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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1857)
dlmcral f ntcllipct. "WASiirsGTox, Jan. 21. Senate. Jatacs S. Green 'vho vras elected Senator from Missouri in place of Atchison, appeared in the Senate Chamber this morning, jind was qual ified. - - ' Washington, Jan. 27. Hon. Preston S. Brooks died this evening at Brown's Hotel. He has been in bed two orthrce days, suffer ing from the effects of a severe cold. He was telling his friends he had pass ed the crisis of hi3 illness, and felt considerably improved in health, when he was seized with a violent cough, and died about tenminutes afterwards. The event so sudden, has caused much surprise and sympathy throughout the city. : ST. L0UI3 ADYrilTi: ZIIZXTS. FROM TIES KEWSFAPEB ACVEHTI:- IXG AGENCY OF IV. J . ' 0 iUllJli, Corner of Olive and 3! "Sti., uvc! E,mk- icj; lloiiaj of Ji'ha J. Anderson Co. HJJLLOASS O 122 TTOEX-D. The whole number of miles of rail road, we learn by a Xew York paper, in the world on the 1st of July last, ""'" v v pa(;i;'s patent amount more man cne-niui tf,o.u' . ... . . , "Till .1 .x ... tt. o..;v -hm ! Portable Circular Er.-w-iui, mueslis m iau uuuuu omit::, xvau-, . , , roads were started in England, anil; vet in ten yeara. we passed her. 27,850 8,000 2,680 31 422 170 73 42 G crm2.ny j Spaia ; Africa " i" " India 1 Cuba ; British Pnr. Panama South America 5,800 eo 25 100 350 1,000 Bostox, Jan. 9. ' Tn thfi House this mornincr. the election of U. S. Senator, resulted 133 for Charles Sumner, against 12 scat tering. These scattering votes were T 1 1 r i Til 1 T' ii T. inviucu Deiween x-uwaru . Xivereii, ivu fus Choate,. "William Appleton, and ' N. J. Lord, ; ' i f t ----- I Gen. Cass's Successor. Zachariah Taylor, who has been chosen by the - c i Gen. Cass in the United States Sen ate, for six years from the 4th qf March next, is a merchant of Detroit, and, at the same time, a zealous poli tician. Missouri U. S. Senator. Got. Folk, Dem., was elected on Tuesday U. S. Senator for the full term. The vote was FolklOl, Benton 23, Gamble A resolution to adjourn the Legis lature to St. Louis passed the House. . Horace Greeley has commenced a suit in the Court of Common Fleas, of Cuvahocra county, against J. Gray of the Plain Dealer, for libel, layincr . his damages at 10,000. The suit is based unen Gray's cuarrin Greeley . with having been bought up in the late political campaign. Carter & Thayer, Fiaintiif s Attorneys; S. J. Andrews retained as Associate Counsel. the" present time, the Model Republic has three times as many inilei of- rail road as Great Britain and France uni ted. The following table showing the miles of railroads in different countries, we clip from a report made to Congress some three weeks since . 1 In the U. S. Great Britain France Belgium. , Russia Italy " Sweden . Norway The average cost of American rail ways has been estimated to b 3 40,000 a mile, which is rather over than below the mark. The English railways have cost, on an average, 200,003 a mile; the Belgium railways, $90,000; the French railways, 130,000; the Ger many railways, 5G,000. j Many! rea sons may be assigned for these vliria-tions. The German and American rbails have in general but one track ; i the French and English two. The princi ple pursued by the English engineers, who also built most of the French roads, was toaroid abrupt curves and steep gradients, by grading and cut ting, hence a largo increase of expense. At I prAticr.? iaBimiilrt in construction and C; FOIi STEAM AND HOUSE rOWJ-R. c-hinery in cp- .isily kept in order, and can bo moved on a ws -ou a3 rcaiiny m a threshing nwntine, and put in operation at smaA expense. It will saw IVouu one to two thoumtd feet of lumber a day, with one team of sir horse?;' an average tusinssj and in a better stjle than other uiilU now in use. It is cqnally well adapted to Steam, Water' or Horse Power." The undersigned, ngimts for the pa tan tee would announce to the public that they arc liow propped to furnish Milk, with or without horse power, of eu perior quality and workmanship, with the r:oa use the same, upau the most farorablc term?, s.K their nutnufactt ry, lso.'2H2, SeeoLd street, St. Ixulu, Mo. - We have al.- the ri;rht for the lnanufaeturt of Childs' Patent Double Saw , Mills. Thft suflecssfu' rraetical oinration of these, mills ' prj through tte country Las been the means of estiblish ! ins their treat reputation and with improvements w in eonstruotion nd increased facilities in nianuiac- turing, we offer them to tno puouc wua ihu coua dence of their adrantasres. All orders addressed to us will be promptly execu ted, and any information in regard to Mills chlcrf ul- E. C. Davis has been released from pur jail. His bail bond was put at twenty-five hundred dollars, and was subscribed by a score of our citizens. Since his releasc "which took place on last Friday, he has been frequently upon the streets, and though it is said he looks quite badly, he enters cheer fully into conversation, and has made no attempt to make his escape. What benefit this will be to him, beyond a temporary release from incarceration, we cannot see, as. we believe there is no question raised in irerard' to his The Atlantic Submarine Tele gram. The British Government have fixed the maximum rate for tbc trans mission of communications by the proposed submarine telegraph across the Atlantic at four shillings per word or about one dollar of our currency. It w ill be divided between the different stations as follows : From London to Cork, sixpence sterling ; across the ocean, two shillings and sixpence; from Kcw-Foundland to New York, one shilling. , i . OKEGOX, MO., XUllTT. L. 21 ATT UN, Pi prietor. pais Wl&i nitu I rc nav ies Tine t, est. r?r.rti a:. a i CINCINNATI a No pat or eijenJe e I1 ty the sultri er to nlke his :seoaifortalIo in every n tet, t this W-'U kno a RUtl D'SQ,J reputable House. Th wrv bet v ttention civea to aniniils Ir a ber, at this Wo The very bet r ttention givea rnod and attentive ilostler. 1 : l!NITr.I STATE'! . , ESPRBSa COilij?AriT t GIVE erery ossibla facility for the safe and Fpecdy trautmsioa of -Money Vnlnable Tackles, Parcels, (ioodn, nnd Merchaniliie Of ery descrij:.ion,tT reniiablei terms.--' - - pRisciraL OnfiC&J New York, DuffoJo, Cincin nati, Tc4ediv CfvlcRgo, Dayton, Iridiancpcli?, and M thoam:il!er towq on iauroads in the Eastern, Mid dle and Western's tate?, connecting at St. L-snis with Kiehardson's Misjouri River Expres?. 11. KllT. July2i5,lS53.if 1-nS General Superintendent. n D. At T. O'DIUSCOLT & CO. fftnufactnrcrs auJ dcal.rj in -News. , .xana l 1 Type, Print tg lVcs, :s, Ca , ! e V Ac., &-. ,ti::u:oti ping -f mi -.ind-n- tent Medicine )irectiut , Jol;, V'o-d 1 -Tevu. Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, HORTICULTURIST, . AMD Jouri.rJ cfllural Art and Itura KriTKO BY j. jxi ::;irn, r:itor ::or THK iT "TlTICCt-TVRIST, H3 i'.-S U lenca.: voted t . Horticulture aua iw n" Areliit; "ure nnd Land-ScajM? Ga ii,n !n rrvl'M r.ilviscd of the r i; itr in j.urct'O or ajui i . . j. .r.Miial of fi.rtv-ci'ut b.'auiuui.y u oft Eaa rarer, and ly given. . i Persons ordering Mills Kill please mention the State and Couttv in which they Kish to ma theut. JvINGSLANDS FEKGUSOX. Eitension oT Pace's Patent. ' . XTOTICE is hereby piven to the public, thiit the IN pntent of PAGE'S PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW JIILL han been ettended fvr seven years from Jcly H5th,185ii. All persons found violating this Vcxst rt";',mJ m -1 n nmmmnf im or Tending, Kill te proceeded against in oecorlance with tho la ws in Huch c:we mado and proviilod;, GEOKGE PAGE, Patentee. R-CfiOCKMY. J0IIN.V.VT00LEY. (Successor i)"OONAN, TOOLE Y ,f Co,) 53 Mairi stl OU Stand, Si. Loins, Mo. TMPOKTEn.Wliolesaloaud RetailDcaler, in China, I Glass and Uiuscnsware, leiiowana KocKinjrhain Ware, Charideliii-s, Lumps, Lanterns, Lookicg-glas-?es. Britannia Ware, &Ci c, Kith a preat variety of r ancy lunuo anu i-arior vrnamenis, aireci rrom ino ottenoa and Alanulaotnrers. . , - . , ; rS7"Now arrivtn and in sUire, a full stock of tho above line of goois, Khich is offered to tho Trada at reasonable rates. ! An examination is solicited.' t"()n hanil, Assorted Crates, for Country iradc. N. B." Packing receives special attention. ' ' September 13,15. .vlul5-6m . ? A Large Estate, The -value of the real and personal estate of Jhe Uni ted States, is reported for the year 1S5G, hy Mr.- Secretary Guthrie, at 11,317,011,672 that is over eleven and a quarter hillions of dollars. The total population is 2C,9G1,?12 souls. iTir. c:-:rite.i tiio .enmes aueffed. " w St. Joseph Gazette, HranATroN or a Legislature-1"""" The members'of the Mi?n '"Legis lature, not satisS'1111110 accommo dations nt -Jefferson City, have resolv ed to mijrrate to more congenial ' quarters, at St. Louis, and accordingly passed a rcsoluticnto adjourn to that city on the 19 ult. - rr it- . i. t Xl- - ' Legislators are slaves, (to their habits of living probably) and hotel-keepers . are tyrants; and the badness of the lkfuor, and close copartnership : in sleeping, (three in a bed,) great ex pcase of feeding (on poor fare), the , scarcity of good brandy and . cards, . and diverse other deprivations too grievous to bear and as all these na med luxuries have to be transported from St. Louis, it is cheaper for the . Legislature to go there. ' " Thirty thousand passengers were carried last year by the steamships . between Europe and the United States eastern and "western pas- ihcludinsr sages. Negotiations arc now pending be tween the United States, England and Prance, for a reduction of Ocean postage to one half the present rates , and a modification of charges oncon- 'tiacntal correspondence . by British transit. It is said that there exist in this country a secret order called tho "Son 'of Freedom," whose object is to wrest ' Cuba from, the mother country. It i3 said the headquarters arc at New York, . and the organization embraces the principal scabord towns from that city . . i . V vi ;xo icw urieans. . . : . Fiendish .Outrage. On theight of, some cowardly scound rel entered the stable of Hoyt, who lives five miles south of Maquo keta, on the Davenport road, and cut (he whole tongue close I j the roofs out of one of his best mares. "We have read of a great many outrages, and seen a great many villains, but this surpasses everything we ever heard of. The unhung scoundrel, who did :this -deed would stab his mother in tho - dark, if he was - mad at her. His cowardice and malignity would mako the Devil ashamed of himself, and we verily believe that when he goes to hell, his sable master will resign his throne and dominions to him. . . -. It appears the fellow' had to take two cuts at the mare's tonjue before he got it off, as Mr. Hoyt informs us. We can clearly seo the fufure course of this fiend in human shape: ho will never do any more good m this world lor liimselt or any body else ; misfor tune and remorse will dog his footsteps ana ail who are connected with, him : and if he has either respect or care for the worldly prosperity of his fam ily and friends, he will; at once hang himself f and rid the world of the great est scoundrel since the days oiJudasA Jlaquofcela .xcelswr. '. , ; ;; Destruction or an University. The splendid building, of tho medical Department of the University at Louisville, Ky., wa3 destroyed by fire with most of tho contents. The loss was not less than 100,000, with 37,000 insurance. ' Ky Authority TILE STATE , SUPERINTENDENT ; .And Board cf Education, Have ordeied the following Desirablo "Works for the Ton&bip Libraries of Indiana. SomB of them hare been pat into every Library, others only into tie more populous townships. Tho careful attention given to tho examination of works for thesie libraries, is a guarantee of tho merit of the books heson. Many families will desire to own tho books, una read it the;r leisure, rather thou wait their tim to got theui from a library. The works may be- purchased of Booksellers, or will be snt by mail, free of postage, upou payment of prices annex ed to each Farr's Ancient History Much snpciior to Rollin, b(c;iuso nioro concise, accurate, and up with modern. research.. 4 uJs., Cloth, gilt, $3. Bheep, norary siyie, 5J,ou; The Teacher's Uliscellnny is a new nnd ex cellent eolloction of articles on Education, written by Jude JIcLean, Drs. Stowe, Biggs, MeGriFEY, Avdelott, l'iCKKTT, Lvnd, Vost, and other distin guished members of tha 'College of Teachers." vol., 12mo Cloth, $15. - . - History of the Puritans nnd riljrrim Fathers. . By Stovteil and Wilson, 1 toI., 12ino HIoirat's Lire of Dr. Chalmers. ; 1 Tel., I2mo..$,25. . , , : The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs of distinguished fcxottish renialo Characters:' Embra cing the lVriod of the Covenant and the Persecu tion. By Ilcv. James Anderson. JIo tint's South Africa. Ono volume, 12mo, lweiita tiitioD. Six Years in India. By Mrs. Coni Makex zie: 2vo1h12oio., Cloth, 2.00 - : : . Kern's Practical Landscape C.ardenin?, with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third cditioh. Jl,50 jMan-oi-war Jjiic. A Boy's Experience in the U. S. Jiavy. SIXTH TUOV3ASD. . 1 volume, 15mo.; Illustrated. 75 cents. The Llerchant Vessel, A Sailor-Boy's Voyages to see the World. (3IXT1I THOfSlND.) 1 volame, J6mo., Illustrated. 75 cents. Xokdiioff's ndmiral sories of volumes. 'M:in-of- War Life," "Meivlia nt Vessel,'' and the new volume to appear it heptember, under the title of "Whaling and Fishinjj," must bo received with great favor, as the first two have been, wherever circulated. . They are the faithful limnings of nica years experienca at sea, f a coniracn sailor, a native ?'Buckoyc,M re- COgri:;.." .infoi'u to no writes of the prrcir; day, in lifo-like delineations of adventure by S3a. , cry utri iing and graphic pictures of hfo at Sea, evidently outhentio aud very instructivo, . lias adventure enough to pleaso and truth enough to tlissijato tho charm of a sailor's lifo. ; . " New Xork Evangelist.-, There is in Uiom a vast amount of iuformation respecting tho commerce of the world. Presbyterian Witness. "Will take captive the young. Journal and Mes senger. A Bnckeye Abroad, or Wanderings in Europe and the Orient. By Samuel S. Cox. Third edi tion, Illustrated. 1 vol., 12mo., muslin, 1.25. The Three Great Temptations of Youns r.ien. baucei. i. jtisheu. lourth; edition, vol. 12mo- muslin, 1,09. These are capital works fur family libraries. Vub- '" 25 West Fourth St Cincinnati JI,. W., L. & CO. are the publishers of Bayard Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold entirely, oy ugenis. W . i A. S13NSENDEIIFEU. J2dH)BT EiiT"A N 6 WllOLCSAtE-DKALEltr N Havana aid Dcmcslic, Cigars & Tobacco. SOUTH EAST CORNER & SECOND STS V. have in store, and to arrive, a verv larrro assortment cf the very best brands of Havana f No 2 Cigars. We desire to call the special attention of cah buyers to our largo stock, which we are deter mined to sell very low i0r casn. "iney consist, la pai-t, of the following brands: : : -' . i.; r- ir?n ITeniliuue ikvjj.uuis: isiiuars: w1 Mi Destino oo Antignedad 3o Bustamanto do Carnelia t do Deliranto ' do Salnadora j do ' Staffanoni do Meridianas do Washington do El Sol . do EmperoNichalds do Mensagero : do v Carveutus do- Reinw Sultana do Newton do Victoria do . Iberia do, Espenola do " BegAdcra do ; L&Morma do Nensagvro do Emulaciondo La Yo ; do . , Kortuno Londressj Fidel id ad do : 7holesalc Paper - Y7arehou BKADNER. WAIuILa Ji iu WHOLESALE Dealers in i'apcrs of every dos v oription,,, .... zr.-Y.- IVniting, Folio Foat, . f . , j, IBpor, t i Ftut Crt , if ' : K'i 'Wracpirg, i 'i. Foolscap. : . , j ,. i "Manilas, letter Jt Note, Colorol Papers, Medium & Demy's, of the very best Eastern and Western Manufacture, a cd for sali at ve-y low prints. ; " ' , i TCash for Ua and T.opj, ! . -BK ADN E 11, WAKR EN A. CO., .. --No.-12, La Sallo strccr. Chicago, June. 23th. 1S5). rf , . vl-n I Improved Little Giant CORN & COl PLANTATION MILL Prico X5.oclxa.oocl TTIHE puhacribor ha purchased exclusive riirht of X Territory in the eUof t!ialKvo eelebratea Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all times, cither wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most positive manner. . r It is now more than a year since th "ILIttle Glass!" Was introduced to the public, during which time, it baa been constant! erowins in the zonular favor. - v 2 rj a k The improvements recently elToetcd and patented, makes it the most perfect machine ever offered for general farm uso. ; it is furnished ready f.r attaching team, and weighs as follows: No. 1, 225 No. 2, 330, No, 3, 400, o. 4, 0O pounds. - Twenty nunutca ar suiucient to set ono up, without mechanical aid, and when once adjusted, it can with safety bo cntrustsd to a boy. I ull directions accompany each jlill XS? EH Xt OZZ No 1, $35, will griad 8 bu inoal per hoar with I horse 40, " . .. JO " . 71 No3 50, M 13 M , " 1 Xo4 60, ' u ' 20 - a Liberal discount to dealers. ' JAME B. CIIADWICK, No. f3 Locust street, bt t. 2d and 3d Juno 23, IS50.. vl-n4 : " St. Louie, Mo. i impuc , U do zed urt B..ral znin. :d will f thin ; ou th lti..:u?:r;-.;h- icd dc-antlv i;iu?t:itcvl. In ad.Lt:..u to auaivtwus wiwa cuu in v.m j.i m. . caoh number toutalni a full-; n -c ci -rnyi:-.-, Irom rf ami nA.w. rare, and Taliui I? tni.i, iree, cr Cower a tuino or tr.Arn- is A 3 COLE'S VOYAGE o Y Chi' V:rnd. Vonth. k (U:;,-ry of tho S ,,:. '1,7 . r:irer,2!1l33. GRi!.T NATT.V.-it .nmJr tW numb era from that time. Ihosu who rreicr c;i;i rinuiu a mv4 ...vv..v Coi.oiu:i FLA1E3. Still furtber to a.U la tuc val ue of the work, ami meet tho ur.rovir tt'J nna inorcisiuJ wan:s of the horticultural community, an dition is published with Colored Unto?, enca. t.utu acoulainir.!; ft 'futl-pa engraving cf eoma now, ire. and valuable fruit, or Qewrr, correctly colored from nature by tho best living artists in this line. Tlt'is is a new and important feature in this country. rico a year in advance. Aaaros KOUEliT PEAKS ALL- SilITU, Fubluher, 'V .' 17 and 13 Minor street, HhiUdolyhU. Oranadica di ! ; , ; Pocahonta . do . : , La Flora da ElSoldelaDiimca do Doce Meses do Figaro Cillindradosi 1). B. Ciwtanon do ; Prensado D. D. do J. Y. P. Fa ma do ; ' ' 1 ; V de la Rama do Vinera Plantations; , P.L. do . Vellegaa do , " Mensajero Trabucas; Do la Crui Principcs;' S'ictoria do Barrios do , r s . ,. Lcjbt C-uarfl Opera, Star do J. L. Panetelasj ' Desinio Prest. " . " May: , . . j ,; W. & J. SENSENDEEFER. McMechan & Balleutlne, ' 1 WHOLESALE Grocers and 'Commission Mer chants,?;, 34 Levee, St. Louis, Mo., between Olive and Locust sts., have now in store and receiv ing tho, largest and most general, stock of Groceries they hava ever offered, which they intend . to soli nt the lowest market .rates.. Their stock consists in part of-i '. ' '' 7 -7 r. i : r : , 375 hhds N. 0. auar; 400 bbls clarified,' . . "223 bbls loaf, crushed and powdered sugar; 350 do and If do plantation molasses; ; 45f pkgs Belcher's sy. molasses; 150 bis NOSII; 150 hf chcstl Y II tea; 275 do Imp. G P and Black do; ; . . 150 casks S. Carb soda; 23 do saleratus; ' 200 boxes Babbitt's saleratus; . " . 275 do Va and Mo tobacco: :'. ' , 75,500 Spanish cigars; 2CO.O0OIIaT and Cuba sixes; . . 350 bxs star candles; 11 1 casks currants; 1500 bbls, hfdoand kits 1 and 2, makorel; .: 50 pkgs No. 1 salmon; 3000 bxs nss'd tumblers; , u, flasks; .000 nests tubs, 3 and 8; . 7 550 dozen assorted pails; - ' 1500 -eks prim Kio ctTee; -3QQ packets Java; . " - 75 sacks Mocha do: . . , ...2iiulLlqtii-Wlilinj and Cosiort.naik. aiul fj'-'-ftssortsd , to 40u; , ... . , , . . .'75 bxs Bait Cove oysters; 275 bales ta-.tir.g; V, 250 eks Eagls cotton yarn assorted; - 7 . - 450 coils Man. end Jute rope: " . . . 150 bxs pept-T .and pimento: 75 bbls almond; 150 drums llgs; 600 bxs hf and qr M 11 raisia; .arums cca uso; iza dxs. ao; . 15 cases sardines hf nnd qr; 350 boxes assorted pickles, ketchup; . 350 bxs palm and fam. soap; 30 do mould e'dl r. bji) do asst window glass; 50 bgs carpet chan ' 150 doi sine washboards; 50 grots yeast pow'ds ' CO nests willow baskets:- Toircther with a eeneral and full slock of for eign and domestic ints brandies, Jtc. v Country Produce t7 ANTED, and for which wo allow . the highest pr-s. llVlSLllLELh & LXX Bloody "Work in Cincinnati.- Thb number of hog3 - slaughtered in Cin cinnati the present season up to Dec. 31st is 313,702 against 328,885 for the same period of the preceding year, The slaughter season last two or three weeks lonjrcr. Tho Emperor of China, Yihcow III-, . cniung, has declined to receive a spc cial communication fcorn that "outside barbarian" Franklin Pierce, President cf the United States. The document ' . Tvas duly transmitted according to the prescribed etiquette of the celestial fdistrict of that Territory. ccurr, tut ins majesty reiuscd to re '.ccivc it, and sent it back unopened. He has probably never heard of the fiito of Greytown, and consequently not airaKl. A letter tromtho C!ir-fn -v time C 1 . 1 f 1 t oi xiiigianu, lorwaraed some since, met with a similar fate. J cha Bull is again making war on tie Celestials Admiral Seymour is -.Larding Canton, and Teas . were neiiicr in Lnqland. i r.'iY -The Bank Failures I sriks have failed: . Prr-iric State Bank, DI3. liuihville " following 'le s BnnK- i, Bis. Cr ' , . ri7::i li C-.-l - Territorial ArrorsTMExrs. The Senate havo cot:nnn"ei tho following appointments: Jno. W. II. Ucdcrwood, of Geo., to associate ot tho buprems Court of the - Territory of Nebraska, 'vice Ed ward K. Harden, resigned. - Teter K. Doston of Utah, United States Marshal fcr that Territory,' vice A. F. Ilaun, declined. - " ' Read Flcchter of Kansas, tobe Uni ted States ' Attorney for tiiA "inforn Gen. Scott has finally succeeded in getting the allowance, claimed by him, for services rendered the U. 8. The House cf Representatives -has just passed a bill giving him 20,000, in addition to 10,000 received - some months THE NEW-' FLOURING MILL. pLARIv'ti PATENT COMBINED GRINDING ana raiting or -Merchant 1 louring Mill.-.This highly ingeiiious and rn-ith needed invention forma wwt ' ,nSf J.alure ,n the nianufactal-o of V- u- aaa WLK by the superior manner in J , , IH:"crin8 113 wora uuiJNDLNU nnd BOLT ?r?a " 4 6iDSlc operation into Seven different kinds of flour and feed. This mill possesses adrantages to numerous to be enumcra ted in any advertisement. Tho proper wav ;u "ri"'"-"" -a grwvfc meru 13 to sect it run Jt is in operation daily at No. 213 Broadway, Corner Court nt.,' St. Louitf, Mo -" v o"a "'" -""is rnr oaiev . W.W.IIAMER&CO.,; , , y ' Broadway and (jourt.,2d Skry. ST. JO 8 EVIL LUMBER YARD. mond "Street, near Curgill's Mill, St.' Joseph, HIis.ouri. W. J. TAYLUK, Itemoved from tho;. old brand to the auovo named nlacu. ! milE undursjgatd is how fully prepared to ac;om- j. moutsie ni.s jiatrons Incnds with the bent as sortment of Fine Lumber ever offered in this mar ket, comprising not only "White l'ine Lumber nnd W lute and Yellow Floorinjr. read t dressed: butiLU) best asrttient of Tine and CJttonwood fchin;!es, l'oplar Siding, &(!. ,7 He hut now on hand, at his Lumber Yard, tho lar gest and best assortment of Dor, tian blinds, sver tifercd in this market, a portion of , uu uuai in.ui vuici nnati manutaelorie, v.nch w a Tery reaueea prices. is fully prepare to 11 all orders in his line, at short notiee, aud larticularly solicits the Kansas and: Ne braska trado, for he has the articles thev want nnd must hare. Bo sure to give mo a call, near Curgill's Mill, and in the immediate vicinity of tho tst. Jo- sepa urewery. , , r-go. The COn'CSTondent of ihr "Mlnstmiri froni .W'jstport, licpiLUican, vrritins NO BOOKS 'KEPT!! ALL CASH!!! A. S. HOLLADAY: WHOLESALE AXD BET AIL DEALER IX , Brasg aud illcdicisies I.Iain SStreet, BroTTnvillc, IT. T. THE undersigned respectfully begs leave to infirm the mib'ic. that he hns now on hand a complete assortment cf everything, usu.illy kept "in Drug stores, which he o'urs f;r sale, Exclusively" on a New kystc m o,' , CASH; AND CASH ONLY! It will be entirely foreign to this beautiful ?ystpm to '.'Book," lH.-ep ju count,',' "note ' Scratch" "chttik, cr renietnb!r for" a fevr days." Co:no with the u Spondulicks " ifyou want anything in the Drug lino. . 7 t' 1 . . . . . a r ;t Rtntrrf ? 1 tl,Ja VI, ! .. Accuracy ead dispatch. ' , c t , 1 , . Remernlr tho fystom I have ndopted, u v liiu cijumcm X.IIllrrani Jn ICrorise 1 rocketani vonr feelings wiil cot fu Jer., Credit n to have l;ca upward cf ?20,0()0. Picccntly a lady stepped at the Ma dison, C3vl:-7to:.v,iih her has- in T r- r ,1 T :r cf J Vt 4-i thirtv-two sixty ye: ,1 7-r.. Uk., 11 tnd til 7 n, She . 13 the livincv an.S my rill politicly no!; be given, uul ess under cii,cumitinc'scf peculiar destitution. , July 12, lt53.-vl-nCtf . A; S. IIOLLADAT. onASACKS of Z ,ck'3 0bio !,Ii:l3 Eltra Sal;er )J Cne Flour iu-t receive 1 asd fr F;tlcby.. " Not. 29, 1658. .M'ALLIS'.rEll, DOZ1LU & CO Quco W Iff VJ OF all Iho la'.est styles, and in endless rarii'ty, jnA opened at - II0J3LITZELL 0 CO'S. ' - ' W. S; CJIL3IAN.- XT7nOI.ESALK GROCER, 'o. 130 Second street, V Vf St. Loui?, has in store a largo and well select ed stock, ivbich is offered at tho market rates, con tistin in part as follows: " - - . . 370 hhda N. O. sugar; 200 bbls' loaf, crushed powdered do; bags KiocoUee; 100 do Java do; ' ' 7L0 bids syrup molasses: 850 do S.-II molasses; ... - . , . - "2j0 bbls plantation molasses: 100 rikcsroackcro iuu Doxcscoausn; iuu bbls Wilmington tar; ;- 500 kegs liosion and Pittsburgh nails; - r "65 kegs fine 3d nails; 75 bags cotton yarn; ' 50 bales carpet chain; 150 do cotton twine; ' ' 100 bales wicking; 450 els Manilla and Jute cordage; 100 doz plow and clothes lines;.; - : . 7 7 400 boxes window pjlass, assorted sizes; , 2000 lbs AV. chalk; UUO do alum; 1500 do H.'tpeter osnamrg ?acKs;U0 keM sup. eorb.-ooda; 200 half chests Imp., y. . and O. P. teas; :. 300 boxes Imp., X. II. and O, P. teas; " 450 boxes Virginia and -Missouri tobacco: 100 bx. smoking tobacco; 50 do cut chewing do 150 bx. star candles; 70 do sperm do; . ' 300 caudle moulds; - ? :. ' ! 250 boxes soap; 350 pkgs saleratus; , 3 cases Ma. indigo; f ctroons. S. F.'do; . 80 bgspcpf! 4o do pimento; ZOO bxs gds icos 350 M. l. 1. per. caps, 250 rms C. A L- paper: . 350. doi com. and fancy pails, 100 no 3-hoopdo - S50 ncsU 1 anu qt tulw; ZjO mats cassia; 25 cases prunes; 40 cks currant; 3 do madder; . 5 bbls whiting: 400 rms wrapping paper; - $0 bales osnuburgs; brooms, line washboards, churns, Ac, &c, : - ..Juno7,56 M U . E. G. PRATT, o. vr. CHILP, , E. vr. rox, S.'C. MXfif St. Louisi ALOXZO rK XTTp Kew York. .7 St. Ixuis. . CniLI), rHATT; & CO., Direct Importors, Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents English, French, German & American Hardware and Cutlery. v GUNS, RIFLES, riSTOLS, &c, &c. 139 & 141 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue ST, LOUIS, JIO. , FRESH NEW A pr - t ;tas ctmtiini the wi.rK, w.ui ttstimoniaUfroinc,,, ,.arm emirmnt, DIVINE, oorS? STA'tKSMEX, the be,t .Ndirj.- AUT, athonw and abroal, Unh '.v VOICE OF THE Pm4 r nr,,? ii-,nnof tho mast Isti'rt ifuh r.s we thoioUwofal JloatWy Jouro;il3 pulli-s'aei t - "THE LOKDON'AUT JOCti worM. , I Will U i7rwar:l oa Uit rotcini J? -TruM-i$2Ter T3nr 'n oJ ' Tho Toiumo ; sii:n, 9 t . ; 1 Commenced cutl. l? Z'S " Tho Trade iurfh cn ... ' II ns i thority. LibornS Tenat. Appropriate a..L Utofu; -ed cxre.-!y U v this t, 1 tho l,m' aro furnished at urioes firiim. f,. Ecady' Undo Clotliin, EVERY VARIETY, stvle, q i.ity, price, and pat tern of Keudy Mado Clothing. jut received and for sale chwip, by U0DMT7.ELL & CO. op ' " ; ; GOODS!! W. IIOBLITZELL & CO. BRbWNVILLE, JT .' T. HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED, per steamers A. C. Uoddin and Wm. Campbell, and now opening, the most extensive stock of Mood ever of fered in this market. After the cxpcricwo they have in Nebraska, they flatter themselves that they know what suits the people, and have rorehased such a stock of Goods aa cannot fail to' We will not pretend to enumerate, but say come and fee; and you will not fail to be suited. Oct. 15, 1353.-ly - . - ' E. G. TCTTLE. B, O. FERLET. n. W. PMITH. TUTTLE, PEHLEY fit! SMITH FALL STYLES.-lBbQ; 77 Main street, St. Louis, Mo." MANUFACTCRERS of Straw lind Silk Bonnets, Importer ar.d Wholesale dealers irr Ribbons. Silk Millinery,Flowcrs, Trimmings, Iace Goods, Em broideries, Ac. - 5 Jlerchants and Milliners are particularly in ited to examine our stock, before making their spring purchases, aa we (rlyinj fully cn the superiority t.f our stylcs,)intqnd to offer induecusiuitJ eaual, if not superiuu. to any joh&ing honse in the Unitcil States. beptember li, ibj, , vlnla-Om SIGEKSON'S NURSERY, ST, LOUIS, MO. JOHN SIGERSON BRO.f Offer for tale the coming Spring, ....50 " .....25 " . ...2 ...;23 " .... 12;." ..... 15 ....12 .....12 .....12J4" .:..vy2 ....25 - ;;; GLASGOW &. BltOTIIEU. . WHOLESALE CROOERfC. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 50 Levee, Lave in storo and to arrive the following Goods, which they oSer for sale at the lowest prices, viz - . : . . ' ouu ooxea i easi owar?; 100 kegs sup Carb Soda; 100 boxes saleratus; - 500 els Manilla Cordage: 300 do Jute do; 500 doz Manilla A Grass Red Cords; 500 boxes Raisins: 25 bbls Almonds; . r 100 boxes Lem. Syrup, ' 200 do ass'd Candles, 100 Preserved Fruits; t 1000 hhds fair to O. Sugar; 1000 bbls clfd sugar; ' 800 do If and crush'd do; 500 do S. 11. molasses; . 800 do plantation do;' 100 tea prime Rice; , 1000 pks G,nd 1$. Teas; 1000 bags. Rio colToc; 100 do prinio old Gov ernment Ja. coffee; 1000 kegs Nails; 1000 boxes I'm, Oleine & Family Soap; 100 boxes Fancy Soap; 800 do Star Candles; 250 do Mould do; . 50 do Castile Scap; 100 4 do Standi: S00 do Va. majri To bacco; 200 do Mo. do; 80C - do Smoking do; 1103 do Cub Cigars: . Imp.; 25 25 25 ,u:... 25 .25 1 A 2o ... .10 . ... y 50 .... .... 50 M U U U u u V u M M It U u u 100 di ' Meats; 100 do .Pickles: 100 do Ketchups; 100 do Olive Oil; 75 do Bracd'd Cher.; 50 do do Poaches: 30 cases Caiiaccas Chocolate; 40 do Wood br match's; liQ do ruines,quartc: and half boxes: 5 canes Ci trosr lObblsMivson'eEIklng: 5 eases Nutmeg:; do Indigo- 50 do It. C. Oysters; 1500 reams Wrop. Letter and Cap l'ap!r; ; 300 nests Tub.?, y'i-S'a; 00.000 Reg. Cig 100 bags Pepper; '25 do Al.-Tiicc; ' ' 200 bbls A hf d Sla'cT.; 500 boxes Qawy .100 bales CatUnT - ' -200 dczPiiutcd RuTit?; LIQUORS. ' 10 half pipes pure eld 53 bbls MIag Wine; j Brandies;.. 100 bkts Dennis Champ. 100eaesdo do do; ' 100 do Kcidsiek &; 100 bbls Monon. Wh'is'y,' 50 cases old Md. Wine; 100 do old Rye 'Whisky, 200 boxes: Claret Wine; very superior; ' St. Louis, Mo. June7thf 18:C. .. . ; : ff50K OUT: : - ' A LL persons are hereby fonrarned from bnying n the hoiita est fourth cf t-eet;on 2j,Torn:bip C, North Range 1 5, East of the fixih Principal Meri dian, in Nciutha county, 2. T., now .occupied by Thos. Ilcddy. as I have a rijrht t said cliiiu that U indiepatable. 7 . R. E. TIIOMI'SCN. Browiiville, July ah,lS5i. vl-u5tf ' - BobtDand Slices. ; : ."" ..; I X u'n-'u.V.lV lar:: telc of fine and eo;irso Roots li. and Shoev-bgtli Gontlesneo and Ladicj' can bo sccnandpufik11 lw. at ' HUiliU.l.lllAtO'.'. Hats nnd Caps. LATEST stylo of Hats and Cp, and of every grade and price, aro olTored at 50,000' Apple Trees, 2 ami yca'rs old, em bracing 175 varieties. 1'rlJo 25" t 40 cents. 25,000 Poach Trees, from 6 to 8 feet high, OS vareities, from 25 to 30o. - .7' 2s500 standanl Pears, embracing 43 varieties, price from 50 to 75 cents. 5,000 Dw.trf Pears, embracing 33 varieties, price SI each. : ", 7 '. - : . -! 5,000 Cherry Trees, ol varieties, 50 to j 5 cents each. ' . , 500 Apricots, Early Golden, Cud ay Pe-wli Apri cots, Large E-irlv, price 50 cents. . 1.200 Ouinee. assorted... 25 to 50cenfs. t 500 Dwarf Apples, 500 White Grape Currants.." 600 Black Naples ; 500 Cherry Currant. 500 Red Dutch Currant 5Q0 Vietoria Currants - 500 White Dutch Currants-." 500 Large Red Dutch Currants 500 English Black ; 2.000 Prolific Green 1,000 Houghton's Seedling 500 Warrington do 1,000 Sulpher do 1,000 Ashton ' ' " 500 Crown Bob " do . 500 Riaemcn : do 2,000 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries 1,000 Ohio Everbearing ' do 2,000 Large German Antwarp do ' 1,000 Red Antwerp 1.000 English Filberts . 1 uOO Horse ChcftnutS" 5.000 Grape Vine,", 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50 150.000 Grape Vines, lvcar old $5 ? 100 5,000 Dahlias assorted, each 25 .100 Pernia?. : do . 50 10.000 Giant Asparagus Roots..5 1 100 5.000 Tube Roses- - " 10 " I 2.000 Yards PinTi ..50cts V jard. 2,000 Plants Victoria Rhubarb : ' 50Ror$iO f 100 8,000 Wilmot's Early Red Rhnbnrb-. ..12o 50000 Strawberry Plants, 12 varieties.. $5 to 10 ?icr 2,0000 j 10,000 Shnde and Ornamental Tree, embracing Catalpa, Black Locust. Paliotiia Imperiallis, Lombirdv Poplnr, Silver Leaved Poplar, Linden W(Kd, Sweet Gntn, Elm, Balsam Poplar, Allinnthiis, Tulip Trees, Upland Cy ptsss. Sycamore, Paper Mul'K'rry, Ainorican Inarch, Weeping Willow, Buckeye, Moun tain Ash, White Birch, Red Maples, varying in price from 25 cents to $1,50, according to size. . ; I '. i 15,000 Evergreens, embracing j Red Cedar3, price each 50c to $2 White Pine do 50c to SI j . Yellow l'ine v do 50c to $2 j i- Balaam Fir,' v ' do 50c to tl ' American Arborvitas 25c. 50c, 75c, $1,50. Chinese Arborvita', 5"?, 1,50, ! European Savin-50c, Tree box 50a r i Noiway Spruce, 50c, 75e, 100, ' White Sprue. $1. 7- ' 12,500 Plants of Orramental Shrubbery, embracing in part s follows: ... SnowBalls, each 37J to SI, fylac, ech 50c; Spiras, assorted, each 25c; ' ITardy Rocs, each 50c; ' .Monthly R'sos, each 50c-; -. ' 'T Honey Suckles, asrrted, 25?, 50c Tynnjra J biladclpnas 2jc to iO.;; . Pwose Acasia. 25c to 50c; IVivet for lllgc 25c; '' Bladdacina 25s: Corcorus Jsponica 25c; Ellagnus 25c; Laburnum 50i?j Tamarix Afrlcana. 25 to 50c; ' Ribcs Gord Mii 25a to 50c; - Weeping Mountain A-h 1.50; Whith Fringe Tree 1,50; - Forsythe 50o to 1,00;: :i ' - ' Cornice Dogwood Siiver Striped 50c to I,C0 Deutxa Scab'a 25c: Deutz Gracilis 50c; Weeping Birch JO"; ' . ' Magnolia Asuminctta 50?; ' "' '' ' '" Weepin? Lirjden 10; f Dwarf Box 50a per yard; . . Eauonimus 50?; ' Altheas, nortrd, 25.-5 to 50,?. ' ' '" 57" In oTering the above Stock trt on cnmerj we be; to My it is sirperior in growth ami fU5.!'.ty to any heretofore o.Tered, nd ner?ons wl-liinj a s-upply can avail themselves cf further infomiitinri, I y' ad dressing the uniarsi rned at St. Louis. Catalogues fcxtd?hcl to all post-jai l npHcation. P.eTeetfu!ly, JOHN SIGERSON & Er. Oct.2l3c5. TlclMy Furniture. ril'DSTEAD?, Taller H-suiJ, Bureau s--in short. J cverythicg in tho Fur rt':ind', Bureaus in short, n iituro line, c:in bo hnd at ljOBLITZELL A COS. Stovc3 and Tinware. ""lOOK, Parlcr and Oiru o Stoves of various pat- terus; and Tiu ware, at IlOllLITZELL A CO S. Hardware, - Cutlery . and ;Iron. ALAUUh aortment at ; ' ; 1I0BLITZELL & CO'S set. r.)xu Address tho vlnHtf 'v i-nz '"a cara uyajo jt Lift., ll iov. A. C " TIIOIUV SMITH ftUAXcG iK T)Uori:i!:Tons.-Bosld , kept b Nuiejulcn, we Iuto oa band L, 2, 200,000 Apple Trets,fiot 0 toj fMt 100,000 Dwarf Puar Tms, 2ju? r,Lj 100,000 Cherry. Tre, Hi 2 jcor0,i u Peach, Plum, Apricot rnd Nottarim T,. large numbers. H 100,000 JiaphirricM, ccihriwinevprjjj , value. AM tlie pt pulaf BS well m rant t other mHll fruit , " Foreign 'id Native FrerifcncJf,,,, , ) Pines, Cryptom:iin, Cudirs, Ll t J p Spruce, BaLmras, IIe:ai!m ki, ., small. 1 1,1 Ornamental Trees, Rosoi, Shmlbm r Hodge r.ants. cto. ' " ' BuIIkius Rcots, nativo nd imptrtrj; , natiom, Ptftiies, Chrysar tbcmuuM, I'li1,,,,,,' great abuudanco, ami -of tlio uiost btiai.. ties. ' " .' 7 While wo confidently claJm fur oar pA treneralan excellence ot urpoii.e4 by u, ; Nurscy, we particulaily rmt euipliatimiiyij,' our stock of Pear t rees, loth l)w;irf auj as unranilolled eilher in extent ot fluilitT u ' existing stock in Atlerisa. Thj folIowii'.Z 1 Vood. and Willow varc. BUCKETS, .Tub, Churns, nnd an end'c?s variety of Willow ware, is for wile at. IIOULITZJ-LL A CO'S.. , - Saddlery. SADDLES, Bfidles, Martingnlen, Checks, ar.d ev ery variety of goods in this l!no can be had at - ' ' IIOBL1TZELL A CO'S. W - Steam " Hill Lumber. . E take this method of informing tho Public that we havo just initio t"cration on what is known as Sonoi n IsJ;u;d, four mik-siibovo Brown villc, ilrst qu.ility steam Sawmill, and are now pre pan! to saw uU kinds of Lumber ou short notice, and in n manner, we ar eon'ident. will givo iatil'uo ticn. Wo will "keep a Ferry .bout to run to tho main sfcojT, for feco use of our cusrom?rs, ... . , V J i ,l -.V.'. S. HALL A CO, , HEBEASKA CITY HOTEL. . -'NFiBUASKA CITY,' N. T.' ' BAKXIiS & DAIiMMJ, Proprietors. THIS commoJious Hotel, situated upon Main Street, Ncbra.-ka City, will be found a do sirable resort far travellers. Stages leavo this hou J for all parts of tho Territory. FRESH DRY GOODS. . . i:i:v, ja3iiox & co., ' 2To9. 170 and 172 Main S?., S7. Louis. ""T 7"E are now in receipt cf the most complete and V magnificent itock, ever offered to tho Western Tnulu. Merchants vi-sifin;- this city aro invited mikoan exainiuation of our stork and price.'. EDDY, JAMESON & CO. to GEO. C. FEUGUSOIT. MILLWIilGIIT-AND ENGINEER nilOH'NVlLTX, N. T. ' ANNOUNCES to t!io public, that he in prepared to erect Steam Saw and ilcrcL-'nt Mills at short notice and returnable terms. ALL WORK WARRANTED. " He Is also Agent for ."'"'' A. K. IIO L LI III III) Si CO'S,? ' Western - Foundry, iOiJJCIN'NATI, (X, Li:r, & LK WITT'S " CINCINNATI, O.,. . And ii prepared to receiv e and fill orders for any ma chincry manufactured cr kept on Lind, by Aec es tablishment.. , 7 7 ; . : Letters of cnqujry, promptly answered. . . . ) ,- : KEFFEILENCES. Noel, Lake & Co., Ilrownvil!, N. T( Steam Mill. . Nuokoll.i A Whitf, Ilockp;rt, 51o. ' M . James Lowe, Linden, u - " vln3ly. Urownvillc, Juno 21, 130. jirciiAi:!. JicfJEi:, Saddle and Harness - Maker, East aide of Main, bet. Francis and Felix St., - ST. JOSEPH. MO.- rplIANKFTL fi r past favor., U'i leave to inform J. the ptibli'1, that ho ha.i just rt turned from St. Lonii with a? fine an aortmcnt of matcrialj ai has ever been purchased In that market. Ilia tof-k con-iitit.j cf a superior article of Slt'riin" Harnc., bridle leather, ho, calf, and sheep kn; fine goat morocc, and a surpassingly beautiful arti cle of enameled leather cf various hucg. flo has every variety of saddlo trees, from the real Mc.iicana and English, Beard's n-nd Orim-ilcy's pat ent, down, to tho omraon fall-lack.'.. Ho hai on hand and wiil continue to keep paddles, eaddle-bn., bri dles, -martingales, halter, cellar.-, wbip-3 r trrry quality, whip-hvdics, hames, tracer, spury, Ac. Ihu alio, coach, bu'y, l'eniiiylvania, yankec, cart and dray harness. - He ku not now, nor will h keep any ether than Nor 1 workmen, arid his instructions to them are neat ness and t-trength. lie, therefore, feel no hesitation in saying that hii work will seldom be where eurpnsritd. As Fmall profitJ and quick vale, in hi motto, he pledges Linnolf tn soil (considering the quality of the arthb) lywcr than any houao mat of the Alle gheny Mountains. Tfaos disposed to supeci him of gating, have on ly to call to be nmured of their mistake. St. Jos;ph, August 20, 3. vlnlStf PALMER HOUSE, - - . "OAIIEOUU,lroprictor. Comer cf Illinois anil Wasliirton Streeta INDIANOrOLIS, IND. THIS well-knon and p-'j.ular Hotel, has recently b;cn re-built and greatly tUrgd by tho addi tion o! -nty or icvctity room, ar.d is furnished througao. iwith m;w arnl beautiful fjrniture. and is in all I rcspvtr, a i'irt CJav Hole!. Travelers will nd ths -I,.nhiicr"a!I they cj.i desire f . r com fort, luxury rr.d p!ra?nrc. tho 'U'ulo will at a'l t;ies le snppdi-l with the bc?t th? market a!7jrL. aud no pains wiH 1 spP,re,i n.nfp?r 9 ta. 0f guests both ccosf.rtil.Io anl feasant. .-Tny 'TIIK PALMJ- R HOUSE.' Ango.-:t 33, ISjU. ylnU-ly IIUItlLVII I'OIt YOUNG AriLIIICA lI f p- " THE CHEAPEST Store refer to trcei tak;a from Via snino k tuik- i ...i -i....... ." ". oaurci, wiiviimi-T -cn year ilia; Fri iu Thom.n ". Vltl, .(., an estouiV. in and importer i i ear m .V vliri. spcfijnons are reniy sptctili 1; the fliic-t 1 it!', ; over Faw."-" i . Frutn Hubert Harwell, Esq., Moli'e: "lkJl er ceu finer trees."' . j From Messrs. NcallyA- Dritlifrs.rJur!i!ion,I(i. faThey aro really the llncst trees of the;rigt : cr saw, and wo have purchased a grvat mMjai' few post years., .'. , As suggestive to persons about to piinhwV would remark thar, ov.r tires were nut tho cxtmuio ct'ld duri -ia;t!io l.v t winter, which 4 tod so extensive injury to Nursorios t th , and that we havo bad no druoght darin; the p, : sniumcr by whi'.'h tho jrtwih i.f our trees W retarded, lhey niny bo icliod pin,tben:(iifc1 in prime hcnlih .t.d vignr, OUR CATALOGUES Vill bo sent post. paid to .all who crulosof, Ta,!. letter stamp, and fir thj otlicrdaoao cnlr-i' each, No. 1 A general descriptive CaUlogg uttit' prmluctions. 7 No. Z A later edition of the Fruit Dai.-'.:-- Nr.. 1. : ' . , No. IV A ttt-sci-iptiTc Ca:al'iguo of 0rtm.ti Trees, Shrubs, Imcs, etc Noi I A deseriptivo Cutaloieof i);ih!laj,G'-A house and Ucddiug pIar.Lt. No. 5 A whohnalo Cutnlo'tie firXur"ryaiia Dealers. ; ; ) Abu a Supplementary Cahlojuo of thC.Tx tal and CreenhoUHC d "i arl.m'Ut. ' Also a oircular n the A'.pttU R.o.- . .- '. Syracuse, N. V., Nuf. 2 , 'It-oil. ; tAl'ii EUOTS.-L'O,!))!) Catawba Cra Km two years t-H, fur s.tle. ' 1i7mi j pr hul.-a G'i $ id per ttiousan J. 'Nov. L'Otf J. M. McCELUU'l-H, No. 2110 Mu id st., Ciir.-inn.vj; rini-o ,U50Cl ""1K0U7V under tlio pcrvmifcl su-rvi!. J 'J sutjscribor. '' lvarrnnt-il fj'.i nnnl.t wJ enough of whii h will Losor.t tftnopid abrjitiBui;, on nooptinn of pneo pru-jwid. Casauak Mrss JlEtus A bcaatifal an-l d.l'nna fruit. ( Asiatiijorigin,, Zim'x Oraxcjk' V ateh ."AIf.i.on--- Ii- 1 ofT !;!;? the rinl cf an onui'l very Cr.9 flavor -V 21 Classj Lf.::ox A bcar.tifi I littla!oa for prc.-:erve.s when grain 25 Cni;::.-::-: a-tauacI's Aiinaar,n'Inpiiil . to tl e cotimiui: easily rai.:ed 13 Fivk Feet Ci'iT3nK!:s Very !:irg and eurioiM to behold Mammoth IVurKiv,.. .".v. ur the address. :j ,v. ;g '" whole f.r ono cVlar, wnl- br n:ail l J . JOi'Y.Vll L. ASiluY, :; riAtt-biirrh, Clinton Co, Ha Chine so Sus3 Case. , I NAVE a supply of t'aU ioi! cn inlu. Tfa? Ib., S2; per oz. lir, emt$; 'JVrM)D rinittis; 23 cents, fhall have on ouace seat them mid. : . ' I j T1.?j exotio plant, knr.wn ii &rim .?iw' I recently introdacei into this onntry by the i f OKce, m-iy hn eultiyatat to U.iuU; inctrrj?-'' ; of tho United States. It ip maku a Rm4 ' the poorest soil. .From experiment? air-!y W'x syrup making from the juico cf this plmt, I W 1 loiiuve that cnr be p-idibly umJ rate, ii is worth a trl:d br rry farmer. - x. . -, . . .X-M-rCULLoua. : Nov. 23.f . , 201 3tiin t., Cin'-iaraa. AS; I.Icrgan Horses. EMIUM ESSAY on tl.o Origin, Ifl'tn laractcristicj of tkia leDtw-kahi-j A:xi;iticA?r intrrn or nonsns Tricing tho pedigrne fror.i '.hi r rit ual Jastlii gan, throu-h the niust ootcl cf bin pr-j'rny, Urthe present tir-i With ncta::roi t'Ttrait. M which aro aided Hints f.r )3r ln, kt-VZ general Uso and Mimnymirit t f Il i;a f; tical Dirwtions for Tn.TnitistI.era for ExhPuitio- Asricaltai-a! Fairf.; J5y I). C. Ij5sltT M:ddi:b-1' Vt. Price Jl. Sent free of tifMtT. ' ' c. 21. FAXT05 i CO.- A.icultu.-pl Ctlc rubli.cts, 1 13 Fulton a, J ii. A. Ti;mtv : co TrnOLr.SALS AX1 P.E7A11 fJxlOL f GARDEN A2W EEOWEH SEEDS, IRUITS and Shrnhs, Crape ard Crsnl-ry CrasS Clorcr S e!, li-nl nccda of all kisi.. ar.d I!offhi:lfur?il lUfc, ImpImflM ATits for all th bc.t Kuril Pubticatinasio1 . United States. ' ' ' . - . S U;n next dr t, Pot-0:e,' Council D!. : vlii2-ly ; ' A. MCfcD, G. 3U. IICUJ!:?, , , J..J. :7 MUDX) & HUGHES PRODUCE 5v COMMISSION No. So J;Yce aoi fjti . Cc rnrncrc:;il " ST.' LOUIS Strc-t 7 I iil.JriU - itrii.L!i-' HiilV'T ' Attorney :-. nr.iL Couiiirllor at l--UnOY'YILLE,X T. "Will practice in tea Third Ja Ilfi.! Pi-tritt ia braska Territory. r.n.l in the TwillYfi Jaikl Cir"1 ia the SUti(f Mif.- nri. ' , EH-';ir.l Pr-iw.-:; Ir.-rr.villi, N. P..Furr.-.v Ir. J- hn M.-l'herson, ' TIpo-iTK-e, Ohio. Jjin-'j FostJr, ' t) M. Covro N. jll'.Ir-, " . . A-ir, N. T. fc ; UNDER TILE SUN! ! i TIIE tnlcr.-;nii-i would re--poctfu7y inform the cituijsa cf L'rownviHe aud furpouu'lu c jnJrr that we have crcn'-il one ot th; chear at ul lar-t tockcf - Heady Muh ClotLir.g -: in Ncbrasl;. Territory I .-VZt tU-'n-rs re.spVfaPy solicit arall and c;a.ii.ia.i -r s'. k before r.urS -lssw!v?rt .n wo are dst-.-ruiinM to u-i.lcr-h-.M at.Z i CJ.,thiil3: L'-t.,:ui..hnic..t ia i's Tcrr'...,rr. Vel-Ul r.,.w u L:vi..l a v.r:m?sit 4' hv.uly rU-1 Cicti.-,!!-; ai.-, M.irt?,' Cll'sr. Cravat i;.-. .. ..... -, . s.JU..uii,r, .,.. , r xjxiwur all of lao i -tqut'.ity an 1 latent styl-j. llciu-e erc.ruiuj our vk and it-.: i .ir T-;;r5t If. - - Mtl.LU- (iJiSE.N'K Stoee Oa thoLcvco near 7, 7 t Urowcrill-j. D-xuulcr. ?7. '-. 1 '7 ""-,! BROWN VlLLE FERRY : I'lAVvTEliS .t T.AKZW, t ? t '.. - i 'o' ' at -' J are r.-f-r.rv-l wIiS r, f w-J - -t f , . tbo--. rr i : '.,. . " , j " V-!r.i co:c;;i; t.j f a'l ifxrra-Jt ta " va; ero ... . j..- e n r- L.i !? cr r'i hcro r ;i o i-;tt?.- rr i.i-. ..;; J .V:-ri1f l . -i' b-s c.s w ."u-ai :w.'.i. i i v' , A .v,