Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1857)
5 t ? j T UNITED sTATiirr: ...T.. EJIFI!E COMPANY GIVE every pW.ble facility' for" ihoiufe'and tpeedy transmission of -' - - ' - XJ - Jtloney, Valuable Packages. Parcels, Ooods,. aud JIerchandize Of vory description, on reasonable terms. Pkiscital OrriCEa New York, Buffalo, Cincia . cati, Toledo, Chicago. Dayton, lndianopolis, and all th iniAllcr towns ca IUilroadi In the Eastern, Mid dle and Western States, connecting at St. Lou is with lliehardson's J-Usjouri Hirer Express. II. K.IPP . Ju!y25,lS56.-vl-n3 . General Superintendent. M. CKOCKEEY. IHi. JOHN W. TOOLE Y. . (Successor to NOONAN, TOOLEY fc Co,) 53 Xain st, OU Siani, St. louts, luo. IMPORTER, 'Wholesale and Retail Dealer, la China, Ghw and Queeosware, Yelluw-and Buckingham Ware, Chai.delicrs, Lamp?, Lantern, Looking-glasses, Britannia Ac. Ac, with a great variety of Fancy Mantle and Parlor Ornaments, direct from the Pottene and Manufacturers. - Tf Now arriving and in store, full stock of the above line of goods, which is offered to the Trade at reasonable raWs. An examination is solicited. ' fiTOn hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade. N. B. Packing receives special attention. September 13, 1S50. Tlnl5-6m IT. & A. SEIfSEJfDERFEK . IxrOKTIXS AM WII0LE3AL1 PZALTE4 IX Harm ad Domestic Cigars & Totecco. SOUTH EAST COnXEBPISE SECOND sts C37. XjOTTXCJ, WE hare in store, and to arrire, a Terr large assortment of theTery best brands of Havana Cigars. We desire to call the special attention of a&h buyers to our large atock, which we are deter mined to sell very low for cash. They consist, in jsrt, of the following brand: rrcrr.tuae l'.cgnuas; 'ian ruun. Jii Deutino do Newton do - Autigucdad " do Bustamanto do Carnelia ' do Delintnte da Saluador do St&fanoni do Meridianat do Washington do El Sol do Empero Nichalds do Mensagero do Carrentus do " Victoria do Iberia do Espcnola do BegAdcra do Lailorma do Ncnsagtro do Emulaciondo I Voi do Fort u no Londress; Fidelidad do Granadina do ' Pocahonta do lUinas Sultana do La Flora do ElSol de UDrimea do Doce Mesos do Figaro CiHindradoSi D. II. Caatanon do iVensado D. D. do " J. Y. V. Fa ma do VdelaKama da Vignera llantations; P. I. do VellegM do Merjagero Trabuca?; De la Cret IVincipes; . ' Victoria do Barrioi do Letht GuarU Opera, Star ' , ' -J.L.Panetes: '" Designio Prest. "y,y " W. & J. SESSESDEEFER. CTlaixxojso QixcaJtr Ja-xxo. IlilE subscribcra ean supply seod of the above X, valuable plant in limited quantities. It is put pin packages and sent by mail, post paid, at 25 eents per package. Having been raised by ourselves, ' we can vouch for its purity. We can also supply rsckages of seeds of the Ice Cream and Orange -Watermelon and Fig Tomato at 25 cts. each. i Address orders to, H. A. TERUY, & CO., !7-tw - - - -- . -.- -Council Bluffi, Iowa. Cantica, THE puUie are hereby notified that oe Thomas Ecady, through false colors obtained a certificate f entry f the b. West fractional quarter and the S. East fractional quarter cf Section number twenty ve, in Township number six, in Range number fif teen. L&it of the 6th Principal ileredian in Nebras ka Territory. The above is claimed by and will be patented to B. B. Thompson, whose papers and evi dence are forwarded to Washington City for hearing. B. B. THOMPSON. - Febrbary 26th. 1857. 37-tf F. DINGS & CO., Importert of, xnd WkoletaU Dealeri im Fancy Goods. Ifanafacturers of all kinds of Brushes. 29 North 2faia Street, (Up Stairs,) ST. LOUIS, Mo. 32-ly 1S57. ' - BROWNVILLE FERRY ZZZoat Crocaizic ON TEE Hiss ourl Kivcr. The Jloidcfrom Brcxsnville to FlJKcar- - - ncy, and from ihence to California, u ihe nearest and most ' practicable. r : J - -FINKEY & -CODINGTON, ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Publie that they . have purchased tbe-ntire interest in the Ferry across the ilissouri River at the City of Brown- ille, Nebraska,- and cpea the Season with a rtew substantial - and commodious Ferry Boat, run by Ilorse Power, which arrangement will secure certain ravr.r at, all times and in all kinds of 'weather. The Proprietors do not assert boastingly, cr for the purpose of paining eustom merely, but are governed by facts, wnen tney say tnis is t tie best erossinr cf the Missouri River in Nebraska, and when they say the route from BrownvUle to Fort KeLrney and from thence to California is the nearest, : &r evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saving it is the most practicable route by personal experience, as well as that of hundreds of others who hare traveled it. .We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds : -ienl peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons " goir j; Is Cl:fcraia, and solicit their "patronage. Not-Trithttar-iinr our superior arrangements for a safe i and speedy crossing, arjebarges are the same as other lorries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. ,. ! A ski! will be in readiness and a tan I on the rrccci to run all hears of the nirht. TiT'R'W'''80 that with our facilities f Power, " bo kills cf "weather: will TreTent our Boats from Biikirg r? mlar tnps at all nonf, Brownv:.! Kexaha Co., N.T J February t5th,lS57. J . 37-ly T. . CTXISG. 10HNC. tcex.: CUMING & TURK, Attorneys it Law & Real Estate Agents, OMAHA CITY, N. T- W ILL "attend faithfully and promptly to all busi ness entrusted to them, in the Territorial or Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and lands, en trries and preemptions, collections, Ac. OfHce in the second story of Henry Roots new "buildirr, aeariy opposite the Western Exchange Lett, i arscam sirees. ... ; Dec 27, 155. . Tln2Stf " ...'.r X. a. "WEITE-IDCX. ;J. M'XISXXr. Tins. E. A. WniTKIDGli St CO. ' ' xiyrACTrix-Fj of. ' 1 : " Masonic Clothing and Odd . Fellows Alsa rilia Ur Tepsrxnse'iad ctier Societies, 113 Walnut Sired, up Stairs, CINCINNATI, O. KAS3XS. References, odb r allots. T7.V. Dedds,OStof Ohio O. P. Morton. P Q M Ind. C. llort Li !Iaori: T.eri TurnerA Grar.rr.b Casket f. J. n.LUIps, II. P. City W.G.Ncilson.'P G il Ohio The Edlt:r cf tte Adrertiser wi".l have r-ec!mens f r.'-flls frcra the above ilanufactcry, and recieve orders from Lod"ti cr private raexbers for Regalia. August 2, 1::. ri-ivu ST. JOSEPH .LUMBER YARD. Oa.rir;::- ! Ctreet, ccar CargiU' Hill, I t. Jcvrph. Ulissouri. V.'. J. TAYLO?, Ilenovel frcrn the eld f'T-i to tbe above csraed place. T" :.;ers;gnei is now fully prepared to accom ' t ti patrons and friends with the best as s ";..cit if I1r.e LcUiber ever JTered in this mar kft, cnn:rri:r not only White Pine Lumber and .".'tits aLd Yt i looricg, ready dressed; but alo r r -T-... . f Pice e! Cottonrood ilir-les, r.-. " . i i-s-.i, tt bis Lsmber Yard, the lar r.. . j ' - ; ;:;':r"Tt if Poo::, "Sash and Veni- i v, t z ; evfr cl-rci ia market, a portion of id. t f.- rs C r.c ; & ti vr, j factories, which i Lira to sell tt very reduce 1 prices. He is .rcl to 111 all ur 'crs ia his line, at short . I r r'r r '....ts 1-9 EanFas and Ne- f..r U l'i the trtUIes they want and I1? r-ji:- -'re ie aer.:!, r- :.r C."'"iil'i ; ',.le xhlziij cT lie 1.U Jo EOJI THE SE'vVSFAPES AinT.IlTISISO -LGEKCT OF v. W.-.S.. SWYJUMClU J Comer of Olive and Slain St., over iho Hank ing Llonso of John J. Anderson A Co. PAGE'S .PATENT H Portablo Circular ratnill, TOR STEAM AND HORSE- POWER.' THE roost useful and necessary machic-try in op eration; is simple in construction and .- ily kept in order, and can bo moved on a wagon aj readily as a threshing machine, and put in operation at a small expense. It will saw from one to two tb.on.uind feet of lumber a day, with one team of six horses, as an average business, and in a better stjlj than other inilli now in use. It is cqtally well adaptei to Steam, "Water or Ilorse Pcfcn Tho undersigned, agents for thepataateo, would announce to thepublis that they are now prepared to furnish Milla, with or witaout torse pow;r, ci au Terior oualitT and workniamhip. with the right to use th same, upon the most favorable terms, at their manufactory, o. 2UZ, 2econa street, ji. jl)uis, jio We have also the right for the mancfoct ire of Childs' Patent Double Sar Mills. The successful practical operation of these mills through the country bas buen the means til eitauun ing their great reputation and with improvements in construction and increased facilities in manufac turing, we ofikr them to the public with fua ccml dence of their advantages. All order addressed to as will be promptly execn ted, and any iLforniation in regard to ilillj cheerful It riven. Persona ordering Mills will please racntion the State and County in which they wish to u;o them. JiLSUSLAJSDS & iLUULSUX Extension of Page's Patent. "T0TICE is hereby given to the puttie, that the IN patent of. PAGE'S I'OIITAELE CIRCULAR SAW 21ILL hw been extended fcr seven years from Jcly lGth, 1S65. All persons found violating this patent, or infringing on the same, in rnkir g, using or rending, will bo proceeded against in accordance with the laws in such ca.o made and provided. -- GEORGE PAGE, Patentee. By Authority::;! THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT And Board of Education, Hare ordered the following Desirable Works for tho Township Libraries of Indiana. Some of them have been put into ery Library, others only into tho moro populous townships. The careful attention given to the examination of works for these libraries, is a guarantee of the merit of the books chosen. Juany families will desire to own the books, and read at their leisure, rather than wait their turn to gt;t them from a library. The work3 may be purchased of Booksellers, or will be sent by man, tree oi postage, upon payment of jnecs annex ea to eacn. ; j ' ; ' ' ' . 1' arr's .Ancient History Much snnenor to Rollin, because more concise, accurate, and un with modern research. 4 vols., Cloth, gilt, $3.'; Sheep, liDrary style, ;j,du. ' - " The Teacher's Miscellany is a h'tw and ex cellent collection articles on Education, written by JuagO JicLElN, i;r3. fcTOWE, IJIGGS, JJCrjiCFFET Aydelott, Piceett, Lyxd, Post, and othirdistin gubhed members of the Ccllege of Teaclurs." vol 12mo Cloth, $15. a i ' . - it.. xiisiory oi me l-uritans ana. i'iisrim Fathers. By Stowzli anl Wilson, 1 vol 12mo Fioffat's Eife of Dr.' Chalmers.1 i rcl. 12mo.,s;.25. i .:! t .,.-!...-:.!, The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs of distinguished Scottish Female Characters; Embra cmg tne i enoa ot tne Uovecant and the Persecu tion. By Rev. James Anderson. , 1 Jo Hat's South Africa One volume. 12mo, Twelfth edition.-$1. - - - - Six Years in India By Mrs. Coun Makjes lis. 2 volsn 12mo-Cloth, 2.00 If era's Practical Landscape Gardening, with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. $1,50 iJian-ox-war ijue. A Boy's Experience in the U. S. Navy 1 rolnnie, 16mo.; Illustrated. 75 eects. The Merchant Vessel. A Sailor-Boy's Voyages to see the World (SIXTU THOCSAXD.) j 1 volume, 16 mo.. Illustrated. 75 certs. Nokdhoff's admiral series of volumes. "Man-of- War Life," "Merchant Vessel," and the new volume to appear in September, under the title of "V7halin and Fishing," must be received with great favor, as the first two hare been, wherever circulated. They are the faithful limnings of bine -years "experience at sea, of a common sailor, a native "Buckeye," re cognised as inferior to no writer of the present day, in me-iiae delineations ot adventure by sea. . V ery striking and graphic pictures of life at Soa, evidently authentic and very instructive. lias adventure enough to incase ,nd truth enough to dissipate the charm of a sailor's life. lew Aork Lvangelist. There is in them a rast amount of information respecting the commerce of the world. rrcubyterian Witness. Will take captive the young.--Jou.nial nl Mes senger. ..... A Buckeye Abroad, orWanderinr1 in Europe aoiihe Orient.-By Saxcix S. Cox. Third edi tion, Illustrated. 1 voL, 12mo muslin, 1,25.. ' The Three Great Temptations of Young Men. Saxtix WVFisuek. Fourth edition. 1 vol. 12mo'-muslinj ' ' t These are capital works for family libraries. - Pub lished by MOORE, WILSTACH, KEYS A CO 25 West Fourth St., Cincinnati. M- W- K. CO. are: the publishers of Bayard Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold entirely by agents. S. Locxwoop. 1857. R, E.PoareROY. LOCiaVOOD $ P03IEROY, ! Wholesale and Retail Dealers in " . " ' HATS & .CAPS; - STRAW-GOODS Also, Shippers of American Fars of .every description; . foi: vmch they .!U lBaX jSest Market price, S C4.SII . tiUL JMKl -Merchants arc lnnted to examine our J stock of Hats A Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which. wHl be Iargq, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stockshall not be excelled by any Uouso in fct. Louis. . Our prices will be low, terms accommodating. Call and see us at our New Store. Second St. St. Joseph, MoU.'.Ai , - i .': i. -.!:.' . 32-om. E. r. BEXXETT, 1. 8. MORTOtf, H.3. HAEUIXO BENNET, JIOIITO 'A HAItDING. . Attorneys : at;, itaw, Nebraska City, NT and Glen wood, la. WILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and Western Iowa. Particular attention paid to obtaining, locating Laud Warrants, and collation of , , w - , ......... ..j ... ..... ueuis. REFERENCE : ? Eon. Lewis Cass, Detroit. ) xr;:... JuUus D. Morton, Ml'C; Gov. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, HI; Gov. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; B. P. Fiflod, St. Louis, Mo.; . Hon. Daniel 0. Morton, Toledo, Ohioj ' ' ' " I P. A. Sarpy, Bellcvuc, Nebraska: . " 1 Sedgewieh A Walker, Chicago, 111; L - GreenrWeare A Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa... ?0 JSagle tE2HIs.:: st. josiiii"Ho. JAJJES CARGXLI, Troprifitof. " rANUFACTTJRES rind keeps'cocstaatly JLYJL on hand for sale, all kinds of Flour Ieal, and Feed stuff's. Orders solicited and promH.lT fdlod on most favorable terms. Cua . paid const nUy f or neat, i or cnaracter of t lour refer to. every body tnat ever usee it. r - , :r " St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 33, 1S58. vlnlS-ly OF NEWGXDOPS!! W. IIOI3LITZELL ' & CO. ; e :.- : BPOWNVILLE, X. T.,-.-: ;r " HAii iiiia jjaa lvrwti t c.17, per steamers "A," C, .Cpcllinrd Win. Campbell, a:id now opening, tie ino?t extensive stock of Giwds -ever of fered in this Ticket. After the exp-.riea:e they hsvs in Nelr: 1 La, tbey flitter themselves tut they knw what puits the people, and have purehwod such a stock of Go(4$ as cannot fail to please. We will not pretend io caunien-te, lut ray cordff and nee; and you wnl not to be guuea. ' y Cct.l5,lS5J.-ly r - -;-'; ----- JESSE XO WE, 1 r f I ' rt I Mi, SIGEKSON'S NDESEEYi st.4 louis, no. ; JOHN SIGEUS02T J- BJiO.y ; - Offer for? sale the coming Spring, : T- Apple Trees, 2 and 4 years old, em- v uracin iu vnnsiwj. ifit - - - . - - z,uuv 1'caca irecs, iromo woi varoities, ti"om 2a to ue. . . "2s500 standard Pear?, embracing 43 varieUfti, 'price from 50 to 75 e-jnts." " ' . . ."" 5,000 Dwarf Pears, embracing 33 Tancties, price Sleacti . . 5,003 Cherry Trees, 31 varieties, , 50 to 75 cenb each. - . , 500 A pricoli, Early Golden. Euda, Peach Apn- ' cots, LarjJ 1-arly, price 50 cents. ! 1 vnri ttnincn. assorted. 23 to 50 cenM, 500 Dwarf Apples. 500 Wb.ite Grapo Curranta 500 rlack 'iples 509 Cherry Currant 500 Red Ditch Currant 500 Victoria Currants ..50 ..2S .25 w .25 u .15 ..12" ..12h' ..12i .. 25 " .. 25 .. 25 ..25 500 White Dutch Currants. 500 Large Red Dutch Currants 500 English Black 2,000 Prolific Green 1,000 Houghton's Seedling 500 Warrirgton do 1.000 Sulphcr do 1,000 Ashton do 500 Crown Bob do 25 ..25 ..10 ..25 u u u t I " : U ! i u V. u U ! it i a I : U I. . 500 RiScmcn do 2,000 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries i nnn Ohio Everbearinir do 2,000 Large German Ant warp do 10 1,000 Red Antwarp 10 1,000 English 'Filberts r 50 1,000 Ilorse Chestnuts 50 5,000 Grape Vines, 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50 150)000 Grapo Vines, 1 year old $5 100 5,000 Dahlias assorted, each 25 500 Pcraia?, : do ....50 10.000 Giant Asparagus Roots $5 100 5,000 Tubo Roses.- 10 2,000 Yards Pink'- 50eU )yard. 2.000 Plants Victoria Rhubarb : ' . 50c or $40 $ 100 8.000 Wilmot's Early Red Rhubarb-- 12c ' 50!000 Strawberry Plants, 12 varieties $5 to 10 per 2,0000 innno Shade and Ornamental Trees, embracins Catalfo. Black Locust, Palionia Imperially, Lfimbirdr Poplar, Silver Leaved Poplar, Linden Wood, Sweet Gnra, Elm, Balsam poplar, Allianthus, Tulip Trees, Upland Cy . press. Sycamore, Paper Mulberry, American Larch, Weeping "Willow, Buckeye, Moun tain Ash, White Birch, Red Maples, varying " "w jn price froia 25 cents to $1,50, accordicg"to ": Size. . .. ;f. ' .V If '15,000 Evergreen?, embracing ' -v 'S Red Cedars, price each 50c to $2 'White'Pine 'do' ' - 50c to $1 Yellow Pino do 50o to $2 . - BalsanFir, do . ". 50c to $1 . ., ' . . American Arborvitas 25c, 50c,- 75c, $1,50. Cb ine se Arliorvitfts,' 50c, $1 ,5 0, 1 iU' European Savin 50c, Tree box 50d t ' . . th-i.i '.Norws.r Spruce, 50c, 75c, 100, . ; ..-.' White."Spr6ce, $1. - .. - -12,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrubbery, embracing i n part as fillowsr i Snow Balls, each 37J to $1, ' - - Lylae, ev;h 50c; Splras, assorted, each 2Sc; ''J : Hardy Roses, each 50c; ... j r ;T.. .... r.ri , - , Monthly Roses, each 50cl , , ... Honey Suckles, asorted, 25c, 50c $1; " Tyringa Philadelphus 25o to 50c; ' ' .1 1" .,19 Aeasia25c jo hdc"zr;'; .nio.-T Jinvetfor Hedges 25;--- ' O L Bladd wina 25c: Corcorus Japonica 3c; . r '..! i-llagnus aoc; laburnum oOc; ; r . I Tamarix Africana 25 to 50c; .: Kibes Gordoni 2oc to 50c; .-, . ' . ,.Weepin Mountain Ash 1,50; ' ,'- ,f. . v . Whith Fringe Trco 1,50; . ' . ", ': t;r . Fcrsythca 50o to 1,00; . . :. ; Cornice Dogwood Silver Striped 50c to L00 . r : : DeutxaScabia 25c;J)eut2a Gyacalis 50cj Weeping Birch 50c; y.j.'.'- v3 Magnolia Acuminetta 50c; " t Weeping Linden 1,50; Dwarf Box 50c per yard; pr)fr tEanotdmus 50c; ' - j. 'j J. . .. Althesis, assorted, 25s to 50c. ST! In offering the above Stock to our customers we beg to say it is superior in growth and quality to any heretofore offered, and persons wishing a supply can avail themselves of further information, by ad dressing the undersigned at St.- Louis.- Catalogues furnished to all post-paid applications. Respectfully: JOHN SIGERSON & BRO.' Oct. 25, 1356V vln!9-ly . . 4 GREAT U. S. . ... ',. MAIL ROUTE. From Nemtha Agency, in Kansas, to the - vioutk bfi tJvs Nyoway . Liver, ' : Kebraslta. rpHIS LINE makes one trip per week, each wsy, JL stopmnz at the wincipal towns on tho Missouri River. Good Hack? all the way through, and good horses and men young men for drivers. ; .I..J5, & W.J-i3.M--T, UQntractors. , Dec. 19, 1853 vln27-ly i. - - NEW- ASM STOKE!! BROWNVILLE, N. T. Tho subscribew would inform the citizens of Brown- . villa, and surrounding country that their NEW STORE HOUSE Is completed, and they are now receiving and opening an extensive stock of NEW GOODS! r .J fYftTTVn, TV Ti k-ti'.- ": "T " I BOOTS AND SHOES, Hardware,? and -Tinware, COOKING AND BOX-STOVES. FURNITURE, GROCERIES, &C,J &C,j To" which they invite the attention bTfcustomers. Their Gooda are selected with reference to the i wants of 5ho town and surrounding coun . - . -. . v , , Ji and-wil1 b sold as Low as any Ilotise1 above 'Si josebhl FLOUR' AND CORN MEAL, . . CONSTANTLY ON HAND. , ; - COME ONE ! COME ALL I'll ; '"'.And Cxamino pur Stoct for yourselves"" : ' ' 1 " Respectfully, - '- . - r . . r , McAllister, dozier a co. , Brownville, October 25, 1856. vlnlOtf . Weace-in Kansas ! C- F. JENNINGS & CO., FORVARDlllQ & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j . t . White Cloud, Kansas Territory - SPECIAL attention given to Receiving and For warding Good3 of every description. - j s fir..w': : ! -ALSO: . ; .'"l..ti,f,:i ' Will keep n large and complete assortment of GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS, 1 .... HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS, SHOES, ' HAT5r, CAP 'CLOTHniG-'--!j -&gJ, &C, - At the ( Loiccst, Cost- Prcccl Dcc.25,lS5P. vln23-6m --"-' IIS ..Ml-fflEK, PAINTS,' OILS, TARNISHES, aw French and America . Window Clai & Glatttcare Spicet, Indigo, Madder, Perfumeriet,dre. SPUING STOOK! rrr f piJARLESS, BLQW& CO., r lo. C3ard67 Hain street, St. Louis, Ho. Are nowin Toceipt of their new Stock, embraciag evervthinz in their line. rMercb.ants visiting our City are requested to give us a call, as we are determined to sell for Cash or ProutpjL Time Paper, as law as any Uouse in ti mica oiaies. OLIVIilR BENNETT & CO., M ASTT ACTtTH EBS AKD VaOLESALI PEAUB3 XS ,-' - Eocti Shoes SiHrcsans, ' v XO. S7 If AW STREET,- SAIST LOUIS, 210. RE NOW IN IX CEU7 of a complete assortment A of goods trom their own and other manufac tones, adapted specially to the V estern trade. 5 Purchasers is invited to exaaina their stock, manufactured, and selected with great earo and warranted of -s iperior quality. . Orders will rcceire prompt aod cartful a'.Untioa.-' ' ..'" 1 s I .7 ' V, II. WILLIAMS, :' ) VnOLESAI.3 AS EETAIL DEALEU I STOVES & TINWARE Orogon, TSo., ' TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizcn3 of Or gonandthe, public in general, that ho has cn hand the moit cxtslro stock cf Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin .mr ia nf iv own manufacture, and ia for salo at Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices. I would call particular attention to my stock of COOK'INO STOVES, comprising the most improved Among mem est stove no"W and prize Pre- mium. Al-vr - ' ' ' ' ' Parlor, .a'ESox Stoves " Of various Sizes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention tftid to making and pitting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Abo, to cairin'r done on short notice and on rcasunatlo term. . . Old comer. .Crass antl rewier witcu in cuujiux " ... I V for work or ware. , W W . iidaAAi a, vl-n5 - c Oregon, M04 J uly 5, 186.. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUHDRY Ko. 168 Vino St, bet. Tourtli. and JiU ' ,. CINCINNATI, O; 'O ' ' - cf. O'DRISCOLL k CO. ! Tanufacturers and dealers in News, Book and Job lY! Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallies, Ac, Ac. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description. STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, Music, Patent Medicino Directions, Jb3, Wood Engravings, Ac, do. , ,-i ... .. ,. : ! . . . - Brand and Pattern Letters, various "styles,' A GEO. LUCKIIAllDTi v, : ' WATGHMAEER OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, MO. -npA.KES tho liberty to inform. the citizea3 of JL Brownvillo and vicinity, that he has opened a WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver V atches, Clocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH., Also, a fine lot of Violins, Accordeons, Silver; tind Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold : and . Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ac. ' ' He 13 prepared to repair atches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on vhe most reasonable terms. ' Every article bought in his establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to be; Watch re pairing warranted for one year. ' ' J - July 28, 13557 ; vl-nStf - ... :'i .:::L .' f ' B. B.' TEG K All.' ' ' " "8. n. KIDDLE." ' :!:--: B.;R. PEGHAM & 'CO.,,: :i AND ' GENERAL LAND A GENTS, ' ' COrNCILBLUFFcQ IOWA. ,K, Q. TCTTLE. . . . B-.Gv PEKLEV. . n.. W. B1IITH. TTJTTLE, PPEtLEY &T SMITH : FALL STYLES.l8bG. 77 Main street, St. Lmis, Mo. l TANUFACTCRERS of Straw and Silk Bonnets, IT J. i Importers and Wholesale dojilorl in Ribbons. Silk Millineryf Flowers, Trimmings Laje Goods, Em- uroiuuncs, o.c. - "Merchants and Milliners aro particularly in vited to examine our stock, before making their spring purchases, as we (relying fully on tho Huperionty of onr styles,) intend to offer inducement equal, if. not superion, to any jobbing house in the United States. September 13, 1850. vlnl5-6m New Hardware Store. Sign of the Mill Saw. ' J. FLAHERTY, ' ' Importer, Wholosalo and Retail Dealer in American GerriiaD, English" French ; . , HARDWARE .AKD CUTLERY, "r . ST. JOSEPH, MO. IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and most varied arsortmcnt of goods in tho above line ever onerea in any market west of St. Louis. . My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and Uouse Builder's Hardware, Mechaa ic's tools of every description, direct from the most approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in ereat variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for tho saving of a vast amount of labor to the farminsr com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of tuu department of .my stock. 1 am also exclusive agont for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at iho factary prices Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifle3 and Pistols, Iron, Steel, A ail?, Ac, of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, fo. its quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share of trade from this and adjoining counties., My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in tho general Hard ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced mo that tho true principle of trade is cash sales and small profits; v January 1, 1857. vlnJtf . , ...,- NO BOOKS KEBTil ALL CASK!!! ;A S. HOLLADAY, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEAT.EH J3T-. Bi;n and ilicdicinieis Main Street, BrownyUle, N. T. THE undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform the publie, that he has now on hand a complete assortment" of everything, usually kept in Drug Mores, wnicn ne oners tor sale. .Exclusively on a New System of . , ;j '-'!';': ' CASE ' AND; GASir ONLY K; ; It will be entirely foreign to this beantiful system, to "Book," fckeep account,'" inote" Scratch" cbalk," or remember for a few -days. . Come, with the "Spondulicks" ifyou arit atiything in tho Drag lino.) '..'jj.'cr. i-t;: v? fnj.-t-j ?.:':: Oi". '.'... , Prescriptions Gompouuded : at all. Hours with .... , Accuracy and Dispatch. Remember tho system I have adopted, and my pocket and your feelings will not suSer. Credit will posit icdy sot. bo given, unlcsi under circumstances of peculiar aesuiuuon. July 12, !S56.-vl-ntf A. S. HOLLADAY. ' Steam Mill Lumber. WE tako this method of informing tho Public that we have just put in operation on what is known as Sonora Island, four miles above Brown ville, a first quality steam Sawmill, and arc now pre pared to saw all kind of : Lumber on shcrt notico, and jn a manner, we aro confident will giv? satisfac tion! ' We will keep a Ferry boat to run to the main shore, for freet nse of our customers. V ... , - , - W. S. HALL A CO. II. A. TERUY & CO., . . THOLESALE- AJTD RETAIL DEAIXfiS IX r GARDEN ANjp FLOWER. SEEDS, FRUITS and Shrub?, Grape and Cranbcry Vines, Grass, Clover Seed, Uird flccds of all kinds, Ag ricultural and Horticultural Book, Implements, Ac. Agents for all the test Rural.Publications in the United States. ' .'a'A ... j Store next door to Post-0 Ske, Council Elufs, Iowa. " vln23-ly . . f GEO. C. FEHGTJSON. ,.. MLLLAVRIGHT AND ENGINEER . BROWNVILLE, If".,- T. A NXOUXCES to the public, that he is prepared XX to erect Steam Saw and Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. - .. J : ALL YORKi, WARRANTED. He is also Ageni for, . ,, . ... r A. B. IIOLLIEIRD 3 CO'S., :.;Weterii:; 'Foim'dry CINCINNATI, ()., r r XEE & LEAVITT'S . -. Saw', filaiiufactory " CINCINNATI, On I . And is prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured pr kept pa Lacd, by these es tablishments. , ...... , Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. -- Isv.-.-o? a REFFERENCES: ' r'-i 'i Noel, Lake A Co Emwnvillei N. T, Steam iliR. Nuckolls A White, Itockport, Mo. . u u James Lowe, Lindeh, ' - vln31y. ..r!: - - Brownvillc, Juae 21, 1355. Boots' and' Shoes. AN nnu'sually larg'Uck of fine and coarse Boots and Shoes bota Gentlemen and Ladies can be seen, and purchased low, at . ..!:. DOBUTZELlt'I CO'S.' patterns both Air-Tightand t remium. im fmind Fill v'a Chttrter Oak, tho b in usetho Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer Patent Portable S THE subscribers Layo entered into a partnership .-under tho firm, cf Rccd,. Ilolabird it Co., to manufacture tha J. C. Reed, Patent Portr ble Grist Mill and aro now prepared to f urniih all those in want of a good Cora cr W heat XXA that for dura bility, simplicty and economy ; exscl any Mill in the w.rU. On the lato exhibition of tho Mechanics institute in Cincianati,.a Gold Medal was awardsd thcrafor it. . . It u adapted to all drain grinding purposes; it is superior to all others ft r the most extensive Merchant Mill, as-it is for grinding tho: Farmers feed by Ilorse power. ' ' 11 ' ' ' ' The above Mills are manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., whero they con bo famished in any quantity at short notice. Tho above Mills warranted to irform as follows: 36 io. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn j 25 Wheat, $300 30 " " ' 44 ' 33 u 15 " .250 21 M 44 " : 20 ;.4: 13 . 200 20 , . 44 44 44 IS 44 .8 44 " 150 As this Mill tells its own story, it U unnecessary to quote from our numerous recommendationreceived. Fresh Arrival of IBW oral ! AT ROCKPORT, MO. THE subscribers would respectfully tender their - thanks to their customers and the Public Gene rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, and solicit a continuance of the Fame ; as they are determined to sell Goods as low if not lower than any other House west of St. Joseph. Having just received a large and wellselected Stock of Spring and Sr mmer Goods: also a superior Stock of -Family Groceries with Hardware,-Glass and Quccnsware. Furniture, Saddlery, iron, xc. ; : . . - Come one and all,' ' '" - ' ' .For; well wo know;' -y . Again you 11 call, , . - 1 ' ; We'll Sell so low.' , Of Goodi the best, ; .;, f And prodra small, . ' - We'Ubcat tho rosV0-1-'0 -' A ' : .. And suit yau all., ,;' y ;.;:.- . , -n1 Our Stock cf Dry Goods haying been purchased in tho Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that wo can surpass our competitors in the low: prices and good qualities ofour Stock, and earnestly believe all will make by calling and seeing for themselves before purchasing elsewhere.' : - CAREY, JOi'ES, A CO.. X. B., Country. Produco of all kintb taken in ex change at the highest prices, for Goods. Jane 7, '56 f, DANIEL ZOOK, . ., WHOLESALE AND .BET AIL V" '. :'." u vrejron, Halt r County, Mai . Has in Store: - Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, -: Spanish Whiting, Ilcd Lead, ' Litherage, : White Chalk, . , ., ; Veiiitian Red, ' Spanish Brown, Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, Sulpher Caxb. Soda, Vinegar. , - . Tuqentine, Sal. Soda,., . ' : . , Copcras, . v . , Saltpeter,' J '" " Eorax, -y. j; :.; Mcx. Liniment, Vol. Oil do, Marland'a do,: ' ' Xervcr and Bono do, Farrels ' ' do, Louden' :!do, : . , Jays' Expt., Window Glass, . Putty, --'' Caster Oil,T Ex. Logwood, Blue Stone, -''' Alum, ' . ,1 Ground Ginger, . Root do, . Saint Louis Glue, Paris Green, T Chromo do, - 1 . do yellow, Iron Paint, ' White Zink do, .Fish Oil, Whale do, i Wrights' Pills, ' , Champian's do, Jayan s do, , Loudon's .' do. Rad way's R. K Davis Pain Killer, ' Fahncstock's Ver., 1 : . Stone's Cough Candy, McLane's Liver Pills. London 8 do, ' In addition to tho above.! have the largest Stock of Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture, Ckcini - cats, Surgical instrument, and l atent Mcdiciens ever offered for sale in this Country. Merchants and Physicians of Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, are respectfully invited to give me a call. ' June 7, 1S05. DAMLLZUOK ; A. ;B. -IIOLLA13IRD & CO., Machinists, Founders and; : ENGINE BUILDERS .Front Street, "West of. Smitu, T 5 CINCIXNATli 6," "XTTould most respectfully Inform theirfriends and v v the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in theirline, with prompt neai. 1 Having lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw - Mill Engines of every Description. Constantly on ban.': consisting of the rfash, Circu lar and Holey.- Mill Gears and every description of (. as tings, warranted to be well mado in every particu lar.' They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and aro pro pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to give ns a call and examine our new patterns. THOMAS WILLIAMS,; Attorney and Counsellor at Law. BROWNVILLE, N. T. - ; ; Will practice in the Third Judicial District in Ne braska Territory, and in tho Twelfth Judicial Circuit in the "State of Missouri. , . ' ' 'REFERENCES. 1 "," - Richard Brown,' ' Brownville, N. T. ! R. W.Furnas, , ' u . u .. Dr. John McPhcrson, Tippecanoe, Ohio. . James Fos'ter, -1 .' Oregon, Mo. ' i i George N. Miller, . Archer, N. T. FRESH DRY GOODS. 1 EEDY, JA3iESOX A- CO., ' . Nos. 170 and 172 Main St., St. Louis. WE are now in- receipt of thei most- eonip Jete and , magnificent stock, ever offered to the.Wcstern Trade. Merchants 'visiting this city aro invited to inikdan examination of our stock and prices. . 5 , r r . FDDY. JAMESON ACQ. GRAPE ROOTS 20,000 Catawba Grape Rots, two years old, for sale. Price $5 per hundred $40 per thousand. ; ' J. M. JlcCULLOUGIL Nov. 23tf , No. 200 Main st., Cincinnati. WM. H. THOMPSON. J. H. TAAFFE THOMPSON & TAAFFE, ( Successors to Burrows & Thompson, ) Wliolesalc Grocers, And Commission Merchants, Ho. 13, Fearl Street, Ciuciunati. tij" Particular attention will be given to order for Groceries, which will always bo executed at current market prices. ' - - Ready, Hade Cloihing, EVERY -A'ARIET Y, style, quality, price, and pat tern of Ready Made- Clothing, jut received and for3aleheap,by . .nOBLITZELL A. CO.' Hats and Caps. ' ' '' LATEST styles of Uat"and Caps, and of every grado and price, aro offered at ".-.- IIOBLITZELIA CO'S. ; ; Gueensware, OF all the latent styles, and -in endless variety, Jast opened at IHJBLITZELL A CP'S. r , Furniture. : ; BEDSTEADS, Talbs, Stands, Bureaus in short, everything in the Furniture lice, can b had at JIOBLITZELL A CO'S. Mi. Stoves and Tinware. COOK, Parlor and OSce Stoves of various pat ,tcrn?L and Tin ware, at ... - hoblitzell a co's: Wood and WilloT7, ware. : BUCKETS, Tubo, Churns, and an cndlcii variety cf Willow ware is for sale at ' t - : ; HOBLITZELL A CO'S. ' J ' Saddlery." : ' y SADDLES, Bridles, Martingales, Checks, and ev ery. variety of goods- in -this line can be had at .' '. '. ... 4 XIOBLITZELL A CO'S. D. M. HITCnCOCI. C. BEAKD.-LEZ. SZXI. JOT. D.3L KITCKCOCK CO., Bet Olive ood Locust streets, Si. Loaif, Mo. MANUFACTURERS cf Cocking, Heating, a?d Parlor Stoves and Grates. AIsoManufaeturerj of four sizes of,Jewett's Pat ent Gary Plough, ono tad two Loks right and left kanF. i n. -wmTTr.iiOKZ. b. b. ttitittj:oes. j. f. c ASTJta U. h ll B. WUITTEMOIIE & CO., ; EONNET3 .VSU STRAW .GOODS. NO. 113 MAIN STRRET, (First door above the Ihr.k cf Missouri.).. I27Cash paid for Furs 1 Deer Skins.' HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. CZORGS CLATE3. J. V. LZZ. ; CL.1YHS LEE, Real Estate and General Agency, ; : OMAUA CITY, N. T. . ' . References ' ; "', J.vmc3 Wright, Broker, Now York,' Wm. A. Woodward, Eaq. . " u. ' Hon. R. V'ood, Ex-Gov. of Ohio, Cleveland, Wicks, Otic and Erowaell, Bankers, Alcott A Horton, u Col. Robert CampbelT, St.' Louis, James Ridgway, E.sq. . Crawforn and Sackett' Chicago. - Omaha City, Aug. 30, 1Sj5. vlnl3-ly JAMES CAEGU.L. ' GEO. W. CAKGILL. J. & G; W. CARGILL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION - rilEKCEIAMTS; AND MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS, Steamboat Landinjr, St. Joseph, ?lo' , CONSIGNMENTS ;of G oocU an d; Prod aci respectfully solicited, and all business entrust ed to u3 will be promptly and carefully attended to at tho lowest rates. , r , . 1 , . . ' " References.' ' t Taylor A Shepherd, ' -St. Loui3, - R. L. McGhee A Co., .. , . - . ..... Livcrmoroj Cpoley A Co. , Merchants Generally, V St. Joseph. . ' ' BROWN & CO., - 1 " v No. 7S, 21ain Steet,' Si. Louis; 3lo. '; SPRING STOCK, COMPLETE. . , ,Tbo cheapest and most extensive Fancy " ' Goodi and Yankee Notions EstaUUh- . 4 . inen't in the Western Country. ' MERCHANTS in search (f cheap goods are invi ted to examine our stock of silks, dress goods, shawls, whito goods, Embroideries, ribbons, gloves and hosiery, triouning3, famishing goods and small wares, together with ,15,000 Parasols of the latest and most fashionable styles, at maau fictarers' prices. : ' '' .; ': Cash buyers, close purchasers, and prompt men will find our stock adapted to their want in. every particular. A call from tho trade la respectfully so licited. . t .Tlal2tf . .August 23, 1835.'."' . . " " '. iffl.iirai STOEB. :JOHN COLnOUN & BROTHER, r' Sign of the Padlock, one door bclw tho Post-OHlco. : ST. JOSEPH, MO. . .. . WHOLESALE AXD BET All. DEALERS IS HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. A RE'now receiving a full and eontpleto assortment l.ot all kinds of Hardware and Cutlory, to which they invite the attention cf purchasers. Our stock having been purchased on the most advantage ons terms, we aro determined to sell at such prices as will be satisfactory to buyers. . Do not forget to give us a call before you purchase elsewhere, or you may regret it. : ; MAMMOTH STOCK. 'ZPa.UL cs av ixxtox Goods. - POWEL, LEVY & CO, Are now Receiving one of the Largest and Best Selected Stocks of DRY .GOODS, GROCERIES, ETER offered in St. Joseph, which they intend offering to the Trado at prices which will com pare favorably with those of goods in St. Louis We solicit buyers to call and cxamino our stock before making their purchases. ...... Among the articles they offer for ealo frre? : ' 40 bales brown faceting; 200 pi'cs flan'J, all grades 5 bales osnabarg; 259 " : satincttes; :' 10 , shirting, striped; 150 ,tw'ds and cas're; 5 " . cylincr bagging; 5 bales seamless bags; 400 pieces plaid linsey; ! 19 cases ticking; 10 cases bl'ched shirting and sh'ting;29 do shawb; 20 pair three plcet green mackinnw blankets; 20 S3arlet .. .:. ,. -., 40 blue-.' ; ' ;.- . .. r . . ' r. ... 8 cases brown and bleached drilling; 160 pair sad dle blankets'. '' ' . J ! Wholesale z Retail Departraent A. 31. SAXTOX. DONNELL & SAXTON. ' 07 Arrangement for Fall 'bQ,Winter' THE TEOPLE'S STOIiE. 'ST." JOSEPH, MO." New Goods rcc'jl)y every Steamboat. More of them: Cheaper than ever. WE are prepared' to offer Extra Inducements this season, acd call attention to 'our lar-e Stoek of DRY GOODS, ' ' ; LADIES' DRESS GOODS, (Latest Styles) FASHIONABLE BONNETS, READY MADE CLOTHING, WINTER GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, (six hundred cases,) Groceries, Nails, Hardware, Crockery Wape Ac. , Cash paid for Hemp, on delivery, at all times. E. E3TABROOK, UNITED STATE3 District1 Attorney, . OMAHA CITY, N. T. REQUIRED to bt jn attcs lance cfueially upon all the tenns of tha D'utrict and Supreme Court cf the Territory, tenders his Professional service! to such as need thcin.VUo flutters hiiasclf thatkis facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to' give satisfaction It. such as entrust thoir business to bis care. , . . Omaha City, June 7. 18jr. , ' ' ' ' " ' ' "A TH1XG OF EIUUTT 13 A JOT FOREVER. " COLE'S VOYAGE . OF LIFE, Childhood, Youth, Jlanhood Old Age, Four Bplendid Lino Engravings, from the Originals in tbo Gallery of tho Spinglcr Injtitutc Plates, 15x23. Paper, 25x53. . ' ' A GREAT NATIONAL 'VORK:: Of five years' execufion, involving an expenso of t2V, 009. Artist's procfs50. India Lettered, $J0. Ilain, $20. ZSf- A prorpcztn containing a full fiescriptton of tho work, with testimonial from our firt ARTISTS, onr most eminect, DIVINES, our most di.-tiu"ui0lied STATESMEN, the best accredited JL'Dljlbi OF ART, at tome and abroad, toge'her with the - VOICE OF THE PRESS i Of this city, and alio of the highest European au thority, ' . : THE LONDON ART JOURNAL, . Will ho forwarded on tho receipt cf two. postage stamps. The Trade Knpplird on the most Liberal Terms. Appropriate an 1 Ui4,erul style of frames, prepar ed expressly for this work, at tbo lowest cash rutcs, are furnished at prices varying from $13 to $32 tho set. Hexing, packing'and cartaga frrm $1 to $2. Address the Voyage cf Life, Kcv. A. K. WOLFE, "vlnlltf Spingler Institute, N. V. : Roticc.: ; - ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of Noel, Lake, Emerson-, A Co., will fiud their accounts in the haol of O. V. Lako for collec tion, and an imraKliatij sett'.prjicnt is rc"ictpJ BrtwaTiEt, Feb. V" 37. tf 5 PATENT GRAIN SEpAl.. .1 . rpiiE, suEScmncr: u n w 4, JL nish Farmers and others irjUi lijj1 V -GI'VIN SEPAIIATOI "' . for the present season. It Is utt:?i. particularly of tho merits nf the) yjcv''4,T', are too well known tlrougtrmt tho eon-s,S exlollin.r ; but tho fact that thiy iUvt htm re continuing to receive thftr"ti'n. . .? .,01 ; and County Fairs where thiy aare l,.,n I- sufficient to induce all thdvtif vm- cniuc, w pirtxiiaao ono oi uos j. ; ,; r 4 . u . i y 'tea . . Wl received tf the leading grigulturaluts of et t- number of tbeia on kiEi tS: I have a largo the coming crop, mada of the lest .J ' ranted to do Rood work. . , . . I have made many valuable umTOveoenii ' machines within the List year, and haveBov ' in warranting them superior tdaiy ia usj. I am also preparing a largo, paiabur of Cm,' Improved Clover llullrs, ' patented in 1351, which ara frei.tly patent of 1S41, being in-it f feeder, ahead of it in other respects. They faoturcd under the immediste supcnui, patentee, who h'-s permanently locttej ia .1 The above eat represents atj four hn:'i?'x tar," and. is dosigacd especially 1 jr tho Lnrif use." --1 in alsn arent fur IcCormu:i's cdeaj R and MOWING JUCHlNIeottliae-l. J. R. 310 FFITT, Fiqua, IMiaxai oaaiJ,'c" I ( BOOK "STORE! JCST OPEXED AT THS HEAX Of BLCAfiiir COUNCIL BLUFI1J, IOW.I. WIIERE may bo found & Urg0 iaori of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, everything in their line, consistinj ia jxt, lows: . ... nistoriesandEiographi'is, ;' ";" Narratives and IchlJcU SohoolEooks, Missceilaneous Wwks,. . , . .Lives of Eminont Pcrioas, . .. ' 'Agricultural Works, '"" ' '. ' ' J: Standard Poetical Wtrla; , :t "l P.cligiou3 Worla,- ..' f , , ..-7 ..i.ii SongUooks,, . . : : , , Libk-3 and Hymn Eook.!, ' ' ' 1 Novell and- Light Heading, il ,: ' " ' Pictorial Works,' . 1:.. i r ; , t 'Blank iMKkJ, , .' . - ... Paper, Pens ami Ink, Curds and Gift Books, ; ' Toys and Fancy Priuicn, '. Portfolios and Album, And a thousand other useful tol nocessarj iri'. in the line.-1 1 '"; . ; Also, red, black and blue D KS, of oar m jsj. ufacture,- Wholesale and Retail, is eheap u Ht W had in St. Louis, and warrantxl of tbo best put up in quart, pint and half-plat bottle?; ti a four and two ounce bi if ties. T " ;" ' ' ' Profesoional men wrshing a-hi!l of MOSIIllll! Can bo supplica he?e at 20 per cent aborijuj. Ushers prices, we pyingnll coils and obteiojsjttn at the phortcxt noticd. Oor aiyj ncmenti eialr any STANDARD ttOOIkS jrintci ia tL Cai ted States. ...... , Call and i our stc-ckwe t n new Wgiiaen kt will serve our customers to thu test of our ilfty. Our prices, wo are sure wi'.l ! M.tisfaetort. .'L : CilAIi; A -SANTOS. Council Bluffs. Iowtv Juno li. 'i5 vlnl. ) , - Richardson's 'Xissouxi ' Express Coinpanj', Principal OiHco Aro. I2. IVIia ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI BEO leave to inform the puVi-c, that extended their Express Line to tli'u ! tee. rav ing complied with tho requisition of tLcr Charter and being fully organized, are w? prcpar.-d tu traas act a. General Agency Business. The success which has attended 'the original Pmpri etor, is a guarantee of the satiifaetion red;reJ,ir.J it will always be th"e aim and st nly of the Eioeoti of this Company, to five every possible facilitj U the speedy and safe tracsmisuitn of . . Jloncy, Valnable Packai'cs, Parcels, and Enndlcs of Goods, Merchandize, andtvery description of Freight, on reaonaW tenm to all points on the Miouri Klvir, acd at Si Loo with other responsible Express Companies, ff.r 5c York, New Orleans. Boston, Pailadolphla, tb'o?i Cincinnati, Burlington, Louisvilc, KockI-t!nd, Ma phis, Pittsburgh and' Buffalo, and to lmo-;te7 town and villiage'in tho United statcsjluiop,! tralia and California . , . t , ' A llesscnger will b put on t!i new sicniscr Cri haymaking weekly trip betwwa here and St. scph, there connecting with our laily line to StUi and all points as abovo. In bcl a f of tae EatorprA tho patronage of the public Is mpectful!y. folki'ti All business entrusted to us,wiJ meet with th energetic and prompt attcntioa wbkh hu !." characterized this Express, aid niado it pro-eiaba in 'Western Exprc. bii?ines. , , r ' " ; . DIRECTORS!' : 1 ' ;"! 0:1 Vj SC. - - , ' ' Ed ward JLkad. r . , Si:srL 3rcCAKT. W. D. W. BeaxAso, . ' Jor.v W. Toolit. ''l'!' ' ! ' : 'ioSETU t. r.ICKJRDSaX..: ' ' t B.. F. Babbt. Alton.- . W.-.f. .Piayr. lxina ' JCSEHI F. r.ICIIiJlDSON, Frci' - S, II. Gsat, SmV-i , Tln2. HaxBT Kruj General ig-- ImprovPil IJttlij'Ciant . CORN.& COB PLANTATION MlU 2Pxco XI-ocluxoocl THE subscriber ha purchajed oxcluiive rhttf Territory in the West, t.f ;he above cofeUaw4 Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all tian cither wholesale or reuil,and guaranteed in them-' poitive- manner. i , It i3 now moro than a year since the "Little Giant5; Was introduced to the public, during wb'wh tim', has been constantly growing in tho popular ior- The improvements recently effected and paW' makes it the most perfect machine ever offered J"' general farm nie. It b furnUnd ready for atUch'i team, and weighs as follows: 3 n, 1, '12 No. 2, 5' No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pound.. Twenty minutes r snScient to set one up, without (Ktbacu'U aii"'! when bco Ijo3ted, it can with 1 afty be entriwtsu to a boy. Full directions accompany each Xh TLJZXl. XJ GZ2 3353 F.3 No 1, $35, will grind 3 ba meal ir hour with 1 orM No2 40,.." 44 Io M . , 1 No 3 50, 15 1 No 4 t), " 29 "'. " t37" Liberal dlscourt to deal ers JAMES B. CHAD WICK, No. 63 Locust Itniet, bet. 2d od 3d June 23, 1355. rl-nl . St. Louis, 3lo." i. T. DOWDALL. I,'.!. jt.CiS- DOW D ALL, CAR H & CO ; - -.WASHINQTOX.irCENDRY, Enina and LTachino llanufactcry- -, Corner Second and Mrr.u Strecu. .v-; ST.. LOUIS' MO. " f ANUTACTUHEKS of Stam 'Engines 111. ea SiWiaJ firisL HvhinWT. Tub."" Superior MACHINE CARDS ' - YOUNG'S PATENT SMCT'MACHTNE. V1 tried, al way sncccifuf, fuv G;iaran:ied. lUa"" facured and for sale by ' " , uOWALL CAT.", i CO.. '--' 1 ; ashington Foundry. St. Lcui.. ' EHOV7XIYILLS STE AM MILL Jlpur lake, a Enrnsov;. .. JT. B. V'e vould rjKjctfi.lly iaf.-nn th? ' tons ;T Nsmaha county and adjuidnj Muwoint wo bavealwav ra hsiad a l.u-, aihl well J'e5tl ' supply of LU3IBEK, which we m furnish w cr rates than any mill fa the Territory. iri Market pri.-es j id f ,r log! dLvered at the J11 oroa tho back of tho rirer. k - All orders accompanied w; A. ih cih, will ur Isistdhte fcrcrj. If r r 23v 'r' At a practical test of this Separate th tho best of tnoso tnada is E.i"hn. : K the highest cnmmeiliktk ns of n' screws n,i freiiw, Lard KettUs, Lard Strew Cylinders, Wool Carding Machine?, Vcung' rteD; Suiot Machines. Building Ca.titgi, Ac. . t-f" Af-nt fur tha fir i.f .Iiin j S;n.'.h A - i