J I Myriads of Madura Plants. 1,000 Bushels Maclura Seed. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. OVERMAN $ llloomintoii, III., EG hav to announce that they have, for a per ies of venrs. been enjncd in the culture of hedges ana neago pianis, nun iu)uguwufcivj encouraged by the success of the Maclura Hedge, and stimulated by the immensely increasing demand for the material, they have sown, the present reason on good, new land, about 150 busheLj of excellent seed the produce of which is estimated at fifteen million t jJauut! which they offer for the Spring trade, It vouhl hare required more than that amount to iiJy the demand the pant tyring.-The terms for plants will be reatonable, and to dealers and oth ers ordering plants by wholesale, great inducements rill be c-C'ered. It is very important that orders thould bo sent in eari.v, a3 they will be registered end CUcd in the order in which they Brc receivcd,-r-Por the last three years they hare been unable to supply the demand, and it is probable that late or ders cannot be tiled the nest Spring, as the demand " is expected to hsour times greater than heretofore, Hants will bo securely packed and delivered on board the cars free of expense, except fur cost of ina- 'tcrial. . They are al.o extensively engaged in importing hedge seed, which they sell on the best tennis and .always warrant freak and good; orders for which should br sent in prior to the 15th of October next. They will be prepared to sprout seed for euch as de- sire it. Having several extensive nurseries, they offer, at wholesale and retail, a largo stock of thrifty Frait and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Roses, Shrubbery, Ac., at the following points, to wit: Uioomington, 111.; Mound Nursery, Canton, 111,; Henry, Elmwood, and Havana, III. AH Fruit Trees warranted to be of the Vest varieties and true to name. All information cheerfully given, and catalogue and premium essay on Hedgeing sent to all applicants. Address, ' OVERMAN k MANN. . Feb. 5, 1857. Uioomington, Illinois. 1 V l J ft.-.- Tk Artn VtAQ t !V Columbus Nursery. ' For Central Ohio and all around! OL'R Stock of Fruit Trees, Ac, for sale the pres ent Fall and next Spring, is very large and ine, including nil the most approved varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Ch erries, Apricots, Nectarines1 Hums Quinces, Grapes, Currant?, Goosberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, etc. Efpecial caro has been taken to procure and propagate mostly such varieties of each - class as are found best suited to the soil and climate of the West and South, where most of the winter fruits, especially of the Eastern States, are of no value. . Our stock of Peach -Trees is remarkably -fine, and the trice so low that all those who lost their trees the rust winter, should now replace them. Of Cherry Trees also we have a fine surplyi mostly prown on Jlahalcb to&$, which secures greater har diness to tho tree, and if trained rather low, so as . to cause the tons to shade tho stem from the hot sun. it is beleived no difficulty will be found in grow ing fine cherries in the South and West. Of Pears we have a splendid lot, especially on dwarf trees, on strong Anger Quince etoclt, tho best for speedy and abundant productiveness. Catalog ces, with crices, etc., will be sent to all arrjlicants. Nurserymen and Dealers in Fruit Trees are invited to call and examine our stock of Peaches . Pears and Cherries, especially, befora sending East, as we believe they can save expenst as well as risk by purch.ting of us. Wholesale Catalogues now ready. II. B. L Alt 11 AM & CO. February 5, 1S57. H. S. HAYO. rRESEBVD SH1TO. ' . TROY BANK. milE undersigned having this Say opened a Bank- J ins and Exchange OlHce, in Troy. Miami county, Olio, under the name of H. S. MAYO k CO., TROY RANK, would respectfully tender you our pervice in any business you may nave in this or ad jcining counties. I articular attention paid to col- , lectmg, and remittances promptly made as directed on day of payment. Eastern Exchange. Gold and Silver and Uncurrent . Money bought and sold. Will loan money on short time, and pay interest on Deposits at such rates as xrmy be agreed upon. ; '. Trusting to our known ability and experience in the business of Ranking, we shall be able to give . satisfaction ; we respectfully solicit and hope to re ' teive a share of your business. . ' 11. S.1IAYO&CO. ' REFER TO: ' Messrs. Atwood k Co, , NewTork. 4 ' M Dayton. " u - - . Cincinnati. " u Philadelphia. ..Hartford. - . Cincinnati. a a E. Ludlow, -Ilarshman k Winter, Dayton Bank, Hatch k Langdon, Kinny, Espy & Co., Drcxcl fc Co., lieo. P. Bisseil k Co., u u Ohio Life Insurance k Trust Co. ,. Teot, O January 1st, 1857. 34-tf S.Lockwoop. 1857." R. E. Poxekot LOCKWOOD $ POMEROYy' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HATS & CAPS, .; STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of every, description; for which they pay the highest Marketprice, is cash. COUNTRY Merchants are invited to examine our stock of Hats & Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stock shall not be excelled by any Uouse in St. Louis." Our. prices will be low, terms accommodating. Call and see us at our New Store. Second St. Ft. Joseph, Mo. . S2-6m. ' PALMER HOUSE, , ' S. BARBOUR, Proprietor. Corner of Illinois and . Wasliinton Streets, ixdiaxopolis, im' THIS well-known and popular Hotel, has recently bxn re-built and greatly enlarged by the addi tion ot -ixty or seventy rooras, and is furnished throngho. t with new and beautiful furniture, and is ia all respvt?, a First Class Hotel. Travelers will find th i'aimcr" all thevcan desire for com fort, luxury rn l pleasure. The table will at all times be supplied with the best tho market affords, and no pains will be Fpared to render the gtay of gutits botn comtortable and pleasant. , . TKY THE PALMER HOUSE.'' August 30, IS55. vlnl3-ly JIICIIAEL JIcGEE, Saddle and Harness Ilaker, Eist file of Main, bet. Francis and Felix St., ST. JOSEPH. MO. . j rpiIANKFUL for past favors, begs leave o inform - J. the public, that he nas just returnee, from M, Louis with as fine an assortment of materials as has ver been purchased In that market , His stok consists of a superior article of Skirting Harness, bridle leather, ho?, calf, and sheeti skins: line goat morocco, and a surpassingly beautiful arti cle ot enameled leather of various hues. He has every variety of saddle trees, from the real Mexicana and English, Deard s and lir;m!eT s pat ent, down to the common fall-back. He has on hand and will continue to keep saddles, saddle-bags, bri . die?,' martingales, halters, collars, whips of every quality, whip-laches, hames, traces, spurs, ki. Has also, coach, buggy, Pennsylvania, yankee, cart and ' drsv harness. ' He has not now, nor vi'l he keep any other than 'No. 1 workmen, and his instructions to them are aeat . ness and strength. ' He, therefore, feels no hesitation in sayicgibatThis work wiU seldom be equaled, no where surpassed. ; As small promts ana quica sale, is tus motto, ce I ledces hiinself to sell (considering tho quality of le) lower than any house west of the Alle- gtery me. iC0 !t to f fill ti be assurea ci ineir niisiaKe. St. Joseph, Augus r ,I T V vlnlStf JIUKKAII lOlt YOUNG AMERICA!! the ciiEAri:5T UNDER' THE. SUN"!' - 11 r?:poctftiI;y inform the cani surrounding country, c r. ? of i; q-cVicnecf tLeclcapct and largest '.eve plC:::r 3Iado Clothing i..- j - - re reypecuDLy in 1- c :!i lefc-re purchas;rg 1 to cnder-scll any "'"ritory. We have . ; 0f Slade in tho CI: - r : f ',"r. V rcrat , II i:i,Iler-;r- !,:rt", rrswers, etc. a- The only Exclusive Wholesale Grocery House in St. Joseph. J. Bl' JENNINGS,' AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner Second and FraEces Sis. ST. JOSEPH, 3IO., P)ESrECTFULLY calls the attention of Country L Merchants to "'Lis large and varied sleek of Groceries, which has been, increased by lat8 arrivals at the lowest rates of freight, and will receive daily additions through the season. , Having purchased for cash, he presents more than ordinary inducements to buyers, and will satisfy all-tuat favor mat wun call, that ho can and will compote wun ftt. ioui3 pnees. lie nas la store: -. ... 600 bags Rio Coffeo 50 bores starch 40 O G Java Coffee 70 do lemon syrup ICO chest and hf chests 250 whole and of "boxes aiorted Teas candy - 180 bblrcboilcd and S H 300 doz cans Field cele- Molasses bratd Baltimore.cysters 100 half bbls do : 50 kgs Rekher's Syrup 100 bids half and qr this niackrel 600 de xen 8x10 and 10x12 - window sash : . 100 hfbxsass'd glass 300 tlt z bed cords 4 SO ooits manilia and jute ropo , i , 400 b'llcs wrapping paper 500 Ibis S F and extra Hour 1200 fir and half bxs ear dines " 80dorcn zinc washboards 50 nests tub3 7o.dor.en wooden buckets 250 bxs star candles 150 Hhds N O Sugar CO bbl3 crushed " - 80 bbls Tar 100 stands do - J "- 300 bbl k bf bll? crack ers of various kinds 200 bxs ass'd Tobaoco lOO.OuO asd Cizars ; 1000 sacks G A Salt 1500 sks Dairy " ' 10 bales 4-4 Domestics 100 do cotton batting 125 do do yarn 500 kegs nails ; 80 do b C boua And a general assortment of sundries too numer ous to mention in an advertisement. Ilia consignment, 5,000 bbls Kanawha silt, at St Louis rates, freights added. - i Orders are respectfully solicited and shsll receive prompt attention, and every effort made to give en tire satisfaction.' . , January, 1,1857 vlnl6-ly ' i STEAM GRIST MILL, .For Sale'. : TT7E offer for sale, at cost, on accommodating terms, YY Two Steam Engines, One Double fiued Boiler 24ft. long 40in. in diameter, and Machinery com plete for a Steam I louring Mill. All entirely new manufactured by Hollabird & Co., Cin. NUCKOLLS 4 WniTE. Rock Port, Mo., Jan. 10th, 1857. . 31-6w : MTIR ' ; : '- ; Lakd Office, Omaha, : 17th December 1855. ( "pvECLAR ATIONS for pre-empting must hereafter be filed in this office instead of being s-;nt, as heretofore, to the Surveyor-General's office. They will be received at any time, and should be fled as soon as possible, as a question has arisen, lFiefAer the expiration of three month, after the Enrctyt are made, it not a bar to further fling, but certificates cannot be given until the Tract Books arc received. Proprietors of lown Sites should file plaw, show ing the legal subdivisions claimed, as soon as they can do so, to prevent their being filed on typre emptors. ' . '! . The fee for declaration is one dollar, to te mid when they are filed; aad for proving up, one dollar, payable when the pre-emption is consummate!. janS.tf . JOHN A, PARKER, Register, JEFFERSGN P. CAS AD JAS. D. TEST, . Conncil Bluffs, Iowa. J MAKT1K TV. KTOEK, ' 1 V JAS. D. WHITE, . ) Nebraska City NT ) CASS AD Y, TEST, RIDEN & CO. (Successors to Riden & White.) ( ' LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. TTAV1AU mado arrangements by which we wiJ li receive accurate copies of all the Township embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebraska, wt are now prepared to offer our services to the "SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTORY,' In Piling Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Secnrins . . Pre-emptions, Locating Land .' . "Warrants and - f: - "ENTERING LAND. ' i LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD ,. Land Entered on Time, &c . Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling Property on commission: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of tao Union lilanks of all kinds always on hand. ' - , . - ' REFERENCES. . . non.'A. A. Bradford, S. F.Nucoll.y . Messrs. Dolman & West, Peter A. Keller, Thomas Lumpkin, ' June 23, 1856, vl-n4 Nebraska City. ' u . a , . .:, St.v Joseph, Mo., " Washington City I: R. BROWN, . : BROWNVILLE, :N. T. TTILL promptly attend to Buying and Selling V V land, Collecting and Investing money, Locating and selling Land Warrants, and filing Declarations of intention to I'ro-empt; and all other matters per taining to tne business of a Jjand Asenr, . SPECIAL NOTICE, i Short Settlement Make Long Friends. THE subscribers request all that arc indebted to them, by note or account, to niako payment by the 15th of February next, as one of the firm will start East at that time for a new and full stock of goods, and CASH will be wanted to pay for them. We return cur thanks to our friends for their patronage to this time, and promise to merit a con tinuance ol the samo hereafter. . - - WM.HOBLITZELLAJC0.1 Brownville, Jan. 8th, 1857. AGENTS WANTED to retail articles Sales im mense proliSa largo only $5 required. Ad dress, with stampj, J. L. H., Harmony, R I. JOEL 1.1 .WOOD, LI D., BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Nemaha county, that having permanently located imme diately South cf Brownville, aDd having had consid erable experience ia the treatment of the diseases incident to the West, he flatters himself tbr.t h is prepared to treat the Bame on purely ' . BOTANIC principles; And ia connection with Dr. Bcckhau of Jlissouri. Brownville, Jan. 1, 1857. Tln29tf 3 New Hardware Store. . Sign, of the Mill Saw. J. FLAHESTY, I , Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer t n American German, English & French HAEDWAEE AND CUTLERY. . . ST. JOSEPH,' MO. ';, TS NOWreceivang and opening the largest and most JL varied arsortment of goods in tho above iuie erer ofiered m any market west cf bt. Louis. . . ; . Sly stock embraces a full and complete assortment of uaoinet and llonse Builder s Hardware. Idechiui ic's tools of every description, direct from tho most approved manufacturers; agricultural and ncrticul ing all the receat and useful improvements for he saving of a vast amount of labor to the farmirs ccm munity, from whom I respectfully request . careful examination of this department of my stocl I am also exclusive axent for the sale of tho celebrated St. Louis Circulcj Slill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant,dind: 11 all orders at iho factarif rriiies. Also a large assortment of Guns, IUfles nnd Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, &c, of the best brands: in word, my stock is very complete, which, fa1 its qfuality ami price, I am determined to offer such indaeeni.ent? as will command a liberal share of trade from thds and adjoining counties. Sly arrargements fi r it Kiting and agent ies for American Hardware Slaaufatit urersj together with- long experience in the arc nersl Hard ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all onmpeti- tion, but has convinced me that thj truo pri.a :iple of tale is casa saies ana sro.au protiis. . January 1, 18i7. Tln29if , ' i: . T. B. CrXINO. TOITN C. CUMING & TURK,: ,i Attorneys at Law iz Ural Estate Agents, OMAHA CITY, 2'. T : s WILL atie ii fai:.hf ully ar,d prompt!' t) 'til busi ness entrusted-1 tl em, in the T 'rriwrial or luwa Courts, to, the purc-haiu of lots aid xiad,'en trrics and pre-emption, collection, i.'C. - !- Ofjce ia tl second ftory ef Henry & Hwtanew l-uil lirr. ear! r crpo-'Uo tl.e Tv'esteni !E:t-ihacg L'ar.k, 1 jrn'i:ui .-itreet. ' at th G. & G. TODD t CO., Xo. 212, Xorth First or 2IaU iref, Si. Louit. I1TP0RTER3 AM SIAkrFACTrr.r"? OF -J Mill Mate 0 TNCLUDINO Dokh Bsltinz Cloths, Hill Stones, X Saws, Screens, Damsels, ko. Also: POETABLE GEIST IULL -3i Both Upper and Lower Stone Runners. MACHINE BELTING, Of Stretched Leather acid Rubber. St. Louis, October 18, 1856. ylnl8-l-.. ... Peace in Kansas ! C. E. JENNINGS & CO., . FORVARDIKQ CQIISSIOU MERCHANTS, TThite Cloud, Kansas Territory. fiiUlAu attention given to ikeceivm auu ui tO warding Goods of every description. . . ALSO: 7il keep a lare ami complete assortment of GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS, HARD WAKE, QUEEN 5 WAKE, BOOTS, SHOES, v. HATS, CAPS. : cLOTnixa, " &o.t &c, At the Lowest Cost Precc! Dec, 25, 1856. ,. vln28-6m - . CREAT. U. S. MAIL ROUTE. From Nemaha Agency, in Kansas, to the mouth of Vie Nyoway Biver, Nebraska. . .' THIS LINE makes one trip per week, each way, Etoooinz at the principal towns on the Missouri River. Good Hacks all the way through, and good horses and nice ycung men for drivers. . . J. li. & W.UtAAliT, Contractors. Dec. 19, 1856. ' Tln27-ly ' Wenialia Valley Clank THIS INSTITUTION dates its commencement from the 10th Nov. Owing to the unfiinished state of the Banking House, we have not thought proper to give out any public notice, though prepar ed at all times to redeem our paper in circulation. V e now give general notice that we are solicitous to accommodate our friends, and will loan to one and all on good security. A e will at all times purchase Eastern Exchange, and are now ready to make Drafts on St. Louis, Mo., ia sums to suit, in exchange for either Gold or currencv. ALEX. HALLAM, Cash r. ; BrownviUe, N. T., Dec. 8, 1S5S. v1n26tf NEW CASH: STOKE!! siio WNVILLE, nr. T. The subscribers would inform the citizens of Brown ville, and surrounding country that their NEW STORE HOUSE ' Is completed, and they are now receiving : and opening an extensive stock of NEW GOODS! ;- COMPRISING IN PART, V BOOTS Am SHOES, Hardware, - and: Tinware, ; COOKING AND BOX STO VES, FURNITURE, GROCERIES, &C.j &Cij - To which they invite the attention of customers. Their Goods are selected with reference to the5 , . wants of thi) town and surrounding coun . try, and will be sold as J Low as any House above St. Joseph; FLOUR AND CORN MEAL, . CONST A7TTLY ON HAND. COME ONE! COME- ALU! And examine our Stock for yourselves - Respectfully, . ' . McAllister, dozter & co.-; Brownville, October 25,1856. ; vlnl9tf , NEW HiABDWAUE STOEE. J. E. WASHINGTON, f . DEA.LEB IK Hardware, Cutlery and Guns, "West Side Main street, Stt' Joseph, Mo., , TS NOW receiving and opening a stock of Hard jl ware ana uuuery auapiea 10 tne wants oi t ar mers, Mechanics, and Slerchants, and having pnrchas-i ed American gooas from Manufacturers, and made permanent arrangements for the direct importation ot aa my ioreign goods, together with a long expon ence in the Hardware business, I shall offer such in ducements to purchasers in this market, as will insure satisfaction, and rcspectf ully solicit a share of patron age from the section of country trading at St. Jo seph. .. Hunts and Simmon's axes, ' '. .Augers, , Slouse hole Anvils, Chisels, Solid Box Vieos, ' ' . Chains Spear & Jackson's and Bnther's files, Fry Pans, Ames & Rowland's shovel? k spades, Coffee Mills, Cut, wrought and horse shoe nails Seives, Cotton and Slanilla cordage, Curry Combs, oscennoim pocsei Knives, i'lanos, Knives and forks, . Locks, Guns, rifles, and pistols, Bolts. Shears, scissors and razors, Latches, Hammers and Hatchct3, Screws, Spear & Jackson's saws', Butts, Braces and Bifcts, &c V - ALSO, Building, Hardware and Carpen- .ters Tools . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ; ; Dec. 19, 1856. -WM. KOSSELL. 4 SHOE BROWNVILLEN? T. ; . RESPECTFULLY informs the public h I that he ii prepared to serve them with any ' thing in his line, at short notice, and with a style and quality of work he feels confident will please. . To his old friends and customers he deems it unnecessary to say a word, to others he says only lrir December 13, 1856. Yln26-Jy war., h. TEoaipsox. ' , j. h. taaitjj THOMPSON & TAAFFE, ; "(Succe.s;i!ors to Burrows & Thompson,) Wliolesnle Grocers, And; G)mniission Merchants, Ko. 13, Pearl Street, Cincinnati. Particular attention will be given to order for liroceriei, which will always be executed atcurrert market pnciss. - W3I. GARRISON, eal Estate AgeM PU.TTS1IOUT1T, X. T. - HAS now on hand several valuable town lots anl also TLmtxx and Prairie Claims, which he will sc'l cheap. . , Being agant for.th City of Plattsmouth. he will furnish loU to those who wish to settle in the town on cheap and reasonable terms. OSoo w ith J. U. Brown, Esq. iBUOVTUVTLLU STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKi, & i;.,;i;i:nu:, j ' 1L B. We. would respectfully inform tho cit!l tet s of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, tht.t wa have alwari on hand a large and well selected supply of jLUillBElt, which we can furnish a; low er rates tisan ary inui in tna iemwry. . Market prieea paid for !ogj delivered at the yard or on the bank of th3 river. . All orders aouompanicd with the cash, will receive otr immediate attention. Boots and Jf nnnsually large ftoek of ne and conrso Boots and Shoes both Gentlemen and LJics' can to seen, cad purchased l.yv. at HQDLITZELL I CO'S. i EX. LOTJIS ADTLinrilLJTS FBOM THE NEWSPAPES ADVEETISIKG AGEXCT OV . W. Si SWYMMER, ' Comer of Olive nnd Main Ste over the Bank in;? House of John J A&derscn k Co. : . PAGE'S- JTATENT -; v- Portable Circular caTT-IIill, FOR STEAM AND HO USE POWER, TI1J! most useful and coccsary machinery ia op eration; is simple ia construction and easily kept in ord'jr, andean bo moved on a wagon as readily as a threwhin machine, and put in operation at a small expense, it will saw from one to two thousand feet of lumber a day, with one team of six horses, as an average business, and in a better style than other jailla now in uae.,Jti3 equally well adaptod to.. Steam,, Water or Horse Power. The undersigned, agents for the patantee, would announce to the public that they are now prepared to furnish Mills, with or without horso power, of sa-1 perior quality and workmanship, with the rizht to U30 tho same, upon the moot favorable terms, at their manufactory, No. 202, Second street, St. Louis, Mo. Wo have also the right for the manufacture of Cliilds Patent Double Saw " Mills: The successful practical operation of these"mills through the country ha3 been the means of establish ing their great reputation and with -improvements in construction and increased facilities in manufac turing, we olFer them to the public with full confi dence of their advantages.! .... ' m . ; All orders addressed to b.S will be promptly execu ted, and any information in regard to Mills cheerful ly givon. - . ' - - - !" '' ' ' Persons ordering , Mills will please mention the State and County in which they wish to use them. - JKINGSLANDS & FERGUSON. ' 'i ,-1 - j ;:':. Extension of Pace's Patent. ';- "VTOTICE is hereby eiYen to the public, that the 11 patent of PAGE'S PORTABLE CIRCULAR O t TXT HIT T 1 ..... - oav oiiuu nas oeen cxienaea ior seven years iroin Jcly 16th, 1855. All persons found violating this patent, or infringing on the same, in making, using or vending, will be proceeded against in accordance with the laws in such ease made and provided. r - GEORGE PAGE, Patentee.' , . J& y ' Aatbbrity' r THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT And Board of Education; '. Have ordered the following Desirable Works for the . Township Libraries of Indiana. . Some of them have been put into every Library, others only into the more populous townships. The careful attention given to the examination of works for these libraries, is a guarantee of tho merit of the books chosen. Many families will desire to own the books, and read at their leisure, rather than wait their turn to get them from a librarv . Thewnrl may be purchased of Booksellers, or will be sent by :i r r . ' luu.1i, ii co yt. puomc, ultuu pujruiemi oi prices annex ed to each. ". . . - , , , Farr's Ancient History Much superior lo Rollin, because more concise, accurate, and up with modern research. 4 yols., Cloth, gilt, $3. Sheen. The Teacher's miscellany is anew and er ccllent collection of articles on Education, written fey Judge McLkan, Drs. Stowe, Biggs, .SfcGcFFEY, AtdelotT, FiCKETT, Ltkii, Post, and other distin guished members-of tho "College of Teachers." 1 vol., l?mo., Cloth; Slo. . . ' j nisiory oi mo A-criians ana l'llffrim Fathers. 13y Stowee,l and Wilsos, 1 Vol- 12mo Moflat's Xiileof Dr. Chalmers. 1 yd., izmo., $,40. ' , -... . The JLaaies oi the Covenant: Memoirs of distinguished bcotti6h female Characters: Embra cing the Period of the- Covenant and tho Persecu tion. Ly Kev. James Anderson. I III offat's South Africa. One volume. 12m'o Twelfth edition., $1. .it : . Six Years in India. By Mra. Colin Maken zie. 2 vols., 12mo., Cleth, 2.00 Kern's Practical Landscape Gardening, with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. $1,0 man-ox-war.- laie. : . ' A Boy's Experience in the U. S. Navy .(sixth mors AND.) . 1 volume, 16mo.; Illustrated. 75 cents. I- r . The Merchant Vessel, A Sailor-Boy's Voyages to see the World. (BIXTII THOUSAND.) I volume. 16mo.. Illustrated. 75 cents. ' Nobdhoff's admiral series of volumes, "Man-cf-War Life," "Merchant Vessel," and tho new voluuo to appear in September, under the title of " Whalin and Jt ishing, must ba received with great favor, as 1 1 C. . A 1 1 1 - . . .m. j,uu ura iwu u.o uttn, n uwevcr circulated, xnoy it- - ' . t . 1 i; t. . ar me lauuiui iimmngs oi nine years experienes at sea, of a common sailor, a native "Buckeve." re cognized as inferior to no writer of the present day, in life-like delineations of adventure by sea. ' ' Very striking and graphic pictores of life at Sea, evidently authentic and very instructive. i Has adventure enough to please and truth enougn to dissipate tne charm of a sailors life. - fXew Xork Evancrclist. There is! in them a vast amount of information respecting the commerce of the world. Presbyterian v ltness. -Will taka captive the young. Journal and Mcs sengcr, : y. : ' . ..' A Backeye Abroad, or Wanderings in Europe ana tne unenc. nj ejamuel . uox. Third ecu tion, Illustrated. 1 voa., 12mo. muslin,' 15. The Three Great Temptations of Young Men. Samuel W. Fisher. Fourth edition; 1 vol. 12mo, muslin, 1,00. These are capital works for family libraries. Pub lished by . MOORE, WILSTACII. KEYS k CO.. . - ' " , '25 West Fourth St- Cincinnati M W.; K. & CO. are the publishers of Bavard Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold enureiy Dy agenis. v . Country Produce .TT7 ANTED, and for which we allow the highest t t juaraet. price. ,uUlliliV..Iib & UU, THE NEW FLOURING MILL. CLARK'S PATENT COMBINED GRINDING and. Bolting or Merchant Flourins Mill. This highly ingenious : and much needed invention forms an entirely new feature in tho. manufacture of WHEAT and FLOUR, by the superior manner in which it performs its work GRINDING and BOLT ING tho Gram at a single operation into Seven different kinds of flour and feed. " This mill possesses advantages to numerous to be enumerated in any advertisement. The proper way to fully, appreciate its great merit is to seet it run. It 13 in operation daily at . . : , No. 313 Broadway, Corner Court st., St. LouisMo. btate and Country iiights and Mills for Sale. ' v- . W. W. HAMER A CO., , - Broalway and Court, 2d Story. NO BOOKS KEPT!! ALL CASE!!! A. S. HOLLADAY, WHOLESALE AKD EETAIL DEALER IJT usr ana lueaiciiies Main Street, BrovTiiville, IX. T. THE nndereigned respectfully begs leave to inform the public, that he has now on hand a complete assortment of everything, usually kept in Drug Stores, which he offers 'for sale. Exclusively on a Mew System of : CASH AND; CASH ONLY! It will be entirely foreign to this beautiful system, to "Book," "keep account," "note" "scratch" "chalk," or "remember for a few days." Como with the - Spondulicks" ifyou want anything in tho Dxug line. Prescriptions Compounded at all Hours witi Accuracy ana JJispatCii, ; . . ... Remember the system I have adopted, and tny pocket and your feelings will not suffer. Credit "fill positicely not be given, unless under circumstances of peculiar destitution. . . . July 12, 1858.-yl-nCtf , A. S. HOLLADAY. GEO. C. FERGUSON. MILLWRIGHT AND ENGINEEKt ; - BROWNVILLE, N. T. r ANNOUNCES to the public, that he is prepared to erect Steam Saw and Merchant Miils at short notice and reasonable terms. : ALL WORK WARE ANTED. He is also Agent for - " ' i-. A. B. IIOLLIBIRD & CCS., . CINCINNATI, O., ' f LEE & LEAYITT'S ,:..,' Sav-- Manufactory, . CINCINNATI, 0., , And is prepared to receive and 11 orders for any ma chinery manufactured cr kept on hand,, by these es tablishments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. ' REFTERENCES. Kocl, Lake & Co Brownville, N. T. Steam 13IL Nuckolls & White, Ikckport, Mo. ; ' ' . . James Lowe, Linden, vln31y. - . Brownville, Juno 21, 185J. - 2rr SACKS of Zcok's Ohio Mills Extra Supcr UU fine Flour jmt received end for saleby : Nov. 29, 1855. il'ALLISTER, LOZIT?. & CO. .'-ft'! r .mm OREGON. -MO. ROET. I.. If ATTE2C, Proprietor. No paSas vt irppe wfil be sp; red by the subscri- j brrtto make his g-.icsts co:n:"orta1- le in exvr? rospeet, j at. tQU weil KnoTTi and hi :ily i' putau.a .mse. Tho V;ry bot attectkn jjivci to aciniils by j g o.i ar,d attentive Hustle-, - Tl-nij UNITED STATES GIVE every possible faaility for the safe and speedv transmission of Honey, Valuable Packages, Parcels,- Goods, and Merchandize Of every description, on reasonabla terms. JrttiKcrrA.it Offices New j ork, 15oa:uo, lincm- nati, To'cdo, Chicago, Dayton, lndianopolis, and all the smaller town3 on Railroads in the astern,'Mid- die and Western States, connecting at St. Louis with Richardson's Missouri River Express. II. KIPP. ; July 25, lba5.-Ti-nS H' uenera! bapcrintendent. I Mil JOHN;:W.! TOOLEY. . (Satfcessor to NOONAN, TOOLEY & Co,) 53 Main sLt Old Stand, St. Louis, Mo. IMPORTER, Wholesale aocd RetailDealer, in China, Glass and Queensware, Yellow and Rockingham Ware, Chandeliers; Lamps, Lanterns, Looking-glasses, Britannia Ware, kc. ks with a great varietyof Fancy Mantle and Parlor Ornaments, direct from tne Potteries and Manufacturers. ; ' ' ; .' PgT'Now arriving and in store, a full stock of the above line of goods, which is offered to the Trade at reasonable rates.1 An examination is solicited. ? irOa hand,' Assorted Crates, for Country Trade. N. IJ. Packing receives special attention. September 13, 1858. vlnlft-6in : : " SV. & A. SENSENDERFER. i ' TJ1PORTEB3 AKD WEOLESALX DEALERS IX Havana and Domestic Cigars & Tobacco. SOUTH "EAST CORNEIt PISE & SECOND ST3 1 WE have in store, aud- to arrive, a very large assortment of the very best brands of Havana Cigars. We desire to call the special attention of cash bayera to our large stock, which we are deter mined to sell very low for casn. iney consist, in part, of the following brands : ' l . . ITcntitude jtgaiias; iana Jiiiiars; -. Mi Destine ' . do Newton do. - Antignedad ''do ' Victoria do ,, Buatamanto-i do Iberia -do v ; ; Carnolia , - do Espcnola do . 'Delirante ' do -: BegAderado ' : . 'Saluadora . -.do , .' LaMorma do t -Staffanonl : do Kcnsagero do ' ' M2ridiana3 ; . do Emulacion do ' ' , J Washington do ; . La Voz . i do - : El Sol,- . do Fortuno Londress; ' Empcro Nichalds do Fidelidad: - do Mcnsagera do Granadina'; do : , .,: Caryentus do : ,' Poeahonta do Rei nas Sultana do La Flora ' 'do . ElSoldelaDrimea do.Doce Meses do 1 ;; Figaro Cillindrados: D. B. Castanoa do .' IVensado D; D. do J.Y. P. Famado V do la Rama do Vigncra Plantations;; .j P.L. , .do. . VcUegas , do ' Mensagero-Trabucas; I)e la Cru Principcs; Victoria do Barrios do ,.: ; ; . Lcght Guaxfl Opera, Star do -. . J. L. Panetelas: Designio Prest. ' " ' May A : W. k J. SENSENDERFER." Mc3Iechan & Ballentlne, WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission ! Mer chants, No., 34 Levee, St. Louis. Mo..between Olive and Locust sts have now in store and receiv ing the, largest and most general stock of Groceries they hate ever offered, which they intend to sell at the lowest market rate3. r Their stock consists in partof:-- .; :. .: i j Zi 9 nnds 2i. V. suar; 4UU bbls clan&jd; 225'bbls loaf, crushed and powdered sugar; ' . 350 do and hf do plantation molasses; ' ,! 450 pkgs Belcher's gy. molasses; 150 bis NOSH; ' 150 hf chests Y H tea; 275 do Imp. G.P and i ' Black do; -'' i ..fJ: . . , 150 casks S. Carb soda; 25 do saleratus; - 200 boxes Babbitt's saleratus;' ' ' '275 do Ya and Mo tobacco; ' ' ' , 75,500 Spanish cigars; 200,000 Hav and Cuba sixes; 350 bxs star candles; 111 casks currants; " 1500 bbls, bf doand kits 1 and 2, makcrcl: 50 pkgs No. 1 salmon: 3000 bxs ass'd tnfeblers; 20V qt and pt flasks: nests tubs, 3 and ; 550 doten assorted i)atls;' ' ', -1500 sks prime Rio coffee; 300 packets Java; -. . 75 sacks Mocha . do; ' : 2500 kgs Wheeling and Boston nailj and brads '- - assorted 3d to 40d; i '. . 75 bxI!alt Cove oysters; 275 balea batting; 250 sks Eagle cotton-yarn assorted; ' n - 450 coils Man. and Jute rope; 150 bxs poperand pimento; 73 bbls almonds; 150 drums figs; 800 bxs hf and qr M R raisins; ;; drums cod fish; JZd b doj ; . ! 15 cases sardines hf and qr; 360-boxes assorted pickles, ketchup; 350 bis palm'and fara. soap; 30 do mould c'dls; 550 do asst window glass; 50 bgs carpet chain; 150 do lino washboards; 50 gross yeast pow'ds; 60 nests willow baskets; - , . Together with a general and full stock of for eign and domestic Wines brandies, kc. ; ! W. S. GIL3IAN. T7H0LE3ALI! GROCER, No. 130 S5ond street, VT.f bt. Louis, has in store a large and well select ed stock, which is offered at the market rates, con sisting in Dart as follows: ' ; -370 hhds N. O, eugar; 200 bbls loaf, crushed & powdered do; 1500 bags Rio coffee; 100 do Java do; 150 bbla S, H. jyrup molasses; 850 do S. H mnlasscs: ' 250 bbls plantation molasses; ICO pkgsmackerel 100 boxe3 codnsb; luu ouis uaungion iar; 500 kegs Boston and Pittsburgh nails; 65 kegs fine 3d nails; 75 bags cotton yarn; ;. 50 bales earoet chain; 150 do eotton twine; . loa bales wickin-r: 450 cla Manilla and Jute cordage; " , . . . .100 do plow and clothes lines; ..." 40!) boxes window class, assorted sixes; 2000 lbs W. chalk; 300 do alum; 1500 do s'tpeter; 20000 osnaburg sacks; 10 kegs sup. eorb. soda; .200 half chests Imp., Y. H. and O. P. teas; S00 boxes Imp., Y. H. and G. P. tens; : A5a hoxeaVinrinia and Missouri tobacco; .ID bx. smoking tobacco; 50 do cut chewing do; 150 bx. star candles; 70 do sperm d.Jj Z Ofl (candle moulds; . , , f . ; 25 ) boxes soap; 350 pkgs saleratus; ' ' 3 cases Ma. indigo; 6 eeroons S. V. do: ; 89 bgs pepper; 45 do pimento; 200 bxs g'da'iccs; 350 M. U. i. per. caps, zoo rms u. a l. paper: . 350 doz com. andfaney pails, 100 no 3-hoopdo; 850 nests 2 and 8 qt tubs; ZoU mats cassia; - 25 cases prunes; 40 eks currants; 3 do madder; 5 bbls whiting; 4M rms wrapping paper; - 50 bales osnaburg?; brooms, zinc washboardsj cnaro3ggc June 7, '55 GLASGOW & BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWABBING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 50 Levee, have in store and to arrive the followm Goods, which they offer for sale at the lowest prices, vis . - m 1000 hhds fair to prime K. 500 boxes Yeast powdrs; U.feugar; luo aegs sup Larb Soda; luuu DOiscua sugar; lw boxes saleratus; 800 do If and cruf h'd do; 500 els Manilla Cordage; 500 do S. n. mola?sc3; 200 do JuVe do; bUO do plar-tation do; ' 100 tcs prime Rico; 1000 pks G, and B. Teas; 1000 bags Rio coffee; 100 do prime old Gov ernment Ja. coffee; 1800 kegs Nail3; . . i ; 1000 boxes I'm, Oleine & Family Soap; 103 boxes Fancy Soap; 800 do Star Candles; .250 do . Mould do; , 500 dot Manilla k Grass ' Bed Cords; - y 500 boxes Raisins; 25 bbls Almonds; 100 boxes Lorn. Syrup, 300 do aus'd Candles, IlJo lTcscrvad 1: raits; 100 .do ; Meats; . 100 do rieklcs: 100 do Ketahups; 100 do Olivo Oil; 75 do Brand'dCher 59 do Castile Soap; 100 do Starch; SCO do Va.mafl To bacco; 200 io Mo. do; 800 do Smoking do; 1109 do Cuba Cigar; 50 do d - Peaches: 39 cases - Carraccas Chocolate; 40 do TTood bx match's; 50 do Sardines, quarter and half boxes; 5 cases Citron; 00,003 Reg. Cig. imp.; 10 bbls Mason's Biking; 100 bas Fcpper; a cases Hatmt g?; - 5 do Iadigo; 50 do B. C. Oysters; 25 do Akpice; 300 IbU k hf do Ma'cXj 500 boxes Glass; 100 bales Batting: -203 do Painted BuTttp; 1500 reams W'rop. Letter and Cap Pt.per; 300 nests Tabs, 3's-S's; LIQUORS. . 18 half pipes pure tdd 53 bbls Malaga Wine; . JJrand.es; . 100 cases Co do do; . 100 bbls Monon. Whis'y; 103 do oldr.ya Whisky, : very superior; Jane 7th, 1855. IDObkts Dennis Champ. 10 j do lieidncx co: 50 cases old Ml. Wins 203 boxes Clirot Wine; bt. Lean, 31o. : ..1LSOK. OUT!;, . A Hi penons aro hereby forwarnei front btryirg the S"t th West fourth of Section 25, Township 8, North It.i;ge 15, East of the sixth, lUncipal Meri dian, in Nemaha, eonnty,, N. T now occapiedby T hos. HedJv; $2 1 have a right to said clai-n that is indictable. - B. B. TEOMPSON. . tnx ixiUe, Jtly Ith, 135$. yl-ci-tf It 1 r" JP!ir"'v The puUio is hereby noticed, that tha Tcst ta'.f No-tLenst onaj ter and the East half of the Northwest quarter of Section number ono in Toirn Ihip.ni !.Tibcr fourof Langa number f fteon East, ia P Neinah . (.f tho v. us the I. pro-ear; county, Nebraska Territory, rorms t?Ci..!ia ljr.?ineJ, and that he procee as cn nibls-io id cpened, t? e--:.er the f-ame by ..on. Ail saies oi lorsa j -u m - u t, by an y person or trsor.3 a ' pa rt c f Nee: ... 1 .... I.. ...s Non ba ly said tn eity,: wu be held by taa undersign void. ' 'ErowurXlc, Jan. 29lh,lS57. i a3 ..D.SI B. K. TEG RAM. h. racDUS. ""Br H.- PHGRAI.1 i CO., GENER AL LAND A GENTS, COUNCIL BLUFFaa IOWA. Iqiproved Little Giant CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL rPHE subscriber ha purchased exclusive right of Territory in the i est, ol the aix-va coiew&ica Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all times, either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most poritive Bjanntr. , ,. :'.. It is now moro than a year since the -. ; -"ILittle -'GSantV-; Wa3 introduced to the public, during which time, it Wn cjiTistantlT trrswins in the popular favor. The improvements recently elected and patented, makes it the most perfecV "uachine evtr oilered for general firm use. It is furnished ready for attacking team, and weiglis as follows: No. 1, 225 No! 2, 330, No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty ndnute3 are sufficient to set one op, withotrt mechanical aid, and when onnn a di listed, it caa with stf "ty hi entrusts! to a boy. Full directions accompany ewa ilul.' No 1, $35, will grind Sbu mtal per hour With 1 horse No2 40, " . . J CJ . - - l No3 50, " 15 " " 1 No 4 60, " 23" - M 44 2 u M It Liberal discount tt dealers. .. JAMES B. CnADWICS, . No. 63 Locust street, bet. 2 J and 3d June 28, 1S55., vl-n4. St. Lou , Mo. ALOSZO Pit ATT, - T. G, PBATT, New York. o. w. child, . -, ., St. Louis. K.W.FOX, 8. C. 3f AXSCB, St. Loa is. - CHILD, PRATT & CO., Direct Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers Agents English, French German & American Hardware ana Cutlerj iGUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS,!&a&c'-' 139 & ill Main St, cor. Washington Avenue, ST. LOUIS, M0. PKESH ARKIVAIi'!! NEW GOODS!! AY. IIOBLITZELL & CO. BROWNVILLE, N. T. HAVE TIII3' DAY. RECEIVED, per steamers A. C Ooddin and Wm. CampbelL and now opening, the most extensive stock of Goods ever of fered in this market. After the experience they have in Nebraska, they flatter themselves that they know what suits the people, and have purchased such a stock of Goods as cannot fail to please. We will not pretend to enumerate, but say come and see; and you will not fail to be suited. Oct. 15, 1855.;iy E. C. Tt'TTLE. , K. O. PKKLBY. r H. V. BX1TII. TUTTLE, FEBLEY c GZ.UTEL FALL STYLES. 18'oG. . ; ". " ' 77 JIain street, St. Louis, Mo.' MANUFACT CRERS of Straw and Silk Bonnets, Importers and Wholesale dealers io Ribbons. Silk Millinery, Flowers, Trimminss. Lace Goods. Em broideries, Ac. 13' Merchants and Milliners are particularly in vited to examine our stock, before maki ng their spring purchases, as we (relying fully on the superiority of our styles,) intend to offer inducements equal, if not superion, to any jobbing house in the United States. September li, l sou. vlnlj-bm SIGEKSON'S NURSERY, ST. LOUIS, AIO. JOHN SIGERSON j- BRO., Offer for sale the coming Spring, T 50,000 Apple Trees, 2 and 4 years old, em- ";v bracing 173 varieties. 1'nce 25 n 40 cents. vareitics, from 25 to 30o. 2s500 standard Pears, embracing 43 varieties, price from 50 to 75 cents. : 5,000 Dwarf Pears, embracing 33 varieties, price ; SI each. .. ' 5,000 Cherry Trees, 31 varieties, 50 to 75 cent3 each. . 600 Apricots, Early Golden, Buda, Peach Apri- cots, Large Early, price 50 cents. 1,200 Quince, assorted, ......... .-25 to 50 cents. 500 Dwarf Apples, 50 u 500 White Grape Currants 500 Black Naples 500 Cherry Currant '500 Rod Dutch Currant" ;..25 ...25 25 ...12 ,..15 ..'12" ... 12 ...12M ...12U 500 Victoria Currants 500 White Dutch Currants-.-.. 500 Largo Red Dutch Currants.. 500 English Black 2,000 Proli 5c Green -. 1,000 Houghton's Seedling 500 Warrington do 1,000 Sulphcr do ..25 25 ..25 25 M M U U M it M M 1,000 Ashton do 500 Crown Bob do . 500 RlHemcn do 2,000 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries 1,000 Ohio Everbearing do 2,000 Large German Antwarp do 1,000 Red Antwarp 1,000 English Filberts. 1.000 Horse Chestnuts-. 25 25 .....10 25 10 10 . .. .. 50 50 M u a it M U M ' 5,000 Grape Vines, 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50 150,000 Grape Vines, 1 year old"--$5 $ 100 5,000 Dahlias assorted, each 25 500 Pernia3, . do 50 10.000 Giant Asparagus Roots--.-$5 100 5.000 Tube Roses - - 10 2100 Yards Pink 50cts"yanl. . 2,000 Plants Victoria Rhubarb . 50oor$40 p 100 . 8.000 Wilmot's Early Red Rhubarb-. 12o 50,000 Strawberry Plant', 12 varieties 5 to 10 per 2.0000 10,000 Shade and Ornamental Trees, embracing Catalpa, Black Locust, Palionia Impcriallis, Lombirdy Pojlar, Silver Leaved Poplar, : '.. - Linden Wood, Sweet Gom, Elm,. Balsam Poplar, Allianthns,! ulip Trees. Unland Cr prsss, Sycamore, Parer Mulberry, Amwican . Larch, weeping billow, Buckeye, Moun tain Ash, White Birch, Red Maples, varying in price from 25 cents to $1,50, according to 15,000 Evergreens, embracing ' Rd Cedars, pnee each 50o !o $2 White Pine do 50c to $1 " Yellow Pino do 50c to $2 Ealsara'Fir, ' do 50c to $1 American Arborvitas 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 JO Chjnese Arborvitas, 50c, $10, European Savin 50c, Tree box 50o Norway Spruce, 50c, 75c, 100, White Spruce. $1. 12,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrubbery, embracic in part as follows: Snow Balls, each 37) tr, SI, -Lylae, ech 50c; Spiras, assorted, each 25c; Hardy Rose, each 50c; Monthly Rcues, each 5(k' , Honey Suckles, asorted, 25c," 50e $1; Tyring ITiiladelphas 25a to 50c Koso Aeasla. 25o to 50c; ' . IVlvet for Hedges 25c; Bladdacita 25c: Corcorus Japonlca 25c; . . Ellagnus 25c; Lihurnum 50c; Tamarix Africana 25 to 50c; -lUbes Gordon! 25c to 50c; Weeping Mountain Ah 1,50: Whith Fringe Tree 1.50; ' Forsyth'ea 50c to 1.00; Cornice Dogwood Silver Striped 50c to 1,03 Deutxa Scabia 25c; Deutza Gracalis 50o; Weeping Li rch 50c; - . r - Magnolia Acuminetta 50c; . Weeping Linden 1,50; Dwarf Box 50o per yard; ' Eimonimas 50c; ' - - Altheas, assorted, 25o to 50c. . ' r7" In ofToring th above Stock to onr custo-sntrs we beg to say it is superior la growth and quality to any heretofore offered, and persons wishing a supply caa avail themselves of further information, by ad dressing the undersigned at St. Louis. ; Catalogues farcishei to all post-paid ftrpliatinns. ResTwctrnlly, JOHN SIGERSON & E?.0. Oct. 25.1S5-1. Tlnl9-ly uzdhasidi cit:: hotzl. ; NECItASKtV CITY, 17. T. BARNES :, Z' XllZiVH, Proprietor?. TiHIS cocr.iD,!:cr.3 Hotel, situated cpoa . ,aia Street,::." -City, will U found a de r.rab.e resort for t.-avt;.jrs. ihs ci 1-.:.t thi3 house for t.U jarts of tho Terriicrv. HORTICITUIUs, J ournal cf Hnral Art and -r 1st, as its taai U. - ' rotea t: .Uort: .-.ure aod Archiictlare ,.d Lab.licape Gaid.,; i ;rs idvucd'fif thj n"v"' 164 ? er in Earot-o or AbbU n v i keep its rea saincrt, eKaerint.aroT-oorAimrrin i. " 1 i. 1 , n ' aut.-'ft,i. "i. ' on fine paper, and elegantly itfaatratci ! 7 1 to numerous wood cutj ea?h number contains stone, of sorao new. rare.andv&C;. e of the most hefnaiM Monthly Jonniua j flower, and is one the roost cwfal Monthly world. iE3:H3 -2 per year, m advance. er jk;7, in ad ranee Th. I h 1st f JmrtUx ' abers fn.ia that tin -n. I rencewTthtlieca rEi-Sli farther t .udl .t and meet th. iS5l,t.t!i"ii eouiLicuecu tin in supply back num pre ter can comme C'OtbRKD PJUATES. -Si no of the work, and m im:rvasiDg w;nis vm me tonicultu -nf coiri. i edition is published with Colored Plate? ; . . r .i .. . Iff?!. ' ber contains rare, and valuable frait. of fl l- . m E , vij,.iuii t r.v , tmxa nature by ino bcyt living rkst U h Tliij h a new and im-wtant ft.f.. s . a ".. Prico $5 a year in advance. Addre T. r in nuvancc. Acl lrij i :T PEARSALLSMmi,Puv, 17 and U Minor street hSjft ..... liUUtliT . - Eeady Hade Clothit T? VERY VARIETY, siyTe.onairtrirA. .. . lLi tern of Ready Made Clottin?, jaAre forsal3CJieapby UOBtllZUlT icu"4 Hats and Cits T A TEST styles of Ilats and Caps, n j f , 7 UOJJUTJELUcq. 3. Furniture, BEDSTEADS, Tabl, Standj,.Direacs;Bjj everything in the Furniture ine.canli.Ci' ; HOBLITZELL 4 col Stovc3 and Tinware. COOK, Parlor and 0:Hce Stove of Ta-iunj jj terns; and Tin ware, at . - : - " " HOBLITZELI, 1 CO'S. Hardware, Cutlery; and Irca, A LARGE as3ortrncnl at : HOBLrrzixL k co Wood and TTillav rare. BUCKETS, Tabs, Churns, and an endhs Tarlttr of Willow ware, is for sals at, ' ' . HOBLITZELL'a C0H Saddlery. QADDLES, Iridles, Murtingale?, Checks, anl er- KJ cry variety ot goods in this lias can be iindil 'IIOBLITZELLiCOs. Steara Hill Lumber. WE take this method of inf jnning the Pablj that we have just pat in open tion on wh.itjj known as Sonora Island, foar miles aboxe Bruwj. ville, a first quality steaci Sawmill, and are ot,w pared to saw all kinds of LumbT on short Buiw, and in a manner, we are confident will gir? wkfo tion. W will keep a Ferry beat ta ma to thb mia shore, for freo uio cf our cutonicrs. W. S. HALL I CO. ' II. A. TEIlIiY & COM ' WHOLESALE AND BHTAIL DtALEHS IX GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, FRUITS and Shrubs, drape and Cranberj Vim; Grass, Clover Seeds, Ilinl seeJs (full kindi,jf ricultural and Horticultural Hooks, IiaplcnicnU, it, Agents for all tho bet.t Rural Publications in tit United States. ; ' - Stro next door to Post-Office, Council BlcfyTowi. vln2ti-ly - . THOMAS-1 WILLIAMS, Attorney and Counsellor at Lai. BROWNVILLE, N. T- Will practice in the Third Judicial District ia 5 braska Territory, and in the T well'th Judicial Circuit in the State of .Missouri. - REFERENCES. Richard Lrown, Vrowuville, y.T. R. W. Fumns, , - Dr. John .Mel'herson, . Titpecano,0liio. . . - James Foster, - On gcr, Mi.' George N. 51 iller, ; Arthtr, N. T. FRESH DRY GOODS. . EEDY, JA3IESON 6t CO., Nos. 170 and 172 Main St., SL lcuk WE are now in receipt of the most coinpleto and masrnificent stock, ever o(T( red tothe Wwtni Trade. Jlercbants viakinjr this city are invited to make an examination of car :toc't r nd priori. " EDDY, JAMESON A CO. ' Chinese Sugar Cane. I1TAVE airapply of this seed on sale. Price yt lb $2; per o., 20 contji. Pcisons rcraittinj n 2i coots, ghall have one ounca snt tb-jui postag paid. This exotitj plant, known as Sorghum Sderharnikn, recently introduced into this country by tho Patent OSicn, may be cultivated to advantige ia eTery part of the United Stales. It will raiku a good crop o tho oorest soil. ,Fron t!.Tpcrimcitrt alrotidy maJeia syrup makin from tho juice of this plant, I iiJ beliere that sugar can bo profitably mado; fctisj rate, it is worth a trial by every farmer. j. M. Sijcul.ouch, Nov. 20tf . - Xo. 200 SlAia nt Cincinaati. an noisos. APREMIU3I ESSAY on tho Ofijrin, History wl characteristics of this remarkabls AJIEItlCAN BX1HED (!P HORSES, Tracing tho pedigree from the orfjnal Jajtia Mor gan, through tho most noted of h s progeny, dua to the present time. With nu men us portraiis. T which are added Uinta for BreetifR, orvskinfT. l general Use and JIanag;ment of iK.rse, with Fre tica! Directions for Training them for EiuibitiM,t Agricultural Fairs. By p. C. Lisjut, Middlebo7, Vt. Price $1. Sent freo of poster. ... C M. SJATOX i CO Agricultural Bocii Publishsrs, U) Fulton sf, 3. RAPE ROOTS. 2C.0OO CaUuba Grape Rw two years old, for sale. llije $j ct banorc-i 40 per tnousand .Nov.23tf J. 31. SJcCULWUGII, . Xo. 200 3Ui.j f:t., Cincinnati., XSrvxo Cocci. GROWN under tho personal sapervkion of tb sub.-ftriber, warranted t.-un genuine f1'" enough of which w ill be ent to sopjly lrge faaii'r on reception of price pre-paid. CasabaS JIusk Mjelon A boauCful and delicicnf "fruit. (Asiatic origin,;"-23cer.u. Osaxgb Wates 31 elo.m Peels ofl liko . tho rind of an oranze-very fino flavor.. ......' Glass Lemon A beautiful littlo melon for preserves when ln-een 23 23 CmsESK ASPABAGC9 Annual, and nal to tee common easily rais ed - Five Fekt Ctccmk3 Very lai-g j and curious to behold. - ... ., Mammoth PcurKix, .... ...... 25 2 Or thp whole ftr one dollar. .nt by mail to sny address. -' - JOSE III L. ASU3T, 20-tf riatisburgh, aiaton Co- Mo. MA THIXO OP BEAUTY 13 A. JOT FCIiSTEK." COLE'S VOYAGE OF LIFE, Childhood. Youth. 3Iashood Old A?f Four splendid Lina Ei-g-aviugiijircia tii Ori!l in the Gallery of the Spsngl-r listiute. i'te, 15x23. Paper, 28x33. n A GREAT NATIONAL WORK. Of tiro years' exocufion, involTin;? lui txperse off-' 000. Artist's rrocfj, S50. IaJi LeUcrcd, Plain, $20. "1ST A prospectus containing it full dcscrirtiB the work, wish testimonial from jor first A!4IIJ our iB.in eminent, DIVESES, cot niostditinii' STATESMEN, the: bent accreiit.s.i Jt'DiiiS Of ART, at home and abroad, tojjetbT with the VOICE OF Till: PRESS , Of this city, and alfo of tho hig'ieat Enropcai thority, . THE LONDON ART JOURNAL. Will bo forwarded on the receipt of two postal stamps. ' x . i . - TIi s Trr.iR .a p pile I n the most ' ; Xdberai Terms. ' i ArfTopriite and tasteful stjli f frames, prep'' ed eirrc.--!y f0r this work, a thj lowe cash t ore furnished at prices varyinj; froa $10 t ' , set. iloxing, packing nnd carU from $t ' Ait iTtfs tUo V oya? fcf Life. I ,ev. i. li. OK"'.- vial I If D. U. niTCHCOCI. C. ESARI siJii. Bt'J.J0T D. JI. HITCHCOCK j CO., ; 11 ard atio H r, j.rnr t-toTcs ar.l lra:t3. AlfoManufactartri of lour sites of-J-wett l . ent Cary Iloojb, c3 a:l two tons lUi'l12'' haai.