Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 05, 1857, Image 3
1 ! ADVERTISER, It. W. FURXAS, Editor. IVK?DAV M0RNLVO, FEBRCART , 1857. 5 II. PakviV, General Advertising Ag?nt,i rear '$' Vork, Ladies' and Children's hhoe Store, j tt Fourth street, Cincinnati. iJ. VrrrtsciLL k Co. New Vork. S. Swtjijieii, 'o. 43 Chestnut street, Saint """f. Jli"LrG, Troy, Ohio. jir. II. H- Daw-t. Tippecanoe, Ohio. W. 0. NrsGER, Covington, Ky. 6 ' IK Kir. Arebcr, Nebraska. ' Pitkr, Oregon, Mo. piu-o A Kawk, linckport, Mo. hiii'kv White, Nebraska City, X. T. M. W. Tatk, Linden, Mo. .. ri 11 v- T J liAHNX". iuraurmr, 1. auiburiiedApenUtocl licit Subscriptions and i criiM-iiiruts lor me Auvcruaer, ana recieve ana . . t i I .. . jpjit f r monies thereon, Prrm resident In this erritory, coming from n. Tirti'o of the Statk often uggest to as ' - .l -l i t :t.l L i u - - .nv of pcr.ns in their IJ neighborhoods, who riber if they conld aee We always send a speci- . p.,pv. anl persons recie ing, will consider it a ular subscriber. I'ost- ,'iriiaui'n ' wrcome a re ..trr and others, feeling si fhcient interest to make r ,. a club, can retain the uH ai per cent for their JOB WC 2X With rcccrit extensiv : additions of new Dronzes, Cards, &c OSrc, we claim to I"yje, Cuts, colored Inks, nVie to the "Advertiser' ma able to turn out Job foik in z manner un- surpassed v any ollicc. tactical Vrii.ter Lims The proprietor being If, and havirg in bis ffiij.loy an accompllshd 1 and experienced etermined not to be Fancy Job Printer, is out-done in the rxecutioij of Job Work. Cards Aivii 2 one rl I osier s itest improved Card Preset.), lV.auks, V ork in Colors, bronze Work, ic, Mill rneft "with particular atten- ti'.n. Orders from a distanco will be promptly at- t-.nle 1 tr, aud w arranted to give satisfaction or t,o iav. ; Tlie absence of the Editor pro tcm., Dr. IIoLi.ii'AV. who Ins gone to Omaha for the pur j.seof entering the half section of land upon hich tli' a own is located, will account for the sr.irc.ity of editorial matter in the present I j.uruU-r. PECSPECTS OF EEOWNVILLE. S-' the ccmmcncemcnt of cold weather . (i:r town lias i,ot improved very rapidly, but we have every assurance of the work goinj I f,irw;ird on the opening of Spring. Theindi f;it'i.t s for a remunerative and busy season for our mechanics arc more favorable than they ' Luc ever been before since Brownvillo was l.ii.l o!T as a town. I'ut a short year ago the idea of making a : tnvD at this puint, was treated with indiffer- ri:re aid the proprietors themselves almost r faltrred in the enterprise. They disposed of x Teat i.umber of lots at prices scarcelv worth bnn'Lt at a thousand dollars a piece. It wil lc seen the idea of rearing up in the wilder rtks (i Nebraska a nourishing city, is no lm."-ran cxncrmuu;: that the destiny of r.ruwnville v ill far surpass the expectations ef her most sanguine friends. As soon at the weather will admit, we nnder s'.i;d, the erection of a first clxss hotel and two ftiac houses will be commenced and completed villi all possible rai iditv. Tho number of dwelling house?, offices, shops, &c, under con tract, is undoubtedly CTeater than at anv other town in .Nebraska. Taking into consideration the didculties which have surrounded us we arc agreeably surprised at our progress. The in sufficiency of building materials and mechanics his been the only drawback to our enterprising citizens. This we hope will be overcome in tl future and that our march will be "onward and upward." EF.F0RT OF THE TREASURES OF THE TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA. If we are not very much mistaken the Gov r::or informed us, iu Lis annual llessagc, that Nebraska was flourishing. We were delighted to hear this, but in perusing the Report of the Treasurer a different tale unfolded itself; and we have arrived at the conclusion that Nebras- t!e abstract. Citizens of Nebraska ! open your ears and listen to this wonderful revelation of the doings of our Officers : "Having received fiom my predecessor at the time of my taking possession of this office, on the first of January of the present year, no tintnnfnt, nor yrrycrs or books of any kind, I am unable to give any account of the financial affairs of tho Territory previous to that time. Ilo also states that the sum of $92 was all that remained in the Treasury for the payment of $300 and that he advanced the amount teecssary to make up the deficiency, and con fluently is now creditor to the Territory for $'J08. l'-ut three counties (Cass, Dodge and Ne maha,) have paid over to the Treasury the turns due from them, and the Treasurer of iWe, by claiming the mileage and percent on the amount paid over by him ($20,20), left the nett sum of $5,70. The Territory, we think, has reason to con- grslu1at3 herself on the amount being as hrj-e as it was and that the Treasurer of said County reside! ia so close proximity to the Treasurer's -"fliCC. IIf.w.e Tlaxts. The scarcity of timber anl high price of rails in this country, render it necessary for our farmers who have located out on the prairie, to seek some cheaper met hod pf fencing than the ancient "stake and rider." Ia other prairie countries various methods of IleJing hare been adopted, but the most antral and successful has Wen the "Madura pant." Messrs. Ovebmas & Mass, of Bloom- ngton, HI., whose advertisement will be seen 'n another column, aro the most extensive dcrs in this Hedge Plant In tha West, and fcve procured almost the entire yield of the rsi season. Persons wishing lo purchase Helge Tlants can forward their orders lo the We named gentlemen or leave thera at this ciTice. In connection with the Hedge Plants tbev nave t large and extensive Nursery, contain ,T1? slroost every desirable spoews of fruit tree, Tln,( ornamental shrulbsry, &x Tot Baxk. Being personally acquainted "a id gentlemen who are engaged iu this w-terpriss, Messrs. Mato & Smith, and fcnow- thera to be possessed of an enviable r?pu 'ation in the bnsinees world, we have no hesi 'Mcy in recommending our readers, who havo Whom of that nature to transact, to apply to above House. See advertisement. 2fQTIC3 TO PRE-E2CFT0RS. Laxd Ctfick, Omaha City,) . January 2Sth, 1857. $ On the 1st day of February this oEce will be opened to Pre-emptors. rials of the following Townships are readjf and persons on any of them can corai forward as soon as they please, and prove tip. Other lata are daily expected, and as soon as re ceived, will in like manner be ready. Ko. 17,18, 19, in Rans 9 1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12,17, 13,19, - 10 " 1,2,3,4,5,,7,8, - 11 5,,7,8, " - 13 1, 2, 3, 4, i, 6, 7, 8, North of Range No. 12 Eaii. 1,2,3,, - - 14, 5, and , - " 15, 5,and6, 18, M A Public Sale is confidently expected on or before the 1st day of June; previous to which, all persons claiming Pre-Emption must con summate them, or they will be forfeited. Persons applying to Tre-Empt, must : 1st. Be a citizen of the United States, or have filed his declaration of intention to be come a citizen. 2d. Either, the head of a Family, or a Widow, or a Singla Man, over the age of 21 years. 3d. An inhabitant of the tract sought to be entered, upon which in person he has made a settlement, and erected a Dwelling House. ("A person failing in any one of these requisites can have no claim to Tre-EmpL") 4th. Satisfactory proof must be made to cstablioh the three foregoing requisites : -This must be done by one or more disinterested Witnesses. The Witness, or Witnesses, must testify in person, at this office, except, "by reason of distance, sickness, or infirmity," they cannot appear. In such cases depositions will be received. 5th. All papers connected with Pre-emption cases must be prepared in due form, by the rre-emptors or their agents. This duty can not be too strictly complied with, as it is especially required, by a recent Circular from the Commissioner of the Land Office. Cth.'In all cases of contest, the party who first applies to make proof and payment, must give the notice to the other claimant, and fix a time for trying the case. 7th. Land Warrants are receivable, but only one Warrant can be used. If a Warrant of a less denomination than 1G0 teres is used, the difference must be paid in money. We will take pleasure iu affording any in formation required, and any facility in our power, to Pre-emptors, but they should not fail to attend the foregoing requirements. By doing so, their busiress will be promptly des patched. JOHN A. PARKER, Register. A, R. Gillmore, Receiver. EXTRACT. From the Law relative to Land Ofue business Chap. 17. An Act for the relief of the citi zens of towns upon the lands of the United States, under certain circumstances : 3e it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica, in Congress assembled, That, whenever any portion of the Surveyed Public Lands has been or shall be settled upon and occupied as a town site, and therefore not subject to entry under the existing pre-emption Laws, it shall be lawful, in case such town or place shall be incorporated, for the corporate author ities thereof, and if not incorporated, for tho judges of tho Countv Court for the countv in which such town is situated, to enter, at the proper land office, and at the minimum price, ho land so settled and occupied, in trust, for the several use and benefit of the occupants thereof, according to their respective interests; the execution of which trust, as to tho disposal of tho lots in such town, and the proceeds of tho sales thereof, to be conducted under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Legislative authority of the State or Territory in which the same is situated: Pro vided, that the entry of the land intended by this act, be made prior to the commencement of the public sale of the body of land in which it is included, and that the entry shall include only such land as is actually occupied by the town, and be made in conformity to the legal subdivisions of the public lands authorized by the act of twenty-fourth April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, and shall not in the whole exceed three hundred and twenty acres; And provided, also, That any act of said trustees, not made in conformity to the rules and regulations herein alluded to, shall be void and of none effect ; And provided also, That the corporate authorities of the town of Weston, in the county of Platte, State of Missouri, or the County Court of Tlatte county, in said State, shall be allowed twelve months, from and after the passrge of this act, to enter at the proper land office, the lands upon which said town is situated. Approved May 23d, 1SH. Columbus This extensive Nur sery, an advertisement of which will be seen in another column, is prepared to fill orders for any desired class of trees, vines, &C-, of the very best quality, and at reasonable rates. . The 6tock has been selected with an especial view to the wants of the West, and persons will do well to give them a call. KEBRASKA LEGISLATURE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES UP TO JAN. 1G, IS57. The nouse met pursuant to adjournment, nnA afVnr riMrrr lur t hfl Hh.inlain. Mr. FinneV of Nemaha made a motion for the election of, roblic Printer, which resulted in the election . t nr a-cO- .qri R Mr Holloway moved for suspension 0f the ; riattsiuouth Colgate aud Fieparatory Insti rules "of the House, which was granted, when i tutc; also, a bill to locate the Penitentiary of be presented the following resolution : Resolv - cd, that John A. Singleton, be sworn as a member of the House, as Representative from Richardson and Fawnee counties. After some discussion the motion was withdrawn. Mr. Armstrong moved that Mr. Singleton's credentials be referred to the committee on privileges and elections. Mr. Hail moved that the cases of Vatts and Jones be referred to tha same ooramittes. Both motiona prevai On motion of Mr. led. , Finnev of Nemaha, Mr. Patt'ison was admitted as Reporter lor tue eiv York-lleraid. On motion of Mr. Strickland, the Clerk was uuthorized to order five copies of each news paper published in the Territory, to bo fur nished to each member of tho House. Notice was given by Mr. Seely of Dodge that he would introduce a bill to incorporate the Bank of FoLteniille at Fontenelle, Dodge county. Notice row gflrcn hj Mr. Armstrong that lie would iutroduce a bill to incorporate the City of Omaha. . ! Notice was given by Mr. Slaughter, that he would introduce a bill to incorporate the Bank of Plattsmouth; also, a bill to locate a Terri torial Road from Plattsmouth, Cass county, to Chester, Lancaster county. JSotxe was given by Mr. Seeley of Dou glas, that he would introduce a bill to incor porate the Omaha city and Platte Valley Rail road Co. On motion of Mr. llollowaT, Mr. S. M. Coz- zctia was admitted as Reporter for the New i ork National Intelligencer. Notice was given by Mr. Sharp, that he would introduce a bill regulating the entry of Town Sites laid ou: on Public Lands in this Territory. Notice was given by Mr. Wolph, that he would introduce a bill to incorporate the Mis souri River and Pacific Railroad Company. The committee on the subject of Postage made the following report : 'That they have been informed by Secretary Cuming, that the postage of members of the House, will bo jiaid by I ho General Govern ment' The Sergeant-at-Arms was directed to fur nish the Post Master of the city with a list of Members, and receive from him, from day to day, the mail matter directed to members of the House. ' The committee on Privileges aud Elections reported that John A. Singleton was entitled to a seat in the House as. Representative from Richardson and counties, which report was adopted, and on motion of Mr. Holloway, Mr. Singleton wasBWornby Secretary Cuming. Notice was given by Mr. Finney of Nemaha that he would introduce a bill to locate a ler ritorial Road from Nemaha city via Brownville to Nebraska city. Notice was given by Mr. Hail that he would introduce- a bill entitled, 'An act to restrain Sheep and Swine from running at large.' Notice was given by Mr. Wolph that he would introduce a bill locating a Territorial Road from Nebraska city to Weeping Water Falls. Notice was givun by Mr. White, that he would introduce s. bill to charter the Bank of Powhocco. The committee on Privileges and Elections reported that E. C. and S. F. Watts, were duly elected members from Dahkota Cp., and on motion of Mr. Holloway, they were sworn bv Secretary Cuming. Notice was given by Mr. Card well, that he would introduce a bill chartering a Ferry com nanv across the mouth of the Platte River. Notice was given by Mr. Finney of Nemaha that he would introduce a bill granting to George Smith a Ferry Charter on the Missouri River in Nemaha countv. Notice was given by Mr. Holloway, that he would introduce a bill to incorporate the Bel- lcvue and Platte V alley Railroad Company. Notice was given by Mr. Seely of Dodge, that he would introduce a bill to define the Northern and Eastern boundaries of Dodge countv. Notice was driven by Mr. White, that he would introduce a bill to incorporate the Ne braska City and Pacific Railroad Company. Notice was given by Mr. Slaughter, that he would introduce a bill to incorporate the Platte River Ferry Company. Notice was given by Mr. Sharp, that he would introduce a bill to locate the county seat of Gare co'unty. Notice was iven by Mr. Dyson, that he would introduce a bill to incorporate the Platte River Ferrv Company. Notice was given by Mr. Hanscom, that he would introduce a bill regulating the sale of Snirituous Liauorsin Nebraska. Notice was given by Mr. Seely of Douglas, that he would introduce a bill entitled a bil of Mechanics' Lien. Notice was given by Mr. Wolph, that he would introduce a bill to incorporate the be braska Citv. Cedar Bluffs and Omaha ltoad Notice was given by Mr. Strickland, that he would introduce a bill to erect anew county, out of the District of Territory known as the Southern District of Douglas county. Notice was siven by Mr. Hanscom, that he would introduce a bill regulating the Practice in the Courts of this Territory. On motion of Mr. Holloway, the House ad journed till ten o'clock on Thursday morjing. Met pursuant to adjournment, and after prayer by the Chaplain, Mr. Holloway present ed a petition from Thomas Gibson contesting the scat of S. E. Seely, which was referred to the committee on Privileges and Elections. On motion of Mr. Hanscom, Mr. Jas. Stew art was admitted as Reporter for the Chicago Times, Daily Pennsylvaniau, and Daily Union. The following message was received from the Council : Mr. Speaker, I have to inform your Honor able body, that Messrs. Puett and Safford have been appointed a committee on tho part of the Council to confer with a like committee on the part of Ihe House to draft Tules for the tv o Houses; also, that Messrs, Bradford and Miller, on the part of the Council, have bees appointed a committee to confer with a like committee of the House, in examining, revis ing and reporting to the Legislative Assembly the Code of Nebraska. All of which is res pectfully submitted. O. F. Lake, Chief Clerk. On motion of Mr. Finney of Nemaha, the Chief Clerk of the House was instructed to procure 100 copies of the Standing Commit tees, for tho use of the House. Notice was given by Mr. Seely of Douglas, that he would ir.troduce a bill, entitled 'J ustices of the Peace and their Jurisdiction? also, a bill to incorporate the Bank of Manhattan, at Manhattan. Notice was given by Mr. Stout, that he would introduce a bill locating a lerntonal Road from Do Soto, Washington county, to Decitur City, Burt countyj also, a bill char tering a Railroad from Do Soto, Washington couiitr. Westward in the direction of the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains; also, a bill to incorporate the Bank at Omadi, Dahkota county. Notice was given by Mr. Card well, that he would introduce a bill to authorize W. Whit- more and Robert Boggs, to erect a Darn across Salt Creek, at the twn of Chester, Lancaster county. Notice was riven by Mr. Cole, thai he would introduce a bill, restraining Sheep and Swine from running at large in Cass county; also, a bill authorizing J. A. Cardwell to erect a mill dam across Spring Creek in Cass county ; also, a bill to securu the rights of squatters on the school lauds. Notice was given hy Jlr. olph, that he 1 would introduce a lull to incorporate tbe ; Nebraska; also, to lncorporat uenual uty, Burt countv. . Notice was given by Mr. Slaughter, that be would introduce a bill locating a Read frem Plattsmouth to New Fort Kearney. Notice was given bv Mr. Lawrence,-that be would introduce a bill lo restore the lines ef Johnson; also, a bill lo locate a Terri torial Road from St. Stephen to the Salt Creek crossing, via Uig Nemaha. Notice was given bv Mr. Steiiiherger, that he would ir.troduce a bill to locate a Territorial Road from Elk Horn city to Iron Bluffs; also, a bill to incorporate a Bank at Elk Horn city. Notico was given by Mr. Hail, that he would introduce a bill incorporating the Lancaster Saline Bank. Mr! Holloway introduced the following : Resolved, That the Executive and Secretary of Nebraska be, and are hereby respectfully solicited to exhibit to this body all documents in regard to -Public Buildings, together with the estimates; contract, &c This motion was laid over under the rules. Notke was given by Mr. Hanscom, that he would introduce a bill to incorporate the Bank of Pawnee, at Pawnee Village. 2iot;ce was given by Mr. Sharp, that he would intioduceabill to incorporate Rulo City, Richardson county; also, a bill to incorporate Bank at Omaha; also, a bill to locate the county seat of James county. Notice was given by Mr. Finney of Nemaha. that he would introduce a bill t establish a Territorial Road from BrownvifieV tia St. George, to Table Reck. Notice was given by Mr. Murphy, that ae would introduce a bill to define the boundaries of Cuming county. Notice was given by Mr. Seelv of DodgeT that he would introduce a bill locating a Terri torial Road from Elk Horn eity to the forks of -JK Horn River. On motion of Mr. Seely of Douglas, a com mittee wis appointed to examine the Public Building and report. NEBRASKA LASS OFFICE NOTICE. Many enquiries having been made "when the Land Office will be open for Pre-Emption we have to state, that our Tract Books were 6ent from Washington on the 5th inst (via St Louis). As soon as received, we will give no tice whes Pre-emptors can prove, &c, accom panied with extracts from the pre-emption aws, showing what will be required of those claiming the benefit of the same. J. A. Parker, Register. A. R. Giixmoile, Receiver. Omaha, Nov. 22, 1856. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. Religious Services will be hold in Brown- ville, on each Lords day, at 11 o'clock, and also every Thursday evening at early candle lighting. Brownville Market. CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK BY HOBBLTTZELL & CO. DEALERS IN PRODUCE. Brownville, N. T. (SEILIXO RATES.) FLora, sack of 100 lbs.. $5,00 Corn Mkal, bushel 85o Corn, in the ear, old bushel 40c Oats, f) bushel, 40c ugar, Tt, 1516o lOFFEK, Tea, Bacon, i .... 100 10c 8c 9o 2,00 20e 6($8 llama, Shoulders, Sides, Chickens, $ doi., r.GGS, do, Fbksh Bkkf, $ lb Potatoes, $ bushel, new BCTTEIt, i 5c 25o NEMAHA VALLEY BANK. BROWNVILLE, N. T. A. IIallam, Cash'r. S. II. IUddlk, Trest OFFERING DAYS, Mondays and Thursdays DISCOUNT DAYS, Tuesdays and Fridays, BANKING HOURS, from 1st November to 1st March, 10 A. M., to 3 P. M.; from 1st March o 1st ovembcr, 9 A. M., to 3 V. M. Gin Myriads of Madura Plants. 1,000 Bushels Maclura Seed. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES OVERMAN $ MANN, Bloomington, III., T)ECr leav to announce that they have, for a j scrjes of yenrs, been engaged in the culture of hedges and hedge plants, and having been greatly encouraged by the succcjs of tho .Maclura Hedge and stimulated by the immensely increasing dcniend for the material, they have sown, the present season on good, new land, about 150 bushels of excellent seed tho produce of which is estimated at fifteen millions jiante ! t which they offer for the Spring trade, It would have required more than that amount to ttipply the demand the pait Spring. The terms for plants will be rea$onable, ai d to dealers and oth ers ordering plants by wholesale, great inducements will be offered. It is very important that orders should be sent in E akly, as they will be registered and filled in the order in which they are received, 1' or the last three years they have been unable to supply the demand, and it .is probable that late or ders cannot be filled the next Spring, as the demand is expected to be four timet greater than heretofore, Plants will bo securely packed and delivered on board tho can free of expense, except for cost of ma terial. They arc also extensivdv engaged in importing hedge seed, which they sell on the best terms, and alwavs warrant frem and good; orders for which should br sent in prior to tbe 15th of October next. They will bo prepared to sprout seed for such as do sire it. Having several extensive nurseries, they offer, at wholesale and retail, a largo stock of thrifty Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Rosos, Shrubbery, Ac, at the following points, to wit: Bloomington, 111.; Mound Nursery, Canton, 111,: Henry, Elmwood, and Havana, 111. All Fruit Trees warranted to be of the best varieties and true to name. All information cheerfully given, and catalogue and premium essay on Uedgeing sent to all applicants. Address. OVERMAN St MANN. Feb. 5, 1S57, Bloomington, Illinois. Columbus Nursery. For Central Ohio and all around! OUR Stock of Fruit Trees, 4c, for sale the pres ent r ail und next Spring, is Very large and fino, including all the most approved varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines' Plums Quinces, Grapes, Currants, Goosberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, etc. Especial caro has been taken to procure and propagate mostly such varieties of each class as are found best suited to the soil and climate of the West and South, where most of the winter fruits, especially of the Eastern States, are of no value. Our stock of Peach Trees is remarkably fine, and the price so low that all those who lost their trees the past winter, should now replace them. Of Cherry Trees also we have n fino supply, mostly grown on Mahaleb ttoel n, which secures greater har diness to the tree, and if trained rather low, so as to cause tbe tops to shade tho stem from the hot sun, it is bcleivcd no dilhculty will be found in grow ing fino cherries in the South and West. Of Pears we have a splendid lot, especially on dwarf trees, on strong Anger (Juince ttoelt, the best for rpeedy and abundant productiveness. Catalogues, with prices, et?., will be sent to all applicants. Nurserymen and Dealers in Fruit Trees are invited to call and examino our stock of Peaches Pears and Cherries, especially, before sending East, as we believe they can save expenst aa well as risk by purchasing of us. Wholcssalo Catalogues now ready. M. B. BATEHAM & CO. February 5, 1S57. 1,000 BUSHELS Prosli IVfaclxura, Seed ! ! TT7E have now on the way from Texas the above ? V named quantity of superior seed, of the new crop. The present unlimited and increasingdemand for Hedge plants induced us to make every effort to procure seed suOeicct for out own planting; after having been e.wly apprised of the lightnesi e-f tho crop. By ihe activity and promptness of our agents in Texas wehaVe secured almost the entire yield. The seed are espected to arrive by the 1st of Febru ary, and will be promptly sbipiied to previous orders, from either Bloomington, St. Louis or Cairo. All persons wUhingre& scd should send ns their orders immediately, with plain directions, for ship ping, for delay will certainly result in disappointment. Our price will be reasonable, as we have adopted tbe motto ' Cash sales and small profits." Explicit directions for sprouting and cultivating will be sent to all customers. 1 Seel will be prepared for regelating forthos who desire it. Address, OVERMAN A MANN. Bloomington-, McLain Co., III. January Is t, 1S57. 3'Wf S. W. COZZEtfS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, General Land Agent. OMAHA CITY. N. T. REFERENCE. Gov. Iziari, Omaha j II. T. Beans, Nebraska City. h. s. mayo. " . ' rsESKRVxi) surrn.-" Iteoy bane. T1TE nnder c'srned having this day opened a Daak ins aitl ilxchanze OGce, in Troy. Miami county, Ob to. nnder tho name of H. S. MAYO & CO., TROY BANK, wonld respectfully tender you out service in nn;r business you may bare in this or ad- icininz coiin:ies. Particular attention paid to col- . . ... . j j- . lectin;', and. renurtances prompiiy mauo u mrecieu on day of payment Eastern t Jicnange. uoia ana suTeruu i ncurrem Money bongb and sold. Will loan money on hort tiaie, and pay interest otf Deposits at such rates as may be agreed npon. ... Trusting t our known ability ana experience in the basimsi of Bankine. we shall be able to rivs satisfaction j we respectfully stficit and hope to re ceive a sbare of your business. REFER TO : Messrs. .Mtfood 4 Co., X.Lndlow, Hjrtfaman k Winter, Dryton Bank, New York. u a Dayton. Cincinnati. Philadelphia. Hartford. Cincinnati. 34-tf M M M Hl.tch 4 Langdon, JCinny, E."py & Co., Divxel & Co., Gi. P. Bis-cll A Co., Ohio Life Insurance A Trust Co., Trot, O., January 1st, 13o7. SEASON ARRANGEMENTS! St. Joseph and Council Blufts Yeekl7 "SILVER. HEELS." ! "LS THE new and fast running passenger S3 steamer "SILVER UEELii," having been built expressly for the trade, will upon the opening of 1 navigation, make regular weekly trips, between Si. Joseph and Council Bluff, connecting with the Unit St. Louis Packets at bt. Joseph. The Sil"er Heel? will extend her trips to Sioux CHt, and iaterruediate point?, once a month. ' Tinvvn 1 l 1; 1 vtaV n33-tf Agents. S. Lock oi. 1857. K-E- Pomerot. LOCKWOOD $ P03IER0Y, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HATS & CAPS, STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of every description; for which they pav the highest Market price, IN CASH. COUNTRY Merchants are invited to examine our J stock of Hats & Cat for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In j oint of variety our stocksliall not be excelled by any Uoasa in at. Louis. Our prices will be low, terms accommodating. Call and see us at our New Store. Second St. St. JoseDb.Mo. 32-flm. F. DINGS &.CO., Imfortenof, and IVholetale Dealer in Fancy Goods. Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes. 39 If orth Main Street. (Up Stairs,) ST. LOUIS, Mo. 32-ly To fjiquor Dealers, Wholesale Grocers, Druggists, Photo graphers, Am hrotypers, Pyrotech nLsts, Glass Manufacturers, and Artizans in general. "REST COGNAC OIL, to produce a high-navomf J Brandy with pure Spirits; also, the flavorings for every kind of Liquor, and tho essences of Jamaic and St. Cioix Rum, Holland and English Gin; Apple, Peach anl Cherry Brandy; Monongahela, Bourbon, Irish and Scotch Whisky: Port and Maderia Wines; Coloring for Brandy and Port Wine. Chemicals for all the Arts: Metals, such as Platina, Bismuth, Cad mium, Asbesto, Manganese, Vienna Lime, Gutta Percha Bttles and Dipper?, Cyanide, Pottacsium. Essential Oils: Lemon, Bcrgamot, Lavender, Cloves, Juniper, Caraway, Rose, Orange, Vanilla; Insect powder, nod rly raper. N. B. A Valuable Preparation to give Age and Bod to New Whisky, and other Domestic and Imported Liquors; it is also valuable as a clearing of all fluids which are muddy and turgid, and full direc tions for use sent with every order. For Sale, on the most mod irate term?, by Dr. L. FEUC1IT W ANGER, Chemist und Importer of all Essential Oils, Drug", r ancy uo-xu, c. 32-4w 143 Maiden Lane, N. Y, CHARLES O. D0ESEY, HEAL ESTATE AND GENERAL LAND AGENT, First Street, (opposite "Advertiser" office.) BROWNVILLE, N. T. RespwJ'ully solicits the patronage of the public in Uuying and belling CLAIMS, TOWN PROPERTY, And Filing Declaration of Intention to All claimants of lands are advised to file immcdi atoly, if they have not already done so, as tho provi sions of the pro-cmpticn law in that rc.-pcctare plain and not to be avoided, and it is impossible to perfect a rre-cmption uignt witnout nimg. Brownville, Jan. 15, 1857. vl-noltf The only Exclusive Wholesale Grocery Mouse i7i ot. Joseph. J. B. JENNINGS, "W Xx o losalo Grooor, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Comer Second and Frances Sis. ST. JOSEPH, MO., D ESPECTFULLY calls the attention of Country It Merchants to his largo and varied stock of Groceries, which has been increased by late arrivals at the lowest rates of freight, and will receive daily additions through the season. Having purchased for cash, he presents' rtfofo than ordinary luduccments to buyers, and will satisfy all that favor hira with a call, that he can and will compete with St. Louis prices, lie has in store: COO bags Rio Coffee " 50 boxes starch 40 44 O G Java Coffee 70 do lemon syrnp 103 chest and hf chests 250 whole and of boxes assorted Teas candy ISO bbl reboilcd and S H 300 do cans Ficld.s ecle Molasses brated Baltsmorcoysters 100 half bbls do IWS bbU half and qr bbls 50 kgs Belcher's Syrup- maekrel 150 llhds N O Sugar ' 600 doxen SxlO and 10x12 60 bbli crushed window sash 80 bbls Tar 100 hf bxs ass'd glasr 100 stands do 300 doi bed cords 300 bbls & hf bl?3 crack' 80 coils manilla and jute ers of various kinds rope 200 bxs ass'd Tobacco 100.000 ass'd Cigars 1000 sticks G A Salt 1500 sks Dairy u 10 bales 4-4 Domestics 100 do cotton batting 125 do do yarn 500 kegs sails 80 do S C Soda 400" b'dlcs wrapping paper 500 bbls S F and extra Flour 12u0 qr and half bxs sar dines 80 doxen zine washboards 50 nests tubs 75 d"ien wooden buckets 250 bxs star candles And a general assort nee t of sur dries too numer ons to mention in an advertisement. His consignment, 5,000 bbls .Kanawha salt, at St. Lon is rates, freights ad led Orders' are respectfully solicited and shall rceeive proiapt attention, and every effort raaic to give en tire satisfaction January, 1, 18;7 vl n lS-1'y STEMI GRIST MILL, For Sale. TT7E offer for sale, at eost, on accommodating terms, V V Two Steam Engines, One Double fluod Boiler 24ft. long 40in. in diameter, and Machinery com plete for a Meam r louring Mill. All entirely new manufactured. by Hollabird & Co., Cin. NUCKOLLS A WHITE. Rock Port, Mo-Jan. 10th, 1857. 31-6w NOTICE, The pobrie is hereby notified", that the West half of the Northeast quarter and tho bast haJf of the Northwest quarter of paction number one in Town shin number four of Runae number fifteen East, in Nemaha county ,-Nebraska Territor, fortM the clainr of the nnderf?ned, and tha4 he will proceed, as soon a. the I.and O-Sje is opened", to enter theime by pre-emption. AH sales of town Lots m.UIe upon? said trat. by iy perstw or ir3onH as part of emaha city, will be held by tie undfersipicd as abilntely void. . A. D. SKtE Broiznrille, Jan. 20th, 1357. " , for salo at thL "OLANKS of every description xj oo 1 Land Office, 0inji, 17th December 1353. C DECLARATIONS for pre-empting moU hereafter be filed in this office instead of beins sent, as heretofore, to the Surveyor-General's office. They will be receired at any time, and should be filed as toon as possible, as a question has arisen, Whether lA expiration of three wumthi, after the V'rr'w are nadc, it mot a bar to further filing, but certificates cannot be given until the Tract Books are receired. Proprietors of Town Sites should file plat?, show ing the legal subdivisions cliTiaed, as soon as they can do so, to prevent their being filed on by pre emptors. The fee for decIaratTon oae dollar, to be paid when they are filed; an f6r f roving up, one dollar, I a yable when the pre-emption is eninuramated. J01IX A. PARKER, Ecfcktef.- JEFIXSSGX 7. CAS AST, AST, 1 VIETIS IT. SISEX, 1 V JAS. P. WHITE, V Iowa. J Nebraska City NT ) US. . TEfT, Council Bluffs, Iowa. CASS AD Y, TEST, RLDEN & CO., (8coessor to Rides & White.) - LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. TTAYLNG made arrangements by which we will LX receive accurate copies of all the Townships embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebraska, we are bow prepared to offer our services to the SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITT0RY,' In Filing Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Securing Pre-emptions Locating Land W arrants and ENTERING LAND. AND "WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD. Land Entered on Time, Ac. Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling Property on eommiwioB: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of the Union. Islanks of all kinds always on band. REFERENCES. Tlon. A. A. Bradford, S. F. Nuciolls, Messrs. Dolman A West, Peter A. Keller, Thomas Lumpkin, June 28, 1856. vl-n4 Nebraska City. u u Pt. Joseph, Mo:, Washington City E. BROWN, LAND AGENT, BRO JYNVILLE, N. T. WILL promptly attend to Buying and Selling land, Collecting and Investing money. Locating and selling Land Warrants, and filing Declarations of intention to Pre-empt; and all other matters per taining to tbe business of a .Land Agent. SPECIAL NOTICE- Short Settlement Make Lonjr Friends. THE subscribers request all that aro indebted to them, by note or account, to make payment by the 15th of February next, as one of the firm will start East at that time for a new and full stock of goods, and CASH will be wanted to pay for them. We return our thanks to our friends for their patronage to this time, and promise to merit a con tinuance ol tho same hereafter. WM. IIOBLITZELL. A CO. Brownville, Jan. 8th, 1857. AGENTS WANTED to retail articles Sales ira-mense--profits large only $5 required. Ad dress, with stamps, J. L. II., Harmony, R I. JOEL M. WOOD, LI XX, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, T ESPECTFULLY informs the citixens of Nemaha XV, county, that having permanently located imme diately South of Brownville, and having had consid erable experience in the treatment of the diseases incident to tho AVest, be flatters himself that ho is prepared to treat the same on purely BOTANIC PRINCIPLES, And in connection with Dr. Bt'CKitAM of Missouri. Brownvillo, Jan. 1, 1857. vln29tf B. B. PEG RAM. 8. H. RIDDLE B. R. FEGRAM & CO., Ah'D GENERAL LAND A GENTS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. New Hardware Store. Sign of the Mill Saw. J. FLAHERTY, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ST. JOSEPH, M0. IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and nioit varied arsortment of goods in tho above line ever offered in any market west of St. Louis; My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechan ic's tools of every description, direct from the most approved manuf.ictnrcrs; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, cnnibin ing all the recent and useful iurprovementn for the saving of S vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom 1 respectfully rcqne?t a careful examination of this department of my stock. . I am also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I ill warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary prices. Also a large asortineCt of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac, of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, for its quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share of trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in tbe general Hard ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is casn sales ana small pronts. January 1, 1857. tln29tf IIUItliAII TOH YOUNG AMERICA ! ! THE CHEAPEST Clothing Store UNDER THE SUN!!! rpiTE undersigned would respectfully inform the Jt citizen of Brownville and surrounding country, tnat we nave opened oncror the cheapest and largest stock cf Ready Made Clothing in Nebraska Territory! We therefore respectfully solicitacall and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to. nnder-sell any Clothing Establishment in the Teftilory. We have now on hand a largo assortment of Ready Made Clothing; also, Shirts, Collars, Cravat. Handker chiefs, Socks, Comforts, Undershirts, Drawers, etc. all of the best quality and latest style. Please exainiuc our stock and see for vourself. SIEGEL & GREENEBACM. Store Ow the Levee near the IIotI. Brownville, December, 25tk, 1353. vln2"-tf t. b. ccjirxa. Ton c. tvkk. CUMING & TUKK, Attorneys at Law & Real Estate Agents, OMAIIA CITY, N. T., WLL attend faithfully and promptly to all busi ness entrusted to them, in the Territorial or Icwa Courts to the purchase of lots and lands, en trries and pre-emptions, collections, Ae. Office in the second story of Henry Roots new building, nearly opposite tha Western Exchange Bank, Farnham street. Dec. 27, 156. vln23tf Peace in Kansas ! C. F. JENNINGS & CO., FORWARDING' & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, White Cloud, Kansas Territory. SPECIAL attention given to Receiving and For warding Goods of every description. ALSO: WiTl keep a large and complete assortment of GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS, LfARmVARE, QUEENSWARE. BOOTS'. SHOES", UATSv CAPS. CLOTHING, &C, &C, At ihe Lov:et Cmt Prcce! Dec. 25, 1; 5o. vla2S-Gm lOflH .ooRsunio Jiilis fextra Super- fine Flour just received and for sale by htr. Z,1B. M ALUMIK, VQZIZK A CO. ' " ' GREAT TV A-rr-.-. MAIL EOUTE. Fran emahi Ar;i)cf, in Kansas, to 0 . trwuth cf the Kyoiccry .Eim, Jiebrasia. THIS LINE makes one trip per week, each way atoppin; it the principal totrns'od the Missouri River. Good ilat-ks all the way through, and food horsca and nice young mn for drivers. J. B. & W. BENNET, Contractor Dc. 13, 1S55. vln27-ly iYcttinlia Vallcv Cnnk THId INSTITUTION dates its commencement from the 10th Nov. Owiog te the unfiinishol st&te of the Banking House, wo have not thought prope?" to- ri?e cttt any pablic notice, though prepar ed at all tiwes to redeem our piipcr ra cm.-tiliition.i-We now; give gcaeml notice tht we aro tulicitouj to aeconluiodate onr friend., and will loan to one and all on g'xxl security. We will at all titers purchase Eastern Exchange, and arc new ready to make Draftj on St. Louis, Mo ia sums t.i suit, in exchange for either Gold or currency. ALEX. IIALLAM, Cash'r. Brownville, N. T, Dec. 8, li6. Tln26tf IVEW CASH STOKE!! BROWNVILLE, N. T. The Sul&A'ibers Would inform tha ci Txens r.f Brown viiJe, art frrroiiD(ling ealntrv thai their NEW STORE HOUSE Id completed, and they aro now receiving and opening an extensive f took of NEW GOODS! COMPRISING IN TART, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hardware, and Tinware, COOKING AND BOX STOVER FUHNITttRE; GROCERIES, &C,, &&, To which they invite tho attention of customers. Their Goods are selected with reference to the wanti of Ihe town and surrounding eouu-" try, and will bo sold an Low as any House aboYe St. Joseph FLOUR AND CORN MEAL, - CONSTANTLY ON IIAXD. COME ONE! COME ALL!! k And examine our Stock fur yourselves Respectfully, McAllister, pOzier & c& - Brownville, October 25,1850. vluPJtf G. & C. TODD & CO., - Ao. 212, North, First or .Vain Street, St. Zonit. IMrORTERS AND MAXl FACTrUERS OF Mill Materials INCLUDfNO Duceb. Bolting Cloth?, Mill Stones, Saws, Screens, DaaisTk, 1c. Also: PORTABLE GRIST MILLS, Both Upper and Lower Stone Ifilnfiers. MACHINE BELTING, Of Strctclicd Lrather nmd Ttnbbcr. ' St. Louis, October 18, 135(1. vlnlS-ly NEW HARDWARE STORE. - J. E. WASHINGTON, DEALER IS Hardware, Cutlery and Guni, West Side Main street, St. Joseph, 5io , IS NOW receiving and opening ft stocTt of ITarl ware and Cutlciy adapted to tho wiwits of Far mers, Mix-hanics, and Merchants, and having pnrcb:vs ed American goods frm Manufacturers, and m.ido permanent arrangemouts for the direct imjxirtation of all my foreign goods, together with a long experi ence in the Hardware Lupines., I shall offer such in ducements to purchasers in t'jis mnrket, as will insuro satisfaction, and repcctfjllj solicitasharcof patron age from the section of country trading at St. Jo seph. Hunts anif. Simmon's iie;. Augers, Mousij hole Anvil?, Chisels, Solid Box Vices, Chains Spear A Jackson's and Butber'3 Cl'S, Fry I'ans, Ames t Rowland's shovels & sj ndes, Coffee Mills. Cut, wrought and horse idioc nails Seivo?, Cotton and Manilla ccrdnge, Curry ConiLs, Wosteuholm,s pocket knh est, llanca, Knives and forks,- Locks, Guns, rifles, and pistols, Bolts, Shears, scissors and nzbrs, LatclicV, Hammers and H iti hets, McfcWs Spear iJackson's saws, Butts, Braces acd Bitts, i.t ia. ALSO, Building, Hardware and Carpen ter's T00I3 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. -Dec. 13, 1856. WM. UOSSELL. BOOT & SIIOiG BROWNVILLE, N. T. RESPECTFULLY jrf that he is-prepared to ' ai thing in his lino, at sh RESPECTFULLY informs the ptiLlic serve them Wfrh any- short ml!nd With a style and quality of work he feels ctnlidoflt will please. To his old friends and etomers he deem it unnecessary to say a word, to others he says only "try me." December 13, 1355. vln2-tv NO BOOKS KEPT!! ALL CASWH A. S. IIOLLADAY, "WHOtESALE AXD RETAIL, DEALER IS Drugs asul Medicines Main Street, Brownville, IT, T.- THE- undersigned rcspectfulTybegsloave to inform the public, that ho lias now on band a eimj!ete assortment f everything, nsnnMy kept in Drug Stores, which ho t li'ers for r.ile, Inclusively ou New System of CASH AND CASH ONLY! It will be entire-y foreign lo this beautiful system, to "Book," "keep account," -nota" acnitvu" "chalk," or "remember f.r a f w days." Coma with tka "Spondulicks" ifyou want anytiiing ia the Dm; line. Prescriptions Compounded at all Eosrj Accuracy and- Eii?atclh Ileme mbcr tho sy3tem I hare adopted, and my pocbetand your fcliug3 will not snffer. Credit will politicly not bo given, tfuless under circumstances of peculiar cVvtittition. July 12, 135C.-vl-a'iif A. S. IIOLLADAY. ITS?, fl. THOMPSON. 3. H. TAAI'FJS THOMPSON & TAAFFE, (Successors to Barrows C- Thompson,) Wholesale Grocers, And Commission Merchant, - Ho. 13, Pearl Street, Cincinnati. J?t7 Particular attention will I given to or ler for Groceries, which will always ba executed at current market price. v.'r. gakriso:. Meal Estate Agent PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. HAS nw on-katd ver;il valuable town-T-U ard al3o Timber andPruirio CUirw, which he will sell cheap. Being agent for the City if Plat3nwth lie wiil furnish lots to those who wish t settle is tha tawn on cheap and r-onLle terras. OSce with J. II. Browr., Eq. ; BRO WITV HVLE - STEAM MILL, NOEL, I.AK7J, A ? SOV. EroxVii'cIllc, 2J. 17. X. B. ' Wo wouM t: ryt 'iiilv. inform thci'-i- zcn.s of .'cmaha ct,"sty ad sdjuiaia 3ii.-s cYi. that we hive at vr i.r Ji.'.nd a ..r:n au-t w,l! ?; !--tl supy.Iy ef I.U 'i C 11 it, !. r h r. a eta f sr.-.i ii n. V er rates tha a any cril i.i '"? T''.-t i ' p d i.r-1 f.t iu'i yi.2, or on the buuit if tlie river. ' . All orders nccompauicd with tbe eteb, will racstfv our iainwdwte attenw.