Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 16, 1857, Image 2

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CScucral Intelligence.
Important Movement. The recent
decision of the Supreme Court cf the
United States, by -which it is fettled
that "fire" is not one of the "pciils of
navigation," unless expressly str.lcdin
the bills of lading of steam and other
vessels, has induced an important move
ment on the part of masters and owners
of freighting vessels. At a meeting
held at the Exchange Rooms on Fri
day last," it wasresoked to add -"fire"
to the exceptions nsually.contained in
nf ladinr. and that no bills of
ladin? be )rncd by the officers of the
boats not containing the clause, "dan
gers, of navigation, and fire only ex
cepted." . It is supposed that the inte
rested in ether cities vail follow up this
. movement,' and very will be
acquiesced in as a very reasonable ex
ception in all contracts of this kind.
Mo. Republican.' ' , ; . ' -, . ,
. ' '
; Amazon Scnk.: We regret to learn
that this fine steamboat has sunk. She
was on her way down, with alight load,
when but a short distance from the
"mouth of the Missouri river she struck
; a snag that tore a large hole beneath
her bow, gliding nearly up to her boiler
decks.- She sunk in an incredible short
' space of time. Some horses' and hogs
that were on board are said f to have
been drowned." ; There ' were about
thirty passengers on board at the time
' of the accident, all of whom - came
down to this city on the cars last night
The. Captain and first clerk arrived
here on the Illinois river packet Persia.
:We are informed that she can easily
be raised. -St. Louis Leader
, : Governor cf: Kansas. Robert J.
"Walker, of Mississippi," has been ap
' pointed Governor of - Kansas. . ' This
gentleman has occupied a conspicuous
nosition in the political arena of our
country, having been Secretary of
.State under Folk's administration. lie
is a Democrat and his former, career,
warrants the belief that he will admin
ister the affairs of our Territory in a
"manner conducive', to her. prosperity.
' F. J. Stanton, ex-member of Con
gress from Tennessee. . has been ap
pointed Secretary of Kansas, in place
of Hon. D. "Woodson. Kansas Her,.
"Washington, April 1. ,
.. The President has made the follow
ing appointments for Kansas:
John W. Whitfield, ex-delegate from
Kansas, Register, and Daniel Woodson,
cx-Secretary of State of Kansas, Re-
ccivcr of the Delaware Land Districts;
Frederick Emery, Register, and James
'P. Downer, -Receiver for the Western
Land District; Wm. IL'Dooke, Regis-
. tcr, , and Epaphroditus Ransont of
. Michigan, Receiver cf the Osage Lafld
, . G. W. JIannypenny has resigned the
Commissioncrship of Indian Affairs,
and Charles E. Mix, Chief Clerk of
that "Bureau, has been appointed Com-
missioner aa interim 1 , ,
. ' " ; Washington, April 2.
- Wm. A. Ilarris has completed ar
rangement for becoming editor "and
proprietor of thd "Washington Union,
i to take erect the 15th inst. He was
.formerly Reprcsentitive to Congress
i from Virginia, afterwards' Minister to
Bacnos Ayres, ' and -was . favorably
known as the editor of the Constitu
tion and the Spectator, formerly pub
lished in this city. ' . . -, '
Although Mr. Appleton is not ap
pointed, there is little doubt that he
will su'eceed Gen. Thomas -as Assistant
.Secretary -.of State., -
. -.A letter of instructions to collectors
respecting the new; tariff is in course
cf preparation,' and .will be speedily
issued. . .
Chicago, April 2.
, A heavy rrale hero yesterday, wreck-
(k C7-" V w
. ed six vessals along - the Lake shore
nnd fifteen lives are Tcported lost.-
Ihc scliocncr tyguet, with a cargo c
wood, foundered against tho break
. water, . crtvr EavccL lne cnn uavia
".Smart is ashore five miles north';i
here, and all the crew except the mate
were lost. The yawl boat of the steamer
- iiurcn, while attempting -to rescue
them wjis capsized, and four men were
drowned. ' The schooner Temperance
.was wrecked at Racine. Further1 ac
counts of .disasters by the. gale-are
anucjpatcu. .. .
Huntington, the forger, it is said, ls
advancing in popularity,' in ' his new
quarters, the btatcrnscn, andhaslefl
his old employment, of nailing up bed
stead?, and has taken to mere htera
pursuits being engaged in a prepara
tory course for keeping the books in
the oLlce of the contractor, Mr. v ood
Rev. D. S. Burnet "preached in hi
in Kew York citv on Sunday
frcui tbs text, selected frcm
inoriiir. paper, to wit:
"A ckancc for some can. For sale
a ccrncr Lia ucr Store, opposite a Fac
tory. where there arc eiht hundrc'
men employed winter and summer;
; The value cf the imports cf-ccfTc
u fid onn oni nTiiv
rfdio cvfill
AO A u J v "J V V fcA 4. A J 3
cf r.ll the imrcrts of ths
country. -
n cntweria,
Editor of the Chi
cr:o Democrat, anl the ncr Kcpubli
r ci that citv, Lasccmacnc-
C 1
"c'al tern Ly raying ciT.the
-f-r:":- cf- f COO cr over en the house
Mr.'fc'cirert, the German Rcpulli-
c:.:i -ho
: killed by the Irish Den-
r."r;.f3 in
riot at the hte election.
t ) tho Secretary cf the
nr. f
-T 'tO
esowk villi:, n. t.
Kclics t3 tte Citizens1 cf NecijLa Co.'
. .
WBEBEAS, the Legislature of Nebriaka at their
last Session, adopted the Kcvenoe Lawa of
Iowa, which mkes it the duty of the Tniai arcr cf
the County to collect all tare?, also, tie duty, of
those of wbomtaxesare dee, to come up taithe coun
ty seat, (Brownville) and pay over said tjt. : Which
law is now in forre and has been since it pa sage.
Delinquent tax payers will p!!ase come fori ard nd
pay over to William Hollitiell the Trcaore."of Ne
maha Cocnty, otherwise ytu will b sent tot at your
own expense. .:' - r '.,'. ' i I
By order of County Court, now in Se3.1T.oj:
X). Li. p Art mi na, rrea. si iyun
Brownville, April 7, 1857. . ' ..
- FOB the completion of the Nemaha Bridge,
for the erection and completion of a Bridal a
the spring branch on St. George road, tbrse miles
wcetof Bfowrville, will be received at tle;tfiiee of
D. L.M Gary, Eiq., where srHilication8,;c.,can
seen, cr by the undersigned.
j. s. imricK.
April 7 43-2t " ': ' - - "
13,000 lls. of Itacoa, For ealci, leap for
Cash, fcj- LYrOfiD k l Oii
Sonora, mo April Via, lea. '.
: II. A. TERRY, & CO.
GARDEN and Flower Seeds, Fruit Trees, Shrub,
Grape Vine?, etc., -eta. ' 1 : '
tJifBoxes of assorted Garden Seeds cnrtantly
on hand, for sale low, Council BIuTa Iowa,! ,
April 2d, 1S57. 7 - ' 42-ly
Karc and ValumMc
THE subscribers will forward by mail prepaid to
any address a package of any of the following
seeds, at the price annexed to each, or the whole list
for three dollars. Having been raised under cut
own personal supervision, we will roach lor their
purity : . ' . ' . ; . ..:. J
Chineso Sugar Cane.v.,---
Jce Cream Watermelon
Orange Watermelon
South Sea Watermelon ' ..'.i... 'i.
Syrian Watermelon .. .
Honey Dew Watermelon""-- ..... :
White Spanish Watermelon (very f n)
20 "
Mexican, or five toot Cncunber
est India Cucumber
Glass Melon (for preserrei)
Iloo-song, or annual Aparagus. -'
True Mammoth Tomato .4
Fig Tomato (new and fine) . ..
Lrrapc lomato..
Strawberry Tomato
White Egg Plant (beautiful)
Early Dwarf, or May Cabbage ....
.Mexican bauarh--.
" . Address, '
. U. A. TERRY, CO..'"
' ' ' - CouncilBluffj. Iowa,
April 2d, ISO?. 42-2w
Notice to the. Public.
. . .;f . ; .... -.' . ... , .-:'.-
BEING informed that certain parties are cireulat
ing reports that may, without being contradicted,
operate injuriously to the Town of Nemaha city,
viz : That I am not the legal owner of the town site
that I had on a former occasion sold it to ether
parties and art now. violatirg an agreement Baid to
have been entered .into between myself and the
partie?, referred to and further, that suis haabeen
or is about being brought to recover interests- said
to be claimed by these parties. .i. . .' . .
lae wnoie aair is without any foundation what
ever, rvo agreement has ever been entered into be
tween myself arid any party or parties but what I am
prepared to faithfully fulfill.' the article referred to
above, is said to have been entered into sqmelime in
tne bpringof lboo, between myself S. F.j Nuckolls,
aMr.tallard, a Hi. Donavi,n, a Jlr. Wyfttt, Mr.
Utilly and others, of whom I know nothing as I never i
saw but two or three cf the gentlemen, cr heard of
taera except H3 connected wita those flying rumors.
If my signatare appews as a party in the article' of
agreement said to exist it U forged, a it waa noycr
lacea mere with my knowledge or consent. . ; -If
these gectlemen, have as they claim, any ri:rhti
to 'property in Nemaha city, ot differences with ine,
why do they not call on rae In person. .1 have leen
informed that a person taid to reDresect them has
been in this county on several occasions rtd even in
the Town of Nemaha city making the assertions, re
ferred to, but ha? never male his business know a to
me, although I waa ui zoy residence and h but a few
rods distant. It is plain, I think, for anv and every
one to see that the whole affair has been gotten up
to inj are the Town bf . Nemaha ci ty, or a ruo to secure
an interest tnerem. - " '
Ihus much 1 have thought proper to say in this
public manner, and further to announce,' Uiat should
the parties rclerred to brirg suit I am tDreDared to
meet mem. . . ..
Jfemaha CLty, K T. I '. ' ,--; -
- March 2lst, JS57..'.- f . -J. 4l-tf
!l i - . F ill II
m i ft a i i i i : a
" t . I l ii i ill
Ilcdicincs, Dye -SiutB, '
SafiJlcry, Boots' Slioc. Hats & Caps,
Also ruraitura cf all kinds, YVii.dc w Eash, tc
rpiIE subscriber will send 2S choice Varieties of
L Cower seed by mad,T)stAge ptid, fx-one dollar.
. . ,..-.; V & lilLIIOEE, !
,' .. . i yurseryinen and Plorists, . ;
. ' ' Vi' Snriacficld. Ohio.
'March I9th, 1S57.'" " '- 40-tf
Editor "XAo'atia Aicertiecr": j . '
Dear Sir. In looking over the last cumber of your
pnper a notice attracted my. attention signed by
Jerome Hoover, Esq., in which he statcsithafc certain
stories ard Ln eiroulation that the on ioi iigned claim
some in tercit in Nemaha City for the purpose of in
juring its prosperity. , It may do qui to well to c ir
culate a report cf that nature wheru the facts are
unknown, but to those kaowlng the facts such a
statement i i merely foolish. - ' ' -'t
And for the purposo cf -giving a fair opportunity
to persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn all
persons fnm purchasbg any. pretended claim or
interest in tha said town of Jemaha City,' from the
said Jerom ) Hoover, aa ho Las sold nn-1 received fay
for nine- twelTths of said town,andsuitJs How pending
to place th undersignud vx possession of. the interest
by them purchased in the same; and tlvjy have not
auth-crized the said Hoover to sell or 3:jxiof any
portion cf their interest,, but directed suit to l
brought lor g since for its recovery, ; - 5 " :
:. '. i. " Yours, Ae ; : v 'i
. - . F. J. MARSHALL,.
' , . - , - ' JNO. DOMFIIAX.
' ' ; v ' . JAS.DCMPHAX. '
- :- ' ,c R.L.BALLIKD.
R. C. BliliOP.
:' ".'-'',.: L.D.BI1D.:
' . ' ' . A. G. WOODWARD. ;
; -' 8. T. "CKOLLS.
1 CHAS.;y. EOLLY. '
: ; .- -, . -42-tf
lh, 1S57.
. ;,.ESTAIL1SI1ED 1S25.;:;:, ;
'' -L ' -:"'r ;" '
david ricnur.r.AY, Jr.,
:a ....
. Xa. 252 Pearl JXreei.... .
?Cew ,YctL.
mv nnnr
1 1 !
rr.7pectfu'.!f st-,:ici:i
April 2J. i?::.
u-:..?. ( : t i f
eifi.r roc;:
...... k. LsL&
D. Ci.' & T.'.'N. SANDKItS,
..,OVmMAN4 3IAN1FS. . .
X3Ioom 1 in grtoxx, XIX.
AKNOUNCE to the citixens of Nemaha County
that upon the opening of Navigation they will
be in receipt of a large supply of almost every assort
ment usually to bo found in Nurseries. The stock
from which our selections are made 13 very lare, con
sisting in part .f : . ; . ; 1
200.000 Apple Trees, frora 6 to y feet.
100,000 Dwarf Pear Trees, 2 years old. ' . J
50,000 Standard do - from 2 to 4 years.
100,000 Cherry Trees, 1 to 2 years old, Dwarf and
Standard.; . .
reach, Plum, Apricot, aiwl Nectarico Trees, in lar
numbers. " ' '
100.000 Rasr berries, emDracing erery kind of any
AH kinds of popular as weu as rarer kinds of otbor
small fruit. ? 4
. Foreign and Jatife Evergreens Norway gpruoe.
Pines. Orvptotneri s, Cedars, I3Ia k and 7hite
Spruce, BaLsanis, Hemlocks, etc., largo radium or
smaU. - ' i .1 .
Ornamental 'Trees, Kces, Shrubbery, Cuiahera,
Iledge llantj, ;tc. ,
'Bulbous Hoots, riative or Imported; DaLha?, Car
nations, Pcenios, Uarysantueraums, Phloxes, all in
great abandanoe, and of tho most beauti ul varie
ties. .:
While we confidently claim for our productions in
general an excellenco not surpassed by any other
Nursery, we particularly and emphatically designate
our stock of Pisar trees, both Dwarf and Standard,
as nnparalelleU eitner in extent or quality, by : any
existing stock m America. , . . - i
..As suggestive to persons about to purchase, we
would remark that our trees were not subj cted to
the extreme col I during the last winter, which effec
ted so extensive injury . to Nurseries at the West,
and that we have had no drought during the p&st
summer by which the growth of our trees has been
retarded. They may be relied upon, therefore, to be
in pnmo healt.i ana Tlgor. .....
March 5th, 1857. D. C. 4 T. N. SANDERS.
: .Seeds.! Seeds !!. :,.
rnilE subscribers would call particular tttention
JL to the following becds : ' . , . ..
. A full assortment of Garden and Flower Secds
Broom Com Soed of a superior quality. ttlack 1m
cust Seed. Large Red Ouion seed by the quantity.
White and Yellow Sugar Beet. Bird Seed .of till
kinds. lied ind. White Clover r Timothy; Blue
Grass, etc. '" . 1 ' .
' We have a ery extensive assortment rf Flower
beeds, 15 papers of which (our selection) wilt be
torwarded, prepaid, on tha tecoipt of one dollar;
Persons desirous of ordering, any, of the above,
w ouiuuo weu to oruur liumeuiaieiy.
' ' - , " ; ; IJ: A. TERRY, & CO. 1
. . -. . i , . Council Bluffs, Iowa.
: r April 23,1357.-; . : . - -, 42-2w
1 A3 D. WHITE, '
i. ) Nebraska City NT ,L
- ' Council Bluffs, Iowa,
; (Successors to" Riden' A.White.)
- 7 .NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. ..i '
HAYLNQ made arrangements by which we, wi3
receive iicc urate copies of all the Townshir
embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebraska, we
are now prepared to offer onr services to the . .'
In Tiling Declaratory Statements of
Intention to Pre-empt.' Securing ' ;
;4 Pre-emptions, Locating Land
j : , w. s. uarranta and : m'l-
Land Entered on Time, Ac,
Particular attention paid to Buying and SeHing
Property on commission Also, to making Collections
and forwarding remittances to any part of the Union.
i Blanks of all kinds always on hand.
lion. A A. Bradford,.
S.r.NuS.Jls, , ., -;
: ilcssrs. Dolman St West,
;' Peter A.' Keller,
Thomas Lumpkin,
June 23, 1856. vl-n4 ;
Nebraska City,
.. - u 'li
st. Joseph, Mo
" Washington City,
nocr: 2Poxsrrf 15.2:0V
v ;GEO. E. li'CLARY, r
HA IM taken the contract for carrying the
Mail between the above points, takes this method
of informing; the public generally that he has xiade
preparations for running a Hack on the abovo named
route : -, v : . '
Leaving Hock Port' every Tuesday. Triflay and
Sunday, at 12 o'clock M.t arriving at Brownville at
2 o clock. P.M.: leaving Brownville for llock Port,
same eveninr at 3 o'clock P. M. .- , . ;
This route connects at Bock Port .with the St.' Jo
seph and Council Bluffs Stasre line, and at Brown
ville with th 9 Stage lineleading from Topeka Kansas,
St. Joseph Mo., Independence, Kansas City and other
poinifDeiow; ana io eDraska Uity, Omaha City
and other points above; and New Fort Kearney,
west; The tubsenber hopes by diligent attention
to business, and accommodation to customers, to
merit a shaw of the public patronage. - "
Particular attention paid to the conveyance of
Packages or parcels.: Charges moderate: but no ac
countability for unavoidable accidents.
AiTil 7 1856. 43-tf
HAYIXG mada arrangements by which we receive
accural copies of all the Townships, . as fast as
surveyed, in the Territory, we are now prepared to
offer t.ur services to the citizens of the Territory,
; '': ' In filing -:
' ': Securinj Pro-cmpticri, 7
;:BbJTEnirNiG '. L ARB. '
Land Warrant. Bought and Sold,
- Land entered on tinie, etc. i -
TAr.TICULAIi attention raid to buying and
selling on Commission. Abo in making Col
lections in all parts of. the TEilRITOIir and
April 7 43-tf
1 'r
Will practice jointly in all business ectruftel to
them lhat H'ili require attention at the " '' 'i
rr.acl OSco. '
AcbkS'S: E. Esfc.brook, Omaha City, K. T.".
J. D. N.-Thompson, Crown viiI-3, N.T. . "
i far which we sllow the hisrbest
( 1T TV
V JIarJict' pr;
St. Joseph &n$ Council BIa : TVeekly
- L
aew and f '
.mg p ?3er.0cr
ZhH,' haring
will ?6u the
been built exurear'r,
for the t
opening of navigr. '.ion,, make r.guL? weekly, L-.;.s,
between St. Joseph Council Bluff::, connecLag
with the first St. Louis Packets at bt. Joseph.
The "Silver Heels, will extend her trips to bioux
City, and intermediate point?, onco a month.
iU.l.lliU Cfa OOXU.l.
1857..iussom vnym packet. Xbo7.
W3I. EDBS faster
For.Florenca. CmahaCity, Council JJlaffs. Bellevne,
St- Mutt's. TV vn in in 2 viiy, SeDrasi;a ny, i.ia-
' - s-f . -V t 1 -ft. T
"den. Brownville, Lowell, Oregon City, Iowa Point,
Savannah. St. Joseph, Palermo,. .Atchison. !3
ton, Leavenworth . City, Kansas, Independence,
'Liherty. Ijexinton. etc. wf. . V. ... ' ' r
nnilE new excellent'and favorite rnsscngcr Steamer,
JL Wk. Campbell. Win. Edds, .Master, will on the
earliest opening of " navigation, run' as a regular
packet to the above ani o-H interaediate point3
on tho Missouri iCiver, remaining permanently m
the trade durin the mtire season. : . - :
The 'William CamphelL" haa recently been fitted
no, and returmshed in tno most motum Eiyie, re
. . . - 1 T.
sardless of expen"-?, and with an eye single to strength
safety and comfort, w well aa with crcry conveni-
tnee that could render her desirable to the traveling
public, rendering her now both as regards capacity
forbusincss, superior accommodations for passengers,
equal to any in the trade. Captain 1?dd3 hopes to
receive at the hands of his numerous Missouri river
friends a continuance cf that generous patronage
for which ho is indebted during a series of year?,
while in command of different boats, and for wLi;
he hereby desires to present Lis most grateful ac
knowledgements, promising increased efforts to give
general satisfaction, ami retain their confidence and
patronage;. : I -A " J U- - ;irco -:-y.
April 2d, l!-:rli,;. ;-:; ; . ; f - . ;,
: ' . . ' . i .. . ... . .
W. Yv: BAKER ..... .1 . Captain.
ROBERT 1. DARST . Clerk.
For Sioux City,' Logan, Omadi, Decatur City, De
' Soto, Florence, Omaha City, Council YJufo, Llello:
rue, St-'JIaxs, Wyoming City, Nebraska City,
v Linden,-Brownville, Lowell, Oregon, .IcFwa Point,
SavannahSt. Joseph, etc., etCrf v ,.
1 ' ' ' THE excellent commodious and favorr
c i - rr; ;; itc passenger steamer Admiral, Capt.
Baker, Clerk, Robert A,-Dar3V "will on the opening
of navigation ply as a .regular packet to the above
and all intermediate landings on the Missouri Rivor,
remaining permanently in this trade, and running
regularly during the entire season, ' - J !
v The Admiral has recently received many valuable
improvements and additions, rendering her now, both
asapamnger and freight steamer, equal to any is
the trade : and Capt. Baker hopes to receive at the
hands of his old Missouri River friends, the 6ame
liberal patronage so generously extended to his broth
er. Shippers may rely npon having their freight
handled :with; the .greatest, care tnd dispatch, and
passengers are assured ia traveling- upon the Admi
ral, of Teing made f ;el always quite at home. The
Admiral will ' make one trip to Council Bluffsafter
which she will mako regular trips to Sioux City
every twenty day. ;. ; ; v r. ; ' ' . '. ,
, April 2d, 1S57. . . " . .." : 42-tf
JOSEPH B. HOLLAND ............ . . . . .-.Master.
For Council BlufFs,'OmahaCicy,Bellevue, St. Mary's,
Wyoming City, Nebraska. City, Linden, Brown
ville, Lowell, Oregon, White Cloud, Iowa Point,
Savannah, St. Josegh, Palermo, Atchison, Weston,
, Leavenworth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty,
Lexington, Ac. '., , ' " . ' ' '
g-TTK THE entirety new, swut and elegant
oa passenjrerstestmerALONZOCHrLD.Cftpt.
Joe. Holland, will on the cpening of navigation, run
as a. regular packet to the above anl intermediate
points, continuing in the Bluffd Trade during the
entire boating season. . . - . . , .
Captain Holland, deeply grateful to hi3 numerous
friends along tho river for the liberal mtronage hith
erto extended to him, while in command of the
Omaha, and other boats, desires, to roturn them his
sincere acknowledgments, and to solicit a continuance
of their confidence and patronage for his new boat,
promising untireing exertions to render general sat
isfaction. .
The Alonzo Child was bailt expressly for the Coun
cil Bluffs trade, -under the especial supervision of
Capt. Holland,' who beg3 to assure his frienda that
they will find her to bo admirably tdapted to the
wants of the river, being of great strength, lightness
Of draught, beauty of modcLetc, with cabin arrange
ments and accommodatiens not surpassed by those
of any boat in the river, combining all the latest
and; most modern improvements thit could add to
the safety, comfort and 'pleasure of passengers.
Nothing will be found wanting in any of her ap
pointments which belong to those, of a firsVclass
passenger stoamer.- .. , .... - r, -March
19th, '57 ' ' ; " . ' 40-tf
. I :';:"'. '': wJcsxXJS-tm. . '. ,
JOHN S. SHAW..;. .;. . .... ..Master.
New Missouri River, Kansas anl Nebraska Packet
.forl857. , .
-jfTw THE entirely new, swift. and nnsur-tf-
jn,jBt?3ai passed passenger steamer, iwiligiit,
Capt. John S. Shaw, will on the opening of naviga
tion run as a regular packet to tlie alwve and all in
termediate points. .The Twilight was built expressly
for the Missouri river trade, under the espe ial super
vision of Capt. Shaw, who begs to a&mre his friends
that they will find her to be admirably adapted to
the wants of the rivor, being if great strength and
lightness of draught, with cabin arrangements and
accommodations . unsurpassed, combining all the
latest and most modern improvements that could add
to- the safety, comfort and pleasure of passengers.
Nothing will be found wanting in any of her appoint
ments which belong to a first class passenger steamer.
March 19th, '57, n . . 40-tf
1857. : UNION PACKET LINE. 1857.
r( Lucas, Meteor, & Silver Heels, -
E.H. silver..
Master'J. H. Lucas
.. ..Master Meteor
For St. Joseph, Brownville, Nebraska City
City and lilaff City. : .i--( r .
THE St: LouiB, St. Joseph, Crown villc,
p 4eDru5sa, vmana ana ii.uu uy xiigav-
ning Packets. Jas. H. Lucas, Meteor and
Silver Heels,. wUl leave for the above and all inter
mediate points every Tuesday evening, at 4 o'clock,
throughout the season. The new and splendid pas
senger steamer Meter, and the veil known, fast and
splendid passenger steamer, Jas, II. Lucas, connect
ing with the fine and fast packet Silver Heels at St.
Joseph, forming tha only sura and . quick passage
from St. Louis to thd above named places. - - '
From the known fjieed, capacity and comfort of the
boats composing this line, the traveling public may
rest assured that nothing will be wanting on the part
of their officers, and crew to render' their trip both
pleasant and arreeable; ' ;"" ' '
March 19th '57. ' 40-tf
1857: Missflm eiver pacxet.- 1857.
CHAS. E. BAKER.'?-' .;..'.....'. . Master.
W.!EL RcrBDHB"- ... Clerk
For Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluff?, IkHevue,
' St. Mary's, ryomin? City, Nebraska City, Linden,
Brownville, LoweU,Oregon, Iowa Point, Savannah,
Jit. Joseph, Palermo, Atchiso;!, Weston, Leaven
. "worth City, Kansas, Iniependenct, Liberty,' Lex
' ingtoa,&j. , . .:
' '. TUB entirely new, swift and ele-
: " : ' ' , f gant passengers stcaoser Mur-xs-nu-BA,
Capt. Chaj. R. Jiakcr, W. H. Sccddeb, Clerk,
will, on the opening of navigation, run as a regular
packet to the abovo named and all intermediate
points, continuing in the Bluffs tr.xde during the
entire boating season. '- - 1
: Capt. Baker, thankful to tho public for its very
generous support bestowed upon the Admiral, while
under his command, hereby begs leave to teni;r bis
acknowledgements and solicit for his nw boat a con
tinuance of its confidence and patronage, pledging
untiring exertions of himself uad oCicers to give
fall satisfaction to those with whose business he may
be honored. The Min-ne-ha-ha was built expre?s'y
for the Council ElnJj trade, under the special super
vision of Captain Baker, who h:vs spared no trouble
or expense to make her an A No. 1 Missouri Eiver
Steamer, and begj to" asi:ure hia friends that they
will find her to be ia all respects, most admirably
adipJoi, to the wants of the river, being of great
strength, lightness of .draaght, easiness of model and
such application cf piachmcry,- as m:ist" make her
cni jviLe fast onesy.wit!! cabin arrangements and
accommodations of a ycrysuperioroTdor,ani not ex
celled by those cfTwy boat in the river, omlining
all the most r: :4 ira improvements taat safely, com
fort, or pleasure eouid suggest, in short, ia all her
appointments, nothi4g will t; wanting telosgirg to
tb(?e of a first claas passenger steamer.
March 18th, '7. :. 40-tf
c:n:;::;in .BUGAii 'csam
The subscribers taka great pk . are in
tho. Plant!tT, , Farmers ar l C'rlners,
hn re secured r : ri t:-.eiflO't slUo sov?
that tbej :,
rs a lircit-
;.".! plant,
' :ucd up
ircT.rtic3 cf -.huh t: . y be IneSy
rt. C ie acre " the s" Vks,
r-pcrly r.!Uvated,
.us of f Syrup.
.1 from . ) to o-. ' g-
t .aai io tne oeat .w vriea w ut uu
roots, second crop of excellent fodder.
2d. Sown broadcast or in closo dnlb, on land
deeply plowed or highly manured, it will jk Id thirty
to fijtx thousand pounds of f upcrior fodder to the
It surrta53o9 all otherp!ant3 for soiling (fecd-
:" g.-Ccj',) aLd fod.Itr," oa' accouiit'of tio" great
ourt of suiry juice which it contaias; and is
greiily eaten by st;k of all kin-s. ';'' ,r ",
5th. Il' bears repeated cutting?, -Xke 33gyjlian
Mi?lct, growing ca freely and rapidly, after each cut
ting. "
Itih. It ttands drouth much better than common
coin, retaining its green color and j izicltcss even after
tlit! seed matures! f - - -
- fth- The seed i excellent for. human food,, when
ground into meal, and fattens domestic animals very
spedi!y.' - From twe:;ty-vcto sevcnty-e LaAels
can be raised on an acre." ' ' - . "
The seed, which ha been very carefully kept pure,
frora ,the original importation, will bo cU'ercd in cloth
packages, each contAining enough to plant aboatone
Cfth of an acre in drill3 4 feet by IS inches, with full
direction for the cultivation, which is perfectly
simple. !'.' '.'i I
These packages will be forwarded by mfreemof
Pi-stage, to any address, on receipt of for each
package. When not sent by mail, we will furnL-h
a proportionate quantity by express at purchaser's
expense. ,.- : ; ,. .-. -- ,,;
t&xj orders are Jicited, as tho supply of good
anl reliable seed is quite limited. - Applicants' names entered ia theorder in which they are receiv
ed, and the seed will be mailed as soon, as possible.
: A pamphlet will be sent, postage free, to all who
purchase seed; cr to any person ,who will enclose a
three cent stamp. .
Pcaler in seeds ani country merchants can be
supplied at a liberal discount from retail rates, if
th'iir orders are received immediately. ,
A.ddress with a plain direction for mailing or ship
ping. .' '' , '. ,," ,
AY e will also be prepared to furnish a simple and
eCient mill to express the j ties from tho cane, and
caaldrons Ac, for boiling the same. -. -. ' r'- t . r
ilany testimonials in addition "can bo given to
prove its adaptedness tp the orth western and
Western state. '; r ''
"". : -''Will also he found at all tine
J.I. "; ": Of all kinds of,.. , -
With a full Stock of
' Tield 'and Garden Seeds, "
Of the Most BeIiable and genuine kindi.' : ,
' f?"Full Catalogues sont on application. ; .'. : i
: t-7 ) i 'r 'r ..' HENRY D. EMERY & CO., ;
''' ,' ' . ' " 204 Lake Street, Chicago, HI.'
"March 5th, 1857.. ,y ' ; 3-tf
; ; - 'Across The Shute I ,
v - Atthe Head of the 'Islarid
' .- ABOVE BKpWNyiLLE, - l ;
To TT. S. Hall & CoVs Saw MilL ; '
JL . has purchased the Ferry privilege granted Jack
son Peters, at the last Session of the Legislature,
ana is now prepared wim anew ana suDscantiai boat,
at all times to accommodate the public. .. Charges
usual rates. ' ' ".
-March 6th, 1857.' " . - ., 38-3m
Wlxoloa alo Grooor,
. . . " ' r ' . : '. . '. .- j
. ; V ' ' s " AK3 DKAIXB I3T . ." '
"' , J- Corner Second and Frances Stu .
V . st. josepii, mo.,.;;'.
HAS on hand, and to arrive, the following arti
cles, which will be sold to th trade on accom
modating terms, EXCLUSIVELY AT WHOLE
SALE: . . .V ..; .. J ,.f -
150,000 Cigars all quali-100 bxs E D and VT R
ties . . ...... l ; chees -, . ,
4000 sacks O A Salt ' , 155 boxes starch' '
200 nhds N O Sugar V 200 bbls and hi bbls water
500 sks Rio Coffee -: ' nd butr erackers
100 ; OQ Java Coffee 200 bbls and hf bbls pilot
1C0 Iiaguayra bread and pio nic du
100 u Mocha v " . u 200 bbli soda milk sugared
250 bbls, half bbls andlOO egg and wine do
kgs Belcher's Molasses; 100 bbls apple vinegar
00 bbls, half bbls and qr300 bxs Tobacco all grades
; N N refined do ' 200 bxs amoking tobaceo,
150 half chesta tea, all various brands -
kinds " 100 bunches pipe stems
250 bbls Bclcher'a Sugar 50 bbls H S Sicily and
150 bbls, haPa, qrs, noa 1 Joca Aim on is '
-2 and 3 Mackerel 50 bbls filberts, brazil
200 bxs dried herrings , . nuts, pecans
20 hf bbs White Fish 100 kgs S C Soda
j 5 drius dry Cod Fish ' 500 kegs as3ortod naila
2C0 bxs asa'd candy ' 500 bxs half ami qr star
100foncy . '." candles- -, j -;
20 drums figs ' 15') dosterine do
1.C0 bxsbl'a and jr3 Raii-200 do bar soap
' in3 - " ', 50 do rock candy. .'
50 bxs Prunes ' ;
;j " , ; SUNDRIES. '! '.'.
' Cotton yarn," carpet chain, batting, eandlo wicks,
cotton and hemp twine wheat and meal sacks, axes,
4padcs and shovels, garden seeda and straw rakes, log
chains, lead shot, powder brooms, wrapping paper,
hemp, manilla, jute and cotton cordage, indigo and
madder, alum, white lead, window siish; window
glass, tumblars, jars of different fires, flasks aborted
aiies, sassafras bark, pie fruits, fresh p-ea-mcs, brandy
therrics and peaches, current and ra?pberry jellies,
fresh tomatoes, canton ginger, preserve, nut. megs,
cassia, peppersauce, tomato and walnut catsup,
lemon syrup, lobsters, sardines, extract and essence
-f eoffee, chocolate, pickles, matches, etc. t '.
."Wash boards, tubs, common pails, cedar pails, B B
Iialls, pine and cedsr churns, brass bonn l churns, tar
ockets, well buckets, cedar cans, mop sticks, butter
prints, buckeye bowls in nests; iron bound keg?, one
two, three, five and ten gallons, the smaller size with
laics, common and I B half buheli anl measures,
camp stools eto. , - - " '
; lam alio agent for the sale of K A re It, an 1 have
now on band 2,CC0 Ills for sale at cost a ad transpor
tation. I have the exclusive aale by direct consign
ment of fire hundred dozen Field's ee'ebnted oysters,
acknowledged to be the best put up in Baltimore.
Toi California and Salt Eake Emigrants.
i Your e?peciaJ attention i3 invited to ny extensive
ttock, which embraces everything suited to your
wants in crossing the plain. I will at aTl times keep
cn hand four, meal, bacon, lard, hard bread and
crackers, all of wbioh will be sold at the lowest cash
prices. ' . '
5-ly ; ., V ; ; - : ; j. B. JENNINGS.
G. W. HDBN. '-'. ' '
' ; ; It EM AHA CITY, T.
1"T7ILTj attend prcr.ptly to all b-asite;3 ia Vu pro
; i V . fusion ' when called on: such, as subdiving
Claims, laying out Town Lots, Draiunj City PlaU,
oteetc 37-tf
' Br "
v c , t a TTTTT .C- " f HJ '.
"T7-E take pleasure in saying to our friend. and
.. i t . tb? ptiV!:c in grril, that p'.ir cf Fine,
Medium, and Common i urnicure, as wvil as iTai
tresscs and Belli 'ir,, was never.mro eomjli-te ar.I
cejervm tho at:e:;'.:oii of purthriper:, .citr.or ' a:
wholcfalij cr rcUil La fau suiu or sicgla 'articles
than at present.
We shall spare ro effort tokeep tho raost complete
assortment in our lire, i " tho West. Cur G:gIj are
made here, as we'd .lot, by the best wcrkmen,
and thus combine the greatest variety and latest
styles; with the chaj j: est and mort substantial;"""?
Dealers, rs well ss all other purchasers, are in
vited to call anl 1-njk tiro ugh .oar Mammoth Ware
Eoms.,-..:. , , , t , . , .'. .-
' Orders also, froa all parties having faraitnra to
buy for .themselves or ethers, are especially solicited,
with tbs s'suranco (four best endeavore to merit a
continuance of tha liberal conSJense and patronage
we heve so long received. . .i
- i - . : :.. -i SCABIH.TT Si MASON." !
Washington Ave. betwesn iad and 3d Sts.
- March 18th'57. 40-3m
. .t
' V' BROWNVILLE, 'N. T." "
GEO. S..: SAYEE' a CO., ' . :
'ft ' M
t ' V
; M1II3 co, Iowa,
r Cai co, Nebraska.
TTTIIL promptly attend ta Lani Aencic?, Inres-
t ligrjiing iiuos, rang laxes, investm mon
ey. Buvin and tv?riirr- i'nwn Tt. T'.nvir-rr. sit!'ir
. v a - , j .. a,
ana locating Land arrancs, and all other busiaes
connecica wun uisf proicssiou zn W astern Iowa and
J. M. DEWS, Associate Attoraevi-1
Greene, Weare & Benton,. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
G. Dous-hty & Co
Greene, Weare & Rice,
Ft. Dcs Moines ,
Cedar Eapidj, -
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Glenwood, Iowar
Cincinnati, Ohio.
: '."if
Yi ncen town, N. J.1
KightotowD, ':
l'hiladelphja, Ta.'
, ! Medford, N. 'J.
Ureene & vv eare,
Nixon A GoodmaL'.:' 1
Tootle A Greene,
. W. Ihomaj", -Schooly
A Son '
Gen. Wm. Irick, 1
II. Johnson,
I.Beed&Son, 7 ' i.
Robinson & Bro, ,
Burlington Co. Bank,
r-.IZcxTins's j Patent Champion , ' ;
TTTITn Hall's Patent Powder-Proof Loukg the
V V same that were awarded separate Medals at
the World's Fair London,185I,and the World's Fair,
New York. 1S53: and are tho or.l Amfrioin
that wero awardrd medals at the London World's
r air. . . .' ; ' .
. Thes-j Safes are now admitted to be aupwior to any
ever offered totha.-nnbl
longe the World, to pmluce . an Instance of these
caies tailing to preserve their contents through the
hottest fires, or a lurglar picking the lock.- , :
. 4 The subscriber and their agents are the only per
sons authorized to mako and sell Herring's Patent
Champion .Safe, with Hall's Patent Powder Proof
Lock. " ' " " ' - ' -
.''- , ' S;C. nERr.ING A CO.
Greeri Block, 135, 137 and 139 Water St.,
' and 5 Murray StNew York.
' March 5th, 1337. - - " 3S-6m
THE subscriber has a variety of choice Seed., of
which he has grown and tested the put season,
and deems them worthy of general cultivation by all
lovers of good things. Thesa Seedj he will send
post paid, by mail, a package of 20 varieties, (of your
own selection,) for $1, or a larger number in the same
firoportlon; four varieties for iil cts., or one variety
or 9 cents. Ha has of - ' " '.
Watek Melons The cw Orange, lee Cream,
Bradford?, Bales, Pomaria, an-1 Premium.'
. CAXTixorE3 Christiana, Walert, Jlorins best
Green, Extra Nutmeg, Morins' best Yellow, Extra
Netted Bind, Minora.- n
McKoe'a Mammoth Muskmclon, Glas Melon.
CccrjfBERS Karly Frame, Long Island, Five Foot.
. English Gherkins, Fig Tomato, Mammoth, Grape,
and Cherry Tomato, Capo Gooseberry.
Squashes Sweet Potato, Boston Marrow, Custard,
Woolsdy's Cream, Dennis" Striped, Crook Neck, Ala
bama Golden, White and Yellow Scollop. - . .
Coajf Andrew Premium, Harris' 40 Days, Wy
andot, King Philip, Shoe Peg, Stowclla . Evergreen
Sweet, Darling's Extra Sweet, Flour, Chocolate,
Sorgho Elance or Dourah Corn, Extra Pop Corn.
FkaS Anvacrgni lVince Albert, May, Champion
of England, Japan, Queen of Dwarfs, Prolific Dwarf
Bkax3 Mexican Turtle Soup, Wetmore's Golden
Eyed, Canada Kidney, Ilargarian Lima, Haricot's
de Sobjsons, Thrco Foot or Asparagus, Hungarian
Tick Bean, Cape de Yerdc.
Nepaul Barley, French Millet, Hungarian Millet,
Egyptian Wheat, Poland Oat.
Cainton Potatoe Pumpkin, Head Lettuce, Sweet
Turnip, Mock Orange, etc., etc. .
Send currant bank bills or postage stamps. When
orders cannot, be filled, the money will bo promptly
returned free of expense : 3 . .
Address, L. XO!.!US5.
-March 12th, '57.
Windsor, Ashtabula Co., 6.
. - 39-tf
CSALZS IH . . " '. '
Jewelry, Plated Ware, Cctlery, Spoons, Ac, Ac. -
, .. ; Nebraska City, N. T. ... '-
t57"E.vcsAViK; an l BcPAiKxa dene on thort
notice, and au. work waebaxtij. . :
CIIARIjES g. dorsey.
":''' AND
First Street, (opposita 'AiyertisEr" oSce.)
. ; ' ' BROWNVILLE, N. T.
'. Bespectfully solicits thu patron'agaof tie'p'uhlic ia
.Bajiag and Scllicr : ' "
And Filing Declaration of Intention to
All claimants t f Uvte nn alvbcj to file immedi
ately, if they have r.ot alrt-a.'. done o, aithe provi
sions of the pre-empt icn law in tha" T-ct are j Uia
and not to be avoided, and it i imriorfK t j perfect
a Pre-emption Bight without filing. . . - .
Brownville, Jan. 15, lSiT. vl-nJltf v ' ;
DiLLo:r,TnoiiP2oii &co.
Largs Framo Baildlng Cor. Ilaia & Rock Sis.
.ROCK roni, no.
Whososale and Betail DejJer la
And Groceries.
Had -.rare," Ques-.sware, Drng?,' IIaf3, Cap?,
Root?, S'aoe3," Tiaware, Sr.oves,
Furniture, Iron, Naih, Flow?, j
... 'an;! Farra:ns Utensils. "
TTILLv have, oa the opening cf navigation, a
v V large an i varied accession to their treent
k,- which wi:I ba p. .11 Lo ftr Cuih.
February 12th, lijT.
nardvarc, Cutlery
and v Iron.
a luAi.uiu aisortawnt at
TT V TV - .
'"i. bv 'f 5!:f -?" on BfR
none v . 1.,. iVic9 7J eJ
reeof r -,;e. . .
r-Hiioai Treats
tc r
Mcni awn W.
WVliiliLi. 5
3 2T it k.iM. . u . 'In. !
-Acoocip rV ,
be rtu T , 1 l j every ri J, wh, VejV
every Lirmer who ors lk hor ,'ci
."No man who owr$ a honeejin i'.w k , """I
tola sort cf Infoiroati-m.- -...I1 1
JIarch 10th, 1S57.
WILL attcnl tany bujiaea in ' : ' .
called. I have a first rate m,1' "
had many years experience, aoth'a
practical Surveyor can giTC lUaft,,, l
Bikrekxco: A. u.Coat, Dr.Hoovs
alio, DI Goust, W. Uobion, and C ' fc D,
vanna'u, Mo. - - Addres ' I
March" iWme l
TTTUITE Grape Currant Seed.,, m?
Y V specimen plants in 135i. will h,.. 5
. . . .. . -v jrui r. .
liAsrcERXiES, Belle da, FcniecT, tn j
over-bearing aort, very Jf tkj
OU3 a very diitiiwt variety.,
. Mzbveuab a Fora SiAiwa Thi lftr."
which La3 been fally tested, ind ru trt
premium at the N. . Fair u 3ne di-"p'aT rf-'
exhibited in the nioUh of O.-u.b.jr-it ui, i
perior to any of ita cfasa
J iron au . .
ri. . . J
3 good aa
the Bed Antwerp anJ th. i,'.
crop ij abuniiat $ pfr doiei. ... .
ELLVANGEtt'3?-v '
Mount noje Nurjerie, Iv.4t jV
N. B. Order? froui unknown carwej-jtuiu "
be accompanied by tae cash , , , ,
i.March 13th ISif. . .'".''
' ' ' NamaUCitj.
LAKE & II001R,
BrotTuvills and -Icnaha Citj,
WILL promptly attend to Land Agenda, hry
taxas, Drawing -inoniy, buyior kl
Eeal Estate, buying and jelling oa fajmswM,
Jlaking Coliections tor didtaut dealers, ami all ibda
of buaine.g pertainirg to theif fcrofifflior' ' . ,1
: Particular attcntoi a wiljb 4jren infiU- ir-J
tory statements to pre-empt and -prxuri-ij I
ranty Deeda from the Tovnithoritiu$. , ,
' Persons owning town lots, rcsiuingat i (Llati
wishing to procure Wamnty .Deoila will do v.-u
place tile agency in our hanb, (always jimentaj
their Qait claim Deedi fur sa d LU) wltLislta
pirationof six men aj after thit time m!1 !ut m
Uee-lod will be sold. ' - ; '. .
Blanks always on hnr.d. . " r
N. B. Ix;tter3of iaq airy Inhered ifomptly.
: :ilarch.25, '57. - ' 4I-lf
" ii j
Influrnnco - Cf oxii jawxj w.
I ' .,; XebraisLa Cily,' X. T. ; '
THIS CompanyrunJcrJa liberal charter, iiM
'fully organized, and t&e-'r eotireeapital ihxii
P'fty Thousand Dollar, paid ia and secures!. Titf
are prepared, from this dato, t grant ppca pli
and take 'ruktyupon equal tenns, wiib tU
favored Insuranre Ccrapan' any wherv. Hawaf
ndpted tho mutua princip e, iu patrons, wiifc
incurring any liability, will eliare in thepnSa
the company. - -i .,
" The pperations of the C4mpuiy, will ba eot&d
for the present, to, marine,; tr cawjo mks w 'i
maximuci liability f $12)01) i.q any one WXoa.
Being ;be only Insurance OtEee, on theaVe
ular plan, West of the Misscn;-i, it confl lintlj
pecta a generous support froii Western ilorcba
We respectfully invito "t.'w-MifHouri EiTsrf
tronage. ' " " " - 4
' tr- .i 1 .: ;-JiBECTo:t3 i -. ;
S.F.NuckoIl?, ' ' Ch'as. F.TI.'.It,
'If. P. Bonnet,-; ' r; " L. Arm.tronf
W. N. Uinchmani - - 'Miles W.Brown,
'..'; A. A.Eradfcrd. ;
CHAS.F. HOLLY, Prcsidert.
; J.Cab?ide,SJ.
St. Loth Agent-rCol. V. P. Uo-.Tari. . . ,
April 2d, 1-7. . ..... C-''
Myriads" bf I Macluxa plants.
BusLcLi Madura SVed,
" JJloomingtorif ' j
EG : leav) to announc tliat tb?y bi". ' J j
acr ies of years. Been enK.L'rtl in thocnHsrt ,
hedges and'hcd:re plantJ, and baring .
encouraged by the sucews of tha M;c!or
and atiaiulated ly the immexmly increaiini-,!!i!fl ,
for the material, th ?y bva ton, the pren.ts
on good, new land, nUut 15(1 biishtb of ef-";'.
eed tiio produce of whkh is estimated '.
millions' jdnnu ! I hkh taei' clT-T for the -j
trade, kohII iaie rtqainU more thai "
to nmJy th dmnud A pnst Sprintf. J.-,.
ior plants w.U bo rKi,niUe. tad 0 : deal en
era ordcric? rlants bv whrleale." zreat InUv'
will Ikj cCcreJ. It' is very i :nrrtant that.'5
shoald be sent in earlt, aa they will be t?-'
and filled in the erder in wh U tby are n-cu'
i. ..... .... . .,v
is expected to be fwr timet rtfiltr t: an ircj M
r .
board the earsfrea of csponic,exi;eitf.r aiti5' ;
teriaL- - - . i
They are al'o exlensively'ensged ia ia)?" '
hedge seed, whkh taey the best tenn1 '
always warrant fmvh and xA t orders fwf Mi '
should li sent in prior t tho bit a of Oot ber p
They will be prepared to i yn jeil for 'such as V
aire it. . , j V: ' ; ' ' rf i
Having scveml e:ttcn?ir -ritrrii-, hcy a.
w'hole?al anl rtstali, a Urga nUck" of thrift
and Omaaicntal Trcs,Vine,i):-', Shrubbed
at tho following point., to wit: BIoininstn
Mound Narsery, Ca.otoa, 111,; Hcarr, ElmwooJf T
Havana, III. All Fruit Trcf warranted .
be3t varieties and true to :iam. All in',nKfLf
cheerfully given, and cata!f -a 4nl prem;,l!n
on Hedg'-icg sent to all arplnnt. AU-- -
Feb. 5. 1S57. ' ' . ? Bl-wmin-rtoo, L'lDtrt
7.lptliins- -Store 4
tb i
A eitiiess cf Brownville ard aarnua lm, j
that we Lave opc.nwl one of tie eteaiJ aaa
stock of .
Ready Made Gothic
solicit a call and e.x;i iuino our s'ock brre pure
elxcwheri, iuw are detern i',,i- ta B&Jer" -ifs
Clothing Establishioent in tbe Territory.
now oa a lrge a.Mtnient f jsr
Clothirr: hirt, C-Jlf. Vrt?$
chiefs, .S.,( C,mort.4,' Undo -'.lit-, Vrn
all of the l.j ;iial'. ty an l Ij ft tj"l--
llseexa.-aico cur f: i r. ae f,ir T.0.??,i
horo properly, or ore farmer l
knows icAenahorse Lsihod ahs. n SllrS k
will yyou if you willatSJ It 2
practice it, or ob'i:e yonr smith I, r ' if.
CrB'.iAXTS, White Cr.ipc, riairj, aai i
cf eighteen tthcr vari'-tiev5nl'r-:,
tie?. '' ; ' "a 3"i
M f . w , k r . . , . ,,.. K.- n i: ..
aupply the demand, and it it f ro.iL'e ta' ' .
1 ' '
IS'yi. rla-'