Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 02, 1857, Image 3

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T7TrAS, Editor,
.r tioLLADAY, Associate
r-rrIAJ";rti5i(r Ar-ct,in
B-V, i-:' and Children i Aiioe S
"VTLal c;tr, town, ttslc, cx ttlba Las ever
rose to honor, intelligence, dlsiTadlo, cr hap
piness in the absence of the tmin iuiuence
cfceaiioa ?;"To tlesaX- Te
fcralljTre ewe .csr, greatncs.1, and -without
such til we must smk into imberiiity, iter
ance, and darkness. - Such being a" fact, it
behooves us to Kre a'amatt curre cf cur time
F rrt" stre CiacinrAti. DeLooves us to gwe entre ci cur Lice
I y&wVik AaTaiea., Catalan sad Earopa- f the rec::on cf .eakarieslttd churchy-
r.v Twt .' lost by
Jrrx, .No. eternal strsO, Sunt
. Isais.
B- H- I'at. Tr Clio.
Kiev, Archer, Nebraska.
W&tnlh City, E. T.
Ti tiMSCX, Three lrove, -V T . -
, I-' orixed Arenis to fciluut babscnpUon tad
. Z rLii for the Aavarur, and recieve and
t fci mo-M taereoa.
JOS won
ir-i reject extreme diiUfci of of Type,
A adored Inks, Crones, Cards, nide to
i'-r" Wct,ve claim to te able to tern out
i i i
jc-""- . . - - ...;-,? rriuJer hi:n.-e.f.aEd
I t-TF j0b riEtcr, iJ determined not to be
,! -."in the execution of Jc-b Work. Cards
? 'll an of Foatcra latent improved Card
J JJ'icks, TVork in Colors, Erocie Work, ic
1 r fa Hist n b iTaaptir atteadad
! V. wiTJLSted to ji Te tatiif action or no paj.
! p-MT-iIeEt in ttis Territory, eomin- from
iira of the States, often invest to as
' U-7b;ie bome wW-r;icrs if they eoald
w-J.',.... Vealiraysjen-iatpeci-
t . t.rfj uui - ...
e? :ai, caa ran
p-sii-lerapers, teat -y cetcvv 1U.
: "S Si oecaicaally to tfne.15 xn the
5 A iPnT'7'. W CVU?aUC4 a, m
eTy, aai pc. T- .sw.nW. Port-
, 'T-.caaeot interest to make
th per cent f -r their
J'Thj ccr SsClite Ulr hi seslai of Xxeca
tive basiness Hen." Jcha "CL,. Breckinridge,
Vt:e rresiilenf, cn Uiirs the chair,- J.e the
tuljoiri82"jdIrB:3 : " V. ' " 31 ' j '
SniUTOESt 'ld oirsirthft- fiatie cf this
station, I aci cti:te conscious Uutt I Utng ta
wilh sacceiiiaii; tadfer tha tasa.'i;d style of
Browxvil! sndeny Fort Eejcrner Euilroai
Corner, r.rseaUe-to'chtiiltif thiri "cf the
Lesiturs of- ihrisia'-Tcinitory ''entilki
"An act for re Ling, consoliiitirsnd prepar
!raer.cTal cede for -the Ternary-of "STe
Lraska," appro rel January 23, A. D.o 1S3G.
- Aet. !L The. townees cf this cctrporailon
sLall be, and ha3 the poer t construct and
Ired for tir,
tice or
attending to matters of ach TiLtl importance
to the present a well 3 to the Vising gsncra-
tlon. -T"hen shall we tiTB churches, ''scboolt
houses, secainaries ? Hey the Cme speeduy i
come when the' EIema but sweet chiming'
of church bells will be h cxrd ia cur rnidit, and ,
edices xl science and litemiurs he seen b our 1
city ! Then, and ic,t till then, ill we Lire
discharged a solemn respc nihility resting cron
us. This is a matter alike ia importance to
ourselves and to these who are coming after
ua. Hay the sulject of providing school
houses and places for the exercise of religious
ceremonies, the erection cf puh'ic inlldings
and hotels, receive frcm the chizens of Brcjrn
vilie that consideratiaa which their inconceiv
able importance so richly deserves. " '
In conclusion, we need, seriously, more con
cert cf action and unanimity cf sentiment. :
We must coalesce in the supervision cf cm
local aHairs root cut from cur bosoms that
abominable and detestable "green-eyed mon
ster," jealousy; and all wcrk together in "build
ing up the "Banner County" and "Qceen
Giry" of is ebraska. '.'..
przsiDrrrs xxltgitiial iiessags.
We lav before our readers in another oilumD
President Buchanan's Inaugural 21 ess a A
careful and unbiased perusal cf this document
should be bestowed upon, it by every citiren,
regardless of what particular party Le may
chance to belong, llary of ias are tea apt to
a .i-lrt . ? 1 "'TVC- .I fttiilia Siiird, with douUeorsm3le track,
fft ;!?F itV?"6 f f rY tho Idkscuri river at Bro-mvil!e !m
th tbe GerenmeU. nd a feeling coiWn 'cr at anv other point on said
of rerrtror iti ;m,mb.r Ua,p;ly my ucs - a fteen llss tW or
Xf?a belowsxdtoof irew Tort
sure they made . cuy ly a Pf7n3 , R d wes: cf thrterf.
ser of propry.whvchwdlcf ielf suf-, , w
5:if2lti:?Ve3 othr read crroais ocxnd this in other
la ad ministering the ru!e3 which yoa have
adopted lit the conveniciice of -roar . proceed
ings. I s'ioll often need your kind indulgence,
and I anticipate with conJenc your forbenr-
perieace,;. Cheriahlng the hop tliat our oS
ctal and personal intercourse Till bi marked
by mutual cocSimce and rcgrxi, I. look,, for
vrari with pleasure a. our asscciaUaa ia the
pwfornxinca cf public duties.
It shall be my constant aldi,genilemen of
the &2njtte, to exhibit at all tirr:es an! to every
member of this body the court esy atd impar
tiality which are dee t the reenjseatatives of
equal StatM, '- . . ;....
Tcrr'.torlal TTarractJ and 5ernaiia Conntj . fnrowr asiJea document Or pr.per, becntSC it
0;An dt;E; IEtfri:7"'V!. A-" f " t does not emanate from our own nartvi We
does not emanate from our own party. 'We
r j-jte A'ebr8La Advertiser" h&viag j rjcra of tha rarioss -political pirties cf bur
taoch the lar?et circalatioa of any paper
T,rr,tnrT.' IFhoie&ale ilerchaixts ia
t, LMis Jopi, Ciacinnati and
oiher Castera markets traere JfebrasLa
mrrthSTts pnrchase,' will find no better
' advenisiEj medium ia the 'Weateni Coon-
countrv br such a selEsh- and narrow-maided
course of reading. 7 . y. , '," .'.
We cannot ccrceive cn "what plmsihle
grounds any man tiay. seriously And really cr-
The D nj.AS-Cutnrsry The
New York Tizvt and the EeroU cf the 13th,
differ in, their judgment of the effect of the
vote of the Senate adopting the amendments
made by Jefersct: Davis to the Dallas-Claren-doa
treaty. Tbe Times says the treaty was
l ratifie!." Tt3 Herald says it was "rejected."
The SVald is undoubtedly right. . The treaty
was concluded between Dallas acd Clarendon,
and aen t over far the ratification of "the Senate.
Arr amendment to it, makes another Ireatr of
it, and cf course, rejects the original. Still
he Times may perhaps say tbat the- treaty was
ratlGed, because the Brisish ..Government will
regard :ihe amendments with a spirit of conci
liawon ' and accept them, c!oLig, ,jnarir,the
tiegotiiikiCfij'-andj. seUljrig tie " whole rcsttet
agreeable to the views of the Senate. An ar
ticle from the Loiwlon Time! indicates pfetty
clearly that no perverse cavils on the part of
the British Ooremment will imperil the trea
ty. "C ill ess the American Government should
be out'ageously unreasonable in its demands,
ject to the tone of this Message. It is cer- Great 'ia aJ. "hire it your own way,
; "TV 72 bare a few tnshels of extra Flax Seed to
j A -loan in limited quantitiei, to ra;h vf or
in this Connty who wLsa to gt a ftart ia
. . ' ' - --
' h low ready for delivery to Agcrjts,
'cr nailing "to order on the reception
! " IcriLO-w in, and those Lereufter
i . riceivel will Le iled in the order in
1 i.!:h tiev are received.
: Tit Guide can be had a.t the Ljlsd
i prrvx nnd of Root k Cozzess in
i Ozaha Citv, and of AEilSTEOXG &.
; tCJlLT, elraska C:tj.
j .. ' ' Lax3 Office, CMina. N. T. f
I ' February, IT th,lS57. f
I ": V br?rae-i that llr. TL W. roruas is about
t 3iJ3 1 yafr.'f cf the Ffe-E-wptk-a Laws, to
. prw;:r. d.?cl?i-c?. vRBti wiih tLat tub
' j-taai.-Town iNtes." We thiak sack a puLUea.
:' tioi i re:ly aeeued, aod a eory eLouii te in the
I tihii uf rref- jrsr.n in tie Territory, as it will
; . crpariTal cabie i&funaatki. ' 1 .
- ' JUI1N A. PAHKER, Poster. '
j . : A. R-OILLHOiiE, Receiver.
I m
.:A.t:.--mcr.t reS-ctlon alone is suiScient to
cihv;cj that" there are many tlirgs indWpea-
f!'e tp the rire and T-rrgrcss cf our citv. a
fr f fn 1 - It m rn. ..nw - . t t
i . He want more cf the rpirit cf enterprise
;' s.ljrg cur citicrs," a due portic-n cf which
c-"ot fail in the end to mate us what we
'Lou.i le, the Qlec City cl Nebraska Terri-
I ': Art ere taV.r-the trcLlie la examine cur
i natural lyanta-es, as a conn ty and place cf
; . ftart, will coir-e to the conclusion that it is not
J cajTtal we-tce-J, but ctterpise. We want
; verkresmeaandtotfr. The period for
; v.rJy L:peu has passed, ard we must have
I 'dies- wio are wiliirg to put theirVuOwlders
tainly .able, cti-.servative and patrixrrlc . and
foreshadows a brilliant administration during
the next four years. -
If the Democratic prty, so called, to which
ilr. Buchanan owes his election as President
of this Confederacy, adheres to and carries out
the principle of free and - entangled suffrage to
every American citizen, t'equal and exact Jus
tice to all, independent et&dfenal fetling,
we can give our hearty approval, and support
to such a party. The doctrine that it s the
imperative and indispensable duty of the gov
ern ment of the United JStates to secure to k'ery
resident inhah lint the free a"d independent
expression r.f his opir.ionby his vote, Is the
only safe and Union-preserving coctrire of our
country, and on its triumph or defeat hangs
the salvation cf the Republic of Washington.
tee 2nrc7 CAsnm.
The following gentlemen were nom:caed
by the President and were forthwith unanim
ously ennnrmed by the Senate for the several
Executive Deportments of the Government :
Lewis Cass, of ilichigan, Secretary of
State. - . 4 - -' .'
- Ilowell Ccbh.of Georgia, Secretary!" iif the
Treasury. 4f - . .: - -
- Jacob Thompson, cf Uississirpt, Secretary
cf the Interior. ' .' '
j - - " - -
John B Floyd,- of Yirgixiia, Secretary of
Wsf 1
Isaac Touccy, cf Connecticut, Secretary of
the Navy. .
Aaron V. Brown, cf Tennessee, Postmaster
General.. - - - ?
Jeremiah S. Blackj of Pennsylvania, Attor
cer Generah c "' " ' '
and let's stop talking.1
ExGLiys asd Peesxa- The latest intelli-
land and Persia is terminate!. A settlement
has been concluded. England is to have a
consul in every' town where Buaiia has one,
and shall enjoy commercial privileges with the
mcst favored nations. She also" requires the
riht -to form an establishment or the Uand
of EiAmtk, and another at Ormuz. The Per-
k'ariH .are to evacuate Herat, and the British
give np Bushire. ' '-,
Injltles A letter from Naples says A
com3.issioa. composed. of .men' ef the worst
reputation has been formed to discover politi
cal plots. The commission has the power cf
arrestiEg any one" they fhikk' proper, ; and,
witboBt trial, torturing thfra.' Horrible acts
are taking pkee in the prisons cf Naples just
now. A gentleman the otaer day said he had
left bis house not to hear hs growns of, the
prisjnew under tortcre, Is makes one shud
der to think such things, should be taking
place in the middle of civilized Europe in
V;e bare, cna past -occtskm, urged the im
::':ve ftecesbity of our cltizens-takm some
t' js tcwari the erection cf a rew hotel. An
to ihis effect w as maie, we believe, but
f.'.ed, and cow we do not heisr the subject
evec neniioned. Navigation is tow open on
'S -ioart nvrr, and emigrants arriving al
Oistdalij at cur wLarr- the land of5ce Sl
ready tj Liusart business in a few weeks.
nl itcrms of people will be pouring into our
? ue rct Ee a nevr hotel? AVe
tpou each and every individual interested
- tie reputation cf our city, to take thissub-i-t
:ntqcr;ous considetatku.- Think of it
L do not be found alwavs thitkin" m to
.crk and provide the public and the many
"rraLts Lo are daily f ockirg to our shore
via Lottl accommodations. We do say, and
tuet Coxe !" Never since the settlement cf
Nebraska has there been such a tremendous
flow, by land and wnter, into our city and fer
tile prairies. This is a sure indication of what
we will be ere the lapse of many years. The
peop!e ii the States are beccmir.g aroused to
the true value cf Nebraska lands, and, as a
natural, are selling out their un
productive fjrms 'and making a general rush
for the iiew Eldorado, weirt cf the Missouri
.We; are: pi eased rta juries" that almost the
wboie of the rrcsent. emigration consists of
mechanics and farmers ; this is the kind of
emigration and the only kind adapted and
' CeTFAS CS EaBTH ALH03TE-5- -H. A. of Coancil Bluff has for sale a. larsc
supply of this new - esculent, which has at
tracted so much attention. - They resemble, a
chestnut in taste, but are said to be far more
delicious, and are excellent for fattening hogs
or ch'.ckens. Three hundred" buhel to the
acre is sn average crop. On Jem.ttance of $1
a packtge of 25 tubers will be sent, together
with, directions for cultivating.
.Stea3IE3 AdxiraL. This well knowarrnd
ponular lILssouri Elver boat male her appear
ance at our landing on Sunday morning lash
We were please to End rn thecf2ce that same
gentlemanly and accommodating Clerk J. tL
Daest, who will hereby accept our thanks
for a Sh Louis, St. Joseph, and New Tors
le of papers.
r :
Sutes and Territories where the laws of the; 2
States cr TerritDries permit. -':
Act. S. Said Company shall have tha
power to make, adopt and be governed by such
rules and regulations as .the interest cf the
Company may require, not incomparable with
the laws of the United Stateaaad-Jtfu Terri
tory, and may. cotiuect with :and consolidate
stock with otter ccTX'padesT- pravidedralwaya
that nothing in this article tf incotpcratloi be
so ccnstnied as to give them the pdwer'and
pnvilegea of banking.
Art. 4. Said ccrjxjrsticn is hereby author
ized to lay oU their aid Boad one hundred
feet wide, the whole length, and for the pur
pose of cutting embankments, stone and gra
vel, may takii as much' mors land as may be
necessary for the proper construction tnd secu
rity cf said Eoad. . t -V ' . T a- ; -
Alt. 5. The capital stock of said Compa
ry shall cons" of ? e millions of dollars, to
be divided into shares of one hundred dollars
each. The immediate govenrmeritaJ. direc
tion of said Company shall -he vested ia the
persons rtamud ia these articles of iacorpora
tion, who sLd! hold their office until a Board
cf seven DirecLirrs shall be elected bv the
stocklolders of the Compacyrand." he qualified-
: .- ; . - - -
Aet. . The Board of Directors shall be
elected anriuallr, in accordance with the rules
and -By-laws cf the Company, and hold their
ouce until taeir successors arc elected and
qualiSed. The said Directors or a majority
of tbem.shalJ elect one of their number Presi
dent of the Board who shall also be President
of the Company. ' ,; . ' .
Aet. 7.--r ho sa;d corporation shau : have
the exclusir.5 power arid privilege of building'
a Bail Boad between the points before men-
tioned, and n cereby authorized by (be .proper
ofiicer.rturveyors and engi&eers te- cause such
examrnationi and Survey to" be "made" of the
:Vund atid :(pokntry 1 between" saicL routs- as
ahall be necrssary to determine the most ad
vantages route cr line for the cor.s!ruct:on o:
said Bail Be ad," and it shall ha lawful for the
said corpKjration to enter upon and take pos
session of and use all such lands acd real estate
as may be necessary to determine the most
advantageous route and line for the construc
tion of said Bail Boad. And it shall be law
ful for the laid corporation to enter r.pon and
take possession and use ail such lands and
real estate as may be necessary for "the cons
truction ai d maintenance of the , Iaii Boad
and the occupation that may be requisite to the
same, acd raay purchase, or receive, and hold
lands for the purpose of satd Boai, and to aid
as means fcr its construction! . ' " .
Act. S.That any person or persons, m-ili-
ciously, wantonly, or wilfullyjlamagingoTde-
stroyirg any property beiocgtBg to sant Com
pany, shall forfeit and pay. to said company
treble the value thereof, to be asce-tained by
any court having jurisdiction, laid shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, atd punish
ed aecnrdiirjrl v. -
Ae,x. 9. The Board of Directors shall fix
the time and place of holding the annual eleo
tion and reirular meetings of thi .Board and
Companv. and at such meetings arzh stock-
bohler sball be entitled to one rota in person
orhv vvjXt for each share he lawfolfr owns
:n Eaid Company, provided that no persoi-.
shall at any meeting cast more tliaa one-tenth
of all the votes of said Company.
Aet. 10. And the aforesaid incorporators,
or a majority cf them, are ; hereby 'authorized
to open subscription books for the stock of said
Compjicy, at such times and places as may be
agreed npen, by their giving proper notice
thereof by publication, requiring such per cent
upon each sh art subscribe'!' as they may deem
proper, jrrd when two thousFid shares are
subscribed,' snch commissioners shall call a
meeting of the stockholders for the purpose cf
electing a Beard of Directors fo? the 'ensum
year. And when the said Directors are chorea
the said -coram isioners shall deliver to the
said Board cf Directors all book, moneys and
other effects belonging' to the Company. The
said Compnny when thus organixed are hereby
authorizaLt-y ssne certificates of stock, to bor
row mcne-Ot exceeding the capital stock,
and rrrakt all such contracts as may be .neces
sary to carry into effect the powers herein
gran'ed, tnd forthe pnrpose of obtaining mo
ney with which to build or equip said road or
any part thereof, said -Company may issneits
bonds, signed and sealed by snch of its ofneers
as may be authorized by its By-laws in snch
amount, and payable at such times and with
such rates of interest and may be sold for such
sums as the Directors mav detenrrine.- :
Aet. 11. The corporation may fake and
CArj3rLLT c:nnrcriD.iucn ttixz it
E20TTSTC.tE; N. T. ' " '
i! ; , . (SEILCrj SATES.) ' -
FLCt;t. " cf 10 J 2i -' $3. 3 .
CcXilEAL, v tilici .-- 3
C: ' in'., ia t-e ear, old $ t sibel - 4'ia
079, y ba-ihe!, 40c
Scirur, V 2: ' ........ llirjje
CCx x it
Iea,- iua
E-ACO!r,.. .... .- -- ...1 " .....
llsms, - - .... .r.. 10e
SLoal-iirs, ' a- .
Sid3,...,.r..- - ?c
Czicxxxs, 3 doa, 2S,Q
l-ijcs, do, ..............-. 2 2
I'BEsa T.zzt, 3 - 6-33
PoTroE3," b tiihtl, ne tt - . lie
DCTTES, - ..
: 1L A. TEERYi & - -
' -" TnanrsAXE ax? xzthl tsixrs is
GARDEM a bJFIoww rccrmlt Trees, Siraij,
G:-are Tii, et; t;. "
CiJIicrs3 t-f A5?ortea Cir'aa F-? U n..i3t!j
onaacct,f jr?a.:s - . " CjzZ-.ZbluZTc.
April 21, - 42-lj
o Ko JLi
. :o
.fc . ... .Hk J JL J
VI '
rnilE nVrt-""CT wilt forwarl by teall rr?rald to
X anyadJr;.?s package cf ary cf tte f-Uowir; Bsir" routes estut
post.offici: depart:
Pr.OPCllLS fcr -ccuveyh-1 t-3 tnails cf
the Un::?:f::.:c5.frr-r. J u:r 1.1 :7; U
ju: e co,i3:3,:r,NE;?.Ari:iTnnrjTD::T,
wiil i-i received at the Cir-traci Cihca cf ti-:s
Dfpar.menf, -until 3, P. cf Jlarc'i C-lst.
next, to U decided cy23th April feeing;
the routs an-J xa th.etirie u.:ij;;t-Ji.
b7 cr: cf Ccr:
. ,
for tkree doLars. Uzrlz- La raLe-i crier eriL--- jL CZ't'. 1, C-.
ownKrajaal wrervLiica, wo wi vt-aci f-r tlelr - --J- arc. a. --t -.w..
purity 1 ; : . i I:unt TcrC2, Nhriik lu uzsand tack.
A. Eaii iY, CaaL'r- i S.IL Htdzle, Pres't.
OFFEUIXG DAYS, llondays and Thursdays.
DISCOUNT DAYS, Tuesdays aud Triiays. ;
BANKING IIOURS, from lit JToTerabcr to
lit ilafch, ia A. M, to 2 P. it; frua Lit iUrth to
1st "November, 9 A. iL, U 3 P. IL 6m
Persons wliliit; to pirclias -property ia Souta
DrotrarZle,'wiU be aMoniiuoJated by caLinj a Wji.
Ftssrsox ca the ' pruralses, cr C V. ilcix at the
Advertiser Oa-e; - r
Cciiiesj Strnr Caa;
Ice L'rtaai V"a:ermela .... ....
Orsnr' Waterxeloa.- .
Soa'.h jja7iteniielua-... --.------
Syrian Wa:ennc2a-. i... ..... ......
rijii?y Dow Wtleraeloa - .......
WLUa Spanba WawnxeIon (very fjia). .
Jleiicjji, or re f.xt Caeca ber .
"Weiit IqiIui. Cieaniler .... - -
. G'aja Melon (for p-peservej;-. ...
Ilje-sCffiij, ox aaatisi Asparajaj -
Trss JUjsiracilh Ttniito
Fig Ttcnato (newaiidtiis).- -.
Grap Tomato r---..... .......
SinnrVrry Tutaat ............ .... .....
White Eg2 riant (beiutL'iil)
Early Dwsjff, cr ilaj Cai-La ! -
ileajcia Saaarb.-.. .... -. . .. ....
' Adires",
. - ILA.TTr.nT, CO.
April 11, 12j7. i2
twice a wca.
Leave linden ITcr.dav sr.u at
C, A. IL; arrive at Mour.i Verron by 12, IL;
leave lie unt Yemen
ZPLocls-poxrt, IIOi .
wnotrsiiE a:cd kztaii. ccaxEss vs
my mm
Heiicines. Dyo StiiUs,
SadHery, Bc:ts Shoes, Hats & Caps,
Alio ruraiturs ef aH liais, TZlairr Sash, Lt
TillE rubscribers weald c;Jl particular at:r'Jon
to the fullowic; Setsla :
A full acscrtmeat of Gardes aal Flower Seed.
romCora Seed of sa peri or quality. tllck Lo
cust Swsd. Jjirre lied Ouin teed by t&a qaaatity.
"Whitfc and Yiiow Saar beet. Hud Seed of all
kinds. Led acd TLits Clever; Timothy; L'.aa
G.ass, etc.
Wa bare a very eit ens! va as3ortmei cf Flower
Seedj, 15 papers of which ( nsr selcU'0f) will b
forwarded, prepaid, ca th rt-ipt o one dollar.
Persona dirons cf orderic ary of tha above,
wooll ia well u orler imnl:t?!y.
;." .. U.A.TtoY,ftC0. .
" ' Coatcii L'.xJLij hi.
AiTa2d,is-r; 4-2w
Editor mXt5mnk AJrtrr; " ; 1
Daaa Sis: la look ia;; over the last number cf yonr
piper a notice attracted tay attention E:,jnsd by
rota CixiTer, F.3., in wbk-h he states xhs. certain
st cries are in eiroaUricn thai the ftndetsirned claim
ajB.e Interest hi Nemaha City for the purpose of in-
jininjj its prwperity. It may da qaite well to cir
c 1 ate a report of tiat Batara where ta fact axe
aaknown, bat to tiD$e Kawin taa tacts saca a
satemsat it merely foofish. - " .. - .
And for tbe parpe f pvin a fur epporremty
t pe-ioni to ascertain the facta we bcrfcy warn all
perions froxa purehaainj any f feteadd -claim or
iateresi in the said town cf Nemaha City, from the
iid Jerome Hoover, a he has sold and received fay
f T nine-twelfths of aaid town,anJ iZit u now pecdins
ta place the nndirsigrwd in possesion f the interest
by them pnrehaied in the same: and tiey have tot
authorized the said Il.xrer to sell or dispose of any
portion of their interest, but directed suit to be
fcroujni long aince ir w irevf uj .
,..-'.-- - t.. .Yours, Ac.,
:1 ; K. L. BALLAKD.
It. C. lilSHOP.
. ' ' ' L.D.ltlSI
----- - A. G. WOODWARD'.
- ......... CILLS. F. HOLLY.
lfa 25ii. 1337. ' -'43-tf
Chuffs or Erth Almonds. t :
T7E can BnppTy ttb'ersof tEe abcT valsable
f:ant, in liin.ted
tuber?, 1.: per paclj
at the saxe vrke.
ConncilLloli, Lwa.
- April 2Lla37. . : . i2-lw
1857. iiiesgou nrvES ri
a. X . 4 4. i J i. V, A. m 4.. ,
.1X27. Prom Sioux City, by tua Trr .4
Uoa river, llincesoM Terriiorv, Fort Lco'i Out,
and Fort Panda!!, ta Fort Pi;:r?, ZJ miles
and tk,c-C2 a mouth; hava '.j-.t City et
the lstcf each ruoth; arrive at Fottlicrra
La li days; leave Pert Plerra cu tie llih of
etch month; arrive at S".or.x City by th end
of the month. Eils to cxterd the service
from Sioux City to Coui.cU pl--S, ffO miles
fur.her will be cor.s: J-.reL . "
1:023. ' From Sioux City, by L'pn qui
cii-rt river; to the South Pai-S "0 mos a
Lici:, ence a month; have Sicux City 1st of
eich mouta; arrive u ij-.;3 1 in days;
i:iv? S vuta Ps lsttef each month; trflycui
SIous City h J5 days. ' . '
13023. Frcm acnBIara.Icwa.bTT-d
Laramie, ITebrasia Ter.-itcry, to Sa t Laha;
Utah Ttrritory, 1013 mi!, nnd Ltd; o cs s.
month; l;ave C.inncil Liu ?s 15 of cvvrymr-r-th ;
arrive at Sal; Lake in GO days; leave SaltLikji
15th cf every month; arrive at Courted BiuSi
ia 30 days. "PiDpcsals to end at Fort Laramie,
and also t" commence service at Om iha City,
Nebraska Territory, acd run by ITkLura City,
Buchanan, Columbj?, and Fort tci
Salt Lake, are invited.
1500. - From Nel raski City, by Eamiltoa
Tecumseh; Turkey Crk, ard Otj 'Mhicaj,
to ilarwule. Easxs Ttrritcry. CO ziZs ar.l
back, once a week; Luve NiLtaa C-iy Itcn-
tubers of the ikr ralaable day at 8 A. ll-T arrive at llarvsviilo next dflT, ,.
tedqaaatlUilaisMof 23 cv 6, P. 2L; leave .11 arrsTtlls Yrei::es.IaT i;
clarc. bent bt ma;l. prepaid, - -. . j t
IL A. Ti UixY A CO. . ! 3. A. !.; arr. ve at i elrasa L.ty next day by
. .... Clark.
A Card.
transport persons and every species of property
Xjzbeasxa Crri IsscitACE CcoiPAyT. and mercbandise.or produce, cr other property
la another column will b found the adverti
t?rment of the iebraska City Insurance Co,
which has recently gone into operation at that
pLic - " --- " : -
calculated to develop the iaiShty resources of One of th-s best AricultcTAl papers in the
our Territory. ' . ' ; ' j Uuiott U the Omo CcxTrvAroa. -'See iti ad-
Gov. Gsaet BusiosEa J. W. Geary re
figried the cEce of Governor of th Tcrritorr
of Kansas on the 12th cf March. AYe have
scrupulously avoided neddlin; with the alTairs
cf our 'twin-sister" betifrlT-rT 1 r ,.r
iror'-.:.t. t v- v arie-u,rS to her own braices?, but we venture
to j--ce ia the Temtory at wbicha frit cass to aar tht in tv. : -,
i - " '".-uiiuia ci uor. LrearT.
she has lost a -ood man whose plara will not
be easily filled. Zlarl tint I . ,
vertLsdment and call at this oSce and examine
fpsdmen copies. .
:'-c is needed mere.
text ihir - to
Who will build it?
which our attention
--ii be directed, is the erection of Puilic
.'pcf Borne kitd cr other;-we need
I -ctn -bo can deny it ?
ExrrssEs cf the ICew Tcex Tiitts.-.
The New York BeraU recently reported that
the Timet does not pay its way, bat meets its
vjv aciutesce with us ia the importance of
; -ter, there may be a contrariety of cpi-
ts to who tbcuid raise the amount
iii-y to censtxuet said buildings. We be-
e f aid liave to hesitation in expressing and it has been published five rears whHi;
- JCll,
expenses every week by drafts on its capiuL
Ia a brief response to the allegation, the T:mes
By reference to our ad rertisinj columns it
'all! be seen, that a chan has ; bsen; made in
the firm of Ncckcixs,- Kcssei. & Co. Mr.
YTirrTE takmj the jj!a?e of S.'F. Xcckoees.
Mr White's well known business qualiScationi
need no comment, T, The new firm hare just
rer-rived per steamer SLlfary the Erst boat
"XeLrtiMka -Adcrtiter"i
A notice appears in the last camber of yoorpaper
slnd by Jervma ll)OTcr. ia wbpa- she interdi to
reject somewhat oa mi. 1 would not notice it were
ft not that sacn a rtatemect nneontmiicted wonld
ten.! ta miilead tua rublk' mind. In regard to the
part I have takta, 1 will merely say that 1 was direct
ed last fill toeemmrris suit ajainst Mr. Hoover for
the recovery of nine-twelfths of the town of Nemaha
Citv for the owae53 of that interest. 1 was there at
one tims end made sfn inquiry in retard t-i the
I '. I -wmr T-VV V . 3W aS. T .- 1 -
S'oax City, Inr.( Omad;. Decxtur Citv, De V T a A T" Ta CX J Z
3ttv Flor-nce,Omahi Citr, Cuaacil BlaT Belle- i t0 Fort Pierre. - Qts. ftad bac CUCula
at," St. Mary", Wyouiln City 5"ebraska City, week. " Bidders DJJ prop-rs3 schedUifcf Cl(
uea; lirowaru., lAwe Urerjn .low Point. I Torture anl arRTAi "
YT. TT. CAKEI1-. -
Csauusaa, rt. J;-?z, eti.
- f lE ex?e"cn.t eomaodloo3 aad favor---'
- " rtcp&ijec-ef steamsr Afaiaax. Crt.
Baker, Clerk, Robert A. Darit, will on, the jc-nuEg
of navijaSion ply as a 'regular paciet ti the above
ana xil latercaeaute landing a the jlui-'B.ri U;Ter,
renlaialc pbnuanently in this txadi, and rsruur.
rernlarly dsns tae cstu season.
The admiral Las ncMity received many valuable t
improvements andaai.ti.cj, ronaeric; her now, bcth
a3a paasenjer and fre'r'.t steamer, eaal to any ia
the trade : and Capt. Eakr hopes t receive at the
ha add of his old Miisocrl RiTer fripiids, tie aarae
liberal patwaa- sognercafly extecdei t j LLi brcth
er. Shippers may rely havic' their freizht
banLrf -with tha. grealist care anl iL'pltcb, aci
pawiii areassartd rntravclisj npon theAdmi
ra!, at baic male f ei always qjiita at h. 1 he
Adni ral will nrk8 ana trip to C jnnil daus, after
wuic'a. h will make r?-ruiar trip3 tj Sioux City
every tweniv day. - - - - - ' "j
,Airii2d,js:;y " : . a-2-tf
6. P. II. Bids ta extend tne service from
Marrsvi'iij to Lecomptorti will he c: nsidcrcU
150CL From Omvii to E'.khcrn' P.rvcr,
miles and Lick, cuce a weci. Bidders wi l
t.V.a the, and r:port a s:h-; dub cf . m
lurtTt-IirC 2aZl 2JTVal - f j
1ZQ22. ,t Frsvn . 0 ji iha Cy0 1 J.Uih J
1S57 nissorRi hiyeh packet. 1S57.
wm. Ovxxiiplooll. .
WIL EDD3 -. .-Haster
For Florence, Omaha City, Coancil B!ufj, EcHevne,
St. Marys, Wycmin City, Xelraika City. Lin
den, Erownville, Lowell. Oregon City, Iowa fA-lnt,
Savannah, St. Jrsrrh, FaTenao, Atchi3 i,.Yi"ei
iot, Leavenworth City, Kan-a, Ialejndace,
Liberty, Lexington, etc'ct?." . . . ;
rpn E new excellent an 1 fa vsrite p:uses5cr S teaaier,
A Wit. Caxrertn. Wm. Ed Is, 3iaiter, will a the
earnest epen'.cr of Buv.ratiia, run as a. rfjrrilar
packet to the abefve and all tha ia'tenaevLa'e points
. . . -. . 1
situation of the tit..e. end t2S ely rcascni uia tot , t,e Missonri Rier; remaining pennacw 'Jr.-in
call cn Mr. Hocver was that I was tacr vs. the -i t dariPgtbe entire sea-n."
Dec., whh was a day that should b -n--icnt apr.I- "Pbe 'Wiiiiam Campbell" has recr.tlj tiea f-twd
fy.and I intendl then to retnro shorJy, bnt on Bp lni refamjcd in the most eod'.-rn r'rlc re
re;icLiar Ixoccafoaad that my,b&ueas a.ed gar.Ileofespenw.anlwitbaneTeriIetoi'L- h
Laif, so that I was icoVcLle to eouaueuec tic prt- safa &ad COTOfort M X3 wita every cenr-ru-
cnt suit until- y fatam, ea on my revara 1 iocs t fcBet.tinit rtndsr her dedirable to the trae-mr
tiie carlfet c-pr-ort nity to do so ; and I ra s-3 no
way in wnich aXr. tUiorcrs rirats nava been prajn
diced by not bein g raed until the present snit was
(w-nintctitJ. Ii he has snjtalB! tr.r injary I will be
nerpoiuibl I wasuwe-Jtcd ly the prieiitcoujpiain
ants to cucnacnce scitsix DKbths since.
- Yonrs, Ac,
Ho! Fanners and Gardeners!!
a large assortxtlent of enaaely new goods, and
they are now iprepared to furnish Dry Goods, I ticn eleven of the aforeraenti&raea act.
by the force of steam or other power, and mnv
fix and eitabusa rates ol toll for the transpcr
tation of persons and pTperty over said Bead.
Abt. -l2-The said Company shalT trars
pcrt the United States rrriul up?n such terTtis
as may hi agreed npon by the Post Cilice De
rrtment' and the Corrfpany. . "! '.': .
Aet. 13. The Company shafl commerce
constructing said Boad at some point., within
the boundaries on the Missouri river, as speci
fied in article two of this article of association,
within ten years from the date of Iir and
r .-cording of tlris article, and; ;corcpIete fo'r:y
miles of the same within fire years from the
date of such commencement.
Aet. ILSaiti Company failing to comply
with the requisitions cf this article of incor
poration, the privileges herein f ecured shall be
null and void.' " ' 2.
Aet. 15. This corporation reserves to itelf
the rihtt to make srtch change in these arti
cles of ic corporation zs mtry fee decned
-. ' tf it. ........ vu-n.1
Groceries, Hardware, &cat lo a-rates.
its expenses are ever $5,000 per week.
as been pubhsUed five vean. whicl
'f, tnat it is the duty cf the property j would raahe an aregiUe '. pavmeut cf $1
-3 cf Brcwnviile to contribute Lbcrallv 500,00a ' " ' . - ;
to the construction cf Cocntr
Seme cf cur citizens mar regard
as premaiuret SLdcite to marry counties
t-e Territory to Utter oil ia this respect
-wXeuaLa. Admit this to be so, is it any
--n, cr tr- et that we should not go for-
Vajd With m crBrr.rr. 1 .4-1 t - .
4..jj i c-c liiiu.ea reuouiAi
; See the ad rerfisement. of Brushes in another
column. Our western nierchants will cd no
bt: er depot frc'm which to' draw their sup
ples ia that lice.
The Nevr York llirrcr CIndepcndcrit) iUfa
was a Fremont paper last fail, annoonces iu
intention to sapper! tbe administratioa of Bu
chanan. Itssvs:
"The plitiurta of the new administration,
laid down in the President's inaugural nd-
We hear ra any inquiris forseed of all kinds
by those desiring to cultivate gardens, and to
such we re.'er to. the ne a advertisements of XL
A. Teeet & Gs (kfurjil .ElitlTs lie has
joplete assortment cf every variety of seds,
rrrouts, cuttings, &c kept at an establishment
dres, is maird v m accorJance the wishes of that kind. Give hint! a caih
'0 OCT l.i,C. 1
a.a pTuspcnry-L'ecanse other i arjd aenrimer.ts of the llirrort and to !rm
r" tvet0 wildings for county rcrposes? 1 this conservative and pac:j roller is' adhered'
-acu ctjections we regard uonsensical and i - T our new Chief I'gistrate, the Mirror
u a sols'. Lie rr-t w--':l m t .t.-, w:.I its and ' eares-t surport
w . J . I ? W W " T 1 . T
l-Tr1 "c V, U'Stt eEtandfriendlvfec.'- . r-x-.on
trj wealth, ard the demandi f3r '
.1 ..
- J . o . - " -
. - . .J
en cf
Jwrville tls.t this
1.1 a
"-'--..i-.rct.ay; TLsaletihe
weoTsaetocd-itcaits dene and we
IIaeo IlirT. Prentice of the Louisville
gets eff sone
. i . '. -
Aet. 1. Know all men hr these presents
tttat we, Iscas T. Wbyte, Robert II. Stewart,
James II. Hughes, Lesjamia iioliAday, Ac
f. Jl C TT.'I. -rt -. T'- T r
Jnr.r,.. f;..!,.V;rn. TT.-vrr 1 -! AlO.Aiay, iwKtt- . -i UTOaR, USCaT
.,0-.vj .u.(, i.iiu.v.u- .. r r.v tt-, 11 TT, TT
. . . It - - 4.C, I til. 4 X. ilVD Hi) 4 4
ennr S. Haro,
Jolin G. Telford,, and Wrn.Xarbce, our , htirs
ann, ass' aereny jisjoctsAe ourselves 10
Staer ta irorroritor-. fjr the imrDoses and
tag turned aficr her death. If 'there is any 1 sst expresssd ia theso article of incorpora-
We see that the srrijhtlv dhorgh ranfhty
authoress who calls hen-t-I f Gecre Sand, has
expressed Ler?.! verv b.rorrlv in uvorcf be
truth iu sicript-jre, wa gncrs aha will have ler
.1 4.',
tUitt, and do br these rrsreEts cccititute and
!e tiara tcrrIvts a tody arTrst arrd plii,
Aet. 15. That this corportioa shall com-
roence on the twenty-third day ;cf Fehru:.ry,
A. eighteen hurKlred and . f fty-seven, co
tcmporaneoas with the" filing of these articles
cf iriccrporation f or record with the Register cf
Deeds vrithin and for the county cf -Nemaha,
in the Territory of Nebraska, and shall have
an existence and contoBtMi in full force for a
period cf lofty years from and after said ilay,
cr. until the tVenty-thir I day, of February;
A. U-, nineteen nunareu :ia cc.-i a.
Aet. 17. The principal place of unict
ir2 the ba inr ss cf this corporation shall lo at
a j Brownviile, ia Nemaha cocntr,, Territory of
Nebrashs!, at which place the oee of said
corporaatan shall be permanenay located.
Signed : -' ' ' ' :
: : L T. WHITE,
f ' " ' BENJ. H0LLADAY,
' A, a nOLLADAY, :
::r '-' ', h-slmaya - - -
I -: ' ' WM. BARNES,-'
tt T. LAKE; r : '
' ;; ; : .. wm. il eooyer,
ReccSred for" Record February 23d, A. D.
1357. at 4 o'cloclt P. M, and feccrdel on
Deed Book A. 'of Nemaha courir, Nebraska
TerritCiTT, folios 7 6, &' 9. - ?
. - ' - - -' - T7ii. H; noDTxn,
- r-rihr ft Ter. I'crti-i f oin:i-, N. T. '
PSESTJiTES'G thit jo have subscribed for roar
connty paper, :u CTory rodeiliasas should, now
And the farm work comia-efl, yea wilt need the
farmers own paper,
omo cuEtiyatok
And yon cannot aSurd to do without it. H pages,
twice every month,, and always irp to the times.
Only One dollar a Tear.
Three copies fcr $2. Sead for it right off.
.S.D.I1AKEIS, Editor.
Colombo?, O.
April M, lSa7. 42-Tt
. ' AMERICAN. . '"
tteaimii :"ill3iijiiiiiiii
-, 5ew York
Triea Lietf llrnsbe," aent f rinrtJ. Orders
rsjpeetfnlly 8cli?a.'Laaa prompuy RUeadisl to
April2J, ls$L' - . 2-3
ittba, readerinj her nw both as reortls capacity
for basinets, 39 perlcr a?mci.xrationi f :-r passec jws,
eqnal to any ia the tr.uls. . Captaia Ei l Jsccs to
receive at tae hands oi cs nameroa JiLefonri.nver
frioads a ecn.inaaaee of that gneruas patrcpaja
f-jr which he is ia-lebtel dlj-io a. scria of years.
wLr4 in command of different twats, and f r hieh
he hcrebv desires tj prtsent bis mist (rratafnl ac-
LnowIciTgrnent, promiiicg increased euLrti to 'te
jeafral satittajtiGS, and re taia th eoaiit a aad
April 2d, 157. " ' 42-tf
irotice to the PuMicV. ;,
KE3RASH. tin ,,
; CAPITAL STOCK '$50,000.; -
Nebraska Citf Jf"T.
BE1XG inTorrjeJ thtfccrta;n pirties ara circnlat
icj reports ttutmay. without bin-stnwadietial,
operate Irjarioasly to iha Towa of Nemaha ei:y,
vi x : That 1 am not the leral owner cf ta town site
that I had oa a. former o-easiaiK avid it to other
parties and am now vivlatinj an agreement; said to
hava been en tend iato be i ween mystlf atd the
pnr:'e-,' ra'trrcd to and farther, that suit .haaben
or is about beinj bncagbt to recoTer interests said
to be claimed by these partita.
The wh--4e aSair is wichut any fonndatinfi what
ever. arecafat hai ever b-iea enterad in; be
tween myself ard any party or par:ia bat waat I am
prepared to faithfoi'y falSIL The article rcferrtd U
abeve, is Said hare bn cntJr.'d iato av.Euiime in
the Spring of 13j5, between njyitlf 5. F. NatkUlf,
a Mr. DaliarJ. a Mr. Daaran, a Jlr. Ht'yatt, a Mr.
UJHj and others. t,t wh im I snow fyhinjas I never
saw bnt two or three cf the gentlemen, cr heard of
thcra excopt -a co&atcted wii these fiyia; rumors.
If my a!rj:tare appears as a party ia tha arti;le cf
arwinntsail taeiit it isforj-d, as It wa3 sever
placed them with my kriowTe I - j or ensott. .
If these ;r-ntlemen. hre as they claim, aay r. -bt
ta property in 5emaha city, cr d.iJVrety-e with m !
way do taey not can on me ia j rn,r. I bare bsei
infutnrcd that a persoa said to represent then his
been ia this ecnty on several eceasiorj and even ia
the Town of emaha city making the a5r;rtions, rt
f erred to, but has never cade his tusioea kn-iwn to
me, nlthoujh I was in osy rest-ince aci he but a few
rods distant."" It i p-lain, I thick, for any and every
one to see that the whole a?air has beca Uo ap
toinjaretbeTown of IN'eniahaeity,crar&sa totxere
an interet chertin.
Tims much J have thooght prr?pcr t ray la t'iii
pablic manner, and farther to annocace, that ihs:;!-!
the parties referred ta fai 1 am prejered to
ra'jct then.
JTamaha Cifr, V. T.
JIarch 21st, 1S-57. f . 4itf
1ZQZZ.' Ttzn Omaha, W.P4o.-enc
Fort Caihcun, De Soto,Curri::gCtr,Tekaina.'j,
Black Birdj and Dahkouh t'"-ty, 1(0
mHe?, and back, once a week. Leave (Jrz J.i
C;tyMor.dsv at 7 A, 21.; arrive at Diakotaa
City Wedsusday by C, P. M, leave Dahkottib
City Thursday at 7, A. M.; arrive at OmaiiA
City Situriyby C, P.M. Proposal lex thrss- '
times a-wcek service arj iv.viie L .
L30C 1. Fr;m Omaha City, tc He;imey City,
55 miles and back, once a week. Leave
Omaha City Monday at 7, AM.; arrive as
Kesrr:y City next day at 3, P.M.; leave "KentS
ney Cry Wednesday at 7. A.M. arrive at
Omaha City Eextday by 5, P .-Trapcil
for threc-times-a-week service rv2 inviteL
15035. From Omaha City, .by Nebraska"
City, Kearney City, iLsu.-Yeniorv Lrown-
vilie, Nemaha Ciir'ar.d iiata u miausid;
15J' miles - and back, once a weak. - Lsa.vo
Omaha City Monday at , L1L; - arrive at
Whitehead W'ednesiay .1 cy . J, t'.U.;-letivj
Whitehead -Thursday trt o, A.M.; nrr.T8
CuiahaCity Satcrd-y iy O.A.M." r.v:.!s
fcr tlirea-times-a-weei service are fi.viiid." '
iyx. rFram -DahkoTdiOily to fjyyri
Blufi, 4m-iles and tackTthrce &ii a w8ii:
Leave Dahkota-5 Citv Vednejaljy
andFridar at ?, ArM.r'arrive at" S.-ra:t'.
BiuiTs by t), A. 21.; leave. S-argeaifi BIa2
Mondav,, and Fridav at I-, M j
arrive at D.thkutai City Lv 2. P. IL r r
1507. From Dahkotah C.iy. by SJ jl r a,
Ayowaj Creek, aril Ritnnir.g Water R.ver,-ta
Fcrt Laramie, 400 miles and lack, orrce'-aV
moyth. - Bidders may propwe a 'schediW f
departures and arrivals. - i
130C-3. From Onwdi. by Dahkouh City,
to Sergeant's Blul!s, Iowa, 11 m.lesai.d bc!:,
onco a w-;ckj loav Omadi Mor.di al. 8,' a. it ;
arrive at Sergeant's Biu2. by li s. H-i, Ita
Scrgeai,-.' Biu- Mvi::day ;U L r. a.; Anie i
Omadi by 4. r: it. i'rsp-waU L)i tariotiuet-a-week
erv,ce are Invited.' r ' - '
150CX Frln' I'latt.-rrWth; or Ken.!
an-d W vcuiiitg, to Same v City, 22- milts an J(
back,OLca a week; leave Patj mouth Moi Jay
at 3, a. jr.; arrive at Kearney City by G, r. ar;
leave Kearney Ctr Tuesday at S, i, k ; airiiw
at Pla'.Lniocth by C, p. ir. Proposals Lr ts ic-a-wee
k service re invited.
1500. From Wyoming to Sidney. Irwj,
15 milesand back, or'ce a wek; !tve Wjon.-'
ing Monday at 7. A. jr.; arrive at Sidr.ey iarx s
day by 12, k; Lave S duey Monday at 2, ir.3.;
a rive at Wyurnia giame day by 7, T. M. j
1504L From Wycmii gto Salt CreeY, fO
mihsarid hac!t one; a week; liv Wtcu:: '
Moudav at 0, x a.; am va at ba'.t Cieek;
d;.y by 12, it; lear Salt Creek Tit'es-lay at 2
F. k : arrive at Wvoming nextd4rv bv C, ?. jl, .
O. F. LAKE,-Erowsville.
. Ti EOOVX12,
. yeraai Ci"j.
15:i2. From Nebraska Citv ta Sal: Crck, at-dback avcek; Iave Nebras
ka U.ty Mou'lay at S, A. ar.; arrive ;it Sal; Ckcsk
next day by 12, 2t.; Lave bait Cre;k Tuisday
at U, f. it.; arrive at Nehruka U.ry text dy ty, . , .; '
loO'tZ, Trim Kearrey City, t New Frt
Keamey, 250 miles and baric, cn :3 a mouih
Lt. ' . 4..t 4C Vi1 ? 4.. A. V . V 4 44,1, .4.4,.
arrive at New Fert Kearney Id. U day?; !a,ivo
New Fcrt Kearney 12:h cf every menjr; ai
rive at Kearney Ciij ialO days. f
1501a From t Ncr Fort
Fcan-ey, 220mUc3and laci, orca a nt:t!.;
leave Browviile lcttf every xi:t;i!.;;
atNe. Fcrt Kearney ia lOdays; Lava.N2V.
Fcrt Kearney 12th of each month; arnro at
Brcrr.r.:: : in,!') d.iTS. '
IvUlo. ixn Browrv:;,, by i.L?z?:7 tr
Linden, m..esat:dbock, u.ree Lms .a
week; leave Brown villeMo-vJUy,;'
TITS Cccraay, aadtr a l."henl charts, is sow
folly orsaaurril, aa i their aatire capital stock cf
nftj aw-eat Xr, paid, an atd t aenred. They
are prepared, frrtar this date, to grant er& policiea,
and Uke fisiis, epen eqsal term?; wl:h the most
favored LJra;Sie Cotapivny aay where." Bavin;
adt;pted tiie Ertitsrii priiscipic, ia patrons, withent
incarrlr aty IlS-brlity, will thara ia Ursprsllts &
The cperatiota of the Company, wHl ba cccilscd, !
r.rthe rrr?nt. to Siaxtyz. or taauj r., w
rctii. srsaeroas iwrport from extern Jiercbanta.
' Wa raryoctfiiliy invite ths Xisso-rri EiTer p-troeaj-e.
- -' '' '
um me,
and Friday :tt7, a, r: arrive at . Lir. I-n 1-y'lC,-A.H.;
leave Lrr.d M ctc iar,-"V It i y. ar. i,
Friday, at 12, zs; arrive tt Brr;xvil!-al y i;Y.iL
Propa!s ta termitite sery:;--1 ijet ar
invited. -! - -j -
15)15. FrmRtrir,T!:?.MLiC':':ri itrcr,
between Great zzi L:"!j Nc.rha rircri, br
Arch.TandSzIem, to'ITgr.fe Hirer. 55 miles
and tuck, cr;ee a week; lea. Rt!v Mwxliy a.
7, a. at.; arrive ft B:gBli3 River Wediteidij
by 6, leave Big LIna River TLuslay at
7 A. II. j arrive at Rulo- Saturday by a, l;.' s. ;
Fcr f orms o f propesahv gar-r.r an, 1 c i ti:. T-
ca'.?,""aa5 IrJlrucSo'rj"'ah2 re'riirsmti irij'l o
emi-i"?d h tls ccttmchi iz tii adverts wr-cLt.
b plilTrLht forr at the rrinripal pitjciUces
'and advertisemeitct r
, Territery, &n.,&e, tLut-1
f t
am liability of 5 izpco a aay cne ooura. VV ' i - - z "zzi & i
thciilylscran.ra Ualee, oa theabove poy. , ' ' u.-awi lE-.-ney, fcuyic ma s-.-i.m
LrTa,Wesl ti the ITassourU it eotaleatly ea- f?. J'-? acllltiz wa CnsdtLda, j
i ajaa.4B5 Vvuecui'us i-ardutart d-ja2r$.-n-A ai atads ;
'rinscTtiiSr ;.
. - r--t .v rr
, - ' ' V. W . 4 Si 1 y
r r
A.. 4m,a
J. L. Ajr.5trot,"
Ji:!s f .Drawn,
Hl4i - r -
March 21, 7.
Ptnaai.ter Giretal.'T'
, - f t O CM J -, ' .r f j -o r ,
cf t
i.ues tc." Dei tbtir r-ra ints-:: .'.i. atteatoia wtt be g.vea it- aUig de5an-' A as:d?ral.e aasjast f :-r.Jaa Tr !aa
twy aUteaienU to pra-eapt-aod wnnS Tai-' ernta2?ht ly Mr. M:r-.y yrtr::3 2 rs
raaty Deeds from the Towaaaori'ujs. . I-L Will tro .-iri; th-.-swli L ' .el
Fersoas owninj tows lots, residln ' at a : paea4l ost-: or.-deT?.r.v-a al ifd.
wtshkg to pruenra Warraaty L'etds will doweirio rre:i Tern cf -hl w;;; ix::. ;'
, ' CHAS.r.Z01LT, VrxiUzt:
ti Ii3 A--n-cL TT. P. Brrari. -April
ZZ,Ui7. . U-t-t
liace ta a-r-ncT in wit banJ. '! t-rn... ' . a: 112. ca : r. U
their Q iit eiaim Deedi for said L-t,) within thf ex ; JS ' I-:;'':?Z-- '
t ti rsntss, iu t:-4.;r taa? I;:
,s u;:t! t- ..
M ... . '
IlacikS alsjys cu as-i.
i,rta if. --rr. - l-lytdU CH.:s.
J ' I