Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 16, 1857, Image 3

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frHIs, Editor.
- rTTvrx. General Ad' r - -t, ifi rear
a:;.;; ;ni fr.--.-: cia. 133,
yew Yoriu.
asf fVrxits, 'o. 43 fetstreei, Saint
rrt A Whitx, .Nebraska C.y, . ...
tr.jL IT. Uadea,IU-
iV.borize Art to solvit fcatecrirtians and
.AerS" tne AirrU3-, and weiev. and
-V recent ClK:Efi .
'iJl, rr7 tv. Cards. Ac cade to the
.rK-r" C See, we ciai
im to be able to turn oat
a, manner unfurpuJaed bj ary o.e.
12) BUnki, Work in Cvlors, Trome Vi"ork,ic
'orfen fwiB dirtacce will I prompt! attend
ttdVwrMted U piTeeUisftieuu or bc paj.
r,.c mldent in tcu Temtory, eonur? 11
'J .f isolates, cfien snrrest to
Wu8i2!V -nnsiM thc?r old .eiboc.ood-s wb
SllSe n.bber, if tbej eouldj
r Te x'wsts send & rpci-
SSriSS briber. Post-
JbTLreUui the usl per rest Tor their
liable. t : - . . ' ' ' '. ' "V ?
JVirW" eW, by TLntan ud other,
;X ViSuiwloecaAoMSj to theirfne m the
riio reeeired for three, ixt "niw or
. twelre mottha.
' 'f Temtori! Wnt nd Xexrah Cotmty
jjiuet fof iadebtedne to tha 0-eeUE2
. rTic Nebraska Advertiser" taTing
ck tb largest circalation of nnj paper
ia ike Territory. Waolesale Kerctants in
Looi St. Joseph, Cincinnati and
tker. Eastera markeu wkere Nebraska
rrckaats pnrckase, will find no betteT
adTertisinxmediorain theYe$trni Conn-
trr. fj
; 7E bv few bnabebj of extra Flax Seed to
riu in. limited qo&nuues, 10 raea 01 ur
Fuiaen in thii CAmtj wh wua to get a itart ia
Is rex ready for delircry to Agents,
cr calling to order cn. the reception
cf $1. . ;
Orders now in, and those hereafter
received will te filled in the order in
Vklch they are received.
The Guide can be had at the Laxd
Omcz and cf Boot L Cozzei.s t in
Cteaha City, and cf AuiisniONGf k
Di3iCf, Nebraska Gtr.
' . 1
Last OrFicx, ox aba. If. TV 1
JebniarT, 17th, 1S57.
Yf irforaed that llr. K. TT. Fonta if about
U p-Oiiiii a fynopsi of the Pre-Enntiin fattm, to-
"fetar with lale detr.a&s, eocsectea ita tliat ruo-j-ct,xnd
-Toim Sites." W think rach a "jwblic-
';oo u ratlj seeded, aad a eorj shoiud bo in. the
ticdj of erery terson in tHe lemUtry, at it wtl!
ixpartTalualle iifomatin. '
. , A. E. GILLMORL, -JvCceirer. j
; - . .
LAID E.lI.r.S.
' TTe cctice in a Washingtoa dry correspon
dence of 22 arch 18th, that the Commissioner
cf the General Land OSce is opposed to an
"early disposition cf the lands ia Nebraska at
public sale,
Whatevermay be urged derogatory lo any
of the opinions or cScial acts of Coramis-
sieuer Eendrlcks, this one cannot be construed
in any other bght than that of justice aad
right to Che sealers of I elraska. This opi
nion goes to show that our interest is well un
derstood, ly at least cue man in the federal
la Jcregoirg e htoruls we have given cur
views open tie suiject of forcing the dav cf
public cf our lands. We then ex
. pressed ourselves opposed to a sale, and have
seen nothing since to cause a change of views.
W Vi m . , al a . -
waa ui4 mat cenaia orzn-
ut'.ons, m seme portions cf the Territorr,
vould be materially benefited by a sale ira-
aeiiately, but their ictcrest should not com
promise the-interest cf the mass of settlers
thrttghect the country. ' We have no ohjec
tens, to the general government brlnginrr the
a.d described sections to public sale at Ian
yearly day. It would be, ia all probability, the
very best tiing that could be done to prevent
murders, and mary cf those tragical scenes
vhich have a'rea2y occurred ia the' isortbera
part of the Territory.
Uar setters in this region are cot atiemrIr."
to hold any more land than they caa pre-empt,
aad as fast as they can chiaia the means are
consnramatlrg their tiles at the land ciUce, and
if some time elapses before the sales, we verilj
be..eve there will not be a quarter sccnlonrof
d in Nemaha to be ofTered to the highest
We do cot desire the land sales cow, cor
fcr years to come. Let settlers abide by, and
conform to the known law, and there is no
ccasba for such premature rroceedinc: oa the
. piitcf the government.
- So fif ts cur kcowled
extends we can iv
ehraska is truly a healthy country and
ul continae, we think, free from the epidemics
a corajliiats incident to the East and
wuui, which considaraticm, ia the absence of
-i ethers, should be relent to attract main
todes to cur ilore, ' ,
, We have few or ro catural causes cr.rx.Ui
pmctncirg daease; the surface cf car
cotry is mostly undalatlrg and but a rerv
11 portion styled marsh, bottom cr low
pd; coarciarntlr the atmo-.hers "seldom
jmes , impure cr deleterious to the system.
The most proUc agent in the r-neratloa" cf
.-y'cuUiici is, we Ul ve, attrllutahle to
atrnc;heric imparlie?, a condition irtvitable
low tcttora regions. Tho-3 familiar, at
cf this dsscririi.-ri. will bear
:r.trs are
n.-er-j co.i,
is true;
4 . . v.
f ti ..i
cud exhi-
-cL:g:MTccaiu::ve to Lc
ira kli ensri- a ewr.p:bl expen-
Tt Job Trister, ii determine.! sot to be
great est harac ia tie victcr rcr.2ca tbirs b
almost cziTenIIj a ita cf the air;
tbs pre luetics J rprcid cf cLossijnid
epidemics &T3 ccstrcllei, ro dacl; JiD a -R-cri-derful
eiteni t j asrid iz-enccs. TTe tiTe
co fears cf KcUastacTcrtc."; yL'teilj- zry
tis dcso!at:- pcstHesccs
over nor 7 j;
cf tla T
tlx f Lrcli si the t.'c'.ct ts drl-t fere tso
pure for the caasitioa of endus, eiderdes,
iciectiocs cr coctaicr.' -'- ?.'
Sprir ia accompanied bj a few cf
tie xrcstber, LifItj Lo-seTcr tbc7 arts net
rery sud.Iua let cziis jrraical, ia censsnacijee
of which, ve escas . tuncruu , k.Lin:nat3rj
attacks exceedliglj cczir::a la a radT-iiins
Our usiraers tzd 'astnasa ate matcldeas la
bean tr and lorelircfs eo ripo with cimi
that few behold our country ui either.. c:ti cf
these seasora TsitLcui cxclalniiE : "VThat a
cradie!', ' - :;! '
Frcra the cenraenceraent of warra frealhcr
crtll the faHIrsof frost, del'htf-l grinds jrre
rallJ'rraths Sauth aad T7ct, sZzzlvSlj rs
Iierirj; cs of all eppressioa of heat, and there
by wb pass -with safety. ar.d impunity, and
cciaTart thrcrgh the suzsracr. and autumn.
VTe haTe.ia aiditioc constant gentle pile
and refreshing Ehowers acting, prohahly, a
Terr "irnDortant rart -ia the -rrcserTaJioa of
health. - w... : , --
- A we hare previously Eaid, a Gauntry
whereia the inestiraahle Ll2Sing3 cf health
caa be enjoyed, should pesiesa zxz-- attrac.
tions thaa all ethers curahined. JLIthonh
thousands cf our settlers Ijivs vinterel in
open cabins, many cf them, without doors,
trindews or floors, still the xicst remarkable
Lealiaprevani all orer the Territory.; If .di
sease sometiraes originates from expc&ure, and
we have ca doubt 'of -it, we ask vhy do e
not fall victims to inf. .mirations, fevers, i;c.
The simple fact cf our airaospkwe beia pure
and free from all kinds cf "poisons, animal and
j veetLle, and our climate uniform will suSce
to solve the mvsterv. ':
rersons who object to TebaskT' cn ac
count of its being an unhealthy ixrantry ;. can
emigrate here "with the assurance cf enjoying
most excellent health.
--TOATJTIIL:J -..:..
Of all the disgusting things it is car aafor
taaate lot to behold, the toadying propensi
ties of the majority " of the sovereiga people
is the most . absurd. Let a foreigner preseat
himself at one cf our large cities, claiming
membership with same imaginary family of
rank in Europe, cr attachirg a handle of some
half dozen cuprcuounceabla 'names to' the
plebeiaa one of Smith, and forthwith his every
act is descanted cpon, every vice landed into a
virtae, and each" miner incident of Li3. every
day life construed into one of vast has pcrtnce.
1 But' not content with humbugging them
selves with some foreign count or baron, they
cannot forego the opportunity of making them
selves ridiculous over a plain sensible man
one of themselves because, forsooth, he has
been elevated to the rank of Chief Htgistrate
of the United' States. We have received a
copy of a p3?r pub!ishl in New York; of
which Jt is "said over 13.C00 were sold on the
dayof Mr. Buchanan's inauguration- ' It- is
completely filed with rcprcseaiatiocs cf the
most trilling circumstances appertaining to
llr. Bnchanaal We hare him 'taking the
oath' and "taking his sent," ; and would sug
gest the propriety of aa illustration of his tak-
nc: fiomething to drink." "We have him "pre-
paring for the inauguration aad . "citing, lus
dinner;" showing that 3Ir. 'Buchanan uses" a
knifa and fork, aad - after chewing his food
suEciectlv. swallows it like any other "white
man, thus forever settling: that question and
removing any doubt that -may . have rested
upon the public mind, that Mr. Buchanan de
vours his dinner different from any -one else.
Then twe. have his dog,, lis xat,, lus. cane,
bis stamp, -and 'his bed, with Mr. Buchanan
sitting close br, ruminating oa the iadcmencY
of the weather and the bad state of the roads."
and doubtless making up his taind to retire.
Oa one page we have him "getting into his
ccach, and on the ether "getting cci of his
coach: then we have him among Li3 ether
"takes "taking the cars," and immediately
ater nbe cars :takmg'.haaM as.e ttaads on
the platform bowing to an exteasire multitude
of the enlightened. In short, there is co con
ceivable attitude or position Mr. Buchanan ha3
taken during his trip from "Wheatland to
Washington, which is susceptible f Hinstrv
ticn but what has its iixtjyrrcpriatB represents-!
tian in that detestable gallery of portraitura
John Fhcenixtook eff tlie pictorial publica
tions the best when be inserted an adrertiain?
cut cf a house as "the residence of Lord Byron,
author of Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress," and n
man sighting throuzh'a sextant as . "Comel-na
Agrippa lookiiig
into futuritv.
Yesterday about oa, as ,tho ferry caS ' tt
this place was .crossing the' river vii a Joal
of cattle, they became, nnrnmageable'- from
fright and rushing in a body far die upper file
of the boat instantly tank it. Mrl I'ixsxt and
eieruiuwacrs were ia the toatsnd clung to it
cntil rescued from their perilous situation .by
means cf ashim Sack a dar ai vetordsv
was rrdhcr unfavoralle ' for ascitic. exercis !
and banging a sunken
boat anything but arreeabie. - Providentially
no lives were less, and beyond bad jcolds and
the loss cf two cr tires cattle . cothir.g seri)as
The steamer Emi rrant discharged heavy
cargo cf freight tt this landing oa Moadar
ereuirg. v.;i'
The ' 2lin-ce:ha-l.a ' reached here lata : on
Tccsdsy evering, also heavily loaded vritb
goods fcr this point. r"-'"
Mr." Bctd, cf " the 'Emigrant," and. Mr
HcTcmrrox, cf the Min-ne-La-ha, will aceep
cur thanks fcr I:s of late pr.jxri ' ; !' ' ; .
These desirirg !c- insure their lives cr ptx
pcrty will do well ta consult the advcriseitcit
cf the Ba:haan Life and General Instance
Co ia ar.o?r column." : - '
- - i .. " i' i :
Thrwenther- is still, crll
f 10
.- it
u T'j'iit: -lrj3 rlad t- receive artidta Lr
in;erticaj ia thj pirtr, xai lave frequently
cc ii I.. uii- .oni .. tipcia z . any
su!j2:t$ hl:h may le cf interest to car'rsal.
erSjfci Lcrae and t,broaL- E:xt whJlu ire are
lies i
3 us f:r ccrrcrjcnlence, th.3 rZzzzzri,
las-tm.'siKitaaca, is
reccrrrn'jj them h:'S.j scravrlsd cTwith pocr
pea and pile ink, which renders thera almost
iilqpIt!e;:'T7e kx.o-4fit has beeaVcry dlflcult
to procc.Te a supply of any kind cf . ink good,
bad nr ipduTcrent-ccring the past winter, tut
the itU'Sis of poar materials trould be estlv
obviriul veers, tho tataors to take mere care
ss some, editor once said, go at it like a school
boy, stick cat your tongue and take pains.
a,c lare seven! Lmesrecraved articles that
were greatly-more to the interest of the writer
thaacijn-MsIf ' to Lave published, whlcli have
co3t cs and 1 the 'coarrxKitcTSrEaore time and
troabZi tLaavronld be nccsssarr to wrlta aa
article al tho sani'S . length. - If those writing
for a pnpsr, who jive ao attention to their chi-
rogriphy,' cordd Vzxt the; Ueisinj3--n.ot load
hat a great rry cf them -which are bestow
ed rpca their urJortuaate hsjids; bj; composi
tors, whose bread aadbu:ter depends cpoa the
tmeunt cf tjp they are enalled to "set" per
day, anid who are compelled to labor for hears
deciphering a poorly written jErtIcle,whea, had
theaa:;hor tnken & small amoant of trouble
upen Idmsel it would have been rendered
anEfjctasarv.we illaksoaia nifonaaiioa would
take place in this respect. . -.
Therefor writa and wriiB, plainly, with an
eye single to the converJenoi of the printer,
ar.u y iar articles will s3way be well received
aod titaakfully.inserted..i. :j ,-
7i;".ri.Y ItHViilW.
TTerg I" rat far steambcGi.. furaiihing as
whh 'St. Louis papers; we wiald have nothing
to ruhd i this week,; fcr,"by tltat wonderful jpos
tal mjiriagemeat of sending . SL Louis malls to
Browaville via Omaha, we receive eachanges
j some Efteen dayB after their passage through
4 i .
BockDort. x crtacately, we are not now enti
rely impendent on the mails and do not care
mack about them. ,'.
Latest date3 from "Washington are to 2nd
inst: The ' newAdmiais!iation was basuy
engaged oa the one hand with the DaHas-CIa-readon
treaty, and on the other, in re-appoint-
irg cr removing o fleers. Among others, we
notics the appointments cf John W. TThit
fiild, ex-delegate from Kansas, as Beceiver cf
the Delaware Lan d District, and of CL E.- Hix
as Commission;! of Indian ASairs, ia place cf
G. W. llanaypenny, who had resigned.
Tiiie State election ia Ehode Island has re
salted in favor cf the Republican party. .
- Cjlifcraia news states that :the Legislature
bad impeached Dr. Bates, the State Treasurer,
and-G.AV. "Whitman, ComptroBer, for their
mis-nppppriatisns cf the State fuais to the
tma:ins ct $250,000.' Bates sabseqaeatly
resigned. ; ; :r -:yf
Advices from Nicaiagna to March lltB, an-
nottccesthe desertion cf a "great number o
TTalker's soldiers, and rcpreseats him as enable
ta scstain his position mtt:h longer, surround
ed as he is by the numfious force of Costa
Bicans.' ; . ' - .
- The dispute between Spain and Mexico
grovs more and mora serious. . The origin o
the'tpairrel is brieSy this: Daring the late
Meiicaa revolution, .some t Spanish . residents
wai murdered and many others had thei
projerty pHlaged and destroyed by Alvarez
trajps ; Spain asked Meraco to indemnify the
suforers, bat all her demands beir.g refused
bhe is cow preparing to enforce her pretensions.
.A circular ncte addressed to several European
porei3 declares that the Spanish govercmen
is a:soIved to employ tao most eaergeuc mca-
snri:s to ouia redress. It is stated that thirty
ve3!li with 10,000 men will be dispatched as
sbtJir as'the ships can be "got ready.. According
to rcmors prevailing in London at the latest
dates, March 16th, Gea. Tenzula had already
been designated to command the expedition
which is to concentrate at Havana.. .;.
' Another difficulty has arisen between Austria
aid Piedmont. The 'jwress .of this country
having seme time'ago either freely spoken of
tb' e "Austrian emperor, lus ' cabinet thereupon
. enV a very . harsh note demaading satisfaction
0f insets ofTcrcd to His Majesty, and
threatening if not promptly given to break off
all diplomatic relations trith the Sardinian go v
ernment. -r : - . :.-..-' .
' The representatives cf the great European
powers" were assembled ia Conference at Paris,
to settle the difference between Switzerland
and Prussia in' regard to NcuchateL- The king
cf Prussia, who hereto fore had bhswn his will
bgness to stop all further proceedings if . his
jartlzans who had been made prisoners, were
itleastjd, now claims a recognition cf his pre
tendeJ rights as sovereign of Neachatel as the
express cendition cf his ixenunciatkm cf that
!sovcrrignty. ... -
Hu-Kia is preparing an immense force for a
decisive campaign against Clrcassia.
lateUigeace from China, received at London,
states that the Chinesis werequite exasperated
at fheboTcbaTdmect of Ganton and sie makicsr
forxaidabb pirparaticTiS of defence. In ether
parts cf tlie Cfelestial -;ErrrpIre, forcTgners wers
compelled to remain constantly armed in crder
to protect their lives against dally ."attacks of
infuriated cairei-
A' rather strange sabjecrt disputes with" con
certs and tails thti attention of the public mind
in Piris. Many persons are convinced that
Dr. Cuming's prophecy, will be realized." It is
known that the Scctush doctor had irrevocably
fixed for 1S37 tha caci of the world; bis sinister
scnouncement was quite forgotten, when sud
denly it has been . revived I y astronomers.
According to their "belief, thislmpcrtaat rpfe
teiitation will decldetlly be perform?d oa the
lth cf June text, ty las ihock of a travel
ing comet against our sphere.
A member cf
e French Institute, Mr. Babinet, who is inti-
maieTy acq-aintei with a.I and every species
of stars and comets, do net denv the wander- j Iivileges of -backing. ,- - - -
ingxharacter cf the one ia tion, but be!. AKd cccrapm i.hly anthor
, ....... - - - , - by out the-J sa:d-Boad one hundred
does not think there-u any p.rolabu.ty of a fcet vrUe'the whole lcT?gth1( and f;r the pur-
contact aad. even in taa: caie, it wou.d
prodane.acy sensibln eUact. This is nct ea
courcging, and a?, weald be right Egala if. an-
kUer vrermanvwuo pre.eDaa to aow
asr-uisdlr ifrnsa and cf so violent a U-trs
ft 4
into dart.
soon. Ia Par hovrerer, the :xr2dictIoa has
not ere?! I thei Errr-rsssioa cf a rlrgla talk
Th?v darre j-3t . U3 j before, Tery pctieatly
tivri.Cz:?; tnacsncedL'-' - ""
have :
such mail service as her waala have Lcr de-
raaade'd.. -V ,f ' .' " '- ' -
Tery truly, years
- .. 2 v.- cnAPiiAx. ,
..... PCST OmCS.DjlTAETairXT,)
- ' February 17th, 1S57.
Sra :Ia ansiver to jour letter cf 13th inst.
iacloilng petitioas, I liave the honor to inform
ycrr that he FostmasitT General has ordered
that the service on routeo. 15011, ODmmcnce
atnockicrtjUoi, omitiing Sonora, and ma two
additional wuekly trips betweea Bociport and
.owa?uiea mating iae same .tureo times a
week.' '?:-:.'. .. 1 .--.J : :
jThis seryipj to'coniraenca immediately.
" - YeryrKpcetfully.ycurs, - ! -"
i -:J,221 inLH. DUXDA5,
- - 2d. Ass. P. ii. Gea'l.
B. B. Czt jus, House Eep. . .
CorresjjOauetieesf ti5f casta AIvertl?cr.
Saiex, Bichaedsos 0n N. T.)
;:;; March 23, 1S57. - ;
Ms. EnrrcE.: The object .of . the author
cf this comrrmnication is to give a limited
description of this county and county town ;
and if bis rjport should seem exaggerated, he
would enly ask that such an opinion would be
deferred nutil. those that reads this article can
see cr leara the fact in regard thereto, Salem
is situated ia Bicharlsoacounty,S'e'braska, aad
is the county seat. .Situated near- the center
of said county, possessing more advantages, I
may say, than any other inland town in the
Territory.- Those advantages consists ia loca
tion, timber, tsratcr and atone. Salem is situ
ated between the north and south fork of the
Great Nemaha Biver, and within half a mile
of the junction of those two streams. The
town site" occupies a high and commanding
position, good springs and rock quaries within
the limits of the town, and surrounded almost
entirely with good timber. These: are objects
to be desired, and a town cannot successfully
succeed wi thout them. Preparations are being
made for buildings, and a large cumber will go
up during the spring and summer.' The Court
House will be sufficiently completed by the
first of May to answer the purpose of holding
Court at the May term. There are but few
places that offer such combined inducements
to settlers, mechanics, tradesmen, and business
men, as Salem. To all such coms; yon
will find profitable employment. : These that
venture first will reap a golden harvest. No
paper town, but a bona fid 3 p lace,! and to
sustain that assertion Lwill give you li3 value
by referring yon to its business capacities. Mail
route to Tort Kearney passes .through this
place, post-ofSce here, store, blacksmith shop,
plough factory, -where -you can get n No. 1
plough cf any description,) and. a frstrate
grist audi" saw railh Itis a new place, just
making a start, and all we need is more me
chanics and tradesmen .to grow faster ia popu
lation and wealth than any other inland town in
the Territory. The enquiry may arise what
is Bichaidson county ? Let me say to all such,
it is one of the best counties ia the Territory,
aad for the reasons, I cow assign: it is the
southeast county of the Territory, it is bounded
on the jiiruth by the Kansas fine, on the east'
by the Missouri river, placing it geographically
has the mildest portion of the Territory, well
watered throughout, four, streams passing
through the county, to wit :tha North' and
South Forks of the Great Nemaha, the Great
Nemaha- and Muddy. , . Either cf them affords
saflciant water for mills or manufacturing pur
poses; those streams and tributaries are. well
timbered, making this county equal if not tho
best timbered county in the Territory. Springs
through the county." Stone caa be had in
different parts, and as good prairie as caa ba
found in the western country." '
Beader come and see, and yen. bear witness
to the fact-. ' " " -
:2 ..! . ' :- nemaha.. .
Bead the cevr advertisements in to-days
paper. ' " "'' ' '' ;''
Aut. L Know all men by, these, presents
that" we, 'Isaac T. Whyte, Eobert IL Stewart,
James M. Hughes, Benjamin Hoiladay; An
drew liHolbday, Eobert "V7. Furnas, Oscar
F. Lake, Wm. iL Hoover; Henry S. Mayo,
John G. Telford, and Wm. Barbee, cur heirs j
and assigns, do hereby assccale. ourselves to
gether as incorporators, for' the purpose aad
uses expressed -ia these articles .of iccorpora
tioa, cud do by these rrerents constituta and
declare ourselves a body"corpirate and poll lie
with succession; ender the came ar:d style ' of
Browaville aad New Pert Kearney Bailroai
Coa.ranv, agreeabla to the
Legislatare ot" Nebraska 'Territory -entitled
"An act for revising, conaoIIiLiilng: and p rep-tr-in"
a general code for the Territory cf Ne
braska' approved January 2;, A. D. 18CS...
Abt. 2. The business of this corpjration
shall be, and has the power, to construct and
build a Bail Eoad, with docUe or single track,
from' the Missouri Brrjvnvill3 in Ne
maha countv, or at any other point cn said
Missouri river within fifteen miles above or
l-cljvf said town of Drowifnlle" to "New" Fort
Kearucv, and thence to west line cf the Terri
tory of Nebraska, with power to cennset with
other road or road-, r. extend this in ether
Suites and Territories where the Ltws of these
States or Territories- permit'-
Ajrr. S. Said Company shalj have, the
powirr to make, adopt and be governed ty such
rules, an.! renktk'US as the interest of the
r .i..,,. kiin Tint ifitTYmr'.r'l J'A unth
VAIUI4il i" T l.'l,J-"1 l "
ut tana ut .u vt"- -
tory, and may -connect with and consolidate
cr1- uMintKntromnsniefL Ttrovided slw.ivs
t w in. tbw article cf inro.rcrriion be
so amstrued as to give them the power and
!. tjosc of cuttLr embankments, stone and
vel, m.iy take as much more t:ir. i r.s -msy te
neassanr (jv the r-ro-xar ctditruciica and sera
;.,rf s.np11,v
rry, r!,r;tll ftfl,v c.t snrd frvr.r.
il si carper pbnet wZU daihei into dar;
TTLa cf th3 t-o is right ? 7e will knen
liua. ir wua i-x and ' By-hws cf tie L:n--iay, and held their j Tooth, John Ca.hoaa.Joha II. Likens, ..J.A "eac.k,
.Tashiagtoa, Tebraary 13th, lo-e u-ul their sn-cesscrs ara eljcted r"d i X'j J.Ubir,, A. o. --r.
FolIastr,BrownTineN. T.-.. ! quaiei" Tho said biSctors cr ;W majority I 'xk.cAas F,-' IL 'V' Fr23 '
Sza The: enclosed will show roa that 1 1 of thsm. shall elect one cf their number PrssiL ; a 1 " " 1 r . T ..
ttlxistb:ea able" to iret for Bro-a-a7iIl2iu::ir-". 01 tne Loa:a vro si aso ce irK:uent m iLiriae and Hirer ri A. cash retarn cf 25 per
' hi divided into shares cf GZ2 Luzdr;! diUirs
each, xh? i y.;', fovemmfjnt red dirsc
ticacf sJA C-T.ranyi"l be veU-d ia the
pcrjans nam-: 2 ia ihssz articles cf icccrpcra
ticn,. rfco si: II 1:1 J -their cca until a Board
ccrca L'Irj:tcr3 .shall be elected br" the
tha.Cjmraay and be quail-
Alt. G. Ths Iord cf Directors shall bs
el.:t:I ar.r.a-IIy, :a acccri uice with the rules !
Azt. 7. The said corporation shall have j
the esalaslre ro.7cr' and rriTHezs of btuldin
a Kiiil Boad betweea the points before men
tioned, and is hereby authorized by tho proper
cIH(53r3, surveTor3 and engineers to cause such
examinations and stxreys to be male of the ; 1 1
ground and country between said points a3 1
shall be necessary tD determine the most ai-1
v aiitasous route crline for the constmctioa of t .
said Bail Bcal, and it shall oa lawful for the
Eaid corporation to enter rpoa and take pos
scsilca cf and use all such lands and real estate
as may be necessary determine the most
advantageous route and line for the construc
tion of said Bail Boad. - And it shall Ixj law
ful for the said ccqwration to enter -upon and
t - ve possession and .use - all each lands and
F real estate as mav be necessary for the cons-
traa! cstata as
and theocenpntion that maybe requisite to the
same, and may purchase, cr receive, and hold
lands for the purptjse of said Load, and to aid
as means for it3 construction. .
Anr. 8. -That ary person cr persons, mali
ciously, wantonly, or wilfully damagirg cr de
stroying anv property belonging to said Com
pany, shall forfeit and pay to said company
treble the value thereof, to lie ascertained by
any court having; jurisdiction, and shall be
deemed guilty cf & misdemeanor, and punish- J
ed accordingly..' .f ::. ,:-" . . 'I
- Arrr. 9. The Board cf Directors shall fix
the time and place of holding the annual elec
tion and regulcr meeting cf the Board and
Company, and at such meetings each "stock
holder shall be entitled to one vote in person
or by "proxy for each share he lawfully owns
n-sa;.d Ccmrarrr, provided that no rerson
shall ut any meeting cast more than one-tenth
ofaIIiie votes of said Company. ,.,
AKT. 10. And the aforesaid corporators,
or a majority of them,- are -hereby authorized
to orxm subscription books for the stock cf said
Company, at such times and places as may be
agreed upon, by tneir giving proper notice
taereof by pubiicatmn. requiring such per cent
cpon each sharfe liabscribed as they may deem
proper, and whra two thousand shariis arc
subscribed, such commissioners shall call a
meeting of the stockholders for the purpose of
electing a Board, -of Directors for the ensuing
year. And when the said Directors are chosen
the said comnissi oners shall deliver to the
said Board of Directors all books, moneys and
otr t etiects belonging to the Company. The
said Company when thus organized are hereby
authorized to issue certificates of stock, to bor
row money not exceeding tho capital. sBck,
and make all such contracts as may ba 'neces
sary to carry -into effect -the powers, herein
granted, and for the- purpose of obtaining mo
ney with which to build or equip said road or
any part thereof, said Company may issae its
bonds, signed and seal 2d by such of its Seers
as may be authorized by its ; By-laws in such
amounts,' and payable at such timesand with
such rates of in terest a?d may be sold for such
sums as the Directors mav determine
Akt. 11. The corporation mar take and
transport persons and every species of property
and merchandise, or produce, or ether property
by the force of steam or other power, and may
fix and establish rates of tall for the transpor-,
tation of persois and property, ever said Bonds
Am. 12. The said Company shall trans
port the United States mail open such term,
as may be agreed upon by the Post OSce De
partment and the Company. - - -
Aht.13. The Company shall commence
constructing said Bead at . some point within
the boundaries on theMissouri river, as speci
fied in article tiro of this article of association,
within ten years from the date of filing and
recording of this article, 1 and complete forty
miles cf the same' within five years frcm ' the
date cf such commencement,
Aet. 11. Said Company failing to comply
with the requisitions, cf this article cf incor
poration, the privileges herein secured shall be
null. and void.. ' - -
Akt. 15. This corporation reserves to itself
the right to mike such change in these arti
cles of incorporation as may be deemed nec
essary, agreeably to the power vested by sec
tion eleven of the aforementioned act.,..,"
Aet.,15. That this corpcmtiol shall com
mence cnthatAeaty-third day cf February,
A. D., eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, co-
ternperan ecus with the filing cf these articles
of incorporation for record with the Begisterof
Deeds within and for the county of.lSeraaha,
in the Territory of Nebraska,' and shall have
an existence and continue in full force for a
period of fifty; year3 from and after said -day,
or until the twenty-thir l day of February,
A. D, nineteen hundred arid seven (1907.)
. Aet. 17. The principal place of transact
ing the business cf this corporation shall be at
Brownville, in Nemaha county, Territory of
Nebraska,' at wmca place the cake of said
corporation shall be permanently Iocatod.;
5' ;" Signed.: '
"- I. -T. WHYTE,
' : ' ' "JAME3 M. HUGHES
, ' 1 - A. S. HOLLADAY, .'
. . .- - : ILS.MAYO, : - -'
- JNO. G. TELFOuD, '
- . ' '.- WM. BABBEE, '. I
- " . . B.W. FCBNAS, . '. :
0. P. LAKE. -
.Beceired iorBcccnl, Febmaryld, "A. D.
1S57, at 4 o'clock P. 11, and recorded on
Deed Book A. cf Nemaha county, Nehraska
Territory, folios 7, 8, & 9. ' Ii . 1 .
. '. . ,wm. h:-hooteth -.v :
. Beister cf Deed?, Nemaha county ;N. T.
the re5vlo4cT R. J. VThi?ney, Caasuss T. J ak
so.v to llis JIakt J. tTETTirrVj an of Xemaha Co.
The fjJr has car ihak3 'for reaenherirs the
printer, and sts wishes Lx istnra pnperity nd
happiness. ,-.'-.....--
A. IIiLLis. C LV. " S.TLTiLE,lTest.
OrrE.IIXG DAYS, andThdsTs.
Lt5:arcik,l!iA.3L,to3r.lL: trom CitJUiwta to
1st yovemlicr, i A. JL, to 51. iL . : ; 6m .
r 1
j - ' . .... r -r., i ITT
j -
persons wUhicj to pn-ci? property U South
n,-wr- ' "in: Aauenuadj.d bvcalliac: sa Wjf.
! v. ln tho r-Teaiscs. cr E. T. !lm at tb
Aarertu-r (Mire.
THE prrtrrty hellers in ths Cty cf Erowarine
..arc hettby notic-d that a-r-.r.,'" to aa Crli - f tto CirT Coaaci!, th a.;
I ropertv wi'.hia eorrcrate liciiii ct said Town
- bas been miit. aal arptaUed by tL Co-nrdL :
j and ay peisrs f or.-lin the;lTes.a rrie vel by si." for-lin? the;lTes.a rrie vel by f' J
can tave a tarir r cf lie sasts ii;ia
e tinsa cf
j:rt.v Hfm ir-.m
i i?e.
IrtwavIIe, Aprd 1Z Jh, i:
:""! -r::,::-:-iarico Co.f '
CHirrr:;t3 it rzz ll:z azrz-.zs ,? mi sx az3.
J. Ii. Jcrn'r-, I. It. II ;-ir.L J. A. Q-
rroasptl j atuted, and th taual facilities r.rea t
tiPtre0f tie nice.- - -
Ar rll I4j. 1 w .
(Sirs of the Padlock, opposite tbe Post QiHoe.)
' - 'dealtb r.v
Brdl&in cud Saddlery IlzrdTrsrs,
Boots, Sices, Lwtter an3 Stce riiwirzs.
st. JosErn, mo.'
HAVE now in store, as J ta arrive ihotC. j, Araer
. kaa and Foreia lLixdvare, sacb as :
GreaTes k Son's Files : SeLawrs
and TocLj
I'oeket koives
Iliivw ik1 forks
eartiia ba"23 and
pins A
Door locks
Anders tal sbct fcitti
Corn knives
Uriar scyt'ies
Gnus a J rala do
Biitcaer's do do
Spear A Jackson's saws
Gimlet pointed screws
QnZa'i and American
bone nails
Post hola aa jers
Ames' shovels and Fnades
Lull b. Porter's shutur
ilorticicgmacbinos Shovels and tonj
Circalar, mill and muly Caadlestkks
Ba Framed wood raws
riares at! plane irons ElacliSEdtis Eelloirs and
Locners drairins tnve3 iees
di - adies and wood Hooebolo Annitsrsan-
Traa Hoops American anvils
Dntts, east acd vrroB-bt Stocks A dies
Cot per rivets for belts- Pud hoc-ks, breecl'g loops
a ayere irens Fad screws, cock?yes
Plated and eom. stirrups Ornara-sEtk racks'
d do Ilitts -Girth reia and roller web
do do Laekles Silk. 3 erd thread
do - - do UlnTJ
Breast and rein snaje
Last?, pegs ' '
Pej;fioat3 .
Fiixcrs. . " .:.
Shoe thread - - -Bristles,
wax -Lm"m
skins '
Elnding-. -
Calf gkins
Upper leather '
ErilaLa do
Skirticg do .
Earners do
leitinr- do
I r.ammIIei leather
?TTitli many goods eialrmin; a complete ai?ort-
ment of tao dersLle which thev w.a sell at
thj lowest prices. . J. COUJ0U2 A EHO
April 15th, 1357. 31-1 J
coiiinssio innicHAiiTS,
r - ' 'AND ' ' " - -
So. 33 Lett an-1 tor. Coertial
". r ST. Lons, 3:0. -
, J27S-ecial attcstion given ta salea of IL72MP
and u IIEAT. Jio ortlt r3 taken fur tha purchase
of Ilemp, directly or indlrs:t!T.
April 15 th, ISiT. .' . O-Zia
3. B. X ULUSTia. - J. t. DOZm. CS.XSX.
Orejn, Mo. ErownviHe, T. Orejs, Ho.
" PrcYisiflns, PicCice, r etc, etcl
i " , " UHOWNYILXE, Sm T. "
' St. Joseph Ga:ctte. Kaias Iljrald, Jcf ersco City
Enqnireraal fc?t. Iynds Uepablia-copy six months
aad charge thi eSi?e. , ' '
April 16"th, lei'. ' 4t-Iy
tl n. PAJiiiEit, :
Llercliaiit ' . Tailor,
unpwxriLLu, yrszJSSA rzr.n.
HAVING Lra -h 5 tvo j?rty and Located permanent
ly in BrownvUlc, I ciTer my rviees tj the
public geaeTaUy, if they want ary thiurdoaa ia my
Una of ba-ioc-rs. .lean always bcfosnilatsy pist,
or, more properly speaking at my bench. -
Worlc Warrant!? J-o Fit, JToTay ! ;
rarrxclar at ten tic n paid to ecttinjriraientj and
layic cS" work f r th' Seasutress. . The greatest
porticn of myhfe has leca devoid to cy trade, ia
which 1 eoaiider rrjself inferior to none especially
in tho rattic department, aad Ikcpe ly eljrattea
tioo to my EojLaes.1 to merit a share ef rahlie
patronage. E. E. PAIEIL
Urownvine April Kli, 44-ly
- iSiOtlCC. ; -
to mcsz coxcxrjzzD.
-T0Ticrr3 1 crely ttve.i, thai I win, cn tha 21th
JL day of April, pte-d U the Lend
at Omaha Ci rj and prove apnsyl're-naptura lii cht to
theSorta Vej qnajterof ;5ctiin So. 2'J, in !iob
ship 5, in EaEj t ajt,. in derail. eirar.'y, Ne
braska Terr. - ( LMj.l.UlU'iJJ.
CrownvLIIe, AprJ lc th, lij.. 44-lt
a. xxrean. - j. t. nczs.
LYT02D anomr;.
4fm TT
?&ils, Stove, Plowrs, rornitare, ctc
. : V S0ITCT.A, MO.' '
j April
. --r
d t "TIT LlHr'I AtrTLT, I? .
T.I LLLT'I A .TLT, 1 r
JL Carp eater, z:x i
va :"j vr..; it I
H : J ' : ( , ' I I : ! ! ' I I f I
r. y
1 :: f '
i. mf .ezZZ
s-3rj i..':rav.'2til li.'fJ. r 111,
'--J v O O CJ
y-oani cr
. i ;
t -r fi '
X 1 2a -' w -y Xs
Jcr Elczrr.cT "SZzcr HcdiV
Ant f.TT.
McAllister, dozlet. & co.;
CaT!? tml Prow-3 Soir. - ' i
1'iih H'Hiki and Clataes I'in.?, at . 1
Gus.;!;.iras and 'iT..a.'.os,
HieiA Pens aal V.'h IXaris, s! ' "i
Fill and Eras Kcttl.??, . :.; -
Tar aul ?in Ccnibs, at '
La iTT aal Oi Yoke?, , . , " - -
Tin Vr are tad Crcsiied Sarr, at . ..
MfALLISTEB, D021EP. C0s,'-
. KcacbeJ Slifc-Iai sIEd Ccri?, : '-::
Sh2rt Colors aad sidile Fixinj,' ai
Dcnidi' drawin; kIv?s,
De Laias aad (Lied armies, at ! '
. I. i
Silk kaEAlLercliiefs a-adlard Saws,
Lliickirg and pala klllor, ai
Flour and Irish llaea, . . ' . ' . 3
Ulack pepper aad Larlead,at ",
Rows and powJer, .
Pocket knives and perenjaion cat, at i'!
Uik8ilkcravatian.l eodtsh,
Lace nil its and wall paper, at ' " i,,
; .
Coffee and fine shirts, !
Led aad white fiar.nd anl tohhacea, at . . . ,
McAllister, dozlei; & coj. ;
Illeo aad ladies uadersleeve,
Sane; skiers and Qnecni'tartt, at
GI;l33 and Ayera cherry Tecral,
Carpet and harl war, at ' ' 1
Ladies hriery and k; chains, , '.-.'
Sctulasaiil liovcli, at - , ' '.
LaJja eculars and striped shirtia
PaJ combs and saddlery, at . , , '
"Eroiileloth and bar seep,
Curry combs and dress trimmings, 'at
Ijot3, ihoes and star cardies, i , . .,
Lace edic-and Saiarato?, at 1 " il i ' '
- " 2 '
' Cotteaade and spectacles, ; :';: !"
Erocrns ani Ticking, at . '?
' McALLISTEB, DOZIEi: '& 66'
Sewin r7.k and backe!., - ' ' - '
- F-nvei.pea and Ken tacky jar.j at :,-..
Plae driUIn-, knives aal forks, "
Tea and w hi ta lead, at -- ;,"':""
. ' : - McMJ.ISTES, DOZIET. 'A CO.':
r "Va3h tabs and tooth picka, . . , ..
Hack eombs and knit needles, at " f '' 1
MclLLT.STEH, DOZ1ZT. & (iO- j.-
Cajsimers and ve?t is jr, r '
2ho4 triuhes and Gwifrey'a eoriia", ai
Laee veils and ed'grje, I "
Urai eomts and tcHori. at .
Thimbles and razor straps, '',-, r
Pearl buttons and jews harps, at '
Sa?peaderJ and rtlbon, - -. - ft ,
Brown, grrea aad blae Laj at '
TinearaaJ Lnea thread, 1 : " it I
Jaconet KtLilia and sharLaj Ka?, at - . ' .
Liaca tab!c jpTeads acd shoe x.-rU, " .
Indigo aad Jaynes' mediciaes, at . . ! ', ' :
Drown llr en ari razors, .
Crxih and diaper, at - - j ' 1 I
Colored cambric and ink, shoes, ;:- - -
Thread aad cotton Ltttia j. at ' " , "
Tab!. ta tpooas acd yailj;,' -'.
C-jftt's thread acljaok iliiaj, at . '
Chain ar.d vTa'-Iow rash,"
L)ors a 1 sLizJIclj gin -Lists, at
5t:.w a-d lazier di.tllr ,'I ' .
" Susli add piaa, at ' " - - f V .
: . - - McAI.T.LSTET, DOZIET. i; ZO'x ;
Eonnets and hair oil, . .-. . . ,
EUcca and artUlciil ccwerC at '
i '. ., . .
-X thoaranl cl cae ar-JLcs.aot aasnllsatl, cil!
rear! at ;
' -. ". McALLI TUB, POZIEB Ve.CO's. ,
cf every derr
nn jn to
Fcr cheap Groceries a'-. lxdl' "25 jl tn
t h CO
If joa wxEt to -
hih is of ih bot
Mi'., '
".ITT 'r'T"',
V."'i, 1 it t: !s j. es
ac aazl ty to j'.isi thi
rje? . .
s.i.-;e aol iv: tio
, r y. f:.
C v
::;znd: t