ai Fer randina, irithe State cf Fl trill. Ee it ezccZzJ ly tt Struts cnl Ucujs cf Eeprtseniatiets cf i Tluliei Zlzizicf 'Arurica in .Conrress.asserrlle-J, That the ccar.ty cf ITaisau, ia the State cf Flo rid j, embracing all the waters, islands, bars, harlcrs, inlets, shcr3 and rivers in the same shall le a ccl'.ection district to be called the district of Fcmandina, abd that Fernandina shall be the pert of entry or said dlstnct, and a coi.ector for said district shall be appelated, who shall pcrfcrm thisame duties and receive the same ccrcensauon and ees as the ccllictcr for the district cf St. J chn's, In said State. '." Approved March 3, 1S37. gliscfUaiicflns. From the Ohio Cultivator. "Don't fret' 'mother," said a good boy of eighteen years old, the other day, as lie came from a bnsy tiays work of hauling rails, and forma L13 poor mother trying to get supper, vbile her heal iras racked Tuta excruciating You kcoTT, mother, yon have taught rue most all kinds of honseTvork, and noir I can pay yen for some of your trouble. , . And nght cheerily did he wash and wipe his hard toil-worn hands, sweep the floor, re plenish the fuel, fix her comfortably m me rocKic caair lui?u duc wiui a pillow under her tead, and tlen he went to work getting tea 2.3 easy, and cracefclly. ns any neat, smart girl. bach & pattern of a cook yea cerer saw, so tmake . mosc Gawoiing giris who think housework disgraceful; per fect aauDS wno can work crimson cats in worsted, or unseemly Tine3 and fiower3 ahout .the' cde3 cf ' scant whitish' colored skirts. " " I c:0n, lies worth a Her en girTsIi said the grateful mother, as he left the room after brinzia her a cup' of tea, whose fiarorwas-a-sort of mute; eloquence. With a womanly ins tin ct he led little frolicsome Sammy oat of the room, wkere the patter, of toddling feet wonld not jar upon her car. iiresd ; cast upon the .waters that has returned unto "me" she whispered' to herself; and I thought of these words yester day, as I heard a yonng'wife hlessing the memory of "her-husbandfs mother, who had died long years ago; " . " "He knows," she said, "Low most eyery kind of housework is done; he does the milking, because, he says, it is too hard -work for a woman. Oh, he kai had sncb a ..good mother, I know and as her eyes softened in their bright . earnest i expression, I thought that mother's teachings were like to one's planting beautiful shade trees by tbe road side, under whose cool, inviting branches the weary and worn traveler woild rest, long'af ter the hand that had' planted had mouldered back to silent dust. , : ... ' . :.r ' "TVhat a fool pld Smith's wife make3 of her son John," said Jenny Grays husband, as he came home from mill the other evenin 33 ! came by h with the old woman vy miik, carry in his tmpailcn his arm as b:g as though u m F"-ir"- , , ri aerisiveiv, ai inoua ne xaouni ne wa3 about the right kind of a fellow hiraself. : . . . --Now Jenny had four children, the eldest a sturdy brat of eight years, whose will bad never been broken ence, Her husband carried cn a large farm, jr husbanl carried cn a large farm, d had hired hands, plenty cf them,! r Jenny to" wait upon; and. though I an for he cleared 4 over a thousand dollars r- i ay,. xo-n:ut . .,i . ; ere, he was going. out f,., x-.J hereby erer7 J03-1 e co not afTord to hire fjhelp in tbe house; and ay to milking! tne lour cows, cr carrying waier up the steep hill, even cn washing day, why he never thought cf such a oiemi- fied fellow doing mere woman's work ! not he. Once he did carry a pail cf dish-water to the pigs, but when he brought the pail back, he gave it akiek on . the kitchen porch, and said, "no more such work for me imiph! carry ing slop!" In spite cf Jenny's entreat ies to the contrary, he made a round uncouth lo pen beside the front ate. and moved the fragrant pis into it, so Jenny iwcudda't have far to carry their feed. He made her be that it was all through pure co love for her, that he too!: -this extra,! Ixcuhlenpon hemsslL. - . Jenny is one cf a clas-? dear reader, kind, patient, fcrbearing -llule wife; living' a continued struggle, "but "her angelic sweetness repress it all, and Is .her lips with a sal sweet s "d ; of men cr -beauty, or the clorv M; in their blank -stand a mere cHld's didn't deserve a dear hind m' ticr to sacricehcrseif atmil,"2 ce f:r thcrn, or pocr cnapprcclatel wirr5, to c'e cut a few slavish year3 in their scrrire, cr unloved sisters, to m:::i:cr to their wants in fear an 1 tremllin-. Su:h fells W3 merit a Nero's well-shed hrel upon their nrcis, grinding te worth less lives cut cf Jcm, with a ghastly spectacle, the embodiment cf martyred wives and ricthers, to whisper in their ears: ."Child's play! eld hcrsc3 oing the rounds cf th- tread-mill, and little squirrels in'cages trying to nd terra rma cn a revchlng wheel ! CHlTs play, eb?" ' Let us leam tbe little bov3 to do all kinds cf hesseworks, from muling bread down ta patching pantaloon! and sewing cn buttons. TLcv may have to 0 to CcHe selves, cr go to 2'exico to fight, (hopd not.) cr to California Z3 mintrs, cr away out West to pre-empt land; cr mayhap be p oor, and have sickly wires, or rich, and help be scarce, cr keep bachelor's kali; cr perhaps their moth ers will be infirm, and then they can Lhelp her, and pay the . interest of that great debt, tne principal no child can ever wholly pay. ' It will not bo lost on them, at any rale; and seme time in their lives they willbles3 mother for teaching them the mysteries cf housework. They should be taught how to nurse the sick with care and gentlenes?, and how drinks and food should be prepared for them. Jbut best cf all, it will smooth over the reach edres cf j . . e.maxinz hirh more loveable and kind and "enc rons, and teaching him to appreciate the toilsome labors that go to mikenp woman's life, and to bestow cn her her just dues. -Hememoer, good in others, that if you receive little cr na. benefit from these teachings, somebody , will, and will bless' yen for it, perhaps, when the; stone at your grave, 23 'brcidored over witk green moss and creeping litchens, and your memory" is but a3 a cream of the long ago."" Rcsella. I Tete, I went down to the rendiweos cilice teder day, for to list in de army. Well, how did yea make cut? -Wly, de soger man what wa3 in da cfEce said he couldn't take nsr Why, what was do reason, Cua? I doesn't know, 'ractly.- His prineiprd 'jection was, dat he said my le? w as sb near the middle of my foot, dat when Igot marchin' dey couldn't tell which way I wa3 going. ' But afore I went out, he said dat he would give r.e or e hundred dollars for my -monf. I aer. him what for, and he tel l me dat lie wanted to make a fort ob it, to stow away the Mexican prisoners.. A -Yankee, who went over to tha mother ccuntry ' scmo 'time ago, wa asked how he liked Great Britain.- WeIl aii he, England is a very nice ,f bre-kr.t be 55 the countii.' twas so small that I was afraid bf wa.- iner off the edge 'Oliss Brown, I have been to l-er.ra how to tell fortunes,"- sail a young j el low to a brisk brunette. Just let ne have your hand, if you please La! Mr. White, how sudden ran Well ga ask pa." .... A. I . , 7, , u: Some time since siller's bey was sent to the puhli3her3 for a number of copies of the song, Td be .ibutiler- ny, arrang?i tor two.trcblc?. when, lcn, being dc l to repeat U3 . crier, he replied: "Ed be a V," -.r iico enrrl:s:y leather a lame arrangement, tha f-.I A ; Monstrous LxsrsTTIIillc, Willi im, what's the matter?" "Matter?" Why, I shodil like to know what next? Here's M.i; ter, vr kn out saying no thin' to m?7 'a3 been 2nd I ie!1 Czz cf or esses to a fjiend, i..ud ; uone out cf my reziar aitemcion L Pnnr.trr. PTrr-Pif :n "Itr fin-'! "? rrT ieveoo,.;12 cn th Avenue. I shouldn't onslierate! so rnuch"myse!f but Jane'crpectii CU'O . -me to come and take her up. A. ITrenchman want3 ths public n : S. to trust his wife, te cause he wu3 iiC7er married to her. Carlyh iays,-.."Mak2 rcnrself an there is cne rai:e.l hu in the woxliL 4. sir' rc 'cme, L v. z l- s c : 1 io bia room. lie's a gr IU t C;t:c :n c V . 1 t J 4 W -V Ji ,-..T rc rf