Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 19, 1857, Image 2

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    (general Intcllipcf.
IrrtrcZ cf the James Adjer.
New York, Jan. 24.
The stealer James Adger r.rrivcd
hero tbis morning; she left Aspinwall
Jan. 11, and San Juan Jan. 13, brings
1 80 pr-ssenrrers, mostly from California,
' pat into Key West for coal, and was
detained thereby bad weather 32 hours.
The parser reports that the Cholera
had disappeared." . - ..
. There was but little sickness and no
deaths on the Adger, left at Aspinwall
sloop of varCyanne, and at San Juan
fix Englishmen of war. ' The steamer
Syrenava was daily expected at Ha
vana to take up the. California passen
gers from the Adger. -
Walker is reported as in better con-
dition than ever, having 1200 able
. bodied men with him at Itivas, well
supplied with ammunition and pro
visions. Col. Lockridge and his three
'hundred men were still waiting at
.Printadus for the completion of a
steamer to be ready about the 17th
inst.,' with which to go up the river,
and Tetake, if possible, Castello and
.'San Carlos, and reopen the transit
' route the Adgar encountered great
fields cf ice on her passage home be
tween lit. 37 & 34.
Passengers from Nicaragua on the
James Adger give a gloomy account of
Walker s condition. Ihe seizure of the
.transit route and boats by Spencer is
confirmed. Spencer states that he
a-clc'd in behalf cf Vanderbilt. No
injury was offered to the passengers in
-the captured boats, but they were
escorted to Grey town, where the steam
er was boarded by an oScerfrom .a
. British man of war, who ordered the
baggage of the men to be put of im-
mediately. Spencer kept the American
fias flying from his steamer, although
he made his captures in the name of
.Costa Rica.
. .President Mara of the Costa Rica
government had issued a proclamation
granting pardon to Walker's men and
a free passage to the United States.
Many of Walker's men, both officers
and privates, were deserting him; they
tell hard stories of their sufferings from
'hunger and sickness. Walker was
- jstill. at luvas witn six iiunarea men,
another account says, 1,500.
Spencer states that th5 Costa Ricans
have 1,500 men posted along the route.
.They arc also m strong force at Sera
'rut and have 'cans posted on both
. The report that Gen. Hennings had
.fought his way out of ; Grenada, is con
firmed, as is also the rumor that Gen.
; 'Chilton with a large body cf men had
.-pronounced for Walker at Leon.
.' . Walker, it is said retook Rivas with
"out losing a man. , Capt. Saunders
svith his rifles had advanced to Lion to
occupy that post. . -
V The foregoing despatch is made up
from tho statements . from several
"Nicaraguans who give very conflicting
. stories. " ' ' -.
Philadelphia, Jan. 24.
" - J. Shurlock, Triio has been on trial
licro for the murder of Philip S.
'Clauses for tho seductionof his .vife,
vas to-day acquitted. Great enthu
f lain was manifested in the court on
the rendition of the verdict.
Washington, Jan. 22.
The Sub-marine Telegraph bill has
. massed the Senato by a vote of 28
against 19. ' ..
Adjourned. . . . '
HouseThe IIouso passed the bill
introduced from the select committee
. to enforce the attendance of witnesses
and to compel them to testify. . - .
Mr. Simonton is in the close custody
of the Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms, at a
private boarding house, where his
friends have free access to him. He
lias engaged Hon. Reverdy Johnson
I as his counsel, and intends to bringhiw
case before the Circuit Court, on a
writ of "habeas corpus, to test the
rights of a citizen and the press, under
the action of the House, as affecting
. the personal liberty of which he has
been deprived.
The Sub-marine. Telegraph bill, as
. passed by the Senate, retains all its
features as originally introduced, but
has undergone amendmcnttho better
"to 'secure its' object and render its pro
." Visiong.norc explicit. -
: The Seizure of Cuba. The 'New
York Herald contains tho following,
in the shape of a communication:
: i It has lately come to my knowledge
that there exists in this country a ee
crct crdcrvcalled "Tho Sons of Free
.dom." The organization extends from
New Orleans to New York, embracing
the principal seaboard towns, and is
rapidly extending itself over the entire
" country Tho head or Grand Lodge,
exists m this city, to which all other
' lodges are subordinates. Members are
admitted by secret signals and pass
wcrds, and bound to each other by
the most solemn oaths and ctligatians.
The entire movement is in the hands
cf leading men, of character and ability
ztA the country -will be startled cnecf
thc:o fine mcrnmgs,,by the announce
jnent that Cuba, the "Queen cf the
Antilles" has fallen into the hands cf
t-2 Sens of Freedom. . ..
Dm? Sua Soundings. The result
cf ffousdinrs "made by Lieutenant Ber-
J:r to z.z certain the nest
m c:
ne fcr'hvias dornthe
v . . . .
rccn Great Britain
rt Z rrit-! States xras, tbat in a
cf 1,000' miles surveyed,
ill t
Louisiana Sugar Chop. The Fra nk
Un Journal says: 1
Our planters, many of them, hive
finished rrindin cr. We have been told
that the crop is less than it was e ver
known b efore. There are various c -ti-
mfttcs-with regard to the number of
hogsheads. Some think that there
will net be over 4,500.MicU. made in
the parish'; others go as high as 5,500.
Taking the highest figure it will make
a falling off from the crop of last year
of over 25,000 hhds. We have been
told by -planters who have examined
mrtleys cf cane, put up for seed, that
they find a quantity of it in very bad
condition. , - i :
learn from Union, Franklin county,
that Worrell and Brough, indicted for
the murder of Basil H. Gordon, last
January, were brought beforo that
Court last Monday for trial. . A sev
erance was granted, and a jury em
panelled to try Worrell. The defence
set up is insanity for the purpose of
establishing which, a number, oi wit
nesses have been subpecned from .this
city and other jplaccs.- Lous ' Re
publican. Poliqamt. A correspondent of the
San Francisco Herald writing from
Fillmore City, Utah Territory, gives a
list of the members and officers of the
Legislature, with the number of their
"letter "halves" The members of the
Council, thirteen in number, have in
the aggregate, cnehu'ndrcd ajid seventy
onc! the House of Representatives,
26 in number, 157; and five off.cers
twentv-tvro wives ! The writer thinks
it rather doleful. :
to keokt;k.
"We notice a letter from Isaac II.
Sturgeon, president of the North Mis
souri Railroad, written for the propose
of allaying some sectional feeling along
the line of his road, in which he c pens
o it the ultimate design of its mana
gers, which is to construct, in addition
to the main line, a branch northeaster
ly to Keokuk, and another northwest
erly to Weston. Of the Keokuk branch
Mr. Sturgeon says : . , " '
'This company feels great interest
in the building of a road from some
point on this road to Keokuk, and will
give such an enterprise all the encou
ragement in its power. ....
"From Mexico, in Adrian county,
or Bourbonton, in Boone county, it
would only be 20 miles to Keokuk.
Estimating the cost of the road at
30,000 per mile, it would cost only
$2,400,000. . The counties on the line
of tho road could easily raise 1 ,000-
000 towards its construction. A Ins sum
raised and expended, they would find
no difficulty in borrowing the balance
required to complete it from eastern
capitalists, giving a first mortgage on
their road. ' 1 have named Mexico or
Bourbonton as starting points for this
road. It may be that it would receive
more aid from the counties were it to
start further south. The road is cer
tain to be built, and the counties which
will earliest take hold of the matter
in earnest, will control its location.
- Mtstepjocs. A gentleman connect
ed with the railroads in thi3 city, in
forms us that this morning, Conductor
McClure. of the Greenville & xJiami
R. R., while at Union, discovered thai
the baggage carof a tram on tho Indi
anapolis Road was on fire. He gave
tho alarm, and the doors were forced
open. The fire had already gotten
"under weigh," and the body of a man
name unknown was found in a
charred condition There were one or
two freight cars also damaged by the
fire. It is supposed that the man in
the bagggage car had been murdered,
and the cars set on fire. Dayton Em-
The war between widow Prcwctt and
Mr. Ray, who publish rival papers in
Yazoo City,' became so bitter that
the widow, to "equalize" things, an
nounced her intention of pitching into
her opponent s wife, whereupon a doz
en of the most respectable citizens
begged the parties to suspend hostili
ties. This they finally agreed to, but
the lady, though a Fillmore nun, is
still true to the attributes or her sex,
and in sending her flag of truce, thus
contrives to get the last word ::
"We now drop the'whole matter at
the reques t 'of the above letter, though
we had a first rate notice of f 'Roy's
wife" in tvpe. On the ttholcj wc have
concluded to let the poor woiian pass,
as she has as much as she can hearv
TTe suppoie the deTilowed her a grud
ge and paid it off in a husband She
need not fear the terrors cf another
Trorld, as she has received fculHcient
punishment in this for any youthful
indiscretion." y : 1
Isn't that a gritty widow f "We on
ly hope our brother Roy may never
live to sco his establishment united
with hers to see his Sun veiled under
her Bar.ner.-- Ex. '
' A Trritcr in the New York Jcurnal
cf Ccmrnerce says that the follo wing is
a simple fund effectual remedy for cur
in? rested' feci, und one that.irill af-
ford immediate relief : M'
Heat a brick rcry. hot, end Inld the
foot over it as cloicly a3 it can be held
"without turning. ' Cut an onioni in two
and dipping it repeatedly in suit, rub
it all over the foot, asd effect' ;i cure
in a very chert time. If this is done
fcr a few times. It h aliacsit ceitai. to
et. icui:AL7rJirx-i.
-'W. S. .SWYMMEP.,
Coraer cf Olive aJ Kun Sts., over ths Hank-"
ing House f Jc-'an J. Anderson i Co.
Portable Circular c ay, -Hill,
for steam: and horse power.
TO most useful and necessary machinery in rp
citation; is simple in construction and easily kept
in order, and can bs moved on ft wagon as readily as
a threshing machine, and put in operation at a small
expense, it will saw iroia one to two laoasana icei
of lanbera day, with ono team of six horses, as an
avera ge business, and in a better style than other
mills aow in use. It is equally well adapted to
Steam, "Water or Horse Power.
The undersigned1., agents for the patantee, would
announce to the public that they aro now prepared
to furnish Mills, with or without horse power, of su
perior quality and workmanship, with the right to
us tt.o same, upos the most favorable terms, at their
manufactory, Jo. 1!02, Second street, St. Louis, Mo.
We cave also tlio right for the manufacture cf
Chil is' Patent Double Saw Mills.
Tho successful practical operation of these mills
through the country has been the means of establish-
. ... . .
in tneir great reputation ana wun improvements
in construction and increased facilities in manufac
turing, we offer them to tho public with full confi
dence of their advantages.
All orders nddresed to us will be promptly execu
ted, and any information in regard to .Mills cheerful
ly riven. ' '
Persons ordering Mills will pleaso mention the
State and County in which they wish to use them.
Extension of Page's Patent.
VTOTICE is hereby riven to tho pubi c, that the
SAW MILL has been extended ft r seven years from
Jely ICth, 1$j3. All persons found violating this
patent, or infringing on tho same, in making, using
or vending, will b) proceeded against in accordance
with the laws in such case made and provided.
GEORGE PAGE, Patentee.
By Authority:
And Board of Education,
IlaTe ordered tho following DesiraLle Works for the
Township Libraries of Indiana.
Some of them have been put into every Library,
others only into t!ie more populous townships. Tho
careful attention given to the examination of works
for these libraries, is a guarantee of the merit of the
books chosen. II any families will desire to own the
boo'xs, and read ui their leisnre, rather than wait
their turn to get them from a library. The works
may be purchased of Booksellers, or will be sent by
mail, free of postage, upon payment of prices annex
ed to each. . :
Tarr's Ancient History Much superior to
Rollin, because more concise, accurate, and up with
modern research. 4 vols., Cloth, gilt, 53. Sheep,
library stjle, $3,;0.
The Teacher's Miscellany is & new and ex
cellent collection of articles on Education, written by
Judge McLkak, Drs. browE, Biggs, McUcffey,
AYDELOTT, riCKjETT, lA'ND, roST, and other distin
guished nicruben of tha ''UoUege of Teachers." 1
voU 12mo., Clotli, $1,25. .
AAisiory oi me rumans ana l'llgrim
Fathers. By Stoiteu, and Wilson, 1 vol., 12mo
offal's Life of Dr. Chalmers. 1 vcl
12ibo?,25. , - ,
The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs of
distinguished Scottish Female Characters; Embra
cing the Period of tho Covenant and tho Persecu
tion. By IJev. James Anderson.
.Moffat' South Africa. Ono volume, 12mo,
Twelfth edition. 51.
Six Years in India. - By Mrs. Coux Maien-
ZXE. 2 vols 12inon tlotb, 2.00
; Kern's Practical Landscape Gardening
with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. 1,50
xucin-oi-w ar Jaiie.
A Boy's Experience m the U. S. Nayy.
1 volume, 16mo.; Illustrated. - 75 cents.
The Merchant Vessel,'
A Sailor-Boj's Voyages to see the World.
1 volume, 16mo Illustrated. 75 cents.
XoRDHOFr's tidmiral scries of volumes, "Man-of
War Life," "Merchant Vessel," and the new volume
to appear in bepteinbcr, under the title of " WhalinK
and Fishing," must be received with great favor, ay
tho first two hare been, wherever circulated. They
aro tne laitnini iimmngs ot nine years experience
at eea, of ft common sailor, a native "iluckeve, re
cognized as inferior to no writer of the present day,
in uie-like delineations of adventure by sea. '
' A cry striking and graphic pictures of life at Sea
evidently autht ntic and very instructive. .
. Has adventure enough to please and truth
enough to dissipate tho cbarm of a sailor a life.
' ' ' ' New Xork Evanrclist.
There is in tJn a vast amount of information
respecting the commerce of the world. Presbyterian
itness.- . - "
- AViU take csptive the young. Journal and Mes
' A Buckeye Abroad, or Wanderings in Europe
and tho Orient. . By Hamcel S. Cox. Third edi
tion, Illustrated. 1 vol., 12mo., muslin, 1,25.
The Three Great Temptations of Yonng
Jien. . haxuil V. r I3EER. Fourth edition,
vol. 12mo muslin, 1,00 . ,
These are capital works for family libraries. Pub
lished by MOORE, WILSTACD, KEVS & CO..
. ' ; "25 West Fourth St- Cincinnati
a., f xvr. uv juuiiiivi9 vi xtiyaru
Taylor's Cyclojcdia of Modern Travel, which is sold
wufrely by agents. .
Country Produce
TTTAXTED, and for which we allow the fcighest
l ! .Market price. iiuiiL,iiz.i.Jui lUt
and Boltirgor Merchant Flourins Mill. This
highly ingcnioiia and much needed invention forms
an entirely nsw feature in the manufacture of
WHEAT and FLOUR, by the superior manner la
which it performs its work GRINDING and BOLT
ING the Grain at a single operation into Seven
difercnt kinds cf flour and feed.
This mill possesses advantages to numerous to be
enumerated in any advertisement. The proper way
to fully appreciate its great merit is to oet it run.
It is in operation daily at
No. 313 Broadway, Corner Court st., St. Louis, Mo.
State and Ccuntry Rights and Mills For Salo.
. W. W. HAMER & CO., .
' '- Broadway and Court, 2d Story.
JDrngsf and illedicines
Llain Street, Erownville, IT. T.
THE undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform
tha public, that he ha now on hand a complete
assortment of everything, usually kert in Driiir
Stores, which he offers for sale, Exclusively on a
New System of - -
It will bo entirely foreign to this bcautifol system,
to lioo V "keep account," "note" "scratca" "chalk,"
or "remember lor a. lew days. tome with toe
Spondulicks" ifyou want anything in the Drue
line, . " :, '
Prescription Compounded at ill Hours witi
- Accuracy aud DispatcX
Rernembrr the system I bare adopted, and my
pocket and your feelings will not suffer. Credit will
ptitiretj noi b giTen, unless under circumstances of
peculiar nwtitntion. .
July 12, ltJ.-Vl-Ilttr A. B. UULUiUAIi
Ol A oAt;r. oi ook s unio Jiuis rostra oaper
UU fine Hoar just received and for aleby
Kov. 29, lS 6. - ll'ALLISTEK, DOZIE11 & CO.
: Oa Edracnd Street, near Cargill's Mill,
- St. Joseph, 31is&ssri -
Y. J. TATLOE. llemoved from the eld
: Stand to the above earned place.
TIIE nnder3igned is now fully prepared to accotn
inodate his patrons and friends with the best as
sortmentof line Lumber ever cSered in tnis mar
ket, eomprisin not only White Pine Lambcr and
Tiite and Yoliovr Flooring, rea3y dressed; bnt also
t?t assortiaont of Pino and Cottonwood shingles,
Poplar tiding c. ;
lie has now on hand, at his Lnmber Yard, the lar
gest an! best assortment t.f Doors. Sash and Vcni
tian blinds, e-rer offered in this market, a portion of
which is uimt frcta Cincinnati maEnfactnes, which
enables him to sell at very reduced prices, lie is
fully prepare! to 11 all orders in his Ul?, at short
notice, and particularly solicits the iCnr.s s and Ne
braska trade, for he has the articles ther wnnt nnd
must have. De sure to give me a call, near Cargill'i
i!illf and ia the iciineiiate vicisity cf the St. Jo-
fejh l.r wery.
F all the lilest
styles, arid io en.'Urs vantfty,
st r-ue3 at
ROBT. L. IIATTEIV, Proprietor.
Ko pains or expert will he spare 1 by tho subscri- make his euctaeomfort.ibIe in every rc??eet,
at this well known and highly reputable House
Tho very be?t attention gr. en to
animals ty a
rood and attentive Hostler.
GSnlmlSmnor11"7 " ' s "
VjT speedy transmission
money, Vulnable Packages, Parcels,
Goods, .and Merchandize
Of every description, on reasonable terms.
Piuxcital OrncES yevr York, Buffalo, Cii
nati, Toledo, Chicago. Dayton, lndianopolis, and ail
the smaller towns on Railroads in the Eastern, Mid
dle and Western States. connecting at St. Louis with
Uichardson's Missouri River Express. t. JUPl'.
; July 23, 1853.-vl.-n3 General Superintendent.
(Successor to NOOXAN, TOOLEY Jb Co,)
53 Main st, 0J Stand, St. Louis, Mo.
TMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in China,
JL Glass and Queensware, xellowai
Ware, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns
ses. Britannia W are. ic. &c, with a great variety
Fancy Mantle and Parlor Ornaments, direct from the
Potteries and Manufacturers. .
ffXow arrivinsr and in store, a full stock of the
above line of goods, which is offered to the Trade at
reasonable rates. An examinatioa is solicited.
t30n hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade.
B. lacking receives special attention.
September 13, 1S56. vlnl5-6m .:
. mronTER3 and ttholes ale dealers ih
Havana ani Domestic Cigars & Tobacco.
ST. LOUia, MO.
TT 7E have in store, aud to arrive, a very laree
V V assortment of tho very best brands of Havana
Cigars. Wo desire to call the special attention of
cash buyers to our largo stock, which we are deter
mined to sell very low lor casn." 1 ucy consist, in
part, of tho following brands :
Prentitude Uegalias;' lhana Millars;
Mi Dcstino
do . ewton do
Delirante .
Meridianas :
do Victoria do
do . Iberia ; do S-
do" Esponola do
do BcgAdra do ! -
do LaMorma do
do Nensagero do
do ., Emalaciondo ,
do La Voz do
1 Sol
Fortuno Londress;
EmperoNichalds do
ridclidad do
wensagero . do ;
Carventus . do.
. Reinas Sultina do
Granadina 'do;
Pocahonta do
Ja Flora : do
ElSoldelaDrimca do DoceMescs do
Figaro Cilliedradosi D. B. Castanon do '
Prensado I). D. do J. Y. P. Fa ma do
V dc la Rama do " Vignera Plantations;
P.L- - 'do VeRegas do .
Mensagero" Trabncas; De la Cruz Principcs;
Victoria dd' Barrios . do
Legbt Guarfl Opera, Star do
J. L. Panetelas; Dcsignio Prest. '
May , ... - rW. i J.SENSENDERFER.
McMechau & Ballentlne,
TT 7II0LES ALE Grocers and Commission Mer-
V Y - chants, No., 34 Lciee, St. Louis, Mo-between
Olive and Locust sts, have now in store and receiv
ing the, largest and most general stock of Groceries
they have ever offered, which they intend , to sell at
tne lowest market rates, incur stock consists in
part of:
375 nnds V. suar; 4UU bbls clarified;
225 bbls loaf,-crushed and powdered sugar;
350 do and hf do plantation molasses;
: 450 pkgs Befcher's sy molasses; TSCbls NOSH;
loO M chests 1 Utca; 25 do Imp. U i" and
JJIacK do; '
150 casks S. Carb soda; 25 do salcr&tus;
200 boxes Babbitt's saleralu3; '
275 do Va and Mo tobacco: "
75,500 Spanish cigars; 200,000 liar and Cuba sixes;
3a0 bxs star candles; 111 casks currants;
1500 bbls, hf do and kits 1 and 2, makerol;
50. pkgs No. 1 salmon; 3000 bxs ass'd- tumblers;
uu qt unu pi ns&s, ovvv nesia luua, q aau o,
550 dozen assorted pails;
1500 sks prime Rio coffee; 300 packets Jara;
75 sacks Mocha, do;
2500 kgs Wheeling and Bostcn naUi and brads
assorted 3d to Ubl ?
75 bxs Bait Cove oysters; 275 bales batting;
250 sks Eafrle cotton Tarn assorted:
150 bxs pepcrand pimento; 75 bbls almonds;
150 drums figs; 600 bX3 hf and qr M 11 rai&ns;
5 drama cod fish; 125 bxs do;
15 cases sardines hf and qr;
, 350 boxes assorted pickles, ketchup;
350 bxs palm and fam. soap; 30 do mould c'dls:
550 do asst window glass; 50 bgs carpet chain;
150 do sine washboards; 50 gross yeast pow'ds;
60 nests willow baskets;
Together with a general and full 6tock of for
eign and domestic Wines brandies, c. 1
"TT 7TI0LESALE GROCER, No. 130 Second street,
H ot. Louis, nas in store a large and well select
ed stock, which is offered at the market rates, con
(istinz in part as follows: .
370 hhds N. O. sugar; 200 bbls loaf, crushed &
powaerea ao; . ... . . v ......
1500 bags Rio coffee; 100 do Jara do; '
. ; 150 bbls ;S. II. syrup molasses: 850 do S. H
250 bbls plantation molasses; 100 pkgs mackerel
. 100 boxes codfish; 100 bbls Wilmington tar;
600 kegs Boston and Pittsburgh nails;
, 65 kegs fine 3d nails; 75 bags cotton yarn; :
lift halo Mfiwl rflflin. 1 itS An .ntAti (irlnu
100 bales wicking; 450 els Manilla and Jute
corcfoget -
100 uox plow ana clothes lines; ; -400
boxes window glass, assorted sire?:
; 2000 lbs W.cbalk: 300 do alum; IdOOdo s'lpoter;
29000 osnaburgsacKj; io kc sup. corb. soda;
200 half chests Imp., Y. H. and O.F. teas;
300 boxes Imp,, Y II. and O, P. teas; :
450 boxes Virgin ia and Missouri tobacco:
, 100 hx. emoking tobacco 50 do cut chewing do j
150 bx. star candles; 70 do spenn doj
300 candle moulds: i - -
250 boxes eoap; 350 pkgs salcratus:
3 cases Ma. indigo; S ceroons S. F. do; -80
bgs pcrper; i5 do pimento; 200 bxsg'ds'ices;
350 M. 0. 1). per-caps, 250 nns C. & L. paper;
350 doi com. and fancy pails, 100 no 3 -hoop do;
850 nests 2 and 8 qt tubs; 250 mats cassia;
25 cases prunes; 40 cks currant; 3 do madder;
5 bb's whiting; 400 rms wrapping paper;
50 bales osnaburgs; brooms, xino washboards,
churns, Ac, Ac, - . . June 7, '56
Levee, have in store and to arrive the following
Goods, which they ptet for sale at the lowest, prices,
vii . : .: .- - . "
1000 hhds fair to prime N. 500 boxes Yeast powdrs:
-" -v m i y it
u. sugar; iuu aegs sup uarn ooaa;
1000 bbls clfd sozari 100 boxes saleratns;
euu ao ir and crush d do: iu cis Aianiua oraage;
v u o. u. moiasses; , u uv.
800 do plantation do:
500 doz Manilla & Crass
Bed Cords;
500 boxes Raisins;
25 bbls Almonds; -100
boxes Lem. Syrap,
03 do ass'd Candles,
100 tea prime Rice: .
1000 pks G, and B. Teas;
1000 bars Uio coffee:
100 do prime old Gov
' ernmcnt Ja. coffee:
1000 kegs Nails;
1000 boxes Pm, Olelie A
IPO 1 reserved rruiw;
, ramiJy Nap;, ;
108 boxes Fancy Soa?;
800 do SUr Carries;
250 do Mould do;
50 da Castile Soap;
100 do Starch;
300 do VaBuXd To-
. bacco:
200 do Mo. "d; "
50 do . Smokin da;
1100 do Cuba Cmjs:
, Olive Oil;
Brand'd Cher.;
do Pca:hes;
cases Caniiccas
40 do Wood bx match's;
50 do Sardines, qinrter
and half boxes; .
5 cases Citron;
10 bbls Mason's Eiyicg;
5 cases Nutmegs;
- 5 ' do Indiffo; -50
do B. COyst!r;
na nfln R. m.
i .
100 bars I'epper;
5 do Abpice; '
300 bbls 4 hf doMiVL;
500 boxes Glass;"
100 bales Batting: '
200 doa Painted BaTcts;
15G0 rcarcstWrop. Letter
and Liip Paper;
300 nests Tabs, 3VS's;
10 half pipes pure old 53 bbls Malaga Wine;
100 bkts Dennis Champ.
lOOcasesdo da do;
100 bbls Monon. Whis'y;
100 do old Rye Wliisky,
TCy iuperior;
. June 7th, 1S55.
103 do Jiedcg; do;
50 eases old Md. Wice;
2C0 boxes Claret Wine;
,bt. Louis, JIo.
LLirsnni are herebv forwarned from btryir
the i-juth VV e?. fourth cf Section 25, Township
&, aorta lange 15, luist of the sixth iTincsp&I Jlen
d'san, in Nemaha county, N. T., no r occupied ly
Thos. llcddy; as I hive a riht to claim that is
indisputable. .' ' B. B. TUOJLVgON.
CsovBvUm Sulfite, ISfS. tl-nSiS
0. It
3 Vhi St., bet. Fcnr'Ji tu:i Til
famifacturirs and dealers in News, Book aad Job
ifi. TypCj.Pru.'hig Presses, Caye, Gallics, Ac, As.
Irks and Print' r-x Material of Every Description.
STT IlEOTYPIJfG of all kind Cooks, Music,
itent Medicine- Directions, Jot J, Wood ir.grsring?'-,
Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles,
Wholesale Pap Warehouse.
"T7HULESALE Dealers in Papers of every des-
V V t
enption: . '
IVintirj;, "
- Itook Paper,
' Wrapping, -
Folio Post,
llatCap,; , '
Foolscap. -Letter
A Note,
Colorel Papers,
Medium A Demy's,
of the very best .Eastern and Western Manufacture,
and for sale at very low prices. , - j. r
13J Cash for lias and Hope, - -
-r " " - No. 12, La Salle strecr.
Chicago, June. 2Sth. 1S06. . vl-n4
, .lmproTed. Little Giant
Xrioo Iloclixcocl.
either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most
positive manner. . - .
It is now more than a year since tne
"Little. Giant"
Was introduced to the public, during which time, it
has boca constantly crowine in the popular favor.
The improvements recently eaectcd and patented,
makes it the most perfect machine ever offered fjr
general farm use. It is furnished ready for attaching
team, and wejghs as Xollows: lo. l, ZJ -o. , iov,
No. 3. 400. 'o. 4. 500 pounds. Twenty minutes are
sufficient to set one up, without mechanical aid, and
when once adjnsted, it .can with 3atcty be entrusted
to a boy. 1 ull directions accompany each ull
H USS. 13 CJZ3 3132
No 1, $35, will grind 8 bu meal per hour with I horse
No2 40, " " 19 M ' I
No3 50, "15 u " u 1
No 4 60. " ' 20 " ' u u " 2
TJT Liberal discount to dealers.
No. 63 Locust Street, bet. 2d and 3d
June 2S, 1S36. vl-n4 . St. Louis,. Mo.
New York.
E. W. FOI,
St. Louis.
. SL Louis.
Direct Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers Agents
English, French, German & American
Hardware and Cutlery.
139 & 141 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue,
" - , OF
: ... BROWN VILLE, X. T.
HAVE TniS DAY RECEIVED, per steamers
A. C. Goddin and Win. Campbell, and now
opening, the most extensive stock of Goods ever of
fered in this market.- After the expenenco thev
have in Nebraska, they flatter themselves that they
know what suits the people, and have purchased such
a stock of Goods as eannot fail to please. We will
not pretend to enumerate, but say como and see; and
you wi.i not tail to be suited.
Oct. 15, lS55.-ly
E. O. TCTTLE. B. G. fERLET. . D. W. 8MITH.
77 Main street, St. Louis, Mo.
"T TANUFACTCRERSof Straw and Silk Bonnctp,
XI J. Importers and nolesale dealers in KibbonK
Silk Millinery, Flowers, Trimmings, Lnce Goods, Em
broideries, ic.
BrMerchant3 and M'llinersare particularly in
vited, to examine our stock, before makinir their strin
purchases, as we (relying fully orrthe superiority of
our styles,) intend to offer inducements equal, if not
euperion, to any jobbing houso in the United States.
beptcmber 13, ISoo. ,vlnla-6m
' Offer for sale the coming Spring,
K5? 50,080 Apple Treesi 2 and 4 years old, em-
jir-vA, bracing 175 varieties, l'nce 2o t 40 cents.
im ),vuv reoca l rees, irom o io o leei uigu, oa
mrcitics, 30c. ' . .
2s500 standard Pears, embracing 43 varieties,
.: : piice from 50 to 75 cent. :
5,000 Dwarf Pears, embracing 33 varieties, price
SI each. ,
5,000 Cherry Trees, 31 varieties, 50 to 75" cents'
500 Apricots, Early Golden, Bada, Peach Apri
cots, Large Early, price 50 cents.
1,200 Quince, assorted, 25 U50cenf3.
500 Dwarf Apples. ' 50 "
500 White Grape Currants "'. ... 25
500 Black Naples 25 . .
590 Chcrrv Currant 25
500 Red Dutch Currant
500 Victoria Currants
500 White Dutch Currants
500 liargo Red Dutch Currants
500 Enclish Black
2,000 Prolific Green 12
1,000 Houghton's Seedling Zj
500 Warrington do 25
1,000 Sulpher - do 25
1,000 Ashton do 25
500 Crown Bob do 25
600 Rl3cmen ; do 25
2,000 Yellow Antwarp Easpberries 10
1,000 Ohio Everbearing do .... .25
2,000 Iarge German Antwarp do 10
1,000 Red Antwarp.... 10
1,000 Eng!ish Filberts". 50
1.000 Florse Chestnuts 50
J.C00 Grape Vines, 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50
150,000 Grape Vines, 1 year old-.$5 100
5,000 Dahlias assorted. eaca i'j-
500 Pernia?, do ' 50
10.000 Giant Asparagm Roots. ...$5 100
5.000 Tube Roses 10 "
2.000 Yards Pink 50cts yard.
2.C00 PlanU Victoria Rhubarb
' 50c or $40 $300
8,000 Wilmofs Early Red Rhubarb. .12c
5o!oOO Strawberry Plants, 12 varieties.
....$5 to 10 per 2,0000
10 COO Shade and Ornamental Trees,, embracing
' Catalpa, Black Locust. Palionia Imperiallis,
L.mbrdv PojJar, Silver Leaved Poplar,
. ., Linden Wood, Sweet Gam, Elm, Balaam
- Poplar, AULmthus, Tulip Trees, Upland Cy
prsfs. Sycamore, P per Mulberry, American
Larch, Weeping Willow, Buckeye, Moun
... tain Ash, White Birch, Red Maples, varying
in price from 25 eenti to $1,50, according to
size. - . -
15,000 Evergreens, embracing
Red Cedars, price each 50e to ?2 ,
White Pine do 50c to $1
Yellow Pine do 50c to $2
Balsam Fir. do 50e to $1
American Arborvitas 25c. 50c, 75c, $1,50.
Chinese Arborvitas, 50c, $1,50,
European Savir. 50c, Tree box 50a
Norway Spruce, 50c, 75c, 100, " '
White Spruce. $1.
12,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrobbery,embracing
m part as roiiows:
Saow Palls, each 37U to$l,
Lylae, ech 50c; Spiras, assorted, each 25c;
Jlardy looser, caca sue;
Monthly Roses, each 5i)cJ
Tloney Sncklea?rrted, 25c, 50e 51;
Tyringa Philadelphus 25c to 53c; - :
Rose Acasia, 25o to 50c;
Privet for nidges 25c;
P!aidacina 25s: Corcorus Japonic! 25cj
Ellagnus 25c: Liburnum 50c: .
Tamarix Afrieana 25 to 50c;
Ribcs Gordoai 25e to 50c:
Weepin? Mountain Ash 1,50:
Whith Frinrn Tree 1,50:. '
Forrrthea 5fle to 1,00;
Cornice Dogwood Silver Striped 50e to 1,00
r I'outxabcatia Z5c;l)entza Gracaus 50;
. Weepirg Birch 50c;
JTagnel AcuKinetta 50cj . :
Wecpir Z Linden 10;
- ; Dwarf Box 50c per yard; ,
Eauonimus 50c;
Altheas aorteL 25c to 50c " r
T-Z In Bering tho above Stock to our eu?tcmen
we Ix-g to ?ay it is superior in growth and quality to
any heretofore offered, and persons wishing a scrp'y
can avail iriemstivei oi lartlicr information, bv aJ
dresrin the nndersignecl at Ft.Loais. Cataicgues
f ati, bed to all post-paii application. - .
. riwetfBlW, JOILN SIGErOX & ZZ.0.
u,i: jr a si My
ad lwockinham I ' I 'i1" suascriocr uas pureuscu eiciuai o ngm ui
Lookin"l-vs-1 Territory in the W est, of the above celebrated
1 mui :i .i i 1 J.Li t
fit I iviiiis- uUvji is prepareu to lurm&u ur-iii at au uuics,
; : - AD "
Journal of Rural Art and Rural Tn:tc.
J, JAY Smi, Ilitor ir-arti. ilaericaa Sjlra.
The IIoB.TiCVLTiKiiT, as its nte-ss implies, is de
voted ta Ilcrticulture aud its kiu Ire l ar-.s Rural
Architecture and Landscape Gar Zoning, auu vrill
keep its n.adcrs advised of the new on' the
subject, cither in Europe or Amci uix. It ij a Month
ly Journal of forty-eiht pac;cs, bcauMfu'.Iy printed
on f ne paper, and elegantly illustrated. In ad iition
to numerous wood cuta in the first stjlo of the art,
each number contains a full-pago en jraving, from
stone, of somo new, rare, and valuable fruit, tree, or
flower, aniisoneof the most LeauttMl, as well as
tha lu-.j-t ufiil MoiitLIy Journals publLhcd in the
Teems 2 per year, i a advaneo. Tha voluma
commenced on th 1st of January last, and we can
supply back numbers from that time. Those who
preter can commence with the current number.
colored Jt lates. tllI lurtncr to add to tno val
ue of the work, and meet the improving taste and
increasing wants 6f the horticultural community, an
edition is published with Colored 1 "atcs, each num
ber conUiuing a full-pao engraving of some new,
rare, and valuable fruit, cr flower, correctly colored
from nature by the best liring artists in this line.
This is a now and important feature in this country.
Price J a year m adraneo. Address
17 and 19 Minor street, llhiladclphia.
Ecady Hade Clothing,
EVERY VARIETY, style, quality, price, and pat
tern of Ready Made Clothing, ju-tncived anc
for sale cheap, by
Boots and Shoes.
AN unusually largo stock of Cne and eoarse Boots
and Shoes both Gentlemen anl Ladies' can
be seen, and purchased low, at - .
Hats and Caps.
LATEST styles of n.Us and Caps, nnd of every
grada and price, are offered at
. Furniture.
BEDSTEADS, Tables, Stand?, Burcuns in short,
everything in tho Furniture line, can be had at
- & UU S.
Stoves and Tinvare. .
100K, Parlor and Oilioe Stoves of various pat
terns; and 1 in ware, at
Hardware, Cutlery and Iron.
ALAl.Ui. assortment at
Wood and Willow ware.
"nUCKETS", Tub?, Churns, and an endless variety
XJ of lllow ware, is for salo at
Bridie-", Martinet les. Checks, and ev
rj ery ranciy oi gocas in mis line can oe naa a.
Steam Hill Lumber.
K take this method of mforming the 1 ubl.e
that we have jast rut in opcratioa on what is
known as SoaoraIlan:S, four miles abovo Brown
ville, a first quality steam Sawmill, and are now pre
pared to saw all kinds of Lnmber on fhort notice,
and in a munner, we are confident will give satisfac
tion. Wo will keep a Ferry boat to ma to the main
shore, for frco use of our customers,
r W. S. HALL & CO.
BARIS'ES & BAUNU3I, Proprietors.
TJ1IS coihiiiotJious Hotel, situated upon
Main Street, Nebraska City, will bo found a de
sirable resort for travellers. Stages letive this house
for all parts of the Territory.
No's. 170 ahdllZJfain St., St. Louis.
WE are now in receipt of the most complete and
mn!niaeeirt stick, everoffered to the Western
Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited to
make an examination of enr Ftock and prices.
AMSOUACES to the public, that he is prepared
to erect Steam Saw and Merchant Mills at short
notice and reasonable terms.
Ho is also Agent for
Western Foundry,
M a nu i a c t ory ,
And is prepared to receive and fill orders for anv ma
chincry manufactured or kej t on hand, by these es
Letters of enquiry, promptly answered.
Noel, Lake k Co Erownvillo, N. T. Steam Mill.
Nuckolls & White, JSockport, ilo. M
James Lowe, Linden, ' " " f
vln31y. Brownrillc, Juno 21, 1&56".
Saddle and Harness Maker,
Eist eidc of Main, bet. Francis and Felix St.,
ST. JOSEPH. 110.
TITAXKFCL for past firor?, be-s leave to inform
the public, that be lia3 ju.t returned from St.
Louis with as fipe an assortment cf materials as has
ever been purchased In that market.
ills stock consists of a superior article of Skirting
Harness, bridle leather, hog, calf, and sheep skins
fine goat morocco, and a surria.ssrnl'v beautiful arti
cle of enameled leather cfvarious hues.
He has every variety of saddle trees, from the real
Mcxicana and English, Heard's and Grimsley's pat
ent, down to the common fall-back. He has on hand
and will continuo to keep saddles, saddle-bags, bri
dles, marzingales, halter?,-collars, whips cf" every
quality, whip-lashes, names traces; spurs 4c. Has
also, coach, buggy, Prnnylvania, yarrkce, cart and
dray harness.
lie has not now, nor will be keep any other than
No 1 workmen, and h"is instructions to them are neat
ness and strength. He, therefore, feels no hesitation
in sayitg that hia work will seldom be equaled, no
As small profits and qaick sale, is his mntfrv h
pledges himself to soil (considering the quality cf
nriM-Kj; lower tuan any nouie west r the Alle
gheny Mountains.
Those disposed to su.or-t him of cassia r.hT n.
ly to call to be auured of their mistake.
bt. Joseph, August SO, 1335. vlnlStf
S. DARBOUIt, Proprietor.
Corner of Illinois and VTisliir-ton KtrpPf
THIS well-known and popular Hotel, has recently
bn re-built and srrcaLlv enUr?ed b th
tion ot -ixty or seventv rooms, an.t ; fumUh
througho. iwith new and beautifjl furniture, and is
in all rcspvt, a Tirst Class Hotel. Travelers
will find th j lalmer" all thev can deaire for eom
fort, luxury nnd ple?-jure. the tablo will at all
times be supplied with the best the market affords.
and no pains will be scared to render the itav of
guests uocn comiortaMe and pleasant.
August SO, IS55. vlnl3-ly
nuniiAU roit younc; America i i
Clothing Store
nrirn nnderslzned would respectfully inform the
A citizens of Brownville and rurroanding country,
that we have opened cno of the cheapest and lar ret
stock cr
Ftcady Made Clothing
i-rt V.l X Ttl TT. 1. r... .
sylkitaeall and ex.iaiice ourstock before puahaain
elsewher;. as we are diterinini to under-'.! anv
j.'aj iciij 1.14 . 11 vuciriUic 1 c.rtfy r t n ' :
.'luuiut,; c.i,tifijuuii;ui. 111 imj lerruorv. Vt e rave
now on nana a large D..r;n3eEi cr l.exfy HaJo
-t. era vat , Uandker
chiefs, Sx'ks, Con:i""rts I
aJ ot t.iebeitq'aa.ity ai. 1 ute-t stylo.
' - w v
neastiexauuae car si ,-k nn.l s(o for yourself
Krous On the Levee near the ILxcl.
D?5WBviIl, rmbir, 25th, IS3', vln;r-fef
UULh-a VOYAGE of fx
-,A QRlAT NATIONAL tj.,, '
Of 5TS.vrri'eieculion , iiitoI rn.
tST A prospectus contiinln j a fnn
tha work, with testimonial fr.v aeso,"tti,.
our most emincnt,I)lVl.2S, earner
STATESMEN, the best icJffj4?
ART, at homo and abroad, to-ethor wl-w C
voice of Tin; pefV"
THE LONDON ART jnn v . .
i.i t-e iorwarai on las rtceit
sUunps. ; . . ,
TT'rll m m T . .
. . '4k
"I f tw?
The Trade n7PIIed or ,Ve
Liberal Term.
Appropriate and tasteful styles &f '
nA tmrPilslT fur thi wnr'r f " '
1 J ' mm uia Uj f
are larmsaed
set. Boxi
Address th
J - "
jr, IJ w..... .u;3 m xr.
- 1- extensive asK-rtmont ut .!.. M
kept by Xurseymen, we have on haol fork. "':?
trade, ' "airj.
200,000 Apple Trees from f to 9 fret
100,000 Dwarf Pear Trees, 2yiari oli, '"
50,000 Standard do from 2 to 4
100,000 Cherry Trees, 1 to 2 yan oil !fj ,
.SUcdard. y"'
Peach, llnm, Apricot, and Jloctariae'l-t-
large numbers. '
100,000 Raspberries, embracing erery iinj j
oincr smaii iruit
Foreign and Native Erergrs n9-,-Xtn?
Fines, Cryptomerias, Ccdnrs, Ll:V. niy'
bpruce, LuLams, Hemlocks, etc., large, ttcx,
Ornamental Trees, Uoses, Khrabberr Cii
Hedge Plants, etc.
Bulbous Hoots, native and Pnipwtellaaia, f
nations, Poenies, Chrys:mthe:Uuj!5, riilyxejj
great abundance, and of tho most b:aut:Iul n.-
While we confidently claim for our pmlactifu '
general an excellence not sirpsjd by any
horsey, we particularly and emj hatk-ally deji
our stock of Pear trees, both Dwarf and Susdj
a3 unparalelled either in extent or quality, vVJ
existing stock in America. lie follow! o; aotlpl
refer to trees taken from the tamo Lit as tfLt
olTered, when they were but ore year old:
From Thomaj W. Fl;!d, Ep,ari extonsirj fam
in and importer of 1' trecj. in Iio York:
specimens are really splend; toe Sasst I le!'.cril
ever saw." ......
. From Robert uar jtcU, Esq., SLib Jer IhtT
I Iff-
er seen Boer trees.
From Messrs. XeaRy Jt Erotliei-s,Ikrlingtcti;rii
fcThey are really the fiLest tre;s of their age n.
er saw, and we have ptrchasel it jre-xt many Ii i,
few past years..
As suggestive to persons tiboat to purchne,
wouia remarK tnas our tree wre not mbjarW
the extreme cold during the List w ntcr, which
ted so extonsive injury to "uneries at th Wei,
and that we have had no drough", during the jrsfji
summer by which the jjrowth ot' our trees hiikej
retarded. 1 hey may be relied pin, therefor,4 W
in prime health and vipr.
Will be sent post.paid to all who enclose for5.h
letter stamp, and for the others a one eentituf
No. 1 A general detcriptivo Catalogne cf all w
No. 2 A later elitioa of the Froit Dcpartanrti
No. 1.'
No. 3 A descriptive Catalogue of Oraaamal
Trees Shrubs liocs, etc.
No. 4 A decriptivij Catalogu e of Dahlias, Cne
house and Dedding plants.
No. 5 A wholesalo Catalogpie for Nurjeryitj iat
Also a Supplementary Catdo'jne of tha Oraann-'
tal and Greenhouse department.
Also a circular on tho Aruj alloic.
Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 2J, 1S5-I.
ii 1 ' - 111 m 1 mil ' -
GRAPE ROOTS. :0,000 Ca A tba Crapa ILotJ,
two years old, for sale. Frvre $5 prr hotvlrta
$10 per tnousand. - J. Jf. JfcCrLLOCGH,
Xov. Zatf . No. 200 Msia Cmeinnau.
GROWN under the personal snperviiioa ot VtV
aubscribcr, warranted tr.t thi vtdt
enough of which will be sent to ipply alarj UtS;
on reception of price pre-paid.
Calabar Mess .Melom A bef-u-ifal and dViIcioA
fruit. (AHiaticcridn. ) - Sjrtnti.
Ora.ngk W'atx ilELO.v PeeUol like
the rind of aa orange icry fise '
flavor 2J
Glass Lkmox A beautiful lrttle melon
for preserves when creen ' 25
CaxsESS ASPARAcra Annual, and equal
to the common easilv raistd 23.
Fits Fekt CrcrMnEit3 Very bvr'e and
curious to behold 25 .
Mahxotq Puxpxis, 20 "
Or the whole ftr ene dollar, ieiit by mail ta at
ddrcss. JOjEFlIL-ASlIBY,
20-tf riattiburrh. Clinton Co, Ho.
Ch.inc3 Guar Cans,, ..
I1TAVE a supply ct tbis reed on sale. Prica pf
lb- $2; per oa.. 20 tints. Pirxms remittinr a
25 centa, shall have ono cunss sect them pwta
paid. 1
This exotic plant, known as &rmtm SiccUm,
recently intmluced into this century by tha Paul
Office, may be cultivated to adtai.tae inererrpw
of tho United States. It m ill taakt. a rood crop w
the poorestsoil. From cxrx:rimeBtsalreadTmaJ'
syrup making from tha juice ol this plant, 1 W-J
believe that sugar can be proSUM mada; at
rate, it is worth a trial by t7cr' farmer. ,
J. M. UcL'Ul.U.'UG!L
Nov. 20 tf
No. 200 ilait st- CincinDau.
A PREMIUM ESSAV on the Origin, lllAxjuA
eharactcristicn of this remjjUbie . "
Tracing ihe pedr;ree froia the original Jostia Maf-
gantthrag tae roost. potei of his progeny, do"
10 me present tie. tlta BntrcTi) as portrait. i
which are added Hints for L'rwiuhir. Ereakiitf.aal
general Use and Management f with Prat-
tical Directions for Training them for Exhibition! at
Agricultural Fairs. Dy D. C. IJNM.ET,MidJ!bar;,
t. Price SI. Sent free ct rxtarn.
- 4 C. M. SAJTOX i CO.-,
Agricultural Book Pablishen, 115 Fulton tf,
Garden and flower- seeds,-
FRUITS and' Shrubs Crape ar 1 C.-anbcry Tiarf
Grass Clover Feeds, Dircl jnbf of all kinds, Ar
ricultural and Horticultural 'Hooka, LnplemenU, v
Agents for all the lst I.'f;! J'ullicaiiocjini-a
United State. ' 1
Store next door to Post-O3ce, Council DlaJfj;
vln25-ly .
8. O. CSCB3.'
f- '
2o. 33 Levee and
tit Commercial's6
Attorney and Counsellor at
"Will practice in the Thint District in 5'
bnwka territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial C1
m tae btate of ilifsouri.
Richard Drown,
' . -4 '
Vn-goo, M
Jrt Lev, I. T.
I. . t urnas
Dr. John Mcilienon,
James Foster,
George 2J. Miller.
A to thi Traverinrrablic.tha.W'J
t are prepared with every faeilitj to aceoBBmd
those crossing the Mkon rir. " This hciDffert
best crossing point a the vrp Hissouri, 'V'j.
coming to Ntoraska, will Snd ir. greatly to taair
Ta.nge y crossat tais rnnt.
For every two horses itftlea or lis a A agor.
" each iniividual ra!r c f h-rs?s ircs cr el
" bore or rcuie an i baggj,
- led horso cr muTo. .
loose cattle per head,
sheep tf.d Lr gs peu head,,
eaoh footman, , i
" fre'-hL
M fet cf lunVr, i
onlooded wan aad ior?s na'"
eicn there wjih.
Erewavi", Au jns z, 1 J?. ly
at prices varvin? fr, n . r 5
91 IM .L ' I
ng, packin and carta- S
e Vw of Life. 11 i iV U i
DpinglBf Iastituts, J