Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 09, 1857, Image 1

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    .4 C
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WL. I.
NO. 43.
i J -p toy Aj): tf
1 X; ix ; r: Qz yH J
! pjjiB a m rrciisnra rrrsT tktxsday 1T
j 'fcszd Street, - V4ter: r
UVe' Clock,) . ;
lrtJV . - - 150-
' -j rrTT. ' 12 Vines or lc, one iasenion,
tLrsa nioctl;s,
y six 'jflt.Js ". -"
! . ont -rear,
iiia-a Carls of IIbm J6 ; i
Gw'.iima. ne Tear, . ' ,
.-balf Cvhuac, one jcar,
- fcr;& . -
Ooiaani.wx months. . , t .
- lu'i C-Umii, ix iaor.:b,
- rl;' - " , : v , ,
; -' h2f Ckiuif lire isoa-J, -
- 4M
i tXO
Si, CD
; c,oo
' : 01IAIIA i CITY, 5 JT.' T. - "
J57"lsd carefaUr located, and entered for cus
tomers. Lots and Lacds bought and old. - -
XE1IAUA CITY, X. T. ;: .:
Tenders Wt prefck-Ionil serrices to th citirena a?
j esukha county. - -
Ten per cent fr eaca cUlj. Le aided. U the
' Aa'iin- Distss Carli of re liaei or less, for
nfl .
i ftdTertiieinaat VJ b considered J tie year,
fSed ob to mannacript, ur prcnon&J
i-rI Bp.a between the parties. . . m
'Ai-nbeaicrw not marked on the ropy Tor a fpeci-1-1
K-lt iuscriloitf, will be continued until or-t-ti
Decani cLa.rd according. ' ' :
f.i tirerusecicsU tvxa iMtgcn 01 i--'.
wbe paid in adrance. - : '
7w r;vLr?pe J rcarty adrcrtiserf wui be eotfined
-.J'j U :'ir husiness ; and a3 adTertiscmcrti
ne-':ii-S thereto, to be paid f.r extra. " ' -!
" K'.l iead-J aJvartiscmecU charjed double tieabore
; IAlertie8ienla oa the inside exdasiTclj will be
,HARDiK3j Kir.:20USH co;
. So 49 Hain ttmt, bet. Cliva end Pine,
: .... ,.ST. LOUIS, MO.
Particular attention paid to toaaufaeturin t
tnest ilole LlaU.
" A: L. COATE, ; : . - ;
. ... j . . . J'etrxskx Territory. - - - y
A Archer,: Richardsioa county, X. T.
XTm practice in the Courts of Nebraska, auistfrd
by Harding and Bennett, Nebraska City.
xc "was ine morning oi s. new year
that had jist setT4n, fright,- golden
and beautifriLT iThe sun clistened like
jeweled-xaiment in the cloudlesa fckyl
The chur-xng of Jhe silvery, sounds of
the tells :ruck joyfally pj)on the lis-
; mere was a lime iri a cuna oi
pojertvonthat new year's morning--'
walking tHe street3 with th3 gaT crowd
that swept past her.-- Her little feet
had grOKn so numh," encaaed- only in
thin sho-eSj and those badly won that
she conll: but with difBeulfcy, move the
one tefors the mother. ) 3Jer cheeks
shook at erery step she took, End her
lips looted purple. Alas, poor Elsie
Gray j .-elut was a little beggar, '-p
Just like the old year was the" new
year ;ta her,, just like the last year's
wants, tnd the last year s sufferings,
were the wants and sufferings of this
The change in. the yew brought no
change lid. her condition. Her mother
was x widow and an hiTalid. and the
child a poor beggar. .. :;r5 ,";.
In ; tjie' ; old and . ' che2rles3 " room
Attomey-and Cuisenat Law. eil no bright fires of anmyersary.
,.-r .x-t,t . rrvr No crerreens, no wreaths, no flowers,
, - a i.TTt Trlic " save a iew mci it"ereu ones,' uecjeu
u"wr its tizac-rtainedwalls. There was
WILL attend promptly to all buvsnees entrnszea
to his care, in Nebraska Territory and ;Wtr
ernloira. , . " . 4
SeptembcT 12, 1555. arlnlS-ly
his hand in his pocket he grasped the ature of the last, gratefully cool, and
coin his mother had this Tery ncarning here I am permitted to immerse my- A little incident occurred in a family
given him, and drew it forth. : 5 self in a large cistern of moderately grocery, which, could the reader have
"xou may nave tnat, saia ne, noia- cola water. now reiresning ana i seen lor nimseu, would nave fcept turn
in it out to the child.
after the sweatings, rub- in laughter for a week. A lean Conn
ie, "7
. yBlarks
... i
1 uOlU-?,
1 'J:)Zt
4'0h, you are too good. You are too bings, scrubbings, pullings, pinchings, j tryman entered the grocery having in
er, a3 if sho ought not to take it from belatherin and pumice stonings of he desired to exchange for sundry
hhn.: - - v No3. 1 and 2
"Mother will give me another, if I .1 am reluctant to quit my present
want Jt, said he.-"It will do you quarters, but am commanded to get
goou, iase it,. iaa:e n ; you aaau taa:e j ouu x uo so, ana my lenaer ana new-
it," and he was gone. "T1
born infant skin (as susceptible as the
" It was a" gold coin" the value of five j surface of a skinned eel) is centlv rub
i dollars.'" "-" 1 - lrr ' ', beddown and cnveloned in a sheet:
Mother and child wept together.-1 then, mounted once more on my lofty
Then they talked- of the good boy pattens, and supported as at first, I am
whose heart had opened for them on led back to the robing saloon, where
thi3 New Year's day. There was laid upon a mattress on the fioor with it's a shame.1
bread, and fuel, and clothing, and eve- my head raised by a pillow," and with "What's a'sha
ry comfort in its depths. They conti- a quilt orer me, I am presented with a "Why, look a-here. Mister1
housekeeping necessarie3.
"Want any eggs to-day, blister?"
xes, will take em; how many have
yer got?
" lout three dozen ; how much d ye
give for eggs?"
"Ten cents a dozen.
"What! only ten cents a dozen?"
"Yes; that's all we get ourselves."
Well, then, all I ve got to say is
"He's dead!" How frequently ij
that brief but admonitory sentenco'
uttered without exciting any but tho t
most transient emotion without awa-'
keninga deeper or more permanent'
reflection than the next passing the nght .
will entirely obliterate from the mli u ;
Two friendj shall
casual v meet .fcfJt:
a temporary separation, and inquire
after a third and mutual friend. "IIcV
dead !" is the melancholy and impres
sive -rejoinder.- If men of business,1
perhaps he was one who entered lar
gely into their speculations all their
projects for the advancement cf their;
fortunes all their worldly-minded
schemes of aggrandizement yet "he's
dead." The intelligence is received
with an exclamation of surprise; a
significant shake of the head a sen-
I. V a
nuea 10 gaze upon . xneysaw iui- cup.oi conee ana a rersian xvunan. nere the countryman patted h!3 eggs sation nearly allied to pity and regret;
in it3 rim -pictures of , 'delight and joy. I sip, and puff, and dose; and dose, affectionately, and viewed them as but it is not heard "as if an angel
Ah! what a philosopher's stone wa3 and puff, and sip; and I am of the though they were the veritable product spoke." and as time passes they hurry
that coin! How it turned every thing opinion that, after all I had undergone, of the giant's "golden hen. "Why, off without further comment to their
first into gold and then into happiness! my present blis3 ha3 been cheaply look a-here. if you wa3 a hen. wouldn't respective counting-houses, where tha
U, what bright rays shone forth "from purchased; lam roused from my you think it was mighty hard times if
me inning com oi gold f. reverie dv a pome inquiry n x wm De von had to lav es for onlv ten cents
i m m - . . i J - mi "cn- j
That night returned this angel boy a second time shampooned, to which I a dozen ?"
hen filled; with ansvrer, "Certainly Dot. la lialf &n - The cxp
to the .bleak iouseV-ithen
expression of countenance, the
happiness and lighted with joy; but he hour, or thereabout, 1 rise and dres3, sincerity, the indi nation, the evident
was not alone his ; mother wa3 with and leave the hummum. And now it oninion of the e-raiser that the
sound of. merry voices within
door, to say to the widow Gray
-A nappy nCTT Jcar 10 Jouf "3.
Gray."1 y. 1 ;
HeaTen seemed to have walled her
And General Commissioa SleTcluuits.
t er-rr o.hrkind f "work that tir be called for.
tip purcbAi'ed, in connection with the 44 Adrer-
isti" VLx, aa extensive and cistlknt variety of
f tie Uut style, e are prepared to de any kind of
ountiosed ns the abvvc CaUlogae, with neat-
f a;iaii?:a:cn.
RAILROAD Al ID ' STEAL'BQAT abode; out from Oie liappiness
inai w;is .iu uc wonu s oa iua,t iesu e
day of the year. It had provided,, to
all appearance, no congratulation.
Why i M ere they outcasts T-Ti iiad
they1 outraged their claims on the wide
world a charities : Had they volunta
rily shut themselves out from the sun
light- of? the living creatures around
them? No! a shame take the world
that it -xrxust be so answered for them.
a. a. KaaSFOKD.
Nebraska City,N.T.
D. i n'ciir,
BrwnTiHef5. T.
-r - AND vi K V . y
Brownrille tend !SebraLa'City,
Mrs. Gray was TcryTpo"or
TEING pcrnsaneoily located ia the Territory, wc
U will ?iTe oar entire time and attention u
Tattle Elsie stopped at times and
breatLe'd her hot breath upon her blue
and benumbed fingers, and stamped
her tiny feet in their casements, " with
'ihe all the force left in them; and then b'g
I -r. ..:.. : - -i , l V, ... 1 ,t I j i . . 1 j ll! r I. 11
; Tas r-rjT.ricTor, ho, bat ic? bad an exter.Sire ex- practice o. our ,s.uu, .a - IC2r5 Btouu irt mUling ia iUT large
; .WttSS !?I 5Sl2it23riS! eyes for a moment, and Tolled sldrfy
.a'kS'VSdS us.fiavr.m,Cd.tti,.!;e.. do purple cheeks, as if they
s-Z.ti riTe share of tbe pv.Llic patronage.
trotted to or management, will receir proinptand
faitlukl attention.
1 A. iS. H0LLADAY, XL D.
And OXrEitotziciura ,
y moWNTlLLE, N. " ' ' ;
y olicit. a siare of palli; f&tmnae, in tbe various
r.-ae of his .rjfB&Io2, fros: the citiicns of Browa-
! '.J.e and Tieiaity. .
j .Q'jecnsware, Hardware '- -
I Tin: Etrett, tetvtea 2Iiia ri "Wftter,
i Hounds and Jrimmhiijt alicaya ca hand.
1 " C. Y7. 7HEELEE;
would freeze to them. She had left
her. mother in bed, sick; and famished.
What wonder that she cried, even
though those hot tears only dripped on
the, cold pavements 1 hey might . a s
well fall there as elsewhere ; ; the many
bnman hearts that passed ner were tui
as icv and hardened.
: - A youngboy-5 a bright looking little
fellow -chanced to -vzss her. as she
walked- and ; wept . ands sobbed. .. He
knew not ; what' Want'1 and 'sufiering
were. He had never tn own 'them him-self--incw
not even what a real beg
Ttf Ktnnned iiuddcnlv before
T.-nd Warrants Eonlit and Sold. Elsie, and asked her the cause of those
T A "NTH .FTF.RF.n 0"V.TTATF. i tears.. She could make no reply; ner
S. F. NuckoIU,
Richard Drown,
Wm. Eoblitzeil k
Hon. James Crair.
Hon. James ii. Hashes, .
IIon.John R. Shepley,
Messrs. Crow, McCrearr i. Coi
Messrs. S. G. Uubbardi Uo.,
Hon. J. 3IT.LoTe, ,
Tl-nl T
Nebraska City,
" SL Joseph tlloL,
St. Louis, JIi).,
Cincicnati O.
' Heckiiv Iowa.
. June T; 1356.
a. J. rornxrox. ' tx. it. truss.
And General Laud Arent$,:ly,
I .yri..-i
him. Blessed boy! How his little is that I feel the benefit of my bath. country would soon go to ruin at that
heart warmed and glowed to see the I seem to have gone back, to the days rate, were inimitable; and the mer-
child nncover the baskethe had brought ot my childhood. My body is lighter chant, . appreciating justly, "shelled
with him," and take but one by bneT the and more elastic' than a feather. My out" eleven cents per dozen for the
gifts which -were jl stowed- there! and spirit are exhuberant. I am conscious produce of tho countryman's cack
now ovenoyea was ne to see nis mom-ioi oreaixung me crrcumamDieni airiiers.
er oner the sick woman work and a new j through millions of pores. 1 am ready
home, and see the sicfc woman .grow to - snaxe hands with the aonsey ana a chnrch of "color" the minister
suddenly strong and almost well under caress the boy. Ihe external world noticing a nnmber of nersons both
the influence of kind ofiice. never looked sofceautiful. - Ihe future rcVjtp and rnlnrpd QtflnrUnT nnnn thp
-.v . ... . .. .. .1 t a -w- 1 1 I ww- . - -
1 ears have rolled away m the silent never so cheering, l am ready to qo seat sinin" service, called out
past, inax little girl Jisie uray anypouy m xne universe a goou lurn. in a j0I1j voice
is a ladv. . Not a lady only m name, bo ends my JLurkish bath-
but one in 'every deed, m heart, and
conduct. She dwells in a suburban EIC2LT SOLD.
cottage, and . her husband: entirely A Liverpool paper, under 'the head
devoted to her. The husband is no of "Strange Stuniditv " tells how a
unexpected information of the rise in
sugar the depression of the money
market or some equally vital and in-,
portant adir, demands their immediate.;.
attention totally absorbs their mind; J
and tney entirely forget that they.
have just heard an echo of their own
inevitable doom.
"Git down off them seat3, both
white man and, color; I care no more
for the One dan de other."
Imagine the minister's surprise on
hearing tho : congregation suddenly
other than the generous boy who on goal! g of a -gentleman was recently commence singing, in short meter i
tneiew learsiesuvai accosted ner served in one of the banks of that
so tenderly in -the street and went cjty. He had entered the institution;
home with. her. . ler : .poor mother W1ta the intention of depositing X400,
sleeps quietly in the church-yard; yet 0ne half of which sum was in gold, and
she lived to knotr that uoa had pro- the other half in . notes. The latter
vided for her. She . died 'resigned and he placed on the counter beside him.
happy . . u
"Git down off dem seat3,
" Ron" white. nian" and colort
I care no more for one man
Than I does for the other."
A young parson lost his way in a
Browavillo, S3".
'PECIAL attcntion-rwea to the selection aad en-
Otrr of Lands for Settlers, aai all others desiring
choice locations.
Land Claims, Tewn Lot? aad all kind' of Real Es
tate, bought and svld and mrestmentg made lor dis
tant Dealers.- !
i JOHN s. hoyt;
Ccanty :S'jrvcyQi nr.d Land Ag;eiit;'
OF Rkhardr)n county, N. T will attend promptly
to all business in his profesfion, whea ealed on:
such as Paring Taxes, Recnl'r Claims. SnbdiridiRg
Land, Lajng otit Town LotaDraf Ung City I'lattic.
u:sidencc arc a2ires ;'-; t '
y Ar.CIlER, Riehardka eti., TC. T.'
"' "J .,HAHT CcSOIT ' "
heart was too full.
uHis any one hurt you?" asked the
feeling littld fellow.
She shook her head
Have von lost your way t
LTTOBHEY at law.
j Cocr of.FiTit and Atlantic Streets,
! . RROVNVILLE, y. 7 ; fc
. attea tj;e C.mrts of "ortLicm SlissouxL 2Te-
and Western Io a". .
i . -..:-
Seead Sireet. between ilain and Xclka,
I ; EnoyrNviLXE, y. T. ,
Df." C. U C'JGai, ', J. J. HCDD,
Orejoa, Iloit Coontf 2Iissuiri
KeepenjtntlT on hand all description of Harness.
Jf. 11. E Terr article its
w:?. loan;.: ,t
Arccjrrj k.mget.
. lanufactnrcrs and TThalcsale Pealtr; in
fFaaT.A-o :ih. Cmor ai-a axnLocr- l ue: "nguwacea.-sunaj -uearty fcoy
gs.iam aetonuLment cpon ine motacr
and child. T' The scene was' new to
hiai. He 'wondered' if this was what
thcvc:illed poverty. nis eyes looked
.; VNo." answered the cluld audibly.
"What is the matter, then f nc ast-
c3::'- V '
Mother is poor and sick, and I am
cold and ljunjpryy We have nothing to
eat, Our room is quite cold, and there
ia. bp ?4 .for
VfheredorVoii live ; - - -
'Will you go with me ?" asked Elsie,
her fare brifhtemnrr. : -
"Yes," said he, "show me the way."
. . Through .street, lane .and alley she
guidedhimf-Ctrbev reached "the door
dfrt'ie hovel. The cold breath" of the
wirrd- whistled in at the cracks and
crevices before them. They entered.
A sick woman feebly raised her "head
from the pillow ''and with a; kind look
said faintly,' "Elsie, hive von come 1
' "Yes, mother, and I-have brought
thisboy with me.' not.knowwho
he is, but he-said-lie-"wanted Tto' come
and ; see where;. we ; live. Did; I do
T?crcng;tQ bring rhimwith . me,- moth-
'rNo; ;my child," said the : mother,
rif ; he knows how to pity you irom.his
little heart.", : - , ;
"r alighted at the door ofrthe head
bathing establishment of Grand Cairo.
Behold me, now, in the vestibule of
a genuine Eastern hummum. Two tall
Numidian slaves assist me to disrobe,
and in the place of my multiplied gar
ments attire 'mol in a piece bf. loose
cloth buttoned just above the hips.
Thus denuded, I am mounted on a
pair of wooden . clog3, or patterns,
about ten inches in height. I am then
supported oh. either side while I make
my . way.o ver . the glassy marble floor
to a bathing saloon, number one. Here
I am stretched upon a plank, covered
by a white cloth, and reclined at an
angle of forty-five. The room is then
filled with vapor, and in about ten mi
nutes I am perspiring profusely through
every pore. : 1 grow faint,, the vapor
isturned off, a few buckets of tepid
water arc turned over' me, a cup of
coffee is adniinistcredjand a few whiffs
of a chibouque, I am revived, and am
straitway' conducted into bathing sa
loon number twOi y : i -
Here, sitting th the .side of a marble
reservoir of hot water j I am then laid
down and scrubbed from head to foot
with isoolcn gloves and a sort of ful
ler's earth. Then drenched again,
am next submitted to the operation of
peeling, a process which removes all
accumulations of dirt and scurf - upon
the surface,; wliich ; la' fact seems to
take off an outer skin. The peeling
over, I am drenched again. The next
stage is that of pumice stoning ap
plied to the inside of the hand3, the
sole of the feet, and the heels, until all
the horny and hard parts are ' rubbed
down to a delicate softness. Now
comes a season of comparative leisure
and repose. While lam on my back,
the operator is cutting my finger and
toe nails, and carefully extracting from
and commenced counting the gold, forest, and it 'being vehemently col
wnen a Dy-stanaer toucnea mm on tne
shoulder and called hi3 attention to
the beautiful decorations of the ceiling
J il.! i..n. -r--j. rrt
tauu uieir reiaarKauie eiieci. xce gen
tleman looked cp in obedience to this
kindly . suggestion, and having fully
admired the artistic cffect,lookeddown
again. His feelings underwent a very
disagreeable change when he discover
ed that his notes and his polite friend
had both disappered; nor had the ad
mirer of ornamental architecture heard
a word of either at last dates
(jROSS LniuiiAxrrfi Compelling
an actor, who has just died a "violent
death,". to appear before the audience
two minutes later, and return thanks
for witnessing his death struggles.
Ta, ain't I growin' tall?"
"Why, what s your heigh
"Seven feet, lackin a yard !"
t sonnyf7
TYhat i3 the' difference between an
auctioneer and a post-master? - One
does as he i3 bid, the other a3 he is dir
ected. :
and rainy, he happened upon a poor
r ' a a a 4
cottage, and desired a lodging or hay-
loft to stay in and some fire to warm
liim.,. The man told him that he and
his wife had but one bed, and if he
plea3edto lay with them, he should be
welcome. The parson thanked him
and kindly accepted it In' the mor-
ning the man r&seto go to market, and
meeting some of Li3neighbor3 he fel
a lau!:hinsr They asked him what
i 1 i at
made him so mcrrv about the mouth
"Why," says he, rl can't but think
how ashamed the parson will be, when
he awakes, to find himself alone in
bed with my wife.
. ... i i ii
"Ah," said an Englishman, the other
day, "I belong to a country upon which
the sun never sets." "And I," said a
Yankee, "belong to a country of which
there can be no correct map it grows
so fast that surveyors can t keep up
with it."
thz surras a Era or urt ; ; .
Life has for an observer such
quick succession of interest and amus
ing adventure, that it 13 almost incon
ceivable he should ever feel dull or
weary of it. No cne day resembles
another. Every hour, every minute;
open3 new stores to our experience ahel
new excitemcnta to ourcuriositv. . Ym
are always on the eve and the morrinr
of some surprising event. Like thu
moth, we are forever flying towards' a
itar but with thi3 difference, that w-3
attain it ; and "if sometimes we. find
the halo wa3 fancied a. elorr is that
some deceiving mist, at least we 'Lavb
learned a lesson.. If we lock ur-oa
life merely a3 an humble student,, wb
shall not feel any great bitterness '1.6
such disappointments.." Tt" is ciily
when vf e hug cur ignorance to ot;r
heart3 that We are ahd deserve,
miserable when we embrace the
cloud, that we lose the goddc3 But
if we open the eyes of the mind, atd
determine to be neither wantcnly sti
piil nor inattentive, an enchantijd
world begins to rise from chaos. Tlie
aspect even of the room in -which wc
sit grow3 lively with a thousand unsus
pected curiosities. ' Yi'e discern - thit
the most ordinary person 13 invested
with some noticeable characteristic.
If we deign to look but for five plea
sant minutes at any common-placo
thing, we become aware of its peculiar
beauty; and there b not a bird tlas
wings through the air, nor a Coer
that blosscms in the garden ; not 'in
insect that crawls in the depth of thu
earth, not a fish that swims in wator,
but has it3 own singular and delightful
A printer, setting tip the lice which
is so often placed under a wedding no
tice, "It is not. right that a man should
live alone," carelessly left the v out of
of the word live which made the bride
blush. ' '! '
A stipe in a Western theatre, having
been inducted into . the part of the
Ghost in Hamlet, "for one night only,"
performed his part so badly that he
was hissed off. The manager came
forward, bowed gracefully, put his
hand. on:his.he&rt,.annonnced that
"Smith had agreed to give up :the
ghost,'- bowed again, retired, and "all
was peace once more. ; " 1 1 -
J When Jack Jones discovered that he
. had polishedLh bed-mate's boots," in
called it an ag
"laboring, and
ronnfonndedlv hard, too under a
ST. LOUIS, 110.
- . . S. V7.
Counsellor ct" Law,
I y trrr?.rxcE.
. Oaj u. r. Set, yehzaika Cij.
T ' ... - - 1 T
. . G.- CL TODD i CO.,"
.... . . I. X j 1 ' .
J.". HZ, J'ortk Tint or llii reet, ii. Loui.
Ulill ;: 52 ate rival's
INCLUDING Dutth Eoltir; Cloths, ilCl Stoaes
Saws, Screens, DaciicLs Atsj:
Lotb Upper and Lower Stona Kanners."
Of Stretched leather amd It'stber.'
St. Louis, Oiwber 15,1$. tUIS-1
jrj2prrt''s3a;njctter;'but they
glittered with wonder when turneT to
wards . Elsie., Suddenly, they . filled
whh tears. , The want, the woe, the
desolation were too much fcr.him.. He
shuddered at the cold,nncorered floor.
Its gazed mournfully into the empty
fire-place. His eyes wandered won
deringly over the naked walls, looking
so uninvitlngly and ixhcerless. Putting
tranoES, unsightly: or inconvenient pead of 'Lis own, he
t i n e?f aTlfi ;n lr,wgravated instance cf
sitting posture am : shaved the hairs
are carefully pulled but of my nostrils
my tars are picked my hair is cut
my whiskers and mustache are trim
med, and my head is, at last delared to
be finished. To these processes suc
ceeds that' of shampooning; namely
moulding the fiesh, cracking the joints,
and loosening every integrument in
every socket throughout the frame.
Then a lathering all over with apecu- 'of one, and
liar kind of agreeable emolient
and, then, another
time isnqweome Introduced in
to bathing saloon number three. The:
ateosphere of this is after the temper-
A man praising porter, said it was
so excellent a beverage, that though
taken in great quantities, it always
made him fat.
"I have seen the time when it made
you lean." '
i hen ? I should be glad to know,
said the eulogist.
S'pposc a feller, who has get nc':.h
ing, marries a gal who has nothingj
i3 her things his'n or his thing3 ier'n?
or his his'n, or her'n.hern? This
question to be decided by ths English
Court of Chancery on Doomsday afternoon.
longer since than last
night against the wall. : '
. An honest Dutchman in training
up hi3 son m the way he should go,
frequently exercised him in tho Bible
lessons. " On one of these occasions he
asked him : . . ' : V .-. - :
"Who vas dat vould not sleep mit
Bctipher's vife?" .;
"Dafsa'good poy. . Yell, vat vas
de reason he vould not ' sleep imt
her?" ...
"Don t know. Ehposs he vasn t
T "
Tce love of STE.IFE. I never lov
ed those salamanders that arc never
well, but when they are in the fire of
7 t
contention. I will rather suffer a thou
sand wrongs than offer one. I will
ratriPT snfTpr ahrinrlrcd than inflict onp.
I wHl suffer many ere I will complain j emg himself; that 1
endeavor to right it by c:ear ncisic:
le emolient soap; ; contending.' I have ever, found that
.drenching.: The ; to strive with my superior is furious;
wiih my equal doubtful; with my infe
rior sordid and base; with any full of
unquietn:3. Bkhov HaZL
. We heard a good joke perpetrated
yesterday, by a friend cf ours. Sail
"Xhings are really coming to a pret
ty pass in our town, all the ladies
stopping at the Girardleft the dinner
table yesterday."
"Possible l". said the person to
whom the remark was addressed,
greatly surprised. "What caused them
to do so V ' . ' : . -
Why," responded our friend, con-
tfcc ccrvst was
Puir.cii." : !
AN ACT for U10 construction cf a tv:-nn
road from Firt Kearney, tu tht SomVP.m
of lha Kocky '"iIoucta;tir,d GreAt'Si!;
Laa Vul'er, to the eastern rortro cf tL
T Staia cf CaUforL-la, scd for oiber pcrprei.
Be it exacted hj de Eenala r l 2?m
Rfprtsmtatlves cf V Unliel Sab rAmeri'a
in Ccnjrtss (usemllel, . TIX tLe aunt -f
three hunlreJ thousand d I!jrv, or a- nt cli
tberecf a3 may be necessary, let tir.J iht
U Leieby appropriated, out rf any norisrr cot
otherwise appropriated, for the conjtnctii3 cf
a wagon road froa Fort Kearney, in the .Terri
tory of Kebraaha, via tha South Pa of tho
Rocky raourtair.s, to tfea aern boundary of
the State of California, renr llirsr Lajcjrto
be expended TiTidsTthadirectiDa- cf th Sec
retary cf the Ir.terirr, pcrr.i-.t t courict
to be made by b;m; sa!d Vaad to cc cocci witL
acd form aa extersion of the rrad a!-eidy
authorized froa Fort LicbeTey tc- ths a.'xsuid
Soth Paso. . . ,
S-jc. 2. And le i'. fmler r-idt.7. That
the sera cf two Luudrcd tbor.?ar..i dollan, or
as much thereof as may be cece-.js.irrbe, aitd
thesaaew hereby approprli'ed or.t'cf tic vey
the treasury cot otherwise ap;T Hated, fur in
the cantrnctioa of a wm tcad froa EC Paso
on the Rio Grand?, to Fort Yua. i.t tla
noutU of the G'Jar:fr, to bacip-ei.d id riijder
the directluu cf the Secretary of tha Inferior,
purnuact to contracts to be rr.adu by h'nu"
SecZ. And U it furiW- triad.?.' Ti.l
ara cf Cfty tho'jsand dcllarf lv th
1 , ... .
pass was made at Hm, tut he dodged ! - , - r?,rraJ031 C7T
f. 0 ! in the treasury not otserwie Brrrrr': J. -fir
'Ien are called son3 of guns, because
e tin:? cr other.
it n
uey aa go on o
the construction nf a wag-n nad frrnj lrt
DeSnnce, in th-i Territory cf Xi."jt Icjicr. to
th Colorado rlvvr, near tie raiutb cT the 1I
bar.ra river. - '
A pi r rl Ft In: ary 1 7. ""7. 1 : -
( f