A - c riior. ---r. - c 'Hi! itor. C. V . advertising A rent, in rear -,U.r2d- 4 Children's fcaoe Stcre, V JL Vtrrvxsi Chestnut street, Saint j if. S. "Jt1' ' f-Ttj"TrcT, Ohio. IA.rn, Nebraska City, N. T. i l:rtl, V Jiti Linden, Mo. ' lvric Three Grove, N. T. - i01 for the Advertiser, aad reciere and jSw ' ; ' . -iJer.t m this Territory, earning from rsjC' the Sutes, often -suggest to us ZLwb in their old neighbortioods. who y vTuI became f ubseribers if they could see .-Advertiser.- We always RDd a fpec, t aai penoai reeieyrng, will consider it a t .ome a regnlarwbscriber. Tost- v .. rr - 1 Unm' ri UilClClii I mi d w a - .or;" . - i r!in vrctli the usual p cent for.their I ..v je:-cxter.s;ve adai L V-s, colosed lets, Bronze ' 4'T:Mhe -Advertiser" OSce, aJdiUOES oi new ironzes, Cards, ' -' m tbe ""Advertiser- vvc, e n. w jiaf Tnh-WnTt in . manner nn- vVrj The rropnetor being ; rTt--T Vriater Linsself, asd havirS in his lprr"n tcconp'' ftnd eIIy:nencf3 : rt'.. rwtM- k determined not to be . Fr Jr r Jr.h Work. Cards V. wr w - Uard -.. f vrr.r'C T-ih-st lrarroved '.f t rac w a ift Ktaks-Work-in Colors Atrocze ie, viU-merf-with parUcular atten- PEE-EMPTOES GUIDE. Every Man in Kebrahi tlcvld have a Copy! 7TLL TJE HEADY POT. DCLITir.T, March 15th, 1857. The "Pre-Emptcrs Guide" is the title cf a Tvcrk now in press, contain in r all the Lairs, Instructions. Forms and decisions, relative to the public Lands, up to the present thite; and also the Latr passed at the last Session of the Nebraska Legislature, entitled "An Act regulating the disposal of Lands purchased in trust for toTrn sites." The ivork mil contain about 100 pages, and will be sent free of postage to any desired address on the reception of 1. A liberal discount made to agents and dealers. Send in your orders early. Papers noticing will receive a copy by sending a marked copy cf their pa per to this ofnec. Address : R. AT. FURNAS, RroTvnville, Nemaha Co., N. T. Persons desiring to act as agents will be accommodatedhy giving satis- actory references." GnULT BrJDGZ. A bridge 'u now being built across the Upper Ilksiisip pi? at St. Paul, Minnesota. It i3 to be 1,CG0 feet in length, resting rpen nine piers, the b'g'iicstcf Lich are seventy fest above high water mark, so as , to enable beats to pass under without didculty. ; The greatest rpan will; be two hundred and twenty feet; Effi ciently wide to allow the , largest rafts to pas3 without coming in contact with the abutments. The whole cost of the work will b near 8120,000. :th. Allp -..riCoix-:!ei Pr-i-cr.; ctse3 .i-iai-t to prepsiwl la due form,-by its Ibis dutr carr tti Is too ttf.zCr ccnpliei vitb, csit '-3 especially required by a recent Circular f;c:a the Ccnn"s.d3r:cx cf the Land CiUce. . . tih. In all czscs ctf cc-ntest tie party wlo Srst eri: pre ti l-lizs to proof aud pyiaest,: .2 rot!ce to the ether claisaat: and A subscription lias been started in Charleston; S. C, and headed by lib eral contributions, to procure a car riage for presentation to Mr. Bucha nan. ' . j '. . Wfrora-ttsce will bcprornptly at wieJ to,tod waited to srre Baslacaoa or ! The Editor. $to icm nas - "- tie past "week, and. the Editor proper wire"! onlv a few hours before going torre "Ve trust the .reader will be I content .forf-this spobgy for Hck of I both editorial andjselectcd matter,ncxt i mfc V(? TviU endeavor to place before j cur- readers some matters of general ;rprcs!hsAiD a number of texts we ! iLtadtoldmgtohcipon.- Xc -Trant TO -Neeo It VTE irrT. HAVE IT.4-We have, very politelv," kindly; modestly and rather i . . . i l T I 1 a" aTi. IirtnctV niniea srvcrai. iimes mat ire vo; ill feel cxtre hare, atlca?t a sin4l portion of the ncly gratified to aeedfal" due uafror. i r.n4iiQ'we want.it : .sfoai that we Must i soac "shape or Qther'J , at b'adfor us to la'ri c natcrisl, paper, i; ; klerel dav and rndi i various sources, distinctly under- ndiriZZ have it in The time is now in a spring stock ik, 4"c . We have t to famish ytfu . with the largest "andjbest printed paper i btlieTerritorV.' Tliie Advertiser' has th its whole sheet , r , j l .appeireiregukrrlyyj'i ! while ZD3st other papers Lave made j their" appearance hcn;the' "weather I irou:a pennu aua ciiien a -nan sncei ifthat; and now we want only what j Tar -owe rs," and we intend to have it, I crhave a "gencralmuss in the camp?' -There are '"quite a number who were i $5 aspirants -for once last fall, who, if ! thev would "scat .the ordinance and have the core sing" we would not com- plain. . . " . . Ekloes ix our Mail Books. Just before we started. to-Omaha we tran scribed our mail books, and . find upon examination ihat -a number of names .were overlooked. - Of course we cheer- iully correct -sthch errors, and very i nueh desire to.be informed of mistakes I that wer may correct them. It is said ;' -sistafc cs will occur in the bestregu ; m jated cstahllshments," and we cannot ! expect ours t be an execntion. "We have no' news from Washington of special interest to the West, and so ar removed, in fact, from the seat of Government that its action loses much of its interest before it reaches this point. A charge of corruption against several members of the House is now attracting considerable attention at the Capitol and the affair is undergoing investigation. It will, in all probabi- ity, end in smoke, and the committee of investigation report that the gentle men accused are too "honorable and hicrh-minded to receive a bribe.". During the debate upon the above charge which was brought forward by the editor of the New York Times, Hon. A-Ki Marshall, of Kentucky, is reported as having made use of the following lariuaTe : I care not whether he be the ex- Lieut Gov. Governor, or the Lieut Governor": or Governor of the State of New York. That character, whatever it might have been, is merged into that of the editor of a partisan newspaper, I loc'k.upon him in that light and in no other. lie stands before this House as the editor of a nczcspajjcr influenced and controlled ly all the bia and inter est tchich tee know do control men in Oiat pcsiliori; and I ask this body whether it docs rfot become them, their owri dignity arid honor," to base the investigation upon such information as s given to them by a member o their own body; in preference to bas mg it upon an editorial in a newspa per,- no matter whether it emanates from a Governor or Lieut. Governor : He is but ilie editor of a ncvcipapcr, and Itrould pay any man cf.thdt character the sort of respect ichich such action tcould seem to do. To which the Louisville journal makes a few pertinent remarks r "We like Br. Marshall f cry Well, but his being a member of Congress gives him no right to sneer at eait6rs To be sure, editors Written fortlis Nebraska Adverser. TO !3n; ICTTTD CITE AT AH. ' ST C. W.'ITCES. When lie night winds are w&Hia, Like qirits in thrall And Da .h -raits in darkness r Through hamlet and hall; Kind angels of raercy Wiflrt'er they are, Watch otct the slumbers Of the loTe'd one afar. TTThm'eT they may wander By iud or by sea . Then Tat her of arjjels We trust them with Thee, Be thou to earths pilgrims Tb dsy beam and star, The staff of the weary -Te tlie lo red one afar." While life hath a pleasure Orlace hath a eheer TThHu the heart can feel kisdaesa Or loiTow a tear I ncTr c an forget lhem Xar fail ia the prayer That God will watch orer The loved ones afar Thy gniec ia goodness To ti.em if they would Bo contented with it Tleir fa to they must endure, TThtre'er they are gone Thy wEl be it done, Tor thy goodness was shown Tor the loved one afar." yzMAm Cnr, Feb. 7th, 1857. zt, must Um for Iryirjr the casa. : :- 7lh. Land 7r.:-rrnt3 are receivable, butoniy one Warrant can be raed. If a "Warrant of a less denomination i'han 1G0 acres is xised, the diiTeTtnce nnst te paid in money. We will take pleasure in affording any in formation required, . and any facility in cur power, to Pre-en piers, but they should not fail to attend tha foregoing requirements, ; 33y doin:; so, their basiness will be promptly des patched. JOHN A. PARKEK, Eegistet. A, E. Gilljxosz, Receiver. .. - BroT7HTiUe tiarkei-. CAXXITLLT COnEECTED EACH WEEK BT -, ncEnirrzELL & co. DEALEIIS IN PRODUCE BaowimLLE, N. T. (SEZLIXa BATES.) - ; FLont, sack of 100 lbs Coax Heal, bnshct Cobk, in the ear, old bushel Oats, bushel, . O Tcr Ccrdrc l Clio crA ell crziLxd! UU Stoc'i cf Irif.t Tr?e?, i;s. for gale tho rrcs- i :' i l TKz crJy Ezclnziie VTh:lzzili Grocery ft ent 1 a., r.m zzzt Srirr. ia Terrlanre and fine. including all tl -? ror. ai"rovl Trhetles of Arpl, Fears, Peach e. Clirries, Aj-ricotfi, Nectarines Plums Qainees, Grt i :?, Currant', Goctlrrief, ri?pbeneE, StrEnberr; en, t :c. Especial cire Las been taken to procure s.z.1 rrcpTa-te mos'Jy irach rarieties of esica tit as as are L'jnni baJt raited to the soil and climate of t'Ls Wcs!; sni Soiith, -where uost uf the urintcr fruit5, e5ei;ial!y cf the Eaitera States, are cf to aZr.e. Oar stock, of leada Tiees is remarkally fne, and the price in low that all those who lost their trets the j ast winter, should now replace them. Of Cherry Trees ako we hans a fine supply, mostly prown on ATohaltb tfxxls, whi:h secures greater har diness to t'ae tree, and if trained rather low, so as to cause ths tops to shade , the stem from the hot sac, it is bcleived no diSiculty will be found in jrrow inj fine cherries in t!ie South nnl West. Of Pears we hare a splendid lot, esjcial!y on dwarf trees, on strong Anirt Quince stocit, Vh best for speedy and abandant productiveness. Catalogites, with prices, will be sent to all applicants. Nurserymen and Ialers in Fruit Trees aru invited to call and examine our stock of Peaches Pears and Cherries, especially, before sending East, as we believe they can save uxpens. as well as risk by purchas'js" cf us. holesale Catalornes aow ready. II. B. BATZHAil A CO. February 5, IS 57. and co::nii:oN uleciiant. Comer Scoud zzl Frarccs Ets. st jo: ::rii, no.; J ESFECT FELLY cilb thecttectiun cf Cc-rxtrr C Ilerchar.ts to his larre..and vari?d fta.k cf Groceries, which has been increased ly late arrivals at the lowest rates of fre.i-ht, and will recciro daily additions through the season. lLvir purchased for caih, he presents more than ordinary isdaeercccts to buyers, ana will satisfy all that favor him wna a call, that he can and will compete with St. Louis prices. lie hx in store: COO bas Iilo Coffee f0 l-cxes starch 40 44 O G Java Co'ee 70 do limon symp 1C0 chest and hf chests 2j3 whole and cT lexis assorted Teas canJr ISO bblreboilei and S II 203 doz cs.ns Fields cels- llolasses ' brated lialtimore outers 100 half bbls do - ISO bits half and qr bib 50 kirs BeleherB byrnp mackrel G. L C. 0DD CO., rsroETms atd HAsryAtTirar-s or hi ill ' Zl'tifh? i a 1 3 Also: Clone!, Sujrar, lb Coffee, .... .... .... Tea, Bacov, .. llams, ..- - - Shoulders, Sides. ......... . ....' ; Chickens, doa rGG3, do, ........ . .. Feesb 15 Eur, ) uj .... .... Potatoes, y bushel, new I Bcttxb, -...' $5?C3 . . . 85c . 40a ..... 40o ny3a 103 , 10c 8c 9c 2,00 . 20c 68 - 7ac - UEI.1AHA UALLEY CAHIC. BKOWNTILLE, N. T. A. Haixax, Cash'r. S. u. Erroi-E, Pres't. OFFEX1IXG DAYS, Mondays and Thursdays. DISCOUNT DAYS, Tuesdays and Fridays. BANKING HOURS, from 1st November to 1st March, 10 A. 11., to 3 P. M.; from 1st March to 1st November, t A. to 3 P. M. " 6m 1,000 BUSHELS ZPxrGSBilx 22K5l.naur Deed. 2 S TT7E have now cn the war from Texas the above named quantity of superior seed, of the new crop. The present unlimited and increasing demand for 'Hedge plants induced us to make every f Sort to procure seed BuSnent for our own planning, after having been early apprised of the lightness of the cron. Bv the aetiritv-atid xiromctness of our agents in Texas we have secured almost the entire yield. The seed are extrcoted to arrive bv the 1st of J: ebru ary, and will be promptly shipped to previous orders, from cither Bloomin?ton. St. Louis or Cairo. i All T-ersoM wishinr freth seed should send us their orders irr medlately, with plain directions, for ship ping, for delay will" certainly result in disappointment. Our prieo will be xeasoTiablo, aa we have adopted the motto "Lash sale and small profits. Explicit directions for sprouting and cultivating win be sent to all customers. Seed will be prepared for vegetating for those who aesire it. Addres?. OVEIUIAN 4 MANN. Bloosesotos. McTAin Co- El. Januarr 1st 1J57. 84-6w as a class. can EjISTVNYILLE WaTJIANTEE TlTLES. The Citv of Brownville is the first kaaVat'this time, the only toTrn site in ehraiti entered up in the Land Of- tce. flavor Hollidat Trill be ready wxt Tccek.to give Lot holders War ntee:'litlcs to their property. afford to be sneered at by members of Congress, but members of Congress, considering how they are generally made, can ill afford to sneer at them. When William renn, the Governor of Pennsylvania, was traveling in a por tion of the btate "where he was not known, a fellow, in whose presence the Quaker Governor presumed to wear his hat, exclaimed with an air of of fended digni tr, "Sir, I would have you know that lam a justice of the peace." "W ell, friend, said the Governor, in his quiet way, UI make such things as thee" T.A n -T n iv vuu.n'u.iiMs; we una on Our table a. cart load of - unanswered letters, which we will attend to as pedily as circumstances will admit. Arrjirb to fa" ce the Mcsic. In the ; . kouta Carolina Uonse of Representa i ..es a s rcccnt!y introduced to i increase the pay of the members from ..three to five dollars a day. After due ? . Ccrisidcration it was passed by accla l ; nation, by' a large majority; but seme waggish member insisted upon the ayes . ocs being called, upon which vote j bill was rejected by 71 to 40. . , ! . . c cstion involving the Kiberni- cisra of yh0 vzs the author of Shaks ; peare s works T' is receiving attention England where a Mr. Smitlr (!) has : ' ctly published a pamphlet claiming ! .'for Bacon the authcrship' cf Shahs" ! . Per or at least a large -participation ' . a.G'1"j and' is following up thc" subject j the delivery of lectures in' support ius ticcrv. A terrible tragedy lately occurred at Baltimore. A dm mist filled prescription ordered by Dr. Arnold, a uerman physician, for a child. The child took the medicine and died im mediately. Arnold took the remainder of the medicine to the drurrist. and told him he had made a fatal mistake, The druggist persisted-that lis medi cine was right, and to show his confid ence in his correction, he swallowed a portion himself. He was immediately attacked by terrible convulsions, and died in hve minutes. The doctor who merely tasted the preparation and sni it from his mouth was. also attacked and was with diScultv saved. The af fair occasioned great excitement The druggist-had mixed cyannrct cf po tassium with 'lemen juice, developing enough prussic ceil. in the preparation to have killed thre e hundred On Jan. 1, 1&57, by Rev. Mr. Chee-rer, Mr. E. B. Akmftrojg, of Col ami us, O- to ilis3 Ehxa IIasjceb of this plitce. . The atxve notico we clip from the Troy (O.) Tiwte: Our readers will remember the Turkey-hunting Jew, (we say Trkey-luting, for to eur certain knowl edge Le never found any,) and we subjoin the fol lowing from his oldfriendand fellow pitcher." " From the Capitol City Fact. ! 1 AUK WILL TO THE JEW . BT JODX FOBTKET. "Faw the well my Brandied eroney, -Thoe. hast left the single life ; Such a fit of love seized on thee Naught could cure it but a wife. Much bs I regret to lose thee, StiU I would not hare thee stay, And my pen shall not abuse thee, "Every dog musfhare its day." Tes, dear Jew, 111 miss thee sorely Blest with every social trait, "Would that I had gone before thee, To that blissful married state. Fare thee well" my Brother Poet, Many a happy time we've known, With lasses sweet, for well we know it. Ti not good to be alone. No raore the midnight hour shall find us Kutiric jut the witty Joke, " Leaving tha ills of life behind us " . In to Saeco's soothing smoke. No more our midinht mirth shall mingle, Flcrwing with the happy cheer; No more our jolly glasses jingle Foaming with the Lager Beer. "Fare thee well" my Jesling Brother . . IH not heare one fainting sigh ; Be thou happy in another . Stronger, dearer, sweeter tie, . And since lore hath tamed and won thee, Caught thee in its tender nooce, May the Toke sit lightly on thee, Never wishing to be loose. 3-Iay domestic peace be with thee, Both together growing Id, . Aa l no amc-king kitchen chimney Ever cause thy wife to scold. IL T7. FTTRITAS, NOTARY PUBLIC, LAND AND LOT AGENT . INSURANCE AGENT, AND AGENT FOll AGHICjLTOHAL OLEF31TS. BEOWXTILLE, N. T. 1047 ACRES OF "LAND -AT" PUBLIC AXTCTIOir. IWTLL sell to the highest bidder on Saturday, March 2Sth, lS57,at my residence, Bush's Ferry, Atchison Co., Mo., 10 17 Acres of Land. Consisting of three tracts, the 1st tract is "15 acre? of good heavy timber and belongs to the estate of F. G. Bush, deceased ; the 2d and 5d are farms tt my own and embrace 415 acres each both well watered well timbered and well improved. One of them has 80 acres in a nign siaio oi euiuvauon ana .u acres in pasture, dwelling house and other suitable out houses; the other has 125 in cultivation and 100 acres in pasture covered with Blue Grass, all under good fence ; dwelling house, ice house, stables, cribs and other suitable out houses; AU of the above Lands lay near the Missouri Eiver and within 2 miles of the proposed St. Joseph and Bluff City Hailroad, are lands not surpassed in the State for agricultural and stock raising purposes, lay in square bodies and combines the celebrated . .. w . i . i r i . i rf-i X. Saws, terpens, Damsels, Li, OZT-IDLH .GHIST urns, Bc:h Urpcr ar.d Lower S:cr: Hunnera! MACIIIvE BELTING. Of. Sketched I.ea:h?T ami Itnbcr : St-Loui?, October 13, 1355. vlalS-J 150 lihds O Mi:rar 60 bbls crushed SO bbls Tar 100 stands do CC0 doien 8x10 and 10x12 window sash 1CU hf bxs ass'd glass 30(1 doshi eords 300. bbls & hf hEs crack- S3 coils manilU and jute ers cf Tarioc s kinds 200 bi3 aas"d Tobacco 100.CQ0 ass"d Cijars 1C00 sacks G A Salt 1500 sks Dairy " 10 bales 4-4 1 ernes tics 1C0 do cotton batting 125 do do yarn 500 kegs nails rope 433 b'Jles wrapping paper 00 tUs S F and extra Flour 1200 qr and half bxs sax dines . SO dozen sine washboards . 50 nesid tubs 75 dozen wooden bechets iv-0 bxs star causes SO do SCSoda And a reneral a33ortment of sundries too numer ous to menticn in an advertisement.", . ... . Hi3 consiznment, 5,0 )0 this Kanawha salt, at St. Louis rates, freights added. Orders are respectfully sclxited and stall receive C. F. JECTGS & CO:; , Lmi I tit It . J " .U4...Miliwii MERCHANTS, -TThite Cloud, Kansas. Territerr. SPECIAL attention riven lo Eeeiricg and Fsr wariiEj Goods f every drcri-tlca. ALSO: GROCERIES AND DRY GOOES, HAEDT7AP.E, QUEEN STTAuII, . ; LOOTS, SHOES, LTAT3. CAPS. CLOTHrXG, &0, 0, .. At tie Loved 'Cost Ercce! Dec 25,13:6. Tln23-6a , , I GltELVT TJ. S. , . T MAIL ROUTE. Frcvx Scmaha Agency, in Xcnjai, to tLs tumih rf the fcprcaj Ri'.'&rt prompt attention, and every eart made to give en- ryfrrjg LE males one trip per week, each way, tire sati3facUon. 1 stopping at the principal towns cn the MIsiouri -January,!, ISo. Tlnl6-Iy ucod Ha.:ks all the way through, aad goul horses aad nice youa men for drirerJ. J. B. & W. EEXNST, Ccatractcn: Dec. IS, 1550. Tla27-ly 7E oCer for sale, at eoe't, cnajeommodaUng terms, TJCILinLlfl VnllCV Ol-Illl STEAM GRIST MILL, h at rfim JA. JM. tJ 4-A, H.S.XATO. TXESEBYED SMITH. TUGY BAinC THE andersi?ned having this day opened a Bank insr and Exchange Office, in Troy, Miami county. Ohio, under the name of A. S.MAYOa CO TF.01 BANK, would respecuuiiy tender you our service in any business you may have ia this or ad joining counties. Particular attention paid to col lecting, and remittances promptly made as directed on day cf payment. E.istero Exchange. Gold and Silver and Uncurreni Money bought and sold. Will loan money on short time, mid pay interest on weposiia at suca raiea as may be agreed upon. Trusting to our known ability and experience in the business of Banking, we shall be able to give satisfaction ; we respectf ully solicit and hope to re ceive a share cf yonr business. ELS. MAYO k CO. ' EEFES TO : Tt" VV Two Steam Engines, One Double fiaed Bailer 24ft. long 40in. in diameter, axd Machinery com plete for a Steam Flouring Mill. AH entirely now mantfactured by Iloiiabird & Co., Lin. NUCKOLLS A WHITE. EocS. Port. Mo-Jan. 10th. 1S57. 31-6 w m mm m 'wr 'Messrs. Atwood A Co, E. Ludlow, Harsh man A Winter, Dayton Bank, Hatch A Lsingdon, Kinny, Espy dc Co Drenel & Co Geo.P.Bi3seli& Coj Ohio Life Insurance & Trust Co., Trot, O, January 1st, 1857. u ft u u u tt New York. M M : Dayton. Cincinnati. t Philadelphia. Hartford. Cincinnati. 34-tf when they are filed ; and f jr proving up, one dollar, payable when the T.re-ernpuon is eons-nmrnatea. janSf JOHN A. PARKER, Register. SEASON ARRANGEMENTS! St. Joseph and Council BlafEi "Weekly "SILVER HEELS." . THE new and fast running passenger S steamer "SILVER HEELS," having Jenlin'i Bend, the best body of timber in the Coua-4 been built expressly for the trade, will upon the tyj Terms, one third cash, one third in one year and opening oi navigation, maw nguiat wwj inps, one in two Year. Title perfect. For information between SU Joseph and Council Bluffs, connecting rtn --Hrce Qciars an hrur was the mar trricc' of'a couch in Ix'cw York cn crs: of Januarv.- A Eiu-Ie' horse iaitagj coij be Lad "f. Address i ANDREW TR1BBLE. i Bock Port, or Lowell, Mo. Feb. ISth, 1S57. St. Joserh Gazette" please copy first 3 weeks in March, and send bill to Advertiser. JESSE LOWE, ' : .ILainidl Agenatto OMAHA CITY, K T. TVM. OSBORN. DEALER IK CLOCKS, WATCHES, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Spoons, Ac, &c Nebraska City, NT.. Ei?"ENGRATia and REPArarxa done cn short notice, and all woax. waekasted. - with the first St. Louis l'ackets at St. Joseph. The "Silver Heels," will extend her trips to Sioux City, and ln'rmediate points, once a month. DONNELL A SAXTON. n33-tf Agents. "Farewell," Jew, until I meet thee, Though too well 'tis growing lata, Tot, ere lorg I hope to greet thee, In the matrimonial state. DILLON, TH0ILPS01T & C0. Largo Frame Building Cor. Main & Lock Sts. HOCK FORI, MO. Wliosesaie and Retail Dealers in . , .. And Groceries. 7 a Hardware, Queensware, Drrxs, Hat3, Caps, Loots, Shoes, Tinware, Stoves, -Furniture, Iron, Nails, Plows, and Farming Utensils. . WILL have, on the opening of navigation, a large and Taried accession t their present Stock, which will be 3oid Low for Cash. - February LJth, 1S57. 35-tf S. Locxwocro. IE 57. R- E. Pome rot. LOCKWOOD $ POMEROT, ' " Wholeale and Retail Dealers iri HATS & CAPS, STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of every description; for which they pay the highest Market price, IA CASH. . COUNTRY Merchants are invited to examine our J stock of Hats & Caps for the approaching Spring and Snmaur trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stock shall not be exct lied by any House in St. Louis. Our pric:3 will be low, terms accommodating. Call and see us at our New Store. Saeond St St. Joseph, Mo. 32-6m. mniS INSTITUTION dates ia commencmeai A from the 10'Ji Nov. Owing to the unfiiBiahed state of the Banking Houp, we bave net thuht proper to give out any public notice, though prepare ed at all times to reltm our papef la circUiation. We now give general notioe that we are icliutom to acccmm&late our friends, aul wul loan to one and all on good security. We will at all times purrhas Eastern Exchange, ar d art- now ready to make Draita on SL Louis, Mo, in sums to suit, in exrhaejre for either Gold or currenjv. ALEX. II ALL AM. Cash'r. ErownTille, N. T, Dec. S, IS jo. vln2Cif HEW CASH SIOHEl! BROWliVTLLH, T. The subscribers would inform tho ciilrens of Brown- ille, and surrounding couztry that their NEW STORE HOUSE Is completed, and they are now receiving and opening an extensive stock of . .-r T- Trr h s v -Tv t The fee for declaration is one dollar, to be paid J U , 1 V 1 T 1 H I I ,N 1 nn. one dollar. M- w -a- ' Lanti Offics, OxahaJ 17th December 1S5i5. ) TvECLAR ATIONS for pre-empting must hereafter 3lJ be fiied in this oface instead of being sent, as heretofore, to the Surveyor-General's See. They will be rcwived at any time, and should be fled as soon aa possible, as a question has arisen, TVle(Aer fie exoiration of three viontht. nfrer the Survey art made, i R4t a bar to further fling, but certificates cannot be Ertven until the Iract iiooks are received Proprietors or Town cites snouia cie plats, saow- in the lesral eubdiviilona elaimed, as soon as they can do so, to prevent thctr being filed on by pre- emptors. ) rA2TlS w. r JA3. D. WHITE, ) Nebraska City rrE, V ityNT- JETFEK3CN T. CASAX'T, JAS. D. TEFT, Con ceil BluSs, Iowa. CASSADY, TEST, HLBEX L CO (Successors to Ridea & White.) LAND, AGENTS. rx.liI4DiVA. VlAX, a. A. HAYING made arrargements by which we wiD receite accurate copies of all.th Townships embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebriaka, we are now prepared to if er our serticcs to the "SQUATTEI1S OF THI7 TELLITTOiiT,' In FiUnsr Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt, Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Land . "Warrants and ENTERING LAND. LAND YvAELANTS BOUGHT & SOLD. ' Land Entered on Time, Ace, Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling ProTjertY on commission: Abo. to making Collections 1 - . . . . I T' and forwarding remittances to any pan oi ine union. Clanks of all kinds always on hand. REFERENCES. non. A. A. Bradford, . Nebraska City. S. F.Nuciolls, Messrs. Dolman A West, St. Joseph, Mo., Peter A. Keller, . Washington City Thomas Lumpkin, . June 2S, 1355. yl-a4 E. BH0T7II, BUOWXYILLE, X. T. TT7TLL promptly attend to Baying and Selling I f Iand,Li)Uecting and lnvestmir money, locating and selling Land Warrants, and filing Declarations of intention to Pre-empt; aadall other matters per taining to the business of a JLand At-nu EXPESIESCE Z3TABBO0K. J. D. X. THOltPSOS. USTABHO OK c THopsblT, Will pxwtite jointly in all business entrusted to them Uut Will require attention at the XiaxxdL Ofllco. Adobess: E. Es tab rook, Omaha City, N. T. J. D. N. Thompson, Brownville, N. T. Myriads of . Madura Plants. " 1,000 Bushels Madura Seed. FLTJIT AND OKNAMETAL TLEES. OVERMAN $ MANN, Eloomington, Til., people. The gre: cr ten dclhrs noon to night. Ita s nncrpect- Irctic explorer E. K. Kane lies dangerously ill at Havana. It is F-d to think that he shoald nc-sr he cnt cfT frcm the errirrvmcnt cf the rich harvest effame tfhich years cf hard ship nnsi hrave adventure hnv achiev ed for him. - His recovery is well nigh despaired cf.- Harper for Februarr 13 It is nnr:rj.a!Iy intciestinr.- 4.wA V A T.--rn C ? -rones to ruE-mrrciLs. Lakd OrncE, Oraaha Cit j, J ancary 26ui, 1857. On the 1st day of February this See tri! be opened to Pre-cmptors. 1 Uda of the followics Townships are ready, arid tiersons on any of them can corae forward as soon as tbey please, and prova up. Other Flats aro da'Jy expected, and as soon as re' ceived, will in Lke raasner be ready. No. 17,18, 19, iaJtange' 9 1,2,3,4,6,10,11,12,7, 13,19, , " 10 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, - 11 3,6, 7,K, 13 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,Kot th of Langs No. 12 East. 1,2.3,0, " " 14, " a, ana i, " " - 15, 5,acd8t " . 16, - A Public Sale is conS&enth expected on or btifore tbe 1st day of June; previous to which, all jersons claiming Pre-Llmption must con- Krmata them, or tbey will be forfeited. Persons pplying to Its-En pt: must : lt. Be a citizen of tbe United States, or hays lei Lis declaration of intention to te- corxie a citken. 2d. Either, tbe bea3. cf a Faraily, or a Wiiow, or a Sirgla Han, oter tha afs cf 21 jears. , Id. An xibatutart cf tbs tract aorbt ta ba entered, rjrra which, in perron be Las teade a S'sttlemer.t, and erected a DwelUrg Ect:se. ("A person fining ia arVf cne of thess requisites' car, hare claiii to Pre-LmpV) : tth. Satisfactory pnof must ba raada to' utib'iab tl three f.rcing requisites Tbtf artist be dcte by or.o or' tabre dis'r. teres !cl TVitrtesss.; The "Wits ess, or.rhaelie3,"rHast tes tiff ia person, i.t Jbb c!i:ce,.crept,- "iy misa cf tiistacceickcess, nr fcfrairy. they BEG leara to armonnce that they bare, for a Fancy Goods, Ae. tr et of rears, been enm?ed in the culture of .L F. DINGS & CO., Importer of, and Fio7eois DeaUrt in Fancy Goods. Alancfacturcrs of all hinds of Brushes. S3 Worth If Pin Street, (Up Stairs,) ST. LOUIS, Mo. 32-ly -To ILIqiior: Dealers, Wholesale Grocers, Druggist3, Photo graphers, Amhrotypers, Pyrotech nists,' Glass Manufacturers, - and Artizans in general. BEST (X)GNAC OIL, to produce a aigh-flavored Bnrody with pnrs spirits; also, the flavorings for every kind rf Iilcracr, and the essences of Jamaica and SL Croix Rum, Holland and English Gin ; Apple, Peach and Cherry Brandy; Monongahela, Bourbon, Irish and Scotch Whiky; Port and Maderia Wines: Coloring for Brandy and Fort Wine. Chemicals for all the Arts; Metals, such as Platina, BLnnuth, Cad mium, Abcto, Manganese, Vienna Lime, Gutta Percha Botthrs and Dippers, Cyanide: Pottrwsium. ; Essential Oils: Lemon, lienramot, Lavender, Cloves. Juniper, Caraway, Rose, Orange, Vuailla; Insect powder, and Fly Paper. N. B. A Valuable Preparation to give Age and Body to New Whisky, and other Domestic and Imported Liq iors; it is abo valuable as a clearing of aU fiuids whkh arc muddy and turgid. and full direc tions for use Hcnt with every order. Fur Salmon the most moderate term?, by Dr. L. FEUCilTWANGER, Chemist and Importer cf all Lsscntial Oils, Drug, hedges arid hedge plants, and nanng been rreaUy encouraged by the success of the Maclura Hedge, and stimulated by the immensely increasing demand for the material, thy have sown, the present season on good, new land, about 150 bushels of excellent seed the produce of which is estimated at fifteen muliom ptunUlJ which they tSer for the Spring trade. It vmld have remired mart! tiian that amount 32-4w 113 MaLlert Ians. N. T. CUA2IS G. D0ESE7, E133AIL. ISSTATI3 1 AND GENERAL LANE AGENT, to npjJy demand the iut XfK-inj. The terms Firt Btreet, (opposit AiTeriiaer" cSea.) for pi ants, will be rioiMie,ar-d to dealers and oth-1 TtPH W WTT.T V " "V T ers ordericg plants by wholesale, .Teat inducements will be caered. It is Tcry iim-uri-iai, uii uruers should be sent in IAKLT, as tbey wiU be registered and tiled ia the order in whkh thty aro received, For the tut three years they have Iwen unable to supply the demand, and it is pruliable that late or ders cannot L lUi Ibe next Spring, as the demand is expected to beW tine greater than heretofore. Plants wiU bm aecurely packed and delivered on board th cars fres of expense, exrept f ar cost of ma terial. cnr.ct crrear. ; i fc: nee ivei.-.... . la trih cass dci .BBOWNYILLE, N. T. Respctfully sdi cits the patronage of the public ia Buying and Selling CLAIMS, TOWN PROPERTY, Xsoxxci Vrarranto, And Ellin?: Declaration of Intention to All claimants of landJ are adrcel to le immedi ately, if they have not already done so, as the provi- Thc7 nre also extensively engagwl ia importing . ;on3 0f the rre-ciniticn law in that reypect are plain hedge seed, which they sell on tho best terms, and nt,t to be avoided, and it is impcesibla to perfect alwavs v -arrant frtth atu goo: omen xor wtica rre-emption Wigat wittiout Lac. f hoald br seat in prior to the 15th of October next. I Brownville. J'la. 15, 1857. irl-o31tf They win be prepared to rprout sta lor raca as do- SPECIAL IIOTICIL Short Settlement Mahc Long Friends. fTHE subscribers request aU that are indebted to A them, by note or account, to maktfpayment by the 15th of February next, as one of the firm will start Eadt at tnat time for a new and Sill it'xk of sood.and CASH will be wantedlo iwyf'irthem. We return cur than3 to our .frienils for their patronage to this time, and promiie to xoent a con tinuancc ot the same hereafter. WM. noHLtTZELL A CO. Brownville, Jan. Sib, 13i7. AGENTS WANTED to retaU articles Sales im- XL mense profits large only $ required. Ad dreffl, with Btamps, J. L- II., Harmony, U I. JOEL IX WOOD, IX D., BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens cf Nemaha county, that having permanently located imme diately South of Brownville, and having had consid erable experience in iae ireaicmfc m .iuo uiaes incident to the West, he flatters himself that ho is prcjared to treat ihc same on purely , . . BOTANIC PRINCIPLES, And in connection with Da. Bcchiaji cf Misacuri. Brownville, Jan. 1, 1S07. vln25"J sire it. Earing scrcTal extensive nurseries, they ofTer, at wholisai.e and retail. large sto:k of thrifty Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Tines, Res. Shrubbery, A a, at the following jriihts, to wit: Blooraington. I1L; Mound Nnrserv, Canton, BLj Ileary, ElmwooJ, and Eavaaa, LX Ail Fruit Trees warranted to be of the best varieties sal true ta tamo. All information eheerrfdy given, and catalogue ini prtmia-n essay on Hed'rein sent ta all appiicanU. Ad ires'. - OtEUilAN A MANN. V Ftb. i", 1S57. Blocmingtoa, Illincis. G. T7. COZZZZZ3, " i Co"tmelIor ut Lit:, : A3T , : OUAHA Cnr. N. T. ; 1 " ; nrrrarircx. Off. fcrarij Oziaia; H. P, Erret, Nsln.Ia CI't. . The public in hereby notified, fiat the West fcalf of thci Northeait quarter ani"the East half of the Northwest quarter cf Section nuculer one in Town ship ncmaer four of Rings number fifteen East, in Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, forms theelaim of th under?". med, and that be will proceed, at soon as th li". 1 O-iaa is opened, to enter the same by ve-cmpt.: :rt. All sales of town Lots mads opon tij tract, ly any person or persons as part of Nemaha frhr. nVA ha bdld bv the unders::Tcd asabolute!v voiL .-. A.D. SIvEEN. Xroitu'r i7, .Tan.2th,1557. Hev7 HiLrd-.varc Store. Sign of the "lill Saw. J. FLAHERTY, Importer, Whiilciaie and Retail Dealer in American German, English i French HALDWABE AKD CUTLERY. ' ST. JCSEPH, MO. TS NOW receiving and ornirrg the largest and mo Ayaried arsortment of goods ia tie above Lne ever oST-jred in any market west of SL Louis. My stock embraces a full and complete as-.rtxer.t of Cabaret and llou3e Uuilder U.irdware,' I xLan iu's tool3 of every dcscrintiori', direct from th,s most r?roved manufacturer'; amcultcral ana harticul taral tools ad impleracnt'in cie;:it Twietv, combia ing all the recent and u?fl inipTovtm2nt4 for the saving of a vast amount of labor t:i the farmi eg com munity, from whom I respectfay request a csrefol examination of this ucpartmctt.ef Jty stock. I m also cxc-la-ive axent for the sal of the celebrated St.' Louis Circul.tr MZJ and Cross Cut Saws, which I will wrrrrant, and f 11 all orders at ihe fact ary prices. Also a larz? a3Mrtmcnt of Guns, Ellas and Pistol?. Iron, Steel, Niils, &c, cf the best branli: in a ward, my sijck is very complete, which, for its quality aa J price, 1 am determined ti ofTer f ata iiducemenU as wid command a liberal saare of trais from thii i l adjoining eounties. My arrarg7ment! for irrrtcnir aad arencies fr American Lardrare Mannr.ictners . A. i 1.L - ... . . ' getuer vfiui a long wipenence ia tae jrnerjil liari irare trade, enables m: oot only t defy all eomneti tion, but has convince.! me that the true princii-'m cf trade is casa ale? and small promts. Janaary 1, 1SJI. vlrif coMTRisnra in part, boots "d: shoes, Flardwrire, and TiriTrrtrc, COOKING AND BOX STOVES, ruiaiiTmni, o which they invite the attention cf cntomern Their Gois are selected with reference to tho ' wants of the tomi and surrour.Jicg co en try, and will be sold as . i Low U3 any House above St. Tocph FLOUR AND CORN MEAL, constantly on ilaxd. . C01IE ONE! C01IE ALL! I ; And examine cur Siock for youfjtl re Rerrectf ally, McAllister, roziEii 4 co." ' ErownyEle, October 25, 1S58. vlnlStf siohe. IIET7 EASDY7ABE J. E. WASHINGTON; 'Hardware, CuZtzry ar.d Guns, , West Side- Main strict, ... . , , St. Joseph, Zlo.) - r 3 NOW reeeivirg and opening a eleck of Hari ware and C a tl cry adapted ta the wsntscf fur mers, Mechanics, and. Merchant. anihavicgpurchiis ed American goocLi from Manufacturers, and nuJ permanent arraxgemeuts fr tho direct importii.Uoii of all my foreign goods, together with a Ion experi ence in the Hardware business I shall cITt sucii :c duccmentitopurchiLicrj in this market, as will Inns' satisfaction, and respectfully solicita share of paLno- ( age from the section of country tialir at bt. J-' crh. . " ' - Hunts and Sinmoa a axes, . A jger?t , Jlouse hole Anvil;-, ' CliL;i3 Slid Box Vkea, Chains Spear 4 Jackson '3and Euther'i files, Fry I"ans, ! , . Ames fc Rowland's shovel? k ipaJes, C2"ee Miil : Cut, wrought and hor?e shoe tail Ssive?, : i Cotton and Manilla corlige, Corry CcsJaif Wostenholiu pocket knives, Flaner, Knives and fork?, Licks, Guns, riles, and pi stola, B-l?s, Shean, scisiors and rajors, 7iitJie, ILimiaer? and Ilitehet, Smtcw, Spear AJickscn a saws, - Ettt.?, . traces asi Bitti . Ac- . - also; . Erfirlinrr, HardTrriro end Cz tcr'9 T00I3. . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Decl9,13;a. i TOI. ROSSELL. m . m m l m " BROWNVILLE, N. T. ' '"' " r-'i I1ESFECTFTJLLY ic fores tha palH-j o , I lhat he is prepared.?"! serve tl em witij airy- . -m thing in bis line, at short noUre, arwl vith a. style acl qualiiy of work ho feels .j n5leut Trill piease. To his eld friends aui curtomen ha ie tsi it uaneoe3ary to say a word, t otl-eri he siiyjt oaly "try me." -December 12, 1353. ylaHS-Jy Att fi. a. 1: IT.. l . T 00., mm, . - AND ge:: RAL Z AND A GENTS, CIL BLUFFS I0TTA, : wn. n. Tnorrsoy. 3. it '(43 THOMPSON. ; TAAFFE, ; (S-essors to Earrows TLfmj'St a,) -m 4 Xm. m. k. itA Uq And" Corrmiksion Merchants; 7or 13, Pearl Str??t, Ciacbuiati. Fart'cuTar attention will li g;reT Ui trdsf for Grocrie, which will always be exe;u.ca j-icatTtat market frices. 1 estate Ammt PLATTSHOETH, 27. V. T. HAS n--w on hand several valaalle towr lti and also Timber and Prairie Claizi?, whi ha will sell cheap. " . - - Being a-nt far Hie City cf FlAitnaoulh, hi H famish lou ta those who w;J to stttle ia tlri town C3 cheap and reasonable term. VZ-zt wii J. ILBrowa,E.. ' T. B. ccsnxs. icny c. rear. CUMKxG Zz TURK, . Attoizcys it to & Eeni Estc-Agdls, "CHAtTA" CITY, X. T., -i. "TTTTLL attcrifuthfullyar.i jnrtjtlr toaH Icsi VV nc;3 entru'tai b them, in the TVrrit:riil or Iowa Courts, to the pirehaia of lots SLvl Linij, tzi trrim and pre-emption!-, collectloa'?, ic. CUce ia the sscoad story cf Fr.ry F.c-r.tjr.ew bail-iirg, nearly opposlta iha T;;rra I::i.i;'2 Bank, i'amham slrt-e t. - " Dec 27, is-;. Ti:a::ur LAnT3 mi- rj t::rr- at tzi! BROTTirVILLS STEAM MILL liErtsov. N. E. We vfcu'. 1 Tvrpevifu'.'..;'.irf-rsa Cf-cti-sens or Nemala oun:y a-i i a- -:t. z that we baTealws oa bi;l . l.;'grj ted wsl ;l?-tf sapply or LTJ.ir. Ei:? v, h'lh vj res frJraiii aibw er rates thaa acy mill ia tie Territory. . .. Market pri-:? pail f r l:gj fiiirsrcaat fhs yarl crrrj the tak c: tho river. All criers a.-c-.r'puiti v.ih tLoeaa, wis r:ssiva or ixmeiiate atu&u-TC. T7AIL: i1 -v,' j to f:9 sevcml prv h-. Cad rati 3 c;.. f.S t-t an?.; z 3 vr . r " n . . i :r 1 lif!, i'.'iir " ..'a i