Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 02, 1857, Image 1

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    - . -1 - -
. ' . : """" ...
-V- j.. - n :r
, 'X. ; . ... . jr
,r ;
f. i
N "A
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T" '
I i
y-: n , : n ,
'1.. Vv
- -..-....
s i
' f "
rVrrx ... ?a
Mntsluf- gibbcrtiscr
a rrsi mrr teti3at it
r." W. FURNAS,
, t Lake's doc fV
i . -
4.6 'J
six moci-ii,
Siiatsj C-ii uVLi liaas cr Issi oa jear,
f JJS i
. lilf Culiyi, six Hiaaia,
AA. " . .' ".
0".i3n. three lwraiha,
. - h-f. C-jiisia, arM cijnths,
- V.h -
. CiLi' ia rj- will be rriLrd for iH aiTcrtiie-m-uu-ccrt
io;iul resptisiciUty is kaowa.
" I'-a p'-T rrt ur ea chaxi be to
l-r? . - . - .
jilr "Da.-ess Ca-ii of ve liaea orIei3,fr
020 t Si iJ. -
N iJ.reru.-"rrT;t3; wHi be etni5iir?d ty ti- Tear,
li .trreaiena n;'C EAnteJ on. lhe:py fr a srxKri-
Li r ;rer lssertBS. w;.I t wctiiaaii gr: r- j
- a.1 .eacl aiTertisei
'j.iTertienwa.aioa tie iaiLIa edulTe!y wul be
:i-ri eia -
T nrB " D TJ T ' T T Iv fl I
M W ll'
SH7ri-:3 EltLSjBALL TlOISr.,
T: t-t7 wiper kiai of wrk t8 iy fee eIiei for-r--rr
por:Jl. iac?act;i'jn with tie "'Aler
. k:r" CIe, e:e;Te aJ eieent Tirlecy f
r ikf l;t sTjlii. irer?7refrl ta do any kiaI o
rk wir.r.e'i ia a.o Cui jue, wiai-
. T:'i- Pr-pr. -tor, who. harirT taj aa eatea;re ei
r :. ra-e. will re Mraal atseadca tot-lsbnaclt
u Li la i CLi-Ytr! ia j 1
i : i the xr..:.-e cf tia work, aad reaic.Ue;
-r",U rectiiv & uor af tiie puttie pa.tTvru-
. A. S. HO LL AD AT, IL D.
J.ttxcL OT-stctrlciaii.
. Lr.OWyTTLLE, 5.
)'ur.t a shar? pablar par-;ae. ia- tke rarkoi
".''Jf bid Bri.fwilliecat: ttTIf9WB
V..'Ie nd - ,
.'-V. EQ3UIZZLL & CO.,
wa LiiAis vD- arr. diet? tw
Queens ware, Hardware,
Stoves, T -7 m i ti-xr-o -
sS - :5Jt
Tint S-reet, b.tTrtea Hiia aai VTatzr,
. Lcnmris and Irisnviin-rs en tuL
ippyi MLDp.
SrovvJJLvillo, -J". 17.
yzxsji. TxiTor.r.
:. AT70BHSY A7 LftVf
. urcr cf Firt s.z-1 At'a-idc Streets,
. . Er.QrxyiLLE- y. T,"
, actsr.ii the Charts trf -Tortbem -Lssccri, f
. xna Vrrra.L!'ra .
..-7jaj-w. Gnso5
-r: Street, betwa iLiia: aai SUraa,
; . BSOTTyriLLE, N. T.
' c, c u nvGurs, j. j. rurr.,
r. rrrtn, s. o. carta.
1 ; .. 1
l. . . ... j !, st or rr'?r, iutt 1 -'--v'-3" J " -vr luuj t - iiL i l. ... t i p. i . o..;i j- t i j - . c . - - - . y . 7 . .It :i iw. . .1
-- - .t- I I 7 .1 . 7 Tr .1 .n t . 7- , 7. 7 7i.J r . - y T- . f" -:. . r" o r.-rlir T"onj i to. r-.-.:. i . I t -s . , , , M
-a. xt--. t:j o-'m-'i i-e-; ix?tts rixrrnrt cp :i ucn tnr puuc nuna snail oe airertej. ount to ce coiiQCteu u. w i3 jypie j-ipi -;-.w ---, w..- -. .......kuci...-' j retsscaretl. t'ls etc C.? ."nows tetter.'
. .- ST. LOUIS, Z10. "!-.-,V ' ' 7p J, from this question to ethers of mart?: than the atnotmt necessnry to defhnr i -hich the power of the States ca this! .icxtx-ets d fcna fcr .irr.ares?r-- .. .The machine r-sth-n ar-Tch.rL
. ' UUlli i;iateriai 5 i. pressing and practical importance. the eirpences ofi wise, economical al ; side 'cf the Rochy fountains can f 17- .nd r-- ,!Itc rcceircl astunnir- hcct.r"Cr
Cwr--.o, j CLTD: Itia; 3 s,0-;Sf: Tbroagh the whole progress. of tills ;e5d.ntAdmid " ' ' reccr .rir g hims ,f. h 1: jled ilrss at h :
tcm-'ry tnd Co.h.Ear at law, I Dx le. Aiw:, which .has &rarcely. kncivnlment. To- reach this point it was j invasion. : ? S.c. L ' iiil r .-tVr -7it: hands anithen at th-'machlrer-iil::-.;.;:
' Axa ' jPOIHAIllIl GI-IST" ": IIIILS, ? any intermtsstoii f.r core than twenty I necessary t . resort to a modlH.ation j - I fbrber, ihr the prevrent, from cr-: tZzr bo atpH. i ,!Jh.;.T A.a-: "M 5T d? Ir.-L:s;:- -ts.
CurrJ Land Arcst 1 n. r-. tw.- .r --. fars, while it has been productive cf;of the tvrifl and tlds has been accom-! pressing au opinleti as lo the wisest and Jcm-r ,;1 .rJ::"::i tJ --i .v::-.ri.,d : 'tIr,t r.. .r v'.,r-,y
. ' . CIIA1IA Crir. T.,.. - . . - ! tiVtttv -rrrrrr no positive good t any hnman bs;nr. p-hshea ia such a menner cs to -o a? most eccrm: node -m wch te - , V : ,5 . V,v; " . f ; ,.:t- l- -'-'nrJ I c-h.. :.:h u
A. D. JGXES, ;
5" nexus. LAXD EUX
031 A IT A CITY, X. T.
gl,affiia erefttHy I-oatei and etiteird fur cna-fcHtt-jra.
Lotj nd L-iciLs hoc jit nsi scM.
2;A!AIA CITY, X. t.:
Tenlera his prcirissiocal jerrkiia to th.e ei'-irens of
2e alalia eoimrv.
3T43 2Iibi ftrwt. sz. CIiv tilPiaji,'
ST. no.
jjg, TiTtirxiir atteatiea jaia ctaafactsrirj car; ''"J51111 animates tne; nearts ot tue ; ists. in teas event, no torm ci uov
s.oo ! reit i American People, let me earnestly ask ! ernment, liioweyer prcductire of ma-
. , eeqyv'Ntille; xeoiaiia cq. :
Hi braski Territsry.
A. D. KIHHt ?
Lnr.d Aeal ard N"oLinr Public,
Arclier, Hich.ardoa count j, X. T.
TTiTl practice in the C.5nrt3 cf Ssfcraska, XJiistad
bj ILtru-iEgr a,aa B-actr, 3 eora iia City.
And liCtury Public
Nebmsta City, yebrasta Territoiy.
"T7IIX atteiui promptly to all bareness tcfc-iscetl
V V . to hid care, ia 3"ebnidk Territory aid VTeat-
fcepteslier 12, 13-3. t1h15-1t
spkigmax. & brown,
Xebraika dry. X. T
nri", it wri.rv ,i i j1lu-11I. 1
Bream till? and Nebraska City,
practice c-
ters ia. Liirrnt
t ,
li rraata, aad ait jtar ts..ire-j
. I ar nsr.-!maiitt will- xecerre Mj3i txd
' fai ah f &I atteatioc . - -
j . ir.3'C.
j. . S. F. XToH, . Neur-ifc Cirx,
! l-icbarl Erow, UrowaHI-p
i Wa Hoblitzeil i Co
j Hot. JjtuieCrii, - St. J.7Srt.-t T-3
IT.j.-Jiei? !. Herb.-?, Lctii, j!o.
lIjnJbaK.-S-riV. "
Messrs. Crs 5! -rixr . C. . -" 15
Messrs. S. G. IIabcri; Co Crn"i;ili 0.
IIoo. J. II. LT, KcckiiiL. Icw.
j. pt'r?rrjx. vs.
- And GeaemI Inid Areiiti, '
2iaT7rr.t3 Ecrhi "ana .Sold.
QFECIAL atteaticn iven to t.e sc!ertZot. aal ea
Ocry of Land for Settlers, and all odiirs Lirij
eh-)ire. iwratiocs.
Lati Claim-?, T"-r Lct ar.I aTT kind? of Ital T
ute. bought ai soli aad ive2tit made Tor
tao?: Uealtars. .. .. . .. .
Pp,i ,. Cim flT-7. i n I T " i rc"
AIID STEAIuEOATl the Cntitution, -was heard, iodinstant j ence fo a' single consideration will be kindly recognized. . ' . . Era-ocr- aequIsltSns : irep': Mexico u the suae as tuwe prscribed fotCccn scv
AGESTS " sut-iiiissFon fcIldwecL Our cvn country ! conclusive on this point." ice irwcral C)ffsfctixLon
i Ko. 46, PaUlcLandi-- and strikTng'a spectacle'of the capacity ' throughoct ourextensive avnd.expan- specinc. powers, and the question f a sister Ecpuluc,
i CINCINNATI, OHIO. of man for self-government.. .JWhat afsive couctry, sucK-aa the world never whether tids gmnt shall be liberally crpcssessions under the treaty of peace, j n:,rr m, -Tj. r-- t'-VCj JrSiri.
xv ErowT:-X-TJ rfmress -tn arr v this imrIe rnle! railroads and canals, on r.cie nvers taviaeu no iiucn parties irom tne oezm- trme, a iairequtyaisn-. ir rz.-z ai5- tea.- a. i-.zsza, zs tr s.i-a;a
, , t , . '"tnr m tair own way. suaieet only to you mvcave ai.u uc cuxuu iu'. cs.i iru iv, uv.jaui -i l 1.1. i
fear entire su an,i attention t e r the Constitution of the L cited States i .. Jiat sucii considerations,, important powers nave teen exereisel ty Lcn-. criean nag nave enjoy. a c-vu ana
t ourrur-in. in aU its 3it-: i.,T --.,-... f.-i---ica 1 a tT-tof firf in them'lvp?. sinh: into I Ttss. ther Lav ni'yer failed to rrodue ; rehnons lioertT. a3 weu as eTaI and
C, . r r. u. t - j i - i iviutu ui.ii l v. v'j . j . r - 7 r : -
oueetioaa of Debt. aa ? - , i - Y (. . t. cr' r -!: ;:; 1 t , , T.,--. ,1 V-, l,o- ,--flrS
J . 7 1 .1
Ovr. . . " . . . , it mar. it is the imperative and
au baa5 pr?f Kit nd on: pcnsahic -duty ot the troverament CI
asFjt-IiTi-NW-.LCti3.riaLn "PTrTtl Stw t,- s(rre tr every
U iidence ad d.l?r'
Oreoa, Holt Cocaty, 2renri.
ITcir? oataT oa haad all diacrir tlin .! Hri.
IL J-yarLe ia or.7ira.aactaid
bj warraatrd to gietitetie-
OLlTrS- T5T.
jS3 r. Fli-JE.
A.:Tt: EMiirr..
50. t aK STREET. - i
OKr.T,. lax. it3.vF xxi3txaucr3T.
ST. LCC13. 110. '
G. k C. tODD & CO-,- ... rrtii i:h::.-rT.
5-:. LraiC:tui?t ISII.-J. Ti-atf-l
i .,.. i if c--1 "---;-- tht ; v I -.-. i .-.-,;-T fX I--. y-a-rPTn iiJf fr thpm. in their remote and iso-i v.- --.----r r : r't-x- Ti-r . i. rtvr :. .4::-'-C
-.-Tr : : t7 , .:...!ithas be.a the prolific source cf -rent; litth injury as may hay. been p:rach-i trcrernm-nt its aid inaccoui- s,- z ,;'u is -' 'V- 71 - T tt-v- T-..v.. -
I Jipr-ear.-bei-jre yoa tu car to take
the soltnn oath that I vill faithfall j :
execute the o5ce of President of the '
ctutea p-atest ana ttiii, to tie test or j
my ability, preserre, prctteety and de-1
fend - the Constitution of the Urdted j
Scates. In entering. npoa this: great, J. r."3. inmbiy mrote tiie ixwijsuajscts wiucli but tew y
cf omr fathers fb-wisdoriajid firmness ! exasperated flie- public" zai
to execute its high and responsible i
duties in such a manner as to restore
harmony and the ancient friendship ;
among the several Site7 and to pre- j
for' the Constitution" and the Union, i
which Heaven has ever bestowed upon
f any nation Having determined not ;
serre cur iree insuruuous mrongnout j cause, snotua me agitauen. continue, : an inheritance as vre enjoy in tae public
many generations. Convinced that I it may eventually endanger tho per--lands. In administering this impor
OTre' nv election to the inherent love ! safety of a larre wortic-ii of our !tant trust. vrhTT it ni.T
all just measures calculated to perpet-'..loss cf peace ' and domestic - security
uats these therichest political Uessinu'S; around the family altar. Let every
to become, a eandiuiie torre-exectioa,; tion, -whicih, since" the recent legisla
I shall haverro motive to inuence my 'tion cf Coness, is Tvithout, any
conduit iii-tkdniinisteriE;g the Govern- legitimate- subject. It is an evil of the
ment" except" the deslni' to'ably and; time that menjhave undertal:en to cal-
faithiiLily serve my country and to live !
in the grateful memory of my country-
lVe haye recently pai?sed. through a j sentedof the pecuniarypronts and local
FrisidehtTall-ohtest in which the pas-jadyantagtjs which would result to dlf
sIotis cf 'UT fellow-citizens ' were ex-'ferent States and sectiens frcni is'dis-
cited to the highest degree by questions
of dei) "and vital importance but when f
the People proclaimed their will, the i
terapest at once subsided, and all was ' seending tQ this low-and narrow view
icalia- The voice of "the majorltrjof the mighty question, all etch calen-
htv'.t- rnnfpr.tiaTi. thr. tm Tt tor i nmessciL. ACtis truae is con-uueteaon -Lr:ctiv cr.-airuetu mor. or i.s.3.ti-jra5.i,w T.aa'i:j.uric-a iei;tttrir.s?i,irij!r ; .i- ipt
fn wTTT -f T,a T-oinTiTr cT--Tl!.l rr-a rt tTit T!Th bird trk -
j-t 7 -. i
UTiyrra tae ..uei.a. ui. uuesua ;
qj; Dorjiestic tSiavery in: tie lemtones. r
Ci:n3 is neitherto leuslate Slavery
h.tC' any Territory cr. State, nor to ex -
elude it therefrom. - but -to leave the
t rec-tle thereof perfectly fi-ee to form I
j and regulate their domestic' institu-1
.-. - i - - (
T Kansas-shall be admitted as :
e people or a -.erruory
decide this question for themselves.
Tnis is happay a matter ot tut iitLe
pending, and will, it is understood, be
Deriod will be when the number of
resi-ent iiaitant .ine tree ana. inae
pendett exjjression ,of his opinion by
his vote. This sacred right of each
individual must" be: pr.iserved. This
t firing : accomplished- nothing can be
fairer., than to leave the "people cf a
Territory free irom all interference to
dviclde their own destiny f )r themselves,
subject only to the Constitution of the
Traded States,' The whole Territorial
question being thaj settled upon the
principal - of popuviar sovrelgnty a
p rmeipal as ancient as frue government
i'jself evervthing cf apractical nature
las been decided, and no other question
1 1 t-ach of any human "power, except
! that cf the respective States them-
elves wherein it exists.
i.. . ... T lt . .. . 1 , . M L. . . ' . v v ... I 1 rr i rrTi - , r-r . c r". r r "
a State, it shall be received into the disunion to every portion of the Lon-, it tius were the proper occasion. rwiis tae res or ttte went na3 rapiy Bt H enacts! lj tie Senniiart ILxn rf
rnifn with or without Slayery, as their federacy to the -North - not mere Neither is it necessary for the publie increased, and thus' every corauiefc ial Rvrexs;t,-ives ef te United SitineAavi'
Constitution may prescribe at the time 1 than to ; the South, and to the East 1 sendee to strain the language, of. the I nation has shar.d largely in sre- ,j-T "gf"' V' T&
of their admission. A 'ilinerent opin- not more than to the West. - These I Constitution, because all the great and cessful progress. - - . L - J Jf- r 5 g f
ion has arken in regard. ta the time ( shall not attempt to. portray, because . I useful powers required for 'a success- I shall now proceed to tale tie cata j tusdrcd aad f-rtj-jwla,. ecM-Jed -Aa. 'id
Jon i, isrt. practical importance, and Lesme, it is t ice. ...loip ox uj
: -i--;T7,jr:-T octirsTt tt i Tn Tp-Trrniiplv ! ever devised by man. will not suffer it
S. I.T3o. - J " I ..7-.,. 7 7, 7 7
t eions to tne -rupreme vouxu ox ti. i ij jiis. uiui u j.'.v.--
T A tv i r-it-d States, before whom it is now i fully mstnimenta!, by its example, m
r.H n TrTtTi aTT n-nnJ riti-l' - Next in imnortanee to the mainter:- lately neeessanr for the defense, of cjit
reus I 'hall cheerfully submit, what-1 ance of the Constitution and the Union ( State or Territory of the Union against j ACT cniisr apFcr-i-xaB fr tits sxrp- Lre J. te ur.:;
CycrTthis- may be, th.t:h it has been ; is the duty of preserving the Goyem- foreign invasion. . rert of the Ilintary Acadztarf.r the Tr; C i!'1
mV indivldu:ii opinion that under the ment fiee from the taint or even sus- Under the Constituticn, Congress . -crhh ct Juae, c:5
-v" vf - t.-.c- t- -T,rrr-.,t-'7 : -nTinrt of cornrntion.- Prbllcyirtu? is - has no-wer tc declare war. to raise ana i - 4 . r - . . . . '
actual residents in tLe demtcry shall tory proves uia;. ura u-tM cu
intlfy the forciatioa of a Consritc-j and tha love cf money hes usurp.edits
tion, with a view to its admission as a i place, although the forms of free g:v
Siate Into the ITiuon.- - But, be this as j crnment may remain for a s eason, the
I remains ivr aajusimeni, ocause au is xo acprprx-. -'w t --.
rr. T. f a ree that under the ' Constitution. Treasuarv to Treat nationu oDjects tar
, r.-.-." ' Slavery in the States 'is .'bey end the which a clear wrruni can bs idund ia
J-"?' ra .this, subject approici-: u at ipjes
" .,-...- bw0..r..,..
parti3 to , which it has given birth,
- :s much dreaded by the Father cf lis
i Country, will speeslily become extinct.'
it ti; .cj ? is? aiu. i'i xjiciji:: u . cur .7i...- i,7c t:, ; -u.x. !., .c.j-v wri. -rz. cr-pyrr-" a cr tae uufr -ta. rr J . 5 -. ?--?-:; t' 1 '.'. ". " "
rIr2rt:::" i-s vrLcile ccuatrv; i.IiMaliezaiedandj Kpeclallj those nzcesszrj for tie de-s-cstrand
the pecx'ie of -the sister! fense of the coiritrT..-Abv clscrirsi-
'scriouslv endanireritl the verr "exist-
ejicexf . ..thfi..Cnio3. "Nor Ls the dan-,
-er ret entirely "ceased Fader our
system, there is a remedy far all neree eo:ncnitj7-icii unecrrsisterTrith;
political evils in the eoaad sense and that spirif of fdlrne3 -aii'"e'aua!itvy.
sober judgment of the people. Time
h' a "reat" ccxrectrre- The political
ears airo
puL-iiC zaitti tare
passed away and "are hotf nearly for-
gotten; but this question of Domestic
Slavery is of far greater importance
than any mere political .question, le-j
countrymen vhere the institution ex-
Union-loving man, therefore, exert his
best infuence to supnress thi3 agita
eulate 'the' mere material "yafue of tne
Union ,.
Eeasoned estimates Laye been pre-
solution and of the comparative mjriHes
which such an event would inflict on
other Sates and sections. :. Even, de-
-l. - , -
eiti. kiic . i. ll -.-vj-o-, au
iast ana. tne est 01 ouroju-etieracy.
AiuuhIate'"this trade,- arrest' its free
' progress by the geographical lines of
i jealous and hostile "States, and yen
destroy ::the .prosperity and daward
niareh,'of tlbcwholej-id eyery part, and
- 7.7 .
terriue TiIs whieh would ' result from
r.-nrT.TpTi TrhTch in''rod .nnr fithers
with wisdom, to frame the most per-
. the extension of civil and rciigicus
, the vital spirit of .Republics, and lis-
substunce has departed f jrever. ()u
present financial condition Is without a
rxtrallel in histcry. N nation has
hitherto' been'mharrassed from too
large a surplus in its Treasury. This
rsTmn-t necessarily rives' birth to ex-
a vacant Ic;?sIation. ' It produces
wildschemcs of expenditure ana
nd begets
a race -n speculators and jobbers, whose
ingenuity is exerted In contriving and
promo ting expedients to. obtain the
public money. The pirtj, through Its
cScial agents, wnetuer i-.gntiuiiy c
wrongfully, is suspected, :;nd
the char-
acteroi thebover
estimation cf the people. - aeis is in
Itself a yerr rreat ctlL
ctrexiei irom iis ciui.5ticui
the constitution.'--
- th I rnlht mention the
I as
.-4- . . : : x r t t a i.'
Sliail i ieet au u-lll'jn: C!JUiiut"cc iai iue ..u'. ; - .,. ...iutuo- n.c vr aux-euL, t --r- vua.niv, . t j-iw.-.u. is7 -i.uj- ruj iiHrj aa.i tocsJir-5
extinguishment of the pnbh. de a ever snce its origin, has n.; - - 11, weH, ne-,r M-rafr.
:e increase cftheJNary, which C3itaat pracuce cccimtui5 -jdi--,ter-:b.R.Ldo;!ri... :V. . " - : else tahehcll to-. And.thr .jim
ent inadequate t the protee-jitary roads. It might abo be wisetor To ttocuts th l-ILidc app3 f. 'experiment was trie I with Ihe's::cb:i
-7. mzt tnr.rare 'afloat o w I consider whether the live fr the UdoV;Tr.iuh:i va haired dc.IIarl'" ' in hTa rhxrn c.f-tr 'i-r--t . - -.t
-rcater than that of any ether nation Jvrhlch now atiimates ourfeUow-citiren.?' orrf.: to cf qr-s, rs laa-t ahard-headed c:idVx:T"s:ir-" i
wII as the def.nscoT our extended cn the Ta.tnc coast, ruay not ce im-; , .WV . .- - .
accst. - It is beyondaL question the .paired by our negieet ioyro-cz.t ' . " i2dasaT aid he, H.t clis c lit ii: ---
the'uanose of LsasStics fiTored cor-
poratloss, iadiiidsals, : or. . interests,
vrodd hare been' Tiiijast to the rest of
ttLich czt tj oreri)l Ia e adjust
ment cf a rerenu ? tariff bat the s quan-
dcring of the public money sinks into
comparative insigniucance, a3 a temp-;
tationto corruption, "when compared?
wih the squandering of the public lan'ds.j
No nation in the tide of time has!
evjr been llessedith so richandnoblej
grant portions of them for the improve
ment of the remainder, yet vre should
never forget rliat' it is our , cardinal
pclicy to reserve these lands as much
as may be for actual settlers, and this
exiles from foreign shores who may!
seek in this country to Improve their!
condition and to enjoy the blessinfrseft
civil and religions. Liberty. Such emi
grants have don much to promote tae
growth and prosperity cf. the country.
j Ihe-y have prewired faithful .both in peace
and in war. ' ililer becoming citizens.
they areVntitletl, under the Constitu-
J tion and laws to be placed : on perfect
equality with native bora iittizcns, and
r?t - T7ttrrnrrt rrrt
ct- t a a
j --uT ..v
i-uueraiB pri'it:. t e s-iaa. ulus no auu iufcex auetapi w interiors xa ine r-,...w r?- r-v7-
omy &est promote-tne presptrriry o: acmestic concerns ot any, uniess tms j in Cmpts uxxiLZtl. TtaS ActIa tha
the nevr States,' by furnishing them a shall be imperatively required by the j State cf Gcra. it'zlz tas . callccaba cf tl-j
hardy and independent race of honest creat -la-y of- Belf-preserratioa. To i CI SaTir.r;jJi U, ird 2 aorae si a-v,
aval industrious 'citizens, but shall se- avoid entanzllng aliiances his been a ! i..1'5 cf )
. r -r 1 r 0 7. - A7 1 tae said cactjori ctr.ct. ar.I thers jtx4
cure tomes for cur children ana our6maxim cf our policy ever since the!, v- ,sra,.- tv -T. i
Citiidren s cjiiiuren. aa trell as far tnn-; t days of ashinton. and its -wisdom 1 r.iil rr.rt cf Ar-;M tbV.,- t't r riii.
; lacaceaifai. x., iayaaia.iii-iua, ti.trti.juu. urpua u wu'ji.;
long experience and observation have
j convinced me tnai a strict cons true -
! tion of the powers of the Government
j is the only true as well as the only
j safe theory of the Constitution. When-
I 7 7 7. .77 77 7'
j riany such inslanees might be adduced
! both in Teae and in Trnr- Lave bpn
ted either in exp-ress t.nns- cr by
Vainest iriplicaticn. TThile deeply
the p
convinced of -these truths, I yet con
sider it cleur thaftinder the war-
.ahing power Cougres3 may appro-1
priate money toward the construction
ox a military road w Iren tiiis is-abso
support armi.s, ty provide and mam
taln a navir, and to call forth the
militia, to' repel iuvusiO-L, - Thus en
dowed in an ample way with the war
mahm; Tjow.r, the crresprairg duty
is required that the United States shall
pro tec t each of them (the States) against
invasion. Haw is it possible ta afford
tuis protection to- California and o
Pacific, possessions, except by means
ot a military road tnrouiroi the tern
' tory ci tne Lmted irtaie,, over whj
' men and munitions ot war may
speedily transported from the Atlantic
State, to meet and repel the invader?
In case cf war with a naval power much
stronger than our cwn, we should then
have no other available aceess ta the
Paclnc coast, because such a power
would instantly close the route across
the Lthmu'i: cf Central -A -lerica. It
is impossiL-e to conceive t2atwje t.e
Constitutiun has expressly required
Congress to defend all the States, it
should vet deny ta them bv any fiir
T T . jT T-T
construction the only possible means.
by whlah one ct thos2 states can be
def.nded. : Desld' the Gavemmcnt,
I beli-jve that mauv dlHIcultles in the s ---a lrlrud c--rs r,er uili fail
TraT, Trhica novr appear frmiiatle,!, q- - -
will, m a great d?rree, vanrsh as socni J ; - -
as the nearest and lestroufe shall have
been satisfactorily ascertained.
It may be right thai, on this occasion
I should make some brief remarks as
to- cur. rights and duties as a member
of the great Family cf Natrons. In
pur intercourse Trith them, there are
f seme plain principles approved by cur
ovm crpenence from "which ire should
never depart. "We ought to culiivate
peace, commerce and friendship vrith
all nations, and this cot merely as the
best means cf promoting cur ourn
national interest, but in a spirit cf
r v t - i r.T
low-men rhcrever their Iota may be
cost. , Our diplomacy suauld be direct
neither iciLinz to obtain
more nor accepting less than is cur due.
onrhtto cherish a sacred re -ard!
f jr the independence of ail n
no one will attempt to disput
shcrt, we cught to do jastici
e. In
tice in a
by the crU. re Live- r.erpr anrirprl
or, as lit the case cf .Texas, by the
voluntary determination of .a .hrxve
- sadHndat.-perlei to
c ry.f irhids that we shall in the 'future
t . . . .
. ' -
Acting-en tais principle, no. naticn
1 will tave a ngtt to intertcre cr to:
complain, if in progress of events we i
shali still frirther extend our pess
slonvs. Hitherto, in all our acquisitions,
t rV , 7
prosperous and rappy. .li tiade
humbly invodn: the blessing of Divine
Providence on this great people.
t itt - TITRD
Cr.LIi 13.1
I in .Corcmss ciirr'dJ,, Tfi tae fjili5
i saras Ijh, d tl; siuaeara hriar,srrr.p-iatad,
outcf any taorer ia taa tre3rr ct sfr-
Tss carrsa: aal ordraarT esrer-ses a fI -
los: repairs and irproTer.2i.j, fel and ap-
Fcr rdI incr:2 and eps cf Ivrr
ca.thoasarid re hct'lrad d-il Lars.- '
Far erpec'es cf the Lcri cf vd:r?, three
thonsand colhirs. .. - -
For fr: for rterr arI caval-r hcrses.
eight thouaad ix li .a-irsd ard forty d-tlxrs.
Fot py5 trie f jr aitHIry a.d cavil
rr practice, cr3 thousand ddlxra.
let I ;;t r xtr-il tcr c;I;tj. ftro
- Furls
thoar.d ddLirs.
miiT spirit to all miaous, and require ! -r-wC. HnX. -T krt--
justice irom mem in return. :-aad aaaville,. U tl:- zct ci Ccrrr:iirrrqT
It is our glory that whiU Other Hi-1 ed seccal Mirrr:t:--ts-ri Lndrei azl :Il4y
tions have extended, their dominions 0e "An kt aUdTrlcz taa csiea
xmm ar-rorm-sd, fr tae r.iTcrt cf tat Ai- ( amrmg at home commenced to -r cx'
tair Acdcpr,&r the reitia L-tic! . rh it- , Of
cf June, eiz-tsca fc'imred and tiij-e:L i -
r. .--.. 'i 7 Louse nero.3 came arcrrrid i-i . $.-
f cr ra? i cce,, u.-r - . -
a3:L?" xdactT-cua tLx v.i cted " sc whnt was ginccn-hatid aintr. r
ur! aal tneui was cne Tcrm.T izziT wi
For ccmi-itioa ci rcluiac?f tvro tha- tnawnv to have a strcr.g ptcrensl- to
"1 77 r " r. I- T 7 i i - ' - .5 W.ev --- vT..t-A I-.'JiTTJr
aad attr-fr .clr. ! r cs - C...2. L -
deaul exrseci ad d-partasrl. cf Lrnc s trt.tnand it yr-u v. BSica
toe, tLrIr-ve oad U'- lardal ad! -rg cr h: 1 to mc,i': fin I t,; u
-" - - PulIIc 11
JLI ACT naiirirtiroprliaas foribs cca-
jlitloa cf riLLary roaii ia Orsgua Ttrn-
tonr. ' ,
Ei ii enad:I I r t4 Semzis cnJ. ZZmJt t,f
EfSTZttTLtztivza cf Liz Cnllil OLzscf Atxt-xji
ia GrtA? 'eJseniLli Tcil tls fell 3;:.;;
strrj cf conej Le, avail thi aara ri h?by,
apro-rlitad, f:r tiia ccsrleiiri cf rsllltirf.
icaJs In t'zi ccarji cf ccrjtracticn. hi
Territory of Orega, S3 it: for tla conrpla
tian of the road i'rcui Aitcria to Solera, theaara
cf tea tiiaciind dcITaa ; for t ecnrrTicc cf
tla road fir:ta lljrtle cnek to Cirsp wart ,
tae sera c f thirty ticasasd d;IIarj: and f.r
the cere tidier cf tie read frri Urnla creek.
tv Scctts'crrr, the svira cf tlirrr tLrsar.d Z
to le dus utd;r 2 ir.vtija
- cf ti:SKrtarrcf ivarT
PcLIic 17.
. a es As-asa, a us tur
; -- dntii3' towards, zzl in cccriccav; rriih, ilu-
colietrtor cf tla pert of entry, is are "t rise
5 riif3 ''-ja. irarc. niar.t;-
t 7 ... .
aniraidat tac-s plir-s," the drdci cf tbs
t cosctar at iiricaaa.ia K.f.uau to all t-
I z ? .. . . m
j, 1 jr sas ycr: ct
tay ara allu'vvd to La to taa plocss abyra
1 1 . .t r x-
ir' i;. -. -' -.
.. - . -
. . rP-L!!-!
AX ACT,r ansnd tretrstyi-:ccii;jn
cf the art;rr-r tae thirtiei:
cf A ttrnas cne tagaad e.t haJr: .d
fjrtr-twa, eatrtl-d "Aa act kj x'--hiPHT-..
fxrrt import- ar.I to cr ord ml It
existia; Lrari tmr'Oiripj drai-t. ci, trpit,
cd;.fT cthr prpoe,,; pirbi.r- th
importotiori ofclsccLe ad articlrg.
so u to tsors ,e
r a!-c3rr?' iiar td
-pTTO2S fbr wbica tvLu rravi.'cav vras
arid mi'.tj exia: jUs b'-caf-r-c dstLai
f -3 fdMvs : TLs :rap7rjcc cf a'.I hdtct at or
alsccaoartic-iprln-y, p:r.rl'ng LdlipLi. .
. a w
ii ? ,.
' , T I" t
I - r . J , - f2rt
rf-r-- T! T-m-,--.-? M-t-,. -,.r..-.
sncb riul; cenross a rrt ars tirfilr
A planter In the Souta Tcht a
small electrical In:trum-;nt, itnl cri
i x C. ta ''ut;r.
, V .W., O .t 4...
: Girry. massa, I n 2hl cr t als n:.1t
at all. and u.esn't tell n.'lics, t-o" '
.r I
receive a slight nh, t-xnclo-ra he
fell cn Lis inee3 and bawled cut :
"0, lor-a-mlry, nassa, I culy pCk.
w v..0-j i .i j a.j.,, 3 . J( ,
rum, and a -a please f:.rgo rr.
tin:?, an x nttter so- rrtir