Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 02, 1857, Image 2

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A correspondent of the New" York
Timet, on board the PortstnctUh, re
' ccntl y engaged in hostilities at Canton,
furnishes an interesting account of the
part the Americans have taken in the
- demonstrations against the v Chinese.
Wc copy a paragraph :'
I was surprised to sec the terrible
. cfi'ect of the shot and shell from the
, 5S0 yards cf Jhe Portsmouth, qajtlie
lGth ult., were shattered, overthrown,
and inom instances, pulverized to a
powucr as Cne as Hour. The accuracy
"6f 'th&'firinrv loo,7 was mosllahlnTnlTjIer
ted. Theisfissive cranitcwa b t1 - 7: 7 "rr-
f the first fort, which Wcs i4 ranL-Q cf Tho IIouso Representatives 'of
- iue emorasurcs oi ions -are -proviueu
iTith doors lined with iron, which are
closed while the guns are run in and
being loaded; one of these doora I
." noticed penetrated by shot in 'three
places. The shell burst very perfectly
.and into very small pieces. As the
' forts were crowded by Chinese, " they
. . dust have suffered a fearful loss. The
-. -enemy-could stand with comparative
case the shot of the Levant, but the
"rotten" shot of the "black devil," as
they styled the Portsmouth, and also
the shell and scrapnell from the effici
ent howitzer, were altogether intoler
able. Had the Portsmouth been
equipped with a less efficient battery
than the one which sho now carries,
-' she hardly could have sustainedHhe
. rapid and accurate fire of the four forts
. as she did on Sunday, the lGth. She
fired on that day alone, no less than
two hundred and thirty shells; and the
. total weight of the iron and powder
which she threw during the several
engagements was about eighteen tons.
The English papers say, that owing
the failure of crops in Lapland and
. V inland, the inhabitants on the north
- . coast of Norway are starving to death
at the rate of , about one hundred per
k day. .. The living are compelled to live
. as best they can on the bark of trees
. ?round tin anri rrrArrA rrifTi nifo ' Tr
addition the cold is of a severity rarely
1 L experienced, even in that ice bound
-.' . region. Societies have been' formed
. . to collect food and carry it to them.; '
.; A man entered the Marine bank, in
-.Chicago, on the morning of the 3d ult.
and laid a bag containing 0,000 on
. ; the ' fiocr-beside' him", . and - looking
' . around a moment afterward discovered
. it was gone, i No clue has yet been
- found as to the thief is, or where, the
money Las gone.: ' ': ,' '.'j ., 't .
. , The liquor law is being vigorously
' enforced in several 'counties in Ohio."
v -.. ..
" It is prop.oscd to 'iuaVc ' thtr "bridge
over the Mississinm at St ' Louis 122
. - ;
feet above low water mark.
W. Aster is put down in' the New
. York' city.' tax schedule at 3,200,000
' l i A r j AAA 1 ,
. . real, ana $o-i,vvv personal estate.
The anniversary cf the Frenchrev'o
'lution in 1848, was celebrated. in New
York, iVo.' 24. . v , ;
There was fifty-six deaths bvdelirum
.tremens last year in the New Orleans
city hospital.' :- ' ' '" (, .
. ; Seventeen employees of? the Ohio
Central railroad have been arrested
fcr stealing articles cf freight.
. The bill to expedite tne construction
of a telegraph from the Atlantic to the
'Pacific, haa just passed the.. 'United
estates senate. , . . . ,
. . The wheat crop in the vicinity of
fcprmgneld, Illinois, is "represented as
promising well. , . - . -
: ' The Queen of Great Britain has com-
. . persons, of every rank and class, who
liave been engaged m.the several ex
peditions to the Arctic regions, whether
of discovery or search, between the
- rears of 1818 and .1855 both inclusive.
The office of StateTEnginecr,.with a
. . salary of fc5,00Q, has been create! in
.. Missouri.. . "',
The "Wisconsin assembly has passed
' the suffrage amendment, giving the
"right cf voting to women. If it passes
the Senate, it must be submitted to the
people before it becomes a' portion of
- The LGuin-Ule Courier savs that the
. earlier trees are putting out their leaves
in that vicinity. . ' " . .
' ' Fcrir.r.I charges of incompetency
and improper conduct in.oCIce, have
been preferred against" Coroner Con
r.cry, of N. Y. city, and laid before
Governor King, agreeably with the
requirements cf the statute. Con
nery has been notified of the fact, and
ha3"becn. instructed '.to forward his
defence. ' ... - .. . .
-: ThC ice-houses in Philadelphia now
contain 120,500 tons of ice. - " -
L "The Cincinnati CcmmariaX rhas fears
for the ccmincrrcnch crcr in thatvici-
. nuy, as tne . your - buds r cre aire
bursting fcTta. ; . ; . . ... -
If expeuition is humanitv. then the
ruilotinc cf Pari3 ia the most: humane
: instrument of its kind in existence -
Frcn the time Verger issued from the
c!:cr of. the prison, at the distance'" of
a hundred feet from the guillotine,
trill lis mutilate! body drawn away
in a cl ozo carriage, was but cne
The GrzrA Juries of Stark and
f r r 4
Ohio, have returned
icnt against nineteen
'lir': freight frcrn
i . -
Tha -bill-removing -tho-cnHaU:f
Minnesota from St. Paul to St. Peters
has passed both branches of the Legis
lative Assembly, and no elouVt is en
tertained but that it will receive the
signature of the Governor. ,! j
. V " . . ; , v ' .
The Great Ganges Canal U nearly
one third longer than the Erie, has
more than two and a half! times inj
breakibj and -is three feel Ueper.
Another canal has been constricted in
the Punjoub, 470 miles in length.
It is stated that the Paris physicians
Massachusetts has passed aiU- abo
lishing all religious tests in witnesses.
9 The post office at'Cairo Tvas '" robbed
oirthc nighfof -thcr-15th nlt.::--
r ' Prof. Braklesbury has computed the
age of the Charter Oak at 945 years.
Quite a Methusaleh. ' . " .
Eliza Cook very. truly says : "To ap
preciate the value of newspapers, we
have only to suppose they wero : to- be'i
totally discontinued lor a - month.-
The idea is horrible. f ' -
The Annapolis Gazette states, that
the number of bushels of oysters ta
ken from thai city during the winter
is immense. The boatmen ha vo count
ed up their gains, and show a. hand
some pile. Some of them have made
as much as $20 per day; and but few
have made' as little a3 5 to. 6 per
day. . . ; ; . ' V: ; ; ? -, .
The Journal of Commerce states
that child stealing has become a regu
lar business in New York, for the pur
pose of obtaining a reward far their
restoration: In many cases they make
sums amounting to 100 c-r mere. , .."
Seventy converts i have ; recently
joined the Methodist church,! ia Rock
Island. ; - '.
The citizens of " Galena are going to
bnild a great : north-western railroad.
There are some twelve jo:: fifteen
candidates to supply the vacancy caus
ed by the death of. S. P. Brooks. ' -
G. P. R. James announces a new
novel Leonora d'Orco.
The wheat and fruit of -Northern Il
linois have not been injured by the
winter. i , .
'." . ( : . . C0HPASY.. . ,( , , , ,r t. i ;
Abt. 1. Know all 'rnen by thesis ' presents,
That wc James ' W.J Coleman and Eo'oert W:
Furnas, our heirs and assigns'd thereby asso
ciate ourselves tOethera3 kcorporatcrs for the
purposes and uses expressed ia these articles
of incprporarion, and do, by these pTcsenU con
stitute and' declaro ourselves a lDJy corporate
and politic with, succession, under tbe name
tx! style iftlia rownvilU Bt'jnC CTtdC iBlvne
Coal XJcmp-xnv": agreeable to Chapter. third of
theact of the Legislature of Nebraska Territory, j
entitled "an act for "fa vising! consolidating and i
preparing a general codc5 for thy Territory of'
Nebraska." Approved, Jan. 25, 1836. .
Act. '2. 1 ho u;i3ices3 of th.s. corporation
shall be to quarry stone,, and stcno coal, at.
any point or points, within the county of Ne-
na,ana territory 01 jeurasKa, ana appose
.h e sanieinot conflicting -with the rights ofoth-
ers.the Territory or United State3,and to do all
things necessary to tho carrying oa cf a regu
lar acdcgiljmate business, to buy and possess
property ,cf -all Uinas . real ana perscnal and
nixed to mortgage,' sell, convey and dispose of
the same, to contract and be contracted with,
to sue and bij sued, lo defend nd be defended
against, to plead and be impleaded in HI courts
and places whatover, in all manner cf actions,
and nay have a common seal and alter tho
same at pleasure. ' , "' "' 1 '.'1 ,
- Am. 3. Tho capitel' stoc' ?( 't aid ; corpora
tion shall be Fifty Thousand Dollar t9 be di
vided into shares of TtveritV.Fivo DolIar3 e?ch,
two thousand dollar? of which must be sub-'
scribed and .paid in, or the. sum of .two thou
6au4 dollars, by the payment of five percent
on the amount subscribed before commencing
business, and such per cent; and at such times
thereafter as the Board of Directors may re
quire until the capitol stock shall bo fully paid
in; and tha indebtedness or liabilities of the
cotnpany 'shall cot at any time' exceed two
thirds the amount of stock paid in.' t . t
sAdt. 4. The place of business of. this cor
poration shall be at the city of Brownvillo in
6a'.d Territory., ..t ; .' ,
'Alt. 5.- Tho stock of said corporation Ehall
boj assignable and transferable according' to
such rules and under such restrictions as the
corporators or Board cf Directors miv prescribe
and the Board shall have power at all times to
mako such By-Laws, rules and
may appear for the well-being of said company,
noi inconsii ttnt with the hwsof this Territory or
those of the-United Slates.
Aet. G. That the stockholders cf said com
pany shall meet at such time and place as a
majority of them may disinate and annually
thereafter at their cilice in Brown vlle, for the
purpose of electing a Board of Directors who
shall b3,stockhgldersto.ccnducMhft -ufliiirs
of said, corporation, and to 'continue in :oCice
for one year or until their successors are elect
ed, .and tho aforesaid corporators, shidl 'have
power to manage , and conduct toe .Uair3 of
said corjoratioo until the election of Directors,
and in the election of said Director; 'each share
then held shall entitle tha hold if thereof to
one vote which may be given in person or by
proxy. . . . 1 .. .; 'i
Art. 7. Itsballbe the duly cT the Board
of Directors to elect annually lron tha x num
ber, a President and Treasurer ant oppoint or
elect a Secretary, and such othjr oilicers or
agents as the interests of the corjiontion may
require, wbose dutiesmay be prencvibwlby Jhe
Bv-Laws of said corporation. ..: J .'
Aet. 8.. That in case .of va:aqy ficm any
cause in any of the oflicers abova nirriQi, thQ
Board shall have power to 11 fcuch v acancy; -
. Aet. ,9. This corjrction reserrea to itself
the right to make such. changes i; thtis-3 arti
cles as may. be deemed necessary, agrs?ab!eto
the power vested by section ehjveu of, the .
forementioned act . .-.. ,
Aet. 10. This corporation shall coram ence
on the of Iarch, Eig'itcwn Uun
dred and fifty seven (1S57) .cotenperaneons
with the n;:ng of these articles vaa the Ke
cordcr cf Deeds within and for ths. county of
JSemaha m the Icrutcry of Nebraska, and
shall have an existence and cpr.tbua in fall
force for a period of fiHy yeirs. Sig;necl
. Brownville.N.T.,) J W. COLF.JXAN, ;
March 'J.1S37. C-'K. W. FURNAS.
Beceived for record March 2, A. D., 1S57,
at CO minutes prt 10 o'clock, a. and recor
ded on Detrd Book "A" cf Nemahst county,
N.T., Folio 27. W. II. IIOOVEE,
Errrtcr of Deeds, Nemaha Co., T. T.
! i 11 nil. 1
THE subscriber bas a variety of choice Seeds, of
which hij has grown aLl tostel the past season,
aa deems them worthy of general enltivationby all
lovers .of gotd tbirgs. 'TLosa ScIs h3 will lend
postpaid, by mail,i-aiSSge cf 20 vj "iitie?, (of your
ownseleoUon,) for or a larger nu . .vji'ia the same
proportion; four varieties for 2icts., crone rariety
for 9 ceata. Ila Las of ,
Water JIelons ThB New Ora, Ijo Cream,
Bradford.-, LliileH, Porar.riaaud IVcaium.
Ca.vtelopi Christif ua, Walcrt, - Morina' best
Green, Extra Nutmeg, liorins' le: Yellow, Extra
Netted Kind. Minor;i. ' s .
JlcKeo's Mammoth Muakmelon, Glass Llelon.
CucrMBERfj Early Frame, Long Llund, Five Foot.
. English Gherkin?, Fig Tomato, Mammoth, Grtpe,
and Cherry Tomato. Cspe Gooseberry. "
Squashes Sweet Fotato.Doston Marrow, Custard,
Woolsdy'a Cieam, Dennii' Striped, Crook Neck, Ala
bama Golden, White aijd Yellow Scollop. . .
:rCbBrf: Au-IrewV-Premium. Harris1 40 Days, U y-
andct, King Philip, Sheet Veg, Stowell's , Evergreen
SwceC Car I 3's . llxim' Sweet, Hour, Chocolate,
Sorgho D!ace or Dourah Corn, Extra Fop Corn.';' "
Teas Anvaergne, Prince Albert, May, Champion
of England, Japan, Queen of Dwarfo, Prolific Dwarf
- BKANg Mjxiean Turtle Soap, Wctmoro's GpIden
Eyed, Canadi Kidnev, Hangarian Lima. Haricot's
de- Soissons, Threa Foot or Asparagus1, Hungarian
TirkDean, Cip.dq Ycjdsu,,
" Ncpnul Barley, French"Milkt, Dangarian MlHet,
Egyptian Wheat, Poland Oats. : . i:
Calnton Ptrtatoe Pumpkin, Head Lettuce,' Srrcet
Turnip, Mock Orange, etc.; etc. -
Send currant bank bills or postage stamps. When
orders cannoV bo filled, tha money will bo promptly
returned free of expenso. - '. ,-
Address l ' . L. NOPJUS.-;
" March' 12tt. '57. Windsor, Ashtabula Co., O. .
j . u.... v. -.;:.rj i i - 33-tf
1,000 Agontei "7S7Yvxi.toci:
TO Sell "by 'subscription DR. ARNOLD'S Faraily
Practice, entitled, Arnold't Lectttret on Anatomy,
PkyiA.ogy, ITygena and ditease itt cause, preven
tion and curt. Written in a familiar style, designed
fcr the general reader. Highly illustrated with ex
cellent wood cuts, by the best artists in the We3t.
This is u book gotten up with great care and ex
pense, and is made to simple and comprehensive, that
every one that reads it can understand it. It con
tains a great variety of the most valuable receipes
for almost every disease that mankind are "subject
to, containing over 400 large 12 mo. page?, and bound
in embossed - muslin, gilt back; retail price, $1.5).
A sample copy will bo sent to any part of ithe
United States, on receipt of the retail price, tdso a
full list of my publications, with terms to Agent3,on
application. Address '
: II, il. RULISON, Queen City Pub. House: ! -141
Main st., Cincinnati, O.
Or, if living East, -
, D. RCLISON, Philadelphia, Pi.
r. S. Editors giving this advertisement threa or
more insertions, including this noticu, and mailing
me copies of papers marked, containing the sajno,
shall have a copy mailed to their address, pre-paid.
Dantioii. ' ; ':
THE public are hereby notified, that on or about
.the 20tlt day of February, A. D. 1855. tliero
was made and exeiutcd by the undersigned -Two
Notes, in favor of S. E. Rogers, one of two hundred
dollars, payable the 1st of March, A. D. 1S57j and
one of one hundred dollars, payable the 15th day of
May, A. D. 1&57. The consideration for which said
Notes were obtained having failed, we shall refuse
to pay the said Notes or any part thereof. r .
. Jesse Noel,
' j '-' -' .' . " ' - ' Henry Emerson,
. , , . . .,. ; ; HfiXRY W. Lake, By .
'. 1 - - o. F. Lake, his Agenl.
; nrownville, March 12th, 1S57. . -' 39-tf
TTJE public are hereby not fied, that there was
made and executed on or about tho 20th dav of
February, :AD..1S55,- by the undersigned, Thkeb
Notes in favor of H. B.'Frazier, of two hundred
dollars each,-one payable September 1st, A. D. 1306;
one payable January lst A. D. 1857; one payable
March 1st, A. 1). 1357. The consideration having
failed, for which the said note3 wero given, wo shall
refus3 further payment on tho said Notes, or any
part thereof, i . , .
. - ' ' " Jksse Noei
s , . . : ; : , ' . : ! Henry Emerson, '
, ( . . , ' . Uesrt W. Lake. IJy
' " ' ' ' '' ' O. t Lake, his Ageut.
. Brownville, March 12th, 1857. :j ;. : 39-tf
NO 2. ;
For tht Improvement of .Streets and alley $ in
City of Urov-nville, N. T.
Section, li t. Be it Ordained by the City Councilof
Brownf ille, Iemaha Co., N. T., that five mills on the"
dollar, valuation of ail taxable property, be levied
for tho purpose of improving the Strectj and alleys
in eaii City. .... -
' See. .2d. E it farther Ordained, that it shall be
the duty of the Marshal to proceed and collect the
above tax, immediately after tho expiration of the
ten days frcm the' passage of this Ordinance, nnd
pay the m ney into the hands of the City Treasurer,
taking his receipt ther.for. '
Sec. 3d. Be it further Ordainedj tfcat should any
property holder in said City, fail to comply with the
rermirments oi this Ordinance, then it shall be the
duty of the Marshal to proceed and enforce the same,
in accordance with tho Xaw in such case made and
provided. ' - - . - .
This Ordinance to take effect from and after tea
days fiom tho date of its passage r '
Passed, March 3d, 1857. f .' -1
- : A.S. HOLLADAY, Mayor. '
, Attest;., ..;..
1 ' B. B. TnoirrsGN-, Recorder."
Fruit : Trees: ;
D. C. & T. N. 'SANDERS,
'"'I : 'AGENTS FOR ' J Vt'
Commercial MuFseiF
: 331ooxtiiotxsto2a.j Xll.
AXXOUXCE to the citizens of Nemaha County
that upon the openinz of Navigation thev will
be in receipt (if a large supply of almost eyery assort
ment usually to be found in Nurseries. The stock
from which our neleotions are made is very large, con
sisting in part of : . -
zuu.ouu Ap'Dle Trees, from 6 to 0 feet.
, ;1Q0.Q'J0 Dwarf Pear Trees, 2 years old. .1 !
" 60,000 Standard do from 2 to 4 year3. ; .
100,003 Churry Trees, 1 to 2 years eld, Dwarf and
? 'Standard.- ' .; : r 4 ..'.:
' . Peach, Pluri, Apricot, and Nectarine Trees, inlarge
numbers. 1 ' J ; ' -
1 .100,00.0 Ranpherries, embracing every kind Cf any
value. .
-: All kinds of popular as well as rarer kinds of other
small fruit. , ; ' ' r 1 1
Foreign and Natire Evergreens Norway Spruce,
Pines Oryptomcri s, Cedars, Bla k and" While
Spruce, Ealssms; Hemlocks, :c lg mediun tr
small. - ' .... . .. , :
Ornamental Trees,' Roses, Shrubbery, Cumbers,
Hedge Hanf, etc. . . 1
B.Ibous Rot ratife or imported; Dahlias, Car-;
nations, PoeBies, Chrysanthemums, Phloxes all ia
great aLusdance, and cf tho most beauti ul. varie
ties. . ' '
' Whilo we tonEdeatly claim for our productions ia
general an excellence not. Surpassed by any other
Nursery, we itfirticularly and emphatically designate
our stock: tfVcsr treesj- both 'Dwarf and Standard,
unpax.ilen jdjeUher ia extent or quality, by any
existicjateckia America.:". , .- -t -s
' As sujjgeMiTe to pe'rsons abou- to purchase,' we
would reaiirl: that our treis were net sabj cteel to
the xtrciaol t during the last winter, which efToo
ted -so xtenve-irju'ry to "Nuricriea at the, West,
and that we have bad 00 drought during tha past
summer by which tho growth of our trees bas. been
retarded. They may bo relied upon, therefore, tjbe
in prima. health and Tigor. . '-. '
March th, 1S57. D. C. 1 T.N. SANDERS.
New Yort..
E. W. FOX,
St. Louu.
, .... - - St. Louis.
Dirtcti mporters, Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents
English, French, German & American
.Hardware and Cutlerr.
123 & 141 Main St, cor. Yrhbton ATesne,
' 'i i-T. LOUIS,. lICv;!
surveyor; civil hmIuEER.
; . . .
WILL attend to finy business in hi3 line when
called. I hare first ra.te c- i-jjpass, and having
had "many years Voqwrience both iia teacher and
practical iSnrveyor4t-a.a give satisfaction. ;
Eefekexces: A.LCoat,"Lr.U(!ovcr,W a.IIoover,
also, D. i;oust,W..J2ubson, and C. A. Kowlew, Sa
vannah, Mo. rf ' A.IJrcss - J
March 19th, 135?.' X
WHITE Grape Currant Seeds, saved from our
specimen planta in 1856, will b sent pre-paid
in packages worth $f, to ail who enclose that amount.
CcBKAM3fc.WhiteXira"j, Cherry, a-nJ a collection
of eighteen other tarfcties, cmhracinja'J the novel
ties. , v- ' , . .-rt it- ' .
J Kaspbebrie3B11o Fenteny, a new French
over-bearing sort, fruit very large, and plants vigor
ous a very distineFrariety. - ----- - .
Merveille ob FOUR Skasoxs This is a variety
which has been ftlly :"teSted,".aad was awarded a
premium at the if" Fait a fine display of fruit
elhibited in tho "mohlh of October it is by far su
neriartaa.D f iut ci?3.--The finiifc is ns. laiwnd
as good a3 the lied Antwerp, and thq Autumnal
crop is abundaatTfp'cf dozonv "..'.. '-
. f t . . f , - - ixLlVANGEIi A BARRY,
rMoiint II)P2 Nui-sene3, Rochester, N. Y.
; '"Jf. B. Ordsr? frcm unknown correspondents must
be accomDanied bv t!ia cash, f ... , '
March 19th 1S57.1' ' iO-tf
Allies- on 'Horse - Shoeing.
i .1.
A PLAIN, practFcal: Treatise on boksjt 'sttoetkg,
xjl Dy vju. MlLfJivautnor ot ". lneiJorse s l oot."
In one Vol. 16mo." Price 75 tents. Sent by mail
free of txstne-e- . .. .
"We like to recommsnd such books, when we soo
so vilainous bungling at horse Ehoeing." Ohio Cul
tivator. - l''x . ' .
"A concise, clear, and practical work, which should
be studied bj every smith who shoes horses, and by
every farmer who owns a horse. . Tho truth is, there
is not one smith in twenty who Icaoxc how to shoe a
horso properly,, or ; one faraei in a hundred who
knows tcAen a horse U shod as he should be. Tho work
will pay you if yoll willstudy it, &ul. ten-fold if you
practiced, or'obli.o.your smith to follow its instruc-
tions." Illinoit Farmer. , : -.r .
' "No man who own's'a horse can a!Tord to be without
this sort of-information." 'Albany Ete; Jour.
-. . IIERY CAREY BAIUD, Publisher.
!V "' "' . Philadelphia.
: March 19tb, 1857. ' ' - - - 40-tf
THE subscriber wll send 20 choice Varieties of
flower seed by nuil, postage paid, for one dollar.
' ' Kurscrymen and Florists,
:!' Springfield, Ohio.
.March lfith, 1357. . , . - , , , . , 40-tf
...... . i ' . .. . ,
For Council Bluffs,Omaha City, Bellevue; St. Mary's,
t Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brown-
viUe, Lowell,- Oregon, White Cloud, Iowa Point,
Savannah, St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, Weston,
: Ijeavcnworth City, Kansas, Independence; Liberty,
Lexington, Ac. , . . .
r 1 AUTT-h entirely new, swift and elegant
iVTi.-i"irs4 passengersteanier ALOSi50CniLD,Capt.
Joe. Holland, will on the opening of navigation, run
a3 a regular packet to tho above and intermediate
points, continuing in the Bluffs -Trado" during the
entire boating season. i U v ,. ,
Captain Holland, deeply grateful to bis numerous
fricnasalong the river for the liberal patronage hith
erto extended to him While m eoramand of the
Omaha, and other boats, desires to return them his
sincere acknowledgments, and to solki t a continuance
of their confidence ,and patronage for his new boat,
promising untireing exertions to render general sat
isfaction, ' . ''' '. ; ' ,
, Tho .Alonzo Child was built exfessty for the Coun
cil Bluffs trade, under the, e?po2ial supervision of
Capt. Holland, who begs to assuro b?l friends that
they will find her to be admirably adapted to the
wiuts of the river, beiug of great strength, lightness
of draught, beauty of model, etc., with cabin arrange
ments and accommodations not surpassed by those
of any boat In the river, combining all the' latest
and most modera improvements thU could add to
the safety, comfort and pleasure, of passengers.
Nothing will be found wanting in any of. her ap
pointments which llong to those f-a- first cla35
passenger steamer. - .' . ,
Maroh l'Jth, '57. . . 40-tf
JOHN S; 'Siuw.i.-. r. li lijraster.
New Missouri River,' Kansas and Nebraska Packet
for 1857. ... ..j...,
rJrJPLh THE entirely new, swift and unsur
a&wi.TCai passed passenger steamer, twilight,
Capt. John S, Shaw, will on the opening of naviga
tion run as a regular packet to the above and all in
termediate points. Iho Twilight was built expressly
for tho Missouri river trade, under thoespet ial super
vision of Capt. Shaw, who begj to assuro his frietds
that they will find her to be admirably adapted to
the wants of .the river, being if great strength and
lightness of draught, with cabin arrangements and
accommodations unsurpassed,! combining all the
latest and most modern improvements that could add
to the safety, comfort and pleasure of passengers.
Nothing will be found wanting in any of her appoint
ments which belong to a first class; passenger steamer.
jrarcnrivtn, to, , " 4Q-tf
' Lucas, Meteor, & Hlyer Heels.: ,
E. n. savEit-
Master J. H, Lucas
Master Meteor
For St. Joseph, Browarillc, Nebraska City, Omaha
- City and Bluff City. '
'fS? w THE St. Louis, St. Joseph. Rrownvillc
Iftf-5Al Nebiaski. Omii ni n;f rsu
Mr-ttmrra Ding pacitets jas n. i,wtlSi Meteor and
Silver Heels, will leavo for tho above nnd all inter-
mcuiaie poinis every iuesaay evening, at 4 o clock,
throughout the season. ', .The now and splendid pas
senger steamer Meter, and the well known, fast and
splendid passenger, Bteamer, Jas. II. Lucas, connect
ing with the line and fast packet Silver Heels at St.
Joseph; forming the only sure ' and quick passage
from St. Louis to the above named places. , .
i: rem siiu u ejjecu, capacity ana comion oi me
hnns rnmnnsin? this line, thn travplinrr nnhlic mav
j. - . , 0 r
rest assured that nothing will be wanting on the part
of their officers and ew to render their trip both
pleasant and agreeable, 1 " ' , . '
March 13th, oi. , .vt, r-: f t : .i-4-u
CHAS . R. B A KE11 Master.
W. II. ScVDDER .................... Clerk
For Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluffs, Bellevue,
St. Mary's, Wyoming City, Nebraska City, Linden,
' Brownville, Lowell, Oregon, Iowa IVint, Savannah,
' St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, AVeston, Lcavcn
- worth City,- Kaasaa, Independence, Liberty, Lex
ington, Ac; . ..lTi., , -
-'TOE entirely new, swift and elc
' rant passengers st earner MiX-KE-H A-
ha, Capt. Chas. Rjf Haker, V. IL Sccdder, Clerk,
will, on the opening of navigation, run as a regular
packet to the above named and all intermediate
points, continuing in the Bluffs trade during the
entire boating season. -
Capt. Baker, thankful to the public for its Tery
generous support bestowed upon the Admiral, while
under his command, hereby begs leavo to tender his
acknowledgements nnd sulicitfor his new boat a con
tinuance of its confidence and p.tror age, pledging
untiring exertions of himself and ofticcrs to give
full satisfaction to these with whose business he may
be honored. The ! in-ne-ha-ba was built expressly
for the Council Bla ft trade.-under the special super
vision of Captain lUJ;er,who baa spared no trouble
or expense to .makif her an. A No. 1 Missouri River
Steamer, and Wga to assure his friends that they
wilt find her tobo 1n' all Tespcct?, most admirably
adapted -to tho waataof the riter; being of great
strength lightrif;s3 cf draught, ca.sinca3 cf model and
such application of machinery, as must make her
one of the fast oner, . with cabin arrangements and
accommodations of a very superior order, and not ex
celled bykthose ijf fny boat in the rircr, combining
all the most modern iiaprovementi that safely, com
fort, or pleasure could suggest, ia short, in alt her
appointments, nothing; will bo wanting belonging to
those of a fir3t clasi ntvssen sex steamer.
March 19th. '17. , - 40-tf
No Elore-v (Credit !
"VTOTICE is hereby given, that; hereafter we sell
iN Goods.for Cak or PKonrcE oxlt.
Brownville. Maro'a 12th. '57. . S3-tf
Ofk A SACKS of pick's Ohio Mills Extra Super
rJJ ne Flour 3 aj;t received and for 'wleby
. Ntv. 2?r.'J LLTSTEB, COZIER t CO.
h - W fa.
The subscribers take great pleasure in infonnir
tlio Planters. Farmers and Gardners, that th y
have secured from t!ie most r-.!iablo sources a Iiir,.
ed snpplyff Frcsb ?ced t very valuable plar,
tho properties f whica may bo brk-ity luuuned up
aa follows: ; - ' '
. 1st. One acr of thotaVi- properly cultivate!,
will yield from 200 to 500 ;-llons of Eno Syri p,
equal to the List New Orleahil, and fr; soothe sa;;io
rio is, fcond crop'ot excejlont fodder. . ' .
2d. Sown broadcast or in closo drills, on land
d ieply plowed or highly manured, it will yield thirty
to fifty thousand jtoundt of superior fodder to the
3d. It surpasses all other plants for soiling (feed
ing green,) and fodder, on account of the great
amount of sugary juice-which it contains and is
greedily eaten by stock of all kinds. .
4th. It bear3 repeated' cuttings,' like Egyptian
Millet, growing off freely and rapidly, af ier each cut
ting. . .
5th. It stands drouth much better than common
corn, retaining its green color and juiciness even after
the teed matures. ' :' i ' f : . , -
.ICCuT'Oj) teed is lexocllentfor.hihnaii food, when
ground into meal, and fattens domestic animals very
apeeJi'y From twenty-fivoto soveuty-five" tusheis
o;jn berai3ed a an acre - - - - r
"' The seed, which has been very carefully kept pure,
from the original importation, will be offered in cloth
packages, each containing enough to plant about one
fifth of an acre in drills 4 feet by IS inches, with full
direction for tha " cultivation, which ' is perfectly
simple. . ; - ' - ';
- These packages will be forwarded by mail,re of
Postage, to any address, on receipt of $1 for each
package, When not sent by mail, we will furnish
a proportionate quantity by express at purchaser's
expense-1 '- . . - , .' ' .
Early orders are solicited, as the supply "of good
and reliable seed is quite limited. Applicants' names
will be entered in the order in which they are receiv
ed, and the seed will bo nulled as 5 00a as possible.
A pamphlet will bo sent, postage free, to a; I who
purchase sed; or to any .person "who will enclose a
three cent stamp. . . :
Dealers in seed 3 and country merchants can be
supplied" at a liberal discount from retail rates, if
their order3 are received immediately.
Address with a plain direction for mailing or ship
ping. : - ' ' - - '
V o will also bo prepared to furnish a simple and
efficient mill to express the juice from the cane, and
cauldrons i.a for boiling the same. -
Many testimonials in addition can bo given to
prove, its adaptedness to the North western acd
Vfestern states. :' . ...
. '.'.! ; :.::;;- li,i'i ''.'
Will also beJ"ound, at all timet . t '
'' i ' -' ' : '- '. 5
1 r. . Or all kinds of,.. ,-.
., j . . - ........ , .
' ' 1 ; : AND MACIIINEIIY, ;
' 'TYithafull Stock of'l' ;-'1' '
Field and Garden Seeds,
r r
; r 5 ; . . -
,, Of .the Most Reliable and geaoino kinds.
5"Full Catalogues sent on application". '
. ,v j. ...-.! . , .r i
; - HENRY D. EMERY, A CO., :
: : f; : .. ... . 201 Lake Street, Chicago, III'.
. "March 5th, 1357. . 33-tf
' Across The Shnte J x, r
-'ult the Head of :the Island J
li: i ' 0 ;ABO V E' BROWNVILLE,
" To;-W. S..IIall (Ss'Cos Saw MilK .
rpnG undersigned announces to.the Public that he
X has purchased tho Ferry privilece rranted Jack
son Peters, at tho last Session -of the Legislature,
and is now prepared with anew and substantial boat,
at all times to . aocemmydate tho public Charges
usual rates. - , . -
lI 1 ' 1 1 .: ;" ' SAMUEL McBRIDE.
-March 5kh, 1357.; j; :;5 -.t-..- SS-3m
, J. B JENNINGS, : 1
Wlioloaftlo Grooor,
.Corner Second and Frances Sts i . ;
' ST. J6SEPII, 31(J.,
HAS on hand, and to arrivo, tho following arti
cles, which will be sold to thn trade on accom
modating terms, EXCLUSIVELY AT WHOLE
SALE : . ..f .. ; ," j
150,000' Cigars all quali-100 bxs E D and W R
ties - - - - cheer ' '
mo sacks G A Salt - 156 boxes starch ; .
2Q0 Hhds N O Sugar . 200 bbls and hf bbls water
iSO sks Kio Coffee and but'r crackers
130 i OG Java Coffee 200 bbls and bf bbls pilot
100 '.Laguayra- " - brC."4nnd pic nic do
100 "'MocW u 200 bbls soul njk sugared
2.50 tbls,' half bbls and 100 egg and wine do
kg3Eelchcr s Molasses; luu ows.appw vinegar. ,
200 bbls, half bbls and. qrSOO bxs Tobacco all grades
. N N refined do ! 200 bxs smoking tolacco,
lf)0 half chests tea, all various brands
' kinds - 100 bunches pipe stems
250 bbls Beleher's Sugar - 50 bbls II S Sicily and
150 bbls, halS, qrs, nos 1 Joca AlmondJ '
2 and 3 Mackerel
200 bxs dried herrings
,:20 hf bbs Wbito Pish
" " 5 drmCdry Cod FLsh
250 bxa ass'd candy
100 .foncy " -
1 fl trnnn fi-T
' nuts, pecftftJ ' '
100 kgs S C Soda -500
keg3 assorted nails
-500 bxs half and qr star
. candies :
150 do stcrino do
IC'O bxf hl'd and qrs Bais-200 do bar soup
...,ns ..; , .50 do rock candy.
i0 bxs Prunes ... ,
:. r. .... SUNDRIES. v ; .
Cotton yarn," carpet chain, batting, candle wicks,
cotton and hemp twine, wheat and meal sacks, axes,
spades and shovels.g irdcnseed3 and straw rakes,loc
chains, lead shot, powder brooms, wrapping paper,
hemp, manilla, jute and cotton cordage, indigo and
madder, alum, white lead,' window &ah, window
glass, tumblarsjars of different sizes, flasks assorted, sassafras bark, pie fruits, fresh peaches, brandy
cherries and "peaches, current and raspberry jellies,
fresh tomatoes, can ten ginger, preserve?, nut megs,
cassia, peppersauce, tomato and walnut catsup,
lemon syrup, lobsters, sardines, extract and essence
of coffee, chocolate, pickles, matches, etc.
- '' ; ; '.;.. . '
. Wash boards, tubs, common pails, cedar I? B
Eailj, ptno and cedar churns, brass bonad eburn-,tar
ackots, well bcoketn, cedar cans, mop stick?, butter
prints. buckeye bowls in nests; iron bound keg, one
two, thiee, five and tm gallons, the smaller dz3 wirh
bales, common and 1 13 half bushels and measures,
camp 8 too Is etc. ... - - "
I am also Rgent for the sale of K A salt, and have
now on hand 2,000 blls for sale at cost and transpor
tation. I have the cxcla?ive sale by direct 'onsign
imm t of five hundred doieir Field's celebrated oysters,
acknowledged to be the best put up ia Baltimore. "
To California and Salt Laie Emigrants.
, Your especial attention is in-ritcd to my tnsive
stocky which embraces everything sniu d to yonr
wants in crossing the plains. 1 will at all times keep
on hand flour, meal, bacon, lard, hard bread and
crackers, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash
prices. ..
. G. W. HUItN.
. ...
"IT7IEL attend promptly to all busin? s in his pro
VV . fession when cal.'e'I on; "guuh m sabdivinj
Q-iiis; laying cut Town LoU, Draf tin j City Hits,
; - upholstery;
' ' (
s : by -v : . ; ;
y ST. LOUIS, MO. ( )
WE take pleasure in saying to our friends and
the public in general, that our stock of Fine,
Medium, and Common Furniture,. a& well as .MaU.
tressos and Bedding, was never more complete and
deserving the attention of .purchasers, either . at
wholesala or retail in full suits or sicU articles
than at present. ' ' . - .
: We shall sparo r,o effort to keep the most complete
assortment in our line, in the West. Oar Goods are
made,' hcrcyas well as East, by tha best workmen,
and thus combine the greatest variety and latest
styles, with the cheapest aad most substantial.
Ielers,- well ns a!! -othcTparcha3cr3,:"S? ii
vi ted to call and look through our Mammoth Ware
Room?. - ; : ', , . j
Orders atso, from all parties having furniture to
buy for themselves or other, are especially solicited,
with tho assurance of our best endeavors to merit a
continuance of the liberal coniidence and patronage
we have so long received.
Washington Ave. between 2nd and 3d Sts.
March 10th, '57. . 1 40-3m
Mills co, Iowa,
Cass co, Nebraska.
WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves
tigating Titles. Pavins Taxes. Investing mon
ey, Buying and Selling- Town Lot3, Buying;' Sellimr
a.iiu xrtKiaiing iana varrants, end all otner business
connected with their profession in Western Iowa and
Nebraska. ' r -. -
- J. M. DEWS, 'Associate. Attorney.
Greene, Wear 4 Benton. ' ' Council BlufTs, Iowa.
u. iougniy a. jQ.f
Greene, Weave A ICi
Ft. Dei Moines i"1
Ced&r Rapid?,
Ciccianati, Ohio.
Ghnwood, Iowa,
? Cincinnati, Ohio.
, a ,
Vincentown, N. J.
Hightstown, " :
v Philadelphia, Pai
. . . . M
ureene i earo, . . .
Nixon ik Goodman,- . .
Tootle & Grec-no, " -N.
W. Thomas
Schooly & Son
Gen. Wm. Irick
II. Johnson,
I. Reed A Son,
Robinson & Bro.
Burlington Co Bank,
Mcdfor-J, N. .1.
-Serring's Patent Champion
" ""'"fire-proof safes,
WITH Unli's .Patent PowdcV-Proof Locks the
same that wero aivardp.l mr,trvI,i,i i'j oi
the World's Fair' London, lS51,and tha World's Fair.
-xew. i orK, iioj; ana are the only-American Safes
that wero awardrd medals at the London World's
r. air.- '
These Safes are now admitted to be superior to any
ever eSTcred to tho Dublic : and th tnlnrr ;.ht
lengo the World to produce an' instance of these
eais miiingio preserve tneir contents through the
nottost tires, or a. urglar picking the lock. . .
, TLc subscribers and their ngeiits are thonfy per
sons anthoriiodto' make and sell Uerring's Patent
Champion Safe, with Hall's Patent Powder Proof
Oreen Block 135, 137 and 13! AVater St.,
and 5 Murray St-'New York.
If 1. Til u r r 00 a
'iarcii awj, loo. . ., . ,,,, r
Jewelry, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Spoons, Ac; Ac.
Scbi'asca City, N. T. r
ESfENGBAvixa and Kepahcixq done on abort
notice, and all work wa'rkantkd.
' ' AND ''' ;
First Street, (opjosita "Advertisar" oS:e,)
cnqy kv ille, n, t.
TJEcspectfully solicits the patronage of the public.ia
' Baying and Selling' i
And Filing Declaration of Intention to
All claimants of lands are advised to file Immedi
ately, if they have not already dono so. as the croTi-
iitjns of the prc-cmpticnlaw in that re?cctare plain
anu to c avouea, ana it is impofsible to perfect
a Prc-emptioa Itight without filing. .,,..'
Erownvillc, Jan. 15, 137. '. Tl-n31tf
dillon, mommj & co.
Large Frame Bnildtn j Cor. Main & Kock Sti.
.hock rom, mo.
Wha3esale tad Retail Dealers in
And Groceries,
riarclware, Qaecnsware, Drugs, Hats, Caps,
Boots,. Shoes, Tinware,. Stoves
Furniture, Iron, Naib, Plow?,
" ' and' Farming Utensib. ' ' -AT7ILL
have, on. the opening of narigatioo, a
V Iarga a&l varied accession to their treseat
Stock, which will bo sold Low for Cash.
February 12th, lfc.57. ' 35-tf
Will practice jointly in all tusine?s entrusted to
them that will require attention at the
Xjancl Offlco. '
Adcee?s: E. Estabrook,'Om:ihiCity,N. T.
J. D.N. Thorapsoa, BrowoTifle, N.T. '
- 1047 ACRES Olf.LAND AT
I WILL sll toth highest bidder on Saturday,
Jlarch 25Sthf 18 j7, at my residence, Bush'a Firry,
Atchison Co.t5lj 1017 Acres of Land. Consi3tin
of three tracts, the-1st tract is 21 ncres of rood
heavy timber and ; belong to the 'estate of V. G.
Bush, deceased ; tho 2d a:id 3d are farms of my own
and embrace 415 acres eath both well waU;rid well
timbered and well improved. Oaacf them has S3
acres ia a high state of cultivation and 200 aores ia
pasture, dwelling Loasn and other suitable out
bouses; the other bas l-'i in cultivation and 100 acres
in pasture covered with Ulue Ura, all under goid
fence; dwelling hoa?e, ice L-.use, stablen, cribs ml
other suitable out house?. .
All of the above lands lay. n?ar the Missouri
River and within 2 miles. of the proposed St ph
and EIulT City Kailrvad, are lands not surpass in
the Statu for agricultural and itock raising purposvs.
t.iy ia wpjaro bodies and cornbinp the crlcl.rated
Jt nlin't Bend, the bet body vi timber In the Coun
ty Terms, ono thlrdcash, one tbLJ in or.a yearainl
one in t iyeiri. Titlj perle.:t. For inlonn ition
Feb. H:n, lS57i - . . . ....
St Joseph OaKtts please copy firsts weeks in
JIareb, ad fend bi 11 la AdvertWor. . . -
Country Pre due a : .
"7t 7 A"1- D d i which wo al!o-v tb
VV Market rrl.
and ,
Conncil BluSTs, Iowa.
n. v
-jaaecessors to Iiile, ,t
avi.u liajj arraD2bm.rn.V
In Filing
? DeclnratorvSi,,," 1
on to 1're-nnt t iiM,,
f r 'Land Entered on TimN A
'Particular attention paid En,!?
Property on eommis.on: Aljto nu'";5
and forwarding remittances U tr t', :K
Blanks f all Had, alwry, oS.
RE eERiy Ci3, )
Hon. A. A. Bradford. '.v' .
ilpssrs. Dolman t.Wwt, St. Jo,i 1
. , Peter A, Keller. ' , W. TV V
Thomas La rr 4is. 1. . . t.i i
' "Jane :3,I3Jj.'vX-n4 V'4' " ! j
Short Settlement Maktxn fo.) j
THE "subscribers request E iaj J''j
them, by notaor account, to make Zr
the 15th, of .February next, a:. ,f
start East at that timo for a, hnr anj t .
gooi.,ana ws wiu DerranUdto t,.., Tn
We return' cur thanks ,t our fri0(U f
patronage to this time, and promiae to J
tinuanco ot the saiaa berea.'ttr.
Brownville, Jaa
I GENTS WANTED U. riUil ar.vvTr
IX. racnse profits large only J,
dress, with stamps, J.L. IIILrm
O ESPECTFULLY iifora'j tie cllhm
diately South of Rrownviile,a;id having Iu4. '
erable experience la the treatment ofthj j?
incident to the Wost, bo flitters Limj-i1
prepared to treat the same on purely
And in connection
Brownville, Jan.
with Da.Ri-cKHAX of
l,lSi7. fla23if
!l RESPECTFULLY iUorms fop-ii
Lv that he is prepnred to ser e then wiuu
I thing in bis line, at il ort jotice, and fit
stylo and quality of wcrk ho fuls e uUnt i-I
please. To fcis old friends li d eristomenh icj
it unnecessary to say a word, w o ten hrj
try me."
December 13, 13 iS. vln25-l
Attention Let Holdsn!!
HIGIIL Y 1 21 P. O R TAN Til'.
ALL persons who own Loti in tha Gtj oFBryrj.
yillc, are hera by noJiSid. ilat I am not p-
prepared to execute WAKRAN'iT DEEDS for Hi ;
same, and, unless Deeds aro obtained l'ur its a-
piration of SIX VON?n3 fr i date, said City Li
will be sold to the highest Udder, and Hi yxm '
thereof disposed of according '.o Law.
' 7 A. S. , rULLADAY, )Uri.
' City of Erownvillc, N. l.VF;b. 23,h, f5,7. 'lW
I Provisions. ,
WE keep consaintly oa hand, F.onr, Cora
Bacon, Butter, and er rrr radetyof Growr
- BAIirJES & iJAttXL JT9 lropriton, '
THIS commodious IIttel,. sitanW upen k
Maia Street Nebraska! (Jf, will U fuar.J i d:
sirabie resort for trp vcliers.' B sje lcat'.hihaui
frr an parts of fha Terriiury. " ' """ "
1 ' I
StJosepb and fJou-ncBIufTi Weekly
TflE new and fast running po.s3.aj?
1- steam-rf "SILVKIt HEELS,"
been built espres-tly fjf thiitnid?, will njxin t
opening of navigation, mik i regular weekly trpt
between St. Joseph ard'Caoil IT.uT', e-nri:i-
wPtB XLoirrsTFCtJiliii KwiiGal St. lh.""
The fSilver IJceli" wjy txtinJ her trius'-wx
Cityand Intermedfiite poinN.I)o-e a m.i;i!.
n33-tf I '.' . !t . , Azeati
PAll.INQ to foe c tcral tja-a a bforo I left,
had made bills at mv" aortic, their $K'M
have"bcen left with R..W.Furw,"houvncrd lit
amounts. ' J.OJIN AlcPIIEltSOX.
: Brownville, Nor. 23, ISi 5. f "
Mjriad3,of Madura.. Plants. 10
,.0'J Bushcls?Maclta:Scel
: Bloominstoii 111,
BKfr Icar to "announce-" tint thry av.
scr I t of ycarl,leen in tlncultuw
hedges and hedge p'ianti, an 1 having b-en grc: J '
encouraged ly th .auocess Mhe SUcIura Uc-i,".
and stimulated by tho immensely increasing dcnuw
for the material, they hive K wrf, the present s"
on good, new land,' about 15C" 'Jushels of etcellea:
evi tho prcdar-tf of which" ii estimated aty'f
millions p'aAff nhich thy? offer for the JT"
Wade, It troull hare r .ytirst'. ntrt than thatam
to s?p?y e dmTnd (is past Xprij. T eat
for plants will be r eaten!. L-. unl'to dcci'.Tsaa'Hr
era orderln? r.lants br wh,,t,L. orat inliC?ir-',!!j
n:-, great indaceu:
inporUnt that crd
1h.-y will be regist
will bo offered. It it very iiaporUnt
should be sent in eaklv, aj
ana iiileU ia tho order in
Hants will be securely pudl and dolivercd
board tho caw free of ejpcaie.ex.'cjt fwr cost a.
tcriai; ' ' '. I..' ' ' :. ' ..
They are also extensively nr? gel ia inpor''1
hedge seed, which they sell q the lwst tnA
alwsvi warrant freth end jsvi ord'Tj fur hfJ
shottld tr tent in pTiof Ui the Uia of Octobsr v"
They wUlbe prcfarei to sprsqt Heed for such w Je
aire it: ' -J
Having several cxtaa-ve nurHerie!, tbeyor.
whUwsal and retail, a larre lOvk of thrifty Fr'f
b?st varieties and trai to'ijae All Inform
cheerfully given, and catalo;rue' and prera'min eJ
on Uedgeing sent to fcli appHcnts. Address.
Feb. 5, 1S57. - : . Poeralngton, lllinui.
nruitAii ron youxg amekicaU
Idritliiiriir.! Stores
TITE rnderr;?ncd wcnld re'ps.tful!y Snfurffl
citueiis U LrownvMo acd surrounding countrj.
that we havo opened on! of the cheapest and lars'
stock of -' . ,
RcatfyMada; QotHng
in'.Ncbra'V jcrrltoryf -Wtf Ib'refora rcfpoctTa
solicit a call and examine ursnxk before phai' B
chewhere. as ws are tl.-teni.iifu to uadsr-
Clothing Establishment, in the Territory.' .,a
now on hand a In rgo of Heair w
CT-th-n- , Shirts' Cl! r!.' Cravat', U
chief,?, Seeks, Ctnifort-Cf .k'.pH Irf. Drawers, tv
all of the best rjuality aod l.iU'': ityle.
llease examine cur ftwk and iea f rjl,lrtt.
Stokz On tviO Lov,c! near the Ilitul. ,
DrownviSe; D-mLer, 25ti , .13-!.-.vbAj,
Hardware," Cutlery! and Ir3'
A I'Ar.OE acrEnt t .; '
JLJ. r eeivo cccarata eopiei of .1 f. .
cmhracei i i the Eastern JJ-J k W
are -ow pr ared W offer J, .Ji
For the l.xit three veirs they "Bare teen imw
supply the demand, ij protalle tt lw'Jj
tiers cannot be fjled the next S-ring, as tha it
mj4 timtmrn tti0ftr than hereto:
w t. M .MW J " -
and Urnamentit Tree, i iacj, Ri ten. Shrubbery.
at the following r- ials, to it: ljlooroingUD.L'-j
Mound Nursery, Cntoo, III,; nry, Flmwocd, JJ
Havana. 111. All Frui. beoft-'4