Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 09, 1857, Image 2

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    wt mm am -
r, ) MiETis w. r.iEi x, 1
Conndl Bluffs, lowa,
Successors to .liiJeri uiup.J
Nebraska urnv. i. .2 ;
i . TTVIr; tnadft arrsnirtmeiiis ry wuki re win
inai j H ' " all tlie "Tot r.
The "Wellington's corrcspgndcat
the New York Tribune says :
The Rule announced by Head
Departments to subordinates is.
removal Trill' not be made without j culi:-aced ia-tlu Eastern patiuuof 5elra.ka;we
i'r. . J nrc now tireiiarea. i oner uat sainu i
wprp nniinpti
UXJ.i i A Ji-'JL J-JMI j-tJ.
Si. Jos
, V
and Co-cil Blc& Wc lyvJ-f
Leco, iuilt exprisiiy
cause, heads of Bureaus
to communicate this determination to
relieve Clerks from anxiety. Mr.
Cobbs has added to thejresent canses
of dismissal, that of "dealing in lottery
tickets and frequenting 'Gaming IIous-
. csr.he Las also reauircd the Board of
'examiners sitting in application for
Clerkships, to make their examination
ridd and not nominal. Four years
w . . . . -i ?
service m important places lsregaruti;
by the President a siurnishing a reason
' of change whether the commissions be
expired or not. Secretary Brown has
' notified the "Assistant P.M. Generals
.that they will be retained, also the
chief clerk of that department.'!",;-
. , . r TTr.shinton, March 24. "
Applications have been made for the
construction of wagon-roads , the
" Pacific, which were authorized '.by -.the
net of the late Congress, bat the '! Sec
retary cf the' Interior has . taken axo
action in. the premises. -., v.! ;.:.!;,
r 7
Forts Kearny and Laramie will not
be abandoned until autumn." 1
' It is stated that' Hon. J. B. Clay has
-declined the mission to Berlin tender
ed him by President Buchanan. .
In Filing Declarator) Statements of
Intention to Pre-empt. Securing
Pre-eifition- Locating Land
;- --Wftm1 its anil ; "-rr::rtrrr:'
, . , ENTERING .. L AND. , .,r.
. Land Entered on Time, ic.
T.5.nlcr f rintion naid to Buvinz rnd Sf-liin
TT ik TilE new and fast rnnm - - r
f iiiKimci . .;ui 7
J- , tli.trdi P. WJl III v.J l"
opening of narration, make rejru ar wcvj ...t,
between M. josepu vumi.
with tie first St. Louis Packets at M. Joscpb .f
The -Silver Heck," wil1 lten'i "er P3 to cmoux
Citv. and intcrmediAte point?, once a month.
iille plant,
mmed up
1857. JHS(5URL itptRTACKEi' 1857.
. -"U7"xsai G.:i23.j3"fcoll.
vru rnn?5 Slaster
Property on toraniis?ion: AIo, to naming Onl loctions j ricrcncif OmLhaCity, Council EluSTs, Bc'JeVn.jf
and forwardicsrcniittanf?3 to liny part-it tn tnion.. Mary s, Airvoiniaj City, Nebraska CitT,Lir.
JJIanks of allkindsalrsjscn Lund." - . .; ,,':, Lowell. Urciron Citr. Iowi Point.
EE FERESCE S. r-r:rr: :r:r-: : j ca v&nnan,"Si; U&i parPfcTerico; AtchisonrWcrf--
tDn, Lcjivenn'ortli-Citjv.Kanjas, Independencs,
Hen. A. A. Eifvifori, ,
S. F.XoeiolIj,
Messrs. Do! man Jt Wsit,
Peter X Kei::r,
ITioina-x Lnmpkin,
Jane 23, 1S55. Tl-ni; :
- yelnsxft City.
u '
St.. Josejb, 3 Jo.,' .
. WaaLinstou City
Short Settlement Mate Long Friends.
rpHE subscribers request all tliat are indjLted to
tLem, by note or account, to muKopaytceni oy
15th of retrcary next, .osoneot lua una
tart East at tbut time for a naw and fu.l stock of
New York, March 16, .; .
Advices from Salt Lake City are ;to
Jan. 7th. . T . ' . .
Kimball w as elected President pf.the
Council." .
- Oregon dates are to Feb. -12th.
There had been an Indian outbreak at
Fort Sinclair. Four white men and a
hrrre number of cattle vrere- carried
rood, and CASH will be wanted to pay for t'ivm
AYe return nr thanks to our friends for their
patronage to t!iri3 time, anl romise lo merit a con
tinuance ol tLo same hereafter. ""'
" Brownrllle", Jan. ilh, .. .
A GENTS WANTED to retail articles S.ea-im-iL
raense proats largo only ?5 'ricjairisl, . r Ad
dress, withEtaraps,- . J. L. II., Hartnooy, R L "
a. .
'. There had been a great mortality
among cattle in the neighborhood of
Dalles. .
Advices from Washington Territory
state the-Legislature adjourned the
29th, after hiving censured Gov.. Ste
vens course in the Indian war and the
martial law affair. '.''. . . ' .. ; 1
A fiood at Nevada, California, had
done damage to the . amount of
$70,000. - " :
ice inuians naa maae an attach on
Peter River Valley," Sark county!, and
murdered all the' individuals, burned
the houses, killed' all tho horses cat
tle, &c. !:;!j:.;.1"
: "The largest part of the "Inhabitants
nad previously left the 'valley; with the
intention of returning in the spring. ;
" F. M. Rhodes, ' of Sacramento, one
of the bondsmen' of Bates, .'the "State
Treasurer, has suspended.' ;
RESPECTITLLY informs the citizens of Nemaha
county, that having permanently locat ?d imme
diately South cf Brownviile.and having had consid
erable experience ia the treatment of the disearcr
incident to the- West, he flatters himself that h ii
prepred to tn fet the srrmo oa purely
And ia connection' with I)b, BrcsniM of Jlissoun.
Urownvillo, Jan. 1, 1S37. Tln23tf . -
Liberty. Lexington: etc., etc.
TI1E new excellent and f.ivorite passenger Steamer,
Wm. Campbell, Wm.Eddj, Master, will on th e
earlieot opeain,; of nftTi.;atiop, ran aj a regu'ur
pa-cket to the aoore and all tue latermeJiiue pomti
on the Missouri River, remaining permanently, in
the trade durin;; the entire season. ' 11 " ' ' ' ' ' ' " .
The "William Campbell" has recently been.fittod
np, and refurnished in tLo most modern style, re
gardless of expense, ard with an eye single to streng'.h
safetr and conlort, as well as uiLh every ctUvec.i-
tnce that coull render her dcsir&bla to the traveling
public, rendering her now both as regards capacity
fca-businoss.suiwnorMJCommivlauons ior casssngers,
eciual to ar.v in' the trade. Captain Edds hopes to
receive at the bands of his numerous Missouri river
friends" a 'continuance' of that' generous patronage
for which he U- indebted tluring fc.serics of years,
The sabscribcrs take great pleasure ia informing
h Winters. JtarrnerJ vmui cij, ma j
have secured from tiic inosi renaoia your v.
ed supply of Fresh Seel ofthis very vul m
the projertics of whicli may te lui Sy m
as follows; ; ; ' , ' ,4. . ,
1st. One acre of tl .a is, pr ??rly culti-ited,
will vidd from 200 to 50" galka of ,aae Syruj.,
equal to tne Dest ew yuw
roots, teeond crop of excellent fodder.
" 2d. Sown broadcast or in cl.s3 drills, on land
deeply plowed or-highly manured, it iU yield thirty
to fifty thoutand jxtundi of superior fodder to the
sere '
-M.murjs&' ttTblirplaati for solliES( feed
ing green,) and fodder, on account of the great
amount of sugary juioe which it contains j and is
greedily eaten by stock of all kindi.'' -
4th. It bears repeated cuttings, like Egyptian
SIillet, growing off freely and rapidly, after each cut
ting, j'- -.'. ,r rv "
5 th. It stands drouth much belter than e?3imon
conf, retaining its green coiorand jukiness even after
the seed matures.
6th. The seed is excellent Tor human food, waen
ground ititn meal, and fattens domestic animals very
t-peedily. From twenty-five to sevonty-five bushels
can be raised on an acre. '- . I , .
The seed, which has been very carefully kept pure,
from the original importation, will Ibc offered in cloth
packages, each containing enough to plant about one
fifth of an acre in drills 4 feet by 18 inches, with fall
direction for the cultivation, whie'-Cjs perfectly
ainrote. - .'tu.'': '-''; -
These packages will bo forwarded by majl,re of
Poitaje, to any address, on receipt of SI .for -each
package. - When not sent by mail, we wilLIurnUh
a proportionate quantity by express at purchaser's
expenso. , , ... , y r
Earlv orders' are solicited, a3 tha supply of good
and roliahjesoei is quito limited. 'Applicants names
wui05 enwrea in meoruer in uicu mcjr hhhtoh
cd, and the eed will .bft mailed ai soon as possible.
A pamphlet wm b eont, postage troe, to all rno
1TTT! take Treasure in savin to our friends and
" VV -the public-in general, that our itoct'of Fine,
Llilcs on Ilorse
- JUS 1? rCEU332D,
I i -
O KJC) IV !Yii
v ietruaryoj,
s FL1IT. rraftical Treatise on Horse SttoriN'G. -yrrnvn
Ia one vol, iCmo. Price 75 cents, t -nt by -ail , J- -tates, froatt July 1 tJ.4
f. . of pos - 3. j u utie oO, 1 3, m EUUASKAlKpJU
iVeLke to recommend such book?, 'aen we see will be rc. raj :.t the Contract (V
eo vilainouis bungling at horse shoeing." Ohio Vul- DepartniEr: ur.'.i 3 p i,j -f
'i,IrL;n ,.?- ..v:,.t wVv ui-.u-t, ,'i . cext, to le decided by 25th A
Medium, and Common Furniture, as well as ilat
tresa'oB and Bedding, was never more 'complete and
desettinff the' attention of purchasers, either tat
wholesale or retail in full suit3 or single articles
r Wo shali spare no fTort to keep the most complete V yilarcli l?th, 1S37.
as?crtmtnt in our line, in the- V est. Uur uooas aro
made here; as well iis Ekit, by the best workmen,
aoi- thua combino-liii. greatest, variety, and latest
styles, with the cheapest and most substantial.
k Dealers, as well a4 all other purchaser, are in
vited to call, and. look through :ouf Jlamnutu are
Rooms. test ' : I ' ; j ' : s.
Orders also, from all parties having furniture to
buy for themselves or -others, aro especially solicited,
with the assurance of' our best endeavors to merit a
continuance of the liberal confidence and patronage
we have, so Ion received, " j r TV.
Washington Ave. betwen 2nd and 3d Sts.
JIarch 19tb,'57... , u ..
while in C3mtii2.tid of dliferent boats, and for which J purchase sced;tor to any person- who will enclose, a
he" hereby desire? to present his most frratoful to f three xjentstamrf. a .
knowledgements, propising increasea euorts to jye
general satisfaction, nnd retain their confilence and
: J t
: AVM.'ItOSSELL. ; ...:
'1 :
RESPECTFULLY informs ths pnLIic
'i that he is prepared to serve them, with any
thing in his lino, ot short notice, and with a
style -and qujity of work ho feels ct nftdent will
please. . To lis oil fnonds and custonieiy ho deems
it unnecessary to sny a word, to others ho says only
Decem,er 13, 1S58. " vln25-Jv
1 Ia''-
THE publii; are hereby cot'ificd, that on or aiboyt
the 20th day of February, A. D. 1S55. then;
wasmnde.and executed by the undersigned TVO
NoTE?,in favor of E.ogcrs, one of two hundred
dollars, payable the 1st of' March, A. D. 1S57; and
one of one hundred dollars, payable the 15th day cf
ilay, A.,l. 1857. i i bo tonswerauon for which said
otes were obtained, having failed we shall refase
to pay the "sail Sotes or any part th eraof. ' . ' ' ' '
rtJ -.. . IIXRT Emehson; . . , i
' ' . - - i 3 & j -llKtBT W. Lace, Hy ' l ,
: ; Li rr- O. F. Lake, hU Agent. 1
r.rcTnvUl3, March 12th, 1S57. S9-tf
r MCULAX-iAi jr .
W.'W BAKER;. .. :. .'. ..Captain.
ROBERT A. ) ARST . . .1 ....... Clerk.
For Sioux Cf :y,: Loipin, Omadis Det?tur 'CityDe
. Soto, Floret ce, Omaha City, Coumil llaS'3, )elle-1
vue, bt-Jlury s, N yoming vity, 3ebras&a City, I
Linden, UrownvillJ, Lowell, Uregon, lowa roint,1
. Savannah, St. Jo3?pb, ctif,ptic:j-. , t ;isur
r ,TIIE excellent commodious and favof-
'.'K.: --i- J 'itepassengcr steamer Admiral, .Capt.
Baker, ChrVi Robert A. Darst, will on ; the opening
of navigation ply. aa a regular packet to the- above
and all intermediate landings on the Missouri River
remaining permanently in this trade,' and running
regularly d urjig the entire season. . . , . .
The Admiriil has recently received many valuable
improvement! and additions, rendering her now, tot'a
as a passenger and freight steamer, eual ,to any, ia
the trade : arid CaptlBaker hopes to receive at the
I hands of his old Missouri River frunds,, the same
liberal patronage so cenerous'y extended to his broth-
er. Shippers may rely, upon having their 'freight
handled with, the greatest care, oni ilispatch,' and
passengers aro assured in traveling opoa. the Admi
ral,' of. being made f ;el always quite at homo". . The
Admiral wi3 makei one trip to Council Bluffs, after
which- eha will mako , regular trips ,to r Sioux City
every twenty day. .,
".April2d,lS57 -r70q 10 ";. illii.T . : : :42-tf
three entstamp.' J-- S - J " T:'.T,r,.3. .
DfaWs in seeds and countrv merchants can'bel v . r r: nvn A fiPMT T'n t r'n
supplied at a liberal discount .from retail ratesifj - n -
Wo will also oe prepareo; to lurmsnfi simple ana
cflScient mill to express the juice front tho cane, and
cauldrons Ac, tor boiling the same. .
Manv testimonials in addition -can be givtn to
prove tho. North western and
Western states, ,.,.;. ..... , .
: V Wittaita be found at till timet,
Of ail kinds' of1
f r.
ell V -.H ! V-..-
With a full Stock of
.- ' .. , ,...r .... ( -
A -
' Of the Most Reliable and genuine kinds.
1857. , JESSOITJ eiver' packet,
For CouncilBluffs,OmahaCity,Bellevue, St. Mary's, March 5th,lS57,
yoming viiy, reorasKa vuy, ijinueu, urown
ville, Lowell, i3regon, .White Qond, Iowa Point,
Savannah, St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, Weston,
LeavenwortlTCity, Kansas, Independence, Liberty,
Lcx'ngtor, &c. .'-aw- 'il'iit
'H CFull Catalognes'sent oa application. .
, ;. " - : . . .
204 Lake Street, Chicago, 111.
VJTA 5" entirely new, swift and TDlegant
iEEsti3a passenger Steamer ALOKZO cniLt,Oapt.
: "..-.!' & i. . : J ' ' J t!;r.
'-' Abfoss The Shut
I r ;
r I i-.l'. : .' .; ; i . '
hi At ike. Head of 'the. Island
! Kew York, IIarch 20.
. The steamer Tennessee lias arrived.
She left Grejton on the 7tVin strand
Aspinwall on ihe 10th. ; r -'-, :
.. AValker's position is unchangedj-he
p till hold; Rivas.-. ,; - . ; -ro f.-
The allies remain at San Jorgei-.r
"Walter ; had-, attacked- the. lattei
place twice, but unsuccessfully.- .
: The failure cf Col.-Jock ridge's r at
tack on Castillo, i3 attributed to the
.cowardice of Col. ' Titus,-who;, subse
.quently left, going over, to Rivas. - V"
The allies made two attacks on Wal
ker's position, March 4th, but were
.repulsed. - '
The British steamer Clyde',- arrived
at AsDinwall.on the 9th. brindng SO
deserters from !Walker. J;
rflUEJrubfic'are hereby 'net fied, that, there was
J. made and esecntetl on' or About the 20th day of
February, A. D. 1S53, bv the undersigned, Three
Notes in TavoFof B. B.f Frazier," of two hundred
dollars each, one" payable September -1st, A. DvlS56:
ODe payable January 1st, - A, L, 1357; one payable
Mafch'Jst,-A-. D.-1857t ' The censid-.-rttion having
failed, for which the said notejwere given, we. shall
refuse further payment on ;tho sii Notes, or any
r&rt thereof. '- - '"''" '
' i i ' ! IlEXP-r Eurrsox, . j
K'-'k- 1 ' UrsRT W; LiKE:By;!
ii 1-: ft .! V J O.TO OwF. Jjakhis Agent.1
Brownville, March 12Ui,lS57.. ( ,;4 20-tf
Joe Holland, will oa the opcrainj of narigationi run
as aregular the. above and intermediate
points, the' hifTs- Tradts 'during the
entire boati-ag seabbn.' . J !' A TO jli I ') ."ir-'-j
Captain Holland, deeply grateful to hi3 numerous J j fj 5 r
iiiciju-iaion; me rsvcriormuiiucrai pii.nuiiugeuiiu- f.r . t r :
rtoi extended to. Awhile in command of tbe ' XOr S. HalT & C3'.S Saw Mllll
Omaha, and. other boats,, desires to return them his J .. v ri-i. -7) ujw'v j ;u 'ijj.i. -
If ifSibXr cotifidenco and patronage fftr his new boat,) HThIE andersignctf announces to the FubliJ that he
nrnm-iRin tintirciii!? exertions to render ceneral sac-1 JL; ,fl3S purcnajsea iue- r crry primage graaiea wac.
f.f. ... - - - - " ' " i ' 1 OAn I..Urslt tllA l-ia't SpVinn of 'th
1 ' . 7
Missouri has pledged her Stat(i fcre-
a - mm .
dit to railways, to the enormous
amount of $19,250,000. It is doubt
.ful whether the roads will pay the in
Jterest on the money.' iVi : - :
The steamer ."Polar Star" lias been
sold to the Pacific "Railroad Company
;.for S20,000v 'and will belong to the
'--Railroad line of-River. Packets.- -The
subject of establishing a reis
- try law Tsno'w occupying-the attention
tionxf the OhwLeislattfrc: - : .?
Fruit Tireies.'
.7 ' .HA
iff action
i The Aloiuo Child waSDuilt expressly for the Coun
cil Bluffs tiade; under tho especial mpervision' of
Capt. llolland, who begs to assure his friends that
tliev will End fcer to ba admirably adapted to the
w.mts of the river, boing of great strength, liglitnsss
of draught,ieauty of model, etc., with cabi n arrange
ments and accommodations not surpassed by tnose
ofny boat in jthe river, combining .8.11 the latest
ana. most modern improvements tnit could aua. to
tho safety) eomfort and -pleasure cf passengers,--
rotumg .wm be found ,wantmg in any of her ap
pointments which, belong to . those of a first class
jassenger oteamer. ' - - -( - ' j - .-
: March 19th. 57. , it . , I : 40-tf
SHRUBBERY?' ' 1 :'
Commercial Nursery
The Secretary of the Massachusetts
Jvansas Aid vommittee acknowledges
" the receipt "6fJ;42lG93'96. The cx
denditures amount to 39,093 94.
' A duel was -fourrht atl Mo5fle?'n
' the 7th ult.;between',!Nix6n "editor of
, the Crescent, and JBreckenridge, edi
tor cf .the- Courier. - At Uhe i second
- shot .Breckenridge was -wounded in
both thighs, and his left thigh wasbro-
ken." IVixcn ;,wai unhurt . Breckcn-
' ridge is the-VEamc percon that fought xit
Leavenworth. '. - ;
The St. Louis Democrat says that a
" new and dangerous counterfeit twenty
dollar bill, letter B,! payable . at the
Hopkinsville branch of the Bank of
Kentucky, is in circulation. .The clo-
scst scrutiny is required to distinguish
.. it from the genuine note. . i- ;
mo lowa central ivanroaa, irom
ons to the 3Iissouri river, was let
Cut to Lei. Jiason ana otner ccnirac
tors a shcrt time since. The entire"
read is to be completed in five years,
mid fully equipped, fcr 20,500' '"per
mile. -.- - - .
XSlooTYi 1 "M gton, Xll. ;
A IfXOUNE to-theritiizen of K.?roaha County
jf A. that upon the opening of JNavization they will
b in rcoeiptof a'larjje supply of al mix-1 every assort
lacnt usually to bp found in ;NurHori.oX , The stock
Irom wLich our seloc lions are made-13 very large, con
listing in part of ,jit'1r ! X --.a. i -
200.000 Apple Trees, from 6 to $ ret!- .-,
100,000 Dwarf Pear Trees, 2 yeiixi old.'", ","
IO.Oifl'Standar-1 -Jo '-j ' from 2 to 1 vor
100,000 Cherry Trees, 1 to 2 years' old, Dwarf and
r Standard. ... -!' .- i
rcaohrium. Atrioot, and Nectarino Treesin large
numbers.- ' - ' 1 ''
IOOjUOG Raspberries. embraung every tind of any
! All kinds of popular as well as rai-er kinds or other
ismall fruit.
Fore: gm and Native Evergreens -Norway Spruce,
Fines. Cnrplomeri s, Cedara, Bla k and White
Sprueej llalams, ! tleuilocks, .c lafge-'miiiura (t
small.- - 1- -f(i - ' ; r --i ft -f rTf '
Orna mental. Treti loses, Btrubbery, "Climbers,
f Jl-llJ Jiocts, native or impcrted; Dahlias, Cir-
nations, ruyjies, Curysanthemuaas, rhloxes, all in
great dbandanee, and of the most beauti til varie
While we confidently claimfor our. productions in
reneral an exeelleoco not furp?kieil by any other
Kursery, we particularly and emphatically designate
our stotli ol A ear trees, bota Dwfjrf and btandard,
as unraraletled titber in tstcht or ijualityj "by any
existin? stock in America. c-. '.
As -suggestive to persons abou" . (o pnreiase, we
would rwmarK tnat our trees were not subj-ctea-to
tho ejitrrme col t d a;mg the last w inttr, waa etfec
ted so extensive injary to Xurstries-attha. West
and that we have had no drought; duriBg, tbo-past
summer by whick.Uyi rrovth. ci..ct.r.trees has been
retarded. They may be relied upoa. therefore, to be
-propel health- red Tigor.-; J, - .-' j.
and is now prepared with a new and substantial boat,
atAlL.timc4.J.o. acc(.aumodate the, public... Charges
usual rates. .
March5tb1857.. - ; ." r -, - .3S-3m
Wlioloaalo . Grocer,
1857- cn$s6uiii river packet. 1857.
...... Twiliglat. ..lf
JOHN' S. EIIAW-" Master.
Xew Missouri River, Kansas 'and Nebraska Packet
forlS57.-. . -
. --fit te Auti eniirely new, swift and unsur-.
5raiki23a passed 'pais'scngcr fctcicmor. TWitiGirr,
Cipt. Joi n S. Shaw, will on the opening of naviga
tion run as a regular packet to the. above and all in
termediate points. 1 he 1 wilight was built expressly
Corner Second and Frances Sts. ;
'i ,J
GEO. S. JGAYEE & .CO., i r
i estate igs!
... i ... . i .. .
ba studied by every smith who shoes horses, and by
every farmer who owns a horse. The truth is, there
is not ona smith' in twenty who Inotcs otc to sioe a
horse properly, or one fanner in a hundred who
knows tclen a horse is shod a j he should be. The work
will jxiyyou if you will study it, and ten-fold if you
practice it. rlMJ"your inuta toiuuow iu uuurac.
tions. lUtnoit Janit'r.
i ".No man who owns a hrrseean afford to b without
this sort of inforwati n." Allxtny Eve. Jonr.
UEMi V CAKiiV UAlitD, l'ublishcr.
- - Philadelphia.
on th e route j and in the time
Being routes established fcv tst i
approved August 38, 183G. . Ctl.- I
15026. From Linden. Ho I
Ltwice a, week. . '. . ' r'a
r .
sunuEYcn civil; e::q!::ier.
WILL attend to any business- in his line when
called. I have a first rate compa, and having
had ' many years experience, both as teacher ahd
practical Surveyor, can givo satisfaction."
References: A. u.C'Mt.Hr, Hoover, Win.IIoovcr,
also, D. Ooust, W. Ilobjon, and C. A. Rowlcw, Sa
vannah. Mo. Addrrsi. j
March 13th, 1S37.J f
-emah City, XT.
WHITE. Grapo Currant Seedssaved from our
specimen plants in 1S5; will bo sent pre-paid
rn packages worth to ail who eooloa that amount.
Cckhaxts, Whit Grape, Cherry, and a collection
of eighteen other varieties, embracing all the novei-
. ltAsrnsRRiESy EoOa ,dfr-Fenteny, a. now., French
over-bea ring aort. frui. vry larg, and planU vigor-oos-raJjrcfy
ii3tu-ict varied .j. . . ; , j
M2bville ob Foub Seasons This is a variety
which ha3 been fully tested, and was awarded a
pmniunj at, the l$.ftT. ;Fair a fin dLpl.ty lof fruit
exhibited in the month of October it is by far "su
perior to any of ifcTcLAM." - -Th fruit is ai largn itnd
as good as the Eel Antwerp, I and the Autumnal
crop is abundant $0pcrdoien. - - - - ' -
Mount Hope iXurseriea, liocnestcr.ii. Y. l
N. B. Order? from unknown correspondents must
be accompanied by the cash'. 1 -
.'Vf "! ! 40-tf
I 1 ' " V , jr v .
jjcave L.maen iior.aar and wr-
6, AVlIrr arrive aS Mount Vetnon ?u
leave llonnt Vernon Mondjy and W P 1
at 1, P. M.; arrive at Linden ov G p5
uv u. l' if
a iwui kjjuux bv th f
lion river, Minnesota Terriurv, Fcrt lf
and Fort Fwandall, to Fort P.erre.'crJ
end Lack, onca a monthuUtt e Sigct r.
the 1st Qf each month; arrive at F
nti fl-
in li.dav3 leave lort Pierrtj.cil the V-
each inoc;hi arrived at Siocx .Uiy U $ i
oF the month. B;d3 to extend th .
Mills eo, lowa,
' Cass cot Nebraska. -.
WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves
tigating Titles, Paying Taxes, Investinsr mon-f
ey, Buying and Sellin' Town Lots, Buying; Selling
and Locating Land Warrants, end all other business
connected with their profesaioi in Western Iowa and
v 1 1. -
viora-KA. r . . r
J. M. DEWS, Associate Attorney.11 '
- 1 ' REFERENCES : 1 ' j ' L
Greene,' Wearo Jk Bentonyi ; Council Blafi3,' Iowa.
Greene, Weare & Rice,' A ' . . FtDes koines
Oreene & eare L'Q'IOiii Cedar Rapid., ; 'j .
.Nuon & Goodman, 1 . ; ? f ., Cinci nnati O h io
Tootle & preeno,'
Sj.W. Thomaa,' -,'-v.oy
Schoolv A Son r
Gen. Wm. Irick,
U. Johnson,- ' u t.v
I. Reed A Son,
Robinson A Hro, ,
Burlington C." Bant,; ''
Glen wood- Iowa.
"'Cincinnati, Ohio.- j
.y,. i ....
Vinccntown, 3f. J.
' Hightstown,
Philadelphia, Pa1;:
I- Medford,X J.
"Herrins's Patent ChSmipioa
WITH .llali'a Patent Powder-Proof Locks-the
same that were awarded separate Medals at
the World's Fair London, 135 1, and the World's Fair.
New York; 19534i ahd aro tho only - American Safes
that wer- awardrd medals at the . London World's
Fair - - - - -
! , These Safes are now admitted to be stperiorto'any
ever offered to the public ; and the sub.-wribers chal.
lenger the World to produce an, instahco of these
Sales falling to preserve, their conteutathrougS the
hottestfres, or a burglar picking tho lock..; ; , ,r f
The subscribers and their" agents ar$ the onTy per
sons authorized to make and fell Ilenring'a 1'atcnt
t-nampion' 5aie, witu AlaJi's.l'atent l'owder Proof
Locks. . ...
i " I ' ,'r. :S.C HERRING A CO.
', ; .. Green Elock, 135, 137 and 139 Water St., .
' I -' ' . r and 5 Murray St' ew York!
I Hutch 5th, 1857.- ; ' i ZS-tm
. : . l ill . s:
yl.TTASnn hand, aind .to arrive. th followiner trtu
for the Missouri river trade, under the especial super- JljL cles, which will be sold tothft trade on accom-
vision ol capt. btiaw, who begs to assure his fiends rnodating terms, EXCLUSIVELY1 -AT WIIOLE-
that they will fnd her to be admirably adapted to
the wants of thorivert being t f great strength and
lightness of draught, with cabin arrangements and
accommodation! unsurpassed, combining all the
latest and most modern improvements that could add
to tne gaiety, comfort and pleasure of passengers.-,
Nothing will be found wanting in any of tier appoint
ments wnicn ueiong to a hrst class passenger steamer.
juarcn lain, s, j j . 40-tf
it J
Cigars all- qualMOO bxs I D. and
'. ? ' r " chees' '
.1 i j i
W Jt
r! jLucs, Jleteor, & Silver Heels.
E.JI.'SIVER r blaster J. 11. Lucas
T. E. DRiFFIN ... ..Master Meteor'
For St. Joseph. Brownvjlle, Nebraska City, Omaha
a:aa iiun city. i
'.'I'-'fr? W 'THE St. Louis,- St. Joseph, Brown ville,
.Nebraskaj Omaha and Bluff City Light-a-ss-iSI
nig Packets, Jas. II. Lucas, Meteor and
Silver Ilsch, -will leave : for the above and all inter
moliate points every . Tue?lay evening, at 4, o'clock.
throughout the season. Tbo new and splendid pas
senger steamer Meter, aiid the well known, fast and
splendid passenger steamer, Jas. II. Lucas, connect
ing with the fine and fast packet bilver Ileols at St.
Joseph, forming tlie oalyiure.Jind. quick passage
from S.t. Louis to the above named places.
': From jhc iaswrthpeed, capacity and comfort! of the
boats composing .this line, the traveling public may
rest assure 1 that nothing will ba Wanting on the part
cf . their1 oiliJes and tre.v td tender their trip both
pleasant, aiiil tgrecatle. .. . .
March lfch57. - - " " - i; 'Jl ' . !46-tf
Marehi l57rf
. NevtYcrk..-';
. w. rox, !
in L-
t - ,
to be
Ab:-t to hundred members of tlie
1 profession, recently assembled
ivJcs, or purpose cf.crgain-ihemsclvcs-
into n cssociaticn,'
called tbo "Collece of Dentists of
1 1 .1
zvoczziQ ii:
T T .
1. (I
of C.
lO. W. CHtlC1.
. -I r. it ! .. r I "
; - 7'cntrA, tratt r? co. .. .
Directl mjH,rtcrs, Jobbers and Manca:wturcrs Afents
English, French, Germari American
. ; IlardvraTC and, Cutlery.' r v
- ".GUNS, RIFLES, ?ISTOUS,'&d, 1
139 & 141 Haiti St, cor. "Waslitegtoa A.Toisue,
-ST. Louis, up:. -r (';:'
EsrAnriQQir t3:di.ipsoii, '
Will practice jvj'utly 5a H tuMniss eatrested to
them thatwili require attention at the .:: .
ABCnE?5: K' Eii;UUro3K C aa.aa City, N. T.
- J. L. Nf TkcUjSii,rrweviHe;;NT..-;
1 .
;0cf their
years of iiirc.-
r' TV.zinz Tourt man:
CI t
i Country' Produce'
"TTT ANTED, and for whi h we nllow tie hiihest !
V Msrkft rrici. LTIlLITZILL A CO.
1857-r MlSQVP.L -iirvTii PACKET. . 1857.
4 1
CHAS; R. BAKERi ..i..... 1.... .... Master.
W.jHScrbiEX... .." - .... : . .Clerk
For Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluffs, Uellevae,
St. Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden,
BrownviHe,LowjillTUrcgon,Iosa Point, Savannah,
St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, Weston, Leaven-
wott!i City? ikAiisaS, iadepenienco; Ubertyj Lex-
lngtcn, &o.f . ... r .. .
... tc0 -C S THE entirelv-n'iw. swift and" rie-
r fir. -if , 'i. gnnt passengers saroetMrji-se-'g a
HA, Cspt. Clns. ltaker, V. II. ScrPDj'Jt jClerk;
willi'oti tho opening of navigation, run as a regular
packet .to tha above named anl all intermediate
points, continuing in the Riuffi trade during the
entire boating season. ' '
Capt. Iiak-T, tbaikfiil- to the public for its very
generoas support bestowed upon the Admiral, while
under 'lis eiamcd, hereby begs leave to tender his
acknoTfladgeaients and solicit for his newt-oat a con
tinuance of its confidence and patronage, pledging
untiring' exertions of himself and oEieers to give
full sa,;iifactkn to those with whose business he may
be honored. " Tbe Min-ne-ha-ha was built expressly
for th Comcil Elnffs trade, under the special super
vifion tf Captain Baker, who has sjaredao trouble
or expsnso t) make ker an A No. I Misstjari River
ctcaiaer, anibegjto asrara hi.i friends that they
will; fiad her to le in all rejpects, most admirably
adapttd to :.he wants of the river, belrg of grca.
strengLli, ligitncssof dranght, c:isinessof moJcland
fuch application cf -oiochneryf 'a most tmako her
ono cf the f.vst ones, with cabin arrangements and
aceoraedatiens of a very superior order, and netez-
celled cy those of any boat in the river, eomoining
all tho most modern iinrovemeLt? that softly, cons
fort, or pleasure oull tu :.;est," . . 1 1, in .nil -Lef
Appointments, nothing will ba wanting bdoEging ta
those -it! a lirst class p i5scngf r ste?taer,
MaicS: ltfth, '57. 40
4000" sacks G A Salt 150 boxes starch ..' ,, : .
200 Hhds N O Sugar 200 bbk and hf bbl3 water
500 sks Rio Coffee and but'r crackers '
100 O G Java Coffee 200 bbla and hf bbls pilot
10O Lsguayra- , . :. bread and pic nic do . , '
100 Mocha ' ' u 200 bbls soda milk sugared
250 ' nblfl,- naif bbls andluu egg and wine do j r
I kgs Belcher's Molasses; lt)0 bbl.i apple vinegar
200 bbls, half bbls and qrSOO bxs Tobacco all grade?
' N N refined do ' 1 200 bxs smoking' tobacco,
150 half chestJ tea all various brands ...
kinds - - 10fr bunches pipe stems
250 bbls Belcher's Sugar 50-bbls II S-Sicily and
J50 bbls,' halfy q,: bos 1 . , Joca Almonds -
2 and 3 Mackerel 50 bbls filberts, fcrazil
200 bxs dried herrings nuts, pecans
'20 hf bbs White Fish, 1 00 kgs; S C Soda j i
5 drms dry Cod Fish 500 kegs assorted nails
209 bxsass'd earidy.'i' SOObxH half andqr star
lODjfoncy,',", ; -. . ', candles
300 drums figs " , ' 150 do sterine do
100 bx? hi' and qrs Rais-200 do bar soap
ins- :;.. i. 50 do rock candy.
.. SO bzi Prunes' ')'.,"..'
'.- SUNDRIES f 'f. ', "A
" Cotton yarn, carpet chain batting, canllo wicks,
cotton and hemp twine, wheat and. meal sacks, axes,
spades and shovels, garden speeds and straw rakes, leg
chain, lead shot, powder brooms, wrapping paper,
hemp, manilla, jute and cotton cordage, indigo and
madder, alum, white lea?;.wifldow sash, window
glass, tumblarsJarsof different sizes, flasks assorted
, sites, sassafras bark, pie fruits, fresh peaches, brandy
cherries and pemmes, current ana raspberry jelues
fresh tomatoes, canton ginger, rcserve3, nut megs,
cassia, penDersauce, tomato: ana , wainut r cauup,
lemon svruD. lobsters, sardines, extract and essen-
otfeoace; cnotolate, piciies, maicne, etc . ,)
- : ' "WOODEN ARE. " "
Wash boards, tubs, common pail3, cedar pails B B
pails,-pise and rodar churns, bound churns, tar
buckets,; well buckets, ceda? car mop sticks, butter
prints,buckeye bowls in mefts; iron bound keg?, one
two, inTee, five and ten gauon, inesmauereize with
bales; common and I D half boshels and measures,
cam stools etc,
I am also agent for the sale of K'A salt, and have
now on haBd 2,000 Ills for;ale at cost and transpor
tation. . I hare the exclusive s? le by direct consis-n-
ment of re hundred dozen Field's celebrated oysters,
acknowledged to be tne betipuiup in ualtimore
To California amd Ssdt Lake Emigrants.
Tour especial attention ia irrrited to my extensive
stock, which embraces everything suited to your
wants in crossing the plains. I wilf at all times keep
oa nana Cost, meal, oacon, iara, nara oread and
crackers, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash
3Sly r : ) j, b. JENNINGS.
rpiIE subscriber has a variety of choice Seeds, of
X . Which he has grown and tested the past season,
and decmi them worthy of general cultivation by all
lovers of good things. Thcsa Seeds he will jend
post paid, by mail, a package of 20 taricties, ("of your
own selection,) for $1, or a larger number ib the same
proportion;. four varieties for 21 eta., or one variety
for Scents". J Ho has of ' ' '
Water. MElox34-The Now Oiangj, Ice Cream,
Lradfords, Llales. f omaria. and I rcmiura.'
Can'telopeS Christiana, Walert," MorihV best
Green,"Extra JCutmeg, Morifls' beit Tellow,. Extra
dotted Kind, ilinora. , r. ' ?
. McKee'a Mammoth Miiskmelon, Class'Melon
CccCMBttSH-Early FramerLong Island, Five" Foot,
;English UherkinFig Jonaato, Mammofh, Grape,
and Cherry Tomato, Cape Gooseberry.-' r J'k
SQUASaK3SweetPotato Boston MarrowrCustard,
Woolsdy a Cream. Dennis' Striped.Crookeck, Ala
bar1 a Golden, White and Yellow .Scollop. .
CORJf-Andrewi Premium, HarrU' 40 Days, V y
andot, King FtiJipShoe Peg, StoweH'3i Evergreen
Sweet, Darling's fcitra Sweet, Flour, Chocolate,
Sorsho Blanco or Dourah Corn, Lxira Fop Corn
PEA3-Anvaer;me. Prince Albert, May, Champion
of England, Japan, Queen of Dwarf?, Prolific Dwarf
lEASi3-t-iiexican lurtle ooup, vetmore sirotaen
Eyed, Canada Kidney, Hungarian Lima Haricot's
de. Soissons, Three Foot or A?Fa'"aoa? Hungarian
lickUean, Uapo de erdc. '
Nepaul Barley, rrench; Jlulot, Hungarian Mulct.
Lgyptian heat, 1'oiand Oats. ' . .
Lainton lota toe Jfumpkin, llcad Lettuce, bwcet
Turnip, Mock Orange, etc- etc. ' !
Send currant bank bills or postage stamps When
orders cannot be filled, the monej will be promptly
returned free of expenso. .a ilj t ( "
Address U UURIS
March 12th, '57. r Windsor, Ashtabula Co.," O
' - T
' , jitAIIA.' CITY, IT. T.'. . I
"tTTlLL aUecd promptly to aJ business ia lis pro
V ifession when called on : such as subdiving
I Claims, lavinz cat Town Lots, Drafting City Flats,
tf t. 37-tf
DEALEB Ut. 1 '
Jewelry, Hated Ware, Cutlery, Spoons, Aq. Ac.
Nebraska City, N. T. '
t57EKGBAnxa and Repaikixo done on short
notice, and all work wakbasted.
First Street, (epposita 'AdvertiaerV'
r Respectfully solicits the patronageof the public in
'-. " J Buying and belling
And Filing Declaration of Intention to
:isj7.-v to
0. r. last:,
w- iL' nooYEa,
Nemaha City.
IL' JfflTS Ilil,
Erownvillo and iremaha City,
WILL promptly attend toliand Agencies, Paying
ta:aa, Drawing money, buying and selling
Real Estate, buvinr and'stll n? on Commission,
Making Collections for distant dialers, and. all kinds
of business pertaini&g to-their profession -i '
1 articular attentom will be given n tiling declara
tory gtiitementa ,to -pre-empt and procuring War
ranty Deeds from the Town authorities.
l'ersons owning town lots, residinzat a distance
wishing to procure Warranty Deeds, will da well to
placo the agency in our hands, (always presenting
their Quit claim Deeds for said Lot3,) within the ex
piration of six meet lis; aa after that timdalllotd net
Deeded will be sold.
Blanks always on hand. 1 '. a .a
NV B. letters of inquiry answered promptly. ;
March 25, '57. 41-lj
from S Ion x City to Council Slt: loo
furlht? will bo considered. : . , 'a
! 1502S: 'From Sioux Citv, by L'lVf,
court river, to the" South Pass, 750 afln
Lack, once a month; Icuve S'wax City t
each monta; arrive StXilh'Tiss ia 25 j
leave South Pass 1st cfj;L month; lrJr1",;
Sioux Citj in 25 days. "
. ' 15029. Fcom Council BUfTs.Io'p
Laramie, Nebrask.1 Ter,ntwy, to Silt u
k. . , '" . ' A.
monta; leave Council LI tins lo of erea,,
arrive at Salt Lake in 30 d tys; Jen-f 5,..?
lath'of every month; am re a CojaV. V
SO days. Proposals to end at Fortl
d also, to commence service at Omaha
YJiMjii.i!;) :. ;;.
' Nebraska City, N. T . . .
THIS tJompany under a liberal charter, is now
' fully organiicd, and their entire capital etock of
Fifty TkoHittnd Dollar, paid in and secured. They
are prepared, from this do,te, to grant open policies,
and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most
favored Insurance Company any where-. Having
adopted the mutual principle, iu patrons, without
incurring any liability, will share in the profits tf
the company.
The operations of the Company, will be conSned,
for the present, to Marine, or cargo risks, with a
maximum liability or f l,iUU on any one bottom.
Heme tbe only Insurance Omec, on the above pc-P-
ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex
pects a generous support from Weetern Merchants.
e respect! ally invite the Missouri liivcr pa
tronage. - . "
'DIRECTORS : .- ''.' ''
S.F. Nuckolls,' - Chas. F. Holly, (
" II. P.Pennel, J. L. Armstrong,
. ' W.'JS. Ilinchman, Miles W, Brown,
.f:rz .' .. A. A. Bradford. ir ...
omcms: t t.
-T(- CHAS.F. nOLLY, President
I !.LJ;OAt3tDX,ceyA
St. Louis Agent Col. W. P. Howard. .
Myriads of Madura Plants. 1,000
Buslicb Madura Seed.
and also, wcomiuts acrvite ai umaiaTs.
Nebraska Territory, and nm by Elkborn
Buchanan, tolumlus, una I'ort Keartt
Salt Lake, are invited. '
150X). From NebraskiCicv, byLTTOr.
Tecumseh, Turkey Creek; UnJ Otoe M'2
to Mary ville, Ka:isa3 Territory, GOrnila
backonce a week; leave NebkiCitj
day at 8 A. M.; arrive atiMarysvjlleneai,,
by 6 P.M.; leav Mary villa WeaaeVg
8 A. M.; arrive at Nebraska Citv tiex: djj'jf
6, P.M. Bids to extenJ thd'smicjj
Marys vi'.lc U)-Lecomptcn, will be corVJ
.15031. From Omadi to Elkhorn Lvff),
miles arid back, oncea Mrtek. Bidden ri
state tbe distance and rsjoit a schedule of
p&rtureand arrivali. ' " '
.15032. From Omalii.Cily, ty El&a.
Fontenellc, Running Watei, atd FortEaiiii
to Fort Piene, 40O roil;, and back otcti
week. " Bidders nay projposa 'schedule of i
parturc and arrivali. . . ,
"15033.Frora-Oma'bs. City, j Flore:!
Fort Calhoun, De SotokCt:TT.iDCitr.Tebaa
Black Bird, and Coudi, t 'Dahkotah Ctr.ffi
miles, and back,'6nce' a v;ejk. Lcav4Oc.i1
City Monday at 7, A. M.; arrive atD,ihk
City AVedensday by 6, P.M., leave Dahkuj
City Thursday at 7, A. M.; arrive at OnA
City Saturday by 6, P.JVt. Proposaljfaiasi.
time3 a-week service are irvi:e.L-
15034-. ' KearaejCir,
uS'iailei nad '"Sick ajesk;;Lni
Omaha.' City. Monday r;7 A.M.; tt:.kt
Kearney City next day nt 5, P.M4, leave Ka
uey City -t Wednesday at 7, A.M., amr i
Omaha Citv next day 'by'. 3. P.M. Proncaj
for three-.times-a-week service are kr'ii
15035. Frotn-Omahii,City, ly "ScWa
City. Kearney Cit. liont Venon, Bran-
ville, Nemaha City ru;d Rub ta Whitchri j
150- miles ; and back, cnoe a week. La"i(
Omaha' Citv Mcndav at 0." A.M.: rr.Ti.
Whitehead V ednesda)' by Q, P.M.; lew!
Whitehead Thursday uC 5, A.M.; anivii.
Omaha City Saturday ,by V, A.M." Prrpoji
forthree-limtss-a-veek B.rvj.ce a; i-riti
; 150CG. From DaLkclab. Cu; to Serj-jsan
B1uJLjt4: miles and back, three tirres a week
Leave Dahkotah City Monday, Wediicb
and Friday at 8, A. "M.; arrive at SwTiMi
BlufTi by ::.2.H.;;Imvq .Serjeant's B!u!
Mondqj-, Wednesday, and Friday ai 12, H,
arrive at Dahkotah City br 2, P. M.
15037. FromDahkolaL Citr.byS'.XM
Ayoway Creek, and Rahninj Water R'.ver,
Fort ;Laramie, 400 railei and back, oca 1
month. Bidilers may p-opose a schedule i
departures) and arrivals.'
15033..' Frora Omadi,' by Dabkota'a Cf.
to Secant' BluSs, Iojv:i, 11 miles aiW
once a week; leave Omadi Monday at 3, At
arrive at Sergeant's Blu3i by 11 a. jl;
Sergeant's Bluffs Monday at 1, r. m ; srivjs
Omadi by 4, p. ir. PropisaLi far tbee-iis
a-wcek sendee ure invited." (" " ' r- 'w
15030. ";FroraVlatts:iimb,by
and V v r.fn in r 't.-i Tvpirt'.Ar CV. 25!
back, ,once a week ; leave'Platniouth Mj: ' j
at b, a.m.; amveat h.earney Uty&JVM
leave Kearney City Tui sday at 8, A. u ; W
alPlattsmouthby 6. r.r. Pro royals fort,
a-week ccrvice lire iasitei', I ci. ' i -.
15010. From Wvomina to SMser, L
15 rn Jcs and balk,' onca a: week; leave W?
iuz pIoniy at 7. a, si.: arnva at Siduej -.
day by 12t3t.; leave Sidtey Mondav at2,rt
arri vl nl? W vnrr.riiirujrri it i v hv 7 P.TL I
: IJloorainstonlll., , ; .
BEG leav to announce that they have, for
ger ies of years, been, engaged ia the culture of
hedges and -heU;o flanti, and havin; been, greatly
encourmtd by'tha ucca of.tha'lUclara Iledzc.
and stimulated by the immensely increasing demand
for the material, they have-orn, th present season
on good, new lund, about 150 bushels of execllert
eed the produce of which ii estiniatcd at fftetn
million$ ftantall, which thry offer lor tha bpring
trade,' . It would kac requirtamore than that amount
to tvpjjijf the demand the panl 8rinj. The terms
ftT planU will bo rentonable, acd to dealers and oth
ers rderin-r plants by wholesale," great inducements
will bo offered.- It is very important that orders
gnouia bo sent in KAiLr; a? tacywrlr ba registered
anl filled in th'i ordar in wMch thynrrTe?eivcd,
ror the last three years h?y havo. bea unablo to
supply the dciiAnd, and it is probable that late or
ders cannot be filled the next Spring, ai tins demand
is expected to be four timet greater than heretofore.
iianis wm d securely pat lied ana Uctlvfrcd on
board the cars free of expense, except fur cost of ma
terial. ,
- fl t ' i . . '
.iacjniBi.M extensively engsgca In impoTtial
hetlga seed, which they s-.-ll. )a the beet, terau, and
alwavs warrant freth and !dj order Sut which
rhould br sent in prior to the J5ih xf October next
1 hey will tb prepared to sprout aepd fof such as de
: Having acvera.1 ettenslve nareries,' 'they offf-r, at
wlole.-ale and reil, a Jara t-ck of thrift j Fruit
and Oruamcnt-'U Trees, Vinos, la. SLrublxry, lc
at tao fyUcwjcg 'points, U; wit; Li!oimint,on. 11U
.iouna .uroery. Canton, III Ilennr i.lmiooJ. ana
Havana, 111. All Fruit Trees warrantod to ba of the
best varieties; and true to name.- All information
cheerfully gircn, and catalogue and premium essay
on uca
on liedeing sent to all api.lieants. ' Ad Jre-M. ': '
, f K ; (" OVEUMAS" & .MANX. ,
Fcb.5, l$o7. ' ' " 3;iooniington,T.linois.
All claimant) f lands are advised to file i aimed!
ately, if they have not already done so, as the provi
sions of the rre-empticnlaw ia that respect are plain 1
j i -i i j zs : .:n .r. k
. iw..(;'!?;,M -;(i,nnt fi!in, - ,-r . f AALAkiiAU mil. OlU -AJIL
Brownville, Jan. 15, lSi7. .vl-n:ltf, . . '
luO ll f iFrom Vyoaii:)- to Salt Creel,
mueaaja Lac. -s; once a weem-ieave v.i
Mondav at 9 A. at.:- arri-re at Suit OttL
dny by a2, jl; leave Salt Creek Tudi'4
p. m.;. arrive at Wyoming" rjcjiJay by 6, M-
, 150-12 Frcm.NfchraskaCitytoIt C
47 miles and beck once a week; leave
ka City Monday at 8, A. :.; a.we it S-u.
next day by 12, ii.; lej.v j SaCrM TbI
at 2, r. m.; arrive aSNubnuskj City Bextdj-:f
15043. From Kearrey City to e
Kearnev250 miles and back, once a
leave Kearney X'ity first day ol "every
arrive at Kew" Fort Kearney in 10 days '
Kew Fort Kearney . 12th oi every raocii;
rive at Kearney Citv ir 10 days. - -,
15014 ."From -Bnmnville to '.,
Feanjey,,220mi!es and back, once am'-'
leave Bmvuv:IIu Idt of 'e very montb;
at New.Fort Kearney in" 10 d lysr ve s
. . . - . ... .
Fort Kearney 12th -ok" i;acinionta;
Brownville m.lQdny-r7-r,
15045. -From Brryvnville, by Eocif?ft'
Linden, Mo. 14 miles and back, three
week;, leave Drownviile Monday, Wedne
and Friday at7, A. Mi arrive at Linden bj
a. M.;-leave Linden Monday, WcdnesdJ j
Friday, at 12, at; arrive at LrownvillebT-'
Pnpoa;d4 to f $ rv i c 3 at T.'
invited.. . . . .
' 15045. Fron Eulpi' on tbe Miun raj
between Gnntand Little' Nemaha r"...
Archer andTi.!eaf'tci Blue Hirer. W
and back, own a'eeU' leave Euto l;uiK
7.A.M.; arrive rt.Bi:'IJloKiTer.a17
DiLLOir. THonpsoir & co.
Large Frame Bnildmg Cor! Miin & Fock Sta.
.:- . rock ioni,,MO . ;
: Wao-sesale and KeUil Denlcrs in .-S
; ;. " And - Groceries, ' .
Hardware, Qneensware, Drugs, IIat3, Caps)
" Boot?, Shoes, Tinware,' Stoves, '
Furniture, Iron, Nails, Plows,
"i. and Farming TJtCBl3."
WILL lave, on the opening of navigation, a
Urge and varied accession to their present
Stock, which will be sold Low for Cash.
. February 12th, 1857. , . ' 35-tf
Hardware, " Cutlery and Iron.
A LARGE assortment at
V l
: - THE CHEAPEST - : ;
(Dlo'tiiing; Store
, ' UNDER THE 'SUN!! !
TTH undersigned would rwpectfully inforni the
citiicns of Brownville and surrounding country,
that we have opened one t f the cheapest and lar;:
stock tif is , , , ,
' - -; Ready - JIade Clothing -
in Nebraska Territory! Ve thercforo re.p?ct filly
solicit a call and exaaiin-a oar stock before purchasing
e'?either'. .j we are dfterrcsiad toTvhr-c'.l any
CIothic5 Eittiblu-hment in tha Territory: "We have
now on hand a large a0Ttment of Heady Jlade
Clothing a!., Shiru, (Lilian. Cravat, llandker
chiefj, 8ocks, ComforU, Uadcrshirts, Drawers, te.
all of the b:st quality anl Utept style.
Flease-examine our et-: and seo f ryoTir-elf
Stosz Oa tha Leveu near the Hotel.
Brownville, De-cetibtr, 5tb, 1333. vlc27-tf
Or POt.; leave Bi ldne lii ver a
17, a. at.; arre at JSulo 5atu-day by
RIC.rH k 'For forma tf proposal gbaranty and c?-
"v ' Mtn rt!-n,iirtAi '.ml nnn:remeBH
embraced in tie ccntnx). sc' thi ad fen
m panipnies iora a
ion tof' routes in
and also ad? ertiicnn
Territory, &c, datod Feb.0(
TIIU ub;ers w.oiil.l call partica ,
to the following Stedi: .'; Cecil
A full aor tmcnt of .' 2i jdon. and fiu'j V
Eroom Corn Sf'ed of a Haivrior quality- "
rust Sccd.-lJif3 r.e-.t Oaiutf seed 7 f ;
White and WlJow Sagii? Ueot. P,
ki nd3. ' lied ui Whi te ' Clover ; Tw
Gra.s, etc. .w p';
We have- a venr extirsirw avattni .,:S'
SecdVIS rair3 of waich Coat 'i;l'7kl.
forwarded, r r rid,on the receipt cf n $
i crmi d:
would do well to ordiT Immediately
. 11. A. TKK
rrpaidjon the receipt cl "y,
;sirous f orlerirj any
Co jncil a.i'
April 2d, 1857.