Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 16, 1857, Image 4
in I h From the Country Gcnlleaan. -: C3T THE VHiXITT OF GIULS3 SEED. -The question is often asked, and m'rla v times' by Iho'sc tthb are esteemed . rthe; wisest and" best of farmers "Is . grass seed and clover seed,' which is ' more than one, two, or three years old, just. as"good as seed only one year old?"- " ' ' ' By many it is believed that thero is " .really no difference in seed,. whether it - is one or -four years old; and it would seem that when proper care i3 exer cised in securing such seed, not suffer ing it to he injured by storms,' nor; to heat in the "mow before it is cleaned from the chaff, it would bt good seed, and vegetate well even - when it is a ' few years old. We have always thought, until recently, that old seed was as good as new, and hz,xe many : times gown clover and timothy, seed which was more than a year old, but have noticed almost invariably, that such seed did not seem to "taW' well; and, . not thinking that the seed was not good we have attributed such failure to the unfavorable condition of the soil that it was covered too deep, cr not covered at all with earth. But I have always had good success in seeding land, in both fall and winter, when I have used fresh seed. I have observed many times that those farmers who contend that old seed is just as' good as newj and who are in the habit of sowing old seed, frequently complain that their grass does not seem to take well. 1 As every, farmer sliould,'if possible, raise his own grass seed, wo have been - accustomed every year to select some of the best portions of out meadow and let it ripen for seed. In 1849 we saved about two acres of timothy grass; and as it yielded several bushels more than we wanted to sow in one season, it was kept in barrels in the granary. The seed sown in 1850 took well. In 1851. we sowed about one bushel of the same kind of seed, und were much . surprised to find that but a small" por tion of the sown ever came up. isot having occasion to use the remainder of the seed, it was kept until the spring of 1855, -when we -sowed about two 'bushels of it," and none of it grew. The cause of failure was thought to be the universal dryness of the soil. In -the spring of 1856 from one to two . bushels more were sown, but none of it . vegitated; and in September last abont two '.busb'elsmore were - 6own after wheat on summer fallow, - where the soil was Tery mellow; and moist, and as favorable as &"soil could befor seed ofany"kind, and not one single spire can be found which has sprung from tho seed sown at that time. I - In a few instances, in years gone by, we have sown turnip seed which was from two to three years old;; and from suca seed we . novcr ootainea many turnips; while from new :sced'they were almost always. aDt to stand too thick' , In the snrinz cf 1853., we used carrot seed which was three years old, and not one seed in one hundred vege tated. In the spring of 1855, we used carrot seed two years old; and in some rows of one hundred feet long, there - would be but six, eight or ten carrots; and not one-tenth part of the seed in all the rows, ever ame up.- In the snrinrr of 1856 I sowed a paper o carrot seed, which we have good reason. to believe was old seed, and the result Was, we did not raise one single carrot. " What the experience of others ,may be on this subject, I am net able to sayj but what I have penned j I know to be -veritable truth; and, furthermore, I know that the cause cf failure; was in the seed,' and not in tho..iinfavorable--ness of the soil. And if such should be the result with old seed on my farm, may. we not safely conclude that when .a failure has" been attributed 'to a poor and barren soil in many instances;, the fault was in the seed We know that gras3 seed is kept on hand many times " by " proprietors of agricultural Tseed stores, until it i3 several years i old; and it is no uncommon thing for country merchants to keep clover and timothy seed from year to year, and sell such . for fresh seed; ;and if myeed should - lose its vitality in so short a period of .time, it would seem to be the dictate of sound .wisdom for every farmer to raise his own seed from year "to year; cr sow none except that which is known to be tho product of Ihe previous season: 1 1 - ' - A correspondent ef the DollarNeics- ' paper j from Massachusetts, says: , Jly plan is, to purchase early, and thnfty spnncr pi3, anlto.'cctnomore - than I can keep well. These I feed through tho summer yiiiU sVim rnilk, the refuse cf the lutchcn,- end a little rye Iran, This keeps then in. a good :thrif:y ccr.:ut:cn during t::e 'wann Tir"t' and I consider at important tkat-thcT to tcpt" crowing from the : "time that they rrc then from the sow till tier r.rc lit fur, the t'atchen When ' I commence digging potatoes I select the email encs &nd boil them," mash 4l-rr.-!. mix 'in a little 'me'al; this keers them .crowing till tho corn crop is harvested and dry enough to gn: ' T t? r:i fee J ccb mcal, corn , ground m f i. - i rr-i. ,.r? 4n r-'" irr ft 10 vr v, :l"ks, uuu liuuu u j : - " ceni mcai i.r inrce or fcur v:c; kslcfore killing, always a tr:V.:i in thi lunlrcd tzA ill weich IWO 1 a I way i ve t- URn Li t i , k i- ' : - - ESPI13GS COMPANY GIVE every 'possible facility for the eaf and Bpeedy transmission of , ;. Jlouev, Valuable PncLaies, Parcels, ' Gooes, and Ierchandizo Of CTery description, on rea.vnable terms. Peixcital Oi ncE3 New York, Buffalo, Cincm- nati, Toledo, Cuicajo, usjum, laimii-i-vin, .u the smaller tow-?s on lla.lrondJ in Uie ua-nera, Jita die and Wc? tore States connecting at St. Lor-s with RiehardWa Missouri Iiivcr Express." II.. KJP1 . July25,lSo6.-vl-n8 GeBeral SuperinUindent. - : Caution.;. -. J' THE public aro hereby notiaed that oe Thomas Heady, through false colors obtained a certificate of entry cf the S. West fractional quarter and the S. East fractional quarter of Section number tuenty flve. in TownshiD n amber sis, in Ranfre nuxber fif- t?en, East of the 6th Principal Meredian Itj Nebras ka Territory. The above Is claimed ty enl rin ne riUnted to B. B. Thomson, whosa jspers and evi dence ara forwarded to Washington City forbearing. , . . . li.U. TliOiU'JSU. Febrbry25th,iS57. 37-tf t F. DINGS 7; CO., " Importcri of, and Whirfttale JDcuUrt in ... Fancy Goods;-;' Manufacturers cf all kinds cf Erustfls. 23 orl'a lllfiin Street, (Up Stairs,) , " ,BT. LOUIS, Ho. : 32-ly ..1857. BROWN VILLE FERRY 'Elissouri River The Route from BrovmvRleto Ft. Kear- nry, anajrom mence to ijaiijornia, U the nearest and most 7- ;r:r ; i practicable. FINNEY & CODINGTON, AySOUXCB ty the TraveLing Public that they have purchased the entire interest Sn the Ferry across the Missouri River, af , the City of Brown rille, Nebraska, and open the Season .with, a new substantial and commodious Ferry' Boat, run by Ilorse Power, which arrangement Will secure certain D&?ara at, all times and in all kinds of weather. The Proprietors do not assert boas tingly, or for the purposeef gaining custom merely, tut are governed by facts, when they say .this is the best crossw?;: of the. Missouri Kiver in Nebraska, and when they say the route from BrownviUe to Fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest, for evidence they refer the reader to the m.p of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experionce, as jvell as that of hundreds of others who have traveled it. W claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, . to ; persons going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding era1 superior arrangements for a safe and speedy crossing, ourjeharges are the same as other Frries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. ! A skiil viH be in readiness and a tail on the rround to run all hours of the nizht. fc- jm T-i a , i . i tr 'T 1 Ji7 i.ecouett mat wun ocj lacuiwop ox rower, no. kindiof weather will prevent our Uotta from making regula? trips at au hours. . lrownvu! emaha vo., I J : February 25th, 1S57. S7-ly T. B. CVXINO. ; , . , JOHN C. TCIUC CIBIING & TURK, ; c - Attorneys at Law & Eeal Estats Agents, OHAIIA CITY, N. Ti .'",' TTILL attead faithfully and promptly to all busi V V ness entrusted to them, in the Territorial or Iowa Uourts, to the purcJiaso or lots and lands,-on tmes and rre-emmions. collections. &e. :' ' O face in the second story of Henry Jt Roiots new buildin t. uearly-'opposite the 3 estent c?1 ""' ' Bank, Farnham street. Dec.. 27, 15G. ;. vln2Stf , - s - v JESSE LOWE, r : r v -rrt OMAHA CITY, K. T. EI o v. EZore5;:'Credit: ! TOTICE is hereby given, that YereaTter'vfa sell 1 .Goods for CasS or PiiorrcE only. ... . McAllister, DOZIER& co. , .Erownville, March 12th, '57. . i: 3Mf ' JOEL XL WOOD, IX; D., BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, O ESPECTITJLLY informs the ciUions of 5emaha i J. X. county, that having permaneatlj ltxaited imme- aiately boutb of JJrowuville, and having had consid- erable experience in the treatment. &t .the disea?cr incident .to tifl V est, he flatters himself that h u prepared to treat the same on purely-.- ( r - (BOTANIC PRINCIPLES), And: id" connection with Ila.IccEHi3c of Missouri. Iirownville, Jan, L.1857. , vln25tf WMROSSELL. BCO VN VILLE, N, T RESPECTFULLY infonas tie public . that be is prepared io -serve thatn with any f 1; 1 v thing in his line, at short notice , s.nd with a style and quality of "work he feels confident will piearo. jq Iua cia inenas and customers. ho deems t unc-?ce?5ary,to,say a wgra, to Dtaea te says only iry me. December 13, 1S58. vl'n2B-lv THE public are hereby notified .tbst'on or about tthe23th day of February, A. D.1855. there was made .aid executed by the undersigned Two Notes, in favor cf 3. E. Eoftcr3, one of two hundred dollar?, payable the 1st cf . Marcn, A. 1). US57; and Noel, , ' Hekky Emeksox. ' ' ', ' " , ' ' " r , JL-jnry W. Lilt, By . , O. F. Lake, his Agent, Hrownville, Maroh 12ih, 1857.. 39-tf THE public are hereby aot'Sed, that there was made and executed on or about tbo 2!- th day cf rcbruary, A. D. lcos, by the unaerf :gn,d, Tcrii Notes in fnvor cf B. B. Fraiicr, of tw' hundred dollars eaoh, one payable beptember Ist Ai D. 1850; one payable January 1st, A. D. 1357; on parable March 1st, A. D. 1857;- The considers ttm having failcd,for .which the sail notes were riven, wo'shaU refuse further payment on the said JSotc s, or anv llENKT t f - : ': . j ' Uevrt W. Lies. By 1 '' ' O. F. Lake, LLi Agent. Ero wnvillo, March 12 Ui, 1S57. ! 39tf illcir'et Male LonsrJlricncb. u mUE subscribers reouost all that are indebted to JL them, by note or accountto maka piyment by the 15th of February next, as one of the frm will start East at that time for a new and fall itock of roods, and CASH will be wnatci to ray for them. We return our thanks to our frknii for their patronage tc this lime, s id promise ti tDiri: a con- tinuance ot Uie same cereaiter. i . WM. HOBLITZELL BroivnTir.e, Jin. 5u, lS-7. ' - ' "; A CO. TT.xTT, New Ye;. E. C. rSATT, o. "r. CHILD, SL Louis, . i. tr. ix).v, a. c. niysrH, 'bt. Jauis. ciiild, niATT & co., ; Pireett mp-yrtcr?, J-Abrs;aiid HiinufaturiTS Agents English, French, German k American Ilardwaro and . Cut! 3ry. ouks, rjFLrrprsTOLs, &c, &c 100 & 111 rtdn t,ccr. W&sKbjtou. Avenue, st. Louis. :ro. : v r d' rriftic-f, r r-Me at ills u o. May, A. D.1S57. The consideration f or v. hich said ?f S gSSSi S2f 5 V,,tP. tTArn f.fci?f.M f.ftvin, fa!! ' . .Tl f.- 8t0Ck f Y013 M. Canliot. fail to pi the aid Ns o I ar h erL " ;T t pretend to enumeiatB, but say ' - t I " ' ' T n 7 T 3 B " ' i . I Wi. iuWwA EOJI TUS 2T2WSP2TER AT)VEaxi?lXa AGEXCT 07 ' : W. B. SWYMMER, ' Corner cf Olirt end JIain St? over the Bankf ... ing House of John J. Anderson to. . -. ? i A. M. W , THE .STATE SUP IZTvINTE DENT And Beard cf Education, Have ordered the following I'esirable Works Li the ; Townsliip Libraries of Indiana. Some of them have been put into every Library, others only into the more populous townsbiifl. The careful attention given to the examination of works for tneso libraries is a guarantee of the merit of the bcxilis chosen. Alany families will desire to own the books, and read at their leijnre, rather than wait their turn to ret thera from a library. The works may be purchased of Bookstil'ers, or will be sent by mail, frea of postage- upon payment of prices annex ed to each. . " Farr's Ancient History .Much superior to RolUn, because more concise, accurate, and up with modorn research, i vols., Cloth, gilt, $3. Sheep, library style, $3,;50. The Teacher's "Jiscellany is anew and ex- cdhnt collection of articles on Education, written by Juije McLean, Drs. Stowe, Bigcs, McGuffey, Aybelott, 1'ick.ett, Lykd, Post, and other distin- guuhed members cf the "College of Teachers." 1 vol., 12mo., CIo tlx, S 1,20. History of. the l'untans and I'Hjrrms Fathers. By Stowell anl ilson, 1 voL, lznwt Jloffat's Life of Dr. Chalmers. 1 vcl., 123W., $,25, - ; -The Ladies, oi the covenant: Memoirs oi diptinaruished Scottish Female Characters: Embra cing the Period of the Covenant, and tho Persecu tion. ' By Rev. James Anderson. 1 JSIofi'at's Soath Africa. . One volume," 12mo. Twelfth edition. $1.-. Sir A'ears in India. , By Mrs. Colin Maken- zik. 2 volsn lzmo.j liotn, i.uu . :. ICern's Practical Landscape Garden ms. with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. $1,50 ; z.zan-oz-w ar Iiiie. : ' A Boy's Experience in the U. S.' Navy. . (8IXTH TnoVSAND.) . 1 volume, 16 mo.; Illustrated. 75 cents. . :'.t Tho Ilsrchant Vcscol, X Sailor-Boy's Voyages to see the World. , ? -. f srxra THOrSAKP.) ' . : M :: A volume, 16mo., Illustrated. 75 cents. ; Norphoff's admiral series of volumes. "Man-of- War Life," "Merchant Vessel," and the new volume to appear in September, under the title of u Whaling and 1 ishing," mu3t be received with great favor, as the first two have been, wherever circulated. .They nra tho faithful limnings cf nine years experienca at sea, of a common sailer, a native "Buckeye," re cognized as inferior to no writer of the present day, in life-like delineations of adventure by sea. i " ... V ery striking and grapluo pictures of life at Sea, evidently authenticand very instructive. , . Has adventure enough to please and truth enough to dissipate' the charm of a sailor'3 life. ' J rew Aork hvangehst. There is in them a vast amount of information respecting the commerce of tho world, Presbyterian Witness. ..... - ' - ' - " Will take captive the young. -Journal and Mes senger. -l- -..'..... . : y-. .. '. A Buckeye Abroad, or Wanderings inEuroiie and the Orient. By Samcel S. Cox. Third edi tion, Blustrated - 1 vol., 12mo., muslin 1,25 : r The Three Great Temptations of Younc 5Ien. Saitcbl W. Fisher. Fourth edition. . .1 vol. 12mo- muslin, LOO. . ' . These are capital works for family libraries. Pab- lislied by ilU JKU, W I LoTAClI, KEYS & CO., i- rSi est t ourth St- Cincinnati II.. WV K. Jt CO. are the publishers of Bayard Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, trhich is sold entirely by agents.T . S, LOCKWOOD.1 'i 1857. - R. E. POKEROT. ; ' -LOCKWOOp POMUItOY, -j ' -'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ' !- ' '! i . blitAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of : American: Furs ; of :i everyidcscnptioii: for -which they ' pay .the highest -Market rlce, v ! 'pOTJXTRY Merchants are invited to examine oar V stock of Hats A Caps for the anrroachins Snriris ! and Summer trade, which wiil be larre, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stockshall noi e excelled cy any uouse in at. Ijouis. . ; Our prices vnll below, terms accommodating. '.I 'Call and see as at bur Xew Store- . Second St, St. Joseph, Mo. H. P. BEJ-KETT, ; S. MORTOX, ' H.H. HABDIsa BENXET, MOIITOX & IIARDING.7 Attorneys .;at ILaw,' Nebraska City, Ji. T., and Glenwood, la. WHX practice in all the Courts of Nebraska aad Western Iowa, Particular attention raid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of (leots. - ---. - : "'J. c' y 'X-; REFERENCE '' 1 Hon. Iwis Cass, Detroit.; -,r. .'.: ' ulius D. M(rt-ton. - r Michigan; Gov. Joel A. Mattcson. Sprinzficid: 111: . ' i J , Gov. J. W. (Jrimes, Iowa Citv. Iowa: B. P. Fifiled; St. Louis. Mo. Hon. Daniel O. Morton, Toledo, Ohioj' "';-'" P. A. Sarpy. Bellrvue, Nebraska; ", :" : Sedgewich i: Walker, Chicago, 111; . - ; . Green,.Weare & Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa. :: r"M ) m Joseph,; mo. 1 -'- - ' J A3IE5J fcAItGILL, ' Proprietor;' ' !:: MANUFACTURES ; and keeps constanily on tand for sale, all kinds of Flour, Meal, and Feed stuffs. ', Orders solicited and filled on most favon.blo terms. Cash -paid for Suver !wfeT f -St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30,1858. vlnl3-iy-T . , -r. OF. ri W. HOBLITZELL & CO. . . BROWN YILLE, N. T. 1 HAVE THIS' DAY- RECEIVED, per steamers 'A. C. Goddin and Wm. Campbell, and now opemag, the xaost extensive stock of Goods ever of fered in this, market .' After the experience they haver la Nebraska, they Hitter themselves that they purchased sucn ease. We will come and sec; and Oct: 15; 185 5. Cblncso Oixsar Cano. THE subecribers can supply seed cf the above . valuable plant in limited quantities. It is put up in paekagts and sent by mailpost raid,' at 25 enti per.package.. Having been raised by ourselves, we caa voucn lor its purity. We can also supply raikages of eeds bf tha Ice Cream and Orange Watermelon and Fig Tomato at 25 cts. each. . Address orders to, H. A. TERRY, & CO., ; J7-4w Council Bluffs. Iowa. Attention Lot Holders ! ! HIGHLY I MP O R TAN T U ! A LL persons who own Lots in the City of Brown il TiUe, nc tified, that I am now T-re- prepared to execute WARRANTY DEEDS for the same, and, unless Deeds are obtained before- the ex piration of six MONTHS from date, said City Lots will be sold tfi- the liyhett Udder, and the proceeds thereof disponed or according to law. A. B. HOLLADAY, Mayor. ' City of Erownville, N. T. Feb. 25 th, '57.' 37-tf ' Provisions.'1 ATrP wnatantlj cn hand, Flonr, Corn Meal, , . t T, Ijacon, Uutter, an and every Tarietyof Groceries. HOBLITZELL & CO.1 IIEBEiKA '.CITY; . HOTEI. !-(. v NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. r ; ElAKNES fc BAIUJI, Proprietors; ; Tills ccmmoaious iiotel, Eituatea Tipori Main Street, Nebraska City, will be found a de . i vw . . sirable resort for travellers. Stages leave this hcuse for all parts of the Territory. . ..,,,,,! ; -.. . ; :s v JA1IES CAMPBELL, , . . ' '. .. Postmaster General. Marcb23 ,'57. 41lt Scliool TJoHice. considerable anwur.t of tuition Bills for the Terra tau rbt by ilr. M'Kinney yet reaiain un paid. Will those knovrini; tbciu5elrej indebted ple&ec call on the undersi trued and settle. The present Term of t-chool viil expire in aliout two weeks, ali which tims n is hoped, amounts then siue wiii fce prccjptiy j: 11 up. W, FURXAS. bec y B'd of Trus. Irownvilie, March:;, 15.' 4l-tf GOODS -p i - -i . i tuu nui uui lllll IU UO lUiheu. SlGEESON'S NURSERY, f . ST.;LOUISHa,f; A ; JOHN SIGERSOly 'BJIO, : ; -: ' Oer for sale the coming Springy " 5e)o0i) Applo Trees, ;2 and i years old, cra S bracing 175.Tnric:ticar Price 25 t 40 cent.-. J&m.. 25,000 Peach Tree?, from S to 8 foot high, C3 rarcities, from 25 to Sdc. - ' 2-50J standard Pear, mbraciDg 43 varieties, price from 50 to 75 cents. j r '. 5,C0fl Dwarf Pears, embracing 33 varieties, price - SI eacii':-: -t --' - - 5,000 Cherry Trces,,t31 vaiictiei, 50 t9 75 cents . 500alpricot3, EarV 0illiii, Buda, lcach Apri cots, Large Early, price 5 0 cents. ; . - - 1 SIM OninM. &oanrted. 25 to 50 CCIliS. 500. Dwarf Apples, jj? - 500 White Grape Currants J 500 Black Naples 5 fft( PKnrrw rnmntw" . 25 u u a u 500 Red Dukh Currants- 500 TUtoria Currants- -' 15 600. While Dutch' Currants- 12 M 500 lAie Rod Dutch Currants "t fiOO Engiibh Black. ;' : 2.00Q Prolific Green .',.". 1,000 Houghton's Seedling ' 500 Warrington d : W00 SalpTier;: do 1,000 Ashton , do .:. - 50a Crown Bob ' do - 25 25 25 25 25 a u. ' u it (( u ' u u. u a u u it u . M 2,000 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries 1,000 Ohio Everbearing ' ; do 2,000 Large Qerffin Antwarp do 1,000 Red Antwarp. 1,000 English Filberts ..10 ..25 ..10 ..10 .'. 50 .V 50 1,000 Horse Chestnuts- 5.000 Grape Vines. 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50 150,000 Grape Vines; 1 year old"-$5 $ 100 . 5,000 Dahlias assort ed' each ........... 25 500Pernias, .do ............50. 10,000 Giant Asparagus Roots...$5 "$ lOO'1 5,000 Tube R08. ..- 10 .2,000 Yards Pink 50ct3 ?yard. " 2.000 Hants Victoria Rhubarb (' .50a or $40 $ 100 ) 8,000 Wilmot's Lany lied Khubarb...120 50,000 Strawberry Plants, 12 variotie3 , . t..;. a to 10 icr 2,0000 ; .10 000 Shade and Ornamental Trees, embracing ' ' Catalpa Black Locust, Palionia Imperiallis, TIombirdy Poplar, Silver Leaved Poplar, r ' Linden Wood, Sweet Gum, Elm, Balsam I 7 Poplar, Alliantbus, Tulip Trees,.Upland Cy 1 i r ttrsss, Sycamtw, Paper Mulberry, American . -.. Larch., Weeping Willow. Buckeye. Moun- ' ' tain Ash, White Birch, Red Maples, varying : ' . : - in price from; 3a oenw to 51,50, according to " 15,000 Evergreens, embracing " j'.wv-i t. Red Cedars, pnee-each 50c (o $2 ' . , .. . .. White Pine,. .?, do ., . 5Pc to $1' '' l Yellow Pine i ' do ' ' 50otof2" "' ii . i Balsam Fir, ' do ' 50o to $t 1 " . ,,. American Arborvitas25c,50c,75c,$10. " Chinese Arborvitaj, 50c, $1,50, ;,. . t : i European Savin 50e, Tree box 50o '-' ,J- ' f v 'Norway Spruce, 50c,75c, 100,. ,t: , r '.,'' White Spruce; tV : 12.500 Plants ct uraamcntaiJsnrtibDory.embracins . in part as follows: ; . . ( , . i u. x Snow Balls, each 37l to 81, c " ' " '' ' :i'..':.!,;Lylac,reacb.50cSpims, assorted, each 25c; . .r - . IIardy ltoses, eacn. 0"c; .. ; , . , . ."'' ' ' Monthly Roses, each 50cJ ' ' ' , ' :: '.' frioney Suckles, asorted, 25"e,'50o $1; ' ..... !(i . Tyringa Philaielphus 25o to 50c; .. ' - ' " RoseAcasia, 25o to'50cj " ' "' :"'? '. .Mvet for Uodges 25c; : S ; , Bladdacina25c:CorcorusJ'apoaica25c; :, J ' Ellagnus 25c; Liburnum 51c;' TamarizAfricaoia 25, to 50oj . u : r.1 , . Ribcs Gordoni 25o to 50c; " ' ' : Weeping Mountain Ash 1,50; : Al i JWhith Fringe Tree 1,50; .;. I ., . Forsvthea50c to 1,00: . r , ' Cornice Dogwood Silver Striped 50o to 1,00 cT i Deutiabcabia Z5c;Ueutz GracaEs 50c; Weeping Birch 50o; r. 1 Magnolia Acmininetta 50cj J ' ' ' ';r i Weeping; Linden 1,50; . ; 4-,-.;..-- v Dwarf Box 50o per yard; t c ' Eauo'nimns 50; ; A " " tj . Althea. assorted, 25e to 50c.,! ; !..:.'; Ill: ',133 In offering tho" above Stock to ur customers we beg to say it is superior in growth nnd quality to any" heretofore offered, and persons wishing a supply. tan u.vuji tueiuaeirea ui lurkucr lniormaiion, oy un dressing the undersigned at St. Louis. Catalogues furnished to all post-paid applications. ''. -.-. r ' Bespectfully, JOHN SIGERSON A BRO. Oct; 25, 185&. - vlnlSMy - -' 'l 1 ' I fi. K. TEGKAST. ' t ' ' r ' ' ' S. ' fi. RIDDLE. 1 . -V' rt :t "TTRraw a lit iry-nW'-J-' GENER AL ZAND AGENTS ': r ' COUNCIL ELUFFos' lOWA. IIex7 k Hardware Store. :: ; 1 , , if , , Sign of the Mill Saw, , t jflaherty :, , Jmporter, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in t American Genmin, Enlisli French , ,. , HARDWAEE AND; CUTLERY;; . I. ; ! ST. JOSEPH,' MO. ;,;' - IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and mos varied arsortment of goods in the above line ever offered in any market west of St. Loui:: i. . . . My stock embraces a full and complete assortmeat of Cabinet and Housa Builder's Hardware,' Mechan ic's tools of every description, direct from the most approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great Variety, combin-' ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving W a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examinaugn vi inis 'lepanmcnt t. my stock. . 1 am also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and 11 all orders at ihe factary prices. Also a large assortment of Gun3, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Kails, Ac.j of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, for its quality and price, I am deteniiin jd to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share of : trade from this and adjoining counties. . My arrangenwnts for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in the general Hard ware trade, enables me not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is casa sates and small p routs- . January 1, VinZUtf . . , t ; NO BOOKS KEPT!! ALL CASH!!! WHOLESALE AST) RETAILJDEALEB IN Briisrs '.aiaia Ttlecliciiies Llain Street, Brownvills, IT. T. THE nnders5gned respectfully begs leave to inform i the public, that bd has now oa hand A complete assortment f everything,", usually kept in Drug btores, which, he offers for sale, Exclusively on a New System of ; J ', ,.; ... . ,. , ; , .' . ; CASH ; AND , CASH : ONLY t It will be entirely foreign to this beautiful STstem, to "Book,", "keep accoBJit,'''note" ,3cratch',chalk," or "remember for a- few, days." Come with the " Spondulicks " il'yoa want anything in the Drug line." ". ! ;; . ' . Prescripticns Compotuided ' at 9.11 Hoars with .';;;', ; Accurac-f and Dispatch, ; ; '. ; Remem'ber the system I have adopted, and my pocket and your feelings will not suffer. ' Credit will positively not be given, unless undr circumstances of pecniiar destitution. July 12, 1855.-Tl-nCtf, A. S. nOIXADAY;., C.;JF; JENNINGS &:CO"., FonvARDiiiQ co:.".:!S3io:i , "' : MERCHANTS, ' White CIoudr Kansas Territory.- SPECIAL "attention given to Beceivixg and For warding Good3 of every description, - j-ALso:' , ," TTfil keep a Iare and complete assortment cf GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS, , ; HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, viBOOTS,-. ...n , SHOES,: , : : .. : : HATS. , . CAPS, ' . , ; . c! i CLOTHING, &a, &C, ; " ' At i ihe lowest Cost Precc! Dee. 25, 1856. Vln23-m . ' " - .' OLIVER BENNETT is CO., HAXFACTrREB3 ASD WHOLES ALI DEALERS Hf "' Boots Slices Cl Brc-r, - XO. 67 ITALY STREET. SA1ZT LOUIS, HO. A lUu iSVW i. lUiULlrl al a complete assortment xi of goods from thair own and other manufac tories, adapted espeein'.'.y to the Western, trade. Purchasers ara invited ta examina t'leir stock, mmufivctured and Htlectel with 'great care and warranted of superior quality. Orders will receive prompt aad careful attention.' - . ' - G ,13 ii .laiiiLilLi 4 v a THS rnbscriber? have entered nt a nrtrrcr: occ-er lbe flrni of R?ed llolabird A Co'., to inanxifacture the J. C; Rct4, Patent Poitjb GrLt Mill arsd are now p-npiro-l to furr . a a ! tao 33 vtar.t of a rood Corn, or Wheat Mill that i'or dura- ilitv, sinijiicty and economy; exc.l Kitj Aiu is lq world. -On 'the' lite exhibition of the IKicnamcs instknto in Cincinnati, a Cold 1!:J1 wa3 awarded then) for It. t. !.'... . , ,--.. ." It is adapted to all Grain BTindirjrrurro'es; it 13 superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill, as it is fergrindicg tha Farmers feed by Horse The above lliils are manufactured by tte under- siemtdat their shop in Cincinnati, O.: wSere they con lx furnished in any quantity at ?hort notice: . Tho above Mills warranted to pertorm as i allows : 35 iff. diam., per hour 53 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, 30 2t u jo-- : 15 ; ; , 250 M s u r. ' ' .20' " r .13 u r , . 200 Ai'this Mill telh its own story, it is unBc ;?!?ary to quote from cur numerous recommendations, received. .I'..-. Fresh Arrival cfv , MW "'GOODS'!! !r:'. at no cur out, jio. THE subscribors would respectfully lei der their .llianks to their customers and the Public Gene rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, ind solicit a continuance or the same : as they are df termined to 8ll Goods' as low if not lower . tc an : any other House west of St. Joseph. Haying just rsceived a largs and well selected Stock of Spring and Summer uxlS5 also, a s a lienor b toes ofxaEiiiy Groceries with Hardware, Glass and Queensware, Furniture, baddleryi Iron, ic. - . ..- :- t , ' .Come t ne and all, -; a . . -; :" : ' ;. ; For well we know; , ' : Again you'll call, ' ' ' ' " - We'll sell so low; tly-ts l i: ; Of Good; the be.t, : . ' And profits small, ' '' ' ' '"' '' We'll beat the rest, ' y ... ,;. r .3 :, . And suit you all. .. - Our Slock cf Dry Goods having been purchased in the Eastern cities.-we flatter ourselves that We can eurjiaps our competitors in the low prices and good qualities of our block, and earnestly believe all will make by calling and seeing . for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. CAREY, JOXES, A CO. 2i. IS. Country LToducC of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest prices, for Goods. June 7, '56. DANIEL SOOEi i, , , WEOLE3ALB AND -RETAIL J . ; irr : : i-.j. Oregon, 'Halt ' County, Mo. ' -Has in Store r, ,c. t i-? , .l,,:f' ..; : ri. v Pure.WhiteXead, Window Glass, ' 'Pnlfv Linjeed Oil, ' 1 Spanish Whiting, Red Lead, i ,,. Litherage," " White Chalk, Venitian Red, : Spanish Hrown," Caster Oif, V.w.: Ei. Logwood, Blue Stone, Alum,; Ground Ginger, :;JL Cream of Tarter, ; Tartaric Acid, f. Sulpher Carb. Soda, Vinegar,. i' Turpentine, Sal Soda, ::::r.:,. ! -: 1 Saint Louis Glue, . . 1 aris Green, Chrome do,: ; ''-' ' ) : do - yellow, . Iron Paint, - White Zink do, - "5 . . Fish Oil,-f ;; .... ,' Vhale do,' , - f Wrights' Pills,' ' u . Champian's dc ,s--- Jayan's . do, - ' Loudon's do,'."; -f . Radway's R. R., y ; " Davis Pain Killer, .', Coieras, 7 oaitpeter, , Borax,'- ? Me.i. Liniment , , Vol. Oil do, . Moi'land's do, -- t. Nervcrand Bone do; Farrels. io, Lotiden's' do, I Jays' Eipt.,, ... ; ',!. ' xanncstocs s Ver. 1 . ' f .. :' Stone's Cough Candy, " McLane's Liver Pills. ' London s do,1 In addition to the above, I have- the largest Stock of. Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture, Chemi caln,-Surgical, instruments," and Patent Mediciens ever offered for sale in this Country. . .U :i r Merchants and Physicians of . Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, are respectfully invited to' give mea call. ; June 7, 1856- . i J - 'J DANIEL ZOOK.:: A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO., .1 -1 ' 1 1 Macnliiists, Founders' am 7 EIGME BUILDERS ,' ? Trout Street,.-1 Testof faiti, ij ::,.f'i r, .qiNCiNjiTATi, Oi , Would most respectfully inform their friend3 and the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in their line, with prompt- nefs tiaving lately enlarged tneir snop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation ortne liberal patronage which nas neretolore Deen extended to tnem. - .1 : Saw .Mill J Engines of : every Descnptidn. Constantly on, han l: consisting of the rfash, Circu laf and Mulcy". ' Mill Gears and every description of uavngs, warranted to be well made in every particu ' They have 'also a Boiler lard attached to their establishment,, which., enables them- to. oversee i all work in that lyie furnished by them,' and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other snap in toe country. . , r . . Those in want of anything in our line, 'jrould do well to give ns a call and examine our new patterns : THOMAS vlLUAMS,-; Attorney, i and Counsellor at Law. .';.r : BKOWKYILLE, K. ,T. ;. . "Will practice in the Third Judicial District in Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in the State of Missouri. : . . ..,: :k- ':.. ; REFERENCES. . r ; Richard Brown, Brownville, X. T. . R, "NV, Furnas, . ; . , - " .'. " Dr. John McPherson, . Tippecanoe, Ohio. ' '-'James Foster, -' '' i " Oregon, Mo. " r . George N. Miller, . -, - ArcherrN. T. ' - '; FRESH DRY GOODS- - EEDIV JAMESON Ar CO.,' NoCllO and 172 Main' St-:; St. Louis. YTE are now in receipt of the most complete and VV . magnificent stock, everofiered to the Western Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited to make an examination of our stock and prices. ; rnnv Tin t'O nv t. r GRAPE ROOTS. 20,000 Catawba Grape Roots, two years old, for sale. Price $5 per hundred $4!) per thousand. - .' J. M. McCULLOUGH, : IVov,?9tf . No. 200 Main st., Cincinnati. p Eeady Hade Clothing:,v: -' E'ERT YARLETY', style, quality, price, and pat tern cf .Ready Made. Clothing, just received and for sale cheap, by II013LITZELL-A CO. ; T: : : Hat3 and Caps. T !ATEST styles of Hats.' and Caps, and of every JLi grade and price, are offered at HOBLITZELL A CQ'S:' 4" " ' Qucensware ' 7 ; '; OF all the latest styles, and in endless variety. just opened at . ' IIOELITZELL dr CP'S. . :.- ': FurxxitnTC.:- ' ' - BEDSTEADS, Tables, Stands, Bureaus in sort, everything in tho Furniture line, can be had at '" " ' - ' HOBLITZELL & CO'S. "'Stoves, and Tinwaro. .',:., CIOOK, Parlor and 05ce Stoves of .various pat ' terns; and Tin ware, at HOBLITZELL A CO'S. c TZood 1 and TZillOw Trare.- BTJCSTSTS, Tubs, Churns, and aa ecdlMS yzAziy of Willow ware, is for sale at . '. HOBLITZELL A' CO'S. '..'Saddlery. 1 ' SADDLES, Bridles, Martingales, Checks, and ev - ery Variety of goods in this fine can be bad at ..r -V llOBLlTZEIJu. & CO'S. . MA;ITJ ROUTE. . From Iiemalia Arjzhcy, in Kansas, to Lt , '''' ''mouth' of the' Nympay Jlu-er,' ' ' '' 'T- . . . . Nebraska.' ' I ' THIS LINE makes one trip per week, each way, stopping at the principal towns on the Missouri River. Good Hacks all the way through, and good luirses and nice your g men for driver, f , J. B. A W. BENNET, Cottraetors. ' Dec.l9,135(J.-Tln:7-ly . D. K. HITCHCOCK.' EEARDSLEE. . BEXJ. JOT. m. hftchcock co., Ret. Olive and Locust streets, St. Louis, 3Io. Ii "ANri7ACTUPJRS of Cooking, Heating, and ill. Farlc-r Stoves and Grates.- ' - . Also Manuf ictarers of four siies ofTewett's Pat ent Cary Ilouj1!, one and two hone Jriul and left k;t3i -' - i i ' ' i .- -i -. " HEAL ESTATE ; AGENCY.- ; CLAT13. - ' J. w. '1 ; CI.ATl:3 LEE, ;:'!"'' i i Real E.-:tato ' raii - General Agcncv, Ilcfcrcsccs. . Jams? TTrc;ht, Broiler, . Wm. A. V ood"- aril, Ls . : Hon. 11. Wood E.t-GoT. of C1i Vi'ickr, Otic an I JJnwnc'.r, Ba.o AlcottA Horton,' " ' ' Col. Robert CamrVll,. , " i : -., . Jan' Ridgway, .. , r " Crawforn and batkott' ' 1 u Cliveld, . . "".' St. LhnU, -Cliicoro. " Omaha City, Aug. GO, 13u3.': vlnl3-ly : 'jtViZli CAKOILL.' ' ' ' " ' . GZO'. W.' CA3JI1L. r J. &, C.;T.:CAnGXLI,, : ! rORYTAP.DIXG AND COMMISSION- 4 : i ,ii : . AND MANUFACTURER'S- - AGENTS, Steamboat Lauding, St. Joseph. IIo. CiOXSIGNMEKTS cf . Goods ardPrcdace ' respcctfally solioitei, and all bnsiccss entrust ed to us will be promptly and caref ally attended to at the lowest rates. ;-: ' J ' " ''" ' - . - m icrcaccs. Taylor k Shepherd, ; R. L. McGheo &. Co., : Livermjre, Cociley & Co. Merchants Generally,. St Louis, M M a ' h ' St. Jpsrh. n. w. Toizsn!u - ' ; . a;-sr. -saxto. - ' , : DOXXELL SAXTON. i ' ; Arrangement for Fall '56, Winter ;57. :VTIIE rZOPLE STOllE. ' ! !-'V i'." st. josErn, ho. j : Kcw Good3 ree'd hj every Steamboat. IJoro of thcrn: Cheaper than ever. ""T7E'ftre preparetl to oTer Extra- Inducements v v - tnis season Stock of 3 season, and cau attention to our largo DRY- GOOD3, - - ' ". -. :. ' .. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, (Latest Styles) " i PASMQXABLE. BONNETS. - READY MADE CLOTHING, " V; ! ' " WINTER' GOODS, ' ' J ;" : Ilat3, Caps, Boots and Shoe3, (six hundred casesj) Groceries, jN ails, Iiirifvare, Crockery apo-Ao. Cash paid for Hemp, on delivery, at all times. E. E3TABP.OOII, . 15 i s t f i c t . -A 1 1 6 v ii e y , . ;: OilAHA. CITY; N. ,T.: ; :. ; r rEQI3TREI)to be in attendance officially upon all XV the terms of the District and Supreme Court cf the Territory, tenders his rrofessional services to sucn 83 need them. ... lie flatters tiinself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trictwill enable hica to give satisfaction to such a3 entrust their business to his care. .... i ' Omaha City, June 7, ISW. ' "' Notice. A persons knowing ihcms3ves indebted to the XX firm of jSoel, Lake, Lmersok, & uo.wul End their accounts in the hands of O. F. Lake for collec tion, and an immediate settlement is requested. . Brownville, Feb. 25th, 'it. . , . 37-tf ..I. X. VniTBITXlZ... , y r ... ,B; f. m'kinxet. . URS. E. A. WIIITllIDGE i CO. . . ' ' "MANCFiCTCBERS OF'; .' " "' '' Masonic Clothing and Odd Fellows -'IiriG-AliIl.t: " -2- Also Hegalia far Temjeraace'and other Societies, .. . . Ab. 128 ; Walnut Street, up Stair$t . CINCINNATI, O. . , r; 1 JMisoKsi References odd fsliows. 7 WlCDdddsGMofObio O. P.-Morton, P G M Ind. C, iloore Ed Masonic Rev; Turner &. Gray, pub C&pket F. J. Phillips, II. P. City W. G. Xeilson, P G 11 Ohio -' - The Editor of the Advertiser will have specimens of Regalia from the above Manufactory, ami recieve orders from Lodges or private members for' Kegalia. p - August 2, isis. vi:natr : ' i ; .:.:...;: a . W. II. WILL1A3IS, ' WHOLESALE AND RVtAth iEALKB Df STOVES & TINWARE r I lAKES pleasure in announcing thecitiiens of Or 'I. 'gon and the public in general, 'that h& had on hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and Is for sale at yholesale and Retail at iSt. Louis prices. .. I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Ti;rht and Premium. Among them may be found FillyVChartcr Oak, the best ttove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prne I re mi Um.. Also, Parlor . &; Box: Stoves Of various SLzos and Patterns, which I will . SELL LOWER THAN AXY DOUSE IN TOWN. - Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable ternn. Old "copper, Prass and Pewter taken in exchange forworkorware.-- . 'W. W.WILLIAMS, . vl-n5 1 Oregon, Mo., July 5, 13J6 . f , FRANKLIN . , : TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUIIDilV No. 1S8 Vine St., bet. Fourth and FiU .. :- : CINCINNATI, O... ,-.:.i'. ' i .' . -'ii . ..,;;'."..'' . t , , . T , C F. O'DIIISCOLI fc CO. . : .. "! Tanufacturcrs and dealers in News, Book and Job 1V1 Troe. Printing Presses. Cin' (iniiiM Jb Inks, and Printin? Material of Every Description. . BUiULUi l or au Kind Um;ks, Music, Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings, Ac., d'cv '. : ' ' . " Brand and. Pattern Lclier3, various styles, GEO. I LUCKIIAIIDT, ; WATCHMAKER , r 3lz3.c1 iTo-vcrollor. ' OPiEGON. HOLT COUNTY. MO TAKES the liberty to inform the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that he has "opened a WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Ilolt county, Mo., where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which he wi'd sell extremely low, for CASH. Ab6, a ao lot of " iolins, Accorleons, Silver, and Ilated Spec tacles, Gold Pen3 with Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac., Ac. .".. ,.. t. . lie is rreoared to ronair Wabh: nv. an a '.t - elryr of every description, ia the best manner and on ihe most reasonable terms..; , j , , , , Every article bought in bis establish merit. Is war ranted to be what it ia represent! to, ht W.ia pairing warranted for one year. wuiy zt, laot. tl-n3tf GEO. C. FEUGUSOIT. MILLWRIGHT AND ENGINEER IJilOWNVILLE, N. T. ANNOUNCES to the public, that he is 'prepared to erect Steam Saw an.l ' rr.V.o irri. notice and reasonablo terms. ...... f , - ALL "WORK WAHKANTEI). ' ' He is also Agent for ' . . . A. II. IIOLLIBIRD Sc CO'S., r ! Tcstcin PoiiiidrF. ' f -i;,Y.', Cincinnati, o., .:: ; . LKIl & LEAVITT'S feaw ' Manufactory,' - ' "CINCINNATI. O And is crenared to rwo !va rn e.i T - . f - - " VIULUIUI BUT Eia chmery manufactured er ket on hand, by these es- ' Letters of enquiry," promjt'y answered.' : ' " ' -:- " ' ;r' - BEFFEIIENCE3.V - : Noel Lake A Co., Brownville, N. T. Sfeani Mill. ,. Nuckolls A White, Rockport, Moy- - v-y , Jaices Lowe,'Linlen; . , - M 4 u vln3iy. '. ... Brownville, June 2.1, : , Stcarn ..inil Lnrnberv .. " TTTE'take tils method of informing the Publle V that we have jost j ut in operation on what ij known aiSonora Island, four wiles alove Broirn rilie, a frst quality uteam Sawmill, and are now rrc pared to saw all kinds of1 Lumber on short notice and in a manner, wj aro confident will ivi . I'.rl'ac ' tin." We will ke. p a Ferry boat to run to tLo m-ia shore, tt fa-e uuof our castomt-r. ; . ; - - ' " " . " : Vi'. H. IIAtTi A CO, Boots and-'CIic- A N vntisuallr Urr ti-k x.f (in,. t..l and i hoesHt a . Gentlemsa. an-I LjuUcs'-caa be seen, aai jurchajed low. rt " iLOilUTZELL ACO'3 rmr. sLTEscnii:r mia x armers rsand otaerswUm UJJ tAi:;,SEPA2lT02V-.:''- GR for the rreser.t season. 'It U particularly of the marits of thi( Ma!?7 10 r are too well known throo?hftnt l .J"D,!,: xtoRing ;' but the facr, that thev Utb'wL H any continuir- to receive tho wwnaaii .VN I and County Fairs where th,y h w. CJJ-N ? suTicient to induce all tk-ose a 0r I ."" i chine, to pure Li 30. lz.iT fTr ' 4 ! I hare a large number of them en hi-1 l2' the coming crop, m,i la of thatxst tnater'al ii' 7 'a ' rvated to do g-x.d work. ". . , ' J I hare made nuay Valuable rjnprovetaf5',T I machines within thel:ist year, aad havtnow.'".'' jn warranting tneca saperjor toaiy ianJ(. ""i " lam aliopreparirgalarg'j nuabcr cf Cnr. Jrnprovra Clover alallpr ' patented in liol, whl:h are greuiy n!, . rntent of 1341. bein in. Jtatif rAc , K 7 O ' " ' JJJQ . ahead of it in other respects. , They riU),. 1 factored under, the immediate, supervU, 5?" natentee. who fc-. rm- in.'-; -!i l'ntrwl . .1. r . d ''"i.ui-'.. f 1 tie above cut rep re ;:. 1 3 rnt loarl .r-.. tor," and is designed fejpwcialiy'ar th lufx use. ...... 7 ". Iia alio hztA ti.r liC miick's cocn'ei ?! Eli and 110 WLN O MACfllXE, Combbtl. . .. R. MOFFITT, rHua.iLlnnieonniT C". : BOOK--STOKE JUST OrENSO AT T1IB H;a.OT BaGADvi i i COUNCIL CLUl .FIS, IOUA. WHERE may he found a tags aacrti of EOOKS AND STATIOXEUT everything in their line, consiit-Dg la part; uy, lows: ' " r """ - -.'" Tlisicries aad Biegraphu ' : : ' - ;' i ; Narratives and Travels, : : ,. . School Books,'. ' Misscellancoua STorkffc.... . LiTes of Emm?nt Person, '' - " 'Agricultural M'orks, ' " ' 4 ' ; ;:' Standaid Poetical Worfj, -.Jt.-i -;:s . :' , ; .-.Kcligious Wcrlts,; t ;i t,. , .. .. Song Books, ' ., . ','''' ' Biblc3 and Ilytnn Boob; ' ' '''.:. : i Novel and Lij;ht Iieadinj;, :' '';( ; r. l'iotorial Worlcs,- , -;jti--.u-. ... Clank Books,.'!'- , .,... t . . Paper, Pens and Ink, "" ' '" 'J ': Cards and Gift Books, Toys and Fancy Primcrf, -. Portfolios" and Albums, . i And a thousand other useful aid necessary uti in the lino.. ' .-ss .;' ': .. :.' - . Also, rod. black aad bine IJiS S, of oar ows ia. ufacture, Wholesale hnd lietail, as cheap u eu I had in St. Louis, and warranbsd of the best qTiitij, put up in quart, pint and half -pint bottles; Lso, 1 four and two ottnn jottlc3.: '7' r -i -Professional rnea wishing a bilof" " W Of DlHIil ! can ne supplied nere at 20 jier cent n!xvssi. li?hers prices,' we joying all cuti and bUinir.r ia at the snortct notice.' Ouf arTininenU nbmt any STANDARD BOOKS printed ia ibi Uu ted States. .' " : '-'H - ' Call and see ouf stxk we irt new beiinnenkt will serve our customers to thi liest of oar sbiii'.. s Our prices, we are sure will bt HitWactor. r:- Cli-UG A SANFCHD. i Council Bluff., Iowa,. June 1.4. 'SS viol ' Hichafdson's Llissonri i Vnndpal Olhce No.' 12, llaS' st; louis, Miasoin - B EG Ioave to'Inform the peblic, tbit th-j lian inr enmnlfoil with th rnoAii "?f n nf thpir!ff and being fully organized, aro now prepared to tn act a " ' '- General Agency Bnsincsi The success which ban attenle l the original Propri etor, i3 a guarantee of the satif;vction rcn'l' H,ci it will always be the aim and study of the Eiwutin of, this Company; to give, every possible facility it the speedy and safe transmission .of 3Ionry, ..Valuable Packazi', Parcel ui w liunait'S oi CtooUs, Jlprr haadize, and every description of Freight, on reasonab! tenu to all points on the Missouri Biver, and at SI tai with other rc?ronsiblo Exnrei Companies, for 5t York, New Orleans.. Boston, Itdaaeiphia, tlu.-? Cincinnati, Burlington, Louirill 3, Rock L land, Mea phis, Pittsburgh and Buffalo, sod to almwti? town and vilfiage in the Unitel H tate,Enropo, As tral ia a Dd California, - r - A Mes.cnier will bo nnt tm r.b.i new steamer Ci ha, inakin wecklr triDa between here and seph, there connecting with our d illy line to Si Lcais ana a;i points asaoovu'. In behalf or the LnMrr., the patronage of tho public is respectfully loli All business entrusted to- m. will meet with the o energetic and promy t atteutiin which has i5?' characterizotl this Expre.-s, and icada it pre-emiflH1 j iir. r' . ia eaicrn jxpres D-isine?. . DUiECTOnS. ' St. Lo'ii. Edward Me j p. ...... JiMKrL )fcCiKTsn W. D."W. Bku.vard, ' ;Toa)f W. Tooixr. ' ' - Jossra P. RirBAiinRn-. C Ft Baert. Alton. W. J. 1'ifiOT, JCSEPil F. TJCrLlKDSO-X, I'rrti. S; M. Ghat, Sou , : j . .: . vln2. r t , . ; IIsxby Kvls, GcBral Ar3t Imnrmrml T.J la ' fllmtt I CORN & COR PLANTATION MlU TIIE subscriber has purchiwd exclusive r? Territorr in tho West, of the above eelcbr: Mills, an 1 is prepared to fartish them at all either wholesale or reull, and guiranieed in the" positive manner. - ;i .. - It is row more than a year lineo the Was introduced to the public,' diriog which tiaei1' has been constantly growing1 r.i the popular fa'1-, The improrements recently: ?JactI and rt"T! makes it the most perfect ciitdime ever offor general farm use. It is firrtislitMl ready for at"cB,i team, and weighs ai follows: , N-. I, 223 No. No. 3, 400, No. 4, 501) poand.f. 'Xwenty rrinatw f stiSTicient to set one up, wit jot t mocbanUnI ail when once eaa wi.h safety bo otr3' to a boy. Foil di relations accmpar.y each Mil ' ix xin. 11 gcz'izizz rj N. I, JHS, wHl grind 4 ba taea. per h.wir 'iih I No2 40, " " I) - 1 " No3 50, u " 15 - 1 " N6 4 CU, ' ' 20 1 : J " T Liberal discount to dei J(a . . ' . JAME.-i B, CUADWICt . No. C3Locu3t stretbet. 2dnJ .Jaaa2S,lSj,Tl-nl ..... . . St. Louis, 1" J.T. POVDALU . : . J-W - S.I.C1" - voy, DALtrcAJia a co., WASHINGTON' lt)UNDSY, ' . .- ,; Corner Sword and Mr;svn Street :l:-: - :-ST.LQUISa,MO. . : fANUTACTUr.E RS cf Stsam Engines tr ivr ers. Saw and Griit MiU Hw Screws arid IVc?se? Uird Ketl4 9. IjtI Cylinder?, Vi'ool C :irl!ng Machine?,. Voonji f1"1 J . v .jm ' . .'... ... U-. KTA zn for the gale of Jimc Sisith c Superior MACHINE. CAr.DS. , . ' . ,. YOUNG'S PATENT SMUt MACHINE. VjJ tried, always succe?sfuli fallj-3aarautied. ' J13" fcctured and for sale by . ' : ' DO WALT, CARINA CO- . '" ' ' -' Wahii gtoa Fot airy, $uU , BPwO Y7I7VILLE STEAM ii I LL? NOEL, LAKE, A ElririSSON; nrovvnvlllo, r3" ..j. , N. P. 'We would tei-fSn? inf-ra tf z;ns of Nemaha county and atljoining Mi.'"0, we- have al it bsnd a lr;o and we-5"U) upplyof LUj!lIH:U?whK h recanfarnis1 er rates than any mill in tl.e Vorritory. ' , "Market pric-j r iil f x i delivered al l"e- ; or on the back cf th 3 river. ... , .. - All ord?rj accmriinied with theft'h."-1 . At a pracii-al test of this Seimtor iBX,w ' with the best of th.e malo in .England u 7J ': received the the.-t cimme;idiJionV tf Sul. of tho leading . criirultanilii'.j of tV vi. "U I ear JBXi;!eeUa:i-ja..- '1 '&-'-' i