:A CHANCE 'FOR ILUIE SEEDS. TTIir ibcriber has a variety of choice Seed?, of X ' which he hi grows and tested the past season, end deems them worthy cf f eacral cultivation by all lovers of good tiing. These Seed he will send jwt j-aii, by mail, a package of 20 varieties, fcf your vira selection,) for $1, or a larger cumber in the same proportion; four varieties for 21 cts., cr ov o variety lor 8 cent.. Ho lias cf Watek Keloxs The New Orange, lie Cretin, Drfidforis, Hales, Pcmaria, and Premium. CivrrLOPES Chrutiaca, Walert, Morins' test Green, Extra Nutm-g, Morins best Yellow, Extra Netted Rind, Minora. McKec'a Mammoth Muskmelim, Glass Melon. ' CccrvSKRS Early Frame, Long Island, Fire Foot. Enelieh Gherkins, Fig Tomato, Mammoth, Grape, nd Cherry Tomato, Cape Gooseberry. Sqt AESES S wee t Potato, Boston Marrow, Custard, Woolsdy's Cream, Dennis' Striped, Crook Nock, Ala bama Golden, While and Yellow Scollop. Coaw Andrews' Premium, Harris' 43 Days, Wy andot, Kins Philip, Shoe Teg, Stowell's Evergreen Sw?ct, Darling's Extra Sweet, Flour, Chocolate, Sorcbo Dlanee or Doarab Corn, Extra Fop Corn. Peas Anvaergne, Prince Albert, Hay, Champion vf England, Japan, Queen of Dwarfs, Prolific Dwarf Bxavs Mexican Turtle Soup, Wetmore's Golden Kyed, Canada kidney, Hungarian- Lima, Haricot' de Soiascns, Three Foot cr Asparagus, Hungarian Nepaui Barley, French Millet, Hungarian Millet, Egyptian Wheat, Poland Oats. ' Oainton Potato Pumpkin, Head Lettuce, Sweet Turnip, Mock Orange, etc., etc. Send currant bank tills or postage stamps. When orders cannot be tiled, the money will be promptly returned free of expense. Address L. K0RRI3. March 12lh, '57. Windsor, Ashtabula Co., O. . . S9-tf 1, OOO jgrozxtci rf exxxt o ci ! rilO Sell by subscription DR. ARNOLD'S Family A Practice, entitled, Arnold's Lectures on Anatomy, Physiology, II$Tne and disease iU cause, preven tion and curt. Written In a familiar style, designed for the general reader. Highly illustrated with ex cellent wood cuts, by the best artists in the West. This is a b-xk gotten up with great care and ex pense, and is made sosimpleandcemjirehensive, that every one that reads it can understand it. It con tains a great variety of the most valuable receipts for almost every disease that mankind are subject to, containing over 400 large 12 mo. page?, and bound ia embossed muslin, gilt back; retail price, $1.50. A sample copy will be sent to any part of the United States, on receipt of the retail price, also a full list of my publications, with terns to Agents, on application. Address . U. M. RULLSON, Queen City Pub. House. 141 Main St., Cincinnati, 0. . Or, if livirg East, D. RULISON, Philadelphia, Pa. r. S. Editors giving this advertisement three or more insertions, including this notion, and mailing me copies of papers marked, containing the same, ahail have a copy mailed to their address, pre-paid. Marcc12ih, 187. .39-31 (Caution. THE public are hereby notified, that on or about the 20th day of February, A. D. 1S55. there was made and executed by the undersigned Two Notes, in favor cf S. E. Rogers, one of two hundred dollars, parable the 1st of March, A. D. 1S57: and one of one hundred dollars, payable the 15th day of May, A. V. Ia57. The consideration for which said Notes were obtained having failed, we shall refuse 'to pay the said Note or any part thereof. - Jessk Noel. HxxbY Ekzrsox, . . . Hrxsr W. Laxz, By O. F. Lake, his Agent. Brownville, March 12th, IS57. 39-tf Caution. 'rnHE public are hereby not-fed, that there was L made and executed en or about the 20th day of .t ebruary, A. V. Ib55, by the undersigned, Three Notrs in faror of B. B. Frazier, of two hundred dollars each, one payable September 1st, A. D. 1856; .one payable January 1st, A. V. 1sj7; one payable March 1st, A. D. lSi7. The consideration having failed, for which the said notes were riven, we shall refuse further payment on the said Notes, or any , par iscreox. Jessk Nort, - ; ; - ' Hexbt W. Lakz. By . O. F. Lake. Lis Arent. Brownville, March 12th, 1S57. . 39-tf NO 2. AT? ORDIXANCE." Far (he Improvement cf Slreett and aZTcys in 1m City of Vrovcntille, Jr. T. - v Section. 1st. Be it Ordained by the City Council of dollar, valuation of all taxable property, be lericd for the rerpese of improving the Streets and alleys in said City. . See. 2d. Be it further Ordained, that it shall be "the duty cf the Marshal to proceed and collect the above Lar. immediatclv after the txniration r.f tbii t ten days from the passage of this Ordinance, and pay the m ney into the hands of the City Treasurer, taking his receipt ther.for. - "Sec. 3d.' Be it further Ordained, that should any property holder in said City, fail to comply with the rquirmer.ts of this Ordinance, then it shall be the viuty of the Marshal to proceed and enforce the same, ia accordance with the Law in such case made and provided. This Ordinance to take erect from and after tea - davs from the date of its passage. - Passed, March 3d, 1S57. ' - A-S. HOLLADAY, Mayor. Attest : ' B. B. Teoxtsgn, Recorder. ; mi Trees. - SHRUBBERY, OSAGE ORANGE. D. C. & T. JT. SAXDEnS, . . - - . . ' AG EST 3 TOR- . .... ... i OVERMAN S? MANNS-. . . ' Commercial NurserF floors: i -rt gtoix, Xll. AJvKOrXCE to the citiiens cf Nemaha County that rpon tbs cpecing of Navigation they will fc In receipt cf a larre supply of almost every assort xnent usually to I jfocnd in Nurseries. The stock from which our ecccUons are maie is very large, con aisting in fzrtcf: - - - - . rco.i : 0 Jx Trees, from 6 to 9 feet. 2C ?.( i i l)v :i Vcii Trees2 years old.' : 5G,C.':D :.-.ria-i do - from 2 to 4 years. 1C-:,C Ci.crry Trees, 1 to 2 yean old, Dwarf and rcav,r.u:r, Apri:ctj til Nectarine Trees,inlarge Lungers. . .. 1 :,C : 3 r.a.'x-bcrrics, esilr;:: every izi cf any .'. ;; l : . " - :.:.r as well as rarer kinds of ether i,r.'- , ' IsiC.rt Everreer.s Norway Spruce, ! . v ; rucri s, Cedars, Ela k and W bite pmx, 1-.: UciockJ, e:c, bxje ceiluaicT Orr.a?ntal Trees, Ecscs, ELrLlery. Ciln&ers, H?J.r--llant',ttc. . Jill'- :-s Root?, ra'Jve cr imjrirted: Dahlias, Car' raticz.J, rjie, Crrfar.l'icciuiES, Phloxes, all in preat abu:.-asc-e, and cf tLe eceI Lesuli nl varie- tiff. . VrL!!s wc ctr.C 'cr.t!y claim for our productions in rz?r&l sa ere I'.-rrce act surpassed cy any ether Xnrf.-rr. w rrtlcnlsj'y and r phaticaily designate our si -Ik tf zt Lees, Lota Dwarf and Standard, ts cr---ralc::el cither in cxtc-t cr quality, ty 'any n;i'.: - itxk la Aiicr.v. t ' ;::vs to "reri. : s t'-Ca' U rarcusse, we v --: l r.;':k thit c-urtrcs r ;r? uA salj etcd to , - e ecl t dcrir.tr the t.t later, which effec ts" txur-iie lc;ary to Xursoriea at the Vest, t- r late hid so drourtt danr- the past rare-'-r 1 a t. ? r"twth of oar trees Its been xt-Si.L ' 1 - ;' " J 1- Kd upon, tLcrcfwre, to tc ja - r:: D.C.AT.N. SANDERS. H-MTirT. E. G. rSATT, X. W. FOX, '"'.Leu. Is. ' bt. LowX CHILD. rr.ATT ,t CO., .. j( rr? t ; 1 1 'it cfac tarcrs Agests .12 r.r..i i-." T.. . n , ? JESSE JOHN. - suavEYoa a civil ei:o :jeeh, WILL attend to any busiacss in lis line when called. I have a lirst iuteccrnpa3S, and having had 'raanv years cxpcricace, both as teacher and practL-n! .-iarveyor, cs.il give satisfaction. ' References:" A. L. Coat, Dr. Hoovir, Vm. Hccver, also, D. Geut,W. libbsoa, sad C. A. Ecwlew, i v&anah, Mo. Address " : h. - jesse Jerry, . t - ' ", Neniata Cily.N.T. :' March ISth, 1S57. ' . 40-tf CURRANTS AND RASPBERRIES. "TTJHITE Grapo Currant Seeds, saved fron our t specimen plants in 1S55, will be sent pre-paid in packages worth $l,to all who enclose that amount. Cuesasts, White Grape, Cherry, and acollti(n of eighteen other varieties, embracing all the wvol ties. : ' ; ' ; ' ' I Kaeteeekies, Belle de' Fentenyj a new Frenth over-bearing sort, fruit very large, and plant vigor ous a very distinct variety. ' ' : Mebveiixb or Foce Seasoxs This i variety which baa been fully tested, an! was awarded a premium at the N. V.- Fair a fine display of fni.Lt exhibited in the month of October it is by far su perior to any of its class. The fruit is as Urge and as good as the Red Antwerp, and the Aatunn&l crop I abundant S3 per dozen. Mount nope. Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. N. B. -Order? from unknown corref roudents canst be eecompanied by the cash. . ilarch ISth, 18o7. . - : 40-tf Lliles on 'Horse Shoeing. JUST. PUBLISHED, - -." " A PLAIN,prnetical Treatise on hoesb BnoxiJ:a, by WM. MILES, anther of ' The Horse's Foot." In one vol. 16mo. Price 75 cents. Sent ty mail free of postage. ' ' " ' " r '' e like to recommend such books, when we soc so'vilainous bungling at horso shoeing." Ohio Cul tivator. ' ; : . .' : ' y "A concise, clear, and practical work, which, should be studied by every Einith who shoes horses, and by every farmer who owns a horae. The truth is, there is not one smith in twenty who tnoc$ kow to shoo n horse properly, or one farmer in a hundred who knoW3 uhen a horse is shod as he should bo. The work will jxryyou if you will study it, and te-fold if you practico it, or obiio your smith to follow its instrua tions." lllinoi Farmer. .... . J , "No man who owns a horse can afford to ba without thl-j sort of information."-Albany Ece. Jovrs HENRY CABEY BAIRD, Publisher. , ' Philadelphia. March. 19th, 1857. - ; ' . 4Mf FLOWER -SEED GROWTH OF 1S5G. rpHE subscriber will send 20 choice varieties of L flower seed by mail, postage paid, lor one uouar. ; . .. .. , WARDER 4 GILMORE, : J Nurserymen and Florists,' ' :. . - ' : . . : Springfield, ObioJ March 19th. 1357. . 40-tf 1857. MISSOURI EIYEH PACKET. 1S57. JOSEPH B. HOLLAND - Mastm-. For Council Blu"s,OmahaCicy,BelIevue,SLlUrj's, Wyoming City,- Nebraska City, Linden, Brown- ville, Lowell, Oregon, White Cloud, Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph, Palermo, Atchison, Weston, Leavenworth City, Kansas, Independence, Liberty, . Lexington, &e. ...'.'... v:rn!!L,N entirely new, swift and elegant tbasc-. passenger steamer axoxzo cmin, Ci?t. Joe. Holland, will on the opening of navigation, ran as a regular packet to the above and intermediate points, continuing in the Bluffs Trade dariig the entire boating season. , - '- ' ! . Captain Holland, deeply grateful to his numcrcua friends along the river for the liberal patronagehith erto extended to lira while in command of the Omaha, and other boats, desires to return them his sincere acknowledgments, and to solicit a continuance of their confidence and patronage for his new boat, promising nntircmg exertions to render general sit isfaction. , The Alonzo Child was built erpressly for the Con cil Bluffs trade, under the especial tupervisicn of t..apt. liolland, who begs to assure his friends that they will end tcr to be admirably adapted to tbo wants of the river,being of great strength, lightnsss of draught, beauty of model, etc., with cabin arrange ments and accommodations not surpassed by those of any boat .in the riTer, combining . all tho latent and most -modern improvements that could add to the safety, comfort and pleasure of passengers. Nothing will be found wanting in any of her -appointments which belong to those cf a first class passenger 6tamer. March 19th, '57. ' -40-tf 185.7. MISSOURI pjveu'.paceet.-1857. - TwHiglati JOHN S. SHAW.-,..1- Master. New Missouri Hirer, Kansas and Nebraska Packet forlS57.: ; :; :; -. . w JrfrWB .THE entirely new, swift and net ur- L.'-waw . passed passenger steamer, twiught, Capt. John S. Shaw, will on the opening of naviga tion run as a regular packet to the above and all in termediate points. The Twilight wasbuUt expressly for the Missouri river trade, undr the especial super vision of Capt. Shaw, who begs to assure his frisnds tnat they will find her to be admirably adapl to the wants of the river, being cf great strength and lightness of draught, with cabin. arrangements and accommodations unsurpassed, ccmbining " ail ' the latest and most modern improvements that could aid to the safety, comfort and pleasure of passenger. KoiuiDg wiu oe iouna warning in any oi ner appcuni ment3 which belong to a first class passenger steamer, Jiarca istn, '57, a -x 1857. UNION PACKET LINE. ,1857. Lucas, Meteor, & Silver Heels. E. n; SILVER-... .'. .. .. .. .. ..faster J. H. Lucas T.E.DRAFFIN .. .... Master ldcieor; For St. Joseph, Brownville, Nebraska City,' On. aha uity ani uiua .city. .-. Lucas. Silver Heels wiil leave for the above and all ir ter mediate points every Tuesday evening, at 4 o'clock, throughout the season. The new and splendid pas senger steamer Wetor, and the well known, fast and splendid passenger steamer, Jas. II. Lucas, connect ing with the fine and fast packet Silver II eels at. St. Joseph, forming the only sure and quick passage from St. Louis to the above name! places. - i- - -. From the known speed, capacity and comfort of the boats composing this line, the traveling public may rest assured that nothing will bo wanting on the part oi ineir oiascrs aaa crew i-o renaer meir uip lxtn pleasant and agreeable. : --. . March 19th, '57. . . 40-tf 1857. MISSOURI ; RrVER PACKET. 1857. CilAS. R. BAKER.. ........... Master, W. IL ScrnoEii" Cerk For Florence, Omaha City, Council Bluffs, Bellevue, St. Mary's, Wyomi ng City, Nebraska City, Linden, Brownville, Lowell,Uregn, Iowa Point, Savannah, fct. Joseph, raltrzno, Atchisn, Weston, lieaven .worth City, Kais, Independence, Liberty, Lex ington, &c. , . . . 1 4 . , TI2E entirely tew, swift and ele gant passengers stcamor illN-KS a A HX, Capt. Chas. R. Baker, W. II. SccEDEE, Clerk, will, on the opening cf navigation, run as a regular packet io tne aocva named Jind all intennwiiatfe points, continuing in the Bluffs trade duricj the entiro boating season. ; ' I: Capt. Baker, thaakfal to the public for its very genertus rapport bittowed open the AdmirsJt'fhile under his command, hereby begs leave to tender bis acknowledgements and solicit for his new bout a con tinuance of it3 ctfjde"uce. and patronage, pledging untiring exe..tiohs of .laaiself.apd officers to,;jire full satisfaction to those with whose btiiices! he. inny be honored. The Min-ne-ba-la was built cxpnsly for the Council Bloffs trade, imdtr the swial fiipcr viiica tf Captain Baktr,wbo'lai ?i r red lit- titU or expense to m.i'ie her, an A Nj. I Missouri "jliver St'ea.aier,"and begs to asare lit fiieud3'th&tivihey will find Ler tote ia all resj ecss," most iidmirally alip'.ed 'io the wants cf the -river, being of jjreat strength, li-atnesjoi draught, eEiacisl node! and such application cf machinery, s xnavt'tuko her cas cf tLeKi;tone, with cabin arracemrnts and acccru3S.uAtioiis cf a very suporwr cra;r,3Di not x celled bv those o:T tny boat in the river, cmli all theE?rr-t modm improveiacats that saf-ilv, com fort, or j'.exarcoi.ld suggest, in short, 'in all her c; p'! ntnerts, ncthirg will be wnnting bclcngug to tli e of a first c i J J passerjer et jarac r. . t , j.. J.. U It ti, I TOXICA is fceuby '-ivfn, Ci.t bereafter w re3 IS GovijfrCAJHTlT.r.r.rcsoxiT. " - ::cALLIi!Ti:2, DCZIT2 CO; Erew2vill?,Mx-:hl2th,'i7.- . .. 'Sl-lf " fZP h, THE St. Louis, St. Joseph, Brown tille, t- Nebraska, Omaha and Bluff City Lirht- fi n-.-t:-jutraieadn.r-.:;!.T r CIIHTE2I3 GUGAIL CAim. PURE SEED. The subscribers tako great pleastirc -ia iforcil.ng the Planters, F'anccrs and Cardner?, tl.: t they have Secured from the most reliablo sources a"li ncit ed supply of FrehSe;d of this very valuable pUnt, the properLes of which may bo bnc-y fcummeci up as fcllowij; , 1st. Olo acre of the stalks, rrji-criy cultivatod. will yield from 230 to 500 galloiis of fine Syrup, equal to the best New Orleans! aad froia U9 tduie roots, tecund crop of excellent loaaer. 2d. Sown broadcast or ia close drills, on land deeply plowed or highly man ared,it rill yield thirty to fifty thousand pounds of superior fodder to the acre. ' 3d. It surpasses all therplanta for soiling f feod- irg green,) and fodder, on account of the great amount of sugary juice which it contains: and is greedily eaten by stock of all kinds. 1 r " ' 5 ' -f i 4tn. is near repeated. cuuings, iiKe x-gjpua.B Millo gTowing off freely and rapidly, after each cutting.- - - 5th. It stands drouth ranch better than common corn, retaining its green color andjuiciness even after the seed matures. ,: s 6 th. The seed is excellent for human food, when ground into meal, and fattens domestic animals very spcedil. r From twenty-five to seventy-five bushels can be raised on an ac:re. - The seed, which has been very carefully kept pure, from tho original impo rtation, will be offered in cloth packages, each contairung enough to plant about one fifth of an acre in drills 4 feet by 18 inches, with full direction for tho cultivation, which ia perfectly simnle. ,,.. ...: - These packages wni be forwarded by mail,ree of Pottage, to any address, on receipt of $1 for each package, vvnen not sent oy mail, we wiu turnisn a proportionate quantity by express at . purchaser's expense. - . ' : Early orders are solicited, as the supply of good and reliable seed is quite limited. Applicants' names will be entered in the order in which they are receiv ed, and the seed will be mailed a soon as possible. A pamphlet will be sent, postage free, to all who purchase seed; or to Jiy person -who -will enclose a three cent stamp. . Dealers in seeds and country merchants can be supplied at a liberal discount from retail rates, if their orders aro received immediately. ' Address with a plain direction for mailing or ship ping, i. ." We will also be prepared to furnish a simple and efficient mill to expre: the juico from the cane, and cauldron Ac, for boiling the same. - Many testimonials in addition ' can be given to prove it3 odaptednoss to the North western and Western etates. . . .. r. . . : AT OUR WAREHOUSE '' Will alto he found at aU timet - x A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK ; ' ; Of all kinds of '' t Fann 'Implemchts 1 AND IVIACHIKERY, 1 ' With a full Stock pf . ' . Field and Garden- 2ecds, ; And GxatrtOy, Of the Most Reliable and genuine kinds. -' JSTTull Catalogues sent on application. . - - " - HENBY D. EMERY & CO., '' I , -:.-.'- -; f - .'. 204 Lake Street, Chicago, 111. .March 5th, 1857. J" ; . . : - 33-tf lW- EEMY, . Across The Skuto , r At the Mead of thd Island ' r . ABOVE BROWNyiLLE, T: ' To TV. S; Hall & Co.'a Saw Mill. THE undersigned announces to the Public that be has purchased the Ferry privilege granted Jack son Peters, at the last Session of the Legislature, and is now prepared with a new and substantial boat, at all times to accommodate the public. Charges usual rates. - - -- : -f -V SAMUEL. McBKTDE. March 5th, 1857. - 38-3m i J. B. JENNINGS, ; - Wliolofialo Orooor, -j . - A5D COHMISSIOX MERCHANT, AND EtlXEB I! r COUNTRY PRODUCE, ' Corner Second and Frances Sts. ; " ST. JOSEPH, MO.,'.. - . HAS on band, and to arrive, the following arti cles, which will be sold to the trade on accom modating terms, EXCLUSIVELY 'AT WHOLE SALE: ... , 150,000 Cigars all qnall-100 bxs E D and W R . ties - . ; chees . ' 4C00 sacks G A Salt "156 boxesstarch SCO Hhds N O Sugar ; - 200 bbbi and hf bbls water 500 sks Rio Coffee and but'r crackers 100 O G Java Coffee 200 bbls and hf bbls pilot 100 . . Laguayra ' , bread and pic nic do 100-Mocha- .200 bbls soda milk sugared Zbv bOia, nair bbls anaiuu eg; and wine do kgs Belcher's Molasses: 100 bbls apple, vinegar 00 bbls, half bbls ivnd qr300 bra Tobacco all grades N N refined do 200 bxs smoking tobacco, 150 half chests tea, all various brands fcint . 1 fill bunp.hp nin nlpm 250 bbls' Belcher's Sugar 50 bbls II S Sicily and 150 bbls, bal's, qrs, nos 1 Joca Almonds 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 bbls filberts, brazil 200 bxs dried herrin ?s ' r ntits, pecans . , 2D. hf bbs White Fish 100 kgs S C Soda : 5 drms dry Cod Fish 500 kegs assorted nails 200 bxs ass'd candy . 500 bxs half and or star . A i .'V .T, iuu ionry - - carnues - SCO drums gs ' - f150 do sterine do 100 bxf hl'r. and qra Rais-200 do bar soap ins - ', .. ; 50 do' rock candy. ; 50 bxs Prunes ' , . SUNDRIES. Pf.Hft firrwi n.ii Kf f ? nrw w!V cotton and hemp twine, wheat and meal sacks, axes, . 1 J S 1 1 1 spaaes ana suuvtu, garura tttas ua ELraw nitcs,H g hemp, manilla, into and cotton cordage, indigo and maU43r, mum, nuiko niuuvn kku( n iuuu n 1oi:u tumKlni1 inn nf difTerent Riiea. flasks s.ortrrl sizes, siissafras bark, pie fruits, fresh peaches, brandy CUeiTltS man n:iKU';2 cuiicui ooiu i"K('usu jvmcs. fresh tomatoes, canton ginger, preserves, nut meg, na.cifi't TxPMmaiiL tonmta- nd walnut caLsur.. lemon aj'rup, lobsters, sardines, extract and esjence ot coaee, chocolate,. -pieties, maicnes, cic. - insT,?. tnli."ioti!mnn nnila. cedarrails. Ti B pails, pine and eedair churns, brass bonnd churr?,tar backets, well buckets, cedar cars, mop sticks, butter . . a - t at - prints. buckeye ooeisin nesis; iron oouna scg?, cne t nn iUm f n .n tPTi niV.oTiq. the ma!ler?:ia with bales, common ani l B half bushels and measures, cmp skhjij nc. . .... . .... 1 uaa alsoajrent fot the sale of K A salt, and have now on band a;Gi-j Ilia M sale at eosi ana irar fpor t.ifi.xii T have th rxclnsive sale bv direct consign menttf five hundred dczoa Field's celebrated oysters, acknowledged to bu the lest put up in Baltimore. To California and Salt Eake Ernisrrants. Tocr especial attention is invited to my extensive stock, which embraces everything suited to your wants in crossing the plains. I will at all times keep cn band Soar, meal, bacon, Liri,bard bread and crackers, all of wh ea will be sel l at the lowest cash rncei. 3S17 . . .: .... J. B. JINNDTCS. ! r ; g. w. hurk. L-.4 U i I ucu.il i : tvit.tb..) ' 1TEHAIIA CITY, IT. T. .. " "r WILL attecd prorrjtly to ti". Issfrs ia 's tto- fe&!oa heo call I c a sue a as i;.l i;virg Clal::?, lsrir ett Tcra I. ' t: .". : : City V' .u J2 dJLI-Il-L w u--w j UPHOLSTERY, WHCLSSAJLE AKI ESTAH.,". - ; BY ; .... : SCAERITT ' MASON. ST. LOUIS, MO. WE take pleasure in saying to our friends and the public in general, that cur stock of Fine, Maiirtm. and Common Fnmiuure, aa well as Mat- tressos and Bedding, was never mere complete and deserving the attention of 'purchasers,: either at wholesale or retail in fall suits or single articles than at present. We shall spare no effort to keep the most complete assortment in onr line, in the We3t. , Our Goods are male here, as well : as East, by the best workmen, and thus eombine the greatest variety and latest styles, with the cheapest and most substantial. - Dealers, as well as all other purchasers, are in vited to call and look through our Mammoth . Ware Rooms. .... Orders also, from all partioa having furniture to buy for themselves or others, especially solicited, with the assurance of our best endeavors to merit a continuance of the liberal confidence and patronage we have so long received. " ' - . . SCARRITT A MASON. . ' Washington Ave. between 2nd and 3d St3. March 19th, '57. . : . , ' - : 40-3m - It :,W, FTJRIXAS, . NOTARY PUBLIC, . LAND AND tOT AGENT iNSURANQBAGENT;: i AND AGENT FOR - - AGRICULTURAL "flMPLEMHITS. BROWNVILLE. ,T. i : : ' GEO. S. ;EAYRE & CO., on m Ay :nA's. t AND ; i ' ; -..;v. 1. GENERAL LAN!) : AGENTS, t " . ... jr. . -j - i v ......... J GLENWOOD, Mills co, Iowa, . . PL ATTS MO UT II, -. uass co, JNebraska. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves titrating Titles. Pavino- Titm InW.v. cy, Buying and Selling Town Lots, Buying: Selling auiu uwubuig ijauu uirn.Hi, a.nu an oiner business connected with their profession in Western Iowa and V..1 1. . J. M. DE WS, Associate Attorney. REFERENCES : ' . Greene, Weare k Benton, ". Council Bluffs,; Iowa. G. Dourhtv & Co- U It Greene, Weare & Pico, Greene & Weare, v . .:.FuDea Moines' ' Cedar Rapids, . Cincinnati, Ohio. ; Glenwood, Iowa, Cincinnati, Ohio. " u u '- Vinoentown, N. J. . Hightstown, M -Philadelphia, Pa. Medford, N. J. is ixon & Goodman, Tootle & Greene. v ; N.i W. Thomas. Schoolv & Son . Gen. Wm. Irick, H. Johnson. Reed & Son. : - Robinson & Hro ! Burlinston Co. Bank.' .Herring's Patent Champion FIRE-PROOF SAFES, ITriTII Hall's Patent Pow1 v T same that were awoxded separate Medals at iu HOTiajrur iioncion, 130 1, and the i orld s Fair, New York, 1853; and aro the only American Safes that were awardrd medalaat the London World's Fair. - These Safes arenowadmitfpd in ha ever Offered to tho Tiublic : ftnd the snhsfrihira rhnl len?A thft WnrM tA Tirnlln nn inaimnn rf S;U"es failing to preserve .their contents through the unebi nroa, or a inrgiar picltmg the lock. . The subscribers and their agents are the only per sons authorized to 'make find baII fTarri Champion Safe, with. Hall's Patent Powder Proof -: - -.r S. C. HERRING & CO. , Green Block, 135, 137 and 139 Water St., . and 5Mtrrray StNewTork. March 5th, 1857. ; .- . 3S-6m CLOCKS, WATCHES, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Catlery, Spoons, Ac, ic. Nebraska City, N. T. . tEKGBAViKa and Repaibixg done on short notice, and all tobx wAiaANTKD, - ? CHAELES G.; D OESEY; AND GENERAL L.iND AGENT. First Street, opposit3 J AdTertiser" office.) , BROWNVILLE, K T. Respectfully solicits the patronage of the public in - . , , Buying and Selling - CLAIMS, TOWN PROPERTY, And Filing Declaration of Intention to ' A bla.ima.nts of lands are ndriKArf tn fil immpili ntfilv. if thev have not alreadv dona so. nsthft nrnvi 7 j - x - sinns of the nre-cmnticnlaw in that rfistoptarer.lain and aot to be avoided, and it is impossible to perfect a fre-emption lugnt wnnout filing. - Brownville, Jan. 15, 18 vl-n31tf " dixlon.thompson; co. Large Frame Building Cor. Slain & Rock Sts. hock pout, mo.;,, Whosesale and Retail Dealers in ryGrpodcsS, t-. 'And Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs, IIal3, Caps, . --Boot Shoes, Ijnware, Stoves, ' v-v , ' , Furniture, Iron, Nails, Plows, -. ' ; . and Farming Utensils. .. . : WILL have, on tbe-opening of navigation, a larje and varied nceession to their present Stock, which, will be jold-Low for Cash. . . ' February 12tb, 1857. ... 35-tf EXFEBIENCE ZSTABROOX. J. D, N. THOMPSON. ESTABROOIX & THOLIFSOIT, Will practice jointly in all business entrusted te them that will require" attention at the " " . " ' . X mnacl. OiHoc. . Address: E. Estabrook, Omaha City, N. T. J. D. N. Thompson, Brownville, N. T. r 1047 ACRES OF LAND AT L:: PTOiJC:AUCTioir. . - TWILL sell to.tbe" highest .bidder ca - Saturday, ' March 28th, 1S57, at ray residence, Bitch's Ferry, Atchison Co.,Io., 1847 Actetf 'land; Consisting of three tracts, the .1st tract is 215 acrca of good heavy timber, and belongs to'tbo estate of F. G. .Uush,"deccaeed tho2d"ar,d31ore farms'of my own and embrace 415 acres ech both well watered well .imbeml and well improve!. - One of them has 80 stores in a high Btate of cultivation and 2P0 acres in -pastare,- dwelling hoa.a and other suitable out aon?cs; the other has 12 i in. cultivation and 100 acres in pasture covered with Line Grass, all linder good fence; dwelling house, ica- house, stables, eribs and other suitable out houses, " ' ' All of the above Lands lay near th Missouri River and within 2 miles of the proposed St. Joseph and. Bluff .City Railroad, are lands cot surpassed in the State for agricultural and stock raising purposes, Ir.y in square bodies and combines the. celebrated Jenlin't Bend, the best body of timber ia the Coun ty Terms, one third cash, one thirl in ore year and pse in two yews. .Title perfect. For information : , Address. . , . . ANDREW TRI3RLE.. , . '"" " Rack Port, or Lowell, Mo. . Feb-lSth,lS57. - i : -ri St. Joseph. Gaiette ploase ecy rst3 weeks la March, and send bill to Advertiser.' ANTED, anifor which we allow the V zt IBM, 'SEASON ARRANGEMENTS!. St. Jos2pli tnd Council Blafli Wcsklj "SILVER HEELS , ' . Tn s. THE new "and fast running passergor stearoer "SILVER LIIELrf," havir.; been built expressly-r. r tno traac, wi.i npon io opening of navigation, make regular weekly tri- ?, between St. Joseph ac-t Council Bluffs connectir -with the first ft. Louis Packets at St. Joseph. Ti e "Silver lleels," will extend her trips to Siu.X City, and intermediate points, onco a month. n33-tf Agent!. Elotice. I TRAILING to see several persons before I left, who bad made bills at my auction, their accounts have been left with R. W. Furnas, who advanced the amounts.,' - . " JGiLS McPHSRSON. , Brownville, Kov. 23, 1858. Myriads of - Madura Plants. 1,000 'Li ' :'JSosli8ls Madura Seed. : ' FRUIT ; AND ORNAMENTAL TRESS. - . : 0 VERMAN MANN, - 'x ' : Bloomingtoa, 111., ' ! - BEO loavo to announce that they have for a serjes of years, been engaged in the culture of hedges and. hedge plants, and having been greatly encouraged by the success of the Ms-elura Hedge, and stimulated by the immensely increasing demand for the material, they have sown, the present season on good, new land, about 150 bushels of excellent seed the produce 'of which is estimated at fifteen miUiont plants . which they offer lor the Spring trade, It would kave required more tha n that amount to supply the demand the past Spring. The terms for plants will be reaonaW,and to dealers and oth ers ordering plants by wholesale, great, inducements will be offered. . It is very important that orders should be sent in ea?.i.t, as they will be registered and filled in the order in which they aro recoivei, For the last three years they have buen unable to supply the demand, and ft is probaDls that late or ders cannot bo filled the next Spring, lis tho demand is expected to be four times greater than heretofore, Plants will be securely packed and delivered on board the cars free of expense, except for cost of ma terial.' -v . -, They are also extensively engaged in importing hedge seed, which they sell on the best terms, and alwavs warrant fresh and good; orders fir which should br sent in prior to the 15th of October next. They will be prepared to sprout seed for such as de sire it. -i-- , - ' . ' r' Having, sovcral extensive nurseries, they offer, at wholesale and retail, a large stock of thrifty Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines,' Roses, Shrubbery, Ac, at tho following points, to wit: Bloomington, III.; Mound Nursery, Canton, 111, Henry, Elm wood, and Havana, 111. AU Fruit Trees warranted to be of the best varieties and true to name. All information cheerfully given, and catalogue and premium essay on Hedgeing sent to all applicants. - Address. OVERMAN & MANN. -. Feb. 5, 1S57. . Bloomington, Illinois. Coltnnbii3 Nurssry. .; ; For Central Ohio and all around! OUR Stock of Fruit Trees, Ac, for sale the pres ent Fall and next Spring, is very large and fine, including all the most approved varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines Plums Quinces, Grapes, Currants, Goosbcrrics, Raspberries, Strawberries, etc. Especial care has been taken to procure and propagate mostly such varieties of each class as are found best suited to the soil and climate of the West and South, where most of the winter fruits, especially of the Eastern States, are of no value. v ' Our stock of Peach Trees is remarkably fine, and the price so low that all those who lost their trees the past winter, should now replace them. Of Cherry; Trees also we have a fine supply, mostly grown on Jfahaleb stocls, which secures greater har diness to the tree, and if trained rather low, so as to cause the tops to shade the stem from the hot sun, it is beleired no difficulty will be found in grow ing fine cherries in the South and West. Of Pears we have a splendid lot, especially on dwarf trees, on strong Angers Quince stocks, the best for speedy and abundant; productiveness. Catalogues, with prices, etc., will be sent to all applicants. , Nurserymen and Dealers in-Fruit Trees are invited to call and examine our stock of Peaches Pears and Cherries, especially; before sending East, as we believo they can save expense as well as risk by purchasing of us. Wholesale Catalogues now ready. M. B. BATEHAM & CO. February 5, 1857. .' S. LOCKWOOD. : , 1857. R. R- POXEROY. LOCKWOOB $ POMEROY, ' ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HATS & CAPS, STltAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of ; ; every description; for "which they pay the highest Market price, 1N: cash.. "tOTJNTRY Merchants are invited to examine our J stock of Hats A Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stock shall not be excelled by any House in St. Louis. Our prices will be low, terms accommodating. . Call and see us at our New Store. Second St. St. Joseph, Mo. - - 32-6m. Iffll, - PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, French and American Window Glass & Glassware ... . Spices, Indigo, Madder, Perfumeries, die. SPRING STOOK! . ' CHARLESS, BLOW & CO., IMPORTERS A WHOLESALE BEALER3. No. 63 and 87 Main street, St. Louis, Mo. Are now in receipt of their new Stock, embracing everything in their line. - "Merchants visiting our City are requested to give us. a call, as we are determined tn sell for Cash or Prompt Time Paper, as low as any House in the United States. i . - IIUKRAII FOR YOUNG AMERICA I ! THE CHEAPEST (Dlothing Store UNBER TEE SUN!! ! THE ondcrsigned would respectfully inform' the citizens of Brownville and surrounding country, tb-t we have opened one of the cheapest and largest stock of , ' - : : Heady . Made Clothing . in Nebraska Territory! We therefore respectfully solicit a call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to undersell any Clothing Establishment in the Territory. ' We have now on hand a large assortment of Ready Made Clothing; also, Shirt, Collars. Cravat, Handker chiefs, Socks, Comforts, Undershirts, Drawers, etc. all cf the best quality and latest style. Please examine our stock and see for yourrclf. . . SIEGELfc GREENEjJAUM. ' Store On the Levee near the Hotel. '. Brownville, December,' 25tb, 1S56. vln27-tf H. T. BE3"ETTri J. 8. MORTON,' B.H. UiSDI.NO BENNETT, MORTON & HARDING. Attorneys at .Law, Nebraska City, N. T., and Glenwood, Ia. WILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and Western Iowa. Particular attention raid tn obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of aeou. ' . - ' - REFERENCE: .'- ' . Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit. ' 4uUuh D. Mort, ' . f a,SB " .. uor. Joel A. MAttes-jn, Springfield, EI; - ' Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; B. P. Fitted, St. Louis,Mo.; Hon. Daniel O. Morton, Toledo, Ohio; P. A. Sarpy, Bellevue, Nebraska: . , SedgewStb & Walker, Chicago, III; Green, Weare A Benton, Council lilaff,Iowa. - ,', OLIVEH BENNETT k CO., V AX T ACTCBSES AXD W COLES ALE CEALZRS TSt - Boots Shoes Cl Ere 'tans, XO. ZTrJTAIX STREET, SALSTL0UI3, 2IO. ARE NOW IN RECEIPT of a complete assortment , of goodi from their own and other manafac tories,aiapted especiaJly the Western trade. Purchaser are invited to examine their f tock, manufaiturei and selected with great care and warranted of superior quality. Orders will rescive prompt and ca.rcf al attenti in. Bill Boots and Gliccs. : AN nrr ?uallj lare gtocr of Cne and eoane Roots tnd L ioe3 both Ger.tleraea and Ldi' can te nea. tzl rarchwei kr, at ' .... LOELIIZSLL A C03. 33CN P. CA3AUT, ) 3fAET!: TT. T.ltZ, 1 . TEST, V V. WFIT3, r.cil Blurs, Iowa. ) Nebraska City NT ) JA3. D Conrx CASSADY, TEST, KIDEN & CO., -, (Sasct;ors to Lilsa 6 White.) Land agents. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. : ; HATING made arrancer;t3 by whi.h wa will receive accurate copies cf all tho Townships embraced in the Eastern portio i of Nebra,;'-., wo ars now prepared to rcr oar services to t'e "SQUATTERS OF THE TEERITTORT; Jn Pilirj? Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Land Warrants end - ENTERING LAND. LAND "WARRANT BOUDELT & SOLD. j Lanl Entered on Tine, Scc., Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling Property on commission: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of the Union. ' JJlanks cf all kinds tilway3 on hand, ' : REFERENCES." - Hon. A. A. Eradfari, ' Nebraska City. S.F.Nucolls, . Messrs. Do'.maa ik West, . St. Joseph, Mo., . . Peter A. Keller, Washington City Thomas Lumpkin, " " June 23, 1853. vl-n4 ' B. BIiOY7IT, " IL AEB AGIBH1T, BROWNVILLE, N T. ' WILL prcmptly attend to Buying and Selling land. Collecting and Investing money, Locating and selling Land Warrants, and fling Declarations of intention to Pre-empt; and all other matters per taining to the business of a Land Aent. . . SPECIAL ITOTICE. Short Settlement Make Long Friends. THE subscribers request all that are indebted to them, by note or account, to make payment by the 15th of February next, As one of the firm will start East at that timo for a new and full stock of goods, and CASH will be warned to pay for them. We return our thanks to ,our friends for their patronage to this time, and promise to merit a con tinuance ot the same hereafter. - " ' ; WM. IIOBLITZELL St CO. Brownville, Jan. Sih, 18o7. AGENTS WANTED to retail articles Sales im menseprofits" largo only $5 required. Ad dress, with stamps, . ': J. L. H., Harmony, R I. JOEL I.1.T700D, I.I D., BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Nemaha county, that having permanently located imme diately South of Brownville, and having had consid erable experience in the treatment of the diseases incident to the West, he att;rs himself that h It prepared to treat the same on purely BOTANIC PRINCIPLES, And in connection with Dr. BrcxnAM of Missouri. Brownville, Jan 1, 1857. vln23tf . , ..'lEagle'-'Eiills. . '',. -J . ST. JOSEPH, MO. -JAMES CAIIGILL, Proprietor. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand for sale, all kinds of Flour, Jleal, and Feed staffs. Orders solicited and nromntlv filled on mo3t favorable terms. - Cash raid conetantlv for i v neat., ,r or character of 1 lour refer to everybody iaai ever usca it. - - . . ! St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30", 1858. vln!3-ly FKESIfl' ARRiVAIi ! ! -. ' OF NEW GOODS!! W. HOBLITZELL & CO. - BROWNVILLE. N. T. HAYE THIS DAY RECEIVED, per steamers A. C. Goddin and Wm. Campbell, and now opening, the most extensive stock of Goods ever of fered in this market. After the experience they nave in eDrsLSka, tney natter themselves that they i t . t . . . b.uuw wuat suns ino people, ana nave purcnaseu sucli a stock of Goods as cannot fail to plcasn. We will not pretend to enumerate, bat say come and see; and you will not fail to bo suited.- ; Oct. 15, 1853.-ly . - . ; WAT-'KOSSELL-,:: . f ivr a, Tt: : ; z l, . BROWN VILLEt N. T. RESPECTFULLY informs tbe public F i ; a teat ne is prepared to serve them with any thing in bis line, at short notice, and with a style and quality of work he feels confident will please. To bis old friend and customers he deems it unnecessary to say a word, to others he sayj ordr "try "me." December 13, 1853. vln25-Jv Attention Lot Holders ! ! HI GEL Y IMP OR TANTJH A LL persons who own Lota in the City of Brown ville, are here by notified, that I am now nra- prepared to executo WARRANTY DEEDS for the same, and, unless Deeds aro obtained lefore the ex piration of six M0XTH3 from date, said City Lots will be sold to the highest bidder, and the proceeds thereof disposed of according to Law. A. S. HOLLADAY. Mayor. City of Brownville, N. T, Feb. 26th, '57. 37-tf Provisions. WE keep constantly on hand, Flocr, Corn Meal, Bacon, Butter, and every variety of Groceries. . HOBLITZELL & CO. NEBRASKA CITY HOTEL. - . NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. . BARNES Sc JJAHNinr, Proprietors. THIS commodious - Hotel, situated upon Main Street, Nebraska City, will be found a do sirable resort for travellers. Stages leave this house for all parts of the Territory. , ' NOTICE. NOTICE. Merchants, Sportsmen and Manufacturers. " HORACE E. DOIICIC & CO'S GREAT WESTERN EMPORIUM, for Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols, FUhing Tackle and Sporting Ap paratus of every variety, u at No. 12, North iraia treet, St. Louis, the sirs of tm Df U v.. dow. We keep constantly on liand a fall assortment of Hunting, Target and Minnie Rifles, Together with every variety of Purca3ion" Caps Guns, Wada, and Wadding Paper, Fi.,bicg Tackle Ac- o-J iu fact, everything connected with the Gun Trade. J . Two Hundred Breech loading Rifles of various patents. . .. , . . N. B. All kinds of g-nu material and mountin in the forged, filed and ftihed state. c" . T lease call and examine for yourselves before -yon make Your nurchasesu cxrerirw ; v.. i . guide. J lj Our good s are all warranted by us. August 23,1356. vLnlZtf. ST. JOSEPH LUMBER 'YARD. Qa Edmond Street, rear Cargill's Mill, 1 St. Joeph, . Jlijinouri. W. J. TAYLOR, Removed from the old Stand to tho above named place. THE undersigned is now fully prepared to accom modate hi patron3 and friends with the best as sortment of Pine Lumbtr ever offered io. this mar ket, comprising not only White Pine Lumber and White and Yellow Flooring, ready dressed; but also best assortment of Pine and Cottonwood shinies, Poplar Siding, 4c. , He has now on hand, at bis Lumber YnrJ, the lar gest and be? t assortment of Door?, Sath ani Veni tian blinds, ever o-ert d ia this market, a portion tf which is direct from Cincinnati manufactories, which enables him to sell at very reduced prices, lie ij fully prepared to U all orders in hi line, at short notice, and particularly solicits the Kansas and Ne braska tmds, for he has the articles they nant an! J Mill, ar 1 ia the unae4ut vkiaity cf the Stt Jo- seph tr jwery. JESSE LOWE, ft G SlVE every possible ficilit, fir tt. U f4.-jedy transmission of . .-oney. nniaraie Prackn3et j n:id .'lerchan.tij, Of t -y description, on reasonabto tcrais I s: Cr FICE3 New York, Bufl t nati, Toledo, Chicago, Davton. Ib.;...... c'ci- tho so. :iller t orns on Railroads ia thi F. 11,4 3 dlo and We :ern States, conaectin m V' 4. i.j?:iarJ "-a s Missouri Riycr Exnrcsi n MMMmiffi - . JOHN - AY. . TOOLE Y. (Successor to NOONAN, T00LIY A C, ZZ ZTiin st, CU Stand, EL -Louis t TMrOIiTER,Wfcck3aIeand RotaUDW ?t?: 1 Glx's and Qit-caaware, Yellow UA tiS-?i Ware, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lantern. liookiar s!s, Britannia Ware, ic. Ae with a ;rr.t vti"'" Fancy Mantle and Parlor Ornament,'dircct fro't5' Potteries and Manufacturer!. . . IITow arriric; and in store,' tit itotW above line of goods, which is offered te theTrii reasonable rates. An examination is bciUd ' ; tlTOn band, Assorted Crates, for CjuatoyT-j N. B. racking receives special attsatica, September 13, ISiS. vlnlS-Cai.j : " ryv. & a. sun sende e: j'er. , IMrOSTKK3 AM) WE0LI3AU! IKaLXus Havana and Dcnestia Cigari 5; Tohcco, SOUTH EAST COHXSa 71X2 it l,S:o3 its ' VT7E have in store. aaJ to inivs, Tery W V V, assortment of the very bejt biajxlj 0f Utj Cigars. We desire to call the special attention cash buyers to our lanre sto:k, nlica wt art .J. mined to sell very low for cwh. -Thy coniiit K part, of the following brands : i ; . IrentituJe l.egaaai IJiaca.JlilAr; Mi Destino do Iiewt)a .da Antigaedad do ( Pustamanto do Carnelia do Deliranta - do Saluadora do StaSfanoni do , Mcridianas ' do Washington do El Sol do Empcro Nichalds do Mensagero do Carventus do Vicioriikido Iberic . ; d RspeiioZa do Re?Aiera d Lailonia do , Nensa;jro do EmuKwiiondo La Yes io Forturo Liniroif Fidel id ad do . Granadina do ' Pocahonta dc La Flora - do Reinas Sultana do ElSoldelaDrimca do Do4 Mes:s do Figaro Cillindradosf D. B. Csttnondo Prensado D. D. do J. Y. P. Fi naa da V de la Rama do - Vignei-a PUntatiocj; P. L. v do Vcllegis - do Mensagero Trabucasj De la Orua Friiicipi; Yictoria do Burks --.da Leojht Guarfl Opera, Star ' do J. L. Pasetelas; Desigriici I'rtt. May W. A J. SN 3 EA' DEP.FZ3. Chlnoao Ovxsar Oatlo T11E subscribers can supply socd of the iWf valuable plant in limited quantities. It is pat up in packages and sent by mail, posT paid, tt ij centJ per pacltage. Having been ranee by ourjehaj, we can vouch for its purity. Wu eaa alio sappi packages of seed of the Ice Cream and Oruft Watermelon and Fig Tomato at "3 et. each. Address orders to, II. A. TEB.RT, A CO, 37-4 w CouLcit IiluITi, Iowv . GREAT SALE Of 0Pow.il Lots! WILL be offered to the bghci t bidder at Pubi'i Auction, Wednesday, April. 1st, 137, six hundred town lots situated in Patmse City, P;ry county, N. T. fcxale Commencing at 9 e'tlock, A. M. This Town site belongs to Pawnes county, is ti County! Scat, and offers great initcemonts to the enterprising and to capitaiijU. ' Tekms or sale. One-third Caiih and thabalw on time, as may best suit purchaser!. By Ordsrof the Board. EZEKIEL W. FOWLER.) J r JOHN C. PEAVEY, r i;wl?W JOSEPH FRIES E, ) ; Cnmiion. . Attest: ' - , ' G. G.TIIALLIMEIl, Coanty CVt. Feb. 25th, 1357. ,. S7-U Caution. : ' TIFE public are berV aotiSed thit on Tbomii Ueady, throurh coUirs obtninl a wniOmt of entry of tho S. West fnctional nusrier ud the S. East fractional quarter of Section auaiber twenty-. five, in Township number six, in Rinpe nambcrfif on Put. nf th 6th Prin.-ir-d! Xff Tr1iin in Vhrav Aj"-J- - - - r -.. - - L . Tfci" Th m anv i fTa?ro.l k. nrtl will K. patented to B. B. Thomr-soc, whose papers and evi dence a.e forwarded to Washington City for hearing. A. JJ. iliUJifwU.'. Febrbary 26th, 1SS7. ' 37-'i F. DINGS .& CO., Importers of , and Wholesale iWin t Fancy Goods. Manufacturers cf all kinds Jf Crushes.' 3D JiorthIaia Street, (Tj' Stairs,) ST. LOUIS, Mo. 3My BROWNVILLE FERRY 3 oat G3roa3xi.c . qN the Tilissonrl-' Hirer. ' - - - . . The Route from BroicnvilU to Ft. Near ncy, and from thence to California, 3 the nearest and, n oH" , practicable. . . ; , FINNEY & dbpLNGTOX, ANNOUNCE to the Traveling PaUio that they have purchased the entire interest in the Ferry across the Missouri River at tho City of Erown- Tine, eDrasna, and. opea tho ' Sei.on with a new substantial and commodious Ferry Boat, run by Uor30 Power, which annremin wni ecure certain pa;igo at, all tia:$ and.it. all IbJs cf weatner. The 1 ropnetors do not assert bcastirgiy, or for 1 be purpose of giinin ; custom n erely, but are governed by fact, when they say -Jjj is tha be crossing cf the Missouri River in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Erownvire to fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest, for evidence they refer tho reader tc. the map of the Country; and aro warranted in sayiivj it is t!i most practicable route by personal exwrittice, as weil as that of hundreds of others who bite tnrelediU We claim therefcr that this erossin aad route hoid out peculiarly favorable inducemt na, to pcrsonJ going to California, and solicit their patrcmg'e. Not withstanding our superior arrannreiitj for a safs and speedy crossing, ourharges rv t !i name as other Ferries in Nebraaka, all being regulutiid by LegiiU tive enactmmt. f - i "t-; - ' A skiff will be in readiness ar.d i Lial 03 tia ground to run all hsars of the ciht.-'; - C57"Becoi:ect that with cur lanl if ea "of Power, no kinds of weather wiil prevent cur Boats fruri making regular trips at all bur. Brownville Nemaha Co., N.T.I . February 25th, 1857. . C . . . ' 3M T. b. crjt:a. . -I0IIN C. TCXAV. ; cumd;g ct toiix. Attorney: neys at law Heal D.tite Agents, OMAHA CITY, N. T., WILL attend faithfully and promptly to all busi ness entrusted to them, in the Territorial or Iowa Courts, to tho purchase of lots aid lands, cn tmcsand pre-emptions, coleticnvc. Oilice ia the second story of Henry Root new buiulir, uear'.y opposite the Wti;ra Eichang Lan&, laraham ftreet.- j, , . . Dec. 27, 153. TlnSStf ' ' J " ' ' ' ' K. A. WHlTKIDrJI. - H; J. x'KLWKT. r. a. wniTRiDci: co. Masonic Clothing and.OM' Felloe AI39 Regalia for T;p?raao aai otier JaiIUt Xo.l23Wa!aut Street, vp Eisirs,- i ".. CINCINNATI, O." 5IASON3. '. Ilefercaccs. fui yiLtow W. B. Do 1 K G M cf O h Io O. P. Mnion.P G M lad. C Moore Ed Manonio Re?; Turner A (ry, pub Csit F. J. Phillips, H. P. City W.i.NeH.o, PG MOat Tha Editor cf the Adverser wi'.l hav rpeclmeos cf Regnlia from the above :.;.iau.'Actory. and recv orlers from llrtt or private mor:brtl f;f Angust 2, 13iJ. vl-cCf .ii- ' , in ! j. in a WLG2 as5crta3?nt at : " ' .! mzuizzTJL cot n f - f at t'.-J OHAIIA CITY, K. T. i