Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 05, 1857, Image 1
i -I' .V y (LA 7 l V y ,L 0 r 7 ' rJ I t i Ill' ! V f I ' i i ; ! I to '-3- : e i ! of- f ! j f : i i i 1 ( ' I tJ :jo- j a j t:. j ' "3' 3 : T.-9 77 AX INDEPENDENT WEEELTKEWiP-DlEYOTEb' -TO . HATTEES-' OF GENERAL INTEREST TO THE COIdLIUTIY AT LARGE. : . . - ' ' : ' " " ' - , , . . . " , . -iri I 'VOL. I. XJITYOFBRO TO. 38.: . . . - - - - - II J j f ...... 'II I I II. ; .3 irrrrr) atb r;u rrnr tutessat tt r;- Wi . FURM AS, .Sscsai t, t- Sais til Vitcr, - . ' t (Lake's IT.aclO PR Q TVN V 1 I X. T. .. Jrrr( laTariaLIy ia u"3m, -03 nare. '12 Ums or l?s) one insert! "fix m-cihs, " . Me rar, " ' "fciMs-ss Ca--i -"f ilx i'.ats or Ira ens jrar, Xn. Coia3n.ene jeor, - . r3 6.PQ 28.C0 C3.03 8.00 13.00 a . b'.f tolas:, sis raonic I -lon-t -inr caa Iiiii foT1 cSie, 5o I Cii ia a'a" be required for all aJrcrtLse . esS cfre r.:aal rwponiiialitj is tatwa. T"?a eizl i.z tucJk chuzg! be -lied to Ue S-jeiar SaiLa-iis Cxrisci Lrt lines or less, for A.lfniTfxcc.'n'jt mork?ti en the J csij cf iifcrUGnswilL fee ct'tiirned KBlil or-! "iiJ hiU a.a-i ciari arrdi&:?T. .A-I aJTsnjw'aica w fnm striczsrs or transient per- vrr-i K tbc;r rn boiise : and all adreniiemeBtt 1 T iemnti Bi.- Mralr.inr tisreto, to be pai-1 f'T ertra. f "; Hnr-i!"?mL?ea the hidle ecI-i3iTe!y wZl be ."' -:!-. JOB-PEIjtTIIG! SIrriKj E':U5, BALL TiCiCETSj til erry cth-rViud of work that may be called for ilarirr archied, in cuticn inxb the A Jver tx; U exleniire and exHeni rariety sf T th lit stjlei, e are prepared to do azy tind ef jrt m-t'lned in the ahve Ciuine, Titii Beat ers nJ dl-7nt'nh. , Ta? I'rrl;;!!-, "ho. hsTiu-had an eitenfireex-nrisa-c. w" 1! ert b is'-erj -c v! a:;?cti .n to this branch r feVnes. and n?ps, tn. lis eadearor? to p!eaeT I h.ahe ex-'i-s-c f his wrjrk. and reajnnibTe rhs-j-s. t T'cive a share cf the pallic patrcsaj. i" BUSINESCARDST- EUOWNVILLE. . OSSLH F.1AKE-&- CO, ni., V ? ? Hi :. -.LAUD AliD - LOT AGENTS. ;"ix!CE c LTiln. et lrt and 2d TTT . T' TT i-. IX. ., 'A. S. H0LLADAY, IL B. . SURGEON, PHYSICIAN .Solicits a share of pVJe pairnnare. ia theTarioas irnrfie?" f his prufiaiwa, fnsa the citizens oiEromi- ..e an.! tKrisii. - VT. E0BL1TZELL & CO., "HOLES A.LI AM5 KTrAIL tT 'Mi GOODS. GROCERIES. ' COUNTRY PRODUCE. r 'eT lirst Stft, b:.-:JZ Iliia ail Va.ter, iDKOVrN-'ILLlX N. T. . cr.i Ir.z-.Tiurjf d C . YT. TTHLL L 2 H , trtldliyji. iihD' MTT .JILZ.CZ 'V ."Jt "w' I' ViTaH, ' J. D. X THOMPSON, Hi iVmi ;u n i OTT'' ztj u -tznaxo. LOT AND LAXD AGENT; Qt cf Hrt ar.d Afaadc Sheets, . Lr.o-yviLLH, -y. t, t I'd the C trn. cf crihtra-onri, e- 6- --.a and v eKzrz. I .-tri. JATIES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH "a i!a"r and 5e eras ha, rur ' s.o.cacra.' OLIVd.i. i.- CO.,. isti5 of this dar, and the whole wcrll' Lord,", and wept deul, unwept it- l" : reralar cuetemcrr, ,ar.I thesa - who . V"7i --l 1 7":: V-T.;: "''TTvn rrTT-rrv Slarafxeforcrs s;il Trh.-dcfi'.: l;-ci!?"s ia i - 1 -.r -. : - , ' , ( " :" - x " ' j-. "fcf universes, wo eeiUc.,. ijjTit t;;5 T". TV v-- j ' - ' ' ' - -- , U JifLin ' CG.IjmSI02 pUU 1 i-aU- .MIUaD, knows Hhat skclttcns an! deathheai tear?, never, itevsr. I wept fervouth T?I1. i.,..r: i . ti . T,t.-.T..IS 1 : ; that t::rrd au !c:;e f:: a oti t : , K -- u.n;.;,-- Ci:. :t : f Temro. i-i dr, .r M iWn. I 'ro n"! lcr t;:? 031;5 anci kox - ; . beauty, for warm .and :cf tiaeir n aviiua! Tnctarr 2ji:zzzit, -e,r L ... ... g..-v .-,-v; v ' tiT. L01-I5, ; ! ST. L:iUi,.::ChV .. 7 j-jl Mr.-Hamtcu loved' Crlry 3 b:s;I:::i:rfdrmr.Ty , - i : :m" r:o:;zz2. lamd ect DEALEH heal estate, gliaha" citt, t. J37Laci3 carefcHj l.teated, tiid entered f jt csj -tamers. LcLs a.zid Lardi toai; aad sold. " KM.FG0MAS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICI-Uv, . . 27 Ell AHA CITY, X T. K I- ' 6. C. KXSOfTG tt . K. T. TUCX2S. - mini Itleile Dei-rm in HATS, CAPS . SEA W-GOODS, - ST. LOUIS, 210. inert 5I--le nas. : .-- - - A- L. COATE, : V On MTV Q I !D cvnD ehov.-xville. xe:iaea cq. NUCKOLLS, RUSSELL, t CO. TE0IX5AJLE AND EXT A LI TEAUIES EC HAEDTVAEE ANI CUTLEIIY, Ilciicincz, Djc Stcilb,'- , 7- r. . -t CTI . - Ki05,"AlLS,5TOVi:.5rFLOT7Sic. " Also rurrutsre cf all tiiis, TTinis-w S.iX : ATTORMV AT ! AW. IdAtdXcryrull: . - Archer, Ricrd.oacoX.T. practice in the Cocrtsof yebrxiia, assist! It Eardix; and Becnect, Xel-raita City. .- . JACOU SATTOIIIJ, Attorney and - CoirIlor at . La. And ITotsry; Public. r ?feljrasl.a Citv, NchrSka Territory. XT 7 11.1 atte n I pr-'mpty to aH btliVess fntrr-yte-d ? to his eare, ia 2ebraii;k Territory ac i Wet era lava. ' : - September 11, 13.- Tlal5-Ir SPEIGHAN k BEOVrN, - RAinoAD a::d stealiioat AGENTS. Anil General Commission TIerchaitts - 2 o. 4!3, riiulic Landir. - CINCINNATI, OHIO. a-EBAITOSD. i. i az u ut, ; Erowariiie.y. I.: Nebraska City, 27. T. BSADFOED,- JltlEsNAX & IltGAET, 1 i Uiliiii I L! ill Mil 11 AND SOLICITLT.S DC CHAXCERY; ICEDRASKA TERRrTOr.Y7V BEING pcrunen:ly Liei.dinthe ierriiory,we win rive oar eatinr tiina sisd attetiuir ti the practice uf ctit pr.f esion, ia t" ia brir.cb e. Jlat lers in Liiirvtion. CoHeetir'na f Debt. i?ars s.rd pBTthaec.i F-ai ntateT Sjleetioaj ef Lumds, Lea line; cf. Land Warrant, aid: a!l ether Lo iinej .in trusted to ocx mauaeEient, Trill receint piroc.ta-ui faithful attention. " r- ' i . yel-rasia City," Umn'nTule, - ' to St- Jlj;fh.3Io r L. Li m., ilo., - ... " u a 1 Cmclimaf i O." " II;, Iitva.' . Jan , ISi3. ITcharl E-cwn, V.'ci. II luhiizeil & Co , IT-HuJax-s Cra-rr i, '., Ilea. James II. Laches, . . IIoa.JohaE.r:hf7-;eyr JIe5rs. Cnvr3L-Crearr Ca. JWsrs. S.G. lli'-Iari 1 Cu- 'Ilea. J.3LLere, - Tl-Ci . . . - a. j. rorrirrcy. .: '""' - 3t s.: ETXi5. " : rcrrLirro:r eyeiis, AT TO RXETS - A T:.-.- L'AX . - -And Gcnerai Iar.d AsrectP, , . i x 1321 ATI A, 2vIjDUASILL' - Luni T7urrur.t3 Bought c LAXD mEEI) ON IT"' H. W.te ID.1E. FECIAL aticntitya girrn to ihe nt'kTt'cn and eiv V Ia Ii fjr &it:tl :.ts, acd ail ethxa deikls - c. .c I.ieatl-.-ns. ... tale, b.e;ht aJ aod iaTestaati ai dr di; ua4t;4;u, l n Let' aal all ,sf UeatE. Il llf T"i- tint Deaier. "JOHN .-. HOY.T, itlmc.r. His, love Vis. manly" and-cn-Ce-ntT SrVfj:: ZZl Ixill :A,T:t, ' j tabled hip "as well.aV its object, It was o t.. racsardWn ?q. T. it i ft t 4 4 T; n v 3 T T T7 n: ri kii j-i- L -UililUaoii . . . . - " 11 '' '' I 3 V . :' - . !, !. Orpcoa, Holt Coiraty, iioari. Kep c a.I j cn hsiid Ail deserl tkra of fT-Tp SxlJi--, i.-H.i:.r?, Ae-4s v . : ., . . . JT. I". Erery a.tlch; ia ocr h?p 'j tnaaafaetcsi by crscl re -v-ind Tfarrsticd Wjive .lAtiifefacthi-B. ' W. P.-LOAX. ... ' ; ' s -1 hi il I iUi.i.Ji ii 1; Uli 4 i : .LAND AND. LOi AUE:.T. . icaarrowii.7,wrdatirrw2rrt : 3.0 wLinmg iOTCthat tnriVCS CH mOOHT h as ra x Taxes. ru-.f-:ahTiW V4;; i xdzhts. and talkswDf. stars or shivers ad, "Livir-r cat Ti.wti t7,r-:.r';. r. 1 1 ! w - . - . .7 - "v . ' Cesidiareasdadi J M- ever grates in. winter and tireams pi I i.rrT -,-v-- - n.!..;::' .- Ihave been hypocrites jince the-dr-s cfoci eld xastcr bowed his head andldlLercni nebuhre cf 'which we havr irir t' hJ, ::.::the it-er.tla : ' o1 TTritleii for tie Zfelirvsta AlTertlscr. j"d Ji jr. r. it". pr.TVisa.ii Co. irr nu3Ci3 k cxArrn.r.T;. Taat li'kcanttr cn thy tnnr, Hxy; Til erei a d '.a rural in thiiie eye, !Tuett iyiwectaesa oatbySj, " . JLi tisy jirt ta trsath a - Tn'tt ii EaL ia tiy TaLs,lIiry, , Ia.i imfl tad Trichina tsne ' " LTk th paife ech cf a m; ; ,1 Tftiea the soc-its i. ia jpac, ." i " ' ' ' " Ac J ;jrakcf d Is thy si?, I7t ' . 2i piicetLl s fh3 fa-vm, " ; . ' TTLej fiuaa. in leafy eaath. it fprls . Tgrsttli eariy dawn.: - ,i . - ' ' " " , Icil.'aJI.Ui: !'a2 thcss nasi fada,Uary, . . r lILt the bcantyef flower; . , TT!ik-h is plackeii.and praiwi, axd witliered, . 'tVidiln a. tinglz hoar. "" L . fuiit- Lear4, the aLnd, tlie gnlt iliry, - - Th-ae, Cms O fondly clieriih, . ' 4 Ri the fiycers aroaid thy patha, then, "' Thrgfii bthtTwul never perish. . JTTrittea for tLe'5ehrasl AdTertiser. IX -FKA2TCI3 5 f CLATTTTT.Tr.-v" ITenemorKS,mownfalaaaPIeas- 3 cf.tbe cH,' the T0U2g, the naMeilj 5.2.(5 the littlccllilci;- thej CrOird t ,. . , . . "Fai-nt In tas dLitaace far I sien t Lear,, ; Tat farainr voice of soma oa; pass'J awajr." Gad nerer rare to hncisn; intellect a gift sd LIesscJa3-the "powers of ccmo nr.i a:mag;ic sirrpaEsing that cf the Tfoman cf EaJor; for it not cnlv culls- the uea J to life .r-ircla- hut clothes them Trith faciliar loots and smiles, and bris them frcra the land cf the dead -vrilhcut the grare clothes, ia all thfir original beauty and ravishing slorr. .. .. c There? is one- cf theseTnemciries that cficfa hatmt tn in TJ.J lonely hour?, as I set .before the fcre, cccjcxing up- - rsnnAHTOH was cur village pctrwe all laved her with a njrht- willrr'r love"; shu was one of those thai we lore to lore. . She rrew na like" 'a' star -cn a bbe break in a cloudy; skr not that her face was cloudy; that it never was, but always sunnr; none was fairer, none brierhtcr, none so full cf life, and none so- full' of gentleness.'"' ;.".I",l;i TThcn I think of Rose,, new forms :ome cr, the" scene ;", there is her Vi:ne- sdlc cU father ucVthe odd 3Iinister, CO who cculd be seen together ev-cry ci-en anset walking cn tn? green, talk cf .the. rjast and the; future. they hl lived a lon-Iife time near each other, and were usr f imlliar ai? brothers. And there is "Marjr'. TTeldan,. Rose's and then there is Charley TTehlan, too, the dearest' tf all thewcrId;to Rose llaruton. And he- was worthy- the lave-even cf-Rse IHainton ; a noble i- TT ""T." .,T ' " " T i ,CiiC L aS -l.CUt arm UU a ii Ftout heart,' ready id die for her at anv ' Summer comlner acialn. " Itwasnoball room love that lived rathe touch of the gloved finger- cr-the : public . em brace cf the waltz; no sack love as the women and men talk andr write of, now davst what a brilliint lore that wa s. I remember ahundrcd little Incidents now that j roved its beauty and forbearance, thev never exchanered'a single unkind . A C. .l-'T;- 1 a 1- X I placed Lie mest Traocunued-conilonce J iVihch 'ether. ' ;He ha,l never dace hrr in-thcuzht cr-deed; the hrp.xri 0"5Ti son ; ; tnoTvin that he expected to ' hi so vhsa Hose "was eights sn, at least one year yet. 'It Traa ens afternoon in Aurst. Charier and Eose "were cnt on the HIls on -hcrselact, ther if ere to be back at s ereii o'clock ; one cf those endden stems j ecaliar to the season, came cp, TS "ras a fearful tempest cf wind at Erst and then followed by a Hood cf rain, the Email men:: tain- streams were swollen tb tcrrcn ts and the creek be came a tread river, shaking the village with its ircar. and heavy fall "orer the ledge cf rocks; the tall trees bent "be fore the gale as if they were but reeds, I "was gazing cut of the winslow; a wild storm has a peculiar charm for me which -I can not resist, : when its spirits are let forth from thejlr gloomy coverings. Suddenly there came a crash cf thunder that seemed to shake the fanndaticn of the world,1 the sonnd went rolling away among the moun tains, ne w low, now loud, echoing from some cliff or moaning through some fir eff glen, till it died aray, and a stillness ensned which was more sub lime than, the Toiee that ; preceded it Xot ai sound was in' the air, : net a whisper cf the wind, not .' a rustling branch,; not a 'drop cf rain, to break the solemn silence. " Then the wind like the. wail of the mother orer her dead, boy, that wail of a broken heart, thanwLich, no Toice of human utter e-c 1 uu stole: out upen . the ance is more sad: hushed 'air, fitfully at - first aa if the weeper dared not weep aloud, then more d:!stinct till it swelled into a thril- rling Tail, that died away faintly, as if the heart was crushed and life had de parted with the last notes cf that un ntterably melodious Toice ' ,The storm clouds passed away, and the sua shone out hrkrhtly before he disappeared behind the hills- . . , I w:;s aroused from, a spell which the .solemnity of the hour had thrown arcundi me--by the call for . aid to secure the old bridge over the Creek; a dozen of the villa crer3 had hastened o to the place, -the bridge was swaying too and fro fearfully and jcvcry instant scemetl stream aciis castin I ha so col she always wears that same cold mock- i-g sniiie. f . ... - TThile ; thej were at work securing the bridge, I heard the sound cf horses feet, and soon. aw Charley and Lose emerge from the wood cn the opposite side, -j1 They hou!d Luie re turned by ! anotn:i;road and we werc f urpnsea t see th;?m return bythis one ; cshout- them, tut they did not Lear, they "frcre lauhin sail v. 'as' I could s t : e in the xnoonlfgbt,' they came cn the bridge and had bat'balf crossed when Charier saw hi? dancer, he seized the rein of Rosa's hor3e7 and I heard him exclaim, "cn, cn, far your life." , Side by side the horses' madd tremendous whiter cleam of a hand cn the surface. next "T saw Charle3 struggling with desperate strecgtli agabst the torrent to reach Resefhe caught her in his arms;, he struck cut for the bank, his strength, failed hira, and he sank; in thelist moment of agony Isaw Rose try the torrent to the land cf the blessed las if it would -co down. The of such snots are visible no lon-cr, ',A -y,r rai.r.t. - -l Vas in wild co oticn the -n however, faint white specks but manv aa erican iaor wi.u irxwo gr.wn j titai tiiere were suc tmng i ; Jn XI'm thea-rcsblvcd by pow'erful tele'- u? Sers. - entertainment kus rIch, I- ma. tb:::,:!: appeared, and the moon rose utt - . -. - . snassin- oa tptt rleasautlr wncn Ad-i 1 i ..i - - - - - scopes into vast agrezati;ns ot s-tarf,Vi- . , -- "-Tt- r- irher silver raTsunon the scene, .ii j -t-.-l ':t. x'lmiral s.iid -ipeaiing ct mci- -cress tLe ccuntrr. and stjuiXTCmr te-the.moon; always looks caraparca wirh thS milky way. . ilanv I-e la.elr come across radrcal, una it. wan jiajprj it-j. ilbeit a scene of joy cr sorrcw,of these nebula however, resisted the r-a--; pout :,ur xinc an .;mx:a leaps ;, tnree nacre, wcuia nure savea 0 au sans spreaa. . ac is oniy nectary f sni trck.5 the f r l .1. and tf-in tem. vvm. nton r0 itrw-ra tcrc tut each a swarm? cf universes v-V. r.y-.- .trt -r, , M'- v- butlheldnimback; tne bridge swayed cf appreciable magn:.tride. (Hum-i , Vfw r p. r-.t..-- t. r, ".7 1 'V' --n downward,- and- buck crashed,, it boldt, Cosmos 111, 4.) Ine mndsm ; tIeJ tLat t,e sI.5 cf tI.2 nVvr'; ;;Vr:?4 thundered :down over the roar of the overpowered by the co-atemplation. - be Tlsltcilen the chirirera.- V7 ;rieV;r :.;4 c;. stream; they -were gone; I saw the 1 ' 1 j " ri'1 m H i nTCl Clarlat;n A-h-criatr. . . c rp a lirt:2lH, but r: ccrno ti relieve Hni of her barcen, again La ?rcTent its being more apparent.- Iref p20r:Cy -iriub- that i: would uc't r'Vrxr w";-"fw wi-ev-rcsebut for an instant then naught great improvement cf instruments ci ez d; rence,. tercet this ryf .u7("' tC:'r f' v r could be seen but'themeckingrayscfjsureme making their ls known, an I j j,TLT ! - 1 CU3 CO. CA tJUutlt J li-v l-rjUrj CT.,,, TO-V f 1'! "... t . D00. , -; of tf.t-at,, r.-tu irjr;rtS jvrrthpj;, over 1 ir , .The current tire-s-tficaeatistssi H j t; :;jtsirrTid:sroiisdTrLIc1iTt. . ir,r. ,i..j b-':;i U--J ra. 7 Lnr. 84 below, but their spmt3 had fiowti from j CTir ole solar and stellar system,, fc-t-t t- - j. ,rs"-. .:rs c: ::.::;.i:ia :n-;;,;v... I m- r , t 1 rl TI j. T r-r-.-i . : -. wv-rsT-z t." 1. T: PTT i 'TV?. 1 T. TL. t . . , ,. I ivcdl and the moon looked ccioly dewnuicn 'fyl tC- '- m I cf fc -" Cr 1 o..jct v v . , , -t .-.' i he. river laTirnea wiiaiy ai its worit:; ,-r-w... s a . news rarer iuv; even a c.rcu.a::?U! r t ; ti- this: scene of death. 31r. ' llamton Xhr: V- p;,r h Int a! -1 1, " . ' "r vr "" i and h't 3::::rb-- - iter: I a-our ta. K tvn--A r-:n Ufr.-,l r,rf. trrrnxcdL witn emef. tne L t:t- t.t ,f,.-, r.r t., . . . , rartci ma r. was h::: stick-: r r viriue, ijizz coia ana nzii in ine arm3 cf death? I' wept for the crief! stricken eld rran.- its hpnTv brrrlffT i i. v, - . A3 I heard the claj fall upon .the j b e we: lanccui cards, I murmured uin life they loved krlinrcundintheinfinitTcf sT:aee.andt" - - ach other aearjy; and in deatn they preserving its e; .nunbyUe same-Tli?ir.ia -jot-trf,:i3d, re not "C arte CL . . : -. , ti-av i. u.w.-.-a, . .-j w r; cn enr ;r;7 t t.i ti r:rr : T o '.t.i,. 1C., Ith3 lower WCrldS together. - ! rieheneTcI-ntfecf L::ir trt-a. I711TT.TK K.nA5mX, rca, IOO4. It nav be thought that CCHeeptbrL3 1 " Fr aa aa: thlnj ia 'rj er t I lb CO ThefolIowbarisanextractiiTmthei0- E:lt ascend thought cor Addrcss cf lion. Edward Everett, at the . dedication cf the Dudly Observ atory : Eut it i3 wh n we turn our observa tion and our thoughts from our own srstem, to the : gvstems which lie be yond it in the heavenly spaces, that we approach a more adequate conception ! lights the depths cf heaven. Thecr of the vastness cf Creation. All an-jgauhrsd human eye, instinct with 'life alogy teaches us that the sun which ! and soul, which, gazing . thrcugh ; the giTes light to us bu; cue of those; telescope, travels cn t the cloudv ccuntl2S3 stellar hres which deck the firmament, . and that every- glittering st.T.r in tT'.nt c!'i!:r!Trt' Tinst i ? fMtro of a system its vast and as full cf sub ordinate luminaries as our own.- Of these suns centres cf planetarv svs terns thousands are vi?Itle 'to the naked eye, minions are discovered by the telescope,..'' Sir John Hers ch ell," in the account of his operations at .the Cape cf Good Hope page S31 cal culates that about five and a half mil- Hons of stars tfc visible . enough to be ij,. CGU7iiZ i- . a twenty-foot re- lector, in both hemispheres. ! : He adds, hat t;the actual number is much neater th there can belittle doubt." . His illustri ous father estimated cn cue occasion that lilOjCOO' stars passed through' the field of his fbrtv-foot rciectcr in a ff7TfPT nn hnr.r. Triz trnr-Td o-lvn 12,00-0,000 for the entire circuit of the iiL.k ) iii w jvo. i.v.'Uw. and thi3 estimate was made unler the P-' of Sir T7m. HerschelTs great j ts03S's r 5. thegreat refrS slori that tbousands cf : these misty Fpe:ks, the greater part .cf them toe famt to be- seen with- tne nated eye, staa am er. But theie ccnclusionr, however vast j their comprehension, carry H3- but another fjirwardbtbercabis of sidereal astronomy. . A proper nation in space of .our sun,' and of the fixed star?, as we call them, has long been believed to 'exist, ALCir Tas c.stances cr.ij j with its myriad cf uttcmdant plane taryi aumptinn that the rebuke Trent xaay stand - beneath u?. f cr ther mar i a. Le iaurc a-, ana us grap:iay masses of lumincus matter not yet con- stand above niyle may well hi coices3l!s adventures: -t denied into suns, " ' " " " tsnt with his place who is made u a 1 sj'1 manuuerarc n.e up jnta & These stupendous calculation?, how- little lower than the angels."- : ;douVU reined spinning j cut r, mid set eVer, form' bnt the first column cf 'the ' ' " ... ' ia f ci rwnVV. Inventory of the universes Faint whiin V-"' ' everl cae across sucu arar.n ,rri , specks are Tisible even to the nake.1 . , ' - - w v - - f ssortia , :r . IM cr eye cf a practical observer in" aliens ' Ef' machinery, Jcjxi.rj parts -cf' the hcaTcns, -.Under high cd T a.j Fcrt f most marrclius ci-irrcranca:: hdt, .r . ' J" m1.t- C 'Admiral was mvitc-i cn shore dine m - c-r. uHch -rtre m? ru5radc7i maznifvinu powers,-several thousands . . , , , e . . , . . ,T - a ...t - -w., I k rejector, ana were, accorame:'T- stui .. , . -p . n-'I V ., v .-t horned ,l' r-512 "rl1- rri'1" cattcr nolTet condensed into kss.- Pro 71 1 C ( ""--. J.-i.U1'? 'l1 i rr - x-m i" - - . - - t name .now., . .. - . - ... - neziz'." tliunlcmn , zii id lc?ite-2 This', till ;iiew year3 since, wa3 perhaps ,n . , . Y t . v ,,j r ,-1 - . . --..t -1 t i Ihe Admiral was about to proceed, a-o.l cni sure encur i, h'!ie..o tae prevaiUn onnicn: and the nebular , k, i,t:,- - t, - p o .. . t 1 rn j0!- - - i. when ide American ladies got up mtae ccmenat d:wn aficr me, raw:: z t.-.3 ,theorriIIiedalaro;e space in astronem- . fc .f.4.,' f :,ir, , -v . , . s, - - - rreat03tconsternati:-ir.n(iLurr:edlrcm'p--Ti ar.d ?rltiin- L2c r-.a:...riio Ail rtT- t- 7 th i -rv t-o o c a. r t i Cr '"w---fc""f - : , . , , it ins dutT to cspiam vcrr t..ey tne her tamal lU i, -nv. necx. most irresclvab!, cf the,enebal have j . i !e lrzit , f - ;T ' i enven wavu and tne bcttercpimon now k -t- vT-rf n " . - 'rr; ' '"-. .. tv p'fUrr-T't-r-s- -Vrr Ircm te cd Aral, e tnow wctcr :cy scared her tip cr if te.crjcc, tm--cxy ; cf carrvkg sorrow to no T-t hre si - t'", f)ami:i-:.t the hke our own milkv-war, composed of 4 t - ',5f. v...... r, - .. " ? t Vc.. rriT, T-, Jt any cue.- Tne subject was too ucneatt-! racuth . ita her teeth chuck' fa cf miiiions of suns, in otner wor, we i - w , ? r 7 1 -r , , , . , , jforan, crrieve-itcvQua: v-:n ? -t, , --.,t, ,.ir -t, ere brourht to the bewildenn-r conclu- , T , , ' ... r , ... ; r - - c-r, 1 ..... Tr-oie; vrniie tLe same ccursa ct an- alcgical reasoning would lead U3 stfJ Cxk4.crcn-.aru,ana:n eiii.anaysii. rcqtiire us to assume! t-- V fr- ! STste: a universe cf ur.:vcr:c5, cir-l ike these are calcclatsd rathsr to c: press th-m to elevate us In the scale cf terns:; that, banished as he is dy these ccntemplaticns to a turner cf creation, atfd there reduced to an atam, man t Sinrs 10 nOtninmCSS m wLlS lnunirT Ci rects theimnr:ss:cn. dhese vastc:n- templations are well calculated to in- and matter arc incommensurable. . An immortal soul, even whlh clothed, in this muddr resture cf decar." is in tf.f ptp r.f (rrr n.rrl Trr-n-n ft r.-rnr a at. - T . 1 iL " , j sp?ck in the handle cf Orion's sword, and bids it blaze forth into a gula:rr as vast as ours, stands higher in the crier of bc:n:r than all that cf luminaries. The intellect of Xewton, which dis covered the law that hoi Is the revolv ing worlds together, a nobler work cflln queer lanzuage: iGcd than a universe cf universes cfl If stm trea-IIng the IcfLi-st. paths cf alefr, we adent the suppesitien ans t&me, I own, the jrratefal supposition I I that the countless planetary wcrlds which attend these countless suns, are f the abcde3 of raticnal beings like man, t instead cf -bringing back, from this exalted conception a feeling cf insig- njcance, aa n u:e lntdiviauads ot curt of cur race were but p oor atoms in the infini - tj or being, T regard it, cn the ccn-j f trarv. cs a ?IorT cf cut human n:tturc. Uat it bebngs to a fandy wi-cn no r - - - - 7 ltSCil. . T tm th crL.:r ci L::in.r Lev . T ue3t .'rather carim-sd.; and at a less-; iiieacurs, yiui; a .ui a-ca kj old friend, and. in an hoar more, his 1... r.f I . Tr,.?,:, frigate was" dashing from the p-ort with ti -i t . i fc . r-. . . J Vs tn;.- lifTv. t""nTr-x-'-r rv lr. n rinrt . -,1 -T ,T "1:.--,, 1 , to account for their conduct. Though l-znia moantalns,- with' aU;;S - ..riy as it sneu.d te, for a jU'jacaous sr?tcm - v - 7 ... ' ,J . - tcId and i.jv;L and c:ur- cr a-Ivertism-jr any custr.ers puvs m r . . . - ? , v ' 0 . , and come cn fa a c!.ar.d trade the sometimes mere a::d sometimes Ie?s.U . . t lT, k i. w C f. . .u Is . ' 3 ' f i r At- - - - t r - .1 2Io fri:rd U so tras aa a ddlorcr i-ro Thr-j'c-raztry an! raTr;, aj t-3 pr?s -rp x;l iatrsa IT r ii--rt s rc J 2.3 a i-iHar cr t"" v vrcalj fnif cat cf the er. Xni tie had ?f a diTti-j s.? , Xoa most a.irar b? rcaur -:-; w Ahhc s ;h it shonlJ rest jca ad.Ilir cr tsrij. "t Lct"j arrT3 are tipel with a d :lls cr'tfOj Alir,-t:;n Li ly a d; crf.'i, .Tha b-::at aid jni cj. j-i ia adrxrilrjj jart TTcal I y:a rlh jts; exii.enc w".;h iili-i talailna, And enr.II ia tie raL3 cf the janetlls-l ff'j Ta enjoy a aaae a-d wsZ eu. -hi-iaed lr, Tea ma3talTar3 (rcm'd.)Tn with a i.I!ar crtu The sfjel is Treated fcr a d.lar iiru And aatratloa Is claine-I f..r a diHar cr tv9, Tea may.sla ;c2 ai tLris, lit X aZ . erimes ' Is to ad yourself shcrt cf a LHar cr tiriij ' Some cf the outside editors rla( have eo sou!? fcr strecz sennas, o::& slanally give vent to the puzzled dLs- In what does the execution cl tn stance, as '-Casta Lira' frcm :onia, tsun by Furadi? A gradaallT ;n:('U- latino howl a svueak, a scuall, .s thrill, and a guttural g-i-g rogk- coo z'e a deafening t ai lik 'mo jhrarse whistle cf a heemjtive trgrao when unlrr f-11 headway a quscky, queeky, cucchy hhalf anzlestoon a.IachId.roI: jsuloi ty. :p, wep -a 1 and a vamoose : " 1 ,, , - . , ,E , ' 1 -..- , - I -' j .,, . .. y j. t V .. -I. ? ? - than crt te? cere cut c: a hrndrcd tra:z-t a me. as U 5.1c "-"ai en jr.t j c,iii-e a th:- ?an 1 of bricks, fcruhb'fc . , . , gtandit any loa-cr.sol wheeled iiv-nl r - . - . around a r :nt t a sira I a 1 1 evet in th ? road. .iff t-: I. I'll rir tci I'm -r""tt 2 ii brel. so I pu.. e l to it and s:o:i cr i::tcli I " T . cr i:ct s:ue ti.e ":r- .. .