- t i ! I I ,i r J f .'5 T -I - . - l i j tj ! .:t:' f : I '.3- i i .r- I ce- M i s -.er. : i- to ' - i tlUYi Aviate Editor. rTfncral Adrti""; 3 rent, in nsar I Udl' 'i Childrws fL-j Store, , ,fw v. ? Cincinnati. ; y L American, Canadian and Ecror- LcS-- v- TrtT. Ohio. . 11 lis U . j.. r-p Kra. Arrber,NbrAka. . - n. i UaTX, Itoekp-irt. Ie. A " t r the A Jveruser. and ens and recieve and ! job: l - rccc'- "terfire auditions of new Type, I-bsfcro-ixes. Cards Ac, made to the , Css-P. -(j weelaim to beable to turn oat ' iJ2in m n.mW ncmrpisied by any cfiiee. ; J1" . . . i .vwt'iea! winter hiinlf.aDd nor icii-c - i ... . rrvr . ia bis etc Y an "OimT'Ushd d eiperi- Vw:t Job J'riatcr. ernvned not to rt in the ntion ff Job Work. Crd 'Foyer's latest ".nowred Ura KinVs criLin Color?, Broma Wort, Ac. JSd -arratteJ give aatUfream r bo pay. this Territory, eomin- from often so rrest to n i"1 s : . , - V raTsecn.iaspeci- rrMTes:JeBt in Aim It Prions ef the ut,- S'SmV? Btbe "PCV ni r-a rccieriH-, will eon,ider it a , .u f;n-uf3.ricnt interest tomake ttrelTe niuntiiS. " r?- Tectorial VarrwiU and Xemab County TuHT a Tj C? Z. I.I, IT ? - ' LZZZ1Z). Tbe tins sever has Leen wlica re felt mere like rejoicing than row, also more certain of cut t-Lusate raccesa ia Luilli'r .pp. ct.f the largest wd nest Important cilLis ' iu Ut5 braska. 0ur"ciil2CLs are o:tz to work, in the right . ; ( ' ' r- - . It- isa prlijciinr.t custom aracrg eiitors t ana theosiWes with -scissors and clip from exchoneif readr-raade. articles frhich thcy serve ar.ew lo their readers. We have rolling in its Dvor. ' A i&x c. sensors, far aa editor, is ind ecd se.xind to a pec, and it tr crald socie- var, and r'e ma j conIentT jlodk for a won- le jueU for Lira to decide which of uerlul cnanre in tne sr'erance ci our cry in - f-, T,.-rrii v - ctrres;-aaeace of U r-iii"-it ; .riLT, rcsnbrixLE, Dorcs Co., X. T.) il arch 8th, 1S57. Sometime ia Acjns a-Colony was formed in Q-.iiney, Illinois entitled ths 3Te- to say asi5rittha psct'-; tod conii say muchj Color.lzatica Company, fcaticg for their IsTTke JVcbrasta Adrertier" havin? prncli thp larset circclation of any paper ia the Territory; Wholesale .Uerckants in St, Louis St. Jofpt, Cincinuatl aad other ta.ter marttts where Xefcra&ka B-rcbant parcaae, will fiad no better aircrtinaj xaedinm in the Testern Conn- FLAX. SEED. t T - hTe a few baslicli of extra Piax Sed to iua in limited quantities, to each of tar I araidTs in tLis Cuunty who wLsa to git a start in a very short time. - Vi'e haTe many reasons to congratulate our citizens on our approaching prospeHty.- " , : f,., . It is a fact that 31a in .street is to he graded from the levee to the township liiie; Isehraska and First streets to be cut through and graded to the Hiver ; and Atlantic street to be opened to present steamboat landing. Tbe who's f this vitally important work will bs completed at an early day. This is the fpirit of the age, and the only thin; called for bvthe citv cf Brownville. -We have all the advantages eter "bestowed upon any point, and with the stimulus of tn terprisc the brightness cf otrr future is plainly to be seen. . ( - An cUortls now being maJe t3 build aTew Hotel bv donating a number- of vslttiUe city lots to any one who w ill build it. This .is a rare chance fur a profitable in vchtraent. " - Tbe hotel is to cost $10,000 ai.d completed by the first dsy of October. Over four thous.U)d'dr. lars worth .of lots will be donated at the com pletion of the building. Could there be any Letter opportunity for m;di.irg money than this 1 . We aiwer,. no, not in ihe West nor any where else in the United States. We call the attention cf our eastern capitalists and speculators to the aforesaid proposition; feeling satisSed that they cannot find a more profit able investment. . ; - r It thonlJ always be heme ia mir.d that ! : "Tbe darkest eky to-day "'Hay wear a sunny face tinorrow.M ; It has been our lotto have dark .clouds and fu rious storms along with them, cat we noivhkil the dawning cf brighter days, and urclond ed skies there is a "goal timczJieadJ' aad we feel it as almostiere. The Chy of Brownville is marching onward to. the meridian of her glory and prosperity, and ere jang will ; stand unrivalled and unaj proached, How can it be otherwise when nature herself has marked this point as the proper outlet for the whole of Nebraska, and surrounded it on every tide for miles and 'miles with the richest and most lovely country In the wcrld. ..With such advantages we bolilv assert j-hafc "bar fate is destined to transcend -the anticipations' of the avowed cl-c THE PEE-EIIPTOE'S GUIDE Is cow read v for xlelivcry to Agents, ' or ciilin to order ca the reception r ci . .... Criers now ia, and those hereafter received will le filled in the order in LlcH tLev are received. The Gaide can be had at the Lad Orncr'aad of PwOOT k Cozzexs in 'aaha City, and of Awisthoxg & iCyKiXj Xebrnhka Citv. LxNrt Omcr, osim. X. T. I Ftbruary, 17th, ISiT. isforaied tat Mr. It. W. Furnas is sbout pcfelijif ynpM f the I'fw-Emption Law, tt- fziLtrmhh Ute decision?, cunneettd with that ?ub- jff,r.d -Town Twites." We thiLk such a puLIL-a- :iuc is -re:!y needed, and cop? ehuulJ be ia the kii of evtT- fran in Ue Territory, S-S it will tt;.art t-jaAhle icf.ra:a!ion. JOHN A.rARKER,P.esirtnr. A. K.tilLLMOltE, Ucceivcr. " . . ' z . ' " . ' .PAE.TT EILITZ. dn every land iiluminitti by the rays cf c;viLzaUoa . cr enveopea ty lmjteuetraLie . -darkness there exists to some degree what is . "known aa party strife. Where is the commu nity, however small, entirely free from it? Even in the family circle it sometimes prevails to a painfully alarming extent, bringing sad r.ess ar.d iormw to mary a hearth-stone. " Cut f the political, strife .which exists in " enr land we design writirg. We are no parti . ran, yet we feel an interest, a deep interest in any measure fraught wi;h good to the people of the Led, mat:eri:ig not who advocates or who opposes':! Wiicr-y party, combination or society teach a doctrine or doctrines iuimi- Cil to the '-suj-reme jiu tra" that rule "cur country, we thall not dei;y ourself of the pri- -THeg- cf dennrciation. V"e believe we have ' tifc right and intend tsirg it. On ' the other lar.V we'sh ilw-ys defend, uphold 'and ' insuia the party which abides by and respects the hvr. . ' . eriacaa be insensible of the result which . ciust follow if partystrife is allowed full svrsy. - it most be restrained,-or we may -witness a "epiia:ioa cf our Union an event to be la- ceutei as the saddest in the annals cf nations. Let all who feel a devotion for this Uidcn of Stares" put down, quell political rgitaitonand strife, and we then vill have to fears of dis- There is a certain p-arty, ret worth naming, which ia a reproach to our country, - from the fact its members are led on by nothing else in God'. Tvorld but the wildest kind of delusion. They care cot for the good of the ration their idolized, worth ipTuI hobby isjcre sacred than the peace and happiness of ten thoasand . worlds, ilay he time hasten when ' all "such parties will be frowned down by the people of tie Utited States and the last one xf them E:ade tosnfTer the tortures of eternal infamy. Those who were conversant with the strife atading the late national election could not have Le'ncd T.otiftirv th rrrVl Hlwnl frr i o most sanguine. ih. . - , Whvhave ro step, been fetiaken in regard w w to procuring a suitable piece cf land as a cemetery? It is high time that some mea sure of that "kind ha taken. - It is true that so far wehave had but little reed fora burial place, "bat '.however small the amount mny have been, still we have had somt burials, and cannot hope to escape any great length of time without having farther use for a place of sepulture. " "The groundhow used for this pur pose is laid out in cify lots, and ali owned -by persons who have bought them at private sale and mostly for speculation ; and scarcely any of them feel like yielding their right to Und taken and occupied without their having been consulted in regard to the matter; while a anmber of the lots are soli aod resold .almost everv day by g"wners at a distance,whodo not even know they are used for this purpose. Independently of this, the legation is not a ''ood one. In a shorttime tbe inhabited por tiou of out growing city w ill extend fir beyond that pointy and the busy din of every day. life ring a sad Contrast to the quiet slumbers of the dead.' ' Before" it shall have become a matter of a moment to remove those already placed there, let U3 go earnestly to work and select and pur chase some suitable sprt far away from "tb'5 heartless clash of busy life, where soft summer winds murmur a sweet requiem fur the loved and lost, and the golden sunlight fafls gently on the" preen covering of thtir eternal heme, any newsiKper publishers - g2t alo::g very well without a pea." but it wcul l be hard for any one cf them to do withoal icissors." However, ilthough. we profess the high est regard for tbs important editorial accessory, we propose . to suppress it ia one mere department of this paper, and subsltute a weekly revievr cf all. the events worthy uf note which may occur in the world. Such a cocrse.by giving much more informa tion in the same ordinary amount of matter, wil', we bpe, prore profitabla to the readers of the "Advertiser, and contribute to' main ta'.n'it as t'ae best paper in Nebraska; Before starting on enr reviewal. trip, it mav be right to jaase for a momcntand cast a rapid glance ntthe present situation of the. family of ratiota. ' ' ". In the United States, to the deep agitation of the U:e jKjlitical campaign, a fTofound suite of quietU'sss has sncceeded. Public opinion waits the first acts of the new Administration to prononrce itself for or against '" In Central America, after a series of vie- tories and defeats, Walker, lor the present, is in araiher critical petition. , The Central Am ericans and climate, even tba elements, seems to unite tc stop his fortune. ' ' All is quiet in S-auth Arxierica. .: In , Europe, the new difacultics . between Franco, England and Unssia, hiivebeen settled; the Swiss question -is iu; course- of arrange ment ; - the-Steilian insnrrettion has been repressed ; all k qoiet there, too. -BrA, while iu tho United States quietness isjrodnced by iheteitise of freedom and-hope for-the-fu- ture,tht: quietness of Europe is "the result of violent compression and fear of coming events. Here is the silence of happiness, there a silence of der.th. In the dark nhrht which envelops liberty, we can but see the lights of' the bril liant fites given at Paris by the nephew of his uncle, and hear from Baples the groans of the vktims tcrtnred by His -Most Catholic ilajwty, King Bomba. .. - - . . .; In Asia, whila Persia is about to conclude a treaty of peace- with England, China adds to her internal disturbances a new element of destruction by hostilities with the three great maritime pajvers of the world. ' " . ":, Having thus from ocr point of view exam ined the present scenery, we will sketch," at eaeh .weekly station, the changes ' happening on the road of time. ........ C0TJ3TY ETJILDIircS. - We alluded to this subject last week, hoping it might elicit the attention of our citizens; whic'i cfect wehelijve it has had, and. that we' are to have-at"EO very distant" day a Cjnrt House and Jail. ; - , These baiidirgs are to leput up by private sahscrrptiorj, thereby avoiding direct', taxation. This we have always thought to b3 the plan for u to pursue, and do hope that it may not be dropped hut pushed forward with that zeal and encrgj' which should characterize a move rr er t of such ovetvrhulmiri" importance. We might write line afur line and paragraphs without number oa the-grcmng tiecei-ity-of'a judl or calaboose, if we wera not convinced tha eur citizens have tne matter already under consideration. The evil passions of man ge: tha upper hand iu Nebraska as well as else where, conse quently we need a slight restraint in the shape cf calaboose recreaticms.- A queer story is going the round o! the papers in regard to an attempt-i to poison President Buchanan. It appears that while sojourning at the National Hotel, Washington City, he was suddenly taken sick, togatherwith a number of others,md one death subsequently orcurred. A post-partem examination was made and sufficient asseuic discovered in the brii ging it forth in fragrance and It-auty eui-j stomach to produce death. " .". , blematic of the "Sun of UighteousueHs" whose j it was first stated thar. the water tanks had iove shed abroad'!, in the heartsof the sleejeri, j been poisoned by rats who had -find to thcrd thrsettlement cf some favored portion of Nebraska, where they could erect and make 'hemes for themselves and their fam ilies, stiirt a villagf, open farm?, aad advance the pros perity of those with whom they might be associated ia the settlement cf the TerrL tcry. Pecuniary prcfi and self 'cggriridlze m;nt were of cotcse the principal proclivities of the leaders. . Abourthe middle of lbs fol io R-icgra ,rth, the pioneers of the Cokey en tered the Territory oa a : tour of observation and to make a selection of such a loa.tua as they saw fit. , The Company or Colony were guid ed by a Constitution and By-laws drawa up with but littis tree knowledge of Sife oo the frontier," and, of course, lamanyTespects,'-visionary. The country tben wi -comparatively speak ing, unhabited. ' It is-true, along the Missouri river the residents cf Iowa and upper Missouri had staked .and blazed their claims, and a few houses had been erected, and occasionally romping children and busy , wives and mothers gave evidence that a bona fide, settler had pitched his tent' and united his interest with that of tbe niwTy opened 'Territor. After some days spent in examining the inland por tion of the Territory, they selected the present site of rontenile, (named after, the chief cf the Omaha Indians at that time.) Alter . tak irg proper measures to secure the claim made in the nam a of the Company or Colony, the pioneers mostly returned to Illinois to report their proceedings to the colonists. . Ia Hay of ih&Tollowingyear 135i- some fourteen famine?, with -their household goods, and some twenty-fire men ; came on and settled. A town site had been laid out, and the Company, numbering some 50. stockhold ers, procteded to divide the lands, lots, &c, bj lot ilerabers as their names wero . cidled, selected their lots "claims," and timber, until each had selected eighteen -lots in-: the town; (the remainder,, about &X)r were rcservcij for a future divistoh-T"' 7; T " Since that time, the population-has been continually added to by- fresh .arrivals, and with but ths Indian troubles ia the . summer pf. 1555, priginaticg in themurder offvqpf bar citizens by the "Sioux- Iudiatsj-Ho -retard the settlement" eo inland town "has progressed more rapidly than Tontenella. ' . The inhabi tants here and. around here are mostly ! farm ers, who have brought with them those habits cf industry; and pleasant": social fselicg which characterlrcs the' Eastern States. . s: , - Fontenelle nowxontainirga popultrttoa oT about SCO is situated "'about 23 .miles, west and IS miles north of Omaha City, upon- t&e Elk Horn "river. The "scenery' surrounding the beautiful and elevated town site is unsur passed ia the Territory. ! Far away to the westward extends the great PUtte valley dot ted with groves of "fine timber upon its islands and borders, Avhilst away from the north ar d northwestward comes the meandering Elk Horn river, skirted with . groves of oak, elm, walnut, and cotton wood, and extending down . to the southward until it empties itself in the Platte rivr. : Upon the east, ths broad level and fertilis prairie extends until it reaches the broken lands whieh skirt the Missouri river. Thq vallits of the Elk Horn arid. Platte, but more pardcularly the former, not only in point of beauty but fertility cannot be surpassed by any ujwu which the sun shines, and yet only a portion of it is claimed; indeed good, rich, and beautiful claims can still be made within .1 r . . but a few miles from this thrmrg town. ?, ;. There are many, very' m my lovely and beautiful portions of Nebraska : 1 have found fTTl during my cimpmg expeditions ia the earner history of our Territory, bo:h south and north of the ! Platte, yet none in my humble estima tion where daturels God seeatj Xa have!"al- We dd tha fL--3Cf. zactiiag tviilr - the cocductcri cf the C --uvlcra :e foaal to be Jiistthe gentlemen salted to their calling, being ret only editors, but practical printers, lot jobbers, tova "tropr:.i.rrs, and jiclt of" all trades gencrclly, I Ciid-js the controllers cf ex- ' fx V XJ r' U. 'O i 'J o o tensive farrr. ia the riclnity of Crescent I shall be c I soon, aad some time during: the sias:a visit the pleosaat Cig- cf Etowa- vill.-. ' : ' - - - . WAWKO. T7 V w - : rr i 'rh COUNSELLOR AT LA 1) lid C: cf Ztz.i Co.." - list cr ixrrm3 . - . rcKainlc ia the Post CiTies at ErowxrHIc. X.T on tie 1st day cf April, 1S.57, which if not called for tX the expiration of thrve months will be sent to tie Dead Letter Oflje, Wafhinstoa City, I). C.r A2aiE, Hiss L I!axtonf H P Drown,JW Ikzark, Jacob Laner. John llreut, F E r.ntLer,Jn Clark, Sirs E Kiliott. AsaE FcsrIIenry i ox, lietcy A . . Fremac. Oliver. Grsjot, 2 ...... uid in, licary IIae,lfavid Hire,JasK . II ill, Theodor . IluL Willis . II;.ut,.J7 . lia lace, lira F Ilsrinron, II Fltntir. 51 T Hunter, V.'mW Helton. Ssmtl Jones, Jamti "Ka-perj, '2r.rr.tt J ' lavrrence," Tiica niithe::, o t 3::iIcr,SD . ; illller, Joshca JJHIer, E S Martin, (1 TT IJcFaddc-n, 3Ia-y J' JlilloE, Jcseph rArker,illi Price, Hubert Itenard, XI F Scott, John ' Scott, II 2 Feery.W . Saylfca, Mr . . " , Fands, L D , ,'Eherpy, - Sherpy, A . . Teare, Kobt . True, Pulaski 2 Titos. X G Taylor, Miss 11 Per feam?r "SHvcr Heds" ' - - . ' . ' ' CASH AIHD PP.OX5TJC2 SrIOnS :. . -" ',1. -. i 0? McALUSTEIl, DOZIER Iz 0. . . . Calico axt'l "Crown Sajr, .. ' ' 1 McALLISTEH, DOZIEP. & . CO's. 'Giacatrasanl M.-.la?es, " . . Steci F-cru and YTa-h U rl, at LIcALLISTEIb, EOZLETi & CO's. A": ;;IitcT? cf SVirxslta atthcir -"tci th IlVn-2 Lar cf - i lews, TTiica jcaiis it th3crat7cf tie re&5ur of. tie Cjastr to colls :t til taie, 1I20, Ue daty ci r . 9 T"h " z." 11 j 1 7 r' Ui'- txr ji n -ty scat. (Urowrvi-Jfi a:. I - 'J cveriald tax. T'l h law Is: ej ia force 11 has own : its pasts j Iitdiaa.aeai tis jar;r? will 5k3 cra:8forws;J; "j, tav over to Vu',:aaa HoblitzeJ. th Tma.:crcr of 2e- rjiha Countr, etherwise rca w. t tczS fjr at ; cwiicxeaie. . yoar X. L.'SA.N'Dir, Pr-. cf Cc;jrt TrDwcvir!;, April 7, 1 37. " ' ' Tedder, EF Tenable, TV M PeiHons eallin? foranv of the above LeUers will please say 'Advertisedl,' and also coma prepared with the sun cf cue sens to pv for the adverti?ia oftLeiame. A.S.UOLLADAlj P. M- t " In Nemaha Co., on 'Tedneyday the St'ji, instcf I'uerperal xcver, lLLALLTli, consort of David lias' ers. IIELIAHA VALLEY DAflKi BKOV'NVILlLEl, N. T. A. Hall Air, Cash'r. S.JL Rmi, Prea't. OFrEUIXG DAYS, Mondays andThoridaya DISCOUNT DAVS, Taesiysand rriiayi. BANKING HOURS, from 1st Xovemberto 1st March, 10 A. M.t t-3 P. 11.; from Ist'liarch to 1st November, 9 A. 11., toSr. ii. Cm roBo'sals '" ' i rOH thecrTap'.st.'oa tt tl 2 - ctt-iIa XV.-Ivalj fcr the erection anl cctsj I.-.ka . a E.-iJ- inW the T-rr?T branch -on i- Oat-q iaJf Uree- tlr west of liro'SXvUIe, vl be rjcc.rcd at tla o-Lje t D. L. il'Uary, 5-q., There spec .xnacj, ic t &o .. seen, cr I j tae unaerifriicd. J. s.:l April 7 4V:t - Salt and T.rass Eettle?, " Tar aid Fine Combs, at - McALLISTFIL, DOZIER Z ' CCrs." Lairxsii and Oi Yikc5, ' ;'; TLa A'"aje and Crushed S crar, at - r -.llrATJ.TSIER, DQZIEH Z CO's.". Eleatlsed Muslin and Bed Cords, Shirt UulIiTi and Fiddle Strings, at McAllister, doziee & cos. l)eni :ai draTrinz tniTCSy I)e Luiiuard dried app.ie, at ! ' McAllister, dozie: r ' - V-.i & CO's. Silk haadkerthicfi acd luind Saws, Elackinj and pain killer, at . .' ; McAllister, dozier co?. ilaur ata irisb linen, : - ' " Elak pepper and bsr lead, at : ; . .McAllister, eozier ccs. . Plows and ponder, - . Pocket knives and percussion caps, at McAllister, dozier & coy. SCTTTK SEUW&VUIE.- . . Tersons Wisuips to psruhase, propcjrty in Sonth Erownville, will be ieeiHninodated by calling on Wjt. Fkeccsos on the p?f n-.i.ies, or E. T. Mna at the Advertiser OSce, . . '.. - ..7 To All YThatx It 1 Jay . Concern. J0TICE is hereby pivew, that I will, n the 17ib iN day of April,' lHiT, proceed U tho Land OSce at Omaha and provs np my Pre-!npkri Kirht to the Soath Eist frac.iona! qnarter and the tsonth West auarter cf the SontbEAct qaartcr of Sec. Xo. 13 in Township No. 8, in Kan re No. 16 Ea.st, in Ne traskaTerritoTT. - ; JAMES FEliGUSON. ErownviKe, April Sth, 1SS7. " : ; . 43-1 w d"k illk cravats and cod fLi, . ,. "Lace mitts and wall paper, at : - McVLLISTER, DOZIER & CO's. Cof-ce aad ne shirts," . Eci tad white fhiend and tcotacio, at ' ' " T McAllister, dozier n- co-a. ; Ttice aad ladies nndcrileaves, " . i'utmej; grateta and Qaeenswaru, it . , ' 'McAllister, dozier & co:s: 13,000 lbs. of Uacon. Per ja!; rhesv Ur Ca?h. by LTFCmJii i :' H..A.-TETJIY, - . . .. , .... .. . ., - - WaOLX3AI.E A.ND KIT AUL ZZXZZS E r r a j.n ana x tower becdi, i nut Xrs, ira ?, T Grap-o ViaeSr etc, etc. . a Loin cJ aasortad Uanten ssecus cenvtaauy April 2J,lci3:. ... Oar 5 2j :23 2J 'Z rr C-lass a.nd'Ayeri' cherry rectcril, Carpet sacks and hardware, at :: McAllister, dozier & co. whilst npon eanh warmed them into a bright and jTiOrious immortality. THETTATtS.' idost ol orrr cxcnanires especiaiiv oi .toe Wet weekly deal "out a measure" of abuse upon tbe beads 'of those engaged" in the transportation, either directly or indirectly, of the mails, but, so far a3 we can see, with little effect. Encased in : the harness of stupidity and insensibility, alike impervious to the stings of conscience and the sense of ridicule, they slowly trend their tedious ymj. Oa this invulnerable armor the. pointed shafts of wit and the heavy stroke cflwell-naarited rebuke, fall equally harmless. -Whether car not it is an evil resulting from President Pierce's admin istration we shall rot step to enquire, but cer tain it is that never before has the country bxn o annovea by lazy, tnfiing, incacable and in-' eScient post cHce ofjtrlals.- - We do, mo-st po sitively, denounce the ; entire'-.'organization, particularly, individually, aad collectively, as the most worthless set of unmitigated knaves it has ever bee a xur tnis fortune. 'to bavp th - i siizttest connection with. Tn -"M:--r,' .a is. nasi nze, "-" "i nci..uie, every tnng possesses; I. mpid progressive movement ml the mnils tnsi the cnieir.pss nf the r ilLin rsT)iom' it :u2d v-- !'i.";,.;B;Jr-.i mail -carrier?, who cviace'au 'iitiiose pnaclintir Hare, and' the. H- 'eral authority aad powers anu atea aittrcaung arsenic, uui nu aa.-vsLs ui the water proved this to be uatruej but still the distemper contrnt.-ed. Further analyses irere made analyses cow cf milk, soap, veg etables, in short, everything that was eaten or drank -ye c it is eow jKiitively asserted taat up to this time ao clue has been disaorered to the rrtTsterious poison. The rat theory,, thea being rejected, and the deleterious material havirgnot been discovered in the food, there are some who beliete that the poison was secretly administered by human hands, to accomplish, some infernal scheme, which the imagination can only guess at The whole transaction is one surzestive of a species of crime whica is happily new iu this country, ba a species which we may be im ! porting, with other crimes, from Continenta Europe, where secret marder . by ; poison whoIesaleTsnd ratal l-isunf for centuries has been?or.e-of the 'Unest cf the Fir.earts. We have all. real- of tha poisoners , of Venice, of lh;me, aid Padna,but joisoners in Washington Is something entire! v he w... J i : ' i ' i ;.,V.V : . Silves Heels. rhis r-plendid new steamer made its appearance at our wharf Tuesday evening, heavily -freighted, and crowded from ALLEN BOOT ; ' ' S. W. C0ZZE5S BOOT & COZZEUS, LAKD AGEITTS, HATING made arraneroants by whkh we receive acenrate copies of all the Townships, aa fitst as surveyed, in the Territory, we are now- prepared -to offer our serricta to the citiiens of the Territory, '" L. J .:rX FT1IXG. i I :- DECIuVEATOIlY STATEMZTnTS INTENTIOX- TO PRE-EMPT, Seeming Pre-emptions, - LOCATING LJD'WAWIJJSTS, Ladies hosiery and log chains, - . ."'; . 3eedles and shovct?,- as ' ' . McAllister, dozier & co-s. , ..Ladies collars and stripitd shirtirr, "" J puff eonibss and. saddlery, at McAllister, dozier & co-s. Broad cloth and l&r soap,' - '''"" - ' i Curry combs and dress trimnicrj, at ' McAllister, dozier & ccs. temptedj a.qpre closer approximjtion to the ideal seen err fir 'the ejstcrn linds than the vallit; of "the Elk' Horn aad Fltte rivers. - -" : E. W. J.' Lmd . TVarrants Bought and Sold, I. . Iiand entered on tiiriQf ctc-T,-" PAEnCTLAR attention paU ; te bnyin and selling on. Corrimiiott, Also in m:iV.in; Col1 lection in aJ iirts of tie TEItRITOIir and WEST II UN IOWA. -- April 7 13-tf r, - ; . ; f -.. Cjrrcspandcnce of thi Nehraika AdvcrtL-cr.t t -- - Cbescectt Crrr, Iotr:i,. I 7 ";;.. :-Apriri4 1S5T. - :; On ray upward trip I have been stopping a few days at this place, and on my arrival here was considerably, astonished to see the spirit of enterprise which is exhibited by the enter prising proprietors of the tctfo.:,. They.' have an excellent steam saw mill ia active opera- tion,-'irhlch is turning "thousands of feet-of lamb:r per day, and all cohsuhie'd withLa the pimits of Crescent City. ... :;-,t - There are some commoctloas ' store rooms which would do credit'tJ any of our yrestem towns," and thoe well filled .with merchandiise suitable 'to the wants of the dense seitkraeuts with which they are sarrcaaile 1. The Crescent City Grade U published here, raoit. ..hock TO . Eoc'ts, shoes and1 star candle - - ' Lace edging and SalaAtn?; at McAllister, dozier & cca. Ccttmades and spectacles, llroomd ani Tiokin?, at 'it, McAllister, dozier & cos. . Seeing silk and buckets, . . - Envelopes acd Kentucky jeanr, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Elue drilling, knives and forks, Tea and white lead, at - McAllister, dozier CQ-. nnd Valuable SEEDS. ;-:;, TIE snljscrlhers -?. f jrwarl by call prrt'd any address a pckaje cf any cf tho f.jHowis seeds, at t'ae price annixed to tst, or the wbolelts fcr three cedars. ILirirg teen n.s-J ntl-r our own personal sapcrvisioa, ws will voach JVrt'acir parity: Chinesj facr-.r Cane-- Ice Cream Witcnnelna---- Orange YV"atermcli,n..-. .... South Ss VTatorm-jhin- - ...... Syrian V.'atcnx.ka-- ' Honey Dew Waten-clca . '-'-; Wkiia Spuivsa Vatoraclon (very H&j)-- Mexican, cr five foul Cacu2slr- "West IadiaCuconilK .... .... ... GUss Mclun(far preserves------ Iloo-sonr, cr annu;d A?paragB3 ' True Maauanth. Tnuito--- Fig Tomato (nsrwiidne) -- ." .....: .... (j t3 Tomato Str-AwLrrrj Toriat " Uhhe Errlliiit oesnt-run--"" EarlyDwarf, er Msy Cabbajs .-. ....." 2? Mixican Siuar1! .j 13. AJlres, ' ' ' j ' ' . - t ' - u. A. TnnrtY. CO. ' "' -'-- CvaacilDIIowajv .ITotico to thc'Pn'blifj. V-Ti TITrirG icrcrJJ thateerti'-a parties r.re er;t:I:it y igfer5rts ih.it may. with vat bc:R?esatrlktjl, operate i;jariusly to th Town cf Ntctshx city. vu : Ti.it I em ci.t th5 ewair c-t tte towni tbat I Lad cn a lora-sr oc:a.r.0! s-.I-l it U tiOr parties art am now vi-.ht.g n rrcem?at takt l bare been entered lato catweco irtKil aail'Ua partle?, referred to end further, that iit huhMii tr is abutt binr bnc-ht to r.t'jvcr hitcrsstj lali tob cU:t3 'd by these partiSv - ' : a The wacle aJiir is without any ivtralatson "viiat- ercr. Ji'o 3rrccia?nt ho ever bx-a ctcrsd into' b- twecn nvse:ra.tJ acr rartr cr prats b-Jt what I ani prepared faitLfuIly f alUL Tie artario refem-d to abev, ii sold to Lavo b?en eaU.-red.ii;. srsctinieia . theSpringof 12jo, between cry f a.l.iIL a 3Ir. EalUiL a ilr. lioaavan, a Hi.iVjatt, a Jlr. EjIZy atid others, f whom I know no;l.ii?a4liever saw but tTD cr t!;r:c cf the r;r.tlcntcr.,'cr hca;-J tf them exeert ta eonnKted with thej Jyirg ramtrs. If my slgnatare arrears as a p-rtr ia the article tf airrvmntiAid to exist it iifurgvdraa it was i&iti claced there witn rav rwvU ir-i or eJisnt. If U-tac centieitc, kav.ta they zzy tiAtJ to property in 2cncaha city, cr di--r?U'-- w;ta an; whyuytir-y rot call enrms ia f3rxs Inai o?n icf.-nsed taat pwwon iftiJ to i?pvent tL";a k3 been ia thi3 county on several ciLsions anl f ''ca in thcTcwcf .Nrmihacitj acakirg tat L3ertloiA, re ferred to, bnt ha n:vcr rtade Lls ttuinea ki;own t ma, although I wi3 in n:J reidencc arid he but a few rxii disUnt. It u pUin, I thinlc, fr any ati erery one to see tiiVtfea whJe aff.'ir his La. gotten uj to injure the TaTrac 2 cn.al .: city , :i a rso tosecur an interest therein. Tbtu craeh I jxr: thonght rrrprr to . ry f a 4i.U public rrann:r,and farther ro nno-vrc", that sSculi ths parties itfjrredto bring suit, Pan. ppw ta Wash tubs" an ' toofh rick, - Euek comb and knit needles,-at .' ; McAllister, dozier tz cts. Cassiraers and resting?, iSaoe brushes and Uoat'rey's ecrdial, at . McAllister, dozier tcos. Lace veils and cologne, . lress combs and scissors, at f . McALLIS CER, DOZtER kSXrZ ( . Thimbles ana razor straps, Pearl buttons and jews harps, at - ' - McAllister, dozier & co-s. I SaVpenders and rltibcirs, r , - ' '. A Erown, green and blue barcg?, at A -McAllister, dozier. & cos. mset theta. t Xemaha Cltr. K. T. ) ilarch Slat. A n-tr WHITE, KUSSELL.; -fit-pil lf rS0n3 AJ.E A.XD &STJLU. tz 1 s i'X m mm, Hi ii': i4 . UWu, LLATJ) vTAniT " AZD: CUTLXKY, ' ; Hcdicincs,:D7C.StD?.;; Sa'dlery, loots & S!:Kats&.2js, IEON, NAILS, STOVE?, TLOWS it. AL Famitara of aHiinTJt.:Wia.:v iaiht Ab - m BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. -iAlKGEOJ E. LTCTi ARTAI I HAVT5G taken ths contract -for 'carryiBg the .HaiLletweentho above pc.ints,taies this method of informing the public gensraHT that he has. made preparations tor running a liick oa tne aoove nameu route : ,. , - L-avIug-Ejck Pcrt 'erery Tusd.iy. Friday and SanaT.at 12 t-'clock arriTinir at lirownvii'e at 2 ocIotk.T.II.: leaviEgTTOwnTirra Tur Eock-rtrt; same evenirrg it 3 o'clock P. M. r- i - Th:3 route conncrtsnt Rock Tcrf withr-the St.7o sei;h and Coom-illtlnffs Stare l ee. and at Brown ville with tho Stare lineleading fruraToteka Kansas, - Tincgar andlinca' thread,' - , - u , Jasoaet muiiin tnl shavLrg scap, at .. . - McAllister, dozier a-co'sl .Lir.en ta'e spreads eloe laets. ... . ,f . i ' lniig- aa J Jayr.es medicLa-sS,. at '; ,' McAllister, dozier co-s. . t - 1..: i. and llreauy nas a larger c:r:uiauua i-u.ua j 5L JJcIndepcnaenee, Kansas City and "ctner other paper issaed ia Western Iowa, and is a points Wo; and to Nebraska City. Omah-City f , , - '" 1 land other points above; and New Fort Kearney, spicy little sheet, giving informations urespjet- i , The imcribcr hope by diligent attention ' EroTrn linen and ni3",' ' r, .'.' . - ....1 . . . .J. . V.' - McAllister, dDzler l. cos. a. Colored eamhrie aal ink, shoes, " T Thread and cot ten bl.ttinff- at McALLTSTER, DOZIER CO's. FLOWER SEED Gr.0W.ru Oil t': TTJS sub'TTibcr wi:i to! ZZ h-4,r-V3iiticf fiwer iii bma;!. r.t2s ea'.l. (..fo 4t.i-.iir f - :-' ' Jiursefynl'ia :.& Pl. riitl. ''-" -; ' -rfwinjSetv' . !Uh!i ' 'Ifareh 15:!i. 13T." ' - . 1r 4;)-tf 1UOIIC fcgalljortrqns .of JWest ?rnIo wa aadXe-. baaska. -? The prrrri-rtars ;are gT-visg vata a liberal hand,- Ictstt). 'all' 'those who-are de?iroalrof L.maiing homes for tSirnif elves in tLUportior of the great West; and frora the rinmber 7of i lots "already" given, and the rapiliiy with which applications are 'made, there ,can be but little dotibt. of the;..erecti:ca -cfsi!e2St'-ae hundred Trd fifty" tosses darinlhs rreseat. ita buria?ss and accommodation to customers, to ment a siiare oi tnc puo.ic ptronage. . Particular attentiiin p-ail to the conveyance cf Packages or parcels; - Charges moderate; but no -cbuata&ilitrfjr ncaroidable accidents. ; ; .7" Atri! 7 H6. vC-tf-, A- iiFcacv - '.' ., ' t - - , - . ATT) RETAIL WIIOLESALE "erB impotent.' And thi,the solej-roduct of political aspiration to cil-e.; lilt the mcrbid rigs after the honors and emoluments ef ciace that is to cause the pillars cf the Lappi t catkin cn he earth to fa!!, ar.d the God lss r. liberty to . tale her "ght. through fcJ.devastaaon aad wee mingled with the jrans and thritiks of dying millions cf once i Lappy freemen. Mav the G '-"ert snch a dirtf ul calrnhv. ' If there is for. slow horses, -stem to staraVith passengirW' Most of (hemTesr.-- -cthiDgbnt sabstiititlal licroses are pcr pvere cmigraa; to Kebaska.- "- -' " . ined ta te-.brfdt 'oa' the dcnrlted lots, and Any number -of good carpenters', eia En i constant cmplcymeat and at the best of wr-w n't. T t ir rt 4 uc cuucuni.M ii as. uiU jiLa., nas tacre is not a car .thanks for St. Louis papers.':"!-" J. log house aa town which' has beoa erected since the town W2S laid out. SeveraiceraTn!s of - iaiiueacrar?! in rail- "Dealers tn i U j r it rcc oi neavrn anytatrg more 'assplcable than in tl :i t! ETi::c.it"- r.ra r. ' - and more would be erected ctmld 1 1 -TJorrtt Co.; ave jast ; road connection, tare .rcreaty becems largely helplrrocureA ButsacVu'the Kartro117 steamer Silver Eeels, a. xevr aad I interested iae fiz. ... , , . - j : j workmea in that line that orders "fiow ia far 1 -me3k:cf crlptl6nCr Dry U -Is-Iim excellent ,nver: landing at- trhicuj more rapidlvahaa 'they can' be Xlled. wJf0 29 Cct" zzcts laa3 witlr ease: ; j . - 1 ltrv. &-.. if m-ki?i a fml - r.rt-.Ai.Tinfjf V.&t I C.T tT.-t-f water S.lsf ?n rsr.. rrxai. -"i tr . - , t will be found :n aacther ecluran.- This" wrd' ara doir-a "ood bus;ae3-ia the vicinity, in I carpenters wul be ceeessarj..tc oomrkct-j tho 1 . - . . . . ; --- , " oJ f j ! . . . - i be a matter ot reucan2 to our citizers who ' tr : Vr.t d th inwn. ... , ... - wo it aaea.lv cr.r coiner ia the character cf have" "so lofg toodjn heed cf many conve-i -Ji is situated -at -the janctioncf the Sio?:x poi.ttc-aas, t v! These who have not yet pud thctr taxes j cteaces cf I.-fa Eat.-jp say necessaries,- and who ' Cirr sail Pi'eoa Tadey reads, oa wLtcu laere- s .i...er lue Honors 'aadiwul find a Card ta tha ct the rrtrKrr deili- ia tow nave aa orroituaitv - c-f KWltin? I is a constant trnreh" teeT'in ur a rranertil mo- It. is a. constant aad "Baceas-1 catel e5podal!y to them, and penned for .their j tao.se daEcleacI jS.L'01 coariacir.stara will vEmer.tof-all maacer of.-ccaveyance .thrcngh-! their lives to m:n - iheiri ir.diri;'rf-il Kr.rrF Br a timelr disbarspm-ant' b thronged. ' '" '' - ''.-:".- i tum tT- ' hri-ii.lp.st a diilv ria"I . though the whc.c wuld bo inundated Un their part funhsr csrer.c will be "saved C v . a P t r ote auvcTiiaimciii, ci ick?j cc vx)ZZEK3 it irr GrOOc TX. mjf... .'. . ... i . - :.'..:. 'xsr'- ' '- ; "- '" . - r GROCERIES? ....- - - , --.-It - - i... f 5 . Nails, Stovc, llovrs Turn itcre, etc, Table, tea rron3 anl Willing, Coat'a thread and jack plAiLS, at . , ' , ,' McAllister. Cozier 'i.eos. Cball de lainvazul w :n-I;.w sash, - ; L Dixirs-uid shaaibray g-'iigas3,-at -;; --"" McALLISTEIs DOZIER Jh CO's. "Straw p;"'V'T, and sununerclithlzgp Elarvt ftJHi at 4t "-McAllister; dozief:;-& CO's. . . JBonnets Elhairl2.' .:i.". ) -' 7 !J! J. X. Laconaadartii;ial--jwp, at r , ; McAllister, dozier Vco's., ' A thousand cue articles not xnentifned, call round at " - ' : ' - . - , ..-McAllister, dozter &. co-s. I'tAS b;ii:.In l x.kinsjover taeTjul uzaJt ci-r.f yinr pnper &vti; .attRw-tcJ, ny. atksh'io' iui;aei ty Jerome II.v(rr, L.Tin whua fc taJej Uj1 ecr a;a siofiel are in clr .aititu tLat.ii ft.leri);i'd!ir3 j-elreit in Njrj.khaCity f .r' ths pariow rf in juring it4 irc-;per;tyr-'Ji ras JiJ V-;i il tocir fu!at4 a r?(r'r.f ilt i:.;ur? irt t!-t;f-rtiro ct,knwo, L-wt U t-.o iaii.a t jjtiti 4 a tatesient is merely i, , -j -. And f.r t:xe purpo i giving afIr frfr-.snlty to persons U aiccr.ain the tv:u t, j t r.-ij-wsri a.t perHjr.3 fn.ra pnrcha? a:g acy prc.-ku c j:;; or interest ia tae said town cf i,..i.A Cipj :'r.-iiith-a sail Jerom-3 Culver, as he ha .1 u-ri rr-i -X- ry KT in-twir:hcf aad U t,al um. m. 4 4 a a -toptic tht ur.dersirned in yvxeukziBt itereai bythsm ar:!' ! tn the 8am?i aniphnr not aaihcrized tac sail Uwcver to wll or i.yie of any I' ltioa of- their bI tllxectid suit Uk- b " ' -'- " JA.DniAN, . ni.":"-::u;i.j:ALLAi:D. iwC.i:i.s:rjp. , T - t ?" 1 ... ... : " A!i.yi;u'TAr.r5. - -. ; - . t-: y. yrrcKf'.'.L. z " Fcr Prv C x-h &f every descr'-l:3 : ' 1 McALLIbTLR, DuZiLui CO s. GrMriej arrd roxl br-jir.s g- to ! . "McAllister, dozieri- coi. ,2 rushes: xrusiies: - - - ; ........... . v 1 it Tf yen want to gt that whi:'a is tf the best g 1 t t-e ces; crate ravines . tft: .lCts cf edea.-. Ir- aim through 7 bloody conflict. , s -1 "S0'0RAi M , .--. . - - - Apr. 4 " .a. - w - I) McALLI STER,-DC ZIER k'Cl' 1 ji. datid ric:iri;4:Av,"rrs, : ra-.-st , ; he in it t'aat alirayj f vi.a-?' nms acik-itj to jica-j tia las: an! eapurAtitie yet .. .... ; i . r, . .... - McAllister, dozier co-s. , ." - - 3 1 . . . . 02e interested v.-;il do 7 tot;-? r r y- cli to rid i Bc-tu-ranx Sz Co., sold 110 dcrcrf ergs arrlv;-j h.;r-j ox m to ri H T'" -r i : i-rc:au:rg for t: of Li a uc ;ng c.'tr?r-i c csk. '.-Rather aiiw their line lo loth fibra the north" and south. --. - ' 1 .. .' ' - - V - . . - ' m . . .-.: .... - . ... ft - --11 - J - - - -v., .-v .. i-r, aota.-r coiarna.,.i 2roL5 narirg Lu;n-s m rence, wb;ca ts also.ta i-itourii:.;si3- torrt.c, - J. Ciirp Cvai-saeifj joa iLo-ilpat-caira i McALLISTE?, DOZIER,!: CO-s. I ; transtct will do wU fa ecrrnst '; to their rare' ' end is destined to beccme the great rroai i tress:?-cf the MLscu'ri river. PHtr :r, 10 u ;u the test m:?3 will b; tvcii. Api-ty t j : . C. -r-r tr-f-r-r-T T r P-r-wirf ill April ?, -. --.. , It.,! i , I 1 . I " I . t - . Ar-