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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1857)
THE (Hcncral Intelligence. LATER rS02 VICAZJJZVJL , Advices are received from Uiva3 to December 5th. "Walter had arrived within one league of Iiivas and -was preparing to attack Carrera, who had 000 men well provided rith provisions and ammunitions. A few skirmishes had taken place between the advance guard. Walkers men are said to be badij off, with scarcelv anything to eat, and djing daily from dysentery. The ,200 men hemmed in at the Church of Granada were destitute of water and subsisting on their horses. They nevertheless obstinately refused quaftcftifTercd them by Deloso. -Mr. Morse, the American Minister to "Bogota, had proceeded in the Britbh steamer to Cartbagenc. A. B. Corwin ha3 been officially re cognized as United States Consul at Panama. The coalition against Walker is more extensive than is generally supposed. Not only all the States of Central America, but Venezuela, Chili, Ecua dor, Peru, and New Grana&i, appear to be concerned in it. It is said that Chili is to contribute 1,000 men and Peru $1,000,000 of the guano fund. This coalition is believed to have been arranged by the Transit Company, whose interest Walker has ruined. Thus far but three States have actually taken the field in Nicaragua, being Costa ITica, Salvador and Guatemala, and of these the first appears to be the chief in the fray. This is owing to the British aid, which is furnished lib erally; British influence being para mount in Costa Rica. rrzAKBOiiTs toe the jassorBi eivzs. The following list of steamboats will run on the Missouri river during the season of 1857 : A. B. Chambers, Gormlcv ; Fonte- nelle, Barry; Kate Howarl; Joseph Kahson; Camille, John Shaw; Monon pahela, Cox ; Sultan, McCloy ; Tolar Star, Dix ; Morning Star, Brierly ; J. M. Convers, Browman ; J. II. Lucas, Silvers; New Lucy, Conley; David Tatum, Benton ; Emma, James Yore ; Star of the West, Ohlman; John War ner, Fatterson ; William Campbell, Eads ; F. X. Aubrey, Ben. Gleim ; Australia, Welton ; Cataract, Able : W. II. Russell, Kinney; Admiral, Ba ker; Emigrant Terrell: Omaha, Wine land; A. C. Goddin, Irers; Hannibal, Ilazlett; St. Mary, Cobbel; E. A. Og den, Bissell; Carrier, Postal ; T. E. Tutt, Dozier, D. G. Taylor, Reeder; Amazon, Chouteau; Silver lleels, Bar row. One boat for Boonville, two boats for Government. Total 43. The following gentlemen will each have a boat. Names not known. They will be built expressly for that trade : Ben Johnson, John Baldwin, Throc morton, Chcever, Drafiin, Chas. Baker, Pat Yore, Oglesby, Cooper, Joseph Holland. The total estimated value of same - $1207,000 The total estimated tonnage of same - - 29,300 SV. Joseph Gazette; APPBOPBIATIQJr T0B THE CAPITOL. Among the "notices of bills" to be introduced in Congress, the citizens of Nebraska will be pleased to see the following, which we find in the pro ceedings of the 8th inst. : "By Mr. CHAPMAN: A bill to complete the Capitol building at Oma ha City, in the Territory of Nebraska, and for securing to said Territory the square on which said Capitol building 13 being erected and the other public grounds in said city, and for other purposes." We hope the bill may pass, and that the Capitol building of Nebraska, so long commenced, will be speedily com pleted. The numerous friends of our worthy delegate cannot but be gratified to observe that he is alive to the inter ests and welfare of the Territory which he so ably represents. Xelrat kian. A GEE AT DECISION CP THE 17. S. STJPXLZXE C0TTET. The Supreme Court cf the United State3 has pronounced more prompt than was expected its decision in the rather famous "Dred Scott" case. The 1 1 1 6r.lJru,lu, V - " LUU"i stitutionaiuy 01 ine Missouri n.Pro - VvA K3 UU V- VUO -l lUtlVUUli J- V J.aUO uvuv this not with entire unanimity, but by the large majority of tcven to tiro. A concurrence on this point of so many members of that body must have its weight with all patriotic and thinking men of the party which has denounc ed the repeal of that Compromise. That body is independent and learned. It has a right to be considered impar tial.- It will never do, thin, to say of such a body that its judgments are biased that they reflect false lights and narrow prejudices. We have a right to consider this judgment as the result of a careful study of the Con stitution and of asagaciou? interpreta tion ot its provisions. As such it should be acquiesced in. As such, it should serve to abate tauch of that animosity which has been excited in the bosoms of those who were opposed to that repeal, against tho&e who deni ed the constitutionality of tho law which was repealed. Gov. Fletcher, of Yentont. has sent a -i . . -uree commissioners to Kansas to as certain the condition of tho people, with a view to the aid voted by the Legislature. Grace G2E2jtwood,5 got a Baby. Grace Greenwood (Mrs. Lippincott) has become one of the mothers of the land. Perhaps the following para graph from-her-own pen announcing the fact in the "Little Pilgrim" maybe read with interest by those similarly sitaated : - "Since I last addressed vou, anoth er year has parsed over us A peace ful and fortunate year to most of you, I trust, yet doubtless bringing to the happiest hearts and homes something of change and.fiorrcw.iriTo jae it : has brought the mcst profound and -sweet, the most solemn and sacTod happiness of. womanhood for within thLs year I have been joined to the 'great and noble army of Mo'ar.' I am now one of you. Oh, if there is a time when woman may feel that s!ie,' like Mary of old, is 'bles!ed among women,' it is when she foldH in her arms her first born child feels the touch of its ten der little hand thrill her heart strings feels upon her cheek the first soft breath of a lif i immortal sees faint ly twinkling in the misty depths of sleepy little eyes, a lot e? that shall yet brighten the world for her. This , joy unspeakable, Is Heaven s abundant compensation for all that is suffered by woman. A WashecgtoS", Jan. 14. ! SEXATE.The Senate passed the House bill making appropriations for j the support of the Military Academy. Mr. Benjamin reported a bill mak ing appropriations for the improve ment by contract, of the Mississippi, Missouri and Arknnsa3 rivers. A large number of bilks, on different subjects, vero introduced by various gentlemen. House. A bill was introduced in the House to-day by Mr. Letcher, for the establishment of a branch mint in the city of New York, and placing the control asd regulation under the di rection of the Philadelphia mint. It provides for the coinage of gold and silver, for the appointment of the ne cessary officers, and for the erection of uitable buildings and machinery im connection with the assay Fatal Affray. A fatal affray oc curred at Eaton Roue on Monday week, resulting in the death of a well known but rather desperate character in that town, by the name of Johnson. The deceased while on one of his "sprees" went into the store of Mr. Tomlinson and wa3 usinjr violent and improper language, when TTm Bates, a clerk in the store, ordered him to desist or leave the house. Upon John son's refusing to do so a scuffle ensu ed, the report of a pistol was heard, an! Johnson fell dead. A cororfer's incpacst was held, but beyond tfiese fact3 nothing was elicited. Young Bate3, who had heretofore sustained a fair character, is not to be foimd. New Gold Mixes in Australia. Reports of a discovery of a gold field of unprecedented value in New South Wales, 130 mile3 from Sydney, are said to be confirmed by recent advices received at London. Hitherto the colony at Yictoria has had a monopoly of all the attractive fields, but it is now said the miners are being drawn thence in crowds to the new discovery, and also that the ships in Sidney harbor are lying without crews, owing to the men having rushed thither. Purchase of a RAiLP.OAD.The Yicksburg Times irentions the pur chase of the Yicksburg and Jackson Railroad by Brown & Johnson, Wm C. Smedes, and Redding and McDow ell, of that city, who guarantee the completion of the road to the Alaba ma line. This arrangement, it is said, will secure the closing up of the only gap which breaks the communication between the Mississippi at Yicksburg and the Atlantic seaboard. ANOTHER JJUEL l ErOKTED. It IS f T T. reported that a duel took place on Sa turday last, near Columbia, S- C, be tween Messrs. Bryan and Pop, two members of the house from Charleston At the first shot Bryan was killed and Pope shot through the thigh. Aep.tval of Mormons. The ship Columbia arrived at .New lork on New Years with a precious freight i 221 Mormons. They are mostly from A1CLUA, JUIlIlllcALiVA JL Alvl J n tlO I, Tl C iA IJ three from Wales, a few from Scot- ,and from Lond y fc The Santa Fc mail arrived at Inde pendence on tne ::utn ltst. Alining operations in New Mexico were pro gressing favorably. Heavy snows on the plains. Wm. Edwards, Esq., of Keokuk, Iowa, has been tendered the appoint ment of Chief Justice of Utah. He has not yet accepted. Lewis Baker, who has tried before disagreeing been admitted to bail at S5,000. been twice juries, has the sum o The Placerville (California) Herald says that bv reference to the omcia returns it is shown that the free and independent voters of township No. 8. have elected one woman a justice o the peace and another a constable The township is Repnblican. A bridge across the Missi5sippi Ri ver is now bf-inr built at St- Pan! to he 1300 fwt in lno-th. and 70 fpt in - height, to allow steamers, in the high , est stage of water, to pass tinder it. It is intended to be completed by the autTjmn of 1857. ST. ions ABTE2TISZ2Z3T3 rSOM TUB KEWSPAPEB ALVEETISLXG AGE5CT Cf W. S. SWYMMER, ' Corner of Olive ud Maia Sts., over the Eiiii- ing House of John J. Anderson A Co. 2 FACE'S FATE.VT Portable Circular sa7-IIill, FOR STEAM AND IIOR3E TOWER., fT'IIE most useful and nedasarrmacLiacTT fa op- X eration; is simple in construction and easily kept in if tier, and can be moved on a wagon as readily as a tlireshinz machine, and pat in juration at a small extn. (t will saw from one to two thousand feet of lumber a dir. with one team of six horses, as an average business, and in a better styia than other mills ijow in nic. It is cmally well adapted to - - Heam, "Water- or Horse Power." : The undersigned, agents for ta e pa tan tee, would anaovneo to the poblie that they are bow prepared to fare ish Mills, with or without horse power, of su perinr fluality and workmanship, with-the right to uao tbo same, upon the most favorable terms, at their manufirtory, Jeeond Htreet, St. Louis, Mo We have alio the right fur the manufacture of Child' Patent Double . Saw Mills. The successful practical operation of these mills through the country has bees the means of establish ing their great reputation and with improvements is construction and increased facilities in mannfac taring, we offer tbera to the public with full confi denceof their advantages. All orders addressed to ns win 'be promptly execu ted, and any information in regari to Mills cheerful ly riven. Persons ordering Mills will t lease mention the State and County in which they wish to them. h.lUSLAMS A FLKGLSOX. Extension of Page Patent. VTOTICE is hereby given to tfco pnllic, that tb patent ot rvillAlSLZ ClKlji.AR SAW MUX has beca extended fcr c7eB years from Jciy totn, i3..-. AH person found violating this patent cr;n;rinspngcu same, in making, asing or rending, ium proceeded agiiinst ia accordance wita tae laws la sacn caw made and provided. GEORGE PAGE, Patentee. By Authority: THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT And Board of Education, Hare ordered the following Desirable Works for the Township Libraries of Indiana. Some of them have been pat into erery Library, others only into the more popalcas townships. The careful attention giren to the examination of works for these libraries, is a gnaranteo of the merit of the books chosen. Many families will desire to own the books, and read at their leUnrn, rather than wait their torn to get them from a library. The works may bo purchased of Booksellers, or will be sent by mail, fr.$e of postage, upon payment of prices annex es to e:ieh. Parr's Ancient History Maca saperior to Roll in, because mere concise, acenrate, and op with modern research. 4 rols., Cloth, gilt, $3. Sheep, library style, 5.5,00. The Teacher's 31iscellany is anew and ex cellent collection f articles on Eiacatioc, written by Judge JIcLkax, Drs. Stoh'e, 1igC3, JMJcffey, ATDIXOTT, I1CKETT, Ltxd, f OST, and other distin guished members of the Collere of Teachers." 1 vol, i2mocioth,$U3. History or the Fori tain and Pilzrim 1 Fathers. By Stoweu. and Wilsos, 1 toI- 12mo 115. 3I6ffars Life of Dr. Chalmers. 1 Tel., 12mo S.2j. The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs cf I ii:inzuihed Scottish emale Cnaracters; h.mtra- cin'? the Period of tho Co venae t and the Persecu tion. By Rer. James Anderson. Moffat's Soath Africa. Ono rolume, 12mo. Twelfta edition: $1. SixYears in India. Py Mrs. Coux Makex- zic Z rols, IL'mo., Cloth, 2.00 Kern's Practiral Landscape Gardening. with 22 plans and IUustrations. Third edition. $1,50 xtian-ot-war Line. Boy's Experience in the U. S. Nary. (SIXTH THOl'SAND.) 1 vole me, 10 mo.; Illastra;ed. 75 cenu. The Merchant Vessel. A SaiIorBoy's Yoyages to see the World. (fIXTn THOrSJN'D.) 1 rolume, 16tno., Illnstnted. 75 cents. Nordhoff's admiral series f volumes, "Man-of- Waj Life,"- "Merchant Yesscl," and the new rolume toappear in September, under the title of "Whaling j i? i n .i - i ... ana risaing. musi oc reccivea wun great iavor, as the first two have been, wherever circulated. They are tne laitntui iimnmgs ot nine years experience at sea, of a common sailor, a natiTe fcluckcye, re cognized &j inferior to no writer of the present day, in lite-liK delineations of adrcnture by sea. ery striking and graphic pictures of life at Sea, evidently autlientie and very instructive. lias adventure enough to please and truth enough to dissipate the charm of a sailor a life. lew Aork hvanzelurt. There w in them a vast amount of information respecting the commerce of the world. Presbyterian ltness. Will take captive the youn2. Journal and Mes senger. A Buckeye Abroad, or Wanderings in Europe and the Orient, isr hmtn S. Cox. third edi tion, Illustrated. ! vol., 12m)., muslin, 15, The Three Great Temptations of Young Mpn. SiJfrBL W. Fisiiek. Fonrtb edition. 1 vol. 12mo musHn, 1,00. These are capital works for family libraries. Pub- lished by KOOKE WILSTACII, KEYS A CO- 23 West t enrth St ITincinnati. W K. A CO. are the publishers of Eavard Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold entirely by agents. M. G. H0IES & CO., No. 16, Main Street, St. Louis Mo. 4 GENTS for Straub'a Cora and Wheat Mill f the 'Queen of the South." This remarkable Mill has been kept secured to the inventor by caveat recently, however, (June 7tb, 1854.) Letters Patent for the United States have been granted, se curing the invention for fourteen yeara. This Mill has sustained itself wherever it has been brought in to competition with other Mills. It was run against the other'make of Mills of our dry, at the Ohio State Fair, in 1S50, when it drew a diploma as the best Corn 31111, and was awarded a fine silver medal. Of these Mills we manufacture five siies for corn, and three expressly for eriiidinir wheat flonr. lhe peculiar novelty of una ilill is, the under stone is the running atone, in nil etises. There is no limit to the speed, and as speed is everything in grind ing, it will out grind any upper gricder in the world. Secondly: By this arrangement we are enabled to get grain into the Mill with a very small eye, conse quently we grind nearer the centre, and of course with less poA?ei than any upper runner can be made. Thirdl y. Our Mill takes any kind of grain without choking. We warrant against choking in any and all cases. This is a ereat vexation causin? delav and trouble in all Mills where the upper stone is the run ner. Uf course, we mean smal Mills, where the mo tion must be bigh to do much business. Fourthly: Our Mills never take nnjury by running empty the under stone not teaching the upper one, no ii jury can be done. This in an important advan tage over all where tne upper stone is the rua- ner. August 23,185. Tlnl2tf TILE NEW FLOURING MILL. l LARK'S PATENT COMBINED GRIXDIXG vy and Bolting or Merchant Flouring MilL This highly ingenious and nroch needed invention forms an entirely new feature in the manufacture of WHEAT andFLOL'R, bv the superior manner in which it performs ita work GRINDING and BOLT- lljr the Oram at a amgle operation into seven different kinds of fiour and feed. This mill possesses advantage to numerous to be enumerated in any advertisement. The proper way to fully appreciate its great nurit is to seet it run. It is in operation daily at No. 313 Broadway, Corner Court St., St. Louis, Mo. btate and Country Kight and Mills r or bale. W. W. HAMER A CO., 2 Broadway and Court.2d Story. ST. JOSEPH LUMBER YARD. On Edraond Street, near Cargill's Mill, St. Joseph, 3Iis.onri. W. J. TAYLOR, Removed from the old Stand to tha above named place, r I VlYE undersigned is now fully prepared to accom- X modate his patrons a&d friauls with the best as sortment of Pine Lumber ever o3ered in this mar ket, comprising not only White Pino Lumber and White and Yellow Flooring, ready dressed; but also best assortment of Pine and Cottonwood shingles, Poplar Siding, Ac. lie has now on hand, at bis Lumber Yard, the lar-1 rest and best assortment of Doors, Sash and Yeni-1 tian blinds, ever effered in this market, a portion of! whioh ia direct from Cincinnati manufactories, which j enables him to tell at very reduced prices. He is fully prepared to Cll all orders in his line, at short notice, and particularly sr licitH the Kansas and Ne braska trade, for be baa the articles they want awl must have. Be scve to gi ve nr. a call, near Cargill's Mill, and in the immediate vicinity of the St. Jo seph llrewery. QueensTrare, i OF all the latest styles, and in endless variety, just opened at IIOULITZELL & GO'S. City 3HEotl, OREGOJ. JiC. ROBT. I IIATTEX, Proprietor. Xo taini er expense will be spared by the subscri ber, to niaie his guests comfortable in every respect, at this well known and highly reputable House, The Terr bet attention given to suumatS ny a good anl attentive Hostler. . vl-m OITED STATUS EXPIREES COMPANY "iTVE iTrf nneuihle facility for the safe and speedy transmission of Ionei t Valuable Package. Parcels, L!ood, and .Merchandize Of every t? vriptian, of rcatsiaaila tunna. - PKt:rrL OtncE3 New York, Buffalo, Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago. Dayton, lcdianopolis, and all the sandier towns on Railroads in the Eastern, Mid dle and Western States, connoting at St. Louis with Eichardoa's Missouri River Express. II. KIPI. July 25, ISjS.-vi-nS General J; u peri n Undent. IE CROCKERY. IS. JOHN W. TOOLEY. (Satssor to XOOXAN, TOOLEY A Co,) 53 Mian itn Old Stand, SL Louis, Mo. TMPORTER. Wholesale and Dealer, in Chb. JL Gla-is mid Qaeenswarc, Yellow and Kockiiigh ita Ware, Chiiadoliers, Lamp, lAntorn, Lojing-gIai-ses, Bri taii-aia Ware, Ac. Ac. with a great rariety tf Fancy Mantle and KirVf Urriaiacnts, direct from the Potteries and Mgwtarers. HrSl,l arriving and in .store, a fu!I stock of the ab Its i in cf goods, w!f.Lh i.- ?tred to the Trade a t reasoTir.oio rates. An examination is solicited. i-ifOn hand, Assorted Crater, for Country Trada. B. I'ackingreceiTessp!cial attention. September 13, 1656. vlnl5-6ai V . & A. SEN'SKNDEIIFER. rarOITERS A'D WHOLESALE I'EALERS IX Havana and Domestic Cigars & Tobacco. BOtmi EAST CORKER I'lTE SECOND ST3 1T. XjOTJXS, XWIO. "l"TTEhire in store, and to arriTc, a Tery lirge W assortment of the Tery best brands of Havana Cigars. 'A'e desire to call tha special attentif.n of cash buyers to our large stoc k, which we are d:teT- . .. 1 e . 1 ( - minea to sell Tery ion ior 1 uey coasisi, 11 part, of the follow iag brand. : rrenliiaao r.egaiias; iuun jiiiiar?; Mi Itino do Newton d AatijTietLid do Ba-:ti.niaato do Carnolia do Delirante do Salu.'idora do SkaSiUnoni dj Meridianas do Washington do El (.1 do Yictoria do Iberia do Ilspenola. do EcjrAdera do LaMonna do N-n?a!rero do Emulation do Li Vo do Fortnno Londtess; EaitroNicba'ds do ridclulad do ilensacro co Carv;ntns do Reiiti? Sultana do Granadina do Focahocta do La Fk-ra do ElSildelaDrimea do lloce Mescs do Figiu-o Cillindrados: I). 11. Ca-taDon do Preuado D. I. do J. Y. P. Fama do V da la Rama do Vincra I'lactations; P.L. do Viillegs do ileuaero Trvbucas; De la Cnu Principesj Yictoria do Ilarrios do Lwbt Gnarfl Opera, Star do J. L. Panetela: Desijmio Prwt. May . W. A J. SENSENDERFER. 3Ic3Iechan & Ballentlne, WUULtSAIfc. liroccrs and tommis?ion ilt-r- chants, No., 34 Levee, St. Louis, Mo., between Olive aiMiLocust sts, have now in store and receiv ing the, largest and most gencml stock of Groceries they havs ever offered, which th?y intend to fell at the lowest market rates. Their stock consists in part of : 3 a ncas u. snan tis ciancea; 225 bbLs baf, crushed arnl p-jwdered sngar; 350 lo and hf do plantation mLili.-Jes; 450 pkgs lklchcr's sy. molasscf-; 150 bis NOSH: 15& bf chesta Y II tea; 275 do Imp. O P and Black do; 150 eaoks S. Carb soda; 25 do salcratos; 20(i boxes Babbitt's saleratus; 275 do Ya and Mo tobacco; 75,50 Spanish cigars: 200,000 liar and Cuba sixes; 350 bxs star candles: 111 casks currants; 1500 bbls, hf do and kits 1 arid 2, makerel; 50 pkgs No. 1 salmon: 3000 b.xsass'd tumblers; 200 fjt and pt flasks; 3000 nests tubs, 3 and 8; 550 dozen assorted pails; 1500 sks prime Rio coffee; 300 jackets Java; 75 aacks Mocha do; 2500 kgs Wheeling and Boston nails and brads assorted 3d to 40J; 75 bxs Halt Cove oysters; 275 bales batting; 250 sks Eagle cotton yarn assorted; 450 coils Man. and Jute rope; 150 bxs peperand pimento; 75 bbls almonds: 150 drums Cgs: 600 bxs hf and qr M II raisins; 5 drums eod fish: 125 bis do; 15 eases sardines bf and qr; 350 boxes assorted pickles, ketchnp; 350 bxs palm and fam. soap: 30 do t'.onld c'dls; 551) do asst window glass; 50 bgs carpet chain: 150 dot xinc washboards; 50 gross yeast jow'ds: CO nests willow baskets; Together with a general and fall stock of for eign domestic Wines brandies, Ac. 1 xy. s. GILI N. l iillr.SAL,t. UKULtK, o. 1.0 eeor..I street, I St. Loni, has in store a large and well selwt- d stocs, whicn is offered at the market rates, con- SlSHDR in pari as I -j.iows S79 Lhds N. O. sugar, 200 bbU loaf, crushed A powden-d do; 1509 baxs Rio coffee; 100 do Ja va do: 150 bbls S. II. syrup molasses; b50 do S. IT. molawi; 250 bbls plantation molasses: 100 pkgs mackerel 100 boxes codtkh; 100 bbls Wilmington tar, 500 kegs liostcn and Pittsburgh nails; 63 kegs fine 3d nails; 75 bags cotton yarn; 50 bales carpet chain: 150 do cotton twine: 100 bales wkkic?; -150 els 'Manilla and Jute cordage; 100 doz plow and clothc3 lines; 400 boxe window glass, assorted sires; ZOCf 2 W. chalk: 300 do alum; 1504do a'tpctcn 2OO00 osnaburg sacks; 10 ke;rs rap. eorb. soda; 200 balf cbesU Imp., Y. H. and G. P. teas; .'100 boxes Imp., Y. H. and G. P. teas; 450 boxes Yirginia and Missouri tobacco; 100 bx. moking tobacco; 50 do cut chewing do; ljQ.bx.ptar candles; 70 do spcrta do; 1100 candle mould?; 250 boxes soap: 350 pkgssalcrala?: 3 cases Ma. indigo; 6 ceroocs S. F. do: 80 bg pepper; 45 do pimento: 200 bxs g'd sices: 350 M. G. D. per. caps, 250 nns C. A L. paper: 35t dox com. and fancy pails, 1P0 no 3-hoopdo; 8o0 nests 2 and a qt tubs; 2j0mats cassia; 25 rases prunes: 40 cks currant-': 3 do madder 3 bbls whiting: 403 rms wrapping paper; 58 bides osnaLurgs; brooms, lino washboards, churns, Ac, A.C., June i, i6 GLASGOW HUOTIIEK. "" JU OLES ALE GROCER?. FORWARDING VV AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 50 Levee, have in store and to arrive tho following Goods, ahich they offer for sale at the lowest prices, via . 1000 hid fair to prime X. 500 boxes Ye.vd powdr?: O. Snjrar; 100 kegs sup Carb Soda: 1000 bfcl3clfd sugar; 100 boxes saleratus; 800 do If anderushM do; 500 els Manilla Cordage 500 da S. H. molasses; 300 do Jute do: out d plantation do; 100 tia; prime Rice: 1000 pks G, and B. Teas; 1000 bags Rio coffee; 100 do prime old Gov ernment Ja. coffee; 10AO kegs Nails: lOOCboies Pm, Oieine A Finally Soap; 180 botes Fancy Soap; 800 do Star Candles; 250 do Mould do; 50 do Castile Soap; 100 do Starch: 500 doi Manilla A Grass Bed Cords; 500 boxes Raisin?; 25 bbls Almonds; 100 boxes Lcin. Syrup, 300 do ass'd Candles 100 Preserved Fruits; 100 do Meats; 100 do Fickles: 100 do Ketchups; 100 do Olive Oil; 75 do Brand'd Cher. 50 do do Peaches 30 cases Can see as 300 do Ya. mafd To bacco; 200 do Mo. do; 800 do Smoking do; Chocolate 40 do Wood bx Match's; 50 do Sardincs.quarter and ba(f boxei; 5 ca?es Citron: 1100 do Cuba Cigars; 00.00 9 Reg. Cig. 100 Pepper; Imp.; 10 bbls Mason's Biking: a cases utraeg; 5 do Indigo; 50 do B. C. Oysters: 25 do Aispice: 300 lbs A bf do Mac!.; 500 bo tes Glass; 100 kales Batting: 200 doi; Painted BoTtts: 1500 reams Wnp. Letter and Cap 1 aper; 300 ncsls Tabs, 3"s--S's LIQUORS 10 x pipes pure old 53 bbls Malaga Wine; Brandies: 100 bkU Dennis Champ. 100 caies do do do: 10(1 Ibis Monon. Whis'y; 100 do old Rye Whisky, very superior; J ane 7 th, 1S56. iuo ao iieia.-icK . do: i) cases old lid. Wine 230 bcx Claret Wine St. LosLs, Mo. Notice. FAILING to sea several persons before I left, who had male bills at my auction, their accounts hare lcm left with R. W.Fuma. who advanced the amouati. JOIIX McPIIERSOX. Eroxrjville, Nov. 29, 1S5VJ. I 11ANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY Ho. 168 Via St., let. Jourta ai JiL. CINCINNATI, O. ... C. F. O'DRISCOLL, t CO. Manufaetnrers and dealers in 'ews, Eook aryl Job Typo, Printing Presses, Case, tiallies, ie.. A.;. Ink, and Printing Material cf Erery Dcscriptioiu JSTE K EOT V FIX jJ of 3 kird Cooks, iiuiie, Patent Meiicin Directions, Jobs, Xtooi LnsreTinss, Erbd'and Pattern Letters, various styles, Wholesale Paper warehouse. T1RAD.VER. AVARRE.V JL CO- AT7II0LEALE Dealers in Pajrs of every ces 1 V oriEtioc: . ... rrinfTnr, I(ok I'sperj W'nipniag, lanilarf. TJiorosz; Flat Op, Foolscap. Letter & JT.dc, Color Papery Medinm A Demy's, of the Tery host Eastern and Western Manufacture, and fur sale at Tery low prices. Ch for JUy and Rot, LRADXER, WAHREX A CO, - , . , ',. 12. La Jjalle strecr. Chicago, June. 23ih. ISvS. Tl-nl Improved Little Giant CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL aEarico IloclucocL TIIE subscriber ha purebase.1 eirlusive riht of Territtrr ia the West, of the aboTe eelebratetl Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all time?, either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the must positive manner. It is now more man a year since iao "Little Giant" Wa3 Intr-viueed to the pnblie, daring which tira, it has been constantly growing in the popular faTor. The improveraenU recently elected and patented, makes it the most perfect machine ercr offered for eeneral farm tue. It ia furnished ready for attaching team, and weias as luiiows: o. i, .. No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 ponnds. Twenty minutes are sufficient to set one np, without mechanic al aid, and when once adjusted, it can with safety be entrusted to a boy. Full directions accompany each ililL XE" DC. BI GZZ US No 1, $15, will grind 8 bu meal per hour with I horse No2 , " ' " " " I " No3 50, 15 - - - 1 " No 4 60, ": uju Tif Libcril discount to dealer?. JAMES B. COADWICK, No. G3 Locust Street, bet. 2d and 3d Jane2S, ISjG. Tl-ni St. Louis, Mo. ALONZO FB ATT, New York. E. G. FBATT, O. W. CHILD, I. w. roT, 3. C. KAXdCB, St. Louis. St. Louis. CHILD, FRATT & CO., Direct Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers' Ageats English, Trench, German & American Hardware and Cutlery. GUNS, KIFLES, PISTOLS, ic, &c 139 & 141 Jliiin St, cor. "Washington Avenue, ST. LOUIS, 3IO. FRESIL ARRIVAL!! OF NEW GOODS!! W. HOBLITZELC & CO. BUOWXVILLE, 2f. T. il1 AYE THIS DAY KECEIYEI). per steamers A. C. Uxldin and Wm. Campbell, and now opening, the most extensive stock of troo-ls ever of fered in this market. After the experience they havo in Nebr.nka. they 0 Uter themselves that they know what suits th? p?.ple, and have pnrehasd such a stock of Goods as cannot fnil to please. We wiM not pretend to enumerate, tut say eoaio and sec; and yon will not fail to be suited. Oct. 15, lS5t.-ly K. C. TTTTLE. K.C. TEBLET. H. W. S MIT II. T UTILE, PURLEY & SLUTH FALL STYLES. 185G. 77 Main street, St. Lonis, Mo. MANTFACTL'RERS of Straw and Silk Ronncts, Importers ami - Wholesale dealers in Ribbons. Silk MilIinery,Flower, Trimming, Lace Goods, Em broideries, Ac. s7Merea3ntj and Milliners are particularly in vited to examine our stock, before mnking their spring purchases, as we ! relying fully on the superiority of our styles.; intend to offer inducements etnal. if not supcrion, to aryjobbing house in the United States. beptember I.J, ISj-j. vlnlj-0:n SIGEHSON'S NUKSERY, ST. LOUIS, MO. JOIIX SIGERSOX & BRO.. Offer for sale the coming Spring, 50,000 Apple Trees, 2 and 4 yeara oi l, era- bracing 175 varieties. Price 25 t 40 cents. 25,000 Peach Trees, fan 6 to 8 feet high, 63 vareities, from 25 to 30c. 2s500 standard Fears, embracing 43 varieties, price from 50 to 75 cents. 5,000 Dwarf Pears, embracing 33 varieties, price SI eich. 5,000 Cherry Trees, "1 varieties, 50 to 75 cents each. 500 Apricot', Early Golden. BuJa, Peach Apri cots, I,argc tarly, iricc oO cents. 1.200 Quince, assorted, 25 to 50 cenfsj 500 Dwarf Apples. 500 White Grape Currants 500 Black Naples 500 Cberrv Currant 500 Red Dutch Currant 500 Yictoria Currants--.. ... 500 White Dutch Currants 500 Larre Red Dutch Currants-- 500 English Black----.. 2.000 Prolific Green 1,000 Houghton's Seedling 500 Warrington do ....... 1.000 Sulpher do ....... 1,000 Ashton do 500 Crown Bob do 500 Riflemen do 50 " 25 - 25 25 " 12; 15 " 12i" 12i;-a 12'" 12; 25 u 25 25 25 25 25 10 25 10 10 50 50 M U 2.000 Yellow Antwarp RaFpborries 1.000 Ohio Everbearing do 2,000 Large German Antwarp do 1,000 Red Antwarp 1.000 Eng'.ish Filbert 1.000 Tlorse Chestnuts 5.000 Grape Yine?, 2 to 3 years old 25 to 33 150.000 Grape Yincs, 1 year old----$5 100 5.0(!0 Dahlias assorted, each 25 " 500 Pcru:a, do 50 10.000 Giant A7raxns R-x)ts-.--$5 100 5.000 Tube Row's- 10 u 2.000 Yards Pir.k 50ets V yard. 2,000 Plants Yi.-toria Rhubarb 50c or 10 V 100 P.003 Wilmofs Early Red Rhubarb ---12o 50,000 Strawberry Plants. 12 varieties.. -. ?5 to 10 rer 2,0000 10,000 Shade and Ornamental Trees, embracing Catalpa, Black Loeuf. Palionia ImperiaHis, Lombirdv Poplar, Silver Leaved' Poplar, J.indca ool, bweet Uan, him. Balsam Poplar. AUiantbrs, Tulip Trees, Upland Cy pres?, Sycamore, Pnpr Mulberry, American Larch. Weening Willow. Buckeye, Moun tain Ash. White Birch, Red Maples, varying in price from 25 cents to $1,5"? according to size. 15,000 Evergreens, embracing Rml Cedars, price each lis to $2 White Pine do 50cto$l Yellow Pine do 50j to $2 Balaam Fir. do 50;to$l American Arborvitas 25c. 50c, 75c, $10. Chinese Arborvitas. 50c. $1,50, European Savin 50c, Tree box 50 Norway Spruec, 50?, 75c, 100, White Spruce. $1. 12,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrubbery, embracing in part as follows: Snow Balls, each 37j; to SI, Lvlac, ech 50c: Spiras, assorted, each 25c; Hardy Roses, each 50c; Monthly Roses, each 50 Itoney Suckles, avirted. 25t. 50j SI: Tyrirga Philadelphns 25e to 50e; Rose Acasia. 25c to 50c; Privet for IMges 25c: Bladdacina 25c: Coreorus Japonic 25c; Ellagnns 25c: Liburnnm 50f; Tamarix Africana 25 to 50c; Ribes Gonloni 25e to 50c; Weeping Mountain Ash 1,50: Whith Fringe Tree 1.50; Korsythea aoe to; Corn:celozwood Silrer Strioed 5rte to 1.(10 PeutxaScabia 25c:Dcut.ia Gracalis 50e; W eepmg l.iren sue; Magnolia Aeurainetta 50c; Weeping Linden 10: Dwarf Box 50c per yard; Eauonimus 50c: Althea, aorted, 25? to S0. Z-tjL Ia ofering the above Stock to our customers we br ; to say it is superior in growth and quality to any heretofore offered, and persons wishinr a supplv can avail themselves of further informat:on. by ad- aressmg ine unaersignca ai m. loais. Cataio-mes furnihed to all post-paid applications. Resist fall v, JOHN" SIGERSOX AERO. Oee.t5,l?. vlnlJ-ly HORTICULTURIST, A-D Journal of Rural Art anl T.ural Taste. EEITKD IT 3. JAY EinllT, Tiller ITorti Anaricia SjIt. Tns IIoirr:i i.rrKiiT, as iu nanus implies, is de .t.i M.-u-ulfiire aud iu kindred rts Ram! Architecture J.nd Lin.Lap Gard fnie, an-1 will keep its iwdiis a.IvLed of the nc- thirds tn the subject, either in Europe or Amerk-a. It is a M.-cth- ) !ly Journi! of lrv-e-it pnx, i.iy pnntea on fine ps.p-;r. and cl vr.nj na?irii:u. in i'khuuu to nniiicrvii wood cuts ia th? firt style of the art, : each numler .Tntains finl-pa-e engraving, irom stone, of soom sew, mns. an 1 valuable fruit, tree, or fi )wcr, and w ineof the m-t l'OHtifl, aa well as the miwt M.Hitily J.Mnaafc jblistoe-l ia tD wisrl.l- TtRX3-'$2 ff yr, in advanes. The ro.anw , r...i n K 1 r JinniT-v and we ran supply bci ni:ml-cr from that time. Thos who rrvfercan commence with thr current nnmbcr. Colored PtATi3.Sull farther t adi to the ral-1 ue of tha worl and moet the iraprriving tate and increasing wants r,f tLe horticaiteral eominunity, an edition is puWi.ih:d with Colored nite, each nara Ixrcoiitkijiinj a full-pa; engnirin of sums new, rare, and Talmble rruic, or tlewrr, eiMTcctly colored t fr.m nature Kr tke l)cst liTin artist.s in this tine. I This is a n;w :md important feature in this country. ' Price $5 a yi ar ic advance. Address E0I5EI.T PEAK.SALL SMITH, l'Mi.acr, 17 anI 19 Minor street. Hhil.-utelphio. Ecady Made Clothing-, EYERY YARIETY, style, quality, price, and pat tern of Keady Made Clothing, just received and for sale ebea- by HOLLITZELL A CO. Boots and Shoes. VN nnnnaily l.irgt; stock of En and coarse itts and Sj! both Gentlemen and ean be seen, and purchased low. at Hat3 and Cips. LATEST styles cf Hats anl Cp.s, and f every grade ar.d p rwe, are off -red At Furniture. B EDSTEADS, Tables. Stands. Rarcaas in short. everything in the 1 urniture line, can be had at IWIiLlTZELL A CO H. Stove3 and "lOOK, Parl .r and 0.-3 Tinware. Stoves of various pat terns: and Tin ware, at , IIOULITZELL A CO Hardware, Cutlery and Iron. V LARGE assortment at HORLITZEI.L A CO"S 7ood- and "v7illow ware. TVrCKET.S. Tub. Chnraii. and an endless variety of Willow wart, is fr sale at IIOULITZELL A COS. Provisions. "1T7"E keep coasts nty on hand, Flonr, Corn Mea'., V Lacon, Rutter, and everv rariotv of ) iroo?rie. HOLLITZELL A CO. Saddlery. Q ADDLEri, BrMhss. Martingale?. Checks, and ev O ery variety t f goods in this lino can bu hnd at IIOULITZELL A CO S. Steam tliil Lumber. W 7E take this mcthiidt f informing the Publle that we hiivi-iu-t rut in operation on what is known as Simora lla(l. miles above Rrown ville. a Cr?t quality steam Sawmill, and arc nw pre pared to saw all kinds of Lumber on short notice, and in manner, wo are confident will giv9 We will keep a Ferry boat to run to tho main shore, for free ui2 cf our cu-Nrn"rs. W. S. HALL A CO. NEBRASKA CITY HOTEL. NEOHASKA CITY, N. T. BAUM:s & D.VRM'JI, rrrtprietor. '"TIUS commodious Hotel, situated rjKn J- Main Street. Net risk i City.will be fojrr a du rable report l.r tnivcllors. S;u 'cj lcae this liou.jc for all parts c f the Territory. FRESH DRY GOODS. CEDV, JAMESO & CO., JVb.?. 170 anl 172 JI-.iwi SV., St.Loa'u. YTrE are bw in receipt of the most complete and V m.igiiifiecnt stik, everoaered to the Western Trade, ilerehsnts visi;in this citv are invited to make an examination of i nr stock and prices. EDDY. JAMESON A CO. GEO. C. FERGUSON. MimVTJGHT AND ENGINEER HUOW XVI LLK, X. T. VXXOUXCES t tho pnblie, thnt he is prepared to erect Steam Saw ar.d Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable term.. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Ua is also Agent for A. E. IIOLLiniRD Jc CO'S., CINCINNATI, O., LEF. & LEAYITT'S Saw .11 asm factory, CINCINNATI, O., And is prepared to receive and 2:1 orders fjr sny ma chinery manufactured or kept on band, by these e-tablL-hmcnts. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. REFFERENCES. Noel, Lal;e A Co, Br. wnville. X. T. Steam Mill. Nuckolls A White. Roekport, Mo. " James Lowe, Liuden. u - vln31y. Brownvill?, June 21, 1S5J. MICHAEL JIcCEn, Saddle and Harness Malicr, East side of Main, bet. Francis and Felix St., ST. JOSEPH. MO. THAN rvFTL for past f ivors begs leave to inform the jublic, that he has ju-t returned from St. Louis with as Cue an assortmect of materials as has ever been purchased la that market. His stock consists of a superior article of Skirtin names?, bridle leat'ie., hog, calf, nnd sheep skins fine goat raoro-co, and a snrpas.sini'ly beautiful arti cle of enameled leather of various hues. Ha has every va-iery of sad Ue trees from the real Mexicana and English, B-anl's and Or: mVy's pat ent, down to the cemmon fail-hiv k. lie has on hand and will centinaa to keep, s;iddle-bag, bri dles, martingales, baiters, collars, whips of every quality, whip-la-bes. haiae;, trues, spurs, Ac. lla also, coach, buggy, Pennsylvania, yankee, cart and dray harness He has not now, nor will hs keep any other than No 1 workmen, nnd his instructions to them are neat ness and strength. He. therefore, f.;els no hesitation in snyicgtliat his work will seldom bo e-jiialed, no where surpueed. As small profits and fjuicx sale, is bis nttn, h pleigts himself to sell .'considering the quaiitv of the arti-ie ) lower than any Loue w.ot of the Allo gheny Mountains. Thus di.sp;sed to suspect him of gassing, hive on ly to call to be afSTired of their mistukf. St. Josejh, Attgjst r.0. l. OLIVER LENNETT k CO., MAxuFAtTriiErt axd wholesale deale:us ix XO. : j.i.v street. SMST Ion', vo RE A or RE XOW IN IJICEIPT of a complete assortment goxds from taeir own and other m in u fac tories, adap ted especially to the Western trade. Purchasers are invited to examine their stock, manufactured and selected with great care and waTanted of superior fpatity. will receive pmmrt anlcarefal attention. S. BARBOUR, Proprietor. Comer of ininoii and Wasbinoa Streets, INPIANOrOLIS, IND. iTS; tion w. -isty or seventv ro'm. and i furnish.! I iuroug ioi wua r.ewan-1 ieautit nl ranutnr. anl is I in all respxts, a Firt Cla. Hotel Travelers for eim- will End t3 l alm?r" all thev can desire i f'.'rt" luxur7 '"4 pleasure. The table will "at all imcs be supple! with tli9 bet th; market alTurds, and no pains w-.ll be spared to rendef the stay of gutrts bijth comfortable atd pleasant. "TRY TDE PALMER HOUSE." August riO, 1--50. la!3-ly ' LL persons are for-xarnel from btrvin- , -L - to- -utU e-t fourtn of ect:on 2j.Town-h:i ! e- -orta u-.nge ia, t i'C i f the s.stU Principal M.-ri ( man, in .:;aai:a cocaiy, i now cfni Vied by 1 TU. IT xHy: as I have a r.ght t. eai-l claim tnt is ia imputable. P. 15. TIlOMPSOX UrcwsTti,.' July 5ih, 155-3. vl-t5U COLE'S VOYAGE OF Li?p Chi!dhcrJ, Yoath. Xaahoqi d OM tl Fortr srl'Miid Lift EnjraTinp, frjni rb, .a tie tilery or me pmgier lanc.ate 15x21. laper, 25x53. A GREAT NATIONAL "WORT Ut LT6 y Eve years' e 1 ecu ion, involving an mpe ). Arti-t'j prHfs, $00. Iclia Letter P' lin. 000. Ftai Z-iT A prrp-tas eontainie a fuH 4?- the work, with testimonial fram oar int AI;TjV onr DVt ewinnt, IIVI E, wir mt ditinn"'" .STATESUEX, e best accredited JL"l,nni AKT, at home and abroad, together wi;a t;,, u- VOICE OF THE PRESS ; Of this city, and atso of th ai'Srat tu; thority, ; THE LOXDO" ATiT JOURXl T ...... . . . . - . . . . 4 . J - The Trad snpplird on the Liberal Terms. l(Ht Appropriate al tatefal atyles ot frames, wts cd expressly for thi3 work, at tha lowi-t;tlfcl are furnished at prir varying from 111 tn J;;. 4cU Luxinx. packia and curur Ittm til u t? Address tb Voyage of Life, Imt. A. R, W OLFi, vlnlltf fpingler Institute, JT Syracuse Nurseiisa TUOKP, SMITII & ILAXCIIETT jPOIKIETORc5.-ilc3idM a - '- L extensive assortment of articlsi l.f. ker t by Xurseymen, we have on hand for the '' trad.'. 4 " 1 200,000 Apple Trees, from $ to 9 .100,001) Dwarf Pear Tre-f 2 yearv ld. 50,0'JO Standard do from 2 to 4 rear- 100,000 Cherry Trees, 1 ta 2 years old, i)wrf al , Teach, Hum, Apricot, anl Xectarine Trws, fa large numbers. 100,(100 Raspberries, embracing every kind of ict value. All the popuLir u well as rarer kiad of other small fruit. Foreign and Native Evergreens Xrwty Spnc Pines, t'ryptomcri. Cedars, Clack ;itid Wkite Spmcc, BaLiains, Hemlocks, etc brge, medium or small. Ornamcatal Trjes,, Shrubbery, Climbsri IIedg Hants, etc. BuIUjos lii.ots, native and imported; Dihliaa. ft-, nations. Poenies, Chrysanthemums, I'bkirs, ;( great abundance, and cf the modt beautiful Tant ties. V.'hilo we confidently claim fir eur prodncti. m sreneral an excvltence not surpasawl by any otjtr Nursey, we particularly and emphati;aHy drjipi,., cur stock of Pear trees, both Dwarf ami SumJu as cnraralelled either in extent or nialiiy, hjtxj exislirrg t jck in Amerien. The fullo ving aoiii refer to trees taken from th same lot m thou; g,. offered, when they were but one year old: From Thomas W. Field, Esrj., an xtns.t dn; in and importer of Pear tre-s in New York: "T, specimens are really spjencid; tne finest I be!'.ri ever saw." From Robert liar xell, Esq., Mobile? I iare arr er sieu finer trees." From Messrs. Neally A Lrothcrs. Burl ng!cu.Ioi: They are really the finest trees r,t tlleir age er saw, and we haTe pua-lased a great many in few p;u.t ycar.4 As juxg-tiT to persons about t porrbas. woul.i renvirk that our troes wre not sehjerrH u the extmuceuld during the !a.-t winter, whicli tftr. ted so extensive i.ijnry to Nureri;n at tae Wpjt, and that we have had no drmgh5 daring the prrs t: sunim?r by which the grow'h of our trees tai Si retarbnl. Ihey may bo n.litnl upon,th:rci'or, ubi in prime health and viger. OUR CATALOGUES Will bo sent postpaid to all who etcUae f..r Xa. 1 1 letter sti'.uii', and for tuo othtri a ono cent Uip eai'h. No. 1 A general descriptire Catid.-gie of all w productions. No. 2 A later edition cf the Fru .t DepartaiCKof No. I. No. " A d'scriptivo Caralogne f OraaiaTa; Trees, Shrub, lwes, etc No. 1 A descriptive Catalcguecf Dahlia, Cms house and Bed iing pl.ints. No. 5 A wholesale Catalogne f TXar-wrjaienioil Dealers. Also a Supplementary Catalogue of the Oniaai tal and Greenhouse depar;n;nr. Also a circular on the Agm-ta Rose. Syracuse, X. Y Nov. 2i, L556. ( RAPE ROOTS. 20,000 Cafawb (jrap R.-.. A two rears old. for sale. J nm fj r-r'J 5 iO rr tnousand. J. M. MrCFLLoI-iilL Nov. 2'Jtf No. 2i)J Maia it., 'J':noi:in.i:i. Xlnro SoocL under the personal so;:nisitn of (h IROWX VJ subscribor, warranted inu .inn'u ! enough of which will be sent to supj lj a'.arj rami!, on rereption of price pre-paid. Cassab.vr MrsK Meuin A beautiful an.l delitiuas frnit. I Asiatic erigin,; 25cn'j. Cbax;e Water Melox Feels of "IVo the rind of an orang very fite fl.ivor 21 " Clash Lemom A beautiful little im Un for preserves when green 25 " Cui.nese Asr iRAGi s Annual.snd '.ail t- tb e c maKin easily raised 20 " Five Feet Very lars ird curious to behold 25 u M iMMorn IV Ji re ix, Z0 " Or the whole fir one dol'.ar, senfSv mail sty address. JOSEI'H'f ASIIUY. 20-tf ' riattsbnrgb, Clirtca Co Mo. Chineso Suzar Cans. T IIAYE rnpplvof th ist seed oa i!e. Pric kt J. lb., S2: p.-r or.., 20 cents. 'Persons nuiittir s 25 cents, shall hive one ounce sent them p. ' pci-L This cxetic plant, known as StrjTmm Si-v'iirtim recently intrcdut I into this ennirr by ihe I'ateat OTicc, may bo cultivated to advantaje inerrrf pirt of the United States. It ill mi.o a g'x d erp r' tho pooret s .il. From experiments :iL'raily i syrup making from the ja j-e of thii pUct, I fa ! believe that sugar caa bo prvfilaM ma-ie: ataaj rate, it is worth a trial bv verv fsnwr. J. M. MA'ClLiUXI, Nov. 29tf Xo. 20.) Min t- Cir.,iiu:i. IJcrgan Horse 3. PREMIUM ESSAY on the Oripi, Rist ry isi sta. rharacteriiti of this remarkatle AMERICAN BREED OF HORSE. Tracirg the pedigree fioin the or riaal Jjrra M gm. tiirough th most notd cf bis jMreny, 4 ," to the present timi With nanerom por'.mi:. L which are a.lde-1 Hints for Broedi-:?. lireuking. i general Use aud Mai.agment cf Huws, win Vtv- Directions for Traaiinr thtm for I.ih.b t a v Agricn'tural Fairs. By Li. C. Lix-ltt, M-JJraaC-Vt. Iricel. Sent free of nocture r. M. SAXT3X & o), A.grlcuUnral Book Publiicrs, 1 1!) Fulton ft. N- II. A. TERRY A CO.. wnDLESALK A.VD S-ETAIL PElLltKS IX GARDEN AND FLOW Ell SEEP?, 1 REITS and Shrubs (Inir and ( rsnh-ry Yin". (Irajs Clover Se.l, Liid sj-d f iJl kinds J' ricultural and Ilortionlturnl R. k', Imlcmect". Agents for all the best Rural PuIIk ations ia t: United States. Store ntxtdoor to Focl-OHee, Coineii BiiiiT.Lx vln2i-ly . A. 3ICDP, O. U HXGUES, J. i- 5,ct:' 2. T. 3ICDD, S. O. ORCSB. MUDD k HUGHES PRODUCE 4 COMMISSION No. wJ Levee and 1'J Csmtricrcial sM-' ST. LOUIS, MO. THOMAS WILLIAMS, I Attornov and Ooiinsfllor at I'1'- EROWNVILLE, N. T. Will lMV-'t... m T'ninl JTn.Itl-Ul Ilitrt'f 10 braska Territory, an. I in the Twelfth J'l&cia! in the State cf Missouri. KEFERENCEb", It. John Mcltversoa, TtpfevtM, 0' James Filter. Oji"iW Ooorge X. Muler, Anrv, N. T. n. r Arra K- iSr- FERRY . m PLASTEPwS c; BA NXOCNCE ta 7taw'.?lV.e. -'', rtrcal-,' those crossing ihe- Miafi rit. Tb1 '.:. best cr. s.sir.5 pwioe ei tfie wt per Mtssonrf. T ja coining to Ntlniv i-U- it grea'j w utl vantag? t t .4 rhr po;. l.r every tw if-rcsvr!-- or oiea.1 w? each 53i laal pir ftoires mu'.ci orox u " !- miiie ao.itiipry " Io'Altleper HmC " - sbej. j,(f, jr he;f, rari .xta;3n. : 1 " -tfeet oflu-iVr. :J aed wj-. herrvs, ma.i' oxon therewith, trcwari Aojust , 1 .-1